Hints, Comments, Advises, Solutions, and Answers
Hints, Comments, Advises, Solutions, and Answers
Hints, Comments, Advises, Solutions, and Answers
1.1 The set {} consists of one element, which is the empty set . Of
course, this element itself is the empty set and contains no elements, but
the set {} consists of a single element .
1.2 1) and 2) are correct, while 3) is not.
1.3 Yes, the set {{}} is a singleton, its single element is the the set
1.4 2, 3, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2 for x 6= 2 and 1 if x = 12 .
1.5 (a) {1, 2, 3, 4}; (b) {}; (c) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, . . . }
1.8 The set of solutions for a system of equations is equal to the in-
tersection of the sets of solutions of individual equations belonging to the
2.1 The solution involves the equality (a ; +) = (inf a ; +).
Prove it. By the way, the collection of closed rays [a; +) is not a topo-
logical structure since it may happen that [a ; +) = (a0 ; +) (give an
2.2 Yes, it is. A proof coincides almost literally with the solution of
the preceding problem.
2.3 The main point here is to realize that the axioms of topological
structure are conditions on the collection of subsets, and if these conditions
382 Hints, comments, advices,
are fulfilled, then the collection is a topological structure. The second col-
lection is not a topological structure because it contains the sets {a}, {b, d},
but does not contain {a, b, d} = {a} {b, d}. Find two elements of the third
collection such that their intersection does not belong to it. By this you
would prove that this is not a topology. Finally, we easily see that all unions
and intersections of elements of the first collection still belong to the first
2.10 The following sets are closed
(1) in a discrete space: all sets;
(2) in an indiscrete space: only the sets that are also open, i.e., the
empty set and the whole space;
(3) in the arrow: , the whole space and segments of the form [0, a];
(4) in : the sets X, , {b, c, d}, {a, c, d}, {b, d}, {d}, and{c, d};
(5) in RT1 : all finite sets and the whole R.
2.11 Here it is important to overcome the feeling that the question is
completely obvious. Why is not (0, 1] open? If (0, 1] = (a , b ), then 1
(a0 , b0 ) for some 0 , whence b0 > 1, and it follows that (a , b ) 6= (0, 1].
The set
R r (0, 1] = (, 0] (1, +)
is not open for similar reasons. On the other hand, we have
[ \
1 n+1
(0, 1] = ,1 = 0, .
n n=1
3.3 We will show that, removing any element from any base of the
standard topology of the line, we obtain a base of the same topology! Let
U be an arbitrary element of a base. It can be presented as a union of open
intervals that are shorter than the distance between some two points of U .
We would need at least two such intervals. Each of the intervals, in turn, is
a union of sets of the base under consideration. U is not involved into these
unions since U is not contained in so short intervals. Hence, U is a union of
elements of the base distinct from U , and it can be replaced by this union
in a presentation of an open set as a union of elements of the base.
3.4 The whole topological structure is its own base. So, the question
is when this is the only base. No open set in such a space is a union
of two open sets distinct from it. Hence, open sets are linearly ordered
by inclusion. Furthermore, the space should contain no increasing infinite
sequence of open sets since otherwise an open set could be obtained as a
union of sets in such a sequence.
3.5, 3.6 In solution
S of each of these problems the following easy lemma
may be of use: A = B , where B B iff x A Bx B : x Bx A.
3.7 The statement: B is a base of a topological structure is equivalent
to the following: the set of unions of all collections of sets belonging to B is a
topological structure. 1 is a base of some topology by 3.B and 3.6. So, you
must to prove analogs of 3.6 for 2 and . To prove the coincidence of the
structures determined, say, by the bases 1 and 2 , you need to prove that
a union of disks can be presented as a union of squares, and vice versa. Is
it sufficient to prove that a disk is a union of squares? What is the simplest
way to do this? (Cf. our advice concerning 3.5 and 3.6.)
3.9 Observe that the intersection of several arithmetic progressions is
an arithmetic progression.
3.10 Since the sets {i, i + d, i + 2d, . . .}, i = 1, . . . , d, are open, pairwise
disjoint and cover the whole N, it follows that each of them is closed. In
particular, for each prime number p the set {p, 2p, 3p, . . .} is closed. All
together, the sets of the form {p, 2p, 3p, . . .} cover N r {1}. Hence, if the set
of prime numbers were finite, then the set {1} would be open. However, it
is not a union of arithmetic progressions.
3.11 The inclusion 1 2 means that a set open in the first topology
(i.e., belonging to 1 ) also belongs to 2 . Therefore, you must only prove
that R r {xi }ni=1 is open in the canonical topology of the line.
4.2 Cf. 4.B.
4.4 Look for the answer to 4.7.
4.7 Squares with sides parallel to the coordinate axes and bisectors of
the coordinate angles, respectively.
384 Hints, comments, advices,
4.32 Clearly, in all five cases the only thing which is to be proved and
is not completely obvious is the triangle inequality. It is also obvious for
1 + 2 . Furthermore,
max{1 (x, z), 2 (x, z)} + max{1 (y, z), 2 (y, z)}.
A similar inequality holds true for 2 (x, y), therefore max{1 , 2 } is a metric.
Construct examples which would prove that neither min{1 , 2 }, nor 21 , nor
1 2 is a metric. (To do this, it would be suffice to find three points with
appropriate pairwise distances.)
4.33 Assertion (c) is quite obvious. Assertions (a) and (b) follow from
(c) for f (t) = 1+t and f (t) = min{1, t}, respectively. Thus, it suffices to
check that these functions satisfy the assumptions of the assertion (c).
4.34 Since 1+ , and the inequality 12 (x, y) 1+(x,y) holds true
for (x, y) 1, the statement follows from the result of 4.29.
5.1 In the same way as the relative topology: if is a base in X, then
A = {A V | V } is a base of the relative topology in A.
(1) Discrete, because (n 1, n + 1) N = {n};
(2) N = {(k, k + 1, k + 2...)}kN ;
(3) discrete;
(4) = {, {2}, {1, 2}}.
5.3 Yes, it is open since [0, 1) = (1, 1) [0, 2], and (1, 1) is open on
the line.
5.5 Set V = U . Use Problem 5.E.
5.6 Consider the interval (1, 1) R R2 and the open disk with
radius 1 and center at (0, 0) on the plane R2 . Another solution is suggested
by the following general statement: any open set is locally closed. Indeed, if
U is open in X, then U is a neighborhood of each of its points, while U U
is closed in U .
5.7 The metric topology in A is determined by the base 1 = {BrA (a) |
a A}, where BrA (a) = {x A | (x, a) < r} is the open ball in A
with center a and radius r. The second topology is determined by the base
2 = {A Br (x) | x X}, where Br (x) is an open ball in X. Obviously,
BrA (a) = A Br (a) for a A. Therefore 1 2 , whence 1 2 .
However, it may happen that 1 6= 2 . It remains to prove that elements of
386 Hints, comments, advices,
2 are open in the topology determined by 1 . For this purpose, check that
for each point x of an element U 2 , there is V 1 such that x V U .
6.1 We have Int{a, b, d} = {a, b} since this is really the greatest set
that is open in and contained in {a, b, d}.
6.2 The interior of the interval (0, 1) on the line with the Zariski topol-
ogy is empty because no nonempty open set of this space is contained in
(0, 1).
6.3 Indeed,
\ \ \
ClA B = F = (H A) = A H = A ClX B.
F B, HB, HB,
6.20 Yes, it does. Indeed, since since Br (x) is open, we have Int Dr (x)
Br (x), whence
6.21 Let X = [0, 1]{2} with metric (x, y) = |xy|. Then S2 (0) = {2}
and Cl B2 (0) = [0, 1].
6.22.1 For instance, A = [0, 1).
6.22.2 Take A = [0, 1) (1, 2] Q [3, 4] {5}.
6.22.3 Since Int A Cl Int A and Int A is open, it follows that Int A
Int Cl Int A. Therefore, Cl Int A Cl Int Cl Int A.
Since Int Cl Int A Cl Int A and Cl Int A is closed, it follows that Cl Int A
Cl Int Cl Int A.
6.23 Let us consecutively construct setsSJn , n 1, such that Jn is
a union of intervals of length 3n . Put J0 = nZ (2n, 2n + 1). If the sets
J0 , . . . , Jn1 are constructed, then let Jn be the union of the middle thirds of
Sn1 S S
the segments constituting R r k=0 Jk . If A = k=0 J3k , B = k=0 J3k+1 ,
and C = k=0 J3k+2 , then Fr A = Fr B = Fr C = Cl k=0 Cl Jk . (In a
similar way, we easily construct an infinite family of open sets with common
6.24 If the endpoints of two segments are close to each other, then
each point on one of them is close to a point on the other one. If two points
belong to the interior of a convex set, then the convex set contains a cylindric
neighborhood of the segment connecting the points.
6.27 By (1), X . From (2) it follows that Cl X = X, whence
. For U1 , U2 , (3) implies that U1 U2 . Prior to checking
that the 1st axiom of topological structure is fulfilled, show that it im-
plies monotonicity of Cl : if A B, then Cl A Cl B, and deduce that
Cl ( A ) Cl A for any family of sets A .
To prove that the operations Cl and the closure coincide, we recommend,
as usual, to replace equality of sets by two inclusions and use the fact that
a set F is closed iff F = Cl F . (You must use property (4) somewhere!)
6.29 1) Nonempty sets; 2) unbounded sets; 3) infinite sets.
388 Hints, comments, advices,
X r Cl(Ai ) = X r Cl Ai = (X r Cl Ai ).
8.7 No, not necessarily. Example: f : {0} {0, 1}, g : {0, 1} {0}.
Surely, f must be injective (see 8.K), and g surjective (see 8.M).
9.1 The map id is continuous iff U = id1 (U ) 1 for each U 2 ,
i.e., 2 1 .
9.2 (a), (d): Yes, it is. (b), (c): Not necessarily.
9.3 1) Any map X Y is continuous. 2) A map Y X is continuous
iff the preimage of each point is open. Only constant maps Y X (i.e., the
maps that map the whole Y to a single point of X) can be surely said to be
9.4 1) A map X Y is continuous iff its image is indiscrete. Therefore
only constant maps X Y are continuous independently on the topology
in Y . 2) All maps Y X are continuous.
9.5 = {f 1 (U ) | U } is a topology in A. Furthermore, this is
the coarsest topology in A with respect to which f is continuous.
9.6 A Cl A for any A. Hence f 1 (A) f 1 (Cl A). If f
is continuous, then f 1 (Cl A) is closed, and f 1 (A) f 1 (Cl A) implies
Cl f 1 (A) f 1 (Cl A). For A closed, we have Cl f 1 (A) f 1 (A).
Therefore, f (A) coincides with its closure, and hence is closed. Thus the
preimage of any closed set is closed. By 9.A, the map f is continuous.
9.7 f is continuous, iff
9.12 Constant maps and maps such that the preimage of each point is
9.13 The functions that are monotonically increasing and continuous
from the left. (Recall that a monotonically increasing function f is contin-
uous from the left if sup{f (x) | x < a} = f (a) for each a.)
9.14 The map f is continuous, while g1 is not. Indeed, the topology
on Z+ is discrete, while the singleton {0} is not open in the topology on
f (Z+ ).
9.15 Let A be an everywhere dense subset of a space X, and let f :
X Y be a continuous surjection. By Theorem 6.M, it suffices to prove
that f (A) meets any nonempty open subset U of Y . Since f is surjective
and continuous, the preimage f 1 (U ) of such a set is also nonempty and
open. Therefore, its intersection with everywhere dense subset A of X is
nonempty. Hence, U f (A) is nonempty.
9.16 Of course, it is not true. For example, the projection R2 R :
(x, y) 7 x maps the line {(x, y) R2 | y = 0}, which is nowhere dense in
R2 , onto the whole target space.
9.17 Yes, such a set exists. Take for A the Cantor set and consider the
P ai +
P ai
map that sends the number 3i
, where ai = 0; 2, to the number 2i+1
i=1 i=1
It must be checked that this map is continuous. Please, do this on your own.
9.18 Let us prove the first statement. LetUa be a neighborhood of
a X such that f (Ua ) 2 + f (a), f (a) + 2 , and let Va be a similar
neighborhood for g. Taking Wa = Ua Va , we obtain (f + g)(Wa ) ( +
f (a), f (a) + ).
9.20 Put
0 x 0,
fi (x) = ix 0 x 1i ,
1 x 1i .
(see 4.26). Observe that () (f (x), f (a)) < iff |fi (x) fi (a)| < for all
i = 1, 2, . . . , n.
9.22 Use 9.21 and 9.18.
9.23 Use 9.21, 9.18, and 9.19.
solutions and answers 393
2 if x [0, 1),
X Y : x 7 x1
if x [2, 3),
x2 if x 4.
10.10 To solve all assertions, except (f) and (i), apply maps used in
the solution of Problem 10.O. To solve (f) and (i), use polar coordinates.
10.11 In assertion (b): each nonempty open convex set in R2 is home-
omorphic to R2 .
10.12 Every such a set is homeomorphic to one of the following sets:
a point, a segment, a ray, a disk, a strip, a half-plane, a plane. (Prove this!)
10.13 In Problems 10.T and 10.11, it is sufficient to replace the 2-disk
D2 by the n-disk D n and the open 2-disk B 2 by the open n-ball B n . The
situation with Problem 10.12 is more complicated. Let K Rn be a closed
convex set. First, we can assume that Int K 6= because otherwise K is
isometric to a subset of Rk with k < n. Secondly, we assume that K is
unbounded. (Otherwise, K is homeomorphic to a closed disk, see above.) If
K does not contain a line, then K is homeomorphic to a half-space. If K
contains a line, then K is isometric to a cylinder with convex closed base
in Rn1 and elements parallel to the nth coordinate axis, which allows us
to use induction on dimension. Try to formulate a complete answer.
10.14 Map each link of the polygon homeomorphically to a suitable
arc of the circle.
solutions and answers 395
of spaces (manifolds), but for now we use the common sense. We start
with a cylinder, which is homeomorphic to a closed 3-disk, which in turn is
homeomorphic to a half-disk, is not it? Further, if we delete from the half-
disk a concentric half-disk of smaller radius, then the rest (i.e., the skin
of a half of a water-mellon) is still homeomorphic to the half-disk. (We
can prove this quite rigorously, and even give the required formulas.) The
remaining skin is a mug without a handle, which is thus homeomorphic
to a cylinder. Furthermore, we can assume that the disks along which the
handle adjoins the mug correspond to the bases of the cylinder, cf. 10.25,
while the handle is a (deformed) cylinder itself. Pasting together two
cylinders, we certainly obtain a doughnut as a result!
10.28 The following objects are homeomorphic to a coin: a saucer, a
glass, a spoon, a fork, a knife, a plate, a nail, a screw, a bolt, a nut, a drill.
The remaining objects are homeomorphic to a wedding ring: a cup, a flower
pot, a key.
10.29 Formulate and prove the plane version of the problem. After
that use rotation. An intermediate shape here is a 3-disk in which a thin
cylinder is drilled out. We can also single out the following useful lemma.
Let C0 be a cylinder, C C0 a smaller cylinder with upper base lying
inside that of C0 . Then there exists a homeomorphism f : Cl(C0 r C) C0
identical on Fr C0 r C.
10.30 Our argument will be close to that used in the solution of Prob-
lem 10.27. Repeating the first step of the solution to Problem 10.29, we
get rid of the large spherical hole at the end of the tube. After that,
we observe that the knotted tube has a neighborhood homeomorphic to a
cylinder. Applying the lemma formulated in the above solution, we obtain
a homeomorphism between the ball with a knotted hole and the whole ball.
10.31 In Figure, we have a sequence of images, where any two neighbor-
ing ones are connected by an (easy to imagine) homeomorphism. (The latter
is actually a result of a deformation.) It remains to take the composition.
10.32 Use the sequence of images depicted in Figure. (Cf. the solution
to the previous problem.)
10.33 Both spaces are homeomorphic to S 3 r (S 1 point). To see this,
use the homeomorphism R3 = S 3 r point of Problem 10.R. (The second
time, take the point to be deleted on the circle S 1 .) In the general case of
Rn , this argument also works. But what happens if we replace S 1 by S k ?
10.34 The stereographic projection S n r (0, . . . , 0, 1) Rn maps our
set to a (spherically symmetric) neighborhood of S k1 , which is easily seen
to be homeomorphic to Rn r Rnk .
solutions and answers 397
10.35 Here are properties that distinguish each of the spaces from the
remaining ones: Z is discrete, Q is countable, each proper closed subset of
RT1 is finite, and, finally, any two nonempty open sets in the arrow have
nonempty intersection.
10.36 Set X = {k}1 k=0 [2k; 2k +1) and Y = X {1} and consider
the bijections
x if x < 0,
x + 1 if x 2,
x if x [0, 1],
X Y : x 7 1 2
Y X : x 7 x1
if x = 1,
if x [2, 3),
x if x 0;
x 2 if x 4.
Notice that the conclusion of 11.13 would still hold true if in the hypothesis
we replaced Rn by an arbitrary space where every open subspace is normal,
see Section 14.
11.15 Obvious. (Cf. 11.6.)
11.15 The set A is dense in B equipped with the relative topology
induced from the ambient space. Therefore, we can apply 11.B.
11.16 Assume the contrary: let A B be disconnected. Then there
exist open subsets U and V of the ambient space such that A B U V ,
U (A B) 6= , V (A B) 6= , and U V (A B) = (cf. the
solution of Problem 11.6). Since A B U V , the set A meets at least
one of the sets U and V . Without loss of generality, we can assume that
A U 6= . Then A V = by the connectedness of A, whence A U .
Since U is a neighborhood of any point of A Cl B, it meets B. The set V
also meets B since V (A B) 6= , while A V = . This contradicts the
connectedness of B since B U and B V form a partition of B into two
nonempty sets open in B.
11.17 If A B is disconnected, then there exist sets U and V open
in X such that U V A B, U (A B) 6= , V (A B) 6= , and
U V (A B) = . Since A is connected, A is contained in U or V .
Without loss of generality we may assume that A U . Set B1 = B V .
Since B is open in X rA and V X rA, the set B1 is open in V . Therefore,
B1 is open in X. Furthermore, we have B1 X r U X r A, therefore B1
is closed in X r U and hence also in X. Thus B1 is both open and closed
in X, contrary to the connectedness of X.
11.18 No, it does not. Example: put A = Q and B = R r Q.
11.19 1) If A and B are open and A is disconnected, then A = U V ,
where U and V are disjoint nonempty sets open in A. Since A B is
connected, then either A B U , or A B V . Without loss of generality,
solutions and answers 399
X = {(0, 0), (0, 1)} (x, y) | x [0, 1], y = n1 , n N R2 .
Prove that any open and closed set contains both points A(0, 0) and B(1, 0).
12.1 This is an immediate corollary of Theorem 12.A. Indeed any real
polynomial of odd degree takes both positive and negative values (for values
of the argument with sufficiently large absolute values).
12.2 Combine 11.Z, 12.B, and 12.E.
12.3 There are nine topological types, namely: (1) A, R; (2) B; (3) C,
G, I, J, L, M, N, S, U, V, W, Z; (4) D, O; (5) E, F, T, Y; (6) H, K; (8) P; (9)
Q; (7) X. Notice that the answer depends on the graphics of the letters. For
example, we can draw letter R homeomorphic not to A, but to Q. To prove
that letters of different types are not homeomorphic, use arguments similar
to that in the solution of 12.E.
12.4 A square with any of its points removed is still connected (prove
this!), while the segment is not. (We emphasize that the sentence Because a
square cannot be partitioned into two nonempty open sets. cannot serve as
a proof of the mentioned fact. The simplest approach would be to use 11.I.)
12.5 Use 10.R.
solutions and answers 401
the result of 6.44 implies that there is (sufficiently large) n such that Zn
is not nowhere dense. Therefore, Cl Zn contains a segment [a, b] R1 ,
whence it follows that U [a, b] contains a whole neighborhood of [a, b],
which meets any neighborhood in N of any rational in [a, b]. Hence, U
meets each neighborhood of Q, and so, indeed, N is not normal.
14.6x Add a point x to N : N = N x . The topology on N
is obtained from the topology on N by adding sets of the form x U ,
where U contains all points in R1 except a finite number. Verify that
(N , )is a normal space.
(x, A)
14.8x Set f (x) = .
(x, A) + (x, B)
14.9x.1 Set A = f 1 1, 13 and B = f 1 31 , 1 . Use 14.8x to
prove that there exists a function g : X 23 , 23 ] such that g(A) = 13 and
g(B) = 31 .
406 Hints, comments, advices,
14.9x By 14.9x.1, there is a function g1 : X 13 , 13 such that
|f (x) g1 (x)| for every x F . Put f1 (x) = f (x) g1 (x). Slightly
modifying the proof of 14.9x.1 we obtain a function g2 : X 29 , 29 ] such
that |f1 (x) g2 (x)| 94 for every x F , i.e. |f (x) g1 (x) g2 (x)| 49 .
Repeating this process, we construct a sequence of functions gn : X
2n1 2n1
3n , 3n ] such that
|f (x) g1 (x) . . . gn (x)| 3n .
Use 24.Hx to prove that the sum g1 (x)+. . .+gn (x) converges to a continuous
function g : X [1, 1]. Obviously, g|F = f .
15.1 This is obvious.
15.2 Sending each curve C in to a pair of points in Q2 R2 lying
inside two halves of C, we obtain an injection Q4 . It remains to
observe that Q4 is countable and use 15.1. (In order to show that Q4 is
countable, use 15.F and 15.E.)
15.3 The arrow is second countable: {(x, +) | x Q} is a countable
base. (Use 15.F.) Use 15.G to show that RT1 is not second countable.
15.4 Yes, they are: N is dense both in the arrow and in RT1 .
15.5 Consider the space from Problem 2.6.
15.6 Take an uncountable set (e.g., R) with all distances between
distinct points equal to 1. (See 4.A.)
15.7 Let X be a separable space, let {U }J be the collection of
pairwise disjoint open sets of X, and let A X be a countable everywhere-
dense subset. Taking for each J a point p() A U 6= , we obtain
an injection J A.
15.8 Use 11.H, 13.U, 13.S, 15.M, and 15.7.
15.9 Consider id : R RT1 and use 15.M and the result of 15.3.
15.10 Let X be the space, B0 a countable base of X, and B an arbitrary
base of X. By the Lindelof Theorem 15.O, each set in B0 is the union of a
countable collection of sets in B. It remains to use 15.E.
15.12 Obviously, it suffices to prove only the last assertion. If U is an
open set and a U , then there is r > 0 such that Br (a) U . Since rn 0,
there is k N such that rk < r, whence Brk (a) U .
15.13 If X is a discrete (respectively, indiscrete) space, then the min-
imal base at a point x X is {{x}} (respectively, {X}).
15.14 All spaces except RT1 , cf. 15.3.
solutions and answers 407
with sufficiently large n would do. (What finite -net would you sug-
S 2) T Let K1 , K2 , . . . be a Cauchy sequence in P. Show that K :=
Cl ( n=1 (
i=n Ki )) is a convex set in P, and Ki K as i .
17.17x This follows from 17.16x and the continuity of the area function
S : P R. (Cf. 17.11x.)
17.18x Similarly to 17.12x, it suffices to show that we can increase
the area of a compact set X distinct from a disk without increasing the
perimeter of X. 1) First, we take two points A, B Fr X that divide Fr X
in two parts of equal length. 2) The line AB splits X into two parts, X1 and
X2 . Suppose that the area of X1 is at least that of X2 . Then, if we replace
X2 by a mirror reflection of X1 , we do not decrease S(X). If X1 is not a
half-disk, then there is a point C X1 Fr X such that ACB 6= /2, and
we easily increase S(X).
18.1x Obvious.
18.2x All of them, except Q.
18.3x Let A = 1 1
n=1 n+1 , n and B = {0}. The sets A and B are
discrete and so locally compact, but the point 0 AB has no neighborhood
with compact closure (in A B).
18.4x See 18.Lx.
18.7x This is obvious since an open set U meets an A iff U meets
Cl A.
18.8x This immediately follows from 18.Qx.
18.9x Use 18.8x.
18.11x Let X be a locally compact space. Then X has a base consisting
of open sets with compact closures. By the Lindelof theorem, the base (being
an open cover of X) contains a countable subcovering of X. It remains to
use assertion 18.Xx.
18.12x Repeat the proof of a similar fact about compactness.
18.13x This is obvious. (Recall the definitions.)
18.14x Consider the cover = {X r F, U } of X. Let {V } be a
S refinement of . Then = {V | V SF 6= } is cover of F .
locally finite
Put W = V V . Since is locally finite, K = V Cl V is a closed
set. Then W and X r K are the required disjoint neighborhoods of F and
18.15x This immediately follows from 18.14x (or 18.16x).
18.16x This immediately follows from 18.14x.
18.17x Since X is Hausdorff and locally compact, each point x U
has a neighborhood V,x with compact closure lying in U . Since X is
412 Hints, comments, advices,
19.14 Using 19.9, 19.10, and the third formula of 19.A, we obtain
Fr(A B) = Cl(A B) r Int(A B) = (Cl A Cl B) r (Int A Int B)
= (Cl ArInt A)Cl B Cl A(Cl BrInt B) = (Fr ACl B)(Cl AFr B)
= Fr A(BFr B) (AFr A)Fr B = (Fr AB)(Fr AFr B)(AFr B).
19.15 It is sufficient to show that each elementary set in the product
topology of X Y is a union of sets of such form. Indeed,
[ [ [
U V = (U V ).
20.2x Let A be the closed element of the partition that is not one-point.
The saturation of any closed set F is either F itself, or the union F A, i.e.,
a closed set.
20.3x This is similar to 20.1x.
20.4x If A is saturated, then for each subset U A the saturation
of U is also a subset of A. Consequently, the saturation of Int A lies in A,
and, since the saturation is open, it coincides with Int A. Since X r A is
also saturated, Int(X r A) = X r Cl A is saturated, too, and so Cl A is also
21.1 Here is a partition of the segment with quotient space homeomor-
phic to the letter A. It consists of the two-point sets { 16 , 1}, { 23 x, 32 + x}
for x (0, 16 ]; the other elements are singletons. The idea of the proof
is the same as that used in 21.2: we construct a continuous surjection of
the segment onto the letter A. Consider the map defined by the following
(3t, 6t) if x [0, 13 ],
x [ 13 , 12 ],
(3t, 4 6t)
f (t) = ( 92 6t, 1) if x [ 12 , 23 ],
x [ 32 , 56 ],
(6t 2 , 1)
(3t 1, 6 6t) if x [ 56 , 1].
Show that f (I) is precisely the letter A, and the partition into the preimages
under f is the partition described in the beginning of the solution.
21.2 Let u : I I I be a Peano curve, i.e., a continuous surjection.
Then the injective factor of the map u is a homeomorphism of a certain
quotient space of the segment onto the square.
21.3 Let S be the partition of A into A B and singletons in X r
B = A r B, T the partition of X into B and singletons in X r B, prA :
A A/S and prX : X X/T the projections. Since the quotient map
q : A/A B X/B is obviously a continuous bijection, to prove that
q is a homeomorphism, it suffices to check that q is an open map. Let
U A/A B be an open set, V = pr1 A U . Then V is open in A and
saturated in X. If V B = , then V is also open in X because {A, B}
is a fundamental cover of X, and so q(U ) = prX (V ) is open in X/T . If
V B 6= , then, obviously, V A B, and so the saturated set W = V B
is open in X. In this case, q(U ) = prX (W ) is also open in X/B .
solutions and answers 417
and prove that S(f ) is the given partition. Therefore, f /S(f ) : I/S(f )
= I.
21.5 Consider the function : R+ R+ that vanishes for t [0, 1]
and is equal to t 1 for t 1 and the map f : R2 R2 , where f (x, y) =
(r) (r)
r x, r y ; here, as before, r = x2 + y 2 . By construction, R2 /D2 =
R2 /S(f ). The map f /S(f ) is a continuous bijection. In order to see that
f /S(f ) is a homeomorphism, use 18.Ox (18.Px). In order to see that R2 is
also homeomorphic to other spaces, use the constructions described in the
solutions of Problems 10.2010.22.
21.6 Let S be the partition of X into A and singletons in X \ A. Let
T be the partition of Y into f (A) and singletons in Y \ f (A). Show that
f /(S, T ) is a homeomorphism.
horizontal line; all the remaining elements of the partition are singletons.
We see that the quotient space I 2 /S is homeomorphic to the cylinder. Now
let S be the partition of the cylinder into pairs of points on the bases
symmetric with respect to the center of the cylinder; the other elements are
singletons. Then the partition T of the square into the preimages under the
map p : I 2 I 2 /S of the preimages of elements of S coincides with the
partition the quotient space by which is the Klein bottle.
21.17 The first assertion F follows from the fact that the open sets in
the topology induced from A X on the image in (X ) have the form
{(x, ) | x U }, where U is an open set in X , and so ab in : X in (X )
a homeomorphism. Furthermore, each of these images is open in the sum
of the spaces (because each of its in -preimages is either empty, or equal to
X ), and hence is also closed.
21.18 The separation axioms and the first axiom of countability are
inherited. The separability and the second axiom
F of countability require
that the index set be countable. The space A X is disconnected if
the number of summands is greater than one. The space is compact if the
number of summands is finite and each of the summands is compact.
21.19 The composition = pr in2 is injective because each element
of the partition in X1 X2 contains at most one point in in2 (X2 ). The
continuity of is obvious. Consider an open set U X2 . The set in1 (X1 )
in2 (U ) is open in X1 X2 and saturated, and so its image W is open in
X2 f X1 . Since the intersection W (X2 ) = (U ) is open in (X2 ), it
follows that is a topological embedding.
21.20 Thus, X = {}. Put Y = Y {} and A = A {}. It is clear
that the factor g : Y /A Y /A of the injection in : Y Y is a continuous
bijection. Prove that the map g is open.
21.21 Cut the square in order to obtain (after factorization) two
Mobius strips, which must be glued together along their boundary circles.
21.22 Use the map
(idS 1 i+ ) (idS 1 i ) : (S 1 I) (S 1 I) S 1 S 1 ,
that |z1 | = |z2 | = 1 , therefore, the set is a torus. Now consider the subset
T1 determined by the inequality |z1 | |z2 | and the map taking (z1 , z2 ) T1
to (u, v) = |zz12 | , |zz22 | C2 . Show that this map is a homeomorphism of T1
onto D 2 S 1 and complete the argument on your own.
21.26 The cylinder or the Mobius strip. Consider a homeomorphism
g between the vertical sides of the square, let g : (0, x) 7 (1, f (x)). The
map f is a homeomorphism I I, therefore, f is a (strictly) monotone
function. Assume that the function f is increasing, in particular, f (0) = 0
and f (1) = 1. Let us show that there is a homeomorphism h : I 2 I 2
such that h(0, x) = x and h(1, x) = (1, f (x)) for all x I. For this purpose,
we subdivide the square by the diagonals in four parts, and define h on the
right-hand triangle by the formula
1+t 1t
1+t 1t
h 2 , 2 + tx = 2 , 2 + tf (x) ,
a path in the space of paths, which precisely means that the space C(I, X)
is path-connected.
24.11x The space C (pw) (I, I) is noncompact since the sequence of
functions fn (x) = xn has no accumulation points in this space. The same
sequence has no limit points in C(I, I), and, hence, this space also is not
24.12x Let
X dn (f, g)
d(f, g) = .
2n (1+ dn (f, g))
26.6x Use the idea of the solution to Problem 26.5x and the fact that
addition, multiplication, and their compositions are continuous.
26.7x Consider, e.g., the cofinite topology of Problem 2.5, or, what
would be more interesting, the topology of an irrational flow R T 2 .
(See 28.1x (f).)
26.8x Consider any two (algebraically) nonisomorphic discrete finite
groups of equal order. Here is a more meaningful example: the topological
group GL+ (2, R) GL(2, R) of invertible 2 2 matrices with positive deter-
minant is homeomorphic to O+ (2) R3 . (Here, O+ (2) = O(2) GL+ (2, R).)
The two groups are not isomorphic because the first one is not Abelian, while
the second one is.
26.10x Yes, it does. (For the same reason as in 26.Ex.)
26.11x Use the fact that U V = xV U x and V U = xV xU .
26.12x No, it will not. A counterexample is given by a point by
point sum U + V of a singleton U R with an open interval V R. A
counterexample where both U and V are closed is given in 26.13x
26.13x (a), (b) Yes. (c) No. This group is everywhere dense, but
obviously does not coincide with R. (For example, because it is countable,
while R is not.)
26.14x Let x / U V . Then U and xV 1 are disjoint. Apply 26.14x.1
and take a neighborhood W of 1G such that W U does not meet xV 1 . Then
W 1 x does not meet U V .
26.14x.1 For each x C, the unity 1G has a neighborhood Vx such
that xVx does not meet F . By 26.Hx, 1G has a neighborhood Wx such
that Wx2 Vx . Since C is compact, C is covered by finitely Tn many sets
of the form
S W = x W
1 S 1 x1 , . . . ,
S nW = x W
n xn . Put V 1 = 1 Wxi . Then
CV1 Wi V xi Wxi xi Vxi , so that CV does not meet F . In a
similar way, we construct a neighborhood V2 of 1G such that V2 C does not
meet F . The neighborhood V = V1 V2 possesses the required property.
If G is a locally compact group, then we choose the neighborhood Vx with
compact closure and then proceed as before.
26.15x By 26.Hx, 1G has a neighborhood V with V V U . By 26.Gx,
V contains a symmetric neighborhood V2 of 1G . Then V2 V2 V V U .
After that, proceed by induction, replacing U by V2 and choosing as Vn a
symmetric neighborhood V of 1G such that V n1 V2 . Then V n V22 U .
Observe that V V V .
26.16x The set H = n=1 V
n is open. Clearly, 1 H, H 1 H,
f (s (1 3t))
for t 0, 13 ,
H(s, t) = u(3s 1) for t 13 , 23 ,
g(s (3t 2)) for t 32 , 1].
How do you think, where have we used the assumption |f (x) g(x)| < 2?
29.14 This immediately follows from 29.13.
30.1 To shorten the notation, put = (uv)w and = u(vw); by
assumption, (s) = (s) for all s [0, 1]. In the proof of assertion 30.E.2,
we construct a function such that = . Consequently, (s) = ((s)),
whence (s) = (n (s)) for all s [0, 1] and n N (here n is the n-fold
composition of ). Since (s) < s for s (0, 1), it follows that the sequence
n (s) is monotone decreasing, and we easily see that it tends to zero for each
s (0, 1). By assumption, : I X, therefore, (s) = (n (s)) (0) =
x0 for all s [0, 1), whence (s) = x0 also for all s [0, 1). Consequently,
we also have (1) = x0 .
30.2 The solution of Problem 30.D implies that we must construct
three paths u, v, and w in a certain space such that ((s)) = (s) for all
s [0, 1] (here, as in 30.1, = (uv)w). Consider, for example, the paths
I [0, 3] defined by the formulas u(s) = s, v(s) = s + 1, and w(s) = s + 2;
solutions and answers 429
Thus, u(s) = a for all s 0, 21 . Further, if s 12 , 34 , then 2s 1 0, 21 ,
whence it follows that u(s) = u(2s 1) = a also for all s 12 , 34 . Reasoning
further in a similar way, we see as a result that u(s) = a for all s [0, 1).
If we put no restrictions on the space X, then it is quite possible that
u(1) = x 6= a (show this). Also show that the assumptions of the problem
imply that u(1) = a (cf. 30.1).
30.5 This is quite obvious.
31.1 The homotopies h such that h(0, t) = h(1, t) for all t I.
31.2 See Problem 31.3.
31.3 If z = e2is , then
( (
u e4is if s 0, 21 , U (z 2 ) if Imz 0,
uv e = 1 =
v e4is if s 2 , 1 V (z 2 ) if Imz 0.
and the three-point sets {(0, y), (1, 1 y), (2, y) | x (0, 1), y [0, 1]}.
Since each element of the first partition is contained in a certain element
of the second partition, it follows that a quotient map p : K/R K/R is
defined, which is the required covering of the Mobius strip by a cylinder.
There is also a simpler option. We introduce an equivalence relation on
S 1 I : (z, t) (z, 1 t). Verify that the quotient space by this relation
is homeomorphi to the Mobius strip, and the factorization projection is a
33.5 The solution is similar to that of Problem 33.4. Consider two
partitions of the rectangle K = [0, 3] [0, 1]. The two-point elements of the
first of them are the pairs {(0, y), (3, 1 y) | y [0, 1]}, and the four-point
elements of the second one are quadruples {(0, y), (1, 1 y), (2, y), (3, 1 y) |
x (0, 1), y [0, 1]}.
33.6 Modify the solution of Problem 33.4, including into the partition R
the quadruple of the vertices of the rectangle K and the pairs {(x, 0), (x, 1) |
x (0, 2)}. Another approach to constructing the same covering involves
introducing the following equivalence relation in S 1 S 1 : (z, w) (z, w)
(see the solution of Problem 33.4).
33.7 There are standard coverings R S 1 S 1 S 1 and R R
S 1 S 1 such that their compositions with the covering whose construction
was outlined in the solution of Problem 33.6 are coverings of the Klein bottle
by a cylinder and by the plane. Modifying the solution of Problem 33.5, we
obtain a nontrivial covering of the Klein bottle by the Klein bottle. We
also present a more geometric description of the required covering. Let
q : M M be a covering of the Mobius strip by the Mobius strip, let
M1 and M2 be two copies of the Mobius strip, and let q1 : M1 M1 and
q2 : M2 M2 be two copies of q. If we paste M1 and M2 together along
their common boundary, then we obtain the Klein bottle. It is clear that as
a result we construct a covering of the Klein bottle by the Klein bottle.
33.8 The preimages of points have the form x + k, 21 + (1)k1 ( 21
y) + l | k, l Z .
loop on the torus and ue is the path covering u and starting at the origin,
e(1) Zn Rn . Prove that this map is well defined and is
then deg([u]) = u
an isomorphism.
35.4 This assumption was used where we used the fact that the n-sphere
is simply connected, in other words, the covering S n RP 2 is universal only
for n 2.
31.7 Consider the following three cases, where X: 1) contains no open
singletons (i.e., no open points); 2) contains a unique open singleton; 3)
contains two open singletons.
35.7 For example, construct an infinite-sheeted covering (in a narrow
sense) of X (see 7.V).
35.8 Let us show that 1 (X)
= Z. The universal covering space of X
is Z = (Z, 4 ), where the topology 4 is determined by the base consisting
of singletons {2k}, k Z, and 3-point sets {2k, 2k + 1, 2k + 2}, k Z. The
projection p : Z X is such that
p1 (a) = {4k | k Z}, p1 (b) = {4k + 1 | k Z},
2n if t 0, 13 ,
Hn (2n, t) = 2n 1 if t 31 , 23 ,
2n 2 if t 32 , 1 .
X = {a0 , b0 , c0 , a1 , a1 , b1 , b1 , c1 , c1 , a2 , b2 , c2 , d2 }
36.1 First of all, we observe that, since the fundamental group of the
punctured plane is Abelian, the operator of translation along any loop is the
identity homomorphism. Consequently, two homotopic maps f, g : C r 0
C r 0 induce the same homomorphism on the level of fundamental groups.
Let f be the map z 7 z 3 . The generator of the group 1 (C r 0, 1) is the
class of the loop s(t) = e2it . The image of f () is the class of the
loop f# (u) = f u, therefore, f# (u)(t) = e6it , whence f () = 3 6= .
Consequently, f 6= id1 (Cr0,1) , whence it follows that f is not homotopic to
the identity.
36.2 Denote by i the inclusion X Rn . If the map f extends to
F : Rn Y , then f = F i, whence f = F i . However, since Rn is simply
connected, it follows that the homomorphism F is trivial, consequently, so
is the homomorphism f .
36.3.1 Denote by a homeomorphism of an open set U X onto
S 1 S 1 r (1, 1). If X = U , then the assertion is obvious because the group
1 (S 1 S 1 r(1, 1)) is a free group with two generators. Otherwise, we define
f : X S 1 S 1 by letting
(x) for x U,
f (x) =
(1, 1) for x
/ U.
438 Hints, comments, advices,
the image of the path w s1 lies in the first quadrant. It starts at the point
u(1) v(0) = (1, 0) and ends at the point u(1) v(1) = (0, 1). Since the
first quadrant is a simply connected set, it follows that the path w s1
is homotopic there to any path joining the same points, for example, the
paths 1 (t) = eit/2 . Similarly, the path w s2 lies in the second quadrant
and is homotopic there to the path 2 (t) = ei(t+1)/2 . Thus, the path
w s is homotopic in R2 r 0 to the path = 1 2 3 4 defined by the
formula ( ) = e2i . Consequently, the class of the loop w s generates
1 (R2 r (1, 0)), in particular, this loop is not null-homotopic. On the other
hand, the loop ws is null-homotopic in R2 r0 by 36.G.4. The contradiction
obtained proves that u(x) v(y) = w(x, y) = 0 for certain x I and y I,
i.e., the paths u and v intersect.
36.5x For example, consider the sets
[ 2n1
F = {(1, 1)} [0, 1) 0 2n [0, 2n1
2n ]
[ 2n 1
G = {(1, 0)} [0, 1) 1 2n+1 [ 2n+1 , 1] .
u(z) s(t)
h(z, t) = u,s(t) (z) =
|u(z) s(t)|
36.9x Assume for the simplicity that the disk contains the origin. The
(1 t)u(z) x
h(z, t) =
|(1 t)u(z) x|
shows that u,x is null-homotopic, whence ind(u, x) = 0.
36.10x (a) ind(u, x) = 1 if |x| < 1, and ind(u, x) = 0 if |x| > 1. (b)
ind(u, x) = 1 if |x| < 1, and ind(u, x) = 0 if |x| > 1. (c) {ind(u, x) | x
R2 r u(S 1 )} = {0, 1, 1}.
36.11x The lemniscate L splits the plane in three components. The
index of any loop with image L with respect to any point in the unbounded
component is equal to zero. For each pair (k, l) of integers, there is a loop u
such that the index of u with respect to points in one bounded component is
equal to k, while the index of u with respect to points in the other bounded
component is equal to l.
36.12x See the solution of Problem36.11x.
36.13x We can assume that x is the origin and the ray R is the positive
half of the x axis. It is more convenient to consider the loop u : I S 1 ,
f (e2it )
u(t) = |f (e2it )|
. Assume that the set f 1 (R) is finite and consists of n
points. Consequently, u1 (1) = {t0 , t1 , . . . , tn }, and we have t0 = 0 and
tn = 1. The loop u is homotopic to the product of loops ui , i = 1, 2, . . . , n,
each of which has the following property: ui (t) = 1 only for t = 0, 1. Prove
that [ui ] is equal either to zero, or to a generator of 1 (S 1 ). Therefore, if
the integer ki is the image of [ui ] under the isomorphism 1 (S 1 ) Z and
k = ind(f, x) is the image of [u] under this isomorphism, then
|k| = |k1 + k2 + . . . kn | |k1 | + |k2 | + . . . + |kn | n
because each of the numbers ki is 0 or 1.
36.14x Apply the BorsukUlam Theorem to the function taking each
point on the surface of Earth to the pair of numbers (t, p), where t is the
temperature at the point and p is the pressure.
37.1 If 1 : X A and 2 : A B are retractions, then 2 1 : X B
is also a retraction.
37.2 If 1 : X A and 2 : Y B are retractions, then so is
1 2 : X Y A B.
37.3 Put f (x) = a for x a, f (x) = x for x [a, b], f (x) = b for x b
(i.e., f (x) = max{a, min{x, b}}). Then f : R [a, b] is a retraction.
37.4 This follows from 37.6, or, in a more customary way: if f (x) = x
for all x (a, b), then the continuity of f implies that f (b) = b, thus, there
exists no continuous function on R with image (a, b).
solutions and answers 441
homotopic to idX , it follows that each point x X lies in the same path-
connected component as the point g(f (x)). Consequently, the composition
gb f is the identity map. Similarly, fb gb is also identical. Consequently, fb
and gb are mutually inverse maps, in particular, the sets 0 (X) and 0 (Y )
have equal cardinalities.
38.3 The proof is similar to that of 38.2.
38.4 For example, consider: a point, a segment, a bouquet of n seg-
ments with n 3.
38.5 We prove that the midline L of the Mobius strip M (i.e., the
image of the segment I 21 under factorization I I M ) is a strong
deformation retract of M . The geometric argument is obvious: we define ht
as the contraction of M towards L with ratio 1 t. Thus, h0 is identical,
while h1 maps M to L. Now we present the corresponding formulas. Since
M is a quotient space of the square, first, consider the homotopy
H : I I I I I : (u, v, t) 7 u, (1 t)v + 2 .
Furthermore, we have H u, 12 , t = u, 21 for all t I. Since (1 t)v +
2 + (1 t)(1 v) + 2t = 1, it follows that this homotopy is compatible with
the factorization and thus induces a homotopy h : M I M . We have
H(u, v, 0) = (u, v), whence h0 = idM and H1 (u, v) = u, 21 .
38.6 The letters E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z are homotopy
equivalent to a point; A,O,P,Q,R are homotopy equivalent to a circle; finally,
B is homotopy equivalent to a bouquet of two circles.
38.7 This can be proved in various ways. For example, we can produce
circles lying in the handle H whose union is a strong deformation retract
of H. For this purpose, we present the handle as a result of factorizing the
annulus A = {z | 21 |z| 1} by the following relation: ei ei for
4 , 4 , and ei ei for 4 , 34 . The image of the standard
unit circle under the factorization by the above equivalence relation is the
required bouquet of two circles lying in of the handle. The formula H(z, t) =
(1 t)z + t |z| determines a homotopy between the identity map of A and
the map z 7 |z| of A onto the outer rim of A, and H(z, t) = z for all z S 1
and t I. The quotient map of H is the required homotopy.
38.8 This follows from 38.7 and 38.I.
38.9 Embed each of these spaces in R3 r S 1 so that the image of the
embedding be a deformation retract of R3 r S 1 . Let us present one more
space homotopy equivalent to our two spaces: the union X of S 2 with one
444 Hints, comments, advices,
e1 = 11 f1 ,
e2 = 21 f1 + 22 f2 ,
en = n1 f1 + n2 f2 + . . . + nn fn ,
Q (C r 0) (C2 r A) S 1 S 1 : (a, b, c) 7 a, ab , ac .
solutions and answers 447
pk pl : S 1 S 1 S 1 S 1 : (z, w) 7 (z k , wl ).
a b
More generally, for each integer matrix A = c d we can consider the
S m+n1 (D m S n1 ) (S m1 D n )
where the first map is a submap of the homeomorphism , the second one
is the obvious map defined on each part as the product of the characteristic
and the attaching map, and the third one is an inclusion.
40.4 No, it does not. Show that the product topology on the product
of two copies of the cellular space of Problem 40.9 is not cellular.
40.5 Actually,
Sn when solving Problem 40.H, we used, firstly, the presen-
tation RP = k=0 RP , secondly, the fact that RP k r RP k1 is an open
k-cell. Use the presentation CP n = nk=0 CP k . Prove that for all integer
k 0 the difference CP k r CP k1
= B 2k . Furthermore, it is clear that the
attaching map S 2k1 CP k1 is the factorization map.
40.6 (a) Delete from the square a set homeomorphi to the open disk
and bounded by a curve starting and ending at a certain vertex of the square
I 2 . The rest splits into 10 cells, and the quotient space of the complement
splits into 5 cells and is homeomorphi to a handle.
(b) The Mobius strip is the quotient space of the square, which has a cellular
partition consisting of 9 cells. After factorization, we obtain a partition of
the Mobius strip consisting of 6 cells.
(c) As well as the space in the preceding item, S 1 I is a quotient space of
the square. Or, differently, see 40.3.
(d)(e) See 40.12.
40.7 (a) 4 cells: present the Mobius strip as a result of factorization of
a triangle under which all three vertices are identified into one. Show that
one 1-cell is insufficient.
(b) 2p + 2 cells; (c) q + 2 cells. See 40.12. In order to show that this number
solutions and answers 451
in R is not generated by any metric, use the fact that R is not first
countable (prove this).
40.12 We prove several assertions in this list.
(a) The word aa1 describes the quotient space of D 2 by the partition into
pairs of points of S 1 that are symmetric with respect to one of the diameters.
This quotient space is homeomorphi to S 2 . The cellular partition has two
0-cells, a 1-cell, and a 2-cell.
(b) The word aa describes the quotient space of D2 by the partition into
pairs of centrally symmetric points of the circle (and singletons formed by
the remaining points). It is homeomorphi to the projective plane. The
cellular partition consists of three cells: a 0-cell, a 1-cell, and a 2-cell.
(g) Consider the p-gon P with vertices at the common endpoints of the pairs
1 1
of edges marked by a1 and b1 p , a2 and b1 , . . . , ap and bp1 , and cut the
initial 4p-gon along the sides of P . Factorizing P , we obtain a sphere with
p holes. Factorizing the remaining pentagons, we obtain p handles.
40.13 For example, consider the so-called complete 5-graph K5 , i.e.,
the space with 5 vertices pairwise joined by edges. To prove that it cannot
be embedded in R2 , use the Euler Theorem 42.3.
41.1x Let : D n X be the characteristic map of the attached cell,
let i : A X be the inclusion. We can assume that x = (0), where 0 is
the center of Dn . We introduce the map
z if z A,
g : X r x A : g(z) =
( 1 (z)/| 1 (z)|) if z
/ A.
We prove that the maps idXrx and i g are A-homotopic. Consider the
rectilinear homotopy eh : (D n r x) I D n r x between the identity map
and the projection : D n r x D n r x : z 7 |z| . We define the homotopy
h : (A (Dn r x)) I A (D n r x)
by letting
z if z A,
h(z, t) = e
h(z, t) if z Dn .
452 Hints, comments, advices,
e (2x) for |x| 21 ,
f (x) = x 1
h |x| , 2(1 |x|) for 2 |x| 1,
e (2x) for |x| 12 ,
g (x) = x 1
h |x| , 2|x| 1 for 2 |x| 1,
X A D 2 D 2 D 2 D 2 S 2 S 2 .
The sphere has a partition consisting of two cells, which, obviously, is the
smallest possible number of cells.
solutions and answers 453
43.14x Let us cut the torus (respectively, the Klein bottle) along a
circle B so that as a result we obtain a cylinder, which will be our space
C. Denote by the generator of 1 (B) = Z, and by the generator of
1 (C)
= Z. In the case of torus, we have 1 = 2 = , while for the
Klein bottle we have 1 = = 1 2 . Thus, by Theorem 43.Fx, we obtain a
presentation of the fundamental group of the torus h, | = i and of
the Klein bottle h, | = 1 i.
55.1x The construction from the proof of Theorem 55.Dx provides a
covering with the required properties.
55.2x Prove that for arbitrary covering of this sort there exist a split-
ting to a covering in the narrow sense of a handle and the trivial covering
of the rest, see the proof of 55.Dx. Use such splittings to construct the
456 Hints, comments, advices,