Cmam001 Apr08 PDF
Cmam001 Apr08 PDF
Cmam001 Apr08 PDF
P u a l i t y
c a s t in consrata
omp piled and coedited by: Gunter R Koch (MasonryConsultant)
Edited by: M ~ k e
Arndt (Consulting Engineer)
Robert Low (BSc MBA)
Steve Crosswell (PR Eng. PPC Cement)
Incorporating some masonry requirements
of the NHBRC Home Building Manual
Modular planning
Modular dimensions
22 - 24
26 - 27
Block types and modular dimensions
Design example of 40 m' house
28 - 29
Layout & details
.Wall dimensions
Intersecting wails
Lintels & reveals
Copings & piers
Closing cavities
F i r e protection of steel columns
Control joints
Reinforcing of blockwork
Services in blockwork
This manual is a further contribution bythe Concrete ManufacturersAssociation
(CMA) of South Africa to the building industry to improve understanding of
principles of modular masonry construction, and specifically for implementationof
and maintaining good building practices.
Over the years the CMA has produced many publications on the use of modular
concrete masonry, this manual focuses on the on-site detailing and use of
modular concrete masonry.
One of the recurring problems found in South Africa with modular masonry
construction are, firstly: the choice of mortar and plaster aggregates, which
differ from region to region in South Africa and require local knowledge and
experience; secondly, the need for correct proportioning and mixing proce-
dures, application and curing of mortars and plasters; thirdly, an understanding
of and detailing for structural movement with correct bed joint and other walling
SI hicolas Church of England scnool in Srevenage uses concrete bocks both ~nternallyano externally. Construnion is
two eaves of 100 mm blocks witn outer leaf of sol'd bocks an0 inner leaf of hollow b.ocks. A I th's olockwork is efr witn
exposed natural finish.
1 S e n ~ n gout t o block modules. 2. Block module spaclng
3 P o s ~ t ~ o n ~f ~nrgs corner
t block 4 Tapp~ngthe block lnto p o s ~ t ~ o n
and scaffold board splashing. At the end of each day or when workstops,
the top exposed bed of the wall should be protected against heavy rain-
Allow any mortar sticking to the blockwork to dry
before removal by trowel or brush. Remove any mor-
tar then still remaining by scrubbing with small piece
of block.
Sealing of control joints must be against a backing cord
strip so that the width to depth ratio of the particular
sealant will result in satisfacton/ service performance.
Holes left by nails or line pins should be filled using fresh mortar. Particular
care should be taken to prevent mortar smearing the block surface.
It is essentialto protect face units from being stained during building opera-
tions. Stains and the like should not be removed with an acid wash without
consultation. Mortar droppings that adhere to the block face should be
rubbed down using a small piece of block. Solidified tar or bitumen should
be picked off prior to rubbing down. Technical advice should be sought for
any other staining problems.
AS the work proceeds, mortar joints on the face of the wall shall be com-
pacted to give a... joint (specifier to specify shape ofjoint). Tooling shall be
delayed until the mortar has stiffened slightly
Figure 1
Joint profiles;for ~~~i~~
units The type of finish selected depends on the use of the wall and on the ap-
pearance desired. A flush joint is made by cutting off the excess mortar
with a trowel after the unit is laid. A raked joint is made by raking out
the mortar to a uniform depth after the unit has been laid. Both these
joints have an inherent disadvantage in that the mortar is not compacted
or pressed into place; this facilitates moisture penetration. Raked joints
also reduce strength and tend to form water traps which may cause water
penetration and efflorescence.
For these reasons, the concave joint or V joint is preferred for exterior
work. Such joints are formed by tooling with a convex or a V-shaped jointer
or with the point of a trowel.
Joints should be tooled when the mortar has become thumbprint hard.
The jointing tool s h o ~ l dbe s1ignt.y larger than the tnicdness of ihe mortar
l0'nt so that complete conract can oe made along the edges of the ~ n i t s .
Delayed tooling of the joints improves the i m p e r m e a b i ~ i ~the
o f mortar.
Dense concrete masonry unlts provide an excellent base for palnts. Regard-
Painting less of the type of coatlng used, the blocksurface should be free of d ~ r tdust,
grease, 011, and mortar efflorescence before application of paint.
Chlorinated rubber, cement, andlor lime based palnts are resistant to alkal~s,
and are suitable for direct applicat~onto concrete blocks.
Paints with an 011med~umshould not be applied to concrete blocks without an
efficient alkali-res~stantundercoat.
A key can be produced on dense,
smooth matured concrete by using
a stipple coat of cement and sand
mixed with commercial bonding
fluid. Refer to SANS 2001-EM1 and
SANS 10145 Concrete Masonry
We recommend that Concrete Masonry should be laid in accordance with Standard Specification
It is essential, in order to eliminate or keep cutting to a minimum, that consideration is given to senlng out of
blockwork at the initial planning stage. Wherever possible, walls should be planned on a 200mm module both
horizontally and vertically in order to use modular units. The details below show some of the probiems that can
arise when modular planning is not done first.
Figure 2
Use only full or half block units
(based upon co-ordinating (nominal)
size of 400mm x 200mm units)
A = 1400mm
B = 800 m m
C = 1 000 m m
D = 1 400 m m lwindowsl
E = 2 200 m m ldoorsl
Figure 3
Standard units indicate masonry
that would have to be cut
A = 1 100 m m
B = 850 m m
C = 900 m m
D = 1 500 m m
E = 2 100 m m
It is standard practice to specity the length and height of wall panels. (The actual dimensions are lOmm less
(SANS 993-1972(2002)Modularco-ordination i n building). The standard mortar joint thickness is 10mm. It is not
good building practice to vary joint thickness more than 3 m m from this amount.
Windowldoorlother openings are 10 mm larger than the co-ordinating (standard) dimensions. Window and door
frames are manufactured to fit a standard nominal dimension plus 10 mm.
When it is not possible to use the 200 m m module, the introduction of 'I, or3/&length andlor half he~ghtunits may
be satisfactory on a particular section of wall. Alternatively, ifthe length does not suit a 100 mm module, it is prefer-
able to introduce cut blocks in the centre of the panel rather than at one end (see figures 22 and 23 on page 39).
>?., , Masonry units of dissimilar materii Accumulat~onsof mortar droppings
.." als shall not be built into the same in the cavity should be prevented
leaf unless separated by a horizontal by using laths, drawholes, fine sand
damp-proof course or a vertical control andlorthick rooe. Anv mortar which
joint. aoes fa I on wa I tles or cavlty trays
shoulo be remove0 and tne bottom
Blocks should normally be laid t o
of tne cavlty shou o be c carca da. v
stretcher bond, le. w ~ t hstaggered
through temporary openings.
vert~caljoints. Stretcher or running
bond, with blocks in each course Both leaves of a cavity wall should
overlapping those in the course below be raised at the same time, but not
by half a block length, yield the best greater than eight block courses, to
results In terms of wall strength. avoid sagging of blockwork.
Various bonding patterns are shown in Wall-ties should be bedded to a
fiaures 4-9. For all normal construction minimum depth of 50 m m in each
the srrctcncr bono pancrn snoulo oc leaf and have a slight fall to the out-
L S C ~For oecoratlve nno n o n - s t r ~ c t ~ r aer leaf to direct any moisture away
o ockworr the otner Dona ng patterns from the internal leaf.
may be used, but, notethat the horizon-
See figure 56 & 57 for positioning of
tal joints should be reinforced.
wall-ties in a cavitv wall.
Types of bonding
---- . Block walls should be bonded in the
convent~onalmanner (see fluure 4)
Wnen o,~lo~ng a cav ty wal 11 s es
naltarna with hlnek sent d tndt tnc cave s not or oqca
oy any malPr a vrn r h rodlo transm t
, water from tne externa to tne nrerna
Figure 8 Ashlar bond Figure 9 Stretcher bond w ~ t hstack bonded corner pler
with reference to Figures details in this manual
b a
Also available: 90 plain & 140SF & 90 SF. Bond blocks for long span or double high lintel construction.
reinforced piers
as 'wall stiffeners'
190 sill road edging block 190 sill - metal 140 sill
Standard types of masonry units with modular dimensions
(Note Check w ~ t hyour suppl~erfor ava~labll~ty
of d~fferentunlts)
South African National Standards (SANS)
modular dimensional specification for masonry units
These tables reflect the dimensions and work sizes for concrete masonry units, and for glass blocks, which are
used in the design and construction of buildings.
The basic principles of and design rules for modular co-ordination in building are laid down in SANS 993.
The co-ordination dimensions of a masonry unit for preparing drawings for modular structures are in table 1.
The masonry units (page 281 are in accordance with the basic principles of modular construction.
A foundation in residential construction may consist of a footing, wall,
siab, pile or pier, or combination of two or more of these elements. Resi-
dential foundation systems are most often constructed of concrete or con-
crete masonry.
Given that many foundations are constructed with concrete masonry,
builders should be familiar with foundation details using concrete mason-
ry. Refer to SANS 2001 CM2 dealing with strip footings, pad footings and
slab-on-ground foundations for masonry walling. NHBRC requires that a
competent person make a geotechnical assessment of a site which will
determine the sizes of footings and foundations.
isolation joint
infill concrete
600 600
Alternative 1 Alternative 2
Designerstypically specify an isolation joint between the slab and the wall
to allow the slab to shrink or expand independent of the wall. Asphalt-
impregnated fibre sheathing is one commonly used isolation joint mate-
rial. If the slab is not allowed to move independently, cracking may occur
perpendicular to the wall. An isolation joint is suggested as a best practice
simply because it may make any shrinkable cracks less evident and thus
Figure 11 reduce customer dissatisfaction. It can also serve as a screed mark for
maintaining a level finished slab surface.
A = footing 600 x 250
B = modular 190 blocks A monolithic slab on grade is also commonly referred to as a thickened-
edge slab. It consists of a concrete floor and concrete foundation placed at
B' = modular blocks the same time to form a monolithic footing and slab. Refer to figure 11 for
190;140;or 90-60-90or a typical monolithic slab-on-grade.
C = thickened slab Regardless of the perimeter foundation type, slabs may be cast thicker un-
der interior load-bearing walls to help support the loads from above. The
D = 90160190cavity wall expected distributed load should be calculated by the engineer and shown
E = raft foundation slab on the drawings. Thus, the location of the interior masonry walls must
F = dpc under dab turned up at end be known so that preparations for thickened interior slab footings can be
G = '1.90 block = I90 x 90 x 190) made. Refer to figure 11 for some recommended methods for supporting
interior masonry walls.
Alternative 3 Alternative 4
concrete slab
Figure 12
Monolithic slab on grade (thickened-edge slab).
Figure 13
Interior bearing wall foundation.
Figure 14
Moisture and water control
A E footing
B = drain t o daylight or sump
C = gravel
D = blockwork
E = porous backfill
F = topsoil
G = cellar wall slab
H = infill concrete Ground level
I = plastered wall
J = steel mesh if required
K I plastic sheet as ground barrier
if required
L = dpc under ground slab
M =concrete slab on grade
Damp proof course (dpc) can also be placed on top ofthe gravel, and begin
at the bottom of the first block course. The gravel layer should be topped
with a thin layer of mortar to prevent puncturing of the damp course.
Right angle (90') corners for 90 and At comers where a fair face is required bonding is achieved naturally.
140 blockwork
E:,"Eoz, " d ~ ~ " , " , ~ o " , . ~For"140
, ~mm
~ wide units, either a mod-
unhsor,,,length blocks,asshown infig- ular corner block is required or alter-
natively a 140 stretcher block can be
ures l l to inclusive,should he Used,
used of the size 340 mm by 200 mm
With 190 mm wide units, block high and 140 mm wide.
Figure 15
Using standard corner blocks
Figures 16 and 17
Plan views on alternate course using
corner blocks
A = 90mm
B = 110 mm
C = 90mm
Figure 18
Using 90 3/, length blocks
Wall panel lengths will not be on the
200 mm module unless this detail is
used at either end of the panel.
Figures 19 and 20
Plan views on alternate courses using
3/4 length blocks in cavity walling
B = IlOmm
C = 90mm
Right angle 19O01corners used for 90
and 140 blocks
ra rd
l.4 I4
Figure 21b Same detail for 90 and 140 straight corner units
Figure 22 and 23
For non-modular wall lengths, mid-
panel details can be used.
E i e r 3/, blocks or custom made or cut
units should be used in mid panel,
depending on requirements.
Masonry walls should be set out and bulk to the d~mens~ons ~nd~cated.
makrng due allowance for panel he~ghtsand lengths belng lOmm less
than the co-ord~nat~ng d~mens~ons All perpends, corner unlts, and jambs
should be kept true and square and bed jolnts levelled as the work pro-
ceeds. Normally units are laid in half (running) bond and wal s should be
built up evenly. Hollow and Solid blocks should be laid with the smaller
core aperture at the top to provide the maximum bed area for the mortar.
Solid blocks may have up to 25% cores and thus have broader shell thick-
Concrete Masonry units should be stacked on site free from contact with
the bare around and ~rotectedbv covers from direct rainfall and dirt caused
by normal site activities. offloading of pallets by crane is preferred to off-
loading by hand. Thls is to min'mise breakages by rough handling.
Figure 24
2 leaves 90 mm with varying cavi-
A = 90mm
B = 110mm
C = 90mm
Figure 25
1 leaf 140 mm
1 leaf 90 m m
A = 140mm
B = GOmm
C = 90mm
Figure 26
2 leaves 90 mm with piers in cavity
(showing alternate courses)
A = 90mm
B r 100 m m
C = 10mm
D = 90mm
E = 90mm
Y = vettical reinfomment if required
Z = damp proof membrane, or two
coals of bitumenmay be applied
Using 190 m m wide solid or hollow
unia for paw wall in conjunction
wim an external cavity wail
B = bihlminous mating for
C = window or door frame
D = patywallconotructedof19Omm
wide d i d or hollow units
E = 90 m m stacked blockwork
with wall ties every alternate
course & a tie-bar across the
party wall every other alternate
figure 28
Using 2 leaves of 90 mm wide solid
or hollow units with cavity for party
A = 600 m m min
B = vertical dpc
In figures 23 and 24 it may be nec-
essary t o provide 10 or 12 mm mild
steel rods into the cores either side
of the vertical dpc.
Figure 29
Using 190 mm wide solid or hollow
unirs for party wail
A = 600 m m or longer
B = vertical dpc
Figure 30 b
As an alternative, when hollow or
solid blocks are used, a top-hat wall
tie can be fixed in the bed joint of
every second course. If this does not
provide adequate lateral restraint to
partition walls it may be necessary to
reinforce and infill some cores of such
A = 3.15 to350 rnm tophat
B E 550 m m
C = 400 m m
D = 190 block
Figure 31
Plan views of alternate courses us-
ing 135' quoin blocks
A = SOmm
B = 110mm
C = 90mm
D = mitred joint
E = 135' quoin
Figure 32
Intersection of two 140 mm walls
Full mortar bedding must be used
to anchor the ties
A = 600 m m min
B = 50mm
C = metal lathing placed under
core t o be filled
D = galvanised hoop lron or metal
anchor tie 36 mm wide x 3.1
t o 3.5 m m thick as specified
E = infill core with metal lathing
below it
Walls should progress upwards atthe
same rate.
Figure 33
Connection of wall panels to a steel
A = metal lathing or hoop iron
fixed t o steel columns
B = metal lathing t o have mortar
cover of 20 m m minimum
from external face
C = suitable location for control
joint. Fixing should be made t o
column either side of joint
Figure 34
Connection of wall panels to rein-
forced concrete ( R . 0 column
A = R.C. column
B = metal lathing
b i n . length 230 mm)
C = hoop iron 32 mm wide x 1.6
m m thick x 600 m m long, or
36 m m wide x 1.2 m m thick
Take note: metal fix~ngsto be at ex-
act coursing he~ghtlevel with the
fixing pin as close as possible to the
right angle bend of the galvanised
hoop lron strip.
The treatment of the support to blockwork over openingswill depend upon
its width and the applied load to be carried.
Note: 90mm wide lintel units are dealtwith in SANS 10400-Kdealingwith 90 rnm
single leaf lintels spanning up to 3 metres.
Figure 35 (left)
Lintel details (using lintel and s ~ i l
A = reinfwdngrods and infill m m
B = stepped dpc
C = 140 mm wide lintel blocks
D = 190 m m wide sill block
E = dpc
F = 110 m m cavity
Figure 36 lrightl
Lintel details (using steel angle strip
and sill block)
A = galvanised steel angle strip
acting as dpc above windows
C = 60 mm cavity
D = 140 mm sill block
E = dpc protruding into cavity
F = half height course if windows
are not modular
Some typical applications of the use of sill units are shown in figures 36 to 39 inclusive and figure 37 below
Figure 37
Sectional detailshowinguseof 140mm
or 190mm (depending on width of
modularcavity)sill unit with dpc into
A = sill unit 140mm or 190mm
B = stepped dpc protruding into
C = precast sill unit
Figure 38 (left)
Lintel detail (using gahranised angle)
A = galvanhed mild steel angle
size t o wit opening
B = stappeddpc
C = 140 m m wide sill block
D = dpc
H = 110 m m reinforced lintel block
Figure39 (right)
Lintel &tail for spans exceeding 1.8m.
A two course bond beam detail may
be w
A = 13 m m t h i i plaster
B = rteppeddpc
C = paidea weephole in every
perpendicular join
D = cut lintel block
E = 110 m m thick sill block
F= *
G = water drip Cast into lintel It is essential that the dpc extends at least 100 mm beyond the ends of a lintel.
H = 140 m m reinforced lintel block
Construction detail - lintel blocks
A = Bme(M&
B = min. bearing length 190 m m
C = comrete infill
D = reinforcement
E = pmvideshumrhg boardwith
pmp(s) at mid-span during
The concrete infill used for lintels and reinforced vertical cores for standard
concrete masonry units should be 25 MPa, as follows:
1 part cement by volume: 2'1, parts sand :2.5 parts aggregate (6 mm to9.5 mm
max. size).
(or50 kg cement : 80 litre sand : 80 litre of 6 mm to 9.5 mm stone)
If the masonry design is to incorporate the coping or parapet detail, sug-
gested options are shown in figures 41 and 42.
Figure 41 and 42
Alternate coping details
A = coping unit
B = sill units
C = dpc
D = solid cast coping unit
E = 3mm flexit or thick dpc
F = 140 m m blockwork
G= slip joint t o support in-situ or
pre-cast roof top slab
H = waterproof plaster; or aluminium
flashing; or a durable, flexible
roof seal membrane system
Figure 47
Alternate course to Figure 38
B = 190 m m
C = 10 m m mortar
D = 90 m m block
Figures 48 and 49 A
390 rnm wide pier between openings I
A = 390 m m
B = 390 m m
Figure 48
Figure 50
Part elevation of 390 mm wide pier
A = 390 m m
B = 390 m m
Figure 49 Figure 50
Figure 51
Reinforced corner for internal load
bearing walls w ~ t hhoop iron or
mesh, as illustrated. If corner block
units are not available.
A = full 390 mm190 m m block
B = half 390 mm190 mrn block
C = hoop iron anchor
D = mesh
Figure 52
Reveal block method
A = 90mm
B = 10mm
C = 100 m m
E = wall ties provided in each
second joint 50mm from
opening dpc
F =vertical dpc
G = window frame
Figures 53 and 54
Reveal using mortar method
A = as F (above1
B = dpc or moisture barrier
In cavity work, the use of corner or reveal blocks (cavity closer units) are
recommended as shown in figure 52. Additional wall ties should be pro-
vided, as shown, 50mm from the opening on every second course.
Note: the reveal blocks for modular construction are either 190 or 140 mm
in length and can also be used on the outer leaf if the frame is recessed.
Figure 55
Encased steel column.
Note: Maximum steel column for
this detail is 254 x 152 x 59 kg Im.
A = external wall
B = 90 corner unit
C = 190 m m
D = 90 m m
E 3 290 mm
Walls subjected t o high uniformly distributed vertical loads require less
* p p r ; a r l u l ~UI
control joints than lightly loaded panels.
:ontrol joints
As a general guide the control joints should be at regular horizontal spacing.
For unreinforced external walls, control joints should be approximately
twice the wall height but not exceeding 8 m. Unreinforced internal walls
can be constructed up t o 15 m without control joints.
The control joints may also be required at:
1.Changes in wall height and thickness
2.The junction with other forms of construction eg. steel stanchions and
RC columns
3.The intersection with other walls and partitions
4. Major chases or recesses for piping, pilasters, and other building services
5. One or both sides of some large wall openings, eg. windows or wide doors
&Addition of localised bed ioint reinforcement below and above o .~ e n i n- a s
eliminates the necessity for a control joint at such openings. A mid wall
control ioint is often referable to forming control ioints at one side of
Figure 56 and 57
Plan view showing alternative courses
for a control joint in the leaf of a
cavity wall
B = 50mm-110mm
C = 90mm
D = wall ties t o be placed not more
than 100 t o 225 m m either side
of the control joint
E = control joint formed and sealed
F= 6-10mm
G .:these sections t o be wrapped
i n DaDer or Dainted with
b i i m e n t o break bond and
~ e r m imovement
t within the
iength ofthe wall whilst
retaining lateral stability of wall
H = 6 m m mild steel rods I600 m m
long) bedded in alternate
J = internal leaf
K = external leaf
All o ~ i l d i n gmater als move due to temperatLre an0 moisture changes.
Des gners snould ensLre that the effect of movement in a wa I takes place
at control lolnts in oroer to prevent uns~ghtlyrandom cracking.
Figure 58 There are three ways of controlling the possibility for cracking particularly in
Example of blockforce external walls:
1. Ensurethatonlywellcuredproductsareused.Concretemasonryproducts
should be moist cured for no less than 14 days before being delivered to
2. Provide control joints at regular/suitable intervals to accommodate
3. Provide bed joint reinforcement to counteract induced thermal or moisture
For longer uniform wall sections, specified bed joint reinforcement (i.e. block-
force) should be used to reduce number of control joints required.
The standard South African dimensions of bed joint reinforcement is limited
to minimum 2.8 mm diameter to 3.55 diameter mm of straisht wire sections in
lengths of 2.4 to 3 metres.
24 diameter rolled up brickforce is an ineffective, nonzompliant material and
may no longer be used.
Ordering the correct bed joint reinforcement is of critical importance.
Under no arcumstancesshould bed joint reinforcementreplace pmper wall ties.
Bed joint reinforcement serves the same purpose as bond beams in control-
linq stresses due to movement. Because of the closer s.~ a c i -n uof bedioint
reinforcement in the wall, it may be more effective in controlling move-
ment than a more costly bond beam. This table applies to external wall
Example: For a panel 14.6 m long and 4 8 m h ~ g h UH.3, and as L does not exceed
15.2 m the venlcal spaclng of the jolnt reinforcement should be 400 mm ?
Bed ioint reinforcement should be interru~ted
at a control loint exceDt 18%
Examples of control joints and reinforcement
Figure 59 Itopl elevation panel A = bed joint reinforcement extending 600 mm min each side of corner
Figure 60 elevation Panel B = control joints- Joints have been provided on both sides of openings
Figure 61 detail in figure 60 for aesthetic reasons. Alternatively use bed joint reinforcement at
one side
61 = a false control joint for aesthetic reasons
C = provide two layers of Malthoid under bearingsto lintelt o form sliding joint
D = no blockwork below windows or above doors - special provision for
movement not required here
E = bed joint reinforcement extendingat least 600 mm either side of window
F = dpc level under lintel bearing
G = rainwater pipe hiding control joint
For 105 106 m m imperial bricks
75 mm wide bed joint reinforcement is used for 106 mm bricks, 2.8 to 3.55 mm 0
Not suitable for any 90 mm wide masonry
N.B. Rolled up block- and brickforce does NOTcomply with building regulationsbecause it loses a
great deal of its effectiveness. Truss type bed joint reinforcement is specified for use in masonry
in SANS 2001 CMl.
Some regional suppliers manufacture bed joint reinforcement as 'ladder' type which is also acceptable.
bond beam
block with
lintel block compression bar
with tension reinforcement
bar reinforce-
Figure 64
The term Brickforce is used incor-
rectly when it comes to modular 155 mm wide
construction and is related to Impe-
rial brick units (222 x 1 0 6 x 7 3 and is
75 m m wide).
Figure 65
Reinforced corner construction for
heavy duty applications as spec~fied
by the engineer. For single storey
housing units, one corner bar may
be sufficient.
With units laid in stretcher or stack bond, mechanical or electrical services,
such as conduits or small ducts, may be placed in the core of the block.
electrical servi
The mason must check the plans to be sure of the size and location of the
service before block laying commences.
The detail shown below indicates how an electric service box can be fixed
into blockwork. The opening should be formed, preferably before the unit is
built into the wall, using a masoniy saw to cut 2 vertical slots at the bottom
of the exposed face. The cut out piece can then be removed with a bolster.
Depending on the thickness of the block, it may be necessary to use an
extension piece t o permit top fixing of the conduit.
Figure 66
Installation of switch box and circuit.
Cores of hollow blocks can be used
for electrical services.
A = slots cut i n block for box for
electrical fitting
B = conduits carried through core
of hollow block
C = fixing lugs
plugs and screws. Commercially
available bunerflv anchors are used
to fix servics to the sheH of blocks.
Figure 68 (right)
The ends of roof trusses, beams, etc,
can also be fixed by casting rag
bolts into the hollow core infill
Figure 69
Timber beam or truss fixing detail
A = timber beam or truss
Figure 70
Roof or floor joist fixing detail. Mini-
mum centres of H.D. bolts - 800 mm
A = timber joists
B = joist fixing
C = timber wall plate
For details also refer to HEM part 2
table 20
Where concrete roof slabs are supported on blockwork it is recommended
that a double layer of polyolefin sheeting malthoid or kilcher-bearing is
provided between the slab and wall. This is to provide a sliding joint, which
allows for differential thermal movement between the slab and wall.
Bed joint reinforcement (see page 51) should also be provided in the top
two courses of the wall.
With partition walls additional provision for slab deflection has to be made
as indicated below.
All floor and roof slabs, spanning between load-bearingwalls, deflect unless
restrained (engineers detail and decision). It is important to ensure that this
deflection does not transmit any load to a partition wail unless the wall is de-
signed to act as a load-bearingwall.
Wherethisdeflection isnotlikelyto beexcessive,thatisnot morethan 13mm
ina distanceof 6m.thejoint may befilled usingasoftboard packing or poly-
On walls longer than 3 m, when it is not possible to provide adequate head
restraint, it is necessary to reinforce and infill the top block course for lat-
eral stability. Where site fixing of wall junctions occur at less than 3 m, this
may not be necessary.
Figure 71
Joint under slab with potentially
large deflection
A = floor finish
6 = floor slab
C = 20 m m thick min compressible
filler as specified by engineer
D = masonry partition wall
E = galvanised mild steel angle or
timber baton fiied only t o Mi
to rertrain the wall h i d
Figure 72
Joint under slab with potentially
small deflection
A =floor finish
6 = floor slab
C = joint wim fibre board and sealant
D = masonry partition wall
F = 10mmmin
G = cornice glued t o soffit
for neatness
Refer t o detail in HEM part 2 Sec-
tion 3, figure DM12C. Also refer
CMA Detailing Manual, Volume 2
page 25.
Refer to NHBRC Manual, part 3, section 4for further information if required
Collar jointed wall
A = bed joint embedment depth
B = beam filling
C = wall plate
D = minimum anchor depth
E = anchor in accordance with
table 4 on page 62
Figure 74
Single leaf (solid units)
A = bed joint embedment depth
B = beam filling
C = wall plate
D = minimum anchor depth
F = 4mm diam galvanisedsteelwire
(type A anchor)
Figure 75
Single leaf (solid units)
A = bed joint embedment depth
B = beam filling
C = wall plate
D = minimum anchor depth
G = plaster
H = metal strap (type B or C anchor)
tucked into bedding course
Figure 76
Single leaf (hollow units)
B = beam filling
C = wall plate
D = minimum anchor depth
E = anchor spacing as i n Table 4
I= mesh t o support concrete infill
Figure 77
F~lledcavity wall
B = beam filling
C = wall plate
D = minimum anchor depth
E = anchor spacing as i n Table 4
I= mesh t o support concrete infill
Table 4
Roof trusses and rafters shall be fixed to walls by means of the following anchor types:
A: two strands of 4 mm diameter galvan~sedsteel wire
B: 30 x 1.2 mm galvanized steel strap
C: 30 x 1.6 mm galvanized steel strap
neavy roofs include those covered with concrere roof t es, clay roof t~les,slate or thatch.
~ g h roofs
r refer to metal or fiore cement, prof~leasheet ng, f~brecementslates or mera roof Iles
W re 15 not perminea for lignwe'ght roof coverings w th trJss or raher spac ng !centres! more tnan 760 mm.
M l n l m ~ mlength of roof rrdss roof anchors is 600 rnm for lighr roofs. 300 mm for neavy rook.
System created and des~gnedby Gunter R Koch and Helnrlch Gersner IArch~tect),Cape Town
Proposed window opening widths: 600,800,1200 & 1800
+*. X8
5 0
floor finish on screeb
on concrete bed on
140 com~actedsand fill
Elevation of door sill and step
A relatively recent development is an Agrement approved skim plaster tech-
nique that is specifically effective in single leaf block walling conforming to
NHBRC thermal requirements. Skim plaster is a rendering that is typically only
3 to 5 mm thick. Its fibre-re~nforcedcharacteristic resists crazing and cracklng
that is commonly associated with standard cement-sand plasters. This system
is less costly than a plaster-paint rendering and can be 100% effective in pre-
venting rain-penetration in the long term. Such systems do require carrying the
Agrement certificationof approval.
The CMA can advise what systems are approved or what paint systems are
effective in the 'Southern Coastal Condensation Problem Areas' (SCCP) regions.
(ref: SANS 10400-K:2005).
A goo0 general purpose monar 's: 1m e n t :0.1-1 *lime :6 sand (class2 monarr.
or 1cement :2 lime : 9 sand (class 31. Mortar mix should not oe too sloppv.
*addition of lime is dependant on sandqualityandestablishedbuildingpractice.
A good general purpose mix is: 1 cement : 2 lime : 8 sand. (Ref 2001EM1)
Surface should be dry or very nearly so before applying plaster.
It is wise to lay the blocks out without mortar to see whether the blocks fit
the configuration. It may be necessary to "stretch" or "shrink" a few joints to
obtain a good fit.
Lay blocks dry. Shell-bedding shall be used with 190 m m wide blocks and
fuf bed for 190 and 140 mm wide blocks. In single leaf 140 masonry mortar
- oualitv.
is to be of moisture resistinu . . Place with blind side* uo. to .orovide
bed for mortar. Avoid smearing mortar on blocr sioes as tnts snows up
after oaintina. *blrnd srde means the side of tne nollow block that is oarriallv or
Avoid chopping blocks with a bolster, this is untidy and generates waste. Use
a carborundum saw on well-soaked blocks and allow to dry before use.
Preferably use the complimentary block shown on the page 28.
Mortar droppings should be scraped off after partially drying (e24 hours).
Persistent marks can sometimes be removed by rubbing with another piece
of block. Use acid solutions with caution, as they will etch and stain the
block surface. (Consult experts on acid cleaning).
Recommended mixes
Mortar and plaster mixes are normally in the range of 1 bag of cementto 130 to 300 litres of damp sand. Rich mixes
are typically used where masonrv is highly stressed or where plaster is subiect to impact, for example sauash
court wal s. Leaner mlxes are used on soft, fr~abe surfaces such as poor y oaked and sdn a r ~ e dbrlcls In some
cases mlxes as lean as 1 bag of cement to 4 bags of llme to 600 1 tres of sand nave oeen ~ s e dsuccessfully
SABS 0164 recommends the following mixes which will give adequate strength and durability providing average
or good quality sands are used. (A simple field-test for sand quality is described in PPC TIP 8)
Sand measured loose and damp + Mass increased by 5% to allow for moisture in the sand
This table provided by the Cement & Concrete Institute is based on the following data:
Definitionfor brick and block sizes Bricks s 300 long Blocks 2 300 s 650 -
s 130wide a 130 5 300
5 120 high n 120 a 300
SANS BLOCK MASONRY SPECIFICATIONS Total force crushina strenath in tonnes It) and kn
3.5 MPa x 10,197 = 35.7 kg 1 sq I c m t 12.5 19.5
kn 122.5 191.1 251.8
It is recommended that blocks are specified in accordance with Strengths Category Requirements (as above) as
determined by the structural engineer.
Table 5
Comprehensive strength of masonry Nominal Compressive strength MPa, min
unirs, SANS 1215-Table2 compressive
strength, Average for
MPa Individual units
In the case of units having an 5* units
overall length of 290mm or less, an
average of 12 units is taken 3,5 4,O 3.0
7,O 8,O 5,5
10,5 11,5 8.5
14,O 15,5 11.0
21,O 23.5 17.0
Work sizes, mm
390 190
390 190 190
Table 6 Table 7
Nominal dimensions of masonry units, SANS 1215 Tolerance on work sizes, SANS 1215 -Table 1
* In the case of FUA (face unit aesthetic)the tolerance on
the overall width shall be i 10mm
For the purpose of this book, the following definitions apply:
Masonrv unit that has dimensions which satisfv
any one of the following conditions: Bed joint
i) lenath between 300 mm and 650 mm Horizontal joint between courses of masonry
I) wloih between 130 mm an0 300 mm. or which is mortared.
iir he ght between 120 mm and 300 mm
Collar joint
Brick Vertical longitudinal joint between the ends of
Masonry unitthat hasdimensions which satisfy all two adjacent masonry units laid in the same
of the following conditions: course which is filled with mortar.
it length no;exceeding 300 mm
iir wioth nor excccd~nq130 mm; and Flush joint
iii) height notexceediig 120 mm Mortar filled joint which is finished flush with the
face of the masonry in a wall.
Light welded fabric comprising two hard drawn Raked joint
wires of diameter not less than 2.8 mm and not Mortar filled joint which is raked out to a specified
exceeding 3.55 mm held apart either by perpen- depth behind the face of the masonly in a wall.
dicular (ladder) or by diagonal (truss type) cross
Struck joint
Mortar filled horizontal joint which is finished so
Core that the base of the joint is flush with the edge of
A void within the cross-section of a hollow masonrv the course beneath the joint and the top of the
unit. joint is set back so that the course immediately
above oversails the joint.
Opening at the bottom of an infill concretelgrout Tooled joint
space to allow for removal of debris. Mortar filled joint, including a flush joint and raked
joint, where the surface is trowelled or ironed to a
Frog smooth, dense finish of specified profile.
Depression formed in one or both faces of a ma-
sonry unit, the total volume of which does not
exceed 25% of gross volume of the unit.
Control ioint or movement ioint
Joint designedto permit movement between sections
Grout of a masonw structure without impairing
. .the func-
Highly workable concrete placed in cores, cavities tional integrity of the structure.
or pockets to produce qrouted and reinforced
masonry, normally referred to as infill concrete
(grout does not contain coarse aggregate in excess lnfill concrete
of 5 mm particle size). Highly workable concrete placed in cores, cavi-
ties or pocketsto produce grouted and reinforced
masonry (contains coarse aggregate).
Masonry unit which is laid across and connects
two or more adjacent leaves. Leaf
Continuous vertical section of a wall, one masonry
unit wide.
Hollow masonry unit
Masonry unit that contains cores that exceed
25% but do not exceed 60% of the gross volume Masonry
of the unit. Assemblage of masonry units joined togethe~
with mortar or grout.
Prestressed masonry Free-standing wall
Masonry in which reinforcing steel is incorpo- Wall that depends for stability on either its own
rated and then pre-tensioned or post-tensioned mass or stability atthe base of the wall or a combi-
to strengthen the masonry. nation of both.
A value determined on a statistical basis to cor-
Cavitv wall res~ond to a wescribed ~robabilitvof not beins
wail that consists of two separate parallel leaves exceeded on'the unfavdurable side during the
and evenlv spaced webs ioinina the leaves to lifetime of the structure (see also nominal val-
form a monolithic section with vertical voids. ue).
Slenderness ratio
Effectiveheight Ratio of the effective height (or in the case of
Height used for calculating the slenderness ratio walls, the effective length, if the effective length
of the wall, pier or column. is less than the effective height) to the effective
Effective length
Length used for calculating the slenderness ratio
of a wall.
Strength mortar
A strength mortar is designated by the specified
Effective thickness compressive strength at 28 day.
Thickness used for calculating the slenderness
ratio of a wall, pier or column.
Prescribed mix mortar
A orescribed mix mortar is desianated bv its mix
Lateral support proportions.
Support that will effectively restrain a column,
pier or wall against lateral movement.
Reinforcing Bond
Pre-stressing tendon The adhesion between steel reinforcement and
Steel wire, strand or bar that is pre-tensioned or
mortar or infill concretelgrout.
post-tensioned in order to prestress masonry.