Ammonites PDF
Ammonites PDF
Ammonites PDF
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C h a p t e r 6: T h e extinction of t h e a m m o n i t e s I35
Periodic extinctions throughout the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic
Late Cretaceous decline and extinction
The ammonites' successors - the Coleoidea
Note that in this book 'ammonite' is talzen to be any member of the order
Ammonoidea, though strictly speaking 'ammonite' is used for the single
suborder Ammonitina within the Ammonoidea (see p. 128).
f i e authors would like to thank all of their many friends and colleagues at
The Natural History Museum who helped and encouraged the authors
along the way. In particular, the assistance of the Curator of Fossil
Cephalopods, Steve Baker, is noted with thanks; without his help in
examining the specimens in his care, this book would not have been
possible. The authors also wish to thank Robert Ralph for reading through
the manuscript and providing many useful comments and suggestions.
It was as an undergraduate at the University of Aberdeen that one of us
(NM)was inspired by Bob to take writing seriously! The authors would also
like to thank two anonymous reviewers from the USA. NM would also like
to acknowledge the frequent collaborations and conversations with other
palaeontologists that went a long way towards defining his understanding
of ammonites (though of course the opinions of the authors cited here are
their own!). Foremost on this list include Ottilia Szives, W. J. Kennedy,
Andy Gale, Andrew Smith, Noel Morris and Jeremy Young, but there are
many, many others.
AMMONITES intrigue people who know nothing about fossils, just as
much as they do amateur and professional palaeontologists. Amateur fossil
collectors quickly build up collections of dozens of species of ammonites,
while the mathematically-minded delight in the precision of their spiral
shells. Gift shops around the world frequently sell ammonites as attractive
ornaments for the home, from small ones costing very little right up to giant
ones for the seriously wealthy connoisseur. The compact, spirally coiled
shells of ammonites have inspired artisans and architects. For example, the
house of the Victorian naturalist Gideon Mantell in Lewes, Sussex, features
classical Ionic columns, and the whorls at the tops of the columns are not
plain spirals but stone replicas of the mid-Jurassic ammonite Teloceras.
The name Cephalopoda literally means 'head-footed', a reference to the
ring of arms that all cephalopods have surrounding the mouth. Although
sharing the same basic design as the other molluscs, cephalopods have
become adapted to an active, predatory lifestyle. They are able to swim, and
have muscular arms and a sharp beak for catching and dismembering their
prey. Thousands of fossil species of cephalopod are known, of which the
nautiluses, ammonites and belemnites are the best known groups. Only a
Phylum Mollusca
Scientists have divided the cephalopods into three subclasses or orders, the
Nautiloidea, Ammonoidea and Coleoidea. The Nautiloidea contains the
living and fossil nautiluses. These have external shells, usually straight in
the most primitive species but tightly coiled in the later ones, including the
living species. Their shells are chambered, divided by gently curved walls
called septa. On the radula, each row of teeth consists of one large central
tooth and six small teeth on either side, making 13 teeth per row in total.
The Ammonoidea includes the ammonites and their relatives such as the
goniatites and ceratites. Superficially they resemble nautiluses in having a
coiled, chambered shell, but ammonites have complex septa, with
numerous folds and divisions at the edges where the septum meets the
outer wall of the shell. The radula is also different, instead of 13 teeth there
are only nine teeth per row, one central tooth and four on either side. The
structure of ammonite shells, and their similarities and differences with
nautiluses are discussed in more detail in Chapter 2.
The third group, the Coleoidea, includes the belemnites, the cuttlefish, the
scluids and the octopuses. Apart from the belemnites, this group has
reached its greatest diversity in the modern seas and oceans, and examples
can be found today in rock pools, coral reefs and throughout the depths of
the ocean and abyssal plain. The Coleoidea have internal shells, sometimes
chambered, as with cuttlefish, and other times not, as with squid. The
octopuses have no shell except the argonauts (see p. 21). The radula of
coleoids is similar to that of ammonites, with nine teeth, which suggests
that coleoids and ammonoids are more closely related to one another than
to the nautiluses. Unlike either the nautiluses or (as far as we can tell) the
ammonites, coleoids can produce ink, which they use as a 'smoke-screen'
to cover their escape when threatened. This has given rise to the common
name for this group, the inkfish. Coleoids are also particularly intelligent
compared with other invertebrate animals. They have sophisticated
hunting, social and mating behaviours, and many species show an aptitude
for learning. Octopuses, for example, have learned how to open bottles or
press buttons to obtain morsels of food.
All nautiluses and ammonites, and the more primitive coleoids such as the
belemnites and cuttlefish, share the same basic shell design. The shell is
made from a mineral called aragonite, sometimes called mother-of-pearl,
and, as noted above, is divided up into a series of chambers by the septa.
Connecting the chambers is a strand of tissue called the siphuncle which
passes through perforations in each of the chamber walls. Ultimately it
joins the main body of the animal. The si~huncleis well supplied with
blood, and is the transport system which pulls water out of the chambers
while filling them up with gas. Emptying the chambers of water reduces
the overall density of the animal, enabling it to attain neutral buoyancy, so
it can float easily and swim with the minimum of effort. In terms of
function it serves the same purpose as the swim bladder of bony fishes. The
siphuncle can compensate for changes in pressure if the animal swims into
shallower or deeper water, and is also able to pump out any water that seeps
back into the shell. Ammonite shells are so similar to the shells of
nautiluses, that it is certain they served the same purpose. The only
differences are the more complex septa in the ammonites and the fact that
the siphuncle does not run through the centre of the chambers, as in
nautiluses, but usually near the bottom of chambers. The way in which
ammonite shells worked, and why they had the shapes they did, are
discussed in more detail in Chapter j.
Though their shells are common fossils, there is very little evidence for the
other aspects of ammonite anatomy. The radula has been found in quite a
few species, and the siphuncle is often preserved. Strange structures called
aptychi are commonly found associated with ammonites, though precisely
what they were is open to debate. Some experts consider them to be trap-
doors which sealed off the shell when the ammonite was threatened, while
others believe them to be part of the jaws. Ammonite hatchlings, called
ammonitellas, and even eggs are commonly found, and are about the same
size as the eggs and hatchlings of modern squid. Occasional fossils have
been found to show traces of the eyes, gills and tentacles, and the diet of a
few species is ltnown from what appear to be traces of the gut or stomach
with fragments of food preserved. Therefore something of the ecology of
ammonites can be infered from these few fossils, as reviewed in Chapter 4,
but not nearly as much as palaeontologists would like. Studies of living
cephalopods, particularly the coleoids, remain the best way to understand
what ammonites might have been like.
The first molluscs appeared during the early Cambrian, and among them
were the earliest cephalopods, primitive nautiloids. Typical of these early
nautiloids was Plectronoceras, which had a slightly curved, conical shell a bit
like a tall limpet. Although such a poorly streamlined shell would not have
been well adapted for swimming, the shell of Plectronoceras had both
chambers and a siphuncle, and so presumably was able to regulate its
buoyancy. Perhaps it drifted in the plankton lilte a jellyfish. Quite how and
why these early cephalopods acquired chambered shells and the ability to
control their buoyancy is not known, but by the Ordovician, nautiloids had
become streamlined and capable swimmers. Long, straight shells, known
as orthoconic shells, reduced drag and so allowed them to reach greater
speeds with less effort. From the Ordovician onwards, all nautiloids had a
notch in the lower edge of the opening of the shell called the hyponomic
sinus, which indicates that they had evolved the system of jet propulsion
still employed by all living cephalopods. The details of cephalopod jet
propulsion are described in Chapter 3, but essentially they use a two-stroke
system. Water is sucked into the body cavity inside the shell from outside,
and then squeezed out through an adjustable tube, which in nautiluses is
called the hyponome. The hyponomic sinus is the inflection in the lower
edge of the shell through which the hyponome pokes, and so its presence
in fossil nautiloids implies a hyponome, and therefore jet propulsion.
eye in position
of optic sinus
The ancestors of the ammonites were a small and rather poorly known
order of orthocone nautiloids known as the Bactritina. Even at their most
diverse in the Devonian, they were not common, and many
palaeontologists have never even heard of them, let alone seen one. It is
perhaps surprising that this very obscure group of fossils should have given
rise to one of the best known, the ammonites!
above: The straight nautiloid Bacrrites carinatus from the Devonian of Germany.
'embryonic shell'. Nautiloids, both fossil and recent, all have relatively large
embryonic shells, and living species lay a few large eggs. In contrast,
bactritids produced large numbers of small eggs and so did their
descendants, the ammonites. Lilte bactritids and coleoids, ammonites had
small embryonic shells, thus indicating a close relationship between the
coleoids and ammonites.
A second group of cephalopods were derived from the bactritids; the
coleoids. Although they share the bactritid and ammonite characteristic of
having a small embryonic shell and a radula with nine teeth per row, they are
different in having internal, rather than external, shells. In the more
primitive groups the shell is similar to that of an orthocone bactritid, except
in being internal. Functionally, these shells worked in the same sort of way,
with gas-filled chambers connected by the siphuncle. Other groups of
coleoids still use the shell to provide buoyancy, but in a modified form, such
as the 'cuttlebone' possessed by cuttlefish. Many living species have reduced
shells without chambers that do not provided buoyancy (squids) or else have
no shell at all (octopuses). Quite why these cephalopods have dispensed with
the buoyant shell is not clear, perhaps it is related to living in deep water,
where a hollow, gas-filled shell can be difficult to build and maintain.
The Coleoidea appeared in the Devonian, but did not become common
until much later. The Jurassic was the heyday of first big group of coleoids,
the belemnites, as well as the time when the first squids evolved. Also
common in the Jurassic were vampyromorphs, squid-like animals of which
only a single species survives today, confined to the deep sea. Octopuses,
lacking any kind of shell, are rare fossils, but some are known from the
Cretaceous, and cuttlefish appeared in the Cainozoic. Coleoids, such as the
giant squid are the dominant cephalopod group and important members of
many marine ecosystems.
Female octopuses brood their eggs in caves. Living hundreds of metres above
the sea floor, the argonaut cannot do this. It has been suggested that when
above: From the outside the egg case of Argonauta hians closely resembles the
ammonite Trachyceras from the Triassic.
argonauts evolved in the Mesozoic they instead used the floating ammonite
shells, left behind after the ammonite died, in which to brood their eggs.
Some of these early argonauts even evolved ways of patching up damaged
ammonite shells by secreting calcite from their arms, and eventually got so
Nautilus shells are strikingly beautiful, with a distinctive tiger stripe design
on the outside, and an iridescent sheen on the inside, from which they get
their common name of 'pearly nautilus'. Since the shell is buoyant, after
the death and decay of the animal, the shell can float for long periods of
time and wash up on a beach thousands of miles away from where the
animal lived. As a result, although the shells have been known about for
hundreds of years, the animal itself was only described in 1832. It was
described by the anatomist Richard Owen, best known as the inventor of
the word 'dinosaur'.
It is possible that nautilus was known about in ancient times. Around 350
BC, Aristotle wrote a treatise called the Historia Animalium, literally 'an
inquiry into animals'. In many respects he was the first marine biologist,
and this book amply demonstrates his acute powers of observation. He
knew, for example, that dolphins and whales were mammals and not fish,
a point which even Herman Melville writing Moby Dick in 1850,took issue
with (although perhaps for literary rather than scientific reasons). Aristotle
postulated the first classification of living things, foreshadowing Linnaeus'
Systerna Naturae, while his ideas of adaptation certainly influenced Darwin's
thoughts on evolution. In book 4 of the Historia Animalium, there is a good
account of cephalopods in general, including the first detailed description
of their anatomy, but at the end there is a most perplexing passage:
above: Nautilus umbilicalis, a living nautiloid found in the south west Pacific
those of many coleoids, such as cuttlefish. The outside of the shell is dirty
white with brownish-red, irregular bifurcating bands radiating out from the
centre of the coil. Overall the pattern is most strongly developed around the
upper half of the animal, and virtually absent on the underside. Looking
down from above, the dark top of the shell would blend in with the sea
floor, while from below the unmarked surface on the underside would
match the light filtering down from above. This is called countershading
and is common among aquatic animals.
The shell is composed of aragonite, in two distinct layers. The outer layer is
made up of vertical prisms, the inner layer of concentric layers of pearly
shell. The aperture is sinuous with a notch on either side just below the
recessed centre of the shell (umbilicus) where the eye is situated; this is
called the optic notch. Further down, there is another notch where the
hyponome (or funnel) protrudes. This is the hyponomic sinus. The aperture
is dosed by a non-calcareous operculum, or lid, made of a leathery substance
and attached to the head ofthe animal. It is sometimes called the 'hood', and
is ornamented quite differently from the shell. Whereas the shell sports vivid
brown stripes, the operculum is a paler brown with numerous white spots
of different sizes randomly scattered over the surface, except for two lines of
raised white tubercles on either side of the midline.
which make up the phragmocone, the buoyancy regulating part of the shell,
connected to the main body of the animal by the siphuncle.
The soft body of the animal is made up of two main parts: the front part which
can protrude from the shell and the back part which is secure inside the shell.
The front part includes at least 50 (in females) and as many as go (in males)
grasping arms surrounding a mouth. The arms are arranged in a circle
around a central mouth, or buccal mass. The ends of the arms are somewhat
sticky and covered in taste-buds. They are used to find food as well as catch it;
in the deep, dark world of the nautilus, the arms are used to touch the sea
floor, taste the water, and so turn up the small animals it likes to feed on.
These arms are very different to those of the other living cephalopods - they
lack suckers or hooks. Instead, each arm consists of a thin, distal part (which
is the sticky, taste-bud covered part) and a stout basal sheath into which the
distal part can be withdrawn. Curiously, these sheaths are ornamented in the
same way as the hood, and it is suggested that the hood and the arms are, in
an evolutionary sense, related structures (see plates 2-3).
Like other cephalopods, within the centre of the ring of arms the nautilus
is equipped with a sharp beak, although unlike the beaks of coleoids, it has
a calcareous tip. The calcified beaks of fossil nautiloids, called rhyncholites,
are common, and so this would appear to be typical of the Nautiloidea in
general. Behind the beak is the radula. The beak is used to slice up food into
manageable pieces which are swallowed whole, while the radula is used to
assist in swallowing.
Nautiluses have a pair of 'pinhole camera' eyes, a much less effective kind
of eye than the lens eyes which coleoids have. Instead of a lens, a small hole
in the front of the eyeball focuses the image on the retina. Unlike a lens,
the bigger the hole, the poorer the definition of the image. Pinhole cameras
can produce either a dim, sharp image or a bright, blurry one, but it can
never produce a bright and sharp image. So nautiluses must see their
underwater world in a fuzzy, vague sort of way. In contrast coleoid eyes can
have lenses big enough to make the image bright while still retaining
sharpness and contrast.
Much of the back half of the animal consists of a muscular pouch called the
mantle cavity. Inside the mantle cavity are the gills, reproductive organs and
digestive organs. As with other molluscs, the mantle cavity secretes the
shell, but it is also involved in producing the flow of water which brings
oxygen to the gills and powers the jet propulsion system. An extension of
the mantle, called the hyponome, stretches beyond the aperture of the shell
and out under the head. Nautiluses can push water out of the mantle cavity
by retracting the head into the shell like a plunger, using special 'retractor'
muscles, and the outward flow of water is forced through the hyponome,
producing a jet. When the retractor muscles relax, the head springs
forwards and water is suclzed back into the mantle cavity through the
aperture of the shell. By alternating between these two actions, nautiluses
generate what is called a ventilation cycle, continually bathing the gills in
fresh water from which oxygen can be extracted. Just as importantly, the jet
produced can be used for swimming, The retractor muscles are attached to
the shell at certain points where they leave distinctive 'scars'. These scars
can be seen in some fossil nautiluses and ammonites, indicating that they
may have been able to produce a similar ventilation cycle.
As the nautilus grows, it moves itself forward, sealing off part of the old
living chamber with a new septum and then filling it with gas. In doing so
the extra buoyancy compensates for its extra weight. Living species of
nautilus can add a new chamber every month when growing most rapidly,
but between the laying down of a new septum, lesser increments of growth
leave behind distinctive 'growth lines'. In addition, as the animal grows, it
detaches the retractor muscles from their original position and then re-
attaches them at a new spot further forward. This leaves a series of scars
along the inside of the shell. Fossil nautiluses show similar patterns of
growth lines and scars, indicating that they grew the same way.
Ammonite shells are made from aragonite, a mineral that is unstable, and
after death it tends to decay. Sometimes it is replaced with other minerals
like iron pyrites or calcite, but more often it simply dissolves away. If the
shell is filled with sediments before it decays, then the fossil can be
preserved in three dimensions, otherwise the fossil is crushed flat leaving
an imvression in the rock. Some of the most
left: Internal cast of an upper
Jurassic ammonite showing
commonly seen modes of preservation are
near empty chambers. shown on p. 34.
Ammonite shells are built to the same basic plan as the shells of living
nautiluses, but there are significant differences. Both ammonite and
nautilus shells are divided into chambers connected by a siphuncle
(making up the 'phragmacone'), and both coil exogastrically to form a
regular, flat spiral. However, ammonite shells differ significantly in the
shape of the septa dividing the shell into chambers, the position of the
siphuncle, and the shape of the embryonic shell.
The septa dividing the shell of any cephalopod into chambers are shallow
concave walls, but what distinguishes ammonites from nautiluses and
coleoids is that the septa are thrown into folds radiating outwards from the
centre and becoming more tightly folded as they merge with the wall of the
shell. The pattern the septum makes at its junction, or suture, with the wall
is called the suture line. The suture line varies greatly among different
groups of ammonites, and so has become very important in the
classification of ammonites, as is described in Chapter 5.
In nautiluses, the siphuncle runs more or less through the centre of the
septa, and where the siphuncle pierces a septum, a short 'collar' surrounds
the siphuncle, called the septal neck. This neck extends backwards from the
septum into the preceding chamber. Such a backwards-pointing (or
retrochoanitic), septal neck is common in fossil nautiluses as well as in
living species of nautilus. In contrast, the septal necks of most ammonites
point forwards, and are termed prochoanitic. Prochoanitic septal necks are
also seen in those coleoids which have chambered shells, such as
belemnites, and so is yet another character that ammonites share with
One final difference between ammonite and nautilus shells is the shape of
the embryonic shell, the part of the shell which developed before the animal
hatched from its egg. In living nautiluses, the eggs are large for a
cephalopod, and inside the egg the nautilus embryo develops a cap-shaped
shell made of an organic material called chitin. In contrast, ammonite eggs
are small, about the same size of those of squids, and the embryos secrete
a calcareous barrel-shaped shell very similar to those of embryonic coleoids
such as belemnites. This initial shell, the protoconch, is made from
aragonite. The growth and development of ammonites is described in
Chapter 4.
Ammonites exhibit a wide range of coiling modes. Some resemble
nautiluses in being involute, i.e. the whorl section is crescent or kidney-
shaped, and later whorls wrap over the earlier whorls, hiding them from
view. Involute forms include oxycones, where the shell is disc-like as it is
highly compressed from side to side (see plates 6-8), and cadicones, which
are compressed from top to bottom, producing a globular shell. Other
ammonites are evolute, with later whorls only partly obscuring the earlier
whorls, which can be clearly seen at the umbilicus. Extreme forms of
evolute coiling include serpenticones, where later whorls just touch the
earlier ones, and cyrtocones, where successive whorls are not in contact at
all. Further variations in coiling mode can be seen among the
heteromorphs, which begin as spirals but then unfold in various ways.
Some are straight, some are helical and some are a combination of coils,
straight sections and hooks. The heteroaorph ammonites are discussed in
Chapter 5.
The opening of the shell, the aperture, is in some species plain and similar
to those of modern nautiluses, but in many ammonites it is much more
elaborate. Extensions of the shell from the sides of the aperture, called
lappets, and from the bottom, called rostra, are particularly common in
Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites.
above: The Lower Jurassic ammonite Amaltheus gloriosus in which the ribs are
raised to form a keel seen laterally (left) and ventrally (right).
in Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites (see plates 9-10). They are believed
to have evolved as a defence against predators, but how they were formed
is not clear. The spines are usually hollow, and so presumably extensions of
the mantle protruded from the edge of the aperture to secrete them. As the
animal grew larger and added new chambers, the spines that were once at
the edge of the aperture wound up further and further back, eventually on
the chambered part of the shell. Being hollow, if these broke off they would
release the gas from inside the chambers, reducing the animal's buoyancy.
To prevent this the spines were sealed off after they were formed. Indeed,
it is common to find ammonites with the spines broken off, and the
sealed-off stumps left in place. These stumps are known as tubercles or
The figure on p. 42 shows a specimen of Lytoceras which has been
preserved as an internal mould, that is, sediment has filled the hollow
chambers of the shell, and the shell has dissolved away. The septa have
gone, but left behind as a suture between the moulds of each chamber is a
tracery of what the junction between the septum and the wall of the shell
looked like, called the suture line. Another way of looking at the shape of
the septa is too look at the internal mould of a single chamber, as with the
above: This specimen of Lytoceras aaleniarum has had one of the chambers
painted black to make it easier to see the suture line.
AS mentioned earlier, the shape of the suture line and the number of lobes
and saddles are very useful in classifying ammonites. Most ammonite
species have a distinctive suture line, which can be used for identification,
like a sort of ammonite fingerprint. For example, Hamites hybridus has the
four-lobed pattern typical of heteromorphs on each side of the shell: the
external, lateral, umbilical and internal lobes (see p. 44). These may be bifid,
with two approximately similar 'leaves' to the lobe, or trifid, with three 'leaves'
one on each side of the line of symmetry, and one in the middle of the line of
symmetry. The siphuncle usually lies close to the external lobe, on the outside
of the whorl. Suture lines are especially usefiil in the identification of an
ammonite where the rest of the fossil is not well preserved.
external lobe lateral lobe
Aptychi are made of calcite, unlike the shell of the ammonite which is of
aragonite, and therefore the aptychus may not have been formed by the
mantle, which laid down the shell. Aptychi are found in such common
ammonites as Hildoceras, Haploceras, Phylloceras, Stephanoceras,
Peerisphinctes, Scaphites, and Aspidoceras. While they are not known any
earlier than the early Jurassic, none are known after the end of the
Cretaceous. This is when the ammonites died out, which seems to support
the view that aptychi are specific to ammonites. Anaptychi are known from
much older rocks, as old as late Devonian in age, and have been found in
ammonites such as Eoasianites, Psiloceras, Eoderoceras and Lytoceras.
Scaphites from the Upper Cretaceous of Dakota with the aptychus in the
body chamber but with the clear impression of the upper part of the jaw in
between the two parts of the aptychus. After much thought they stated that
'... we must then view the two enveloping valves as forming together one of
the opposing mandibles'.
In the I ~ ~ O Trauth,
S , a Viennese palaeontologist, published a number of
papers on aptychi, defending the view that they were used by the ammonite
to close off its shell, and his view was supported by the work of Schindewolf
during the 195os, who published a photograph of an Upper Jurassic
ammonite, Physodoceras, from Germany which had the aptychus in place at
the aperture of the ammonite shell. But by the 1g70s, ammonite
researchers like Lehman had returned to the jaw theory. For example the
body chamber of a Lower Jurassic Pleuroceras specimen contained a structure
which Lehman interpreted as an upper jaw lying between the folded edges
of an anaptychus.
Most of what we know about the soft body parts of ammonites is based on
inductive argument by analogy with living cephalopods. There are certain
features present in all living cephalopods which we may safely assume to
have been present in ammonites. A constant feature is a head with
grasping arms surrounding a mouth, within which is the formidable beak,
and behind the beak is the radula. There are eight arms of equal length on
an octopus, while squids and cuttlefish have ten, of which two, the
tentacles, are much longer than the others. The nautilus has between 50
and g o arms, but they are much finer and without suckers. We do not know
if ammonites had eight, ten, or g o arms, whether they had suckers on the
arms or if they were plain like those of the nautilus.
Like other cephalopods, ammonites were probably carnivores, and the few
fossils found with remains of the gut seem to bear this out. Inside such
fossils, fragments of small crustaceans and echinoderms, plankton, and
even smaller ammonites have been found. Carnivores generally have a
short gut with a simple stomach, since meat is much easier and quicker to
digest than plant material. In squids and cuttlefish, there is a large digestive
organ, or liver, connected to the gut, and when fully digested the inedible
remains empty into the dorsal side of the mantle cavity via the anus.
The mantle cavity also contained the gills, the structures which took up
oxygen from the surrounding water and got rid of waste carbon dioxide.
The nautilus has four gills, two on each side of the animal, while coleoids
have just two. Traditionally, the ammonites have been assumed to have had
four as well, simply because this was thought to be the primitive condition,
The bloodstream of modem cephalopods is closed, that is, the organs and
tissues are supplied with oxygen by blood which travels in veins and
arteries, and is pushed around by the pumping action of a heart. In fact,
above: Sepia oficinalis, common cuttlefish. Note the camouflage 'tiger stripes'
on the dorsal (top) of the animal, and the enlarged lowest arm.
8phalopod~ have a number of 'hearts', one for each gill, and one more to
nd the oxygenated blood around the body, although their blood pressure
is very low compared to that of a comparably sized vertebrate such as a fish.
Ammonites were presumably no different. A peculiarity of cephalopod
blood is that it is based on a copper pigment called haemocyanin.
~aemocyaninis the most common respiratory pigment seen in molluscs,
but is much less efficient at carrying oxygen than haemoglobin, the
pigment in vertebrate blood. Although inferior to haemoglobin,
haemocyanin works well enough for the low level of activity shown by most
molluscs, but their relatively poor ability to transport oxygen around their
bodies has been an evolutionary handicap to cephalopods. Compared with
similar sized fish, cephalopods have much less stamina. For example,
luids can sprint as well as any fish, but over long distances they tire more
All the soft body parts of the ammonite would have been enclosed by the
mantle, and attached to the shell by the muscles. Since the posterior end of
the animal must have formed each septum as the animal grew in width and
moved forward into its enlarging shell, it must have taken on the shape of
the septum before beginning to form it. It should not be forgotten that the
mantle would also need to surround part of the siphuncle to produce the
septa1 neck.
MOST molluscs have shells, and cephalopods are no exception. What
distinguishes them from other molluscs is the way their shells work.
Gastropods and bivalves have shells primarily to protect them against
predators, but thick, strong shells are heavy, and this prevents them from
being fast-moving animals. In contrast the shells of cephalopods, while
retaining their strength, are not heavy because of the gas-filled chambers,
the phragmocone. It was the acquisition of this neutrally buoyant shell
combined with the ability to swim using jet propulsion that made the
cephalopods such successful marine predators during the early Palaeozoic.
TO some extent they have retained this advantage over invertebrates,
although vertebrates, particularly bony fish, have become pre-eminent in
modern oceans.
water. The thinness of the shell and the lack of structural support between
each septum, means the shell has little extra strength to resist the
additional forces from a predator's bite. The shell could be thicker, but
only by losing some of the empty space inside, and so with a loss of
buoyancy. In short, the shell can be thick and strong but heavy, or thin and
weak but buoyant, but not both. This is a perfect example of what are
called biological compromises, the end result of evolution having to deal
with contradictory but essential demands. Understanding that such
compromises exist undermines the ancient belief in organisms being in
some way 'perfectly designed' for their way of life, and that every aspect of
their anatomy is fitted to their ecology, a belief known as teleology.
Evolution is instead all about compromises, and advantages are almost
always initially only marginal, but they are cumulative, and the vast
periods of geological time allow these to build up into the amazing
diversity of life we see today.
Like owls snatching mice, death came from above for the bottom living
invertebrates of the Cambrian period, and it came rapidly and without
Of course it was only a matter of time before life adapted to these
new predators, some by developing stronger shells, others by learning to.
htlrrow into the sand or otherwise make themselves inconspicuous, but for
vhile these cephalopods were simply the most dangerous animals around.
Modern nautiluses retain the chambered shell as a flotation device, but only
a few coleoids do, for example the cuttlefish and a deep-sea squid-like
animal called Spirula. Although squids do not have chambered shells, some
have evolved an alternative method of acquiring neutral buoyancy - the use
of lightweight chemicals in their tissues, typically ammonium ions (NH;).
Ammonites not only retained the chambered shell, but refined it to such a
degree that many ammonite shells seem over-complicated.To understand
why ammonites had such a diverse array of shell shapes, we must first
understand how they worked in relation to buoyancy, water pressure,
orientation, and streamlining.
In the third century BC, the king of Syracuse (modem-day Sicily), Hieron
11, commissioned a goldsmith to ~roducea new crown to be used in an
upcoming religious festival. Hieron gave the artist a certain amount of gold,
but he was convinced that the craftsman had stolen some of the gold, and
that the finished crown had been adulterated with some base metal. But
how could he tell? It weighed just as much as the quantity of gold Hieron
had provided to make the crown. So the king asked Archimedes to solve his
but Archimedes was the first to connect the amount of water that spilled
out of the bath with the volume of his body. This connection now bears his
name, Archimedes' Principle, and it states that the volume of water
displaced is equal to the volume of the body placed into the vessel
containing the water. Note that the weight of the object, or the substance it
is made of, is irrelevant. Archimedes would displace the same amount of
water whether he was made of flesh and bone, bronze or wood. It was this
fact that revealed how Archimedes could solve King Hieron's problem, and
supposedly he was so excited by his discovery that he ran straight to the
palace, without stopping to put on his clothes, shouting "Eureka! Eureka! -
I've got it! I've got it!"
History does not record exactly how Archimedes employed his observations
to test the quality of the crown. Most probably he would have called for an
amount of pure gold similar to that the king had given the goldsmith.
Placed into a vessel of water he could then measure how much water it
displaced. This quantity would be proportional to the volume of that lump
of gold, not its shape or size. He would then repeat the experiment using
the crown, and find out its displacement. If the crown was pure gold, then
the amount of water it displaced would be identical to that of the lump of
pure gold. Unfortunately for the goldsmith, the crown displaced too much
water. This could only mean one thing: it had a greater volume than the
lump of gold, so could not be pure gold. The goldsmith had replaced some
of the gold with another metal, and so attempted to defraud the lung. The
fate of the goldsmith is unknown, but doubtless it was unpleasant.
y letting water into the tanks, the submarine weighs more (increases its
lass) and it sinks. Forcing water out with compressed air has the reverse
Ted, the submarine weighs less (decreases its mass) and rises. Living
~ttles,the odd little Spirula, and nautiluses use their phragmacones
('buoyancy' tanks) in this way, and it is reasonable to suppose that the
phragmacones of fossil nautiluses, belemnites and ammonites functioned
in this way.
ephalo~odtissues are slightly more dense than sea water, and the material
from which the shell is made, aragonite, is almost three times more dense
than sea water. This means that the cephalopod tissues and shell weigh
more than the water they displace, and so the upwards force is not enough
to make them float. Adding chambers to a shell and then filling them with
gas increases the volume of the animal without adding significantly to its
weight. If the volume of water displaced is sufficiently great that the lift
produced matches the weight of the animal, then it will neither float nor
sink, but float in mid water. This is precisely what modern nautiluses and
cuttlefish do, and presumably so did ammonites, allowing them to hold
their position in the water column without actively swimming. In contrast,
squids, lacking a chambered shell, usually weigh more than the water they
displace, so tend to sink, and must swim continuously to stop sinking.
water pressure on an object increases the deeper you go, and for a hollow
object like a gas-filled chambered shell it is a major problem. Even on land,
we are exposed to the weight of the 500 krn (310 miles) thick atmosphere
pressing against our bodies. This force, called air pressure, is at sea level
said to be 'I atmosphere'. This translates into a force equivalent to a weight
of I kg pushing down on an area of I cm" (15 lb/in2.We do not notice this
force because our bodies are adapted to cope with it. This sounds like a lot
of force, but bones, tissues and fluid-filled cells resist compressive forces
well, and this amount of pressure does no harm. Furthermore, air pressure
changes very little. Moving up or down tens or even hundreds of metres
makes very little difference to the pressure to which an animal is exposed.
Even a visit to a high altitude city like Denver, Colorado at an altitude of
3000 m (9843 fi) subjects the visitor to an air pressure only 2 or 3 per cent
less than at a sea level city like New York. The air is said to be a little
'thinner', meaning a given volume of air has less oxygen than it would at
sea level. Since our lungs do not change in size as we travel around, a
breath-full at Denver holds less oxygen than it would at sea level, and some
people feel a bit faint for the first few days until they get used to it.
Water is a much more rigorous medium than air in this respect, since it is
much more dense, and much heavier. At the surface of the sea, water
pressure is exactly the same as it is on dry land at sea level, namely
I atmosphere, but it increases by I atmosphere with every additional 10 m
(33 ft) depth. Solid objects are not greatly affected by water pressure, since
they are non-compressible, and rocks and stones on the bottom of the sea
have the same shape and volume as they would on dry land. The same
holds true for water, which is also virtually non-compressible, and I kg
(15 lb) of sea water has the same volume at the bottom of the ocean as it
does at the surface. Hollow objects are very different, as gases compress
readily with increasing depth. Manufactured structures tend to be hollow
and filled with air, so are very sensitive to water pressure. Submarines are
a good example of such a structure, being essentially hollow tubes filled
with air. Anyone who has seen movies about submarines will be familiar
with unsettling creaks as the metal strains to resist the crushing force of the
surrounding water. Even with the best design and strongest metals,
submarines are only able to go down to relatively trivial depths compared
with the greatest depths of the ocean. An 80 m (262 ft) depth is the sort of
dive a submarine might do to try and escape from a destroyer, whereas
most of the floor of the ocean is between 1000 and 5000 m (3280 and
16,400 ft) further down. Even at 80 m (262 ft), a submarine has to resist a
water pressure of no less than nine times atmospheric pressure. Implosion
- the catastrophic failure of the hull to resist the force of water pressure -
is a very real danger to submarines. At 200 m (650 ft), a submarine must
resist 21 atmospheres, which is roughly equivalent to 210 tonnes (230 tons)
of weight being pressed down on every square metre of the surface of the
ship! This is a staggering amount of force, and is about the limit for most
military submarines. Only special deep-sea submersibles can go any
further down, and they are all very small vessels with thick hulls and are
usually spherical in shape.
water, and so the ambient water pressure is over 400 atmospheres, which
translates to about 4000 tonnes/mz (4400 tons/in2). In this harsh and
sunless realm can be found thousands of different species of anemones,
corals, worms, snails, sea cucumbers, starfish, shrimps, crabs, and fish.
Some have shells, but many, like the anemones and sea cucumbers, are
completely soft bodied and often rather watery or flabby in appearance.
provided the shells and bones are solid and any soft tissues are completely
filled with water or some other liquid, then the pressure does not crush
these animals in the way it would a submarine. While there are numerous
cephalopods at this depth, mostly squids and octopuses, there are no
cephalopods with chambered shells. Cuttlefish are only found in water of
less than zoo m (650 ft) depth, and the nautiluses between zoo and
400 m (G5o and 1312 ft).The deepest diving cephalopod with a chambered
shell is Spirula,.which inhabits waters down to about 1000 m (3280 ft).
Why are cephalopods with chambered shells absent from the deepest parts
of the ocean? Nautiluses have been intensively studied in this regard, and
the limitation appears to be water pressure. Below a certain depth, the shell
is unable to resist the compressive forces of water pressure. This limit is at
around 700 m (2296 fi), and beneath that depth the shell is at risk of
imploding, which is fatal for the animal. Cuttlefish are even more severely
limited. They have a very distinctive shell, the cuttlebone, which is divided
into thousands of tiny thin-walled chambers, giving it a rather flaky texture.
This design allows the animal to change its density very quickly, and unlike
the nautilus can actually use these changes to rise or sink in the water
column like a submarine. However, this open design makes the shell
structurally weak, and this restricts cuttlefish to shallow water. The only
cephalopod with a chambered shell living in deep water, Spirula, seems to
lessen the problem of water pressure by being very small. Its shell is tiny
for a cephalopod, only 2-3 cm (I in) in diameter, and its walls are
proportionately thicker.
It should now be clear how ammonites were able to attain neutral
buoyancy, within the limits set by water pressure. However, simply being
above: The centre of mass is vertically below the centre of buoyancy so that
when the nautilus pumps water out of the hyponome, it causes the shell to rock.
like pushing a pendulum. This uses energy which is not used for propulsion and
is therefore an inefficient mode of swimming.
able to float is useless if the animal cannot swim properly, catch its food, or
see its enemies. In other words, it must be oriented properly. The
orientation of a floating object depends on the relative positions of the
centre of mass and the centre of buoyancy. Normally an object will float
with the centre of mass vertically below the centre of buoyancy.
- the envelope - that the centre of mass of the air displaced by the balloon
will be somewhere inside the envelope. Consequently, the balloon will float
with the gondola directly below the envelope. If the gondola is pushed by a
gust of wind to one side, then the centre of mass is no longer directly below
the centre of buoyancy. This is an unstable orientation, and the gondola will
swing back until it is directly below the envelope once more.
Cephalopod shells are like underwater balloons. The animal itself is small
but heavy, and occupies only the final chamber of the shell. This is where
the centre of mass is. The chambered part of the shell, the phragmocone,
is light but accounts for most of the volume of the animal, and so displaces
most of the water. The centre of buoyancy is here. When free-floating, the
orientation of a cephalopod such as a nautilus will be with the centre of
mass, the body, vertically below the centre of buoyancy, the chambered
shell. For coiled nautiluses and ammonites this means that the body
chamber is close to the sea floor, and that the aperture points forwards and
slightly upwards.
plate 1: The shell of the nautiloid Nautilus pompilius sectioned to show body
chamber, septa and siphuncle.
The sectioned photograph [opposite] shows tall chambers with green calcite
and yellow pyritised septa; above left is a ventral view, and above right is a
lateral view of the same specimen.
nautiloid Aturia from the M~ocene
of Australia, which, despite being
30 Ma old, presetves some traces
of its 'tiger stripe' coloration, very
similar to that of living species of
plate 15: The partially uncoiled Upper Cretaceous ammonite Scaphites nodosus
from the USA.
plate 18: Titanites sp. a macroconch from the Upper Jurassic of the UK.
plate 20: Scaphites sp. preserved w ~ t hsome of the or~glnalshell, the metalic
wh~te'mother of pearl' layer. Normally, the actual shell IS replaced with minerals
plate 21: Ammonite marble cut and polished for ornamental use.
Ammonites vary greatly in the length of the body chamber and the way the
shell is coiled. There are some ammonites with short body chambers, about
a third or a half of a whorl, but most have body chambers much longer than
this. The Jurassic ammonite Dactylioceras is typical, with the body chamber
occupying the entire final whorl of the shell. In such ammonites the
aperture would have been oriented upwards. Such an ammonite would not
have been able to see the sea floor, much less gather food from it. It is also
unclear how such an animal could have swum, and so these ammonites
have been interpreted as being plankton drifters. Working out how these
ammonites would have been oriented depends on how big and how heavy
the soft body of the animal was, something for which there is little
evidence. For example, a heteromorph ammonite with an open hook-
shaped shell such as Hamites can be restored with a body occupying the
complete hook, in which case the aperture points upwards. But suppose
that the body was much smaller, and like a snail it could move along the
living chamber. With the body at the front of the living chamber, the shell
would point forwards and only slightly away from the sea floor. If the
ammonite was disturbed then it could pull itself deep into its shell for
protection, and the aperture would tip upwards and away from the sea.
the cephalopods have used exactly the same principles to get around
quickly and efficiently for 500 million years.
Cephalopods also push water through the mantle cavity using muscular
contractions, but their system is more sophisticated than that employed by
scallops. It needs to be: while scallops spend most of the time resting on the
sea floor unless disturbed, cephalopods must move constantly to find food
Although living cephalopods have a powerful source of thrust in jet
propulsion, the key to swimming efficiently is minimising drag. Perhaps
the biggest obstacle to assuming that ammonites were adept swimmers is
that so many of them seem to have had shells that produced lots of drag.
Drag is the name given to the forces which inhibit the movement of an
object through a fluid. There are three main forces: friction, adhesion, and
suction. Friction is the resistance of water against the forward motion of the
object. As the animal moves through the water, the molecules of water rub
and jostle against its surface, catching on the small imperfections on the
animal's skin, slowing it down. Water is a 'sticky' or viscous fluid and
adheres to any animal trying to swim through it; this adhesion is the second
source of drag. Finally, as the animal swims forwards the space it occupied
is instantly filled with water, being drawn in by suction. This suction is the
negative pressure region where the animal was before it moved forwards -
the empty space - and though it sucks in water, it also sucks back the
animal. To keep moving, the animal must resist this force.
Friction and adhesion are dependent on the surface area of an object, the
larger the surface area the more water molecules it disturbs and the more
molecules can stick to it. Smooth objects have a lower surface area
than rough or spiny ones, and so swimming animals tend to have smooth
bodies without projections of any sort. (Certain very small projections
reduce drag, by trapping a layer of water around the object to form a sort of
lubricant. Shark skin has tiny tooth-like spines all over it, which seem to
work in this way.)
Overall shape is important, not just texture, and rounded edges rather than
square or flat ones reduce drag by reducing the turbulence produced as the
object moves along. Less turbulence means that the suction force behind
the animal is smaller.
Theoretically, the best shape for moving in water is one that is rounded in
front and tapering at the back. Unsurprisingly, many fast moving aquatic
animals have this shape, such as salmon, dolphins and penguins. Squid
also have this shape, though compared with fish they are 'back to front',
with the rounded tail-end leading and the head and arms trailing. When
swimming at top speed, squids wrap their fins around their bodies and pull
the arms into a tight cone, further improving their streamlining. Cuttlefish
and octopuses are not as streamlined as squids, and they do not swim as
quickly or for such long distances. Nautiluses are poorly streamlined
compared with squids, but they are very slow swimmers and so
streamlining is probably not important. At very low speeds the savings on
energy gained by being streamlined are small and may not be worth it if
they compromise other aspects of design. This is why the Japanese express
'bullet trains' are streamlined and the subway trains on the London
Underground are not: at 250 krn/hr-I (155 mph) the savings are real and
valuable; at 40 km/hr-I (25 rnph) they are irrelevant. On the other hand, if
efficiency is important, then any savings, however marginal, are
worthwhile, as can be seen in the smooth and rounded designs of most
motor-cars produced today.
In all molluscs with external shells, whatever else the shell does it must also
provide a final line of defence against predators. At its very simplest a shell
should be a barrier through which a predator cannot attack, and so it is not
surprising that many molluscs have thick shells. The downside to having a
thick shell is that it is heavy and takes longer to build than a thinner shell.
A compromise reached by some molluscs, particularly marine snails, is to
only thicken the shell in certain places while leaving the rest of the shell
relatively thin. Although the thin part of the shell can be broken easily, the
predator will hopefully be stopped when it reaches one of the thick barriers,
called varices. Another solution is to make the shell too difficult for the
predator to handle, thereby putting off the predator which will go and find
an easier target. Spines and ribs are commonly found on snails and clams,
as well as almost all ammonites, although surprisingly very few fossil
nautiluses, and none of the living species. In some cases the spines may
simply be a 'hedgehog1defence - by covering the entire surface and being
long and sharp they make the animal inside an unpalatable mouthful. More
often the spines are arranged in distinct rows along the shell and not all
over, and so probably do not work in exactly that way. Instead they may
ake the shell seem bigger than it is, especially to predators that need to
ke the entire shell into their mouth or between their claws. If these sorts
'predators cannot handle the shell properly, they cannot open it.
The nautilus is the logical animal to start with since it is the living
cephalopod which most obviously resembles the ammonites. Like many of
us, it is very fond of crustaceans, particularly large prawns and lobsters.
This is borne out by the stomach contents of specimens taken from the
wild, and also by the relish with which
left: The Lower Cretaceous nautiluses feed on these animals in captivity.
ammonite Australiceras sp.
from Australia showing Nautiluses are opportunist feeders, meaning
damage to the shell. that they will take what they can find. Exactly
Producing a v-shaped track
near the outer edge. The
how they forage is not completely understood
Persistence of the track since our observations of wild nautiluses are
implies that the mantle was
also damaged. Size, 8.5 cm
limited, but the sense of touch and smell seem
3.4 in] width. to be most important. As it swims along, the
nautilus sweeps its tentacles through the water and on the sea bed.
Obviously this system has its limitations - any fish or shrimp which feels a
nautilus tentacle can try to make a quick escape into its burrow - and the
nautilus is probably not a very effective hunter. A peculiarity of the nautilus
compared with squids and octopuses is that it eats the shells as well as the
flesh, and will also eat the cast-off moults of large crustaceans even though
they might seem rather unappetising. Possibly these shells are a valuable
source of calcium which it needs to build its shell. Fossil nautiloids have
been sectioned and found to contain pieces of crustacean, showing that
nautiluses have been feeding on these animals for a very long time.
Cuttlefish have been kept in aquaria for many years, and their feeding
habits are well known. Usually they settle on to the fine sand at the bottom
of the tank and use their uncanny colour changing abilities to blend in
perfectly, sometimes adding a sprinkle of sand over their backs to complete
the disguise. If a small shrimp or fish is put into the tank, the cuttlefish will
stay quite still until the animal moves into range, then, almost explosively,
its two long arms shoot out and the little animal is captured. The whole
process takes a fraction of a second - the arms shoot out in one hundredth
of a second, and the prey is pulled back within one eightieth of a second.
Facilitating this remarkable hunting method is particularly fine eyesight.
Cuttlefish have binocular vision that allows them to see their prey and
judge the distance and direction of their target before making an attack.
The nautilus, with its poor, monocular vision could never do such a thing.
Octopuses also hunt on the sea bed but they tend not to wait patiently llke
the cuttlefish. They are active hunters and investigate every possible nook
and cranny among the rocky habitats they favour in their quest for food.
Like the nautilus and cuttlefish they are very fond of crustaceans. Despite
their soft and clumsy appearance, octopuses are quite adept at catching and
oveirpowering species as large as the edible crab, and sometimes even the
- rrnidable lobster falls prey. Octopuses will also eat large gastropods and
ams, and even fish if they can catch one. A few species have been
~cumentedmaking brief excursions overland between rock-pools in
rch of prey, taking any prey they encounter en route - including rats!
opuses feed in a distinctive way using their beak and a venomous saliva.
With crustaceans and molluscs they use the radula to rasp a hole through
the shell into which they inject the venom. The prey is paralysed almost at
nnr e, and the saliva can begin the process of digestion, loosening the
mu scles from the shell. After a while the octopus sucks the meat cleanly out
oft'he shell, discarding the almost intact shell. In a few species this venom
powerful enough to be painful to humans, and one species, the blue-ring
:topus, is deadly.
Squids differ from all the other cephalopods as they feed not on the sea
floor but in mid-water. Fish is a favoured prey item of many species, but
swimming crustaceans such as krill are also taken. In fact squids are
voracious and will attack almost anything that moves, including other
squids. They rely on their great speed to approach their target quickly, and
like the cuttlefish they have extendable arms which they use for snatching
their prey quickly. Many species have sharp hooks on these arms, rather
like cat's claws, for grabbing hold of fish which tend to be too slippery for
simple suckers.
Not all squids are so active. One family, the Cranchidae, are passive drifters
inhabiting relatively deep water. Instead of swimming they float, buoyed up
by ammonium-rich tissues. Their bodies have a flabby, jelly-like appearance
and a distinctly unpleasant smell. They are hugely abundant and form a
major part of the diet of the deep-diving bottlenose and sperm whales,
So much for the living cephalopods then, but what about ammonites? In
Chapter 3 we discussed the swimming abilities of ammonites, which seem
to have been limited at best. Also, while some contemporary cephalopods,
such as belemnites, have been found with hooks suggesting that they had
grasping arms like those of squids, no ammonite has ever been found with
similar hooks. If ammonites could not pursue or catch fish, how did they
feed, and what did they eat? In rare cases, ammonites have been found with
what seem to be their last meals inside the living chamber. These remains
include ostracods (tinycmstaceans around 1-2 mm in length or around 0.1
in), benthic foraminifera (single-celled organisms) and pieces of crinoid
(filter-feedingechinoderms distantly related to starfish and sea-urchins).
Broken up ammonite shells have also been found inside the living
chamber, suggesting that at least some ammonites ate others of their kind.
The problem is that we cannot be absolutely sure that what are interpreted
as gut contents in ammonite fossils are actually that; the remains of other
animals could easily have been incorporated as sediment filled the empty
ammonite shell. At face value, at least, it would seem that while ammonites
ate many different things they did not share quite the same tastes as
modern cephalopods - the remains of fish, large crabs and lobsters are
notably absent. In fact the list of animals they fed on can be divided into two
groups: tiny benthic animals (ostracods and foraminifera) and larger but
still slow moving animals (echinoderms and other ammonites).
During the nineteenth century, geologists recorded where they had
collected fossils according to the standards of the time, often no more
At first, the two different forms were thought to be separate, though closely
related, species. However, closer inspection of each form revealed a very
curious thing: until they reached maturity, they were identical. The smaller
variety, known as the microconch, looks very like the early whorls of the
larger macroconch. It appears that the microconch and macroconch were
growing in the same way, but the microconch stopped halfway through.
Besides being bigger, the macroconch usually has longer body chambers,
two-thirds of a whorl or more, whereas the body chambers of the
microconch are only about half a whorl (see plates 13-14). A further
distinction between the microconch and the macroconch is the shape of the
living chamber, particularly the aperture. The microconch often possesses
lappets, lateral extensions of the shell on either side of the aperture. Well
developed lappets are typical of the late Jurassic ammonite Kosmoceras, the
microconch having lappets equal in length to the diameter of the shell,
which the macroconch lacks. The ornamentation on the later whorls of the
macroconch is often weaker than it is on the earlier whorls, and on the final
whorl may be absent altogether. In the late Cretaceous ammonite
If we look at living cephalopods, except for the nautilus, it is the females
that are larger. Coleoid reproduction is very curious, and when these
animals were first studied they caused much confusion. All coleoids have
eight arms (plus two tentacles in the case of squids and cuttlefish), but in
the males one of these arms is modified. This arm is called the hectocotylus
and has a groove running along the inside. To fertilise a female, the male
places a packet of sperm, called a spermatophore, inside this modified arm
and then pushes the arm into the mantle cavity ofthe female. The arm then
breaks off the male's body. He may remain close to the female to make sure
no other male tries to mate with his chosen female, but otherwise his part
of the mating process is over, and he dies soon after. The female breaks
open the spermatophore when she is ready to fertilise and lay her eggs.
During the nineteenth century, when naturalists first dissected
cephalopods, once in a while they would find a female with a hectocotylus
inside. They thought it was some sort of parasitic worm, which had taken
on the appearance of a cephalopod arm as a disguise; they called these
worms Hectocotylus ('arm with a hundred suckers'). Now we know that
these are not worms at all, but the name has stuck. Since males only have
one hectocotylus and one spermatophore, they can fertilise a female only
once, so there is no need to defend a harem of females or defend a territory.
On the other hand, the female's part in reproduction persists long after
fertilisation. She produces relatively large eggs for a mollusc, and each egg
is endowed with a large quantity of yolk. Female squids place the eggs
inside tough cases which protect them from predators, while octopuses
ace the eggs inside a cave and stay with them until they hatch. But in all
ses, the female dies soon after. This is an energetically expensive way of
doing things, but does mean that when they hatch, the babies are perfectly
formed little predators well able to look after themselves. In contrast,
molluscs like clams and limpets cast large numbers of tiny eggs into the
plankton. This means they have access to the microscopic animals and
The nautilus is, as is so often the case, very different. Both sexes have
dozens of thin arms, but the male has one large, spoon-like arm called a
spadix with which he can place the spermatophore inside the female.
Unlike the hectocotylus this arm does not break off, but can be used each
time he mates. Female nautiluses produce only a very few eggs at a time
and as far as we know they do not offer any brood care at all. Male and
female nautiluses therefore have a much less demanding time when
breeding, and can do so many times throughout their lives. They are also
similar in size and shape, though the males are often slightly broader to
accommodate the spadix. If the microconch and macroconch are truly
different sexes of one species, then the stronger parallel is obviously with
the coleoids rather than the nautiluses: the microconch was the male, and
the macroconch the female.
Why were the sexes so strongly dimorphic? In many dimorphic species, the
male develops secondary sexual attributes to display its overall health and
vitality, in other words, its quality as a potential mate. The peacock's train, the
tail-fins of male guppies, the tusks of narwhals are all examples of such
attributes. Beyond impressing females, they serve little purpose, indeed, they
can be a liability, for example the bright colours on the tail-fins of guppies are
known to make them easier targets for predators than the drab females. The
females prefer the more brightly coloured males, possibly because to have
survived long enough to reach sexual maturity, such males must be
particularly alert or fast swimmers. Did the lappets of the microconch work
in the same way, showing off to the females which males were the best? Many
palaeontologists believe so, and the idea that the lappets were 'claspers' which
held on to the female while they were mating, is now largely discounted.
~f the male was elaborately ornamented to impress the female, then why
was the female, the macroconch, so much larger than the male? If the
macroconch is the female, why did they need to be bigger than the male
and why were their living chambers proportionally larger? What did they
use all this extra body space inside the shell for? As described in Chapter I,
most octopuses brood their eggs inside caves, and one kind of octopus, the
argonaut, goes even further and builds a shell-like egg case especially for
this purpose. In this way the female can protect the clutch of eggs from
predators, remove any that are unfertilised, and keep the eggs clean and
free from parasites or fungi. Female ammonites may have done a similar
sort of thing by brooding the eggs inside their spacious shells. If they did,
then such a strategy is unusual for cephalopods. Nautiluses do not brood
their eggs, and generally nor do cuttlefish or squids.
In contrast with many other molluscs, which are hermaphrodite, all living
cephalopods are either male or female. As described above, it seems likely
that this was the case for the ammonites too, with the microconch and
macroconch probably being the male and female respectively. However,
there are important differences in the reproductive biology of nautiluses
and coleoids, and one significant gap in our understanding of ammonites
is which group they more closely resembled. Nautiluses grow quite slowly
and it takes several years, perhaps as many as ten, for them to become fully
grown. Sexual maturity might occur sooner, after about five years or so, but
virtually nothing is known about how nautiluses reproduce in the wild.
Nautiluses may live for 15 to 2 0 years, and will mate and lay eggs many
times throughout their lives. In captivity nautiluses lay only a few eggs at a
time, and these eggs can take many months to hatch, but the eggs are large
and the hatchlings relatively large, perfectly formed miniature versions of
their parents. Coleoids are very different. They can grow extremely quickly,
many species reaching adulthood within a year. Once fully grown, they
mate only once, and then die. The males yolk egg ammonitella
above: The Upper Jurassic ammonite Peltoceras dorsetensis, showing simple ribbing on the
phragmacone and spinous ribbing on the body chamber. This change in ornamentalism is typical
of mature ammonites.
Wlthout any living ammonites to observe, our estimates of the length of
ammonite lifespans are somewhat vague. The living species of nautilus
grows slowly, adding a chamber every month or two, and taking several
vears to reach sexual maturity, after which they grow much more slowly.
lthough they do not stop growing, the later chambers are noticeably
lunched', that is, the septa are much closer together than they are in the
rest of the shell. Ammonite shells are broadly similar to those of nautiluses,
and so ammonites may have grown at a similar rate to nautiluses. If this
was so, then simply counting the number of chambers would give a
reasonable estimate of their lifespan. The problem is that we do not know
how similar the growth of modern species of nautilus is to ammonites, or
even other, now extinct species of nautiluses. Modern nautiluses live in
deep, cold water. Growth rates in invertebrates are directly related to
ambient temperature and pressure; low temperatures and high pressures
result in low growth rates. Ammonites appear to have preferred shallow,
warm water, and so might be expected to have grown much faster than
modern nautiluses.
A related and very interesting aspect of ammonite palaeontology is the
study of old, sick and damaged ammonites. After reaching sexual maturity,
ammonites, like nautiluses continued to grow albeit at a reduced rate.
THE Ammonoidea are one of the three subclasses or orders within the
Cephalopoda, and are characterised by having chambered shells with
complex septal walls, a ventral siphuncle, and a radula with nine teeth per
row. The group is further subdivided into suborders, which are defined on
the basis of features such as suture line complexity, the shape and position
of the siphuncle and septal necks, and overall shell shape and
Many of these groups give rise to others over time, and frequently the more
primitive groups are completely replaced by their more advanced
descendants. The orders are the Anarcestina, Clyrneniina, Goniatitina,
Prolecanitina, Ceratitina, Phylloceratina, Lytoceratina, Ancyloceratina, and
Only a single suborder, the Ceratitina, makes up the next group, the
mesoammonoids or 'middle ammonites'. These are predominantly Triassic
in age, although a few are from the Permian. Compared with the
palaeoammonoids these ammonites have more complex suture lines, and
a consistently ventral siphuncle with prochoanitic septal necks. Perhaps
more markedly than any of the other groups, the Ceratitina are a grade
group, or stage, in the evolution of the higher ammonites, bridging the gap
between the Palaeozoic Goniatitina and the Mesozoic Ammonitina,
Ancyloceratina, Lytoceratina and Phylloceratina.
The Anarcestina developed from the Bactritina during the early Devonian,
and retain some features common to that group, such as a simple septa and
retrochoanitic septa1 neck. Unlike the Bactritina, however, all Anarcestina
have coiled spiral shells and a ventral siphuncle, two features typical of
ammonites in general. For this reason, the Anarcestina are considered the
first true ammonites. Compared with later ammonites the Anarcestina are
not particularly diverse, and the various genera can be quite difficult to tell
apart. Like the Bactritina, the Anarcestina have simple suture lines with
only a few lobes, a large external lobe and a smaller internal lobe. In some
species there are only these two lobes, but in others there is an additional
lobe on each flank, between the external and internal lobes. This is the
lateral lobe, and is usually larger in size than the internal lobe.
Although all the Anarcestina had died out by the end of the Devonian, they
gave rise to three other ammonite groups. One was very short lived, the
Clymeniina, which also became extinct at the end of the Devonian. The
second group was the Prolecanitina which was rather more diverse than the
Clymeniina, and much more successful, lasting into the Triassic. The third
and largest group was the Goniatitina and their descendants, which
included all the Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites.
'he ecology of the Anarcestina, like most of the Palaeozoic ammonites, has
ot been studied as intensively as the Mesozoic ammonites. The
Anarcestina are relatively abundant in oxygenated, shallow water
sediments perhaps indicating a preference for the coastal waters of the
continenta1 shelves. The fact that these ammonites have a we11 developed
hyponomic sinus is probably a good indicator that they were active
swimmers, but the relatively globose shell of many species would seem to
preclude great speed.
This small group of ammonites is limited to rocks of Upper Devonian age,
and is distinguished from all other ammonites by the position of the
siphuncle in the shell. If a clyrneniid ammonite is sectioned, the siphuncle
can be clearly seen. In the very first chamber, just like most other
Palaeozoic ammonites, the siphuncle is in a ventral position close to the
outside of the spiral. But for the rest of the shell, the siphuncle is along the
dorsal, inner surface.
Although a relatively small group with only a few species, the Clyrneniina
are surprisingly diverse. For example Solicylmenia has a bizarre triangular
form, while Epiwocklumeria is very involute, almost globose with deep
Like the Anarcestina, the Clymeniina failed to survive the Devonian mass
extinctions which wiped out many other marine invertebrate groups. They
do not seem to have given rise to any other ammonite groups; all the later
ammonites have ventrally positioned siphuncles. Rather than being a basal
stock from which later groups emerged, the Clyrneniina seem to have been
something of a short-lived experiment.
The Goniatitina, commonly called goniatites, are the most important of the
palaeoammonoids, having a wide variety of morphologies and numerous
species. Some species were widely distributed and lasted for only a
relatively brief period of time, making them useful for biostratigraphy.
Characteristic of goniatites is a simple suture line with triangular external,
lateral and internal lobes and rounded saddles in between them. This
particular sort of suture line, the so-called goniatitic suture line, is also
exhibited by many of the Anarcestina, Clymeniina and Prolecanitina and is
typical of the most primitive ammonites. However, in the Goniatitina and
Prolecanitina particularly, there are many species which have complex
suture lines, and resemble the ceratites much more strongly.
Goniatites are variable in size and shape, but most are rather small,
relatively compact and have involute, smooth or weakly ribbed shells. A
number of species have longitudinal or spiral ribs which run along the
shell. The aperture lacks keels or lappets though there may be a modest
hyponomic sinus. The ammonitella is relatively small, with an initial
chamber less than 0.7 mm (0.03 in) in diameter, with a short, curved
prosiphon. The siphuncle sometimes starts from a central position and
gradually moves to a ventral one, but is usually close to the ventral surface
throughout growth. The ammonitella is ornamented with longitudinal ribs
(lirae) like those of the adult shell.
Compared with the other palaeoammonoids, the Prolecanitina are
characterised by a generally flattened shell with rather complex suture lines
and numerous lobes and saddles. The Prolecanitina appeared in the late
Devonian but died out by the end of the Triassic, being replaced by their
descendants, the Ceratitina.
The early Prolecanitina have evolute or involute shells, with more or less
circular whorl sections, and are laterally compressed to a lesser degree than
the later species, which all have involute, disc-like shells. The surface of the
shell is generally smooth or only weakly ornamented with ribs; there are
In many of the later species the ventral face is not curved or flattened like
many of the other palaeoammonoids but tapered into a sharp edge. This
gives the shell an overall form rather like a discus. A similar shape is also
seen in some of the Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites, and is believed by
some palaeontologists to be an adaptation .to fast, or at least efficient,
Compared with the palaeoammonoids, the Ceratitina, generally known as
ceratites, show a greater diversity of shell shape and external
ornamentation, and a much more complex suture line. Many are laterally
compressed, and weakly ornamented, resembling the Prolecanitina
described above, but there are numerous species which have strong ribs or
tubercles, while others have a rounded or quadrate whorl section, giving the
shell a much more robust appearance. There are also some heteromorphic
forms, resembling the Ancyloceratina in having open or uncoiled shells.
Some of these are not coiled in one plane, but are instead helical, like a
snail's shell.
The ammonitellas of ceratites are small, with an initial chamber less than
0.7 mm (0.03 in) in diameter, and are ornamented with small round
tubercles. The prosiphon is short and curved, and the first part of the
siphuncle either starts from a central position and gradually moves to a
ventral one in later chambers, or is close to the ventral surface all along.
The most characteristic feature of the Ceratitina is the ceratitic suture line.
There are generally four lobes, the external and internal lobes, and
between them a large lateral lobe and smaller umbilical lobe. In some
species, as the ceratite grew larger additional lobes were added by division
of the umbilical lobe, as with the Prolecanitina. Unlike the Prolecanitina,
which started off with simple sutures with three lobes and only developed
the umbilical lobe as they grew larger, all Ceratitina began with at least
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four lobes. The lobes are usually quite complex, while saddles remain
rounded and simple.
Although there are Permian ceratites, which appear to have been derived
from the Prolecanitina, ceratites are more typical of the Triassic. Some are
found in black shales, implying they lived in the upper levels of relatively
deep water, above anoxic bottom water conditions; but mostly they are
found in limestone, indicating a preference for the warm, shallow
continental seas fringing the land masses of the time. In the Lower Triassic
marine limestones of China, distinct assemblages of ceratite species have
been identified, indicating that not all ceratites liked the same conditions
and that different species of ceratites became specialised for different
habitats. The robust, strongly ornamented species with less complex suture
lines are found in shallow water conditions (less than IOO m or 330 ft
depth), often associated with burrowing bivalves, suggesting soft bottoms
of sand and silt. More streamlined species with rounded, laterally
compressed shells and weak ornamentation are found in deeper water
conditions, as are the heteromorphic ceratites, along with a diverse array of
bivalves, gastropods, brachiopods and crustaceans.
Appearing in the late Triassic, the Phylloceratina is one of the most uniform
and conservative groups of ammonites. The suborder includes only a single
superfamily within the Phylloceratina, the Phyllocerataceae, within which
all the known species are remarkably similar. These ammonites are rather
large, and the shell tends to be robust, more or less involute and with
rounded whorl sections. They are also streamlined in appearance, being
either smooth or ornamented with very fine ribs, and all are laterally
compressed. Many species have periodic constrictions on both the
phragmocone and the living chamber but they do not have keels. The
aperture of some species have lateral and ventral extensions, but these are
gently curved and rather short, and not at all like the strongly developed
lappets and rostra of many Ammonitina.
The suture line is finely divided compared with the Ceratitina, with
characteristically spiky lobes but rounded, lifelike saddle elements. The
primitive species have a suture line .that is quadrilobate, being divided up
into external, lateral, umbilical and internal lobes. In Jurassic and
Cretaceous species there are usually more than four lobes. These additional
lobes, often referred to as 'adventitious' lobes, were formed by divisions of
the umbilical lobe as ontogeny (growth)progressed. Like all the Mesozoic
ammonites, the siphuncle is ventral and the septa1 collars are prochoanitic.
All Phylloceratina have small ammonitellas with small initial chambers,
and are ornamented with tubercles as with the Ammonitina and
Lytoceratina. The prosiphon is either central or marginal.
The complex suture lines indicate that these ammonites had robust shells
and may have been better adapted to life in deeper water than the
As the only order of ammonites to occur in both the Triassic and the
Jurassic, the Phylloceratina are assumed to be the link between the Triassic
Ceratitina and the Jurassic and Cretaceous Ammonitina, Ancyloceratina
and Lytoceratina, although the exact relationships are not clear. Their most
obvious similarities are between the Phylloceratina and the Lytoceratina,
which both have weakly ornamented shells with periodic constrictions, and
both groups maintain a similar morphology throughout their long
stratigraphical ranges.
The Phylloceratina are widespread and known from all around the world
from the late Triassic until the very end of the Cretaceous. They are very
common in the Jurassic deep water Ammonitico-Rossolimestones common
around the Mediterranean, where they can be by far the commonest
ammonites. On the other hand, they tend to be very rare or absent from the
shallow water habitats favoured by other ammonite groups.
A major suborder of ammonites, the Lytoceratina were one of the most
persistent and widespread of all the Mesozoic ammonite groups. Believed
to have been derived from the Phylloceratina, from which they differ in
being more evolute, the Lytoceratina are known throughout the Jurassic
and up until the very end of the Cretaceous. On the whole the Lytoceratina
are relatively conservative despite the long period of time during which they
The Lytoceratina are divided into two superfamilies, the Lytocerataceae and
the Tetragonitaceae. The former are most abundant in the Jurassic and tend
to be evolute serpenticones with simple annular ribs periodically thickened
into flared collars, and with numerous constrictions all along the shell. A
few of the Lytocerataceae, such as Pictetia, have shells which are so loosely
coiled that the whorls are not in contact with each other. The
Tetragonitaceae are more common in the Cretaceous, and all have regular,
involute shells, but are otherwise similar to the Lytocerataceae. All
Lytoceratina share a common ammonitella morphology. The ammonitella
has a short, curved prosiphon, and the outside of the ammonitella is
ornamented with small, rounded tubercles. The size of the ammonitella is
variable, with an initial chamber from 0.3 to over 1.0mm (around 0.1in) in
diameter, smaller than the Palaeozoic ammonites but similar to, or slightly
larger than, the other Mesozoic ammonites. As with the other Mesozoic
ammonites, the siphuncle runs along the ventral surface of the shell and is
bounded by prochoanitic septa1 collars. Sexual dimorphism is less
common, and not as marlzed as among the Ammonitina, and where
present is limited to small differences in size. The key diagnostic feature of
the Lytoceratina is a complex suture line with a distinctive division of the
lobes and saddles. The most primitive species such as Trachyphyllites, is
quinquelobate. Two umbilical lobes (named UI and Uz) are formed by the
split across the umbilical seam of the initially singular umbilical lobe. In
later Lytoceratina, such as Lytoceras, there may be three or more of these
umbilical lobes formed by further subdivisions.
The Ancyloceratina included some of the most widespread, and some of
the most common, of all ammonites and they are an important group for
biostratigraph~.They remained widespread throughout the late Cretaceous,
in contrast to the Ammonitina, which were in a marked decline. The
Ancyloceratina are commonly known as the 'heteromorph ammonites' on
account of their uncoiled shells (see plates 15-17). Although rarely used, the
term 'homomorph ammonites' exists for ammonites with regular spiral
shells, such as the Ammonitina.
The Ammonitina are the largest ammonite group, containing many more
species than any of the other groups. They appeared very early in the
Jurassic, but whether the first Ammonitina were most closely related to the
Ceratitina, Lytoceratina or Phylloceratina is not clear (see plates 18-20).
The Ammonitina were especially common and diverse in shallow and
moderate depth environments, and if their shell morphology is any
reflection, they occupied a variety of ecological niches.
Ammonitina have complex suture lines. The earliest chambers have five
lobes but as growth progressed some of the lobes, commonly the umbilical
lobes, became further subdivided. The lobes and saddles are almost always
deeply incised but are never leaf-shaped like the Phylloceratina, and are
more like the same features of the Lytoceratina. Current estimates suggest
that there are 15 superfamilies within the Ammonitina, within which there
are approximately 1000known genera.
Although many of the Ammonitina are quite disparate in size and shape,
they do all share a number of features in common. Coiling is generally that
of a regular spiral, though a few are heteromorphic. Dimorphism is very
common, many species being divided into the smaller microconch and
larger macroconch, presumed to be the male and female of the species
respectively. The microconch often has secondary sexual attributes such as
lappets, while the macroconch lacks these but may have other distinctive
features such as apertural collars or constrictions. The ammonitella is
usually small, the initial chamber being less than 0.7 mm (0.03 in) in
diameter, with a long and straight prosiphon followed by an approximately
central initial siphuncle and ornamented with round tubercles.
Among the Jurassic forms evolute, smooth shells are common, while the
Cretaceous ammonites tend to be much more involute and strongly
ornamented with ribs and spines. This has been explained as a response to
an increase in the diversity and efficiency of predators such as fish and
crustaceans. Though ribs and spines may have made these ammonites
better able to survive the attacks of their enemies, the increased drag they
produced would have made swimming more difficult. A few of the
Ammonitina, such as Oxynonticeras and Amaltheus, had smooth oxyconic
shells, and may have been adapted for swimming in the open sea, but most
of the Ammonitina preferred to live on or near the sea floor.
Two particular features of the Ammonitina are the short lifespan, and the
tendency of many species or families to have a limited geographic
distribution. Short lived species of ammonites, in some cases estimated to
have lasted only a few hundred thousand years, which are also widely
distributed, can be used to correlate different rock formations if the same
above: Lateral and ventral view of the sharp keeled involute Oxynoticeras
> -.
Chapter S i x
with the brachiopods and nautiluses. After the Permian mass extinction,
the animal groups that became dominant included many that remain
important today, including the reptiles, bivalve molluscs, and crustaceans.
A few ammonite groups did survive, notably the Phylloceratina and the
Ceratitina, and these diversified throughout the Triassic.
By the end of the Triassic the Earth was passing through yet another period
of mass extinction. This time the Ceratitina failed to survive, but the
Phylloceratina made it through, and the succeeding geological periods (the
Jurassic and Cretaceous) saw a diversity and abundance of ammonites that
had never been seen before. The Lytoceratina, Ancyloceratina and
Ammonitina all have their roots in those few species of Phylloceratina that
made it through the Triassic-Jurassic boundary extinctions. There were
further extinctions in the Jurassic and Cretaceous, but they were not so
severe as the preceding ones, and all four ammonite groups lasted until the
end of the Mesozoic.
Fascinating as all this might seem, other scientists are far from convinced.
Closer inspection of the fossil record has shown that the various extinctions
do not perfectly match the 26 million year cycle, and that before the
Permian none of the extinctions match it. Moreover, in seeking evidence for
extinctions some scientists exaggerated the scale of the events, while other
events, including the Permian extinction, clearly took many millions of
years to work through. One of the most contentious examples of all was the
end-Cretaceous mass extinction at which the ammonites became extinct.
The Earth is continuously being bombarded with dust and rock. Most of
this material is small and burns up in the atmosphere. These are meteors,
or shooting stars, of which on any given night a careful observer is likely to
see a few every hour. As these pieces of dust fly into the atmosphere they
are incinerated, producing a brief flash. Meteorites are much larger rocks
which are not burned up by their descent, and such rocks can be found all
over the Earth's surface. Where they hit the ground they produce craters.
Several large meteorites are known, weighing up to Go tonnes (55 tons) and
measuring up to about 10m (32.5 ft) across. In comparison the meteorite
that produced the C h i m l u b crater is estimated to have been over 10 km
(6.2 miles) in diameter and must have weighed thousands of tonnes.
Something this big smashing into the Earth would have had a devastating
effect. Some of the debris from the impact would have been hot enough to
start fires, and layers of ash found in many places around the world at about
this time do seem to indicate that some parts of the Earth were indeed
ravaged by forest fires. On top of this, it seems to have crashed into the
worst possible place. Beneath the crater are layers of sulphur rich rocks,
and the combination of the heat from the meteorite and the shock of the
impact could have vaporised this sulphur to produce clouds of acid rain.
Some scientists agree that there is a good argument for p n g the KIT
extinctions to the impact of this meteorite. The problem is that for the
ammonites, and many other animal groups, the K/T boundary did not
mark a sudden extinction of diverse groups. The ammonites were a group
in steep decline long before the K/T boundary. Over zo families of
ammonites are known from the mid-Cretaceous, but by the late Cretaceous
there were only half as many, and only a few of these persisted to the end
of the late Cretaceous. A similar decline in numbers can be observed as
well, with late Cretaceous ammonite fossils being quite scarce. Unless the
ammonites knew 'their end was near' and decided to retire gracefully, it is
very difficult to see how the meteoritic impact could have been the
Externally very similar to the squids, cuttlefish have much more complex
internal shells. Whereas the shell of the squid is nothing more than a
flexible 'backbone' keeping the body straight and stiff, the shell of the
cuttlefish is more like that of a belemnite. There is a true phragmocone,
though it is highly modified, and instead of a series of more or less
cylindrical chambers like those of belemnites, the shell is divided into
thousands of tiny compartments. This arrangement allows the animal to
adjust its density quickly and efficiently. Both squids and cuttlefish have a
streamlined shape much like a belemnite, although cuttlefish tend to be
somewhat stocky. They also have strong, muscular fins, which they use to
swim with when they are in no particular hurry, reserving jet propulsion for
The octopus is probably the best known living cephalopod. It has a body
shaped like a bag, and from the inside of the bag extend the eight arms that
give it its name. There are no fins. Between the arms and the opening of
the bag is the 'head' region, perched on top of which are two strikingly well-
developed eyes. Although the entire animal can be quite large, octopuses
are famous for being able to squeeze through the smallest openings. They
can do this because they really only have two 'hard parts', the jaws and the
brain-case. The jaws are much like those of other cephalopods, and the
brain-case is small. The rest of the body is soft, and so long as it can squeeze
the jaws and the brain-case through a hole, it can get its entire body
Why the ammonites became extinct at the end of the Cretaceous, while the
nautiluses and coleoids survived, will probably never be fully understood. It
remains a mystery not only because the ammonites survived other
extinctions earlier in their history, but also because some groups,
particularly the heteromorphs, showed little sign of being an obsolete or
unadaptable group. Quite the reverse in fact, the heteromorphs seemed to
be occupying new ecological niches that ammonites had hitherto not
exploited. Whatever the reason for their extinction, the cephalopods never
again held the pre-eminence in the world's oceans that the ammonites had.
Though coleoids are diverse, and successful up to a point, they are
overshadowed by the vertebrates in virtually every case, the bony fish in
particular far exceed the coleoids in diversity and abundance. Compared
with the long heyday of the ammonites, the coleoids enjoy only an echo of
that success.
Collecting a m m o n i t e s a n d
ammonite collections
The ammonites: Tneir lije and their world. Ulrich Lehmann. Cambridge
University Press, 1981. [The English language translation of Lehmann's
classic book on ammonites. This is now out of print.]
Kingdom of the Octopus. Frank W. Lane. Jarrolds, 1957. [Probably the best-
known account of the cephalopods. Although out of print for many years, it is
well worth scouring the shelves of second-hand book stores for. Still a good
read after over 40 years, the author displays a contagious enthusiasm for the
cephalopods, and offers a wealth of interesting information and keen
observations which will fascinate all readers.]
Archimedes @ the Fulcrum. Paul Strathern. Arrow Books, 1998. [A short but
delightfd biography of the mathematician Archimedes, including simple
explanations of his most important contributions to science.]
Cat's Paws and Catapults. Steven Vogel. Penguin Books, 1998. [A detailed but
easy to read account of the fimctional morphology of animals and plants,
From the Beginning. Brian Rosen and Katie Edwards. Natural ist tory
Museum, London, 2 0 0 0 . [A general introduction to geology and the history
of life on Earth.]
The Natural History ofshells. Geerat Verrneij. Princeton University Press, 1993.
[A beautifully illustrated review of the way animals, primarily molluscs, make
their shells and the way the design of the shell is adapted to its lifestyle.]
[Gives an overview of the Cephalopods with information on forthcoming
conferences, photographs, and links to databases.]
[General introduction to ammonites, with specific pages dedicated to the
host's French Jurassic collections.]
[Hosted by Humboldt State University, California, this site gives a general
introduction to ammonites, their forms, suture patterns and abundance
with beautiful photographic examples.]
Ammonite In general usage, this is the common name for all the
Ammonoidea (see below). As used by palaeontologists, however, this name
is used to describe only the most highly evolved members of the
Ammonoidea, namely the Phylloceratina, Lytoceratina, Ammonitina, and
Ancyloceratina. The more primitive Ammonoidea are instead referred to as
goniatites or ceratites.
Ammonoidea One of the three major groups of cephalopods, but extinct
since the end of the Cretaceous period. Ammonoidea are in general
characterised by having much more complex suture lines than either the
Nautiloidea or Coleoidea.
Anaptychus A single semicircular shaped structure associated with the
aperture in some species of ammonite, thought to be made of an organic
material called conchiolin. The plural is 'anaptychi'. The function of these
structures is uncertain. The anaptychus may have been part of the jaw of
the ammonite, or alternatively some sort of 'door' for sealing off the shell
(see aptychus below).
Aperture The opening at the front of the body chamber. This is the hole
through which the head, arms and the hyponome (if present) emerged
from. A peculiarity of many species of ammonite was the constriction or
ornamentation of the aperture when they became fully grown. Sometimes
within a single species such modifications differed between the two
dimorphs. The aperture is sometimes called the 'mouth' of the shell,
although it is obviously not the mouth of the actual ammonite animal.
Nautiloidea The earliest and most primitive of the three major groups
of cephalopods, of which only a few species are alive today, such as the
pearly nautiloid Nautilus pompilius.
Neutral buoyancy The property of an object that neither sinks nor rises
when placed in water. Many cephalopods have chambered shells which are
partially emptied so reducing their overall weight and thereby making their
density close to that of sea water. In this way they become neutrally
buoyant, which reduces the energy needed to swim and gives them great
control over poise and stability.
keeled shells jg, 40, 131, 133 Mesozoic period extinctions 135-7
Kosmoceras 94 meteoric impacts
K. duncani 132 and mass extinctions 137-8
K phaeinum 96, 97 microconches 23, 72, (@I52
K/T boundary extinction event see see also sexual dimorphism
Cretaceous-Tertiaryboundary extinction 'middle ammonites' see mesoammonoids
event Miocene ~ e r i o dammonites 71
'modern ammonites' see neoammonoids
lappets 39, 72, 94. 98, (g)151 molluscs 11, 67
Late Cretaceous period extinctions 137-9 morphology see shells
Lechites 95 Mortoniceras 95
Lehman, U . 5,47,48 M. inflatum 129
lid see operculum mother-of-pearl IOI
lifespan 103-4 see also aragonite
Liparoceras naptonensis 71 muscle scars 30,35, 105
lirae 115 mythological associations 9
living chamber see body chamber
lobes 43344, (g)151 nacreous 101
adventitious 120 Nautiloidea 12, 15-18,(g)152
diminishing 121 Nautilus 23-5
divided 118 N. pompilius 16,z5, 65,66,79
lateral 129 N. umbilicalis 26
pointed 114 nautiluses
umbilical 116,123 anatomy 25-31
Loligo forbesi 48 feeding 89-90
looped ribbing 39 growth rates 103
Lytoceras 41,45, 123 hatchlings IOI
L. aaleniarum 42 reproduction 98, 99
L.Jimbriatum 124 size 17
Lytocerataceae 123 water pressure resistance 61
Lytoceratina 109, 122-5 neoammonoids ('modem ammonites') 109
Neochetoceras 48
macroconches 23,78, (g)151-2 N. steraspis 47
see also sexual dimorphism nepionic constriction IOI
mandibles 46, (g)152 neutral buoyancy 14, 55, 58-9, (g)152
see also beak Nipponites mirabilis 126
manoeuvrability see steering and
manoeuvrability octopuses 13, 140-1
Mantell, G. g feeding 90-1
mantle 35, (g)152 reproduction 96-7
shaping 51 see also argonauts
mantle cavity 35 operculum (lid)45
nautiluses ?o nautiluses 27
marble, ammonite 80 see also hood
mass, centre of 18, 63, 64 optic notch
maturity see age nautiluses 27
Meek, F.B. 45 Ordovician period nautiloids 15
mesoammonoids ('middle ammonites') 108 orientation 62-4, 81
#$. Smithsonian Institution Press