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Thermodynamics Books

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See main: Affinity, Affinity chemistry, Dynamics, Caloric theory, etc.

1. Bergman, Torbern. (1775). A Dissertation on Elective Attractions. London: Frank Cass &
2. Lavoisier, Antoine. (1789). Elements of Chemistry. London: G.G. and J.J. Robinsons.
3. Hamilton, William R. (1835). On a General Method in Dynamics, Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society.
Classical thermodynamics
See main: Classical thermodynamics
1. Carnot, Sadi. (1824). Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire and on Machines Fitted to
Develop that Power. Paris: Chez Bachelier, Libraire, Quai Des Augustins, No. 55.
2. Clapeyron, Emile. (1834). Memoir on the Motive Power of Heat, Journal de lEcole
3. Clausius, Rudolf. (1850). "On the Motive Power of Heat, and on the Laws
Which can be Deduced From it for the Theory of Heat." Poggendorff's Annalen der
Physik, LXXIX, 368, 500.
4. Helmholtz, Hermann von. (1862). "On the Conservation of
Force", Introduction to a Series of Lectures Delivered at the Carsruhe in the Winter
of 1862-63.
5. Clausius, R. (1865). The Mechanical Theory of Heat: with its Applications to the Steam
Engine and to Physical Properties of Bodies (trans. Thomas Hirst, 1867). London: John van
6. Tait, Peter G. (1868). Sketch of Thermodynamics. Kessinger Publisher.
7. Maxwell, James C. (1871). Theory of Heat. New York: Dover.
8. McCulloch, Richard S. (1876). Treatise on the Mechanical Theory of Heat: and
its Applications to the Steam-Engine, etc. New York: D. Van Nostrand Publishers.
9. Clausius, Rudolf. (1879). The Mechanical Theory of Heat. London: Macmillan &
Co. (second edition), original.
10. Nernst, Walther. (1895). Theoretical Chemistry: from the Standpoint of Avogadros Rule
& Thermodynamics. MacMillan and Co.
General thermodynamics
See main: Thermodynamics, etc.
1. Planck, Max. (1897). Treatise on Thermodynamics. Dover.
2. Poincare, Henri. (1903). Science and Hypothesis. Dover.
3. Haber, Fritz. (1905). Thermodynamics of Technical Gas Reactions. Longmans, Green,
and Co.
4. Nernst, Walther. (1926). The New Heat Theorem: Its Foundations in Theory and
Experiment. E.P. Dutton & Co.
5. Bridgman, Percy W. (1934). The Thermodynamics of Electrical Phenomena; and a
Condensed Collection of Thermodynamics Formulas. Dover, 1961.
6. Fermi, Enrico. (1936). Thermodynamics. New York: Dover.
7. Epstein, Paul. (1937). Textbook of Thermodynamics. John Wiley & Sons.
8. Bridgman, Peter W. (1941). The Nature of Thermodynamics. New York: Harper
9. Keenan, Joseph H. (1941). Thermodynamics. New York: John Wiley & Sons,
10. Zemansky, Mark W. (1943). Heat and Thermodynamics - an Intermediate
Textbook for Students of Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering (2nd ed.). New York:
McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
11. Orbert, Edward F. (1948). Thermodynamics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.,
12. Guggenheim, Eduard. (1959). Thermodynamics - an Advanced Treatment for
Chemists and Physicists, 4th Ed. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
13. Hill, Terrell L. (1964). Thermodynamics of Small Systems - Two Volumes
Bound as One. New York: Dover.
14. Hatsopoulos, George N. and Keenan, Joseph H. (1965). Principles of General
Thermodynamics. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
15. Reiss, Howard. (1965). Methods of Thermodynamics. New York: Dover
16. Kestin, Joseph. (1966). A Course in Thermodynamics. London: Blaisdell
Publishing Co.
17. Tisza, Laszlo. (1966). Generalized Thermodynamics. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
18. Tykodi, Ralph J. (1967). Thermodynamics of Steady State. MacMillan.
19. Ness, H.C., Van. (1969). Understanding Thermodynamics. New York: Dover.
20. Wylen, Gordon J. Van and Sonntag, Richard. (1973). Fundamentals of Classical
Thermodynamics. John Wiley & Sons.
21. Sychev, Vladimir V. (1973). Complex Thermodynamic Systems (Slozhnye
Termodinamicheskie Sistemy). 1982, 3rd ed.Import Pubn.
22. Gal-Or, Benjamin. (1974). Modern Developments in Thermodynamics: an
Interdisciplinary Collective Treatise. Wiley.
23. Wood, Bernard D. (1982). Applications of Thermodynamics (2nd ed.). London:
Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
24. Adkins, C.J. (1983). Equilibrium Thermodynamics (3rd ed.). Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
25. Waldram, J.R. (1985). The Theory of Thermodynamics. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
26. Black, William Z. and Hartley, James G. (1996). Thermodynamics (3rd ed.).
New York: Harper Collins.
27. Perrot, Pierre. (1998). A to Z of Thermodynamics, Oxford: Oxford University
28. Kondepudi, Dilip and Prigogine, Ilya. (1998). Modern Thermodynamics from
Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
29. Honig, J.M. (1999). Thermodynamics (2nd ed.). New York: Academic Press.
30. Wark, Kenneth and Richards, Donald E. (1999). Thermodynamics (6th
ed.).New York: McGraw-Hill.
31. Gyftopoulos, Elias P. and Berretta, Gian-Paolo. (2005). Thermodynamics -
Foundations and Applications (2nd ed.). New York: Dover.
32. Haddad, Wassim, M., Chellaboina, VijaySekhar, and Nersesov, Sergey, G.
(2005). Thermodynamics - a Dynamical Systems Approach. Princeton: Princeton
University Press.
33. Veer, Udai. (2006). Encyclopedia of Thermodynamics (Vol. 1. Thermodynamic systems;
Vol. 2. Thermodynamic laws). Anmol Publications Pvt Ltd.
34. Potter, Merle C. and Somerton, Craig W. (2009). Schaum's Outlines: Thermodynamics
for Engineers. McGraw-Hill.
Chemical thermodynamics
See main: Chemical thermodynamics
1. Gibbs, J. Willard. (1873). "Graphical Methods in the Thermodynamics of
Fluids", Transactions of the Connecticut Academy, I. pp. 309-342, April-May.
2. Gibbs, J. Willard. (1873). "A Method of Geometrical Representation of the
Thermodynamic Properties of Substances by Means of Surfaces", Transactions of
the Connecticut Academy, II. pp.382-404, Dec.
3. Gibbs, Willard. (1876). "On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous
Substances", Transactions of the Connecticut Academy, III. pp. 108-248, Oct., 1875-
May, 1876, and pp. 343-524, may, 1877-July, 1878.
4. Vant Hoff, J.H. (1896). Studies in Chemical Dynamics: Revised and Enlarged by Ernst
Cohen (trans. Thomas Ewan). London: Williams & Norgate.
5. Sackur, Otto. (1917). A Textbook of Thermo-chemistry and Thermodynamics. MacMillan.
6. Lewis, Gilbert N. and Randall, Merle. (1923). Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of
Chemical Substances, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.
7. Partington, J.R. (1924). Chemical Thermodynamics: An Introduction to General
Thermodynamics and its Applications to Chemistry. D. Van Nostrand.
8. Butler, John A.V. (1928). The Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics (Part 1:
Elementary Theory and Electrochemistry). Macmillan and Co.
9. Butler, John A.V. (1935). The Fundamentals of Chemical Thermodynamics (Part 2:
thermodynamical Functions and Their Applications). Macmillan and Co.
10. Guggenheim, Eduard, A. (1933). Modern Thermodynamics by the Methods of
Willard Gibbs. London: Methuen & Co.
11. De Donder, Theophile. (1936). Thermodynamic Theory of Affinity: A Book of Principles.
Stanford University Press.
12. Glasstone, Samuel B. (1946). Thermodynamics for Chemists. D. Van Nostrand Co.
13. Rossini, Frederick D. (1950). Chemical Thermodynamics, New York: John Wiley
& Sons, Inc.
14. Koltz, Irving M. (1950). Chemical Thermodynamics - Basic Theory and
Methods. New York: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
15. Kirkwood, J.G. and Oppennheim, Irwin. (1961). Chemical
Thermodynamics. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co. Inc.
16. Mahan, Bruce H. (1963). Elementary Chemical Thermodynamics. New York:
Dover (reprint).
17. Waser, Jurg. (1966). Basic Chemical Thermodynamics. New York: W.A.
Benjamin, Inc.
18. Nash, Leonard K. (1970). Elements of Chemical Thermodynamics (2nd ed.),
New York: Dover (reprint).
19. Everett, Douglas Hugh. (1972). Introduction to the Study of Chemical Thermodynamics.
London: Longmans.
20. Denbigh, Kenneth. (1981). The Principles of Chemical Equilibrium (4th ed.).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
21. Felder, Richard M. and Rousseau, Ronald W. (1986). Elementary Principles of
Chemical Processes (2nd ed.). New York: John Wiley & Sons.
22. Wood, Scott E. and Battino, Rubin. (1990). Thermodynamics of Chemical
Systems. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
23. Reid, Charles E. (1990). Chemical Thermodynamics. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing
24. Boerio-Goates, Juliana, and Ott, J., Bevan. (2000). Chemical Thermodynamics:
Principles and Applications. New York: Elsevier Academic Press.
25. Ott, J. Bevan and Boerio-Goates, Juliana. (2000). Chemical Thermodynamics:
Advanced Applications. Elsevier.
26. Devoe, Howard. (2001). Thermodynamics and Chemistry. Prentice Hall.
27. Smith, Brian E. (2004). Basic Chemical Thermodynamics (4th ed.). London: Imperial
College Press.

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