CA Final AMA Theory Complete R6R7GKB0 PDF
CA Final AMA Theory Complete R6R7GKB0 PDF
CA Final AMA Theory Complete R6R7GKB0 PDF
Chapter Topic
All the chapters carry questions from past examinations (theory) at the end along
with suggested answers.
Costing: The method of ascertaining the cost and thereby controlling it is referred to as
Cost Accounting: The process of accounting for cost which begins with recording of income
and expenditure or the bases on which they are calculated and ends with the preparation of
periodical statements and reports for ascertaining and controlling costs.
Question I:
State the objectives of Cost Accounting.
The primary objective of study of cost is to contribute to profitability through Cost Reduction
and Cost Control. The following objective of Cost Accounting can be identified.
3. Cost Control and Cost Reduction: In the long run, higher profits can be achieved only
through Cost Reduction and Cost Control.
4. Ascertaining the profit of each activity: Profit of each department / activity / product
can be determined by comparing its revenue with appropriate cost. Hence Cost
Accounting ensures profit measurement on an objective basis.
Question II:
Classification of costs:
1. Historical Costs: Costs relating to the past period, which has already been incurred.
2. Current Costs: Costs relating to the present period.
3. Pre-determined Costs: Costs relating to the future period; Cost, which is computed in
advance, on the basis of specification of all factors affecting it.
2. Fixed Costs: The cost which remain fixed irrespective of the change in the level of
activity / output. These costs are not affected by volume of production e.g. Factory Rent,
Insurance etc. Fixed Costs per unit vary inversely with volume of production i.e. if
production increases, fixed costs per unit decreases and vice-versa. Sometimes, these
are also known as Capacity Costs or Period Cost.
For decision-making purpose Fixed Costs are further sub-classified into (a) Committed
Fixed Costs and (b) Discretionary Fixed Costs.
These costs remain unaffected by any These cannot be changed in the very short-
short-term changes in the volume of run.
Any reduction in committed fixed costs Discretionary fixed Cost can change from
under normal activities of the concern year to year, without disturbing the long-term
would have adverse repercussions on objectives.
the concerns long term objectives.
Such costs cannot be controlled. These costs are controllable.
3. Semi-variable Costs: These are those costs which are party fixed and partly variable.
These are fixed upto a particular volume of production and become variable thereafter
for the next level of production. Hence, they are also called Step Costs. Some examples
are Repairs and Maintenance, Electricity, Telephone etc.
2. Labour Cost incurred in relation to human resources of the enterprise, for example,
wages to workers, Salary to Office Staff, Training Expenses etc.
3. Expenses Cost of operating and running the enterprise, other than materials and
labour, it is the residual category of cost. For example, Factory Rent, Office
Maintenance, Salesmen Salary etc.
1. Direct Costs: Costs which are directly related to / identified with / attributable to a Cost
Centre or a Cost unit.
Example: Cost of basic raw material used in the finished product, wages paid to site
labour in a contract etc.
2. Indirect Costs: Costs that are not directly identified with a cost centre or a cost unit.
Such costs are apportioned over different cost centers using appropriate basis.
Examples: Factory Rent incurred over various departments; Salary of supervisor
engaged in overseeing various construction contracts etc. Note: All indirect costs are
collectively called as Overheads, since they are generally incurred over various products
(cost units), various departments (cost centers) and over various heads of expenditure
(a) Time Certain costs are controllable in the long run and not in the short run.
(b) Location Certain costs are not influenced and decided at a particular location / cost
centre. If lease agreements of factory premises are executed centrally at the Head
Office, factory managers cannot control the incurrence of cost.
(c) Product / Output Certain cost are controllable by reference to one product or market
segment and not by reference to the other, for example, cost of common raw material
input for exports is lower than that of domestically sold goods since excise duty
concessions / duty drawback is available for export sales.
2. Uncontrollable Costs These are the costs that cannot be influenced and controlled by
a specific member of the organization. The line of difference between controllable and
non-controllable costs is thin.
Note: No cost is uncontrollable. Controllability is subject to the restrictions laid down
1. Normal Cost: Cost, which can be reasonably expected to be incurred under normal,
routine and regular operating conditions.
2. Abnormal Cost: Costs over and above normal costs; Costs which is not incurred under
normal operating conditions e.g. fines and penalties.
1. Production Cost: The cost of the set of operations commencing with supply of
materials, labour and services and ends with the primary packing of product. Thus it is
equal to the total of Direct Materials, Direct Labour, Direct Expenses and Production
/factory Overheads.
2. Administration Cost: The cost of formulating the policy, directing the organisation and
controlling the operations of the undertaking, which is not directly related to production,
selling, distribution, research or development activity or function. E.g Office Rent,
Accounts Department Expenses, Audit and Legal Expenses, Directors Remuneration
3. Selling Cost: The cost of seeking to create and stimulate demand and of securing
orders. These are sometimes called marketing costs e.g. Advertisement, remuneration
to Salesmen, Show-room Expenses, Cost of samples.
4. Distribution Cost: The cost of the sequence of operations which begins with making the
packed product available for dispatch and ends with making the reconditioned returned
empty package, if any, available for re-use. E.g Distribution packing (secondary packing),
carriage outwards maintenance of delivery vans, expenditure incurred in transporting
articles to central or local storage, expenditure incurred in moving articles to and from
prospective customers (as in Sale or Return) etc.
5. Research Cost: The cost of researching for new or improved products, new applications
of materials or improved methods.
6. Development Cost: The cost of the process which begins with the implementation of the
decision to produce a new or improved product, or to employ a new or improved method
and ends with commencement of formal production of that product or by that method.
7. Pre-production Cost: The part of development cost incurred in making a trial production
run prior to formal production.
8. Conversion Cost: The sum of direct wages, direct expenses and overhead cost of
converting raw materials to the finished stage or converting a material from one stage of
production to the other.
h. On the basis of Attributability to the product:
1. Period Cost: These are the costs, which are not assigned to the products but are
charged as expenses against the revenue of the period in which they are incurred. Non-
manufacturing costs e.g. Selling and Distribution Costs are generally recognised as
period costs. These costs are not included in inventory valuation.
2. Product Cost: These are the costs, which are assigned to the product and are included
in inventory valuation. These are also called as Inventoriable costs. Under absorption
costing, total manufacturing costs are regarded as product costs while under marginal
costing, only variable manufacturing costs are considered. The purposes of computing
product costs are as under:
(b) Product pricing focus on costs assigned and incurred on the product till it is made
available to the customer / user.
A. Relevant Costs: The costs, which are relevant and useful for decision-making purposes.
1. Marginal Cost Marginal cost is the total variable cost i.e. prime cost plus variable
overheads. It is assumed that variable cost varies directly with production whereas fixed
cost remains fixed irrespective of volume of production. Marginal cost is a relevant cost
for decision taking, as this cost will be incurred in future for additional units of production.
2. Differential Cost It is the change in costs due to change in the level of activity or
pattern or method of production. Where the change results in increase in cost it is called
incremental cost, whereas if costs are reduced due to increase of output, the difference
is called decremental costs. The differential costs are relevant costs.
3. Opportunity Cost This cost refers to the value of sacrifice made or benefit of
opportunity foregone in accepting an alternative course of action.
For example:
(1) a firm financing its expansion plans by withdrawing money from its bank deposits. In
such a case the loss of interest on the bank deposit is the opportunity cost for carrying
out the expansion plan.
(2) The opportunity cost of using a machine to produce a particular product is the earning
forgone that would have been possible if the machine was used to produce other
(3) The opportunity cost of ones time is the earning which he would have earned from
his profession.
Opportunity cost is a relevant cost where alternatives are available. However, opportunity
cost does not find any place in formal accounts and is computed only for comparison
4. Discretionary costs These are escapable or avoidable costs. In other words these
are costs, which are not essential for the accomplishment of a managerial objective.
6. Imputed Costs These are notional costs appearing in the cost accounts only e.g.
notional rent charges, interest on capital for which no interest has been paid. These are
relevant costs for decision-making. Where alternative capital investment projects are
being evaluated, it is necessary to consider the Imputed interest on capital before a
decision is arrived at as to which is the most profitable project.
7. Out-of pocket cost These are the costs, which entail current or near future cash
outlays for the decision at hand as opposed to cost, which do not require any cash outlay
(e.g. depreciation). Such costs are relevant for decision-making, as these will occur in
near future. This cost concept is a short-run concept and is used in decisions relating to
fixation of selling price in recession, make or buy, etc. Out-of-pocket costs can be
avoided or saved if a particular proposal under consideration is not accepted.
B. Irrelevant Costs: The costs, which are not relevant or useful for decision-making.
1. Sunk Cost It is the cost, which has already been incurred or sunk in the past. It is not
relevant for decision-making and is caused by complete abandonment as against
temporary shutdown. Thus if a firm has obsolete stock of materials amounting to
Rs.50,000 which can be sold as scrap for Rs.5,000 or can be utilised in a special job, the
value of opening stock of Rs.50,000 is a sunk cost and is not relevant for decision-
2. Committed Cost A cost, which has been committed by the management, is not
relevant for decision making. This should be contrasted with discretionary costs, which
are avoidable costs.
3. Absorbed Fixed Cost Fixed costs which do not change due to increase or decrease in
activity is irrelevant for decision-making. Although such fixed costs are absorbed in cost
of production on a normal rate, such costs are irrelevant for managerial decision-making.
However if fixed costs are specific, they become relevant for decision-making.
Explicit Costs These are also known as out of pocket costs. They refer to costs
involving immediate payment of cash. Salaries, wages, postage & telegram, printing &
stationery, interest on loan etc. are some examples of explicit costs involving immediate
cash payment.
Implicit Costs These costs do not involve any immediate cash payment. They are not
recorded in the books of account. They are also known as economic costs.
Estimated cost:
the expected cost of manufacture or acquisition, often in terms of a unit of product computed
on the basis of information available in advance of actual production or purchase. Estimated
costs are prospective costs since they refer to prediction of costs.
Shut down costs:
Those costs, which continue to be, incurred even when a plant is temporarily shutdown, e.g.
rent, rates, depreciation, etc. These costs cannot be eliminated with the closure of the plant. In
other words, all fixed costs which cannot be avoided during the temporary closure of a plant
will be know as shut down costs.
Absolute Cost:
These costs refer to the cost of any product, process or unit in its totality. When costs are
presented in a statement form, various cost components are shown in absolute amount or as a
percentage of total-costs or as per unit cost or all together. Here the cost depicted in absolute
amount may be called absolute costs and are base costs on which further analysis and
decisions are based.
A data base is a computer file system that uses a particular file organization to facilitate rapid
updating of individual records, simultaneous updating of related records, easy access to all
records by all applications programs, and rapid access to all stored data which must be
brought together for a particular routine report or inquiry or for special purpose report or inquiry.
A file structure that facilitates the association of one internal record with other internal
Cross-functional integration of files of that records which previously would have been in
entirely independent files can now be associated and processed together automatically.
Program/data file independence, which eases the updating and maintenance of the database
and enhances special-report capabilities.
Common standards throughout in respect of data definitions, record formats, and other types
of data descriptions.
A data base management system (DBMS) to manage the data files.
A data dictionary that contains information about the data and the database.
Large-scale direct access memory to contain the data and the data base management
Sophisticated communications equipment and programs that permit multiple users to
access the database simultaneously.
Sophisticated backup, recovery, and restart techniques to permit reconstruction of the data
base files if data is lost or destroyed.
A query language that permits each on-line query as well as records update on a
transaction-by transaction basis.
Operational Databases: Operational activities require full details about the transactions
involved. Operational databases satisfy the requirements of day-to-day operations (as opposed
to decision making). The attributes of operational databases of operational activities are :
3. Backup detail provided by inquiry capability: Operations personnel must refer to back
details, such as transactions with a vendor in a preceding period, that are needed to
answer customer questions about account status. If the detailed backup data is retained
with an on-line database that has a query language, the details needed can usually be
accessed rapidly through the window provided by the data base query language.
4. Data sharing: The sharing of a large pool of operations data among multiple user
departments is possible with database. For example, production engineering and
inventory personnel may need information related to one anothers current activities that
can be made available as needed. Such data is made available through all operational
Managerial databases are used for managerial decision-making (as opposed to operations).
Apart from the routine features found in Operational Database, the following additional features
are found in Managerial Databases:
1. Intelligence systems: Intelligence information needed from outside the organization for
strategic planning purposes is both substantial in quality and critical to top management
activities. The combination of intelligence systems and database constitutes one of the
most important ingredients in a MIS.
4. Key task information systems: Databases can serve managers by helping them to
organize the information system around key management tasks. Databases should be
structured around key tasks at each level, usually with one database for each key task.
Successful accomplishment of key tasks often requires co-ordinating information from
multiple functional areas, which argues in favour of cross-functional data base systems
for key tasks.
3. Exception Principle Provide for selective information reporting: The database should
generate primary reports for each major management activity, with backup detail
available on request. This primary report should contain all the relevant information
required for the managerial tasks and should not contain extraneous information.
Managers should not be forced to go through several data base reports simultaneously
to sort the relevant information from the available information.
4. Differentiation Principles Provide for different and multiple data bases for different
levels of management: Databases should be designed by the type of managerial activity
(such as key tasks) for a particular level of management, due to difference in information
requirements and distinction between planning and control activities. In many situations
at least two types of databases at each level will be most useful; one or more databases
may be needed for management control, and one or more may also be needed for
planning activities.
Refer above
Q. 2
Briefly explain the concept of opportunity cost. (November 1996 / 1997) (4 marks)
Refer above
Q. 3
What is meant by incremental revenue? (November 1997) (4 marks)
Incremental revenue is the additional revenue that arise from the production or sale of a group
of additional units. It is one of the two basic concepts the other being incremental cost which go
together with differential cost analysis. Incremental cost in fact is the added cost due to change
either in level of activity or in the nature of activity.
Q. 4
Costs may be classified in a variety of ways according to their nature and information needs of
the management Discuss. (November 1997) (4 marks)
Costs can be classified according to their nature and information needs of the management in
the following manner.
1. By element: Under this classification costs are classified into (a) Direct costs and (b)
Indirect costs according to elements viz. materials, labour and expenses.
2. By function: Here costs are classifieds as: Production cost, administration cost, selling
cost, distribution cost, research cost, distribution cost etc.
3. By behaviour: According to this classification costs are classified as fixed, variable and
semi-variable costs. Fixed costs can be further classified as committed and
discretionary costs.
Management of a business house requires cost information for decision making under different
circumstances. For e.g. they require such information for fixing selling price, controlling and
reducing costs. To perform all these functions a classification of cost according to their nature
and information needs is an essential pre-requisite of the management.
Q. 5
What are incremental costs and sunk costs? (November 1998) (4 marks)
Refer above
Q. 6
Briefly explain the term Products cost and period cost. (May 1999) (4 marks)
Refer above
Q. 7
Give any three examples of opportunity cost. (May 1999) (3 marks)
Refer above
Q. 8
Outline the key attributes of an operational database? (May 2003) (4 marks)
Refer above
Q. 9
Explain the concept of relevancy of cost in the context of decision making. (May 2004) (4
Relevant costs are those costs which are affected by a decision. Relevance means pertinent to
the decision in hand. The expected future costs which are essential and which differ by taking
an alternative course of action are relevant costs. Examples of relevant costs re:
Past costs are not relevant costs
Historical or sunk costs are not relevant
Variable costs are relevant costs
Fixed costs are not relevant
Book value of equipment is not relevant
Disposal value of equipment is relevant
Fixed costs which differ by decision becomes relevant
Variable costs which do not differ by a decision are not relevant
At any given level of output, additional output can normally be obtained at less than
proportionate cost per unit. This is because the aggregate of certain items of cost will tend to
remain fixed and only the aggregate of the remainder (variable Cost) will tend to rise
proportionately with increase in output. Conversely, a decrease in the volume of output will
normally be accompanied by a less than proportionate fall in the aggregate cost.
Therefore, costs should be analysed into variable and fixed components, for meaningful
decision-taking. This theory, which recognises the difference between variable and fixed costs
is called Marginal Costing.
Thus, Marginal costing is defined as the ascertainment of marginal cost and of the effect on
profit of changes in volume or type of output by differentiating between fixed costs and variable
Direct Costing
Direct costing is the practice of charging all direct costs to operation, processes or products,
leaving an all indirect costs to be written off against profits in the period in which they arise.
Under direct costing stocks are valued at direct costs, i.e. costs whether fixed or variable,
which can be directly attributable to the cost units.
Direct costing differs from marginal costing in that some fixed costs considered direct are
charged to operations, processes or products whereas in marginal costing only variable costs
are considered.
Differential Cost
Differential cost is the increase or decrease in total cost or the change in specific elements of
cost that result from any variation in operation. It represents an increase or decrease in total
cost resulting out of:
(a) Producing or distributing a few more or few less number of the products;
(b) A change in the method of production or of distribution;
(c) An addition or deletion of a product or a territory and
(d) Selection of an additional sales channel.
Differential cost, thus includes fixed and semi-fixed expenses. It is the difference between the
total costs of two alternatives, it is all adhoc cost determined for the purpose of choosing
between competing alternatives, each with its own combination of income and costs.
Differential cost may be incremental or decremental.
Marginal Cost:
Marginal Cost represents the increase or decrease in total cost, which occurs with a small
change in output say, a unit of output. In cost accounting, variable costs represent marginal
Variable Cost
Variable cost is that portion of cost, which changes or varies in relation to output or
volume of production.
Generally, Variable Cost = Direct Materials + Direct Labour + Direct Expenses +
Variable Overheads
Variable cost per unit remains constant.
Fixed Cost
Fixed Costs are costs, which remain constant, for a given period of time, irrespective of level of
Generally, Fixed Cost consist of Fixed Production Overheads Plus Administrative Overheads
Plus Fixed Selling and Distribution Overheads.
Fixed cost per unit of output will however fluctuate with changes in the level of production. As
output increases, fixed cost per unit decreases, and vice-versa.
Fixed costs are treated as period costs and are therefore charged to profit and loss account.
Semi-variable Cost
Some expenses exhibit characteristics of Fixed and Variable Costs, Such costs are semi
variable costs.
The following methods can be applied for segregation of semi variable costs into fixed and
variable portions;
(a) Control over Expenses: Fixed costs are based on policy and relate to the period in
which they are incurred. Hence it may be difficult to control them. On the other hand,
Variable Costs relate to the level of activity and can be controlled properly.
(b) Budgeting and Estimates: Overhead classification into fixed and variable helps as
a budgeting tool to forecast future movement in expenses. Estimates and Quotations
can be prepared on the basis of such useful analysis.
(c) Decision-making: Since all costs are not fully fixed or fully variable, proper
segregation is a must to know the behaviour of total cost at different levels of output.
Such classification helps in understanding the pattern of total costs and take
appropriate decisions.
Under marginal costing, fixed costs are treated as period costs. They are written off in the
period in which they are incurred.
Under adsorption costing, the fix overheads (fixed production overheads under financial
accounting system and fixed production and administration overheads under cost accounting
system) are charged to the output. To the extent, the output remains unsold i.e. closing stock;
its valuation would include not only the variable production cost but also the fixed overheads.
This implies that part of the current period's fixed cost is effectively converted into an asset
and carried forward and charged to the next period. Likewise the opening stock valuation also
includes the fixed overheads of previous period.
Unlike that, under marginal costing, the fixed overheads are all treated as period cost items
and are charged to the period rather than the output. Accordingly, the stock valuation
includes only the variable factory or production cost and not the fixed charge.
Profit figure can be manipulated by showing higher stocks under absorption costing.
In variance reporting, Fixed Overheads expenditure variance only can be computed under
marginal costing. There is no volume variance since fixed overheads are non absorbed.
In variance reporting Fixed Overheads Expenditure and Volume variance, variance can be
computed under absorption costing. Volume variance can also be sub-classified into
Capacity, Efficiency and Calendar variances.
Since all fixed costs are written off in the period in which they are incurred there is no
possibility of over/under absorption.
Absorption costing technique is used for external reporting purposes. It distorts decision-
Marginal costing technique is used for internal reporting purposes. It aids in decision-
Contribution is the excess of sales revenue over the variable cost, i.e. Contribution =
Sales Less Variable cost.
It is called so, since it initially contributes towards recovery of fixed costs and thereafter
towards profit of the business. The contribution forms a fund for fixed expenses and
The contribution concept is based on the theory that the profit and fixed expenses of a
business is a joint cost which cannot be equitably apportioned to different segments of
the business. Hence contribution serves as a measure of efficiency of operations of
various segments of the business.
The Marginal Cost Statement, when written in an equation form, constitutes the Marginal Cost
Sales - Variable Cost = Contribution
Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis:
Cost-Volume-Profit analysis is analysis of three variables i.e, cost, volume and profit which
explores the relationship existing amongst costs, revenue, activity levels and the resulting
It aims at measuring variations of profits and costs with volume, which is significant for
business profit planning.
CVP analysis makes use of principles of marginal costing. It is an important tool of planning for
making short term decisions.
The following are the basic decision making indicators in Marginal Costing:
The Profit Volume Ratio (PV Ratio) is the relationship between Contribution and Sales Value. It
is also termed as Contribution to Sales Ratio.
Significance of PV Ratio:
PV Ratio is considered to be the basic indicator of the profitability of the business.
The higher the PV Ratio, the better it is for a business. In the case of a firm enjoying
steady business conditions over a period of years, the PV Ratio will also remain stable
and steady.
If PV Ratio is improved, it will result in better profits.
Improvement of PV Ratio
The Break Even Point is the point or a business situation at which there is neither a profit nor
a loss to the firm. In other words, at this point, the total contribution equals fixed costs.
1. Total costs can be easily classified into Fixed and Variable categories.
2. Selling Price per unit remain constant, irrespective of quantity sold.
3. Variable Costs per unit remain constant. However total variable costs increase as output
4. Fixed Costs for the period remains same irrespective of output.
5. Productivity of the factors of production will remain the same.
6. The state of technology process of production and quality of output will remain
7. There will be no significant change in the level of opening and closing inventory.
8. The company manufactures a single product. In the case of a multi-product company,
the sales-mix remains unchanged.
9. Both revenue and cost functions are linear over the range of activity under
Break-even chart:
The break-even chart is a graphical representation of cost-volume profit relationship. It depicts
the following:
1. Contribution Breakeven Chart: This chart shows contribution earned by, the firm at
different levels of activity.
2. Cash Breakeven Chart: In this chart variable costs are assumed to be payable in cash.
Besides this the fixed expenses are divided into two groups, viz. (a) those expenses
which involve cash outflow e.g. rent, insurance, salaries, etc. and (b) those which do not
involve cash outflow. e.g. depreciation.
3. Control Breakeven Chart: Both budgeted and actual cost data are depicted in this
chart. This chart is useful in comparing the actual performance of the firm with the
budgeted performance for exercising control.
4. Analytical break even chart: This chart shows the break-up of variable expenses into
important elements of cost. Viz. direct materials, direct labour, variable overheads, etc.
Also the appropriations of profit such as ordinary dividends, preference dividend ,
reserves, etc. are depicted in this chart.
5. Product wise break even chart: Separate break-even charts for different products can
also be prepared to compare the profitability of the products or their contribution.
6. Profit graph: Profit graph is a special type of break-even chart, which shows the profits
or loss at different levels of output.
In break-even analysis, it is presumed that the total sales line and variable cost lines will have
a linear relationship. i.e. these lines will be straight lines. However, in actual practice it is
unlikely to have a linear relationship for two reasons, namely:
(a) After the saturation point of existing demand, the sales value may show a downward
(b) The law of increasing cost may operate and the variable cost per unit may increase after
reaching particular level of output.
In such cases the contribution will not increase in a linear proportion. When such a situation
arises, the company should find the level of output where the profitability is optimum and any
manufacture beyond this level will not be profitable. The optimum profit is earned at the point
where the distance between sales and total cost is the greatest.
1. The variable cost line need not necessarily be a straight line because of the possibility of
operation of law of increasing returns or decreasing returns.
2. Similarly the selling price will not be a constant factor. Any increase or decrease in output
is likely to have all influence on the selling price.
3. When a number of products are produced separate break-even charts will have to be
calculated. This poses a problem of apportionment of fixed expenses to each product.
4. Break-even charts ignore the capital employed in business, which is one of the important
guiding factors the determination of profitability.
Margin of Safety
Margin of Safety (MOS) represents the difference between the actual total sales and sales at
break-even point. It can be expressed as a percentage of total sales, or in value, or in terms of
Upto Break even point the contribution earned is sufficient only to recover fixed costs.
However beyond the Break even point. The contribution is called profit (since fixed costs
are fully recovered by then)
Profit is nothing but contribution carried out of Margin of Safety Sales.
The size of the margin of safety shows the strength of the business.
If the margin of safety is small, it may indicate that the firm has large fixed expenses and is
more vulnerable to changes in sales.
If the margin of safety is large, a slight fall in sales may not affect the business very much
but if it is small even a slight fall in sales may adversely affect the business.
Indifference Point
It is the level of sales at which total costs (and hence total profits) of two options are equal. The
decision maker is indifferent as to option chosen, since both options will result in the same
amount of profit.
Indifference point represents a cut-off indicator for deciding on the most profitable option. At
that level of sales (i.e indifference point).Costs and profits of two options are equal. The
profitability of different options are:
Shut Down Point indicates the level of operations (sales), below which it is not justifiable to
pursue production. For this purpose fixed costs of a business are classified into (a) Avoidable
or Discretionary Fixed Costs and (b) Unavoidable or Committed Fixed Costs. A firm has to
close down if its contribution is insufficient to recover the avoidable fixed costs.
The focus of shutdown point is to recover the avoidable fixed costs in the first place. By
suspending the operations, the firm may save as also incur some additional expenditure. The
decision is based on whether contribution is more than the difference between the fixed
expenses incurred in normal operation and the fixed expenses incurred when plant is shut
Key Factor:
Key factor or Limiting factor represents a resource whose availability is less than its
It is a factor, which at a particular time or over a period limits the activities of a firm.
It is also called Critical Factor (Since it is vital or critical to the firms success) and Budget
Factor (since budgets are formulated by reference to such limitations or restraints).
Some examples of key Factor are (a) Shortage of raw material; (b) Labour shortage; (c)
Plant capacity; (d) Sales Expectancy; (e) Cash availability etc.
In case of key factor situation the procedure for decision-making is as under:
Step Description
1 Identify the key factor
2 Compute total contribution or contribution per unit of the product.
3 Compute contribution per unit of the key factor, i.e. Contribution per hour,
contribution per kg of raw material etc.
4 Rank the products based on contribution per unit of the key factor
5 Allocate the key resources based on ranks given above
Specific fixed cost, if any: Where a choice is to be made between two course of action, the
additional fixed overhead, if any, should be taken into account.
CVP relationship: The effect of increase in volume on profits, and the rate of earning,
additional profits, should be analysed.
Incremental contribution: Where additional quantities can be sold only at reduced prices,
incremental contribution will be more effective in decision making, as it takes into account
the additional sale quantity and additional contribution per unit.
Capacity: Whether acceptance of the incremental order, or additional product line is within
the firms capacity or whether key factor comes into play, should be analysed.
Non cost factors: Non cost factors should also be considered, wherever applicable.
1. Pricing decisions: Since marginal cost per unit is constant from period to period within a
short span of time, firm decisions on pricing policy can be taken. If fixed cost is included,
the unit cost will change from day to day depending upon the volume of output. This will
make decision task difficult.
2. Overhead variances: Overheads are recovered in costing on the basis of pre-determined
rates. This creates the problem of treatment of under or over-recovery of overheads, if
fixed overheads were included. Marginal costing avoids such under or over recovery of
3. True Profit: It is argued that under the marginal costing technique, the stock of finished
goods and work in progress are carried on marginal cost basis and the fixed expenses are
written off to profit and loss account as period cost. This shows the true profit of the
5. Control over expenditure: Segregation of expenses as fixed and variable helps the
management to exercise control over expenditure. The management can compare the
actual variable expenses with the budgeted variable expenses and take corrective action
through variance analysis.
Difficult to classify: It is difficult to classify exactly the expenses into fixed and variable
category. Most of the expenses are neither totally variable nor wholly fixed.
Contribution is not final: Contribution of a product itself is not a guide for optimum
profitability unless it is linked with the key factor.
Wrong pricing decisions: Sales staff may mistake marginal cost for total cost and sell at a
price; which will result in loss or low profits. Hence sales staff should be cautioned while
giving marginal cost.
Native assumptions: Some of the assumptions regarding the behavior of various costs are
not necessarily true in realistic situation. For example, additional output can be sold only
by reducing sale prices.
Ignores time value: Marginal costing ignores time factor and investment. For example, the
marginal cost of two jobs may be the same but the time taken for their completion and the
cost of machines used may differ. The true cost of job, which takes longer time and uses
costlier machine, would be higher. This fact is not disclosed by marginal costing.
Questions from past examinations:
Q. 1
Write short note on Break Even Chart. (May 1995) (4 marks)
Refer above
Q. 2
Distinguish between absorption costing and marginal costing. (May 1998 / November 2001/
2003) (4 marks)
Refer above
Q. 3
Distinguish between marginal cost and differential cost. (May 1999) (5 marks)
Refer above. (Write definition and then distinguish)
Q. 4
Distinguish between cost indifference point and break even point. (May 2002) (4 marks)
Cost indifference point:
It is the point at which total cost lines under the two alternatives intersect each other. It is
calculated as under:
Difference in fixed costs / Difference in variable costs OR
Difference in fixed costs / Difference in P/V ratio
It is the level at which costs under different alternatives (say manufacture or buy) will be same.
The following are the main points of distinction between the two:
1. The cost indifference point is the activity level at which total cost under two alternatives
are equal. Whereas BEP is the activity level at which the total revenues from a product or
product mix is equal to its total cost.
2. The cost indifference point is used to choose between two alternative processes for
achieving the same objective. The choice depends on the estimated activity level. Break
even point is used for profit planning.
Q. 5
Describe the assumptions underlying break even analysis. (May 1995 / November 1998 / May
2003) (4 marks)
Refer to above.
Q. 6
What are the limitations of marginal costing? (November 1998 / May 2001) (5 marks)
Refer to above.
Q. 7
What is margin of safety? How can margin of safety be improved? (May 1999) (4 marks)
Refer to above.
Q. 8
What are the limitations of break even chart? (May 1999) (4 marks)
Refer to above.
Q. 9
Discuss the relationship between Angle of incidence, Break even level and margin of safety.
(November 1999) (8 marks)
Angle of incidence:
It is the angle between total sales line and total cost line drawn in the case of break even chart.
It provides useful information about the rate at which profits are being made. The larger the
angle of incidence, the higher the rate of profit and vice versa. (Refer module page 2.23 for
graphical representation)
Margin of Safety
Margin of Safety (MOS) represents the difference between the actual total scales and sales at
break-even point. It can be expressed as a percentage of total sales, or in value, or in terms of
Relationship between Angle of incidence, Break even level and margin of safety:
1. If the break even point is low and angle of incidence is large, the margin of safety will be
large and business enjoys financial stability. A low break even point indicates that the
business could be run profitable even if there is a fall in sales, unless the sales are very
2. If the break even point is low and angle of incidence is small, the conclusions are the
same as in 1 above except that the rate of profit earning capacity is not as high as in 1.
3. If the break even point is high and angle of incidence is small, the margin of safety will be
low. This implies that the business is very vulnerable, even a small reduction in activity
may result in a loss.
4. If the break even point is high and angle of incidence is large, the margin of safety will be
low. The business is likely to incur losses through a small reduction in activity. However,
after a break even point, the business makes the profit at a high rate.
Q. 10
Briefly explain the methods of separating semi-variable costs into fixed and variable elements.
(May 2000) (6 marks)
Refer above.
Q. 11
Briefly explain the methods of separating semi-variable costs into fixed and variable elements.
(May 2000) (6 marks)
Refer above.
Q. 12
State three applications of direct costing. (May 2001) (3 marks)
Refer to above.
Q. 13
State three applications of direct costing. (May 2001) (3 marks)
Refer to above.
Areas of decision-making:
(i) Stock management and inventory control decisions
(ii) Plant location decisions
(iii) Machinery replacement / capital budgeting decisions
(iv) Further processing decisions
(v) Product decisions Dropping or adding a product line
(vi) Marketing decisions
(vii) Submitting tenders and quotations for new jobs based on relevant cost analysis
(viii) Acceptance of incremental orders in different situations like spare capacity, full
capacity etc.
(ix) Make or buy decisions
(x) Product pricing decisions
(xi) Intra-Company transfer pricing decisions
(xii) Purchasing vs. lease financing decisions
The above areas involve the use of marginal costs, relevant cost and different cost
I. Inventory Decisions
If the stock level is less, it disrupts production and affects sales
If the stock level is more, it involves locking up money, increases expenditure by way of
carrying costs and risk of obsolescence. Hence the optimum inventory levels, which lies
somewhere between the maximum and minimum levels, should be determined.
Different departments within an organization can have varying interest concerning stock:
(a) Sales department would like to have maximum stock of all varieties of finished goods
so as to meet all its customer demand immediately.
(b) Production department may wish to produce large batches of a new products so that
production runs are long and costs are low.
(c) Financial control department would prefer low stock in order to reduce the capital
tied up in stock.
So decisions regarding stock levels are usually concerned with seeking the best economic
compromise between conflicting objectives.
(a) Selection of territory the state or territory in which the factory is to be located and
(b) Selection of site the exact site where the factory is to be put up.
Selection of site: The advantages associated with each probable site may be analysed into
the following categories:
Natural Advantages Derived Advantages
Availability of water and power Specialized facilities like railways,
Availability of raw material warehouses, harbour, etc.
Proximity to markets Links with other industries, like
Climatic conditions proximity to an industry from which
Availability of labour-in certain areas raw materials are purchased.
cheap and unskilled labour is Availability of ancillary services, like
available in plenty, in certain areas repairs.
skilled labour will be available. Factors of distribution such as
transport facilities, freight rate
concessions, etc.
Analysis of alternatives: If a number of alternative sites are available, decisions can be taken
by reference to the following aspects:
1. Relative advantages of one site over others
2. Capital expenditure of alternative site locations
3. Break-even analysis of the project at various site locations
4. Incremental rate of return
5. Intangible factors
Cost Factors:
Comparison of operating costs of the existing plant with that of alternative plant. Figures of
comparative profitability, return on capital employed and interest on capital. Assessment of
opportunity costs to determine whether the funds proposed to be invested in
purchase of the new asset in replacement could be more gainfully deployed elsewhere.
Effect of disposal of the existing plant.
Additional capital expenditure of an obligatory nature to be incurred, if any, on related or
allied projects such as those for welfare.
Effect on tax liability due to profit or loss on the sale of plant/machinery to be replaced.
2. The six stages of innovation process, in the product development decisions are:
(a) Idea generation: Ideas are continually being generated through technology,
competitors, firms scientists and salesmen & customer feedback. They also emanate
from conferences and discussions, at meetings.
(b) Screening: Screening seeks to eliminate from further consideration those product ideas,
which are not in conformity with the Companys (a) objectives; or (b) resources. The
objective may be maximum profit, sales stability and sales growth or company image. If
the product idea is compatible with these objectives, it will be examined in the light of
availability of resources, viz. capital, know-how, production facilities to be used for the
manufacture, etc. Product ideas that pass these tests will move on to the next stage.
(c) Business analysis: This involves estimation of future sales, profits and rate of return for
the proposed new product and also to determine whether these are in conformity with the
objectives of the company. The various methods for carrying out business analysis are
(a) Break-even analysis; (b) Discounted Cash Flow or NPV method (c) Marketing mix
method (d) Bayesian Decision method; (e) Standard Deviation method; and (f) Critical
Path method.
(d) Developing the product in a concrete form: This involves the following four stages:
(e) Test Marketing: Here, the entire product and marketing programme is tried out for the
first time in a small number of well-chosen and authentic sales environments. This
primary motive of test marketing is to improve knowledge of potential sales. It can also
choose an alternative marketing plan after ascertaining market position.
(f) Commercialisation: After passing all the aforesaid stages of development, the project
becomes ripe for commercial production. By this time, the company gains confidence in
the products future.
Quality Improvement: This is undertaken where the sales are declining due to poor
quality of product or to compete successfully with the other manufacturers who supply
product of good quality.
Style Improvement: This strategy aims at improving the aesthetic appeal of the product
in contrast to its functional appeal. Changes in style of motor vehicles are examples of this
The elimination of a weak product is done by: Piece-meal basis: Where the loss becomes
conspicuous and hence necessary to eliminate the product.
Crisis basis: The need to eliminate the product arises because of persistent decline in total
sales, piling inventories, or rising costs.
The objective of distribution is getting the right goods to the places at the right time for the
optimal cost.
The basic output of a distribution system is the level of customer service, which can be
defined as the number of day of delivery. In other words it is the percentage of customers
who should get their orders in so many number of days. This level of service depends
upon an analysis of probable-customers, competitors and response to alternative levels of
service available.
The provision of a certain level of customer service involves warehousing, transportation
costs etc. These are considered to be the inputs of a distribution system.
The system can be considered efficient if it maintains a particular level of service at minimum
cost. This means freight charges, warehousing cost, inventory carrying cost etc. should be
Decision-making tools used for this purpose are (a) Linear programming (Transportation
Model); and (b) Inventory models.
Since the objective of any business organization is to maximize its profits, the firm can
consider the economies of dropping the unprofitable products, and adding a more
remunerative product(s).
In such cases, the firm may have two alternatives as under:
(a) To drop the unprofitable product and to leave the capacity unutilised.
(b) To drop the unprofitable product and to utilize the capacity for the manufacture of a
more remunerative product.
For this purpose, the contribution approach is adopted, taking the following factors into
1. Contribution from unprofitable product (i.e. Sale Revenue Less Variable Costs)
2. Specific fixed costs of the unprofitable product, which can now be avoided or reduced.
3. Contribution from the other profitable product, which is proposed to be produced with
the balance capacity.
Make or buy decisions may be required to be taken in respect of component / raw material
parts. In such cases, the marginal costing and opportunity costing approaches shall be
adopted in decision making. The decisions will be based on the following computation:
Q. 2
In what circumstances it may be justifiable to sell at a price below marginal cost? (May 2000)
(4 marks)
It may be justifiable to sell at a price below marginal cost for a limited period under the
following circumstances:
1. Where materials are of perishable nature
2. Where stocks have been accumulated in large quantities and the market prices have
3. To popularise the new product
4. Where such reduction enables the firm to boost the sale of other products having larger
profit margins.
5. To capture foreign markets
6. To obviate shut down costs
7. To retain future market
Q. 3
Cost is not the only criteria for deciding in favour of shut down briefly explain. (May 2000) (3
Cost is not the only criteria for deciding in favour of shut down. Non-cost factors worthy of
consideration in this regard are as follows:
1. Interest of workers, if the workers are discharged. It may become difficult to get skilled
workers later, on reopening of the factory. Also shut-down may create problems.
2. In the face of competition it may be difficult to re-establish the market for the product.
3. Plant may become obsolete or depreciate at a faster rate or get rusted. Thus heavy
capital expenditure may have to be incurred on re-opening.
Q. 4
State the non-cost factors to be considered in make/buy decisions. (May 2001) (4 marks)
Non-cost factors in make/buy decisions:
Possible use of released production capacity and facility as a result of buying instead of
Source of supply should be reliable and they are capable of meeting un-interruptedly the
requirement of the concern.
Assurance about the quality of goods supplied by outside supplier.
Reasonable certainty, from the side of suppliers about, meeting the delivery dates.
The decision of buying the product / component from outside suppliers should be
discouraged, if the technical know how used is highly secretive.
The decision of buying the component from outside suppliers should not result in the laying
off of workers and create industrial relations problems. In fact, on buyinf from outside,
the resources freed, should be better utilised elsewhere in the concern.
The decision of manufacturing the product / component should not adversely affect the
concerns relationship with outside suppliers.
Ensure that more than one supplier of product / component is available to reduce the risk of
outside buying.
In case the necessary technical expertise is not available internally then it is better to buy
the requirements from outside.
Q. 5
Enumerate the factors involved in decisions relating to expansion of capacity. (May 2001) (3
The factors involved in decisions relating to expansion of capacity are enumerated as below:
1. Additional fixed overheads involved should be considered.
2. Possible decrease in selling price due to increased production capacity.
3. Whether the demand is sufficient to absorb the increased production.
What is Marginal Costing?
Marginal costing is not a separate method of costing like job costing / process costing /
operating costing etc. It is a special technique which helps in decision-making. Management
has to make various decisions of strategic importance. These decisions are very important
from profitability and hence survival point of view. The typical feature of these decisions is that
they are non-recurring / non-repetitive in nature. (Example: Reliances decision to enhance
capacity of its petrochemical refinery). These decisions involve high costs and cost benefit
analysis has to be conducted before taking final decision.
Trading Account
To Administrative Overheads
To Other Expenses
To Net Profit
Since all the fixed overheads are written under profit and loss account, they are entirely written
off in the period in which they are incurred. (As nothing is charged to the closing stock)
Trading Account
To Other Expenses
To Net Profit
Trading and Profit and Loss Account (Under Absorption Costing)
Trading Account
To Administrative Overheads
To Other Expenses
To Net Profit
As can be seen that under Absorption Costing, fixed production / manufacturing overheads are
charged to trading account. In such a case to the extent any production remains unsold, the
fixed overheads will be carried forward to the next year. (This is because closing stock
valuation will include part of the fixed overheads).
Following are the differences between Absorption costing & Marginal Costing:
Under adsorption costing, costs are classified on functional basis i.e. Production,
Administration, Selling & Distribution, Research, Development etc.
Under marginal costing, fixed costs are treated as period costs. They are written off in the
period in which they are incurred.
Under absorption costing, the fixed overheads (fixed production overheads under financial
accounting system and fixed production and administration overheads under cost accounting
system) are charged to the output. To the extent, the output remains unsold i.e. closing stock;
its valuation would include not only the variable production cost but also the fixed overheads.
This implies that part of the current period's fixed cost is effectively converted into an asset
and carried forward and charged to the next period. Likewise the opening stock valuation also
includes the fixed overheads of previous period.
Unlike that, under marginal costing, the fixed overheads are all treated as period cost items
and are charged to the period rather than the output. Accordingly, the stock valuation
includes only the variable factory or production cost and not the fixed charge.
For the normal accounting purposes, absorption costing is very widely accepted but for
management accounting purpose, it is only the marginal costing technique that is to be used.
The profit and loss statement based on two different methods would give us two different
profit figures and the difference would be only because of stock valuation, (difference in
respect of opening and closing stock), and under cost accounting, under/over absorption, if it
is carried forward.
When production is more than sales, profit under absorption costing system will be higher
as compared to marginal costing. This is because closing stock valuation will be higher under
absorption costing system.
When production is less than sales, profit under marginal costing system will be higher as
compared to absorption costing. This is because opening stock valuation will be lower under
absorption costing system.
Both the systems will give same profits when there are no stocks or when the opening and
closing stocks are same.
Incidentally it may also be noted that usual analysis of fixed overheads variance, based on
recovery, into expenditure variance, volume variance etc. presupposes that the company
follows absorption costing. If at all it is specifically given that the company follows marginal
costing then, the usual analysis is irrelevant and we need to calculate only one variance i.e.
fixed overheads expenditure variance.
Since all fixed costs are written off in the period in which they are incurred there is no
possibility of over/under absorption.
Absorption costing technique is used for external reporting purposes. It distorts decision-
Marginal costing technique is used for internal reporting purposes. It aids in decision-
To get the break even point, we need to know the amount of fixed cost and the relationship
between sales and contribution (known as profit/volume ratio). Amount of fixed cost is the
amount of contribution required and the P/v ratio is the rate at which contribution will be
earned. By using these two, we can easily calculate break-even point. The break-even point
can be expressed in terms of value or volume.
If there are two or more constraints on production side, then the most profitable mix can be
developed either by graphical method (if there are only two products) or by simplex method (if
we have three or more products).
Whenever the decision is to be taken, no matter what is the type of proposal, we always
calculate relevant revenue & relevant cost in respect of the decision & if the net result is the
gain, then, we take the decision favourably. The statement that we need to prepare is given
A. Relevant revenue
- Money to be received
- Outflow to be avoided
B. Relevant cost
- Money to be spent
- Inflow to be lost
2) The outflow to be avoided is that outflow which would take place if the proposal is
rejected & would be avoided if the proposal is accepted. Thus it is not the outflow, which
has already been avoided, & also not the outflow, which anyway is not going to take
1) The money is vet to be spent, which means relevant cost is future cost & not sunk cost.
Further it would be spent if & only if the proposal is accepted, not otherwise.
2) Likewise the inflow to be lost is the inflow that would take place but for the decision &
would not take place because of the decision.
To conclude the events that is to be written in parts (A) & (B) are such that they have
direct link with the way we take the decision. Unless there is one to one relationship
between the way we take the decision & relevant revenue or relevant cost taking place,
the transaction given in the problem would not be relevant.
(C) Usually we take the decision only based on the net gain or net loss. However
we are specifically asked to take the decision after taking into account the qualitative
factors. In such cases, we will make the recommendation only after carefully
considering the qualitative or subjective / intangible considerations. [Ref. Q.9 (b)]
However if it is clearly given that additional utilisation would not increase the variable cost then
the same should be ignored.
Likewise if the company if operating at full capacity then acceptance of offer would result into
diversion of some capacity to the given offer & in such cases, like the treatment given to labour
in such cases, either variable charge may be taken as money to be spent or it may be
completely ignored & contribution to be lost should be calculated after treating variable charge
as irrelevant charge.
In most of the problems, the variable charge is given as % of labour cost. In such cases it
should be remembered that for special offer the workers may be paid nothing or may be paid
the wages but irrelevant or may be paid at a rate other than normal. The variable charge as
such depends on utilisation of capacity & not on whether workers are paid anything and, if yes,
whether relevant or not. Accordingly, we calculate variable overheads as if the labour cost is
The points written above pertain to variable production overheads & not to administration and
S&D overheads. The administration & S & D charges may or may not be relevant. The
instruction would always be given in the problem in this regard but it not given then variable
charges like sales commission should be ignored because the comm. is unlikely to be paid on
the sales value of special proposal.
It is the most widely used method of pricing a product as it ensures that the selling price is
greater than the total cost of a product. This method helps business firms to generate profits
and survive in the future.
Under cost plus pricing the selling prices of a product are determined based on its estimated
cost plus a fixed profit margin. Here cost means full cost at current output and wage levels
since these are regarded as most relevant in price determination.
The unit cost of the product can be determined by using different methods viz. total cost,
manufacturing cost or variable / incremental cost. The percentage of mark up to be added to
estimated cost also vary and depends upon the cost figures used.
Cost Determination: For cost determination purposes, the following principles are adopted:
5. Depreciation:
If a firm wants to survive and stay in business, it has to maintain its fixed capital intact so that
its fixed assets may be replaced at the end of their useful working life out of the funds
generated from profits retained in the business.
In a period of relatively stable price levels, depreciation based on historical cost of fixed
assets would be adequate for achieving this object.
In periods when the price level is continuously changing, the firm may not be left with
adequate funds generated out of accumulated depreciation at the end of the life of the
plant to replace it at a higher price.
Hence depreciation should be properly included as part of cost so as to leave sufficient
profits for asset replacement.
Guaranteed Contribution: When full costs plus basis is used for pricing, the firm earns a
guaranteed contribution equivalent to fixed costs plus profit margin. Even, profit margin is
taken as nil, fixed costs included in prices will guarantee minimum contribution.
Assured Profit: Cost plus is a fair method of price fixation. The business executives are
convinced that the price fixed will cover the cost.
Reduced risks and uncertainties: If price is greater than cost, the risk is covered. This is
true when normal expected capacity basis of cost estimation is used. The decision-
maker may accept a pricing formula that seems reasonable for reducing uncertainty.
Most suitable in long run: Cost plus pricing is ideal in the long run since there are no
permanent opportunity cost. The effect of seasonal fluctuations is ironed out and prices
are established based on normal long run costs.
Considers market factors: Cost plus pricing does not mean that market forces are ignored.
The mark up added to the cost to make a price reflect the well-established customs of
trade, which guide the price fixer towards a competitive price.
Full Recovery of all costs of the product: For long-run pricing decisions, full costs of the
product informs managers of the minimum costs to be recovered so as to continue in
business rather than shut down.
Price Stability: Price fixation based on full costs of the product promotes price stability,
because it limits the ability of sales person to cut prices. Price stability facilitates
Simplicity: A full cost formula for pricing does not require a detailed analysis of cost-
behaviour patterns to separate costs into fixed and variable components for each
product. It is simple to operate.
Arbitrary Cost allocation: It assumes that the costs have been estimated with exact
accuracy. This assumption is not true particularly in multi-product firms where the
common costs are allocated arbitrarily.
Ignores opportunity costs: For many decisions incremental cost play a vital role in pricing,
rather than full costs. This aspect is ignored. Also opportunity costs, most relevant for
decision-making are summarily ignored.
Price-Volume relationships: Since the fixed overheads are apportioned on the basis of
volume of production, the cost will be more if sales volume is less and vice-versa. The
increase or decrease in sales volume is dependent on price. Thus it is a vicious circle-
cost plus mark up is based on sales volume & sales volume is based on price.
Rate of return pricing is used when each division is treated as an Investment Centre.
Determination of return on capital employed is one of the most crucial aspects in price
fixation and performance evaluation of Investment Centres.
The firm should determine an average mark-up on cost, which is necessary to produce a
desired rate of return on its investment.
The issues to be considered are:
Basis on which the capital employed is computed
Components to be covered in the return on capital
Fairness of the rate or return.
The fairness of the rate of return varies from industry to industry and from time to time and is
primarily dependent on the risks involved. In following fair rate of return, the desirability of
earning adequate profits to plough back into business should be kept in mind.
It would be correct to assume that allowing the industry to earn adequate return on the
capital employed would attract additional capital and increase the number of factories
and production of all commodity which must ultimately lead to competition and reduction
in costs and prices.
The firm can continue to produce and use the services of skilled employees who are
well trained and will be difficult to re-employ later if discharged.
Plant and machinery can be prevented from deterioration through idleness.
The firm would be ready to take advantage of improved business conditions later.
The firm can continue in the market and reduce loss of market share to Competitors.
Such pricing policy is necessarily restricted to the short run. When business conditions
improve in the long run, such pricing below total cost but above marginal costs is not advisable.
Different Markets Export Pricing: The firm producing a branded article may use the
surplus capacity to produce the same article to be sold above variable cost in a different
market, e.g. export sales. The articles sold in the home market will recover all fixed
expenses. Since price reduction in the home market is injurious to the normal sales, it is
not resorted to. Any reduction in the selling prices in the export market will not affect the
price prevailing in the home market.
Different products: The firm may produce and sell one product, which covers the entire
fixed overheads and use the surplus capacity to produce another product, which may
be sold at a price above its marginal cost. The overall profitability will thus increase.
The manufacture of the second product should be confined to surplus capacity and it
should not have the possibility of becoming a major product at the low price at which it
is sold. If it becomes so, there will be a reduction in profit.
When a company fixes its price mainly on the consideration of what its competitors are
charging, its pricing policy is called Competitive Pricing or competition-oriented pricing.
The company need not charge the same price as charged by its competitors. But under such
a pricing method the Company keeps its prices lower or higher than its competitors by a
certain percentage.
Competitive price so determined does not maintain a rigid relation between its price, cost or
The Companys own costs or demand may change, but it will maintain its price because its
competitors maintain their prices. Conversely, the Company will change its price when its
competitors change their price, even if its own costs or demand have not altered.
The different types of competitive pricing are
Going rate pricing
Sealed bid pricing
Relevant Cost Analysis: This technique considers changes in costs rather than in average
cost. Overhead allocations are irrelevant. Incremental revenue inflows and cost outflows
are included for decision-making.
Opportunity Cost Analysis: the incremental revenue should cover the opportunity cost and
also generate surplus. A price which results in an incremental revenue which in turn
merely covers the incremental costs is not sufficient. If the opportunity foregone is
greater than incremental revenue, the decision is not sound.
Time Factor Analysis: The decision should take into account the short run and long run
effects. A high price may increase its immediate profits but may lead to loss of revenue in
the long run owing to competitors snatching the business
CVP Analysis: In fixing prices, consideration should be given to price volume relationship.
The responsiveness of the market to the price should be such that the volume is
increased to achieve full utilization of plant capacity.
Risk Analysis: Consideration should also be given to the evaluation of uncertainty and risk
factor. The decision taken should be able to maximize the expected value based on
probability theory.
New Product Pricing is generally a difficult decision because of the uncertainty involved in the
estimation of their demand. For determining optimal prices, the following procedure may be
adopted by a firm.
Market Survey: Experimental sales are conducted in different markets using different prices
to see which price is suitable. For example, choose three different markets and by using
the same amount of sales promotional activities, ascertain what is the right price.
Price Volume Relationship: The relationship between price and volume should be
ascertained, using the concept of elasticity of demand. The extent of volume increase
due to price reduction and vice-versa, can be reasonably quantified through such
Incremental Contribution Approach: For decision making, the firm should adopt the
incremental contribution approach i.e. additional total contribution from additional sales
quantity. The firm can increase its prices as long as there is further incremental
contribution. Such analysis may prove that the highest prices yielding the largest unit
contributory margin need not necessarily maximize the profits. A lower price may well go
to maximize the profits.
Pricing strategy is defined as a broad plan of action by which an organization intends to reach
its goal. Some illustrative strategies are:
Expanding product lines that enjoy substantial brand equity.
Offer Quantity discounts to achieve increase in sales volume.
1. Inelastic Demand: The demand is likely to be inelastic in the earlier stages till the
product is established in the market. The firm can take advantage of high prices.
2. Sales Boost: The change of high price in the initial periods serves to skim the cream of
the market that is relatively insensitive to price. The gradual reduction in price in the later
years will tend to increase the sales.
3. Assured Profit: This method is preferred in the beginning because in the initial periods
when the demand for the product is not known the price covers the initial cost of
production. Contribution is guaranteed.
4. Cost Revenue Matching: High initial capital outlays, needed for manufactures, results in
high cost of production. Also, the manufacturer has to incur huge promotional activities
resulting in increased costs. High initial prices will be able to finance the cost of
production. Gradually, the economies of scale and savings in costs are passed on to
It is a policy of using a low price as the principal instrument for penetrating mass markets
This method is used for pricing a new product and to popularize it initially.
Profits may not be earned in the initial stages. However, prices may be increased as and
when the product is established and its demand picks up.
The low price policy is introduced for the sake of long-term survival and profitability and
hence it has to receive careful consideration before implementation. It needs an analysis
of the scope for market expansion and hence considerable amount of research and
forecasting is necessary before determining the price.
Elastic demand: The demand of the product is high, when price is low. Hence lower prices
mean large volumes and hence more profits.
Mass Production: When there are substantial savings in large-scale production, increase
in demand is sustained by the adoption of low pricing policy.
Frighten off competition: The prices fixed at a low level act as an entry barrier to the
prospective competitors. The use of this policy by existing concerns will discourage the
new concerns to enter the market. This pricing policy is also know as stay-out-pricing
PARETO ANALYSIS is a rule that recommends focus on the most important aspects of the
decision making, in order to simplify the process of decision making.
It is based on the 80:20 phenomenon, first observed by Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist.
He noticed that 80% of the wealth of Milan was owned by 20% of its citizen. This pattern
of 80:20 or approximations like 70:30 can be observed in many different business
1. Product Pricing
Where a company sells a number of products, it may not be possible to analyse cost-
volume-price- profit relationships for all products.
Pareto Analysis is used for analyzing the firms estimated sales revenues from various
products and it might indicate that approximately 80% of its total sales revenue is earned
from about 20% of its products.
This helps top management to delegate the pricing decision for approximately 80% of its
products to the lower managerial levels. Top management can concentrate on pricing
decisions for the important 20% products, which are essential for the companys survival.
Sophisticated pricing methods can be adopted for the important products while for other
products cost based pricing methods may be used.
5. Quality Control
Pareto analysis can be extended to discover from an analysis of defect report or
customer complaints which vital few causes are responsible for most of the reported
Generally 80% of reported problems are traceable to 20% of the underlying causes. By
concentrating ones efforts on rectifying the vital 20%, one can have the greatest
immediate impact on product quality.
Pareto Analysis indicates how frequently each type of failure (defect) occurs. The
purpose of the analysis is to direct management attention to the areas where the best
return can be achieved by solving most of quality problems, perhaps just with a single
Questions from past examinations:
Q. 1
Write Short Notes on Penetration Pricing. (May 1995) (5 marks)
Q. 2
What is meant by cost plus pricing? (November 1997) (4 marks)
Q. 3
Write Short Notes on Skimming pricing policy and at which situation it should be exercised?
(May 1998 / May 2002 / November 2004) (6 marks / 4 marks)
Q. 4
What is penetration pricing? Enumerate the circumstances, which are favourable for the
adoption of penetration pricing policy. (May 1999 / May 2001 / May 2003) (4 marks)
Q. 5
Explain the concept of cost plus pricing? What are its advantages and disadvantages? (May
2000) (8 marks)
Q. 6
Explain the usefulness of Pareto analysis and its applicability to business situations.
(November 2003) (4 marks)
Services sector companies provide their customers with services or intangible products. The
activities of service sector may be used for both: (i) Provision of services to outside customers
(ii) Provision of services internally. The types of service that may be provided, by service sector
are of diverse nature and they have their own peculiarities, requirements, different cost
accounting treatment but the general principles of costing discussed in earlier chapters relating
to manufacturing sector will also apply to service sector.
Question I:
Mention the main characteristics of service sector.
1. Activities are labour intensive: The activities of service sector generally are labour
intensive. The direct material cost is either small or non-existent. For example, cost of
stationery used by a professional consultant for expressing an opinion in back and white,
for a client will be small or even non-existent in case he gives verbal opinion. In the
preceding example direct labour cost content of a service is significant.
2. Cost-unit is usually difficult to define: The selection of cost unit usually, for service
sector is difficult to ascertain as compared to the selection of cost unit for manufacturing
sector. The following table provides some examples of the cost units for service sector.
3. Product costs in service sector: Cost are classified as product or period costs in
manufacturing sector for various reasons. These are:
To determine the unit manufacturing costs so that inventories can be valued and
selling prices created and verified.
To report production costs on income statement
To analyse costs for control purposes.
Question II:
What are the differences between manufacturing and service sector.
1. The difference between manufacturing and service sector is that in service sector there is
no physical product that can be stored, assembled and valued. Services are rendered
and cannot be stored up or placed in a vault.
5. In addition to labour cost the service sector like manufacturing sector incurs various
overhead cost. In service sector those overhead costs, which are incurred for offering a
service, are classified as service overheads (like factory overhead in manufacturing
Question III:
How is cost data collected in service sector?
2. Grouping: Costs are then grouped under fixed costs and variable costs.
3. Put in a particular format: They are then put in a format, which depends upon the
nature of industry and the need of the management.
4. Period: For preparing a cost sheet under operating costing, costs are usually
accumulated for a specified period viz. a month, a quarter or year etc.
5. Composite cost units: Often composite cost units such as passenger km, bed, nights
etc. are used by these organizations for ascertaining the cost of these services
respectively. Since there is no
Question IV:
Discuss the different costing methods that are used in service sector.
Job Costing method: In job costing method the cost of a particular service is obtained by
assigning costs to a distinct identifiable service. In service sector like Accounting firm,
Advertising campaigns etc. job costing method is used.
Process Costing method: In process costing system the cost of a service is obtained by
assigning costs to masses of similar unit and then computing unit cost on an average
basis. Retail banking, Postal delivery, Credit card etc. uses process costing method.
Hybrid costing method: Many companies uses a method of costing which is neither job
costing nor process costing method. They in fact uses a hybrid costing method which
combines elements of both job costing and process costing methods.
Question V:
Write a note on Job costing method in service sector.
Job costing method in service sector: The two costs, which are incurred in service sectors,
Direct labour
Service overheads
For ascertaining the price of a service provided by service sector if job-costing method is
followed, the costs for each job are to be monitored continuously. There are two main uses of
this job costs information:
The five steps, which are generally adopted for assigning costs to individual jobs, are as
1. Identify the job that is chosen as cost object : For instance, litigation work for
Motorola India Ltd. By Dua & Associates by assuming that work requires 100 budgeted
hours of professional labour.
2. Identify the direct cost categories for the job : In the above example the professional
hours required for doing litigation work is a direct cost.
3. Identify indirect costs (overheads) associated with the job: This step requires
identifications of indirect costs incurred for providing services. These costs may include
the costs of support labour, computer time, travel, telephone/fax machine, photocopying
4. Select the cost allocation base to be used in assigning each indirect cost to the
job : This step requires the selection of cost allocation base that has a cause and effect
relationship between changes in it and changes in the level of indirect costs. The
allocation base suitable for allocating indirect cost of law firm is professional labour
5. Identify the rate per unit of the cost allocation base used to allocate cost to the
job: The budgeted indirect cost allocation rate is computed by using following formula.
Question VI:
Write a note on Customer Costing in service sector.
Different customers or categories of customers use different amount of these activities and so
customer profiles can be build up and customer can be charged according to the cost to serve
For example:
1. In Computer Institute the cost of providing a course for enrolled students may be
determined by a variety of factors, such as type of course (Oracle or Java) and the level
of course (introduction or advanced).
2. A hotel may have activities that are provided for specific types of customers such as well
laid gardens, swimming pool and a bar. Older guest may appreciate and use the
garden, families the swimming pool and business guests the bar. If the activities are
allocated to relevant guest a correct cost per bed occupied can be calculated for each
type of category.
For customer costing purpose, the costs are divided into following categories. These are
1. Customer Specific costs: These are direct and indirect cost of providing service to
customer plus customer related cost assigned to each customer. For example cost of
express courier service to a client/customer who requests overnight delivery of some
2. Customer-line categories: These are the cost which are broken into the broad
categories of customers and not individual customer.
3. Company costs: These are those costs which are not allocated to either customer line
or individual customers but charge to company. The example is the cost of
advertisement to promote sale of service.
Question VII:
Write a note on pricing by service sector.
1. The service sector follows a different approach for pricing their service. Although a
service has no physical existence it must be priced and billed to customers.
2. Most service organizations use a form consisting of time and material pricing to arrive at
the price of a service.
5. For professionals such as accountants and consultants direct labour costs and
apportioned overhead and indirect costs are considered for pricing.
Refer Question VII
Transfer price is the price which one unit (segment, department, division etc.) of an
organization charges for a product supplied or service rendered to another sub-unit of the
same organization. Transfer price creates revenues for the selling sub-unit (Transferring
Division) and purchase costs for the buying sub-unit (Recipient Division), affecting each sub-
units operating income.
2. Full Capacity Utilisation: There may be certain divisions that have spare capacity.
Such divisions should be motivated to utilize their balance capacity in the optimal
manner. The focus is to optimize the profit of the concern over a short period of time, by
stressing on maximum utilization of plant capacity.
3. Optimum Resource Utilisation: The resources of the Company, whether they are
abundant or scarce, have to be used in the most optimal manner. This is a long term
objective. The allocation of resources is based on relative performance of various profit
centres, which in turn are influenced by transfer pricing policies.
Merits Demerits
Simple to understand. Costs and prices fluctuate from time
Easy to operate to time. Hence, transfer prices also
No negative contribution to vary.
Transferring division No contribution for transferring
Suitable if transferring division has division, since only variable
sufficient spare capacity and manufacturing cost is recouped.
intermediate product is not Not suitable for performance
marketable. evaluation.
Does not consider opportunity costs
and losses.
Not suitable for transferring divisions
which operate at full capacity.
Merits Demerits
Simple to understand. Costs and prices fluctuate from time
Easy to operate to time. Hence, transfer prices also
Guaranteed contribution to vary.
transferring division, to the extent of Not suitable for performance
Fixed Manufacturing Costs. evaluation of transferring division.
Ideal if transferring division has Does not consider opportunity costs
sufficient spare capacity, and and losses.
intermediate product is not Not suitable for transferring divisions
marketable. which operate at full capacity.
Merits Demerits
Simple to understand. Actual Costs fluctuate from time to
Easy to operate time.
Guaranteed contribution to No suitable for performance
transferring division, to the extent of evaluation of transferring division.
Fixed Costs. Usable if transferring Does not consider opportunity costs
division has sufficient spare capacity, and losses.
and intermediate product is not Not suitable for transferring divisions
marketable. which operate at full capacity.
Cost efficiency of transferring division
may mean lower prices, hence no
incentive for cost reduction.
d) Standard Costs:
Merits Demerits
Simple and easy to operate when The transferring division usually
compared to actual cost based absorbs variances and hence
methods. segment-wise performance evaluation
Inventories are carried at standard is not possible.
costs in transferring and receiving Does not consider opportunity costs
divisions. and losses.
Cost Plus mark-up: Under this method, the transfers are made at Cost + Mark-up basis. Cost
may be any variant i.e. Variable Manufacturing Costs or Full Manufacturing Costs or Total Cost
(Actual) or Standard Costs.
Mark-up added to cost may be expressed either (1) as a percentage of full cost or (2) as a
percentage of capital employed.
Under this method, the transfer prices are based on market prices. The major merits of this
method are:
b. Demand and Supply Forces: Market prices take into account, the forces of demand and
supply. If intermediate products are freely saleable, in the long run, market prices will provide
a good indicator of the overall efficiency of the various divisions.
c. Opportunity Cost Recovery: Opportunity costs of transferring divisions are fully recovered.
Hence there is sufficient incentive for internal transfer, for transferring divisions operating at
full capacity.
d. Objective: Market prices provide reliable measures of divisional income because these
prices are established independently rather than by individuals who have an interest in the
a. Availability of Market Prices: There may be difficulty in obtaining just / fair market prices.
Sometimes, the intermediate product may not be saleable; in other cases direct market
substitutes may not be available for products, which are manufactured only for internal
b. Impact of S&D Costs: There may be difficulties in determining the elements of Selling and
Distribution costs such as commission, discounts, advertisement and sales promotion etc. so
that necessary adjustment may be made in the market price to provide benefit of these
expenses, to the recipient Division.
c. Unjust Enrichment: Market Prices lead to unjust enrichment of the transferring division,
particularly if the former has sufficient spare capacity and the intermediate is not freely
salebale externally.
Negotiated Transfer Pricing refers to the determination of transfer prices based on active
participation, involvement, co-ordination and agreement of the managers of the transferring and
recipient divisions. In this method each decentralized unit is considered as an independent unit.
Such units decide the transfer price by, negotiations or bargaining.
Divisional Mangers have full freedom to purchase their requirement from outside if the prices
quoted by the transferring division are not acceptable to them.
1. Proper Decision Making: Negotiated prices lead to business like attitude amongst divisions
of the company. The buying division may purchase from outside sources if the outside prices
are lower than the internal divisions price.
2. Autonomy and Motivation Value: Each sub-unit is considered as an independent unit.
Buyers and Sellers are completely free to deal outside the Company. This promotes sub-unit
autonomy and motivates managers.
3. Overall Company Profitability: Through properly direct negotiations, managers will be able
to determine the appropriate transfer prices that satisfy the requirements of the divisions and
is in the best interest of the Company as a whole.
1. Sub-optimal: The agreed transfer price may depend on the negotiating skills and bargaining
powers of the managers involved. The final result may not always be optimal.
2. Conflicts: Rather than agreement on transfer prices, negotiations can lead to conflict
between divisions and may require top-management mediation.
4. Time and Cost: Negotiations are time consuming for the manager involved, particularly
when the number of transactions and interdependencies are large.
In order to have an effective system of transfer pricing; the following points should be kept in
Price of all transfer in and out of a profit centre should be determined by negotiation between the
buyer and the seller.
Negotiations should have access to full data on alternative source and markets and to public and
private information about market prices.
Buyers and sellers should be completely free to deal outside the company.
Goal Congruence: Transfer prices should help in achieving the organisations goals and
objectives as a whole, thereby promoting goal congruence. This will happen when actions
that divisional managers take to improve the reported profit of their divisions also improves
the profit of the company as whole.
Management Effort: Transfer prices should aid in accomplishing the Companys strategies and
in the promotion of a bolstered management effort to accomplish the same. Top
mangements initiative and active co-ordination is essential.
Segment performance Evaluation: The selection of transfer pricing system should necessarily
facilitate the top management of an enterprise to evaluate the performance of the individual
sub-units and their respective leads.
Sub-unit autonomy: Transfer prices promote the autonomy of the sub-units in decision making.
Thereby the sub-unit heads should be left on their own to transact with outside agencies or
with other sub-units of the organization to maximize their profit. Divisional autonomy should
not be undermined.
Motivation Value: The transfer pricing system should provide information that motivates
divisional manages to make good economic decisions.
Analysis of the impact of various transfer pricing methods:
Minimum Transfer Price: The relevant cost analysis used in decision-making while dealing
with outside parties, can also be extended to intra-company transfer pricing. For this purpose,
the following guideline (formula) can serve as the Minimum Transfer Price:
Minimum Transfer Price = Incremental Costs upto the point of Transfer + Opportunity costs.
Incremental Costs = Additional costs of producing and transferring the products or services
= Variable Costs + Fixed Costs, if specific to such transfer
[Selling and Distribution Costs, not incurred for internal transfers are not included]
Maximum Transfer Price: The maximum limit for transfer prices may be determined by any of
the following:
Market Price, since this represents the fair value in exchange, based on market forces.
Purchase Cost. i.e. Market Price + Buying Costs, since the recipient division would have to
incur this cost if the products are procured externally.
Recipient Divisions ability to pay, for example, if the recipient division sells the final product
at Rs.100 after incurring incremental costs of Rs.15 in its own division it will be prepared
to pay maximum of Rs.85 for the intermediate product.
The transfer price may be determined by negotiations between divisional managers, subject to
the range of minimum to maximum prices. The range of transfer prices as given above must be
adhered to since:
Transferring Division has no incentive to transfer at any price below the minimum, as its
incremental costs and opportunity costs may not be fully recovered.
Recipient Division has no incentive for internal purchase, at any price above the
maximum, as outsourcing may be beneficial to such division.
Goal Congruence vs. Performance Evaluation: The transfer price that leads to the short-run
optimal economic decision is relevant cost. If the transferring division has excess capacity,
this cost will be equal to variable cost only (since opportunity costs are Nil) The transferring
divisions will not recover any of its fixed costs when transfers are made at variable costs
and will therefore report a loss.
Goal Congruence vs. Divisional autonomy: In case of failure of a division to achieve the
objective of goal congruence the management of the company may dictate their transfer
price If a transfer price is imposed on the manager of the supplying division, the concept of
divisional autonomy and decentralization is undermined.
Performance Evaluation vs. Profitability: A transfer price that may be satisfactory for
evaluating divisional performance may lead to make sub-optimal decisions when viewed
from the overall company perspective.
Full Cost plus Mark-up: The transferring Division may receive the full cost plus a mark-up on
each transaction. This price is intended to approximate the market price of the goods or
services transferred. The mark-up provides the transferring division with sufficient
contribution to recover its fixed costs and report profits. The price will be used, even if the
intermediate product is not marketable.
Marginal Cost: The Recipient Division may be charged at the marginal cost of the transfers.
Alternatively, the relevant costs (variable plus opportunity costs) may be substituted for the
marginal costs. The use of relevant costs will automatically lead into optimal decision
making from the companys view point.
Under this method, Company Profits = Sum of divisional profits less inter-divisional mark up.
Incentive to Transferring Division: The transfer price will meet the performance evaluation
requirements of the transferring division since each unit transferred generates a profit (due
to mark-up). Thus the supplying division manger is motivated to transfer the intermediate
product internally.
No unjust Enrichment: If the transfer price is set at the transferring divisions marginal cost
of the intermediate product, it will not have any contribution from the internal transfers. All
the total contribution from inter-divisional trading will be assigned to the Recipient division.
Such unjust enrichment is avoided thought he use of mark-up.
Optimal Decisions: Since relevant cost analysis is used as the second transfer price, the
transfer pricing system automatically promotes goal congruence by leading to optimal
1. Confusing: The use of different transfer prices causes confusion, particularly when more
than two divisions are involved.
3. No incentive: Fixed price with mark-up protects transferring divisions from competition. It
reduces divisional incentives to compete effectively and give them little incentive to
improve their productivity.
4. Misleading: Dual Transfer prices can result in misleading information and create a false
impression of divisional profits. There is a possibility of double-counting of profits. At the
extreme, all divisions may report profits when the company as a whole is losing money.
Q. 2
Enumerate and briefly explain any three methods of determining transfer pricing. (May 1998) (6
Q. 3
What should be the basis of transfer price, if unit variable cost and unit selling price are
constant. (November 1999) (4 marks)
If unit variable cost and unit selling price are constant then the main problem that would arise
while fixing the transfer price of a product would be as follows:
There is an optimum level of output for a firm as a whole. This is so because there is a certain
level of output beyond which its net revenue will not rise. The ideal transfer price under these
circumstances will be that which will motivate these managers to produce at this level of
Essentially, it means that some divisions in a business house might have to produce its output
at a level less than its full capacity and in all such cases a transfer price may be imposed
Q. 4
Enumerate the main objectives of transfer pricing. (November 2002) (3 marks)
Q. 5
Outline the limitations of negotiated method of transfer price. (May 2003) (4 marks)
Question I:
Define Target Costing. Briefly explain the steps involved in target costing approach to
Target Costing is defined as a structured approach to determine the cost at which a proposed
product with specified functionality and quality must be produced, to generate a desired level of
profitability at its anticipated-selling-price
Question II:
Define Value Engineering and its scope. What are the issues that needs to be dealt with
during a value engineering review.
Value Engineering or Value Analysis involves searching for opportunities to modify the
design of each component or part of a product to reduce cost, but without reducing the
functionality or quality of the product. It entails studying the activities that are involved in
producing the product to detect non-value adding activities that may be eliminated or
minimized to save costs, but without reducing the functionality or quality of the product.
Value Engineering and Value Analysis help identify costs into (a) Value-Added Cost and (b)
Non Value-Added Cost. The objective is to retain (if possible, reduce) value-added cost, while
totally avoiding or eliminating non-value added costs.
Value-added cost: A value-added cost is a cost that, if eliminated, would reduce the value
or utility (usefulness) customers obtain from using the product or service.
Non value-added cost: A non value-added cost is a cost that, if eliminated would not
reduce the value or utility customers obtain from using the product or service. It is a cost
that the customer is unwilling to pay to the company.
This involves a detailed review of the entire manufacturing process to see if there are
any steps that add no value to the product, e.g. interim quality review before further
processing and final quality check.
By eliminating unnecessary or duplicate functions, the firm can reduce their associated
direct or overhead costs from the total product cost.
The possible repercussions of elimination of any intermediate production function should
be carefully analysed. The engineering team must be careful to develop work-around
steps that eliminate the need for the original functions.
The product quality should be studied with reference to the nature of its use, longevity
of products useful life.
If some unnecessary quality e.g. excessive degree of sturdiness in consumable item
(as opposed to a durable item) can be eliminated, it should be done in order to save
significant material and other product costs.
However, visible reduction in durability or reliability cannot be stretched too far. Hence
any designs that have had their structural integrity reduced must be thoroughly tested
to ensure that they meet all design standards.
3. Design Minimisation:
This involves the creation of a design that uses fewer parts or has fewer features.
This approach is based on the assumption that a minimal design is easier to
manufacture and assemble Also, with fewer parts to purchase, less procurement
expenses is associated with the product.
However, sometimes it would be less expensive to settle for a few extra standard parts
that are more easily and cheaply obtained, rather than customised pre-fabricated parts,
which complicate the assembly process.
This is also known as Design For Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) and involves the
creation of a product design that can be created in only a specific manner. For example,
a toner cartridge for a laser printer is designed so that it can be successfully inserted
into the printer only when the sides of the cartridge are correctly aligned with the printer
opening; all other attempts to insert the cartridge will fail.
When used for the assembly of an entire product, this approach ensures that a product
is not incorrectly manufactured or assembled, which would call for a costly disassembly
or product recalls from customers who have received defective goods.
5. Substitution of Parts:
This is also called as Component Parts Analysis. This approach encourages the search
for less expensive components or materials that can replace more expensive parts
currently used in a product design.
Substitution of new parts is encouraged since new materials are being developed every
However parts substitution must be accompanied by a review of related changes
elsewhere in the design and the consequent impact on total costs.
This also involves allied analysis on tracking the intentions of suppliers to continue
production of parts in the future. If parts are not available, they must be eliminated from
the product design.
6. Combination of Steps:
Sometimes, a careful review of all processes associated with a product reveals that
some steps can be eliminated, other steps can be consolidated, or that several can be
accomplished by one person, rather than having people in widely disparate parts of the
production process to perform them. This is also known as Process Centering.
By combining steps, transfer and queue time can be eliminated from the production
process, which in turn reduces the chances of damage during transfers.
Question III:
Briefly describe the role of a firms Suppliers in its Value Engineering or Cost Reduction
Value Engineering also involves calling on the services of a companys suppliers to assist in
the cost reduction effort. Suppliers of materials can have significant role in value engineering
due to the following reason:
Question IV:
Briefly explain Kaizen costing.
Kaizen Costing refers to the ongoing continuous improvement program that focuses on the
reduction of waste in the production process, thereby further lowering costs below the initial
targets specified during the design phase. It is a Japanese term for a number of cost reduction
steps that can be used subsequent to issuing a new product design to the factory floor.
The initial VE review may not be complete and perfect in all costs aspects. There may be
further chances of waste reduction, cost and time reduction and product improvement. Such
continuous cost reduction technique is call as kaizen Costing.
The review of product costs under the target costing methodology is not reserved just for the
period up to the completion of design work on a new product. On the contrary, there are always
opportunities to control costs after the design phase is completed, though these opportunities
are fewer than during the design phase.
Savings from Kaizen Costing: The cost reductions resulting from kaizen costing are much
smaller than those achieved with value engineering. But these are still significant since
competitive pressures are likely to force down the price of a product over time, and any
possible cost savings allow a company to still attain its targeted profit margins Mille continuing
to reduce cost.
However, prices eventually drop to the point where margins are reduced, which forces the
company to develop a new product with lower initial cost and for which kaizen costing can
again be used to further reduce costs. This pattern may be repeated many times as a company
forces its costs down through successive generations of products.
The exact timing to switch to a new product is easy to determine well in advance since the
returns from kaizen costing follow a trend line of gradually shrinking savings. Since prices also
follow a predictable downward track, plotting these two trend lines into the future reveals when
a new product version must be ready for production.
Question V:
What are the advantages of target costing?
Real Cost Reduction: It uses management control systems to support and reinforce
manufacturing strategies and to identify market opportunities that can be converted into
real savings to achieve the best value rather than simply the lowest cost.
Question VI:
What are the limitations of target costing?
b. Responsibility for Cost Reduction: A large amount of mandatory cost cutting can
result in finger-pointing in various parts of the company, especially if the cost reduction
targets are not equitably shared. For example the industrial engineering staff will not be
happy it is required to completely alter the production layout in order to generate cost
savings, while the purchase staff is not required to make any cost reductions through
supplier negotiations. Strong inter-personal and negotiation skills are required on the
part of the project manager, to avoid this problem.
Remedy: The above problems can be set right by a good team, leader, who must have an
exceptional knowledge of the design process, good interpersonal skills, and commitment to
staying within both time and cost budgets for a design project.
Question VII:
Briefly explain the Cost Accountants role in a Target Costing Environment.
a. Cost Estimation: To provide other members of the design team a running series of cost
estimates based on initial design sketch, activities based costing reviews of production
processes, and best guess costing information from suppliers based on estimated
production volumes.
b. Permissible Cost Ranges: To provide estimates within a high-low range costs, since
preliminary data will necessarily be vague. However, this estimated cost range should
be tightened as more information becomes available.
c. Capital Budgeting Analysis: To cater to capital budgeting requests generated by the
design team based on types of equipment needed for the anticipated product design,
product revenues and costs, rates of return etc. The Cost Accountant should also be
able to answer questions regarding uncertainties and risk analysis.
d. Cost Principles Explanation: To work with the design team to help it understand the
nature of various costs (such as cost allocations based on an activity-based costing
system), as well as the cost-benefit trade-offs of using different design or cost
operations in the new product.
e. Review of Cost Reduction Targets: To track the gap between the current cost and the
target cost that is the design teams goal providing an itemization of where cost savings
have already been achieved and where there has not been a sufficient degree of
f. Final Review and Feedback: To compare a products actual cost to the target cost
after the design is completed, and for as long as the company sells the products is a
necessary step because management must know immediately if costs are increasing
beyond budgeted levels and why these increases are occurring.
Question VIII:
Explain in brief the Impact of target costing on profitability.
Assured Profit by constant review: Target Costing places detailed continuing emphasis
on product costs throughout the life cycle of every product that it is unlikely that a
company will experience runaway costs. Also the management is completely aware of
costing issues since it receives regular reports from the cost accounting members of all
design teams.
Price Determination and Consequent Cost Control: Target Costing improves profitability
through precise targeting of the correct prices at which the company feels it can field a
profitable product in the marketplace that will sell in a robust manner. The traditional
cost-plus approach revolves around designing a product, determining its cost, adding a
profit margin and failing to understand why its resoundingly high price does now attract
buyers. Thus, target costing results not only in better cost control but also in better price
Target costing can have positive impact on profitability, depending on the commitment of
management to its use, the constant involvement of cost accountants in all phases of a
products life cycle, and the type of strategy a company follows. Target costing is really part of
a larger concept called concurrent engineering, which requires participants from many
departments to work together on project teams. It is indeed one of the most proactive systems
found in the entire range of accounting knowledge.
Question IX:
What are the features and sources to extract data for Target Costing?
Futuristic: Target Costing Data is essentially futuristic, as it is associated with new and
improved products, new designs and manufacturing processes.
Poorly defined: The data for Target Costing project is more poorly defined information.
The Cost Accountant has to start from scratch in order to estimate costs. In earlier
stages of product designs, best possible guesses may have to be used.
2. Risk Analysis Highest Possible Costs: Cost estimates are rough in the earliest
stages of a new product design. However, it is possible to include with the best
estimate, an additionally estimate of the highest possible cost that will be incurred. This
helps the management to know whether there is a significant degree of risk that the
project may not achieve its desired cost target. This may result in either outright
termination of the project or redefining targets in order to launch the product.
5. Data from Past analysis: The engineering staff may have compiled, over the course of
numerous design projects, a set of tables itemizing the cost of components or clusters of
components used to create a specific product feature. Also the cost of specific
production functions generally requires an in depth analysis that can be obtained only
through a prolonged activity based accounting review. Sometimes, the enterprising cost
accountant himself may conduct this research.
6. Engineering Data: This information extends to (a) upcoming technological changes that
can be used to enhance the features of existing products (b) interaction of various
components of a product, so that one can predict what cost changes are likely to arise in
the subsystem of a product if a part is reconfigured in a different subsystem (c) changes
in costs that will arise from the use of a smaller or larger number of fasteners, different
materials , different product sizes or weights or a host of other factors.
7. Supplier Data: Information on suppliers coves (a) previous quality, cost and on time
delivery performance of all key suppliers. (b) production capacities of each supplier (c)
assumed profitability levels for each supplier etc. The cost accountant can use this
information to determine which standard parts are no longer acceptable for future
product designs, based on a history of high cost, poor quality or inadequate on-time
delivery. Also, if suppliers show inadequate profits, it may signal their inability to obtain
further cost reductions through capital asset purchases, which may necessitate
switching to a different supplier.
Question X:
What are the steps involved in implementing target costing system?
3. Obtain a Budget: The funding should be based on a formal allocation of money through
the corporate budget. The fund should be given unreservedly to the target costing effort.
4. Assign a Strong Team Manager: The Target Costing Team involves the active
participation of many members with diverse backgrounds. A strong Team Manager is
required to bring the group together as a smooth functioning team focused on key
objectives. He should be skilled in dealing with management, the use of project tools
and working with a diverse group of people. This manager should be a full-time
employee, so that his or her complete attention can be directed towards the welfare of
the project.
5. Enroll Full-time Participants: It is essential that the members of the team be devoted
to it full-time rather than trying to fulfill other commitment elsewhere in the company at
the same time. They should have a single focus on ensuring the success of the target-
costing program.
6. Use Project Management Tools: Target costing can be a highly complex effort
especially for high-cost products with many features and components. The team should
use all available project management tools, such as Microsoft Project (for tracking the
completion of specific tasks), a company database containing various types of costing
information and a variety of product design tools.
Refer to Q.I (ignore definition part)
Product Life Cycle
Product life cycle is a pattern of expenditure, sale level, revenue and profit over the period from
new idea generation to the deletion of product from product range.
Product life cycle spans the time from initial R&D on a product to when customer servicing and
support is no longer offered for the product. For products like motor vehicles this time span
may range from 5 to 7 years. For some basic pharmaceuticals, the time span may be 7 to 10
years. In case of cameras, photocopying machines etc. the life is more than 100 years.
Question I:
Explain briefly the phases in product life cycle.
* In the growth stage, the firm will maintain the prices at the high levels, in order to realise
maximum profits. Price reduction will not be undertaken unless (a) the low prices will lead
Question II:
Briefly explain the Characteristics of product life cycle.
The major characteristics of product life-cycle concept are as follows:
1. The products have finite live and pass through the cycle of development, introduction,
growth, maturity decline and deletion at varying speeds.
2. Product cost, revenue and profit patterns tend to follow predictable courses through the
product life cycle, Profits first appear during the growth phase and after stabilizing during
the maturity phase declines at the point of deletion.
3. Profit per unit varies as products move through their life cycles.
4. Each phase of the product life cycle poses different threats and opportunities that give
rise to different strategic actions.
5. Products require different functional emphasis in each phase-such as all R&D emphasis
in the development phase and a cost control emphasis in the decline phase.
6. Finding new uses or getting the present users to increase their consumption, may extend
the life of the product.
Question III:
Explain various stages of product life cycle.
The life cycle of manufactured product will consist of the following stages:
Market Research: Market research will establish what product the customer wants, how
much he is prepared to pay for it and how many lies will buy.
Specification: The design specification will give details such as required life, maximum
permissible maintenance cost, maximum permissible manufacturing cost, the number
required, the delivery date, the required performance of the product. Customer
requirements are translated into product specifications.
Design: The designers produce the drawings and process schedules, which define the
geometry of the product and the manufacturing processes.
Development: When a product is made for the first time, it is necessary to prove that it
meets the requirements of the specification. In fact, when a product is first made it rarely
meets the requirements of the specification and changes have to be made until it
satisfies the requirement. This period of testing and changing is development.
Tooling: Tooling up for production means building a production line consisting of machinery
and equipments, building expensive jigs, buying special purpose machine tools etc. It
requires large investment.
Manufacture: Manufacture of a product involves the purchase of the raw materials the
purchase of bought out components, the use of labour to make and assemble the
product is considered under this stage.
Selling: When the product is fit and available for sale, it may be necessary to spend money
on a campaign to sell the product. Stimulating and creating demand for the product is
considered under this stage.
Distribution: In the process of selling the product, it must be distributed to the sales outlets
and to the customers. Demand at various locations and markets, must be met through
appropriate distribution channels.
Product support: The manufacturer or supplier will have to make sure that spares and
expert servicing are available for the life of the product. The manufacturer or the supplier
may even have to offer free servicing and parts replacement during the early life of the
Question IV:
What is life cycle costing?
Life cycle costing, aims at cost ascertainment of a product, project etc. over its projected life. It
is a system that tracks and accumulates the actual costs and revenues attributable to cost
object from its inception to its abandonment.
Sometimes the terms, cradle-to-grave costing and womb-to-womb costing convey the
meaning of fully capturing all costs associated with the product from its initial to final stages.
Question V:
Describe characteristics and benefits of product life cycle costing.
It is an approach used to provide a long term picture of product line profitability, feedback on
the effectiveness of life cycle planning cost data to clarify the economic impact of alternatives
chose in the design, engineering phase etc. It is also considered as a way to enhance the
control of manufacturing costs. The thrust of product life cycle costing is on the distribution of
costs among categories changes over the life of the product, as does the potential profitability
of a product. Hence it is important to track and measure costs during each stage of a products
life cycle.
Product life cycle costing involves tracing of costs and revenues of each product over several
calendar periods throughout their entire life cycle. Costs and revenues can be analysed by
time periods, but the emphasis is on costs and revenue accumulation over the entire life
cycle for each product.
Product life cycle costing traces research and design and development costs, incurred to
individual products over their entire life cycles, so that the total magnitude of these costs
for each individual product can be reported and compared with product revenues
generated in later periods.
Life cycle costing therefore ensures that costs for each individual product can be reported and
compared with product revenues generated in later periods. Hence the costs are made more
1. The product life cycle costing results in earlier actions to generate revenue or to lower
costs than otherwise might be considered. There are a number of factors that need to the
managed in order to maximize return on a product.
2. Better decisions should follow from a more accurate and realistic assessment of
revenues and costs, at least within a particular life cycle stage.
3. Product life cycle thinking can promote long-term rewarding in contract to short-term
profitability rewarding.
Question V:
What is the Importance of Product Life Cycle Costing?
Product Life Cycle Costing is considered important due to the following reasons:
1. Time based analysis: Life cycle costing involves tracing of costs and revenues of each
product over several calendar periods throughout their life cycle. Costs and revenues
can be analysed by time periods. The total magnitude of costs for each individual product
can be reported and compared with product revenues generated in later periods.
2. Overall Cost Analysis: Production costs are accounted and recognized by the routine
accounting system. However non-production costs like R&D, design, marketing,
distribution, customer service etc. are less visible on a product-by-product basis. Product
Life Cycle Costing focuses on recognizing both production and non-production cost.
3. Pre-production Costs analysis: The development period for R&D and design is long
and costly. A high percentage of total product costs may be incurred before commercial
production begins. Hence, the company needs accurate information on such costs for
deciding whether to continue with the R&D or not.
6. Long Run Wholistic view: Product life cycle thinking can promote long-term rewarding
in contrast to short-term profitability rewarding. It provides an overall framework for
considering total incremental costs over the entire life span of a product, which in turn
facilitates analysis of parts of the whole where cost effectiveness might be improved.
7. Life Cycle Budgeting: Life Cycle Budgeting. i.e. Life Cycle Costing with Target Costing
principles, facilitates scope for cost reduction at the design stage itself. The Company
stands to benefit since costs are avoided before they are committed or locked in.
8. Review: Life cycle Costing provides scope for analysis of long term picture of product
line profitability, feedback on the effectiveness of life cycle planning and cost data to
clarify the economic impact of alternatives chosen in the design, engineering phase etc.
Refer to Q. V above (only benefits part)
Q. 2
What is life cycle costing? Explain the stages in product life cycle. (Nov. 2003) (7 Marks)
Refer to Q.IV and III above.
Q. 3
What is product life cycle costing? Describe its characteristics and benefits. (Nov. 2004) (5
Refer to Q. IV and V above.
Question I:
What is JIT? What are the steps involved in JIT?
Supplier Evaluation: The Purchasing Department must evaluate and investigate every
supplier and eliminate those who could not keep up with the delivery dates.
Supplier Assistance: The engineering staff must visit supplier sites and examine their
processes, not only to see if they can reliably ship high-quality parts but also to provide
them with engineering assistance to bring them up to a higher standard of product.
Supplier Information System: The firm must install a system, which is as simple as a fax
machine or as advanced as an electronic data interchange system or linked computer
systems, that communicates with suppliers as to exactly how much of specified parts are
to be sent to the company.
Direct Delivery: Deliveries should be sent straight to the production floor for immediate use
in manufactured products, so that no time spent in inspecting the parts for defects.
Drivers, who bring supplies of materials, drop them off at the specific machines that will
use the materials first.
Question II:
How does JIT help in shortening set-up and operation times?
Outline the JIT approach for shortening set-up and operation times.
Long set-ups and operation time involve indirect costs like product obsolescence, inventory
carrying costs, and many defective products (because problems may not be discovered until a
large number of items have already been completed). This problem will be resolved under JIT
by adopting the following steps.
Evaluation: A team of industrial engineers and machine users examine this tape, spotting
and gradually eliminating steps that contribute to a lengthy set-up.
Motion and time study: By eliminating unnecessary production steps and improving others
after a number of iterations, it is possible to achieve substantially lower set-up times than
In JIT philosophy, there are two ways to resolve the above problems.
1. Kanban Card: It is a notification card that a down stream machine sends to each upstream
machine that feeds it with parts, authorizing the production of just enough components to
fulfill the production requirements. This is also know as pull system, since these cards are
initiated at the end of the production process pulling work authorizations through the
production system. WIP cannot pile up since it can be created only with kanban
2. Working Cells: A Working cell is a small cluster of machines, which can be run by a single
machine operator. The establishment of working cells has the following advantages:
The individual machine operator takes each output part from machine to machine within
the cell; and thus there is no way for WIP to build up between machines.
The operator can immediately identify defective output which otherwise is difficult for each
machine of the cell. The smaller machines used in a machine cell are generally much
simpler than the large automated machinery they replace. Hence maintenance costs are
Question IV:
Employee Training and Development is a pre-requisite for JIT implementation
Question V:
State in brief the Benefits associated with JIT system.
2. Reduction in Wastage of Time: Wastage of time in various ways like inspection time,
machinery set-up time, storage time, queue time, defectives rework time etc., are
3. Reduction in Scrap Rates: There will be sharp reductions in the rates of defectives or
scrapped units. The workers themselves identify defects and take prompt action to avoid
their recurrence.
Question VI:
Explain in brief the role of JIT in time reduction.
1. Inspection Time: All inspection time is eliminated from the system as operators conduct
their own quality cheeks. Suppliers assistance and quality checks at suppliers factory
eliminate the need for separate inspection or QC department in the firm.
2. Handling Time: All movement, which involves shifting inventory and work in process
throughout the various parts of the plant, can be eliminated by clustering machines
together in logical groupings called Working Cells
3. Queue Time: Queue time is eliminated by not allowing inventory to build up in front of
machines. Kanban cards serve this purpose.
4. Storage Time: Clearing out excessive stocks of inventory and having suppliers deliver
parts only as and when needed eliminates Storage time.
Question VII:
Explain in brief the effect of JIT on Overhead Costs.
Overhead Costs are greatly reduced with JIT operation. This is because of the following
The costs of material handling, facilities, and quality inspection decline when a JIT system is
The reduction of all types of inventory results-in a massive reduction in the amount space
required for warehouse facility. Hence costs associated with warehousing are reduced
when the costs of staff, equipment, fixed assets, facilities, and rent associated with the
warehouse are sharply cut back.
A machine cell generally produces only a small range of products, hence it is easy to assign
the entire cost of each machine cell to these items. This means that the depreciation,
maintenance, labour and utility costs of each cell can be charged straight to a product,
which is preferable than traditional absorption costing.
Question VIII:
JIT contributes to lower inventories and associated costs Explain.
Raw materials inventory is reduced because suppliers deliver only small quantities of parts
as and when they are needed.
Work-in-progress inventory drops because the conversion to machine cells and the use of
kanban cards greatly reduces the need to pile up inventory between machines.
Finished goods inventory drops because inventories are allowed to build up only if a
company experiences high seasonal sales.
Question IX:
JIT contributes to reduced Capital Requirement Explain.
Question X:
Explain the Impact of JIT on Product Prices.
If customers place a higher degree of importance on other factors, then there will be no
opportunity for a price increase.
In case all firm in an industry adopt JIT, they offer the same level of quality and service. JIT
philosophy, in such cases, just keeps a company from losing sales to its competitors.
The impact of a JIT system on product pricing is primarily driven by customers perceived
need for higher product quality and reliable delivery times, as well as the presence of
competitors with JIT system, the same installation, and operational base.
a. A working Cell or a machine Cell is a small cluster of machines, which can be run by a
single machine operator.
b. It designed to produce either a single product or a single component that goes into a
similar product line. Therefore all costs generated by the machine cell can be charged
directly to the only product it produces.
c. When a company completely changes over to the use of machine cells in all locations,
the cost related to all the cells can now be changed directly to products. The balance
costs left may be assigned to the Overhead Cost Pool and identified with the products
through Activity Based Costing. This results in more accurate product costs.
Some examples of shift from Overheads to Direct Machine Cell Costs are:
b. Electricity: Power used by the machine in a cell can be separately metered and charged
directly to the products that pass through the cell. Excess electricity cost charged to the
facility as whole has to be charged to an overhead cost pool for allocation.
c. Material handling: In a JIT system, most material handling cost are limited since machine
operators move parts around within their machine cells. Only costs for materials handling
between cells and charged to an overhead cost pool for allocation.
d. Operating Suppliers: Supplies are used mostly with the machine cells to the majority of
item sin this expense category can be separately tracked by individual cell and charged to
products directly.
e. Repairs and maintenance: All maintenance costs incurred for machinery can be grouped
into machine cells. By having the maintenance staff, charge their time and materials to
these cells, these costs can be charged straight to products. Maintenance work on the
facility will be charged to an Overhead cost pool.
f. Supervision: If supervision is by machine cell, the cost of the supervisor can be split
among the cells supervised. However the cost of general facility management as well as
of any support staff, must still be charged to an overhead cost pool.
With such a higher proportion of direct costs associated with each product managers have
much more relevant information about the true cost of each product manufactured.
Question XI:
Traditional performance measurement criteria fails in a JIT system Explain.
These are not useful in a JIT environment due to the following reasons.
Direct Labour Efficiency JIT system does not focus on how fast
To closely monitor employee time and an employee works, but only on the
productivity. quality of the products
To compute of labour Efficiency Variance, manufactured.
Mix Variance, Idle Time Variance etc. Procedures like filling up time cards,
use punch cards to record time etc.
are non-value added activities,
which are avoided under JIT as
Question XII:
What are the performance measures in JIT?
Inventory turnover: One of the primary objectives of JIT systems is the reduction of
unnecessary inventory. Hence inventory turnover is a suitable performance measure in
JIT. This measure can be subdivided into separate ratios for raw materials, work in
process, and finished goods.
Set up time reduction: The average setup time per machine can be measured periodically
and plotted on a trend I Inc. The shortest possible set intervals are crucial for the success
of short production runs, so this is a major JIT measurement. It is best to measure it by
machine, rather than in the aggregate for all machines.
Customer complaints: JIT presumes optimum product quality. Hence customer complaints
on product problems should be investigated immediately. The accumulation of customer
complaints and their dissemination to management should be considered a major JIT
Scrap: JIT aims to drive materials scrap rates down to exceedingly low level. The cost of
scrap (especially when supported by a detailed list of items that were scrapped) is of
particular concern as a JIT system is being implemented, since it helps to identify problem
areas requiring further management attention.
Customer service: This measure really has several components like delivering products on
the dates required by customers shipping full orders to customers, and not having
products returned because of poor quality. This measure can be summarized in a variety
of ways or reported at the component level, but the main issue is to measure and post the
information for all to see, so that the company focuses strongly on providing the highest
possible degree of customer service.
Ideas generated: JIT system works best when employees provide suggestions for
improvements that, when taken in total result in a vastly improved efficient operation. The
amount of idea generation going on can be measured by the number of ideas per worker,
the number of ideas suggested in total, the number of ideas implemented, or the
proportion of ideas suggested that are implemented.
Question XIII:
What do you mean by back flushing in JIT system? Explain briefly the problems with
back flushing that must be corrected before it will work properly.
Traditional, normal and standard costing systems use the sequential tracking method for
accounting costs. This involves recording journal entries in the same order as transactions
occur, i.e. purchase, issue of materials, production, overheads absorption etc. Such systems
are required in those manufacturing environment where inventory / WIP values are large.
However the following issues must be corrected before effective implementation of Backflush
1. Accurate Production reporting: The total production figure entered into the stem must
be absolutely correct, or else the wrong component types and quantities will be subtracted
from stock. This is a particular problem when there is high turnover or a low level of
training to the production staff that records this information.
2. Proper Scrap reporting: All abnormal scrap must be diligently tracked and recorded.
Otherwise, these materials will fall outside the backflushing system and will not be
charged to inventory. Since scrap can occur anywhere in a production process, lack of
attention by any of the production staff can result in an inaccurate inventory.
3. Lot tracing: Lot tracing is impossible under backflushing system. It is required when a
manufacturer need to keep records of which production lots were used to create a product
in case all the items in a lot must be recalled. Only a picking system can adequately
record this information. Some computer systems allow picking and backflushing system to
4. Inventory accuracy: The inventory balance may be too high at all times because the
backflushing transaction that relieves inventory usually does so only once a day, during
which time other inventory is sent to the production process. This makes it difficult to
maintain an accurate set of inventory records in the warehouse. The success of
backflushing system is directly related to a companys willingness to invest in a well-paid,
experienced well-educated production staff that undergoes little turnover.
Questions from past examinations:
Q. 1
What is JIT? Explain, how it eliminates wastage of resources? (November 2003) (4 Marks)
Refer Operation of JIT (Just in-time) concept (only first para) and Role of
JIT in time reduction.
Q. 2
What do you mean by back flushing in JIT system? Explain briefly the problems with back
flushing that must be corrected before it will work properly. (November 2004) (4 Marks)
Question I:
Define MRP. What are its aims and benefits?
It progressively translates the forward schedule of final product requirements (the master
production schedule) into the numbers of sub-assemblies, components and raw materials
required at each stage of the manufacturing cycle. (In other words, MRP involves input
planning based on output budget)
Question II:
Explain briefly the data required to operate MRP system.
2. The Bill of Materials (BOM): This specifies the consumption requirements of sub-
assemblies, components and materials, for each unit of finished goods.
3. The Inventory File/Stores Ledger: This contains the inventory details of each sub-
assembly components and materials required for each finished goods.
4. The Routing File: This provides details on the sequence of operations required to
manufacture components, sub-assemblies and finished goods.
5. The Master Parts File: This contains information on the production time of sub-
assemblies and components produced internally and lead time for externally acquired
items. MRP pre-supposes the use of computers and hence the above information will be
required as system data files.
Question III:
What are the pre-requisites for the successful operation of MRP?
(a) Production Schedule: The latest production and purchasing schedules prepared should
be strictly adhered to Day-to-day change from predetermined schedules will cause
(b) Standard Materials Input: The raw materials, sub-assemblies and components required
for production should be pre-determined in quantifiable terms. Standards should be set
for the consumption quantity, quality mix and yield of raw materials, for every unit of the
finished output.
(c) Workers co-operation: Work force must be appraised of the system and the need for
absolute adherence to the schedules prepared. Also necessary internal control system
should be developed to ensure the total adherence to the schedule.
(d) Accuracy of data: Accuracy of the data supplied is vital to the MRP system. Adherence
to the purchase and production schedule becomes difficult in the absence of accurate
Question IV:
Explain briefly the method of operation of MRP system.
MRP is a computer based inventory information system, which is used to plan and control raw
materials and component parts inventories.
Refer to Question II above.
Q. 2
Outline the objectives of MRP. (May 2004) (4 marks)
ERP refers to software, which integrates all departments and functions across a company into
a single computer system that can serve all those needs of different departments.
It combines all computerized departments together with the help of a single integrated software
program that uses a single database so that various departments can more easily share
information and communicate with each other.
Integrated Financial Data: ERP creates a single version of the financial position and
performance that cannot be questioned because everyone is using the same system. It is
very useful in analyzing the performance and deviations of different business units
(responsibility centres) rather than obtaining individual reports from each such business
Standardised HR Information: HR may not have a unified, simple method for tracking
employee time and communicating with them about benefits and services. ERP can help
companies with multiple business units in this regard.
Tailor-made: ERP systems are designed as per the requirements of individual companies
based on the nature, scale and methods of operations. It is superior to other standardized
application packages (software), which may not be fully useful to a multifaceted company.
Information Management: A good MIS should avoid information overload, ERP helps proper
information management since all data are made available at one place, accessible to
different users based on their individual requirements.
Question II:
What are the Components of ERP?
Components of ERP:
The following may be identified as the primary components (sub-systems) of ERP system:
Sales and marketing Shop floor control
Master scheduling Accounts payable/receivable
Material requirement Planning Logistics
Capacity requirement planning Asset management
Bill of materials Financial accounting
Question III:
Explain briefly the main features of ERP.
Features of ERP:
4. E-Com Facilities: ERP allows automatic introduction of technologies like Electronic Fund
Transfer (EFT), Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), Internet, Intranet, Video Conferencing,
E-Commerce etc.
5. Business Decision Making Solution: ERP provides business intelligence tools like
Decision Support systems (DSS), Executive Information System (EIS), Reporting, Data
Mining and Early warning systems (Robots) for enabling people to make better decisions.
It eliminates most business problems like material shortage, productivity enhancements,
customer service, cash management, inventory problems, quality problems, prompt
delivery etc.
6. Futuristic: ERP not only addresses the current requirements of the company but also
provides the opportunity of continually improving and refining business processes.
Question IV:
State the benefits of ERP.
Benefits of ERP:
1. Product Costing: ERP system supports advanced costing methods like Standard
Costing, Actual Costing, Activity based costing, thereby helping in determination of cost
products accurately.
2. Cost Monitoring and Control: ERP can integrate all costing methods and information
with finance. This provides the company with essential financial information or monitoring
and controlling costs.
3. Planning and Managing: The ERP system simplifies complicated logistics and helps in
planning for and managing different divisions in different locations as a single unit.
4. Information Flow: The advanced utility of the ERP system helps in processing the flow of
product and financial information in several different ways.
5. Efficient Database Management: The ERP system aids in the efficient managing of data
on warehouse, suppliers customers etc. required to run an organization effectively and
6. Inventory Management: Inventory reporting supports all reporting of specific and general
types of stock transactions like stock transfers, reclassifications, ID changes and physical
inventory results. Also ERP can manage stock and purchase requisitions selections of
appropriate locations for receipts, inventory valuation, warehouse management and cost
7. Customer Satisfaction: ERP system defines the logistics processes flexibly and
efficiently to deliver the right product from the right warehouse to the right customer at the
right time every time, thereby satisfying the customers. It also supports planning
transportation, confirmation, dispatch and proof of delivery processing. Additionally, it
ensures better after sales service.
8. Competitive Edge: ERP system helps a company to gain the Competitive Edge by (a)
enabling the company to respond quickly and accurately to change in market conditions;
(b) improving business process (c) ensuring quality control; (d) improved and objective
production planning; intranet and Extranet Solutions.
Refer Question III above
Q. 2
State the benefits accruing from ERP. (May 2004) (4 marks)
Refer Question IV above
Question I:
Define cost object and cost driver.
a. Cost Object: It is an item for which cost measurement is required e.g. a product, a job or
a customer.
b. Cost Driver: It is the factor that causes a change in the cost of an activity. Cost Drivers
are classified into:
2. Activity Cost Driver: It is a measure of the frequency and intensity of demand, placed
on activities by cost objects. It is used to assign activity costs to cost objects.
Question II:
What are the steps involved in Activity Based Costing?
Step 2: Relate the Overheads to the Activities using Resources Cost Drivers
1. Overheads will be related to Support and Primary Activities
2. Resources Cost Drivers, i.e. the quantity of resources used by an activity is used for this
3. All costs will be identified under the activities, thus creating Activity Cost Pools/Cost
Step 3: Apportion the costs of Support Activities over the Primary Activities
1. This is very much like reapportionment of service department expenses to production
2. Cost of support activities are spread over to primary activities to collect costs only under
primary activities.
3. The base is the cost driver that is measure of how the support activities are used.
Step 4: Determine the Activity Cost Drivers for each Activity Cost Pool
1. Activity cost drivers used to relate the overheads collected in the cost pools to cost objects
(products) should be determined.
2. This is based on the factor that drives the consumption of the activity, i.e. the answer to
the question: what causes the activity to incur costs?
3. For example in production scheduling, the driver will be number of batches ordered.
Step 5: Calculate Activity Cost Driver Rate = Cost of Activity (Cost Pool) / Activity Cost Driver
1. Activity Cost Driver Rates are computed for each activity, just like overhead absorption
2. The rates will be multiplied by the different amounts of each activity that each
product/other cost object consumes, so as to ascertain its cost.
Question III:
What are different types of activities?
Meaning of Activities: Activities comprise of units of work or tasks. For example, purchase
of materials is an activity consisting a series of tasks like purchase requisition,
advertisement inviting quotations, identification of suppliers, placement of purchase order,
follow-up etc.
Types of Activities: Activities basically fall into four different categories, known as the
manufacturing cost hierarchy. These categories were first identified by Cooper in 1990
and help to determine the type of activity cost driver required. The categories are:
Cost of that activity should be significant / material enough to justify separate treatment.
The activity should be driven / influenced by a single cost driver. For example, material
procurement cost may be driven by the number of purchase orders. However, receiving
and issuing materials is not driven by the same driver and should be separately identified.
Question IV:
Differentiate between Traditional Absorption Costing and ABC.
Question V:
State the need, purpose and benefits of ABC.
1. To link the cost to its causal factor i.e. the Cost Driver
2. To identify costs of activities rather than cost centres
3. To ascertain product costs with greater accuracy by relating overheads to activities
4. To overcome the inherent limitations of traditional absorption costing and use of blanket
overhead rates.
Question VI:
What are the steps involved in the installation of an Activity Based Costing System.
2. Identification of Costs for ABC: Direct costs, like materials and direct labour, are easily
assigned directly to products. Some indirect costs that are product specific (e.g. specific
advertising, dealers commission) may be directly assigned to the product. Hence the
remaining indirect costs form the focus of ABC. Such costs are indirectly assigned to the
cost object (i.e. product) via Cost Pools and Activity Drivers.
4. Activity definition: The list of transactions as identified in the previous stage is analysed.
This ensures aggregation or grouping of common activities and elimination of immaterial
activities. Activities are categorized into Primary Activities and Support Activities. The
resultant costs pools will likely-have-a number of different events or drives, associated
with their incurrence.
5. Activity driver selection: Activity cost drivers used to relate the overheads collected in
the cost pools to cost objects (products) should be determined. This is based on the factor
that drives the consumption of the activity, i.e. the answer to the question; What causes
the activity to incur costs? Generally a single Driver is selected for every activity even
though multiple and inter related activity drivers exist.
6. Costing: A single representative activity driver can be used to assign costs from the
activity pools to the cost objects. Such linking of total Costs to Cost objects is generally
based on the activity cost driver rate.
7. Staff Training: The co-operation of the work force is critical to the successful
implementation of ABC. Staff training should be oriented to create an awareness of the
purpose of ABC. The need for staff co-operation in the concerted team effort for mutual
benefit must be emphasized throughout the training activity.
8. Review and Follow-up: The actual operation of the ABC system should be closely
monitored. Periodic Review and Follow-up action is necessary for successful
implementation of the system.
Question VII:
Define Activity Based Cost Management (ABM).
The use of ABC as a costing tool to manage costs at activity level is known as Activity Based
Cost Management (ABM).
Through various analyses, ABM manages activities rather than resources. It determines what
drives the activities of the organization and how these activities can be improved to
increase the profitability.
ABM is a discipline that focuses on the management of activities as the route to improving the
value received by the customer and the profit achieved by providing this value. This
discipline includes (a) Cost Driver analysis; (b) Activity analysis; and (c) Performance
Question VIII:
What are the stages in Activity Based Cost Management (ABM).
Stages Activity
1.Identification of the activities that have taken place in the
2.organization. Assigning costs to cost pool for each activity.
3.Spreading of support activities across the primary
4.activities. Determining cost driver for each activity.
5. Managing the costs of activities.
Cost Driver analysis identifies the factors that cause activities to be performed in order to
manage activity costs.
Activity Analysis:
It involves identification of the activities of an organization and the activity centres (or activity
cost pools that should be used in an ABC system).
Activity analysis also identifies Value Added (VA) and Non Value Added (NVA) activities.
The number of activity centres is likely to change over time as organizational needs for
activity information evolve.
Performance Analysis:
(a) Performance analysis involves the identification of appropriate measures to report the
performance of activity centres or other organizational units, consistent with each units
goals and objectives.
(b) Performance analysis aims to identify the best ways to measure the performance of
factors that are important to organizations in order to stimulate continuous improvement.
Question IX:
Differentiate between Value Added and Non-value Added activities.
These represent work that is valued by These represent work that is not valued
the external or internal customer. by the external or internal customer.
They improve the quality or function of a NVA activities do not improve the quality
product. Hence, the customers are or function of a product or service but
usually willing to pay for the service. VA they can adversely affect costs and
activities result in Cost and not in prices. NVA activities create waste, result
losses. in delay of some sort, add cost to the
products or services for which the
customer is not willing to pay.
Question X:
State Business applications of ABM.
Cost reduction: ABM helps the organization to identify costs activities and to find
opportunities to streamline or reduce the costs or eliminate the entire activity. It is useful in
identifying and quantifying process waste and providing vehicle for continuous process
improvement through continuous cost reduction.
Activity Based Budgeting: Activity based budgeting analyses the resource input or cost for
each activity. It provides a framework for estimating the amount of resources required in
accordance with the budgeted level of activity. Actual results can be compared with
budgeted results to (both in financial and non-financial terms) those activities with major
discrepancies for potential reduction in supply or resources. It is a planning control
system, which seeks to support the objectives of continuous improvement.
Area Measures
Quality of purchased component Zero defects
Quality of output Percentage yield
Customer Awareness No. of orders; No. of complaints
Question XI:
State the benefits of ABM.
Benefits of ABM:
Cost Reduction: Provision of excellent basis and focus for cost reduction
Question XI:
Differentiate between ABC & ABM.
ABC refers to the technique of determining It refers to the management philosophy that
the costs of activities and the cost of output focuses on the planning, execution and
that those activities produce. measurement of activities as the key to
competitive advantage.
The aim of ABC is to generate improved The ABM is a much broader concept. Its aim
cost data for use in managing a companys is to use information generated by ABC, for
activities. effective business processes and profitability.
Question XII:
ABC is used as decision making tool- Discuss.
TQM: ABC is a complement to total quality management (TQM). It provides quantitative data
that can track the financial impact of improvements implemented as part of the TQM
initiative. It is suggested that ABC is the most important concept introduced since TQM.
Product Profitability Decisions: The expansion of product lines will mean overhead
allocation to all products. Using traditional financial data, overhead burden is distributed
equally across the products. ABC traces the costs back to the activity. The overhead cost
of the new product is correctly reflected. This allows the existing merits while leaving the
new line to justify itself.
Facility and Resource Expansion: Often the basis for relocation or opening of a new
distribution centre is based on cost associations. Reduction in freight or other logistics
costs of the new facility, staff or equipment. When the number used are enterprise based,
the return might not be as expected. The ABC model can identify the specific cost
elements being targeted, providing a much clearer picture from which management can
HR Decision: ABC can augment decision support for human resources. Where activity and
therefore cost, can be associated to an individual, new levels of financial performance can
be determined. Adding or deleting resources slots can be determined based on costs of
activities as well. The added data provided through ABC can present a number of options
including outsourcing, productivity improvements through automation and determination of
employee/revenue ratios.
The need for emergence of ABC:
Traditional product costing systems were designed when companys manufactured narrow
range of products.
Direct material and direct labour were dominant factors of production then.
Companies were in sellers market
Overheads were relatively small and distortions due to inappropriate treatment were not
Cost of processing information was high.
Today companies produce a wide range of products.
Overheads are significant in value. Simple methods of apportioning overheadson direct
labour or machine hours basis is not justified.
Companies are in buyers market.
Non volume related activities like material handling, set up etc. are important and their costs
cannot be apportioned on volume basis.
Cost of processing information is low.
Q. 2
Explain briefly four different categories of activities that drive the expenses at the
product level. (November 2002) (3 marks)
Refer question III
Q. 3
What are the areas in which activity based information is used for decision making?
(November 2000) (4 marks)
The areas in which activity based information is used for decision making are as under:
Market segmentation and distribution channels
Make or Buy decisions and outsourcing
Transfer Pricing
Plant closed down decisions
Evaluation of offshore production
Capital Investment decisions
Product line profitability
Question I: Define TQM. What are the core concepts of TQM?
TQM is defined as a set of concepts and tools for getting all employees focused on continuous
improvement in the eyes of the customer.
(a) Quality Control (QC): It is concerned with the past, and deals with data obtained from
previous production, which allow action to be taken to stop the production of defective
(b) Quality Assurance (QA): It deals with the present, and concerns the putting in place of
system to prevent defects from occurring.
(c) Quality Management (QM): It is concerned with the future, and manages people in the
process of continuous improvement to the products and services offered by the
Question II: What are the steps to be taken in the implementation of TQM?
Stage 2: Identifying customer expectations: Once the major customer groups are identified,
their expectations are listed. The question to be answered is what does the customer expect
from the firm?
Stage 5: Comparison with other organizations and bench marking: Detailed and
systematic internal deliberations allow the firm to develop a clear idea of their own strengths
and weaknesses and of the areas of most significant deficiency. The benchmarking exercise
allows the firm to see how other companies are coping with similar problems and opportunities.
Question III: What is PRAISE analysis? Briefly explain the difficulties experienced at
each stage of PRAISE analysis and suggest remedial action.
PRAISE Analysis
The identification of improvement opportunities and implementation of quality improvement
process (Stages 7 and 8) of the TQM Process is through a six-step activity sequence, identified
by the acronym PRAISE.
Central to the PRAISE system are (a) quality control the search for continuous improvements
in quality and (b) total employee involvement the co-operation and commitment of
employees. This dual approach provides a single focus the customer whose increased
satisfaction remains the primary goal of the procedure.
Question IV: Explain in brief the fundamental requirements for the implementation of
quality improvement process. OR
What are the six Cs for successful implementation of TQM?
Fundamental requirements for the implementation of the TQM process:
1. Commitment: If a TQM culture is to be developed, total commitment must come from top
management. It is not sufficient to delegate quality issues to a single person. Quality
expectations must be made clear by the top management, together with the support and
training required for its achievement.
2. Culture: Training lies at the centre of effecting a change in culture and attitudes. Negative
perceptions must be changed to encourage individual contributions and to make quality
a normal part of everyones job.
5. Customer Focus: The needs of external customers (in receipt of the final product or
service) and also the internal customers (colleagues who receive and supply goods,
services or information), should be the prime.
6. Control: Documentation procedures and awareness of current best practice are essential
if TQM implementations are to function appropriately. Unless control procedures are in
place, improvements cannot be monitored and measured nor deficiencies corrected.
The problems listed for the PRAISE process, may lead to P of TQM process. It is
possible that the organisation is led to Total Quality Paralysis instead of improvement.
To avoid such disruption and paralysis the following principles (called the four Ps) of
TQM should be followed:
(a) People: Some individuals are not ideally suited to the participatory process of TQM .
This will be inferred from lack of enthusiasm, non-attendance at TQM meetings, failure to
complete delegated work, remaining a Mute Spectator at TQM meetings etc. To avoid
misdirection, TQM teams should consist of team spirited individuals who have a flair for
accepting and meeting challenges.
(b) Process: it is essential to approach problem-solving practically and to regard the formal
process as a system designed to prevent participants from jumping to conclusions. As
such it will provide a means to facilitate the generation of alternatives while ensuring that
important discussion stages are not omitted.
(c) Problem: Problems need to be approached in a bite-sized chunks, with teams tackling
solvable problems with a direct economic impact, allowing for immediate feedback
together with recognition of contribution made by individual participants.
(d) Preparation: Additional courses on creative thinking and statistical processes are
needed in order to give participants a greater appreciation of the diversity of the process.
This training must quickly be extended beyond the immediate accounting circle to include
employees at supervisory levels and also who are involved at the data input stage.
Question VI: Explain three-point action plan for Smooth implementation of PRAISE
1. Bite-sized chunks: Big improvement opportunities are generally complex and require
extensive inter departmental co-operation. The choice of a relatively small problem in the
first instance provides a greater chance of success. Therefore, the TQM team has to
proceed from small to big issues gradually.
2. Solvable problem: The problem selected should not be trivial, but it should be one with
a potential impact and a clear improvement opportunity. Measurable progress towards
implementation should be accomplished within a reasonable time in order to maintain the
motivations of participants and advertise the success of the improvement itself.
The fundamental principles of TQM focus on continuous improvement, which enhance the
satisfaction of customer requirements. A properly defined control function is essential for
achievement of TQM objectives.
(a) Process definition: The definition of the process, inputs and outputs gives a framework
for the writing of procedures and standard methods and also provides a focus for
improvement opportunities. The clear definition and documentation of procedures
facilitates job flexibility, makes control easier and increases the level of productivity.
(f) Use of Control reports: Diagrams, Statistical quality control charts and cost of quality
reports are prepared for periodic review of the TQM system in operation. The deviation
from expected costs are analysed for suitable corrective action. The various types of
costs to be reported are (i) Prevention Costs; (ii) Appraisal Costs; (iii) Internal failure
costs; and (iv) External Failure Costs.
1. Prevention Costs: These are incurred in preventing the production of products that do
not conform to specification. They include the costs of preventive maintenance, quality
planning and training and the extra costs of acquiring higher quality.
2. Appraisal Costs: These are incurred to ensure that materials and product meet quality
performance standards. They include the costs of inspecting purchased parts, work in
process and finished goods, quality audits and field test.
3. Internal Failure Costs: These are associated materials and products that fail to meet
quality standards. They include costs incurred before the product is dispatched to the
customer, such as the costs of scrap, repair, downtime and work stoppages caused by
4. External failure Costs: These are incurred when inferior products are delivered to
customers. They include the cost of handling customer complaints, warranty
replacement, repairs of returned products and the costs arising from a damaged
company reputation.
Note: Prevention and appraisal cost are called Costs of Quality Compliance while Internal and
costs are called Costs of Non-compliance.
Principles of TQM
Clear exposition of the benefits of a project
Total Employee Involvement (TEI)
Process measurement
Involvement of all customers and contributors
Elimination of irrelevant data
Understanding the needs of the whole process
Use of graphical and pictorial techniques to achieve understanding
Establishment of performance specifications and targets
Use of errors to prompt continuous improvement
Use of statistics to tell people how well they are doing.
1. Loyalty to the vision of the company through the pursuit of tough, visible goals.
2. Recognition of satisfied customers and motivated employees as the true assets of a
3. Delegation of decision-making to the point of responsibility by eliminating hierarchical
ties of authority to allow direct and speedy response to customer needs.
4. Decentralisation of management to make best use of the creative energy of the
Refer to Q I (only definition part) above
Q. 2
Explain the critical success factors for the implementation of a programme of TQM.
(May 2004)
Critical success factors of TQM:
The focus should be on customer needs
Everyone within the organization should be involved in TQM
The focus should be on continuous improvement
The aim should be to design and produce quality products
Introduce an effective performance measurement system that ensures continuous
improvements from the customers perspective
Existing rewards and performance measurements should be renewed to encourage quality
Appropriate training and education should be given so that everyone is aware of the aims of
Q. 3
Define TQM. What are the six Cs for successful implementation of TQM? (May 2005)
Refer to Q I (only definition part) and Q IV above
Competitive advantage for a company means not just matching or surpassing their
competitors, but discovering what the customers want and then profitably satisfying and even
exceeding their expectations. As barriers to global trade are diminishing, customers can
acquire the best of what they want, at an acceptable price, from anywhere in the world.
A strategic tool to measure the importance of the customers perceived value is value chain
Porters Definition:
Value chain is the series of internal processes or activities a company performs, to design,
produce, market, deliver and support its product. A firms value chain and the way its performs
individual activities are a reflection of its history, its strategy, its approach of implementing its
strategy, and the underlying economics of the activities themselves.
The value chain for any firm is the value creating activities all the way from basic raw material
sources, from component suppliers through to the ultimate end-use product delivered into the
final consumers hands.
Porter classified business activities into (a) Primary or Line activities and (b) Support activities
(a) Primary activities are directly involved in transforming inputs into outputs and delivery
and after sales support to output. They are handled by line functions in an organisation.
They include:
(b) Support activities are activities that support primary activities. They are handled by the
organisations staff functions and include:
Procurement purchasing of raw materials, supplies and other consumable items as well
as assets.
Industry Value Chain refers to the series of activities, which add value to the product
supplied to the industry.
It starts with the value-creating processes of suppliers, who provide the basic raw
materials and components.
It continues with the value creating processes of different classes of buyers or end-use
consumers and culminates in the disposal and recycling of materials.
Question III:
a. To survive and prosper in an industry, a firm must meet two criteria (1) Supply what
customers want to buy, and (2) Survive competition
b. A firms overall Competitive Advantage is derived from the difference between Value
Offered to Customers and Cost of creating that customer value.
c. This Competitive advantage takes two possible forms (1) Differentiation Advantage and
(2) Low-Cost Advantage. A comparative analysis of these forms is given below:
Question IV: Explain, how value chain approach help an organization to assess its
competitive advantage. OR
Explain the steps, which are involved in value chain approach for assessing competitive
Use of VCA to assess competitive advantage
A company can gain competitive advantage not just by matching or surpassing its
competitors, but discovering what the customers want and then profitably satisfying and
even exceeding, customer expectations. This is done by a concept called Value Chain
analysis (VCA).
VCA can be used to better understand which segment, distribution channels, price points,
product differentiation, selling propositions and value chain configurations will yield the
firms the greatest competitive advantage.
The following actions and steps are involved in the above analyses:
Stage Description
1. Internal Cost Analysis:
Identify the firms value creating processes
Determine the portion of the total cost of the product or services
attributable to each value-creating process.
Identify the cost drivers for each process.
Identify the links between processes
Evaluate the opportunities for achieving relative cost advantage.
2. Internal Differentiation Analysis:
Identify the industrys value creating processes
Evaluate differentiation strategies for enhancing customer value
Determine the best sustainable differentiation strategies
3. Vertical Linkage Analysis
Identify the industrys value chain and assign costs, revenues and assets
to value-creating processes.
Diagnose the cost drivers for each value-creating process; and
Evaluate the opportunities for sustainable competitive advantage
Not mutually exclusive Firms begin by focusing on their internal operations and
gradually widening their focus to consider their competitive position within their industry.
2. Determine the portion of total cost of the product/service attributable to each value
creating process:
A full-cost approach provides the best estimate of life-cycle costs for evaluating the
strategic cost advantage of a firms value-creating process.
For estimating the full cost of each value-creating activity, full utilization of the capacity of
the activity or its practical capacity is normally used. Facility managers and equipment
vendors are useful sources of capacity estimates. When cost vary dramatically,
companies should seek more information for a more realistic long-term estimate of
Activities within a value chain are interdependent and hence firms must identify value
chain linkages among interdependent activities that may impact their total cost.
Cost improvement programs in one value chain process may lower or increase costs
and/or revenues in other processes. Transfer of goods and services from one value
chain process to another increases cost. Eliminating these transfer or costs has an
impact on overall costs in the subsequent chain.
Such linkage offer sustainable competitive advantage, because of their subtle, complex
and inimitable nature.
Using the value chain approach, a company goes beyond simple across-the-board cuts
and attempts to lower cost and improve efficiency within each value-creating process.
For instance a company might negotiate lower costs of process inputs such as wages or
purchases, or evaluate make-or-buy options.
Reducing process input costs may consist of measures such as negotiating lower wages,
moving production to countries with cheaper labour costs, entering into long term
contracts with suppliers at reduced prices, etc. Companies also use buyer-seller
partnerships to gain advantages in cost quality, flexibility, delivery and, technology.
Using Pareto Analysis company should prioritize its value-creating processes since 20%
of value creating processes often account for 80% of total costs.
To pursue a superior differentiation strategy, a firms processes must enhance the value of its
customers. Therefore, a firm should carefully study the value-creating processes of its
This involves identification of the value-creating processes that distinguishes a firms products
or services from those of its competitors. This can be achieved in the following areas:
(c) Service and Support tailored to meet end-user and channel member (sophistication
and urgency or need).
(d) Brand / lineage Positioning that lends greater appeal to the companys products on
critical selection criteria.
(e) Price: including both net purchase price and cost savings available to the customer
through the financial services market.
The more unique a firms resources and skills, the more sustainable is its differentiation
advantage over competitors.
Vertical linkage analysis is a much broader application of internal cost and differentiation
analysis that includes all upstream and downstream value-creating processes throughout the
industry. It considers all links from the source of raw materials to the disposal and/or recycling
of the product. It involves the following steps:
1. Identify the industrys value chain and assign costs, revenues and assets to value
creating processes.
The firm should identify the vertical linkages in the industry value chain, for example, the
petroleum industry consist of numerous value creating processes or activities, including
exploration, production, refining, marketing and distribution, which define the value chain
for this industry.
One firm may participate in all parts of this value chain; another firm may participate in
only a few.
The information systems to identify and analyse these subtle relationship should be
Costs, Revenues and Assets of each value-creating process may be determined based
on relevant cost approach, use of market prices, transfer prices, current replacement
cost of assets, etc.
Question V:
Explain briefly the strategic framework required for value chain analysis.
Recent concepts from strategists and organization experts lead to three strategic frameworks
for VCA.
Just as powerful buyers can squeeze profits by putting downward pressure on prices,
suppliers squeeze profits by increasing input costs.
The same factors that determine the power of buyers also determine the power of suppliers.
The bargaining power of suppliers and buyers relative to the firm depends on the relationships
between their value chains.
Identifying the specific activities involved and the nature of their strengths and relationships
can give important insights into the power balance between the buyer and seller, and how
it may be altered for, the firms benefit.
Profit potential is determined by the maximum price that customers are willing to pay, which in
turn depends on the availability of substitutes.
Products with few substitutes command higher prices than products with many close
substitutes since customer will prefer switching in the latter case.
A thorough understanding of the value chains of buyers as they relate to the firms product can
help in assessing (and combating) the threat of substitution.
When an industry is earning a return on invested capital above the cost of capital, that
industry will act as a magnet to firms outside the industry.
Unless the entry of new firms is barred, the rate of profit must fall to the competitive level.
Even the mere threat of entry may be sufficient to ensure that established firms constrain
their prices to the competitive level.
e) Intensity of competition:
Core competencies are created by superior integration of technological, physical and human
resources,. They represent distinctive skills as well as intangible, invisible, intellectual assets
and cultural capabilities. Cultural capabilities refer to the ability to manage change, the ability to
learn and team working. Organisations should be viewed as a bundle of a few core
competencies, each supported by several individual skills.
Core competence based diversification reduces risk and investment and increases the
opportunities for transferring learning and best practice across business units.
Applying the VCA approach to core competencies for competitive advantage includes the
following steps:
Use core competencies to reconfigure the value chains of existing businesses: While
firms may manage their existing value chains better than their competitors, sophisticated
firms work harder on using their core competencies to reconfigure the value chain to
improve payoffs. Otherwise competitors may, exploit opportunities.
Use core competencies to create new value chains: With strong core competencies in its
existing businesses, an organization can seek new customers by developing new value
Using the value chain approach for segmentation analysis, Grant recommended five steps:
4. Identify key success factors for each segment: Quality, delivery, customer
satisfaction market share, profitability and return on investment are common measures of
corporate success. In this regard, each segment must be assessed using the most
appropriate key success factors. Cost and differentiation advantages should be
highlighted by these measures. Examination of differences among segments in buyers
purchase criteria reveal clear differences in key success factors.
5. Analyse attractiveness of broad versus narrow segment scope: The competitive
advantage of each segment may be identified in terms of low cost and/or differentiation.
Sharing costs across different market segments may provide a competitive advantage.
Taxing a narrow segment focus may leave a firm vulnerable to competitors. A segment
justifying a unique strategy may be of worthwhile size to support a business strategy.
Question VI:
What are the limitations of Value Chain Analysis?
Non-availability of data: Internal data on costs, revenues and assets used for value chain
analysis are derived from financial information of a single period. For long-term strategic
decision-making, changes in cost structures, market prices and capital investments etc.
may not be readily available.
Ascertainment of cost, revenues and assets: Finding the costs revenues and assets for
each value chain activity poses/gives rise to serious difficulties. There is no scientific
approach and much depends upon trial and error and experimentation methods.
Identification of cost drivers: Isolating cost drivers for each value-creating activity,
identifying value chain linkages across activities, and computing supplier and customer
profit margins present serious challenges.
Resistance from employees: Value chain analysis is not easily understandable to all
employees and hence may face resistance from employees as well as managers.
Science Vs. Art: Value chain analysis is not an exact science. It is more art than preparing
precise accounting reports. Certain judgments and factors of analysis are purely
subjective and differ from person to person.
Question VII:
Describe the role of Management Accountant in Value chain analysis.
Management Accountants should recognize that the traditional, functional, internally oriented
information system is inadequate for the firm engaged in global competition. In order to
facilitate Value chain analysis, there should be a change in focus for management accounting.
The Management Accountants role will be significant in the following areas:
1. Need for education, training and awareness: Management Accountants should bring
the importance of customer value to the forefront of management strategic thinking. They
should take the initiate to bring the value chain message to major players in the firm
through seminars, articles, value chain examples and company-specific applications.
2. Exploring for information: VCA requires expertise in internal operators and information
and also demands a great deal of external information. Management accountants must
seek relevant financial and non-financial information from sources outside the
3. Creativity: Management accountants must integrate databases and potential sources of
timely information on competitive forces confronting the business. This calls for
innovation and creativity in gathering and analyzing information for management
5. Cooperation: Management accountants should solicit support from all senior mangers
for allocating resources to develop and improve value chain-oriented information
systems. The management accountant should ensure that the top management is
committed to value chain analysis and the organizational changes necessary for its
successful implementation.
Question VIII:
Differentiate between traditional management accounting & value chain analysis.
Refer to Question IV above. (Since the question was for three marks, students should write
only points a to c)
Q. 2
Compare Value Chain analysis from Traditional Management Accounting (November 2003)
(Marks 4)
Refer to Question VIII above. (Since the question was for four marks, students are expected to
write about 5 6 points only)
Q. 3
What steps are involved in value chain analysis approach for assessing competitive
advantages? (May 2005) (Marks 4)
Same as Q. 1 above
Question I:
Define the term budget.
Budget is a financial and/or quantitative statement, prepared and approved prior to a defined
period of time of the policy to be pursued during that period for the purpose of attaining a given
objective. It may include income, expenditure and employment of capital.
(a) Financial and/or Quantitative statement
(b) Futuristic prepared and approved prior to a defined period of time
(c) Goal Oriented for the purpose of attaining a given objective
(d) Components income, expenditure and employment of capital
Question II:
Discuss the objectives of introducing a budgetary control system in an organization.
Question III:
Define the term budgetary control.
Budgetary Control:
Salient features:
(a) Objectives: Determining the objectives to be achieved, over the budget period, and the
policy or policies that might be adopted for the achievement of these ends.
(b) Activities: Determining the variety of activities that should be undertaken for the
achievement of the objectives.
(c) Plans: Drawing up a plan or a scheme of operation in respect of each class of activity in
physical as well as monetary terms for the full budget period and its parts.
(d) Performance evaluation: Laying out a system of comparison of actual performance by
each person, section or department with the relevant budget arid determination of
causes for the discrepancies, if any.
(e) Control Action: Ensuring that corrective action will be taken where the plan is not being
achieved and, if that be not possible, for the revision of the plan.
Question IV:
Define the objectives of budgetary control.
(a) Definition of Goals: Portraying with precision, the overall aims of the business and
determining targets of performance for each section or department of the business.
(b) Defining responsibilities: Laying down the responsibilities of each of the executives
and other personnel so that everyone knows what is expected of him and how he will be
(c) Basis for performance evaluation: Providing basis for the comparison of actual
performance with the predetermined targets and investigation of deviation, if any, of
actual performance and expenses from the budgeted figures. It helps to take timely
corrective measures.
(d) Optimum use of resources: Ensuring the best use of all available resources to
maximize profit or production, subject to the limiting factors.
Coordination: Co-ordinating the various activities of the business and centralizing control, but
also facility for management to decentralise responsibility arid delegate authority.
Basis for policy: Providing a basis for revision of current and future policies.
Question V:
Briefly describe the Role of a Budget Officer.
The Budget Committee would be composed of all functional heads and a member from
the Board to preside over and guide the deliberations.
The Budget Committee acts through the Budget Officer whose responsibilities include:
(a) Functional Budget preparation: To assist in the preparation of the various budgets by
coordinating the work of the accounts department which normally compiles the budgets,
with the relevant functional departments like Sales, Production, Plant maintenance etc.
(b) Communication to Responsible Centres: To forward the budget to the individuals who
are responsible to adhere to them and to guide them in overcoming any practical
difficulties in its working.
(c) Coordination: To prepare the periodical budget reports for circulation to the individuals
concerned, coordinating with them in the formulation of budgets for subsequent periods.
(d) Follow-up: To determine the follow-up action to be taken on the budget reports.
(e) Budget Committee Review: To prepare an overall budget working report for discussion
at the Budget Committee meetings and to ensure follow-up on the lines of action
suggested by the Committee.
(f) Board Review: To prepare periodical reports for the Board meeting, comparing the
budgeted Profit and Loss Account and the Balance Sheet will the actual results.
Question VI:
What are the advantages and limitations of Budgetary Control System?
Cost Control: It is powerful instrument used by business houses for the control of their
expenditure. It inculcates the feeling of cost consciousness among workers.
Standard Costing and Variance analysis: It creates suitable conditions for the
implementation of standard costing system in a business organization. It reveals the
deviations to management from the budgeted figures after making a comparison with
actual figures.
Policy formulation: It helps in the review of current trends and framing of future policies.
Estimates: Budgets may or may not be true, as they are based on estimates. The
assumptions about future events may or may not actually happen.
Rigidity: Budgets are considered as rigid document. Too much emphasis on budgets may
affect day-to-day operations and ignores the dynamic state of organization functioning.
False Sense of Security: Mere budgeting cannot lead to profitability. Budgets cannot be
executed automatically. It may create a false sense of security that everything has been
taken care of in the budgets.
Lack of coordination: Staff co-operation is usually not available during budgetary control
Time and Cost: The introduction and implementation of the system may be expensive.
Question VII:
Define Flexible Budget. What is the need for Flexible Budget? Explain the situations in
which Flexible Budget may be used.
Flexible Budget:
Meaning: It is a budget, which is designed to change in relation to level of activity by
recognizing the difference between fixed, semi-variable and variable costs.
Need: The need for preparation of flexible budgets arises in the following circumstances
Seasonal fluctuations in sales and/or production, for example in soft drinks industry.
Introduction of new products, product design and versions on a frequent basis.
Industries engaged in make-to-order business like shipbuilding;
An industry which is influenced by changes in fashion; and
General change in sales
Flexible budgeting may be resorted to in the following situations:
New Business: In the case of new business venture due to its typical nature it may be
difficult to forecast the demand of a product accurately.
Uncertain Environment: Where the business is dependent upon the mercy of nature
e.g. a person dealing in wool trade may have enough market if temperature goes below
the freezing point.
Factor market conditions: In the case of labour intensive industry where the
production of the concern is dependent upon the availability of labour.
Question VIII:
What are the steps involved in the preparation of budgets?
Definition of Objectives: Objectives should be defined precisely. They should be written out;
areas of control de-marketed and items of revenue and expenditure to be covered by the
budget stated. This will give a clear understanding of the plan and its scope to all those
who must cooperate to make it a success.
Identification of key (or budget) factor: A key factor represents source whose availability is
less than its requirement. Such resource constraints put a limit on the organization
objective of maximum profitability. Some examples are lack of sales demand, rationing of
raw material, labour shortage, plant capacity etc. For proper budgeting, the key factor
must be located and estimated properly.
Budget Committee and Controller: Formulation of a budget usually requires whole time
services of a senior executive; he must be assisted in this work by a Budget Committee,
consisting of all the heads of department along with the Managing Director as the
Chairman. The Controller is responsible for coordination and development of budget
programmes and preparing the Budget Manual .
Budget Manual: The Budget manual is a schedule, document or booklet, which shows in a
written form, the budgeting organization and procedure. The manual should be well
written and indexed so that a copy thereof may be given to each department head for
Budget period: The period covered by a budget is known as budget period. Normally a
calendar year or a period coterminous with the financial year is adopted as the Budget
Period. It is then sub-divided into shorter periods it may be months or quarters or such
period as coincide with period of trading activity.
Standard of activity or output: The standards of activity levels for future period should be
laid down. These are generally based on past statistics, known market changes and
current conditions and forecast of future situations. In a progressive business, the
achievement of a year must exceed those of earlier years. In budgeting, fixing the budget
of sales and capital expenditure are most important since these budgets determine the
extent of development activity.
Question IX:
What is Zero Base Budgeting?
Meaning: It is an expenditure control device where each divisional head has to justify the
requirement of funds for each head of expenditure and prepare the budget accordingly, without
reference to the past budget or achievements.
It is an operating planning and budgeting process, which requires each manager to justify his
entire budget requests in detail from scratch (hence zero-base).
Wholistic: The technique deals practically with all the elements of budget proposals.
Analytical: A critical evaluation of all the ongoing activities is also done afresh together with
new proposals. Each manager has to justify whey he should spend any money at all.
Priority Based: This approach requires that all activities be identified as decision on
packages, which would be evaluated by systematic analysis and ranked in order of
Review Based: an organisation should not only make decisions about the proposed new-
programmes but it should also from time to time, review the utility and appropriateness
of the existing programmes.
Rational: It allows for budget reductions and expansions in a rational manner and allows re-
allocation of resources from low to high priority programme.
Question X:
Explain the Steps in Zero Base Budgeting.
Coverage: Deciding about the extent to which the technique of ZBB is to be applied, whether
in all areas of organisations activities or only in a few selected areas on trial basis.
Decision Areas :Identify those areas where decisions are required to be taken. Ranking:
Question XI:
What are the advantages and limitations of ZBB?
Advantages of ZBB:
The advantages of zero-base budgeting are as follows.
Priority allocation: It provides a systematic approach for the evaluation of different activities
and ranks them in order of preference for the allocation of scarce resource.
Maximum Efficiency: It ensures that the various functions undertaken by the organization
are critical for the achievement of its objectives and are being performed in the best
possible way.
Cost Benefit Analysis: It provides an opportunity to the management to allocate resource for
various cost benefit analysis. The chances of arbitrary cuts and enhancement are thus
Goal Congruence: Department budgets are closely linked with corporate objectives.
Management by Objectives: The technique can also be used for the introduction and
implementation of the system of management by objective Thus it cannot only be used
for fulfillment of the objectives of traditional budgeting but it can also be used for a variety
of other purposes.
Limitations of ZBB:
Lack of trained staff: It needs properly trained managerial personnel to do the required job.
Question XII:
Explain Performance Budgeting. What are its features and advantages? OR What are its
Performance Budgeting:
It is the process of analysing, identifying, simplifying and crystallizing specific performance
objectives, of a job to be achieved over a period, within the framework of organizational
objectives, the purposes and objectives of the job.
The technique is characterised by its specific direction towards the business objectives of the
Performance Reports:
B. Sales Management
Actual sales compared with budgeted sales to measure performance by (a) products; (b)
territories; (c) individual salesmen; and (d) customers.
Standard profit and loss, product-wise (a) for fixing selling prices and (b) to concentrate on
sales of most profitable products.
Selling expenses in relation to budget and sales value analysed by (a) products; (b)
territories; (c) individual salesmen; and (d) customers
Bad debts and accounts, which are slow and difficult in collection.
Status reports on new or doubtful customers.
C. Production management
To Buyer: Price variations on purchases analysed by commodities.
To Foreman
To Works Manager
Special Reports: These are prepared at the request of general management or at the
initiative of the management accountant. Some examples are :
Question XIII:
What is balanced score card? What are its advantages?
(b) Overall Agenda: It brings together in a single management report many of the seemingly
desperate elements like customer oriented, shortening response time, improving quality
etc. of competitive agenda.
(c) Objectivity: It emphasizes the need to provide the user with a set of information, which
addresses all relevant areas of performance in an objective and unbiased manner.
(e) Feedback and Learning: It provides strategic feedback and learning. The Balanced
Score Card guards against subordination. It emphasizes an integrated combination of
traditional and non-traditional performance measures.
(f) System Approach: It help senior manages to consider all important performance
measure together and allows them to see whether an improvement in one area has been
achieved at the expense of another.
Question XIV:
Explain briefly the major components of a balanced score card.
The specific objectives and measures of an organisations balanced score card are derived
from the firms vision and strategy.
Generally, the balanced score card has the following perspectives from which a companys
activity can be evaluated.
Customer perspective i.e how customers see us? In order to translate effective internal
processes into organization success, customers/clients must be happy with the service
they receive. The Customer perspective considers the business through the eyes of the
customers, measuring and reflecting upon customer satisfaction.
Internal perspective i.e. in what must the organization excel? The internal perspective
focuses attention on the performance of the key internal processes, which drive the
business. The nature of the processes is dependent on the nature of the organization.
Innovation and learning perspective, i.e Can we continue to improve and create value?
The value & Growth perspective is a measure of potential future performance it direct
attention to the basis of all future success the organization people and infrastructure.
Adequate investment in these areas is critical to all long-term success.
Question XV:
What are the stages involved in the creation of a balanced score card. Explain them
Step Description
1 Identify the vision i.e. where an organization is going. For example, the vision of a
company may be to dominate the market.
2. Identify the organisations strategies i.e. how an organization is planning to go
there. For example, strategy may be to focus on cost efficiency, high quality and
fresh investment in new technology.
3. Define critical success factors and perspective i.e. what we have to do well in
each perspective (see Note Below for illustration of perspectives and performance
4. Identify measures, which will ensure that every thing is going in the expected way.
5. Evaluation of Balanced score card i.e. ensuring what we are measuring is right.
6. Create action plans and plan reporting of the Balanced Score Card.
7. Followup and manage i.e. which person should have reports and how reports
should look like
A. Customer Perspective
Goals Performance
Price Competitive price
Delivery Number of on time delivery, lead time from receipt of order to delivery to
Quality Own quality relative to industry standards, number of defects or defect
Support Response time, customer satisfaction surveys
Goals Performance
Efficiency of manufacturing Manufacturing cycle time
Sales penetration Annual sales vs. Plan sales, increase in number of
customers in a unit of time.
New Product introduction Rate of new product introduction/quarter
Goals Performance
Technology leadership Product performance compared to competitors,
number of new products with patented technology.
Cost leadership Manufacturing overheads per quarter as a
percentage of sales rate of decrease in cost of
quality per quarter
Market leadership Market share in all major markets
Research and development Number of new products, numbers of patents
D. Financial Perspective
Goals Performance
Sales Revenue and profit growth
Cost of sales Extent to which it remained fixed or decreased each year
Profitability Return on capital employed
Prosperity Cash flow
Question XVI:
What do you understand by benchmarking?
Bench Marking:
Benchmarking is the process of identifying and learning from the best practices anywhere
in the world.
It is powerful tool for continuous improvement in performance.
It involves comparing firms products, services or activities against other best performing
organization, either internal or external to the firm. The objective is to find out how the
product, service or activity can be improved and ensure that the improvements are
It attempts to identify an activity that needs to be improved and finding a non-rival
organization that is considered to represent world-class best practice and studying how it
performs the activity.
Question XVII:
Explain briefly the Different types of Bench marking.
(1) Competitive Bench marking: It involves the comparison of ones own products,
processes and business results with that of competitors. Bench marking partners are
drawn from the same industry. To protect confidentiality it is common for the companies
to undertake this type of benchmarking through associations of third parties.
(5) Functional benchmarking: This is used when organizations look to benchmark with
partners drawn from different business sectors or areas of activity to find ways of
improving similar functions or work processes. This sort of benchmarking can lead to
innovation and dramatic improvements.
(6) Internal Benchmarking: It involves seeking partners from with the same organization,
for example from business units located in different areas. The main advantages are (a)
Easy access to sensitive data and information (b) Availability of standardized data; and
(c) Lesser requirement of time and resources. However, real innovation may be lacking.
(7) External Benchmarking: It involves seeking help of outside organization that are know
to be best in class. It provides opportunities of learning from those who are at leading
edge. However, this type of benchmarking may take up more time and resource to ensure
the comparability of data and information. The credibility of the findings and the
development of sound recommendation.
a. Intra-Group Benchmarking: Here the groups of companies in the same industry agree
that similar units within the cooperating companies will pool data on their process. The
processes are benchmarked against each other at or near operation level. Improvement
Task forces are established to identify and transfer best practice to all members of the
Question XVIII:
Explain the Stages involved in the process of Benchmarking.
Stage 1: Planning
(a) Determination of benchmarking goal statement: This requires identification of areas to be
benchmarked, which uses the following criteria:
Benchmark for Customer Satisfaction Benchmark for improving Bottom line
Consistency of product or service Waste and reject levels
Process cycle time Inventory levels
Delivery performance Work-in-Progress
Responsiveness to customer Cost of sales
requirements Sales per employee
Adaptability to special needs
(b) Identification of best performance: The next step is seeking the best. To arrive at the
best is both expensive and time consuming , so it is better to identify a company, which
has recorded performance success in a similar area.
(d) Defining the relevant benchmarking measures: Relevant measures will not include the
measures used by the organization today but they will be refined into measures that
comprehend the true performance differences. Developing good measurement is key to
successful benchmarking.
Stage 2: Collection of data and information: This involves the following steps
Compile information and data on performance. They may include mapping processes.
Select and contact partners
Develop a mutual understanding about the procedures to be followed and, if necessary,
Benchmarking Protocol with partners.
Prepare questions
Distribute schedule of questions to each partner
Undertake information avid data collection by chose method for example, interview, site-
visits, telephone, fax and e-mail.
Collect the findings to enable analysis.
Stage 4: Recommendations:
1. Making recommendations:
Deciding the feasibility of making the improvements in the light of the conditions that apply
within own organization.
Agreement on the improvements that are likely to be feasible
Producing a report on the Benchmarking in which the recommendations are included.
Obtaining the support of key stakeholder groups for making the changes needed.
Developing action plans for implementation.
2. Implementing recommendations:
(a) Implement the action plans
(b) Monitor performance
(c) Reward and communicate successes
(d) Keep key stakeholders informed of progress.
Question XIX:
What are the Pre-requisites for successful benchmarking?
2. Clarity of Objectives: The objectives should be clearly defined at the preliminary stage.
Benchmarking teams have a clear picture of their organisations performance before
approaching others for comparisons.
3. Appropriate Scope: The scope of the work should be appropriate in the light of the
objectives resources, time available and the experience level of those involved.
5. Skills: Benchmarking teams should have the right skills and competencies.
Question XX:
Discuss briefly the difficulties in the implementation of Benchmarking.
3. Resistance from employees: It is likely that there may be resistance from employees.
4. Paper Goals: Companies can become preoccupied with the measure. The goal becomes
not to improve process but to match the best practices at any cost.
Question XXI:
What are benchmarking code of conduct?
To contribute to efficient, effective, and ethical benchmarking, individuals agree for themselves
and their organization to abide by the following principles for benchmarking with other
(a) Principle of Legality: Avoid discussion or actions that might lead to or imply an interest
in restraint of trade; market or customer allocation schemes, price fixing dealing
arrangements bid rigging, bribery or misappropriation. Do not discuss costs with
competitors if costs are an element of pricing.
(b) Principles of Exchange: Be willing to provide the same level of information that you
request in any benchmarking exchange.
(d) Principle of Use: Use information obtained through benchmarking partnering only for the
purpose of improvement of operations with the partnering companies themselves.
External use or communications of a benchmarking partners name with their data of
observed practices requires permission of that partner. Do not, as a consultant of client,
extend one companys benchmarking study findings to another without the first
companys permission.
(e) Principle of first part Contact: Initiate contacts, whenever possible, though a
benchmarking contact designated by the partner company. Obtain mutual agreement with
the contact on any hand off of communication or responsibility to other parties.
(f) Principle of Third Party Contact: Obtain an individuals permission before providing
their name in response to a contact request.
Question XXII:
Explain Optimised Production Technology (OPT) and Throughout Accounting (TA).
OPT is based on the principle that profits are expanded by increasing the throughout of the
plant i.e. rate at which raw materials are turned into sales.
The OPT approach determines whatever prevents throughout being higher by distinguishing
between bottleneck and non-bottleneck resources.
This approach advocates that bottleneck resources/activities should be fully utilized while non-
bottleneck resources/activities should not be utilized to 100% of their capacity since it would
result in increase in inventory.
The most widely recognized management accounting system developed for this purpose is
known as Throughout Accounting (TA).
Question XXIII:
Explain the concept and aim of Theory of Constraints.
This requires examination of the bottlenecks and constraints, which are defined as under:
Bottleneck: It is an activity within the organization where the demand for that resource is
more than its capacity to supply.
Throughput is thus related directly to the ability to cope with the constraint and to manage the
bottleneck. This focus on throughput forced management to examine both the constraints and
the bottleneck in order to increase throughput.
Operation of TOC:
The main aim of TOC is to increase throughput contribution. This can be done by techniques
such as
Objective: Maximise Throughput Contribution (i.e. Sales revenue Loss Direct materials)
Constraints: subject to
Production capacity (supply constraints)
Sales demand (demand constraints)
Question XXIV:
What are the key measures of Theory of Constraints?
Throughput contribution: It is the rate at which the system generates profits through sales.
It is defined as Sales revenues less completely variable costs. Labour costs tend to be
partially fixed are excluded. Direct material costs includes purchased components and
material handling costs.
Investments (Inventory): it is equal to the sum of material costs of direct materials inventory,
work-in-progress and finished goods inventory; R&D Costs and the costs of equipment
and buildings.
Other operating costs: It is equal to all costs (other than direct materials) incurred to earn
throughput contribution. Other operating costs includes salaries and wages, rent utilities
and depreciation.
Question XXV:
Explain briefly the steps involved in managing bottleneck resources.
TOC describes the process of identifying and taking steps to remove the bottlenecks that
restrict output. It considers short-run time horizons and assumes other current operating
costing to be fixed costs. They key steps in managing bottleneck resources are :
2. Describe how to exploit the bottleneck: Only the bottleneck can restrict or enhance the
flow of products. It is therefore essential to ensure that the bottleneck activity is fully
utilized. Decision regarding the optimum-mix of products to be produced by the bottleneck
activity must be made.
3. Subordinate decision: This step requires that the optimum production of bottleneck
activity should determine the production schedule of the non-bottleneck activities.
1. Parts that require processing at a bottleneck machine must wait in line until the
bottleneck machine is free.
2. Parts made on non-bottleneck machines must wait until parts coming off the bottleneck
machines arrive.
Hence the workers of non-bottleneck machines should not be motivated to improve their
productivity if the additional output cannot be processed by bottleneck machine.
Producing more non-bottleneck output results in increase in WIP inventories and no
increase in sales volume. So the preferred course of action is that bottleneck machines
should setup pace for non-bottleneck machine.
Remove (that is elevate) the bottleneck e.g. replacing a bottleneck machine with a faster one.
If the bottleneck activity has been replaced by a new bottleneck activity it is necessary to
return to step1 and repeat the process.
Increase bottleneck efficiency and capacity. This might involve providing additional training for
a slow worker or changing the design of the product to reduce the processing time
required by a bottleneck activity.
Refer page 119
Q. 2
What are benchmarking code of conduct? (November 2004 (3 marks)
(As the question was for only 3 marks only following needs to be written.)
Bench Marking:
Benchmarking is the process of identifying and learning from the best practices anywhere
in the world.
It is powerful tool for continuous improvement in performance.
It involves comparing firms products, services or activities against other best performing
organization, either internal or external to the firm. The objective is to find out how the
product, service or activity can be improved and ensure that the improvements are
It attempts to identify an activity that needs to be improved and finding a non-rival
organization that is considered to represent world-class best practice and studying how it
performs the activity.
Q. 4
What do you mean by benchmarking? What are the pre-requisites for benchmarking?
(November 2003) (5 marks)
Q. 5
State the main types of information which will be required by a manager to implement the
balanced score card approach to performance measurement. (May 2003) (4 marks)
Q. 6
State, how is zero base budgeting superior to traditional budgeting? (November 2002) (4
Write Advantages of ZBB.