Experiment 1 The Simple Pendulum & Hook's Law Nima Rahmani Mehdiabadi March, 13,2017

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Experiment 1

The Simple Pendulum & Hooks law

Nima Rahmani Mehdiabadi

Part A: Using a simple pendulum and the model that the square of the period of a pendulum
is proportional to its length and plotting the graph, we determined the value of the
acceleration due to gravity g to be (9.68 1%) m/s2. The measured value of g is within two
standard deviation of the accepted value 9.81.
Part B: Using different masses hanging from a pendulum, we determined the value of the

spring constant to be 1.09 2 6%. This was done by plotting a graph of T2 vs M which
resulted in a straight line. The spring constant was then calculated by finding the gradiendt of
the line.
Part A: Determination of the gravitation constant g by using a simple pendulum

To calculate the rate of acceleration due to the gravity of a free-fall object using a simple
pendulum in a simple harmonic motion

The simple pendulum shown in Figure 1 is a very simple tool consisting of a string of length L from
which a regular block with mass m is hanging at the end of the string. This pendulum moves under the
influence of gravity and has a very regular movement. This pendulum moves back and forth between
two main points A and B. The movement from point A to point B and then back from point B to Point
A is called a complete pulse.

Figure 1 The Simple Pendulum

The time of this pulse is called the period of oscillation and the period T is given by:

= 2

Where T is the time for one swing, L is the length of the string and g is the acceleration of gravity.

Squaring both sides of the equation yields:

2 = 4 2

If we experiment with changing the length of the pendulum and timing its swing we can plot a graph
of 2 against which yields a straight line with gradient G. Therefore, the slope of the gradient helps
us to find the acceleration due to gravity. This gives an equation such as:

4 2

Where G is the slope of the graph. Solving for g we get:

4 2

Report Stand
Boss Head
String 1.5 m
Mass Carrier

Experimental Method
1. Set up a simple pendulum by attaching a block to the end of a long,light length of strip and
suspend the pendulum from a rigid support.
2. Let the length L of the string be 1.00m.
3. Allow the pendulum to oscillate through a small semi-vertical angle such as equal to 10.
4. With the stopwatch, time how long it takes to make 50 complete back and forth swings.
5. Shorten the length L of the string about 0.10m by pulling its upper end.
6. Repeat the experiment for values of L=0.90,0.80,0.70,0.60,0.50,0.40,0.30,0.20m.
7. Calculate the period of the oscillations for each length by dividing the total time by the
number of oscillations, 50.
8. Plot a graph of T2 against L. if the theory is correct the graph should result in a straight line.

Results and Calculations

Table 1 Pendulum Data

String Length (m) Time for 50 Period time (s) Average period 2 (s)
oscillations (s) time

46.45 0.93 0.93 0.86

0.20 0.92

56.32 1.13 1.13 1.28

0.30 1.12
63.38 1.27 1.28 1.64
64.45 1.29
71.78 1.44 1.43 2.04
70.66 1.41
78.50 1.57 1.56 2.43
77.38 1.55
85.09 1.70 1.70 2.89
84.85 1.70
90.56 1.81 1.81 3.28
90.69 1.81
95.84 1.92 1.92 3.69
95.94 1.92
101.41 2.03 2.03 4.12
101.28 2.03

The uncertainty in each measurement of length is 0.001 m. the uncertainty in each measurement of
time for 50 oscillations is 0.2 s. thus the uncertainty in any measurement of the period is:
= = = 0.004
50 50
The period is squared before plotting. Thus

( 2 ) 0.008
=2 =

Solving for 2 :
( 2 ) = 2 = 2() = (0.008 )

Thus, the uncertainty in T2 is proportional to T. The largest data point for T2=4.12 s2. The uncertainty
in this datum is:

( 2 ) = (0.008)(2.03) = 0.0162 2
Thus, the maximum uncertainty in T2 is 0.8%. the error bars associated with T2 are too small to plot
on a graph.

Figure 2 Plot of T2 as a function of L

From the graph, we can calculate the gradient of the line by:

2 1 (4.12 0.86) 2
() = = = = 4.08 2 /
2 1 (1.0 0.2)


4 2 4 2
= = = 9.68 2 /
4.08 2 /
To work out the uncertainty in the gradient, an alternative best fit line was selected nad its gradient
is given by:

(3.28 1.64) 2
= = 4.1 2 /
(0.8 0.4)
The uncertainty in G is the difference of these two gradients:

= ( ) = (4.1 4.08) = 0.2 2 /

The percent uncertainty in G, and thus in g is:
= = = 5%

Thus, the experimentally determined value of gravitation constant is:

= 9.68 2 / 5%

The accepted value of g is 9.81 2 /. The accuracy of the result is:
= 9.81
= 1%

The experimentally determined value of g agrees with the accepted value to within the experimental
uncertainty. Thus, this experiment was a successful and accurate determination of g, even with the
simple apparatus. The experiment could be improved by either improving the reliability of the existing
procedure. Increasing the number of oscillations to further reduce the error caused during the timing
could do this. A more sophisticated experiment would definitely increase the accuracy in the timings.
Light gates would remove the error caused by reaction times as they will accurately time the moment
the bob passed over the point to complete an oscillation. In the current experiment the fiducial
marker was only used as a guide to a complete oscillation. Also, using a more rigid pendulum would
further reduce the error. Using more oscillation would be more accurate in order to eliminate the
errors in timing.

The experiment performed successfully fulfilled its purpose. By using a simple pendulum, the value
of the gravitation constant g was determined to be (9.681%) 2 / which is close to the actual
value 9.81 2 /.

Part B: determination of the spring constant k by means of the helical spring in simple harmonic

Calculating the value of the spring constant k of a vertical spiral spring in simple harmonic motion
using Hooks law from slope of a graph produced by the data.

For an ideal, massless spring that obeys Hookes Law, the time required to complete an oscillation
(period, T, seconds) depends on the spring constant and the mass, m, of an object suspended at one

= 2

Mass Holder
Spiral Spring
Support rod and base

Experimental Method
1. Set up the experiment by hanging a 0.300 kg mass at the end of the spiral spring from the
support stand and create an oscillation on the string.
2. Create an oscillation by pulling the mass hanger down slightly and release it.
3. Record the time using a stopwatch taken for 30 oscillations. Repeat the experiment with the
same amount of the weight for 3 times.
4. Add 0.100 kg additional weight to the string and record the time for 3 times again.
5. Continue the experiment until the total weight reaches 1.000 kg.
6. Plot a graph of T2 vs M on a graph.
7. The graph should produce a straight line where the spring constant k will be the slope of the
straight line. Record the value of the spring constant, based on Hookes Law, as determined
from the slope of the trendline.

Results and Calculations
Loaded Mass (Kg) Period Time for 30 Average Period Period Time (s) T2 (s)
Oscillations (s) Time for 30
(S)0.3 19.09 19.95 0.67 0.45
0.4 20.53 20.30 0.68 0.46
0.5 23.78 23.34 0.78 0.61
0.6 25.91 25.44 0.85 0.72
0.7 27.06 27.37 0.91 0.83
0.8 28.84 28.90 0.96 0.92
0.9 31.47 31.46 1.05 1.10
1.0 33.06 33.10 1.10 1.21

The uncertainty in each measurement of length is 0.001 m. the uncertainty in each measurement of
time for 30 oscillations is 0.2 s. Thus, the uncertainty in any measurement of the period is:
= = = 0.007
30 30
The period is squared before plotting. Thus

( 2 ) 0.014
=2 =

Solving for 2 :
( 2 ) = 2 = 2() = (0.014 )

Thus, the uncertainty in T2 is proportional to T. The largest data point for T2=1.21 s2. The uncertainty
in this datum is:

( 2 ) = (0.014)(1.10) = 0.0154 2

Thus, the maximum uncertainty in T2 is 1.4%. the error bars associated with T2 are too small to plot
on a graph.

From the graph, the value of spring constant k can be calculated by finding the gradient of the line:

2 1 (1.21 0.45) 2
() = = = 1.09 / 2
2 1 (1.0 0.3)

To work out the uncertainty in the gradient, an alternative best fit line was selected nad its gradient
is given by:

(0.92 0.46) 2
= = 1.15 / 2
(0.8 0.4)

The uncertainty in G is the difference of these two gradients:

= ( ) = (1.15 1.09) = 0.06/ 2

The percent uncertainty in G, and thus in g is:

= = = 6%
Thus, the experimentally determined value of gravitation constant is:

= 1.09 / 2 6%

In this experiment, we determined the value of spring constant k by using a simple pendulum with
different masses hanging from a spiral spring. From the data collected, a graph was produced which
resulted in a straight line. Finding the gradient of the line resulted in determining the value of the

spring constant,1.09 2 6%. The experiment could be improved by using more rigid support stand,
a more accurate stopwatch to time the oscillations. Other error that occurred could be a result of
the air resistance which was ignored during the experiment

The experiment successfully proved the theory and produced a straight line as it was expected.

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