Nepotism As A Cause and Consequence of Unhealthy Organizational Culture
Nepotism As A Cause and Consequence of Unhealthy Organizational Culture
Nepotism As A Cause and Consequence of Unhealthy Organizational Culture
Nepotism is analysed in the article in the context of unhealthy
organizational culture. In order to clarify the concept of the connections of
nepotism as a management anomaly with unhealthy organizational culture, the
hypotheses, which are tested by correlation analysis and t-test methods, are
formulated. The research has shown the close interrelationship between
nepotism and unhealthy organizational culture.
Keywords: nepotism, unhealthy organizational culture, management
anomaly, causes and consequences of nepotism.
Vinton, 1998; Bellow, 2003; Padgett, Morris, 2005; Arasli, Tumer, 2008;
Scoppa, 2009; Bte, 2011; Kele, zkan, Bezirci, 2011; Vveinhardt, 2012a,
2012b; Ulrik, 2012 et al.). The studies of nepotism in public and private sector
are making the first steps in Lithuania. The authors of this article theoretically
(Vveinhardt, Petrauskait, 2013a) and empirically (Vveinhardt, Petrauskait,
2013d) substantiated the links of nepotism with degenerate organizational
culture, analysed the phenomenon of nepotism looking through the prism of
favouritism (Vveinhardt, Petrauskait, 2013b), carried out a diagnostic research
on the intensity of expression of nepotism (Vveinhardt, Petrauskait, 2013c). The
issues of sick organizations are touched in the papers of these scientists: L.
imanskien (2002), M. F. R. Kets de Vries, D. Miller (2004), J. O. Schwarz
(2007), I. I. Mitroff (2004), M. F. R. Kets de Vries, L. Guillen-Ramo, K. Korotov
(2009), etc.
Object of the research: determination of interrelations of nepotism and
organizational culture.
Aim of the research: to check the connections between nepotism and
unhealthy organizational culture.
Methods of the research. In order to reveal the level of exploration of
nepotism and unhealthy organizational culture in the scientific literature, the
methods of analogy, analysis, systematisation and comparison were used. The
methods of algorithmization and generalisation were used in the article as well.
Research methodology
in this case is 0.07, therefore, the necessary number of respondents is 204. 238
respondents were interviewed, therefore, the received results properly represent
the researched population.
Testing hypotheses
The internal reliability of the test used in the research has a high Cronbach
alfa coefficient (min 0.903, max 0.962). Spearman-Brown coefficient, the
coefficient of increased reliability, is also important. Values of Cronbach alfa
and Spearman-Brown coefficients in this case are close to each other (Spearman-
Brown min 0.844, max 0.938).
A strong and very strong positive correlation was found between such
dimensions as employees behaviour and unhealthy (there exists nepotism)
organizational culture (r = 0.807 in the public sector, r = 0.622 in the private
sector). Moderate and strong correlation was determined between executives
behaviour and sick organizational culture (r = 0.601 in the public sector, r =
0.404 in the private sector). A strong negative correlation between employees
behaviour and reaction to the organizational culture affected by nepotism (r = -
0.713 in the public sector and r = -0.722 in the private sector) was found. No
statistically significant differences have been found between sectors. The features
of unhealthy organizational culture and the features of a healthy organizational
culture have a strong negative correlation (r = -0.713 in the public sector and r = -
0.766 in the private sector). Testing the hypotheses by Students t-test, high level
of reliability was found in both sectors: = 0.01.
Figure 1 presents a block diagram of the algorithm of hypotheses testing.
The significant established fact is that in respect of co-workers behaviour
nepotism is most sensitively manifested in communication with members of the
organization who have family connections (with leadership) and during
assessment of their work. Carefulness, fear, internal conflicts are the most
commonly occurring elements in both the public and private sector organizations.
Evaluating executives behaviour in respect of nepotism, a subjective limitation
of actions of lowest level management in the face of a nepot is revealed the most
prominently. That is, direct or perceived threats hinder from effectively
performing management functions.
It should be noted that the research was carried out in a specific
(historically formed national socio-cultural) medium, therefore, the ratio of
nepotism and connections of organizational culture in other populations may
vary. However, in order to confirm or reject the influence of nepotism on
organizational culture in individual organizations, a logical sequence with initial
position, firstly determining the connections of existence of the fact of nepotism
with the state of organizational culture, which is represented by employees
reactions, is possible. Depending on the expression of nepotism, the ratio of these
connections may vary.
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p < 0,001
Consequences of nepotism do not Yes
coincide with characteristics of
unhealthy organizational culture
The hypothesis has been verified
p < 0,001
Consequences of nepotism coincide Yes
with characteristics of unhealthy
organizational culture
p < 0,001
Nepotism has a significant Yes
indirect impact on organizational
p < 0,001
Sick organizational culture is defined Yes
as an object, which
accepts nepotism
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Figure 1. Algorithm of links between nepotism and organizational culture
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Hypothesis H1, raised at the beginning of the research, was not proved, as
the existing relationship between nepotism and unhealthy organizational culture
was found. Hypotheses H2, H3 and H4 were proved. The consequences of
nepotism coincide with features of unhealthy organizational culture, nepotism
makes a significant indirect impact on organizational culture, i.e. makes it more
sick. The study shows that with strengthening the expression of nepotism on
managerial plane, the state of organizational culture worsens. In addition, with
qualitative changes of organizational culture (perceiving intervention as active
prevention) nepotism has a tendency to decrease. Thus, even in the cases, when
nepotism is not detected, it is reasonable to develop the policy of organizational
culture targeted against nepotism preventively.
The composed algorithm is appropriate and valuable for every
organization, facing the problem of nepotism. Since algorithms allow submitting
unambiguous data, which are refiltered through a solid logical sequence of
instructions, the received due results are relatively objective. After the
assessment of the existence and impact of the phenomenon of nepotism, the
organization can take concrete actions to solve the problem.
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