Apr 2017
Apr 2017
Apr 2017
OVER 20,000+
Total cost of ownership is defined by Shell Lubricants as
the total amount spent on industrial equipment, including the
cost of acquisition and operation over its entire working life
and the cost of lost production during equipment downtime.
40 Diary
40 Ad Index Smaller steam turbines are being deployed in a variety of roles - p14
Credit: MAN Diesel & Turbo
18 Taking the heat: Steam turbines and solar
2 Maximizing aeroderivative turbines How the largest solar-thermal plant in the world is utilizing
Exploring maintenance trends and needs for LM series special-purpose steam turbines.
industrial gas turbines when used in peak and base load
22 New boost for steam turbine manufacturing
A new turning and milling centre for steam turbine rotors
6 A personalized gas turbine filtration solution is said to be able to halve the time of the manufacturing
How do operators evaluate and select a filtration system process.
that will deliver what they need in terms of performance
and budget?
24 How lubricants can unlock turbine efficiency
Understanding how lubricants contribute to total cost of
10 Gas turbine initiative boosts Iranian fleet ownership is the primary step to realising potential
A new gas turbine programme has given a significant savings.
boost to Irans power capacity and at minimal cost.
On the cover
Cover image: Siemens
eroderivative gas turbines gas and liquid fuel operations. And they
trends and needs for are a popular choice for look set to remain in demand in the coming
energy generation thanks years.
LM series industrial gas
to their fast response times, According to a 2016 study by research
turbines when used in reliability, efficiency and, firm Technavio, the global aeroderivative
peak and base load most of all, their flexibility. gas turbine market is expected to grow at a
operations. Because they are based on advanced compound annual growth rate of nearly five
By Gregor Stcker aircraft engine technologies and materials, per cent between 2016 and 2020.
they are significantly lighter and have a And speaking at the Western Turbine Users
smaller footprint than their heavy industrial Inc. Conference last year, Axford Consulting
gas turbine counterparts. indicated that Asia, Africa and the Middle
With up to 45 per cent efficiency compared East would continue to be growth regions,
to up to 35 per cent for heavier industrial gas with orders from Mexico and Russia bolstering
turbines, these turbines are often seen as ideal figures for the North American and European
choices in smaller scale energy generation of regions respectively.
up to 100 MW. Usage of aero-derivative gas turbines
The turbines are also popular due to their covers a broad range of peak and base load
fuel flexibility allowing a combination of natural applications.
Base load maintenance Parts of turbines used for peak operation are likely to see more thermal distress
Credit: MTU Maintenance
Base load operations are typically
characterized by 24/7 continuous operations
with only two shutdowns a year for half-yearly
Primary concerns for base load operations
are maintaining and enhancing turbine
performance, ensuring operational reliability
and, of course, minimizing the associated
costs of these efforts.
Turbines vary greatly according to their
usage and operating environment and all
have individual needs.
When it comes to the LM2500 and LM6000
engines, this is as wide-ranging as the variants
themselves: As oldies but goodies, the turbine
portfolios go from newly-introduced to sunset
models and cover many different standards
and modifications.
In comparison, LM5000 turbines are in the
sunset phase. The turbines are based on the
CF6-50 aero engine and were first introduced
in 1978.
As they are no longer in production, GE case which has a reputation for forming tends to see more wear on the rotating seals,
has been phasing out aftermarket support cracks. Early recognition and monitoring can honeycombs and stationary seals. While these
and transferring it to suppliers such as MTU prevent more serious, unserviceable damage findings can occur in base load operations,
Maintenance in recent years. and is always a good idea. this generally happens much later and after
However, despite their age, LM5000s a much higher number of operating hours.
are still going strong which means that Peak load generation To ensure peak load turbines run smoothly,
the maintenance focus is on continuing Peak load generators are often used to therefore, we recommend scheduling half-
operations until planned end-of-life in a cost- support the grid at times of peak demand, to yearly inspections and recalling the turbine
effective way. compensate for any fluctuations in the grid once it reaches 4000 hours of operations or
In such cases, MTU Maintenance focuses caused by renewables, or as an emergency has completed 450 fired starts.
on improving repairs so that new parts arent supply option during extreme conditions, such
needed as often. as typhoons or tornadoes. Communication
Furthermore, we implement strategies such Although aero-derivatives are well-suited The abovementioned maintenance concerns
as incorporating technical improvements to peak load usage due to their fast start-up, and trends are just that something to think
from other LM engines. stop and response times the LM6000 family about and be aware of when it comes to
For instance, a better stationary oil seal can for instance, is five-minute start capable and maintenance planning.
replace a Teflon seal on the LM5000 to prevent able to reach maximum power in five minutes Early recognition, regular checks and an
oil leakage and increase durability.We are also though this type of operation can require experienced partner can go a long way to
working on a dovetail coating refurbishment more in the way of maintenance than base continued operational performance and
of HPC blade stages 3 to 5 instead of having load operations. reduced costs in the long term.
to conduct a blade replacement creating This is due to multiple starts and shutdowns Open communication regarding
significant savings for this high cost item. in a short timeframe. MTU Maintenance for expectations, pain thresholds for instance
Additionally, MTU Maintenance advises instance has observed that parts of turbines cost versus turnaround time and turbine
regular maintenance to help avoid more used for peak operation are likely to see more maintenance schedules/future plans are also
costly issues building up such as regular thermal distress and material fatigue (thermal key to a great maintenance partnership.
water washing in the field. cycling).
Another tip is to protect inlets during In terms of the LM6000 series, fluctuating Gregor Stcker is Director Sales Industrial
downtime to avoid corrosion that can lead loads can lead to disproportional pressure Gas Turbines, MTU Maintenance, a leading
to removal problems and, ultimately, higher ratios between seal air and sump air, which maintenance provider for GEs LM series of
scrap rates of parts such as compressor vanes. can result in small oil leakages, and in aero-derivative industrial gas turbines.
Generally speaking, regular inspection is turn deposit buildups or even damage to
always recommended, in particular for parts bearings. Visit www.PowerEngineeringInt.com
such as the LM5000 compressor front frame Furthermore, MTU Maintenance also for more information
The new gas turbines from MAN Diesel & Turbo offer outstanding reliability, compactness and exibility in
modern gas power plants. Because of their low levels of noise and waste gas emissions they are particularly
suitable for installation in residential areas. Short synchronization times guarantee heat and electricity
whenever they are needed. Efciency rates of over 90% can be achieved with the aid of state-of-the-
art combined heat and power technology. We have the answer to your energy requirements thanks to
customer-tailored solutions with 6-13 MW gas turbines. Find out more at www.mandieselturbo.com
Making it personal
Fitting the correct filter
n paper many filters may Other contaminants may cause corrosion
to a gas turbine can seem to offer the same or or erosion of turbine parts, resulting in costly
similar performance. repairs. Overall, the reduced turbine efficiency
save money in terms of
Standard filter ratings and the lost production time when a turbine is
availability, reliability, are, however, based on taken offline have large cost impacts in terms
power output efficiency laboratory tests and of lost MW output.
and heat rate loss. may not allow for the specific challenges a Indeed, poor air filtration can account for
But how do operators particular gas turbine installation faces. approximately 60-80 per cent of overall gas
With intense time pressure, however, it is turbine losses. Filtration systems should not
evaluate and select a
often difficult for onsite personnel to evaluate be treated as commodities. There is a bigger
filtration system that will all the criteria they need to outside of what picture to consider in terms of overall turbine
deliver what they need in the paper specification tells them. This can performance and health.
terms of performance and be especially true in a competitive power
budget? By Daniel Burch marketplace.As experienced personnel reach Installation conditions
retirement and are not replaced, the amount Power plants are situated in many varied
of resources available on site reduces; adding environments, each presenting its own
time pressure to every operation. challenges. Particularly demanding
First of all, lets take a look at why filters installations may include those located near
are so critical to plant performance. If a filter to coastlines as these can experience a
does not perform as it should, a site can face bombardment of contaminants from both
a number of challenges in its efficiency and land and sea.
profitability. Salt is a particular concern as it can cause
Turbines consume vast amounts of air extreme, accelerated corrosive damage
and the filter helps protect their performance to turbine internals as sodium in the salt
and reduce the need for maintenance combines with sulfur in the fuel in a process
shutdowns. Fouling and corrosion caused by known as sulfidation.
airborne contaminants reaching the turbine Dusty environments, such as those
can significantly reduce turbine efficiency found in or near deserts, quarries, industrial
and, in some cases, lead to complete turbine or agricultural areas, can also place high
shutdown. demands on a filter. Where very high dust
Fine particles entering a turbine can stick levels are present a filter may need to be
to turbine blades. As this fouling builds up, it self-cleaning to keep maintenance levels
starts to affect the aerodynamic performance sustainable. Of course salt and dust are
of the turbine. This is seen in a reduction in by no means exclusive and dusty coastal
output power and rise in heat rate.To restore its environments can be the most challenging of
performance, a turbine will need to be taken all for filtration systems.
offline and washed to remove the particles. Other climatic conditions that need careful
consideration in filter house design include criticality of the process (level of availability) It makes sense to think that higher
extreme heat or cold. Low temperature and practical maintenance schedules. efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters offer
climates where ice and snow are an issue The EN779/ASHRAE 52.2 and EN1822 greater protection to gas turbines as they
can introduce a level of unpredictability in the standards give an indication of the level of capture smaller particulates. To do this,
conditions a filter house may be exposed to. performance of a filter but the ratings they however, they use finer filter media which can
Even in a relatively benign environment, produce are based on only dry particulates become easily blocked in the presence of
other factors may need to be considered. in the air flow. moisture and hydrocarbon mists.
For example, if a cooling tower is nearby, However, in the real world, the inlet air When using some HEPA filter types,
the direction of the filtration house may be is rarely dry and seasonal variations are blockages can occur very quickly to result
important so that contaminants are not common. One of the first additional areas to in sudden pressure spikes that may severely
blown in from the tower as the wind changes query, therefore, is whether the filter has been damage equipment, not to mention the
direction. tested for wet and dry performance. financial bottom line in terms of unplanned
Local conditions may also mean that How a filter handles moisture can be one outages and loss of potential revenue. So care
additional equipment needs to be installed of the most critical factors for an installation. needs to be taken that the filter can efficiently
to support the filter itself. This could include Moisture can affect a filter as it appears with handle local installation conditions as well as
weather hoods to protect against rain and high humidity levels, mist or fog. dry, fine particulates.
snow, mist eliminators, moisture separators or Therefore, in the often harsh environments Generally HEPA filters are available with
coalescers. Indeed, how an overall filter system in which gas turbines are installed, the two different media types: glass fiber or ePTFE
handles moisture and other elements is vital to results of additional testing for dust and salt membrane. Both can achieve (H)EPA ratings
the performance of the final filter stage and to removal efficiency; impact of humidity, mist of E10-E12, the common HEPA ratings found
the protection of the gas turbine. and fog; strength burst testing in wet and in gas turbine inlet filtration. One of the main
Finally, the best filter for an application will dry conditions; simulated life testing, and differences between the two, however, is the
also depend on a plants operational goals. durability through rough handling testing are thickness of the media. Membrane media
These too need to be fully understood and also worth reviewing. Ultimately, data on how a are extremely thin (typically around 0.05mm)
factored into the selection process to ensure filter performs in similar real-world installations and their excellent performance in removing
a solution matches areas such as budget, give the best view of which to choose. sub-micron particles gives them a very high
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Microglass vrs membrane: A thickness comparison of microglass media and PTFE for more information
membrane media. Media performance can vary widely by environment type
The power of
A new gas turbine
n the late 1990s, Irans Ministry of Power increase the real capacity in local ambient
initiative has given a took a strategic decision to encourage the conditions of the power stations by over 390
domestic power sector to manufacture MW, translating to around 500 MW nominal
significant boost to Irans
power generation equipment. capacity of ISO conditions.
power capacity and at This decision brought about a drive Compared with investing in a new power
minimal cost, writes towards the development of domestic plant with a similar capacity, the cost was
Dr Mohammad Owliya technical know-how and has now resulted in quite negligible. The modification is currently
a remarkable position for Iran in the global being conducted on all the remaining
power industry. machines in the fleet to accommodate the
In the summer of 2015, Iranian power upcoming 2017 summer peak.
group MAPNA had success in the optimal Fully implemented, the IGV+ technology
implementation of minor engineering increases the capacity of the national grid
modifications on a section of operating gas in a short timeframe by a total of 1000 MW
turbine engines to increase the national (under ISO conditions), involving no capital
power generation fleet capacity by 200 MW expenditure.
at almost no cost.
On the back of this success, in the summer Highly profitable payoff
of 2016, MAPNA Group implemented another In recent years, MAPNA has been actively
innovative improvement, dubbed the IGV+ involved in research, development and
initiative, which came into action to help innovation to improve the portfolio of its
a smooth weathering of the 2016 summer products and services. These endeavors
consumption peak. have now borne fruit, one of which is the
The IGV+ initiative boosts the output of development of the MGT-70(3) gas turbine
MGT-70 turbines by optimizing inlet guide under the project code MAP2B and its
vanes of the gas turbine. As a part of a larger side soft-products which enhance local
commercial package called OPTIMAP, IGV+ technology and expand domestic know-how.
local technology was applied on 98 units The gas turbine family targeted for the
of V94.2 machines by February this year to IGV+ initiative, the V94.2 produced by MAPNA
Group, is one of the largest fleets in operation machines; 3 MW increase in power output IGV+ underwent three technical and
in Iran, which makes the payoff for R&D in actual conditions at baseload for version economic reviews and was finally announced
investment in any upgrade or optimization of 5 and higher (including MAPNAs upgrade as the winner of the Developmental Research
power output and efficiency highly profitable. versions); proportionate power increase in the subcategory.
IGV+ is an offshoot of the GT compressor relevant steam turbines combined with the Among the reasons cited for the award
redesign in the MAP2B project. Following the a.m. gas turbines; certain small increases in were successful commercialization, added
early phases of development, the technology efficiency of the gas turbine; optimal operation value and considerable savings.
was tested in Pareh-sar and Yazd power plants of the machines: a) peak operation during Another important feature of IGV+ is
in northern and central Iran respectively. summer, b) lower turbine inlet temperatures that the subsequent increase in the power
The capacity of the initiative to and thereby higher lifetime for hot gas path is scattered just as are the power plants
considerably increase the power output in a components when off-peak. themselves whereas the power generated
short time and at a very little cost helped put in any new power plant is concentrated in
it on the agenda of the management board Irans domestic demand the location of the plant and needs to be
of Thermal Power Plants Holding Company Summer time is always a challenge for the distributed through transmission lines, which
(TPPH), an affiliate of the Ministry of Power. Ministry of Power, as the power demand hits means more power losses.
The initiative was well received and a TPPH the peak and failing to feed the national grid High demand is a challenge limited
trial implementation took place at Ferdowsi can lead to blackouts in numerous areas to the peak season. The IGV+ initiative is
power plant and an increase in capacity was across the country. addressing this need specifically, while other
subsequently confirmed by the national grid Growth in electricity consumption from alternatives result in a permanent increase of
load dispatching authority. households, businesses and industries capacity that is not actually required across
Following the trial, final agreement on the increases the summer peak by around 5 per the year.
inclusive implementation of IGV+ was officially cent annually. Construction of new peaking The timeframe for implementation of the
announced by TPPH and TAVANIR in April 2016. power plants to operate and supply in a time initiative is also substantially shorter than
The IGV+ initiative brings about a safe and interval as long as only two months would be any other alternative solution. Last but not
reliable increase in the power output of V94.2 a costly venture. least is the cost A-to-Z completion of IGV+
machines by introducing minimal changes If the IGV+ initiative is implemented across in the country costs around $10m, which is
in the shortest possible time. As part of a the national fleet which comprises over 180 insignificant compared to similar solutions
bigger MAPNA package, the OPTIMAP, the machines it can make up for around 1000 internationally offered in the power generation
concept is based on the optimization of the MW of the gap. services market.
Inlet Guide Vane (IGV) angle using a newly- This year, IGV+ was entered for the
designed mechanism. prestigious International Khwarizmi Awards, Dr Mohammad Owliya is Deputy Managing
Customized for different versions of the which are given annually by the Iranian Director of MAPNA Turbine Engineering and
V94.2, this can maximize the mass flow of Research Organization for Science and Manufacturing Company (TUGA)
the compressor and thereby increase the Technology to engineers who have made www.mapnaturbine.com
power output. Higher mass flow in turn means outstanding achievements in research,
increased steam generation in combined innovation and invention, in fields related to Visit www.PowerEngineeringInt.com
cycle or cogeneration plants, which can even science and technology. for more information
further increase the overall performance of
the plant.
One of the most important items when
implementing the initiative is adapting the
logic control system to accommodate the
IGV angle changes. This is to enhance the
operational flexibility of the machine when
facing various ambient conditions.
The compressor map was investigated
in different versions of the machine and all
required modifications to adapt the control
Specification of the IGV opening angle
and the optimum angle, given the compressor
and turbine efficiency and the targeted mass
flow, is a keystone of the technology.
Verified features of the technology include:
5 MW increase in power output in actual As a part of the OPTIMAP package, IGV+ technology
conditions at baseload for version 3 of V94.2 was applied on 98 units of V94.2 machines
CFD - Computational fluid dynamics.
Noise and vibration analysis
Big prospects
for small units
Growing demand for distributed energy
systems supplying heat and power is
placing a premium on flexibility of design
from manufacturers servicing an incredibly
diverse market from mechanical drives,
process heat and steam, and power
generation, writes Gerd Seidel
emand for industrial steam The modular platform allows a wide range specific customer needs, the modular design
turbines supplying both heat of bespoke designs to be developed suitable concept keeps delivery time and cost at
and power is increasingly for application in a variety of industries - given a minimum. All application characteristics,
being driven by growth different requirements for process steam, such as extractions and/or admissions can
in decentralized energy power and heat and requiring a variety of be covered, meeting relevant international
applications. solutions regarding steam offtake, condenser design and manufacturing standards like API,
Much of this growth may be attributed to and boiler arrangement. ASME, VGB and others.
the push for low-carbon energy, one of the An ideal steam turbine presents high- Typical performance data for power
biggest global drivers for this sector. efficiency characteristics while supplying generation with the smaller steam turbine
There are many other growth drivers process steam and producing power across units under consideration here will feature
though. For example, in Europe various the load range for both outputs. Ultimately, maximum inlet steam conditions of, say,
environmental policies, such as the 2005 EU the steam path the number of stages, the 100 bar (1450 psi) and 520C (968 F). For
Directive prohibiting landfill of non-treated angle of the blades, the positions of the mechanical drive (Fixed frame sizes, API) of
waste, have seen waste-to-energy activities various bleeds and so on is key to good 1-16 MW, corresponding steam conditions are
rapidly intensify. performance. 40 bar (580 psi) and 400C (752F). Delivered
Steam turbines are one of the major Within the small and medium-sized steam as condensing or backpressure turbine, the
technologies that can support this shift turbine sector, typically boiler steam conditions modular design concept encompasses
towards decarbonisation, a trend that is are subcritical, placing increased emphasis standardized inlets and exhaust casings,
especially relevant for the power generation on efficiency. To achieve this, the engineering bearing housings, extraction/admission
sector and across various industrial branches. departments within MAN Diesel & Turbo share modules as well as standardized blades.
The steam turbine market for distributed know-how between different disciplines and Optional controlled extractions allow
heat and power is not only large and segments. sophisticated steam supply at multiple
expanding, it is also extremely heterogeneous. For instance, the company brings its pressures.
Applications include the full range of power experience in gas turbine technology to bear There are clearly a lot of base possibilities
generation and mechanical drives, as well in its steam turbine portfolio: one example is for such a diverse steam turbine portfolio
as the specific demands of various industrial seen in sealing technology. The multi-stage and a basic design can be developed by a
processes. steam turbines also feature a blade family bespoke MAN Diesel & Turbo tool. Once the
For example, waste-to-energy (WtE), able to run with very high efficiency over a base design has been established it is then
refineries, pulp and paper, the chemicals and wide load range and specifically adapted to finalised and uniquely engineered within
fertilizer businesses and increasingly relevant each application and its different load points. defined standards.
in the clean energy context biomass, MAN Diesel & Turbo furnishes this as
concentrated solar power (CSP) and waste Highest efficiency complete packages for a frictionless
heat recovery. Similarly, a unique feature of the MAN steam installation on site, reducing manpower,
A natural consequence of the diversity turbine designs is the adjustable guide time and cost. Focused on a plug and play
found in the small and medium-sized steam vane control for extractions, which facilitates design, shipped turbo generator units include
turbine sector is seen in the range of supply highest efficiency especially in the part-load six core modules - the steam turbine, gearbox
requirements. While a typical biomass plant operational range. This variable guide vane and generator, together with the lubrication
may be 5 to 15 or even 20 MW, a waste-to- geometry may add around 3 per cent to the oil module, control oil module and the control
energy plant may start in the 10-15 MW range total efficiency by delivering optimal steam cabinet. With systems like oil lubrication
and reach 80 or 100 MW. flow through the machine. integrated into the base frame, the design also
Similarly, a pulp and paper plant may need Also this technology emerged from MAN represents a compact, skid-mounted solution.
a turbine of more than 100 MW, serving several experience with machines for other industrial Beside all auxiliaries, the OEM also
hundred tonnes per hour of steam at, say, 30 segments, such as gas expanders. Meanwhile, provides comprehensive service packages
bar, 12 bar and 5 bar for different processes metal or welding procedures may see a that go far beyond shear spare part supply,
such as drying and finishing wood products, colleague from the segment of reciprocating e.g. operator training modules or technical
while a brewery may have completely different engines engage or the compressor division consulting. This service, delivered under the
requirements. Each of these sectors not only may benefit from the experience within gas MAN PrimeServ brand, goes up to long-term
have different demands, but those demands and steam turbine disciplines. service agreements (LTSA) that allow to define
may also vary between seasons and across By adopting a modular platform, unique customized support even for decades.
the day. steam turbines precisely optimised with Increasingly, designs are now including
Responding to the need for uniquely tailor-made extractions and bleeds can be more sophisticated instrumentation and
optimised steam turbines, major designed and manufactured in order to control systems, as well as additional options
manufacturers have looked to support this reach shortest delivery times. for remote monitoring. According to the
diverse market with reliable, flexible high Characterized by a variety of design requirements of the numerous customer
efficiency steam turbines that are based on a features for an optimized configuration to branches, remote monitoring and diagnosis
modular design philosophy. meet challenging process conditions and can further reduce downtimes, also bringing
A small steam turbine providing heat and power for a German utility Visit www.PowerEngineeringInt.com
Credit: MAN Diesel & Turbo
for more information
orocco has a lot to offer: is extremely high in excess of 2500 kilowatt
plant in the world is a rich culture, rugged hours per square metre per year.
mountains, traditional The Noor projects the name is from the
utilizing special-purpose
crafts but almost no Arabic word for light combine a variety
steam turbines, writes fossil fuel resources. of mutually complementary solar-thermal
Nina Terp The countrys ruler, technologies in a single area equivalent to
King Mohammed VI, has now made it his more than 4200 soccer fields.
personal concern to advance his countrys A Spanish consortium comprising Acciona,
energy transformation. The goal is to expand Sener and TSK, built the Noor I parabolic trough
the energy generated from sun, wind and plant, with a capacity of 160 MW. Chinese
water to a total of 6 GW 2000 MW each by engineering, procurement and construction
2020, and in turn become less dependent on contractor Sepco III will build the 200 MW Noor
global price fluctuations. II parabolic trough plant and the Noor III 150
The showcase project is the Ouarzazate MW solar power tower, as well as the Noor IV
solar complex in the south of the country. On photovoltaic plant.
February 4, 2016, King Mohammed VI opened Masen, the countrys solar energy agency,
the Noor I solar thermal power plant, the first of is the end customer for all the projects. Noor I,
four plants in the complex designed to reach II and III will make use of concentrated solar-
a total capacity of up to 580 MW, making it the thermal power (CSP), while Noor IV will convert
largest of its kind in the world. sunlight directly into electricity. Construction
It is expected to supply electricity to 1.1 on Noor II and III is expected to be completed
million people.The suns intensity in Ouarzazate by 2018.
02/2016 - Petergraf
Steaming ahead
A new turning and milling centre for steam turbine rotors is said
to be able to halve the manufacturing time, writes Kelvin Ross
oosan koda Power has the three basic machining operations on its own. There are only two such modern large
unveiled a new turning and Milsimer says: Machines capable of doing GEORG machine tools in Europe one in
milling centre for turbine rotors both operations unlike the history of separate Germany and the other in Russia.
which it claims is unique in turning and milling have been developed The machine was transported to Doosan
Europe. on the market for a long time. Thanks to its koda Powers Plzen premises disassembled,
The Czech Republic- accessories, for example the cutter head and was gradually reassembled in less than
based company has invested $7.1m in the and the lathe chuck, Georg is able to turn two months. It took another four months
centre which was built by German family firm 30 per cent quicker compared with our old or so for the engineering specialists of the
GEORG. equipment. GEORG family firm to bring the machine to
And Doosan believes the new machine It can even perform drilling and milling up life; they fine-tuned the equipment tie-ins
will now halve the time the required for rotor to 50 per cent quicker, thanks to which the total and carried out test measurements, and then
manufacture. time for making an average rotor is reduced compensated geometrical inaccuracies.
Jaroslav Milsimer, turbine division head at from approximately 1000 to 550 hours. Although the machine is primarily
Doosan Skoda Power, says: Up to now, turbine Although Georg is a colossus weighing intended for rotor manufacture it can be used
rotors have gone through three stages of tens of tonnes, just one person is needed to universally.
manufacture. operate it during a shift.One of the reasons is We can make any rotating component
First, all the rotating planes of the rotor that the operator can comfortably watch the with a size of up to the working space, such
were turned, then the suspensions for entire cutting process with the help of three as rotors for generators, rollers for paper mills,
attaching blades were milled, and in the last internal cameras, says Milsimer. large-diameter gears including hubs and
step apertures for balancing and couplings The machine, which is more than five also, under certain conditions, crankshafts.
were drilled. Three different machines on three metres tall, 30 metres long and ten metres wide, In addition, we can drill or mill any number
different work sites were needed for these is sunk in a massive concrete foundation pit of any apertures on such components, says
operations. and the axis of the rotors rotation is positioned Milsimer.
However, now Doosan Skoda says the new at the level of the operators eyes thanks to the
machine, which has been nicknamed Georg ergonometric design of the machine, which is Visit www.PowerEngineeringInt.com
after its manufacturer, is capable of performing operated from the floor level. for more information
Sektrel Fuarclk A.. l Tel. +90 212 334 69 00 l Fax +90 212 334 69 92 l Email: [email protected] l www.icci.com.tr
Unlocking efficient,
reliable power
Understanding how
n power, every day is critical. When people the cost-saving opportunity depends on
lubricants contribute to flick a switch, they expect the power to be addressing two equally important elements.
there instantly. Firstly, its important to select the right
total cost of ownership
This places power companies under lubricant.Turbine oils need to help deliver value
is the primary step immense pressure to ensure reliable, through extended oil and asset life, enhanced
to realising potential efficient operations, in a challenging equipment protection and excellent system
savings, argues climate of stricter environmental targets, efficiency.
Dr Peter Smith severe penalties for supply interruptions, tighter Looking at the ratio of turbine megawatt
budgets and tougher operating conditions. output to oil volume gives an indication of
Todays power generation turbines are oil stress, and increases are being seen of up
working under more demanding conditions to 400 per cent with the latest turbines. This is
than ever from continuous 24/7 running, having a big impact on the types of lubricants
to frequent stop-start cyclic operation to required by power generation customers.
accommodate fluctuating power generation. By selecting a high performing oil, power
As a result, modern turbine oils must be able sector companies can realise total cost
to cope with increased stress and considerable of ownership (TCO) savings that reach far
design and operational challenges, including beyond any savings related to the price of the
reduced downtime, extended oil drain lubricant itself.
intervals, higher temperatures and loads. Selecting a less effective lubricant rarely
Greater turbine output power, combined results in immediate equipment failure,
with a lubricant reservoir that is the same size but can lead to increased maintenance
or smaller, is also imposing more rapid cycle expenses over time and, in the event of
times on lubricants, resulting in the need for disruptions from unplanned downtime, heavy
excellent surface properties. financial penalties. These mounting costs can
Lubricant product selection or be far greater than the savings from selecting
management can impact many elements of a lower price lubricant.
a companys maintenance budget. Seizing In contrast, a high-performance, high-
quality lubricant that keeps equipment clean enabling the lubricant to be changed before accelerated wear of two journal bearings.
of deposits, and effectively protects against issues escalate and thereby helping reduce Following a review of the turbine lubricant
wear and corrosion and other lubricant- the frequency, time and cost of maintenance. system, oil analysis data and discussions with
related problems can help extend equipment This also helps improve productivity due to site management, Shell Lubricants technical
life, reduce frequency of breakdown and greater equipment availability. experts proposed ways to improve turbine
increase equipment availability. This could Oil condition monitoring services are reliability. This included switching to Shell Turbo
significantly decrease spend on spare parts available to support customers, by providing T 46 turbine oil, adopting the Shell LubeAnalyst
and maintenance over the life of the asset. early warning of equipment wear or lubricant oil condition monitoring service, fitting
However, the potential impact of lubricants degradation or other problems. This enables improved seals to prevent steam ingress, and
is often significantly underestimated. There is the lubricant to be changed before issues implementing regular draining of water from
potential for lubrication to deliver significant escalate, thereby helping reduce the the bottom of the lubricant tank.
business value by contributing to improved frequency, time and cost of maintenance. This Shell Turbo T 46 turbine oil was
productivity and reduced costs. In a recent also helps improve productivity due to greater recommended for its robust demulsibility
power industry survey commissioned by equipment availability. control, which means excess water can
Shell Lubricants, 58 per cent of companies Underpinning good lubrication be easily drained from the steam turbine
recognized that lubricant selection can help management practices are industry lubrication system, helping to minimise
reduce costs by 5 per cent or more, but fewer knowledge and expertise. Yet, 59 per cent corrosion and premature wear, and lower the
than 1 in 10 (8 per cent) realized that the of power companies surveyed admit they risk of unplanned maintenance.As a result, the
impact of lubrication could be up to six times dont conduct staff training on lubricants company reported annual savings of $57,088.
greater. as regularly as they should, and only 43 per Modern turbine power plant operators
At the same time, 60 per cent of companies cent have all the recommended procedures will continue to demand three things from a
wouldnt expect higher quality lubricants to in place to manage and monitor lubricants lubricant: improved system efficiency; reliable
result in a reduction in unplanned downtime. effectively. equipment protection and longer oil and
Understanding how lubricants contribute to One of the core lubrication management equipment life.
TCO is the primary step to realising potential services offered by the team of experts at With pressure on the power industry higher
savings. Shell Lubricants is helping build technical than ever, for many companies the demands
In addition to selecting the right product, competency across a customers organisation. of today often supersede the challenges of
effective lubrication management is vital to tomorrow.
unlock potential TCO savings. Even the best Case study For Shell Lubricants, helping customers
product cannot perform effectively if it does One of the largest steel producers in China, reduce TCO in the present day is the first
not reach the right surfaces in the equipment Jiangsu Shagang Group (Shagang), step. Equally important is looking ahead to
at the right time, in the right amount, experienced problems in its power plant identify the next generation of lubrication
without being contaminated or degraded. steam turbines just a few months after products and services that will continue to
Effective lubrication management can help commissioning the new equipment. give companies a competitive edge.
deliver value from improved productivity The company discovered that excessive
and reductions in lubricant consumption, steam ingress to the lubricant system had Dr Peter Smith is Shells Global Technology
maintenance and operating costs. caused the turbine oil to emulsify and Manager for Turbine Oils
One of the main lubrication management significant amounts of sludge to settle at
challenges commonly faced by power the bottom of the sump. The excessive Visit www.PowerEngineeringInt.com
companies is contamination control. This is contamination had also contributed to for more information
critical to maximising the performance of the
lubricant in equipment. How the lubricant
is stored, handled and transported through
the site greatly impacts the likelihood of
contamination. Storing drums in a sheltered
place and wiping the top clean before it is
opened will help limit the risk of contamination
by water and particles. Applying filtration can
also help ensure product cleanliness before
oil enters equipment.
Also important is regular lubricant
monitoring and analysis,to ensure the lubricant
is functioning well and remains fit for purpose,
essentially giving it a regular health check.
A laboratory technician tests lubricants to maintain quality control
This can provide early warning of equipment Credit: Shell
malfunction or wear or lubricant degradation,
Manufacturer Model Gross output (MW) Heat rate (kJ/kWh) Gross efficiency % Shaft speed (rpm) Pressure ratio
Exhaust mass flow Exhaust temperature NOx emissions Start-up time Weight Dimensions LxWxH
(kg/s) (C) (ppmv) (minutes) (tonnes) (metres)
available in 50 &
213. 2 606 15 29 100 10x4x5
60 Hz
294. 8 552 4 23 133 12x4x4
230. 9 414 25 8 897 34x24x15 water injection
459 622 9 11 178 9x4x4
539 643 9 11 201 9x4x4
595 590 9 10 248 9x4x4
586 627 25 10 248 9x4x4
722 638 25 10 273 10x4x4
Manufacturer Model Gross output (MW) Heat rate (kJ/kWh) Gross efficiency % Shaft speed (rpm) Pressure ratio
Turbine inlet Exhaust mass flow Exhaust NOx emissions Start-up time Weight Dimensions LxWxH
temperature (C) (kg/s) temperature (C) (ppmv) (minutes) (tonnes) (metres)
<25 @ 70-100%
Case by case 46.5 490 Case by case 77 16 x 3 x 5 incl. generator
<25 @ 70-100%
Case by case 49.1 515 Case by case 77 16 x 4 x 6 incl. generator
<15 @ 50-100%
Case by case 26.1 505 Case by case
Exhaust mass flow (kg/s) Exhaust temperature (C) Weight (tonnes) Dimensions LxWxH (metres) Notes
Manufacturer Model Gross output (MW) Heat rate (kJ/kWh) Gross efficiency % Shaft speed (rpm) Pressure ratio
25455 9454 38.1 3000/3600 19.5
25 DLN
51235 9396 38.3 3000/3600 19.5
50 DLN
PW Power Systems
FT8 SWIFTPAC 30892 9841 36.6 3000/3600 21.3
70836 8725 41.3 3000/3600 37.6
141567 8702 41.4 3000/3600 37.5
Siemens AG
Exhaust mass flow Exhaust temperature NOx emissions Start-up time Dimensions LxWxH
Weight (tonnes) Notes
(kg/s) (C) (ppmv) (minutes) (metres)
comb. WI,
92 496 <10
comb. WI,
92 491 <10
85 458 <10
170 458
Comb. Water
92 491 <10
Comb. Water
183 491 <10
Comb. Water inj, wet
182 418 <10
compr. Inlet fog
Comb. Water inj, wet
164 418 <10
compr. Inlet fog
Weight and
558.0 536 25 ppmV 189 10.3 x 4.0 x 4.0 dimensions of core
Weight and
725.0 600 25 ppmV 318 10.8 x 5.2 x 4.8 dimensions of core
Weight and
880.0 640 25 ppmV 445 12.6 x 5.5 x 5.5 dimensions of core
Weight and
368.0 532 25 ppmV 108 9.1 x 3.3 x 3.3 dimensions of core
Weight and
588.0 598 9 ppmV 219 10.1 x 4.0 x 4.6 dimensions of core
Weight and
650.0 645 25 ppmV 289 10.5 x 4.3 x 4.3 dimensions of core
Manufacturer Model Gross output (MW) Heat rate (kJ/kWh) Gross efficiency % Shaft speed (rpm) Pressure ratio
Siemens Energy
(50/60 Hz)
Industrial 501-
4.0 12.137 29.7 14200 10.3
Industrial 501-
5.4 11.152 32.3 14600 13.9
Exhaust mass flow Exhaust NOx emissions Start-up time Dimensions LxWxH
Weight (tonnes) Notes
(kg/s) temperature (C) (ppmv) (minutes) (metres)
178.0 425 10 190512 26.5 4.6 5.2 Water injection for WLE
180.0 416 10 190512 29,6 4,6 5,2 Water injection for WLE
170.0 429 10 190512 26,5 4,6 5,2 Water injection for WLE
172.0 426 10 190512 29,6 4,6 5,2 Water injection for WLE
ISO conditions
1AE64.3-CC1S 115.8 53.77 6,695 with sea water
ISO conditions
2AE64.3-CC1M 233.0 54.04 6,662 with sea water
ISO conditions
1AE94.2-CC1M 277.5 54.58 6,595 with sea water
ISO conditions
2AE94.2-CC1M 561.5 55.23 6,518 with sea water
ISO conditions
1AE94.3-CC1S 456.3 58.84 6,118 with sea water
ISO conditions
2AE94.3-CC1M 913.3 58.89 6,113 with sea water
Ansalso Energia
ISO conditions
1GT26-CC1S 502.0 60.10 5,990 with sea water
ISO conditions
2GT26-CC1M 1004.0 60.10 5,990 with sea water
ISO conditions
1GT36-S5-CC1M 720.0 61.50 5,854 with sea water
ISO conditions
2GT36-S5-CC1M 1444.0 61.50 5,854 with sea water
ISO conditions
1GT36-S6-CC1M 500.0 61.30 5,873 with sea water
ISO conditions
2GT36-S6-CC1M 1004.0 61.30 5,873 with sea water
TM2500 (2x1
97.2 50.0% 7203 24.5
TM2500 (1x1
48.4 49.8% 7229 24.5
LM2500 (2x1
68.6 49.3% 7297 19.0 water injection
LM2500 (1x1
34.2 49.1% 7325 19.0 water injection
LM2500 DLE (2x1
65.8 52.4% 6865 18.1 DLE
LM2500 DLE (1x1
General Electric 32.8 52.2% 6892 18.1 DLE
LM2500+ (2x1
83.2 49.4% 7287 23.1 water injection
LM2500+ (1x1
41.5 49.2% 7312 23.1 water injection
LM2500+ DLE (2x1
88.2 53.6% 6711 23.6 DLE
LM2500+ DLE (1x1
44 53.4% 6736 23.6 DLE
LM2500+G4 (2x1 water injection,
96.8 49.7% 7238 24.6
CCPP) gearbox
GT13E2 2005
264 55.0% 6551 16.9
(1x1 CCPP)
GT13E2 2012
581 55.2% 6518 18.2
(2x1 CCPP)
GT13E2 2012
289 55.0% 6548 18.2
(1x1 CCPP)
9F.03 (2x1 CCPP) 819 59.0% 6097 16.7
9F.03 (1x1 CCPP) 409 58.9% 6111 16.7
9F.04 (2x1 CCPP) 866 60.1% 5989 16.9
9F.04 (1x1 CCPP) 432 59.9% 6006 16.9
9F.05 (2x1 CCPP) 989 60.9% 5911 18.3
General Electric
9F.05 (1x1 CCPP) 493 60.7% 5928 18.3
9F.06 (2x1 CCPP) 1067 62.3% 5777 19.5
9F.06 (1x1 CCPP) 532 62.2% 5791 19.5
1320 63.5% 5669 23.5
(2x1 CCPP)
659 63.4% 5679 23.5
(1x1 CCPP)
1613 63.7% 5606 23.8
(2x1 CCPP)
804 63.5% 5669 23.8
(1x1 CCPP)
Power Output
THM1304-10N 10.5 Case by case 11840 10
GT only
Power Output
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE THM1304-12N 12.5 Case by case 11320 11
GT only
Power Output
MGT6100 6.63 Case by case 11190 14
GT only
41050 49.1 7333 21.3 1 X FT8-3
83100 49.6 7257 21.3 2 X FT8-3
PW Power Systems
84608 49.7 7247 37.6 1 X FT4000
170272 50 7202 37.6 2 X FT4000
Industrial RB211-
39 800 51.4 7.005 2P non reheat
GT62 DLE 1x1
Industrial RB211-
42 600 52.8 6.820 2P non reheat
GT61 DLE 1x1
SCC-600 1x1 35 900 49.9 7.220 2P non reheat
SCC-600 2x1 73 280 50.9 7.071 2P non reheat
SCC-700 1x1 45 160 52.3 6.876 2P non reheat
SCC-700 2x1 91 620 53.1 6.778 2P non reheat
SCC-750 1X1 51 550 53.3 6.760 2P non reheat
SCC-750 2X1 103 740 53.6 6.718 2P non reheat
SCC-800 1x1 66 600 53.8 6.693 2P non reheat
SCC-800 2x1 135 400 54.7 6.583 2P non reheat
SCC-800 3x1 203 500 54.8 6.569 2P non reheat
SCC-800 1x1 71 400 55.1 6.530 2P non reheat
SCC-800 2x1 143 600 55.4 6.494 2P non reheat
Siemens AG
SCC-800 3x1 215 700 55.5 6.485 2P non reheat
SCC-800 1x1 75 900 56.0 6.427 2P non reheat
SCC-800 2x1 153 700 56.7 6.349 2P non reheat
SCC-800 3x1 229 900 56.6 6.365 2P non reheat
Industrial Trent 60
65 300 53.6 6.718 2P non reheat
DLE 1x1
Industrial Trent 60
77 700 53.4 6.736 2P non reheat
Industrial Trent 60
82 900 51.2 6.656 2P non reheat
Industrial Trent 60
66 400 53.5 6.725 2P non reheat
DLE 1x1
Industrial Trent 60
77 500 53.5 6.727 2P non reheat
Industrial Trent 60
80 300 50.7 6.723 2P non reheat
DST-V up to 40 variable 540 130
DST-G10 Industrial up to 35 over 6500 540 140
DST-G20 Industrial from 20 to 65 4000-6500 565 140
DST-S10 Utility
from 45 to 180 3000/3600 580 165
Single casing (Excl. Nuclear)
STF-A100 Energy/CSP/ 15-80 4200-11000 565 140
Power Plants
STF-A200 Energy/CSP/ 70-220 3000 or 3600 565 140
Power Plants
STF-D200 Energy/CSP/ 200-340 3000 or 3600 565 140
Power Plants
General CCPP/Industrial/
Electric Waste-to-Energy/ Application
STF-A650 85-300 3000 or 3600 600 190
CSP/Steam Specific
Power Plants
CCPP/Steam Application
STF-D600 180-700 3000 or 3600 600 185
Power Plants Specific
CCPP/Steam Application
STF-D650 150-700 3000 or 3600 600 190
Power Plants Specific
CCPP/Steam Application
STF-D850 200-1000 3000 or 3600 585 245
Power Plants Specific
CCPP/Steam Application
STF-1050 400-1200 3000 or 3600 600 300
Power Plants Specific
ARABELLE 1700 Nuclear 800-1300 1500 or 1800 290 75
ARABELLE 1000 Nuclear 1200-1900 1500 or 1800 290 75
Special Purpose 2-160 MW 50 / 60 Hz 540 140
Low pressure Power saturated
5-90 MW 50 / 60 Hz 1-20
turbines Generation steam
Air turbines (Compressed Air 25-90 MW 50 / 60 Hz 540 140
Energy Storage)
MAN Diesel
& Turbo SE MARC 1 2-5 MW 50 / 60 Hz 480 65
MARC 2 5-12 MW 50 / 60 Hz 530 120
MARC 4 8-24 MW 50 / 60 Hz 520 120
MARC 6 16-40 MW 50 / 60 Hz 530 120
MARIM 1 up to 1 50 / 60 Hz 450 45
MARIM 3 up to 4 50 / 60 Hz 500 70
MAN Diesel applicable
& Turbo SE 5800-9000,
MARIM 4 up to 8 50 / 60 Hz 500 70
MARIM 5 up to 10 50 / 60 Hz 250 20
MST-50C 160 3000 6.7 x 4.7 x 5 520 90 2p non-reheat
MAPNA MST-55C 204 3000 13.8 x 8.2 x 8.5 530 130 3p reheat
MST-10C 10.9 8000 3.5 x 2.1 x 3.8 470 40 2p non-reheat
Steam power
SST-9000 1000-1900 1500-1800 310 80
Steam power
SST-6000 300-1200 3000-3600 610 330
Steam power
SST-5000 200-500 3000-3600 600 260
" cycle power 120-650 " 600 177
SST-4000 cycle power 100-380 3000-3600 565 105
SST-3000 cycle power 90-250 3000-3600 565 177
Siemens AG SST-700/900 cycle power up to 250 3000-3600 565 180
plant, CSP
SST-800 up to 250 3000-3600 565 165
SST-600 up to 200 3000-18000 565 165
SST-500 up to 100 15000 400 30
SST-400 up to 65 3000-8000 540 140
SST-300 up to 45 12000 540 140
SST-200 up to 10 14,600 520 110
SST-150 up to 20 13300 505 103
Ad Index
PennWell Global Energy Group, The Water Tower, Gunpowder Mill, Powdermill Lane, Waltham Abbey, Essex EN9 1BN, United Kingdom.
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The last few years has seen efficient, cost-effective energy storage systems increasingly deployed in grid support and power
production. To better understand todays energy storage potential, POWER-GEN & Renewable Energy World Europe, in conjunction
with the European Association for Energy Storage (EASE) is devoting a day of its conference to Energy Storage issues.
Focussing on energy storage in the power industry, the conference covers:
Current opportunities and challenges for storage
The most promising technologies
Case studies of successful implementations
Presented by: