Manajemen Agroekosistem
Manajemen Agroekosistem
Manajemen Agroekosistem
Definisi Ekosistem
Definisi Manajemen
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Analisis Agroekosistem
There are numerous ways that high levels of productivity can have
a positive impact on stability and sustainability. For example, higher
productivity may be attained by increasing the harvests in bad years (i.e.
irrigation to reduce the impact of drought, or pesticides to reduce the
impact of pest attacks), thereby making harvests more even from year to
year, increasing stability. Higher productivity can be associated with higher
sustainability when a more productive crop provides a more complete
cover for soil protection and contributes more crop residues for the
maintenance of soil organik matter. Higher productivity can also be
associated with higher stability or sustainability if it leads to household
savings that give a household the capacity to deal with periodic problems
that threaten production. In general, any attributes that increase 'fallbacks'
and other adaptive mechanisms in an agroecosystem can increase both its
stability and/or sustainability (Jodha & Mascarenhas, 1983).
Multiple Cropping
Pekarangan = Home-garden
Polatanam Multi-strata
Struktur multilayer seperti pada ekosistem hutan alami
terbentuk dalam waktu yang lama. Dalam ekosistem seperti ini
ada pohon yang tinggi, pohon medium dan perdu, tumbuhan
menjalar dan merayap dan tumbuhan bawah yang ternaungi.
This layered structure uses all the sun light available for plant
growth, thereby reducing weeds, and keeps the soil healthy. In
the home garden, the layers can be filled with plants that are of
daily use to the household. This system mixes plants with short,
medium and long terms before maturity and harvest, similar to
multiple cropping.
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3. Robert began the project over thirty years ago with the intention of
providing a healthy and therapeutic environment for himself and his
brother Lacon, who was born with severe learning disabilities.
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Secara fisik hutan rakyat memiliki pola tanam yang beragam dan
berbeda di setiap daerah, baik cara memilih jenis yang dikembangkan
maupun cara penataannya di lapangana. Pada umumnya pola tanam yang
dikembangkan oleh masyarakat petani dapat diklasifikasikan pada 2 pola
tanam yaitu murni (monokultur) dan campuran.
Sistem Silvikultur
Intercropping = Tumpangsari
Proses Tumpangsari
Keberhasilan tumpangsari jagung dan kedelai melibatkan
beragam proses agroekosistem. For best ecological
results, the corn and soybeans are planted at specific
predetermined distances at the same time of year. The
corn and soybeans create a microclimate of humidity, as
well as a root system and groundcover which effectively
resists drought and erosion. Another advantage is use of
conservation tillage which is compatible with the
ecological longterm advantages of intercropping
commercial annual grains and legumes.
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- 1. Sifat Tanaman
- 3. Kondisi iklim
- 5. Topografi
- 8. Kualitas air
Teladan Kacang-tanah
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conditions very often during its growth and consequently the yields are
lower than the potential yield. So, if the farmers want higher groundnut
yields, the answer is irrigation if water is available.
Pembentukan dan
Tidak ada cekaman air. Irigasi
pengisian polong
Mengurangi penggunaan air kalau tanaman menjadi
dewasa/ tua
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Pertanian Modern
Safety = Keamanan
Sustainabilitas = Keberlanjutan
potensi sumberdaya
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Affordabilitas = Keterjangkauan
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Food security issues also coincide with food safety and food
labeling concerns. Currently a global treaty, the BioSafety Protocol,
regulates the trade of GMOs. The EU currently requires all GMO foods to
be labeled, whereas the US does not require transparent labeling of GMO
foods. Since there are still questions regarding the safety and risks
associated with GMO foods, some believe the public should have the
freedom to choose and know what they are eating and require all GMO
products to be labeled.
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Dampak LIngkungan
Dampak Sosial-ekonomi
Dampak positif social-ekonomi
o Peningkatan kesempatan kerja
o Pendapatan lebih tinggi
o Status gizi lebih baik
o Perbaikan ketahanan pangan
o Penguatan ekonomi local dan keterkaitannya
o Ketahanan penguasaan lahan.
Sumberdaya Air
water quality locally and downstream adversely affected by
siltation following increased erosion from new crops
aquatic benthic communities harmed due to silt deposition
quality of potable water supplies reduced if organik based, silt
can cause stress to aquatic flora and fauna due to increased
BOD levels
water quality adversely affected by human and agricultural
direct increases in BOD and Chemical Oxygen Demand levels,
increasing stress on aquatic flora and fauna
indirect increases in BOD due to feeding of aquatic flora
Kualitas Udara
methyl bromide, yang digunakan sebagai fumigasi untuk
gudang hasil tanaman, merupakan substansi yang dapat
merusak ozon.
o nature reserves
International agreements to protect certain areas
o World Heritage Convention
o Ramsar Convention on wetlands
Conservation/preservation of species
o national legislation
o international conventions
o CITES Convention on trade in endangered species
Sarana Mitigasi
Wetlands = rawa-rawa
Selection of alternative sites to avoid wetland
Design features to prevent disturbance of the flow patterns and
hydrologic regimes critical to conservation of the wetland (e.g.
flow regulating works, road crossings on trestles or pilings,
rather than on embankments)
Enhancement and/or protection of other wetland in substandard
conditions to offset losses at project site
Artificial construction of wetland to replace areas lost (e.g.
where experience has shown that the wetland type in question
can, in fact be constructed)
Strengthen institutions to manage and protect wetland
Include NGOs in the institutional arrangements for wetland
Promote development of national wetland incentives and
management strategies
Require wetland concerns to be considered in national and
local planning and law and incorporated into decision-making
Environmental education programmes to disseminate
knowledge on the importance of wetland
Sarana Kelembagaan
Kebijakan sektoral yang mendukung pelestarian lingkungan
Fiscal and economic policies that support settled agricultural
development (e.g. subsidies)
Land tenure modifications in support of permanent agriculture
Environmentally responsive land use planning - with legal basis
and resources for enforcement
Buffer zones between forest and agriculture
Incorporation of 'planning gains' into land allocation and
'change of landuse' to encourage
Isu-isu Peternakan
phosphorus). Land use and land cover will affect the types
and numbers of animals inhabiting areas.
Konversi Lahan
Proses alih fungsi lahan secara langsung dan tidak langsung
ditentukan oleh dua faktor, yaitu: (i) sistem kelembagaan yang
Qti = produksi padi pada tahun t di wilayah i
Lti = luas baku sawah pada tahun t di wilayah i
Iti = intensitas panen padi per tahun pada tahun t di wilayah i
Yti = Produktivitas padi per musim per hektar pada tahun t di
wilayah I
dimana: Ltim = luas baku sawah pada tahun t di wilayah i yang ditanami
padi pada musim tanam m
Ytim = produksi padi pada tahun t di wilayah i pada musim tanam m
m = musim tanam padi, dimana m =1 adalah MH-I, m = 2 adalah MH-II,
dan m =3 adalah MK.
Degradasi lahan
Sebagian lahan pertanian telah mengalami kerusakan, baik oleh
proses alam maupun aktivitas manusia dalam budidaya pertanian.
Kerusakan yang sangat hebat pada lahan terutama disebabkan oleh
manusia. Kebutuhan manusia terhadap sumber daya yang ada pada lahan
seperti hasil-hasil pertanian dan peternakan yang semakin meningkat
memungkinkan eksploitasi terhadap lahan dilakukan secara besar
besaran. Degradasi lahan berarti hilangnya fungsi lahan atau berubahnya
kualitas dan manfaat dari suatu lahan. Jadi, kerusakan lahan tidak hanya
menyangkut kerusakan pada tanah, tetapi juga sumber daya berupa
organisme yang ada di atas tanah. Gaya-gaya eksogen yang bersifat
mengikis muka bumi digolongkan sebagai tenaga eksogen degradasi.
Tenaga eksogen degradasi ini dapat dibedakan menjadi 3 jenis, yaitu
pelapukan, gerakan massa dan erosi. Ketiganya sangat berpengaruh
terhadap degradasi lahan.
Dampak yang dapat ditimbulkan akibat degradasi lahan sebagai
a) Terjadi perubahan kondisi iklim. Tumbuhan berfungsi
meningkatkan penguapan melalui dedaunan (transpirasi) dan
menyerap panas. Jika tumbuhan banyak ditebang, suhu udara
meningkat dan penguapan berkurang
b) Spesies tertentu dalam ekosistem hutan dapat hilang atau
punah karena hutan sebagai habitatnya mengalami
kerusakan. Sebagian hewan terpaksa masuk ke pemukiman
penduduk, merusak kebun atau mengganggu aktivitas
c) Hilangnya berbagai jenis spesies makhluk hidup karena
rusaknya lahan menimbulkan kerugian yang tak ternilai
d) Banjir dan kekeringan semakin sering terjadi karena
berkurangnya infiltrasi dan meningkatkan limpasan permukaan
e) Berkembangnya masalah kemiskinan di kalangan petani
karena produktivitas lahannya terus menurun
f) Terbukanya lahan kerana kerusakan hutan memungkinkan
terjadinya erosi yang sangat intensif pada lahan sehingga
tanah menjadi tidak subur
g) Nilai estetika (keindahan) dari keanekaragaman tumbuhan dan
hewan yang hidup di suatu lahan menjadi hilang
h) Hasil hasil hutan yang secara ekonomi dapat memberikan
keuntungan seperti kayu, buah buahan dan tanaman obat
menjadi hilang
i) Tanah menjadi tandus dan tidak dapat ditanami lagi
j) Erosi yang terjadi pada lahan kritis dapat menimbulkan tanah
Perubahan Iklim
untuk panen jagung dapat diperpendek antara satu dan empat minggu).
Pemendekan siklus hidup tanaman seperti itu dapat berdampak buruk
terhadap produktivitasnya, karena senescence akan terjadi lebih cepat.
1. Fungsi Regulasi This group of functions relates to the capacity of natural and
semi-natural ecosystems to regulate essential ecological
processes and life support systems through bio-geochemical
cycles and other biospheric processes. In addition to
maintaining ecosystem (and biosphere) health, these
regulation functions provide many services that have direct
and indirect benefits to humans (such as clean air, water and
soil, and biological control services). Natural ecosystems play
an essential role in the regulation and maintenance of
ecological processes and life support systems on earth.
2. Fungsi Habitat Natural ecosystems provide refuge and reproduction habitat to
wild plants and animals and thereby contribute to the (in situ)
conservation of biological and genetic diversity and
evolutionary processes.
4. Fungsi Informasi Because most of human evolution took place within the
context of undomesticated habitat, natural ecosystems provide
an essential reference function and contribute to the
maintenance of human health by providing opportunities for
reflection, spiritual enrichment, cognitive development,
Materi Tata-kelola
Transaction costs get very high when specific assets for relations
with a particular partner are to be deployed. Relation specific investments
are "locked" in transactions with particular buyer (seller), and cannot be
recovered through "faceless" market trade or redeployment to another
uses. Therefore, dependant investment have to be safeguarded by special
form such as long-term contract, interlinks, hostage taking, joint
investment, ownership integration. Nevertheless, when symmetrical
(capacity, site, origin, branding, time of delivery) inter-dependency of
investments or welfare of agents exist, then costs of governance are not
significant (mutual interests for cooperation).
Transaksi sangat sukar kalau kepantasan hak-hak (atas produk,
jasa-jasa, dan sumberdaya) rendah. Dalam hal ini, kemungkinan
terjadinya perubahan yang tidak diinginkan (pasar, privat) sangat besar,
dan biaya-biaya perlindungan (safeguard, detection of cheating, disputing)
hak-hak privat sangat besar. Agen-agen akan over-produk (negative
externalities) atau under-organize (positive externalities) kecuali jika
mereka ditata dan dikelola oleh privat yang efisien atau model hibrida
(cooperation, aliansi strategis, kontrak jangka panjang, trade secrets,
public order).
Kita harus menempatkan transaksi individual dalam pusat
analisis, dan menilai efisiensi komparatif dari bentuk-bentuk yang
mungkin dilakukan untuk mengendalikan transaksi tersebut.
Discrete structural analysis is suggested which align transactions
(differing in attributes) with governance structures (differing in costs and
competence) in discriminating (transaction cost economizing) way
(Williamson). According to combination of specific characteristics of each
transaction, there will be different most effective form for governing of
ecosystem service activity.
Transactions with good appropriability, high certainty, and universal
character of investments could be effectively carried across free market
through spotlight or classical contracts. There are widespread market
modes for selling pure ecosystem services (eco-visits, hunting, fishing,
harvesting wild plants, animals) or ecosystem services interlinked with
other products and services (organik, fair-trade, special origins, on-farm
sale, self-pick, education, eco-tourism, horse-riding, eco-restaurants).
Recurrent transactions with low specificity, high uncertainty and
appropriability, could be effectively governed through special contract.
Relational contract is applied when detailed terms of transacting are not
known at outset (high uncertainty), and framework (mutual expectations)
rather than specification of obligations is practiced19. Special contract
forms is also efficient for rare transactions with low uncertainty, high
specificity and appropriability.
Here dependent investment could be successfully safeguarded
through contract provisions since it is easy to define and enforce relevant
obligations of partners in all possible contingencies (no uncertainty). For
example, eco-contracts and cooperative agreements between farmers and
interested businesses or communities are widely used including payment
for ecosystem services, and lead to production methods (enhanced
pasture management, reduce use of agrochemicals, wetland preservation)
protecting water from pollution, mitigating floods and wild fires.
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