Cep Lesson Plan Template Spring 2017 1
Cep Lesson Plan Template Spring 2017 1
Cep Lesson Plan Template Spring 2017 1
Title: Constructing body paragraphs for an argumentative essay on Flowers for Algernon
Lesson #: 1 of 1
Lesson Idea/Topic and For this lesson, I will be teaching students how to properly
Rational/Relevance: construct a body paragraph for their final argumentative
What are you going to paper on Flowers for Algernon. Focusing on organizing the
teach and why is this paragraph will be one aspect of the lesson, as well as
lesson of importance teaching students to come up with strong reasoning to
to your students? How support their claim and evidence. Students in eighth grade
is it relevant to are passionate. They need an outlet to express their opinion,
students of this age yet they also need to learn to back-up their arguments with
and background? strong support. This lesson aims to give students the proper
tools to construct a strong argumentative essay.
Student Profile: Write The room is filled with all different types of kids, and
a narrative about your learners. Some need extra motivation in order to believe in
learners. What are themselves, and others are sensible and confident.
their special needs?
Exceptionalities? Scaffolding is the best way to approach these kids. Walking
Giftedness? them through each developmental stage of how to compose
Alternative ways of an essay will meet the needs of all learners in the class. After
learning? grading many of their papers it is evident even the most
Maturity? Engagement? proficient writer in the class needs an outline for his or her
Motivation? essay.
Cite the textual evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence.
Evidence Outcomes:
This means I can analyze three different paragraphs and determine why one is strong or weak.
I can fill out my outline before the end of class with all the required elements of a body
9. Assess each
9. Bring the class 9. Students will be group by their
together to go sharing their feedback.
through the findings with the
worksheet. Have class.
each group share
something about
each paragraph.
10. This data is
10. Transition the 10. Students will collected visually
class back to their choose which side by seeing which
seats by having them of the prompt they students are
2. What changes, omissions, or additions to the lesson would you make if you were to
teach again? I would give students more time to work on their outlines. They will not learn
much if they do not experiment with what they learned right away. I would have explained the
directions of the weed em out activity with more detail, since students seemed to be
3. What do you envision for the next lesson? (Continued practice, reteach content,
etc.) I would spend more time allowing students to work on their outline. I want students to
practice what we learned in an environment that encourages trial and error. I want to be there
to support students who are really struggling. During workshop time, I could approach the
students who responded negatively on their exit slips and give them more encouragement.