CH 6 Notes
CH 6 Notes
CH 6 Notes
Chemical bond - A mutual electrical attraction between the nuclei and valence electrons of
different atoms that binds the atoms together
II. Formation of a Covalent Bond
A. Interatomic Forces
1. As atoms approach one another, there are a number of forces at work
a. repulsion of one nucleus for another
b. repulsion of electrons for other electrons
c. attraction of electrons to nuclei
B. Energy Considerations
1. Atoms approach each other
a. Potential energy decreases as attractive forces dominate over
repulsive forces
2. Atoms get too close
a. Potential energy begins to increase as repulsive forces dominate
over attractive forces
H2 + 436 kJ 2H
2. Covalent Bonding in Hydrogen
1s 1s
1s 1s
Hydrogen Hydrogen
Atoms Molecules
1s 2s 2p
1s 2s 2p
C. Hydrogen Chloride
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p
V. Electron-Dot Notation
A. Electron-dot Notation
1. An electron-configuration notation in which only the valence electrons of an
atom of a particular element are shown, indicated by dots placed around
the element's symbol
2. Inner shell electrons are not shown
3. These are the electrons usually involved in the formation of covalent bonds
VI. Lewis Structures
A. Unshared Pairs (Lone Pairs)
1. A pair of electrons that is not involved in bonding and that belongs exclusively to
one atom
B. Lewis Structures
1. Formulas in which atomic symbols represent nuclei and inner-shell
electrons, dot pairs or dashes between two atomic symbols represent
electron pairs in covalent bonds, and dots adjacent to only one atomic
symbol represent unshared electrons
C. Structural Formula
1. Formulas indicating the kind, number, arrangement, and bonds but not
unshared pairs of the atoms in a molecule
5. Add unshared pairs of electrons so that each hydrogen atom shares a pair
of electrons and each other nonmetal is surrounded by eight electrons
6. Count the electrons in the structure to be sure that the number of valence
electrons used equals the number available
2. Higher bond energy and shorter bond length than single bonds
B. Triple Bonds
1. A covalent bond produced by the sharing of three pairs of electrons
between two atoms
2. Higher bond energy and shorter bond length than single or double bonds
Bond Lengths and Bond Energies for Single and Multiple Covalent Bonds
Bond Length (pm) Energy Bond Length (pm) Energy
(kJ/mol) (kJ/mol)
C-C 154 346 C-O 143 358
C=C 134 612 C=O 120 799
CC 120 835 CO 113 1072
C-N 147 305 N-N 145 180
C=N 132 615 N=N 125 418
CN 116 887 NN 110 942
IX. Covalent-Network Bonding
A. Covalent-Network Compounds
1. Many covalently bonded compounds do not form individual molecules
a. Diamond
b. Quartz
D. Polyatomic Ions
1. A charged group of covalently bonded atoms
a. Creation of octets results in an excess or deficit of electrons
III. Metallic Bond Strength
A. Heat of Vaporization
1. The ease with which atoms in a metallic solid can be separated from one
another into individual gaseous atoms is related to bond strength
- - -
B. VSEPR Theory
1. Repulsion between the sets of valence-level electrons surrounding an atom
causes these sets to be oriented as far apart as possible
C. VSEPR and Unshared Electron Pairs
1. Unshared pairs take up positions in the geometry of molecules just as
atoms do
2. Unshared pairs have a relatively greater effect on geometry than do atoms
3. Lone (unshared) electron pairs require more room than bonding pairs (they have
greater repulsive forces) and tend to compress the angles between bonding
4. Lone pairs do not cause distortion when bond angles are 120 or greater
Arrangement of Electron Pairs Around an Atom Yielding Minimum
# of Electron Shape Arrangement of Electron Pairs
2 Linear
3 Trigonal Planar
4 Tetrahedral
5 Trigonal bipyramidal
6 Octahedral
Ammonia 107
Water 104.5
II. Hybridization
A. Hybridization
1. The mixing of two or more atomic orbitals of similar energies on the same
atom to produce new orbitals of equal energies
B. Hybrid Orbitals
1. Orbitals of equal energy produced by the combination of two or more
orbitals on the same atom