Ulysse From Bagdad by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Ulysse From Bagdad by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Ulysse From Bagdad by Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Je mappelle Saad Saad, ce qui signifie en arabe Espoir Espoir et en anglais Triste Triste.
Saad veut quitter Bagdad et son chaos, pour gagner lEurope, la libert, un avenir. Mais comment
franchir les frontires sans un dinar en poche ? Tel Ulysse, il affronte les temptes, survit aux
naufrages, chappe aux trafiquants dopium, ignore le chant des sirnes, et doit sarracher aux
enchantements amoureux. Tour tour absurde, bouffon, dramatique, le voyage sans retour de
Saad commence
About Author:
A popular contemporary French author and dramatist, his plays are translated and staged in more
than 30 countries all over the world.
He studied at the Lyce du Parc in Lyon and was accepted at the famous cole normale
suprieure in Paris (19801985), where he received a doctorate in philosophy. As the theme for
his dissertation, he chose "Diderot and metaphysics". He spent three years teaching in Cherbourg
and at the university of Chambry.
He is of Alsation extraction. Both of his parents were physical education teachers. Growing up
under the influence of his parents' atheist outlook, Schmitt eventually professed himself a
Christian, after years of being an agnostic.
Initially he became known as a scriptwriter for the stage. His debut work, "La nuit de Valognes",
was produced a number of times in 1991/1992, both in France and abroad. His breakthrough
theatre work came with his second script, "Le Visiteur", which won Molire prizes for best author
and best show in 1993.
The following years were littered with theatrical successes such as "Golden Joe" (1995),
"Variations nigmatiques" (1996), "Le Libertin" (1997), "Milarepa" (1997), "Frdrick ou Le
Boulevard du Crime" (1998), "Htel des deux mondes" (1999) and "Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs
du Coran" (1999).
Schmitt covers a variety of themes in his work. "Golden Joe" takes a look of the cynical attitudes to
life of those involved in high finance. In "Variations nigmatiques", the author gives voice to two
very different men, who discuss their own philosophies of life and love - as it turns out, both were
in love with the same woman. "Le Libertin" is a historical drama about the life of philosopher Denis
Diderot and a film version was released in 2000.
In 2001, Schmitt was awarded the "Grand Prix du thtre de l'Acadmie Franaise". His plays
have been performed in 35 countries and translated into many languages. They show influences
from Samuel Beckett, Jean Anouilh and Paul Claudel, among others.
In addition to his plays, Schmitt has written a number of successful novels, including "La Secte
des gostes" (1994), "Oscar et la dame rose" (1999), "L'vangile selon Pilate" (2000), "La Part de
l'Autre" (2001), "Lorsque j'tais une uvre d'art" (2002), "L'enfant de No" (2004), "Ma vie avec
Mozart" (2005).
World religions play an important role in Schmitt's writing. In "Le Cycle de l'Invisible", Schmitt
attempts a harmonization of religions and cultures. "Milarepa" is the first issue in this series and
depicts Tibetan Buddhism. The second volume, "Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran" is
dedicated to Sufism, a subset of Islam, also referencing Judaism. "Oscar et la dame rose" (the
third volume) concerns Christianity. "L'enfant de No" (a comparison of Judaism and Christianity)
rounds off the series.
"Monsieur Ibrahim et les fleurs du Coran" (English: M. Ibrahim and the Flowers of the Koran)
received the German prize for fiction in 2004 and a film version was produced in 2003, directed by
Franois Dupeyron with Omar Sharif in the title role.
Other Editions:
- Ulysse from Bagdad (Paperback)
Books By Author:
- La Part de l'autre
- Due
- Nothing Serious
- Barbe bleue
- Underground Time
- Clair de Femme
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