Production Log 2016-2017 Newer Doc (3) Includes Planning Review and Initial Ideas

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2016/17 candidate record form, production log

and assessment record

Level 3 Extended Project (7993)
Please attach the form to your candidates work and keep it at the centre or send
it to the moderator as required. The declarations should be completed as

Centre number Centre name

17529 Loreto College

Candidate number Candidates full name

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Work submitted for assessment must be the candidates own. If candidates copy work, allow candidates to copy
from them, or cheat in any other way, they may be disqualified.

Candidate declaration
Have you received help/information from anyone other than subject teacher(s) to produce this work?

No Yes (give details below or on a separate sheet if necessary).

Click here to enter text.

Please list below any books, leaflets or other materials (for example DVDs, software packages, internet
information) used to complete this work not acknowledged in the work itself. Presenting materials copied from other
sources without acknowledgement is regarded as deliberate deception.

Click here to enter text.

From time to time we use anonymous examples of candidates work (in paper form and electronically) within our
guidance materials to illustrate particular points. If your work appears in AQA materials in this context and you
object to this, please contact us and we will remove it on reasonable notice.
I have read and understood the above. I confirm I produced the attached work without assistance other than that
which is acceptable under the scheme of assessment.

Candidate signature. Date

Supervisor declaration
I confirm the candidates work was conducted under the conditions laid out by the specification. I have
authenticated the candidates work and am satisfied, (to the best of my knowledge) that the work produced is solely
that of the candidate.

Supervisor signature. Date

AQA Education (AQA) is a registered charity (number 1073334) and a company limited by guarantee 7993/CRF
registered in England and Wales (number 3644723). Our registered address is AQA, Devas Street,
Manchester M15 6EX.
Candidate number Candidates full name
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Submission checklist
To be completed by the supervisor

Extended Project working title Click here to enter text.

Extended Project final title Click here to enter text.

Form of project
Either written report

Or Click here to enter text. and accompanying written report

Is this project part of a group project?


Yes If Yes, give brief details Click here to enter text.

Please note that failure to complete or submit a compulsory element may result in a mark of zero being

Items that must be included Notes

1. A signed and completed Candidate record

form, production log and assessment record
This document. All pages must be completed.

If the project product is an artefact or a

2. Research based written report production, an accompanying research based
written report is also required.

Eg photographs of artefact, investigation or

3. Evidence of the project product production; a piece of creative writing (artefact);
research based written report.

Presentation on the project process. Where the

project product is itself a presentation (for a
4. Evidence of a presentation within the
production log
specified audience), a presentation on the
project process must also be delivered to a non-
specialist audience

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Candidate number Candidates full name
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The taught skills element

To be completed by the supervisor

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Outline details of taught skills

Record here details of relevant skills taught in a class/group and details of relevant skills taught individually to
this candidate as described in the specification. Continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Click here to enter text.

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Record of marks

To be completed by the supervisor

Marks must be awarded in accordance with the instructions and criteria in the specification.

Summary information to show how the marks have been awarded should be given in the spaces below in
addition to comments in other pages of this document and any supporting information in the form of annotations
on the candidates work.

Maximum Mark
Skill area Supervisors supporting statement
mark awarded
Click here to enter text.
A01 Manage 10 Click.

A02 Use Click here to enter text.

10 Click.
A03 Develop Click here to enter text.
20 Click.
and realise
Click here to enter text.
A04 Review 10 Click.

Total mark 50 Click.

Supervisors concluding comments

Click here to enter text.

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Candidate number Candidates full name
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Internal moderation comments if appropriate

Click here to enter text.

Supervisor declaration
I confirm that no work assessed for the award of the marks above is also to be submitted, or has been
submitted, for any other accredited qualification(s).

Supervisor signature. Date

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Candidate number Candidates full name
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Record of initial ideas

To be completed by the candidate

This page records initial meeting(s) with your supervisor to agree your project ideas. Additional pages can be
submitted if more than one idea has been explored.

My idea(s) for topic/title

The Cultural Phenomenon of Broadway Musicals

Has the Popularity of Broadway Declined With the New Millennium?

My ideas for research and development of my project

My first ideas came from an interest in musicals and how they could link to society. I could look at different
Broadway shows and how they were created, or look at how the popularity of Broadway has changed since the
very first musical. I could also research the different types of musicals, such as book musicals and revues.
Through looking at the origins of Broadway musicals I could incorporate a historical element to my research. I
could use books such as Anything Goes: A History of American Musical Theatre by Ethan Mordden to assist with
the historical research. I also want to link anthropology into my research, which I can do by looking at topics such
as non-traditional casting and the type of shows that become successes.

My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor

My supervisor has said that I have good initial ideas that I can improve upon and expand. The first topic title is too
broad and I need to narrow the title down in order to focus on my research. The second question is a better
research question, but the new millennium is a bit broad and I could pick a specific year, such as the year
2000, and discuss whether or not Broadway has become less popular. My supervisor also suggested that in
terms of anthropology and my research I could possibly look at how Broadway has become a tourist destination
rather than a creative outlet, and how money fuels what is out on Broadway and what is produced off-Broadway.
They also suggested that I research the tactics used by Broadway shows to draw in an audience and research the
boundaries that Broadway pushes in terms of what they are willing to talk about on stage.

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Modifications I have made as a result of my discussion with my supervisor

From my meeting with my supervisor I have edited my topic title to be more specific, which will assist me in my
research. I have also added many new topics to the ones previously thought of and want to develop my ideas by
looking at the people of Broadway, such as the actors that headline popular shows to the demographic of the
audience and the difference in success and content of Broadway and off-Broadway shows. After confirmation of
my topic and title from my supervisor I can now use books and reputable websites to further my current research.


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Candidate number Candidates full name
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Part A: Candidate proposal

To be completed by the candidate

Working title of my Extended Project.

Present the topic to be researched in the form of a short statement/question/hypothesis with clear focus.
Click here to enter text.

my initial resources will be

Click here to enter text.

the courses of study or area(s) of personal interest to which the topic relates
Click here to enter text.

my intended product
Click here to enter text.

Provide details of the courses that you are currently studying

Qualification type Awarding body & subject Qualification type Awarding body & subject

eg A-level, Modern eg AQA Mathematics, OCR Click to enter text. Click here to enter text.
Apprenticeship, BTEC Computing, WJEC English Click to enter text. Click here to enter text.
Click to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click to enter text. Click here to enter text.
Click to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click to enter text. Click here to enter text.
Click to enter text. Click here to enter text. Click to enter text. Click here to enter text.

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Candidate number Candidates full name
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Notice to candidate You must not take part in any unfair practice in the preparation of project work required for
assessment and you must understand that to present material copied directly from any book or any other
sources without acknowledgement will be regarded as deliberate deception. If you use or attempt to use any
unfair practice you will be reported to AQA and you may be disqualified from all subjects.

Candidate declaration
I certify that I have read and understood AQAs Regulations relating to unfair practice as set out in the notice to
candidates above.

Candidate signature. Date

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Candidate number Candidates full name
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Part B: Supervisors comments on candidate proposal

To be completed by the supervisor

Please comment below on the validity and feasibility of the candidate proposal (Part A) as an Extended Project

Supervisors comments
Indicate the relation to, and Click here to enter text.
development/extension outside of, the
main course(s) of study or interest

Comment on the suitability of the Click here to enter text.

proposed initial sources and research

Confirm that the project is feasible in the Click here to enter text.
proposed timescale and/or indicate any
potential difficulties that may prevent the
candidate from meeting the assessment

Indicate the expected format of the project product that will be submitted for assessment
Research based written report
Artefact (for example prototype, model, artwork, scientific investigation, creative writing) plus written report

Is the project a contribution to a group exercise? YES NO

If Yes, confirm that there is a defined individual contribution by the candidate YES NO
List the other group members below.

Candidate No. Click. Candidate Name Click here to enter text.

Candidate No. Click. Candidate Name Click here to enter text.

Candidate No. Click. Candidate Name Click here to enter text.

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Candidate number Candidates full name
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Supervisor signature. Date

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Part C: Centre coordinators approval of candidate proposal

Supervisors name
Click here to enter text.

To be completed by the centre coordinator

If you are acting as both the Centre coordinator and the supervisor, please seek counter signature from a senior

Centre coordinators comments on the feasibility and acceptability of the proposal (parts A & B) as an Extended
Click here to enter text.

Approved Approved subject to the implementation of Resubmission required

the centre coordinators recommendations

Centre coordinators name

Click here to enter text.

Centre coordinator signature.
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Planning review

To be completed by the candidate

This page records your outline plan once your proposal has been approved.

My next steps in planning, researching and deadlines that I will set myself. What I intend to do, by when, what
resources I will use and how I will implement the recommendations of the centre co-ordinator (where appropriate).

As part of the next stage in the planning of my project I have made use of a notebook to jot down rough ideas and
I am using it to list the points I wish to make in my report, and those I wish to research more and expand upon
such as the use of social media by Broadway shows. I am currently reading Anything Goes: A History of
American Musical Theatre by Ethan Mordden and Broadway Babies Say Goodnight by Mark Steyn. Whilst
reading these books I have been making motes that are pertinent to my research topic. I have extended my own
deadline and have given myself until the 15th January to have read these books and complete the notes I wish to
make. I am also going to look in my local library for any other books that may be relevant to my topic before the
31st December. As well as reading books, I intend to conduct more preliminary research online to develop the
rough ideas I have, such as research into Broadway audience demographics from ,
which will give me quantitative data to include in my report. I am also looking into possibly being able to collect
some primary data, such as interviews with academics in the anthropological field or people currently working on
Broadway. I intend to create a document that will collate all of my ideas and research in one place, where I can
assess its validity and reliability as well as how valuable it may be to my overall judgement. To ensure I keep to
my deadlines I have set aside a minimum of four hours a week (Tuesday 9:00-11:00 and Thursday 9:00-11:00) to
work on my project.

My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor

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Modifications I have made as a result of my discussion with my supervisor and/or the comments from my centre
Click here to enter text.


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Mid-project review

To be completed by the candidate

This page records your outline plan when you have completed your research.

Is my project following my original plan? How has my plan developed?

Click here to enter text.

My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor

Click here to enter text.

Modifications I have made as a result of my discussion with my supervisor at this stage

Click here to enter text.

My final title and agreed form of project product

Click here to enter text.

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Candidate number Candidates full name
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My planned next steps to complete my project

Click here to enter text.


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Project product review

To be completed by the candidate

This page records the (near) completion of your project product. Outline the successes, failures, additions and/or
changes you made as you followed the plan in your mid-project review

Did my project follow my revised plan (from the mid-project review)?

Click here to enter text.

My summary of the comments and advice from my supervisor at this final stage
Click here to enter text.

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Candidate number Candidates full name
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Modifications I have made as a result of discussion with my supervisor at this final stage
Do I need to do anything else to complete my product?
Click here to enter text.


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Presentation record part A

To be completed by the candidate

This page records your presentation and its preparation.

Planned format of my presentation (eg timing, audience, use of visual aids, slides, use of notes, etc.)
Click here to enter text.

Planned content of my presentation

Click here to enter text.

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Modifications I have made as a result of rehearsal and/or discussion with my supervisor

Click here to enter text.


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Presentation record part B

To be completed by the supervisor

Record and comment below on the delivery of the presentation

Supervisors record/comments
The nature of the audience (include Click here to enter text.
numbers of staff, students and others

The nature of the presentation (include Click here to enter text.

use of notes, use of display items, and
use of presentation software)

Comment on the content and delivery of Click here to enter text.

the presentation (for example clarity of
ideas, structure of presentation, pace,
engagement with audience)

Comment on the response of the Click here to enter text.

candidate to questions that
demonstrated understanding and grasp
of the project and/or its production. Give
examples of questions asked and
answers given.

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Supervisor signature. Date

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Summary and reflection

To be completed by the candidate

This page records your summary, reflection and evaluation when you have completed your project product and
given your presentation.

Some questions you may wish to answer in this section include, what have I learned from completing this project?
What new knowledge or expertise have I enjoyed or found valuable? What are the strengths and weaknesses of
my project (including planning and organisation)? What skills have I improved? What changes would I make if I
undertook such work again? What advice would I give to others undertaking such a project?
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