CE 374 Water Resources Engineering Sessional - I (Lab Manual)
CE 374 Water Resources Engineering Sessional - I (Lab Manual)
CE 374 Water Resources Engineering Sessional - I (Lab Manual)
Flow in rivers and canals are the examples of open channel flow. In water resources
engineering, in designing any structure on the river or canal or for flood mitigation process
discharge is the primary information needed. Discharge measurement in open channel is
different from closed conduit. So the main objective of this course is to teach the student how
to measure discharge in an open channel and also to give an idea about some terms and
phenomena of an open channel flow which will be used by them in future in practical field.
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1.1 General
The state of open channel flow is mainly governed by the combined effect of viscous
and gravity forces relative to the inertial forces. This experiment mainly deals with
determination of the state of flow in an open channel at a particular section. The state of flow
is very important, as the flow behavior depends on it. In order to construct different structures
in rivers and canals and to predict the river response, the state of flow must be known. The
experiment also deals with determination of critical depth, which is very useful in
determining the types of flow in practice.
1.2 Theory
1.2.1State of flow
Depending on the effect of viscosity relative to inertia, the flow may be laminar,
turbulent or transitional. The effect of viscosity relative to the inertia is expressed by the
Reynolds number, given by
Re = (1.1)
where, V is the mean velocity of flow, R is the hydraulic radius (=A/P), A is the wetted
cross-sectional area, P is the wetted perimeter and is the kinemetic viscosity of water.
Kinematic viscosity varies with temperature. The values of kinematic viscosity of water at
different temperatures are given in Table 1.1. The value of at 200C (=1.003x10-6 m2/s) is
normally used to compute the Reynolds number of open channel flow.
Most open channel flows including those in rivers and canals are turbulent. The
Reynolds number of most open channel flows is high, of the order of 10 6, indicating that the
viscous forces are weak relative to the inertia forces and do not play a significant role in
determining the flow behavior.
When the flow is dominated by the gravity, then the type of flow can be identified by
a dimensionless number, known as Froude Number. Given by
Fr = (1.2)
where, V is the mean velocity of flow, D is the hydraulic depth (= A/T), A is the cross-
sectional area, T is the top width and g is the acceleration due to gravity (= 9.81 m/s2).
Depending on the effect of gravity relative to inertia, the flow may be subcritical, critical or
The flow in most rivers and canals is subcritical. Supercritical flow normally occurs
downstream of a sluice gate and at the foot of drops and spillways. The Froude number of
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open channel flow varies over a wide range covering both subcritical and supercritical flows
and the state or behavior of open channel flow is primarily governed by the gravity force
relative to the inertia force. Therefore, the Froude number is the most important parameter to
indicate the state or behavior of open channel flow.
Depending on the numerical values of Reynolds and Froude numbers, the following
four states of flow are possible in an open channel:
The first two states of flow, subcritical laminar and supercritical laminar, are not commonly
encountered in applied open channel hydraulics. Since the flow is generally turbulent is open
channel, the last two states of flow are encountered is engineering problems.
yc 3 (1.3)
gB 2
where, ycis the critical depth, Q is the discharge and B is the width of the channel.
When the depth is greater than the critical depth, the flow is subcritical. When the
depth is less than the critical depth, the flow is supercritical.
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1.3 Objectives of the experiment
1) To measure water depth both upstream and downstream of a weir.
2) To determine the Reynolds number (Re) and the Froude number (Fr).
3) To determine the state of flow.
4) To determine critical depth (yc).
5) To observe the subcritical and the supercritical flows.
1 2
1.5 Procedure
i) Measure the depth of flow at sections 1 and 2 by a point gage.
ii) Take the reading of discharge.
iii) Calculate the velocity at both the sections.
iv) Calculate Re and Fr for both the sections using Eqs.(1.1) and (1.2) and
determine the state of flow.
v) Calculate the critical depth yc using Eq.(1.3).
1.6 Assignment
1. Why the state of flow and the critical depth of a river or canal need to be
2. How can you determine that the flow in a river is subcritical, critical or
supercritical without taking any measurement?
3. State why the Froude number is more significant than the Reynolds number to
determine the state of open channel flow.
1.7 References
1. Chow, V. T (1957): Open Channel Hydraulics, Chapter 1 (Open channel flow and its
classification) & Chapter 4 (Critical flow: its computation and applications).
2. French, R.H (1980): Open channel Hydraulics, Chapter 1(Concept of fluid flow).
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Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
Course Teacher :
Designation :
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Experiment No. 2
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2.1 General
A broad-crested weir is an overflow structure with a truly level and horizontal crest. It
is widely used in irrigation canals for the purpose of flow measurement as it is rugged and
can stand up well under field conditions. But practically some problems arise with the weir,
as there exists a dead water zone at the upstream of the weir and the head loss is more
comparable to other devices. By virtue of being a critical depth meter, the broad crested weir
has the advantage that it operates effectively with higher downstream water levels than a
sharp crested weir. This experiment deals with measurement of discharge using the broad-
crested weir and also calibration of the weir
2.2 Theory
Qt g By c1.5 (2.1)
where B is the width of the weir, yc is the critical depth and g is the acceleration due to
The usual difficulty in using Eq.(2.1) for computing discharge lies in locating the
critical flow section and measuring the critical depth accurately. This difficulty is, however,
overcome by measuring the depth of flow upstream of the weir where the flow is not affected
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by the presence of the weir. With reference to Fig. 2.1, neglecting the frictional losses and
applying the energy equation between the upstream section and the critical flow section, we
H1 yc c
whereVc is the critical velocity. Since at the critical state of flow, the velocity head is equal to
one-half of the hydraulic depth (D) and for a rectangular channel D = y, the above equation
V2 D y 3
H1 yc c yc c yc c yc
2g 2 2 2
so that
yc H1
Qt = (2/3 ) g BH 1.5
Cd = Qa/Qt (2.3)
Qa = C d (2/3 ) g BH 1.5
The coefficient of discharge for a broad-crested weir depends on the length of the
weir and whether the upstream corner of the weir is rounded or not. Normally, in a field
installation it is not possible to measure the energy head H1 directly and therefore the
discharge is related to the upstream depth of flow over the crest, y1, by the equation
Qa = C v C d (2/3 ) g By1.5
whereCv is the correction coefficient for neglecting the velocity head in the approach channel.
Generally the effect of Cv is considered in Cd and finally the governing equation becomes
Qa = C d (2/3 ) g By1.5
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2.2.4 Calibration
Calibration is the act of obtaining a definite relationship for the measuring device
using the sets of known data. For a broad-crested weir, the Eq.2.7 can be expressed as a
relationship between the upstream depth and the discharge, i.e. Q = ky1n. This relation is
known as stage discharge equation for discharge measurement. So calibration deals with
determination of coefficient k and exponent n using the sets of experimental data and develop
the equation Q = ky1n so that the equation can be useful for flow estimation. The plotting of
the calibrated equation is known as calibration curve for the measuring device. There are two
different ways to develop a calibration equation. These are
By eye estimation
As log Q = log k + n log y1, so if Q and y1 are plotted in a log log paper, the line will
represent a straight line. Different sets of Q and y1 are plotted in a log log paper keeping y1
along the x axis and Q along the y axis. The best fit line is drawn by eye estimation. The
slope of the line gives the value of n. Then for any value of y the corresponding value of Q is
found from the best fit line. Using these values of y, Q and n, the value of k can be found
form the equation Q = ky1n.
By regression
From Q = ky1n, we have
Y = K + nX
N( XY) ( X)( Y)
N( X 2 ) ( X) 2
Y n X
k = antilog K
where N is the number of sets of Q and y1 plotted. The correlation coefficient r is given by
N X 2 X 2 N Y 2 Y 2
For a perfect correlation, r = 1.0. If r is between 0.6 and 1.0, it is generally taken as a good
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2.3 Objectives of the experiment
i) To determine the theoretical discharge of the weir.
ii) To measure the actual discharge and hence to find out the coefficient of
iii) To calibrate the weir.
In flow
Broad crested weir Tail gate
Flow measuring unit (Water Meter)
Out flow
2.5 Procedure
To determine the theoretical and the actual discharges and the coefficient of discharge
i) Measure the upstream water level over the weir y1 at three points, then find the
average depth and determine the theoretical discharge using Eq. (2.7).
ii) Take the reading of actual discharge and hence find the coefficient of
discharge using Eq. (2.3).
To calibrate the weir by eye estimation (should be done by students having odd
student number)
i) Plot the actual discharges against the corresponding upstream depths in
a log log paper and find the value of n and k as discussed in Art. 2.2.4.
ii) Develop the relationship Q = ky1 n.
To calibrate the weir by regression (should be done by students having even student
i) Form a table having columns for Q, y1,X , Y, XY, X2 as discussed in
Art. 2.2.4 and find the value of n, k and r .
ii) Compare the equation with that obtained by the eye estimation method.
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2.6 Shape of Q vs y graph
In a plain graph paper the plot of Q = kyn is non-linear. But in a log log paper Q = kyn
plots as a straight line since log Q = log k + n log y which is an equation of a straight line (of
the form y = mx + c).
Q vsy graph
Q vsy graph
(in plain paper)
(in log log paper)
2.7 Assignment
1. What are the advantage, disadvantage and use of a broad-crested weir?
2. Why is it necessary to calibrate a broad-crested weir?
3. A broad-crested weir is designed so that 0.07 H1/L 0.50. What do the upper and
lower limits of H1/L signify?
2.8 References
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Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
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ii) By regression (should be done by students having even student number)
y1 Qa X=log y1 Y=log Q XY X2 Y2
Course Teacher :
Designation :
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Experiment No. 3
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3.1 General
Although weirs are an effective method of artificially creating a critical section at
which the flow rate can be determined, a weir installation has at least two disadvantages.
First, the use of weirs results in relatively high head loss. Second, most weirs create a dead
water zone upstream of it which can serve as a settling basin for sediment and other debris
present in the flow. Both of these disadvantages can be overcome with an open flume having
a contraction in width which is sufficient to cause the flow to pass through a critical depth.
Venturi flume is an open flume used widely in irrigation canals for measuring discharge and
also as a outlet of canal to supply water in the field or distributary canal. But Venturi flumes
have a disadvantage that there is relatively small head difference between the upstream
section and the critical section, especially at low Froude numbers. This experiment deals with
measurement of discharge using a Venturi flume and also calibration of the flume.
3.2 Theory
Qtf= AV = AcVc
where Ac and Vc are the area and velocity at the critical flow section of the flume. At the
critical state of flow
Fr 1
Vc gDc
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Fig. 3.2 Free flow condition
Now, for a rectangular flume, Ac = byc and Dc = yc, where b is the width of the Venturi flume
at the throat section. Hence, the theoretical discharge at free flow given by
Q tf A c Vc by c gy c (3.1)
For a rectangular channel at critical condition there exists a relationship between total head
and the critical depth as
H yc
Hence, putting
yc H
in Eq.(3.1), we obtain
Qtf = (2/3 ) g bH1.5 (3.2)
1 2
1 2
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No critical flow section exists at submerged flow condition. Considering Fig 3.3, applying the
energy equation between sections 1and 2, we obtain
V12 V2
y1 y2 2
2g 2g
which gives
V22 (1 ) 2 g ( y1 y 2 )
If A and a are the wetted areas at sections 1 and 2, respectively, then using the continuity
AV1 = aV2
we obtain
V1 a
V2 A
If we assume
V a
M 1
V2 A
V22 (1 M 2 ) 2 g ( y1 y 2 )
so that
2 g ( y1 y 2 )
1 M 2
Hence, the theoretical discharge at submerged flow condition
2 g ( y1 y 2 )
Qts aV2 a (3.3)
1 M 2
Normally, in a field installation it is not possible to measure the energy head H directly and
therefore the discharge is related to the upstream depth of flow y1 by the equation
Qa = Cv Cdf (2/3 ) g by1.5
Where Cv is the correction coefficient for neglecting the velocity head in the approach
channel. Generally the effect of C v is considered in Cd and finally the governing equations
Qa = Cdf (2/3 ) g By1.5
Qtf = (2/3 ) g By1.5
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The coefficient of discharge at submerged flow condition, Cds is given by
3.2.5 Calibration
Calibration is the act of obtaining a definite relationship for the measuring device
using the sets of known data. For a broad-crested weir there is a definite relationship between
the upstream depth and the discharge, i.e. Q = ky1 n. This relation is known as the calibration
equation for the device. So calibration deals with determination of k and n and develop the
equation Q = ky1n. The plotting of the calibration equation is known as calibration curve.
There are two different ways to develop a calibration equation. These are
By eye estimation
As log Q = log k + n log y1, so if Q and y1 are plotted in a log log paper, the line will
represent a straight line. Different sets of Q and y1 are plotted in a log log paper keeping y1
along the x axis and Q along the y axis. The best fit line is drawn by eye estimation. The
slope of the line gives the value of n. Then for any value of y the corresponding value of Q is
found from the best fit line. Using these values of y, Q and n, the value of k can be found
form the equation Q = ky1n.
By regression
From Q = ky1n, we have
Y = K + nX
N( XY) ( X)( Y)
N( X 2 ) ( X) 2
Y n X
k = antilog K
where N is the number of sets of Q and y1 plotted. The correlation coefficient r is given by
N X 2 X 2 N Y 2 Y 2
For a perfect correlation, r = 1.0. If r is between 0.6 and 1.0, it is generally taken as a good
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3.3 Objectives of the experiment
i) To determine the theoretical discharge of the flume at free flow and
submerged flow conditions.
ii) To measure the actual discharge and hence to find out the coefficient of
discharge at free flow and submerged flow conditions.
iii) To calibrate the flume.
Water Meter
In flow
Venturi Flume
Flow measuring unit
Out flow
To determine the theoretical and the actual discharges and the coefficient of discharge
in submerged flow condition
i) Measure the flow depths at sections 1 and 2 shown in Fig. 3.3 and determine
the theoretical discharge using Eq.(3.3).
ii) Take the reading of actual discharge and hence find the coefficient of
discharge using Eq. (3.8).
To calibrate the flume (for free flow condition only) by eye estimation (should be
done by students having even student number)
i) Plot the actual discharge against the corresponding upstream depth in a log log
paper and find the values of n and k as discussed in Art. 3.2.5.
ii) Develop the relationship Q =ky1 n.
To calibrate the flume (for free flow condition only) by regression (should be done by
students having odd student number)
i) Form a table having columns for Q, y1, X, Y, XY, X2 as discussed in Art.3.2.5
and find the values of n, k and r.
ii) Compare the equation with that obtained by the eye estimation method.
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3.6 Shape of Q vs y graph
In a plain graph paper the plot of Q = kyn is non-linear. But in a log log paper Q =
kynplots as a straight line since log Q = log k + n log y which is an equation of a straight line
(of the form y = mx + c).
Q vsygraph
Q vsygraph
(inplain paper)
(in loglogpaper)
3.7 Assignment
1. What are the advantage, disadvantage and use of a Venturi flume?
2. What is the difference between free and submerged flows? How can you produce
submerged flow in a laboratory flume? What is the effect of submergence on the
3.8 Reference
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Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
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ii) By regression (should be done by students having even student number)
y1 Qa X=log y1 Y=log Q XY X2 Y2
Course Teacher :
Designation :
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Experiment No. 4
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4.1 General
The problem with a Venturi flume is that there is a relatively small head difference
between the upstream section and the critical section. This problem can be overcome by
designing a flume which has a contracted throat section in which critical flow occurs
followed by a short length of supercritical flow and a hydraulic jump at the exit section. A
flume of this type was designed by R.L. Parshall and is widely known as the Parshall flume.
Practically this type of flume is used in small irrigation canals for flow measurement purpose.
It is better than all other devices discussed before as it is more accurate, can withstand a
relatively high degree of submergence over a wide range of backwater condition downstream
from the structure and it acts as a self-cleaning device due to the fact that high velocity
washes out the debris and sediments present in the flow. However, when a heavy burden of
erosion debris is present in the stream, the Parshall flume becomes invalid like weir, because
deposition of debris will produce undesirable result. Another problem which arises with this
flume is that the fabrication is complicated and also fabrication should be done as per
requirement. This experiment deals with the measurement of discharge using a Parshall
4.2 Theory
The Parshall flume is a calibrated device i.e. there exists a definite depth-discharge
relationship for the flume. So analytic determination of theoretical discharge is not required
for this flume.Similar to other types of device, the discharge through a Parshall flume is given
Qt = KHan (4.1)
where K is a constant which depends on the system of units used, n is an exponent and H a is
the upstream depth measured at the location shown in Fig. 4.1.
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Fig. 4.1 Flow through Parshall flume
The values of K and n depend on the throat width and are given in Table 4.1.
According to this table, for free flow condition, the depth-discharge relationship of a Parshall
flume of throat width which is normally used in the laboratory, as calibrated empirically,
is given by
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4.2.3 Coefficient of discharge
The actual discharge always varies with the theoretical discharge of the flume. So the
introduction of a coefficient of discharge is necessary. If the actual discharge Q a is measured
by the water meter, the coefficient of discharge is given by
whereQts is the corrected discharge due to submergence, Qtf is the theoretical free flow
discharge and QE is the correction of discharge. The correction of discharge for a Parshall
flume is given in Fig 4.3.
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The depth-discharge relationships of Parshall flumes of various sizes, as calibrated
empirically, are represented by the following equation shown in table 4.2.
In the above equation, Q is the free discharge in cfs, W is the width of the throat in ft and H a
is the gage reading in ft.
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Fig.4.3 The corrections of submergence for Parshall flumes of various sizes
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4.5 Procedure
To determine the theoretical discharge at the free flow condition
i) Measure the head Ha.
ii) Compute Qtf using Eq.(4.2).
To determine the coefficient of discharge, measure the actual discharge from the
water meter and calculate Cdf and Cds using Eqs.(4.3) and (4.4).
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4.7 Assignment
2. Why a downward narrow section and an upward diverging section are provided in a
Parshall flume?
4.8 References
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Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
Verification of K and n
Course Teacher :
Designation :
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Experiment No. 5
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5.1 General
Although a Parshall flume gives very accurate measurement of discharge, the problem
of the flume is that the fabrication of such a flume is complicated and also the fabrication
should be done as per requirement. The cut throat flume is an attempt to improve on the
Parshall flume mainly by simplifying the construction details. So the flume is economical and
normally used in straight sections of small irrigation channels for flow measuring purpose.
The angles of divergence and convergence remain same for all flumes. So the size of the
flume can be changed by merely moving the vertical walls in or out. This experiment deals
with the measurement of discharge using a cut throat flume.
5.2 Theory
C = KW1.025 (5.2)
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K is the flume length coefficient, W is the width of the throat, n is an exponent and H a is the
upstream flow depth, measured at a distance of 2L/9 form the throat, as shown in Fig. 5.1.
The values of K and n are obtained from Fig.5.2 for a given flume length.
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Fig. 5.3 Generalized free flow coefficients and exponents and S t for cut-throat flumes
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5.5 Procedure
To determine the theoretical discharge at the free flow condition
i) Measure the head Ha.
ii) Determine the values of K and n from Fig. 5.2.
iii) Determine the value of C using Eq. (5.2).
iv) Determine the theoretical discharge using Eq. (5.1).
To determine the coefficient of discharge, measure the actual discharge from the
water meter and calculate Cdf using Eq. (5.3).
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5.7 Assignment
1. What are the advantage, disadvantage and use of a cut throat flume?
2. Which one of the four flow measuring devices, viz. broad-crested weir, Venturi
flume, Parshall flume and cut throat flume, seems to be the best in an irrigation
project of Bangladesh? Justify your answer.
5.8 References
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Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
Flume length, L = m K= n= St =
Verification of C and n
Course Teacher :
Designation :
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Experiment No. 6
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6.1 General
Sluice gate is a classical example of the application energy and momentum principle.
Sluice gate is used in open channel to control and regulate the flow as well as to measure the
discharge in the channel. Sometimes it is used to raise the water level and maintain a constant
operating level in irrigation canals. Sluice gate is also used for draining the excess water for
both urban areas and rural agricultural areas. This experiment deals with the measurement of
discharge beneath a sluice gate.
6.2 Theory
H1 = H2 (6.1)
and therefore
where b is the width of the sluice gate. Simplifying and rearranging the terms, we obtain
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or alternatively
The small reduction in flow velocity due to viscous resistance between sections 1 and 2 may
be allowed for by a coefficient Cv. Then
The coefficient of velocity, C v, varies in the range 0.95 <Cv< 1.0, depending on the geometry
of the flow pattern (expressed by the ratio yg/y1) and friction.
The downstream depth y2 may be expressed as a function of the gate opening, yg, i.e.
y2 = Ccyg (6.7)
where Cc is the coefficient of contraction whose commonly accepted value of 0.61 is nearly
independent of the ratio yg/y1. The maximum contraction of the jet occurs approximately at a
distance equal to the gate opening. Thus, Eq.(6.6) becomes
where Cd is the coefficient of discharge and is a function of C v, Cc, b, yg, and y1. Therefore
So that
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6.2.3 Forces on a sluice gate
The momentum equation may be applied to the fluid within any chosen control
volume where the external forces are known or can be estimated to a sufficient degree of
accuracy. The horizontal components of these forces acting on the fluid within the control
volume shown in Fig. 6.1 are the resultants of the hydrostatic pressure distributions at
sections 1 and 2, the viscous shear force on the bed and the thrust of the gate. It should be
noted that the equation permits the resultant gate thrust (Fg) to be determined even though the
pressure distribution along its surface is not hydrostatic. Over a short length of smooth bed
the contribution of the shear force may be neglected. The resultant force applied to the fluid
within the control volume in the downstream direction is given by
The effect of this force is to accelerate the fluid within the control volume in the downstream
direction. Hence
The pressure distribution on the gate cannot be hydrostatic, as the pressure must be
atmospheric at both the upstream water level and at the point where the jet springs clear of
the gate.
Note that the thrust on the gate, FH, for a hydrostatic pressure distribution is given by
6.3 Objectives
i) To determine the discharge beneath the sluice gate.
ii) To determine Cv, Cc and Cd.
iii) To plot y1vsQa for different values of yg in a plain graph paper.
iv) To determine Fg and FH and hence to find the ratio Fg/FH.
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6.4 Experimental setup
The experimental setup is given below.
In flow
Sluice gate
Out flow
6.5 Procedure
To determining the discharge beneath the sluice gate
i) Measure y1 and yg.
ii) Calculate the theoretical discharge using Eq. (6.12).
iii) Take the reading of actual discharge from the water meter.
In a plain graph paper the plot of Qa = ky1 n is a parabola. Now, if yg increases, for
same value of y1, Q increases. So, the y1 vsQa graph for a higher value of yg lies below the
same graph for a lower value of yg.
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6.7 Assignment
1. Explain why the pressure distribution along the surface of the gate is not
2. What does happen when the gate opening is more than the critical depth?
3. When does the submergence occur and what is its effect on flow beneath a sluice
6.8 References
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Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
y1 y2 Qt Qa Cv Cc Cd Fg FH Fg/FH
(m) (m) (m3/s) (m3/s) (N) (N)
y1vs Q graph
Course Teacher :
Designation :
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Experiment No. 7
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7.1 General
In an open channel when a supercritical flow is made to change abruptly to subcritical
flow, the result is usually an abrupt rise of the water surface. This feature is known as the
hydraulic jump. It results when there is a conflict between upstream and downstream controls
which influence the same reach of the channel. For example, if the upstream control causes
supercritical flow and downstream control dictates subcritical flow, then this conflict can be
resolved by a hydraulic jump, which passes the flow from one flow regime to other.
7.2 Theory
Fp1 z1 A1 and Fp 2 z 2 A2
where z1 and z 2 are the vertical distances of the centroids of the respective water areas A1 and
A2 from the free surface. Now applying momentum equation between sections 1 and 2, we
Q2 Q2
z1 A1 z 2 A2 (7.1)
gA1 gA2
Since for a rectangular channel Q = A1V1 = A2V2, A1 = By1, A2 = By2, z1 y1 / 2 and
z 2 y 2 / 2 , Eq.(7.1) gives
q2 1 1 1
( ) ( y 22 y 12 ) (7.2)
g y1 y 2 2
where q (= Q/B) is the discharge per unit width. Using q = y1V1 = y2V2, Eq. (7.2) may be
recast as
V12 1 y2 y2
1 (7.3)
gy1 2 y1 y1
Equation (7.3) may be solved to yield
y2 1
y1 2
1 8F12 1 (7.4)
where y2/y1 is known as the ratio between the sequent and the initial depths.
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7.2.5 Efficiency of the jump
The ratio of the specific energy after the jump to that before the jump (E2/E1) is known
as the efficiency of the jump. It can be shown that the efficiency of the jump is given by
2 3/ 2 2
E 2 (8 F 1 +1 ) - 4 F 1 +1
= (7.8)
E1 8 F 12 (2+ F 12 )
h j h2 h1 (7.9)
The ratio of the height of jump to the specific energy before jump is known as the relative height
of the jump and is given by
hj 1 + 8 F 12 - 3
= 2
E1 F1 + 2
In flow
Sluice gate
Out flow
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7.5 Procedure
i) Measure the depth of flow before the jump at three points and average them to
get the initial depth y1.
ii) Measure the depth of flow after the jump at three points and average them to get
the sequent depth y2.
iii) Determine the velocity before the jump (V1), then calculate F1 and find the type
of jump.
iv) Measure the length of the jump (L), then find L/y1 and verify Eq.(7.5).
v) Compute the height of the jump (hj) from Eq.(7.9), then find the value of hj/E1
and verify Eq.(7.10).
vi) Compute E1 and E2, then find the total energy loss E1- E2 and verify Eq.(7.6).
vii) Compute the kinetic energy loss in the jump using Eq.(7.7).
viii) Compute the efficiency of the jump E2/E1 and verify Eq.(7.8).
hj y y
ix) Plot E 2 , , 1 and 2 vs F1 to get the characteristic curves.
E1 E1 E1 E1
E2 E
(i) vs F1 graph: From Eq.(7.8), at F1=1, 2 =1. So the curve starts from (1,1) and decreases
E1 E1
with the increase in F1.
hj hj
(ii) vs F1 graph: From Eq.(7.10), at F1=1, = 0. So the curve will start from (1,0) and
E1 E1
increases up to a value of = 0.507 at F1= 2.77 and then decreases with F1.
y1 y2
(iii) & (iv) and vs F1 graphs: At critical state, i.e. at F1 =1, y1 = y2 from Eq.(7.4) . So both
E1 E1
y1 y2 2
curves will start from a common point at F1=1. Now, at critical state, E =1.5 y. So,
E1 E1 3
at this state. Hence, both the curves will start from (1, 2/3). The vs F1 curve decreases with
higher F1 but vs F1 curve increases up to a value of 0.8 at F1 =1.73 and then decreases with
higher F1.
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Fig. 7.3 Characteristics curves of hydraulic jumps in horizontal rectangular channels
7.7 Assignment
1. What are the different types of jumps according to USBR classification?
2. Why does the energy loss occur in hydraulic jumps? Is it really an energy loss?
3. What is tailwater depth? Explain why a hydraulic jump moves upstream when the
tailwater depth is greater than the sequent depth and vice versa.
7.8 Reference
1. Chow, V.T. (1957): Open Channel Hydraulics, Chapter-15 (Hydraulic jump and its
use as energy dissipater).
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Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
Depth Velocity
y1 y2 V1 V2 F1 Type of jump
(m) (m) (m/s) (m/s)
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Characteristic curve
F1 E2 hj y1 y2
E1 E1 E1 E1
Course Teacher :
Designation :
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Experiment No. 8
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8.1 General
The concept of specific energy and specific force is extremely useful in the solution of
many problems in open channel flow. This experiment deals with the development of
generalized specific energy and specific force curves. These curves are useful in determining the
state of flow in a channel, i.e. whether the flow is critical, subcritical or supercritical. Flow is
critical when the Froude number is equal to unity. When the depth of flow is above the critical
depth, the subcritical state of flow exists in the channel. When the depth of flow is below the
critical depth, the supercritical state of flow exists. Also, the critical state of flow gives us several
important conditions, such as, the specific energy and specific force are minimum for a given
discharge, the discharge is maximum for a given specific energy and so on. All these conditions
are used in designing the various types of transitions and in controlling the flow using different
control structures, for example, in determining the height of a weir, the width of a flume,
opening of sluice gate, etc.
8.2 Theory
The specific energy curve (Fig. 8.1) shows that, there are two possible depths for a given
value of E, the low stage y1 and the high stage y2, which are the called alternate depths.
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Fig. 8.1 Specific-energy curve
dE v
= 1-
dy gD
= 0 so that v = 1 or, Fr 2 = 1 Fr = 1
dy gD
This condition represents the critical state of flow. At this condition, the two alternate depths
apparently become one which is known as the critical depth yc. When the depth of flow is
greater than yc, the velocity of flow is less than the critical velocity for the given discharge and
hence the flow is subcritical. When the depth of flow is less than the critical depth, the flow is
supercritical. Hence, y1 is the depth of supercritical flow and y2 is the depth of subcritical flow.
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Fig. 8.2 Dimensionless specific energy curve
The specific force curve shows that, for a given specific force, there are two possible
depths, y1 and y2. These two depths constitute the initial and sequent depths of a hydraulic
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Differentiating Eq. (8.6) with respect to y and simplifying, we get
dF Q
= gA -
dy AD
2 2
dF Q Q V2
= 0 or, gA = or, = 1 or , = 1 so that Fr 2 = 1 or, Fr = 1
dy AD gDA2 gD
which is the same criteria developed for the minimum value of specific energy. Therefore, for a
given discharge, minimum specific force occurs at minimum specific energy or at the critical
state of flow.
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8.4 Experimental setup
To plot the generalized specific energy and specific force curves, we have to observe the
response of subcritical (slow) and supercritical (fast) flows to changes in the energy and force of
a stream. For this, the setup as in Fig. 8.5 can be used.
Sluice gate
Broad crested weir
1 2 3 5 7
4 6
Fig. 8.5 Setup for development of generalized specific energy and specific force curves
8.5 Procedure
i) Determine depth of flow at three points as shown in Fig. 8.6 in each of the
sections 1 to 7. Find the average depth for each section.
ii) Determine the actual discharge from the water meter and compute yc.
iii) Compute E/yc and F/(y2cgb) for each of the sections using Eqs.(8.5) and (8.7),
iv) Plot y/ycvs E/yc and y/ycvs F/(y2cgb) on plain graph papers to get the
generalized specific energy and specific force curves.
y1 y2
8.6 Assignment
1. How can you apply the dimensionless specific energy and specific force curves for
computing specific energy and specific force for different discharges?
2. Can you use the dimensionless specific energy curve to find the specific force and
vice versa? Explain.
8.7 References
1. Chow, V.T. (1957): Open Channel Hydraulics, Chapter-3 (Energy and momentum
2. Henderson, F.M. ():Open Channel Flow, Chapter-2 (The energy principle in open
channel flow).
3. Henderson, F.M. (): Open Channel Flow, Chapter-3 (The momentum principle in
open channel flow).
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Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
Q= m3/s b= m yc = (Q2/gb2)1/3 = m
Course Teacher:
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Experiment No. 9
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9.1 General
Velocity of flow is an important parameter in open channel. In order to find out the
channel discharge, the velocity distribution need to be known. In an open channel the velocity
is not uniform over the cross-section. The velocity is zero at the channel boundary and
maximum at or near the free surface. This experiment deals with the velocity distribution in
an open channel and determination of the energy and momentum coefficients. Practically the
energy and momentum coefficients are very useful, as the application of energy and
momentum equations requires these coefficients.
9.2 Theory
The effect on the velocity distribution due to boundary roughness is indicated by the line
ABC. Outside the surface represented by ABC, the velocity distribution is practically
uniform. Near the channel surface and within the region ABC, velocity varies according
to distance from channel surface. The region inside ABC is known as boundary layer. At
the beginning of the flow in the channel, the flow is entirely laminar and a laminar
boundary layer is developed along the channel surface, as shown by the curve AB. The
velocity distribution in this layer is approximately parabolic. As water travels further
along the channel, the flow in the boundary layer will eventually change to turbulent (at
point B). Downstream from B a turbulent boundary layer is developed, as shown by the
curve BC. The velocity distribution in this layer is approximately logarithmic. The
turbulent boundary layer intersects the free water surface at a distance where the flow is
assumed to be fully developed.
Even in a turbulent boundary layer, there is a very thin layer near the boundary in which
the flow is laminar and is known as the laminar sublayer. The thickness of this layer is
given by
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0 (9.1)
whereVf is the shear or friction velocity, given by
Vf gRS (9.2)
g is the acceleration due to gravity, R is the hydraulic radius, S is the slope of the energy
line (taken to be equal to the slope of the channel bottom) and is the kinematic
viscosity of water.
= 3 = 3
2 dA v A
= v2 = 2
where v is the velocity of flow in an elementary area A.
y y
v v
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9.7 Assignment
1. What do you mean by hydraulically smooth and rough channels? What is the
criterion used to determine whether a surface is hydraulically smooth or rough?
2. Explain why the velocity distribution over a channel section is not uniform.
3. State whether the numerical values of the energy and momentum coefficients are
higher or lower for turbulent flow than for laminar flow. Explain the reason.
9.8 Reference
1. Chow, V.T. (1957): Open Channel Hydraulics, Chapter-2(Open channels and their
properties) & Chapter-8 (Theoretical concepts of boundary layer, surface roughness,
velocity distribution, and instability of uniform flow).
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Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
Vertical location of current meter Current meter reading Point Roughness Average
velocity height k
Location Depth Depth Total no. Time of Revolution v k (m)
from from of observation per second (m)
water bottom revolution t n (m/s)
surface y N (sec) (rev/sec)
(m) (m) (rev)
At free
At 0.2 Y
At 0.4 Y
At 0.6 Y
At 0.8 Y
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Determination of energy and momentum coefficients
Course Teacher :
Designation :
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Experiment No. 10
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10.1 General
Measurement of discharge is a principal work in hydrographic surveying. In order to
design any river engineering work, the discharge and the mean velocity of the river is
required. This experiment mainly deals with the measurement of discharge of a channel by
the area-velocity method. Also, the values of Mannings n and Chezys C are derived which
are required to compute the discharge using a uniform flow formula. The relationship of n
and C with the depth of flow is also developed. The experiment also deals with the
development of depth-discharge relationship of the channel which is very useful to obtain the
discharges of a channel for different depths of flow.
10.2 Theory
10.2.2 Discharge
Measurement of discharge in irregular channels like rivers is a complex one. There
are different methods and of them the area-velocity method is the familiar one. In this method
a channel section is subdivided into a number of segments or strips or pockets by a number of
successive verticals. The procedure for determining the mean velocity in a vertical is given in
Art.10.2.1. If Vi be the mean velocity in a vertical, then discharge through a strip is given by
Qi = ViA (10.2)
whereA is the area of the strip. The sum of the discharges through all the strips is the total
discharge, i.e.
Q = Qi (10.3)
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(x - 1) R1/6
n= (10.5)
6.78(x + 0.95)
x 0.2 (10.6)
With the value of n known, Chezy's C can be determined by the relation
C = R1/6 (10.7)
This equation provides an important relationship between Chezy's C and Manning's n. The
variation of n and C with the depth of flow is also significant. The value of n decreases with
the increase in depth of flow. On the other hand, the value of C increases with the increase in
depth of flow.
Fig.10.1 Setup for determination discharge and mean velocity of an open channel
10.5 Procedure
To determine the total discharge and the mean velocity of the flow
i) Divide the channel section into 3 vertical strips.
ii) Measure the depth of flow at the middle of each strip.
iii) Determine the mean velocity at each vertical using Eq.(10.1).
iv) Calculate the discharge through each strip using Eq.(10.2).
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v) Calculate the total discharge using Eq.(10.3) and compare it with the actual
vi) Calculate the mean velocity using Eq.(10.4).
10.7 Assignment
1. State the use(s) of the Chezy and the Manning formulas. State the type(s) of flow
for which these formulas are valid.
2. There is a limit to the number of strips or segments in determining the discharge of
a river by the area-velocity method. What is the limit and why is this limit?
10.8 Reference
1. Chow, V.T. (1957): Open Channel Hydraulics Chapter-2 (Open channels and their
properties) & Chapter-8 (Theoretical concepts of boundary layer, surface roughness,
velocity distribution, and instability of uniform flow).
Page | 72
Experiment Name :
Experiment Date :
Students Name :
Students ID :
Year/ Semester :
Section/ Group :
At 0.8 Y
At middle At 0.2 Y
of second
strip At 0.6 Y
At 0.8 Y
At middle At 0.2 Y
of third
At 0.6 Y
At 0.8 Y
So, mean velocity of the stream, V =
Page | 73
Calculation of n and C
Course Teacher:
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Lab Report Format
1. All students must have a same colored printed cover page. The design of cover page
is provided with the lab manual. Students have to compose only the course teachers
name and designation ant their information.
2. An index is provided. It should be printed and set after the cover page. Table may be
filling up by pen during each submission after test.
3. Each report must have a common printed top page. Only the experiment name and
no. and the date may be filled up by pen. A top page design is provided.
4. A4 papers have to be used for preparing the lab report. Writing should be done with
pen. Pencil may be used for any kind of sketch.
5. In each experiment of the lab report the following points must have to be present:
Objective, Equipment, Procedure, Data Table (signed), Sample Calculation,
Result and Discussion.
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CE 374
Water Resources Engineering Sessional -I
(Lab Report)
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