Característica de Corrosión
Característica de Corrosión
Característica de Corrosión
This section discusses the theory and mechanisms of several corrosion phenomena
that affect both upstream and downstream units. It includes alternatives for material
selection to remedy commonly encountered corrosion problems.
Contents Page
410 Intergranular Corrosion and Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking 400-3
411 Appearance of Intergranular Corrosion
412 Theory of Intergranular Corrosion
413 Factors Affecting Susceptibility to Intergranular Attack
414 Preventing Sensitization
415 Welding
416 Media (Chemicals) That Cause Intergranular Corrosion
417 Laboratory Tests For Detecting Sensitization
418 Polythionic Acid Stress Corrosion Cracking
420 Stress Corrosion Cracking 400-21
421 Stress Corrosion CrackingGeneral Description
422 Stress Corrosion Cracking Variables
423 General Preventive Measures
424 Oil and Chemical Industry Alloys
430 High-temperature Oxidation 400-39
431 Theory of Oxidation
432 Special Forms of Oxidation
433 Effects of Alloying Elements in Steels
Austenite is a form of iron in which the atoms in the crystal structure are arranged
in a repetitive pattern called a face-centered cubic unit cell (having an atom at each
corner and each face of the cube). While the austenitic structure is characteristic of
all steels at high temperatures, austenitic steels are those which do not transform to
other metallurgical structures during cooling. Although other factors can influence
whether or not a steel transforms, chemical composition is the most important.
An austenitic stainless steel contains 16%28% chromium and 6%22% nickel as
principal alloying elements. In general, corrosion resistance depends on chromium
content, and increased chromium content improves corrosion and oxidation
A carbide is a compound of carbon with one or more metallic elements. In austen-
itic stainless steels, carbon normally is completely dissolved at high temperatures
(i.e., above 1700F), and rapid cooling can keep the carbon in solution. If the stain-
less steel is cooled slowly, carbon migrates to grain boundaries and forms chro-
mium carbide precipitates.
Sensitization is the harmful precipitation of chromium carbides such as (Cr,Fe) 23
C6, in an almost continuous network around the metal grains of an austenitic stain-
less steel. The formation of chromium carbides leaves a chromium-depleted zone at
the grain boundaries and thus renders the alloy susceptible to intergranular corro-
sion. The temperature range in which sensitization occurs is about 750F to 1550F.
Sensitization has a time-temperature dependence and is most rapid at about 1250F
to 1350F.
Fig. 400-1 Surface Appearance of Equipment that Failed by Intergranular Corrosion in Warm Sulfuric Acid. Note
large grains in cast Type 316 pump impeller in the left picture that were revealed by accelerated grain
boundary attack. Roughened, sugared appearance of interior surface of Type 316 pipe in the right
picture is characteristic of wrought material. Magnification is approximately 1.3 X.
Fig. 400-2 Microstructure of Intergranularly Corroded Type 316 Pipe Shown in Figure 400-1. The condition at the
inner surface is shown in the left picture at a magnification of 150X. Attack occurred preferentially
through the grain boundaries, and grains literally fell out. At 500X magnification, the right picture shows
the attacked grain boundaries more clearly.
Common 18-8 stainless steel, Type 304, usually contains from 0.06% to 0.08%
carbon, so that excess carbon is available to combine with the chromium and precip-
itate the carbide. This situation is shown schematically in Figure 400-3. Carbon
diffuses towards the grain boundary quite readily at sensitizing temperatures, but
chromium is much less mobile. Therefore, the chromium depleted when the
carbides form is not quickly replenished by diffusion of chromium from the centers
of the grains.
There is some evidence to indicate that chromium content at the boundary can be
reduced to a very low level or zero. This not only lowers corrosion resistance, but
also brings two dissimilar metal compositions into contact, creating a large, unfa-
vorable anode/cathode area ratio. The depleted area (anode) protects the grains
(cathode). The net effect is rapid attack in the depleted grain boundary area, with
little or no attack on the grains themselves.
Carbon Content
The amount of carbon in a stainless steel determines whether it will be susceptible
to intergranular attack. The effect of carbon content can be separated into three
composition ranges:
From 0% to about 0.016% carbon, all carbon remains dissolved regardless of
heat treatment. Alloys in this range are not commercially available. However,
they would be immune to intergranular attack.
From 0.016% to about 0.03% carbon, chromium carbides will precipitate in
the grain boundaries if the alloy is heated to between 750F and 1550F.
However, for comparatively short heating times, the extent of precipitation is
insufficient to form the continuous network necessary for serious intergranular
corrosion. Extra-low carbon grades of stainless (0.03% maximum carbon) can
therefore be used as welded. However, immunity is lost if extra-low carbon
steels are heated for long times in the sensitizing range. Therefore, the
Company generally limits extra-low carbon grades to a maximum service
temperature of 700F.
Above a nominal 0.03% carbon, alloys are readily susceptible to intergran-
ular attack if heated for a short time as during welding.
Grain Size
As has been stated, chromium carbide precipitation in unstabilized austenitic stain-
less steels occurs mainly at grain boundaries. Both carbon content and the amount
of grain boundary area available for carbides will govern the density of the precipi-
tate and hence the degree of sensitization. Because the grain boundary area is
inversely proportional to grain size, the boundary area of large-grained material is
reduced as compared to small-grained. For a given carbon content and heat treat-
ment, a small grain size causes the carbides to be more sparsely distributed over the
greater available grain boundary area. Therefore, the degree of sensitization is
In wrought products, the range of grain sizes encountered is usually relatively small,
and this variable exerts only a minor influence. (For Alloy 800, a small grain size
must be specified if that is what is desired, since Alloy 800 is generally furnished
with a large grain size for creep strength.)
On the other hand, grain size varies widely in castings, depending chiefly on the
cooling rate immediately after the casting is poured. Grains with diameters up to
1 inches are not uncommon in large castings. Even with low carbon contents, such
large-grained material is easy to sensitize. Figure 400-4 shows a large Type 316L
valve seat that failed from intergranular attack by ammonium sulfate. The carbon
content was 0.026% and there was no record of improper heat treatment. With the
extremely large grain size evident in the picture, the casting was sensitized by
(1) the comparatively short time in the sensitizing zone during cooling from the
solution heat treatment, and (2) the heating resulting from the hard-surfacing of the
adjacent seating surface.
Fig. 400-4 Section of Intergranularly Corroded Cast Type 316L Seat from Isophthalic Plant
Crystallizer Dump Valve. Note the large grains. Although the carbon content was
0.026%, a sufficient density of carbides precipitated in the grain boundaries
during hard surfacing or heat treatment to sensitize the material. Magnification
approximately 0.6X.
Fig. 400-6 Effect of Temperature on the Degree of Sensitization in Type 304 Stainless Steel Following 16-Hour Expo-
sures. The specimen received from the mill and the 875 F specimen are essentially free of sensitization,
while the 1000 F and 1100 F specimens are sensitized enough to be attacked by acidified copper
sulfate test solution. Magnification is 500X.
Fig. 400-7 Effect of Time at 1000F on the Sensitization of Type 304 Stainless Steel. Note increasing amount of grain
boundary attack with time. Specimens heated 16 hours or longer were found to corrode intergranularly
in acidified copper sulfate test solution. Magnification is 500X.
Fig. 400-8 Effect of Temperature and Time on the Severity of Sensitization of Type 304
Stainless Steel.
Solution-annealing is accomplished by holding the stainless steel at a temperature
sufficiently high (1800F2100F depending on grade) to dissolve any existing
chromium carbides. Subsequently cooling the steel rapidly through the sensitizing
temperature range (preferably by water quenching) prevents precipitation of the
carbides. Standard stainless steel (Type 304 or Type 316) so treated is subject to
sensitization if subsequently heated or exposed to temperatures above 750F in
service. Mill products and castings of austenitic stainless steel should be purchased
in the solution-annealed (and pickled) condition.
Fig. 400-9 Microstructures of Types 304 (left) and 304L (right) Stainless Steel Stress Relieved for Two Hours at 1550-
1600F and Air Cooled. Note extensive grain boundary attack in Type 304 after exposure to an acid solu-
tion, and the absence of attack in 304L. This explains why it is possible to stress-relieve 304Lbut not
304without subsequently risking intergranular corrosion in corrosive services. Magnification is 500X.
Fig. 400-10 Microstructures of Types 304 (left) and 304L (right) Stainless Steel After 10,000 Hours at 875F. A suffi-
cient density of chromium carbides has precipitated in the grain boundaries to make both alloys suscep-
tible to intergranular corrosion. As a result of the extended time heating, Type 304L has lost its corrosion
resistance. Magnification is 500X.
While the low carbon grades resist sensitization during ordinary heating during
fabrication, welding, and stress relieving, they are not immune to sensitization from
long-term exposure to elevated temperatures. Thus, the low carbon grades of
stainless steel should not be used if, during fabrication or at any time in service,
they will be subjected to prolonged heating in the sensitizing range.
Only low carbon grade steels (304L, 316L) should be used for welded construction.
This is because even the short heating times obtained during welding will sensitize
Types 304 and 316 stainless steels. If operating temperatures are above 700F, use
Type 321 or 347 stainless steel.
Stabilization is the addition of an alloying element which has a greater affinity for
carbon than does chromium. The chromium is left in solution in the austenite grains,
and corrosion resistance remains unimpaired. The commonly used stabilizing
elements, columbium (or columbium plus tantalum) and titanium are used to
produce Type 347 and Type 321 stainless steels, respectively. These elements are
added in sufficient quantity to combine with all of the available carbon in the alloy.
Columbium and titanium carbides are highly stable at elevated temperatures. For
optimum resistance to sensitization, heat Type 347 and Type 321 with stabilizing
heat for several hours at about 1650F. This thermal stabilization results in the
formation of stabilizing-element carbides rather than chromium carbides. The sepa-
rate heat treatment is seldom needed, however, since the formation of the colum-
bium and titanium carbides is largely completed during the hot work of the original
The stabilizing-element carbides are randomly scattered throughout the grains, in
marked contrast to the chromium carbides, which precipitate largely in the grain
boundaries of the unstabilized grades. This difference in microstructure is shown in
Figure 400-11 for Types 304, 304L and 347. After a 100-hour exposure at 1100F in
laboratory tests, both Type 304 and Type 304L were in a susceptible condition,
while Type 347 was immune to intergranular attack.
Stabilized grades of austenitic stainless steels can be used at higher temperatures for
long-term exposure.
Type 321 stainless steel can be operated indefinitely at temperatures up to
850F with negligible sensitization
Type 347 stainless steel can be operated indefinitely at temperatures up to
900F with negligible sensitization
Many years of experience show that these temperatures are acceptable for Types
321 and 347 stainless steel even without thermal stabilization. However, for equip-
ment operating for long periods above 900F (such as furnace tubes), we recom-
mend using only the Type 347 stainless, and that it be thermally stabilized for at
least four hours at 1650F +/- 25F.
415 Welding
Titanium is reactive at very high temperatures and can be lost to oxidation if used as
the stabilizing agent in welding electrodes. Such a large proportion of titanium is
lost in transfer across the welding arc that a weld deposit made with Type 321 wire
would not be stabilized. Columbium is less reactive, and therefore stabilized elec-
trodes are made from Type 347. For similar reasons Type 347 (or its cast equivalent
CF-8C) is used for castings.
Weld Decay
If equipment is fabricated from unstabilized or non-L-grade austenitic stainless
steel, intergranular corrosion can occur in a band adjacent to welds, where local
sensitization has resulted from the heat of welding. This specific case of sensitiza-
tion is called weld decay. An example is shown in Figure 400-12. One solution is to
use Type 321 or Type 347 base material and Type 347 weld rod.
A stabilized electrode will not eliminate sensitization in the heat-affected zones of
unstabilized grades of base metal. The area of failure from weld sensitization is in
the base metal, and little or no diffusion of columbium from weld metal to base
metal takes place. If the environment will attack sensitized stainless, all stainless in
Fig. 400-11 Microstructure of Types 304, 304L and 347 Stainless Steel Comparing the
Amount of Grain Boundary Carbides Precipitated During 100 Hours at 1100F.
The precipitate is continuous in 304, heavy but
discontinuous in 304L, and essentially nonexistent in 347. Only the Type 304
specimen was attacked intergranularly in acidfied copper sulfate test solution.
Magnification is 500X.
Fig. 400-12 Intergranular Corrosion in the Heat-Affected Zone (Weld Decay) of Type 304 Stainless Steel Welded with
Type 308. Sensitization of the 304 resulted from the heat of welding. Specimen exposed to
nitric-hydrofluoric acid. Magnification of weld is approximately 3.5X, the microstructure is 250X.
Aluminum sulfate
Ammonium sulfate
Chlorinated solvents1
Hydrochloric acid solutions1
1. Solution concentrations have ranged from very dilute to very strong. Temperatures have ranged from ambient to
the boiling point of the solution involved.
Fig. 400-13 Failure of Type 304 Stainless Steel Catalytic Reformer Line at a Thermowell Boss Weld. This failure is an
example of polythionic acid stress corrosion cracking of a sensitized alloy. Note the intergranular char-
acter of the cracks. Magnification of left photograph is 2X; right is 150X.
The earlier discussion of sensitization also applies to polythionic acid SCC. If the
stainless becomes sensitized, either during fabrication or during service, it will be
subject to cracking if exposed to polythionic acids. Nonsensitized stainless will not
TTS Curves
Figure 400-14 shows time-temperature-sensitization (TTS) curves for the
commonly used 300Series stainless steels. The exact shape and position of a TTS
curve for a given alloy will vary with chemical composition. The curves in
Figure 400-14 are average, typical curves for the alloys indicated.1
Each alloy on the curve has a separate sensitization loop. Within the loop the alloy
will be sensitized. Outside the loop it will not be. The curves are based on time-
temperature conditions that produce a degree of sensitization resulting in a 500-mil-
per-year corrosion rate in the ASTM A262 Practice C test (Huey test). This degree
of sensitization results in susceptibility to intergranular corrosion and polythionic
acid stress corrosion cracking.
1. The 321 and 347 SS curves in Figure 400-14 are without thermal stabilization (see Section 414). With thermal
stabilization, the 321 SS loop shrinks dramatically, and for practical purposes, the 347 SS loop appears to
Fig. 400-14 Time-Temperature-Sensitization (TTS) Curves for the Commonly-Used 300-Series Stainless Steels.
Curves are based on 500 mpy corrosion rates in the Huey test, which corresponds to susceptibility to
intergranular corrosion and polythionic acid SCC. For conditions within the loop for a given alloy, it will
be sensitized. Outside its loop, the alloy will not be sensitized. These are average, typical curves to be
used for guideline purposes only.
corrosion cracking and provides a detailed look at specific metals and environments
in the oil and chemical industries where stress corrosion cracking is a concern. The
purpose is to help a field engineer recognize specific combinations of metal and
environment that can cause cracking and offer some recommendations to prevent its
Laboratory studies and failure experience are the only reliable ways to predict
which metals and environmental conditions are necessary to produce stress corro-
sion cracks. Corrosivity alone is not an indicator. Solutions that are highly corrosive
to a material almost never promote stress corrosion cracking.
The two most accepted theories for the cause of stress corrosion cracking are anodic
dissolution and stress-sorption cracking. However, neither theory can account for all
observed characteristics.
Anodic dissolution involves selective corrosion (or oxidation) of local anodic areas.
Grain boundaries and slip planes (locations where deformation occurs) are often
anodic to the surrounding metal because they have higher potential energy. Local
electrochemical action allows cracking to grow by corrosion of these anodic areas.
A tensile stress breaks any protective film formed by the corrosion process,
allowing it to continue. See Section 100 for an explanation of electrochemical
Stress-sorption cracking theory involves the surface energy of metal. Chemical
species in the solution adsorb on the metal surface and decrease its surface energy
enough that a tensile stress causes the surface layer to crack. The degree of adsorp-
tion depends upon electrical potential. Critical cracking potential is defined as the
potential above which adsorption takes place and below which desorption occurs.
Only specific adsorbents effectively decrease the surface energy of a particular
Fig. 400-16 Intergranular Cracking Adjacent to Welds. Stress corrosion cracks in carbon steel pipe exposed to 170F
lean diethylamine (DEA). Cracks occurred opposite an externally welded pipe support.
Fig. 400-17 Transgranular Cracking of Nonsensitized Austenitic Steel. Failure of crude unit furnace control valve
stem. Exposure was hot emulsion of crude oil and saltwater. Branching transgranular cracking in the
right photograph is characteristic of chloride cracking of nonsensitized austenitic stainless steel.
Magnification of the left photograph is approximately 2.5X; right is 500X.
Tensile Stress
Tensile stress consists of residual stress from welding and fabrication, plus in-
service stresses. Increasing the total tensile stress increases stress corrosion
cracking. Residual weld stresses often cause failure. They are significantly higher
(near yield stress levels) than in-service stresses unless welds are stress-relieved by
heat treatment.
The amount of stress necessary to cause cracking for a given set of conditions is
called the threshold stress level. At a stress below the threshold stress level cracking
will not occur. Threshold stress values are unique and vary considerably, depending
upon the environment. For instance, stainless steel has cracked at stress levels as
low as 500 psi under severe chloride solution test conditions. For sulfide cracking,
stress levels have been as high as 100 ksi before cracking high strength carbon steel.
The threshold stress levels determine the acceptable level of stress in service or after
Service Temperature
The influence of temperature can only be described in general. In most environ-
ments, increased temperature causes more severe cracking, and there is usually a
threshold temperature below which cracking will not occur.
Temperature plays an important role in concentrating the chemical species that
causes cracking. High temperatures may evaporate liquids and concentrate crack-
producing species. Even though the species may be below the threshold value for
cracking in the bulk fluid, the species may concentrate enough to exceed threshold
level. Evaporation and concentration in boilers and heat exchangers are a special
Solution Environment
The solution environment significantly influences SCC. The pH of the solution,
concentration of crack-producing species, and presence of oxygen all play impor-
tant roles. If the crack-producing species is not present above threshold level,
cracking will not occur.
Dissolved gases may influence the tendency for cracking by changing the threshold
level of other variables. An example is austenitic stainless steel in aqueous chlo-
rides, where oxygen greatly increases cracking susceptibility.
Figure 400-15 lists environments and materials found in our industry in which stress
corrosion cracking can occur.
Duration of Exposure
The duration of exposure is a variable not well defined. Usually cracking times are
extremely short. Typically, when failure occurs after several years, it is because of a
change in solution conditions that made the metal susceptible to cracking.
Little literature is available on the threshold time for cracking, although everyone
agrees that there must be a threshold and that it varies with the conditions and envi-
ronment. Because of the uncertainty of threshold times, decreasing the amount of
time a metal is exposed to a solution is not a practical way to control cracking.
Metal Properties
A metals properties can affect its susceptibility to SCC. Some metals must undergo
metallurgical change to be susceptible. Certain metallurgical phases are more prone
to cracking than others in the same environment. In other environments, the strength
of the material must exceed a threshold value for the material to be susceptible to
to minimize residual stresses. External attachment welds, for example, those associ-
ated with pipe supports and anchors, should be stress relieved as well since these
external welds can create through-wall stresses.
Heat treatment should not introduce undesirable side-effects through metallurgical
changes or distortion. Effective stress relief requires control of heating and cooling
rates, uniformity of temperature, and proper mechanical support of equipment.
Otherwise, the heat treatment itself will impart residual stresses.
The temperatures for stress relief of common materials are given in the Welding
Manual. To obtain the greatest reduction in the residual stress, stress relief tempera-
tures should be on the high side of the temperature range for a given material.
Adding corrosion inhibitors to process streams is not effective in controlling stress
corrosion cracking. For example, laboratory tests show that the usual filming amine
inhibitors are useless in preventing cracking of stainless steel by chloride-ion-
contaminated phenol. In certain instances, amine inhibitors increased rather than
decreased the stress corrosion cracking susceptibility in ammonium chloride.
Amine Environments. Amines currently used in CO2 and H2S removal plants have
caused intergranular stress corrosion cracking of carbon steel piping and vessels.
Some of the more common amine solutions are MEA (monoethanolamine), DEA
(diethanolamine) and MDEA (methyl diethanolamine). Cracks have occurred in
both lean and rich amine service. Temperature of the amine is probably the most
influential variable. Cracks occur readily at temperatures exceeding 200F and
decrease in severity as the temperature decreases. However cracks have been
reported in MEA equipment operating as low as 100F.
Stress relief is recommended to prevent cracking. Our current guidelines are to
stress relieve all new vessels and exchangers in MEA, DEA, and MDEA service
regardless of temperature. All new piping above 100F in MEA service should be
stress relieved. The same is true for piping in DEA and MDEA, except stress relief
is not required for socket and seal welds 1 inches and smaller. The stress relief
guidelines are relaxed for DEA and MDEA because they are less prone than MEA
to cause stress corrosion cracking of carbon steel.
For existing equipment that has not been stress relieved increased inspection
frequency is recommended. Inspection should be performed with the wet fluores-
cent magnetic particle technique on clean steel surfaces to locate any stress corro-
sion cracks. Consult the CRTC Materials and Equipment Engineering for more
specific information on inspection and inspection frequency.
Ammonia Environments. Ammonia stress corrosion cracking has occurred in
anhydrous ammonia storage vessels. For cracking to occur, oxygen must be present
at levels greater than about 1 ppm.
Most failures and cracking of spheres have occurred outside the United States and
with foreign steels. The foreign steels typically obtain their strength from small
alloying additions. This is in contrast to domestic steels, which increase strength
through carbon and manganese additions.
The best preventive measure is thermal stress relief of welded vessels. Following
are some other potential actions to minimize cracking:
Ensure that weld hardness does not exceed Brinell 225.
Use low strength carbon steel.
Add 0.2% minimum water to the ammonia.
Operate at temperatures below -33F.
Keep oxygen levels as low as possible.
Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) Environments. Hydrofluoric acid has caused cracking of
high strength carbon steel. The cracks are typically transgranular. The mechanism is
believed related to hydrogen embrittlement from the hydrogen generated in the
corrosion reaction. This mechanism is the same as described for sulfide cracking.
In HF alkylation plants originally built to Chevron specifications, carbon steel welds
should be stress relieved to prevent cracking. HF alkylation plants built by Gulf
followed the process licenser (Phillips) recommendation to control weld hardness
by specifying steel chemistry limits. Both approaches have been successful in
preventing SCC. The practice originally established for a plant should be continued.
Bolts should be ASTM B7M because the higher strength B7 bolts could crack in
Hydroxide EnvironmentsCaustic. Sodium hydroxide can cause intergranular
cracking in contact with carbon steel at elevated temperatures. This is commonly
referred to as caustic cracking and caustic embrittlement. While sodium hydroxide
causes most of this cracking, other hydroxides such as potassium hydroxide do so as
well. Figure 400-18 shows the concentration of caustic versus metal temperature
where carbon steel is susceptible to cracking.
Stress relief is the most effective way to prevent caustic cracking. We recommend
stress relief of all carbon steel welds when the metal temperature exceeds 140F for
less than 30 wt.% (36 Baum) and 110F when the concentration exceeds 30 wt.%
(36 Baum). The same holds true for cold-formed parts like vessel heads and U-tube
exchanger tubes. A location often overlooked is steam traced lines where local
metal surface temperatures exceed the temperature guidelines and make the steel
susceptible to cracking.
Note that general corrosion increases rapidly with increasing temperatures. For
Area C in Figure 400-18, nickel alloys should be used instead of carbon steel.
Fig. 400-19 Stress Corrosion Cracks Adjacent to Welds. Carbon steel test specimens exposed to calcium-ammo-
nium nitrate fertilizer solution at 140F. Note intergranular pattern of cracks. Magnification of left photo-
graph is 1.5X; right is 500X.
Sulfide Environments. Wet hydrogen sulfide can cause cracking of steel. This is
discussed in detail in Section 450.
Fig. 400-20 Effect of Nickel Content on Susceptibility of Cr-Ni Alloys. [1] 18% to 20% chromium content; exposure in
boiling 42% magnesium chloride. From Copsons data. Several commercial alloys are shown at right;
probable resistance to cracking increases with nickel content. (From Copson, H.R., Physical Metallurgy
of Stress Corrosion Fracture, Interscience Publishers, p 2247 (1959).
Fig. 400-21 Exterior of a Section of Type 304 Waste Oil Fig. 400-22 Stress Corrosion Cracking of Austenitic
Line Cracked from Exposure to Salt Water. Stainless Steels in Commercial Grade
The causative stresses were introduced by Sodium Hydroxide. This plot illustrates the
the short length of the weld in the center of time-temperature-concentration interde-
the photograph. The weld apparently pendence of this type of cracking.
temporarily held a clip or welding ground to
the line. Random or nonstress-relieved
welds in equipment subject to stress corro-
sion are a hazard. Magnification is approxi-
mately 2X.
At temperatures above 300F, the corrosion rate of stainless steel can be high, and
upgrading materials to a nickel base alloy may be the most effective way to prevent
stress corrosion cracking failures and excessive general corrosion.
Fig. 400-23 Stress Corrosion Cracking of Type 304 Exposed to 4% NaOH Solution at 300F to 400F. In the left
photograph, the chromium carbides are in solution (the material is not sensitized) and the cracking is
characteristically transgranular. In the right photograph, the alloy has been sensitized by heating at
1200F to precipitate chromium carbides in the grain boundaries, and the cracking is intergranular.
Magnification is 150X.
Copper Alloys
Copper alloys are susceptible to cracking in two environments commonly found in
process streams: ammonia solutions and sulfate solutions.
Ammonia Environments. All copper alloys used in plants can fail by stress corro-
sion in a moist ammonia atmosphere. Ammonia may be present in the process or
ammonia will be added for pH control. Figure 400-24 shows a failed admiralty
brass tube. The transgranular, branchy, crack pattern is typical of stress corrosion of
brass, but failure may not always be preceded by the pitting obvious in this case.
Failures are most often associated with admiralty brass heat exchanger tubes. Even
though it is common to use annealed tubing, residual stresses can develop from
rolling into the tubesheet or from vibration in U-bend bundles. Residual stress
should be limited by annealing, and operational stress limited by use of additional
baffles. However, these measures will not ensure complete immunity to cracking.
The best method for preventing failures is to use a material resistant to ammonia
stress corrosion cracking. Relative resistance of several common copper alloys from
most to least resistant is as follows:
9010 copper-nickel
7030 copper-nickel
Silicon bronze
Aluminum bronze
Admiralty brass
Aluminum brass
Sulfate Solutions. Copper alloys are also susceptible to stress corrosion cracking in
sulfate solutions. This form of cracking is not commonly identified, partly because
it is nearly impossible to differentiate between cracking due to ammonia solutions
and sulfate solutions. However, regardless of the exact chemical species respon-
sible for the cracking, the solution to the problem is the same.
Nickel Alloys
Ammonium Bisulfide and Sea Water. K-Monel studs have undergone cracking
failures in ammonium bisulfide and in sea water environments as a result of
hydrogen embrittlement. The metal becomes charged with hydrogen from the corro-
sion reaction and cracks from applied stress. Threshold stress for embrittlement is
quite high since the failures most often occur in overtorqued bolts. The best preven-
tive measure is to not exceed the recommended stress level on the bolts.
Hydrofluoric Acid Environments. Stress corrosion cracking of nickel-base alloys is
primarily limited to hydrofluoric acid alkylation plants, and HF acid is the primary
culprit for failures in Monel, K-Monel, and Inconel. Cracks can be both intergran-
ular and transgranular. The vapor phase is more likely to produce cracking than the
liquid phase. Figure 400-25 shows cracking failure of a K-Monel stud in an HF
alkylation plant heat exchanger. Stress relief of all Monel and other nickel-base
alloys does away with the problem.
Fig. 400-24 Stress Corrosion Cracking in an Admiralty Fig. 400-25 Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking of
Brass Tube. From an alkylation plant isobu- K-Monel. K-Monel stud from floating head
tanizer overhead condenser. Pitting of HF alkylation plant exchanger. The
preceded transgranular cracking. Tube cracks resulted from exposure to hydroflu-
was exposed to triethanolamine and SO2, oric acid vapors. Magnification is 150X.
both of which can crack brass.
Magnification is 200X.
W2 = K p t
(Eq. 400-4)
W = weight gain from oxidation per unit area
Kp = parabolic oxidation constant
t = elapsed time
Figure 400-26 illustrates the Parabolic Rate Law. This equation predicts a rate of
oxidation that, initially, is relatively high but continuously decreases according to a
parabolic function.
Most metals and alloys, including carbon steels and low-alloy steels, follow a para-
bolic law of oxidation. In the early stages of film formation, rate of growth is
controlled by surface reactions, first at the metal/oxygen interface and later, as the
film achieves finite thickness, at the metal/oxide and the oxide/oxygen interfaces.
Later, when the film has become appreciably thicker, the controlling factor becomes
the diffusion of metal or oxygen through the oxide layer. See Figure 400-26.
The transport of material through the oxide layer occurs either as movement of
metal cations and electrons to the oxide/oxygen interface, or by oxygen anions to
the metal/oxide interface with an electron flow in the opposite direction. Metal
diffusion occurs more frequently, possibly because the metal cation is generally
smaller than the oxygen anion and passes more readily through the oxide. These two
cases [3] are illustrated schematically in Figure 400-27.
W = K1 t
(Eq. 400-5)
W = weight gain from oxidation per unit area
K1 = linear oxidation constant
t = elapsed time
Fig. 400-26 Illustration of Parabolic Law of Oxidation. Fig. 400-27 Two Ways by Which an Oxide Layer on a
Oxide is protective and rate of formation Metal Thickens. Cationic (metal) diffusion
decreases parabolically as oxide layer (A), anionic (oxygen) diffusion (B). After
thickens.(Courtesy of Butterworth Heine- Shreir [3]. (Courtesy of Butterworth Heine-
mann Publishers) mann Publishers)
Figure 400-28 illustrates the Linear Rate Law. Linear oxidation may result when the
oxygen supply is insufficient to maintain the rate at which the oxide layer is capable
of thickening. In short, the oxygen replenishment rate controls the oxidation
process. Linear oxidation may occur in an atmosphere where the oxygen content is
very low, or as a result of the cracking and spalling of the oxide layer. If the oxide
forms in a stressed condition (e.g., with volume changes in the conversion of metal
to oxide) then at some critical thickness the stresses may become large enough to
fracture the layer. In the cracked condition, the oxide layer is nonprotective and the
oxidation rate becomes very high for a short period, gradually reducing as build-up
takes place. This cycle repeats, and, if the critical film thickness is relatively small,
the measured oxidation rate appears roughly constant.
At the start, oxidation rarely follows the Linear Rate Law. A brief initial period
exists in which the rate changes, followed by a period in which the rate is constant.
The result is two oxide layers with dissimilar properties. The first layer forms
during the initial nonlinear period as a thin, continuous film adjacent to the metal.
The thickening rate is controlled by diffusion through this film rather than the
oxygen reaction, so that the rate slows as the film thickens.
At some point during oxidation, the oxide layer changes from a thin continuous film
to a nonprotective porous scale. As already described, the oxide layer may crack and
spall. Oxidation now follows the Linear Rate Law if the thickening rate of the
porous layer equals the rate at which it cracks. The thin inner layer remains of
constant thickness so that it appears that the oxidation rate is roughly constant.
Among the metals that oxidize in this manner are molybdenum, columbium,
tantalum, titanium, zirconium, thorium, and tungsten.
Catastrophic Oxidation
Catastrophic oxidation occurs when a metal is exposed to vapors of a low-melting-
point oxide or when metal undergoing oxidation contains an element forming a low-
melting-point oxide. Elements causing catastrophic oxidation include vanadium,
bismuth, tungsten, molybdenum, and lead. These liquid oxides attack the metal,
destroying the adhesiveness of the protective oxide layer.
Molybdenum-bearing stainless steels can undergo oxidation at rates ten times higher
than normal. This catastrophic oxidation has been observed chiefly in the austenitic
grades, Types 316 and 317, which contain 2% to 4% molybdenum. At furnace
temperatures of 1600F to 2000F, the most stable oxide of molybdenum is volatile
and present as a vapor. Typically, where the flow of furnace gases sweeps the
molybdic oxide away as rapidly as it forms, oxidation proceeds in a normal fashion.
However, in crevices or protected areas where the atmosphere is stagnant, the MoO2
accumulates and enriches the scale forming a loose and nonprotective scale. The
resulting oxidation and metal loss may be extremely rapid.
Subsurface Oxidation
At temperatures over about 1700F, stainless steels and high-nickel alloys may
suffer subsurface oxidation. This occurs in low-oxygen environments when condi-
tions are oxidizing to some elements in an alloy but not to others. For example,
oxygen atoms may diffuse through austenite grains in a stainless steel without
Fig. 400-28 Illustration of Linear Law of Oxidation. Fig. 400-29 Section From Failed Carbon Steel Tube
Oxide is porous and nonprotective. Rate of From Phthalic Anhydride Reactor Over-
thickening is constant. Nonlinear part of heated in Service. Note intergranular
curve b may be result of formation of a very penetration of oxide. Magnification is 300X.
thin protective oxide layer adjacent to the
metal surface. (Courtesy of Butterworth
Heinemann Publishers)
reacting, then combine with the chromium in a chromium carbide precipitate. The
ultimate effect is selective oxidation of one or more elements within the body of the
alloy rather than at the surface. In Fe-Ni-Cr alloys, an oxide mass containing grains
of almost pure nickel is often found. Fortunately, subsurface oxidation is rare.
Within the Company, it has only been observed in very high temperature furnaces,
such as steam-methane reformers and ethylene plants, and then only when run hotter
than normal and, presumably, with low excess oxygen.
Oxidation of Iron
Commercially pure iron follows the Parabolic Rate Law. Three oxides are formed:
FeO (wustite), Fe3O4 (magnetite), and Fe2O3 (hematite). These oxides can coexist
over a wide temperature range in varying proportions. At comparatively low
temperatures only magnetite and hematite are stable, and the scale is usually
Fig. 400-30 Effect of Temperature on Oxides Formed on Iron. Oxide layers formed at temper-
atures 1050F or higher (left), and below 1050F (right). After Schreir [3]. (Cour-
tesy of Butterworth Heinemann Publishers)
above and below 1050F. Kubaschewski and Hopkins [4] believe that wustite grows
primarily by iron cation (Fe++) diffusion, hematite by oxygen anion (O ) diffu-
sion, and magnetite largely by anion diffusion but also by minor cation diffusion. A
magnetite oxide layer on the inner surface of a boiler steam generating tube is
shown in Figure 400-31.
Chromium is the most important element added to steel to impart oxidation resis-
tance. Chromium creates this resistance by formation of a chromium-rich oxide that
slows down oxygen diffusion and hence protects the metal underneath from attack.
Chromium oxidizes preferentially to iron, and when sufficient chromium is present,
the protective scale is essentially chromic oxide.
Although even small additions of chromium are beneficial, larger amounts allow a
higher temperature range. The temperature at which an alloy may be used safely
without excessive scaling increases as chromium content increases. Maximum
effect is achieved at about 27% as illustrated in Figure 400-32. The use of chro-
mium has made possible a whole series of alloy steels with a wide range of oxida-
tion resistance.
Fig. 400-31 Oxide on Inner Surface of Carbon Steel in Fig. 400-32 Effect of Chromium in Steel on Maximum
Air at 1290F to 1300F. The oxide is prima- Service Temperature Without Excessive
rily Fe3O4, magnetite. Scaling [5] and on Metal Loss by Oxidation
in Air at 1800F [6]. (Data courtesy of U.S.
Steel & Babcock & Wilcox)
Silicon is even more effective than chromium in reducing oxidation of steels.
Figure 400-33 compares the effects of silicon and chromium on the high-
temperature oxidation of steel in air.
Unfortunately, silicon adversely affects the mechanical properties of steels, making
it brittle at room temperature and reducing creep strength at high temperatures.
Therefore, silicon additions are limited to a maximum of about 3% in high-alloy
heat-resisting castings and about 1% in low-alloy wrought materials. Even with
this limitation, the effects of silicon on oxidation are appreciable. The addition of
1% of silicon to a standard 5 Cr-1 Mo steel raises its safe scaling temperature
from about 1200F to 1300F.
Fig. 400-33 Effects of Silicon and Chromium on the Oxidation of Steel in Air at 1290F to
For reasons which are not completely clear, silicon does not have the same benefi-
cial effect in steam as it does in air. In both 1 Cr- Mo and 5 Cr- Mo steels,
silicon actually reduces oxidation resistance in steam atmospheres.
When added to steel, aluminum promotes formation of tightly adhering scales and
markedly improves resistance to scaling. However, it is difficult to add appreciable
quantities of aluminum to steel without producing certain undesirable effects, partic-
ularly a loss of toughness and ductility.
Rahmel et al. report that molybdenum steels with 2% molybdenum markedly reduce
the oxidation rate of iron in the range of 900F to 1800F. Other investigators [5]
have found similar effects: a 5% molybdenum steel oxidized at about one-fifth the
rate of a plain carbon steel at 1100F. As mentioned earlier, molybdenum can cause
catastrophic oxidation under certain circumstances; however, this has been prima-
rily associated with the austenitic stainless steels. Although molybdenum is
frequently present in high-temperature alloys, its chief function is to impart creep
resistance, rather than oxidation resistance.
Nickel has little or no direct effect on the oxidation of iron. Nickel steels with 35%
nickel oxidize at about the same rate as carbon steel. At the 8-10% Ni level of auste-
nitic stainless steels, the nickel does not noticeably improve scaling resistance under
conditions of constant temperature. If temperature cycling exists, nickel is defi-
nitely beneficial because it minimizes spalling of the scale. It accomplishes this by
reducing differential thermal expansion between metal and oxide, thereby reducing
stress at the interface.
W2 = K p t
(Eq. 400-4)
P2 = Kt
(Eq. 400-6)
Then, if R equals corrosion rate (in mils per year),
Oxidation rates decrease with time as the growing oxide scale increasingly prevents
oxygen diffusion. In practice, however, the oxide scale cannot continue to grow
indefinitely. At intervals it may spall off owing to temperature cycles, plant startups
or shutdowns, or the high stresses which develop in the oxide scale as it becomes
thicker. When this happens, fresh metal is exposed and the oxidation rate again
increases to the high initial rate experienced by a clean metal surface. This rate will
slowly decrease with time as the oxide scale redevelops. Over time, the metal may
experience cycles of scale growth and spalling, as shown in Figure 400-34. The
average long-term corrosion rate will then be the value determined by the Parabolic
Rate Law, in which the time, t, is the length of one growth-spall cycle.
Fig. 400-34 Oxidation by Parabolic Rate Law, With and Without Periodic Spalling of the
Oxide Scale
Predicting Rates Under Cyclic Conditions. The Parabolic Rate Law also allows
prediction of oxidation rates under cyclic conditions, by assuming that the scale
spalls off every temperature cycle. This assumption may be valid if the oxide scale
builds up to a reasonable thickness between cycles. However, very thin scale layers
dont develop a high internal stress, and they resist spalling during heating and
cooling cycles. A limited amount of experimental evidence, developed on super-
heaters of gas turbine-powered ships, indicates that oxide scale resists spalling, even
under severe thermal cycling, if less than about 20 mils (0.020 inch) thick. This is
equivalent to about 5 mils metal penetration.
Maximum Temperatures of Steels in Oxidizing Atmospheres. Low-alloy steels,
including alloys with up to 9% chromium, are suitable for temperatures up to about
1300F. Carbon steel can be used up to temperatures of 1050F. Generally, as
Cr content increases the maximum temperature for use increases. The limit for each
alloy is controlled by the alloy content and by conditions of the particular applica-
tion. Chromium, silicon, aluminum, and titanium are the alloying elements of major
importance. Changes in oxidation characteristics brought about by each as single
additions have been discussed in Section 433. However, these elements are usually
present in combinations, and the effects may be compounded. Figure 400-36 gives
the maximum temperature limit for long life under oxidizing conditions for some of
the more common alloys. However, these limits apply to oxidation resistance only.
Factors such as embrittlement or lack of high-temperature strength may limit the
usefulness of these alloys to temperatures lower than the tabulated values.
Much of the available oxidation data on steels has been gathered in short-time labo-
ratory tests in pure air. Industrial atmospheres are much more complex, and the
effects of the constituent gases are sometimes subtle. As a result, observed oxida-
tion behavior in service frequently deviates from what might be predicted in
Figure 400-36.
Fig. 400-36 Maximum Temperatures for Use of Steels in Air [5], [6] (Data courtesy of U.S.
Steel & Babcock & Wilcox)
Alloy Temperature, F
Carbon Steel 1050
C - Mo 1050
1 Cr - Mo 1085
1 Cr - Mo 1100
2 Cr - 1 Mo 1175
3 Cr - 1 Mo 1175
5 Cr - Mo 1200
5 Cr - Mo - 1Si 1300
7 Cr - Mo 1250
9 Cr - 1 Mo 1300
Type 410 (12 Cr) 1400
Note that these limits apply to oxidation limits only. Factors such as embrittlement or lack of high temperature
strength may limit the usefulness of these alloys to temperatures lower than the tabulated values.
Fig. 400-36 Maximum Temperatures for Use of Steels in Air [5], [6] (Data courtesy of U.S.
Steel & Babcock & Wilcox)
Alloy Temperature, F
Type 405 (12 Cr - Al) 1400
Type 430 (17 Cr) 1525
Type 446 (27 Cr) 2050
Type 304 (18 Cr - 8 Ni) 1600
Type 316 (18 Cr - 8 Ni - 3 Mo) 1600
Type 321 (18 Cr - 8 Ni - Ti) 1600
Type 347 (18 Cr - 8 Ni 1 Cb) 1600
Type 309 (25 Cr - 12 Ni) 1900
Type 310 (25 Cr - 20 Ni) 2050
Note that these limits apply to oxidation limits only. Factors such as embrittlement or lack of high temperature
strength may limit the usefulness of these alloys to temperatures lower than the tabulated values.
Oxidation Rates for FCC Regenerators. Experience has shown that the oxidation
of carbon steel and low alloys in FCC regenerators follows the Parabolic Rate Law.
When using promoted catalyst, oxygen levels in regenerators are comparatively
high (several percent), and oxidation rates are essentially the same as in air at the
same temperature. Rates can be predicted with good accuracy by using the one-year
time factor.
Oxidation Rates in Flue Gas Environments. In many applications, such as power
plant boilers and process unit heaters, the tubes, tube supports and other firebox
hardware are exposed to flue gases rather than to air or oxygen. Flue gas is a
mixture of combustion products and usually consists of CO, CO2, O2, H2 and water
vapor, in addition to N2. Depending on whether the unit is fired with an excess or
deficiency of air, the flue gas may either be oxidizing because it contains free
oxygen or reducing by virtue of the carbon monoxide present. Because most fuels
also contain some sulfur, the combustion gases are likely to contain SO2, SO3, and
perhaps H2S. Oxidation rates of carbon and low-alloy steels are appreciably higher
when sulfurous gases are present in the flue gas, particularly if CO is also present. A
quarter of one percent SO2 is sufficient to double the oxidation rate of carbon steel
in flue gases at 1200F. Additions of chromium improve resistance to attack by
SO2-bearing flue gas more or less in proportion to the amount added. At the
9% chromium level, rates may be as little as one-tenth that of plain carbon steel.
Oxidation Rates in Steam Environments. Also of practical interest is the oxida-
tion of steels by steam. Generating tubes in a boiler must resist not only the attack of
flue gases on their exterior (fired) side, but also that of steam on the inner surfaces.
While some investigators have shown that there are differences between steam and
air oxidation rates, these differences are not of great practical significance. It is
generally assumed that oxidation rates in steam and air are the same.
performance at 2000F is compared to that of Type 309 stainless steel and a 75-15
Ni-Cr alloy in Figure 400-38.
Fig. 400-37 Effect of Chromium Content on Oxidation Fig. 400-38 Oxidation of Several Alloys Containing
Rate of Nickel-Chromium Alloys. Exposure Nickel. Intermittent exposure in dry air at
at 2000F. Calculated from Zima [7]. 2000F.
the steel to a depth of about 0.015 to 0.025 inch. A similar process frequently
mentioned in industry publications is called alonizing, a proprietary name of Alon
Processing, Inc., U.S.A. The Alonizing process diffuses aluminum into steel to a
depth of 0.010 to 0.040 inch by heating the part in a retort containing a mixture of
aluminum powders. Parts of almost any shape tubing, piping, castings, or struc-
tural shapes can be alonized on one or more surfaces provided they are of a size
that fits into a retort. The surface layer produced is an aluminum-iron alloy that
forms a protective aluminum oxide film at high temperatures. Carbon steel thus
protected can be operated satisfactorily in an oxidizing atmosphere as high as
Diffusion of the aluminum does not improve the high-temperature strength of the
steel. If high-temperature strength is needed as well as oxidation resistance, the
calorizing or alonizing processes can be applied to the low-alloy chromium-
molybdenum steels.
Also, the aluminum-iron alloy formed by diffusion of the aluminum into the steel is
relatively brittle. This is significant when the cross-section of the base metal is
small, as in wire screens; it limits the minimum size of wire that can be aluminized
and the depth of diffusion permissible on small wires. On heat exchanger tubes, the
brittleness of the aluminum layer may result in its cracking during tube rolling. As a
result, exchanger tube ends are often masked off during the aluminizing, so that the
section to be rolled is not aluminized.
Steels with high-aluminum surface layers have good resistance to attack by SO2,
SO3, and H2S in high-temperature environments above the dew point of the gas. In
the early days of catalytic reforming, calorized piping was used in considerable
quantity in process units to resist high-temperature H 2S attack. While some installa-
tions proved satisfactory, others did not, principally because the diffused layer was
not pore-free, and localized attack occurred. For this reason, this material has not
been widely used in refinery applications in recent years. Improved processing tech-
niques may significantly reduce porosity, and increase the use of this material in the
A common application of alonized stainless steel is in the catalyst support screens
for VGO, VRDS, and isocracker first stage reactors. Austenitic stainless steels are
subject to corrosion and scaling under the conditions encountered in these reactors
(850F, 4050 psi hydrogen sulfide partial pressure, 3,000 psi total pressure). While
the corrosion rate of a Type 347 stainless steel under these conditions is not exces-
sive for most equipment, the sulfide scale formed occupies approximately four
times the volume of the metal lost by corrosion and would plug the screens in a rela-
tively short time. In pilot plant tests, the corrosion rate of alonized Type 347 steel
was negligible and no scaling was observed. On the basis of these tests, this mate-
rial was selected for reactor screens and has performed well for many years.
Because of the small diameter of the screen wire and the brittle nature of the alumi-
nized layer, it is necessary to limit the depth of the aluminized layer to 0.003 to
0.006 inch. Please refer to Specification EG-2663 for details.
Not all diffusion coatings are intended to improve oxidation resistance. Some, like
nitriding and the proprietary TMT-5 (Turbine Metals Technology, Inc.), are prima-
High-Temperature Hydrogen H diffuses into steel, reacts Occurs in carbon and C-1/2 Detected with UT or at high At high temperature and high Controlled by upgrading
Attack (Section 440) with carbon, forms methane, Mo steels above 450F and magnification under a micro- pressure, hydrogen has an material as specified in API
and creates an internal pres- 100 psig H2. Cr-Mo (low alloy) scope prior to failure. equilibrium between H2 and 941. Cr and Mo additions to
sure which causes cracks steels have greater resis- H. As H is formed some steel increase resistance.
and fissures. tance. diffuses into the steel.
Hydrogen Blistering H formed during corrosion The presence and density of Forms circular blisters on ID H forms on surface by Can be eliminated in H2S
(Section 451). diffuses to internal disconti- non-metallic plate-like inclu- of vessels. Detected inter- corrosion, in the presence of service by coating with
nuities (non-metallic inclu- sions. nally with visual inspection hydrogen recombination stainless steel. Performance
sions), recombines to H2, or externally by UT thick- poison (H2S or HF acid), and can be improved by using
creates internal pressure, ness gauge. diffuses into steel. It is low sulfur steel or corrosion
Hydrogen Induced Cracking An advanced degree of The presence and density of Surface breaking cracks at Same as hydrogen blisters. Same as hydrogen blisters.
(HIC) or Stepwise Cracking hydrogen blistering, in which non-metallic inclusions and center or edge of blisters,
(Section 452). pressure in blisters causes blisters. can be detected with WFMT
cracks to grow in the or visually, if severe. Subsur-
through wall direction face cracks can be detected
Stress Oriented Hydrogen Similar to HIC, but weld Residual stresses in the HAZ Surface breaking cracks in Same as hydrogen blisters. Same as hydrogen blisters,
Induced Cracking (SOHIC) residual stresses cause and the presence of non- the weld HAZ, can be plus stress relief will improve
(Section 452). crack growth in the through metallic inclusions. detected with WFMT. resistance.
wall direction between
internal discontinuities.
Note H2 - Molecular Hydrogen, H - Atomic Hydrogen, UT - Ultrasonic Testing, WFMT - Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Testing,
HAZ - Heat Affected Zone, Rc - Rockwell C Hardness, BHN - Brinell Hardness
January 2001
Fig. 400-39 Summary of Hydrogen Damage Mechanisms. The definitions listed in this table are the preferred Chevron definitions. Some other definitions are
Chevron Corporation
Sulfide Stress Cracking H diffuses into a region of High strength & hardness Surface-breaking cracks, H forms on surface by Avoid the use of overly
(SSC) (Section 452). high stress (crack tip or (>Rc 22 in HAZ or >BHN 200 often in the weld or HAZ. Can corrosion, in the presence of strong or hard materials.
internal flaw) in hard steel for the weld metal for steel). be detected with internal H2S, and diffuses into steel. Upgrade to materials listed
and causes crack growth. WFMT. Can also crack steel in NACE MR-01-75. PWHT
Cracking can occur quickly. machinery. improves weldment perfor-
Hydrogen Stress Cracking Same as sulfide stress Same as sulfide stress Same as sulfide stress H forms on surface by Same as sulfide stress
(HSC) cracking. cracking. cracking. corrosion, in the presence of cracking. In HF service
(Section 452). hydrogen recombination Monel is a common upgrade,
poison other than H2S (HF but is susceptible to
acid), and diffuses into steel. cracking.
Hydrogen Embrittlement or H which enters at high High strength and high hard- No change in appearance H can come from any Avoid high stresses and
Hydrogen Assisted Cracking temperatures and high ness steels are affected. The until failure. Mechanical source including electro- stress concentrations while
(Section 460). hydrogen partial pressures, degradation of the proper- property tests while the plating, corrosion, or high material is hydrogen
from corrosion, or from any ties is transitory. The normal material is hydrogen temperature hydrogen and charged. Bake out hydrogen
source reduces the mate- properties return if the charged are needed for rapid cooling. at 600F to restore proper-
rial's ductility and resis- hydrogen diffuses out. detection. ties.
tance to crack growth.
Hydrogen Cracking of Welds H diffuses to a region of High strength & hardness Cracking will occur at the H diffuses to the HAZ from Apply proper preheat. Clean
Note H2 - Molecular Hydrogen, H - Atomic Hydrogen, UT - Ultrasonic Testing, WFMT - Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Testing,
HAZ - Heat Affected Zone, Rc - Rockwell C Hardness, BHN - Brinell Hardness
January 2001
400 Characteristic Corrosion Phenomena Corrosion Prevention and Metallurgy Manual
H2 2Ho
(Eq. 400-8)
2 24 ,000
( PH ) T
-------------- = e
P H = partial pressure of atomic hydrogen
P H 2 = partial pressure of molecular hydrogen
T = temperature, K
This is an equilibrium reaction, dependent only on temperature. In other words, at a
given temperature a fixed percentage of the hydrogen will exist in the atomic state.
As the temperature is changed, the percentage of hydrogen will vary. In a hot
hydrogen environment, atomic hydrogen always exists and will diffuse into and
through the walls of the container regardless of the metal.
As in low temperature blistering (see Section 460), atomic hydrogen tends to
combine into the molecular form within voids or discontinuities in the metal.
However, this cannot cause appreciable damage at high temperatures, since the
hydrogen pressure within the void cannot exceed the hydrogen pressure in the bulk
fluid, owing to the equilibrium between atomic and molecular hydrogen. Hydrogen
attack damage, therefore, results from other reactions.
Since carbon acts as the major strengthening agent in steel, the removal of carbon
(decarburization) by the reaction with atomic hydrogen causes a loss of strength.
The methane formed by this reaction cannot diffuse out of the steel, but is trapped
As attack continues and more methane is formed, high internal pressures are devel-
oped within the steel, which causes small bubbles at grain boundaries and nonme-
tallic inclusions. As the attack progresses, the bubbles link up to form fissures.
These fissures expand progressively due to the high internal gas pressure. This
formation of methane bubbles and fissures and/or the decarburization of the steel is
called high-temperature hydrogen attack.
The metallurgical structure of carbon steel following severe attack is shown in
Figure 400-40.
Fig. 400-40 Severe Fissuring and Decarburization of Carbon Steel From High-temperature Hydrogen Attack.
In the right photograph, notice the progressive change in carbon content, varying from the normal
structure at the top to the completely decarburized structure near the fissures.
In addition to bubbles and fissures that occur within the steel and cannot be seen on
the surface, surface blisters also may be found. Blisters can be seen on the surface of
the steel. These blisters can form at laminations in the steel or by the joining of a
number of separate fissures. They differ from low temperature blisters in that they
contain methane rather than hydrogen and behave in a ductile rather than brittle
manner. The low temperature blisters usually crack when they rise to a height of
perhaps 10% of the blister diameter. High temperature blisters from methane forma-
tion seldom crack, even though they often attain an almost hemispherical shape.
High-temperature hydrogen attack also causes the metal to lose ductility. This does
not represent any inherent embrittlement of the steel. It is due to the stresses being
localized by the methane fissures. Actually, the steel remains ductile but failures
appear brittle because of the short fracture path between fissures.
Hydrogen attack also reduces Charpy impact toughness, and therefore brittle frac-
ture resistance.
Surface Decarburization
When carbon steel is exposed to high-temperature, low-pressure hydrogen (above
1050F and below 200 psi) surface decarburization occurs, with a resultant loss in
strength and an increase in ductility. Most likely this is caused by a continuous
migration of carbon to the surface, where it is removed as methane (or carbon
monoxide if carbon dioxide is present.)
Nelson Curves
The alloys most frequently used commercially to resist hydrogen attack include the
chromium-molybdenum low-alloy steels and the austenitic stainless steels. The
limits for hydrogen attack resistance of carbon steel and certain low-alloy steels are
shown in Figure 1 of API 941. Hydrogen attack can be expected for steel exposed to
temperature-hydrogen partial pressure conditions above and to the right of its repre-
sentative curve.
Figure 1 of API 941 was developed by G.A. Nelson of Shell Development Company
using the service experience of many companies including Chevron, and is often
referred to as the Nelson curves. The Nelson curves are now sponsored by the
American Petroleum Institute, and issued as API 941, Steels for Hydrogen Service
at Elevated Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum Refineries and Petrochemical
Plants, a copy of which is included in this manual. They are widely used and
accepted as providing the most reliable information on the resistance of iron-base
alloys to high-temperature hydrogen attack.
For equipment operating in high-temperature hydrogen service, Chevron requires
materials selections to be based on a safety margin of 50F and 50 psi below the
Nelson curve for the particular steel. Austenitic alloys such as 18% chromium 8%
nickel stainless steels are not shown on Nelson curves; they are considered immune
to high temperature hydrogen attack under all conditions.
Clad Steel
Use of adequately resistant alloys is the only effective way to prevent high-tempera-
ture hydrogen attack. A resistant alloy lining or cladding does not necessarily
protect the backing material from attack. Atomic hydrogen readily diffuses through
a lining and attacks susceptible backing material deficient in alloy content.
However, alloy cladding reduces the concentration of atomic hydrogen in the
backing material by lowering the effective hydrogen partial pressure at the cladding-
backing interface. Therefore, strictly speaking, Nelson curves represent the resis-
tance to hydrogen attack of unclad material only. Theoretically the curves shift to
higher temperatures and higher hydrogen partial pressures for clad materials [10].
Although stainless steel cladding is commonly used to resist corrosion in equip-
ment that is also subject to hydrogen attack, current Company practice is to disre-
gard the potentially beneficial effects of alloy cladding in the design and operation
of equipment to resist hydrogen attack. We use backing materials that have adequate
hydrogen attack resistance with or without cladding. However, we sometimes take
advantage of the beneficial effect of stainless cladding in determining inspection
requirements for specific pieces of equipment.
specific equipment items and piping lines. Check with CRTC Materials and Equip-
ment Engineering for further information.
a susceptible microstructure
The various wet H2S damage mechanisms are discussed in greater detail in the
following sections.
Fig. 400-42 Hydrogen Blistering of Carbon Steel Plate. Fig. 400-43 Cross-section of Hydrogen Blister
Note cracks at either top or edge of which has Cracked Through the
blisters. Surface of the Plate at the Apex of the
Blister. Note second blister beneath
the first.
Carbon steels with a hardness above Rockwell C 22 or BHN 241 are considered
susceptible, although steel composition and microstructure can influence the
threshold hardness for susceptibility. Low strength carbon steels used in pressure
vessel construction are immune to this form of cracking, except at weldments.
Common locations for SSC failures in sour refinery services include the following:
High strength 12 Cr (Type 410 SS) valve trim
Compressor shafts, sleeves, and other high strength machinery parts exposed to
sour gas
Bolts (including common B7, especially in floating head closures)
Alloy steel relief valve springs that have not been A1 plated or isolated from
sour relief gas by bellows designs
Hard welds and weld heat affected zones, most commonly at low heat input
fillet welds (see further discussion below). Hard welds have sometimes resulted
from material mix-ups and the use of alloy filler metals in welds that should
have been carbon steel.
Weld metal hardness of most refinery steels is commonly limited to BHN 200,
which is the normal state of E6010 or E7018 (and similar) weldments with no
special treatment. This is sufficient to prevent SSC in bulk weldmetal.
Weld heat affected zones are a common location for SSC, even in nominally low
strength steel. This is particularly true for single pass fillet weld attachments, which
are usually made with low heat input and without preheating of the basemetal.
Welding heats a narrow band of basemetal into the austenitizing temperature range,
and the subsequent rapid cooling can leave a hard zone adjacent to the weld. Weld
heat input, steel composition, thickness, preheat temperature, and other factors
affect whether this will occur on any given weldment. On multipass welds, the root
passes and fill passes are tempered by the heat of the subsequent passes, leaving
only the HAZ of the cap pass in the untempered and therefore most vulnerable
condition. Post weld heat treatment reduces weld HAZ hardness and virtually elimi-
nates SSC in most refinery steels. However, microalloying elements such as Nb or
V can cause steels to be resistant to tempering and to retain high HAZ hardness
even after PWHT.
NACE Standard MR0175 details the material requirements for preventing SSC in
upstream environments. Compliance with MR0175 is sufficient to prevent SSC in
most refinery environments as well, but it does not address the other potentially
serious forms of wet H2S damage such as HIC, SOHIC, and blistering.
HIC is the cracking that links hydrogen blisters or laminations at different planes in
the metal either to each other or to the surface of the steel. HIC cracking requires no
externally applied stress. Instead, these cracks are driven by stresses from the
internal buildup of hydrogen at blisters. HIC is sometimes called step-wise cracking,
in reference to its appearance. Figure 400-45 shows a crack with a stepwise appear-
ance that is typical of HIC.
Since HIC is closely associated with blistering, it occurs most frequently in steels
with high levels of sulfide inclusions. It is also associated with steels in which
manganese segregation and a banded microstructure is observed. The resistance of a
steel to HIC can be greatly increased by reducing sulfur levels, and by controlling
the shape of sulfide inclusions through the use of calcium or rare earth additions to
produce spherical inclusions rather than flattened ones.
SOHIC refers to cracks in the through-thickness direction that are formed by the
link-up of a stacked array of small HIC cracks. SOHIC is aligned perpendicular to
an applied or residual stress. It is most commonly found in the heat affected zone of
welds, where it typically initiates from other cracks or defects (e.g., a sulfide crack
at a hard weld HAZ). See Figure 400-46.
Fig. 400-45 HIC in a A516-70 Hydrogen Reformer Amine Fig. 400-46 SOHIC Crack (at 50X) from a Sphere
Contactor/Water Wash Tower From NACE Containing Sour LPG Note the stepwise
Standard RP0296-96 appearance common to both SOHIC
and HIC.
Figure 400-39 summarizes HIC and SOHIC and compares them to other hydrogen
damage mechanisms.
Fig. 400-47 Percent of Vessels in Wet H2S Service with Cracks Greater than 3/8" Deep or
50% of Wall Thickness
Fab Defects
Wet H2S Cracks
Nozzles Seams Attachments Not Reported
It is common to find more than one cracking mechanism active in a given service.
Blistering often results in HIC at the edges or center of the blister. Sulfide stress
cracks, which are discussed in Section 452 can initiate SOHIC [12] [13] [14].
All of these cracking mechanisms are the result of hydrogen that forms during
corrosion on the steel surface. Corrosion rates are highest on a clean steel surface.
Higher corrosion rates mean that more atomic hydrogen is being generated, and it is
available to diffuse into the steel. With time, an iron sulfide (FeS) scale forms on the
surface and slows the corrosion rate. Therefore, blistering or cracking is likely to
occur soon after a vessel is put into service or following process upsets, and then
decrease with time.
Inspection results indicate that certain wet H2S services are more likely to cause
blistering and cracking. Though a limited degree of cracking has been found in
equipment containing less than 50 ppm H2S in liquid water, 50 ppm H2S is the
minimum H2S level Chevron uses for wet H2S inspections. Consider upset condi-
tions when evaluating the H2S levels [15].
Blistering occurs most frequently in services which contain H2S and cyanides or
ammonia. The acidity or alkalinity of the system influences the rate of damage, with
blistering generally minimized by an approximately neutral pH. Small amounts of
cyanide greatly increase corrosion rates and hydrogen entry into carbon steel. Most
references indicate that cyanides do not enter directly into the corrosion reaction,
but increase corrosion and atomic hydrogen generation by removing the protective
FeS scale.
Hydrocarbon vapor and LPG services are more likely to cause cracking and blis-
tering than the heavy crude services. Water is carried with the hydrocarbon vapor
while the crudes inhibit the corrosion of the steel and less atomic hydrogen is
These are the most likely places to find blistering and cracking:
LPG and hydrocarbon vapor services
FCC plants and gas recovery systems
amine plant absorbers, regenerators, and regenerator reboilers
hydrocracker and hydrotreater cold high and low pressure separators
services with pH above 8.0 and greater than 2,000 ppm H2S
services where cyanides are present
Heat exchanger shells, vessels, and columns manufactured from plate are all suscep-
tible to blistering, HIC, SOHIC, and SSC. Tanks and large diameter welded pipe
have no special inspection requirements but both are susceptible to blistering.
Piping welds with high hardness (greater than 200 BHN) are susceptible to SSC. If
problems are suspected in a certain piece of equipment, contact CRTC Materials and
Equipment Engineering for Company-wide inspection history.
A distinction is made between the first inspection of an equipment item for wet H2S
cracking, and reinspections of the same equipment. For the first inspection, use a
prioritization system which takes into account the following three key factors:
Service severity
Susceptibility of the steel
Potential consequences of a leak
For all follow-up inspections, frequency and priority is primarily driven by the
results of the first inspection, as described below.
Inspect Next S/D
No Special Inspection
Cracking Factor
Severity = 4
Severity = 2
Severity = 8 Spent
Sour Gas
Rich/Lean Amine
K. O. Drum
Exchanger Sour water to Sour Water Stripper
Severity = 2
Severity = 8
Severity Numbers
Rich Amine Very Mild 1
Flash Drum Mild 2 All Amine
Severity = 2 Moderate
January 2001
4 Equipment
Severe 8 128/292 cracked Rev. 4 10/1/96
Fig. 400-50 Coker Equipment
Chevron Corporation
Interstage KO Gasoline
Severity=8 Debutanizer
Fractionator Absorber
O/H Drum Severity=4
After Cooler
Severity=4 Gasoline
Atmospheric Atmospheric
O/H Condenser
O/H Condenser Reflux Drum
Severity=2 Severity=4 Stabilizer Reflux
Severity=4 Dirty Water
Vacuum Ejector
Vacuum O/H
Atmospheric Severity=2
Seal Drum
Vacuum Vacuum
Column Column O/H
Drum Severity Numbers
Desalter Desalter
Severity=1 Severity=1
All Crude Unit
Resid 42/123 cracked
January 2001
Rev.4 10/1/96
Fig. 400-52 FCC Equipment
Chevron Corporation
Cooler Debutanizer Depropanizer
KO Drum
Severity = 8 Accumulator Accumulator
Severity = 8
Sponge Severity = 8 Severity = 4
Interstage Absorber Depropanizer
KO Drum Severity = 8 O/H Condenser
O/H Condenser
Severity = 8 Severity = 4 Severity = 4
Severity = 4 Water
Propane cut
to H2S plant
Reflux Drum
Severity = 8
Very Mild 1
Mild 2
Moderate 4 All FCC To gasoline splitter
Heavy cycle oil to tankage
Severe 8 Equipment
January 2001
Air Cooler
Severity = 8
Cold Low
Wash Separator
Water Severity = 8
To Fractionator System
Hot High
Rev. 4 10/1/96
Fig. 400-54 Hydrocracker Fractionation Section
Chevron Corporation
Reflux Drum
Severity = 2
KO Drum
Stripper O/H To Deethanizer
Severity = 4
KO Drum Condenser feed cooler
Severity = 4 Severity = 2
Reflux Drum
Severity = 4 To Deethanizer
O/H Condenser feed drum
Fractionator Severity = 2
Stripper O/H
O/H Condenser Accumulator
Severity = 2 Severity = 4
Severity = 4 Stripper
Severity = 4
Severity = 2
Feed Cooler
Severity = 4 Debutanizer
Reflux Drum Depropanizer
Severity = 4 O/H Accumulator
Severity = 4
Deethanizer Debutanizer
Severity = 8 Severity = 4
Feed Drum Depropanizer
Severity = 8 Severity = 4
Severity = 1
Severe 8
Rev. 4 10/1/96
Fig. 400-56 Naphtha, Jet, and Diesel Hydrotreater Equipment
Chevron Corporation
Reflux Drum
Severity = 4 Foul
Desulfurizer Water
Severity = 1
Recycle Gas
KO Drum
Severity = 4
Sour Gas
Drain Pot
Severity = 2
To Low Water
Effluent Low
Cooler Pressure All Naphtha
Separator Hydrotreater
Severity = 4 Equipment
Foul Severity = 2
Water 27/92 cracked
Foul Water Rev. 4 10/1/96
January 2001
Fig. 400-57 Sour Water Stripper Equipment
Chevron Corporation
Sour Water
Feed Stripper Reflux
Water Drum
Degasser Severity = 8
Severity = 4
Sour Water
Severity = 4
Stripped Water
Rev. 4 10/1/96
Fig. 400-58 Waste Water Treater Equipment
Chevron Corporation
To Caustic
Drain Drum
To Disposal
Stripper Ammonia
Severity=4 Scrubber
Ammonia Severity=4
22/54 cracked
Rev. 4 10/1/96
400 Characteristic Corrosion Phenomena Corrosion Prevention and Metallurgy Manual
2. For equipment not meeting the criteria outlined in (1) above, reinspection
should occur at the next scheduled plant turnaround, not to exceed five years
from the previous inspection when the damage was found.
The required inspection methods are the same as in (1) above. Reinspec-
tion must be by WFMT for the eight specific equipment items listed in
Figure 400-59, but may be by either WFMT or UTSW for all other
Reinspection may be limited to the areas in which the prior damage, repair,
or alteration occurred.
Any reinspection that meets the scope and intent established in (1) above
may be used to re-set the 10-year reinspection frequency. Inspections of
lesser scope shall not be used to re-set the 10 year reinspection frequency,
even if no damage is found.
preparation methods have been tried by Chevron Operating Companies. Only the
first two (grit blast and flapper wheel) are approved for wet H2S cracking
Grit blast with Du-Pont Starblast is the recommended surface preparation method
because it removes the sulfide and mill scales without peening over crack indica-
tions. On rough or pitted surfaces, additional preparation by a flapper wheel to
smooth the surface may be required.
Flapper wheel surface preparation is also acceptable. It allows for the most sensi-
tive inspection. Also, the flapper wheel will remove shallow non-relevant indica-
tions. Flapper wheel surface preparation of part of each vessel is recommended
when inspecting for carbonate stress corrosion cracking in the FCC. For equipment
in other wet H2S service, spot checking areas with flapper wheel surface prepara-
tion is not a requirement.
High pressure hydroblasting is not recommended because it does not always remove
mill scale that masks significant indications. Flash rusting can also be a problem,
and improper use of corrosion inhibitor can mask indications.
High pressure hydroblasting with garnet is not a recommended surface preparation
method. It can peen over tight cracks, flash rusting can interfere with inspection,
and equipment damage has occasionally occurred due to the highly abrasive nature
of the process.
UTSW Inspection. This includes both automated (AUT) versions and manual tech-
niques. UTSW is an extremely valuable tool because it allows inspection without
entering the vessel. Operating equipment up to 300F can be scanned using AUT,
while manual techniques are limited to about 120-140F. Unfortunately, external
reinforcing pads at nozzles and various other construction details prevent access to
some welds. Also, internal attachment welds at tray supports, downcomers, etc. can
be difficult to locate, and the UT signals difficult to interpret.
AUT scanning is expensive and coverage is slow. Its advantages are the ability to
inspect higher temperature equipment and the availability of hard copy reports,
including C-scans for blistering and laminations, and B-scans for cracking. All
AUT reports of cracking need to be verified by manual UTSW. Also, sizing of
defects cannot be done by AUT, but must be done manually. A technician can
manipulate the transducer angle for optimum viewing of the crack indication by
UTSW, and can also apply other UT techniques to distinguish cracking from other
forms of sound reflectors.
Both manual and automatic UT testing are extremely sensitive to the equipment
being used, the testing and calibration parameters, and to the skill of the technician
(including basic NDE skill and familiarity with the types of damage that may be
present). Most UT practitioners are not able to pass screening tests established by
CRTC NDE specialists, despite being ASNT qualified. Thus, it is essential to use
only contractors and technicians individually certified by CRTC for this work.
Among qualified UTSW practitioners, detection of cracks deeper than 0.1" in butt
seams is achievable. Sizing accuracy is indeterminate at this time, and is the subject
of ongoing research. Crack indications showing apparent sizes of 0.1" and greater
require follow-up internal inspection by WFMT. Nevertheless, UTSW using quali-
fied techniques and technicians can reliably screen vessel weld seams and verify the
absence of significant cracks.
Note that the lack of ability to inspect nozzles and certain other pressure seams
means that UTSW alone cannot satisfy the inspection coverage requirements stated
earlier and in the Wet H2S Cracking Notebook.
Eddy Current (EC) Inspection. Eddy current inspection tools are currently under
development and field testing, but are not yet ready for widespread application. If
successful, they may be able to detect and accurately size cracks without removing
the surface scale. EC probes have been adapted to inspect both fillet welds and butt
seams. This could potentially eliminate the need for grit blasting or flapper wheel
preparation of most welds, although vessel entry would still be required. Contact
CRTC for current recommendations on EC inspection.
Hydrogen Probes. Hydrogen probes are a method of detecting the hydrogen
activity which may lead to cracking and blistering (see Section 540). Hydrogen
probes measure the amount of hydrogen diffusing through a steel vessel. Signifi-
cant increases in the amount of hydrogen indicate an increase in the severity of the
service, perhaps due to a change in process conditions or to some difficulty with the
corrosion control system (e.g., polysulfide injection, wash water injection, etc.).
This may also indicate a need for follow-up inspection [16].
Most cracks found in vessels in wet H2S service are at blisters, in welds, or in weld
heat affected zones. Cracks may be evaluated per Chevrons Guide to Evaluating
Equipment Integrity [17], NBIC, or API 510. CRTCs Fitness for Service
Specialists are available to provide additional guidance.
Use the weld repair guidelines given below to minimize the occurrence of addi-
tional cracking after repair. Hydrogen bake-out prior to weld repairs and post weld
heat treatment improve the chances of making a sound repair.
For services which have severe or recurring cracking problems, non-porous, holiday
free stainless steel coatings will make welds resistant to SOHIC and SSC. Stainless
steel coatings can be applied by weld overlay. Thermal spray stainless steel and
nickel based coatings have been tried in several cases by Chevron, and are now
being evaluated further. Coatings and overlays are intended for welds with a history
of cracking, not for the entire vessel.
4. Repair as follows:
Step 1: Preheat according to thickness
Thickness Preheat & Maintain Preheat of:
1" 100F if the metal temperature is less than 50F
1" 200F
Step 2: All surfaces shall be free of moisture.
Step 3: Use E7018 low hydrogen electrodes.
Step 4: Use PWHT at 1100F to 1200F in accordance with ASME
Section VIII Division 1 Table UCS-56.
4. Repair as follows:
Step 1: Preheat weld areas and maintain at a minimum of 200F during
welding. The maximum interpass temperature shall be 500F.
Step 2: Use E7018 low hydrogen electrodes.
Step 3: Perform vertical welding in the uphill direction.
Step 4: Run a tempering weld pass over the cap pass of the repair weld on
the base metal side, as shown in Figure 400-60. Remove the
tempering pass by grinding when weld repair is complete and
cooled. A similar procedure should be used for repairs transverse
to the weld or in the base metal.
Outer Surface
Original Weld
Weld Inner Surface
Alternate Method B: High Preheat. Use the recommended weld repair method
except substitute the following for item 4 in the recommended method:
4. Repair as follows:
Step 1: Preheat weld areas and maintain at a minimum of 300F during
welding. The maximum interpass temperature shall be 500F.
Step 2: Use E7018 low hydrogen electrodes.
Step 3: Perform vertical welding in the uphill direction.
Corrosion Control
Atomic hydrogen will not be generated if corrosion is eliminated; therefore,
hydrogen will not diffuse into the steel and initiate cracking.
One method to prevent all forms of hydrogen induced cracking in wet H2S services
is the use of stainless steel clad plate. Follow Specification PVM-EG-1322, Stain-
less Steel Clad Pressure Vessels. For small vessels, weld overlay or thermal spray
stainless steel coatings of the welds also protect a vessel against hydrogen blistering
and cracking, assuming the coating is holiday free.
Inhibitors are also used to control corrosion. Organic corrosion inhibitors success-
fully prevent blistering for sections of vessels in continuous contact with liquid. In
columns or accumulators that do not operate full of liquid, inhibitors are relatively
ineffective in protecting surfaces exposed to vapors.
Sour Service > 50 wppm H2S; service severity factor of 5 No special steel selection required, but
or less per the flow diagrams in the Wet PWHT and increased inspection are
H2S Cracking Notebook (Figures 400-49 to required, including WFMT and hardness
400-56 in this chapter). testing.
Severe Sour Service > 50 wppm H2S; service severity factor of 6 Special steel chemistry and fabrication
or greater per the flow diagrams in the Wet requirements apply, along with additional
H2S Cracking Notebook (Figures 400-49 to testing and inspection.
400-56 in this chapter).
Severe blistering or corrosion services; Stainless steel cladding
consult Materials Engineering Specialist
Reduces global residual stresses and thereby reduces the likelihood of rupture or
fracture in the presence of large flaws
WFMT Inspection Ensures that no cracks are present. Pre-existing cracks are stress risers which may
help initiate wet H2S cracking in service.
Ensures that any defects subsequently found are due to in-service cracking. This is
important because hydrogen-related welding defects can be indistinguishable from
some forms of wet H2S damage.
UT Exam per SA578 Ensures minimal midwall laminations and inclusions are present. Note that SA578
Level 3 requires that any areas in which loss of backwall reflection exceeds 50%
must be limited in size to a 1" diameter circle.
Normalize & Temper Heat Refines grain size, which laboratory testing has shown to improve resistance to blis-
Treatment tering, HIC, and SOHIC. A finer grain size also improves toughness. Quenching and
tempering has similar effects, but also eliminates ferrite/pearlite banding and Mn
segregation. Also, N&T and Q&T heat treatments enable steels to meet minimum
tensile strength requirements at lower levels of carbon and carbon equivalent,
which in turn means these steels have lower weld HAZ hardnesses.
Chemistry Requirements Carbon equivalent limit - reduces the tendency of steels to form hard HAZs.
Ca additions - for inclusion shape control; reduces flattening of MnS during rolling,
and thereby eliminates sites for blistering and HIC cracking. Unfortunately, recent
testing has shown that excessive Ca treatment increases the susceptibility of steel
to the SOHIC form of cracking.
The final welding pass is always on the OD of a pipeline weld, and therefore
never in direct contact with the process fluid. The concern for SSC due to hard
weld HAZs is minimal because there are no internal attachment welds.
Higher strength pipeline steels are often fabricated using a controlled rolling
process at temperatures below the austenitizing temperature. This worsens the
flattening effect of rolling upon the MnS inclusions.
Due to the stress pattern of both applied and residual stresses, there was little
concern for SOHIC in pipelines.
Thus, while HIC resistant steels are giving good service in the pipeline industry,
process plant experience has been less successful. While blistering and HIC damage
is reduced, there appears to be a greater tendency for SSC and subsequent SOHIC
cracking, which may ultimately reduce the reliability of equipment. Many users,
including Chevron, are now eliminating or drastically curtailing their use of Ca-
treated HIC resistant steels in process plants.
A new class of steels manufactured to SA-841 have recently performed well in labo-
ratory tests for HIC and SOHIC resistance. These steels are made by thermo-
mechanically controlled processing (TMCP) or are quenched and tempered.
Although they have performed well in these tests, they are just beginning to be used
in process plant applications in the US.
Blistering and HIC are primarily a problem with seam-welded pipe (as opposed to
seamless) because the sulfide inclusions are flattened out into pancake shapes
during plate rolling. Long, flat inclusions are much more detrimental than short,
round ones. Controlled rolled steels used for X52, X60, X65 and higher grades of
line pipe are particularly susceptible to HIC because the sulfide inclusions elongate
severely during the lower temperature rolling steps used in the plate rolling process.
Seamless pipe is less susceptible to blistering and HIC because higher forming
temperatures and less wall reduction are employed, so that the inclusions do not
elongate as severely. However, very few mills can make seamless pipe larger than
about 16-inch diameter, and it is much more expensive than welded pipe. Besides,
HIC can be prevented in welded pipe.
The partial pressure of H2S in the gas phase is no higher than 10 psia.
The surface operating pressure is a maximum of 265 psia.
MR-01-75 contains curves that provide a convenient method of determining
whether or not a gas well or an oil well is sour. By knowing the total pressure and
the H2S concentration of the gas in the well, you can readily determine from the
graph if it falls within the sour (i.e., cracking susceptibility) region.
The definition of sour or nonsour, as outlined in MR-01-75, is intended only to
make clear where metals are subject to sulfide cracking at temperatures near
ambient. It does not address all aspects of materials selection for sour environ-
ments, such as weight loss corrosion, stress corrosion cracking, and hydriding by
H2S-chloride environments at elevated temperatures. Also, its definition of sour
does not consider H2S toxicity and personnel protection.
temperature range within the -50F to 200F limit. For example, steel with a yield
strength of about 140 ksi is susceptible to cracking in about the 0F - 175F range.
A 175 ksi yield strength steel might still suffer SSC between 175F and 200F.
MR-01-75 makes use of this fact by permitting quenched and tempered API N-80
tubing and casing above 150F and API P-110 casing above 175F in sour service.
Neither of these grades of tubulars is resistant to sulfide cracking below the indi-
cated temperatures.
Care must be exercised in taking advantage of the temperature effect on SSC
susceptibility; all exposure conditions must be considered, including shut-in. For
example, a sour well with a flowing wellhead temperature of 175F may see the
same sour environment at 70F when the well is shut in. Similarly, a piece of equip-
ment operating in a sour environment above 200F may still be charged full of
hydrogen when it cools for a shutdown.
Welding standard carbon steel pipe (i.e., Grade B) or plate ordinarily should not
result in welds that are hard enough to be susceptible to SSC. Some precautions
should be taken, however, including: (1) requiring a hardness traverse across the
weld, both heat affected zones, and into the base metal on the welding procedure
qualification, (2) checking fabrication welds with a Telebrineller hardness tester to
be sure the welds do not exceed 200 BHN, per NACE Recommended Practice
RP-04-72 [25], and (3) checking weld procedure specifications to be sure active flux
is not used in submerged arc welds.
In some cases, stress relief of vessels used in sour service has been used to ensure
that both weld hardness and residual stresses are low, to minimize the risk of SSC.
Welding low-alloy steels, e.g., those containing chromium and molybdenum,
requires post-weld heat treatment in order to reduce heat-affected zone hardness.
For more information on welding requirements, refer to the Welding Manual, Piping
Manual, Pipeline Manual, and Pressure Vessel Manual.
Downhole tubulars of the following grades are suitable for sour service at all
API H-40
API J-55
API K-55
API C-75
API L-80
C-90SS and C-95SS refer to the Company's designations for manufacturer's special
proprietary, high-strength sour service grades of tubing and casing. These grades are
manufactured with careful control of chemistry and heat treatment in order to maxi-
mize their resistance to sulfide cracking. They retain their sulfide cracking resis-
tance at hardness above HRC 22, and MR-01-75 permits their use to HRC 26.
steel, temperature, and the test duration. At intermediate stress levels between the
upper and lower critical stress, failure is inevitable provided the stress is maintained
long enough.
Fracture in hydrogen-charged specimens occurs as a series of events: incubation,
crack initiation, crack propagation and final fracture [19]. This behavior is repre-
sented in Figure 400-64 by two stress-time curves, one for crack initiation and one
for fracture. The crack initiation curve represents the incubation period for crack
formation, or the onset of irreversible damage. The fracture curve is simply the time
to complete rupture of the specimen.
An increase of hydrogen content in the steel, or an increase in notch severity (i.e.,
stress concentration) normally leads to a decrease in both the upper and lower crit-
ical stresses and shortens the incubation period. In general, increasing the strength
of the steel also decreases both the upper and lower critical stresses and shortens the
incubation period, but the importance of strength depends on the hydrogen content
of the steel. In severe hydrogen charging environments, such as aqueous solutions
of hydrogen sulfide, increasing the strength of the steel decreases both the time to
fracture and the lower critical stress.
Fig. 400-65 Effect of Hydrogen Atmosphere on Fatigue Crack Growth Rates Under Conditions Typical of Pressure
Swing Absorbers (400 psia hydrogen) (Courtesy of UOP Equipment Systems Technology Group)
470 References
1. Copson, H. R., Physical Metallurgy of Stress Corrosion Fracture, Interscience
Publishers, p. 2247 (1959).
2. Evans, U. R., The Corrosion and Oxidation of Metals. St. Martins Press Inc.,
3. Shreir, L. L., ed. Corrosion. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1963.
4. Kubaschewski, O., B. E. Hopkins., Oxidation of Metals and Alloys. Academic
Press Inc., 1962.
5. U.S. Steel Bulletin, Steels for Elevated Temperature Service, 4th Printing, 1961,
p. 15.
6. Babcock and Wilcox Technical Bulletin 6G, Properties of Carbon and Alloy
Steel Tubing for High Temperature and High Pressure Service.
7. Zima, G. E., Trans. American Society for Metals, Vol 49, p. 924, 1957.
8. Dunn, J. S., Proc. Jour, Inst. Met., Vol. 46, p. 25, 1931.
9. Nelson, G. A., Action of Hydrogen on Steel at High Temperature and High
Pressures Welding Research Council Bulletin No. 145, October 1969,
pp. 3342.
10. Anticipated Effect of Stainless Steel Cladding on Hydrogen Attack and Blis-
tering of Pressure Vessel Steels, Materials and Equipment Engineering Report,
File 45.55, July 29, 1974.
11. The Materials Properties Council, Inc. Evaluation of Advanced Steels for
SOHIC Resistance, Draft Topical Report on Task 1 of the Joint Industry Spon-
sored Research Program, Hydrogen Induced Cracking, Phase II, HIC-II-19,
October 1996.
12. Merrick, R. D., Refinery Experiences with Cracking in Wet H2S Environments.
Presented at NACE Corrosion/87, San Francisco, March 1987, Paper No. 190.
13. Merrick, R. D. and M. L. Bullen., Prevention of Cracking in Wet H2S
Environments. Presented at NACE Corrosion/89, New Orleans, April 1989,
Paper No. 269.
14. Failure Analysis of Amine-absorber Pressure Vessel, Materials Performance,
Vol. 26, No. 8, pp. 18-24 (1987) August. NACE International, Houston, Texas.
15. Wet H2S Cracking Flow Diagrams/Wet H2S Notebook, CRTC Materials and
Equipment Engineering File: 18.40, December 23, 1996.
16. Avoiding Environmental Cracking in Amine Units, API Recommended Practice
945, First Edition, August 1990, Washington, D.C.
17. Bizzel, K.P., W.J. Carter, R. Klehn, and E.H. Niccolls, Chevrons Guide to Eval-
uating Equipment Integrity. CRTC Materials and Equipment Engineering File:
54.21, April 10, 1995.
Andersson, B., Corrosion, Vol. 18, p. 425t (1962).
ASM Metals Handbook, Ninth Edition, Volume 13, 1987, p 123, p 239.
Baldy, M. F., and R. C. Bowden, Jr., Corrosion, Vol. 11, p. 417t (1955).
Bradley, B. W., and N. R. Dunne, Corrosion, Vol. 13, p. 239t (1957).
Cauchois, L., J. Didier, and E. Herzog, Corrosion, Vol. 13, p. 263t (1957).
Copson, H. R., and C. F. Cheng, Corrosion, Vol. 12, p. 647t (1956).
Minutes of NACE Tech. Committee T-1F-2 Meeting, NACE South Central Region
Conference, Oklahoma City, October 2, 1957.
Morgan, E. R., V. F. Zackay., Ductile Iron-Aluminum Alloys, Metals Progress, 68,
p. 126, Oct. 1955.
Nielsen, N. A., Physical Metallurgy of Stress Corrosion Fracture, Interscience
Publishers, p. 121 (1959).
Piehl, R. L., Stress Corrosion Cracking in Sulfur Acids, API paper presented at
29th mid-year meeting, May 11, 1964; preprint no. 1664.
Priest, D. K., F. H. Beck, and M. G. Fontana, Trans. ASM, Vol. 47, p. 473 (1955).
Rahmel, A., W. Jaeger, and K. Becker., Archiv Eisenhuttenwesen, 30, p. 351, 1959.
Revised Guidelines for Carbon- Molybdenum Steel in Hydrogen Service,
Materials and Equipment Engineering Report, File 45.55, April 30,1987.
Scharfstein, L. R., and W. F. Brindley, Corrosion, Vol. 14, p. 588t (1958)
Scheil, M. A., Symposium on Stress Corrosion Cracking of Metals, ASTM-AIME,
p. 395 (1944).
Schuetz, A. E., and W. D. Robertson, Corrosion, Vol. 13, p. 437t (1957).
Snowden, P. P., and Jour, Iron and Steel Institute, Vol. 194, p. 181 (1960).
Uhlig, H. H. and R. W. Revie., Corrosion and Corrosion Control, Third Edition.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1985.
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