Din V 18599-8
Din V 18599-8
Din V 18599-8
DIN V 18599-8
Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy and
primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part
8: Energy need and delivered energy for domestic hot water systems
Energetische Bewertung von Gebuden Berechnung des Nutz-, End- und Primrenergiebedarfs fr Heizung,
Khlung, Lftung, Trinkwarmwasser und Beleuchtung Teil 8: Nutz- und Endenergiebedarf von
Contents Page
Introduction .........................................................................................................................................................7
1 Scope ......................................................................................................................................................8
2 Normative references ............................................................................................................................9
3 Terms and definitions, symbols and units....................................................................................... 11
3.1 Terms and definitions ........................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Symbols, units and subscripts.......................................................................................................... 14
4 Relationship between the parts of the DIN V 18599 series of prestandards ................................ 17
4.1 Input parameters from other parts of the DIN V 18599 series of prestandards ........................... 18
4.2 Output parameters for other parts of the DIN V 18599 series of prestandards ........................... 19
4.2.1 Generator heat .................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.2 Delivered energy ................................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.3 Auxiliary energy .................................................................................................................................. 21
4.2.4 Uncontrolled heat gains..................................................................................................................... 22
4.3 Calculation procedure........................................................................................................................ 22
4.3.1 Calculation procedure for systems to meet the heating need for domestic hot water Qw,b ........ 22
5 Principles and boundary conditions................................................................................................. 23
6 Determination of characteristic values ............................................................................................ 25
6.1 Control and emission Qw,ce ................................................................................................................. 25
6.2 Distribution Qw,d ................................................................................................................................... 25
6.2.1 Central domestic hot water supply in buildings.............................................................................. 25 Thermal losses.................................................................................................................................... 25 Auxiliary energy for circulation of the heated domestic water...................................................... 28
6.2.2 Decentralized and central domestic water heating in individual dwellings ................................. 31
6.3 Storage Qw,s .......................................................................................................................................... 32
6.3.1 Indirectly heated domestic hot water storage tanks....................................................................... 32 Thermal loss........................................................................................................................................ 32 Auxiliary energy for charging an indirectly heated domestic hot water storage tank ................ 35
6.3.2 Electrically-heated domestic storage water heaters....................................................................... 36
6.3.3 Gas-fired domestic storage water heaters....................................................................................... 38
6.4 Heat generation................................................................................................................................... 40
6.4.1 Solar systems for domestic water heating ...................................................................................... 41
6.4.2 Heat pumps with hot water preparation ........................................................................................... 47 Energy requirement for domestic hot water .................................................................................... 48 Power and coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump in domestic hot water
operation.............................................................................................................................................. 52 Running time of the heat pump......................................................................................................... 54 Generator thermal losses .................................................................................................................. 55 Calculation of the total energy consumption for domestic hot water operation ......................... 57 Auxiliary energy .................................................................................................................................. 58 Energy consumption of the back-up system................................................................................... 59 Total energy consumption................................................................................................................. 60 Contribution of ambient heat............................................................................................................. 60 Seasonal performance factor for the generator subsystem................................................... 60
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Table 8 Constants Cp1, Cp2 for calculation of the expenditure factor of circulation pumps .......................... 31
Table 9 General boundary conditions ........................................................................................................... 32
Table 10 Distribution of annual solar contribution over months.................................................................... 43
Table 11 Correction factor for inclination and alignment............................................................................... 44
Table 12 Default values ................................................................................................................................ 46
Table 13 Monthly hours sum nhours,i, in the individual bins, distributed according to the testing points
from DIN EN 14511 (all parts) .................................................................................................................... 49
Table 14 Mean source temperature for ground and groundwater as a funciton of the average outdoor
temperature ................................................................................................................................................ 52
Table 15 Mean source temperature for ground and groundwater as a function of the average monthly
outdoor temperature ................................................................................................................................... 53
Table 16 Source temperatures for extract air systems ................................................................................. 53
Table 17 Efficiency factors ............................................................................................................................ 65
Table 18 Radiation loss factors..................................................................................................................... 66
Table 19 Stand-by heat factors ..................................................................................................................... 67
Table 20 Auxiliary energy factors.................................................................................................................. 68
Table 21 DDS as a function of primary temperature and the type of dwelling substation ............................. 70
Table 22 Coefficient BDS as a function of the class of insulation and the type of dwelling substation ......... 70
Table B.1 Default value of the coefficient of performance (COPw,t) of domestic hot water heat pumps
at a hot water temperature of 50 C............................................................................................................. 73
Table B.2 Default value for the electrical input energy to compensate for storage tank losses ................... 73
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
This prestandard has been prepared by DIN Joint Committee NA 005-56-20 GA Energetische Bewertung von
Gebuden of the Normenausschuss Bauwesen (Building and Civil Engineering Standards Committee), which
also lead-managed the work, and Normenausschuss Heiz- und Raumlufttechnik (Heating and Ventilation
Standards Committee) with the co-operation of the Normenausschuss Lichttechnik (Lighting Technology
Standards Committee).
A prestandard is a standard which cannot be given full status, either because certain reservations still exist as
to its content, or because the manner of its preparation deviates in some way from the normal procedure.
preferably by e-mail containing a nominal of the data, to [email protected]. A template for this nominal is
provided on the Internet under the URL http://www.din.de/stellungnahme;
The DIN V 18599 series of prestandards Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs,
delivered energy and primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting consists
of the following parts:
Part 1: General balancing procedures, terms and definitions, zoning and evaluation of energy carriers
Part 6: Delivered energy for ventilation systems and air heating systems for residential buildings
Part 7: Delivered energy for air handling and air conditioning systems for non-residential buildings
Part 8: Energy need and delivered energy for domestic hot water systems
Part 9: Delivered and primary energy for combined heat and power plants
The DIN V 18599 series of prestandards provides a methodology for assessing the overall energy efficiency of
buildings. The calculations enable all energy quantities required for the purpose of heating, domestic hot water
heating, ventilation, air conditioning and lighting of buildings to be assessed.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
In the described procedures, the DIN V 18599 series of prestandards also takes into account the interactive
effects of energy flows and points out the related consequences for planning work. In addition to the
calculation procedures, the usage and operation-related boundary conditions for an unbiased assessment (i.e.
independent of the behaviour of individual users and of the local climatic data) to determine the energy needs
are specified.
The DIN V 18599 series of prestandards is suitable for determining the long-term energy needs of buildings or
parts of buildings as well as for assessing the possible use of renewable sources of energy in buildings. The
procedure is designed both for buildings yet to be constructed and for existing buildings, and for retrofit
measures for existing buildings.
Unless otherwise specified, the values relating to energy need and use in this document are monthly
The standard differs from DIN V 18599-8:2005-07 in that it has been revised in form and content.
Previous edition
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
When an energy balance is calculated in accordance with the DIN V 18599 series of prestandards, an
integrative approach is taken, i.e. the building, the use of the building, and the buildings technical installations
and equipment are assessed together, taking the interaction of these factors into consideration. In order to
provide a clearer structure, the DIN V 18599 series of prestandards is divided into several parts, each having
a particular focus. Figure 1 provides an overview of the topics dealt with in the individual parts of the series.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
1 Scope
The DIN V 18599 series of prestandards provides a methodology for calculating the overall energy balance of
buildings. The described algorithm is applicable to the calculation of energy balances for:
balancing the energy use of buildings with partially pre-determined boundary conditions;
balancing the energy use of buildings with freely-selectable boundary conditions from the general
engineering aspect, e.g. with the objective of achieving a good comparison between calculated and
measured energy use ratings.
The balance calculations take into account the energy use for:
of buildings, including the additional electrical power input (auxiliary energy) which is directly related to the
energy supply.
This document provides a method for calculations relating to the domestic hot water system of buildings.
This document describes the energy use of domestic hot water systems with their subsystems (control and
emission, distribution, storage and generation). For this purpose, both the thermal losses and the auxiliary
energy of the individual subsystems are determined and, provided these occur within the heated zone, are
made available for the ensuing calculations described in DIN V 18599-1 and DIN V 18599-2. Information is
given on the possible influence of space heating according to DIN V 18599-5. Other systems, (such as
ventilation of residential buildings (see DIN V 18599-6)) that can make demands on or supply certain
subsystems, can accordingly be taken into account and analysed, with DIN V 18599-1 acting as the link
between the Parts.
It is also possible to calculate the energy balances of several building zones in which there are several units to
be balanced.
Figure 2 shows the scope of the present document as a diagram. For the readers orientation, all other parts
of the DIN 18599 series of prestandards contain an illustration similar to Figure 2 as shown here, and in which
the respective energy components dealt with are shown in colour.
The energy need values calculated using this procedure cannot be used to size individual components.
Systems not covered by this document shall be assessed by analogy with this document while taking account
of the physics specific to the individual systems.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
DIN V 18599-1, Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy and
primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part 1: General balancing
procedures, terms and definitions, zoning and evaluation of energy carriers
DIN V 18599-2, Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy and
primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part 2: Energy needs for
heating and cooling of building zones
DIN V 18599-3, Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy and
primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part 3: Energy need for air
DIN V 18599-4, Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy and
primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part 4: Energy need and
delivered energy for lighting
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
DIN V 18599-5, Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy and
primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part 5: Delivered energy
for heating systems
DIN V 18599-6, Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy and
primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part 6: Delivered energy for
ventilation systems and air heating systems for residential buildings
DIN V 18599-7, Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy primary
energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part 7: Delivered energy for air
handling and air conditioning systems for non-residential buildings
DIN V 18599-9, Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy and
primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part 9: Delivered and
primary energy for combined heat and power plants
DIN V 18599-10, Energy efficiency of buildings Calculation of the energy needs, delivered energy and
primary energy for heating, cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water and lighting Part 10: Boundary
conditions of use, climatic data
DIN EN 89, Gas-fired storage water heaters for the production of domestic hot water
DIN EN 255-3, Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven
compressors Heating mode Part 3: Testing and requirements for marking for sanitary hot water units
DIN EN 297, Gas-fired central heating boilers Type B boilers, fitted with atmospheric burners of nominal
heat input not exceeding 70 kW
DIN EN 303-5, Heating boilers Part 5: Heating boilers for solid fuels, hand and automatically stocked,
nominal heat output of up to 300 kW Terminology, requirements, testing and marking
DIN EN 304, Heating boilers Test code for heating boilers for atomizing oil burners
DIN EN 308, Heat exchangers Test procedures for establishing performance of air-to-air and flue gases
heat recovery devices
DIN EN 625, Gas-fired central heating boilers Specific requirements for the domestic hot water operation of
combination boilers of nominal heat input not exceeding 70 kW
DIN EN 656, Gas-fired hot water boilers Type B boilers of nominal heat input exceeding 70 kW but not
exceeding 300 kW
DIN EN 12976-2, Thermal solar systems and components Factory made systems Part 2: Test methods
DIN V ENV 12977-2, Thermal solar systems and components Custom built systems Part 2: Test
DIN V ENV 12977-3, Thermal solar systems and components Custom built systems Part 3:
Performance characterization of stores for solar heating systems
DIN EN 14511 series, Air conditioners, liquid chilling packages and heat pumps with electrically driven
compressors for space heating and cooling (all parts)
DIN EN 60379, Methods for measuring the performance of electric storage water-heaters for household
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
DIN V 4753-8, Water heaters and water heating installations for drinking water and for service water Part 8:
Thermal insulation for water heaters with nominal capacity up to 1 000 l Requirements and testing
Council Directive 92/42/EEC of 21 May 1992 on efficiency requirements for new hot water boilers fired with
liquid or gaseous fuels
For the purpose of this standard the following terms and definitions apply.
expenditure factor
ratio of expenditure to desired use (need) in an energy system
operating range
range indicated by the manufacturer, located within the upper and lower limits (e.g. in respect of temperature,
air humidity, voltage) within which the unit is deemed to be fit for use and has the product data stated by the
reference area
usable area within the conditioned volume of the building
NOTE The net floor area (ANGF) is used as the reference area.
calculation period
period for which the balance of relevant energy flows in a building is calculated
NOTE The calculation for calculating the delivered and primary energy is one year; periods of one month or one day
can be used for calculating partial energy characteristics.
balance point temperature
temperature at which the heat output of the heat pump and the energy need of the building are equal
decentralized domestic hot water heating system
system in which heat for domestic hot water is generated in a unit and is emitted into the same space
NOTE The supply of two rooms by one unit via a common installation wall also counts as a decentralized domestic
hot water heating system.
delivered energy use (energy use in this document)
calculated quantity of energy delivered to the technical building installations (heating system) in order to
ensure the specified room temperature and heat the hot water throughout the entire year
NOTE This energy includes the auxiliary energy required to operate the technical building installations. The delivered
energy is transferred at the interface constituted by the external building envelope and thus represents the amount of
energy which the connected load requires in order to use the building for its intended purpose under standardized
boundary conditions. Against this background, the energy use is expressed individually for each energy carrier.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
subsystem which provides the quantity of heat required by the systems
auxiliary energy
energy used by domestic hot water systems to support energy transformation to satisfy energy needs
NOTE This includes the energy required by pumps, controls, electronics etc., but not the transformed energy.
combined operation
heat generator operation with double service (e.g. for space heating and domestic hot water)
generation of defined conditions in spaces due to heating, cooling, ventilation, humidification, lighting and
domestic hot water supply
NOTE Conditioning aims to meet requirements relating to the room temperature, fresh air supply, light, humidity
and/or domestic hot water.
conditioned space
space and/or enclosure which is heated and/or cooled to a defined set-point temperature and/or humidified
and/or illuminated and/or provided with ventilation and/or domestic hot water
NOTE Zones are conditioned spaces having at least one mode of conditioning. Spaces which have no form of
conditioning are called unconditioned spaces.
load factor
ratio between the running time of the compressor and the total time over which the generator is switched on
(stand-by and operation)
coefficient of performance COP
ratio of the heating capacity to the effective input power of the unit
energy need for domestic hot water
calculated energy required fot an amount of domestic hot water at the required supply temperature as
specified in the usage profile to be delivered to a building zone
product data
manufacturer-specific data on the basis of
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
subsystem in which heat contained in a medium is stored
default value
data which can be used for the calculation if no suitable product data are available for the calculation
part load operation
operating status of the heat pump in which the actual load requirement lies below the actual load capacity of
the heat pump
control and emission
subsystem in which energy is emitted (e.g. into the space), whilst maintaining the defined requirements
(notably in respect of comfort) (see DIN V 18599-10)
system losses
losses (thermal losses, cooling losses) occurring in subsystems between the energy need and the delivered
energy, i.e. losses occurring due to control and emission, distribution, storage and generation
NOTE Where such system losses occur within the conditioned spaces, they are considered to be part of the
heat sources.
subsystem in which the required quantity of energy is transported from the generator to the heat control and
emission system
heat carrier
any medium (e.g. water, air, etc.) used for the transfer of heat without changing its state
NOTE In addition to the water circulating in the heating circuits, such media also include:
central domestic hot water heating system in a dwelling
domestic hot water heating system by means of which the heat for the domestic hot water is generated in a
unit within the dwelling, and is transported via distribution piping to a number of rooms within the dwelling
central domestic hot water heating system
heating system in which the heat is generated in a unit and is transported via distribution piping to a number of
rooms in a building
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
basic unit of space for calculating energy balances
NOTE 1 A zone is a cumulative term for a section of the floor area or certain part of a building having uniform boundary
conditions of use and which does not exhibit any relevant differences in the mode of conditioning and other zone criteria.
cycle time
time for one cycle of the generator, consisting of an ON period tON, where the generator is running, and an
OFF period tOFF, where the generator is in stand-by mode
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Table 1 (continued)
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Table 2 Subscripts
Index Meaning Index Meaning
a year, over- NA night-time set-back/switch-off
Abgl equilibrium NGA inclination, alignment
App unit NGF net floor area
auxiliary energy; solar part of storage
aux tank op operation
b need, use outg generator heat output
B stand-by, shut down, components P pump
bin bin pl part load
bp balance point prim primary
bu back-up heating PS buffer storage tank
ce control and emission, overheating Q heat quantity
combination of heating and domestic
combi rB design operating time
hot water
d distribution rd recovered
DS dwelling substation reg regenerative
e electric, efficiency, external, outdoor rl recoverable
ex exhaust air, extract air rv residential ventilation system
f delivered energy, factor RV reverse flow inhibitor
fl full load s storage, emitted radiation, upper
G building/zone S main supply pipe
ges Total, overall SB stand-by
h heating Sch circuit
H heating system sin heating mode only
Hs/Hi gross calorific value/net calorific value SL branching pipe
hours hours slr solar load ratio (system utilization)
hydr hydraulic sol solar
i interior, serial counter, lower, bin Sp peak tapping
I internal, indoor sys reference, system
in consumption, input T day
int intermittent TH thermostat valve
intern internal upper upper
K combination system v loss
L air temperature profile V vertical distribution
loss loss Verbindung connection
lower lower w domestic hot water
ltc cut-out (point) WE heat generator
m average WP heat pump
max maximum WRG heat recovery
mot engine z circulation loop
mth monthly, in the month 70 temperature boundary condition
n nominal, rated, index, exponent 100 % at rated load
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Figure 3 shows the system of subscripts used for the characteristic values of the buildings technical
installations and equipment. The various types of system, subsystem and energy are also listed.
provide an overview of how the part-balances calculated using the method explained here are applied in
other parts of the DIN V 18599 series.
For simplification, neither the parameters nor the reasons why the data are needed in other calculations are
explained here.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
4.1 Input parameters from other parts of the DIN V 18599 series of prestandards
Qrv,w,outg Generator heat output of residential ventilation unit (in the respective
see DIN V 18599-6
month), in kWh
qw,b,d Daily energy need for domestic hot water in kWh per unit/person
see DIN V 18599-10
(kWh/Bezug d)
dh,rB Monthly design operating time, in d see DIN V 18599-5
dmth Number of days per month, in d see DIN V 18599-10
dNutz,a Annual usage period, in d/a see DIN V 18599-10
tNutz,d Daily usage time, in h/d see DIN V 18599-10
i,h,soll Indoor set-point temperature for heating operation, in C see DIN V 18599-10
if a zone is heated and cooled in the same month, it is to be determined which occurred more often and the appropriate
temperature used.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
dNutz,mth is the domestic hot water usage period (in the respective month), in d;
The daily energy need for domestic hot water is calculated as follows:
The monthly energy need for domestic hot water is calculated as follows:
qw,b,d is the daily energy need, in kWh per unit/person (kWh/Bezug d);
Qw,b,d is the daily energy need for domestic hot water, in kWh/d;
4.2 Output parameters for other parts of the DIN V 18599 series of prestandards
If components are used in more than one subsystem, values are to be added together for use in the ensuing
calculations, taking into account the fact that the heat data relate to the gross calorific value, unless the heat is
generated by electrical power or district heating.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,d,aux Auxiliary energy for domestic hot water distribution (in the respective see 6.2
month), in kWh
QI,w,d Uncontrolled heat gains in the zone due to domestic hot water system
distribution (in the respective month), in kWh
Qw,s Storage thermal losses of the domestic hot water system to the installation
space (in the respective month), in kWh
Qw,s,aux Auxiliary energy for domestic hot water system storage (in the respective
see 6.3
month), in kWh
QI,w,s Uncontrolled heat gains in the zone due to domestic hot water system
storage (in the respective month), in kWh
Qw,g Generation thermal losses of the domestic hot water system to the
installation space (in the respective month), in kWh
tw,100% Daily running time of the boiler for domestic water heating, in h/d
Qw,g,aux Auxiliary energy for domestic hot water system heat generation (in the
see 6.4
respective month), in kWh
QI,w,g Uncontrolled heat gains in the zone due to domestic hot water system heat
generation (in the respective month), in kWh
Qw,reg Regenerative energy contribution (in the respective month), in kWh
The generator heat output to the domestic hot water system is given by the following equation:
Qw,outg is the generator heat output to the domestic hot water system (in the respective month), in kWh
(see DIN V 18599-1), in kWh;
Qw,b is the energy need for heating (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in kWh;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,ce are the control and emission thermal losses of the domestic hot water system to the surrounding
environment (e.g. room, zone, basement) (in the respective month) (see 6.1), in kWh;
Qw,d are the distribution thermal losses of the domestic hot water system to the surrounding
environment (e.g. room, zone, basement) (in the respective month) (see 6.2), in kWh;
Qw,s are the generation thermal losses of the domestic hot water system to the installation space (in
the respective month) (see 6.3), in kWh.
Data relate to the gross calorific value unless energy is generated by electrical power.
The delivered energy for the domestic hot water generator can be calculated as follows:
Qw,f is the delivered energy for the domestic hot water generator (in the respective month) (see
DIN V 18599-1), in kWh;
Qw,outg is the generator heat output to the domestic hot water system (in the respective month) (see
DIN V 18599-1), in kWh;
Qw,g are the generation thermal losses of the domestic hot water system to the installation space (in
the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
Qw,reg is the regenerative energy contribution (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
Qw,in is the ambient heat (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
Qw,sol is the solar energy gain (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh.
The auxiliary energy for the domestic hot water system is given as follows:
Qw,aux is the auxiliary energy for the domestic hot water system (in the respective month) (see
DIN V 18599-1), in kWh;
Qw,ce,aux is the auxiliary energy for domestic hot water system control and emission (in the respective
month) (see 6.1), in kWh;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,d,aux is the auxiliary energy for domestic hot water system distribution (in the respective month) (see
6.2), in kWh;
Qw,s,aux is the auxiliary energy for domestic hot water system storage (in the respective month) (see 6.3),
in kWh;
Qw,g,aux is the auxiliary energy for domestic hot water system heat generation (in the respective month)
(see 6.4), in kWh.
The uncontrolled heat gains into the zone are compiled for use in DIN V 18599-2. Attention shall be paid as to
which subsystems are located in the respective zone and are to be taken into account accordingly:
QI,w is the uncontrolled heat gain to the zone from the domestic hot water system (in the respective
month), in kWh;
QI,w,d is the uncontrolled heat to the zone from domestic hot water distribution (in the respective month)
(see 6.2), in kWh;
QI,w,s is the uncontrolled heat gain to the zone from domestic hot water storage (in the respective
month) (see 6.3), in kWh;
QI,w,g is the uncontrolled heat gain to the zone from domestic hot water system heat generation (in the
respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
4.3.1 Calculation procedure for systems to meet the heating need for domestic hot water Qw,b
Calculations of systems to meet the heating need for domestic hot water Qw,b shall be performed for the
whole building if it is supplied with domestic hot water by the same installations and equipment. If different
zones/areas of a building are supplied by different installations and equipment, or are used differently (e.g.
living spaces and office spaces), then the zones/areas are to be calculated individually.
A compilation of default values for different types of buildings is given in DIN V 18599-10.
Generally the domestic water heating system consists of a type of net heat emission mechanism, a
distribution system, a storage tank (if required), and a heating system (e.g. a heat generator) (see Figure 4).
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
The heat and auxiliary energy requirement and the input from the heat generator can generally be determined
using the procedure described in this clause. In particular the procedures described allow the use of
manufacturers product data.
If data specific to equipment are not known, the default values specified are to be applied. Since these default
values represent equipment that is in the lower sector of the market in terms of quality, it is usually advisable
to use actual product data or project data in the calculations.
Insofar as no boundary conditions are specified in DIN V 18599-10, the following values can be used in the
calculations by way of simplification.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
The average temperature of the domestic hot water pipe system without a circulation facility or with the
circulation switched off is given as a function of the heat transfer coefficient of the insulation, U, as follows:
The calculation procedures presented here enable determination of the characteristic values relating to
domestic water heating from generation through to the user outlets (tapping points). This document also
enables the calculation of electric pipe trace heating systems. The losses are calculated for the period of time
under consideration (e.g. day (d), month (mth)).
The losses within the heated zone of a building shall be taken into account in the balance calculations in
DIN V 18599-2 relating to meeting the energy need for space heating and cooling .
The energy need for domestic hot water depends on the volume of water tapped and the temperatures of the
cold inlet water and hot outlet water:
Qw,b is the energy need for domestic hot water (in the respective month), in kWh;
w,m is the average temperature at the user outlets (see Table 5), in C;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
The heat expenditure as a result of unused hot domestic water running out at the user outlet is already
contained in the energy need for domestic hot water Qw,b. Here the losses due to control and emission and
the auxiliary energy are zero (i.e. Qw,ce = 0 kWh (in the respective month), Qw,ce,aux = 0 kWh (in the respective
month)). The unused water that runs out is itself not dealt with any further here.
Thermal losses from a section i of a domestic hot water pipe system with or without circulation are calculated
as follows:
Qw,d,i are the thermal losses from the pipe section (in the respective month), in kWh;
w,m is the average temperature of the pipe section (see Table 5), in C;
dNutz,mth is the monthly usage period for domestic hot water (see 4.1), in d;
The thermal loss of systems with a circulation facility comprises the losses during operation of the circulation
pump and the losses during periods of intermittent operation.
Circulation piping or piping with trace heating are calculated during intermittent operation using tNutz,T = 24 z
and w,m = 25 U0,2, in C, and assuming half the total length of the circulation piping.
Hot water pipe systems without circulation pipes and branching pipes are calculated using tNutz,T = 24 h per
day and w,m = 25 U0,2, in C.
The average domestic hot water temperature w,m includes increased outlet losses at the user outlet as a
result of the lack of a circulation system or intermittent circulation.
The thermal losses from a pipe system that is made up of a number of different sections is calculated from
equation (11) as follows:
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
In the zones through which the pipes pass the loss is equal to the uncontrolled heat gain:
Qw,d are the thermal losses from the hot water pipe system (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qw,d,i are the thermal losses from the pipe section (in the respective month), in kWh;
QI,w,d,i is the uncontrolled heat gain for the pipe section in zone i (in the respective month), in kWh.
The value shall be summated with the other relevant zone values and used for the ensuing calculations in
DIN V 18599-2.
The thermal losses of a domestic hot water pipe system can be calculated if the length, location and heat
transfer coefficient of the individual sections are known. These values can be taken from detailed piping layout
plans, taking into account the boundary conditions specified in Table 5.
If an electric trace heating system is used in place of a circulation system, then the thermal loss within the
zone is to be taken into account in the balance during heating or cooling, as appropriate. The required heat
energy is to be calculated in accordance with equation (11), but in the energy balance it is to be treated
exclusively as an auxiliary energy, Qw,d,aux.
If no detailed piping layout plan is available, the thermal losses from the hot water pipe system can be
approximated using the values in Table 6. It is assumed that an average pipe system consists of three
different zones: V, S and SL: Zone V is the horizontal distribution of heat from the generator to the main
supply pipes, zone S comprises the vertical main supply pipes up to the branching pipes and zone SL
comprises the branching pipes. In this simplified approach it is assumed the hot water output is evenly
distributed throughout the building.
Length of piping for domestic hot water pipe systems (see Figure 5)
LV Pipe section between heat generator and vertical rising pipes. This (horizontal) piping can lie in an
unheated part of the building (such as a basement or attic) or in the heated zone (such as in the screed).
LS Main supply pipes (vertical and, in some cases, horizontal). These pipes are located in the heated zone.
LSL Branching pipes. Connection between the main supply piping and the user outlet. No circulation.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
The length of the branching pipes shall be determined directly. If no detailed pipe layout plan is available, the
length can be determined from Table 6. It is assumed that the branching pipes are always located in the
heated area.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
For electrical pipe trace heating, pipe sections in zones V and S from Table 6 are to be used without
circulation; however the average temperatures are to be taken from Table 5 as for domestic hot water pipe
systems with a circulation facility.
Energy expenditure
The auxiliary energy required to operate circulation pumps is calculated on the basis of the hydraulic
requirement of the distribution system and an expenditure factor to denote the pump operation.
Qw,d,aux is the auxiliary energy expenditure (in the respective month), in kWh;
Ww,d,hydr is the hydraulic energy requirement (in the respective month), in kWh;
The hydraulic energy requirement of heating systems is obtained from the hydraulic power at the design point
(Phydr) and the circulation time.
Ww,d,hydr = dNutz,mth z (15)
1 000
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
dNutz,mth is the usage period for the domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d;
z is the running time of the circulation pump per day (see, in h.
The running time of the circulation pump for residential buildings is determined by means of equation (16).
z = 10 + (16)
0,07 +
0,32 LG BG nG hG
For non-residential buildings z shall be given a value equal to the daily usage period tNutz.
The volume flow at the design point is obtained from the heat loss in the circulation system Q& w,d and the
temperature difference Z in the circulation loop.
Q& w,d
V& = (18)
1,15 Z
Z is the design temperature difference in the circulation loop (see Table 5), in K.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
i,h,soll is the indoor set-point temperature for the heating system (see 4.1), in C.
The pressure drop at the design point is given by the resistance of the pipe system (with individual
resistances) and the components for additional resistances.
pRV,TH is the pressure drop of the non-return valve and the restrictor, equal to 12 kPa;
If no product data are available, the following default values shall be used:
For a rectangular building, the maximum pipe length of the circulation piping can be estimated from the
external dimensions of the building or zone according to DIN V 18599-2.
Expenditure factor
To assess the performance of the circulation pump, an expenditure factor ew,d,aux is also calculated using
equation (22).
ew,d,aux = f e Cp 1 + Cp 2 ) (22)
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
f e = 1,25 +
b for an unidentified pump
fe = for an identified pump
For existing pumps the power stated on the rating plate can be taken as an approximate value for PP.
Table 8 Constants Cp1, Cp2 for calculation of the expenditure factor of circulation pumps
Since decentralized domestic water heating systems supply individual rooms with hot water, they have no
central distribution piping or circulation piping. Only the losses of the branching pipes are taken into account.
In the case of a central system in individual dwellings, the heat generator (e.g. an electric immersion heater or
instantaneous storage heater) is located at a central point in the dwelling with branching pipes to the individual
user outlets that are as short as possible.
The losses from the branching pipes Qw,d are similarly calculated in accordance with equation (11) with z = 24
(h per day) and w,m = 25 U0,2, in C and are to be treated as an uncontrolled heat gain in the balance
The length of the branching pipes shall be determined directly. If no detailed pipe layout plan is available, the
length can be determined from Table 9 as a function of the number of user outlets per main supply pipe. It is
assumed the branching pipes are always laid in the heated zone.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
If the number of installed units is not known, calculations shall be based on an area of 80 m2 per unit.
Since they do not use a circulation pump, the distribution piping of decentralized and central dwelling domestic
hot water systems has no auxiliary energy requirement.
In the following clauses. calculation methods for three different types of domestic hot water storage vessels
are specified, with which the thermal loss of a domestic hot water storage tank Qw,s can be determined (Qw,s
(in the respective month), in kWh).
The thermal loss of an indirectly heated domestic hot water storage tank is calculated in accordance with
equation (23), it being assumed that the total heat output during the calculation period is treated as a loss.
(50 i )
Q w,s = f Verbindung d Nutz,mth qB,S (23)
Qw,s is the stand-by thermal loss of the domestic hot water storage tank (in the respective
month), in kWh;
dNutz,mth is the usage period for the domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
fVerbindung as long as the storage tank is located in the same room as the generator, the loss from the
connecting pipe can be taken to be fVerbindung = 1,2. For other layouts the piping losses
shall be calculated in accordance with 6.2.
The factor of 1,2 takes blanket account of the additional thermal losses that occur as a result of the piping
associated with the storage tank. The stand-by thermal loss qB,S of the domestic hot water storage tank shall
be measured in accordance with DIN V 4753-8, or DIN EN 625 in the case of combination boilers with a
separable storage tank (with an average temperature difference between the storage water and the
installation space of 45 C). The thermal loss Qw,s of the hot water storage tank can be determined on the
basis of the stand-by thermal loss thus measured.
If the storage tank is located within the heated zone then for balancing purposes the loss incurred is to be
taken into account for heating or cooling in DIN V 18599-2.
If the stand-by thermal loss qB,S of the storage tank is not known (i.e. has not been measured in accordance
with DIN 4753-8), it can be approximated using the following equations in order to calculate storage thermal
If no storage capacity data are available, the storage volume can be estimated as follows:
Qw,b,d fN 860
Vs = (29)
(w,m k ) s
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,b,d is the daily energy need for domestic hot water (see 4.1), in kWh;
s is the storage tank efficiency (vertical storage tanks = 0,95, horizontal storage tanks = 0,9);
fN = 1,85 N Wohnung (30)
For all other buildings the efficiency factor can be specified by giving the frequency of occurrence
fN = (31)
tNutz,T nSp
The thermal loss of an indirectly heated domestic hot water storage tank is calculated in accordance with the
equation (32), the assumption being made that the total heat that is emitted during the calculation period is
treated as a loss.
If an indirectly heated domestic hot water storage tank uses part of the water in its lower section exclusively
for the storage of solar heat, and this part is only heated by solar energy, then the thermal losses of this solar
volume shall not be taken into account.
If the stand-by losses have been measured in accordance with DIN V ENV 12977-3, the stand-by thermal loss
is determined as follows:
Q w,s = f Verbindung (UA) sb,s,a i 24 3 600 d Nutz,mth (32)
Vs,aux + Vs,sol
Qw,s is the stand-by thermal loss of the domestic hot water storage tank (in the respective
month), in kWh;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
i is the average difference in temperature between the storage tank and its surroundings
(equal to 47 K when calculating solar systems);
dNutz,mth is the usage period for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d;
(UA)sb,s,a is the stand-by heat loss rate from DIN V ENV 12977-3, in W/K;
Vs,aux is the nominal capacity of the (upper) stand-by part of the storage tank (see Table 12), in l;
Vs,aux is the nominal capacity of the (lower) solar part of the storage tank (see Table 12), in l;
fVerbindung is the loss from the connection pipe, equal to 1,2 if the storage tank is located in the same
room as the generator. For other layouts (e.g. in separate rooms) the piping losses shall be
calculated in accordance with 6.2.
The factor of 1,2 takes blanket account of the additional thermal losses that occur as a result of the piping
connecting the heat generator with the storage tank.
If the stand-by heat loss rate from DIN V ENV 12977-3 is not known, the stand-by thermal loss qB,S of the
storage tank up to a nominal capacity of 1 000 l shall be determined from equation (33). This equation is also
valid for older solar stores.
( )V
qB,S = 0,4 + 0,2 (Vs,aux + Vs,sol )0,4
+ Vs,sol
Vs,aux is the nominal capacity of the (upper) stand-by part of the storage tank (see Table 12), in l;
Vs,sol is the nominal capacity of the (lower) solar part of the storage tank (see Table 12), in l.
The value determined from equation (33) is used to determine the specific stand-by thermal loss in
accordance with equation (23). For the case in which the stand-by storage tank only receives back-up heating
from an electric immersion heater, equation (23) is to be calculated using fVerbindung = 1.
These assumptions are valid only for bivalent storage tanks with a storage capacity of up to a maximum of
1 000 l. Where storage capacities of more than 1 000 l are required, calculations are performed with one or
more separate domestic hot water storage tanks (see 6.4.1) instead of the bivalent storage tank. Separate
domestic hot water storage tanks are calculated in accordance with equation (33) with a maximum of 1 000 l
per storage tank. Auxiliary energy for charging an indirectly heated domestic hot water storage tank
The auxiliary energy required by the circulation pump for operation of the domestic hot water storage tank
shall be determined from equation (34).
Qw,s,aux is the auxiliary energy requirement of the pump (in the respective month), in kWh;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
tP is the operating period of the circulation pump (in the respective month), in h.
The auxiliary energy required for operation of a domestic hot water storage tank can be calculated if the pump
power and the operating period are known. This value can be defined on the basis of a particular pump
selected, for example. The operating period of the storage tank charging pump is calculated as follows:
Qw,outg 1,1
tP = (35)
Q& N
tP is the operating period of the storage tank charging pump (in the respective month), in h.
Qw,outg is the generator heat output for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
The factor of 1,1 takes blanket account of the longer running time of the pump compared with the running time
of the burner.
If the power consumption of the pump is not known, it can be determined by approximation from equation
(36). This also assumes that the pump is in operation at the same times as the heat generator.
The storage tank loss from an electrically heated storage water heater is calculated in accordance with
equation (37), it being assumed that the total heat output during the calculation period is treated as a loss.
(55 i )
Qw,s = dNutz,mth qB,S (37)
Qw,s is the stand-by thermal loss from the storage water heater (in the respective month), in kWh;
dNutz,mth is the usage period for the domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
The stand-by thermal loss qB,S from the storage water heater shall be measured in accordance with
DIN EN 60379 (with an average temperature difference between the storage water and the installation space
of 45 C). The thermal loss Qw,s of the storage water heater can be determined on the basis of the stand-by
thermal loss thus measured.
If the storage water heater is located within the heated zone then for balancing purposes the loss incurred is
to be taken into account for heating or cooling in DIN V 18599-2.
If the stand-by thermal loss qB,S of the storage water heater is not known (i.e. has not been measured in
accordance with DIN EN 60379), it can be approximated using equation (39) in order to calculate the storage
thermal losses (this corresponds to 80 % of the minimum requirement in DIN EN 60379):
For an approximation of the stand-by thermal loss, the storage capacity in litres is estimated as follows,
depending on the type:
Qw,b,d is the daily energy need for domestic hot water (see 4.1), in kWh;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
s is the storage heater efficiency (vertical heaters = 0,95, horizontal heaters = 0,9);
fN = 1,85 N Wohnung (see equation (30))
For all other buildings the efficiency factor can be specified by giving the frequency of occurrence.
fN = (see equation (31))
tNutz,T nSp
nSp is the number of peak tappings per day (see 4.1), in 1/d;
The maximum permissible nominal storage capacity of an electric night and day storage water heater is
1 000 l. If a nominal capacity in excess of 1 000 l is required, this shall be made up of a number of stores. In
this case the losses from the individual stores are to be added together.
The thermal loss of a gas-fired domestic storage water heater is calculated in accordance with equation (44),
the assumption being made that the total heat that is emitted by the heater over a year is treated as a loss.
(55 i )
Qw,s = dNutz,mth qB,S (44)
Qw,s is the stand-by thermal loss from the storage water heater (in the respective month), in kWh;
dNutz,mth is the usage period for the domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d;
The stand-by thermal loss qB,S from the storage water heater shall be measured in accordance with
DIN EN 89 (with an average temperature difference between the storage water and the installation space of
50 C). The thermal loss Qw,s from the storage water heater can be determined on the basis of the stand-by
thermal loss thus measured.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Since heat generation takes place within the storage heater, the related losses are to be calculated in
accordance with 6.4.6.
If no data for storage capacities are available, then the storage volume can be approximated from:
Qw,b,d is the daily energy need for domestic hot water (see 4.1), in kWh;
s is the storage tank efficiency (vertical storage tanks = 0,95, horizontal storage tanks = 0,9);
fN = 1,85 N Wohnung (see equation (30))
For all other buildings the efficiency factor can be specified by giving the frequency of occurrence:
fN = (see equation (31))
tNutz,T nSp
nSp is the number of peak tappings per day (see 4.1), in 1/d;
If the stand-by thermal loss qB,S of the storage tank is not known (i.e. has not been measured in accordance
with DIN EN 89), it can be approximated using equation (45) in order to calculate the thermal losses due to
storage (this corresponds to 80 % of the minimum requirement from DIN EN 89 which specifies a volume-
related nominal heat input of 0,07 kW per litre storage volume):
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Here it is assumed that the nominal capacity of a storage tank may be a maximum of 500 l. If a nominal
capacity in excess of 500 l is required, this shall be made up of a number of storage tanks. In this case the
losses of the individual storage tanks are to be added together.
For heating of the domestic water a number of generators (e.g. solar, boiler, heat pump, or trace heating) may
be available. The total heat requirement for all consumers shall correspond to the total heat output of all heat
Qw,outg,j is the output energy of generator j (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qin,d,k is the input energy of the distribution system k (in the respective month), in kWh.
If there are multiple generators the total heat requirement of the distribution system Qin,d,t is distributed among
the available generators. The calculations are to be performed separately for each heat generator j on the
basis of Qw,outg,j.
If heat is supplied to the heating system from other parts of the DIN V 18599 series of prestandards (e.g. by
an extract air heat pump (see DIN V 18599-6 or DIN V 18599-7), or solar heat from 6.4.1), then this shall also
be taken into account when considering the heat generation requirement (see also DIN V 18599-1). The
remaining heat requirement that is met by the additional heat generator (e.g. a boiler), is given by:
Q*w,outg is the remaining generator heat output (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qw,outg is the generator heat output to the domestic hot water system (in the respective month) (see
4.2), in kWh;
Qrv,w,outg is the heat output of the domestic ventilation unit for the domestic hot water system (in the
respective month) (see 4.1), in kWh;
Qw,sol is the energy contribution of the solar system for domestic hot water production (in the
respective month), in kWh.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
If a number of heat generators are used they are to be calculated in the sequence they are used for energy
In this document solar systems are taken into account in energy terms according to their contribution towards
meeting the heat requirement of the domestic hot water heating system. The heat requirement of the
domestic water heating system comprises the heat needed for hot water and the thermal losses due to control
and emission, distribution and storage of this hot water. This heat requirement of the domestic water heating
system is calculated in accordance with 6.4.
When calculating the storage losses Qw,s only the thermal losses of those storage tanks or parts of the
storage system are to be taken into account that are continuously reheated for the convenience of the user.
Qw,s is determined for a bivalent solar storage tank from 6.3.1. The thermal losses from storage tanks or parts
of the storage system that store solar heat only are already taken into account in the energy contribution
Determination of the energy contribution of solar systems to domestic water heating Qw,sol
The energy contribution made to domestic water heating by the solar system is determined using correction
factors (alternatively the results of simulation calculations can be used if the simulation is performed with the
same boundary conditions as have been specified for the calculations in this document). The correction
factors are determined by comparing the parameters of the actual system with the parameters of a reference
system. The parameters are first determined for the whole year. The monthly contributions are calculated by
distributing the annual contribution over the individual months.
The energy contribution made by a solar system to domestic water heating depends on the type of solar
system, a distinction being made between a small solar system and a large solar system.
Small solar systems for domestic water heating according to this document are provided with a bivalent
domestic water storage tank for storage of the solar heat. A bivalent domestic water storage tank consists
of two sections that operate independently of each other: In the upper section (stand-by part with the
stand-by capacity VS,aux), a minimum temperature is assured by means of back-up heating. The thermal
losses from this storage zone are to be taken into account in Qw,s. The back-up heating is by means of a
heat exchanger or direct electrical heating. The lower part of the storage tank is heated by the solar
system using a heat exchanger.
Large solar systems for domestic water heating according to this document have at least one domestic
water storage tank and a separate solar buffer storage tank for the solar heat. The thermal losses of the
domestic water storage tank shall be taken into account in Qw,s. The domestic water storage tank is
heated using the solar energy stored in the buffer storage tank or by a separate generator (e.g. a boiler).
The buffer storage tank is used exclusively to store the solar heat and with its thermal losses it is already
taken into account in the solar contribution.
Since there are different reference systems for the two types of system, an individual calculation procedure to
determine the energy contribution is required for each.
To determine the annual energy contribution of the solar system the stand-by thermal losses of the storage
tank are to be summated for the year:
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,s,a is the annual stand-by thermal loss of the domestic hot water storage tank (see equations (32)
or (23)).
For the contribution of the solar system using the calculation procedure given in equation (32) to be
determined correctly, the thermal losses of the stand-by part of the reference domestic water storage tank are
to be added.
The values of the reference domestic hot water storage tank shall be determined on the basis of the reference
Qw,b,d fN 860
VRef = (51)
tNutz,d (w,m k ) s
Qw,b,d is the daily energy need for domestic hot water (see 4.1), in kWh;
The annual energy contribution of the solar system for domestic water heating Qw,sol is calculated using
equation (52):
Qsys is the reference annual energy contribution of the solar collectors (see a)), in kWh;
fNGA is the correction factor for inclination and alignment (see b));
fslr is the correction factor for the solar load ratio (see c));
fS,Vaux is the correction factor for the volume of the stand-by part of the tank (see d));
fS,loss is the correction factor for the heat loss rate of the storage tank (see e));
Qw,s,a is the annual stand-by thermal loss from the domestic water storage tank (see equations (32) or
(23)), in kWh.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
The monthly energy contribution of the solar system for domestic water heating Qw,sol is calculated using
equation (53):
Qw,sol is the energy contribution of the solar system (in the respective month), in kWh;
fM is the factor accounting for the energy contributiont in the respective month in relation to the
annual contribution (see Table 10).
Month fM
January 0,027
February 0,032
March 0,069
April 0,137
Can 0,123
June 0,134
July 0,142
August 0,118
September 0,107
October 0,070
November 0,033
December 0,008
NOTE In a first approximation, the influence of the solar load ratio can be neglected.
To calculate the factors, the output of heat summated over the months shall first be determined using
Qw,outg,a =
Qw,outg .
The contribution Qsys of the reference solar system is calculated using the following equations:
small systems: Qsys = (271 0 18,8 k1 653 k 2 + 172 IAM(50) 0,792 c 20,7 ) Ac (54)
large systems: Qsys = (355 0 26,8 k1 992 k 2 + 221 IAM (50) 0,655 c ) Ac (55)
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qsys is the annual system contribution of the reference solar system, in kWh;
k1 is the heat loss coefficient from product data or Table 12, in W/(m2 K);
k2 is the heat loss coefficient from product data or Table 12, in W/(m2 K);
IAM(50) is the incidence angle modifier for = 50 from product data or Table 12 (for tube collectors
this is given by IAM(50) = IAML(40) IAMT(40));
c is the effective heat capacity from product data or Table 12, in kJ/(kg K);
Alternatively, Qsys can be determined from DIN EN 12976-2 or DIN V ENV 12977-2 on the basis of the
reference conditions at the location of the town of Wrzburg.
The correction factor for inclination and alignment of the collector field fNGA can be taken from Table 11.
Table 11 applies to large and small solar systems. To determine the factor both the angle of inclination and
the angle of alignment of the collector field must be known.
c) Determination of the correction factor to take into account the solar load ratio fslr
The influence of the solar load ratio is taken into account by means of the correction factor fslr in accordance
with equations (56) and (57).
small solar systems: f slr = 2,73 0,6 ln (56)
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
large solar systems: f slr = 2,9 0,6 ln (57)
Ac is the aperture area of the collector from project data or Table 12, in m2;
Qw,outg,a is the annual heat required by the domestic water heating system, summated from the monthly
values, in kWh.
d) Determination of the correction factor to take into account the magnitude of the stand-by volume
of the storage tank fS,Vaux
The influence of the magnitude of the stand-by volume is taken into account by correction factor fS,Vaux from
equation (58).
f S, Vaux = 1,12 2,36 (58)
Vs,aux is the volume of the stand-by part of the bivalent storage tank according to product data or
Table 12, in l;
Qw,outg,a is the annual heat required by the hot water system, in kWh.
In deviation from equation (58), calculations for large solar systems use fS,Vaux = 1.
e) Determination of the correction factor to take into account the thermal losses of the storage tank
The influence of the thermal losses of the storage tank is taken into account by the correction factor fS,loss
from equation (59).
f S,loss = 1,22 0,464 Qw,outg,a (59)
fS,loss is the correction factor taking into account the thermal losses of the storage tank;
Qw,outg,a is the heat requirement of the hot water heating system, in kWh;
qB,s is the stand-by thermal loss of the bivalent hot water storage tank from product data or Table 12,
in kWh/d;
Vs,aux is the stand-by storage volume of the bivalent hot water storage tank according to product data
or Table 12, in l.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
In deviation from equation (59), calculations for large solar systems use fS,loss = 1.
If the parameters required for analysis of a solar system are not known, the contribution made towards
meeting the heat demand by a small solar system (ANGF < 500 m2) and a large solar system (ANGF 500 m2
to ANGF = 3 000 m2) can be approximated using the default values from Table 12. The contribution of solar
systems that supply buildings where ANGF > 3 000 m2 shall be calculated in detail according to the provisions
of this clause (see 4.1 for ANGF).
Taking into account the above boundary conditions, both types of collectors provide almost identical input,
since while the tube collectors exhibit a higher solar contribution most designs have a smaller aperture area.
The surface area-related auxiliary energy of the solar pump is calculated using equation (60) as follows:
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qh,g,aux is the auxiliary energy required by the solar pump (in the respective month), in kWh;
tP,sol is the operating period of the solar pump (in the respective month), in h.
If the above parameters are not known due to the absence of design planning, the auxiliary energy of the solar
pump can be approximated using the following boundary conditions :
Auxiliary energy of the solar pump: Qw,g,aux = 0,05 Qw,sol (in the respective month), in kWh.
Calculation can be performed using the following procedure each month or with a suitable, recognized
simulation program.
In the calculation procedure below, the following physical factors are taken into account which have an effect
on the seasonal performance factor and the energy consumption of the heat pump:
effects of fluctuations of the source and sink temperatures on the power and the coefficient of
performance of the heat pump;
auxiliary energy required for operation of the heat pump, that is not taken into account under test rig
conditions according to DIN EN 14511 (all parts);
On the basis of these input data the following output data are calculated:
energy in the form of electrical power or fuel Qw,f, required to provide the generator heat output;
Final accounting of the output data (as for all other heat generators) is dealt with in DIN V 18599-1. For
greater clarity, the balances for electrically driven and combustion engine driven heat pumps are presented in
Annex A.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Heat pumps with combustion drive can recover part of the drive losses by means of a downstream heat
exchanger. Qrd,mot,g is a characteristic of the heat pump that depends on the efficiency and design of the
system for the recovery of heat from the cooling system and exhaust gas.
If no product data are available, prd,mot = 0,4 can be taken as a default value for heat pumps driven by a gas
engine with appropriate cooling of the engine. For all other heat pumps prd,mot = 0 in the absence of product
prd,mot = (61)
Qrd,mot,g is the recovered energy from the engine (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qw,f is the energy use for domestic water heating (in the respective month), in kWh.
If additional heat is provided by another generator (e.g. a solar system) then Qw,outg shall be replaced by
Q*w,outg from equation (49) in 6.4.
The energy performance of a heat pump largely depends on the conditions under which it is used, in particular
on the temperature of the heat source and heat sink. The temperature of the heat source (e.g. outdoor air) can
vary greatly within any single month. The assessment of the energy efficiency of the heat pumps is therefore
not performed in a single step for each month but takes into account the frequency distribution of the
temperature of the heat source for the respective month.
For heat pumps with outdoor air as their heat source the calculation procedure is therefore based on an
assessment of the distribution of the outdoor air temperature. The frequency which with a particular outdoor
air temperature occurs in a month is given in intervals of 1 K.
As measurements of the heat output and the coefficient of performance of a heat pump are generally only
available for certain temperature combinations, the frequency distribution of the outdoor air temperature is
divided into temperature classes (bins). Each bin is limited by an upper temperature upper and a lower
temperaturelower. The design operating conditions of the heat pump in each bin are characterized by the
operating points at the midpoint of each bin.
The operating points are selected such as to reproduce the test conditions specified in DIN EN 14511 (all
parts). The temperature limits between two bins are selected to be approximately at the midpoint between two
operating points, and are to be rounded to whole numbers.
For each bin the heat output of the pump and the coefficient of performance are assessed on the basis of the
test rig measurements according to DIN EN 14511 (all parts). The difference between the required generator
heat output and the heat supplied by the heat pump may need to be provided by a second generator. The
losses associated with heat pump operation, and the auxiliary power consumption are calculated for each bin.
The overall results for a calculation period (month) are obtained from the results for each bin.
The energy requirement for domestic hot water is calculated for the entire month, being distributed equally
over the respective month. The generator heat output for domestic hot water in bin i is calculated using the bin
size (time) and the total energy output for domestic hot water in that month from equation (62).
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,outg,i = Qw,outg (62)
Qw,outg,i is the generator heat output for domestic hot water in bin i (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qw,outg is the generator heat output for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
nhours,t is the total number of hours (8 760 hours for domestic hot water operation), in h.
The testing points from DIN EN 14511 (all parts) are divided into temperature classes (bins). The hours
frequency of the outdoor temperature for the location of Wrzburg is given in Table 13.
Table 13 Monthly hours sum nhours,i, in the individual bins, distributed according to the testing
points from DIN EN 14511 (all parts)
If other testing points are used, the bin hours shall be re-calculated according to the method described in
DIN V 18599-5.
The following procedure applies to heat pumps with other heat sources:
Extract air as source: Extract air heat pumps are sized for and operated at a source temperature of 20 C.
Bins are not required for calculation of the efficiency of domestic water heating; the assessment is
performed on the basis of measurements at 20 C.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
NOTE Extract air heat pumps for residential buildings are dealt with in DIN V 18599-6. The generator heat output,
Qrv,w,outg, is calculated according to that standard and used in DIN V 18599-8. An additional calculation for the heat pump
is not required in DIN V 18599-8.
Ground as source: The 0 C bin applies to the entire generator heat output.
Extract air with heat recovery as source: The drop in temperature due to heat recovery is taken into
account. For units in which the heat recovery is positioned upstream of the exhaust air heat pump, the
exhaust air temperature is calculated for each month for the bin in question from the heat recovery
efficiency and the design temperature of the room (exhaust air efficiency from DIN EN 308 without
deductions or heat recovery according to Deutsches Institut fr Bautechnik (DIBt) less 12 %).
The heat exchanger efficiency determined according to recognized technical rules characterizes the
temperature increase of the supply air in relation to the maximum possible temperature increase. Besides the
operating characteristics of the heat exchanger, the heat dissipated by electrical components (e.g. fans and
controls) also affects the heat exchanger efficiency. Leakage losses shall be within the maximum permissible
limits and the thermal losses via the surface of equipment are also to be taken into account. In addition, the
performance of ventilation units operating during periods of frost shall be considered unless the ventilation
system is fitted with a ground heat exchanger for preheating the air, which according to recognized technical
rules ensures a frost-free (and hygienic) supply air flow. If the heat exchanger efficiency does not take the
above into account, and if the supply and extract air volume flow cannot be adjusted with suitable components
so as to ensure a permanent volume flow balance, the heat exchanger efficiency shall be reduced by 9 %.
Exhaust air efficiency measurements from DIN EN 308 are used without deductions.
ex is the temperature of the extract air from the space (see 4.1 and Table 15), in C;
WTRG,mth is the heat exchanger efficiency with regard to heat recovery (in the respective month),
in C.
Default values:
Heat exchanger efficiency without ground-supply air heat exchanger: WT,mth = 0,60
Heat exchanger efficiency with ground-supply air heat exchanger: WT,mth = 0,67
The weighting factors for the bins are calculated using equation (62).
NOTE Extract air heat pumps with heat recovery for residential buildings are dealt with in DIN V 18599-6. In that
standard, the generator heat output, Qrv,h,outg, is determined for the ensuing calculations in DIN V 18599-8 without an
additional calculation for the heat pump being required.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Energy requirement for domestic hot water with a back-up heating system (second generator)
The fraction of domestic hot water energy required to be provided by a second generator is determined on the
basis of the temperature limit up to which the heat pump can deliver energy. Above this temperature limit the
energy that is outstanding is supplied by the back-up system.
Qw,b,bu is the energy need for domestic hot water (in the respective month) supplied by the back-up
system, in kWh;
upper,hp is the upper temperature limit of the hot water for operation of the heat pump, in C;
w,m is the average draw-off temperature of the domestic hot water (see clause 5), in C.
The proportion of energy for domestic hot water production supplied by the back-up system is calculated by
means of equation (65).
pbu,w is the proportion of energy required for domestic hot water that is supplied by the back-up
system (second generator);
Qw,b,bu is the energy need for domestic hot water (in the respective month) that is supplied by the back-
up system (second generator), in kWh;
Qw,outg is the generator heat output for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
Qw,f,bu,t is the energy use for the back-up heating due to the limitation of the running time of the heat
pump (in the respective month), in kWh (see equation (69))
For heat pump installations with a back-up system the contribution of the second generator is at least 5 %, or
can be accurately determined from equation (65).
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02 Power and coefficient of performance (COP) of the heat pump in domestic hot water
Heat pump domestic water systems are submitted to a systems test in accordance with DIN EN 255-3,
including the domestic hot water storage tank within the system boundaries. For outside air-to-water heat
pumps the test rig measurements take place at the source temperature A2, for brine-to-water heat pumps at
the source temperature B0, and for water- to-water heat pumps at the source temperature W10.
The coefficient of performance COPw,t in the test rig measurements applies for the tapping of domestic hot
water including storage losses and charge pumps. The energy losses for recharging the storage tank without
tapping domestic hot water (stand-by operation) are not taken into account. DIN EN 255-3 provides the
auxiliary power consumption to compensate for the storage and stand-by losses.
Because of the fluctuating source temperatures COPw,t is corrected on the basis of the exergetic or Carnot
efficiency as described in DIN V 18599-5, Annex A.
The average source temperature is determined from the average monthly outdoor temperature.
Table 14 Mean source temperature for ground and groundwater as a function of the average
outdoor temperature
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Table 15 Mean source temperature for ground and groundwater as a function of the average
monthly outdoor temperature
Average outdoor
Mean brine temperature Mean groundwater temperature
January 1,3 1,3 9,1
February 0,6 1,6 9,4
March 4,1 2,1 9,9
April 9,5 2,9 10,6
May 12,9 3,4 11,0
June 15,7 3,9 11,4
July 18,0 4,2 11,7
August 18,3 4,2 11,8
September 14,4 3,7 11,2
October 9,1 2,9 10,5
November 4,7 2,2 9,9
December 1,3 1,7 9,5
The sink temperature conditions for domestic hot water systems alter only slightly during the course of the
year, since the usage temperature of the water does not depend on the season or the outdoor temperature.
The extract air from ventilation systems or air from basements serves as the heat source. When using extract
air with an upstream heat exchanger, calculation of the heat source temperature is required (see equation
Calculation of extract air heat pumps is on the lines of that for electrically driven air water heat pumps, with an
all-the-year-round constant heat source temperature from Table 16, if no values are calculated from
DIN V 18599-2.
For units in which the heat recovery is positioned upstream of the exhaust air heat pump, the temperature of
the exhaust air is calculated for each month for the bin in question from the efficiency of heat recovery and the
design temperature of the room.
The heat exchanger efficiency determined according to recognized technical rules characterizes the
temperature increase of the supply air, in relation to the maximum possible temperature increase. Besides the
operating characteristics of the heat exchanger (WT), the waste heat from electrical components such as
fans and controls also affects the heat exchanger efficiency. Leakage losses shall be within the maximum
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
permissible limits and the thermal losses via the surface of the equipment are also to be taken into account. In
addition, the performance of the ventilation equipment operating during periods of frost shall be taken into
account unless the ventilation equipment is fitted with a ground heat exchanger for preheating the air, which
according to recognized technical rules ensures a frost-free (and hygienic) supply air flow. If the exchanger
efficiency does not take the above into account, and if the supply and extract air volume flows cannot be
adjusted by suitable components so as to ensure a permanent volume flow balance, the heat exchanger
efficiency shall be reduced by 9 %
Exhaust air efficiency measurements from DIN EN 308 are used without deductions.
ex is the temperature of the air extracted from the space (see 4.1 or Table 16), in C;
WT is the heat exchanger efficiency with regard to heat recovery (heat exchanger).
Default values
Heat exchanger efficiency without a ground-supply air heat exhanger: WT,mth = 0,60
Heat exchanger efficiency with a ground-supply air heat exchanger: WT,mth = 0,67
If only values from DIN EN 14511-2 or DIN EN 14511-3 are available for a heat pump, the coefficient of
performance (COP) is determined from these values for an average supply temperature of 45 C.
The calculation is to be carried out on the basis of test measurements from a recognized testing laboratory.
Start-up losses of heat pumps with combustion drive are taken into account in the coefficient of performance
(COPw,t) from DIN EN 255-3 and need not be corrected.
In the case of engine-driven heat pumps, the heat energy recovered from cooling of the engine and/or from
the flue gas can be used either to contribute towards meeting the heating need of the building or for domestic
water heating, depending on the design of the unit.
The heat energy available for domestic water heating is a characteristic of the engine and is stated as product
The running time of the heat pump depends on the heat load under the operating conditions (heat source
temperature and heating water supply and return temperatures) and the heat demand. The heat demand is
dependent on the building load, the distribution system and the internal loads. The running time in each bin is
determined from equation (67).
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
tON,g,i = (67)
tON,g,i is the running time of the heat pump in bin i (in the respective month), in h;
Qw,outg,i is the generator heat output for domestic hot water in bin i (in the respective month), in kWh;
g,i is the heat output of the heat pump generator in bin i, in kW.
tM,ON is the maximum possible running time of the heat pump (in the respective month), in h.
) n
Q w,f,bu,t = max 0,
tON,g,i tM,ON (69)
bin bin
tON,g,i is the maximum possible running time of the heat pump (in the respective month), in h;
Qw,f,bu,t is the energy required to be provided by back-up heating due to the limitation of the running time
of the heat pump (in the respective month), in kWh.
The maximum possible running time of the heat pump is given in Table 13. Equation (69) limits the running
time proportionately in the respective bins.
Where heat pumps are used for both space heating and domestic hot water heating, the maximum possible
running time for space heating can also be limited by the sum of the running times. The running time for space
heating is to be determined from 4.1.
If the running time is greater than the maximum possible running time obtained from equation (69), the
running times for space heating and domestic hot water heating are reduced by the same number of hours
unless the heat pump control system foresees otherwise.
The calculation shall be carried out on the basis of test measurements from a recognized testing laboratory.
Any external hot water storage tank that may be installed is dealt with in 6.3. The losses are calculated using
Ql,w,s = Qw,s (see and are distributed over individual bins as follows:
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,g,s,i = Qw,s (70)
tNutz,T dNutz,mth
Qw,g,s,i is the heat loss from the storage tank to the surrounding environment in bin i (in the respective
month), in kWh;
Qw,s is the stand-by heat loss of the domestic hot water storage tank (in the respective month), in
dNutz,mth is the usage period for the domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d.
If only measured values from DIN EN 14511-2 or DIN EN 14511-3 are available, the power required to
compensate for the losses from equation (71) is determined from the coefficient of performance of the heat
pump at a supply temperature of 55 C.
Pes,i = (71)
Qw,g,s,i is the heat loss of the storage tank to the surrounding environment in bin i (in the respective
month), in kWh;
Pes is the input power to compensate for the storage tank losses (domestic hot water), in W;
If measured values for the heat pump with a hot water storage tank are available from DIN EN 255-3, equation
(72) applies.
COPt, w Pes ti
Qw,g,s,i = (72)
1 000
Qw,g,s,i is the heat loss of the storage tank to the surrounding environment in bin i (in the respective
month), in kWh;
Pes is the input power to compensate for the storage tank losses (domestic hot water), in W;
In the case of electrically driven heat pumps no further losses are taken into consideration. For heat pumps
with combustion drive the data from test rig results or product data shall be used.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02 Calculation of the total energy consumption for domestic hot water operation
The auxiliary power consumption for domestic hot water operation can be calculated by means of equation
nbin nbin
(1 pbu, w ) Qw,out,sin,i (1 pbu, w ) Qw,outg,combi,i
Qw,f,1 = COPw,t,sin,i
+ Pes,sin,i ti + COw, t,combi,i
+ Pes,combi,i ti (73)
i =1 i =1
Qw,f,1 is the energy use of the heat pump in domestic hot water operation (in the respective
month), in kWh;
pbu,w is the fraction of recoverable energy for domestic hot water that has been contributed by
the second generator (back-up heating);
Qw,out,sin,i is the generator heat output for domestic hot water in bin i (in the respective month), which
is provided by the heat pump in domestic hot water operation, in kWh;
Qw,out,combi,i is the generator heat output for domestic hot water in bin i (in the respective month), which
is provided by the heat pump in combined space heating and domestic hot water
operation, in kWh;
COPw,t,sin,i is coefficient of performance of the heat pump for domestic hot water operation only, in
bin i (this corresponds to the coefficient of performance for average operating conditions);
COPw,t,combi,i is the coefficient of performance of the heat pump in combined space heating and
domestic hot water operation in bin i (this corresponds to the coefficient of performance for
average operating conditions);
Pes,sin,i is the auxiliary power consumption to compensate for the storage tank losses in domestic
hot water operation only, corresponding to test rig measurements in accordance with
DIN EN 255-3, in kW;
Pes,combi,i is the auxiliary power consumption to compensate for the storage tank losses in combined
space heating and domestic hot water operation corresponding to test rig measurements in
accordance with DIN EN 255-3, in kW;
The fuel input energy of the heat pump for each bin is calculated by means of equation (74):
(1 pw,i ) Qw,outg,i krd,g Qw,g,aux,i
Qw,f,1 = COPi
fHs/Hi (74)
i =1
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,f,1 is the energy use of the heat pump (gas) in space heating operation in bin i (in the respective
month), in kWh;
pw,i is the fraction of energy for domestic hot water production that is recovered from the machine
exhaust heat in bin i;
Qw,outg,j is the generator heat output for the heating system (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
krd,g is the fraction of auxiliary energy that is recovered as thermal energy (krd,g = 0);
Qh,g,aux,i is the auxiliary energy of the heat pump in space heating operation in bin i (in the respective
month), in kWh;
COPi is the coefficient of performance of the heat pump in space heating operation in bin i (this
corresponds to the coefficient of performance for average operating conditions);
fHs/Hi is the ratio of gross calorific value to net calorific value of the fuel used;
Fraction of energy for domestic hot water production that is recovered in heating or cooling operation
When considering gas-operated air-to-water heat pumps, domestic hot water is not taken into consideration if
the energy for the hot water is recovered from the cooling of the machine. Calculation is by equation (75).
pw,i = (75)
pw,i is the fraction of energy for domestic hot water production that is recovered from the surplus
heat from the machine;
Qrd,mot,g,j is the heat energy that is recovered from the waste heat from the machine (in the respective
month), in kWh;
Qw,outg,i is the generator heat output for domestic hot water in bin i (in the respective month), in kWh.
Only the drive energy for the primary circuit is taken into consideration. The auxiliary energy for the secondary
circuit is already included in the results from DIN EN 14511 (all parts); any additional pressure loss of an
external domestic hot water storage tank is not taken into consideration.
Qw,g,aux is the total auxiliary energy requirement (in the respective month), in kWh;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
tON,w,aux is the running time of the auxiliary component (in the respective month), in h.
For the auxiliary component running time tON,aux the sum of the running times of the heat pump over all bins
ton,g,i is to be applied.
If the power consumption of the auxiliary component is not known, it is calculated in accordance with equation
p V&
prim/sek,aux = (77)
aux 3 600
Air-to-water heat pumps are tested as a unit, so that the auxiliary energy for the fan on the source side is
already taken into account in the measurements according to DIN EN 14511 (all parts). Additional auxiliary
energy for air-to-water heat pumps is not taken into consideration.
In the case of brine-to-water and water-to-water heat pumps the auxiliary energy for overcoming the internal
pressure drop in the evaporator is taken into account in the coefficient of performance in the test rig
measurements according to DIN EN 14511 (all parts). The missing auxiliary energy of the source pump to
overcome the pressure drop in the heat source system shall be taken into account using equation (77). If no
values are available a pressure loss of 40 kPa shall be used.
Qw,f,bu is the energy use of the second heat generator for domestic hot water (back-up system) (in the
respective month), in kWh;
Qw,outg is the generator heat output for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
Pw,bu is the share of domestic hot water production that is provided by the second heat generator
(back-up heating);
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,f,bu,t is the energy use for back-up heating due to the limitation of the running time of the heat pump
(in the respective month), in kWh.
The total auxiliary power consumption is the sum of the individual values of auxiliary power consumption of
the heat pump and the second heat generator according to equation (79).
Qw,f is the energy use for domestic hot water operation (water pump and back-up heating) (in the
respective month), in kWh;
Qw,f,1 is the energy use of the heat pump for domestic hot water operation (in the respective month), in
Qw,f,bu is the energy use of the second heat generator (back-up heating) in domestic hot water
operation (in the respective month), in kWh.
Qw,outg is the generator heat output to the heating system (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
Qw,f is the energy use of the heat pump in hot water operation (in the respective month) (see 6.4.2),
in kWh;
Qw,g are the generation thermal losses of the hot water system to the installation space (in the
respective month) (see 6.4.2), in kWh.
For the individual modes of operation (e.g. space heating and domestic hot water), the seasonal performance
factor can be combined into a total annual performance factor by weighting with the respective fractions of
energy provided .
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,outg is the generator heat output to the domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in
Qw,f is the delivered energy for the domestic hot water (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qw,g,s are the storage losses of the generator system (in the respective month), in kWh.
The thermal loss for these appliances, if built before 1980, is estimated as being 1 % of the expenditure; for
later units it is estimated as being 0 %. It is assumed that there is no auxiliary energy requirement
(Qw,g,aux = 0 kWh per month).
Before 1980 Qw,f = 1,01 Qw,outg (in the respective month), in kWh (82)
From 1980 Qw,f = 1,0 Qw,outg (in the respective month), in kWh (83)
The delivered energy for domestic water heat generation Qw,f is used directly in the balance according to
DIN V 18599-1.
6.4.5 Determination of the expenditure for heat generation for domestic hot water
Heat generation for space heating systems is dealt with in DIN V 18599-5. If the same generator is being used
only the operating time is to be considered in the ensuing calculation.
If, on the other hand, heat is supplied to the heating system from other parts of the DIN V 18599 series (e.g.
from an extract air heat pump, see DIN V 18599-6 or DIN V 18599-7), then this is also to be taken into account
when calculating the heat to be supplied by generation (see also 6.4 and DIN V 18599-1).
If several heat generators are used, they shall be calculated in the sequence in which they are used for
energy generation.
The maximum generator output required by a building or building zone for space heating, domestic hot water
heating, residential ventilation and air conditioning is the sum of all loads that are required in parallel or from
the largest load in prioritized operation:
The heat loss and the auxiliary energy QTW,g,aux of a boiler are calculated on the basis of the rated heat
output Q& n , the efficiency 100% at rated output according to EU Directive 92/42/EEC, the stand-by thermal
loss qB,70 and the electrical power Paux of the auxiliary units of a boiler. These values shall either be
determined from measurements (e.g. according to DIN EN 304, DIN EN 303-5, DIN EN 297 or DIN EN 656 or
DIN EN 625) (combination boiler), or else default values can be used if no product data are available.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
If additional heat is provided by means of a solar system then Qw,outg shall be replaced by Q*w,outg from
equation (51) in 6.4.1.
On the basis of the efficiency 100%, the stand-by thermal loss qB,70 and the rated heat output Q&n the thermal
loss Qw,g of the boiler in the calculation period is made up of two components: the thermal loss Qw,g,100%
occurring during generation of heat Qw.outg at full load operation, and the stand-by thermal loss QB.
The difference (dNutz,mth dh,rB) shall be set at zero if dh,rB > dNutz,mth.
Qw,g are the thermal losses of the boiler (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qw,outg is the heat to be made available by the heat generator for domestic hot water production (in the
respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
QB,w is the daily stand-by power loss of the boiler when not in operation, in kWh;
fHs/Hi is the ratio of gross calorific value/net calorific value (see 4.1);
tw,100% is the daily running time of the boiler for domestic hot water production at rated heat output, in h
(see equation (89);
dNutz,mth is the usage period for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d;
The average boiler temperature is dependent on the frequency with which the back-up system is used (i.e. on
the size of the hot water demand).
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
For simplification, an average boiler temperature g,m of 50 C is specified for systems with the circulation
operating during the stand-by time and 40 C for circulation water heaters, combination boilers, and systems
without a circulation facility, or with the circulation switched off.
tw,100% is the daily running time of the boiler for domestic hot water heating at rated heat output, in h;
Qw,outg is the heat output capacity of the generator (in the respective month) (see 6.4), in kWh;
dNutz,mth is the usage period for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d.
Uncontrolled heat gains due to a generator installed within the heated zone as a result of losses via the
generator envelope, (qs,) can be taken into account as follows:
Thus the total sum of the radiation losses QI,w,g in the calculation period is calculated as follows:
QI,w,g = qs, Q&N /k,100% ((tNutz,T tw,100%) (dNutz,mth dh,rB) + tw,100% dNutz,mth) (in the respective month),
in kWh (92)
The difference (dNutz,mth dh,rB) shall be set at zero if dh,mth > dNutz,rB.
tw,100% is the daily running time of the boiler for domestic hot water heating at rated heat output, in h;
dNutz,mth is the usage period for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d;
dh,rB is the design operating period (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d.
The auxiliary energy for operation of the boiler is calculated on the basis of the auxiliary power consumption
Paux of the boiler (measured at 100 % full load according to Council Directive 92/42/EEC at mode of operation
2 and with the volume flow dependent on the rated output and a flow/return temperature difference of 20 K).
Any pump that may be installed is not considered in this subclause, but in 6.3.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,g,aux = Paux,100 tw,100% dNutz,mth + Paux,SB (24 tw,100%) (dNutz,mth dh,rB) (93)
Qw,g,aux is the auxiliary energy requirement of the boiler at rated heat output (in the respective month), in
Paux,100 is the auxiliary power consumption of the boiler (in the respective month), in kW;
tw,100% is the daily running time of the boiler for domestic hot water heating at rated heat output, in h;
dNutz,mth is the usage period for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d;
dh,rB is the design operating period (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d.
Qw,b,d is the daily energy need for domestic hot water (see 4.1), in kWh
unless the boiler is also used for space heating (see DIN V 18599-5), in which case a larger boiler rated heat
output is necessary.
If the storage tank size is other than specified in 6.3.1, then the boiler output shall be suitably adjusted in
accordance with established technical rules (see DIN 4708).
If the above parameters are not known due to the absence of design calculations, the thermal losses of heat
generation can be approximated using the following boundary conditions and approximations:
The efficiency 100%, is a function of the boiler rated heat output Q&N , in kilowatts at a test temperature of
70 C: (up to a boiler power output capacity of 400 kW; however if this is higher, the efficiency at a rated
output Q&N of 400 kW is to be used):
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Year of
Boiler type Factor A Factor B
before 1978 77 2
Change-fuel boiler
1978 to 1987 79 2
before 1978 78 2
Solid fuel boiler (fossil fuel) 1978 to 1994 80 2
after 1994 81 2
before 1978 79,5 2
Atmospheric gas boiler 1978 to 1994 82,5 2
after 1994 85 2
before 1978 80 2
Standard boilers Heating boiler with forced draught burner 1978 to 1986 82 2
(gas/oil) 1987 to 1994 84 2
after 1994 85 2
before 1978 82,5 2
Burner replacement (gas/oil) (heating
boiler with forced draught burner) 1978 to 1994 84 2
after 1994 85 2
Biomass boiler
Class 3 from 1994 67 6
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
If default values for improved condensing boilers are used to calculate primary energy use, the efficiency of
the boiler actually installed shall be at least that specified above
If the flue gas loss of existing boilers is known, then while retaining the boundary conditions the boiler
efficiency can also be approximated to k = 100 qA qSt, with k,100% = k.
The radiation loss qSt of the boiler as a function of its rated heat output Q&N in kW is given by:
Year of construction
Boiler type (where differentiation Factor G Factor H
is required)
up to 1978 13,5 0,3
Change-fuel boiler
1978 to 1987 11,5 0,3
before 1978 13,0 0,3
Solid fuel boiler
from 1978 11,0 0,3
Standard boilers:
up to 1978 12,0 0,35
Atmospheric gas boiler
from 1978 9,0 0,45
up to 1978 12,0 0,4
Heating boilers with forced draught burner (oil/gas)
from 1978 9,0 0,37
Low temperature boilers:
Atmospheric gas boiler 9,0 0,45
Circulation water heater
9,0 0,6
(combination boiler 11 kW, 18 kW and 24 kW)
Heating boiler with forced draught burner (oil/gas) 7,0 0,4
Condensing boilers (oil/gas) 5,5 0,4
The stand-by thermal loss qB,70 of the boiler as a function of its rated heat output Q&N in kW is given by:
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Year of
Boiler type Factor E Factor F
Change-fuel boilers up to 1987 12,5 0,28
before 1978 12,5 0,28
Solid fuel boiler 1978 to 1994 10,5 0,28
after 1994 8,0 0,28
Standard boilers:
before 1978 8,0 0,27
Atmospheric gas boilers 1978 to 1994 7,0 0,30
after 1994 8,5 0,4
before 1978 9,0 0,28
Heating boilers with forced draught burners (oil/gas) 1978 to 1994 7,5 0,31
after 1994 8,5 0,4
Biomass boilers after 1994 14 0,28
Low temperature boilers:
up to 1994 6,0 0,32
Atmospheric gas boilers
after 1994 4,5 0,4
Circulation water heaters qB,70C = 0,022
up to 1994
(combination boilers 11 kW, 18 kW and 24 kW)
Combination boilers KSpb after 1994 qB,70C = 0,022
Combination boilers DLa (11 kW, 18 kW and 24 kW) after 1994 qB,70C = 0,012
a DL: Boiler with integrated domestic hot water heating working on the instantaneous principle with heat exchanger (V < 2 l).
b KSp: Boiler with integrated domestic hot water heating working on the instantaneous principle with small storage tank
(2 < V < 10 l).
For calculation of a combination boiler the net area shall be a maximum of 500 m2.
Instantaneous heaters are dealt with in the same way as low temperature combination boilers.
The auxiliary power consumption Paux of the boiler as a function of its rated heat output Q&N in kW:
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Auxiliary power
Boiler type Factor G Factor H Factor n
From 1994
Paux, 100 0 45 0,48
Boiler with forced draught burner
Paux, SB 15 0 0
Paux, 100 40 0,35 1
Boiler with atmospheric burner up
to 250 kW Paux, SB 15 0 0
Paux, 100 80 0,7 1
Boiler with atmospheric burner
from 250 kW Paux, SB 15 0 0
All other boilers
Paux, 100 0 45 0,48
Change-fuel boilers
Paux, SB 20a 0 0
Paux, 100 0 0 0
Solid fuel boilers
Paux, SB 15a 0 0
Standard boilers
Paux, 100 40 0,148 1
Atmospheric gas boilers
Paux, SB 15a 0 0
Paux, 100 0 45 0,48
Heating boilers with forced
draught burners (oil/gas) Paux, SB 20a 0 0
Low temperature boilers
Paux, 100 40 0,148 1
Atmospheric gas boiler
Paux, SB 15a 0 0
Paux, 100 0 45 0,48
Circulation water heater
Paux, SB 15a 0 0
Paux, 100 0 45 0,48
Heating boiler with forced draught
burner (oil/gas) Paux, SB 15a 0 0
Paux, 100 0 45 0,48
Condensing boilers (oil/gas)
Paux, SB 15a 0 0
a If electrically-operated boiler control is used, otherwise Paux, SB = 0.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
For a storage water heater that is direct-fired using gas, the loss that has to be taken into account is
calculated as for a boiler, the stand-by losses having been already taken into account in 6.3.3.
Thus the thermal loss Qw,g is obtained from the boiler efficiency 100%, and the rated heat output Q&N in the
respective calculation period:
Qw,g,100% = (fHs/Hi 100%)/100% Qw,outg/dNutz,mth (in the respective month), in kWh (100)
Qw,g is the thermal loss of the storage water heater in boost mode (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qw,g,100% is the daily thermal loss of the storage water heater in boost mode, in kWh;
Qw,outg is the generator heat output to the domestic hot water system (in the respective month), in
fHs/Hi is the ratio of gross calorific value to net calorific value (see 4.1);
dNutz,mth is the usage period for domestic hot water (in the respective month) (see 4.1), in d.
If no other data are available the rated output can be assumed to be:
For simplification, the auxiliary energy requirement Qw,g,aux can be set at zero.
For prim,DS and sek,DS the mean temperatures on the primary and secondary sides of the dwelling
substation shall be used respectively.
Equations (102) to (104) are numerical equations. The rated output DS of the dwelling substion in kW and
the numerical values from Tables 21 and 22 are used, thus giving the thermal losses Qh,g,DS in kWh per year.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Table 22 Coefficient BDS as a function of the class of insulation and the type of dwelling substation
In principle it is possible to consider the system on a monthly basis. As this is generally too complex, it is
recommended that a year be selected as the calculation period, and that in the ensuing calculations the
unmodified thermal losses in the course of the year should be taken into account. In some cases it may be
useful to calculate separate values for summer and winter.
The auxiliary energy of the dwelling substation is neglected. If the supply temperature for the heating system
of the building is controlled by a central control system, a value of Qh,g,aux = 10 kWh in the respective month is
Heat that is generated within the building by means of combined heat and power is dealt with in DIN V 18599-
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Annex A
The principles of the calculation method are described in detail in DIN V 18599-5, 6.4.2.
Figure A.1 Energy balance of an electrically driven heat pump with integrated domestic hot water
storage tank
Qw,outg is the generator heat output for domestic hot water (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qw,g are the losses of heat generation (in the respective month), in kWh;
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Qw,g,aux is the auxiliary input energy for operation of the generator (in the respective month), in kWh;
The fractions of recovered energy of the auxiliary system are not taken into account, hence krd,g = 0.
The energy for operation of the heat pump Qw,f is to be taken from test rig measurements according to
DIN EN 14511 (all parts). Taken into account are the auxiliary energy for source and sink pumps for
overcoming the internal pressure drop in the heat pump evaporator (heat source) and condenser (heating) as
well as the auxiliary energy for control, for defrosting, and any back-up heating equipment that may be
installed (e.g. oil sump heating).
Qw,out,g is the total loss of heat generation (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qh,g are the losses of the generator subsystem (in the respective month), in kWh;
Qw,g,aux is the auxiliary input energy for operation of the heat pump;
Recovered energy fractions of the auxiliary systems are not taken into account, hence krd,g = 0.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Annex B
Heat pumps
Default values for a domestic hot water heat pump apply to a water temperature of 55 C.
Table B.1 Default value for the coefficient of performance (COPw,t) of domestic hot water heat pumps
at a hot water temperature of 50 C
BO/a 3,06
a Identifies the varying sink temperature during charging of the storage tank.
Table B.2 Default value for the electrical input energy to compensate for storage tank losses
B.3 Extract air domestic hot water heat pumps and extract air/supply air domestic
hot water heat pumps
If the results of test rig measurements according to DIN EN 255-3 are not known, then for simplification the
coefficient of performance for systems without heat recovery can be given as:
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
If the results of test rig measurements according to DIN EN 255-3 are not known, then for simplification the
coefficient of performance can be given as:
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Annex C
The basic unit of the calculation is the main supply line for domestic hot water. As this may extend through a
number of zones, it may need to be considered in a differentiated manner. A domestic hot water supply line
generally consists of at least one heat generator, where necessary a storage tank, a vertical main supply pipe
and at least one form of control and emission. A domestic hot water supply line is the smallest unit that can be
Example 2: Building comprising two areas; with one supply line in each area:
If a building is divided into areas with different systems, the heating energy need for domestic water Qw,b is to
be divided into the areas (e.g. according to the net area). Identical areas can be grouped together (e.g. a
mutlipe family house with two types of dwelling).
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Figure C.1 Example of the partitioning of a building into a number of areas (domestic hot water
NOTE In Figure C.1 Qtw1 shall be assumed to be equal to Qw,b,1 and Qtw2 shall be assumed to be equal to Qw,b,2; AN1
and AN2 are to be deleted.
If an area is supplied from several domestic hot water supply lines, each line shall be calculated individually
(e.g. a dwelling with an instantaneous gas heater supplying all user outlets in the bathroom, and the
decentralized supply of the kitchen and guest WC by an electric under-sink water heater).
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Figure C.2 Example of the partitioning of a building into a number of domestic hot water supply
lines (decentralized supply)
In this variant the heating energy need for domestic hot water Qw,b is distributed over the various supply lines i
with their respective fractions Qw,b,i.
Further examples
a) The variant of a building with multiple areas and multiple supply lines per area is calculated as in
examples 2 and 3.
b) If in a building with a number of dwellings each dwelling has its own domestic hot water supply and this is
the same in each dwelling (e.g. electric instantaneous heater in each dwelling) then, for simplification, the
primary energy used for domestic hot water can be calculated for one dwelling (with an average floor
area). The primary energy used for domestic hot water for the whole building is determined by
multiplication of the value thus obtained by the number of dwellings.
If in a building or in a area the generator losses and the primary energy factors for all supply lines have the
same value (e.g. only electric instantaneous heaters and electric storage units) the distribution and storage
losses of these lines can be grouped together. If the auxiliary energy for generation is of equal magnitude for
all lines, the losses can be grouped together.
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Annex D
Dimensioning of buildings
The dimensioning of buildings is described in terms of the length, the width, and also the number and height of
the storeys. Where buildings are not rectangular in shape, an arrangement of dimensioning parameters is
shown here as an example.
The individual dimensions summate to give the total building length LG and building width BG.
Li Bi
LG = Li and BG = i
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Figure D.1 (continued)
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
Alternatively, average values can be used, as in d) BG = i
Figure D.1 (concluded)
DIN V 18599-8:2007-02
[1] DIN 4747-1, Safety equipment of substations, house stations and house systems for connection to hot
water district heating pipe systems
[2] DIN EN 297, Boilers for gaseous fuels Boilers of Types B with atmospheric burners with a rated
heat loading smaller than or equal to 70 kW
[3] DIN EN 12831, Heating facilities in buildings Procedure for calculation of the standard heating load