Gdce Je Pway Tmo Notification PDF
Gdce Je Pway Tmo Notification PDF
Gdce Je Pway Tmo Notification PDF
Educational Qualification:-
(i) For JE/P.Way : Diploma in Civil Engineering / Civil Engineering (Transportation),
recognized/affiliated to AICTE.
7. (a) All columns of the application in prescribed format should be duly filled and the
same should be verified and certified in the appropriate column by the concerned
Supervisory Official. The applications without Supervisors certification will be rejected.
(b)The eligible employees should send their application by ordinary post in the
prescribed format directly to RRC/Chennai to the address mentioned below by post or in
person on or before 22/05/2017 at 17.30 hrs to
8. The employees who are selected are liable to be posted to any Division of
Southern Railway. Those who are not willing for posting involving transfer, need not apply.
10. Candidates may note that they will be empanelled based on their performance in
the written examination. Those empanelled will be subjected to Medical Examination and
only those who are found fit in the Medical classification of Aye Three shall be
considered for appointment.
11. The employees selected for appointment as JE/P.Way / JE/TMO on the basis of
GDCE are required to undergo prescribed mandatory training and pass the test held at the
end of the training, before absorption against working post.
12. The Notification may be given wide publicity by circulating to all concerned by
notifying the same to avoid complaints of non-circulation of this notification.
13. Copy of the Notification and proforma of application is also available in the web-site
of RRC/MAS and can be downloaded.
(Jagdish Alagar)
Dy.Chief Personnel Officer/Engg.
for Chief Personnel Officer.
Copy to : The Chairman/RRB/Chennai.
The Chairman/ RRB/TVC
All PB Officers of Headquarters,