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Chapter 6 Notes - Chemical Bonding

Chemical bond - A mutual electrical attraction between the nuclei and valence electrons of
different atoms that binds the atoms together

6-1 Introduction to Chemical Bonding

I. Types of Chemical Bonding
A. Ionic Bonding
1. Chemical bonding that results from the electrical attraction between large
numbers of cations and anions
2. Electrons are transferred in pure ionic bonding
B. Covalent Bonding
1. Results from the sharing of electron pairs between two atoms
a. Nonpolar Covalent Bond - A covalent bond in which the bonding
electrons are shared equally by the bonded atoms, resulting in a
balanced distribution of charge
b. Polar Covalent Bond - A covalent bond in which the bonded atoms
have an unequal attraction for the shared electrons and a resulting
unbalanced distribution of charge

General Rules for Determining Bond Character

Bond Type Electronegativity Difference Percent Ionic Character
Ionic Greater than 1.7 Greater than 50%
Polar Covalent Between 0.3 and 1.7 Between 5% and 50%
Nonpolar Covalent 0.3 and less Less than 5%

6-2 Covalent Bonding and Molecular Compounds

I. Important Definitions
A. Molecule
1. A neutral group of atoms that are held together by covalent bonds
B. Diatomic Molecule
1. A molecule containing only two atoms
C. Molecular Compound
1. A chemical compound whose simplest units are molecules
D. Chemical Formula
1. Indicates the relative numbers of atoms of each kind of a chemical
compound by using atomic symbols and numerical subscripts
E. Molecular Formula
1. Shows the types and numbers of atoms combined in a single molecule of
a molecular compound

II. Formation of a Covalent Bond
A. Interatomic Forces
1. As atoms approach one another, there are a number of forces at work
a. repulsion of one nucleus for another
b. repulsion of electrons for other electrons
c. attraction of electrons to nuclei
B. Energy Considerations
1. Atoms approach each other
a. Potential energy decreases as attractive forces dominate over
repulsive forces
2. Atoms get too close
a. Potential energy begins to increase as repulsive forces dominate
over attractive forces

III. Characteristics of the Covalent Bond

A. Bond Length
1. The distance between two bonded atoms at their minimum potential
B. Bond Energy
1. The energy required to break of chemical bond and form neutral isolated

H2 + 436 kJ 2H
2. Covalent Bonding in Hydrogen

1s 1s

1s 1s

Hydrogen Hydrogen
Atoms Molecules

Bond Lengths and Bond Energies for Selected Covalent Bonds

Bond Length (pm) Energy Bond Length (pm) Energy
(kJ/mol) (kJ/mol)
H-H 74 436 C-C 154 346
F-F 141 159 C-N 147 305
Cl - Cl 199 243 C-O 143 358
Br - Br 228 193 C-H 109 418
I- I 267 151 C - Cl 177 327
H-F 92 569 C - Br 194 285
H - Cl 127 432 N-N 145 180
H - Br 141 366 N-H 101 386
H-I 161 299 O-H 96 459

IV. The Octet Rule

A. The Octet Rule
1. Chemical compounds tend to form so that each atom, by gaining, losing or
sharing electrons, has an octet of electrons in its highest occupied energy
B. Diatomic Fluorine

1s 2s 2p

1s 2s 2p

C. Hydrogen Chloride


1s 2s 2p 3s 3p

D. Exceptions to the Octet Rule

1. Hydrogen Bonding
a. Two valence electrons (helium configuration)
2. Expanded Valence
a. More than eight electrons
b. d orbitals involved as well as s and p

V. Electron-Dot Notation
A. Electron-dot Notation
1. An electron-configuration notation in which only the valence electrons of an
atom of a particular element are shown, indicated by dots placed around
the element's symbol
2. Inner shell electrons are not shown
3. These are the electrons usually involved in the formation of covalent bonds

VI. Lewis Structures
A. Unshared Pairs (Lone Pairs)
1. A pair of electrons that is not involved in bonding and that belongs exclusively to
one atom
B. Lewis Structures
1. Formulas in which atomic symbols represent nuclei and inner-shell
electrons, dot pairs or dashes between two atomic symbols represent
electron pairs in covalent bonds, and dots adjacent to only one atomic
symbol represent unshared electrons

C. Structural Formula
1. Formulas indicating the kind, number, arrangement, and bonds but not
unshared pairs of the atoms in a molecule

D. Drawing Lewis Structures (trichloromethane, CHCl3 as an example)

1. Determine the type and number of atoms in the molecule
1 x C, 1 x H, 3 x Cl
2. Write the electron dot notation for each type of atom in the molecule

3. Determine the total number of valence electrons to be combined

C 1 x 4e- = 4e-
H 1 x 1e = 1e-
Cl 3 x 7e- = 21e-
4. Arrange the atoms to form a skeleton structure for the molecule. If carbon
is present, it is the central atom. Otherwise, the least electronegative
element atom is central (except for hydrogen, which is never central). Then
connect the atoms by electron-pair bonds

5. Add unshared pairs of electrons so that each hydrogen atom shares a pair
of electrons and each other nonmetal is surrounded by eight electrons

6. Count the electrons in the structure to be sure that the number of valence
electrons used equals the number available

VII. Multiple Covalent Bonds

A. Double Bonds
1. A covalent bond produced by the sharing of two pairs of electrons between
two atoms

2. Higher bond energy and shorter bond length than single bonds
B. Triple Bonds
1. A covalent bond produced by the sharing of three pairs of electrons
between two atoms

2. Higher bond energy and shorter bond length than single or double bonds

Bond Lengths and Bond Energies for Single and Multiple Covalent Bonds
Bond Length (pm) Energy Bond Length (pm) Energy
(kJ/mol) (kJ/mol)
C-C 154 346 C-O 143 358
C=C 134 612 C=O 120 799
CC 120 835 CO 113 1072
C-N 147 305 N-N 145 180
C=N 132 615 N=N 125 418
CN 116 887 NN 110 942

VIII. Resonance Structures

A. Resonance
1. Resonance refers to bonding in molecules or ions that cannot be correctly
represented by a single Lewis structure

2. Neither structure is "correct"

3. Electrons do not move "back and forth"
4. The two bonds are equal

IX. Covalent-Network Bonding
A. Covalent-Network Compounds
1. Many covalently bonded compounds do not form individual molecules
a. Diamond
b. Quartz

6-3 Ionic Bonding and Ionic Compounds

I. Introduction
A. Ionic Compounds
1. A compound composed of positive and negative ions that are combined
so that the numbers of positive and negative charges are equal
a. Most are crystalline solids
b. Examples include NaCl, MgBr2, Na2O
B. Formula Unit
1. The simplest collection of atoms from which an ionic compound's formula
can be established

II. Formation of Ionic Compounds

A. Electron Configuration Changes
1. Electrons are transferred from the highest energy level of one atom to the
highest energy level of a second atom, creating noble gas configurations in all
atoms involved
2. Formation of sodium chloride
a. Na = 3s1 Cl = 3s23p5
b. Na+ = 2s22p6 Cl- = 3s23p6
B. Characteristics of Ionic Bonding
1. Lattice Energy
a. The energy released when one mole of an ionic crystalline
compound is formed brom gaseous ions
Na+(g) + Cl-(g) NaCl(s) + 787.5 kJ
b. Formation of ionic compounds is ALWAYS exothermic
2. Lattice Structure
a. Three dimensional arrangements vary depending upon the sizes
and charges of the ions


C. A Comparison of Ionic and Molecular Compounds

Ionic Compounds Molecular Compounds
Melting point Generally high Generally low
Boiling Point Generally high Generally low
Electrical Conductivity Excellent conductors, molten Poor conductors, except
and aqueous aqueous acids
Solubility in water Generally soluble Polar covalent molecules are

D. Polyatomic Ions
1. A charged group of covalently bonded atoms
a. Creation of octets results in an excess or deficit of electrons

6-4 Metallic Bonding

I. The Metallic Bond Model
A. Metallic Bonding
1. The chemical bonding that results from the attraction between metal atoms
and the surrounding sea of electrons
B. Electron Delocalization in Metals
1. Vacant p and d orbitals in metal's outer energy levels overlap, and allow
outer electrons to move freely throughout the metal
2. Valence electrons do not belong to any one atom

II. Metallic Properties

A. Metals are good conductors of heat and light
B. Metals are shiny
1. Narrow range of energy differences between orbitals allows electrons to
be easily excited, and emit light upon returning to a lower energy level
C. Metals are Malleable
1. Can be hammered into thin sheets
D. Metals are ductile
1. Ability to be drawn into wire
a. Metallic bonding is the same in all directions, so metals tend not to
be brittle

III. Metallic Bond Strength
A. Heat of Vaporization
1. The ease with which atoms in a metallic solid can be separated from one
another into individual gaseous atoms is related to bond strength

Table 6-4 Heats of Vaporization of Some Metals (kJ/mol)

Period Element
Second Li Be
147 297
Third Na Mg Al
97 128 294
Fourth K Ca Sc
77 155 333
Fifth Rb Sr Y
76 137 365
Sixth Cs Ba La
64 140 402

6-5 Molecular Geometry

I. VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) Theory
A. Molecular Polarity
1. The uneven distribution of molecular charge
2. Molecules with preferential orientation in an electric field
+ + +

- - -

B. VSEPR Theory
1. Repulsion between the sets of valence-level electrons surrounding an atom
causes these sets to be oriented as far apart as possible
C. VSEPR and Unshared Electron Pairs
1. Unshared pairs take up positions in the geometry of molecules just as
atoms do
2. Unshared pairs have a relatively greater effect on geometry than do atoms
3. Lone (unshared) electron pairs require more room than bonding pairs (they have
greater repulsive forces) and tend to compress the angles between bonding
4. Lone pairs do not cause distortion when bond angles are 120 or greater

Arrangement of Electron Pairs Around an Atom Yielding Minimum
# of Electron Shape Arrangement of Electron Pairs
2 Linear

3 Trigonal Planar

4 Tetrahedral

5 Trigonal bipyramidal

6 Octahedral

Comparison of Tetrahedral Bond Angles

Compound Structure Angle between
Methane 109.5

Ammonia 107

Water 104.5

II. Hybridization
A. Hybridization
1. The mixing of two or more atomic orbitals of similar energies on the same
atom to produce new orbitals of equal energies
B. Hybrid Orbitals
1. Orbitals of equal energy produced by the combination of two or more
orbitals on the same atom

Carbon's expected configuration Carbon's hybridized configuration

Table 6-6 Geometry of Hybrid Orbitals

Atomic Type of # of hybrid Geometry
Orbitals hybridization orbitals
s, p sp 2 Linear
s, p, p sp 2
3 Trigonal-planar
s, p, p, p sp 3
4 Tetrahedral

III. Intermolecular Forces

A. Intermolecular Forces
1. Forces of attraction between molecules
a. Generally weaker than bonds that join atoms in molecules
b. Boiling point gives a rough estimate of intermolecular forces
(1) high bp = large attractive forces
(2) low bp = small attractive forces
B. Molecular Polarity and Dipole-Dipole Forces
1. Dipole
a. Created by equal but opposite charges that are separated by a
short distance
b. A dipole is represented by an arrow with a head
pointing toward the negative pole and a crossed
tail situated at the positive pole
2. Dipole-Dipole forces
a. The negative region of one molecule is attracted to the positive
region of another molecule
b. A polar molecule can induce a dipole in a nonpolar molecule by
temporarily attracting its electrons
C. Hydrogen Bonding
1. The intermolecular force in which a hydrogen atom that is bonded to a
highly electronegative atom is attracted to an unshared pair of electrons of
an electronegative atom in a nearby molecule
a. Usually represented by dotted lines

D. London Dispersion Forces

1. The intermolecular attractions resulting from the constant motion of
electrons and the creation of instantaneous dipoles
a. Electrons moving in an atom may create temporary unbalanced
distribution of charge
b. All molecules experience London forces
c. London forces are the only forces of attraction among noble-gas
atoms, nonpolar, and slightly polar molecules
2. London forces increase with the number of electrons in an atom or
a. Greater mass = Greater London forces

Table 6-7 Boiling Points and Bonding Types

Bonding Type Substance Bp (1 atm, C)
Nonpolar covalent H2 -253
O2 -183
Cl2 -34
Br2 59
CH4 -164
CCl4 77
C6H6 80
Polar covalent PH3 -88
NH3 -33
H2S -61
H2O 100
HF 20
HCl -85
ICl 97
Ionic NaCl 1413
MgF2 2239
Metallic Cu 2567
Fe 2750
W 5660


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