Data Analysis Project

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Student Work Analysis Protocol

Subject Area: English Grade Level: _Pre AP 10th

A. Reaching Consensus about Proficiency

Read the assessment task, performance, and/or rubric, and:
1. Describe what the students were expected to do?
Students should be able to fill out the worksheet for the class period. It will be used
for the anticipatory set, procedure and closure. They will start with an annotation
and inference worm up, then work in a group to create a mind map of their topic
from the reading, and finally reflect on what censorship is.
2. Which standards (CCSS or content standards) or curriculum expectations are
being assessed? These should already be listed on your CEP Lesson Plan
Common Core Writing Standard 7: Research to Build and Present
Knowledge- Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to
answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a
problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry when appropriate.
Content Area: Reading, Writing, and Communicating- Standard: 1. Oral Expression
and Listening: 1. Content that is gathered carefully and organized well successfully
influences an audience
3. Describe what you would consider to be a proficient response on this
assessment? Exactly what would students need to say, write, or perform for
you to consider their work proficient?
a. Students need to annotate the letter and discuss what they think is
corrupt speech in the margins. It has to be specific enough to meet the
target, but will look different for every student.
b. There is a place for them to take additional notes on their annotations
and answer some inquiry questions. Again this section will be
individualized. But annotations need to match the notes, students need
to either answer or ask inquiry questions. Their thinking needs to be
thorough and they need to connect their thinking back to the themes
of the short story.
B. Diagnosing Student Strengths and Needs
Next, read student work and without scoring, do a quick sort of students work by
the general degree of the objectives met, partially met, not met. You may need a
not sure pile. After sorting, any papers in the not sure pile should be matched
with the typical papers in one of the other existing piles. Student names should be
recorded in the columns in order to monitor progress over time


(Objectives met) (Objectives partially (Objectives not met)
___70____% OF ___18____% OF ____12____% OF CLASS

C. Identifying Instructional Next Steps

Discuss the learning needs for the students in each level considering the following
1. What patterns or trends are noted? I am seeing that students have done a lot
of the thinking, but that they are having a tough time assigning their thinking
to the text.


(Objectives met) (Objectives partially (Objectives not met)
- Annotation and - None of the
thinking about - Relating their objectives were
censorship thinking to really completely
- Working
specific parts not met. There
through the
of the text. were just a couple
text in a
thoughtful way of students who
chose not to

2. Based on the diagnosis of student responses at the high, expected, and low
levels, what instructional strategies will students at each level benefit from?
List those instructional strategies in the table below:


(Objectives met) (Objectives partially (Objectives not met)
- Group work - Traditional lecture
- Reflection - Monitoring or group work with
- Mini lesson student work little transition.
format of
during the They tend to get
lecture with a
mentor text.
process. off task.

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