Contractual Agreement OMT1317 - NOU-V1
Contractual Agreement OMT1317 - NOU-V1
Contractual Agreement OMT1317 - NOU-V1
Name of the agreement
The hereby Agreement is concluded between:
The National Railway Company CFR S.A., headquartered in Bucharest, Dinicu Golescu Av.,
no. 38, District 1, postal code 010873, Romania, phone +40213192400, fax +40213123059, e-mail:
[email protected], registered at the Trade Register Office by the Law Court of Bucharest,
J40/9774/1998, single registration number RO 11054529, IBAN code no. .., opened at the
Public Treasury and Accountancy Activity of Bucharest, represented Mr. - General Director, in
his capacity of Contracting Authority/ BENEFICIARY (hereinafter referred to as Beneficiary) on
one side and
Considering that the Beneficiary agreed that the hereby Agreement is to be performed by the
Entrepreneur and accepting the Entrepreneurs offer for the performance and completion of the
hereby agreement and fixing of the related faults.
or other amounts that could become payable according to the Agreement at the date and
according to the methods stipulated in the Agreement.
Total value of the advance payment, number and date of the installments (if there is more than
one), currency and their proportions defined in the Appendix attached to the offer.
The Amount/Percentage of the advance guarantee instrument is defined in the Appendix
attached to the offer.
The adjustment of the agreement value that is accepted by the conclusion of an additional act to
the agreement
The additional acts, and protocols have the order of precedence of the document that is
All the adjustments and completions done to the tender documentation until the moment of
submission of the tenders as well as the clarifications from the evaluation period are being part
of the hereby agreement (according to their dimension/volume will archived on electronic
The hereby Contractual Agreement was signed in the presence of the signing parties. This
Contractual Agreement produces its effects starting from the date of signing by the last party,
namely the Beneficiary.
For the beneficiary - CFR SA Entrepreneur
Name: Name:
Title: Title:
Date: Date: