Effect of Cortisol On Memory in Women With BPD
Effect of Cortisol On Memory in Women With BPD
Effect of Cortisol On Memory in Women With BPD
Background. Stress and cortisol administration are known to have impairing eects on memory retrieval in healthy
humans. These eects are reported to be altered in patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and post-
traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) but they have not yet been investigated in borderline personality disorder (BPD).
Method. In a placebo-controlled cross-over study, 71 women with BPD and 40 healthy controls received either
placebo or 10 mg of hydrocortisone orally before undertaking a declarative memory retrieval task (word list learning)
and an autobiographical memory test (AMT). A working memory test was also applied.
Results. Overall, opposing eects of cortisol on memory were observed when comparing patients with controls. In
controls, cortisol had impairing eects on memory retrieval whereas in BPD patients cortisol had enhancing eects
on memory retrieval of words, autobiographical memory and working memory. These eects were most pronounced
for specicity of autobiographical memory retrieval. Patients with BPD alone and those with co-morbid PTSD
showed this eect. We also found that co-morbid MDD inuenced the cortisol eects : in this subgroup (BPD+MDD)
the eects of cortisol on memory were absent.
Conclusions. The present results demonstrate benecial eects of acute cortisol elevations on hippocampal-mediated
memory processes in BPD. The absence of these eects in patients with co-morbid MDD suggests that these patients
dier from other BPD patients in terms of their sensitivity to glucocorticoids (GCs).
Received 4 June 2012 ; Revised 19 July 2012 ; Accepted 23 July 2012 ; First published online 19 September 2012
Key words : Autobiographical memory, borderline personality disorder, cortisol, declarative verbal memory, HPA axis,
major depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, working memory.
enhanced feedback sensitivity (Plotsky et al. 1998 ; BPD patients with co-morbid MDD might show no
Pariante & Miller, 2001 ; Yehuda, 2002). In BPD there is eects of cortisol on memory, whereas in healthy
increasing evidence that alterations in HPA activity controls, cortisol administration would lead to an im-
may contribute to the disorder (Wingenfeld et al. pairment in memory performance.
2010b). Similarly, enhanced basal cortisol concentra-
tions and reduced feedback sensitivity have been
reported for BPD patients (Rinne et al. 2002a ; Lieb et al. Method
2004 ; Wingenfeld et al. 2007a, b). However, the nd-
ings are heterogeneous and it has been hypothesized
that co-morbid symptomatology might play a role Seventy-one women with BPD and 40 healthy control
(Wingenfeld et al. 2010b). women aged o18 years participated. Thirty-six of
Alterations of HPA axis feedback regulation have the control participants were part of a former study
been interpreted in terms of altered glucocorticoid by our group (Terfehr et al. 2011b), as were 21 of the
receptor (GR) function (Holsboer, 2000 ; Yehuda, 2009 ; patients, that is BPD patients with co-morbid PTSD
Rohleder et al. 2010). Cortisol acts by binding to min- (Wingenfeld et al. 2012). The BPD+PTSD subgroup of
eralocorticoid receptors (MRs) and GRs (de Kloet, our former PTSD study was also included in this study
2003). These receptors show a high density in the as a comparison group for the 50 BPD patients without
hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex (Lupien & PTSD (BPDPTSD) who were recruited exclusively for
Lepage, 2001 ; de Kloet, 2003), which are closely re- this study.
lated to cognitive functions. In healthy participants Participants were excluded if they had any of the
there is evidence that acute glucocorticoid (GC) ad- following medical conditions : central nervous system
ministration impairs memory retrieval (Wolf, 2003, (CNS) diseases or severe somatic diseases, metabolic
2009). It has also been observed that cortisol adminis- diseases, organic shift in cortisol secretion, immune-
tration leads to poorer working memory performance mediated diseases, medicated hypertension, current
(Lupien et al. 1999). infections, or pregnancy. Further exclusion criteria
In patients with BPD the eects of cortisol on were anorexia, schizophrenia, alcohol or drug depen-
memory have not yet been investigated. In a recent dence, bipolar disorder, schizo-aective disorder,
study we found that in PTSD patients, in contrast to major depression with psychotic symptoms (all as-
healthy controls, administration of hydrocortisone sessed by the SCID), attention decit hyperactivity
enhances rather than impairs memory retrieval disorder (ADHD) or cognitive impairment. Intake of
(Wingenfeld et al. 2012). The results were independent antidepressants did not lead to exclusion.
from co-morbid borderline features of the patients. Written informed consent was obtained from all
Our ndings are in line with another study in PTSD participants. Healthy participants were recruited by
patients (Yehuda et al. 2007) but others disagree local advertisement and received nancial remuner-
(Bremner et al. 2004 ; Grossman et al. 2006 ; Yehuda ation (100 E). The study was approved by the Ethics
et al. 2010). We have also shown, in a series of studies Committees of the University of Muenster and the
with patients with MDD, that cortisol administration Medical Council of Hamburg.
did not inuence declarative memory retrieval and
working memory (Schlosser et al. 2010 ; Terfehr et al.
2011a, b).
The aim of the current study was to investigate To assess psychiatric diagnoses we used SCID-I and
the eects of cortisol administration on memory in SCID-II (First et al. 1997). PTSD symptoms (patients
patients with BPD. To test several domains of mem- only) were assessed with the Post-traumatic Stress
ory, an autobiographical memory test (AMT) and a Diagnostic Scale (PDS ; Foa, 1995), depressive mood
word list paradigm to investigate declarative memory state was measured using the Beck Depression
were conducted, along with a working memory test. Inventory (BDI ; Beck & Steer, 1994) and childhood
Because of the dierent patterns of cortisol eects trauma was assessed with the Childhood Trauma
on memory in MDD and PTSD, and given that these Questionnaire (CTQ ; Bernstein et al. 2003 ; Wingenfeld
co-morbid disorders may contribute to HPA axis dys- et al. 2010a).
regulations in BPD, we further aimed to investigate In this placebo-controlled cross-over study, each
the impact of co-morbid MDD and PTSD. Given the participant was tested twice with parallel versions of a
high prevalence of traumatic experiences in BPD, word list paradigm and an AMT. All tests were taken
we hypothesized that BPD patients would show in the afternoon. The two versions of the tests were
enhanced memory retrieval after cortisol, as was counterbalanced across the test conditions. On the rst
shown recently in PTSD patients. On the contrary, day all participants learned the word list. On the
Cortisol and memory in BPD 497
BPD, Borderline personality disorder ; BMI, body mass index ; BDI, Beck Depression Inventory ; CTQ, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire ; PDS : Post-traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale ;
PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder ; MDD, major depressive disorder.
Two patients did not answer the BDI, four patients did not answer the CTQ, one patient with PTSD did not answer the PDS.
Twenty-two of the patients had no trauma as asked in the PDS.
Bonferroni post-hoc test : BPD only=BPD+MDD <BPD+PTSD=BPD+MDD+PTSD.
Cortisol and memory in BPD 499
Table 3. Autobiographical memory test (AMT) : specicity of The analysis was controlled for age (F1,101=6.141,
memory retrieval in patients with borderline personality disorder p=0.015). Intake of oral contraceptives (p=0.26) and
(BPD) and healthy controls smoking (p=0.67) had no eect and were therefore
excluded from the analyses.
Memory BPD Controls Post-hoc A post-hoc ANCOVA revealed a signicant dier-
specicity (n=71) (n=40) test ence between patients and controls after placebo
(group eect : F1,103=7.818, p=0.006) but not after
Placebo 3.9 (1.7) 4.5 (1.6) p=0.03 hydrocortisone (group eect : p=0.49). Separate post-
Hydrocortisone 4.2 (1.7) 4.0 (1.7) p=0.84
hoc ANOVAs with repeated measures for each group
Post-hoc test p=0.06 p=0.04
revealed no signicant eects of hydrocortisone
ANCOVA : group by condition interaction eect p=0.007 (BPD patients : p=0.17 ; controls : p=0.34). As shown
in Fig. 2, the control participants performed better
than the patients in the placebo condition but not
after placebo (F1,108=4.616, p=0.03) but not after after hydrocortisone intake.
hydrocortisone (p=0.84). Post-hoc ANOVAs with The analyses of subgroups (5r2 ANOVA) did not
repeated measures performed separately for each reveal any signicant eects.
group revealed a signicant eect of condition in the
control group (F1,39=4.418, p=0.04) and a trend sig-
nicant eect in the BPD group (F1,70=3.610, p=0.06).
Working memory test : the WST
Table 3 shows that the specicity of memory retrieval
was impaired after hydrocortisone compared to Thirty-three BPD patients and 19 controls performed
placebo in the control group but enhanced in the the WST after hydrocortisone intake, and 34 patients
BPD group. and 21 controls after placebo. A 2r2 ANCOVA with
To analyze the impact of co-morbid PTSD and the main factors group (BPD versus controls) and con-
MDD, a repeated-measures 5r2 ANCOVA was dition (hydrocortisone versus placebo) was performed
performed. Age served as a covariate (p=0.017). Five for each test part (neutral and negative).
subgroups were compared : healthy controls (n=40), In the test part with neutral interference words, we
BPD patients without PTSD and MDD (n=27), BPD revealed a signicant eect of the covariate age
patients with PTSD and MDD (n=10), BPD patients (F1,102=5.821, p=0.018). There was no eect of con-
with PTSD but without MDD (n=11) and BPD dition (p=0.87) and the group eect also only reached
patients with MDD but without PTSD (n=23). A trend signicance (F1,102=2.783, p=0.098), suggesting
signicant group by condition interaction eect was a slightly better performance in the control group
revealed (F4,105=4.014, p=0.005). Post-hoc ANOVAs compared to the patients (Fig. 3 a). There was no con-
showed a better memory performance after hydro- dition by group interaction (p=0.51).
cortisone in all patient groups except the BPD In the test part with negative interference words,
patients with MDD and no PTSD. The results of the a signicant group eect was seen (F1,102=4.056,
subgroup analyses including the post-hoc tests are p=0.047), showing a better performance in the control
shown in Fig. 1. Medication intake (yes/no) was dis- participants than the patients. There was no signi-
tributed similarly over the patient groups (x2=3.413, cant eect of condition (p=0.428) or condition by
p=0.33). group interaction eect (p=0.126). The eect of the
covariate age failed to show signicance (F1,102=3.123,
p=0.08) and we therefore repeated the analyses with-
Word list paradigm
out the covariate. Although the group eect dimin-
A repeated-measures 2r2 ANCOVA was conducted ished (p=0.12), a trend toward a group by condition
with the main factors group and condition. The per- interaction eect could be seen (F1,103=3.583, p=0.06)
centage of correctly recalled words relative to the (Fig. 3 b). A post-hoc t test revealed no dierence
words recalled after the fth learning trial on the day between placebo and hydrocortisone in the control
before was used as the dependent variable. Data were group (p=0.41) but the BPD patients (t65=2.017,
missing for this test in two control participants and p=0.048) showed better working memory perform-
ve patients. ance after cortisol.
We found a trend for a group by condition inter- Because of the between-subject design of this part
action eect that marginally failed signicance of the study, the subgroups with dierent co-morbid
(F1,101=3.328, p=0.07). Although there was no main disorders (i.e. PTSD and MDD) were relatively
eect of condition (F1,101=1.176, p=0.28), a signicant small. Thus, we refrained from further subgroup
group eect was revealed (F1,101=4.819, p=0.03). analyses.
500 K. Wingenfeld et al.
Number specific events retrieved
n = 40 n = 27 MDD PTSD PTSD MDD
p = 0.04 p = 0.03 n = 10 n = 11 n = 22
p = 0.04 p = 0.07 p = 0.49
Fig. 1. Memory specicity after placebo and hydrocortisone : analyses of borderline personality disorder (BPD) subgroups with
dierent co-morbid disorders. PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder ; MDD, major depressive disorder ; n, sample size of each
subgroup ; p, post-hoc t test placebo versus cortisol.
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
Fig. 3. Number of correctly reproduced sequences [mean (S.E.)] in patients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and
healthy control women after placebo and after administration of 10 mg hydrocortisone in the (a) neutral and (b) negative trials.
In the negative test part there was a trend towards a group by condition interaction (p=0.06).
(Bremner et al. 2004 ; Yehuda et al. 2007 ; Wingenfeld with dierent HPA axis-related disturbances
et al. 2012). In PTSD there is evidence for enhanced GR (Wingenfeld et al. 2010b).
sensitivity (Rohleder et al. 2004 ; Yehuda et al. 2004) The impairing eects of cortisol on memory re-
whereas major depression seems to be characterized trieval are well documented in the literature (Wolf,
by a reduced GR functioning (Holsboer, 2000). No 2009). This has been shown for declarative memory
study has directly investigated GRs in BPD patients. (Kuhlmann et al. 2005a, b) and also for autobiographi-
However, to understand the results of our study it cal memory retrieval (Buss et al. 2004 ; Young et al.
would be of interest to look at HPA axis ndings in 2011) and working memory (Lupien et al. 1999 ; Wolf
BPD. et al. 2001). Thus, our results regarding the control
Compared to studies on MDD and PTSD, there are group are in line with these previous studies. In the
fewer studies on HPA axis alteration in patients with current study this eect was strongest in the AMT.
BPD providing evidence for higher basal cortisol re- Overall, the eects in controls seemed to be weaker
lease in these patients (Lieb et al. 2004), but it does than in our previous studies (Schlosser et al. 2010 ;
seem that depressive and PTSD symptoms inuence Terfehr et al. 2011a, b). One possible reason might
cortisol secretion in BPD (Wingenfeld et al. 2007a). relate to the restriction of the sample on women
Concerning feedback regulation, older studies that (Kuhlmann et al. 2005 a ; Schoofs & Wolf, 2009).
used the 1-mg dexamethasone suppression test (DST) Furthermore, compared to other studies we only ad-
found high rates of non-suppressors in BPD popula- ministered a low dosage of hydrocortisone, which
tions, but most of these results suggested an associ- might also be responsible for the weaker eects
ation of reduced feedback inhibition with aective (Het et al. 2005 ; Young et al. 2011). Nevertheless, cor-
dysregulations or even with co-morbid MDD (see tisol administration in healthy participants typically
Wingenfeld et al. 2010b for review). Using the low- does not lead to enhanced but to impaired memory
dose DST, a reduced rather than an enhanced cortisol retrieval.
suppression after 0.5 mg of dexamethasone in BPD Some studies have investigated the eects of GC
patients compared to healthy controls has been re- administration on memory in PTSD patients. In one of
ported (Lieb et al. 2004). In our own studies we our former studies (Wingenfeld et al. 2012) we also
again found evidence for the impact of co-morbid found an improvement of memory retrieval in PTSD
MDD and PTSD (Lange et al. 2005 ; Wingenfeld et al. patients. Thus, our previous and present studies both
2007b, c), which is also supported by another study suggest that cortisol improves memory retrieval in
using the combined dexamethasone/corticotrophin- BPD and in PTSD patients. This is in line with another
releasing factor (DEX/CRF) test (Rinne et al. 2002a). In study that also showed enhancing eects of cortisol on
sum, there is no clear picture of HPA axis dysregula- memory performance in PTSD (Yehuda et al. 2007).
tion in BPD. There is evidence for both enhanced The results might be interpreted in the context of
and reduced feedback sensitivity of the HPA axis an enhanced reactivity to exogenous cortisol in these
and therefore enhanced and reduced GR functioning. patients compared to healthy participants. However,
One possible explanation is the existence of subgroups not all studies conrm these results (Bremner et al.
502 K. Wingenfeld et al.
2004 ; Grossman et al. 2006 ; Yehuda et al. 2010), described above was found in response to hydrocor-
although these studies did not separate memory tisone administration, namely an enhanced hippo-
consolidation from retrieval. Of note, a study that in- campal activity (Yehuda et al. 2010). Neural activity in
vestigated Vietnam veterans with and without PTSD other brain regions was not reported in this study.
using positron emission tomography (PET) revealed For borderline patients a dysfunctional frontolimbic
an enhanced reactivity to hydrocortisone adminis- network including the amygdala, prefrontal areas and
tration of the hippocampus in the PTSD group other limbic structures (the anterior cingulate cortex,
(Yehuda et al. 2010). Furthermore, there is evidence for ACC), has been proposed from imaging studies
an enhanced GR sensitivity in PTSD (Rohleder et al. (Schmahl & Bremner, 2006 ; Wingenfeld et al. 2010b).
2004 ; Yehuda et al. 2004), which might also contribute However, the eects of cortisol administration on
to the eect of cortisol on memory in PTSD. However, brain activity in BPD have not yet been investigated.
in a recent study (consisting of a subsample of this Thus, there are at least two possible explanations
study) we found higher cortisol levels before and for our results : rst, comparable to PTSD patients,
after dexamethasone administration in BPD patients, hydrocortisone administration in BPD might lead
but no evidence for alterations concerning feedback to an activation in the hippocampus that enhances
regulation (Carvalho Fernando et al. 2012). Co-morbid memory retrieval. Alternatively, hydrocortisone might
PTSD and MDD did not contribute to cortisol release reduce brain activity in regions that are hyperactive
in this study. Thus, the sensitivity of GRs in BPD in BPD, such as temporal areas. Imaging studies are
remains unclear. However, it seems unlikely that required to investigate this topic.
an enhanced or a reduced feedback sensitivity of Animal studies might also help in understanding
the HPA axis is a unique explanation for the results our results. The current ndings of enhanced memory
presented here. after cortisol treatment in BPD patients share simila-
Major depression is characterized by a reduced GR rities with recent observations in rodents that have
sensitivity (Holsboer, 2000). In a series of studies we been exposed to stress early in life (Champagne et al.
did not nd any impairing eects of hydrocortisone 2008). The early stressed rats displayed an impaired
administration on memory retrieval, including de- neural plasticity, that is long-term potentiation (LTP),
clarative memory retrieval (Terfehr et al. 2011a), in adulthood. Corticosterone treatment enhanced
specicity of autobiographic memory (Schlosser et al. the LTP in these animals but impaired it in the non-
2010) and working memory (Terfehr et al. 2011b). We stressed control animals (Champagne et al. 2008).
interpreted these results in MDD in terms of reduced Thus, early adversity seems to inuence the response
GR functioning. Of note, in the current study, BPD of the hippocampus to GCs adulthood. Early life stress
patients with co-morbid MDD but without PTSD also has also been discussed as an important risk factor for
showed this lack of cortisol eect on autobiographical the development of BPD (Zanarini et al. 1997) and
memory. Thus, it seems that patients with MDD and early trauma is known to have long-lasting eects on
BPD patients with co-morbid MDD share a similar the regulation of the HPA axis (Heim et al. 2000)
pattern in terms of cortisol eects on memory and, and GR functioning, possibly through epigenetic me-
thus, possibly in terms of reduced GR function. chanisms (McGowan et al. 2009). Of note, the current
Our main result is that cortisol administration sample also reported high levels of adverse childhood
had an enhancing rather than an impairing eect on experiences.
memory performance in patients with BPD. This sug- Benecial eects of cortisol have been shown in the
gests an enhanced reactivity to exogenous cortisol in context of prevention of PTSD symptoms after acute
these patients. trauma experiences (Schelling et al. 2006). Thus, there
Imaging studies with healthy participants show is growing evidence for, in part, benecial eects of
that cortisol administration leads to a reduced activity cortisol in PTSD (Aerni et al. 2004). In BPD, which as a
in the hippocampus during resting-state conditions personality disorder has an early onset, such studies
(Lovallo et al. 2010) and memory retrieval (de are lacking, but it would be of interest to investigate
Quervain et al. 2003 ; Oei et al. 2007 ; Weerda et al. 2010). whether targeting the HPA axis might be a therapeutic
Furthermore, a reduced activity of medial temporal tool. In this connection, treatment with an SSRI was
regions has been reported along with a reduced ac- reported to reduce HPA axis hyperactivity in BPD
tivity of prefrontal brain regions (de Quervain et al. (Rinne et al. 2002b). Furthermore, in depression there
2003 ; Henckens et al. 2011). The reduced brain acti- have been eorts to investigate drugs that inuence
vation after cortisol was associated with cortisol- the HPA axis (Schule et al. 2009). To summarize, the
induced memory retrieval impairment (de Quervain benecial eects of hydrocortisone in BPD, such as
et al. 2003). In psychiatric patients comparable studies normalization on memory processes, should be in-
are rare. In PTSD patients a dierent pattern to the one vestigated further.
Cortisol and memory in BPD 503
Limitations Acknowledgments
As there were no additional measurements of HPA This study was supported by a Deutsche Forschungs-
axis functioning for this sample (e.g. basal cortisol gemeinschaft grant (WI 3396/1-1) awarded to K.W.,
levels, feedback sensitivity, cortisol bioavailability), O.T.W. and M.D.
interpretation of the data is dicult and remains some-
what speculative. It would be of interest to combine
our experimental design with direct measurements of Declaration of Interest
GR functioning, HPA axis feedback sensitivity, basal None.
cortisol levels and neuroimaging. We also have no
data on basal cortisol levels or on cortisol levels after
drug administration, and therefore no treatment References
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