Exp 1 Discussion and Conclusion
Exp 1 Discussion and Conclusion
Exp 1 Discussion and Conclusion
single-beam spectrophotometer.
Metal complexes do not form in strongly acidic solution. On the other hand, most
metals form insoluble metal hydroxides in basic solutions. For these reasons the iron determination
using phenanthroline is carried out in a slightly acidic solution by the addition of concentrated sulfuric acid.
In most water samples, iron exists in its oxidized form, Fe(III), due to the
presence of oxygen. Since it is the Fe(II) species that forms the complex with
orthophenanthroline, a reduction was carried out by the addition of hydroxylamine
The best fitting line was obtained with the use of least-squares method. The
equation of the best fitting line was used to determine the concentration of the
unknown and the water sample. The equation the best fitting line is shown in Figure
The concentration of the unknown and the water sample was determined by
substituting the absorbance in the equation of the best fitting line. A sample
calculation is shown in Calculations (3) and (4).
The obtained concentration of the water sample was compared with the
established limits and the absolute error was calculated. The obtained concentration
of the water sample is 0.9 units higher than the secondary maximum contaminant
level (SMCL) value set by the US EPA. The obtained concentration of the water
sample is 0.2 units higher than the maximum limit set by the Philippine
and the blank solution used in measuring the absorbances of the solutions.
The blank solution used in measuring the absorbances of the water sample and the
Unknown sample was not the same as the blank solution used in the measurement
of the absorbance of the standards. This was due to the late preparation of the
water and Unknown samples and the limited number of spectrophotometers in the