Android College Management System IJARCET VOL 5 ISSUE 4 882 885

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ISSN: 2278 1323

International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)

Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016

Android College Management System

Vishwakarma R Ganesh [1]

collecting relevant information may be very time consuming.

Abstract Android College Management system is an Our proposed system ensures to overcome these limitations.
android application which is helpful for students as well as the The paper focuses on presenting information in an easy and
colleges. In the existing system all the activities are done intelligible manner which provides facilities like online
manually. It is very costly and time consuming. In our proposed registration and profile creation of students, attendance
system, students can view results using Android phones. The monitoring, circular notifications, result viewing thus
data will be stored in the college server. The faculty can login reducing paper work and automating the record generation
into their college account through the app itself and update the
process in an educational institution. There is an increasing
academic result. In this system, students have easy access for
viewing the marks, provided their authentications are correct trend for higher education institutions to be expected to
and they are not permitted to change/update the marks. The monitor student records. This software generates reports on
proposed work has two modules: 1.Student 2.Admin. In the the results of research that considered the effect of attendance
students module, student need to register their roll no, college on student performance; surveyed planning students about
registration number, student name. Admin module maintains attendance issues, shared the results with colleagues
the students marks of internal college exams. Other than this including agreement on a Departmental policy change, and
the advanced features are: In case of natural calamities such as assessed the approach academic staff should take towards
floods, etc. notification to students will be sent from admin poor attendance.
office through app directly. Any new notice for a particular
It is concluded that a graduated approach to result
semester will be uploaded by professor through application
notifying to respective semester students. Application also
monitoring is the most effective in which sanction have a
includes logic to support above mentioned facilities to its place, although only as a last resort. Online Attendance and
students, however if the person downloading the application is Feedback System is software developed for daily student
not a student but an aspirant who has completed HSC and attendance in schools, colleges and institutes. If facilitates to
wants to know about the college then it only includes the access the information of a particular student in a particular
advertisement of the college. Senior college toppers can also class. It is concluded that a graduated approach to result
share their tips and tricks with other students via chat monitoring is the most effective response, in which sanctions
interface. Students attendance is also monitored by the have a place, although only as a last resort. Online
Attendance and Feedback System is software developed for
daily student attendance in schools, colleges and institutes. If
facilitates to access the information of a particular student in
KEYWORDS- Android, Results, Attendance, Notification.
a particular class. There is another part which is feedback,
the student can give the feedback at anytime from anywhere
I. INTRODUCTION to faculty. This feedback can be reviewed by the admin or the
management committee of the institute through which the
The design and implementation of the system is to provide confidentiality of the feedback of the faculty can be
service in institute and colleges. The system is to provide maintained. This application is developed for daily student
comprehensive student information system and user attendance in colleges and institutes. It can also be useful in
interface is to replace the current paper records. College Staff an organization or company at a certain limit not the whole
uploads attendance, results and college notifications through application.
a secure, online interface using android devices. All data is
thoroughly reviewed and validated on the server before II. EXISTING SYSTEM
actual record alteration occurs. The system plans for student
user interface, allowing students to access tips and tricks as The system which is used nowadays has some drawbacks
provided by their seniors. All data is stored securely on SQL which need to be improved for better performance. The
servers managed by the college Administrator. The system system through which the feedback is taken is not good
decreases paperwork and time needed to access student enough. The views of each and every student are not
records. Previously, college relied heavily on paper records expressed through these systems. As the technology is
for this initiative which had its own disadvantages. This developed day by day we need to use this technology so we
system provides a simple interface for the maintenance of can get an efficient result in adequate time. For attendance
student information. It can be used by educational institutes management in the present system all work is done on paper.
or colleges to maintain the records of students easily. The whole session attendance is stored in register and at the
Achieving this objective is difficult using a manual system as end of the session the reports are generated. We are not
the information are scattered, can be redundant and interested in generating report in the middle of the session or
as per the requirement because it takes more time in
calculation. At the end of session the students who dont have

All Rights Reserved 2016 IJARCET
ISSN: 2278 1323
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016

75% attendance get a notice. This is a very time consuming registration of users, generation of reports. The web
process. In the present system the result is viewed on the application and the android application access data from a
notice board. It requires lot of paperwork and is time common Database server through the internet.
consuming. Moreover, there is no system still present
through which students can take advice from senior students. V. MODULES
College cannot even provide urgent notifications to students
1 User Module:
in case of emergency.
In this module we are authenticating the users by
providing username and password. If username and
password is valid then they will be taken to their screens. To
1. The existing system is not user friendly because the identify user we are using unique IMEI number of android
retrieval of data is very slow and data is not maintained device with the number stored at server. When they get
efficiently. The use of the some technology can be matched with each other system checks the status of that
complicated and time consuming. These system need to device and transfer the control to respective user-interface.
handle by specialist for maintaining and update the system 2 Database Module:
which can again be very costly. The proposed system used MySql as its database because
2. It require more calculations to generate the report so it is of their simplicity and flexibility. This module store every
generated at the end of the session. The existing system using single information about students, faculty and model their
the deprecated methods as new JSON and GCM is more data on specified operations. These operation can be storing
flexible then previous algorithm. Hence requires more time student attendance, result data or can be authentication
to display the report. credentials.
3. All calculations to generate report is done manually so 3 Staff Module:
there is greater chance of errors. Here the faculty has to suffer This module is designed for staff, which use mobile
a lot through the calculation and if there is a loss of some phone to take attendance, upload result and upload college
report then it may cause a lot of problem. This is time notifications. The entered admin details are encrypted and
consuming also due to exaggerating calculation. Even after sent to server for verification. Only after successful
that there are some miscalculation which is very frustrating authentication the operations are performed. If username and
for the faculty. These calculations also effects the marks of password cannot match, he/she can enter in to attendance
the students which will finally led to their percentage. page.
4 Attendance Module:
The purpose of Attendance Entry Module is to enter the
IV. PROPOSED SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE attendance using cell phone. In this module Lecturer takes
the attendance using the cell phone. Lecturers select the
branch, semester and year. After this session he enters in to
attendance page. Here staff makes a mark on the absentees.
Lecturer are only allowed to take attendance during their
lecture time. In case of swapping of lecture or extra lecture,
HOD can allow other faculty to take attendance of students by
swapping the logic of time-table permanently or temporarily.
5 Marks Entry Module:
The marks scored by the students are stored in the
database through this module. The exam cell will login,
select the type of the exam e.g., unit test, model exam and
then the year, section and subject in the application which
displays the students list. Now, the marks for each student is
entered and submitted to store in the database.
6 FEEDBACK Module:
This module performs automated calculation of students
feedback of their professors, and then this will be represent
The system architecture has a smart phone with android graphically. Student can see only fifteen questions and give
OS, a web services, a database server and the user as its feedback by select provided options. This module, stores
components. The android smart phone or tablet must use 3G student feedback into JSON object to provide faster transfer
or WiFi network for internet connectivity to ensure better of feedback data to server or client-side. Next we extract
performance however 2G should also satisfy user request string from the JSON to apply algorithm over and decide the
with added disadvantage of time lag. The user will login to result of feedback.
the application through an android smart phone. The 3.3.7 Result Generation Module:
This module allows the HOD and Lecturer to generate
user-type is verified with the database server and access is
various reports on the student attendance and marks data.
given to the appropriate user. The web application also can
To generate reports, the user must login through app and
be used to login and perform certain operations such as

All Rights Reserved 2016 IJARCET
ISSN: 2278 1323
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016

ensures that internet is on. In this module, application 2. Upload Result

generates PDF file dynamically using java program. Faculties can even upload results of the students. PDF is
8 Notification Module: generated of the same and it can be viewed by the faculty in
This module allows the department HOD to update future.
students about any college related information through 3. View Uploaded Result
notifications. The students can view notifications provided Result that is been uploaded can be viewed by the professor
by the interface provided by application. HOD can send through the PDF file generated. This PDF file can be used in
message to only available options like all student, all faculty, future.
specific faculty and to all.
4. Check notifications
Faculty can receive important announcements, information
regarding meetings from the HOD or admin through these
The detailed workflow of this application is as follows: notifications.
The application is divided into 3 sub-groups- C] Student
A] Admin/ HOD: 1. View Attendance
1. Admin Registration Students can view attendance uploaded by the faculty or
The first step in this application is to get the HOD, staff HOD. They receive a PDF file and can view it anytime.
members and teaching faculty to register. They need to first 2. View Results
register their phones IMEI number in the database. The Students can even view results uploaded by the HOD. A PDF
respective person will then provide his or her phones e-mail file is received and students have to first download it and then
id and password for registration. An OTP would be then sent view it.
via e-mail address on the phone by the admin or faculty. 3. Give Feedback
2. Admin Login Students have the facility to give feedback about the faculty
After registering the admin is allowed to log in. He or she can or the teaching staff. This is an additional advantage
now view admin homepage where there are options to take provided to students by the college staff.
attendance, upload results, send notifications to student. He 4. View notices sent by college
can also view the attendance taken and uploaded results. Notices are sent to the students by HOD or admin. Useful
3. Take Attendance information, college notices, important announcements are
Here, system will validate admin to check whether admin is received on students registered phone. They can view it
applicable to take attendance for any subject which he/she anytime.
selected from the application after validation is success. Next
function of this module to check the time-table database to VII. REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS
know when to allow admin to upload attendance. If admin is
A] Hardware Requirement
legitimate to take attendance and applying the operation at
1. Intel Quadcore 1.7 GHZ Processor or above.
correct lecture time, now he can take attendance.
2. Minimum 100 GB HD.
5. Upload Result
3. Minimum 4 GB of RAM.
Admin can upload students term-test marks through
5. Standard Keyboard and Serial Mouse.
application. The same authentication will be performed by
system as Take attendance module. This will not be complete
B] Software Requirement
without HODs permission as HOD can only allow faculties
1. Android Studio.
to upload marks.
2. GCM Server
6. Upload Final attendance sheet
3. SQL Server (Either on localhost/domain)
A report is generated which has the students name, roll no.,
4. XAMPP / PHPmyAdmin tool
his or her attendance. This module categorised student
5. Android SDK (Minimum API 15)
according to their attendance.
7. Send notification to students/faculty
HOD can send notification to students or teaching faculty or
some selected faculty or that faculty he wants to 1. The application will greatly simplify and speed up the
communicate his message to. Notifications related to college result preparation and management process.
meeting, important information, training and placement 2. It includes advertisement of the college thus satisfying the
related information. marketing criteria to showcase its facilities to the HSC and
B] Faculty/ Teaching Staff diploma students.
1. Take Attendance 3. It overcomes the limitations of the web based system as our
Teaching faculty can take attendance of students during the proposed system is developed on Android OS.
lecture i.e. within that time frame. If he or she takes 4. As the current system is manual it does not require any
attendance anytime else he is not allowed to do that. After sophisticated training for the User of the system.
taking attendance he can view it in the PDF file generated 5. This project will cater facilities to all the existing versions
and keep it for future use. of android devices.
6. Students do not have to visit the college notice board every

All Rights Reserved 2016 IJARCET
ISSN: 2278 1323
International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET)
Volume 5, Issue 4, April 2016

7. No chance of the mistake as calculations for attendance
will be automated. Ganesh R. Vishwakarma pursuing his B.E
in Information Technology from Theem
IX. CONCLUSION College Of Engineering, Boisar east. His
interested areas include Data Structure, Java
An Android based mobile application for College Programming, Distributed System and
Management System is presented. The application offers Hadoop. He is an Android Developer, loves coding and
reliability, time savings and easy control. It can be used as a created many application as freelancer.
base for creating and enhancing applications for viewing
results, tracking attendance for colleges or any workplace.
Students and their parents will also view results, attendance
and curriculum details using this application. Also students
can view details, notifications anywhere and anytime. The
application will greatly simplify and speed up the result
preparation and management process. It includes
advertisement of the college thus satisfying the marketing
criteria to showcase its facilities to the HSC and diploma
students. It provide high security and a system that reduces
the work and resources required in traditional process. The
proposed system provides the new way of computing and
displaying an operations with responsive and attractive

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