A Study of Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment and Its Effect On Work Performance in Contractual Employees - A Case Study of Bihar Vikas Mission, Bihar, India

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)

Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

A Study of Job Satisfaction, Organisational

Commitment and its Effect on Work Performance in
Contractual Employees - A Case Study of Bihar
Vikas Mission, Bihar, India
Deepa Singh
Research Scholar, Magadh University, Gaya, Bihar, India

Abstract: - Employee attitude are important to management In recent days, it has became a new trend to hire contractual or
because they determine the behavior of workers in the temporary employees in organization HR strategies of
organization. The common held opinion is that A satisfied developing countries. In literature, different words are used
worker is a productive worker. A satisfied work force will for contract employees such as temporary workers, agency
create A pleasant atmosphere within the organization to perform
temps, labour hire workers, or temporary help service
well. Hence job satisfaction has become a major topic for
research studies. Nowadays it is a new trend to hire contractual workers, contingent workers (Veitch & Cooper-Thomas,
or temporary employees in organization HR strategies of 2009) etc. A contractual employee is one who works under a
developing countries. The specific problem addressed in this specific contract for an employer. A contract employee is
study is to examine the impact of job satisfaction and hired for a specific job at a specific rate of pay for a specific
organisational commitment on performance of contractual period of time. Contingent employment refers to job situations
employees. It considered which rewards (intrinsic and extrinsic) in which an individual does not have an explicit or implicit
determine job satisfaction of an employee. It also considered contract for long-term employment or to jobs in which the
influence of age, sex and experience of employee on level of job minimum hours worked can vary in a non-systematic manner
satisfaction and organisational commitment. Despite of growing
(Polivka and Nardone, 1989)
acceptance that temporary employment likely to be a persisting
and significant feature of contemporary work, there is no clear Job satisfaction is an important criterion for the success of an
ideas about how it expects the satisfaction, well being and organization. It is closely associated with job turn over and
performance of employees. A sample of 215 staff of Bihar Vikas life satisfaction. Employees mindsets - their fundamental
Mission were selected using satisfied random sampling Data was
collected things the use of questionnaires.
attitude, is crucial in achieving and maintaining high
performance (Thomas, Harburg & Dutra, 2007; Snyder &
The study found that there was a positive relationship between Burke, 2012). One of the attitudes that could lead to high
temporary employment and employer performance. Employer performance is employees commitment towards the
took up temporary employment as an alternative to reach of organization.
permanent employment and with the hope of gaining permanent
employment in the longer term. This motivated them to work Knowledge of contingent employees on implications for the
harder to enhance their performance. The study also found that work organization is sparse and the effects of the use of
the organization was promoting the employability of the contingent employment on work settings are not very well
employers by providing handsome salary and enhancing their documented (Bergstrm, 2001). Considerable amount of
employability of the employer through contract renewal. The
purpose of the study was to examine the job satisfaction and
research has examined the organizational commitment and its
employer performance level of contractual employee at Bihar influence of work performance of permanent employees, little
Vikas Mission (BVM). This gives the contractual employee a empirical work has investigated the commitment of temporary
sense of job security which enhances their performance and workers (Van Breugel, VanOlffen & Olie, 2005; Connelly,
satisfaction level. Gallagher & Gilley, 2007). The purpose of this study is to
access and examine the level of Job Satisfaction, orginational
I. INTRODUCTION commitment and its effect on work performance of
contractual employees of Bihar Vikas Mission, Bihar, India.

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

Contract Employment

Motive for Employment

- Voluntary Motive
- Involuntary motives

Perceived Employability - Key Performance

- Training acquired - Productivity

- Experiences
- Knowledge/Skill & ability - Absenteeism

- Innovation

- Creativity
Expected Employment Continuity

- Constant Duration
- Constant Renewal

II. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY resolutions of seven resolves for developed Bihar within the
Programmes of Good Governance 2015-2020, Agriculture
The Government of Bihar has decided to constitute The Bihar
Road Map, Human Development Mission, Skill Development
Vikas Mission to be registered under the provisions of
Mission, Infrastructure Development and Industrial
Societies Registration Act, 1860 to ensure the implementation
in mission mode, fixation of priorities, monitoring of
achievements against targets of programmes and other Main Objectives of Missions are as follows :

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

a) To ensure implementation of Govt. Programs in IV. RESEARCH GAP

mission mode, fixation of priorities, and monitoring
The previous review presented above provides a useful
of achievement against target of various Govt.
framework for generating broader hypothesis about the work
Programs and schemes.
satisfaction and employees performance. However most of the
b) To develop institutional arrangements and enter into
study were conducted in more established and developed
agreements for availing the experiences and
organization were strategic approach and stability is different
knowledge resource of educational community,
from Bihar Vikas Mission. The study intends to establish the
private sector and civil society. To involve experts,
influence of work satisfaction and employer performance in
thinkers, experienced professionals, youth and
contractual employees at Bihar Vikas Mission. Therefore the
students for ensuring effective policy framing and
present study section to develop a number of proposition
compliance. And
towards expanding the framework for understanding the job
c) To establish effective public dialogue and receive
satisfaction and performance level of contractual employees
public reaction and response. Document the progress
and achievement and ensure their effective
dissemination and propagation for public awareness
and education. 1. Research Design- It is a blue print for fulfilling
research objective and answering research
For achieving the objective of the mission, a District Level
questionnaire. The study adopted Descriptive
Good Governance Program Implementation Committee has
been formed in the name of District Registration and Research Design because it concerned with
Counseling Centre (DRCC) at every district of Bihar under description of the state of affairs as it exist at present.
2. Sample Size- 251
the chairmanship of Minister in Charge of District. This
3. Sample Area- Bihar Vikas Mission, DRCC
DRCC has appointed several Technical personals and
Management experts on contractual basis for
4. Sample Technique- Stratified Random Samples.
implementation, management and monitoring of Various
Govt. Programs and schemes. Districts Magistrate chairs 5. Data Collection Methods- Primary Data-
monthly review of the programmes with the officers of Questionnaire used Secondary Data Journal Books,
concerned departments and thereafter presents the progress in
6. Test Used - T Test
the meeting before the Minister-in-charge-cum-chairman of
7. Data Processing and Analysis- By both qualitative
the District Good Governance Program Implementation
Committee. and quantitative approach. Descriptive Statistics such
as mean and percentage were applied in the data
In this study we are examining the level of Job Satisfaction, analysis. The Data is anlaysed using SPSS.
orginational commitment and its effect on work performance
of contractual employees posted at various District VI. DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION
Registration and Counseling Centre (DRCC) under the
Hypothesis testing
Bihar Vikas Mission, Bihar, India.
H0- There is no significance differences in job satisfaction
III. OBJECTIVES and employees performance in contract employees.
1. The main objective of the study was to establish the H1- There is a significance difference in job satisfaction and
influence of contractual employment on employees employees performance in contract employees.
performance and organisational commitment at Bihar
Vikas Mission. S. No. Contents Mean Std Deviations
2. To develop a conceptual model proposing certain
Temporary employment in
facts contributing to the performance of contractual 1. 3.1912 0.793
BVM provides an alternative
employees. to lack of employment in the
job market.
3. To probe and enhance certain facts that can be used Expectation to gain permanent
to motivate the performance of contractual employment at BVM drives
2. 3.5706 0.59612
employees. temporary employees to high
level of performance.
4. Enable individual to develop their abilities, increase Temporary employees
their job satisfaction and enhance their full potential provides an opportunity to
3. 3.7794 0.68775
for both self and organisational benefit. learn from different job
Perceived employment
4. 3.4706 0.54374
continuity makes contractual

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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540

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satisfied with the interpersonal Center for Advanced Human Resource Studies.
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International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540


1. Position of the Respondent

2. Gender
3. Education Level
4. No. of year worked in BVM

S.NO Contents 4
1 2 3 5

Temporary employment in BVM

1. provides an alternative to lack of
employment in the job market
Expectation to gain permanent
2. employment at BVM drives temporary
employees to high level of performance.
Temporary employees provides an
3. opportunity to learn from different job
Perceived employment continuity makes
contractual employees more committed
4. to their work.

S.NO Contents 4
1 2 3 5
Expected termination of contractual
demotivates employer at BVM
Temporary employees satisfied with the
6. interpersonal relation cooperation in the
Temporary employer faces that contract
7. employee is a stepping stone to a
permanent organization.
Absenteeism and turnover reduced in
contractual job.

The statement presented about described were :

1= strongly disagree (SD)
2 = Disagree (D)
3= Neutral (N)
4= Agree (A)
5= Strongly Agree (SA)

www.ijltemas.in Page 179

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