Integral Transform Methods For Inverse Problem of Heat Conduction With Known Boundary of Semi Infinite Hollow Cylinder and Its Stresses
Integral Transform Methods For Inverse Problem of Heat Conduction With Known Boundary of Semi Infinite Hollow Cylinder and Its Stresses
Integral Transform Methods For Inverse Problem of Heat Conduction With Known Boundary of Semi Infinite Hollow Cylinder and Its Stresses
Abstract: Three dimensional inverse transient thermoelastic use of FEM harmonic basic functions. The essence of the
problem of a semi-infinite hollow cylinder is considered within problem is aimed at presenting an approximate solution based
the context of the theory of generalized thermoelasticity. The on possibly large finite element. Introduction of harmonic
lower surface, upper surface and inner surface of the semi- functions allows reducing the order of numerical integration
infinite hollow cylinder occupying the space
as compared to a classical Finite Element Method. Numerical
D {( x, y, z ) R : a ( x y ) b, 0 z }
3 2 2 1/ 2
are calculations confirm good efficiency of the use of basic
known boundary conditions. Finite Marchi-Zgrablich transform harmonic functions for resolving direct and inverse problems
and Fourier sine transform techniques are used to determine the of stationary heat conduction. Gao-Lian Liu [4] studied the
unknown temperature gradient, temperature distribution, inverse heat conduction problem with free boundary and
displacement and thermal stresses on outer curved surface of a
cylinder. The distribution of the considered physical variables
transformed into one with completely known boundary, which
are obtained and represented graphically. is much simpler to handle. As a by-product, the classical
Kirchhoffs transformation for accounting for variable
Keywords: Thermoelastic problem, semi-infinite hollow cylinder, conductivity is rederived and an invariance property of the
Thermal Stresses, inverse problem, Marchi-Zgrablich transform inverse problem solution with respect to variable conductivity
and Fourier sine transform.
is indicated. Then a pair of complementary extremum
I. INTRODUCTION principles is established on the image plane, providing a
sound theoretical foundation for the Ritzs method and finite
K hobragade et al. [1, 5-11] have investigated
temperature distribution, displacement function, and
stresses of a thin as well as thick hollow cylinder and
element method (FEM). An example solved by FEM is also
Khobragade et al. [2] have established displacement function Michael J. Cialkowski [13] presented the application of heat
, temperature distribution and stresses of a semi-infinite polynomials for solving an inverse problem. The heat
cylinder. polynomials form the Treffetz Method for non-stationary heat
conduction problem. They have been used as base functions
Yoon Hwan Choi et. al. [16] discussed the temperature in Finite Element Method. Application of heat polynomials
distributions of the heated plate investigated with the permits to reduce the order of numerical integration as
condition that the line heating process was automatic. The compared to the classical Finite Element Method with
temperature variations were also investigated with the formulation of the matrix of system of equations. Gao-Lian
changes of those three variables. The numerical results Liu and Dao- Fang Zhang [3] discussed two methods of
showed that the peak temperature decreased as the moving solution generalized Ritz method and variable-domain
velocity of the heating source increased. It also revealed that FEM both capable of handling problems with unknown
the peak temperatures changed linearly with the changes of boundaries are suggested. Then, three sample numerical
the heating source. Xijing Li, Hongtan Wu, Jingwei Zhou examples have been tested. The computational process is
and Qun He [15] studied one-dimensional linear inverse heat quite stable, and the results are encouraging. This variational
problem. This ill-posed problem is replaced by the perturbed approach can be extended straightforwardly to 3-D inverse
problem with a non localized boundary condition. After the problems as well as to other problems in mathematical
derivation of its closed-form analytical solution, the physics. In the present problem, an attempt is made to study
calculation error can be determined by the comparison the three dimensional inverse transient thermoelastic
between the numerical and exact solutions. problems to determine the unknown temperature, temperature
Michael J. Cialkowski and Andrzej Frckowiak [12] distribution, displacement function and thermal stresses on
presented analysis of a solution of Laplace equation with the upper plane surface of a thin rectangular object occupying the Page 5
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540 Page 6
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540
W t
2 1 n1 Cn m0 n2
where constants involved T * (n, z, s) are obtained by using t
F e
q 2 t q 2 t
boundary conditions (6). Finally applying the inversion e dt (26)
theorems of transform defined in [9] and inverse Laplace 0
transform by means of complex contour integration and the Substitution the value of (26), (27) in (17) to (20) one obtains
residue theorem, one obtains the expressions of the the stress functions as
temperature distribution T (r , z, t ) and unknown temperature
a 1 1 sin ( pz) S0 (k1 , k2 , n r )
gradient H(z,t) for heating processes respectively as r 2G t
1 n1 Cn m0 n2
sin( pz) S 0 (k1 , k 2 , n r )
T (r , z , t )
m 0 n2 2 n rS0 (k1 , k2 , n r )
r2 2
n S0(k1 , k2 , n r )
e q t F eq t dt
(22) t
e q t F eq t dt
0 Page 7
International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science (IJLTEMAS)
Volume VI, Issue IV, April 2017 | ISSN 2278-2540
t t
F e F e
q 2 t q 2 t
e q 2 t q 2 t
dt (27) e dt (30)
0 0
r 2 a 1 1 p 2 sin ( pz) S0 (k1 , k2 , n r )
z 2G t
2 1 n1 Cn m0 n2 Set F (r, t ) (1 e ) (r r0 )
e q t F eq t dt
Applying finite Marchi-Zgrablich transform defined in [9] to
0 the equation (31) one obtains
n1 m 0 n2
a 1 1 sin ( pz)
2G t
n2 2
2 1 n1 Cn m0
e q t F eq t dt
2S0 (k1, k2 , nr) nrS0 (k1, k2 , nr) 0
F e
q 2 t q 2 t
e dt
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a 1 1
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t shafts, and universal joints having mechanical and thermal
1 n 1 Cn m 0 n2 properties Page 8
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