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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry HPLC Analysis of Methanolic Extract of Herbs For Quercetin Content

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ISSN 2278- 4136

ZDB-Number: 2668735-5
IC Journal No: 8192
Volume 2 Issue 1
Online Available at www.phytojournal.com

Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

HPLC Analysis of Methanolic Extract of Herbs for

Quercetin Content
Neelam Verma1, Nitu Trehan2*

1. Biotechnology Department, Punjabi University, Patiala, India

[E-mail: [email protected]]
2. Biotechnology Department, Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Sahib, India
[E-mail: [email protected]]

Herbs are rich source of flavonoids. Flavonoids are polyphenolic compounds that are ubiquitous in nature and are
categorized according to their chemical structure, into flavones, isoflavonoes and flavon-3-ol, anthocyanidins. They
have aroused considerable interest because of their potential beneficial effect on human health. They have been
reported to have antiviral, anti allergic, anti platelet, anti inflammatory, antitumor, anti carcinogenic and anti ageing
properties. HPLC analysis can be used for classification of herbs based upon secondary metabolites. Extract yield at
optimum condition was then analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for quantifying
bioactive flavonoid compounds . It was observed that mint contains the highest concentration of quercetin i.e. about
Keyword: Flavonol, HPLC, Quercetin

1. Introduction
Plants occupy a significant place as raw material Flavonoids may help provide protection against
for important drugs . Plants produce a variety of these diseases by contributing along with
antioxidants that include carotenoids, flavonoids, antioxidants vitamins and enzymes .Quercetin is
cinnammic acid and ascorbic acid, tocopherols to a type of flavonol . The best property of quercetin
prevent the oxidation of the susceptible substrate is that it acts as an antioxidant. ( Lakhanpal and
(Hollman, 2001). We are mainly concerned with Rai, 2007).
one class of anti oxidants i.e. flavonoids. Over
4000 flavonoids have been identified so far. 1.1 Lemon grass: which belongs to the family
Flavonoids are essentially ingested through food Poaceae . The culms (stems) of lemon grass are
rather than metabolically synthesized. widely used in teas and other beverages, herbal
The flavonoids have aroused considerable interest medicines, and to flavour southeast Asian cuisine,
recently because of their potential beneficial particularly fish stews and sauces. Lemon grass is
effects on human health. They have been reported also grown in pots indoor, to provide rooms with
to have antiviral, anti allergic, anti platelet, anti its fresh fragrance. Cymbopogon citratus is
inflammatory, antitumor, anti carcinogenic and closely related to C. nardus, the species of grass
anti ageing properties (Cody et al., 1986; from which the insect-repellent citronella is
Kuhnau, 1976;Havsteen, 1983; Middleton, 1984). derived. The oil extracted from lemon grass has

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

also been used as an insect-repellent, as well as to can also help eliminate toxins in the body and
perfume beauty products. purify the blood by eating them regularly. In fact,
crushed mint leaves believed to whiten teeth
1.2 Parsley or garden parsley (Petroselinum and eliminate bad breath.
crispum): is a species of Petroselinum in the
family Apiaceae. It is widely cultivated as an HPLC technique gives a finger print analysis of
herb, a spice and a vegetable. Parsley is used for herbs for its components. Various commonly
urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones used herbs are a rich source of flavonoids and
(nephrolithiasis), gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, mainly quercetin which shows good antioxidant
constipation, jaundice, intestinal gas (flatulence), properties. In this paper, we have analyzed herbs
indigestion, colic, diabetes, cough, asthma, fluid for their quercetin content.
retention (edema), osteoarthritis, tired blood
(anemia), high blood pressure, prostate 2. Materials and Methods
conditions, and spleen conditions. It is also used Herbs were obtained from Punjab Agriculture
to start menstrual flow, to cause an abortion, and University, Ludhiana. Chemicals required:
as a breath freshener. quercetin from Sigma Aldrich, HPLC grade
methanol, phosphoric acid, syringe filters(0.45
1.3 Coriander: an umbelliferous plant m), HPLC grade water.
indigenous to southern Europe, is found
occasionally in Britain in fields and waste places, 2.1Sample Preparation: Herbs were dried and
and by the sides of rivers. It is frequently found in then crushed. Then 1% of extract was prepared in
a semi-wild state. Coriander (Coriander HPLC grade methanol. Then the sample was
Sativum), an umbelliferous plant indigenous to sonicated using ultrasonicator for 10 min. Then
southern Europe, is found occasionally in Britain extract was filtered and injected into the HPLC
in fields and waste places, and by the sides of column using mobile phase of 36:64(acetonitrile
rivers. It is frequently found in a semi-wild state and 0.1 %phosphoric acid).
in the east of England, having escaped from
cultivation. 2.2Standard Preparation: Quercetin was used
as standard. 100 ppm quercetin standard was
1.4 Mint (Mentha canadensis): is a plant that prepared run under similar conditions. The
has been used in a variety of cultures, such as wavelength for maximum absorption of quercetin
India, the Middle East, and Europe. Characteristic is 365 nm and the flow rate was maintained at
of this plant that has a sweet flavor with a cool 0.5ml / min.
sensation after eating. Eating mint is good for the
body, such as cooling the digestive tract, or 3. Results and Discussion:
if abdominal pain will greatly help relieve the It was observed when similar kind of weight of
pain. While herbal mint tea drinking may sample was taken the analysed herbs shows the
reduce irritable bowel syndrome, stomach peak area maximum in case of mint. The rest of
cleaning, and also cleans skin disorders such herbs showed lower content. So mint can be used
as acne.While cool mint sensation on the skin can as a rich source of quercetin from herb.
help overcome skin irritation. Not only that, mint
Table 1.1: shows the peak area and retention time of different herbs and their quercetin content in mg/g:
S. No. Name of the herb Retention time Peak area Conc.in mg/g
1. Lemon grass 15.625 215603 0.12
2. Parsley 16.842 7392928 4.20
3. Coriander 17.249 8796752 6.10
4. Mint 16.913 17700570 10.8
5. Quercetin 100ppm 15.967 14541756 100ppm

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Fig 3.1: HPLC chromatogram of Methanolic Lemon Grass Extract

Fig 3.2: HPLC chromatogram of Methanolic Parsley Extract

Fig 3.3: HPLC Chromatogram of Methanolic Coriander Extract

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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry

Fig 3.4: HPLC Chromatogram of Methanolic Mint Extract

Fig 3.5: HPLC Chromatogram of Quercetin 100 Ppm

4. Conclusion
It was observed that mint showed highest 5. References
concentration of quercetin . So it can be used as a 1. Cody,V, Middleton, E and Harborne , J B (1986)
good source of quercetin .Herbs are enormously Plants flavonoids in Biology and Medicine-
Biochemical and Structure Activity Relationships.
important in both traditional and western
Alan R.Liss., NY.
medicine . Hence it is essential to analyze the 2. Hollman , P C H (2001) Evidence for health effects
phytochemicals present in the plant through a of plant phenols : local or systemic effects. J. Sci.
potential technique . Based upon the HPLC Food Agri., 81: 842-852
fingerprints, it can be concluded that this 3. Havsteen , B (1983) Flavonoids , a class of natural
analytical technique is a convenient method to products of high pharmacological potency. Biochem.
Pharma., 32(7): 1141-1148
identify the presence of numerous constituents 4. Lakhanpal , P and Rai,K D (2007) Quercetin : A
present in the methanolic extract. The Versatile Flavonoid . International Journal of
concentration of quercetin in herbs follows the Medical Update ., 2(2)
order 10.8 mg/g in mint , 6.15mg/g in coriander , 5. Middleton, E (1984) The flavonoids . Trends in
4.2 mg/g in parsley and 0.12mg/g in lemon grass. Pharmaceutical Science. 5: 335-338

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