1994 Institute of Medicine Report, "The Use of The Heimlich Maneuver in Near Drowning"
1994 Institute of Medicine Report, "The Use of The Heimlich Maneuver in Near Drowning"
1994 Institute of Medicine Report, "The Use of The Heimlich Maneuver in Near Drowning"
Washington, D.C. 1994
August 1994
Institute of Medicine 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20418 I w-
NOTICE: The project mat is the subject of this report was approved by the Governing Board of the
National Research Council, whose members are drawn from the councils of the National Academy 1 pet
of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. The members of
the committee responsible for the report were chosen for their special competencies and with regard .
for appropriate balance. | Ro;
This report has been reviewed by a group other than the authors according to procedures ^
approved by a Report Review Committee consisting of members of the National Academy o f , gm
Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine. |
The Institute of Medicine was chartered in 1970 by the National Academy of Sciences to^ ^
enlist distinguished members of the appropriate professions in the examination of policy matters ^
pertaining to the health of the public. In this, the Institute acts under the Academy's 1863 i Sol
congressional charter responsibility to be an adviser to the federal government and its own initiative A
in identifying issues of medical care, research, and education. Dr. Kenneth I. Shine is president of j J^J
the Institute of Medicine.
Support for this study was provided by the Institute of Medicine.
<fr tf*i
Executive summary 1
Introduction 3
Historical Background 3
Methodology 5
Results I 6
Proposition 1 6
Proposition 2 7
Proposition 3 8
Proposition 4 10
References 23
Executive summary
The application of the Heimlich maneuver as the initial and perhaps only
step for opening the airway in all near-drowning victims has been proposed by
Henry Heimlich and Edward Patrick. This is contrary to current resuscitation
guidelines for the treatment of near-drowning victims established by the
Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) Committee of the American Heart Association.
To help resolve this difference, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) convened an
expert committee to determine when the Heimlich maneuver should be used in the
treatment of near-drowning victims, if at all. During its deliberations, the IOM
Committee on the Treatment of Near-Drowning Victims met with Dr. Heimlich
and his colleagues and considered literature reviews of clinical and basic research
on drowning, scientific articles on pertinent pathophysiological states involving
fluid in the airways, and its own clinical experience.
The committee also has a series of concerns about the routine use of the
Heimlich maneuver for treatment of near drowning, because of: (a) the amount of
time it would take to repeat this maneuver until the patient is no longer expelling
water (as recommended by Heimlich) and how long this would delay the initiation
of artificial ventilation; (b) possible complications of the Heimlich maneuver,
especially if Ihe near drowning is associated with a cervical fracture; and (c) the
prospect of teaching rescue workers a different protocol than mat which is taught
at present for resuscitating victims of cardiopulmonary arrest from all causes other
man near drowning.
The committee therefore concludes that given the present state of basic
science and clinical knowledge about near drowning, the current ECC
recommendations for establishment of the airway and ventilation should not be
changed. These recommendations state that an abdominal thrust should be
performed only after ventilation has been shown to be ineffective and then only to
remove a solid foreign body.
The application of the Heimlich maneuver as the initial and perhaps only
step for opening the airway in all near-drowning victims has been proposed by
Henry Heimlich and Edward Patrick.3-4'5,6,7,8 According to Heimlich,
"Evacuation of water from the lungs by pulmonary compression should be the first
step in resuscitating a drowning person. . . . The subdiaphragmatic pressure
[Heimlich maneuver] should be performed and repeated until no water flows from
the mourn. In the event that spontaneous respiration does not occur, standard
resuscitative methods should then be used immediately."5 The Heimlich-Patrick
method for treating submersion victims is first to perform the Heimlich maneuver
to remove fluid, followed by mouth-to-mouth resuscitation and chest compressions
(CPR), if necessary.8
To help resolve these differences in recommendations regarding the
treatment of drowning, in 1993 the Institute of Medicine (LOU) convened an
expert committee to determine when the Heimlich maneuver should be used in the
treatment of near-drowning victims, if at all.
Historical Background
Methods used for resuscitating drowning victims before the 1900s included
back slapping, shaking, placing burning coals on the victim, insufflating tobacco
smoke into the lungs and rectum, and burying the victim up to the neck in horse
dung. The controversy concerning the role of manual compression with or
without ventilation by lung insufflation in drowning resuscitation is quite old. In
1829, Leroy-d'Etiolles argued that insufflation should not be taught to laypeople
because of the danger of overinflation of the lungs when given by untrained
For more than 40 years, the National Research Council has provided |
scientific advice to the American National Red Cross. In 1989, the Committee to %
Advise the American National Red Cross moved to the IOM Division of Health f
Promotion and Disease Prevention. In February 1991, the IOM released a brief |
report in response to a request from the Red Cross to address three specific |
aquatic issues: (1) wet versus dry lungs, (2) the Heimlich maneuver, and (3) in- |
water rescue breathing. The report concluded, among other things, that the j
Heimlich maneuver should not be used prior to executing the airway, breathing, |
and circulation (ABCs) assessment and correction measures on near-drowning |
victims. The report recommended that abdominal thrusts be performed only on \
near-drowning victims on land, when the rescuer suspects airway obstruction after
ABC measures have been attempted and proven unsuccessful.14 After its
completion, Heimlich challenged the report, and a review committee of the
National Academy of Sciences suggested mat the committee's study process was
not adequately suited to the task. IOM President Kenneth I. Shine therefore
decided mat a new committee should be appointed to review this issue.
The primary charge to the committee was to analyze the scientific and
medical literature published on the Heimlich maneuver and its use in drowning
resuscitation. Literature reviews were performed by workshop presenters as well
as by the committee staff. A comprehensive literature search was performed
using MEDLINE. The staff also examined the reference lists in articles mat
Heimlich and Patrick had published on the subject, as well as those in other
scientific and review articles.
Proposition 1
Death from drowning is frequently caused by aspiration of a solid foreign
body that is not effectively treated using the current ECC recommendations.
Gordon and Terranova report the case of a 2-year-old boy who arrived at
an emergency department pulseless and apneic after a cold-water near
drowning.17 He was given mouth-to-mouth respirations prior to arrival and
vomited just outside of the emergency department. He was intubated but no air
would pass through the tube with ventilation. The Heimlich maneuver was
performed three times and a large piece of celery was expelled from the trachea.
The child was then successfully ventilated. This case illustrates that near-
drowning victims can have airways obstructed by solid objects after vomiting
secondary to drowning.
In Los Angeles County, where there are 130 to 135 drowning deaths per
year, no evidence of obstructing foreign bodies was found in a 2-year period
regardless of whether the victims had gone to a hospital emergency department
Proposition 2
The Heimlich maneuver is useful for the removal of aspirated solid foreign
The committee did not review the literature or experimental evidence on
the efficacy of the Heimlich maneuver in the removal of solid foreign bodies
because it is outside of the scope of this investigation into near drowning.
However, the committee members' clinical experience does indicate that the
Heimlich maneuver is useful when treating choking victims, that is, when the
aspirated body is large enough to block the passage of air into the lungs.
(if thought to be necessary for the success of the maneuver) would greatly
endanger the integrity of spinal cord function.
Proposition 3
Death from drowning, when no foreign body is aspirated, is caused by
aspiration of liquid that prevents ventilation and oxygenation.
Much of the debate centers on the use of the Heimlich maneuver centers
around the pathophysiology of drowning. Heimlich's view, which the committee
considered, is summarized in his statement that "you cannot get air into the lungs
until the water is out."8 When a person drowning in water can no longer suppress
inspiration, gasping occurs and water enters the mouth and pharynx. Exactly how
much water enters the lungs is a matter of controversy. Heimlich and his
colleagues state that it is a large amount, and that air cannot reach me alveoli
because of airway obstruction with water. Others state that only a small amount
of water enters and that it is rarely enough to impede ventilation.
Heimlich and his colleagues cite several case reports to indicate that
ventilation could not occur until the water in a drowning victim's trachea and
bronchi had been removed by abdominal thrusts (see the next section), but the f.
details of those case reports are incomplete and a full interpretation of these cases -
is impossible.
Proposition 4
The Heimlich maneuver is useful for the removal of aspirated liquid.
Very few research studies have been performed to examine the efficacy of
using the Heimlich maneuver in the resuscitation of near-drowning victims, and no
controlled studies have been done of either the Heimlich maneuver or other
resuscitation methods.
Ruben and Ruben studied the flow of water from the lungs in nine people
soon after they died (of causes not related to drowning).42 One liter of 1 percent
saline was instilled through an endotracheal tube into the lungs. Forceful anterior
chest and abdominal compressions were applied. The result was less than a S
percent return of fluid. A second liter of fluid was instilled into the lungs and
similar results were obtained. They conclude that "when more than a small
amount of water flows from the mouth of a drowning patient, subjected to
artificial respiration, it comes from the stomach." They also state that
"mechanical efforts to drain the lungs are of no practical use; and trying to do so,
before beginning artificial respiration, only means wasting valuable time."
Patrick reports a case of a 2-year-old boy who had been submerged for 20
minutes. He was given mouth-to-mouth resuscitation for 20 minutes.44 He was
men intubated but could not be ventilated. No breath sounds were heard with
bagging. Patrick applied the Heimlich maneuver several times and substantial
amounts of fluid came through the endotracheal tube. The victim was then able to
be ventilated and survived to be discharged from the hospital. There was,
however, significant brain damage, and he died about 4 months after the drowning
The poor outcome in mis patient was attributed to mis complication (the boy died
7 years later).27 Heimlich has argued that this was not a gastric aspiration because
the pH of the fluid was 7.5, despite the fact that Orlowski stated that it looked and
smelled like gastric contents.
It has been shown that the Heimlich maneuver causes vomiting, but so
does mouth-to-mouth ventilation, and according to the Australian study, vomiting
is common among drowning victims.18
The committee has a number of concerns about the changes Heimlich and
colleagues have suggested for the present ECC guidelines for treatment of near
drowning. First, whereas the correct performance of a single abdominal thrust
need not be excessively time-consuming, it is not known how much time it would
take to repeat this maneuver until the patient is no longer expelling water (as
recommended by Heimlich), and how long mis would delay the initiation of
artificial ventilation. In drowning situations, even a short delay in restoration of
breathing can cause brain damage and death. Furthermore, it is not clear to the
committee that the Heimlich maneuver is as easily or quickly applied to an
unconscious near-drowning victim as it is to a conscious choking person. Second,
the committee is concerned that beginning resuscitation in all cases with an
abdominal thrust would inhibit rescue workers from performing timely artificial
ventilation because of the natural reluctance to perform mouth-to-mouth ventilation
on a person who has vomited as a result of an abdominal thrust. While the
incidence of vomiting is large in all near-drowning victims, as well as in patients
receiving mouth-to-mouth ventilation, it is also significant in victims who have
received an abdominal thrust Third, there is concern about possible
complications of the Heimlich maneuver, especially that the incidence of
complications may be greater in unconscious victims. Fourth, injuries from
cervical fractures are common in diving accidents and surf drownings, and turning
a victim's head to avoid aspiration of vomitus prior to performing the abdominal
thrust could greatly endanger the victim's life or spinal cord integrity. Heimlich
has recommended omission of the head turn, but if this is not done, the committee
cannot understand why the expelled liquid or solid foreign body would not be
reaspirated. Fifth, the committee is also concerned about teaching rescue workers
a different protocol man that which is taught at present for resuscitating victims of
cardiopulmonary arrest from all causes other man near drowning. The committee
feels that given the wide variety of workers who deliver cardiopulmonary
resuscitation, it is important to have a simple, constant system that can be applied
in any prehospital care situation. Complicating the simple system currently taught
could, in the committee's judgment, lead to more harm man good-that is, more
injuries and deaths man lives saved.
The committee therefore concludes that given the present state of basic
science and clinical knowledge about drowning, the current ECC recommendations
for establishment of the airway and ventilation should not be changed. These
The committee is concerned about the absence of valid data on the efficacy
of the Heimlich maneuver in near-drowning cases. Obtaining such data would
require prospective randomization in a defined population to ensure mat the test
groups are similarly sampled and, in particular, mat no group has a higher
incidence of victims lacking respirations or a pulse. Such as study should include
the entire population at risk, not just cases chosen retrospectively after hearing
about an episode. Given the lack of evidence for the effectiveness of the use of
the Heimlich maneuver in near-drowning situations and ethical concerns about
doing research without a person's or surrogate's informed consent, it is hard to
imagine a research methodology for such a study that would or should be
approved by a human studies committee.
Appendix A
Committee on the Treatment of Near-Drowning Victims
November 20. 1993
Appendix B
It takes 173 ml of fluid (a half cup) to fill and completely obstruct the
tracheobronchial tree. Salt water is never absorbed. Fresh water is never
absorbed from the tracheobronchial tree, and its absorption from the alveoli ceases
after cardiac arrest. Consequently, absorption of water does not relieve hypoxia.
Appendix D
Appendix E
The nature of the aspirated fluid determines its fate. Salt water is not
absorbed and draws fluid into the lungs;66'67 fresh water is rapidly absorbed into
the bloodstream from the alveoli until cardiovascular circulation ceases. Fluid
absorption from the alveoli does not remove fluid from the trachea, bronchi, or
Karpovich37 reported mat the sole difference between rats that survived drowning,
and those mat died, was that the airways of nonsurvivors were always blocked
with fluid and foam. Experimentally, intermittent positive-pressure breathing
(mouth-to-mouth) has been shown to reoxygenate only after drainage of the
The only rapid, efficient methods of removing fluid from the lungs are
endotracheal suctioning, Trendelenburg gravity drainage with endotracheal
intubation, and the Heimlich maneuver. The latter two methods have been shown
to remove alveolar fluid.43,44 Patrick showed that the Heimlich maneuver expels
lung fluid that could not be removed by endotracheal suctioning. Both suctioning
and gravity drainage require endotracheal intubation; for rescuers to use these
techniques, special equipment and advanced training are needed. The Heimlich
maneuver (which takes 10 to 15 seconds to expel intrapulmonary fluids) is
available to anyone, even lay rescuers, with minimal training (1 minute).
Complications of the Heimlich maneuver are infrequent and usually due to
improper application of the technique.
The sole basis for current "no drainage" recommendations is a 1962 study
which showed postural drainage is ineffective for removing fluid from the lungs.42
Subsequent development of new drainage methods, shown experimentally to be
efficacious, obviate "no drainage" recommendations. Solid foreign body airway
obstruction is readily recognized and treated. Fluid obstruction does not preclude
chest movement during attempted ventilation, but still prevents oxygenation. To
avoid unwarranted delay in providing effective ventilation, expulsion of water
from the lungs, using the Heimlich maneuver, should be the first step in drowning
Appendix F
Near Drowning
The most important consequence of prolonged underwater submersion
without ventilation is hypoxemia. The duration of hypoxia is the critical factor in
determining the victim's outcome. Therefore, restoration of ventilation and
perfusion should be accomplished as rapidly as possible.
Rescue Breathing
Chest Compressions
Chest compressions should not be attempted in the water unless the rescuer
has had special training in techniques in in-water CPR, because the brain is not
perfused effectively unless the victim is maintained in the horizontal position and
the back is supported. It is usually not possible to keep the victim's body
horizontal and the head above water in position for rescue breathing.
After removal from the water, the victim must be immediately assessed for
adequacy of circulation. The pulse may be difficult to appreciate in a near-
drowning victim because of peripheral vasoconstriction and a low cardiac output.
If a pulse cannot be felt, chest compressions should be started at once.
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