ASL Rout Flowchart - Version 5.01

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Routing Does the Unit Rout?

Bill Kohler
Version 5.01
Flowchart 10 March 2015
Yes Is it already No

It will be under a DM counter if it . . . It may Voluntarily Break6 (thereby gaining DM)

Retained its DM1 in the previous Player Turn, at the start of the RtPh if it is . . .
Was attacked2 during this Player Turn, In the LOS and NR of an armed, unbroken
Broke during this Player Turn, KEU, or
Was ADJACENT-to/in-the-same-Location-as ADJACENT to an unbroken enemy ground
an armed KEU during this Player Turn, or unit, or
Is in OG, and in the LOS and NR ( 16 hexes) In a Blaze Location and not in Melee. A10.41
of a KEU, at the start of its RtPh. A10.62
Chooses to Break Doesn't Break

It does not Rout.

Yes Is it already No

At the start of this RtPh, is the Unit . . .

Do you In OG, and in the LOS and NR of a KEU, or
want it ADJACENT-to/in-the-same-Location-as an
to Rout? armed, unbroken KEU, or
Disrupted? A10.5, A19.12
Yes No

Is it in a
It becomes DM. Blaze or a
No Rout is permitted.
It must Withdraw from
Yes Is it No
Melee if able to. A11.16
Locked in
If it's in a Blaze, it is
Melee? It does not Rout.3

DM units face +4 DRM to Make a Surrender Check.25 Broken Units A10.4

Rally attempts.7 A10.62 Unit neither ceases to may not attack (even in CC),
rout nor surrenders
may not move except in RtPh
All voluntary breaks must This unit Routs.5 /CC-Withdrawal,
be done first. may not carry > their IPC,23
Check Disrupted surrenders Go to "Choose Destination, are CRed if they break again,
before doing any routs. ASOP Path, and Posture." cannot offer Leadership drm.
Surrender Check A20.21

Does this unit Surrender?

No Is it Yes

Is this unit . . .
Is it subject to No
Subject to No Quarter, or
No Quarter?
A Partisan, Gurkha, Commissar, Fanatic,
Japanese, or an SS unit fighting Russians? Yes
No Yes
Is this unit ADJACENT-
Is this unit . . . A20.21, A7.7, A15.5
as a GO Known armed
ADJACENT-to/in-the-same-Location-as GO
enemy Personnel Unit?
Known armed enemy Infantry/Calvary, and
Does at least one of the following apply to it? No Yes
o It is encircled.
o It is surrendering due to a HoB DR. This unit
o It is unable to Rout without facing Surrenders.10
Interdiction in this RtPh (based upon all
KEU it will eventually know) without
resorting to Low Crawl.11 Is this unit . . . A10.5, A19.12, A20.21, B21.43, B25.4
Yes No
In OG and the LOS and NR of a KEU,
In a WO,
In a Blaze,
ADJACENT to an enemy Vehicle, or
This unit
as an armed, enemy Personnel Unit?
Yes No

This unit does not Rout,

This unit does not surrender. or it ceases to Rout.24

Return to whatever step you

were on within this multi-page

The Attacker routs first.

Routing Units have 6 MF (3 MF if wounded).
Any co-stacked, unbroken, unpinned leaders may accompany the unit.8
Routing Units may not use bypass.
Broken Units rout individually.
Path, Choose the Destination, Path, and Posture.
Destination A10.51
The routing unit must select . . .
The building12/woods Location (even if overstacked) that is the fewest MF13 away from its
current Location (taking into account any overstacking MF).
The routing unit must disregard any building/woods Locations that would
force it to violate the Path Restrictions listed below (in the purple box).

The routing unit may ignore . . .

Any other Locations it wishes to ignore that are within the same building that it occupied at the start
of its RtPh (even if it has to cross those Locations or OG to reach a different Rout destination).
Any building/wood hexes of its choice that are no farther (in hexes) from any KEUs14 than the unit
presently is from those same KEUs.

If no building/woods are reachable in this RtPh (taking into account the above permissible exclusions),
the routing unit may choose any Location that complies with the Path Restrictions listed below.

If a Unit has no legal destinations and must rout,

Pathit isA10.51
eliminated for Failure to Rout.
The routing unit must move toward its destination Location.15
At no point may the routing unit increase the number of hexes between itself and its destination.16
The routing unit must end its RtPh closer to its destination hex than it began its RtPh unless--in the
course of routing--it discovers any new KEU(s) that prevent it from doing so.

Was it able to choose a legal rout destination and path? "Stop"

Posture A10.52
A routing unit may choose to Low Crawl.18 Low Crawl is not an option, however, if the routing unit . . .
Has moved previously during this RtPh, or
Is currently in an enemy-occupied Location, or During the RtPh, a Low Crawling unit may only
Is Disrupted. move one Location [EXC: when surrendering].

Having chosen a destination, a path, and a posture, the unit now conducts its Rout.

Path Restrictions A10.51

A routing unit may not enter a Location ADJACENT to a KEU unless--at the same time--it is
also leaving that KEU's Location.
If a routing unit is ADJACENT to an armed KEU, the routing unit may not later rout into
another Location that is ADJACENT to this same KEU.
A routing unit may not decrease its hex range to any armed KEU that is now in its LOS--or that
has been in its LOS during this RtPh--even if that KEU is broken, DM, or Disrupted.

Interdiction occurs if a routing unit is in OG in the LOS and NR of at least one unbroken enemy unit
that is capable of firing at the routing unit with at least 1 FP without any form of LOS Hindrance.19
Any positive DRM that would affect an attack prevents that unit from causing Interdiction.20
Conducting the Rout Conduct the Rout.

Will the next Location along the rout path comply

with the Path Restrictions, and does the unit also "Stop"
have enough MF to reach that Location? A10.51

It routs into the next Location.

It may expend additional MF to use shellholes/entrenchments/pillboxes (to avoid Interdiction) if . . .
It can still reach its destination by doing so, or
It is otherwise following the shortest-MF path17 to its destination. A10.51, A10.531

Was the routing Yes The routing unit is

unit Repulsed?22 eliminated for FTR.
The opponent
may voluntarily Is the routing unit Yes
drop the "Take an NMC"
Interdicted?19, 20
Concealment of No Unit continues
any of his its rout
units.21 A12.14
Were any new Yes
Make a Surrender Check.
KEU(s)21 discovered?
Unit neither surrenders
nor ceases to rout

Has the routing unit

reached its destination?
No Yes

Are any new KEUs preventing the Is the routing unit

routing unit from reaching its ADJACENT to any
destination during this RtPh? A10.51 armed unbroken KEU?
No Yes Yes No

Choose another destination

and path and proceed from
that step, minus any MF
expended to this point.

Having reached its destination, a routing unit must stop (even if overstacked) unless . . .
It is ADJACENT to a KEU, or
It chooses to continue on to another building or woods hex in its next entered hex (though
not necessarily part of the same building or woods-mass that it currently occupies), or
It chooses to continue to another level within its current building hex.
Unit chooses Stops
to continue
Rout Stops A10.5


Is the routing unit currently . . .

ADJACENT-to/in-the-same-Location-as an armed unbroken KEU, or
In its initial OG hex,
and in the LOS of a Known non-Melee enemy unit,
and within the NR of that KEU's small arms or its SW or its Gun?
Yes No

Make a Surrender Check. The unit ends

Unit neither surrenders its RtPh.24
nor ceases to rout

The unit is eliminated for FTR.

Interdiction A10.53

"Take an NMC"

The routing unit takes an NMC.

Fails Passes but HoB Pins
remains broken
Casualty Reduction Is the routing unit
Any accompanying Perform HoB. ADJACENT to
leader is eliminated.8 Creates a Hero
without Battle
or Disrupt
Battle Hardens
or goes Berserk an armed
A remaining HS may Hardening result unbroken KEU?
stop or continue its rout.
No Yes
HS desires Unit
to stop continues
to rout
The unit ends its RtPh.24

Make a
Surrender Make a
Surrender Check. The unit is eliminated
for FTR. A10.53
HS does not Unit neither
surrender surrenders nor
ceases to rout

The unit ends The routing unit continues its rout.

its RtPh.24
(Return to the previous page and follow the next step.)
Abbreviations General Notes
CR - Casualty Reduction, A7.302. Aerial units do not affect voluntary breaking,
Path Restrictions - see the purple box above, A10.51. DM placement, or routing.
FTR - Failure to Rout, A10.5. Caves: G11.73, G1.77.
GO - Good Order, A.7. Desert: FTR only applies within 6 hexes, F.1C.
HoB - Heat of Battle, A15. Evacuations: G14.41.
KEU - Known Enemy Unit, A12.11. Fording: B21.43.
NQ - No Quarter, A20.3. Night: E1.54.
NR - Normal Range, A1.22.
Paratroopers: E9.5.
OG - Open Ground, B1, A10.531.
Skis: E4.33.
Rally Terrain - building/Pillbox/woods/Trench, A10.61.
Tunnels: B8.62.
RS - Random Selection, A.9.
WO - Water Obstacle, B21. Wire: B26.41.

Specific Notes
1- It may retain its DM if it's not in Rally Terrain, or if it's in Rally Terrain but is overstacked, A10.62.
2- An attack causes DM if it is WP, it has enough FP to possibly cause an NMC (after any Cowering), it is from a non-Smoke FFE
in the routing unit's hex, it is an Ordnance hit, or it is an effective Sniper attack in its Location.
3- Broken Infantry must leave Crest status during the RtPh, B20.96.
4- Blazes - A10.5, B25.4. WO - B21.43.
5- Passengers may remain in their vehicle if the vehicle's Inherent Crew is not broken, and even if it is ADJACENT-to/in-the-same-
Location-as enemy units, D6.1, D5.311. Passengers may still become DM. If the Inherent Crew breaks, the vehicle stops (no Stop
MP), and the Crew (and broken Passengers) only routs under the vehicle in its initial RtPh. Riders Bail Out if they break, D6.23-.24.
6- The unit may break even if Pinned. The unit may not break if doing so will immediately cause it to be Reduced or eliminated, or
if it's incapable of breaking (Heroes and Berserk Units). Voluntary Breaks occur before any routs. A10.41, ASOP.
7- Rally DRM include Leadership, -1 for Rally Terrain, +1 for Self Rally. DM can be removed at the end of the RPh.
8- If a leader is eliminated--whether voluntarily routing or not--it causes an LLMC (only) to whatever unit it is routing with (if any),
A10.711. A leader that is wounded has its MF lowered to three, A17.2.
9- If a Disrupted Unit is ever in the same Location as GO enemy Personnel, it surrenders [EXC: NQ], A19.12, A20.21. If a Disrupted
unit is in Melee, it will not surrender nor Withdraw from CC: it is eliminated for FTR, A11.16.
10- Surrendering Units abandon all SW in their current Location. The Opponent chooses which ADJACENT unit captures them,
A20.21. Surrendering Units are not subject to FFE/Mines. Stacks surrender simultaneously and are accepted/rejected as a stack.
11- If a valid non-Low Crawl route exists, the unit may still choose to Low Crawl, or it may choose to face Interdiction.
12- Tower Locations (Q6.6) and Rubbled building Locations are not building Locations for rout purposes. Each Rowhouse hex is a
separate building, B23.71. Pillboxes count as buildings. Broken Units in Pillboxes are never forced to rout.
13- A routing unit may ignore paths through Blazes/unbridged-WOs. It may rout through/into/out-of FFE or Known Minefields, but it
is not forced to do so merely to reach the closest Rally Terrain. Being in an FFE/Minefield, however, does not negate the
imperative to rout. Ignore the MF for entering entrenchments/shellholes and for leaving Wire when computing the quickest route.
14- A routing unit must ignore any enemy units that have not yet been in its LOS during this RtPh, and any Concealed Units, A10.533.
15- Units may not rout off the map, A2.6. Units may not enter Sewers, and when routing they ignore any units within Sewers, B8.45.
16- Units may rout vertically within a building hex if otherwise permitted. If routing through an FFE, treat the routing unit as if it
were using FFNAM in the MPh. If it is using Low Crawl, treat the routing unit's Low Crawl as Assault Movement.
17- In this case--if it has already routed one or more hexes--it may decline entering its next hex if it has insufficient MF to
simultaneously enter any shellholes/entrenchment/pillbox in that hex.
18- Low Crawl cannot be used to enter Marsh/WOs/Streams (unless dry). Units cannot Minimum Move in the RtPh: they Low Crawl.
19- An Interdictor can Interdict any number of routing units, any number of times each. FFE does not cause Interdiction. There is no
additional adverse effect if there is more than one Interdictor. Having already fired, having used Area Fire, or having fired two
SW does not prevent a unit from causing Interdiction.
20- Interdiction is prohibited from Guns that would need to change CA; from CX firers; from Melee Units; from weapons paying +1
BU penalties; from units with halved FP [EXC: Mortars]; from Pinned Units; from Spotted Fire; from Motion or Mounted Fire;
from "+1 Stun" AFVs; from Encircled Units; etc. Interdiction is also prohibited beyond 16 hexes, A10.532.
21- Concealed Units may drop Concealment at any time, thereby forcing Interdiction (by dropping Concealment immediately after a
unit has routed into a new Location) or rout path changes (by dropping Concealment immediately before a routing unit moves
into a new Location). If Concealment is dropped after the RtPh has ended, or after another unit has started routing, the revealed
unit has no effect on previously routed Units, even if it is now ADJACENT to them.
22- If a Unit routs into a Concealed enemy stack, and if the stack contains only dummies, the enemy stack is removed; otherwise RS
selects which Concealed unit(s) is revealed and the routing unit is repulsed (and eliminated for FTR), A10.533, A12.15, A20.21.
23- Nor may they Recover or Abandon SW [EXC: Fording, B21.41].
24- A unit may opt to retain its DM if it's not in Rally Terrain or if it's overstacked.
25- The possible Surrender of Disrupted units in/ADJACENT to enemy Infantry/Cavalry Locations is done before any routing. ASOP.

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