Fdi Eco
Fdi Eco
Fdi Eco
This paper examines two most important benefits and costs of foreign direct investment
in the Indian context - GDP growth and the environment degradation. We find a statistically
significant long run positive, but marginal, impact of FDI inflow on GDP growth in India
during 1980-2003. On the other hand, the long run growth impact of FDI inflow on CO2
emissions is quite large. The actual impact on the environment, however, may be larger
because CO2 emission is one of the many pollutants generated by economic activities. But
CO2 being a global air pollutant, our finding has some far reaching implications for the
global environment as well, with India having emerged as the fourth highest in the global
ranking of CO2 emissions by turn of this century.
The inflow of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has increased rapidly during the late
1980s and 1990s in almost every region of the world revitalizing the long and
contentious debate about the costs and benefits of FDI inflows. The positive benefits of
FDI to the receiving host country include capital, skill and technology transfer, market
access and export promotion. This paper examines the two and arguably the most
important benefits and costs of foreign direct investment in the Indian context: GDP
growth and the environmental degradation.
Economic theory provides us with many reasons why FDI may result in enhanced
growth performance of the host country. However, there is no universal agreement
I like to thank an anonymous referee for suggestions and comments that have been extremely helpful.
The paper has also benefited from discussions with Rajat Acharyya and Saikat Sinha Roy and from their
comments and suggestions on an earlier draft of the paper. The usual disclaimer applies, however.
among the empiricists about the positive association between FDI inflows and economic
growth. While some studies observe a positive impact of FDI on economic growth,
others detect a negative relationship between these two variables (Aitkin and Harrison
(1999), Djankov and Hoekman (2000), Damijan et al. (2001), Konings (2001),
Castellani and Zanfei (2002a, 2002b), and Zukowska-Gagemann (2002)). In a survey,
Mello (1997) lists two main channels through which FDI may be growth enhancing:
First, FDI can encourage the adoption of new technology in the production process
through capital spillovers. Second, FDI may stimulate knowledge transfers, both in
terms of labour training and skill acquisition and by introducing alternative management
practices and better organizational arrangements. A survey by OECD (2002) underpins
these observations and documents that 11 out of 14 studies have found FDI to contribute
positively to income growth and factor productivity. Both Mello and OECD stress one
key insight from all the studies reviewed: the way in which FDI affects growth is likely
to depend on the economic and technological conditions in the host country. In
particular it appears that the host countries have to reach a certain level of development
in education and/or infrastructure, before they are able to capture potential benefits
associated with FDI. Otherwise the potential benefits remain far from realized including
a weak or insignificant impact on economic growth.
Four studies, relying on a variety of cross-country regressions, have looked into the
conditions necessary for identifying FDIs positive impact on economic growth.
Interestingly, they emphasize on different, though closely related, aspects of
development. First, Blomstrom et al. (1994) argue that FDI has a positive growth effect
when a country is sufficiently rich in terms of per capita income. Second, Balasubramanyam
et al. (1996) observe trade openness as being crucial for realization of the potential
growth impact of FDI. Third, Borensztein et al. (1998) find that FDI raises growth, but
only in countries where the labour force has achieved a certain level of education.
Finally, Alfaro et al. (2004) draw attention to financial markets as they find that FDI
promotes economic growth in economies with sufficiently developed financial market.
More recent empirical studies make use of panel data to correct for continuously
evolving country-specific differences in technology, production and socioeconomic
factors, thus eliminating many of the difficulties encountered in cross-country
estimations. Bengoa and Sanchez-Robles (2003) show that FDI is positively correlated
with economic growth, but host countries require human capital, economic stability and
liberalized markets in order to benefit from long-term FDI inflows. Using data on 80
countries for the period 1979-98, Durham (2004) fails to identify a positive relationship
between FDI and economic growth but suggests instead that the effects of FDI are
contingent on the absorptive capability of host countries. Li and Liu (2005) examine a
panel of data for 84 countries over the period 1970-99. A significant endogenous
relationship between FDI and economic growth was identified from the mid-1980s
India has sought to increase inflows of FDI with a liberal trade and investment
policies since 1991 after four decades of caution, if not restrictive attitude to it. The
timing of policy liberalization by India has coincided with the dramatic upsurge in the
global FDI outflow from US $50 billion a year in mid-1980s to cross a peak of US $350
billion in 1996. The 1990s and henceforth have witnessed a sustained rise in annual
inflows to India as well. Although they would appear quite small relative to the kinds of
magnitudes that some of Indias counterparts in Southeast or East Asia attract, the rise
would appear to be impressive. In an analysis of changing patterns of global FDI inflows,
Dunning (1998) has found the rate of growth of investment directed to India to be well
above average although absolute magnitudes remained very small. It is not clear,
however, whether this rise has been provoked by the policy of liberalization alone or has
resulted from expansion of scale of global FDI activity. Since 1990s, the inflows have
also changed from the past patterns in terms of sources, sectoral composition and
organizational form. The period 1991-2004 has also experienced significant increase in
the GDP growth rates in India at an average annual rate of 7%. It is natural then to ask
whether and to what extent the upsurge in FDI inflows during the same period may have
caused or contributed to such increased growth rates. This is one of the two major
concerns of this paper.2
The other concern of this paper is the impact of FDI inflow in India on its
environment. The relationship between FDI inflow and the environment is not simple
either. On the one hand, the much-debated capital flight and pollution heaven
hypotheses (PHH) talk about FDI being attracted into the countries that have relatively
lax environmental regulations or lower environmental taxes. Survey papers by Beghin
(1996) and Jaffe (1995) have dealt with the industrial flight and the pollution heaven
hypotheses. In this case, regarding the relocation of industries, the popular argument is
that the relatively low environmental standards in developed countries compared to the
industrialized nations leads to dirty industries shifting their operations to these
countries. In addition, the general apprehension is that the developing countries may
purposely undervalue the environment in order to attract new investment.
These capital flight and PHH, if true, imply that pollution level of a country will
increase due to FDI-led expansion of economic activities in the dirty industries. Even if
we reject these hypotheses, there can still be significant environmental damages that can
be caused by FDI. Environmental damages, in the long run arise through the growth
On the whole there seems to be a strong relationship between FDI and growth, though the relationship is
highly heterogeneous across countries.
The causation can, of course, run in the opposite direction as well: Fast-growing economies attracting
more FDI, as larger market raises profitability of investment. As in the past, improved economic growth
helped many countries attract more FDI (WIR, 2003). Most of the countries and regions with high economic
growth rates recorded a sharp increase in FDI inflows in 2004.
impact of FDI. At the heart of this relationship lies the observed inverted-U relationship
between output growth and the level of pollution known as the Environment Kuznet
Curve (EKC).3
In the short run, FDI inflows generate both scale and composition effects. The scale
effect refers to an increase in the pollution emission and resource depletion cropping up
from FDI-led greater economic activity. On the other hand, the composition effect is the
change in the share of dirty goods in GDP, which may come about because of a price
change favouring their production. Income growth may also have a favourable effect in
long run on the environment by changing the demand towards relatively cleaner goods
[Dean (1999)]. This causes the share of pollution-intensive goods in output to fall,
reducing the pollution emission. With a constant scale of the economy and no change in
the emission intensities per industry, this effect would decrease total pollution. At low
output and income levels, the adverse scale effect seems to be more prominent resulting
in overall degradation of the environment due to FDI inflow as indicated by the upward
rising part of the EKC.
However, empirical testing of these composition and scale effects are not easy as
there are many methodological and conceptual issues that are involved in measuring the
environmental damages. First of all, some dirty industries cause air pollution (such as
cement, fuel, wood, transportation), some cause water pollution (such as chemicals,
paper and pulp) and a few cause both air and water pollution (such as metals).
Conceptually it is not very meaningful to combine air and water pollution emissions, and
thus arrive at some aggregate measure of pollution emission or degradation of the
environmental quality of a country and thus relate that measure to FDI inflow. Second,
even in case of air pollution, there are local pollutants and global pollutants. SO2, CO
and NOX are three major local air pollutants whereas CO2 is the major global pollutant.
Thus, to estimate relationship among FDI, growth and environmental degradation, one
has to properly define the focus and scope of the study. Though we make some cursory
look at composition effect of FDI in India during the 1990s in terms of the share of dirty
industries in total FDI inflow, non-availability of data on local as well as global air
pollutants emitted by different industries for sufficiently long time period constrains us
to examine only the growth-effect of FDI on the CO2 emission by India.4 In the global
economy context, however, examining the impact on global air pollutant like CO2
emission may be more relevant, particularly given the fact that during the late 1990s
India emerged as the fourth highest in the global ranking of CO2 emissions.
Given these concerns we derive the following results. First, a cointegration analysis
shows that during 1980-2003, FDI inflow did have some positive though marginal, long
run impact on growth of aggregate output. Second, the declining share of dirty industries
in total FDI inflow does not provide any first-hand evidence on PHH in India after the
See Dinda (2004) for a survey of EKC.
Sectoral decomposition of FDI in India is also available only after the mid 1990s.
mid 1990s. This does not rule out though the adverse environmental impact of FDI flows
since the share of dirty industries in aggregate output may have increased. Third, FDI
seems to have a quite large long run positive impact on the CO2 emission through GDP
growth. Thus, our estimates provide some empirical support that FDI inflow has caused
degradation of air quality as measured by CO2 emission. Since CO2 emission is a global
pollutant in nature, this result has some far reaching implications for the global
environment as well. This may, however, be an underestimation of the adverse impact of
FDI inflow on the environment because the changes in water pollution and local air
pollutants are not estimated.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we examine the impact of
FDI inflow on GDP growth in India. Section 3 discusses the relationship between FDI
inflow and the environment. Finally, we conclude the paper in section 4.
The data used in this study consists of total FDI expressed in Million US $ observed
for the period 1980-2003. The data is primarily taken from World Development
Indicator (2007). Another variable in this study is GDP growth, also converted in
Million US $ for the period 1980-2003. Here the focus is on examination of the causal
relationship between FDI and GDP growth. A first look at the data reveals that there has
been a steady annual increase in the total amount of FDI approved over the last decade.
It has risen from a modest US $79.2 million in 1980 to US $4,334 million in 2001.
There had been, however, some sharp declines in FDI inflow during 1997-99 and after
the year 20015 when the highest inflow of FDI was recorded. But overall, there has been
a quite sharp and statistically significant upward trend in FDI inflow during 1980-2003
[see Figure 1]. The GDP growth, on the other hand, had a dip down during 1991-93, but
thereafter had steadily increased.
Before going into any rigorous econometric exercise, we first investigate the time
series properties of the FDI and GDP series. We take all the variables in log form and a
comparison of FDI and GDP growth in log form is shown in Figure 2. This log
conversion will capture, in a simple OLS, by what percentage point the GDP grows
following a 1% growth in FDI inflow. The Augmented Dickey-Fuller (henceforth, ADF)
test for the unit root reveals that the log GDP series is non-stationary both at the level
There has been upsurge of FDI inflow again during the past three years.
and at the first difference but stationary at the second difference.6 Similar unit root test
confirms that log FDI series is non-stationary at the level but stationary at the first
difference. This makes it difficult to carry out any meaningful econometric exercise
since the log GDP series is I(2) whereas log FDI is I(1).
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002
However, a closer look at the GDP series indicates a structural break in 1992. This is
not unexpected because major structural reforms of the Indian economy along with
significant liberalization of the international trade and exchange rate policies were
introduced during 1990-1991, which had some far reaching implications for GDP
growth. Also a look at the FDI series reveal a structural break in the year 1996, which is
quite natural as India has experienced a shift of regime in its trade reforms during that
period. Both these structural breaks are confirmed by relevant CUSUMSQ tests.7
To account for the structural break in log GDP we introduce a dummy variable for
the intercept and a time-dummy variable for the trend. A re-test for unit root confirms
log GDP series as a stationary one at the first difference. Thus, both the LGDP (taking
into account the structural break) and LFDI are I(1), rendering a co-integration
regression meaningful at the level where these two series are non-stationary.
The original GDP series is also non-stationary at the level.
See Brown, Durbin and Evans for application of recursive residuals test and CUSUMSQ test for
structural change over time.
0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004
For the cointegration regression, we estimate the following relationship taking both
the intercept and trend dummies for the year 1992:8
where t is the trend variable measured chronologically and D1 , D2 are the intercept and
time dummies such that
D j = 0 for 1980-1991,
D j = 1 for 1992-2003; j = 1, 2
Table 1 reports the cointegration regression result and the ADF test statistic for unit
root of the estimated residuals. Since the computed value of ADF test statistic is much
more negative than the critical value at 1% level, our conclusion is that the residuals
from the above regression are I(0), that is they are stationary at the level. Hence the
above regression is not a spurious one, even though individually lnGDP and lnFDI are
non-stationary at the level. Thus lnGDP and lnFDI are cointegrated, i.e., there is a stable
long-run relationship between GDP growth and growth in FDI inflow during
1980-2003.9 Also note that all the estimated coefficients are significant.
The year 1992 also appears to be the year of structural break of the residuals for the estimation of the
relationship ln GDP = a 0 + a1t + a 2 ln FDI + u t .
This is also confirmed by the computed value of cointegrating regression Durbin Watson (CRDW)
statistic of 1.52 which is above the critical value of 0.511 at 1% level of significance as provided in Sargan &
Bhargava (1983).
Thus, cointegration analysis does indicate a positive long run impact of FDI inflow
on GDP growth though the value of the growth-elasticity of FDI inflow is rather low as
indicated by the estimated coefficient of FDI.
Table 1. Long Run Growth Impact of FDI Inflow in India During 1980-2003
Dependent Variable: lnGDP
Variables Coefficients
Constant 5.185065*
Time 0.019782*
Constant Dummy (1992) -0.211046*
Time Dummy (1992) 0.008262**
lnFDI 0.032383***
R2 0.974671
DW test statistic 1.516018
Unit root test for residuals (First Difference)
ADF test statistic -3.365851*
R2 0.623424
Notes: t-values are shown in parentheses and *, **, and *** denote significance at 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10 levels
respectively. For ADF test, the MacKinnon critical value for rejection of hypothesis of a unit root is -2.6819
for the significance at 0.01.
During the past few decades many poor countries have experienced rapid economic
development after adopting liberal economic policies. More recently, attention has been
turned to the possible impact of differences in environmental regulations.
Regulation of industrial pollution increases with economic development for two
main reasons. First, the demand for environmental quality rises with income, both for
aesthetic reasons and because the valuation of pollution damage increases. Second, more
developed economies have more highly developed public institutions and are more
capable of enforcing desirable environmental norms. If the income elasticity of
regulation is greater than one, the developing countries will not retain a comparative
advantage in dirty production.
As mentioned earlier, the capital flight and pollution heaven hypotheses constitute
two major popular perceptions regarding the link between FDI and the environment.
Capital flows into the country (and sectors) where the environmental standards are less
stringent and the developing countries keep such standards deliberately low to attract
FDI. In the Indian context, to test for such explanations, we first of all need a clearly
defined set of dirty industries. A conventional approach in the literature has been to
identify pollution-intensive sectors as those that incur high levels of abatement
expenditure per unit of output in the US and other OECD economies (Low (1991)).
Another more direct approach is to select sectors that rank high on actual emission
intensity (emission per unit of output). We here adopt the former approach to select our
group of dirty industries which include pulp and paper products, organic chemicals,
inorganic chemicals, radioactive materials, mineral tars and petroleum chemicals,
manufactured fertilizers, paper and board, paper articles, plywood and improved wood,
wood manufactures, refined petroleum, agricultural chemicals and cement.
Given this set of dirty industries, one simple way to look at the environmental impact
of FDI and to study whether pollution heaven hypothesis can at all be a plausible
explanation of FDI inflow is to examine the composition of FDI inflow and the share of
these sectors in total FDI inflow. However, sectoral decomposition of FDI inflow in
India is available only after mid 1990s with cumulative FDI inflow figures during
1991-95. Thus, no rigorous econometric or statistical time series analysis is possible.
However, from Figure 3, it is evident that among the highly polluting industries except
for Fuels, Transportation and Chemicals, the FDI inflow has been rather small during
1996-2003. FDI inflow has been even smaller in cement and gypsum industry which
contributes almost 7 percent of worlds air pollution through CO2 emission.10
Figure 4, on the other hand, illustrates the changing composition of the FDI inflow
across manufacturing and (relatively less or non-polluting) services and within the
manufacturing industries. Almost one-third of FDI inflow is being attracted in the
service sectors with a significant proportion of it going to the telecommunication and
software services. On the other hand, there has been a declining trend in the percentage
share of dirty industry in total FDI inflow attracted by the manufacturing sector in India
since 1998. The overall trend shows a gradual fall in percentage of this sector. More
recent data indicates that this fall is even larger after 2005.
The CO2 emission per capita by cement and gypsum industry in India has increased from 0.14 metric
ton in 1980 to 0.32 metric ton in 2003 according to estimates of Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre,
Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
30000 (Other than Fertilizers)
Drugs &
20000 Paper & Pulp
Including Paper
15000 Product
Textiles (Includ
10000 Dyed, Printed)
5000 Industry
Percentage Share
1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
% of Dirty in Tot Manufacturing Share of Services Excluding Transport in Total FDI
Many factors may explain this relative decline of FDI flow into the pollution-intensive
industries in India since 1998. One plausible explanation may be the lower income
elasticity for dirty goods which means less demand in the developed nations. Another
possible explanation may be that regulation probably led to both significant abatement by
pollution-intensive industries in India and displacement of some pollution-intensive
production to Indias trading partner. On the other hand, reasons for change in the sectoral
diversification of FDI inflows towards service sector in India is an outcome of increased
outsourcing activities by the MNCs particularly in telecommunications and software
service sectors. On the whole the PHH does not appear to be an acceptable argument
behind FDI inflow in India, at least since mid-1990s. This does not mean, however, that
FDI inflow did not cause any environmental damages. Without having proper empirical
estimates on the relationship between sectoral composition of FDI inflow and sectoral
contribution of environmental damages it is premature to conclude either way. This is
because the pollution intensities and emission rates differ across the sectors. Moreover FDI
inflows may have multiplier effects on sectoral growth which may also differ significantly
across the sectors due to asymmetries in the production and labour market conditions.
Thus even a small FDI inflow may have a large long run growth impact on environmental
damages caused by different industries. However, as we have already noted, there is not
much of data available on the contribution of different industries to the environmental
degradation as well as on the distribution of FDI inflow for a reasonably longer period of
time to carry out any meaningful empirical tests. On the other hand, there is no uniform
indicator of pollution emission as well. Some industries cause water pollution, some cause
air pollution and a few contribute to both. There are the issues of local and global
pollutants being emitted as well.
In general the environmental damage can be categorized in two different types, e.g.,
pollutants with more short term and local impacts, rather than those with more global
indirect and long term impacts (Arrow et al. (1995), Cole et al. (1997), John et al.
(1995)). One of the most important local pollutants is water and among other local
pollutants we have SO2, SPM, NOx and CO (Cole et al. (1997)). In contrast the global
environmental indicators having indirect impact of FDI are like CO2, municipal wastes,
energy consumption (Horvath (1997)) and traffic noise and the like.
Though CO2 emission are not available at the industry level except for a few
industries like cement and gypsum and fuel, the national CO2 emission - both the gross
level and per capita rates - are available for our period of study. This enables us to
examine the long run growth impact of FDI inflow in India on its air quality in terms of
the effect on CO2 emission. In what follows we examine and quantify this long run
growth effect of FDI. Of course, since air pollution is only one component of
environmental degradation, the analysis capturing the growth impact on CO2 emissions
will only be an underestimate of the actual environmental damage that may have been
caused by the FDI inflow in India.
Both the growth in total CO2 emissions (in Kiloton) and metric tons per capita show
increasing trend during 1980-2003. To make the units of CO2 emission comparable with
our GDP and FDI series, we consider log of total CO2 emissions which is shown in
Figure 5. A CUSUMSQ test indicates a structural break in the time trend of lnCO2 in the
year 1990. Thus, we test stationarity of lnCO2 series considering both constant and trend
dummies for the year 1990 and find that it is non-stationary at the level but stationary at
the first difference. Thus once again, though no causality test can be meaningful, the
co-integration regression can be carried out to reflect the long run (stable) relationship
between the GDP growth and CO2 emission (per capita).
CO2 Emissions
1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002
However, since we are concerned here to quantify the indirect effect of FDI on
environment through GDP growth we proceed as follows. Referring back to the
cointegration regression result suggesting a long run stable impact of FDI inflow on
GDP growth in India, the estimated b 2 lnFDI in (2) quantifies the growth impact of
FDI inflow during 1980-2003. Thus this estimated value can be considered as the
component of GDP growth that is explained by the growth in FDI inflow. Hence, for our
purpose, instead of lnGDP we consider b 2 lnFDI, redefined as BLFDI, as one of the
explanatory variable for growth in (total) CO2 emission during the same period. The
value of b 2 is taken to be the estimated value of 0.0323 as reported in Table 1. Thus
we estimate the following relationship:
where, BLFDI = 0.0323 (lnFDI) and D1 and D2 are the intercept and trend
dummies respectively,
D j = 0 for 1980-1990,
D j = 1 for 1991-2003; j = 1, 2 .
The co-integration regression is reported in Table 2 along with the unit root test for
residual. The estimated value of ADF statistic suggests that CO2 and BLFDI are
cointegrated and the regression is not a spurious one.11 Thus, there has been a stable
long run positive growth impact of FDI inflow in India on CO2 emission during
1980-2003, and the magnitude of the FDI-led growth elasticity of CO2 emission is quite
high at 0.864. That is, the FDI inflow raises 0.86% of CO2 emission for every 1%
growth in GDP that such inflow contributes to.
Once again, the computed value of DW test statistic for the cointegration regression rejects the null
hypothesis of cointegration at the 1% level of significance and thus reconfirms that the regression is not
Using the data on GDP growth, FDI inflow and CO2 emissions in India during
1980-2003, we have examined, first, the growth impact of FDI, and second FDI-induced
growth impact on the CO2 emission. Our cointegration analysis shows that FDI inflow in
India did have a positive, but marginal, long run impact on GDP growth. On the other
hand, though the pollution heaven hypothesis may not be a plausible argument for the
upsurge in FDI inflow in the 1990s, such inflows did have a quite large positive impact
on the CO2 emissions through output growth. This, however, may be an underestimate
since the effect of FDI on water pollution and on the local air pollutants are not
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Received April 15, 2008, Revised December 4, 2008, Accepted March 4, 2009.