ISM (Bigwas)
ISM (Bigwas)
ISM (Bigwas)
Company Guard Force (CGF) a security force The maximum number of private security
maintained and operated by any private personnel that a PSA/CGF/PDA may employ shall be
company/corporation utilizing any of its employees to one thousand (1000).
watch, secure or guard its business establishment
premises, compound or properties. PADPAO Philippine Association of Detective and
Protective Agency Operators. Is an association of all
Duty Detail Order - is a written order/schedule licensed security agencies and company security forces
issued by a superior officer usually the private security in the Philippines.
agency/branch manager or operations officer assigning
the performance of private security/detective services Person - shall include not only natural persons but
duties. also juridical persons such as corporation, partnership,
company or association duly registered with the
Factors that Bring About Unsecured Conditions Securities and Exchange Commission.
1. Threats - an activity that could lead to a loss.
2. Hazards - a condition that could lead to a loss. Physical Barrier - any structure or physical device
3. Vulnerability - a weakness that can be used to gain capable of restricting, deterring, delaying, illegal
access to an asset. access to an installation.
4. Risk - a potential loss or damage to an asset.
PNP - Philippine National Police, under the DILG,
Government Guard Unit (GGU) a security unit organized pursuant to the provision of RA 6975
maintained and operated by any government entity otherwise known as the National Police Act of 1991.
other than military or police, which is established and The PNP shall exercise general supervision over the
maintained for the purpose of securing the office or operators of all security agencies and guards.
compound and/or extension of such government entity.
Powers and Duties of a Security Guard
Government Security Personnel shall be natural 1. To watch and secure the property of the client.
persons which include government security guards, Service shall not extend beyond the property or
detectives, security consultants and security officers compound of client.
except those of the AFP, PNP, or BJMP rendering or
performing security and/or detective services as Exception:
employed by government entities. 1. Escort duties
2. Hot pursuit of criminal offenders
License to Exercise Profession shall mean any
document issued by the Chief, PNP or his duly 2. Security Guard and Private Detective have no police
authorized representative recognizing a person to be authority.
qualified to perform his duties as private security or
training personnel. Private Detective - is any person who does detective
work for hire, reward or commission, other than
License to Operate (LTO) is a License Certificate members of the Armed Forces of the Philippines,
document, issued by the Chief, Philippine National guards of the Bureau of Jail Management and
Police or his duly authorized representative, Penology, municipal or city jail guards, and members
authorizing a person to engage in employing security of the Philippine National Police or of any other law
guard or detective, or a juridical person to establish, enforcement agency of the government.
engage, direct, manage or operate an individual or a
private detective agency or private security Qualifications of a Private Detective
agency/company security force after payment of the 1. Must be a Filipino citizen
prescribed dues or fees. 2. Must be a high school graduate
3. Must be physically and mentally fit
4. Must not be less than 21 nor more than 50 years of age
years of age 5. Must be at least 5 feet and 4 inches in height
5. Must be at least 5 feet and 4 inches in height (RA 5487)
6. Must not be suffering from any of the ff: 6. Must not be suffering from any of the ff:
disqualifications disqualifications
a. Dishonorably discharged or separated a. Dishonorably discharged or separated
from the AFP from the AFP
b. Mental incompetent b. Mental incompetent
c. Addicted to the use of narcotic drug or c. Addicted to the use of narcotic drug or
drugs drugs
d. Habitual drunkard d. Habitual drunkard
7. Must not be convicted of any crime involving 7. Must have undergone a pre-licensing training
moral turpitude course
8. Must not be convicted of any crime involving
Private Detective Agency - is any person, who, for moral turpitude
hire or reward or on commission, conducts or carries
on or holds himself or itself out as conducting or Moral Turpitude - A phrase used in
carrying on a detective agency, or detective service. Criminal Law to describe conduct that is considered
contrary to community standards of justice, honesty,
Notes: or good morals.
1. All person used in a private detective work must
be licensed Crimes involving moral turpitude have an inherent
2. All person employed solely for clerical or manual quality of baseness, vileness, or depravity with respect
work need no private detective license. to a person's duty to another or to society in general.
3. License (LTO) shall be displayed at all times in a
conspicuous and suitable place in the agency office or Examples of Crime Involving Moral
headquarters of the agency and shall be exhibited at Turpitude
the request of any person whose jurisdiction is in 1. Rape
relation with the business of the agency or the 2. Forgery
employees thereof, or of the Chief of the PNP 3. Robbery
or his duly authorized representative or any 4. Prostitution
peace officer.
4. The PNP shall exercise general supervision over Private Security Guard Agency - any person,
the operation of all private detective and privated association, partnership, or corporation, who recruits,
detective agency. trains, muster, furnishes, solicits individuals or
business firms, private or government-owned or
The rules above applies to a Private Security Agency. controlled corporations to engage his service or those
of its watchmen.
Private Security Guard - (watchman) shall include
any person who offers or renders personal service to Who May Organize a Security Agency
watch or secure either a residence, business 1. Any Filipino citizen
establishment, or buildings, compounds, areas, or 2. Corporation
property, inspects/monitors bodily checks/searches 3. Partnership
individuals and/or baggage and other forms of security 4. Association
inspection, physically/manually or scientifically
electronic, including but not limited to, logging Limitations/Disqualification/Prohibitions In
concessions and agricultural, mining or pasture lands, Organizing A Security Agency
transportation, for hire or compensation , or as an 1. Security Agency must be 100% Filipino owned
employee thereof, including any employee of the 2. No person shall organize or have an interest in,
national or local governments or agencies or more than security agency
instrumentalitys thereof and or government owned or 3. No agency shall offer, render or accept services
controlled firm or corporations who is employed to in gambling dens or other illegal business
watch or secure government buildings, compounds, establishments or enterprises.
premises and other properties, other than members of 4. Must not be an elective or appointive
the Armed Forces of the Philippines, guards of the government employees who may be called upon on
Bureau of Jail management and Penology, Municipal or account of the functions of their respective offices in
City jail guards, and members of the Philippine the implementation and enforcement of the Private
National Police or of any other law enforcement agency Security Agency Law and any person related to such
of the Government. government employees by affinity or consanguinity in
the third civil degree shall not hold any interest,
Qualifications of a Security Guard directly or indirectly in any security guard or watchman
1. Must be a Filipino citizen agency.
2. Must be a high school graduate 5. The extent of the security guard service being
3. Must be physically and mentally fit furnished by the security agency shall not go beyond
4. Must not be less than 21 nor more than 50 the compound and/or property of the person or
establishment contracting the security service except income to the former on the condition that the control
when the security guards is escorting big amount of and supervision of the guards posted by said branch
money or valuables. shall course on the manager thereof and that the
6. Main Office - All agencies shall maintain a main licensee shall be exempt from liabilities/ obligations
office in their registered addresses. attendant to the operation of said branch.
Branch offices - may be established and maintained in e) Keeping/maintaining separate payrolls for the
other provinces/ cities where the security agency has branch employees signed and/or approved by the
deployed security guards. branch manager only
7. Rules - Authority to operate outside principal f) Absence of record of monthly income remittances to
offices. the main office when said branch is authorized to make
collections from the clients of the licensee
1. No new or moribund but previously licensed private
security agency shall be granted license to operate g) All other similar acts tending to show separate and
unless its business viability is supported by evidence of distinct
assured clientele, adequate capitalization and the like. relationship/personality/ownership/management.
a) Maintaining a separate branch, unit or subsidiary Private Security Personnel shall be natural
office aside from the main office of the agency situated persons which include private security guards, private
within the same locality detectives, security consultants, and security officers
rendering/performing security and/or detective
b) Receiving direct payments from the agencys services as employed by private security agencies
clientele and issuing officials receipt of their own and/or private firms.
distinct from that issued by the agency concerned
Protective Security System - are those measures
c) Remitting directly Social Security System premiums, taken by an installation or unit to protect itself against
Medicare contributions and other premium for other sabotage,
policy insurance benefits espionage or subversion.
d) Existence of an agreement between the licensee
and a branch manager thereof, whereby the latter RA 5487 - known as "The Private Security Agency
obligates himself to pay a certain percentage of his Law."
loss, access by unauthorized persons, damage, theft
Restricted Area - is any area in which personnel or and compromise through disclosure
vehicles are controlled for reasons of security.
Restricted area is established to provide security for Two Instances When the Chief PNP may deputize
installation or facilities and to promote efficiency of any security guard to assist the PNP in the
security operations and economy in the use of security performance of police duties.
personnel. 1. In case of emergency
2. In times of disaster or calamities
SAGSD - Security Agency and Guard Supervision
Division. SAGSD is under the PNP Civil Security Group. Types of Security
1. Industrial Security - a type of security applied to
Security - is the state or quality of being secured, business groups engaged in industries like
freedom from fear or danger; assurance; certainty. To manufacturing, assembling, research and
secure is to make safe or be protected. From the development, processing, warehousing and even
Greek word SECUROS which means safe, safety or agriculture. It may also mean the business of providing
secured. security.
2. Hotel Security- a type of security applied to hotels
Security Guard - (watchman) Any person who offers where its properties are protected from pilferage, loss
or renders personal service to watch or secure either damage and the function in the hotel restaurants are
residential or business establishment, or both, or any not disturbed and troubled by outsiders or the guest
building, compound, or area including but not limited themselves. This type of security employs house
to logging concessions, agricultural, mining or pasture detectives, uniforms guard and supervisor and insures
lands for hire or compensation, or as an employee that hotel guests and their personal effects are
thereof. safeguarded.
Security Hazards - is an act or condition which 3. Bank Security- this type of security is concern with
results in a situation like a breach of the protection the bank operations.
system and the subsequent loss or compromise of
defense information, company secret or damage to 4. VIP Security- a type of security applied for the
personnel, property or facilities. protection of top-ranking officials of the government or
private entity, visiting persons of illustrious standing
Three Major Areas of Security and foreign dignitaries.
1. Physical Security - this concern with the physical
measures adopted to prevent unauthorized access to 5. School Security- a type of security that is concern
equipment, facilities, material and document and to with the protection of the students, faculty members,
safeguard them against espionage, damage, loss and and school properties.
6. Supermarket or Mall Security- a type of security
2. Personnel Security - this is as important as physical which is concern with the protection of the stores,
security. Personnel security starts even before the warehouses, storage, its immediate premises and
hiring of an employee and remains to be maintained properties as well as the supermarket personnel and
for as long as the person is employed. Its purpose is to customers. Security personnel are trained to detect
ensure that a firm hires those best suited to assist the shoplifter, robbery, and bomb detection and customer
firm in achieving its goals and objectives and once relation.
hired assist in providing necessary security to the work
force while carrying out their functions 7. Other Types- this includes all other security matters
not covered in the above enumeration.
3. Document and Information Security - this involves
the protection of documents as classified papers from