RQ Dwarves Flintnail Party

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Dwarves, Flintnail Party

Dwarf Warrior, Flintnail Initiate 1 Dwarf Warrior, Flintnail Initiate 2

Chars Attributes 1D20 Location AP/HP Chars Attributes 1D20 Location AP/HP
STR: 17 Action Points 3 01-03 Right leg 6/6 STR: 17 Action Points 2 01-03 Right leg 6/5
CON: 15 Damage Modifier +1d2 04-06 Left leg 6/6 CON: 13 Damage Modifier +1d2 04-06 Left leg 6/5
SIZ: 12 Magic Points 10 07-09 Abdomen 6/7 SIZ: 12 Magic Points 12 07-09 Abdomen 6/6
DEX: 15 Movement 4 10-12 Chest 6/8 DEX: 11 Movement 4 10-12 Chest 6/7
INT: 14 Strike Rank 7(14-7) 13-15 Right arm 6/5 INT: 9 Strike Rank 3(10-7) 13-15 Right arm 6/4
POW: 10 Cult rank Initiate 16-18 Left arm 6/5 POW: 12 Cult rank Initiate 16-18 Left arm 6/4
CHA: 7 Cult Flintnail Initiate 19-20 Head 6/6 CHA: 11 Cult Flintnail Initiate 19-20 Head 6/5
Skills: Athletics 47%, Brawn 84%, Craft (Masonry) 55%, Craft (Metallurgy) 54%, Deceit Skills: Athletics 41%, Brawn 81%, Craft (Masonry) 54%, Craft (Metallurgy) 56%, Deceit
63%, Devotion 48%, Endurance 80%, Engineering 65%, Evade 47%, Exhort 51%, Folk 60%, Devotion 57%, Endurance 81%, Engineering 52%, Evade 28%, Exhort 50%, Folk
Magic 49%, Insight 45%, Locale 57%, Lore (Underground) 71%, Lore(cult) 56%, Mechanims Magic 49%, Insight 46%, Locale 34%, Lore (Underground) 68%, Lore(cult) 53%, Mechanims
56%, Perception 67%, Survival 43%, Unarmed 63%, Willpower 64% 48%, Perception 53%, Survival 47%, Unarmed 58%, Willpower 82%
Folk magic spells: Glue, Ignite, Repair Folk magic spells: Ignite, Repair
Combat Styles: Dwarven Thane 74% Dwarven item: Box of rivets, nuts, bolts and a screwdriver
Size/ AP/ Combat Styles: Dwarven Thane 65%
Weapon Reach Damage Effects
Force HP Size/ AP/
Weapon Reach Damage Effects
Battleaxe M M 1d6+1+1d2 4/8 Bleed Force HP
Great Hammer 1d10+3 Battleaxe M M 1d6+1+1d2 4/8 Bleed
H L 4/10 Bash, Stun Loc, Sunder
(2h) +1d2 Great Hammer 1d10+3
H L 4/10 Bash, Stun Loc, Sunder
Blunderbuss M - 1d10+1d6 10/6 (2h) +1d2
Bash, Stun Loc, Passive Block 4 Blunderbuss M - 1d10+1d6 10/6
Viking Shield L S 1d4+1d2 4/12
loc's Bash, Stun Loc, Passive Block 4
Viking Shield L S 1d4+1d2 4/12
Notes: Abilities: Earth Sense,Night Sight. Only dwarves can operate dwarven missile loc's
weapons. If they go to wrong hands - dwarves will send constructs to get them back Notes: Abilities: Earth Sense,Night Sight. Only dwarves can operate dwarven missile
weapons. If they go to wrong hands - dwarves will send constructs to get them back

Dwarf Warrior, Flintnail Initiate 3 Dwarf Warrior, Flintnail Initiate 4

Chars Attributes 1D20 Location AP/HP Chars Attributes 1D20 Location AP/HP
STR: 14 Action Points 2 01-03 Right leg 6/5 STR: 17 Action Points 3 01-03 Right leg 6/6
CON: 14 Damage Modifier +0 04-06 Left leg 6/5 CON: 16 Damage Modifier +1d2 04-06 Left leg 6/6
SIZ: 11 Magic Points 12 07-09 Abdomen 6/6 SIZ: 10 Magic Points 15 07-09 Abdomen 6/7
DEX: 7 Movement 4 10-12 Chest 6/7 DEX: 10 Movement 4 10-12 Chest 6/8
INT: 12 Strike Rank 2(9-7) 13-15 Right arm 6/4 INT: 15 Strike Rank 5(12-7) 13-15 Right arm 6/5
POW: 12 Cult rank Initiate 16-18 Left arm 6/4 POW: 15 Cult rank Initiate 16-18 Left arm 6/5
CHA: 11 Cult Flintnail Initiate 19-20 Head 6/5 CHA: 8 Cult Flintnail Initiate 19-20 Head 6/6
Skills: Athletics 25%, Brawn 80%, Craft (Masonry) 58%, Craft (Metallurgy) 54%, Deceit Skills: Athletics 41%, Brawn 76%, Craft (Masonry) 48%, Craft (Metallurgy) 66%, Deceit
66%, Devotion 56%, Endurance 79%, Engineering 53%, Evade 24%, Exhort 49%, Folk 60%, Devotion 52%, Endurance 82%, Engineering 58%, Evade 35%, Exhort 61%, Folk
Magic 59%, Insight 49%, Locale 54%, Lore (Underground) 74%, Lore(cult) 50%, Mechanims Magic 46%, Insight 53%, Locale 53%, Lore (Underground) 65%, Lore(cult) 61%, Mechanims
51%, Perception 64%, Survival 45%, Unarmed 55%, Willpower 73% 50%, Perception 56%, Survival 55%, Unarmed 63%, Willpower 81%
Folk magic spells: Extinguish, Ignite Folk magic spells: Ignite, Repair
Dwarven item: Wrench Combat Styles: Dwarven Thane 62%
Combat Styles: Dwarven Thane 63% Size/ AP/
Weapon Reach Damage Effects
Size/ AP/ Force HP
Weapon Reach Damage Effects
Force HP Battleaxe S S 1d6+1+1d2 4/8 Bleed
Battleaxe M M 1d6+1 4/8 Bleed Great Hammer 1d10+3
L M 4/10 Bash, Stun Loc, Sunder
Great Hammer (2h) +1d2
H L 1d10+3 4/10 Bash, Stun Loc, Sunder
(2h) Pistol M - 1d10 7/3
1d10 Bash, Stun Loc, Passive Block 4
Blunderbuss M - 10/6 Viking Shield M T 1d4+1d2 4/12
+1d6 loc's
Bash, Stun Loc, Passive Block 4 Notes: Abilities: Earth Sense,Night Sight. Only dwarves can operate dwarven missile
Viking Shield L S 1d4 4/12
loc's weapons. If they go to wrong hands - dwarves will send constructs to get them back
Notes: Abilities: Earth Sense,Night Sight. Only dwarves can operate dwarven missile
weapons. If they go to wrong hands - dwarves will send constructs to get them back
Dwarf Warrior, Flintnail Initiate 5 Dwarf Warrior 1
Chars Attributes 1D20 Location AP/HP Chars Attributes 1D20 Location AP/HP
STR: 20 Action Points 2 01-03 Right leg 6/6 STR: 20 Action Points 2 01-03 Right leg 6/6
CON: 18 Damage Modifier +1d2 04-06 Left leg 6/6 CON: 16 Damage Modifier +1d2 04-06 Left leg 6/6
SIZ: 10 Magic Points 16 07-09 Abdomen 6/7 SIZ: 10 Magic Points 15 07-09 Abdomen 6/7
DEX: 5 Movement 4 10-12 Chest 6/8 DEX: 9 Movement 4 10-12 Chest 6/8
INT: 10 Strike Rank 0(7-7) 13-15 Right arm 6/5 INT: 10 Strike Rank 2(9-7) 13-15 Right arm 6/5
POW: 16 Cult rank Initiate 16-18 Left arm 6/5 POW: 15 Cult rank None 16-18 Left arm 6/5
CHA: 8 Cult Flintnail Initiate 19-20 Head 6/6 CHA: 12 19-20 Head 6/6
Skills: Athletics 39%, Brawn 78%, Craft (Masonry) 57%, Craft (Metallurgy) 53%, Deceit Skills: Athletics 42%, Brawn 73%, Craft (Masonry) 66%, Craft (Metallurgy) 55%, Deceit
54%, Devotion 62%, Endurance 88%, Engineering 56%, Evade 22%, Exhort 47%, Folk 74%, Endurance 69%, Evade 23%, Folk Magic 67%, Insight 54%, Locale 38%, Lore
Magic 54%, Insight 53%, Locale 44%, Lore (Underground) 64%, Lore(cult) 59%, Mechanims (Underground) 85%, Perception 48%, Survival 43%, Unarmed 56%, Willpower 54%
49%, Perception 61%, Survival 40%, Unarmed 60%, Willpower 92% Folk magic spells: Glue, Heal, Protection
Folk magic spells: Extinguish Ability: Night Sight Partial darkness as illuminated and darkness as partial darkness. (RQ6:
Combat Styles: Dwarven Thane 61% pg 312-316)
Size/ AP/ Ability: Earth Sense Perfect sense of direction, depth and orientation beneath ground and
Weapon Reach Damage Effects
Force HP suffers no penalties to Perception rolls for underground environments.
Battleaxe S S 1d6+1+1d2 4/8 Bleed Combat Styles: Dwarven Thane 79%
Great Hammer 1d10+3 Size/ AP/
L M 4/10 Bash, Stun Loc, Sunder Weapon Reach Damage Effects
(2h) +1d2 Force HP
Heavy crossbow L 20/150/300 1d10 4/8 Impale, Sunder Battleaxe S S 1d6+1+1d2 4/8 Bleed
Bash, Stun Loc, Passive Block 4 Great Hammer 1d10+3
Viking Shield M T 1d4+1d2 4/12 L M 4/10 Bash, Stun Loc, Sunder
loc's (2h) +1d2
Notes: Abilities: Earth Sense,Night Sight. Only dwarves can operate dwarven missile Heavy crossbow L 20/150/300 1d10 4/8 Impale, Sunder
weapons. If they go to wrong hands - dwarves will send constructs to get them back Bash, Stun Loc, Passive Block 4
Viking Shield M T 1d4+1d2 4/12
Notes: Only dwarves can operate dwarven missile weapons. If they go to wrong hands -
dwarves will send constructs to get them back

Dwarf Warrior 2
Chars Attributes 1D20 Location AP/HP
STR: 14 Action Points 2 01-03 Right leg 6/6
CON: 18 Damage Modifier +1d2 04-06 Left leg 6/6
SIZ: 12 Magic Points 11 07-09 Abdomen 6/7
DEX: 7 Movement 4 10-12 Chest 6/8
INT: 15 Strike Rank 4(11-7) 13-15 Right arm 6/5
POW: 11 Cult rank None 16-18 Left arm 6/5
CHA: 5 19-20 Head 6/6
Skills: Athletics 33%, Brawn 71%, Craft (Masonry) 57%, Craft (Metallurgy) 57%, Deceit
62%, Endurance 68%, Evade 16%, Folk Magic 64%, Insight 55%, Locale 64%, Lore
(Underground) 63%, Perception 47%, Survival 42%, Unarmed 38%, Willpower 50%
Folk magic spells: Demoralise, Fanaticism, Glue
Ability: Night Sight Partial darkness as illuminated and darkness as partial darkness. (RQ6:
pg 312-316)
Ability: Earth Sense Perfect sense of direction, depth and orientation beneath ground and
suffers no penalties to Perception rolls for underground environments.
Combat Styles: Dwarven Thane 48%
Size/ AP/
Weapon Reach Damage Effects
Force HP
Battleaxe M M 1d6+1+1d2 4/8 Bleed
Great Hammer 1d10+3
H L 4/10 Bash, Stun Loc, Sunder
(2h) +1d2
Heavy crossbow H 20/150/300 1d10 4/8 Impale, Sunder
Bash, Stun Loc, Passive Block 4
Viking Shield L S 1d4+1d2 4/12
Notes: Only dwarves can operate dwarven missile weapons. If they go to wrong hands -
dwarves will send constructs to get them back

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