A move away from using major and minor scales to less conventional scales
such as whole tone and pentatonic
Impressionist music tends to make more use of dissonance and more uncommon
scales such as the whole tone scale
Debussy wanted people to respond intuitively to these pieces and so he placed the
titles at the end of each one in the hope that listeners would not make stereotype
images as they listened.
(Claire de Lune) In this work he utilized the Phrygian mode as well as less
standard scales, such as the whole-tone, which creates a sense of floating,
ethereal harmony. Debussy was beginning to employ a single, continuous
theme and break away from the traditional A-B-A form, with its restatements
and amplifications, which had been a mainstay of classical music since Haydn
Guided learning
Related to other styles jazz (Bill Evans), Javanese gamelan, Film Music
Creativity 1.4a
Understanding how atmospheric effects are useful with composing for film
Communication 1.5a
Musical Element
SCALE - A move away from using major and minor scales to less conventional
scales such as whole tone and pentatonic
COMPOSITION to compose a piece that is atmospheric
Making Learning come alive
Performing in Assembly
Link with Art
Music technology
Expected Understanding
All students will know how to use a whole tone or pentatonic scale to create
atmospheric music.
Some will create a clear melodic motif using a whole tone or pentatonic scale
which reflects their atmospheric music.
Few will be able to develop textured harmonies using a whole tone or pentatonic
scale which clearly reflects their atmospheric music.
All will be able to create a piece of atmospheric music
Some will create a form that uses a single motif
Few will be able to create a formal structure using a continuously developing
Sequence of Learning
Planning sheet SR
Pictures Monet sunrise (1872) BC and other related pictures
Recording Clare de lune BC or other Debussy recording
Photos or Debussy and Monet and other impressionist artists and composers BC
Get another DVD of Batman BC
Create worksheet for composing Scales- wholetone/pentatonic conventional
(major) and unconventional (chromatic) BC
Worksheet for Batman theme playing BC
Bill Evans Jazz SR