Task 4 Semester 4

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EPC 2903

Teaching Practice Booklet

Observation Task 4

Choose, justify and reflect on the selection of appropriate routines and explain
practical aspects of their implementation.

Activity One: Observing Classroom Routines and Procedures

Though there are many routines and procedures all over the school such as
returning from assembly or walking in the hallways, this task focuses on what
happens inside of your classroom only.
During the first week of your teaching practice observe your MST and her/his
classroom. Make a note of five (5) routines that you see her/him use every day
inside of the classroom. Fill in the table below to describe EACH routine; when
and where it is used; and what is the aim of the routine or the student behavior
that it hopes to achieve.
Name/Descri Give the When and Aim of How did/do Document
ption of the instructio where the the the students
(If possible, take a photo o
routine. ns that routine is routine learn about EPC 2903
the used? this routine? routine
Teaching as Booklet
Practice it is happening
routine (what How is the any display related to the
uses (e.g. at the student routine
end of the behavior it reinforced?
school day hopes to
etc.; or to achieve) (E.g. mentoring;
guide classroom signs;
presentation reminders by
s after the teacher; use
group work) of peer
interaction by
the teacher to
promote such
behavior etc.)
1 -When the -The -Students -In the -As the students inters the
-As the students routine is will learn beginning of they take their bottles of
students inters come to every day to be the year the from the bag and they pla
the school school in the more teacher bottle in the basket so tha
they keep they put morning organized showed the save time.
their bags their bags before the and in the students that
beside the beside the students same as they come
class and they class and inters the time they to school they
take their they take class will save should put
bottles of their time their bags
water and water because outside and
keep it in the bottles the take the water
basket with them basket bottles from
and as will be in their lunch box
they class and and place it in
enters the if they the basket.
class at needed to The routine
their left drink reinforced by
hand water repeating the
there is a they take routine every
small permissio day ,students
table that n from get used of it
has a the and rarely
basket on teacher forget the
top of it, and go to routine
students the table It influence
as they that has positively by
enters the the
class they basket
put the and they
bottle in start
the basket drinking
and sit on water.
2 -At 9:30 -Students -From the -Before the students eat t
-Before they the -This will learn beginning of create a straight line and
EPC 2903
Teaching Practice Booklet

Activity To: Planning "enveloping Routines and Procedures

I will talk about class room routines:
-In my classroom the students had free time because the teacher was busy
preparing the activities for the students, so she told me that I can teach the
students whatever I want. So I thought o about making them different routines. As
the students inter the classroom in the morning, they take out their bottles of
water and place it in the basket instead of bringing the lunch box and retraining
back, they will waste time. The second routine ,whenever the teacher whistles the
students create a straight line and walk slowly, the teacher plays a video for the
students then she keep asking them different questions about the video. The
teacher puts different colored cubes on the basket for example when a child pick
the yellow cube they draw and students who pick the red cube they cut and
paste. The last routine, when the students change from one activity to another
they keep singing the transition songs.

Class/Year Routine Routine Routine

Learning Objective of the -Give -To make the -Students take
routine/procedure students students pay attendance by
(what it hopes to opportunity attention to themselves.
achieve) to be the the teacher
class leader
every week
Anecdotal Evidence Classroom Paying Taking attendance
(e.g. pictures of your by themselves
class during the routine;
posters of rules etc.)

leader attention
EPC 2903
Teaching Practice Booklet

Place in todays class -Morning -Morning -At the beginning

(when will you perform routine routine of the day when
the routine) -Lining up -Getting busy the students enters
-Putting their working in the the classroom
files on the centers
books and
Importance to the -To make the -The teacher -It would show the
smooth functioning of students can make all teacher and other
todays class pays the students students who
attention to pay attended the class
and to follow attention and and whos
directions she can see absent .The
because all who is teacher take the
the students listening to names of the
want to be her and whos student whos
picked they not lessening absent and the
want to be and it doesnt school contacts
the class need more with their parents
leaders. time.
How well did this routine something It needs practicing
work in todays class The routine It worked well because students
worked well but students
need to practice
are still not used to
because the this routine. All
doing it more
because students need the
respected the it is the first teacher to remind
students that time doing it and
are chosen by them of doing it,
their teacher has
the teacher another routine
and maybe it
and each to grab their needs for two
child have a attention weeks.
chance to be
the class
If you had to teach this -I would -I would I would let the
class over, how would adjust this adjust this by students do their
you adjust this routine routine by putting a sign design their cards
and why making a on the wall by themselves so
chart that
that they can find
makes me
their card fast and
able to know
who the save time and the
leader was. second thing is
each child will
EPC 2903
Teaching Practice Booklet

have his own card

that represent their
personality and

After the Task - Reflection

I will right about the best practices that I observed during my teaching practice In
Alwahda International Private School ,Classroom rules , the teacher attention signal and
submitting the weekly homeworkers would Implement these in my future because it
really worked so well with the students . In the beginning the classroom rules make
everything easier and if there is no rules in class nothing will move smoothly and the
teacher will not be well organized. The classroom rules shows them what they need to do
and what they dont need to do ,It would save time and I will not warn the students every
time to stop doing this and stop moving around. If you have a rule and the rules have
consequences so the students will stop misbehaving and they will listen to all of your
instructions. The second strategy that I would like to implement in the future is that the
teacher has a connection with her students for example if they are talking in a loud
voice , the teacher says to the students class class class and they respond to her and
say yes yes yes , all the students who respond to the teacher it means that they are
listening to her and those who are not responding they are busy with something else and
that will never work expect if the teacher walks in front of them and keep eye on them till
they respond. The last strategy that I would use in the future is that when the students
attend the class in the morning they open their bags, they take out their homework file
and they keep it on the shelf that has their names on it. That will be easy for the teacher
to organize their homework when she will grade them. These are the three strategies
that I would like to implement in my future and Im sure that it will work successfully.
EPC 2903
Teaching Practice Booklet

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