Form 3 English Poisoned Talk

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Form 3 English: Poem- Poisoned Talk

Poem Poisoned Talk - Stanza by Stanza


The title of this poem signifies the main content of the poem itself that is the poisoning of the environment
by pollution. In each stanza, the poem reveals what has happened to the environment. A question will be posed,
then followed by an answer. The answer given kind of exposing or showing a confession. Throughout the poem,
we will find out that the real culprit who is responsible polluting the environment is man. The poet was trying to
tell us how man's greed destroys the environment.

Paraphrase of the Poem

Stanza 1

The narrator posed a question on who killed cock robin. The worm confesses and took responsibility. The cause
of the bird's death is poisoning due to eating the poisonous worm. The worm is poisonous because it was
poisoned by the acid soil which is toxic and harmful to plants and trees. That is why the tree where cock robin
died is 'a withered tree', that means a weak and dry tree.

Stanza 2

The narrator asks who killed the heron and the fish confesses. It killed the heron when the bird fed on his
poisoned flesh. The fish further confesses that he killed all the birds of the lake including duck, drake and

Stanza 3

The narrator posed a question on who killed the lake. 'Industry' boasts that he's the culprit. 'Industry'
explains that he poisoned the fish, weeds and the plants in the lake with mercury. Mercury is a hazardous and
poisonous substance that is released into the environment through industrial processes and reckless disposal of
industrial waste. 'Industry' claimed that he poisoned the lake to please 'greedy men' (referring to
mankind/people) who do not want to spend money to dispose hazardous industrial waste properly. They simply
want to gain more profits.

Stanza 4

The narrator asks who killed the flowers. The wind admitted to the crime. The wind explained that he killed the
flowers by carrying acid rain over the land, be it cultivated field, flooded land or wetlands. Like acid soil, acid
rain destroys plants.

Stanza 5

The narrator posed a question on who killed the forest. Sulphur dioxide takes accountability. He made sure the
forest died along with all the wildlife and creatures. Sulphur dioxide is a smelly gas or liquid produced through
industrial processes and the burning of coal and petroleum. It dissolves in water to form acid. Air polluted by

sulphur dioxide turns rain into acid rain, which is harmful to plants and wildlife. Sulphur dioxide claims that he
killed all life from the earthworm to the linnet, showing us how powerful and lethal sulphur dioxide is.


1. Environmental Pollution

Men are willing to destroy our mother nature for more money and power. The factories, cars, and other vehicles
release poisonous gas and substances like mercury. This pollutes the lake and the flora and fauna in it.

2. Destruction of nature.

Nature has flora and fauna. They affect one another. When the lake gets polluted, the fish that lives in it will
get poisoned. When the birds eat the fishes, the birds get poisoned. Also, if the wind is polluted, it brings the
poisonous gas everywhere; all plants will wither and die. In the end, it destroys our mother nature.

Moral Values:

1. We must be responsible for the things we do.

2. We must take actions to stop pollutions.

3. We must respect nature.

4. We must appreciate the Earth.

5. We must not be too greedy. (for money and power)

6. We must protect our environment.

Point of View

Third person

The persona asks questions and reports the replies (answers).


Who killed cock robin?

I, said the worm,

I did him great harm. The worm said the acid soil poisoned it and now it had poisoned
Stanza 1
He died on the branch of a withered tree cock robin after the bird ate the worm.

From the acid soil that poisoned me.

Stanza 2 Who killed the heron? The fish said its poisoned flesh killed all the birds of the lake.

I, mouthed the fish,

With my tainted flesh

I killed tern, duck and drake,

All the birds of the lake.

Who killed the lake?

I, boasted Industry,
Industry (factories) said it poisoned the lake with mercury. All fish,
Stanza 3 I poisoned with mercury
plant and weed died because men polluted the lake.
Fish, plant and weed

To pamper mens greed.

Who killed the flowers?

I, moaned the wind,

The wind said it killed the flowers because it blowed acid rain over
Stanza 4 I prowl unconfined,
field, flood and fen.
Blowing acid rain

Over field, flood and fen.

Who killed the forest?

I ensured that it died,

Sulphur dioxide (from cars and factories) said it killed the forest and
Stanza 5 Said sulphur dioxide.
everything that lived in the forest.
And all life within it,

from earthworm to linnet.

Pictures to help you understand.

Cock robin



duck and drake





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