Torsion Field, A Review1
Torsion Field, A Review1
Torsion Field, A Review1
Over the period of latter decades, variety of microscopic and macroscopic phenomena which
were investigated in different countries could be unexplained by the framework of four know
interactions: electromagnetism, gravitation, strong, and weak interactions. Therefore, unless the
scientific community can understand the essence of these observed phenomena by physical laws,
the energies, emanations or fields which created these above phenomena would be named
according to every scientist. For instance, N.A.Kozyrev's "time emanation" [1-4], W.Reich's "O-
emanation" or "orgone" [5], M.R.Blondlot's "N-emanation" [6], I.M.Shakhparonov's "Mon-
emanation", A.G.Gurvich's "mitogenetic emanation" [7], A.L.Chizhevsky's "Z-emanation",
A.I.Veinik's "chronal field" [8,9], "M-field" [10], A.A.Deev's "D-field", Yu.V.Tszyan
Kanchzhen's "biofield", H.Moriyama's "X-agent" [11], V.V.Lensky's "multipolar energy" [12],
"radiesthesietic emanation" [13], "shape power", "empty waves" [19], "pseudomagnetism" [20],
H.A.Nieper's "gravity field energy" [21], T.T.Brown's "electrogravitation" [22], "fifth force" [23],
"antigravitation" [24], "free energy".
Nonetheless, it should be emphasized that the fields creating numerous above phenomena were
manifested by objects having spin or angular momentum. It is showed that the above
unexplainable phenomena had a rigorous theoretical interpretation in the framework of torsion
field (or spin field) theory which has been formulated owning to the ideas of Eli Cartan. One of
cases that could not be explained with existing theories was the mechanism of Tam-Happer effect
in 1977. A.C.Tam and W.Happer experimentally discovered that two circularly-polarrized laser
beams attract or repel depending on mutual orientation of their circular polarization. If the
direction of rotation of polarization of the two laser beams is similar, then these beams attract,
and if the rotation of polarization is opposite, they repel [17] . These results clearly collided with
quantum electrodynamics. However, with the use of torsion theories, P.C.Naik and T.Pradhan
in the USA [43] and then P.I.Pronin, Yu.N.Obukhov and I.V.Yakushin in USSR put forward the
convincing theoretical results which allowed understanding the Tam-Happer effect.
The concept of torsion fields is not new. Torsion field, also called axion field, spin field, spinor
field, and microlepton field is a scientific concept loosely based on Einstein-Cartan theory who
were the pioneers showing that there existed a close interconnection between gravitation and
torsion [67] and some unorthodox solutions of Maxwells equations. Until the late 50s late 60s,
the first attempts to complement Einsteins gravitation theory with torsion were made by
T.W.Kibble [58] and D.W.Sciama [59]. And then A.Trautman and W.Kopczynski persuasively
demonstrated that the torsion of space-time can eliminate the cosmological singularities in non-
stationary models of the Universe [60-62]. Together with the works of A.Trautman and
W.Kopczynski, hundreds of works having the same problem were published in a short period of
time based on Einstein-Cartan theory (ECT).
In the framework ECT, the torsion of space-time does not propagate in this theory and spin-
torsion interaction is practically a contact spin-spin interaction (pin-polarized particles with spin-
polarized nuclei targets). Hard scientific facts exploded Cartans 60-year-old theory-based myth
that such fields were weak, tiny and unable to move through space. The myth of ECT was that
the spiraling torsion fields could not move, (i.e. they would remain static,) and could only exist
within a space far smaller than the atom. The constant of spin-torsion interactions depend on the
gravitational constant G and Plancks constant h. Thus, the constant of spin-torsion interactions is
approximately 27 orders of magnitude weaker than the constant of gravitation interactions. This
conclusion is only true when it is considered that torsion field is a static field which cannot
propagate as Sciama et al. demonstrated that these basic torsion fields expected in ECT did exist.
Conversely, in non-linear torsion theories after ECT, it is demonstrated that these theories
operated with spinning sources having radiation and the constant of spin-torsion interactions do
not depend on G or h. So that this constant can be a significant value. For instance, according to
G.I.Shipovs torsion theory [55,56] the constant value of spin-torsion interactions is at no less
than 10-5 10-6.
According to G.I Shipnov, a Russian scientist and an author of book Theory of physical
vacuum, there exists third long-range field containing significantly richer properties: the torsion
field besides the two known long-range physical fields electromagnetic and gravitational field.
The characteristics of torsion field differ basically from the others of electromagnetic and
gravitational field. Unlike electromagnetic and gravitation fields that have central symmetry,
torsion fields have axial symmetry (figure 1). Spinning objects sets up polarization in two spatial
cones, corresponding to the left, SL, and the right, SR, torsion fields. As indicated by the currently
available experimental evidence, not only spin, but also rotation of bodies gives rise to torsion
fields. Tentative experiments have shown that torsion field extends over a fixed interval from the
source and within this interval undergoes only slight variations with distance (figure.2), which
may be attributes to the presence of space frequencies. Torsion fields are generated by the
classical spin [73,74] or by the spin angular momentum. There exist both right and left torsion
fields (depending on the classical spin orientation or rotational orientation). If the rotation is
stationary (i.e.the angular velocity is constant), then this object generates a static torsion field.
The static torsion field exists in a region of space within a certain distance from the source. If
rotation is non-stationary, then this object generates progating torsion radiation (torsion waves)..
In nature, since all substances (except amorphous materials) have their own strerochemistry
determining not only the location of atoms in molecules but also their mutual spin orientation,
then the intensity of torsion field in the space surrounding each molecule is determined by the
superposition of torsion fields generated by the atomic and nuclear spins of each molecule. Thus,
the superposition of all these torsion fields determines the intensity and spatial configuration of
the characteristic torsion field for that substance. Generally, each substance possess its own
characteristic torsion field. According the Einstein-Cartan theory in 1913 about the existence of
torsion fields, it predicts that there will either be right-handed or left-handed torsion in space,
depending on the location. Subsequent discoveries in quantum physics related to the notion
spin confirmed that electrons will either have right-handed or left-handed spin, meaning
that movement is detected that will either be clockwise or counter-clockwise. All atoms and
molecules maintain varying degrees of balance between right and left-handed spin. Kozyrevs
work showed that torsion fields can be absorbed, shielded or sometimes reflected. For example,
right-handed molecules like sugar can absorb and shield torsion effects, whereas strongly left-
handed molecules as turpentine will strengthen them. Subsequent Russian investigations also
determined that common polyethylene film acted as an excellent shield for torsion waves, and
were used in many different experiments such as those discussed by Dr.Alexander Frolov.
Kozyrev found that in the presence of this energy flow, objects that are rigid and inelastic will
show weight changes whereas flexible, elastic objects will show changes in their elasticity and /
or viscosity. Kozyrev also showed that the weight of a spinning top will change if it is vibrated,
heated or cooled or if it has an electric current passed through. The torsion fields of any
substance can be observed by various ways [1-4,8,9] and torsion fields can be detected visually
by the Kirlian method [17].
The torsion field is an extremely unsual entity. First of all, the upper limit of torsion waves
velocity is estimated to be not less than 10 9c, where c is the speed of light. This is due to the fact
that torsion fields are identical to the transverse spin polarization of the physical vacuum [75].
Secondly, torsion fields are able to propagate in a region of space which is not limited by the
light cone. That means that torsion fields are able to propagate not only in the future but in the
past as well [21]. Thirdly, torsion fields transmit information without transmitting energy, and
they propagate through physical media without interacting (in traditional sense) with this media.
Thus torsion fields can be deteched by various types of detector. Torsion fields cannot be
shielded by most materials, but they can be shielded by materials having certain spin-structures
[55,75]. . Fourth torsion fields are not required to follow the superposition principle [21].
The property which is open to influence by torsion fields is spin. (We should note that the spin-
torsion interaction constant is equal to 10-5 10-6 [55,56]. This constant is less than the constant
of electromagnetic interactions, yet much greater than the constant of gravitational interactions).
Thus, the structure of the torsion field of every physical object can be altered by the influence of
an external torsion field. The influence of a torsion field upon a physical material results in the
change of a spin state of only this material. As a result of such an influence, the new
configuration of the torsion field will be fixed as a metastable state (as a transverse spin
polarization state) and will remain intact even after the source of the external torsion field is
moved to another region of space. Thus, torsion fields of certain spatial configuration can be
recorded on any physical or biological object. This fact was repeatedly observed by many
researchers [1,8,9,14,76].
Torsion fields can be generated as the result of the distorsion of geometry of the physical
vucuum. Every object with a certain surface geometry will simultaneously generate left and right
torsion fields of a certain configuration depending on the geometry of the object. This fact can be
detected by various types of physical, chemical and biological indicators. This type of
manifestation of the torsion field was repeatedly observed by numerous researchers: A.I. Veinik,
Yu.V. Tszyan Kanchzhen, A.A. Beridze-Stakhovsky, V.S. Grebennikov, I.M. Shakhparonov and
many others in Russia and various researchers in other countries. Later an experimental
investigation of the torsion fields generated by objects with different geometry of surface was
conducted by the group of A.E. Akimov at the Physics Institute of the Ukraine Academy of
Sciences and at Chernovitsky University.
Obviously, the biggest challenge that the scientific community cannot answer at this point would
be how such energy could be detected by mechanical detectors. It is important to remember that
although the forces of torsion waves on physical matter are relatively small, they do exert a
steady push. Research of Shipnov, Terletskiy and other Russian theorists have directly associated
the energy of torsion fields with the energy of gravity, thus leading to the term gravispin
energy and the science of gravispinorics. In these new theories, gravity and spin are coupled
in the same basic manner as electrostatics and magnetism joint to form the electromagnetic
wave. Though torsion waves can travel in any direction, they are almost typically absorbed into
the downward flow of the gravitational field. So, the strongest effects of the pressure of torsion
waves would be slight spiraling movement that is joined with gravity. Since it is a very subtle
pressure, we do not typically notice any such movement in ourselves or in falling objects. Many
of Kozyrevs mechanical detectors of torsion waves involved objects in motion, such as a
rotating gyroscope or an asymmetrical swinging pendulum. A simple analogy helps us to begin
to understand how such objects in motion were able to capture this gentle pressure. If you have a
ship at sea and do not align your sails with the direction of the winds flow, then your ship will
not move. Your sails must align with the direction of the wind, and if the winds current changes,
then you must also move the sail to capture the new direction. Detecting torsion waves is a more
difficult process than sailing, as the torsion waves are continually changing their direction in the
form of a three-dimensional spiral. Somehow, you must create vibrations in the detecting object
that will allow it to continually harness a three-dimensional, moving spiral of energy force.
Based on these above principles, we can classify three types of torsion generators. The first type
use materials having specially organized spin polarization (e.g. permanent magnets). The second
type of torsion generator employs the torsion component of electromagnetic or electrostatic field
e.g. generators created by S.V.Avramenko, G.F.Ignatjev, G.A.Sergejev, S.N.Tarakhtiy and many
others). The last type employs a specially organized rotation of a material substance: e.g. a
variety of generators created by A.I.Veinik [8]; K.N.Perebeinos' generators with mechanically
rotating masses [68]; and V.M.Yurovitsky's generators created based upon the rotation of
magnetic fields (magnets). As a consequences of many experiments investigated in the Institute
of Material Research, it was established that torsion radiation produced by this sort of generator
is able to change the inner structure of any substance (its spin structure) [70]. Beside three types
above, there exists a fourth type of torsion generator. As a result of a distortion of the geometry
of the physical vacuum can generate the torsion field. Each thing having a certain geometry
surface will generate left and right torsion fields of a certain configuration depending on the
geometry of the object. In the USSR, the effects demonstrated by objects with various geometry
have been investigated by A.I.Veinik [8], V.S.Grebennikov [14], Yu.V.Tszyan Kanchzhen, I.M
Shakhparonov, A.A.Beridze-Stakhovsky and others.