Steel Design Tables

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Table 2-1.

Allowable Stress on Fasteners, MPa

Allowable Shear g (Fv)

Slip-Critical Connections e, i Bearing-type
Oversized Long Slotted Holes connectionsl
Description of Fasteners Tensio Standard
and Short Transver
ng size Parallelj
Slotted sei
(Ft) Holes Load
Holes Load
A502, Gr. 1, hot-driven
158a 120f
A502, Gr. 2, hot-driven
200a 152f
A307 bolts 138a 68.9b,f
Threaded parts meeting
the requirements of Sec
A3.1 and A3.4 and A449
bolts meeting the 0.33Fu
0.17Fu h
requirements of Sec a,c,h

A3.4 when threads are

not excluded from shear
Threaded parts meeting
the requirements of Sec
A3.1 and A3.4 and A449
bolts meeting the 0.33Fu
0.22Fu h
requirements of Sec a,h

A3.4, when threads are

excluded from shear
A325 bolts, when
threads are not
303d 117 103 82.7 68.9 145f
excluded from shear
A325 bolts, when
threads are excluded 303d 117 103 82.7 68.9 207f
from shear planes
A490 bolts, when
threads are not
372d 145 124 103 89.6 193f
excluded from shear
A490 bolts, when
threads are excluded 372d 145 124 103 89.6 276f
from shear planes
Static loading only
Threads permitted in shear planes
Tensile capacity of the threaded portion of an upset rode based upon the cross-sectional area at
its major thread diameter Ab shall be larger than the nominal body are of the rod before upsetting
times 0.6Fy.
For A325 and A490 bolts subject to tensile fatigue loading, See Sec 155.5. 1.5
Class A (slip coefficient 0.33). Clean mill scale and blast-cleaned surfaces with Class A coatings.
When specified by the designer, the allowable shear stress, Fv, for slip-critical connection having
special faying surface conditions may be increased to the applicable value given in the RCSC
When bearing-type connections used to splice tension members gave a fastener patterns whose
length, measured parallel to the line of force, exceed 1250mm, tabulated values shall be reduced
by 20%.
See Section 501.5.2.
See Table 2. Numerical Values Section for values for specific ASTM steel soecifications.
For limitations on use of oversized and slotted holes, see Section 510.4.2.
For Direction of load application relative to long axis of slot.
Table 2-2. Nominal Hole Dimensions, mm

Hole Dimensions, mm
diam. Long-slot
Standard Oversize slot
(mm) (width x
(Diam) (Diam) (width x
12 14 16 14 x 17 14 x 32
16 17 21 17 x 22 17 x 40
20 21 24 21 x 25 21 x 48
22 24 27 24 x 28 24 x 55
25 27 32 27 x 33 27 x 63
(d + 1.6)
(d + 1.6) x
28 d + 1.6 d+8 x (d +
(2.5 + d)

Table 2-3. Values of Spacing Increment, C1, mm

Slotted Holes
Oversized Perpendicul Parallel to line of force
diameter of
Hole ar to line of Long-
fastener Short-slots
force slots*
22 3.0 0 5.0 1.5d - 1.6
25 5.0 0 6.0 36
28 6.0 0 8.0 1.5d - 1.6
* When length of slot is less than maximum allowed in Table 2-2,
C1 may be reduced by the difference between the maximum and
actual slot lengths.

Table 2-4. Minimum Edge Distance, mm

(Center of Standard Holea to Edge of Connected Part)

At Rolled Edges of
Plates, Shapes or Bars,
Diameter of At Sheared Edges
Gas Cut or Saw-cut
12 22 20
16 28 22
20 32 25
22 28c 28
25 45c 32
28 50 38
32 56 42
Over 32 1.75 x Diam. 1.25 x Diam.
For oversized or slotted holes, See Table 2-5
All edge distances in this column may be reduced 3mm when
the hole is at a point where stress does not exceed 25% of the
maximum design strength in the element.
These may be 32 mm at the ends of beam connection angle.
Table 2-5. Values of Edge Distance C2, mm

Nominal Slotted Holes

diameter of Parallel to Perpendicular to Edge
fastener Edge Short-slots Long-slots*
22 1.5 0 3.0
25 3.0 0 3.0 0.75d
28 3.0 0 3.0
* When length of slot is less than maximum allowable (see Table 2-
2), C2 may be reduced by one-half the difference between the
maximum and actual slot lengths.

Table 2-6. Minimum Pretension for Fully-tightened Bolts, kN*

Bolt Size
A325 Bolts A490 Bolts
12 53.3 66.7
16 84.5 106
20 124 155
22 173 217
25 226 284
28 249 355
32 315 453
35 378 538
38 458 658
* Equal to 0.7 of minimum tensile strength of
bolts as specified in ASTM specification for A325
and A490 bolts with UNC threads.

Table 2-7. Allowable Tensile Stress Ft for Fasteners in Bearing-type Connection in the Presence of
Shear Stress (MPa)

Description of Threads Included in Shear Threads Excluded from

Fasteners Planes Shear Planes
A307 bolts 179.2 1.8 137.8

A325 bolts ( 303 ) 4.39


( 303 ) 2.15


A490 bolts ( 372 ) 3.75


( 372 ) 1.82


Threaded parts,
0.43 Fu 1.4 0.33
A449 bolts over 0.43 Fu 1.8 0.33 Fu
38mm diameter
A502 Gr. 1
207 1.3 159
A502 Gr. 2
262 1.3 200
= computed shearing stress, MPa
Fu = Specified minimum tensile strength of fastener, MPa
Table 2-8. Numerical values of Fy and Fu

Item Fy (MPa) Fu (MPa)
Shapes, Plates, Bars, Sheet and Tubing or Threaded Parts

A36 248 400 to 551

A53 241 414
A501 248 400
A529 290 414 to 586
276 379
290 400
689 758 to 896
620 689 to 896
310 448
345 483

A852 483 621 to 758

634 827
Bolts A449 558 724
400 621

Table 2-9. Effective Net Area Coefficient for Fastener, U

Minimum number
of fasteners per
Types of members line in the U
direction of
(a) All segments are connected to
1 1
transmit the tension
(b) W, M, or S sections
bf 2
3 0.90
d 3
Connection to flange(s)
(c) Tees
bf 4
3 0.90
d 3
Connection to flange
(d) W, M or S sections not meeting 3 0.85
the conditions of (b), Tees not
meeting the conditions of (c), and
all other shapes, including built-
up sections
(e) All sections 2 0.75

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