Guide For Your: Advanced Applications

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Hyphenated Technology Guide

Table of Contents THE BEST ANSWERS
Introduction........................................................... 2 HAPPEN WHEN GREAT
Perkinelmer: The Most Trusted Name
in Hyphenation Technology................................... 3
What does hyphenated technology mean? ................. 3
Why is this important?................................................ 3
PerkinElmers hyphenated solutions couple two or more
The world leader in hyphenated technology ............... 3
instruments to greatly increase the power of analyses and save
Hyphenated Techniques Overview........................ 4 precious time by acquiring more information from a single
run. PerkinElmer TGA 8000 and STA systems coupled with
Comparison of Hyphenated Technologies............ 5
FT-IR, MS, and/or GC/MS instruments represent the industrys
TG-IR...................................................................... 7 most complete and advanced line of hyphenated platforms
Hiden Analytical MS Systems for TG-MS.............. 8 for materials characterization in polymers, pharmaceuticals,
chemicals, petroleum, rubber, and food. Its applications include
TG-MS.................................................................... 9 identifying harmful chemicals in soil, quantitating components
TG-GC/MS............................................................ 10 in polymers, determining leachables that may contaminate a
product's packaging, and identifying phthalates in PVC samples.
TG-IR-GC/MS....................................................... 11
The following pages will give you a basic overview of the
Consumables and Accessorries........................... 12 most commonly used techniques and provide the information
Software and Labortory Services......................... 13 necessary to help you select the one that best suits your
specific needs and applications.
Customer Testimonial......................................... 14

PerkinElmer: The Most Trusted Name in Hyphenation Technology

What Does Hyphenated Technology Mean?

In short, hyphenated technology simply means connecting two or more instruments together to
enhance material characterization. Connecting a TGA to a Mass Spectrometer (TG-MS) is an example
of a hyphenated technology. In the plastics industry, for instance, Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA)
coupled with Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) is a common technique used to study the
weight loss and chemical components of the evolved off gas during heating.

Why Is This Important?

Think about plasticizers that are added to polymeric material to increase its flexibility, from those
ubiquitous plastic ties to plastic bottles. These plasticizers change many properties of the original
polymer and often contain phthalates. Since plasticizers are usually made up of small molecules,
they also tend to migrate to the surface and evaporate from the polymer over time or upon heating.
Remember that new car smell? More ominous, however, are the apparent health issues associated with
plasticizers such as phthalates migrating from some plastic products to humans.
That is where the use of hyphenated technologies such as the PerkinElmer TGA 8000 and Frontier
FT-IR system comes in handy to provide scientists and manufacturers with a more complete picture
of a polymeric materials characterization. Oftentimes that kind of analysis can lead to better
product performance, reduced costs, and improved recyclability. And sometimes, as in the discovery
of Bisphenol A (BPA) in plastics and in our foods, hyphenated technologies like those offered by
PerkinElmer are helping to save lives, too.
PerkinElmer TGA and STA systems coupled with FT-IR, MS, and/or GC/MS instruments also represent
the industrys most complete and advanced line of hyphenated platforms to help better understand
how materials degrade, gases evolve, identifying components/contaminates and how materials
respond to a nonstandard test environment like high UV levels or humidity changes. Hyphenation with
PerkinElmers award-inning instrumentation will reveal new information and insights that will provide
your laboratory with a competitive advantage that is simply not available to single systems users.

The World Leader in Hyphenated Technology

PerkinElmer has been at the forefront of material characterization analytical technology for over
75 years. We have been offering total solutions for material research and development, from thermal
analysis to wide-range molecular spectroscopy till the more advanced hyphenated technology. We
can provide the ideal solution no matter what the specifics of your application. We understand the
unique and varied needs of the customers and markets we serve. Take it from experience and the
only company in the industry capable of making, supporting, and servicing combined systems that
streamline and simplify the entire process from sample handling and analysis to the communication of
test results. Hyphenation with PerkinElmer will provide your lab with new pathways for innovation and
scientific understanding.

The More You Know, The More Your Laboratory Can Achieve.

Hyphenated Techniques Overview

Sample Modification in Testing

Techniques where various instruments are coupled together to
change the sample while it is being monitored. UV-irradiation of
a sample in DSC or hooking a humidity generator to a DMA are
both examples of this approach.


Evolved Gas Analysis

Measurement of the gases evolved from a sample being tested
by a thermal analyzer such as TGA, STA and GC. These gases can
be released from a reaction, by evaporation, boiling, separation,
or from the combustion of a material. The most well know
is TGA-FT-IR where the IR is used to identify the off gases from a
TGA experiment. Another example would be GC-ICP-MS where
TG-IR-GCMS the GC helps speciate the sample before ICP-MS testing.

Simultaneous Analysis
Use of two or more techniques, like DSC-Raman, DSC-NIR, or
DTA-ATR, to measure the same sample at the same time.
A simultaneous thermal analyzer (STA) can be considered the
simplest form of this technique.


Table 1. Examples of type of hyphenation technologies.

Sample Modification in Testing Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) Simultaneous Analysis

CH-DMA (Controlled Humidity) TG-GC/MS

Comparison of Hypernated Technologies

System Configuration Strengths Limitations Applications

Spectrum Two FT-IR Functional group Lower sensitivity Industrial competitive
TL8000 STA 6000/ analysis analysis, process optimization
Difficulties in mixture
TGA 4000
Vapor phase libraries analysis Food simplifies sample
Frontier FT-IR TL8000 preparation
Allows structural
STA 6000/TGA 4000 isomers Environment
contaminated soil
Frontier FT-IR TL8000 Real time analysis
STA 8000 Pharmaceutical
Qualitative analysis
residual solvent
Spectrum Two FT-IR Non-destructive on
TL8000 TGA 8000 Unknown identification
Decomposition studies
Frontier FT-IR TL8000 Lower cost
TG-IR TGA 8000
Fast analysis times Mass range limited Industrial nanomaterials,
(1200 amu) polymer additives, process
High sensitivity
Clarus SQ8 MS optimization
Limited library
TL8300 TGA 8000 Widely applicable
Food study different crops,
More expensive
Real time analysis additives, combustion
Quantitative analysis Environment contaminated
soil, trace amount
Clarus SQ8 MS
TL8300 STA 6000 Pharmaceutical
TG-MS residual solvent
High sensitivity Not real-time analysis Industrial nanomaterials,
Clarus SQ8 GC/MS polymer additives, process
Resolved overlapping
TL8500 TGA 8000 optimization
Food study different crops,
Quantitative analysis
additives, combustion
Clarus SQ8 GC/MS Qualitative analysis
TL8500 STA 6000/ Environment contaminated
TGA 4000 Can use alternative soil, trace amount
Improve separation by residual solvent
Clarus SQ8 GC/MS GC approaches
TL8500 STA 8000
TG-GC/MS Can use GC library
Functional group High initial investment Industrial competitive
analysis analysis, nanomaterials,
Frontier FT-IR Clarus polymer additives, process
Vapor phase libraries
SQ8 GC/MS TL9000 optimization
TGA 8000 Allows structural
Food study different crops,
additives, combustion,
Real time analysis simplifies sample preparation
Qualitative analysis Environment contaminated
soil, trace amount
Frontier FT-IR Clarus Quantitative analysis
SQ8 GC/MS TL9000 Pharmaceutical residual
Non-destructive on
STA 8000 solvent
Unknown identification
Fast analysis times
Decomposition studies
High sensitivity
Widely applicable
Frontier FT-IR Clarus
SQ8 GC/MS TL9000 Resolved overlapping
STA 6000/TGA 4000 events
Can use alternative
Improve separation by
GC approaches
Spectrum Two FT-IR
Can use GC library
Clarus SQ8 GC/MS
TL9000 TGA 8000 TGA, IR and GCMS
can easily be used
TG-IR-GC/MS independently

Comparison of Hypernated Technologies

System Configuration Applications

UV-DSC Photo Accessory DSC 6000, Photo Curing Study curing time and process
Accessory-DSC 8000/8500 optimization
UV-DMA Photo Accessory DMA 8000 Curing Study curing time and process
Photo aging study
CH-DMA Humidity Accessory DMA 8000 Modulus changes in various humidity and
solvent environment
DSC-Raman DSC 8000/8500 Raman Accessory Raman Pharmaceutical phase transition and
polymorphism study
Polymer phase transition and
crystallization behavior


The combination of a Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) The TG-IR system is ideally suited for applications identifying
with an Infrared Spectrometer (TG-IR) is the most common materials evolved on heating, like residual solvents in
type of Evolved Gas Analysis (EGA) in use today. By heating a pharmaceuticals, component identification in the analysis of
sample on the TGA, a sample will release volatile materials or plastics or rubbers, or the study of the combustion products from
generate combustion components as it burns. These gases are burning a sample. An example of the data one can get is shown
then transferred to the IR cell, where the components can be below from a sample of switchgrass, a material being studied
identified. Because of its ability to detect functional groups, IR in North America as a possible source of biofuels. As shown
analysis allows greater understanding of the processes seen in in Figure 1, there is a small weight loss at low temperatures
the TGA. and then a much larger one at approximately 250 C, which
corresponds to the burning of the organic matter. This data is
The PerkinElmer TL8000 transfer line is a state-of-the-art
imported into the Timebase Software where it can be compared
system for TG-IR. Unlike simpler systems that simply move the
to the total absorbance curve and the area of interest selected for
gas to the TGA, the TL8000 is designed to ensure every
analysis. Here we select 30 minutes in the midst of the burn and
component evolved in the TGA is transported to the IR.
look at the spectra of the evolved gases.
Advantages of this System Include:
Insulated heated transfer line with replaceable
SilcoSteel liner
Heated zero-gravity-effect ZGCell gas cell for the
PerkinElmer FT-IR instrument incorporating automatic
accessory identification, low volume, and efficient sample
area purging
Control unit incorporating a mass flow controller, particle
filters, flow smoothing system, independent transfer line and
gas cell temperature controllers, and vacuum pump with
exhaust line
Automatic triggering of IR data collection from the
Pyris Software
Spectrum Timebase Software for time
resolved experiments
This design translates into some distinct advantages giving
better data and greater ease-of-use:
Figure 1. The data from the TGA run (top left) is transferred automatically to the
Constant gas flow giving optimum separation between Timebase Software and compared to the Gram Schmidt plot (top right). From this
time-resolved peaks data, we can examine regions of interest as shown in the lower center image.

Reduced mixing of IR signals

No accumulations of heavy components in the IR cell due
to ZGCell design
Automatically import TGA data in Timebase Software
The TL8000 can be used to connect any of the PerkinElmer TGA/STA
instruments to any of our FT-IR's. This offers you a range of options in
terms of price and performance to fit your needs.

Hiden Analytical MS Systems for TG-MS

Hiden Analytical systems can be coupled to a range of PerkinElmer

products allowing you to configure a system with the type of TGA
and MS unit needed to address your particular application and
budget needs. PerkinElmer's TGA systems which can be used with
Hiden Analytical Systems are:
TGA 4000 our rugged, low cost TGA solution
STA 6000 DTA and TGA results simultaneously to 1000 C
STA 8000 DTA and TGA results to 1600 C
In pharmaceutical manufacturing, small amounts of
recrystallization solvents need to be removed before processing
the powder. TG-MS allows the detection of low levels of residual
solvents as shown below.

Figure 2. TGA low-mass platinum microfurnace.

Combining a Thermogravimetric Analyzer (TGA) with a Mass

Spectrometer (MS) allows detection of very low levels of impurities.
By heating a sample on the TGA, it will release volatile materials
or combustion components as it burns. These gases are then
transferred to the MS for identification. The sensitivity of TG-MS is a
powerful tool for quality control, safety, and product development.
When working with a hyphenated instrument, it is important to
understand how each instrument works and how the connection Figure 3. The combined TG-MS is ideal for detecting small traces of residual solvents in
pharmaceuticals as shown in the detection of low levels of methylene chloride, above.
affects them both. PerkinElmer manufactures a wide range of
products, from thermal to gas chromatography and from infrared In Figure 3, the weight loss in the TGA is very small. Despite
and Raman spectroscopy to Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP). that, a clear identification of the material is obtained from the
MS. In Figure 4, a blend of solvents coming off in the same
Hiden Analytical MS Systems: temperature range is identified. Shown below, the single
Hiden Analytical has a reputation for making state-of-the-art weight loss in the TGA is seen to consist of water, ethanol,
mass spectrometers and SIMS. Our collaboration allows us to and acetone.
offer a range of hyphenated solutions that can address diverse
laboratory needs.
200, 300, and 500 amu systems available
Mass range is upgradeable post sales
Operation in Helium
Variable or Soft ionization to control fragmentation
Easy to connect transfer line
In-line filters with wide capillary end
User friendly software
Figure 4. The combination of TGA and MS allows one to quantify the weight loss
Automatic triggering of the MS run at the start of the from a material and identify the components being evolved.
TGA run


PerkinElmers extensive product range means we can supply a

complete system with one party service and support as well as
the expertise and knowledge to help you use it effectively.
The PerkinElmer TL8500 transfer line allows you to couple our full
range of Thermogravimetric Analyzers (TGA) and Simultaneous
Thermal Analyzers (STA) to a PerkinElmer Clarus SQ 8 GC/MS.
The TG-MS system uses:
Our range of TGA and STA Systems, to optimize sensitivity to
weight loss
The TL8500 is equipped with a 350 C transfer line, mass flow
control, and pumps. The TL8500 allows connection to other
brands of MS
The Clarus SQ 8, for accurate identification
By using the PerkinElmer Clarus SQ 8 Mass Spectrometer,
Figure 5. The combination of TGA and MS allow one to quantify the weight loss from
the same MS used in PerkinElmers state of the art GC/MS a material and identify the components being evolved.
systems, enjoy the advantages of:
Operation in helium
The detection of mass ions up to 1200 daltons
Soft ionization (adjustable EI) to limit fragmentation of the
mass ion
The ability to add chemical ionization (CI) to decrease
Automatic triggering of the MS run at the start of the
TGA run
One of the advantages of TG-MS is it is real time and very
sensitive. This has several applications in detecting residual
solvents in pharmaceuticals and in measuring additives in
polymers. In Figure 5, we see an example of a TGA curve,
Figure 6. When burning a complex material like rubber, the TGA data is often
overlaid with the mass ion peaks for three common solvents. confusing. MS on the evolved gas allows us to determine what comes off in the initial
weight loss.
Another example is the decomposition of rubber in the
TGA while the evolved gases are tracked as a function of
time (Figure 6).


Although TG-MS allows real-time monitoring, it can be

confusing due to overlapping events and higher mass ions
obscuring those of lower mass. By adding gas chromatography
(GC) to the system, these events can be cleanly separated and
very low levels of impurities detected.
Heating a sample using the TGA causes a sample to release volatile
materials or generate combustion components as it burns. These
gases are then transferred to the GC, where the components
can be collected on a trapping media, in a gas sampling loop, or
deposited on the head of a column. The sample can then be run
by GC to separate the material, and the peaks identified by the
MS. Because of its ability to detect very low levels of material in
complex mixtures, the TG-GC/MS is a powerful tool for quality
control, safety, and product development.
Figure 7. The TGA run of a sample of switchgrass shows most weight loss occurs in one
 ny of the TGA 4000, STA 6000, STA 8000 or TGA 8000 temperature range.
can be connected depending on degree of precision and
temperature range needed. Collecting the material on a GC column and eluting it gives the
T he TL8500 transfer line runs at 350 C and uses pumps and following chromatogram. Using the data from the MS to identify
mass flow controllers to deliver a precise flow of gas to the the peaks, the progression of acids can be detected easily in the
GC/MS. Two sample collection loops are included. offgas. These components cannot be isolated by TG-IR or TG-MS
due to their low levels and the complexity of the mixture.
 larus SQ 8 GC/MS provides maximum detection of low levels
of contaminates.
When working with a hyphenated instrument, it is important
not only to understand how each of the instruments work,
but also how the connection affects them both. Unlike
many instrument companies, PerkinElmer makes a range of
products, from thermal to gas chromatography and from
Infrared and Mass Spectroscopy to ICP. Because of this
experience, PerkinElmer is the only company capable of making,
supporting, and servicing a combined TG-GC/MS system.
Coupling the PerkinElmer TGA 8000 to the Clarus SQ 8 GC/ MS
allows several options to collect the evolved gases. Of these, the
use of the chilled oven with the Swafer to collect the volatiles on
the top of the GC column has been found to be most convenient.
A small quantity of dried and ground switchgrass was placed Figure 8. GC/MS on the gases evolved between 8 and 9 minutes and collected on the
head of a GC column gave the chromatography seen on the bottom of the graph. MS
on the TGA pan and weighed using the Pyris software. A rapid
analysis suggest that 15.8 is the acetic acid, which is confirmed above by running a
TGA analysis based on heating the sample from 30 C to 1000 standard of acetic, formic, and propanoic acids.
C at 100 C/min in a nitrogen atmosphere was performed to
determine which regions of the weight loss curve were to be
further studied using the TG-GC/MS technique.


Hyphenating TG-IR-GC/MS is a powerful approach for analysis

of an unknown mixture to determine its primary components
and identify additives or contaminants. This information may be
needed, for example, to evaluate a competitors product or to
determine compliance with regulations.
The PerkinElmer TL9000 transfer line is used to allow TG-IR-GC/MS
analysis on a sample by moving the off gases to the FT-IR and
GC/MS after their evolution in the TGA. It acts as the interface
between a TGA or STA, an FT-IR like the Frontier or Spectrum
Two FT-IR, and a Mass Spectrometer or GC/MS, such as the
Clarus SQ 8.
Figure 10. Best match spectra using PerkinElmer Spectrum Search software.
During the TGA thermal separation of a pigmented aqueous
sample, the gases released by the sample were sent to the FT-IR
for spectral analysis. The TG-IR data consists of a sequence of
spectra, acquired at intervals of around 8 seconds. The standard
presentation of the data is the adsorption versus wave number,
and this spectral profile of the gases released by the sample
is generated for each at roughly a two-degree interval. The
TG-IR Spectrum Time Base Software provides a 3D graphical
representation, consisting of stacked IR spectra, a feature that
provides a snapshot of the entire TG-IR separation.

Figure 11. Output of Search software, showing match candidates.

T G-IR-GC/MS allows one to gain the advantages of two
EGA techniques and compensate for their disadvantages.
 nlike TGA-GC/MS, the TG-IR-GC/MS retains the
relationship between temperature a gas is released at and
Figure 9. Spectrum Time-Based software outputs, which aid in interpreting the its components by FT-IR.
decomposition process. With experience, an operator will look at the stacked spectra
(upper right plot) and see an unexpected mountain range that represents the transient T he sequentially measuring of the offgas components by
presence of a particular species of off-gassing product of potential interest. GC/MS allow detection of trace levels too low to be seen in
the FT-IR.
The TL9000 interface was used to perform a subsequent analysis
to confirm the identity of the unknown substance in the aqueous
sample. At the time of maximum concentration absorbance of
the substance being analyzed, the gas in the IR gas cell was sent
to a GC/MS.

Consumables and Accessorries

With instruments that are the industry standard worldwide, a push of a button, or a high-end lamp with unparalleled
PerkinElmer accessories, consumables, methods and application sensitivity? What about exible sample sizes and reduced
support meet the most demanding requirements and are the sample setup time? Higher lab productivity? No problem.
preferred choice in thousands of laboratories globally. Whatever challenge you face in material characterization,
From the measurement of DNA purity to characterization we can help you solve it. After all, we created the first
of the most advanced engineered materials, we provide the commercial IR and FT-IR systems over 60 years ago. Since
widest range of solutions available from one company. then, we have continually pioneered the technologies,
FT-IR, FT-NIR, TGA, STA, GC we have solutions for every consumables and supplies to help you learn more about the
lab and every budget. performance and structure of the materials you analyze at
Our expertise in these technology means you can rely on us. the molecular level.
Do you need a simple accessory that provides results with Define your challenge, and we will help you meet it.

Figure 14. Capillary Column for the GC/MS .

Figure 12. Disposable Desiccant Kit the FT-IR.

Figure 13. UATR Accessory for the FT-IR. Figure 15. Sample Pan Kit for the TGA.

Experience Better and Reproducible Results with the State-of-the-art Interface.

All interfaces can be connected between various FT-IR, GC/MS, Zero-Gravity Cell (ZG-Cell):
TGA and STA from any analytical brands to grant you a broad Design allows heavy molecular weight components elimination,
range of options in terms of price and performance to fit providing the cell with little maintenance and more sensitive
your needs. and accurate data. ZG-Cell is provided with an automatic
Transfer Line Models TL8000, TL8500 and TL9000 accessory identification, low volume and efficient sample area
Advantages: purging.

 ighest temperature up to 360 C to avoid condensation and Mass Flow Controller:
deposition of evolved gases The interfaces controls the flow instead of the pressure. In
analytical terms, this means quantitative results for the detection
Self supported TL for more reliable results as well as reproducible analysis without stagnation of corrosive
Replaceable internally treated liner for an easy maintenance gas in the TGA furnace.

Software and Laboratory Services

Over 25 Years of Expertise Protect Your Instruments with PerkinElmer OneSource

Your lab produces massive amounts of digital data that you need Laboratory Services
to sift through, analyze, visualize, and share. The productivity of Now that youve made an investment in new instrumentation for
your lab depends on the integration and automation of processes your lab, its time to protect it. OneSource Laboratory Services can
combined with efficient workflow management. help with routine maintenance and repair service from our team
We bring over 25 years of expertise to the marketplace, having of certified engineers along with expert solutions and carefully
developed innovative technologies that have shaped the informatics engineered programs designed to achieve your best targeted
landscape such as pioneering chemical drawing software, electronic business outcomes.
laboratory notebooks, LIMS and instrument integration applications. With over 15 years of experience and a proven track record of
success, OneSource has a deep knowledge and understanding of
Ensemble for R&D laboratory and R&D needs and offers a one-of-a-kind systems
Supports a wide range of workflows, including free-form, approach to success. Through insight and expertise OneSource
chemistry, formulation, biology screening, bioanalytical, and consultants can pinpoint specific issues that impact efficiencies
research LIMS. E-Notebook allows organizations to share across all facets of operations, and provide innovative, holistic
data, maintain security and efficient archiving, and provides solutions to address them.
a full audit trail and 21 CFR 11 compliance. Users easily enter
The OneSource team of experts partner with your business looking
content from Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Acrobat PDF,
at the whole picture and from every angle to engineer the right
ChemDraw and structured data in lists and tables.
outcome to solve your business challenges and to meet your
Ensemble for QA/QC business goals through the following areas.
Fully meets the needs and requirements of laboratories doing Instrument Service and Repair
routine testing. iLAB LES eliminates paper, automates, controls, Relocation
and documents test execution and ensures adherence to
laboratory procedures. LimsLink reduces errors and costs by Compliance and Validation
automating data transfer between instruments, instrument data Laboratory IT Services
systems and informatics systems.
Asset Data Visualization Tools

ChemDraw Laboratory Efficiency Consulting

The chemical drawing industry leader includes stereochemistry Scientific Staffing Solutions
recognition and display, ChemNMR with spectral prediction
and display, and Name=Struct to interconvert structures and
IUPAC names. Now also available on iPad.

TIBCO Spotfire Analytics Platform

Empowers scientists to explore their data freely: to visualize
instantly, mashup, interact with, and share data at any level
of detail. The software helps users answer pressing questions,
uncover answers to questions they didnt know they had,
and anticipate what happens next, without requiring special
queries from IT.

Markem-Imaje Corp. is a worldwide leader of
product identification equipment, software,
supplies and services for marking and coding.
Markem-Imaje has a very active and busy
material characterization laboratory, managed
and run to conduct new product research and
solveday-to-day product problems.

Whether I am searching for a new technique or in need of enhancing a current instrument to

serve my industry better, PerkinElmers willingness to engage our needs enforces our belief
that they are the business partner of choice in material characterization. I would like to thank
your entire team for being that business partner that is helping me succeed in helping my
company succeed.
Customer Testimonial from Samuel Apkarian, Markem-Imaje Corp.

For more information, visit

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P: (800) 762-4000 or
(+1) 203-925-4602

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