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Quality management input comprises the

standard requirements from ISO 9001:2015

which are strategically deployed by our
organization to achieve customer satisfaction
through process control.

Environmental input comprises the standard

requirements from ISO 14001:2015 which
provides our organization with a framework to
help protect the environment and respond to
changing environmental conditions in balance
with socio-economic needs.

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ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015
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The signatures below certify that this EQMS manual has been reviewed and accepted, and demonstrates that
the signatories are aware of all the requirements contained herein and are committed to ensuring their

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Prepared by

Reviewed by

Approved by


This EQMS manual is reviewed to ensure its continuing relevance to the systems and process that it
describes. A record of contextual additions or omissions is given below:

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The electronic version of this document is the latest revision. It is the responsibility of the individual to ensure
that any paper material is the current revision. The printed version of this EQMS manual is uncontrolled,
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Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................... 5

2 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................................... 5

3 DEFINITIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 5

4 ABOUT OUR ORGANIZATION ........................................................................................................................ 6

4.1 ORGANIZATIONAL CONTEXT........................................................................................................................................................ 6

4.2 RELEVANT INTERESTED PARTIES................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3 INTEGRATED MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.......................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3.1 EQMS Scope ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
4.3.2 EQMS Processes .............................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.3.3 Outsourced Processes .................................................................................................................................................. 8
4.3.4 Documented Information ............................................................................................................................................ 8

5 LEADERSHIP & GOVERNANCE.....................................................................................................................10

5.1 LEADERSHIP & COMMITMENT ................................................................................................................................................... 10

5.1.1 Quality & Environmental Management ............................................................................................................... 10
5.1.2 Customer Focus ............................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.1.3 Quality & Environmental Policies ........................................................................................................................... 11
5.2 ROLE, RESPONSIBILITIES & AUTHORITIES ................................................................................................................................. 13
5.3 COMMUNICATION ....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
5.3.1 Internal Communication ............................................................................................................................................ 13
5.3.2 External Communication ........................................................................................................................................... 14

6 EQMS PLANNING ..........................................................................................................................................15

6.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
6.1.1 Risks & Opportunities ................................................................................................................................................. 15
6.1.2 Environmental Aspects ............................................................................................................................................... 16
6.1.3 Compliance Obligations ............................................................................................................................................ 17
6.2 EQMS OBJECTIVES ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
6.3 EQMS OBJECTIVES & PLANS TO ACHIEVE THEM ................................................................................................................... 19
6.4 PLANNING FOR CHANGE ............................................................................................................................................................ 20

7 SUPPORT .........................................................................................................................................................21

7.1 RESOURCES .................................................................................................................................................................................. 21

7.1.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................................. 21
7.1.2 People ............................................................................................................................................................................... 21
7.1.3 Infrastructure & Natural Resources ....................................................................................................................... 22
7.1.4 Operational Environment .......................................................................................................................................... 23
7.1.5 Monitoring & Measurement Tools ........................................................................................................................ 23
7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge ....................................................................................................................................... 24

8 PRODUCT & SERVICE DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................................25

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8.1 OPERATIONAL PLANNING & CONTROL.................................................................................................................................... 25

8.1.1 Environmental Management ................................................................................................................................... 25
8.1.2 Quality Management .................................................................................................................................................. 26
8.2 DETERMINING REQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTS ...................................................................................................................... 26
8.2.1 Customer Communication ........................................................................................................................................ 26
8.2.2 Determining Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 27
8.2.3 Review of Requirements ............................................................................................................................................ 27
8.2.4 Changes in Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 27
8.3 DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT.......................................................................................................................................................... 28
8.3.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................................. 28
8.3.2 Planning............................................................................................................................................................................ 28
8.3.3 Inputs................................................................................................................................................................................. 29
8.3.4 Controls ............................................................................................................................................................................ 29
8.3.5 Outputs ............................................................................................................................................................................. 30
8.3.6 Changes ............................................................................................................................................................................ 30
8.4 CONTROL OF SUPPLIERS & EXTERNAL PROCESSES ................................................................................................................. 30
8.4.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................................. 30
8.4.2 Purchasing Controls .................................................................................................................................................... 31
8.4.3 Purchasing Information .............................................................................................................................................. 31
8.5 PRODUCTION & SERVICE PROVISION ....................................................................................................................................... 32
8.5.1 Control of Production & Service Provision ........................................................................................................ 32
8.5.2 Identification & Traceability ..................................................................................................................................... 32
8.5.3 3rd Party Property.......................................................................................................................................................... 33
8.5.4 Preservation .................................................................................................................................................................... 33
8.5.5 Post-delivery Activities ............................................................................................................................................... 33
8.5.6 Control of Changes ...................................................................................................................................................... 34
8.6 RELEASE OF PRODUCTS & SERVICES ......................................................................................................................................... 34
8.7 CONTROL OF NON-CONFORMING OUTPUTS .......................................................................................................................... 34
8.8 CONTROL OF EMERGENCY SITUATIONS .................................................................................................................................... 35

9 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION .....................................................................................................................36

9.1 MONITORING, MEASUREMENT, ANALYSIS & EVALUATION ................................................................................................... 36

9.1.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
9.1.2 Customer Satisfaction ................................................................................................................................................. 36
9.1.3 Analysis & Evaluation .................................................................................................................................................. 37
9.1.4 Evaluation of Compliance.......................................................................................................................................... 37
9.2 INTERNAL AUDIT.......................................................................................................................................................................... 38
9.3 MANAGEMENT REVIEW .............................................................................................................................................................. 39
9.3.1 General.............................................................................................................................................................................. 39
9.3.2 Inputs................................................................................................................................................................................. 39
9.3.3 Outputs ............................................................................................................................................................................. 39

10 IMPROVEMENT ..........................................................................................................................................40

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10.1 GENERAL....................................................................................................................................................................................... 40
10.2 NON-CONFORMITY & CORRECTIVE ACTION ........................................................................................................................... 40
10.3 IMPROVEMENT ............................................................................................................................................................................. 41

APPENDICES ...........................................................................................................................................................42

A.1 CORRELATION MATRIX ............................................................................................................................................................... 42

A.2 SEQUENCE & INTERACTION OF EQMS PROCESSES................................................................................................................ 44
A.3 ORGANIZATION CHART .............................................................................................................................................................. 45

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4.3.2 EQMS Processes

Your organization has implemented an integrated management system that exists as part of a larger strategy
that has established, documented and implemented our processes, integrated policies and objectives, whilst
satisfying the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 of ISO 14001:2015. To achieve this, your organization has
adopted the process approach advocated by the above management system standards.

Top management has determined the processes required for achieving the intended outputs. By defining five
key process-groups and by managing their inputs, activities, controls, outputs and interfaces; our
organization ensures that system effectiveness is established maintained. These process groups are described
using tools such as procedures, process
Figure 3 : Five Key EQMS Process Groups maps, activity flow diagrams, matrices,
schedules, and charts, etc.
Assurance Refer to Appendix A.2 for the sequence
Processes of our processes and interaction of the
Product and
Service process groups within our EQMS. It is
Processes recognized that defining, implementing
and documenting our integrated
management system is only the first
Management step towards fully implementing its
and Supporting requirements.
Governance EQMS Processes
Processes The effectiveness of the each process
and its subsequent output is measured
and evaluated through regular internal
audits, inspections and data analysis. We use key performance indicators (KPIs) that are linked to our
objectives to monitor our processes, as well as assessments to determine the risks and opportunities inherent
to each process. We also use trends and indicators relating to non-conformities, objectives and corrective
action, as well as; monitoring and measuring results, customer satisfaction and process performance data.

4.3.3 Outsourced Processes

Where your organization identifies the requirement to outsource any process, or part thereof, which affects
conformity with the stated requirements; your organization identifies control criteria such as; the competence
of personnel, inspection regimes, the provision of product conformity certificates, adherence to specifications
and specific job files, etc. Refer to Section 8.4.

The controls identified do not absolve us of the responsibility to conform to client, statutory and regulatory
requirements but instead they enhance our capacity to effectively manage our supply chain. The controls
adopted are influenced by the potential impact of outsourcing on meeting customer or stakeholder
requirements, and the degree to which control of the process is shared. Outsourced processes are controlled
via purchasing and contractual agreements. Refer to Section 8.4.
4.3.4 Documented Information Management System Documents
Your organization ensures that our EQMS includes the documented information which is required to be
maintained and retained by ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015, and additionally, any documented

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information identified by our organization that demonstrates the effective operation of our EQMS. Refer to
the Master Document & Record Index.

Your organization applies the following criteria to all types of documented information in order to assess
whether the information is necessary for demonstrating the effectiveness of our EQMS, and whether it should
be formally controlled. Should any of the criteria apply, your organization ensures that this information is
retained and/or maintained as a form of 'documented information'

1. Communicates a message internally or externally;

2. Provides evidence of process and product conformity;
3. Provides evidence that planned outputs were achieved;
4. Provides knowledge sharing. Creating, Updating & Issuing

Your organization ensures that when we create documented information it is appropriately identified and
described (e.g. title, date, author, reference number) and is available in an appropriate format (e.g. language,
software version, graphics, etc.) and on appropriate media (e.g. paper, electronic). All documented
information is reviewed and approved for suitability and adequacy. Where permanent changes to a
document are required, a Document Change Request form is completed and submitted for the document
owner to consideration and implementation. Controlling Documented Information

Documented information is retained to provide evidence of conformity to the requirements specified by ISO
standards, customer requirements and of the effective operation of our integrated management system. We
use Document Issue Sheets to record the transmittal of documents to external parties.

Your organization uses standard forms and templates that are accessed via a local area network computer
system. An electronic document management system, which is backed up and updated as required, is used
to retain documented information ensuring only the current versions are available to users. All management
system documents are controlled and communicated according to the Control of Documented Information
procedure which defines the process for:

1. Approving documents for adequacy prior to issue;

2. Reviewing and revising as necessary and re-approving documents;
3. Ensuring that changes and current revision status of documents are identified;
4. Ensuring that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use;
5. Ensuring that documents remain legible and readily identifiable;
6. Ensuring that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled;
7. Preventing the unintended use of obsolete documents;
8. Ensuring that documents of external origin are identified and their distribution controlled.
Supporting documentation:
Ref. Title & Description
01 Control of Documented Information Procedure

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5 Leadership & Governance

5.1 Leadership & Commitment
5.1.1 Quality & Environmental Management
Your organizations leadership is responsible for implementing our EQMS, including the development and
deployment of our quality and environmental policies, subsequent objectives and targets, and product or
project-specific plans which are customer and environmentally focused. Top management provides
accountability and governance to all activities related to the lifecycle processes including defining the
strategic direction, responsibility, authority, and communication to assure the safe and effective performance.

Top management have delegated the responsibility Figure 4: Leadership PDCA Cycle
and authority for managing our environmental
processes to the Environment & Sustainability Establish your
Manager. All quality related processes used to context and
deliver customer satisfaction are implemented and strategies. Determine
regluatory and
maintained by the Quality Manager. statutory
Your organizations governance structure provides Do
necessary support for creating and establishing Develop policies and
processes that are important for achieving our objectives. Provide
resources, assign
quality and environmental objectives, targets and process owners.
policies by using the PDCA approach. Focus on
Governance activities include the systematic Address risks,
opportunities and
verification of EQMS effectiveness by undertaking Leadership significant impacts.
internal audits and analyzing performance data, Check
reviewing trends and KPIs. Regular reviews and Review system and
process performance
reporting ensure that our EQMS is effective and has
data, ensure
the ability to react emerging issues. alignment is
maintained between
Top management is committed to implementing and context and strategy.
developing the EQMS and this commitment is Review policy and
defined by our corporate policies and objectives.
Your organization ensures that our policies are Agree changes and
implement activties
understood, implemented and maintained to improve the
throughout at all levels of the organization through EQMS and its
printed distribution of our policy statements and
through periodic management review of the policy statements and corporate level improvement objectives.
Your organization communicates our mission, vision, strategy, policies and processes to all employees in
order to:

1. Create and sustain shared values of fairness and ethical behavior;

2. Establish a culture of trust and integrity;
3. Encourage commitment to quality;
4. Provide people with the required resources, training and authority to act with accountability;

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5. Inspire, encourage and recognize peoples contribution.

In addition, our policies, objectives and targets are communicated and deployed throughout the business via
individual, team and department performance objectives which are established and discussed during
employee performance reviews.

5.1.2 Customer Focus

Your organization strives to identify current and future customer needs, to meet their requirements and to
exceed their expectations. Top management ensures that the focus on improving customer satisfaction is
maintained by setting objectives related to customer satisfaction at management review meetings.

Top management also ensures that customer requirements are understood and met. Customer requirements
are understood, converted into internal requirements and communicated to appropriate personnel within the
organization. Customer complaints and other customer feedback are continually monitored and measured to
identify opportunities for improvement. We continually look for ways to interact directly with our customers
to ensure that we focus on their unique needs and expectations.

5.1.3 Quality & Environmental Policies Establishing & Communicating
Your organizations quality and environmental policies act as a compass by providing the direction and
framework for establishing key corporate level performance measures, as well as related objectives and
targets. Top management ensures that our corporate policies are established and documented, and that the
policies are available to all interested parties via our website.

The Top management has overall responsibility for defining, documenting, implementing and reviewing our
quality and environmental policies in consultation with the management teams and other personnel, or their
representatives. The policies are reviewed at least annually, as part of the management review programme or
at a frequency determined by:
1. The changing needs and expectations of relevant interested parties, Section 4.2.
2. The risks and opportunities that are presented through the risk management process, Section 6.1.1.
3. The impacts which are presented through the environmental aspect process, Section 6.1.2.
4. Any mandatory and voluntary compliance obligations identified in Section 6.1.3.
Our policies are communicated to all employees at all levels throughout our organization via training, regular
internal communications and reinforcement during annual employee performance reviews. Employee
understanding of our policies and objectives is determined during internal audits and other methods
deemed appropriate. Policy Statement

Your organization is committed to an operating philosophy based on openness in communication, integrity
in serving our customers, fairness and concern for our employees and responsibility to the communities
within which we operate.

Our vision is to exceed customer expectations for quality, safety, sustainability, cost, delivery and value.
Additionally, we are dedicated to creating a profitable business culture that is based on the following

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6 EQMS Planning
6.1 General
In order for our organization to have a successful EQMS, we consider and manage the risks and opportunities
relating to our stakeholders, our external and internal context and from our quality and environmental
aspects. This process uses the information collected during our context evaluation (SWOT & PESTLE),
stakeholder and interested party analysis and from the evaluation of our aspects. Top management then
consider the risks and opportunities that we manage to ensure that our EQMS meets its intended outcomes,
manages external environmental conditions and achieves continual improvement.
Figure 5 Sources of Risk & Opportunity

Environmental Aspects
Intended outcomes
Risk &
Prevent undesired effects
Compliance Obligations Opportunities to Mitigations
Promote opportunities
be addressed
Continual improvement

Other issues & requirements

Once the significant or material risks and opportunities are identified our organization plans actions to
mitigate perceived risk, or take advantage of opportunities. Action is taken in a variety of ways using our
EQMS system processes via setting objectives, targets policies, operational control or emergency
preparedness, supplier evaluation or other business processes.

6.1.1 Risks & Opportunities

The aim of risk and opportunity Figure 6: Risk & Opportunities PDCA Cycle
management within your organization
is to ensure that organizational Check - Monitor
Do - Implement
risk management
capabilities and resources are plans to mitigate
plans using
risks or to adopt
employed in an efficient and effective measurements
and audits.
manner to take advantage of
opportunities and to mitigate risks.
Act - Implement
Plan - Identify
Top management are responsible for changes to the
and assess risks
incorporating risk based thinking in to EQMS and
our organization's culture. This opportunities.
includes the establishment of risk Risks &
management policies and targets to
ensure effective implementation of
risk and opportunity management principles throughout the lifecycle of our products, activities or services

1. Providing sufficient resources to carry out risk and opportunity management activities;
2. Assigning responsibilities and authorities for risk and opportunity management activities;
3. Reviewing information and results from audits and risk and opportunity management activities.

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8 Product & Service Development

8.1 Operational Planning & Control
8.1.1 Environmental Management
Your organization has grouped its identified significant environmental aspects into six categories.
Overarching environmental management operational procedures have been created for each of the six
summary categories;

1. Use of Natural Resources Management Procedure;

2. Sustainable Procurement Management Procedure;
3. Land & Buildings Management Procedure;
4. Waste Management Procedure;
5. Travel and Transport Management Procedure;
6. Pollution Prevention Management Procedure.
The environmental management operational procedures document the approach that our organization uses
to manage and mitigate its significant environmental aspects. They are implemented by the Environment &
Sustainability Manager in conjunction with interfacing managers and departments. The relevant
environmental management operational procedures are also applicable to outsourced processes including
those undertaken by contractors. The level and extent of control or influence is defined within the relevant

Figure 8 The Lifecycle & Environmental Requirements

Environmental Design Phase Environmental
Requirements Requirements

Identify relevant
End-of-life environmental aspects Manufacturing
treatment & at each stage in the Phase
Final Disposal
products life cycle.

Significant Packaging Transport &

Intended Use Customer
Environmental Delivery Phase

Your organization also considers the environmental requirements and impacts that can be controlled and
influenced during each phase of the product lifecycle:

1. Design phase;
2. Procurement phase;

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A.1 Correlation Matrix
This section provides a matrix to correlate the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 against
the relevant sections in this document to determine where the relevant clauses are located.

ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 This Document

4.0 Context of the Organization 4.0 About our Organization
4.1 Understanding the Organization and its Context 4.1 Organizational Context
4.2 Needs and Expectations of Interested Parties 4.2 Relevant Interested Parties
4.3 Scope of the Management System 4.3.1 EQMS Scope
4.4 E/Q Management System 4.3.2 EQMS Processes
5.0 Leadership 5.0 Leadership & Governance
5.1 Leadership and Commitment 5.1 Leadership and Commitment
5.1.1 Management System 5.1.1 Quality & Environmental Management
5.1.2 Customer Focus 5.1.2 Customer Focus
5.2 Environmental/Quality Policy 5.1.3 Quality & Environmental Policy
5.2.1 Establishing the Policy Establishing & Communicating
5.2.2 Communicating the E/Q Policy Policy Statement
5.3 Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities 5.2 Roles, Responsibilities and Authorities
6.0 Planning for the E/Q Management System 6.0 EQMS Planning
6.1 Actions To Address Risks and Opportunities 6.1.1 Risk & Opportunities
6.1.1 General 6.1 General
6.1.2 Environmental Aspects 6.1.2 Environmental Aspects
6.1.3 Compliance Obligations 6.1.3 Compliance Obligations
6.1.4 Planning Action 6.3 EQMS Objectives & Plans to Achieve Them
6.2 E/Q Objectives & Planning To Achieve Them 6.3 EQMS Objectives & Plans to Achieve Them
6.3 Planning of Changes 6.4 Planning for Change
7.0 Support 7 Support
7.1 Resources 7.1 Resources
7.1.1 General 7.1.1 General
7.1.2 People 7.1.2 People
7.1.3 Infrastructure 7.1.3 Infrastructure
7.1.4 Environment for the Operation Of Processes 7.1.4 Operational Environment
7.1.5 Monitoring and Measuring Resources 7.1.5 Monitoring and Measuring Tools
7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge 7.1.6 Organizational Knowledge
7.2 Competence Competence
7.3 Awareness Awareness
7.4 Communication 5.3 Communication
7.5 Documented Information 4.3.4 Documented Information
7.5.1 General Management System Documents
7.5.2 Creating and Updating Creating and Updating
7.5.3 Control of Documented Information Controlling Documented Information
8.0 Operation 8.0 Product & Service Development
8.1 Operation Planning & Control 8.1 Operational Planning & Control

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ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 14001:2015 This Document

8.2 Requirements for Products and Services 8.2 Determining Requirements for Products
8.2 Emergency Preparedness and Response 8.8 Control of Emergency Situations
8.2.1 Customer Communication 8.2.1 Customer Communication
8.2.2 Determining Requirements Related to Products 8.2.2 Determining Requirements
8.2.3 Review of Requirements Related to the Products 8.2.3 Review of Requirements
8.2.4 Changes to Requirements for Products/Services 8.2.4 Changes in Requirements
8.3 Design and Development of Products 8.3 Design & Development
8.3.1 General 8.3.1 General
8.3.2 Design and Development Planning 8.3.2 Planning
8.3.3 Design and Development Inputs 8.3.3 Inputs
8.3.4 Design and Development Controls 8.3.4 Controls
8.3.5 Design and Development Outputs 8.3.5 Outputs
8.3.6 Design and Development Changes 8.3.6 Changes
8.4 Externally Provided Products & Services 8.4 Control of Suppliers & External Processes
8.4.1 General 8.4.1 General
8.4.2 Type & Extent of Control of External Provision 8.4.2 Purchasing Controls
8.4.3 Information for External Providers 8.4.3 Purchasing Information
8.5 Production and Service Provision 8.5 Production & Service Provision
8.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision 8.5.1 Control of Production & Service Provision
8.5.2 Identification and Traceability 8.5.2 Identification & Traceability
8.5.3 Customer or External Providers Property 8.5.3 3rd Party Property
8.5.4 Preservation 8.5.4 Preservation
8.5.5 Post-Delivery Activities 8.5.5 Post-Delivery Activities
8.5.6 Control of Changes 8.5.6 Control of Changes
8.6 Release of Products and Services 8.6 Release of Products and Services
8.7 Non-conforming Process Outputs and Products 8.7 Control of Non-conforming Outputs
9.0 Performance Evaluation 9.0 Performance Evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis & Evaluation 9.1 Monitoring, Measurement, Analysis & Evaluation
9.1.1 General 9.1.1 General
9.1.2 Customer Satisfaction 9.1.2 Customer Satisfaction
9.1.2 Evaluation of Compliance 9.1.4 Evaluation of Compliance
9.1.3 Analysis and Evaluation 9.1.3 Analysis and Evaluation
9.2 Internal Audit 9.2 Internal Audit
9.2.1 General 9.2 Internal Audit
9.2.2 Internal Audit Programme 9.2 Internal Audit
9.3 Management Review 9.3 Management Review
9.3.1 General 9.3.1 General
9.3.2 Management Review Inputs 9.3.2 Inputs
9.3.3 Management Review Outputs 9.3.3 Outputs
10.0 Improvement 10.0 Improvement
10.1 General 10.1 General
10.2 Non-Conformity and Corrective Action 10.2 Non-Conformity & Corrective Action
10.3 Continual Improvement 10.3 Continual Improvement

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A.2 Sequence & Interaction of EQMS Processes

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