Complex Formation of N N-Ethylene Bridged Bis (N?-benzoyl-O-ethyl-isourea) and N-Benzoylguanidines With Late Transition Metals
Complex Formation of N N-Ethylene Bridged Bis (N?-benzoyl-O-ethyl-isourea) and N-Benzoylguanidines With Late Transition Metals
Complex Formation of N N-Ethylene Bridged Bis (N?-benzoyl-O-ethyl-isourea) and N-Benzoylguanidines With Late Transition Metals
1,3-position similar to N -benzoylisoureas */with var- 218 ([PhCONC(OEt)NHCHCH2] , 10); 205 (M /2,
ious bivalent and trivalent metal ions, yielding the 18); 193 ([PhCONHC(OEt)NH2] , 40); 105 ([PhCO],
corresponding halo guanidine complexes, was reported 100); 77 (Ph , 33).
[9], up to now only one neutral copper(II) complex of IR (KBr) n (cm1): n(NH) 3233 m; n(CH) 3000 m,
such a monoanionic (benzoyl)guanidinate has been 2982 m, 2936 m, 2890 m; n (C /O) 1612 vs; n(C /N) 1584
characterized by X-ray crystal structure analysis [10b]. vs, 1570 vs; 1484 m; 1443 s; 1384 s; 1371 s; 1330 vs; 1300
Continuing our previous investigations on metal s; 1157 m; 1143 s; 1110 s; 1092 s; 1066 m; 1045 s; 1027 m;
complexes of benzoylisoureas and benzoylguanidines 971 m; 880 s; 760 s; 717 s; 693 m.
[10,11] we synthesized the N S N -ethylene bridged
bis(N ?-benzoyl-O -ethyl-isourea) (1) and two monocyclic
N -benzoylguanidines (2, 3), studied their complex for- 2.1.2. 2-Benzoylimino-imidazolidine 2
mation with copper(II), nickel(II) and cobalt(II) and A bigger amount of 2 was synthesized using a method
characterized the obtained products structurally. described in the literature [13] starting from N -dichlor-
omethylene-benzamide [15] and 1,2-diaminoethane.
Crystals for X-ray diffraction analysis were obtained
2. Experimental from ethanol.
H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): d 3.48 (s, 4H, /CH2 /);
The following devices were used for measurements: 7.39 (dd, 2H, m -Ph); 7.43 (t, 1H, p -Ph); 8.07 (d, 2H, o-
Boetius melting point apparatus (corrected values), Ph); 8.75 (br, 2H, NH ).
Bruker DRX 400 (NMR), V.G. Masslab 12-250 (EI- C NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3): d 42.4 (C H2); 128.6,
MS), V.G. ZAG-HSQ (FAB-MS), Perkin /Elmer Spec- 129.3, 131.7, 138.8 (m ,o,p ,i -Ph); 166.5 (C O); 178.2
trum 2000 (IR), Perkin /Elmer Lambda 900 (UV /Vis), (NC (NHCH2)2).
Johnson-Matthey MSB-MK I (magnetic susceptibility). IR (KBr) n (cm 1): n(NH) 3379 s; n(CH) 3121 m,
The metal contents were determined by standard edta 2942 m, 2894 m, 2820 m; n (C /O) 1614 vs; n(C /N) 1589
titrations of the HClO4/H2SO4 decompositions. vs, 1567 vs; 1529 m; 1486 s; 1445 m; 1404 s; 1346 vs;
1286 m; 1146 m; 1062 s; 886 m; 749 m; 719 s; 694 m; 654
2.1. Synthesis of the bis(N ?-benzoyl-O -ethyl-isourea) m; 513 m.
(1) and the N -benzoylguanidines (2, 3)
C NMR (50 MHz, CDCl3): d 42.3, 42.9, 69.5, 70.4, OCH2CH3); 7.36 (dd, 2H, m -Ph); 7.45 (t, 1H, p -
70.6, 73.3 (C H2); 127.8, 129.0 (o ,m -Ph); 131.0 (p -Ph); Ph);.8.11 (d, 2H, o-Ph).
139.0 (i-Ph); 161.9 (C O); 177.2 (C N). C NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3): d 15.6 (C H3); 49.8
MS (EI, 70 eV, 60 8C): m /z (fragment ion, rel. int. in (C H2); 64.6 ( /OC H2 /); 128.6, 129.7, 131.9, 136.2
%) 277 (M, 30); 248 (M/Et, 6); 217 (M / (m ,o ,p ,i-Ph); 158.7 (C O); 173.7 (NC (OEt)N).
HO(CH2)2OH, 11); 200 (M/Ph, 15); 188 (M/ FAB-MS (matrix: 3-NBA): m /z 467 (M , rel. int.
(CH2)2O(CH2)2OH, 21); 105 ([PhCO] , 100); 77 (Ph , 100%); 411 (M/2Et/2H, 50).
62). IR (KBr) n (cm1): n (CH) 2982 m, 2932 m, 2907 m,
IR (KBr) n (cm 1): n (NH) 3330 m; n(CH) 2940 m, 2873 m; n (C /O) 1595 vs; n(C /N) 1573 vs, 1505 vs; 1445
2868 m; n(C /O) 1597 vs; n(C /N) 1576 vs, 1538 s; 1487 s; 1422 vs; 1384 s; 1369 s; 1327 vs; 1303 m; 1179 m; 1160
m; 1447 m; 1432 m; 1417 m; 1385 vs; 1358 vs; 1302 m; m; 1149 m; 1117 s; 1078 s; 1066 m; 1029 m; 1007 m; 908
1271 m; 1227 m; 1175 m; 1066 m; 1132 s; 1112 m; 1071 s; m;750 s; 705 s; 592 m.
1024 m; 1013 m; 945 m; 867 m; 810 m; 755 m; 717 s; 683 Vis (CHCl3): l (nm) (log o ) 444.3 (2.93).
2.2.4. CoII complex 1c
2.2. Synthesis of complexes of 1 and 2 Yellow/orange needles. Yield: 0.168 g (51%), m.p.
252 /253 8C. C22H24N4O4Co (467.38 g mol 1): Calc.: C,
56.53; H, 5.18; N, 11.99; O, 13.69; Co, 12.61%; Found:
2.2.1. General procedure
C, 55.95; H, 4.93; N, 12.35; O, 13.9%.
One millimole of 1 (2 mmol of 2, respectively) and 1
FAB-MS (matrix: 3-NBA): m /z 467 (M , rel. int.
mmol of the corresponding metal acetate (copper(II)
32%); 411 (M/2Et/2H, 25); 105 ([PhCO] , 100).
acetate monohydrate, nickel(II) acetate tetrahydrate or
IR (KBr) n (cm1): n (CH) 2980 m, 2931 m, 2906 m,
cobalt(II) acetate tetrahydrate) each dissolved in 10 ml
2872 w; n (C/O) 1589 vs; n(C /N) 1557 vs, 1489 s; 1444
ethanol were mixed together and stirred at 50 8C for 30
s; 1415 vs; 1383 s; 1366 s; 1327 vs; 1302 m; 1179 m; 1159
min followed by further stirring at room temperature
m; 1147 m; 1115 m; 1076 m; 1066 m; 1028 m; 1007 w;
overnight. The precipitations were filtered, washed with
905 m;749 s; 704 s; 684 m; 619 w; 591 w.
ethanol and air-dried. The metal complexes of 1 were
UV /Vis (CHCl3): l (nm) (log o ) 388.8 (3.57); 430.0
purified by dissolving in a minimum of chloroform and
overlaying with the triple volume of isopropanol.
meff (T /298 K) 2.57 B.M.
Crystals suitable for X-ray structure analyses were
obtained within a few days. Recrystallization from
2.2.5. CuII complex 2a
boiling dimethylformamide yielded crystals of the com-
Violet needles. Yield: 0.356 g (81%), m.p. 295 8C
plexes of 2 in diffractometer quality.
(dec.). C20H20N6O2Cu (439.96 g mol 1): Calc.: C,
54.60; H, 4.58; N, 19.10; O, 7.27; Cu, 14.44%; Found:
2.2.2. CuII complex 1a C, 54.6; H, 5.08; N, 18.8; O, 7.42; Cu, 14.1%.
Violet needles. Yield: 0.207 g (97%), m.p. 231 /232 8C. FAB-MS (matrix: 3-NBA): m /z 441 ([M/H] , rel.
C22H24N4O4Cu (471.99 g mol1): Calc.: C, 55.98; H, int. 5%); 307 (M/PhCONCH2, 58); 251 (M/L,
5.12; N, 11.87; O, 13.56; Cu, 13.46%; Found: C, 55.8; H, 10); 189 ([LH], 55); 136 (3-NBA /OH, 100).
5.36; N, 11.6; O, 13.4; Cu, 13.1%. IR (KBr) n (cm 1): n(NH) 3284 s; n(CH) 3065 m,
FAB-MS (matrix: 3-NBA): m /z 472 (M, rel. int. 2949 m, 2881 m; n(C /O) 1590 s; n (C/N) 1557 vs, 1526
100%). vs; 1498 s; 1488 s; 1475 s; 1440 m; 1396 vs; 1341 m; 1276
IR (KBr) n (cm 1): n (CH) 2979 m, 2928 m, 2907 m, s; 1069 m; 1027 m; 748 m; 706 s; 693 m; 673 m; 551 m.
2869 w; n (C /O) 1597 vs; n(C /N) 1573 vs, 1507 vs; 1445 UV /Vis (solid state): l (nm) 356.1; 559.7.
s; 1415 vs; 1385 s; 1364 s; 1337 m; 1322 vs; 1302 m; 1176
m; 1147 m; 1113 m; 1075 m; 1066 m; 1026 m; 1000 w; 2.2.6. NiII complex 2b
895 m;753 s; 705 s; 686 m; 567 m. Red brown needles. Yield: 0.283 g (65%), m.p. 325 8C
Vis (CHCl3): l (nm) (log o ) 546.6 (2.33). (dec.). C20H20N6O2Ni (435.13 g mol 1): Calc.: C, 55.21;
meff (T /300 K) 1.93 B.M. H, 4.63; N, 19.31; O, 7.35; Ni, 13.49%; Found: C, 55.0;
H, 4.57; N, 19.0; O, 7.79; Ni, 13.0%.
2.2.3. NiII complex 1b FAB-MS (matrix: 3-NBA): m /z 435 (M , rel. int.
Orange needles. Yield: 0.161 g (94%), m.p. 245 / 100%).
246.5 8C. C22H24N4O4Ni (467.16 g mol 1): Calc.: C, IR (KBr) n (cm 1): n(NH) 3261 s; n(CH) 3046 m,
56.56; H, 5.18; N, 11.99; O, 13.70; Ni, 12.56%; Found: 2953 m, 2885 m; n(C /O) 1589 s; n (C/N) 1561 vs, 1534
C, 56.4; H, 5.17; N, 11.4; O, 13.8; Ni, 13.05%. vs; 1499 s; 1487 s; 1475 s; 1440 s; 1399 vs; 1346 m; 1277 s;
H NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): d 1.30 (t, 3H, / 1084 m; 1070 m; 1028 m; 899 m; 747 s; 699 s; 586 m.
CH2CH3); 3.05 (s, 2H, /CH2 /);.4.40 (q, 2H, / UV /Vis (solid state): l (nm) 385.9; 490.9.
62 U. Schro
der et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 353 (2003) 59 /67
1 1a 1b 1c 2 2a 2b 3
Molecular formula C22H26N4O4 C22H24N4O4Cu C22H24N4O4Ni C22H24N4O4Co C10H11N3O C20H20N6O2Cu C20H20N6O2Ni C14H19N3O3
Formula weight 410.47 471.99 467.16 467.38 189.22 439.96 435.13 277.32
(g mol 1)
Crystal habit, color colorless prisms violet prisms orange prisms orange plates colorless prisms violet prisms red /brown prisms colorless drop-
U. Schro
Crystal system monoclinic monoclinic monoclinic monoclinic monoclinic monoclinic monoclinic monoclinic
Space group P 21/n P 21/n P 21/n P 21/n P 21/n P 21/n P 21/n P 21/c
64 U. Schro
der et al. / Inorganica Chimica Acta 353 (2003) 59 /67
Table 2 Table 4
) and angles (8) for 1, 1a, 1b and 1c
Selected distances (A ) and angles (8) for 3
Selected distances (A
Scheme 1.
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(2001) 1169;
(d) S.M. Mullins, A.P. Duncan, R.G. Bergmann, J. Arnold,
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graphic Data Centre, 12 Union Road, Cambridge, CB2 (1998) 4387;
1EZ, UK, quoting the deposition numbers: CCDC (b) T.-G. Ong, D. Wood, G.P.A. Yap, D.S. Richeson, Organo-
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