Gun Violence Rough Draft
Gun Violence Rough Draft
Gun Violence Rough Draft
Over the past decade mass shootings have become more and more prominent in the
United States. In 2016 in Orlando, Florida, an ISIS member killed 49 people in a gay night club.
At Sandy Hook Elementary, 20 students and 6 teachers were shot and killed. And again, in
Charleston South Carolina, 9 people were shot dead inside of a church. The people responsible
for these shootings either had mental illnesses, were on the terrorist watch list, or bought the
guns used in the shootings within the week of the massacre. The American medical made a
statement about all of the death, "With approximately 30,000 men, women and children dying
each year at the barrel of a gun in elementary schools, movie theaters, workplaces, houses of
worship and on live television, the United States faces a public health crisis of gun violence...
Our AMA 'recognizes that uncontrolled ownership and use of firearms, especially handguns, is a
serious threat to the public's health inasmuch as the weapons are one of the main causes of
intentional and unintentional injuries and deaths.' AMA policy supports legislation calling for a
waiting period before purchasing any form of firearm in the U.S., and supports requiring
background checks for all handgun purchasers (American Medical Association). If laws arent
passed to make it harder for people to get their hands on a fire arm, these mass shooting will only
become more common. These laws include not selling guns to people with mental illnesses,
people on the terrorist watch list, requiring a permit for people to purchase a gun, and have a
mandatory waiting period when trying to purchase a fire arm. All of these things seems like
common sense and yet nothing is being done to change the current gun laws in the United States.
One possible solution to the problem of gun violence in America is not allowing people
with mental illnesses to legally buy a gun. Roughly one out of every four murders have a history
of a mental illness. Even though this is not a very large number, there is a lot of risk in selling
guns to people with who are sick. But restricting these people from buying guns not only protects
the people who come in contact with this person, but it also protects the individual buying a gun.
Allowing them to buy guns poses an inordinate and needless risk to public safety (The
Editorial Board of the New York Times). There is too great of a chance that someone with a
mental illness will hurt himself or the people around him. According to the CDC, 21,334 people
die every year from suicides by fire arm. About 85 percent of suicide attempts using a gun end in
death. Many people argue that depression and mental illnesses have nothing to do with murders.
However, in all of the most recent mass shootings, people who knew the shooters all said that
they saw signs of depressions and bipolar disorders in the shooters in the days before the
shootings. With a law that restricts mentally ill people from buying guns, it would save not only
the lives of innocent bystanders, it would also lower the number of suicides by firearms.
Another possible solution to help lower the amount of gun violence in America is to
prohibit people who are on the terrorist watch list from buying a gun. As long as you are a United
States citizen, it is legal to buy a gun, even if you are on the terrorist watch list. "91% of
suspected terrorists who attempted to buy guns in America walked away with the weapon they
wanted (Murphy). And because of this, things like the shooting in Orlando can occur. Omar
Mateen was a United States citizen his entire life who was vocal about his support for ISIS, a
terrorist group in the middle east. He had been previously interviewed by the FBI in 2013, but
they didnt not find him as any sort of threat. Just a week before the shooting, Mateen walked
into a gun store and legally bought a gun. The guns that he purchased, along with others, were
used in this horrific attack. If he was unable to purchase a gun, who is to say whether the attack
would have happened or not. And even if it did, the amount of damage he caused would have
decreased significantly. Many states in the US sell guns to people on the terrorist watch list
because they will make more money by selling guns to these people, but how many more
innocent lives need to be lost in order for these states to understand that human lives are more
important than a couple of bucks. Until this issue is solved, there is a higher possibility that more
But being on the terrorist watch list should not be the only reason why Mateen should not
have been able to get his hands on a gun. Mateen bought the weapons he used in the night club
the same week of the shooting. This is yet another problem that must be solved by the United
States. The choice to use a gun to hurt someone, including yourself, tends to be a very quick and
irrational decision. Who among us is not aghast at the deaths of a mother and her two young
sons, all killed by that same mother with a handgun purchased just a few hours earlier? The
family, friends, neighbors and likely the person who sold the gun to her must be in agony
wondering what signs they missed and what they might have done to prevent this heart-breaking
tragedy (Blegen). This story is one of many where murders have occurred just hours after the
purchase of the murder weapon. By passing a law that requires people to wait at least two weeks
before obtaining a fire arm, this will eliminate a lot of the quick and irrational decisions made by
people who purchase guns. Many argue that these waiting periods are pointless and people who
have decided to murder will not let a little waiting period stand in their way. But even if this is
true, wouldnt it still be worth it to protect the citizens in this country. This law would cause the
number of murders go down in the United States and allow people more time to make a more
responsible decision.
The final thing that needs to be done to help slow down gun violence is to require
everyone who wants to buy a gun to receive a permit. Currently, only 7 of the 50 states require
that you must have a permit to carry a hand gun. Even if the state requires a permit, the process
of receiving the permit is practically a joke. Nicole Brodeur, a writer for the Seattle times, said,
Getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon in Washington state is as easy as buying a new set
of tires. [People can obtain a permit] without taking a single gun-training class (Brodeur). This
is an enormous problem because there are people going to buy guns that do not know anything
about them. This causes accidents to happen because the person who purchased the gun does not
know how to take care of the fire arm correctly. The NRA argues that most people who try to get
permits already know how to handle a gun and the training wouldnt be necessary. However,
there are still many people who purchase guns that dont know the slightest thing about them and
these people must be trained how to use the fire arm that they purchased because they are
endangering themselves and the people that surround them. Many seem to forget that guns arent
just toys. They tend to lose sight of the fact that people die from fire arms every single day. That
is why people need to be properly trained before they can just go buy a gun without knowing
When people hear gun control, they think people are going to try and take away their
guns but that is not the case. Every American should have the ability to buy a gun if they so
choose. But if someone is going to endanger himself and the people around him by buying a gun
then they should not be able to legally buy a gun. "The man who killed Ricky failed a
background check because of a restraining order, but was able to buy a gun through the
classifieds (Byrdsong). This is just one of the many examples of people who lost their lives
because of the loose and almost nonexistent gun control in the United States. In order to prevent
these shootings from happening, laws need to be passed that prevent people who have mental
illnesses, people on the terrorist watch list, and people who dont have a permit from buying
guns. So routine are shootings that only the particular horrors of mass shootings like a
Kalamazoo or San Bernardino or Charleston attract any national attention and even then not
for long. Kalamazoos senseless deaths, sympathy for the families, speculation about what drove
the accused gunman sorry, thats old news. Time to move on. (Washington Post Editorial
Board). There is no more time to waste. It is time to stop letting innocent American citizens lose