Slosamrsandell2016 2017

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Goal Summary Statement

100% of third grade teachers will improve from the basic category to proficient or distinguished
category, based on the Rubric for Effective Technology Usage, in Assessment Criteria, Problem
Solving, and Creativity.

Data Review and Baseline Evidence

The Rubric for Effective Technology Usage was given to teachers to in May 2016 to gather a
baseline of which teachers were considered basic, proficient, or distinguished. Three of the four
teachers were considered basic based on their survey.

Teacher Population

The teacher population represents every classroom teacher at Bester Elementary

School during the 2016-2017 school year.
Third Grade Teachers: 4 teachers (one new teacher and one grade level change)

Learning Content

1. ISTE Standards 1: Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity. I will help
teachers create and implement lessons that allow students to solve real world issues,
use digital tools and resources, engage in a collaborative community, and show their
creativity and innovation.
2. ISTE Standards 2: Design and develop digital age learning experiences and
assessments. I will help teachers develop rich, digital age learning experiences that
align with the Common Core State Standards. Summative and formative assessments
will be created and used.
3. ISTE Standards 3: Model digital age work and learning. I will model how to appropriately
use and communicate with others through technology.

100% of third classroom teachers will to be able to plan, implement, and reflect on the
effectiveness of instructional technology used during the learning experience focusing on quality
assessments, problem solving, collaboration, and creativity. The teacher will focus on planning
and preparing lessons that focus on utilizing technology purposeful ways. The teachers will
create and implement lessons/activities/assessments in the fourth marking period that reflect
instruction that is differentiated and personalized to meet the individual needs of the students.

Topic Basic Proficient Advanced

Assessment criteria of The teacher addresses The teacher clearly lists The teacher and students
student work include technology use in qualitative indicators of collaboratively create
qualitative indicators of summative assessments. technology use and shares qualitative indicators of
effective technology these indicators with the technology use.
production. student when the
assignment is given.

The teacher uses The teacher asks students The teacher asks students The teacher asks students
technology in ways that to use technology to to use technology to to use technology to
make students productive complete some complete assignments that complete assignments,
and meet the instructional assignments. ask for problem solving and investigate new
goals of the lesson. creativity on a regular means of using technology
basis. to meet class requirements,
and to share those uses
with the teacher and class.

The teacher gives students The teacher allows The teacher occasionally The teacher regularly uses
alternate means of students to e-mail or post uses student response technology tools during
discussion and asking comments and questions systems, online polls, class to stimulate
questions using related to classroom backchannel tools, and discussion and feedback
technologies to bring out content from outside class. other technology tools and encourages students to
the ideas of all students. during class to stimulate use these tools in
discussion and feedback. presentations to the class.
During the first, second, and third marking period, the instructional technology teacher
will model, create, support, and co-teach with teachers during the literacy block to
showcase how to purposefully use technology.
Teachers will create/submit 4 lessons with technology elements (Total of 4).
Technology teacher will score the lessons for each of the lessons/sessions and
give a score of either basic, proficient, advanced. To receive a point, the teacher
either has to fall into the proficient or advanced range.
42: Advanced
32-41: Proficient
Under 31: Basic

Evidence of Growth

Planning/coaching before, during, and after lessons

Observing and videotaping to aid in reflection
Meeting with teachers to discuss rubric levels
Modeling lessons for the teachers
Providing teachers with resources


Meet with Lighthouse teachers and their mentees to plan, implement, and reflect on
teaching practices
Attend weekly team planning sessions, CFIPs, and Mini Math Institutes
Support teachers and students to help them implement new strategies with their class
Job embedded professional development for new implementation model

Leadership and Professional Development

Attend monthly Instructional Technology Meetings

Attend teacher Digital Technology Committee
Meet with Digital Integration Specialists and Lighthouse team
Collaborate with other schools to gain ideas, feedback
Final Rating and Score

Distinguished Attainment of Target: 85%-100%

Proficient Attainment of Target: 70%-84.9%

Basic Attainment of Target: 50%-69.9%

Unsatisfactory Attainment of Target: Under 49.9%

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