Data Analysis Project

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Student Work Analysis Protocol

Subject Area: Choir/Music Grade Level: 10

Teacher Evaluator: Liesl Bryant

A. Reaching Consensus about Proficiency

Read the assessment task, performance, and/or rubric, and:
1. Describe what the students were expected to do?

Students were expected to complete a pre-test matching IPA symbols to lip

shapes and example English words that contained each vowel sound. There were
seven in total, and each answer had two parts (writing the symbol and the example
word). After the lesson, they were asked to complete an identical post-test.

2. Which standards (CCSS or content standards) or curriculum expectations are

being assessed? These should already be listed on your CEP Lesson Plan

1.1a Incorporate all musical symbols, tempo indications, expressive indications, and
technical indications, while maintaining consistent tone quality, intonation, balance,
blend, diction, and phrasing.

(In order to be successful, students must also be able to identify these symbols,
which is what I was testing them on.)

3. Describe what you would consider to be a proficient response on this

assessment? Exactly what would students need to say, write, or perform for
you to consider their work proficient?

Students would need to write down two answers for each question one a symbol,
the other a word both from the word bank and take their best guess. Because I
had already assessed the students had no experience/had not heard of the
International Phonetic Alphabet, for the pre-test I was only truly concerned with
their following directions on the first assessment, but graded each by the number of
answers they got correct, each question being worth two points (with a total of 14).
Proficient would be a score of between 5-9 points. For the post-test, I expect
students to answer between 5-14 answers correctly (to put them in the expected
and high achieving categories), and to have done better on the post-test than on
their pre-test scores to show their growth and learning.

B. Diagnosing Student Strengths and Needs

Next, read student work and without scoring, do a quick sort of students work by
the general degree of the objectives met, partially met, not met. You may need a
not sure pile. After sorting, any papers in the not sure pile should be matched
with the typical papers in one of the other existing piles. Student names should be
recorded in the columns in order to monitor progress over time
(Objectives met) (Objectives partially (Objectives not met)
Jessa answered all Alex partially Makayah did not
questions with two answered most complete assignment,
answers, none questions, paired guessed two correctly
repeating many together Malorie did not
Brooke answered correctly complete assignment,
all questions with Maddy answered guessed two correctly
two answers, none all questions, only Jacson did not
repeating repeated one complete assignment,
answer guessed one correctly
7% OF CLASS Haylee did not Allie did not complete
complete the assignment, guessed
assignment, but one correctly
guessed well on a Leah completed
few assignment, did not
Alexis answered have much consistency
some questions with in guessed answers
same answers Michael did not
Kemma answered complete assignment,
all but one or two guessed two
questions Ben only guessed
completely, words, not symbols, and
repeated one or two got three correct
answers Chloe nearly
Braydon did not completed assignment,
complete repeated a few answers
assignment, but Balmer did not
guessed well on complete assignment,
about half guessed one
JJ answered all but Sean answered most
two questions, did questions, guessed well
not have much on those he filled out
consistency Kylee completed
Emma Answered assignment with many
all questions, only repeated answers
repeated one Tucci almost complete
symbol assignment with a few
Taryn answered all repeated answers
questions, guessed MJ did not turn in
well on many assignment
Jon completed all
questions, guessed 50% OF CLASS
well, and paired
answers together
Katie completed
repeated a few
Joana did not
assignment, had a
few repeated


C. Identifying Instructional Next Steps

Discuss the learning needs for the students in each level considering the following
1. What patterns or trends are noted?


(Objectives met) (Objectives partially (Objectives not met)
Each answer was Typically, few answers
complete, even if it Some answers not were attempted, with
was a guess. No two completed. There was some left completely
answers used the some repetition of blank. Little attempt was
same word or symbol. words and symbols made to finish the
All writing was legible. from the word bank in assignment.
different answers.

2. Based on the diagnosis of student responses at the high, expected, and low
levels, what instructional strategies will students at each level benefit from?
List those instructional strategies in the table below:


(Objectives met) (Objectives partially (Objectives not met)
These students will These students are likely
likely need These students were not to have read the
reaffirmation that likely on the right directions carefully, and/or
they are on the right track, but need a little were flustered by
track with their good extra help and attempting something
guessing techniques. guidance to take their completely brand new with
They likely logically knowledge to the next no prior knowledge. For
thought out what level. Explaining the these students, I will need
each vowel might system and how it to give them extra
sound like and look works, along with support, answer any and
like, matching it with giving examples of all questions, and go
a word that had that each new vowel shape, through the process of
sound in it. This is and having students explaining the system of
essentially what IPA is match and sing them IPA and these seven
a method of putting will help them make vowels slowly and clearly.
a vowel shape to a connections and assist
sound. with correctly
identifying the vowel
symbols and sounds.

D. Results of the Post-Test (Additional Information)

Display student growth after implementing the above instructional strategies.
*Note: I have listed students names by their post-test scores. High: 10-14
Expected: 5-9 Low: 0-4. The only two in the low achievement category did not turn
in the assignment. All others completed or nearly completed the assignment with
almost no instances of repeated answers. The most common error was to reverse
the order of the lip vowels on the chart.


(Objectives met) (Objectives partially (Objectives not met)
Makayah Maddy Sean
Malorie Kemma Tucci
Alex Braydon
Jaylee MJ 7% OF CLASS
Alexis Michael
Jacson Ben
Allie JJ
Leah Chloe
Emma Jessa
Taryn 32% OF CLASS

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