MSC Economics Ec413 Macroeconomics: The Labour Market I
MSC Economics Ec413 Macroeconomics: The Labour Market I
MSC Economics Ec413 Macroeconomics: The Labour Market I
Ec413 Macroeconomics
The Labour Market I
Christopher A Pissarides
m = m (u, v ) (3)
Functional forms
m = m0 u v 1
' 0.5 (4)
Use matching function to get transition rates for unemployed workers and
vacant jobs
Rate at which jobs get lled up
m u
= m ( , 1) q ( ) (5)
v v
q 0 ( ) < 0 and elasticity of q ( ) is < 0.
Rate at which unemployed workers nd jobs
m vm
= = q ( ), elasticity 1 >0 (6)
u uv
(1-u) Job
q() s q()
unemployment vacancies
u v
Evolution of unemployment
ut = unemployment
1 ut = employment (labour force xed at 1)
Statistical identity
Empirical dynamics
Unemployment is the state of the dynamic system
Re-write in terms of transition rates
u = s (1 u) q ( )u (9)
For given s and this is a stable equation in u with stationary solution
u= . (10)
s + q ( )
Empirically, ows are large. With quarterly or annual data assume for
simplicity that (10) holds at all times. Its a good empirical
So changes in unemployment are driven by changes in s or .
Assume s is exogenous. is endogenous and driven by rmsprot
maximizing job creation
So job creation is the only variable input into search and the only
control that drives the dynamics of employment over the cycle (unless
we assume cyclical separations)
Pissarides (MSc Econ) Labour1 2009/10 15 / 22
Job creation
rV = c + q ( )(J V) (11)
rJ = p w sJ. (12)
All job matches enjoy some local monopoly rents because of frictions.
If a rm and a worker who are together break up, their joint returns
will be strictly less than what they have now together
Wages split the rents that the pair have. Each gets the value of their
best alternative plus a share of the rent (the rent is 0 in Walrasian
So: a worker will get the value of unemployment plus her share, the
rm the value of the vacancy plus the remaining share
W U = S. (18)
We can obtain the same outcome if we choose the wage rate to maximize
the Nash product
(W U ) (J V )1 (19)
So (18) is known as the Nash wage equation.
Substitute the asset values from the Bellman equations into (18) and
making use of the job creation condition V = 0, you arrive at:
w = z + (p z + c ). (20)
Wages compensate for the loss of z, they then reward the worker with
a fraction of rent p z and a fraction of the average saving of
recruitment costs cv /u made when the worker agrees to a contract.
Higher z, p, raise w for obvious reasons
Higher raises wages because the workers expected returns from
search are higher and the rmslower
Equation (20) is the wage curve and in w space it slopes up.
Wage curve
Job creation
Equations (14) and (20) are uniquely solved for w and (gure 4)
With knowledge of (10) gives unemployment.
Equilibrium is saddlepath-stable and the = 0 line is the saddlepath
(gure 5).
Structural factors shift the Beveridge curve; Demand and supply
factors shift the job creation curve. (In more complicated models this
clear decomposition may not hold.)
The cyclical variable is p. How does it inuence the three endogenous
variables, w , , u? This is the topic of the next set of notes.
Job creation