Primaryappsforipad2016 2017

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Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17

Purpose Ways to Use in the Classroom How To Directions

iMovie Make engaging movies. Students create a video based on a concept

Students can create and edit that they want to present from Reading.
movies using still images, Students create a video explaining how they
videos, and audio. solved a math or science concept.
iMovie Link
Students create a video persuading someone
to use their idea.
Students create a narrative video about their
life so far.

Keynote/Powerpoint An app to showcase content. Students create a presentation based on a How to use Keynote
Students can create an concept that they want to showcase from their on a Mac
engaging presentation with reading.
embedded images, videos, Students create a presentation explaining how Another Keynote How
audio, and transitions. they solved a math or science concept. to on a Mac
Students can embed videos, audio clips,
and/or images. Keynote on iPads

How to use
Powerpoint on Macs

How to use
Powerpoint on iPads

Google Slides Students can create an Students create a presentation based on a WCPS Training
Showcase content engaging presentation with concept that they want to showcase from their Modules Google
embedded images, videos, reading. Slides
audio, and transitions. Students create a presentation explaining how
Google slides can easily be they solved a math or science concept.
shared through Google Drive Students can embed videos, audio clips,
and/or images.
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
Adobe Spark Students can tell their own Students can design their own effect, pick their Adobe Voice
story using their voice own images, and add music to tell their own
personal created story
Based on the images they pick, will be the
story that they tell

Educreations Students can communicate Students can answer a focus question and the Educreations Link
their ideas with audio and teacher can hear how they are solving it
visuals Can be shared with other students in the

Green Screen Students can communicate and Students can create movie, newscast, Green Screen
share ideas with animation, audio educational tv show, etc. where they share
and visuals. information they have gained from a unit.

Shadow Puppet Students can create videos Link for how to use Shadow Puppets in your Shadow Puppet
using pictures (offline and classroom
camera roll), text, and audio
(recording their voice) in an
easy-to-use format.

Skitch Students can annotate over Teacher takes photos of the text the students Skitch Link
images found online using are reading and students can circle key words,
text, symbols, and images. underline key ideas, or write down their own
Students can annotate over notes
Students can take photos of their own texts
pictures that they take using
and answer focus questions
text, symbols, and images.
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17

Word Processing Purpose Ways to Use in the Classroom How To Directions


Pages/Word Students can type up Have the students type up the different parts How to use Pages on
narratives, informational of the writing process. an iPad
papers, or persuasive papers. Both programs will edit the spelling and
grammar. How to use Pages on
an iPad 2

When using
Microsoft Word, the
students will have to
sign in to their WCPS

Google Docs Students can type up Have the students type up the different parts WCPS Google Docs
narratives, informational of the writing process. Training Modules
papers, or persuasive papers. Both programs will edit the spelling and
Students can share their work grammar.
with the teacher, peer, or a Students and teachers can engage
professional. simultaneously in the editing and revising
Teacher can send private messages
Teacher can view the students document in
live time.

Evernote Students can create notes and Students can take notes and organize them How to use Evernote
add them to an online notebook by putting them into different binders on an iPad
Students can insert images and videos into
their notes How to use Evernote
Students can import images from Skitch to on an iPad 2
their binder
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17

Content Purpose Ways to Use in the Classroom How To Directions


iBooks Students can read an iBook that Students can have a variety of different How to use
could have videos, images, leveled texts in their hands through the iPad iBooks
highlighting features, and read Students can take notes and highlight on the functionality
aloud options. iBook How to use
Some books have read aloud options. iBooks
Students can read other student published functionality 2

Book Creator Students and teachers can Intermediate students can make texts for Book Creator Link
easily create interactive and primary students.
engaging books that can be All students can create their own books and
shared with students, parents, share with other students.
and staff Teachers can make books about content that
Teachers can make books to could be hard to find.
support specific content they Graphic novels can be made based on the
are teaching. skills that students need practice on.
Students can make books so
that other students can read
Books can be published to the
iBookStore or shared locally
through Google Drive.

Brytewave Database Enhancements to learning and Gives students the ability to check out and
teaching see what Follett eBooks are in the school
Easy and instant access to our library Brytewave
librarys Follett eBook
Faculty/Staff Login:
Username - your 5 & 3
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
Password - your
employee number
Username - 5 & 3
Password - id# (no

iTunesU Teachers can create or search For students that need extra practice and How to use iTunes U
for courses based on specific modeling, the embedded videos and apps
content they are teaching. can reinforce skills. Multiplication Math
The courses have videos, apps, For students that have progressed beyond Course
websites, and handouts that can the skill, they can access enriched content.
be used by the teachers and Fraction Math
students. Course

EdPuzzle Students can independently Students can work independently during Edpuzzle Link
watch content videos and center time.
answer questions about the Students can answer questions in content
video. areas.
Teachers are able to view the Students have to watch the entire video -
answers that students cannot rush ahead to just answer questions.
Keeps students accountable.

Google Earth Google Earth is a geobrowser study natural and political maps Google Earth Basic
that accesses satellite and learn map reading and navigation Directions
aerial imagery, ocean images, visually explore historical, news, and census
and other geographic data to data
represent the Earth as a annotate locations and share with others Printable Overview
three-dimensional globe. create their own 3D models to overlay on maps of Google Earth
Google Earth is a virtual globe. download geographically-referenced information
created by others
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
Google Maps Google maps provides great Students can help plan the route to an How to use Google
visuals of local, national, and upcoming field trip Maps
international areas. Students can use the map to see different
Google maps provides details parts of their city, state, etc. How to use Google
about current traffic, landforms, Students can see the actual views of different Maps 2
and transportation routes. places around the world

Khan Academy Students are able view and Re-teach of material Khan Academy Link
have material re-taught to assist Self-guided with students being in control of
their understanding their learning/review
Multiple opportunities to view, pause,
practice, and play again
Additional videos to support their learning
Opportunities to explore/advance their

Pearson Etext Only for use with purchased textbooks

Simplemind Students can communicate their Creating character webs Simplemind

ideas through creating a web Creating timeline of events Instructional Video
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
Individualized Purpose Ways to Use in the Classroom How To Directions

Front Row Front Row is a way to Math rotations Getting Started on

differentiate instruction for Reading rotations Front Row
students in math and ELA. Homework Teacher Dashboard
It provides students with Extra skill practice
questions based on their level.
Provides teachers with
numerous reports, which show
student report card, growth,
groupings, etc.
Provides teachers with printables
that can used for additional

Management Purpose Ways to Use in the Classroom How To Directions


ClassDojo Behavior Management Behavior Incentives 1. Download the free

Parent Communicator Den Dollar Collector ClassDojo app - or
Message Parents go to
Attendance Tracker
Homework Tracker m and create an
Participation Tracker account
Timer 2. Get set up by
Random Button entering your
student list
3. Get parents signed
up by printing and
sending home
invitations, or invite
them by email
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
Google Sheets Google sheets are very similar to This app differs from Excel/Numbers in WCPS Google Sheet
Numbers/Excel spreadsheets. that it automatically saves as you work Tutorials
These are electronic documents and can more easily be shared.
in which data is arranged in the Teachers can use this apps to display
rows and columns of a grid and and analyze data from other apps and
can be manipulated and used in sources that they collect. These
calculations. Tables, graphs, spreadsheet programs can be
charts, and images can be formatted to complete simple and
integrated and created from data. complex calculations as well as be
programmed to do things like count
Students can use this apps to organize
information (data and numbers) that
they may find/create into tables,
charts, and graphs.

Google Classroom Google Classroom allows Teacher can record their read aloud and WCPS Google Classroom
teachers to: upload the discussion so all students can Training Modules
manage and distribute access at any time
assignments and class Shared document so students can view
and comment on other students work
Post a focus question that students
give students feedback to
respond to
assignments. Students upload writing pieces for other
share links and content. students to view and comment on
provides teachers and Independent Book clubs with guiding
students with a safe questions
environment to
communicate with each
other and exchange ideas
and comments on
educational content.
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
Google Drive Online storage for Google Docs, Students can upload all of their files to WCPS Google Drive
Sheets, Slides, Forms, images, one central location. Training Modules
and videos. Students can share files with the
Files can easily be shared with teacher, other students, and parents.
other people. Students can create an online portfolio
of some of their best work to

Lino An online bulletin board to allow The whole class can see 1 bulletin board Basic Lino Overview
whole classes to share their Online graffiti wall
thoughts/ideas about the given Teacher can post a document and Teacher Lino Overview
topic. students can use virtual post it notes to
book discussions

NearPod Teachers can manage content Teachers can give presentations to NearPod
on students screens. students and they can follow along on
Teachers can create interactive their iPads. Note: Comparison of the
presentations themselves. Track students progress as they are features in the free and
doing activities separately. paid versions of NearPod.
Teachers can put activities in what they
are showing kids.
Get students involved in the lesson by
including places they can draw, take
polls, and quizzes.

Numbers/Excel Numbers/Excel are spreadsheets Teachers can use these apps to Excel for iPads Tutorial
which are electronic documents in display and analyze data from other
which data is arranged in the apps and sources that they collect. Numbers for iPads
rows and columns of a grid and These spreadsheet programs can be Tutorial
can be manipulated and used in formatted to complete simple and
calculations. Tables, graphs, complex calculations as well as be
charts, and images can be
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
integrated and created from data programmed to do things like count
in Numbers/Excel. data.
Students can use these apps to
organize information (data and
numbers) that they may find/create
into tables, charts, and graphs.

Schoology Schoology /skoo.luh.jee/: Very Similar to Google Classroom Schoology Overview

Teachers can communicate with Has Gradebook
students, parents, and colleagues Lesson sharing Home page
all in one place. The teacher can Test distributor
create classrooms right on the Facebook like platform Courses Page
page that are similar to Google
Classroom. Teachers can post Data Page
information such as updates,
grades, and assignments.

Seesaw Seesaw empowers students of Students capture learning with photos Students can
Jennifer Babb any age to independently and videos of their work, or by adding show what they
document what they are learning digital creations. Everything gets know using
at school. organized in one place and is photos, videos,
accessible to teachers from any drawings, text,
device. PDFs, and links.
Student work can be shared with You can also
classmates, parents, or published to a import directly from
class blog. Seesaw gives students a most popular apps.
real audience for their work and offers
parents a personalized window into me/learn-more
their child's learning.
Wonderful portfolio
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
Side by Side Photos Side by Side allows the user to Teachers/students can take pictures of Side by Side
compare two images at the same a lesson, craft, experiment, etc, then
time. formulate discussion points or
It is a unique example of another compare what is happening in the
way to create a photo album and pictures.
compare your pictures. Can be used a fun tool to compare
and contrast pictures or images as a
fun sidebar activity.
Great for comparing and contrasting,
however can present limited use in the

Aurasma App allows students to record Lets say you have students produce a Aurasma Simple
something behind a trigger writing piece - you could have students Instructions
picture. So, when you use the record themselves reading the writing
app to look at something, a video, or talking about the process they went Note: Students have to
link, photo will pop up. through to write this piece so that log into an account to use
when someone holds the ipad up to this app. The teacher
their work, the video of the student should create a login and
talking plays. use it on all their student
Art work - students can record ipads so that students can
themselves talking about a piece that all view the Auras that are
they created so that when they hold created for the class.
the app up to the piece they see the
video of the student talking about their
Scavenger Hunt - Have students find
the Aurasma Auras and discover
information that they can only see
when they hold the app up to the
trigger object.
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
Encore Purpose Ways to Use in the Classroom How To Directions

GarageBand GarageBand is a whole music Very similar I movie

creation studio right inside your Mac
with a complete sound library that
includes software instruments,
presets for guitar and voice, and
virtual session drummers. An Plug in your USB keyboard and dive into the
intuitive interface makes it easy to completely inspiring and expanded Sound
learn, play, record, create, and Library, featuring new electronicbased music
share your hits worldwide. Its never styles like EDM and Hip Hop. The builtin set
been easier to make music like a of instruments and loops gives you plenty of
pro. creative freedom.
Plug it in. Tear it up.
Plug in your guitar and choose from a
vanload of amps, cabinets, and stompboxes.
Design your dream bass rig.
Customize your bass tone just the way you
want it. Mix and match vintage or modern
amps and speaker cabinets. You can even
choose and position different microphones to
create your signature sound.
Drumroll please.
GarageBand features Drummer, a virtual
session drummer that takes your direction
and plays along with your song. Choose from
up to 28 drummers in six genres.
Shape your sound. Quickly and easily.
Whenever youre using a software instrument,
amp, or effect, Smart Controls appear with
the perfect set of knobs, buttons, and sliders.
So you can shape your sound quickly and
keep right on creating.
Look, Mom no wires.
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
You can wirelessly control GarageBand right
from your iPad with the Logic Remote app.
Play any software instrument, shape your
sound with Smart Controls, and even hit Stop,
Start, and Record from across the room.

Hopscotch Programming made easy! Make Students can create games based on Hopscotch Webinar
games, stories, animations and content/standards and then share
more! is a drag-and-drop them. Coding and problem solving
programming app for kids to write skills
their own programs. Kids need to be
independent readers to follow the
instructions and commands and
"write" their code, but there is no
objectionable content. Kids create
programs that control characters
and can add text to their programs.

Piano Free Interactive piano with animated Students can use this interactive app
songs that allows the students to in their music or band class to perfect
practice the song first before playing their craft of music. Piano
the song.
For every correct song, more song
titles are unlocked.

Autodesk Interactive app for painting and Good for art instruction
Sketchbook drawing for those that live to draw. Good for students to have the ability SketchBook
All drawings and images are to draw or paint their thoughts or
captioned in one place for the ideas in a centralized place for the
novice to the most advanced artist. teacher to then assess their
understanding through a visual
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
Taiko Drums This is an app that simulates taiko This app is good for music
drums. instruction.
The harder you hit the drums, the
louder they sound. Swirl your finger
around for slower or faster rolls. The
drum sound varies slightly from hit
to hit, just like real drums. With the
fastest response time of any drum
app, it feels incredibly good to play.

Voice Recorder Pro Professional voice recorder of Great App for students to record him Voice Recorder Pro
memos and on-site sounds with or herself while they read, make
unlimited ability and storage observations, makes notes, etc.
Teachers are then able to listen to
the recordings and make
assessments as needed.
Wide variety of uses for classroom

Applications Purpose Ways to Use in the Classroom How To Directions

iNigma i-nigma turns your camera into a Teachers can share websites and Basic How To Video
(QR Scanner) sophisticated barcode and QR links with students by creating QR
reader. codes. Students can then use their Note: If a student is
iNigma app to scan the code which unable to scan using the
then takes them directly to the link. app then go to
SETTINGs, scroll down
to the app in the list and
then enable the feature
that says allow i-nigma
to access.

ParentVue App version of the website that This app will help parents view their WCPS ParentVue Guide
provides PARENTS with a secure, childs information about
Primary Apps for iPads 2016-17
private access to school and student assignments/grades they may be
information, including assignments, missing.
grades, attendance, school calendar,
and teacher contact details.

StudentVue App version of the website that This app will help students manage Studentvue App Tutorial
provides STUDENTS with a secure, their grades including information
private access to school and student about assignments/grades they may
information, including assignments, be missing.
grades, attendance, school calendar,
and teacher contact details.

TestNav Testnav is a next-generation test WCPS students will use this app How to use the TestNav
delivery platform. Secure, reliable, when completing PARCC App from Pearson
and scalable, TestNav offers an assessments.
engaging and interactive testing
experience to today's students, who
learn and play in a digital

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