Fast-Forwarding To A Future of On-Demand Urban Air Transportation

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Fast-Forwarding to a
Future of On-Demand
Urban Air Transportation
October 27, 2016
Imagine traveling from San Franciscos Marina to work in downtown San Josea drive that
would normally occupy the better part of two hoursin only 15 minutes. What if you could
save nearly four hours round-trip between So Paulos city center and the suburbs in
Campinas? Or imagine reducing your 90-plus minute stop-and-go commute from Gurgaon to
your office in central New Delhi to a mere six minutes.

Every day, millions of hours are wasted on the road worldwide. Last year, the average San
Francisco resident spent 230 hours commuting between work and home thats half a million
hours of productivity lost every single day. In Los Angeles and Sydney, residents spend seven
whole working weeks each year commuting, two of which are wasted unproductively stuck in
gridlock . In many global megacities, the problem is more severe: the average commute in
Mumbai exceeds a staggering 90 minutes. For all of us, thats less time with family, less time
at work growing our economies, more money spent on fueland a marked increase in our
stress levels: a study in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine, for example, found
that those who commute more than 10 miles were at increased odds of elevated blood
pressure .

On-demand aviation, has the potential to radically improve urban mobility, giving people back
time lost in their daily commutes. Uber is close to the commute pain that citizens in cities
around the world feel. We view helping to solve this problem as core to our mission and our
commitment to our rider base. Just as skyscrapers allowed cities to use limited land more
efficiently, urban air transportation will use three-dimensional airspace to alleviate
transportation congestion on the ground. A network of small, electric aircraft that take off and
land vertically (called VTOL aircraft for Vertical Take-off and Landing, and pronounced vee-tol),
will enable rapid, reliable transportation between suburbs and cities and, ultimately, within

The development of infrastructure to support an urban VTOL network will likely have
significant cost advantages over heavy-infrastructure approaches such as roads, rail, bridges
and tunnels. It has been proposed that the repurposed tops of parking garages, existing
helipads, and even unused land surrounding highway interchanges could form the basis of an
extensive, distributed network of vertiports (VTOL hubs with multiple takeoff and landing
pads, as well as charging infrastructure) or single-aircraft vertistops (a single VTOL pad with
minimal infrastructure). As costs for traditional infrastructure options continue to increase ,
the lower cost and increased flexibility provided by these new approaches may provide
compelling options for cities and states around the world.

Furthermore, VTOLs do not need to follow fixed routes. Trains, buses, and cars all funnel
people from A to B along a limited number of dedicated routes, exposing travelers to serious
delays in the event of a single interruption. VTOLs, by contrast, can travel toward their
destination independently of any specific path, making route-based congestion less prevalent.

Average one-way commute time of 27.6 minutes in SF zip code 94109, 33.0 in LA zip code 90017
(, 35 in Sydney
( 50 work weeks per year
Time only stuck in traffic congestion (, does not include all in-car time
Times of India
Cooper Center Longitudinal Study, 2012.
For example, the UKs proposed High Speed 2 railway would cost taxpayers 27B ($33B) over nine years for a single
straight-line route between London and Birminghamthats nearly $280M/mile, a projection that continues to increase.
See This is just one example project; our point is that new technology
can create options for transportation infrastructure that are far lower cost.
Recently, technology advances have made it practical to build this new class of VTOL aircraft.
Over a dozen companies, with as many different design approaches, are passionately working
to make VTOLs a reality. The closest equivalent technology in use today is the helicopter, but
helicopters are too noisy, inefficient, polluting, and expensive for mass-scale use. VTOL aircraft
will make use of electric propulsion so they have zero operational emissions and will likely be
quiet enough to operate in cities without disturbing the neighbors. At flying altitude, noise
from advanced electric vehicles will be barely audible. Even during take-off and landing, the
noise will be comparable to existing background noise. These VTOL designs will also be
markedly safer than todays helicopters because VTOLs will not need to be dependent on any
single part to stay airborne and will ultimately use autonomy technology to significantly
reduce operator error.

We expect that daily long-distance commutes in heavily congested urban and suburban areas
and routes under-served by existing infrastructure will be the first use cases for urban VTOLs.
This is due to two factors. First, the amount of time and money saved increases with the trip
length, so VTOLs will have greatest appeal for those traveling longer distances and durations.
Second, even though building a high density of landing site infrastructure in urban cores (e.g.
on rooftops and parking structures) will take some time, a small number of vertiports could
absorb a large share of demand from long-distance commuters since the last mile ground
transportation component will be small relative to the much longer commute distance.

We also believe that in the long-term, VTOLs will be an affordable form of daily transportation
for the masses, even less expensive than owning a car. Normally, people think of flying as an
expensive and infrequent form of travel, but that is largely due to the low production volume
manufacturing of todays aircraft . Even though small aircraft and helicopters are of similar
size, weight, and complexity to a car, they cost about 20 times more .

Ultimately, if VTOLs can serve the on-demand urban transit case wellquiet, fast, clean,
efficient, and safethere is a path to high production volume manufacturing (at least
thousands of a specific model type built per year) which will enable VTOLs to achieve a
dramatically lower per-vehicle cost. The economics of manufacturing VTOLs will become more
akin to automobiles than aircraft. Initially, of course, VTOL vehicles are likely to be very
expensive, but because the ridesharing model amortizes the vehicle cost efficiently over paid
trips, the high cost should not end up being prohibitive to getting started. And once the

Operational emissions refers to the emissions from the vehicle during operation, which is only a portion of the full
life-cycle emissions. There is great value in achieving zero operational emissions: see the Vehicle: Emissions section
for a deeper discussion on this topic.
High-volume production of aircraft was was achieved during World War II and for a few years afterward. Also during
the 1970s General Aviation sales reached ~20,000 units/year, but since the early 1980s have experienced sales of
only a few thousand units per year.
Not only are aircraft and helicopters dramatically more expensive than cars, but also the components going into the
vehicles. The 430-horsepower Corvette LS3 6.2 liter crate complete engine has a MSRP of $7911 from GM
( yet is far more complex than an aircraft engine, such
as the Continental IO-550C 300 hp engine which has a MSRP of $46,585
( ). See the Economics section for more details
ridesharing service commences, a positive feedback loop should ensue that ultimately reduces
costs and thus prices for all users, i.e. as the total number of users increases, the utilization of
the aircraft increases. Logically, this continues with the pooling of trips to achieve higher load
factors, and the lower price feeds back to drive more demand. This increases the volume of
aircraft required, which in turn drives manufacturing costs down. Except for the manufacturing
learning curve improvements (which arent relevant to ridesharing being applied to
automobiles), this is very much the pattern exhibited during Ubers growth in ground
transportation, fueled by the transition from the higher-cost UberBLACK product to the lower-
cost and therefore more utilized uberX and uberPOOL products.

Market Feasibility Barriers

The vision portrayed above is ambitious, but we believe it is achievable in the coming decade
if all the key actors in the VTOL ecosystemregulators, vehicle designers, communities, cities,
and network operatorscollaborate effectively. The following are what we perceive as the
most critical challenges to address in order to bring on-demand urban air transportation to

The C ertification Process. Before VTOLs can operate in any country, they will need
to comply with regulations from aviation authoritiesnamely the US Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) who regulate 50%
and 30% of the worlds aviation activity, respectivelycharged with assuring aviation
safety. VTOL aircraft are new from a certification standpoint, and progress with
certification of new aircraft concepts has historically been very slow, though the
process is changing in a way that could accelerate things significantly. We explore this
topic in depth in the Vehicle: Certification section.

Battery Tec hnology. Electric propulsion has many desirable characteristics that
make it the preferable propulsion choice for the VTOL aircraft contemplated in this
document, and electric batteries are the obvious energy source. That said, the specific
energy (the amount of energy per unit weight provided by the battery, which
ultimately determines the gross weight of the vehicle) of batteries today is insufficient
for long-range commutes. Additionally, the charge rate (how quickly the battery can be
brought back to a nearly full charge, which determines operational idle time) of
batteries today is also too slow to support high-frequency ridesharing operations. Cycle
life (the number of charge/discharge cycles the cell can sustain before its capacity is
less than 80% of the original, which determines how often the battery must be replaced)
and cost per kilowatt-hour (which determines the overall battery cost) are also
important to the economic viability of electric aircraft. We discuss the current state of
the art battery developments, as well as promising (required) advances that are likely
to occur in the coming several years in the Vehicle Performance: Speed and Range

Vehic le E ffic ienc y. Helicopters are the closest current-day proxy for the VTOLs
discussed in this paper, but they are far too energy inefficient to be economically
viable for large-scale operations. Helicopters are designed for highly flexible
operations requiring vertical flight. With a more constrained use case focused on
ridesharing, a more mission-optimized vehicle is possible, e.g utilizing distributed
electric propulsion (DEP) technology . Large efficiency improvements are possible
because DEP enables fixed-wing VTOL aircraft that avoid the fundamental limitations
of helicopter edgewise rotor flight, and wings provide lift with far greater efficiency
than rotors. But no vehicle manufacturer to date has yet demonstrated a commercially
viable aircraft featuring DEP, so there is real risk here. We cover this topic in the
Economics: Vehicle Efficiency/Energy Use section.

Vehic le Performanc e and Reliability. Saving time is a key aspect of the VTOL
value proposition. In the ridesharing use case, we measure and minimize the
comprehensive time elapsed between request and drop-off. This is affected by both
vehicle performance, particularly cruise speed and take-off and landing time, and
system reliability, which can be measured as time from request until pick-up. In this
context, key problems to solve are vehicle designs for 150-200 mph cruise speeds and
maximum one-minute take-offs and landings , as well as issues like robustness in
varied weather conditions, which can otherwise ground a large percentage of a fleet in
an area at arbitrary times. The Infrastructure and Operations section and the
Operations: Trip Reliability and Weather sections address the challenges and
compelling technology advances in these areas.

Air Traffic C ontrol (ATC ). Urban airspace is actually open for business today, and
with ATC systems exactly as they are, a VTOL service could be launched and even
scaled to possibly hundreds of vehicles. So Paulo, for example, already flies hundreds
of helicopters per day. Under visual flight rules (VFR), pilots can fly independent of the
ATC and when necessary, they can fly under instrument flight rules (IFR) leveraging
existing ATC systems. A successful, optimized on-demand urban VTOL operation,
however, will necessitate a significantly higher frequency and airspace density of
vehicles operating over metropolitan areas simultaneously. In order to handle this
exponential increase in complexity, new ATC systems will be needed. We envision low-
altitude operations being managed through a server request-like system that can
deconflict the global traffic, while allowing UAVs and VTOLs to self-separate any
potential local conflicts with VFR-like rules, even in inclement weather. There are
promising initiatives underway, but they will play out over many years and their pace
may ultimately bottleneck growth. The Operations: Air Traffic section expands on the
issues here and summarizes current ATC initiatives.

Our economic modeling shows that these performance numbers are necessary for feasible long distance
commuteVTOL service. Shorter trip distances could utilize slower vehicles, with a penalty of having lower vehicle
C ost and Affordability. As mentioned above, helicopters are the closest proxy to
the VTOLs contemplated in this paper, but they are prohibitively expensive to operate
as part of a large-scale transportation service. They are energy-inefficient and very
expensive to maintain, and their high level of noise strongly limits use in urban areas.
Demand is accordingly modest for helicopters, and this translates to low manufacturing
volumes: current global civil rotorcraft production is only approximately 1,000 units
per year, lacking critical economies of scale. Simpler, quieter and more operationally
efficient vehicle designs are proposed which leverage digital control rather than
mechanical complexity . We expect that this shift can kickstart the virtuous cycle of
cost and price reduction described earlier. Our Vehicle and Economic Model section
goes into detail concerning the evolutionary pathway to a mass market through
affordable vehicles and operations.

Safety. We believe VTOL aircraft need to be safer than driving a car on a fatalities-
per-passenger-mile basis. Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) Part 135 operations (for
commuter and on-demand flights ), on average, have twice the fatality rate of
privately operated cars, but we believe this rate can be lowered for VTOL aircraft at
least to one-fourth of the average Part 135 rate, making VTOLs twice as safe as driving.
DEP and partial autonomy (pilot augmentation) are key pieces of the safety equation,
discussed in further detail in the Vehicle: Safety section.

Airc raft N oise. For urban air transportation to thrive, the vehicles must be
acceptable to communities, and vehicle noise plays a significant role. The objective is
to achieve low enough noise levels that the vehicles can effectively blend into
background noise; ultimately we believe VTOLs should be one-half as loud as a
medium-sized truck passing a house. That said, a more sophisticated measure of noise
is required in order to properly characterize the impact of vehicle sound on a
community. Electric propulsion will be critical for this objective, as well: it enables
ultra-quiet designs, both in terms of engine noise and propulsor thrust noise. The
Vehicle: Noise section addresses this issue.

E missions. VTOLs represent a potential new mass-scale form of urban transportation;

as such, they should clearly be ecologically responsible and sustainable. When
considering helicopters as the starting point, there is a substantial opportunity to
reduce emissions. We consider both the operational emissions of the vehicle, i.e.
emissions produced by the vehicle during its operation, and lifecycle emissions, which
accounts for the entire energy lifecycle associated with the transportation method,
including (in the case of electric vehicles) the production of electricity to charge VTOL
batteries. Among the advantages of electric propulsion designs is that they have zero
operational emissions. This leaves energy generation (which today is still largely coal,

Current helicopters have a myriad of parts that are single fault flight critical components which require tight
oversight on part production quality as well as frequent maintenance checks of individual components for wear and
tolerance due to the harsh, high vibration operating environment.
natural gas and petroleum-based ) with its associated emissions as the primary
concern. This topic is covered in the Vehicle: Emissions section.

Vertiport/Vertistop Infrastruc ture in C ities. The greatest operational barrier to

deploying a VTOL fleet in cities is a lack of sufficient locations to place landing pads.
Even if VTOLs were certified to fly today, cities simply dont have the necessary
takeoff and landing sites for the vehicles to operate at fleet scale. A small number of
cities already have multiple heliports and might have enough capacity to offer a
limited initial VTOL service, provided these are in the right locations, readily accessible
from street level, and have space available to add charging stations. But if VTOLs are
going to achieve close to their full potential, infrastructure will need to be added. The
Infrastructure and Operations section goes into this issue more deeply and provides
the results of a simulation to determine optimal vertistop/vertiport placement.

Pilot Training. Training to become a commercial pilot under FAR Part 135 is a very
time-intensive proposition, requiring 500 hours of pilot-in-command experience for
VFR and 1200 hours for IFR. As on-demand VTOL service scales, the need for pilots will
rapidly increase, and its likely that with these training requirements, a shortage in
qualified pilots will curtail growth significantly. In theory, pilot augmentation
technology will significantly reduce pilot skill requirements, and this could lead to a
commensurate reduction in training time. See the Vehicle: Pilot Training section for
more on this.

Industry Assessment of Market Feasibility Barriers

NASA and the FAA recently spearheaded a series of On-Demand Mobility (ODM) workshops to
bring the VTOL ecosystem togetheremerging VTOL vehicle manufacturers, federal agencies,
private investors, professional societies, universities, and international aviation
organizations to identify barriers to launching an on-demand VTOL service. The barriers
identified by the ODM workshops group (in the below diagram) align quite well with the
challenges identified in our foregoing assessment.

The remainder of this paper delves into these challenges for achieving a successful VTOL
market, with an eye to surmounting them as quickly as possible, as well as our view on rider
experience requirements. Our intent here is to contribute to the nascent but growing VTOL
ecosystem and to start to play whatever role is most helpful to accelerate this industrys
development. Rather than manufacture VTOL hardware ourselves, we instead look to
collaborate with vehicle developers, regulators, city and national governments, and other
community stakeholders, while bringing to the table a very fertile market of excited
consumers and a clear vehicle and operations use case. At the end of the paper, we introduce
an upcoming summit for vehicle developer entrepreneurs, regulators and cities, which we
hope will help advance discussions and collaboration to bring on-demand urban air
transportation to life.

We welcome all feedback at

The Uber Elevate team would like to thank all those who were involved with the writing and
production of this white paper, we can be reached at

Jeff Holden Uber Technologies | Chief Product Officer
Nikhil Goel Uber Technologies | Product Manager, Uber Elevate and Advanced Programs

Contributors and Reviewers

Betsy Masiello Uber Technologies | Director of Policy and Communications
Jamie Epifano Uber Advanced Technologies Center | Strategy & Business Operations
Justin Ho Uber Advanced Technologies Center | Head of Strategy
Jon Petersen Uber Technologies | Senior Data Scientist
JR New Uber Technologies | Data Scientist
Zac Vawter Ottomoto (Uber Technologies) | Engineering
Mark Moore NASA Langley Research Center | Chief Technologist, On-Demand Mobility
David Josephson Acoustics/Noise Consultant
Deran Garabedian Nesta | Senior Advisor
Alexandra Hall Aviation Consultant
Ricarda Bennett Heliport Consultants | Esq. CEO
Mike Hirschberg American Helicopter Society (AHS) International | Executive Director
Dr. Brian German Georgia Tech, School of Aerospace Engineering | Associate Professor
Gregory Bowles AirCertGlobal, LLC | President
Dr. Parimal Kopardekar NASA, NextGen-Airspace | Principal Investigator
Parker Vascik MIT International Center for Air Transportation | Researcher
Ken Goodrich NASA Langley Research Center | Senior Research Engineer

Artwork and Illustrations

Christopher Deramo Uber Advanced Technologies Center | Designer
Prakash Nair Uber Technologies | Designer
Erik Klimczak Uber Technologies | Designer
Didier Hilhorst Uber Technologies | Design Director

External images were used with permission and/or attributed with their source

Table of Contents

Market Feasibility Barriers 4

Industry Assessment of Market Feasibility Barriers 7





Safety 16
Establishing a Safety Target 16
Improving VTOL Safety 17
Distributed Electric Propulsion 18

N oise 22
A Quantitative Goal For VTOL Noise 22
1) Noise Objective for the Vehicles 23
2) Long-term Annoyance 23
3) Short-term Annoyance 24
4) Site-level Analysis and Tailoring 25
Vehicle Design 27

E missions 33

Vehic le Performanc e 35
Cruise versus Hover Efficiency 35
Speed and Range 36
Battery Requirements 37
Payload 38
Autonomy 40

C ertific ation 43
Accelerating the Certification Timetable 45
Operator Certification 46
Pilot Training 47

C ity Infrastruc ture 50

Vertiport and Vertistop Development 50
Vertiport and Vertistop Designs 50
Ridesharing Infrastructure for VTOLs 53
Vertiport and Vertistop Placement 56
Airports and Vehicle Maintenance Hubs 57
Routing 57

Infrastruc ture Simulation 58

Assumptions 59
Model 59
Analysis and Discussion 60
Demand Aggregation and Multi-Modal Benefits 61
Underserved Routes 62
Time Savings 63

C harging Vehic les 65

Operations 66
Air Traffic 66
1) High Volume Voiceless Air Traffic Control Interactions 66
2) UTM-like Management Extended Above 500 Feet Altitudes 67
3) Seamless Integration with Airports and Terminal Areas 67
4) Building Infrastructure Toward Autonomy 69
Trip Reliability 70
Weather 70
Density Altitude 71
Ice 71
Visibility 72
Gusty Winds 72
Security 74
Embracing Public Perspectives 75


Request E xperienc e 78

Boarding E xperienc e 78

On- Trip E xperienc e 79

Motion E ffic ienc y 81
Comparative Analysis 83
Vehicle Burdened 83
Trip Burdened 84
Car and VTOL Motion Efficiency Comparison 85

E c onomic Model 87
Vehicle Usage 88
Vehicle Utilization 88
Vehicle Efficiency/Energy Use 88
Vehicle Load Factor 89
Ground-Air Equivalent Miles (True Distance Traveled) 89
Deadhead Ratio 90
Capital Expenses 90
Vehicle Acquisition Cost 90
Vehicle Life 92
Infrastructure Burden 93
Operating Expenses 93
Piloting and Avionics Costs 93
Vehicle Maintenance Costs 94
Indirect Operating Costs 94
Economic Conclusions 95


Path to Market for VTOLs
In the subsequent sections, we look at the feasibility of VTOLs and the ecoystems path to
market across four dimensions:

Vehic les: What are the specific requirements of a vehicle to be viable for urban use,
particularly for the urban commute use case, and what are the technology implications?
Infrastruc ture and Operations: What are the infrastructure and operational
requirements in cities to enable VTOLs to operate at scale?
Rider E xperienc e: How will riders request a VTOL on ridesharing networks (including
Uber) and what will their boarding and on-trip experiences entail?
E c onomic s: How much will VTOL service cost for consumers and what are the
implications for mass adoption and substitution for other transportation methods,
particularly for privately owned cars?

In summary, our analysis concludes that VTOLs with the properties necessary for scaled
operation are technically feasible with todays technology and that at scale (i.e., at reasonable
manufacturing production levels), VTOL service will be possible at costs sufficiently low to
enable mass adoption. The following sections will provide the details of our analysis.

There is a burgeoning VTOL aircraft ecosystem, and a number of companies that are already
developing and flying early vehicle prototypes. Jaiwon Shin, NASA Associate Administrator for
the Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate, recently discussed NASAs optimism around
these VTOLs at a White House workshop on Drones and the Future of Aviation :

Air-taxi[s will] combine electric propulsion, autonomy, vertical lift and many
other communication and navigation capabilities. Fully autonomous air-
taxi...operations, especially in very populated and heavy traffic...areas, I think its
an exciting possibility. So when we converge all these capabilities a lot of new
chapters in aviation are possible... its a dawn of a new era in aviation.

The VTOLs envisioned as serving

within a ridesharing network (the
aforementioned air-taxis) will need
to address four primary barriers to
commercial feasibility: safety, noise,
emissions, and vehicle performance.
The two most important
technologies to overcome these
challenges are Distributed Electric
Propulsion (DEP) and autonomous
operation technologies. Several
manufacturers have demonstrated
concepts which showcase ways to
use DEP technology in order to
achieve different advantages (and
penalties), depending whether the
designer favors cruise efficiency,
hover power required, vehicle
control, design simplicity, payload,
or vehicle cost.

Zee.Aero is the largest of these

companies with a focus on
advancing the required component
technologies (i.e. advanced electric
motors, motor controllers, batteries,
quiet propulsors, etc.). So far the

Jaiwon Shin, NASA Associate Administrator, Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. , at
~1:58:00 timestamp.
vehicle concepts publicly disclosed by Zee utilize a lift plus cruise configuration, where the
vertical lift and forward thrust are provided by separate, non-articulating propulsors. This type
of concept approach results in extra motor weight and aircraft drag since the vertical lift
propulsors are ineffective in forward flight. However, the design complexity is low.

Joby Aviation has a different concept approach with their S2 and S4 concepts using a
distributed set of tilting prop-rotors (six to twelve depending on the size/capacity of the
vehicle) which rotate with the direction of flight so that the propulsors provide both vertical
lift and thrust throughout the flight. Since less thrust is required in forward flight than in
hover, the inboard prop-rotor blades fold against the nacelle to ensure the highest propulsive
and motor efficiency during cruise. This approach has lower motor weight and aircraft drag,
but has much higher complexity due to the articulating motor and propulsors.

3 18
A /Airbus has shown its Vahana concept which, instead of articulating the prop-rotors,
rotates a forward and aft wing with four prop-rotors on each of the wings. This is a tilt-
wing/tilt-tail approach, similar to the recent NASA GL-10 DEP flight demonstrator . This
approach reduces the complexity by only requiring two actuators for the wing rotation and
avoids prop-rotor download thrust impingement on the wing during hover and transition,
while achieving both vectored thrust and lift.

Many additional companies have other approaches, such as the highly redundant 18 prop-
20 21
rotor eVolo Volocopter , or the compact eHang 184 quad/octocopter . These multi-copter
approaches will be significantly slower (~60 mph) with shorter range capability, as well as
lower efficiency since they arent using wing-borne flight. Other concepts such as the Lilium
push to extremely high levels of distribution while coupling the vertical lift in closely with the
wing high-lift system. These jet-lift approaches that have higher disc loading will require
substantially higher power for takeoff and landing, with greater challenges operating quietly
within cities.

These are only a few of the key VTOL manufacturers within the space, but there is no
established set of standards around VTOL. The next challenge beyond the vehicle design is the
way in which any designer or the wider ecosystem can push toward satisfying the certification
and regulatory procedures required to enable scaled manufacturing.

This section takes a closer look at the vehicle-specific market feasibility barriers detailed in
the Introduction, namely safety, noise, emissions, vehicle performance, as well as vehicle

For widespread public adoption of VTOLs as a ridesharing option, riding in a VTOL must be
safer than riding in an automobile. In order that VTOLs are accepted by the market, claiming
that the vehicles are merely as safe as driving, particularly given the active public discourse
regarding potential safety improvements from autonomous vehicles, will almost certainly be
insufficient. Additionally, the general public is very aware that flying commercial airlines is
significantly safer than driving, which puts upward pressure on safety of any aviation offering,
especially one intended for daily use.

Establishing a Safety Target

While scheduled airlines operating under Part 121 of the FAA Federal Aviation Regulations
(FAR) will almost certainly remain the safest mode of transport, our initial target is to achieve
a safety level that is twice that of driving a car based on number of fatalities-per-passenger-
mile. Today, using Part 135 helicopter and fixed-wing operations as the closest proxy, the
safety level in air-taxi aviation is two times worse than driving, which means we would need
to see an improvement of four times (from 1.2 to 0.3 fatalities per 100 million passenger miles)
to achieve that target. Its important to note, however, that while weve set this goal,
regulators would not necessarily require significantly more stringent VTOL safety targets than
automobiles. Additionally, the regulatory discussion will be complex because safety can be
measured on a number of dimensions (e.g. injuries, accidents), though we have benchmarked
our analysis on fatalities as shown .

Ken Goodrich, Slide
8, Kansas City ODM Workshop, Oct 21-22, 2015.
We have chosen Part 135 rather than helicopters or general aviation for our baseline proxy as
this section of the FAR includes scheduled and non-scheduled air taxi services, both helicopter
and fixed-wing. We believe the operations under this part will be much closer to the actual
operations of VTOL aircraft in comparison to the world of general aviation (GA), which includes
aircraft operating under Part 91. General aviation accounts for a large number of accidents
due to private pilot inexperience and poor maintenance, as well as antique, warbird, and
experimental amateur-built aircraft that similarly represent a large portion of accident
incidents. VTOLs will be manufactured, flown, and maintained to meet the more stringent
levels of control and FAA supervision covered under Part 135. Additionally, VTOL operations,
at least until autonomous operations become commonplace, will require commercial pilots who
must have a higher level of training, experience, flight review, and medical certification than is
the case for private pilots. Even if aircraft had equivalent failure rates, the control inherent in
Part 135 operations will result in VTOL accident rates at least as low as operations within this
section generally.

Improving VTOL Safety

To understand the path to improving safety for urban air transportation, we need to
understand the root causes of historical crashes. Part 135 scheduled and air-taxi operations
are especially common in Alaska, and about half of the fatalities were in Alaska due to pilot

error described as controlled flight into terrain, mid-air collisions, and loss of control. Radar
surveillance is nonexistent over most of the area, air traffic control is not real-time and
weather conditions are often not as forecast. Loss of control occurs when a combination of
poor planning and judgement, diminished human ability and inclement environmental
conditions combine to put the aircraft outside the pilots ability to keep it on the desired
trajectory. These accident types could be prevented through relatively simple forms of vehicle
autonomy that provide supplemental vehicle control while interfacing with improved
navigational and weather information. The military has already implemented terrain collision
avoidance pilot-aids, such as the Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System which has
24 25
been confirmed to have saved F-16 pilots . Major improvements have been made in the
midair collision rate in Alaska through aggressive adoption of better navigation sensors and
aircraft-to-aircraft ADS-B systems, which will be included in all aircraft flying in most dense
urban areas by 2020. VTOLs will necessarily make use of digital fly-by-wire systems and
adapting these systems to include pilot aids will be the key to significantly reducing failure
modes attributable to pilot error. Pilot aids will evolve over time into full autonomy, which
will likely have a marked positive impact on flight safety.

Since half of the Part 135 crashes are related essentially to poor weather data and pilots not
being where they thought they were, operating only in urban areas with real-time weather
and air traffic control brings existing Part 135 operations to par with the safety of driving a
car. Improving a further 2x through the adoption of advanced pilot aids and autonomous
systems will bring VTOLs the rest of the way toward our initial goal of being twice as safe as

Distributed Electric Propulsion

In order to improve VTOL safety beyond that of cars, we must consider the complexity of
controlling multiple propulsion motors. The VTOLs envisaged in this paper will be inherently
optionally piloted vehicles in which pilot control is unnecessary except for visual avoidance
of obstacles and other aircraft. Rather than physically commanding operation of engines and
control surfaces, the pilot establishes a desired trajectory which the vehicle follows. Direct
mechanical control workload is greatly reduced, leaving more of the pilots attention for
situational awareness, and this eliminates the need for pilot judgement in planning and
executing vehicle state maneuvers to achieve a desired trajectory. Expecting a 2x
improvement from state-based to trajectory-based pilot inputs is actually a conservative goal,
bringing the expected total fatality rate to at least half that of driving.

Beyond loss of situational awareness and control, the next highest accident cause is associated
with engine failure, which accounts for 18% of general aviation accidents when combined with
fuel management errors. Fortunately both of these causes are also mitigated with
implementation of Distributed Electric Propulsion technology (DEP) that forms the basis for

these new vehicle concepts. The use of multiple (typically six or greater) electric motors,
controllers, and a redundant battery bus architecture avoids the problems of catastrophic
engine failure by having full propulsion system redundancy. An engine failure might result in
diminished speed or climb capability, but full control authority within the aircrafts operating
envelope can be maintained. Improvements in this area can be expected to reduce accident
rates even further than the previously specified goal.

The use of DEP combined with autonomy provides the opportunity for the fully digitally
controlled fly-by-wire control system to interact across digital systems without complex
analog or mechanical interfaces. Digital data across each element of the propulsion system is
managed through redundant master flight controllers, from battery cell voltage state of charge
to motor temperatures that permit optimization of the system performance and health.

Distributed propulsion provides not only redundancy, but also the potential for additional
control robustness to be designed into the aircraft system such that any component can fail
gracefully, enabling a controlled landing. Robust vehicle control provides the ability to deal
with uncertainties or disturbances within the vehicle control system. Control robustness is also
helpful to deal with high wind or gust conditions, especially when operating in an urban
environment that promotes local flow disturbances.

Vertical flight imposes additional operational challenges that conventional takeoff and landing
aircraft do not experience. DEP technology already mitigates most of these challenges; DEP
VTOLs will likely have a higher downwash velocity that permits a more rapid descent, and
when used in combination with multiple propeller-rotors will help to avoid rotor recirculation
flow conditions (such as entering a vortex ring state). Downwash is the induced velocity of air
deflected downward by the propulsion system prop-rotor to achieve vertical lift. For example,
helicopters typically have a rotor downwash of 2 to 10 pounds of thrust per square foot. DEP
VTOL configurations typically use 10 to 20 pounds of thrust per square foot.

The figure below illustrates the distribution of disc loadings attempted by past and recent
vertical lift vehicles, as well as the increased power required and downdraft velocities that
result as disc loading/rotor downwash is increased. Disc loading is defined as the weight of an
aerial vehicle divided by the propulsion disc area that produces the vertical lift. The curve in
this figure represents the theoretical ideal power required (i.e. with the VTOL achieving a
thrust to weight ratio of 1), with a specific VTOL concept being above the line indicating that
additional power is present either to provide extra power for increased control, or due to
inefficiencies caused by the specific vertical lift approach.

A VTOL will typically have a Thrust/Weight of 1.15 or greater to provide extra power for climb
and a control power margin. This Thrust/Weight ratio is typically measured at the continuous
power rating. While turbines and piston engines are often able to provide a short time
emergency rating that provides a 10-20% increase in power, electric motors are typically able
to produce an additional 50%+ power for 1-2 minutes until they overheat. These peak ratings
arent accounted for in the Thrust/Weight, but reserved for emergency operation such as
failure of a motor.

For the case of sizing the aircraft to accommodate a single engine (or motor) failure while
maintaining the ability to complete the mission and land safely with power, a twin engine
helicopter would need to have a Thrust/Weight ratio of greater than 2.0 with the peak rating
during the single engine emergency providing an effective Thrust/Weight ratio of 1.1 to 1.2.
For a DEP VTOL with 6 prop-rotors, failure of a single motor causes a reduction of thrust of
about 17%, with the peak ratings of the electric motors providing greater than this reduction
during the single engine inoperative emergency case.

This sizing to account for an engine (motor) inoperative case is one of the significant
advantages that DEP offers to reduce the penalties previously associated with vertical lift
aircraft. Helicopters are able to auto-rotate and conduct an emergency landing without power,
while DEP VTOLs are less likely able to auto-rotate (depending on the specific configuration).
In any case, auto-rotation does not work well in dense urban areas from low altitude, because
the poor glide slope of helicopters results in landings within a short distance.

The DEP VTOL flight safety value proposition becomes most powerful when combined with
increased vehicle autonomy such that the autonomy actually prevents the VTOL from entering
potentially hazardous states in the first place. Autonomous flight control will provide
improved trajectory flight profiles that are able to minimize the extra power required for
control by using the combination of optimal speed, climb angle, angle of attack, and
propulsion/wing inclination angles throughout the hover to forward flight transition corridor.

Achieving high perceived safety is also valuable, especially during the initial adoption. Recent
GA aircraft have implemented an emergency safety mode thats equivalent to pulling to the
side of the road. By avoiding the use of a large rotor, a DEP aircraft is also able to take
advantage of Ballistic Recovery Systems (BRS) : whole vehicle parachutes that can be
deployed in an emergency to safely bring the vehicle to the ground, and it can avail itself of
other evolving safety technologies being tested such as whole aircraft airbags. Multiple
companies are developing even more capable BRS solutions that can provide additional safety
across nearly all vehicle operating conditions, even if the vehicle is moving slowly and is near
the ground.

While there will likely be some variance from the individual contributions of these safety
factors, those variances are likely to cancel out enabling the achievement of and likely
surpassing the top-level goal of twice as safe as driving a car. Of course, innovation on the
safety front will continue after the first VTOLs are in production; full autonomy and large
amounts of data from real-world operations fed back into the designs will push VTOL
operations toward airline aviation levels of safety.

In fact, BRS systems have already been responsible for saving 358 lifes through deployment on General Aviation

VTOLs will operate directly overhead, and in close proximity to, densely populated urban
areas. It is important that VTOLs do not disrupt communities, and as such it is important that
VTOL developers keep noise mitigation firmly in mind. While communities tend to tolerate
public safety flights (such as medical helicopters) because the flights are infrequent and have
clear community value, they historically oppose other uses due to noise. In this section we
look at a set of more restrictive quantitative and qualitative noise goals for VTOLs, analyze the
underlying helicopter design features that cause noise, and explore the technological
advancements that we believe hold the most promise for delivering quiet VTOL operations.

A Quantitative Goal For VTOL Noise

The FAA and other regulators have set thresholds for community noise around airports for
fixed-wing aircraft, as well as thresholds for helicopters and tiltrotors . But to enable
widespread commercial use, VTOLs need to meet a stricter noise standard. Use of the current
FAA helicopter noise regulations make it challenging to enable high volume, close proximity
VTOL urban operations that communities can embrace.

Quantitatively, the emerging VTOL community will benefit from defining and tailoring
acceptable operational noise levelsas well as methods to measure themfor vehicles and the
vertiports/stops at which they will operate. For communities to accept sizeable fleets of VTOL
aircraft, vehicle noise will need to blend into the existing background noise wherever they fly.
We analyzed the sources of noise that would emanate from a VTOL aircraft and explored a
more nuanced and complete definition of noise than simply sound pressure: some forms of
noise are significantly more irritating to humans than their sound pressure measurement
would suggest.

We explored existing air- and ground-based transport to understand how noise is measured
and perceived, and we build off of these lessons to understand how more restrictive noise
goals for future VTOL operations could move beyond regulatory requirements to help unlock
consumer acceptance. Our analysis, below, leads us to the following preliminary noise
framework and targets:

1. N oise objec tives for the vehic les: VTOL vehicles operating from vertiports/stops
should ultimately approach noise levels (exposure at the front of the nearest residence)
half that of a truck traveling on a residential road (75-80 dB(A) at 50 feet):
approximately 62 dB LAmax at 500 ft altitude. This is also about one-fourth as loud as
the smallest four-seat helicopter currently on the market.

14CFR36, Subpart H and Subpart K
2. L ong- term annoyanc e: VTOL vehicle operations at vertiports and vertistops should
not contribute long-term annoyance that exceeds the smallest change in noise
background that a person can detect, about 1 dB increase in the day night level
indicator (DNL).
3. Short- term annoyanc e: VTOL vehicle operations should not exceed a maximum 5%
increase in nighttime awakenings in their surrounding communities.
4. Site- level analysis and tailoring: VTOL operations should be measured
continuously on an individual site basis to establish actual Day-Evening-Night
background sound levels.

1) Noise Objective for the Vehicles

Achieving VTOL noise levels similar to ground transportation is essential for widespread VTOL
adoption. Medium-sized trucks traveling through neighborhoods at speeds of 35 to 55 mph
generate sound levels of 75-80 dB(A) sound pressure level (SPL) at 50 feet, which are roughly
perceived to be acceptable by a listener at an average distance in adjacent buildings. We
estimate this figure to be half as loud (10 dB less) as the smallest four-seater helicopter in
operation, the Robinson R44, which (having certificated noise emission levels of 81 dB sound
exposure level (SEL29) at 500 ft altitude) is about 87 dB at 250 ft altitude30 .

However, given that a VTOL network would deploy a fleet of potentially hundreds of aircraft,
we understand that so many simultaneously operating VTOLs would also not be acceptable at
noise levels merely equal to trucks. As such, we feel that a reasonable goal for vehicles is half
that of medium-sized trucks today6 7 dB(A) at ground level from a VTOL at 2 5 0 ft
altitude, which appears from early analysis to be achievable. For context, this is comparable
to a Prius at 25 feet from the listener, driving by at 35 mph.

2) Long-term Annoyance
Sound pressure level alone is necessary but insufficient to specify the noise parameters that
should govern VTOLs. This is due to the concept of annoyance, a phenomenon associated with
the physiological perception of loudness, duration and repetition. Two different kinds of
annoyance responses are triggered in people: (1) some notice individual disturbing events that
they remember, and tend to count how many times this disturbing event has happened, and (2)
others assess noisiness of an area by averaging noise over the long-term, expressing their
assessment as, for example, a busy or noisy neighborhood. Busy or noisy often equates
to lower property values when compared with quiet neighborhoods . Short-term noises also
create individual alerting events and can awaken people from sleep.

EASA TCDS for R44, Chapter 11 SEL 81 dB at 150 m overflight
We have estimated community SENEL values based on FHWA model data for truck and TCDS SEL values for
helicopters and approximated the conversion to LAmax based on our own measurements there is not a direct conversion
between any of these metrics.
Schomer, Paul (2001) Assessment of Noise Annoyance. Champaign, IL: Schomer and Associates.
Fortunately, there are established methods for measuring annoyance. Since the development
of turbofan jet airliners, cities and the FAA have worked on the long-term noise issue, which
has led to the creation of the Day Night Level (DNL ). DNL is the averaged sound pressure
level for a 24-hour period, with a sensitivity offset of 10 dB between 10 PM and 7 AM, so a
constant sound of 70 dB(A) in the daytime and 60 dB(A) at night would define a neighborhood
with 70 dB DNL. The FAA uses a yearlong running average of DNL when reporting the noise
impact of airports. Day Night Level guidelines differ by type of neighborhoods. For example,
targets in industrial neighborhoods are not as stringent as those for residential or suburban
areas . As VTOLs begin operation it will be valuable to characterize the ambient noise of
landing sites individually, rather than using arbitrary targets. Doing so would be operationally
very powerful as this will enable operations to be sensitive to the characteristics of each take
off and landing location and contribute only the amount of additional noise that wont disturb
the neighboring community. To achieve more tailored and responsive noise levels at vertiports
and vertistops, operators will compute the maximum number of operations of each vehicle
that can be conducted at each site while not inc reasing the long term average D ay-
N ight L evel (D N L ) by more than 1 dB, whic h is the smallest c hange in loudness
that a person c an detec t.

3) Short-term Annoyance
While long-term annoyance is measured in DNL, short-term annoyance is typically measured
(around hospital heliports, for instance) with single event noise equivalent level (SEL or
SENEL ) metrics, which attempt to capture the likelihood that an individual takeoff or landing
will disturb everyday activities like speech or sleep. The target for short-term annoyance that
has been used in hospital heliport studies is for events not to increase the number of night-
time awakenings by more than 10%. This is typically predicted using SEL, which is the A-
weighted sound pressure level lasting one second that contains the same energy as an entire
aircraft event such as takeoff or overflight. A 70 dB(A) sound lasting for two seconds would
produce 73 dB SEL; if it lasted for four seconds it would be 76 dB SEL. For a simple event that
rises to a maximum and then drops, the duration is the time from the instant the sound
reaches 10 dB less than its maximum, to the time when it drops below that same 10 dB less
than maximum value. If VTOL vehicles are able to achieve the absolute noise goals as stated
above (67 dB(A) at 250 ft altitude), it will be possible to be more optimistic in reducing the
percentage increase of night-time awakenings from operations. Because there is a direct
statistical relationship between loudness and awakenings, dec reasing FICONs guidance for
maximum night-time awakenings ( 10%) to half that 5 % should be ac hievable.

Plotkin, Kenneth J, Wyle Labs et al (2011) Updating and Supplementing the Day-Night Average Sound Level (DNL).
Wyle Report 11-04, DOT/FAA/AEE/2011-03, June 2011
14 CFR 150
Sound Exposure Level
Single Event Noise Exposure Level
Federal Interagency Committee on Noise, 1992 Federal Agency Review of Selected Airport Noise Analysis Issues
4) Site-level Analysis and Tailoring
Identifying metrics that are as vehicle platform-agnostic as possible is an important
consideration. Several design approaches for electric VTOLs have already been built and tested,
at least three with manned flights and many more in scale or static tests. While details are not
publicly available, we know that the different design approaches have significantly different
acoustic signatures. This variety of designs makes it challenging to define quantitative noise
measurements that are strictly neutral. Simple sound level measurements to compare two
sounds arent accurate when the spectral character of the sounds is different.

Due to developments in the field of audio encoding, today there is a much deeper
understanding of the physiology of loudness than there was even a decade ago. MP3 coding
and other compressed audio formats depend on being able to discard portions of a sound
waveform that we dont perceive. Research in this area has put a sharp point on discoveries
made by sensorineural researchers decades before, and gives us confidence that our proposed
quantitative noise measurement metrics will accurately predict community response to the
acoustic component of VTOLs presence. For instance, we are careful to use metrics that
capture the additional annoyance of a prominent tone or whine from some electric motors,
which makes the sound louder than a sound level meter would indicate.

VTOL noise measurements will all begin with a calibrated pressure-time history of the sound
at a reference location. This information is then processed to yield a time-varying A-weighted
sound pressure level LA (which is the same as a sound level meter would show) and LPN(T) which
is a weighted sound level corrected more accurately for human hearing sensitivity. This
includes a correction for prominent tones. A-weighting (IEC 61672) is designed to reflect the
audibility of single tones at the level of quiet speech, rather than complex noise. Its common
for noise measurement because its simple, but does not capture the annoyance of many
sounds and is unsuitable for comparing sounds of different spectral characteristics. Capturing
the maximum values from these two metrics identifies the maximum sound pressure level
(LAmax) and the weighted maximum level corrected for human hearing sensitivity (LPN(T)max). The
next step is to measure how long an event lasts and, for the community, how often its

Should motors exhibit prominent or annoying whines as some early experiments did, it will be
important to be sure that prominent tones are considered if they are present, so we will
calculate the tone correction built in to LPN(T) in each case. DNL and SEL are defined using A-
weighted sound pressure level, which we will use for comparison, but here again we will use
physiological loudness metrics, initially LPN(T) in addition to LA in order to capture annoying
characteristics that wouldnt necessarily show up in an LA measurement. The FAA requires a
uniform path to be flown for each vehicle being certificated for noise emissions. In addition to
the standardized landing, overflight and takeoff procedures intended for helicopters,
innovators should be able to choose whatever flight path, within the approach and departure

Kryter, Karl D. (1960) The meaning and measurement of Perceived Noise Level. Noise Control 6, 5
safety zone, will result in the lowest noise dose. We believe that Effective Perceived Noise
(EPNdB), which is a measure of the relative loudness of an individual aircraft operation,
modified to allow optimum flight path as noted, will be the most appropriate metric for VTOL
noise ranking.

Once the noise emissions of each vehicle are characterized, the next activity is to project how
many operations at what time of the day or night will result in reaching the 1 dB DNL increase
threshold, or the 5% awakening-increase threshold in the community. This requires integrating
the emission of each vehicle (the sound leaving the vehicle) and its distance from the
community (determined by the path loss in the air) so that the immission (the sound reaching
the listener) of the noise at the closest community point can be predicted. Real-time tracking
of site noise will permit documentation that target noise levels are not exceeded, and that
thresholds can be adjusted if the noise background changes. A quieter vehicle means more
operations are possible at a given site. While computationally difficult a few years ago, this
analysis is practical and low-cost today. This approach to site-level analysis will enable
operators to measure and tailor noise requirements not only by vertiport/stop, but also enable
us to adapt dynamically to operations at the level of specific sites. Doing so would be an
efficacious approach to aircraft-related noise measurement and management, which we
believe will enhance the capacity for quiet and efficient VTOL network operations in and
around communities.

Vehicle Design

As a starting point in understanding vehicle noise, it is instructive to understand noise

generated by todays helicopters. They are intrinsically noisy, both because of the rotor tip
speeds required to achieve a reasonable cruise speed and because there are at least three
spectrally different major noise sources: the main rotor, tail rotor and engine.

Helicopters typically use a single rotor that flies edgewise; while one blade is rotating forward,
the air over the blade is traveling at the blades speed plus the forward speed. Meanwhile on
the other side of the helicopter, another blade is rotating backward (called the retreating
blade), with the air over the blade traveling at the blade speed minus the forward speed of the
helicopter. This means the helicopter rotor must spin much faster than whatever speed its
traveling to still achieve lift on both sides, whether the blade is traveling forward or backward
relative to the direction of flight. It is also responsible for the mechanical complexity of a main
rotor system that must adjust pitch as the blade rotates around the 360 degree azimuth.

A typical helicopter main rotor blade spins with a tip speed of around 400 mph, with current
helicopters flying up to about 150 mph . So what does that mean for noise? The amount of

Compound helicopters have achieved speeds of 300 mph through the use wings to offload the rotor and/or
propellers or jets for forward thrust. While able to achieve high speed, the efficiency of this approach is quite poor
and results in a complex and expensive solution which doesnt align well with short distance urban flight missions.

noise a rotor blade makes varies as an exponent of tip speed. For example, if the tip speed
could be reduced by a third, then the amount of noise energy produced can be reduced by as
much as 24 times (the behavior is nonlinear and depends strongly on the initial tip speed and
blade geometry). Unfortunately, the rotor tip must always be spinning much faster than the
helicopter is traveling, otherwise there will be insufficient lift on the retreating blade side to
keep the helicopter level. If you were to slow the rotor tips in the example drawing to 300
mph, the maximum speed the helicopter can travel would drop to about 100 mph because
youd still want to maintain a minimum of 200 mph over the blade to achieve reasonable
advancing-retreating blade differential lift and rotor chord size.

In the converse scenario with the helicopter traveling more rapidly and this being additive to
the tip speed on the opposite side of the aircraft, the advancing blade tip is traveling near the
speed of sound, generating unacceptable levels of community noise. These two cases are some
of the fundamental limits that make helicopters inherently noisythe only way to force them
to be substantially quieter is by trading off cruise speed to the point where helicopters are no
longer much faster than a car. Adding wings and propellers has been investigated on
compound helicopters which are able to travel at higher speeds, however, with much greater
complexity while rotor hub drag results in relatively low efficiency compared to fixed-wing
VTOL approaches.

Another challenge for helicopters is the size of their rotors. Because helicopters have large
rotors turning at low rpmwhich lets them hover efficientlythe rate at which the blades pass
by a given point is low. This generates a lower frequency sound than a faster rotor.
Unfortunately, lower frequencies travel longer distances in the atmosphere. A smaller rotor
produces more high frequency noise which is attenuated by the atmosphere, so it would be
less loud at a given distance. That sounds like a possible solution, but as human hearing is
more sensitive to mid-high frequencies than to low ones , shifting the noise pitch higher can
present a negative tradeoff. Using more blades in each rotor or using vectored thrust in place
of a tail rotor are partial solutions, but the fundamental problems remain. Further, by reducing
the size of a helicopters rotor, there wouldnt be enough disc area to develop the required lift
with a single rotor or even two rotors. This is just one example of the multivariate engineering
tradeoffs inherent in VTOL design.

By utilizing several small rotors in place of one large one, as contemplated in the previously
discussed distributed electric propulsion model, aircraft designers can simultaneously produce
sufficient power for vertical take-off and maintain low perceived noise levels.

DEP combined with increasing automation makes it feasible to independently control

numerous motors to provide adaptive control of thrust direction (as well as robust adaptation
to failures, as discussed in the Safety section) without the need for tail rotors or complex
mechanical linkages.

Fletcher and Munson (1933)
Consider the example of an aircraft with 26 rotors, each 5 in diameter, contrasted with a
small helicopter with a 25 rotor. In each case the total rotor area is roughly 500 square feet.
The single rotor at 530 rpm results in a tip speed of 672 fps (about Mach 0.6) while the 26
rotors at 1700 rpm have a tip speed of 445 fps (about Mach 0.4). This seems like a minor
change, but it is in the range where noise increases with about the fifth to sixth power of tip
speed. In this case 1.5 times the tip speed can be as much as 8 to 12 times the noise energy.
Because the 26 rotors are turning at nearly the same speed, the noise is a simple power sum
of their individual noises, rather than being perceived as louder due to being discrete noise

Engines are the next significant noise source, with almost all helicopters using one or two
(usually unmuffled) engines. These are either piston or turbine engines, and attempting to have
them drive many rotorssuggested to try to reduce noisewould be mechanically complex,
requiring gearboxes and cross-shafts which themselves would all generate noise.

Such approaches were attempted by many of the fixed-wing VTOL aircraft developed by NASA,
the U.S. military, and numerous countries between 1950-1980 during the golden years of
VTOL aircraft development when the U.S. developed many X-planes
. The X-19 is an example
that showcases the extreme mechanical complexity that was required to achieve fixed-wing
VTOL aircraft, which resulted in poor payload carrying capability, high expense and
maintenance costs.

Fortunately DEP is a possible solution here, too. First, removing the engines removes a
significant source of noise. Electric motors are far quieter than piston or turbine engines
because they dont need to ingest and expel large volumes of air through hydrocarbon
combustion. Compared with propeller noise, the noise from an electric motor using a modern
sine-wave controller can be inaudible (unlike early prototypes using square-wave controllers),
while the noise of a piston or turbine engine is generally about as loud as the noise from the
rotor and is heard as a spectrally distinct noise source, further increasing loudness.

Secondly, electric VTOL can take advantage of scale-invariant implementation of DEP. Scale-
invariant propulsion technology means designers can, on-demand, allow lift and thrust to be
generated. If VTOLs use DEP, they can use many motors with smaller propellers without
performance or weight penalties. DEP also allows the design to be optimized for low noise
much more easily, because within the scale of VTOLs, the designer has a wide range of choices
for speed and torque without needing to add gearboxes. In contrasting the X-19 to the recent
NASA GL-10 (which takes advantage of scale-invariant implementation of DEP), the GL-10
design is far less complex without major structures that themselves generate both noise and
many possible points of failure. The independent propulsion provides complete redundancy, so
a single failure of a propeller or motor has only a minor effect on the vehicle thrust and

A further benefit of the flexibility of DEP is it becomes possible to consider designs with
rotors that can be quickly turned on or off, and rotors that can be tilted. This approach can be
used to avoid edgewise flow in forward flight so its possible to use tip speeds about half as
fast as helicopters without blade stalling, thus achieving radically lower noise.

The overall amount of noise and downwash developed by a VTOL is driven by how much
thrust it needs to generate for takeoff and landing. To achieve the lowest possible community
noise, a VTOLs passenger capacity needs to be limited so that noise and downwash are not
excessive. This capacity is well matched to potential on-demand urban air transportation use
cases and similar in nature to cars, which typically only carry one to four people. Downwash
scales with weight of the vehicle, because it is directly related to the amount of air the
propulsion system must accelerate. Noise likewise scales with power, approximately 3 dB for
every doubling of weight, which is reflected in existing helicopter noise rules . But people on
the ground are not likely to care whether it is a light or heavy helicopter, only the noise
exposure or downwash wind that each event produces.

Besides the main rotor, helicopters have several other noise sources: the tail rotor, engine, and
the flow interaction between the rotors and their wakes. Because these noises are in different
frequency bands, the resulting loudness is higher than if they were clustered together as is the
case for DEP. Physiological loudness is significantly greater for widely separated frequencies
than for frequencies grouped closely together , and wide-bandwidth sounds are perceived as
being louder because the ear processes each band of frequencies as a separate noise source.
Having this combination of noise sources makes it difficult to develop approaches with
traditional helicopters that could drop the noise level to the background level of a freeway or
other urban location. Electric DEP VTOLs dont have fuel-burning engines, and use variation of
torque across multiple rotors instead of a tail rotor for yaw control.

14 CFR 36 Subpart H (USA) and ICAO Annex 16 (most of the rest of the world)
Fastl and Zwicker (1990) Psychoacoustics: Facts and Models. Springer

Transportation is the single largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S., accounting
for nearly 1.8B metric tons of CO2 , which is 26% of total emissions. Urban communities are
understandably concerned about pollution from lead in fuel and particulate emissions given
the wide range of transport solutions in and above their cities. Any new mass-scale form of
urban transportation should clearly be ecologically responsible and sustainable. Fully electric
VTOL designs provide a compelling solution; they generate zero in-flight carbon emissions and
provide a pathway toward significantly lower carbon emissions as utilities adopt renewable
energy solutions such as wind and solar.

First, all-electric vehicles get their energy from the grid, so there is a high degree of
centralization of the energy source versus hydrocarbon fuels. This means the true life-cycle
vehicle emissions are highly linked to utility emissions (both the legacy electricity as well as
the emerging electricity plants). Second, while 90% of all grid electricity generation today is
powered by hydrocarbon fuels (petroleum, natural gas, or coal), development of new
renewable electricity generation (wind, solar, and hydro) is outpacing development of new
petroleum/coal sources by a factor of more than two, based on 2016 data (see chart below).
Third, electric vehicles (of all kinds) will increase demand for electricity, which will help create
the motivation to move toward renewable grid sources, and the electric utilities becoming
more CO2 responsible.

Existing aircraft engines operate either on gasoline (typically 100 Low Lead aviation fuel for
piston engines), or jet fuel for turbine engines. 100LL gasoline powering small aircraft is now
the single largest source of lead emissions in the US , with reciprocating and turboshaft
engines adding to the noise, safety and other concerns cited as reasons for closing general
aviation airports. Ultrafine particulate matter from turbine engines is predominantly of
concern for airline jets but is also contributing to public pressure against helicopter
operations, causing one hospital to close its helipad due to exhaust fumes getting into the
ventilation system . We know that for communities to welcome urban air transport solutions
to their cities, the environmental impact throughout the servicefrom the vehicles to the
ongoing infrastructure and operationswill need to be minimal to zero impact on the local
community. Electric VTOLs are an essential and exciting portion of the solution because they
provide a zero local emission transportation capability, while helping to move away from
hydrocarbon-based approaches.

The factors impacting life-cycle emissions for transportation include not only emissions of the
energy source, but also the inherent vehicle energy required per mile per person. Due to
electric motors being approximately three to four times more efficient than either internal
combustion or small turboshaft engines, the actual vehicle energy used is substantially
decreased compared to existing small aircraft and helicopters. The integration freedom of
electric motors provides additional energy use reductions of a similar three times magnitude
compared to helicopters (i.e. the ability to achieve a high Lift/Drag ratio by using a fixed wing
VTOL approach along with synergistic aerodynamic integration benefits). This ten-fold
decrease in vehicle energy use is critical for VTOLs to achieve a reasonable and sustainable
transportation approach. This efficiency improvement is described in the Vehicle: Performance:
Efficiency and Economics: Motion Efficiency sections.

Vehicle Performance

Our consideration of critical customer and community vehicle requirements such as noise and
safety suggests that vehicles employing multiple small prop-rotors and using distributed
electric propulsion (DEP) will provide the desired path forward. However, it is critical to
understand how that design decision impacts the utility and economics of operating the
vehicle and whether that limits any desirable use cases.

Cruise versus Hover Efficiency

VTOL operations will involve the ability to take off with a rapid climb at a steep glide path
angle to reach a cruising altitude up to a few thousand feet, then decelerate to land vertically
at the end of the trip. There will likely be a limited need to hover for durations not exceeding
one minute, with most vertical takeoff and landing transitions taking place in approximately
30 seconds.

Helicopters, on the other hand, are designed for military and multi-use roles that require
sustained hovering for extended time (search and rescue, powerline inspection, takeoff and
landing at unprepared locations, etc.). Hence helicopters are currently designed to optimize for
hover efficiency, rather than for cruise. VTOLs will spend far more time in cruise which raises
the question of how to optimize such a vehicle across short-term hover power versus long-
term cruise energy.

An airplane uses a wing and propeller for efficient cruise flight, while a helicopter uses rotor
lift even during cruise with highly inefficient rotor edgewise forward flight. The design
tradeoffs determining whether or not to use a wing or rotor depend primarily on speed, range,
and hover requirements, as well as design constraints at the landing zone. As DEP VTOL
designs mature, there is likely to be a continuum of approaches from fixed multirotor designs,
through tilt-rotor to variants of blown-flap airplanes.

Adding wings to enable high aerodynamic cruise efficiency combined with being able to tilt
rotors or turn on/off different prop-rotors to provide lift or cruise power is a likely solution
when biasing designs for cruise more than hover. These solutions, however, add weight, which
increases power requirements for takeoff and landing due to the increased disc loading . This
can also increase the noise and downwash in undesirable ways. Downwash concerns focus on
the overall mass flow of the air being moved (not merely its velocity), which means that
downwash for a small VTOL with disc loading of less than 50 lb/ft that only operate from
concrete surfaces is likely not concerning. Few VTOL designs would consider disc loadings
higher than this due to the extremely high power required, as shown in the prior downwash
and downdraft figure with representative VTOL aircraft.

Higher disc loadings can be beneficial, however. In our example commuter scenarioour most
likely early use casewe are trading off increased power for a one-minute take-off and
landing with acceleration to wing-borne flight for a 50-mile cruise that requires 15 to 20
minutes at significantly lower cruise power. The overall energy savings favorably impacts the
economics of the flight and supports a rebalancing of design priorities from hover to cruise
efficiency. Future versions of VTOLs may re-bias their designs for different infrastructures as
well as primary use cases that may indicate more time needed to loiter, and shorter average
distance trips.

While many people associate electric aircraft with low speed, the NASA X-57 and Thin-Haul
studies are showing that DEP powered-lift configurations favor high cruise speed solutions
greater than 150 mph .

Current helicopter designs embody product solutions that capitalize on hover efficiency
because their customers are accustomed to this capability. The high degree of operational
flexibility that exists with helicopters is invaluable to many missions, but that flexibility comes
at a steep price for noise, cost, and especially cruise efficiency.

Speed and Range

VTOL ridesharing networks will eventually need to have a variety of vehicle types, just as
automobile ridesharing services offer customers today. VTOLs will likely be developed across
a number of different speed and range capabilities. A VTOL optimized for shorter trips (less
than 50 miles) wont require as much speed as a VTOL capable of meeting the needs of longer
distance commuters, such as those identified in the U.S. Census Mega Commuter and New York
University Super Commuter studies with typical travel distances of 100 miles or more daily .
Super Commuters are growing at a rapid pace in the U.S., with more than 600,000 commuters
matching this description.

As operators consider the parameters impacting the future service, its obvious that speed will
certainly be bounded on the low end by typical ground speeds to be competitive with other
modes of transportation through a door-to-door trip speed advantage. This suggests that we
need to seek an effective speedone that accounts for any ground transportation time to get
the customer to and from the vertiports that will provide at least a two times door-to-door
51 52
trip speed advantage. Based on NASA and MIT Urban VTOL studies , a three to four time trip
speed multiplier could be achieved in highly congested metropolitan areas during peak travel

Design Studies of Thin-Haul Commuter Aircraft with Distributed Electric Propulsion,
Silicon Valley as an Early Adopter for On-Demand Civil VTOL Operations, Kevin Antcliff et al, AIAA Paper 2016-3466,
June 2016.
Los Angeles Urban VTOL Air-Taxi Study, Parker Vascik,
times. Since theres a great deal of dependence on the local travel conditions, a specific speed
requirement is difficult to lock down. Studies suggest that 150-200 mph is where DEP
becomes most efficient .

An upper limit (in the US) is the FAA speed limit of 287 mph for flight operations at lower than
10,000 feet. In certain sensitive geographic locations, the FAA has decreased this maximum
speed to 230 mph (i.e., Washington D.C). Balancing the higher efficiency of lower speed with
the desire to achieve high vehicle productivity to amortize costs across more miles of travel
will likely yield a compromise of a desirable VTOL vehicle speed between 150 and 230 mph.
Few helicopters are capable of flying at these high speeds and are unable to do so with
reasonable efficiency.

According to the US Census Bureau , 123M of Americas 143M workers (86%) commuted to
work in 2013 via private vehicle; 89% of those drove alone. Of these, 18.9M (15.0%) had a
commute exceeding 30 miles and 7.9M (6%) longer than 60 minutes - this includes 27.4% of all
D.C. workers, the highest of any state.

Although urban commute distances are typically 8.5 miles each way according to the U.S.
Census, this is unlikely to be a good early use case due to the dense support infrastructure that
would be required. Mega Commuters (within the same metropolitan area) have average daily
commutes of 93 miles each way. While these longer trips need much less infrastructure, they
would require vehicles that are cruise efficient, or that employ some sort of hydrocarbon-
based range extender (to compensate for relatively low battery specific energy), to be able to
do more than a single trip on current battery energy storage solutions.

Current commuting practices suggest that a minimal effective VTOL range in the near-term is
to conduct two 50 mile trips at maximum speed, with sufficient energy for two takeoffs and
landings, while meeting the FAA Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) 30 minute reserves (plus flight to
an alternate location). Its likely that by working collaboratively with the FAA and GAMA,
vehicle manufacturers could establish the basis for shorter range electric aircraft to have
decreased reserve energy requirements, since they have many alternative landing locations
and low uncertainty over the short flight time for a change in the weather conditions. Implicit
in this range requirement is the need to maintain a minimum of 20% charge in the battery to
ensure a high cycle life. This type of mission has a similar energy requirement as performing a
single 200 mile trip at the best range flight speed.

Battery Requirements

Our analysis tells us this design mission range can likely be met within the next 5 yearsthis
means embracing VTOL designs that can achieve cruise aerodynamic efficiencies with a
Lift/Drag ratio of greater than 10 (with 12 to 17 desirable) and battery cell specific energy of

400 Wh/kg . Electric VTOLs will likely use large battery packs, nominally a 140 kWh pack for
a 4 person aircraft. Use of a large battery pack ensures the specific power of the batteries is
well matched to achieving high specific energy. Nominally, battery packs that can discharge at
less than 3C ratings are able to avoid severe penalties to the specific energy. High vehicle
utilization requires the ability to perform more than one average trip distance prior to
requiring recharge, which further supports the use of a larger battery pack. Essentially this is
similar to the way that Tesla designs electric cars versus others, with larger battery packs and
improved specific energy due to the limited discharge rates. Trip range is further extended if
the VTOL infrastructure supports recharging even for just a few minutes with high voltage
rapid rechargers as passengers are loaded and unloaded between trips.

Theres no question that battery specific energy will limit the range capability of VTOLs. An
important discrimination exists between the battery cell specific energy and the resulting
effective battery pack specific energy. Optimal strategies for packaging batteries together are
still being investigated to ensure that even if one battery cell fails, it won't propagate to
neighboring battery cells. The weight overhead for this battery casing is quite high with cars
(on the order of an additional 100% weight above the battery cell weight). However electric
aircraft companies have been making progress in this area due to their weight sensitivity, with
aircraft such as the Pipistrel Alpha Electro achieving less than 30% battery packing overhead.

Major investments are being made in batteries since so many products value higher specific
energy (i.e., laptops, smart phones, cars, etc.), with many new chemistry approaches being
tested. Particularly exciting are recent Department of Energy (DOE) investments which align so
well with VTOL priorities. The DOE Battery 500 project is spending $50 million over the next 5
years to develop 500 Wh/kg batteries along with high capacity 350 kW chargers. This
collaboration between DOE labs and universities is focusing on lithium-metal batteries,
overseen by an industry panel board including Tesla, IBM, and PNNL to ensure manufacturable
solutions. While this effort is pursuing a 1,000 cycle life, its also pursuing a cost target of less
than $100 per kWh. If this cost threshold can be achieved, the cycle life would be highly
acceptable. Sony is aiming to commercialize 400 Wh/kg Li-S battery packs by 2020 . Equally
exciting are the high energy chargers which would be capable of recharging in as little as 10
minutes. Additional research into pulse chargers is already showing improved cycle life and
maintaining improved maximum charge capacity over time. Achieving rapid charging for large
battery packs is as important, if not more important than achieving high specific energy


Payload weight, and therefore number of passengers, determines the overall size of the
vehicle. Useful payload is reduced by the pilot weight. Over time its highly likely that VTOLs

The Department of Energy Battery 500 Project,
will become autonomous, though we expect that initial operations will require pilots. Utilizing
pilots in the initial period permits a strategy of building up statistical proof for FAA
certification while slowly increasing the level of automation. Therefore a 2-seater VTOL would
be a minimum, which would allow for just a single passenger.

Larger payloads will require greater power for takeoff and landing, which means more noise.
Larger aircraft are more structurally efficient and are able to carry a higher ratio of
passengers per pilot, resulting in improved operating costs. Based on prior helicopter noise
sensitivity with vehicle size, the greatest probability of meeting the severe community noise
limitations exists with smaller VTOL aircraft that are carrying fewer passengers.

The American Travel Survey , which tracks statistics relating to automobile transportation
usage, provides reasonable guidance concerning typical car-like on-demand passenger trip size.
This data shows that for trips less than 100 miles, over 70% of all trips contain a single person
with an average load factor of 1.3 people. For trips greater than 100 miles, over 59% of all
trips contain a single person with an average load factor of 1.6 people.

Prior conventional air-taxis achieved remarkably similar statistics. Anecdotal evidence of load
factors from companies such as SATSAir and DayJet suggest they achieved average passenger
loads of 1.3 to 1.7 in four and five seat aircraft. Because of all these factors, the payload
capacity that likely best serves urban air-taxi flights would be a 2 to 4 passenger-size aircraft
(including the pilot, if there is one). Such a size permits true on-demand operations with a
near-term piloted solution, with the larger size enabling pooling to provide the lowest possible
trip cost. While increasing to 5 or 6 passenger aircraft will provide improved economics and
efficiency, its doubtful that such a large size aircraft could meet the severe community noise

The amount of lift generated by rotors (for VTOL) and wings (in forward flight) must exceed
the total vehicle weight, with occupants, by a sufficient margin to allow for climb and
maneuvering. The front-to-back and side-to-side balance is important to keep the center of
gravity aligned with the center of lift, again with a sufficient margin to allow safe control in all
regimes of flight. The limits are solidly determined during flight test, when the operating
envelope is determined. This is where the term push the envelope comes fromtest pilots
push the operating envelope until the aircraft becomes uncontrollable, and then you know you
cant fly it beyond that point. Pilots are required to evaluate loading for every flight to assure
that these parameters remain within limits.

For small aircraft, these concerns become more critical because each passenger represents a
significant percentage of the total weight. VTOLs will have a maximum payload capacity,
which may also vary depending on the trip altitude and the temperature. This raises questions
about how the VTOL operator will deal with passenger weights. Initially, the pilot might need
to assess the weight of the passenger that is about to come aboard and distribute riders

accordingly (commercial airlines do this today on small planes). As vehicles mature, sensors in
the vehicle may be able to do this automatically, especially when paired with ridesharing
mobile applications which will maintain user information. DEP represents a partial solution
from the outset, in that the center of gravity range will likely be wider than for a similar
aircraft with conventional propulsion.


Autonomous VTOLs will improve the safety of their operations, just as self-driving cars have
the potential to reduce the number of automobile accidents which cause 1.3 million fatalities
per year globally . VTOL autonomy is likely to be implemented over time, as users and
regulators become more comfortable with the technology and see statistical proof that
autonomy provides greater levels of safety than human pilots. As with other improvements,
demonstrating safe operation despite component failures (or operator error) is a direct way to
show equivalent or improved level of safety.

To fast-forward to the safest possible operational state for VTOL vehicles, network operators
will be interested in the path that realizes full autonomy as quickly as possible. Compared to
ground vehicles, the environment in which VTOL aircraft operate is far more open and
uncluttered, except during takeoff and landing when operating in close proximity to the
ground, buildings, and people. While there may be airspace restrictions and other VTOLs to be
aware of, compared to self-driving cars (which need to deal with everything from construction
to road obstructions, as well as reacting with only small separation distances), the challenge of
automation for VTOLs seems to be less daunting. However, VTOLs do have a higher
dependency on the weather as an operating hazard compared to self driving cars . And while
there are many ways that VTOLs can be made very safe, its still not possible to just pull over
to the side of the road as a method of dealing with uncertainty or error.

Just as mobility solution providers are experiencing with self-driving cars, theres a nearer-
term approach that includes having reversionary modes where the pilot can always
overpower the vehicle-recommended control. VTOL pilots will derive substantial benefit from
obstacle detection and sense-and-avoid systems that can alert the pilot of concerns and
provide operating envelope protection. This approach provides a path to decreased pilot
workload (as well as reduced training) in urban environments while potentially achieving a
lower certification burden due to the reliability of the combination of pilot along with the
autonomy components and software. Inward looking autonomy provides the opportunity for
a decreased dependency on pilot skills through active health monitoring of components such
as battery systems, active vehicle stabilization, and management of distributed propulsion

World Health Organization.
Transformational Autonomy and Personal Transportation: Synergies and Differences between Cars and Planes,
Since this level of control system software is new in small aircraft, it raises the question of
how these systems will be certified for safety and how long that process will take. This is a
significant challenge in time and cost since only large commercial aircraft have been certified
previously with fly-by-wire systems. Fortunately, the AgustaWestland AW609 civil tiltrotor
and the Bell 525 helicopter are paving the way for GA aircraft to be certified with fly-by-wire
systems, with certification of both rotorcraft well underway. Recognizing the potential
benefits of automation to the primary causes of accidents in general aviation, weve also seen
that the FAA Small Airplane Directorate has initiated efforts to explore more affordable
approaches to implementing these type of systems.

Longer-term solutions for autonomy will likely provide distributed avionics and control
architectures that can prove a greater system reliability at a lower cost than current
approaches. This longer term solution will also likely embrace moving the pilot out of the
vehicle and onto the ground to improve the vehicle productivity and economics. Bunker pilots
are already used in the military to handle the remote control of unmanned drones and it is
expected that in the mature state, a pilot on the ground would be able to monitor and manage
a number of VTOLs at the same time.

Ground-based operatorsjust like the pilots who will initially fly these VTOLswill need to be
trained and licensed. As part of certification of a new vehicle, manufacturers will need to
define ways an operator can monitor vehicle airworthiness and its ability to make flight
safety decisions remotely. This move to remote piloting will likely need close coordination
with the FAA Unmanned Aircraft Systems efforts as they address similar issues with large
drones in civilian airspace.

The below SAE On-Road Autonomy Taxonomy figure shows the evolution of autonomous
capabilities through which automobiles are currently progressing. Uber has begun carrying
passengers with Level 3 autonomy in cars equipped with safety drivers to intervene if needed.
Tesla has announced that all of their cars will be sold with at least the hardware required for
level 5 autonomy, full self-driving capability. While these advancements have excited the self-
driving car community, establishing the software to ensure safe operation across all off-
nominal conditions will take many more years. Self-flying aircraft will progress across a
similar autonomy scale and while autonomous cars wont directly enable autonomous aircraft,
their constituent technologies have a strong commonality.

Source: SAE International and J3016.
Tesla includes a disclamer in their level 5 statements that self-driving functionality is dependent upon extensive
software validation and regulatory approval, which may vary widely by jurisdiction. It is not possible to know exactly
when each element of the functionality described above will be available, as this is highly dependent on local
regulatory approval.
The uncertainty and possibility that self-flying aircraft will experience off-nominal conditions
that the software and sensors cant resolve during cruise flight is relatively low. The challenge
for ensuring self-flying aircraft software can adequately sense and react appropriately across
all flight conditions is primarily focused on ensuring safe takeoff and landing autonomous
operations. Because the risk can be limited to specific locations, theres the potential that the
path to level 5 self-flying VTOLs will involve ground-based vehicle autonomy aids that
provide a behavioral check of the VTOL sensors and decision making. This type of redundancy
couldnt be duplicated with self-driving cars because ground-based autonomy risks cant be
isolated to specific locations.

Having an automated ground-based sensor backup that can communicate with the vehicle and
verify the autonomous software actions, could also provide a path towards early autonomy
adoption. Due to the combination of backup alternatives that exist for VTOLs to ensure safe
operation (remote bunker pilots and automated vertiport vehicle flight verification), self-flying
VTOLs have the potential to progress at a rapid pace, perhaps even more rapidly than cars or
aircraft that arent operating on a highly structured and standardized vertiport and vertistop


Before VTOLs can operate in any country, they will need to comply with regulations from
aviation authorities charged with assuring aviation safety. These regulations enforce standards
for vehicle design, production, pilot licensing, and maintenance and operating requirements.
The FAA and EASA function as regulators for 50% and 30% of the worlds aviation activity,
respectively, which means VTOL developers will ultimately need to secure their approval to
achieve mass-scale adoption. Cooperation between the FAA and EASA has resulted in
reciprocal arrangements so an aircraft approved in one jurisdiction can be flown in another.
Pilot training and commercial operator certification vary by country, but the requirements are

Developing a certification path involves a number of steps. First the regulatory authority and
the manufacturer have to agree on the certification basis. This is the set of rules that will
apply to the particular aircraft (e.g., in the U.S., Part 23 for general aviation airplanes, Part 27
for small helicopters). Then the regulator and the manufacturer must agree how to determine
the compliance of the vehicle with the certification basis. Since this is a new type of aircraft,
in the United States it would be certified under Part 21.17(b) with equivalent level of safety
once it has been proven in an experimental program. Preliminary work has been done by the

FAA for a powered-lift certification basis to accommodate tiltrotors like the AgustaWestland
AW609 Tiltrotor , but it is not fully defined. Next, the manufacturer demonstrates the
compliance of the vehicle to the standards accepted by the regulator to obtain type
certification; this is an iterative process. Following type certification, manufacturing can
begin while the manufacturer seeks a production certificate to demonstrate the capability of
producing many copies of that aircraft to the same standards.

Before an aircraft is produced for commercial sale or use, it is given a special airworthiness
certificate in the experimental category for research and development. This is a short part of
the development process for piloted aircraft, and involves negotiating operating limitations
which allows flight testing away from congested areas. It does not require any special action
or new rules from the FAA. Other experimental purposes such as market research are also
permitted, but not with paying passengers. Innovators may choose to make kit aircraft
available, which can be fabricated and assembled in the manufacturers facility by an owner-
builder in a few weeks to meet the amateur-built requirements. In the U.S., few of the usual
airworthiness requirements apply to experimental aircraft. Before the aircraft are built under
a type certificate, a broad base of experience can be developed rapidly with experimental
aircraft (even though these vehicles cannot be used in revenue service).

Traditionally, the end-to-end certification process (type and production) for a simple case, like
a new model of conventional general aviation aircraft, takes about two to three years for a
type certificate, plus another year for a new production certificate. The introduction of a new
type of aircraft, however, requires a new certification basis, developed in parallel with the
type certificate, and this could extend the end-to-end certification process to 4 to 8 years (and
in the case of the AW609 as long as 20 years). Fortunately, in 1995 the U.S. Congress passed a
law to favor industry consensus standards rather than the government's own prescriptive
standards, akin to the way automobiles are certified for safety. ASTM International has been
an effective forum to facilitate agreement among stakeholders with consensus standards
already in place for Light Sport Aircraft (ASTM F37 Committee), as well as emerging consensus
about replacing General Aviation Airplanes (U.S. Federal Aviation Regulations - FAR - Part 23)
standards with new ASTM F44 consensus standards. This approach offers the potential to
radically accelerate the development of new standards (which is required for the certification
of new electric VTOLs) because the community takes responsibility for developing the
certification basis and then presents it for adoption by the regulator.

ASTM International consensus proceedings are currently finalizing electric propulsion

standards (i.e., F39.05 sub-committee standards), which they hope to have adopted by the FAA
and EASA. There is less movement to date on vehicle autonomy, but there has been progress
recently as the FAA established a streamlined process for approval of pilot aids such as angle-
of-attack indicators. The FAA has also been active in new standards for unmanned drones

See for details on two weeks to taxi
through Part 107 to accommodate initial operations of aircraft less than 55 lb within line of
sight. Six unmanned aircraft test locations across the US will allow for rapid testing of new
technologies that will transform the current see and avoid rules (which are currently in place
for manned aircraft) to sense and avoid through new sensors and trajectory management
systems. This will enable the transition to beyond-line-of-sight autonomous operations. Just
as fly-by-wire has been integrated into airliners certificated under Part 25 alongside
traditional jet airliners, certification of VTOLs will have to prove an equivalent level of safety
to Part 23 (small fixed-wing) or Part 27 (normal category helicopter) aircraft. On the software
side, while new airliners typically use RTCA DO-160 environmental and electromagnetic
compatibility testing and DO-178 for software validation, less stringent requirements are
being defined that offer the potential for more rapid and less costly certification. GAMA has
also initiated efforts to support small aircraft fly-by-wire certification through their Electric
Propulsion Innovation Committee (EPIC) Simplified Vehicle Operation (SVO) sub-committee
efforts that brings manufacturers together to agree on common practices.

Accelerating the Certification Timetable

We see a number of potent ways to accelerate the VTOL certification process and thus time to
market for on-demand urban air transportation.

First, flight-based ridesharing is a very specific use case. Uber understands its customers
needs exceptionally well and we bring an existing large global customer base that very much
wishes this vision were a reality today. This is an unusual situation: the demand side of the
market is ready to go. The rapid growth of ridesharing has demonstrated a strong desire for
on-demand transportation, and the time-savings value proposition of on-demand flight is a
natural evolution. To complement the demand pull, we have the interest, resources and
relationships to work closely with cities to understand infrastructure and operational
requirements. These factors should enable the wider ecosystem to explore the implications of
this demand and use cases to constrain the goals and designs of the aircraft. All of this should
help accelerate development and testing.

Second, as mentioned above, both the FAA and EASA have adopted consensus-based standards
processes as a replacement for their previous very slow internal standards development
processes. In relation to VTOL aircraft certification, the FAA and EASA will imminently adopt
ASTMs F44 specification as a replacement for Part 23, which governs small fixed-wing aircraft.
Once the adoption of F44 is complete, this opens the door to developing standards for VTOL
powered-lift aircraft under this FAA adopted framework.

In order for the standards development process to happen, in this case for powered-lift
aircraft, leadership is required to assemble a coalition of stakeholders (e.g. interested vehicle
manufacturers) and approach the ASTM to create a committee tasked with creating the set of

standards for submission to the FAA and EASA. A consensus standards development gap also
applies to defining helipad/vertiport standards. Today, there is no actual standard for helipads;
there is only an FAA Advisory Circular of guidelines (that is often treated as if it were a
standard by localities). The industry is clamoring for a replacement; there just hasnt been the
leadership to assemble the motivated parties and proceed through the consensus standards
definition process. This is where Uber can help.

Third, aircraft manufacturers can apply to the FAA to issue an experimental airworthiness
certificate for their aircraft before the type certification basis is defined. The approval process
is very lightweight, and this enables the vehicle to be flown under constrained circumstances
(e.g. only required flight crew, no revenue-earning operation). As more flight time is
accumulated, the constraints can be relaxed somewhat to allow demonstration flights .This
allows demonstration of capabilities and characteristics that can impact operational
certification and will likely be essential for the public to hear and accept the substantially
lower level of noise these aircraft will produce. Another example is that Part 135 has specific
requirements relating to energy reserves that were based on the assumption that the aircraft
is flying for long distances where weather could change significantly over the flight time and
there are few alternate airports at which to land. For urban electric VTOLs, which are designed
to fly over short distances, e.g. 30 minutes, and where there are many potential landing points,
a 20-30 minute reserve likely does not make sense. By leveraging Monte Carlo simulations to
identify the potential test edge cases, experimental flights can validate the worst cases to
provide the proof the FAA requires to modify this critical electric VTOL requirement.

Fourth, the FAA and EASA have traditionally been responsive to the concept of Equivalent
Level of Safety (ELOS). As an alternative to complying with a standard requirement directly,
evidence can be presented that the same level of safety is achieved through other means. This
approach would apply well to full vehicle autonomy, for example. Once piloted operations are
in place, autonomous systems can be introduced, enabling large-scale data collection
demonstrating with statistical significance that autonomous flight is at least as safe as piloted
flight (much like the process occurring today with autonomous cars, beginning with semi-
autonomous operations assisted by safety drivers). This could circumvent a very lengthy
standard specification process for autonomy, while providing the FAA with the statistical
safety proof that the FAA needs to move forward with confidence.

Operator Certification

Commercial air-taxi services in the US are regulated under Part 135 which allows scheduled
commuter and non-scheduled air taxi (on-demand) flights. We expect there to be little
adaptation of these rules needed for VTOLs once the aircraft is produced under a type

FAA Order 8130.2H
FAA Part 21.191 specifies use of experimental aircraft that includes Research and development. Testing new
aircraft design concepts, new aircraft equipment, new aircraft installations, new aircraft operating techniques, or new
uses for aircraft. Further Part 21.195 specifies use of experimental aircraft for purposes of conducting market
surveys, sales demonstrations, and customer crew training.
certificate. An individual can obtain a simplified certificate as a single-pilot operator; or a full
Part 135 operation can be developed for a company with many pilots on staff with defined
responsibilities for directors of operations and maintenance and chief pilots. Today,
approximately 2,100 operators are licensed, flying over 10,000 aircraft in total.

Pilot Training

Part 135 operations in the US today require a commercial pilots license, minimum pilot-in-
command (PIC) experience of 500 hours for visual flight rules (VFR) operation, and 1,200
hours for instrument flight rules (IFR). Typically, new Part 135 pilots log the required time by
being flight instructors after obtaining their private pilot license. VTOL pilots will come from
both fixed-wing and helicopter backgrounds; the total PIC time requirement may be met using
any aircraft. The required commercial license with powered-lift rating will be met by
including at least 50 hours PIC time in powered-lift aircraft; the remainder of the time can be
in conventional light aircraft.

As described in the safety section, VTOLs with autonomous capabilities will significantly shift
pilot skill requirements. Presently, pilots must monitor both the vehicles trajectory in relation
to the desired path and also adjust many vehicle state parameters to force the trajectory to
conform to the desired route. Autonomy refers to the ability of the vehicle to make these
adjustments itself; pilot inputs are limited to commanding a desired trajectory rather than the
means to achieve it.

While we have planned initially for commercial pilots operating under todays Part 135 rules
and their equivalents outside the US, we anticipate that demonstrating successful operation
with early vehicles will reduce the requirements for pilot experience in conventional aircraft
based on reduced pilot task-loading, and more fundamentally, the reduced scope of tasks for
which the pilot is responsible. This is similar to what the FAA has done in the definition of the
light-sport pilot license which requires roughly half the time that a private pilot license does.
Not only must the FAA be convinced, but the insurers who cover the risk of the operation will
need to see that pilot skill and experience requirements are reduced.

In pilot training, certification is based on demonstrated competence in handling failure modes,

continuing to fly the aircraft safely in a diminished condition. A typical private pilot spends 8
to 10 hours learning to fly the basic maneuvers, and the remainder of the time learning to
handle excursions from normal flight (stalls, poor runway conditions, crosswind operations,
engine failure, etc.). Commercial and instrument pilots do the same, with more complex aircraft
at higher levels of precision, including failures of navigational equipment. Multi-engine pilots
spend much of their training dealing with flying with one engine inoperative. Once all these
failure modes are addressed by autonomous system design, navigation is suitably redundant
and the pilot need not take corrective measures to assure safe flight, it can be demonstrated

14 CFR 61.129(e)
that a far shorter training period is required to achieve safe operation over all the potential
failure modes of the aircraft. There is already precedent for this; a multi-engine rating can be
achieved in far less time if it is limited to centerline thrust (one engine in front and one in
back) rather than conventional twin-engine aircraft where an engine failure presents an
asymmetric thrust condition that can be quite challenging to manage.

Infrastructure and Operations
To enable on-demand VTOL operations within a city, it will be essential to tailor the
infrastructure and operations needs based on patterns of local demand. The extent of
infrastructure that will need to be developed in any given metropolitan area will be dependent
not solely on demand and models of efficient operations, but on the current infrastructural
footprint and if that infrastructure requires any repurposing. In many instances, both the
suitability of existing infrastructure and scale of relevant infrastructure may be lacking.

Developing a citys required VTOL infrastructure will require a data-driven understanding of

current transport demand and modelled future patterns of commuting. Operators must also
proactively engage with local resident communities and with local, state and national
governments to help identify and mobilize private sector investment to develop VTOL-related
infrastructure that benefits consumers, communities and the networks sustainable operations.
What follows is an initial overview of the infrastructure and operational issues that a city and
its many partners will need to carefully evaluate as they consider the prospect of VTOL
service. Engagement across multiple levels of government, local communities, and the private
sector will surface many additional concerns that will need to be factored into infrastructure
development and flight operations, as well as vehicle design.

In the subsequent sections we discuss:

C ity Infrastruc ture: How are heliports and helistops (or vertiports and vertistops)
designed today, and how might this infrastructure be tailored to VTOL ridesharing in
the future? How might a city think about choosing takeoff/landing sites for aircraft,
and how does infrastructure interact with airports, maintenance hubs, and routing?
Infrastructure Simulation: Based on data from long trips on Uber today, how do we
expect demand aggregation to influence the location of vertiports/stops in cities?
C harging Vehicles: How will VTOLs be charged, and what infrastructure is required to
Operations: How will operators unlock operational efficiency of urban VTOL networks
and solve the airspace challenges they will bring, as well as those introduced by
inclement weather? What will they need to consider with regards to security and public

City Infrastructure

Vertiport and Vertistop Development

In the U.S. there are 5,664 helipads with all but 66 for private use , that is, developed for use
by the property owner without public assistance. Most of this infrastructure is essentially
unused. After years without use, many helipads have been declared inactive and for
emergency use only. Many of these are located in highly desirable downtown locations that
could provide rapid access into urban areas. Los Angeles alone has over 40 high-rise helipads
in the immediate downtown. Cities such as San Francisco also have many high rise building
helipads, however none has permitted use due to local ordinances that are highly restrictive
due primarily to noise concerns.

Over the past two years NASA has studied the idea of VTOL air-taxis operating in dense urban
areas . Specifically, they chose San Francisco as one metropolitan area to provide detailed
geographic, land use, infrastructure, weather, and operational constraint considerations to
bring real world issues into their study. This permitted NASA to develop a detailed Concept of
Operations (CONOPs) for how the vehicles would be used and where the required supporting
infrastructure could be placed. This NASA study provides a number of insights that help better
understand the feasibility of conducting very dense operations (far more than any existing
city experiences with helicopters today).

A VTOL fleet will likely be supported in a city through a mixture of both vertiports and
vertistops. Vertiports would be large multi-landing locations that have support facilities (i.e.,
rechargers, support personnel, etc.) for multiple VTOLs and passengers. Following the heliport
examples used in New York City and other locations, vertiports would be limited to a
maximum capacity of around 12 VTOLs at any given time to achieve a compact infrastructure
size while enabling capacity for multiple simultaneous VTOL takeoff and landings to maximize
trip throughput. Vertistops, on the other hand, would be single vehicle landing locations where
no support facilities are provided, but where VTOLs can quickly drop off and pick up
passengers without parking for an extended time. An example of a vertistop includes small
helipads that are atop high-rise downtown buildings today.

Vertiport and Vertistop Designs

NASA investigated a combination of different approaches to determine potential vertiport and
vertistop designs.

Silicon Valley as an Early Adopter for On-Demand Civil VTOL Operations, Kevin Antcliff et al, AIAA Paper 2016-3466,
June 2016
Floating barge vertiports were proposed in the San Francisco city area to provide approach
and departure aircraft paths over the water that limit community annoyance and risk, as well
as the need to build infrastructure among existing, densely packed buildings. These types of
barge/pier vertiport infrastructure are already in use in New York City, Vancouver, and many
other cities with existing operational procedures. To accommodate increased flight operations,
these vertiports could use a short-range, ground-based navigational aid that can sequence the
timing of the approach and departures of VTOLs automatically.

Another novel NASA proposed vertistop solution is shown in the figure below for a Silicon
Valley highway cloverleaf. In this case, major roadway cloverleaves are re-purposed with

Intra-Urban Vertical Flight Air-Taxis, Potential Feasibility and Early Adoption Paths, Mark Moore, NASA Langley
Research Center, August, 2016
raised helipad structures. FAA guidance documents for heliport setbacks and operational
concerns were used to compare with typical cloverleaf diameters. Typical cloverleaves were
found to be approximately 225 diameter to accommodate car deceleration and turning. A
typical helipad requires a 50 pad, a 115 diameter Final Approach and Touchdown (FATO) area,
and a ~200 diameter Public Safety Area (PSA). NASA suggested a raised platform to permit the
vertistop to be at the same height as the overpass to provide the maximum height clearance
above any road traffic and minimize distraction to ground traffic. An elevated platform also
permits the underneath area to be used for additional vertistop functionality, such as a
passenger pickup and waiting area. These types of public vertistop locations are meant to be
highly synergistic to current ridesharing trends, and not meant to require parking or storage of
either VTOLs or ground cars. Imposing private ownership vehicle models on vertiports or
vertistops would increase the size of the required infrastructure and increase the cost.
Extensibility of diverse vertistop infrastructure ideas is currently being investigated by NASA
and MIT in joint studies of other metropolitan areas such as Los Angeles.

This highway cloverleaf-based infrastructure approach has a number of operational

advantages including the re-use of existing Department of Transportation land. Aircraft
approach and departure trajectories could be performed over major roadways with no flights
over neighboring private property below 500 feet. Also existing highway noise is well
matched to the proposed noise levels of VTOLs to assist in limiting community annoyance. This
type of infrastructure couples into existing ground roads to help minimize ground travel time,
and provides a good fit with emerging ride-sharing business models to avoid the need for
ground or air vehicle parking facilities. The NASA study also noted that one potential form of
vertiports could be at private company campuses, which have large setbacks to neighboring

Similarly, the top level of parking garages offers a particularly compelling opportunity to
repurpose otherwise unused real estate as a vertiport. Raised parking structures additionally
provide operational advantages, such as helping to ensure that unobstructed glide path angles
can be achieved to satisfy FAA guidance for safe operations. Such structures have already
been proposed as shown in the figure below relating to the Los Angeles airport .

In terms of considering use of

different potential airportal
infrastructure, vertiports offer a
compact footprint with VTOLs
operating at steep glide slope
angles to avoid overflying
neighboring properties. Using
anything other than vertical
flight capable aircraft would

require significant ground resources and land use. NASA considered conventional, short, and
extremely short runway vehicle solutions in their Urban VTOL Air-taxi studies but found those
approaches wouldnt be feasible for built-up metropolitan areas because of the extensive land
purchasing costs and other land use issues such as ensuring the avoidance of overflight of
neighboring private property at altitudes below 500 feet. Burdening neighboring property
with low altitude flights that have long approach paths due to shallow angles isnt just a
matter of good neighbor operations. Legal precedent prevents low altitude overflight of
private property (e.g., United States v. Causby) . The U.S. Supreme Court ruling established
that private property ownership extends to the airspace immediately above the property,
along with refuting the claim that ownership extends indefinitely upward. While the precise
altitude airspace ownership reaches to is under significant legal debate and being investigated
by MITs Operational Aspects of On-Demand Mobility study, VTOLs must operate so as to
respect the rights of bystanders and landowners on the ground.

Ridesharing Infrastructure for VTOLs

An additional reason why vertical takeoff and landing capability is critical for urban
operations is the need to accommodate different wind directions and gusts during takeoff and
landing. While Short Takeoff and Landing (STOL) and Extreme STOL (E-STOL) aircraft require
less power for takeoff and landing, if these vehicles are to operate across a wide range of
wind directions and conditions, then they may require runways in several directions. This is
because cross-wind landings are particularly difficult at slow takeoff and landing speeds.
Because of winds, a STOL or E-STOL airport in some locations would require more real estate
than a single runway, and might require land flyover rights in many directions due to their
shallow climb angles compared to a VTOL which has no dependence on runways and can point
itself into the wind direction during hover, takeoff, or landing.

Legal Information Institute, United States v. Causby et ux., Cornell University Law School. May 1946. [cited: 5 May 2016]
We developed the below artists rendering to illustrate many of the potential vertiport
features and better visualize the type of infrastructure envisioned for use with on-demand
VTOLs as part of a ridesharing network. In this example, the top of an eight story downtown
parking garage has been converted to a vertiport capable of supporting 12 VTOLs. For the
purposes of the illustration, we have assumed that the urban location must be capable of
satisfying the FAA helipad guidance criteria for an unobstructed glide slope in the proposed
departure and arrival paths. This requirement will prevent use of a location surrounded by tall
buildings on all sides.

Since VTOL ridesharing operators will conduct regular service at a given vertiport, weve
depicted two 50 diameter touchdown pads. Although there is no formal requirement with
regard to spacing, pads will need to be maximally separated to minimize operational risk. The
separation helps to avoid interference between the two pads, and potentially offer
simultaneous arrivals and departures. The touchdown pads are classified by the FAA as
Touchdown and Lift Off (TLOF) areas, with another larger area classified as the Final Approach
and Takeoff (FATO) area. The FATO is approximately 100 diameter, and mandates that there
are no structures, lighting or other obstacles in this area to ensure flight safety. Typically a
vertiport or vertistop will also have a Public Safety Area (PSA) that provides an additional

FAA Aircraft Circular 150/5390-2C, April 24, 2012
setback of about a 200 diameter which must be controlled. However, for rooftop locations,
the PSA is not required since if it extends beyond the rooftop (since the area is controlled).

Parked VTOLs are kept away from the touchdown areas unless actively arriving or departing.
Each of the parking spots provides a conventional charger with two offering rapid chargers.
During peak operations, VTOLs will be flying so the majority of the parking spots would be
empty. The two touchdown pads would each offer rapid chargers, as well. These rapid
chargers will enable a VTOL that only intends to land and then reload passengers to recharge
for a short time, which will maximize the amount of time in flight. Recessed charging plugs
might even automatically deploy after motors stop.

The active flight operations area is restricted by a building that provides the security,
screening, waiting area, and other functions; with access to the touchdown pads only through
the building. The customers only walk a short distance to the touchdown pad, and only when
the aircraft propulsion is inactive. The parked VTOLs are kept away from users to minimize
interaction with the vehicles. VTOLs will require the ability to taxi with a wheel motor on the
ground short distances to move between pads and parking areas. Another portion of the
rooftop permits customers to be dropped off and access automobile or pedestrian egress
points to complete their trip.

Vertiport and Vertistop Placement
Initially, VTOLs are unlikely to carry passengers directly door-to-door, but instead between
vertiports and vertistops. However, depending on local regulations and space constraints,
VTOLs could potentially take off and land at private residences. The locations would need to
be registered and surveyed for approach and departure routes. In California, for example,
personal use airports are perfectly legal in unincorporated areas. That said, point-to-point
trips would be less likely to have overlap with other trips (as compared to a vertiport/stop
network with limited, high-throughput nodes), so these passengers would need to be willing to
pay a relative premium.

Given this, operators will likely focus primarily on a carpool-enabled VTOL network consisting
only of multimodal trips among vertiports/stops. As discussed below in the Rider Experience
section, Uber is used in the first/last mile today in conjunction with public transit, and we
already successfully ask riders to walk to an uberPOOL pickup in New York City (in exchange
for higher likelihood to share a ride, thus lower prices for all riders). Leveraging multimodal
transport allows us to maximizes network throughput and time savings while also minimizing
walking/driving time to/from stops.

The greatest operational barrier to deploying a VTOL fleet in cities is a lack of sufficient
locations to place landing spots. Even if VTOLs were certified to fly today, cities simply dont
have the necessary takeoff and landing sites for the vehicles to operate at fleet scaling. A
small number of cities already have multiple heliports and might have enough capacity to
offer a limited initial VTOL service, provided these are in the right locations, are readily
accessible from street level, and have space available to add charging stations. But if VTOLs
are going to achieve anything approaching their potential, infrastructure will need to be added.

Operators such as Uber can be helpful in identifying locations for and removing barriers to
build out vertiports and vertistops to enable VTOL service; we demonstrate some example
analysis in the Infrastructure Simulation section below. While the exurban ends of commuter
corridors will have more and cheaper land, dense urban cores will have very limited space,
and rooftops may not have been constructed such that they can be retrofitted. Surrounding
high-rise buildings may necessitate increased rates of vertical climb at takeoff, adding
potentially significant power demands, and can also create micro-climates, such as wind
tunnels, that will need to be carefully considered.

Many cities heavily restrict heliport development to specific locations and helicopter flights to
limited time windows. Most of the public objections which prompt these, however, dont apply
to electric VTOLs. Reviewing public comment on hospital helicopter siting, for example, shows
that the vehicles in question would generate far higher short-term noise levels than any VTOL
operation would.

Airports and Vehicle Maintenance Hubs
Most urban areas have a variety of existing airports. In the San Francisco Bay area for
example, there are three major air-carrier terminals, two decommissioned military airports,
one federal/civil airport, 7 general aviation airports, a private airport and a private seaplane
base, all within about 35 miles of SFO. Each of these locations is a good candidate for initial
VTOL operations, and the simulation below built off our first-principles analysis in the greater
Los Angeles area indicates the same.

Any city or region will also require maintenance and support locations for the hundreds of
VTOLs to be serviced, inspected, and parked when not in use. This function will certainly be
distinct from the vertiports or vertistops (although a maintenance base would also serve as a
vertiport for passengers), and likely be part of a local Fixed Based Operator (FBO) support role
for this new market. Mobile maintenance will be required at any vertiport to address non-
airworthy aircraft. In the case that an emergency landing or equipment failure results in a
VTOL requiring service, this would require maintenance personnel to be deployed to the
location, similar to current helicopter operations. This is another reason for VTOLs to embrace
fully redundant propulsion and control design that can provide a limp home mode of


Beyond locating and constructing vertiports and vertistops, VTOLs will need a route structure
from any one location to any other to make integration with air traffic control practical. While
there is no provision yet for dedicated VTOL routes in the U.S. National Airspace System (NAS),
an equivalent construct is simple to define by negotiation with ATC, just as news reporting and
medical aircraft have defined routes. For the foreseeable future, aircraft operating in urban
areas will still use voice communications with ATC to allow for the variety of traffic, but in the
next few years all aircraft will have readily available cockpit displays showing all the other
nearby aircraft. Through experience with piloted operations along the same routes, it will be
possible to demonstrate the basis of an autonomous route structure, which will evolve to
avoid conflict with existing aircraft operations.

In some areas, such as the San Francisco Bay area, there are natural features such as the bay
itself that lend themselves to VTOL routing. The tools for developing routing are the same as
employed today for other low altitude traffic. This is another area where careful routing
optimization will be key. For instance it will be possible to avoid the difficulties experienced
when FAA implemented NextGen approach routing into SFO (residents complained of noisy
aircraft appearing one after the other in precisely the same location) by randomizing route
structure to a certain extent while remaining within corridors defined in coordination with ATC.
Low altitude, maneuverable and quiet aircraft present unique opportunities that have not been
present in previous air traffic planning scenarios.

Infrastructure Simulation
We know from our core business that network optimization is one of the most fundamental
drivers for the efficacy of complex transportation systems. Given a large number of eligible
vertiports, choosing the specific subset to utilize has strict implications for both the facility
and transportation costs. The choice of vertiports also influences the total volume of the
population served by VTOLs as well as their desirability relative to other transportation

We performed an initial analysis of potential vertiport locations in the greater Los Angeles and
London areas using a September 2016 week of long-distance Uber trips whose Haversine (as
the crow flies) distance exceed 20 miles. Unfortunately, long distance trips on Uber are still
far too expensive for the average consumer and thus result in a limited amount of data. That
said, there are enough trips over several years of service to make an analysis of latent
demand for traditional non-Uber
commuting on long-distance routes.

Given a candidate set of vertiport

locations, we developed a model to
select an optimal subset to maximize trip
coverage subject to a host of constraints.
These include time saved relative to
driving, limiting the total number of
vertiports selected, and spatial
constraints around vertiport selection.
We first applied a k-means clustering
algorithm to the set of trip origin and
destination points to reduce the number
of candidate locations for consideration
to 100 (represented by black dots). These
were used as input for the next stage of
the problem. Out of these, we selected
25 through a large-scale optimization
model to maximize accessibility for VTOL
itineraries, where eligible itineraries are
generated such that the estimated time
saved relative to the ground trip exceeds
40% .

As a note, well use the terms vertiport

or vertistop in this section generically for
hubs, but the size of each will be

We explore additional sensitivities with this threshold in the Output section
dependent on the throughput as shown. As we add more hubs in a city, the throughput of each
marginal hub will decrease; smaller hubs will best serve as a vertistop instead given that their
primary purpose will be to add network efficiency rather than as a critical, high-throughput
node containing charging infrastructure.

We made the following assumptions throughout our simulation:
1. All riders are to take no more than one VTOL leg (i.e., VTOL layovers are not
2. Max VTOL distance is 120 miles.
3. En-route VTOL airspeed is 170 mph.
4. We add 60 seconds and 75 seconds for takeoff and landing times, respectively.
5. Loading and unloading time of riders take 3 and 2 minutes respectively.
6. We estimate the time from a riders origin (riders destination) to a departure (arrival)
hub by first converting the Haversine distance to an estimated routing distance using a
factor of 1.42, and then applying the average speed from the actual trip.
7. A rider is eligible for a VTOL route if and only if the estimated duration of the route is
at least 40% faster relative to the estimated duration of the ground trip.
8. All requests are met on an on-demand basis and scheduling rides in advance are not

In order to decide the best set of vertiport locations we consider assigning every rider a
specific itinerary which is comprised of either: (i) a ground trip or (ii) an itinerary containing
three segments: one from the riders origin to the VTOL departure hub, the VTOL segment, and
the VTOL arrival hub to the riders destination. We seek to choose the subset of hubs that
maximize total trip coverage of long-distance riders throughout the network.

Our model ensures the following conditions are met:

The number or vertiports selected is not to exceed a maximum allowable number

All riders are covered by exactly one itinerary
No two pair of vertiports that are sufficiently close to one another, as defined by the
users specification, are to be simultaneously chosen
Any vertiport that is not selected must not be assigned to any rider

Our model is solved by means of a large-scale integer program using a third party commercial
optimization solver.

Analysis and Discussion

The data and analysis reveal some intriguing differences between estimated infrastructure
deployment in cities, as illustrated by London and Los Angeles.

Specifically the main differences we explore focus on: the way in which urban geography and
design characteristics drive aggregation of demand across a city or its exurbs and suburbs, the
role that existing public transport nodes may play in VTOL infrastructure siting and multi-
modal trips and the ways in which limited ground-based infrastructure sub-optimally serving
existing (or suppressing latent) demand could be supplemented by alternative infrastructure

The first 2 5 vertiports that we c hoose c apture 6 0 % of all long- distanc e trips in
L os Angeles and 3 5 % in L ondon. Long-distance trip coverage in both cities increased as
we added additional vertiports, but it did so sublinearly considering each marginal vertiport
had diminishing marginal trip coverage. Unsurprisingly, there is a high density of long-distance
trips starting or ending in the central business districts and mass transit hubs. This is
particularly evident at large airports like Los Angeles International, London Heathrow, and
London Gatwick.

Some trips may have an origin or destination sufficiently close to a vertiport precluding the
need for a car for the initial or final leg of that trip. We define an itinerary leg to be walkable
if the Haversine distance for either leg before or after the VTOL leg is less than some
threshold, with 250m, 500m and 1000m displayed above. The share of trips with a walkable
leg is higher in London, largely attributed to the significantly larger share of trips to a local
airport as compared to Los Angeles.

Demand Aggregation and Multi-Modal Benefits
In Los Angeles, fewer vertiports cover a larger portion of long-distance trips, while London
exhibits far lower trip coverage across the same number of hubs. This implies that cities which
demonstrate travel patterns across a significantly longer tail of origin and destination
locations, such as London, may face an increased infrastructure burden to achieve trip
coverage parity with other cities.

Conversely, a higher net percentage of Londons VTOL trips are walkable at the 250m
thresholdnearly five times as much as LA. This is due to the fact that London has numerous
mass transit hubs which overlap with our predicted vertiport locations (the Tube, multiple
airports) in comparison to Los Angeles whose metro is not nearly as prominent and has its
major international airport closer to the city center. As such, cities which have more limited
public transit (thus potentially with more latent demand for VTOL) and existing transit hubs
may find that building out vertistop infrastructure actually induces increased clustering of
existing travel patterns. In the interim, these cities will also see a larger share of multi-modal
itineraries containing automobile legs, rather than walking.

The simulation demonstrates many of the commuting patterns that characterize day-to-day
commutes within and around a city. Particularly prominent are the demand centers of main
airportsin London: Heathrow, Gatwick, City, Stansted, Luton and London City; in Los Angeles:
LAX, Burbank, Orange County, and Long Beach.

Underserved Routes
However, journeys between airports in a city is an intriguing source of demand that has
potential implications for leveraging existing aircraft-related ground infrastructure to enable
aerial routes that supplement sub-optimal ground infrastructure. The data show journeys
between several of Londons main airports - Heathrow to Gatwick and Heathrow to Luton as
prime examples. Connections between Londons Heathrow Airport in the west of the city and
Londons Gatwick Airport south of the city, for example, are notoriously challenging though
many international travelers originate in one of the airports only to connect onto a flight from
the other often times with tight connection times. Transit passengers need to navigate a
ground journey of approximately 38 miles between the two airports, but this journey can take
upwards of one hour and thirty minutes during peak traffic times meaning missed connections
and added stress. A VTOL at 200 mph would take ten minutes including takeoff and landing.

In London, the airport examples touch on the east-west and ring road(s) travel challenges that
exist around the citys periphery, which is due to either limited existing road and rail
infrastructure or simply congested to the point of gridlock at peak times. Where London has
limited existing helicopter-related infrastructure, leveraging the extensive airport network
infrastructure and the aerial links these would open up to poorly served economic centers on
the periphery of the city could be compelling for VTOLs. In LA, the predicted vertistops
emulate travel patterns undertaken by residents for work (e.g. Orange County to hubs in
Hollywood or Silicon Beach) or leisure (various locations to Malibu Beach, for example). It may
be possible that revitalizing pre-existing helipads present on many of the citys downtown
buildings would satisfy the type of demand that we see in our simulation model; similar cities
such as Sao Paulo might exhibit analogous behavior.

Even from this basic simulation with a relatively narrow dataset, we are able to identify
important infrastructure model differences that VTOL networks will need to consider on a city-
by-city basis. We know that there are many root causes that influence urban transport
demand patterns driving differences and similarities across locations that can have
implications for the design of a VTOL infrastructural network. While we explore several of
these above, there is a range of factors that many stakeholders will be eager to analyze to
plan optimal VTOL-related operations. Factors such as the underlying transport mix and
quality of the infrastructure for both public and private transit modes often influence living
locations for citizens, which drives corridors of demand and population density. Topographic

challengesfrom bays (e.g. Vancouver and Hong Kong) to mountains (e.g. Bogota)impact
accessibility to central business districts and peripheral technology, business and light
manufacturing parks. The sheer distance and layout to be covered for day-to-day activities
given the location of key districts influence when and how peak demand flows impact a
typical commute. We see some of these attributes reflected in this basic simulation, but there
are many more factors to analyze on a city-by-city basis.

Ultimately, VTOL operators will want to work closely with any given citys leadership,
transport experts and existing transport network managers and planners to identify the clear
near-term and projected future use cases that rapidly and potentially fundamental transform
commuting within and around their cities.

Time Savings

We benchmarked the
above analysis on a time
savings threshold of 40%
when considering the
speed of driving the entire
route versus taking a VTOL
and driving or walking
to/from the closest of 25

We also tested the

sensitivity of various
savings thresholds from 0
to 100%, finding that after
a savings threshold of 70%
and 75% in London and Los
Angeles, respectively, no
time-saving VTOL trips
were possible. This makes
sense intuitively because
average driving speed
directly between two
vertiport/stops would be
at least 40 mph as
compared to a VTOL at 170
mph (assumption for this
analysis) so the savings for any given VTOL itinerary asymptotes near 70-75%.

We also found that commute trips (under the aforementioned conditions) in Los Angeles
tended to be lengthier overall30.4 miles on averageas compared to 26.0 miles in London.
LA also had a longer-tail of very long trips versus London: 75 percentile32.1 and 26.8 miles,
th th
95 percenitle53.1 and 38.4 miles, 99 percentile82.5 and 51.9 miles, respectively. This
exercise further validates that VTOL will provide the greatest time savings for lengthier trips;
as such, a city with greater spread between commute endpoints may exhibit more latent
demand for urban flight alternatives to their automobile commutes.

Charging Vehicles
VTOLs will need to move off the landing pad at vertiports to accommodate other VTOLs if they
need to recharge, or if another passenger trip isnt already scheduled. However, if energy is
sufficient and if passengers are ready, then the VTOL will only stay on the pad long enough to
deplane and enplane passengers. Achieving a minimum turnaround time is important to
achieve high vehicle productivity. Taxiing the VTOL to a vertiport parking space for passenger
egress would take a prohibitive amount of time, as well as require passengers to be on the
tarmac during active operations by other vehicles. Batteries will need to be topped off
between flights to achieve maximum utilization. Each vertiport will have multiple high voltage
rapid chargers, as well as sufficient lower voltage chargers for each vehicle vertiport parking
slot to recharge at a slower rate.

Our current vertiport modeling assumes that one-third of the chargers be high voltage/high
capacity based on the ratio of required recharging to achieve a greater than 2000 hour annual
vehicle utilization. Tesla has already shown the efficacy of rapid chargers, achieving an 80%
battery charge within 30 minutes. However, high voltage chargers are significantly more
expensive than conventional slow chargers, and rapid charging can introduce significant
damage to the battery, reducing projected battery life. Providing the right mix of chargers is
a market-specific fleet optimization question. However, infrastructure will likely have chargers
for every VTOL to enable overnight recharging. Matching the battery charge and discharge
characteristics (specific power and C rating which indicate how quickly electrons can be added
or taken from the battery) are critical requirements across the vehicle, mission, and

Battery swapping is another alternative to help maximize vehicle productivity and utilization.
Tesla invested in developing a robotic battery exchange system capable of a battery swap
within 90 seconds . While swapping optimizes the vehicle performance, it causes a significant
logistics burden, which was one reason for Teslas discontinuation of their battery swapping
program. Ensuring an appropriate distribution of batteries across all vertiports is required,
which may require ground trucking of batteries between vertiports. An additional factor is that
batteries are a major expense, and requiring multiple battery sets per vehicle would be a
significant additional fleet expense. The certification challenge of reconfirming overall vehicle
flight safety after adding a new battery, which the FAA will consider a flight-critical vehicle
component, is an important additional consideration.

Tesla super chargers use a high voltage, smart charging system thats able to use the battery management system to
closely monitor cell voltages to avoid damaging batteries. If a typical battery is charged rapidly without high voltage
or closely monitoring cell temperatures than damage can result that will reduce the cycle life of the battery.
Air Traffic
The operational footprint and demand within urban airspace today varies by city with large
aerial transit hubs having significant commercial airline activity and other metropolitan
environments much more modest in terms of the demands on their airspace. Due to the
underlying drivers of demand for commercial helicopter operations, their impact on urban
airspace remains largely limited. Only a few cities worldwide, including Sao Paulo and New
York, have scaled commercial urban helicopter activities to any reasonable degreeSao Paulo
has the largest registered fleet at a 420 helicopters supported by an infrastructure consisting
of 193 active helipads.

Considering the significant potential for on-demand urban VTOL operations, the latent demand
for fast 3D travel will likely necessitate a significantly higher frequency and airspace density
of vehicles operating over metropolitan areas simultaneously. To meet this demand the
operational complexity of managing airspace will increase exponentially beyond todays
operational activities. It will be critically important that the aircraft operating community,
regulators, and others develop alternative solutions to enable safe, efficient and high-capacity
operational urban environments to accommodate this dramatic increase in aerial traffic

Current aircraft traffic management and de-confliction advancements such as ADS-B

technology are a great starting point for initial low density operations, but more
comprehensive low altitude airspace solutions will be required to meet near to long-term VTOL
operational capacities. Emerging concepts such as the NASA Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic
Management (UTM) initiative are a start towards an airspace system that will enable the
autonomous trajectory management systems necessary for the future operating environment.
However, these steps alone are unlikely to be sufficient to handle the future of urban airspace,
given the project demands of on-demand VTOL networks.

Following UTM, there are at least three compelling potential developments that would help to
unlock operational efficiency of urban VTOL networks and solve the airspace challenges they
will bring:

1. High volume voiceless air traffic control interactions

2. UTM-like systems that address higher altitudes intersecting with General Aviation
3. VTOL-related traffic integrating seamlessly with low-altitude commercial airline
approach-and-departure trajectories near metropolitan hub airports.

1) High Volume Voiceless Air Traffic Control Interactions

For VTOL aircraft, flights in Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) need to be as simple
and low-burden to pilots as VFR flight. Voice-based pilot-to-airspace controllers create a serial
capacity bottleneck that will limit the capability and scalability of an airspace system.
Transitioning to voiceless communication-and-navigation interaction has been ongoing for
years as Future Air Navigation Systems (FANS) equipment such as Controller Pilot Data Link
Communications (CPDLC) is being developed. This type of system replaces air traffic control
instructions and read-backs, automating ATC processes.

However, the challenge of such systems is that they only complement, instead of replace,
voice communication so theyre expensive and can only reduce workload in a portion of
situations, which means increased pilot training since the pilot needs to be familiar with both
types. Operators will likely want to explore standard adoption across all aircraft types (UAVs,
General Aviation, VTOLs, and Commercial Airlines) and determine how to enable this
implementation. The FAA will understandably wish to see the potential demand within
aviation markets, such as that being established by logistics firms pushing adoption of
delivery drones and operators promoting VTOL air travel, before providing high capacity
airspace solutions.

2) UTM-like Management Extended Above 500 Feet Altitudes

NASAs UTM system is currently focused on achieving an airspace management system for
small UAVs operating below 500 feet altitude. This approach segregates small UAVs from
other air traffic which typically flies at higher altitudes. However, it is unlikely that even small
UAVs will be able to operate in a completely segregated fashion due to private property
altitude restrictions and the need for separation assurances from General Aviation and
Commercial traffic. A simpler approach, segregation of airspace across aircraft types, is likely
not a long-term solution.

Expanding the application of UTM to general aviation aircraft, both cooperative and
noncooperative , through an expanded NASA-Industry-University collaboration would provide
a comprehensive air traffic management solution up to several thousand feet. Similar to high
volume voiceless ATC, NASA will need to point to demand for high capacity airspace
technologies to justify embracing this expanded scope in a timeframe that supports rapid
market implementation.

3) Seamless Integration with Airports and Terminal Areas

Nearly all major cities have large airports nearby, with some cities such as Los Angeles having
a hub airport close to the downtown area. These airports have Class B, C or D airspace
extending control over a 5 to 10 mile radius from the ground up to about 2000 feet, and over
up to a 35-mile radius in tiers reaching 10,000 feet. In Los Angeles, 43% of the citys land area
is within these air traffic control sectors, and flight requires controller approval in some parts
and voice interactions throughout. However, most of this controller-managed airspace is rarely
utilized; MITs Operational Aspects of On-Demand Mobility study indicates that airline

Non-cooperative traffic (aircraft not carrying suitable equipment to cooperate) is likely not to be a problem in the
urban areas where VTOLs will be launched, as nearly all of them will be subject to mandatory ADS-B operation by
operations only access 5% of this reserved area. This limited use of reserved, controlled
airspace is partly due to recent improvements in precision approach and departures that has
greatly reduced the trajectory variations.

Such data suggest that it may be possible for hub airport airspace to embrace cutouts or more
precise airspace delegation that can dynamically open up more airspace to non-controller
managed flight, as exists today for example in the VFR special flight rules route over LAX.
These operations would likely be dependent upon wind conditions and active traffic pattern,
and already have equipage requirements to ensure safe operations in close proximity to Part
121 airline traffic traffic. This type of new airspace management approach would embrace
dynamic allocation, and instead of static airspace charts take full advantage of digital
communication and navigation solutions that are already available.

Other challenges will also require attention as VTOL traffic volume increases, such as
efficiently managing the scheduling and sequencing of vehicle and vertiport resources in a
manner that achieves high system capacity and efficiency while optimizing door-to-door
travel times and variations for users of the system. Additionally, as we have seen with self-
driving vehicles, it will be important to consider the standards that manage the way that
different fleets govern their autonomous travel decision making. Small differences in how
vehicles are programmed to respond to (or learn how to respond to) operational situations or
impediments can lead to potential conflicts, particularly if the decision making parameters or
tolerances in interpretation of the rules of the sky differ across different network managers
fleets autonomy systems. We believe manufacturers, regulators and fleet operators will reach
consensus on suitable standards to manage these challenges, and discussions in this space are
already underway. Increased vehicle behavior uniformity will result in more efficient and
safer fleet management.

While the science of dynamic spatial deconflictionmimicking the instinctive behavior of

animals such as fish swimming in schoolshas been understood for centuries, sensors and
portable computing power make dynamic spatial deconfliction eminently feasible in a vehicle.
This type of optimization across the fleet and airspace is one where Uber can draw from
experience with our core business and, as such, help bring value in maximizing both the
productivity of the vehicles and airspace utilization.

Fortunately, the technology for many of these advancements is actually available readily
todaythe major obstacle so far to adoption of these technologies, such as ADS-B, has been
high cost due to inherently small scale manufacturing of general aviation aircraft. Future
developments, such as UTM-like autonomous trajectory management, will likewise be very
expensive if built at small scale. Standardization of building blocks such as ADS-B has already
been accomplished. Finally, operators, such as Uber, that unlock latent customer demand will
spur significant VTOL manufacturing demand, which will drive down the aviation technology
acquisition costs to the point where utility and general aviation will be able to adopt new
technology at low cost.

4) Building Infrastructure Toward Autonomy
We anticipate that VTOL systems such as Ubers will have its own internal communications
network as part of its Part 135 operating procedures, allowing precision navigation and
positioning even while the vehicles have onboard pilots. Development of infrastructure in the
piloted phase will flow directly toward the requirements for autonomous operation. Primary
navigation will be based on existing global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) with
simultaneous reception of GPS, GLONASS and whatever other international systems become
available in this time, such as GALILEO (Europe) and BeiDou (China.) Precision positioning for
approaches to vertiports and vertistops may also be required, using a combination of WAAS-
augmented GPS and microwave transponder technology. As with UTM for unmanned vehicles,
FAA is not expected to provide separation services for low altitude VTOLs as they do for
airline and GA traffic. It must be possible for VTOLs to navigate independently of ATC while
they are in airspace not used by conventional aircraft. All of these requirements are shared
with the UAS community and it is likely that the same approach will evolve in parallel for
VTOLs, at a higher level of reliability for passenger-carrying flight.

The communications or datalink portion is likely to be a combination of ADS-B, existing cell

phone and low earth orbit satellite networks, and low power terrestrial microwave datalinks.
From the outset the system is expected to be triply redundant to handle all contingencies; full
functionality will be maintained with at least two of the networks inoperative. The data
bandwidth required is quite low for essential functions that require network-wide visibility.
Higher bandwidth and shorter latency will be required when vehicles are in close proximity to
each other, but several approaches are already being developed in the UAS space with this
capability; NASAs UTM program is leading the way here and we anticipate working closely
with them as it develops.

Sequencing and spacing will necessarily be vertically integrated through the Uber airborne
rideshare ecosystem. Not only must a vehicle and vertiport/stop space be available, but
airspace for the flight must be reserved, and status and position of each vehicle monitored in
real time. This field is under continuous development today for larger aircraft with the
NASA/FAA NextGen program, and VTOLs can use a similar approach scaled to meet their own
flight requirements. This is an area where continuous development of microprocessor speed
and memory capacity maps directly the the ability to handle denser air traffic, to a higher
degree of precision.

Trip Reliability
As explained in the introduction, trip reliability is a primary factor in the end-to-end request-
to-drop-off time, which itself is the primary manifestation of the time-saving value prop we
aim to deliver. Trip reliability is a function of the state of the network, i.e. the number and
distribution of vehicles in service relative to the demand. This can be measured by request-to-
arrival time, i.e. how long the user has to wait after the request for the vehicle to show up.
This, in turn, is driven by a number of factors, such as vertiport/vertistop locations, duty cycle
of the vehicles and, more so than for cars, weather.

Weather, discussed in the next section, is a complicating factor for flight, with serious
challenges created by fog, icing, wind, and thunderstorms. VTOLs will need to leverage
additional technologies to augment visibility, maneuver effectively in gusty wind conditions,
handle most icing concerns, and take advantage of enhanced weather information and
prediction to maximize the percentage of operational time available, all of which in turn will
maximize vehicle utilization and economic feasibility: as VTOL operations scale, there will be
increasing motivation and resources to innovate in these areas. Technologies ranging from
auto-deicing to autonomous piloting, which will increase both vehicle control precision and the
uniformity of flight suitability decision making, should significantly increase VTOL availability
over time.

Whatever the gap in availability of VTOLs, the multimodal aspect of a network like Ubers
helps with system reliability: if a VTOL must land due to a problem, including weather, another
form of transportation can be automatically coordinated to continue the trip from the landing
point. Of course, this constitutes a degraded form of service, so there will be a lower bound of
VTOL availability below which VTOL service will not be considered reliable enough for users to
depend upon. For early deployments, therefore, we will select locations with conditions that
are favorable to availability, like consistent good weather.

Due to the increased consequences of a failure enroute, environmental conditions and weather
have more acute implications for aircraft than automobiles. Thunderstorms that create large
wind shear, icing, and low visibility during the takeoff, departure and landing approaches are
the largest sources of aircraft operations interference. Heavy precipitation and wind gustiness
create volatile conditions that cause further disturbances during takeoff and landing can make
it difficult to maintain vehicle control and reasonable safety margins. Ensuring the highest
safety without embracing operational complexity (i.e. spraying vehicles to remove ice prior to
takeoff such as airliners) will be particularly important in the early years of any large VTOL
network, which has implications for the specific urban locations where well focus in the near-

Our economic analysis assumes that no more than 16% of addressable operational time will be
affected by weather. However, in markets such as New York and London, commercial airline
operations are restricted due to atmospheric constraints, mostly due to thunderstorms, low
clouds, fog and icing. In commercial airline operations, these conditions are mitigated by
rerouting flights to alternate airports or adding delays, strategies which wont work for urban
VTOLs. In general we would expect VTOLs to be available at any time the nearest airport is still
able to conduct commercial airline operations; severe weather conditions, such as severe
thunderstorms, will delay all aircraft including VTOLs in any market. This means that VTOL
operators are likely to prioritize initial VTOL operations in markets that do not present
prohibitive environmental or weather conditions.

As the technology underlying VTOLs evolves and operational capacity in a diverse range of
more challenging weather environments becomes possible, wider VTOL adoption across
various markets is likely to be supported further if a set of key hurdles is overcome:

Density Altitude
Operations at higher altitudes and higher effective altitudes (i.e. density altitude ) typically
have two primary, adverse effects on aircraft operations. First, reduced air density means that
higher true airspeeds and/or rotor speeds are required to generate required lift forces. Second,
for non-normalized, internal combustion engines, the reduced air density means reduced
engine power is available. Since electric motors are not affected by this power reduction,
assuming sufficient cooling is maintained, reduced power-available at altitude is not a concern
for electric aircraft. Airbreathing engines will lose greater than 30% of their power depending
on how theyre designed (i.e. mechanical gearbox limits), which presents a tremendous
challenge for conventional helicopters. While VTOLs will nominally operate at low-altitudes
relative to ground level (e.g. <3000), operations in high-altitude areas such as Denver CO on a
hot summer day equate to operations above 10,000 in a standard atmosphere.

Snow and ice stick to and can form on rotors and airframe components, adding weight and
changing the shape of the airfoil. Icephobic coatings , which are in the very exploratory stage
of development by NASA and others, repel ice formation on the wings and propellers to
eliminate the need for costly active de-icing systems (i.e. pneumatic boots and heating leading
edges). Icing conditions are not solely a cold-weather environment phenomenon; these
conditions exist even in Florida and California at certain altitudes during occasional weather
conditions. While VTOLs are unlikely to operate at higher altitudes where they would routinely
encounter airframe ice, electric propulsion offers a unique operational safety advantage of
permitting extremely high levels of power to be generated for short periods of time until the
motor reaches its thermal limit (typically 30 to 120 seconds of operation). This capability can
be used for short bursts of power in an emergency condition, or for short term high rates of

Warmer air has more energy than cooler; the gas molecules move around more and push each other out of the way
so there are fewer of them in a given volume when its hot than when its cold..
climb to penetrate an altitude icing layer rapidly before ice can build up. While not available
today, the combination of icephobic coatings and electric propulsion would enable much
colder markets such as Manhattan or London to operate with similar availability as Los
Angeles or Bangkok.

Even with traditional IFR operations (with the exception of a few very expensive aircraft), the
last few seconds of flight must allow the pilot to see the landing environment. An airport
below minimums means that at the closest safe approach point, this ability to see the landing
environment doesnt exist. VTOLs can fly an approach at much slower speeds than
conventional airplanes, leading to reduced requirements (as permitted also for helicopter
approaches), but until they are fully autonomous, visual conditions will still be needed.

Vision systems that are able to use the infrared spectrum to see through fog have already
been developed and deployed on business-class jet aircraft. This type of vision enhancement
is typically combined with mapping data creating synthetic vision systems that provide clear
terrain depictions (typically derived from the worldwide NASA Space Shuttle Radar Thematic
Mapper dataset) while also capturing atypical obstacles (e.g., cranes). These types of systems
augment low visibility conditions but arent able to work in zero visibility conditions.

Ultimately, autonomy will ensure vehicle/obstacle avoidance and clear path to a landing site in
the long term through Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and laser scanning systems. These
systems are already used on UAVs with increased range and tolerance to rain and dust vision
obstruction; their costs are rapidly decreasing due to their mass fabrication spooling up for
implementation on self-driving cars. Comprehensive vision systems that combine all these
solutions are not yet available, and projections indicate they would introduce a significant
weight penalty for smaller aircraft. However rapid progress is taking place, and there is
considerable confidence that highly capable synthetic vision systems will be able to permit
operation in lower visibility conditions. As a mass market is created for UAVs and VTOLs,
availability of these systems will expand and costs will become much more affordable as
standard aircraft equipage.

Gusty Winds
Gusts can be particularly challenging around high-rise buildings in urban environments. VTOLs
will need to observe safe clearances from any man-made object, with the FAA requiring any
fixed-wing aircraft to maintain at least 500 foot separation from any structure. Such buffers
will need to be built into the map systems for VTOLs to insure that they avoid these safety
zones, especially in dynamic cityscape environments where a crane can be erected in a few
hours. The extra power available for short periods mentioned with regard to icing is also
applicable here, as additional control authority is available to counteract gusty conditions.
Operating a network of linked VTOLs that monitor and share the atmospheric conditions they
experience permits real-time and historical mapping of gusty locations enabling dynamic
routing and approach procedures that minimize exposure to gusts. This type of detailed and
highly distributed weather sampling will also be able to improve local weather prediction
accuracy. Currently, weather information for aviation doesnt provide high accuracy for
localized geography, with the additional fleet weather data enabling greater confidence in
performing short flights in non-optimal weather conditions.

Ensuring that security screening is seamlessly integrated into the smooth operations of the
VTOL will be essential. App-based operators are uniquely positioned to leverage our
technology to integrate and minimize the inconvenience of any security requirements while
eliminating time-consuming steps which riders are subjected to today in aviation. For example,
our self-driving cars in Pittsburgh feature tablets in the backseat which will one day verify the
riders identity without any human oversight in-car.

Additionally, the data required to verify a riders identity and associated preferences will
likely be persistent as part of a ridesharing providers mobile app; as such, operators may
develop systems similar to the FAA TSA PreCheck which permits rapid and reduced airport
security screening if the passenger is determined to present a low risk through machine
learning and other inputs. While Part 135 aircraft operations do not require the same levels of
security screening as if a passenger were boarding a commercial airline, VTOL operations will
want to explore the optimal mix of pre-flight, technology-enabled screening with sensible on
the ground security parameters to enable safe, secure and enjoyable journeys.

Embracing Public Perspectives
Operators, city and national governments, regulators and communities will give careful
thought to how VTOLs and their vertiports/vertistops will impact local communities. The
emergence of drone technology and its increasingly widespread use has already surfaced a
number of concerns, which will be instructive for the development of VTOL in urban settings.
Local communities will have valuable feedback on issues that will undoubtedly impact vehicle
and infrastructure design and operations. Consulting with prospective users and local
communities on VTOL will enable operators, regulators, vehicle manufacturers and
communities to share development of this potentially transformative transport solution.
Conversely, if operators, government bodies, vehicle designers, regulators and other
stakeholders do not effectively engage, from the outset of this journey, with the very
constituents who stand to benefit from and contribute to this new form of transport, we miss
a significant opportunity. If users and local communities do not see the potential application
for VTOLs to improve their lives then support for VTOL operations will be restricted.
Communities have a variety of means, most notably the zoning process, by which they can
delay, restrict, or even prohibit operations.

Communities necessarily will want to understand how VTOLs (and operators, policymakers and
regulators) will address the challenges below.

Safety and security. While safety is primarily the concern of federal regulators,
communities will also worry about safety. Operators will need to communicate the
safeguards inherent in the VTOL design to develop the level of trust needed. Local
communities will also have concerns regarding the security of these aircraft, including
their vulnerability to hijacking and hacking. Local law enforcement and national
transportation security agencies will necessarily be closely involved in the operational
details of any new VTOL service, but local communities will be given a complete
understanding of the security safeguards that have been put in place. While not fully
autonomous initially, VTOLs are inherently trajectory-controlled rather than state-
controlled, which means that the flight path can be modified remotely if needed. With
suitable safeguards for network security, capability can be provided for remote pilots
to override the on-board pilot in an emergency. Operators will appreciate that
vertiports and vertistops will become new or more visible features of urban landscapes.
Ensuring the safety and security of these sites for both operational purposes and
seamless, unobtrusive integration into the fabric of cities will undoubtedly be a joint
effort across local communities, local law enforcement, national security agencies and
network operators.

Noise. One of the primary issues with aviation and communities is noise. The
construction of new vertiports/vertistops or alterations of flight patterns around
airports are understandable and important issues of concern. It will be essential to

determine what level of noise, both from VTOL operations and any related increase in
vehicle traffic around Vertports, is acceptable to communities in return for offsetting
benefits, such as the possibilities of reduced commute times. Every neighborhood has a
unique soundscape that is part of the life of the people who live and work there, and it
will be important to provide VTOL service without significant acoustic impact. This
requires planning around and close coordination between vehicle design, landing site
and route planning, and dynamic scheduling of each flight. Siting of infrastructure and
planning of VTOL operational patterns will rely on ensuring that flight patterns can be
accomplished without exceeding the target noise level at the endpoints and over the
route to be flown, based on actual acoustic monitoring. Measuring physiological
loudness and annoyance terms in real time can enable dynamic operational planning to
address the community noise standards that are developed. Dynamic noise
measurement and operational planning could enable operators to direct traffic to
locations - distances being equal - that have a higher acoustic reserve (having handled
fewer recent flights or having a higher background level) over the quieter one.

Visual pollution. While VTOLs will be clearly visible during takeoff and landing, the
impact that they will have on city skylines and in areas of natural beauty when flying
at much higher altitudes between A and B is harder to imagine. Simulations can be
produced to visually model different densities of VTOLs from the perspective of a
person standing on the ground to determine any locally specific challenges. Visual
pollution concerns can be addressed via trip route modifications to avoid particularly
sensitive vistas or consolidating traffic to existing commute corridors such as above

Privacy. Communities have reacted to privacy issues with drones by pressuring state
legislatures across the U.S., resulting in new laws. As VTOLs spend most of the time at
altitude, privacy issues are likely to become more relevant when VTOLs are descending
or ascending. Operators will need to dynamically and precisely route each flight over
less sensitive areas, maintaining appropriate clearance above private property. In the
US, fixed-wing aviation is allowed to overfly densely populated areas at 1,000 feet
above the highest obstacle within 2,000 feet. In less populated areas the limit is 500
feet, in both cases subject to any other airspace restrictions, and helicopters are not
subject to these limits.

Rider Experience
At Uber were customer-obsessed, meaning were relentless in figuring out what matters to our
customers and then doing everything in our power to deliver it. Uber was founded because we
wanted to make getting from point A to B in a car a magical experience every single trip.

As we look at the commercial and personal aviation markets, we observe that consumers
experience many of the same sorts of challenges. From easily identifying cost-competitive
flight options for complex itineraries to inefficient security and pre-boarding processes to the
increasing commoditization of the on-flight experience, the average consumer is rarely treated
to an effortless and pleasurable end-to-end flight experience. To realize the full potential of
on-demand urban transportation, operators will need to integrate the experience into multi-
modal transportation options, ensuring that VTOL options are seamlessly incorporated into the
broader way that consumers travel for work or leisure within and around cities. The request,
boarding, on-trip and arrival experiences must address todays passenger experience
challenges, but they must also look beyond these to how small aircraft will have to cater to
and improve the in-flight journey for the many consumers who have never experienced
todays helicopters or small general aviation aircraft.

We care deeply about how electric VTOLs, infrastructure, and operations will all come together
to create the user experience. In our core business today, drivers are independent contractors
who utilize their own cars so we guide and incentivize driver-partners to help ensure their
riders have consistently smooth and comfortable journeys. With self-driving cars, we are able
to directly specify more aspects of the on-trip rider experience. This includes standardizing
the exterior and interior of vehicles for aesthetics, performance, and comfort, personalizing
environmental aspects like temperature and audio/video content, and providing new user
interfaces, such as the backseat tablets in our current self-driving vehicles that provide
information and controls to riders. We do not expect that VTOLs deployed on ridesharing
networks will be owned by individuals, as they will be significantly more expensive and more
complicated to operate than cars. As such, rideshare operators like Uber will be able to specify
the on-trip experience to a degree similar to that of self-driving cars, even for piloted VTOLs.
The following sections paint a picture of what the end-to-end rider experience might look like.

Request Experience

As outlined earlier in the Infrastructure section, the density of vertiports in any service area
will likely be limited by the return on investment of building out marginal infrastructure. Due
to this, longer distance trips that can gain time efficiency from VTOL will likely not always be
completely point-to-point. Instead, these trips will be multimodal to some degree at best,
riders can walk to/from each vertiport/stop; at worst, riders will take an Uber ground car
before and after their VTOL trip.

Riders are already accustomed to using ridesharing as a supplement to other modes of

transportation. During Londons morning rush hour, 30% of Uber rides in the outer city
boroughs end within 200 meters of a tube or train station, and 1 in 4 of Portlands Uber trips
start or end near a public transit station. Across the world, nearly one-sixth of all Uber
bookings are to or from an airport. In New York City, we have already begun asking uberPOOL
riders to walk up to 250m to their ride as weve found that this allows for much more efficient
network utilization. Riders are willing to do so because we can offer these trips at lower prices
with faster ETAs.

We imagine the in-app Uber VTOL experience would feature clear time and price tradeoffs
between VTOL and car options, just as we offer between uberX and uberPOOL today. Selecting
VTOL would display an itinerary with sequenced walking and driving legs on either end, as

Boarding Experience
Taking a VTOL journey needs to be an intuitive and enjoyable experience that any passenger
can embark on easily with minimal assistance. We anticipate that many urban VTOL journeys
will originate and complete in vertiports and vertistops that are situated on top of familiar
structures such as parking garages and high rise buildings. As an example in a parking
structure, a customer could be dropped off by an automobile at the entrance to the
arrivals/departures portal. Alternatively, if the customer walked, then the building stairs or
elevator would connect them directly to this same portal. This portal structure provides a
necessary safety and security barrier between the active VTOL arrivals/departures and the
customers, as well as providing shelter from the elements. In some locations, there may be
customer facilities such as restrooms and refreshments, as well as briefing and instructional
information and signage to help passengers understand what to expect.

Once inside we will clearly direct passengers where to go and what to do to embark or
disembark on their VTOL journey. In locations with more than one helipad the passenger
would be directed to the relevant departure gate to meet their VTOL. On the way to that
departure door, we imagine a rapid and seamless process whereby the riders identity,
security checks and even the weighing of the rider and their luggage (if necessary) can all be
done. Alternatively checking the passenger and luggage weight may happen as soon as the
rider and luggage are aboard the VTOL as part of the vehicle pre-flight check through
embedded landing gear deflection sensors. When the VTOL is ready at the takeoff/landing pad,
the confirmed rider would be invited into the aircraft area by means of an automatic door, and
she would walk the short distance on a marked pathway to the VTOL. Due to the use of
electric motors, there will not be delays while waiting for rotors to spin up or down as with
helicopters, nor will there be any significant taxiing that other aircraft usually need, so VTOLs
will be able to turnaround rapidly. Upon reaching the VTOL, the rider will get in, buckle up, and
after short pre-flight checks, the VTOL will ascend vertically a short distance before
transitioning to forward flight and heading toward the destination.

On-Trip Experience
Existing helicopters have levels of Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) that are
unsatisfactory in a transport mode customers might choose to use on a daily basis. High levels
of NVH are largely attributed to a helicopters large rotors and their cyclic variation of loads
which are inherent to helicopters. VTOLs will need to embrace multiple, smaller rotors that
achieve lower cyclic load vibration. Helicopters address interior cabin noise today through
noise-canceling headphones, but we do not expect passengers to wear these on a recurring
commute. Interior noise is likely to scale with exterior noise, with VTOLs initially being 15 dB
or more quieter than existing helicopters, bringing them more in line with regional commercial

VTOL rides will also need to achieve ride quality that avoids bumpiness which causes
passenger discomfort. Ride quality has shown to be highly correlated to the wing loading/rotor
disc loading , with low wing loading having bumpy rides from wind gusts, while higher wing
loading/rotor disc loading achieves relatively smooth rides even with wind gusts. Minimizing
gust bumpiness is particularly important when flying at lower altitudes, which is crucial given
variable weather conditions at these altitudes. As VTOLs, sensor capabilities, and avionics
develop long-term, we believe there is potential to couple Doppler radar or LIDAR with the
digital fly-by-wire control and DEP to achieve rapid, high bandwidth, active gust alleviation
and a smooth ride experience for customers.

Entering and exiting the VTOL will need to be practical for passengers with large access doors
at ground level. Passengers will also need to be seated close to the center of gravity of the
aircraft in order to mitigate longitudinal and lateral accelerations that cause motion sickness.
Ground interaction flows during hover can also lead to ride quality issues, with potential for
vehicle oscillations. This can contribute to visually induced motion sickness since the ground
provides a clear reference for the relative vehicle motion during approach and takeoff. Vehicle
configurations that offer rapid control response rates through a combination of sufficient
control power across pitch, roll, and yaw axes throughout all phases of flight will likely

address this issue. Vehicle interiors will also, at the very least, provide passengers real-time
trip information including location and remaining time, as well as additional monitoring
features as we introduce autonomy.

Accessibility for riders with reduced mobility will be an important priority as VTOL networks
build out. Initial vehicles are unlikely to cater to all accessibility needs, but over time as VTOL
networks grow, vehicle capabilities expand and services encompass more riders, some markets
will warrant a tailored offering that provides accessible vehicles and vertiports (a la UberWAV
for automobiles).

We understand that the optimal user experiencefrom booking to disembarkationwill differ

from market to market given infrastructural constraints and social contexts in which VTOL will
operate. Moreover, as we look forward 5-10 years where fleets of VTOL may be deployed
across urban environments internationally, we believe that the ways in which cities, personal
technology, and urban mobility will change mean Uber needs to future-proof our networks
infrastructural design and engagement with customers. We look forward to engaging with user
and community groups to begin exploring these topics and learning potential implications from
the outset.

VTOL aircraft will enable riders to travel from A to B much faster than they can in a car today
or will be able to in the future even with autonomous vehicles. Initially, VTOLs are likely to be
most effective for satisfying long-distance commutes given the net time savings over these
longer routes, as well as the limited infrastructure that will likely exist when VTOL services
commence. We believe that initial VTOL trips will be suitable for commuters willing to trade
off cost and/or privacy for time savings. However, to satisfy our mission, we believe that over
time urban air transportation must be accessible to everyone, everywherehaving similar
reach and affordability to peer-to-peer car-based ridesharing services. In order to achieve this
goal, VTOL transit options would need to be competitive with automobiles (owned or on-
demand) not only in travel time, but also cost.

To understand the potential economics of vehicles, the wider network and the travel costs for
commuters, we started with the physics of transport efficiency. In the subsequent sections, we
first walk through an analysis comparing the motion efficiency of flying versus driving when
both forms of transport are burdened by inefficiencies due to the physics of the vehicle and
logistics of a typical trip. We then detail the assumptions of our bottoms-up economic model
for a VTOL network around vehicle usage (utilization, load factor, routing considerations),
capex (vehicle cost, life, and infrastructure), as well as opex (pilots, maintenance, indirects).

Motion Efficiency

Motion efficiency, in the context of transportation, is the amount energy required to travel a
certain distance. This measure is derived by dividing vehicle velocity by the power required to
move the vehicle, which is equal to the inverse of the force required to travel a certain
distance (since power is a product of force and velocity).

Computing the motion efficiency for an automobile requires determining the drag force at the
speed the vehicle is traveling. A car has two main drag forces, aerodynamic friction drag of
the atmosphere as the car moves (often called parasite drag) and rolling resistance drag
caused by the friction between the tires and the ground . These two forces are a similar
magnitude for a typical automobile at about 50 mph. At lower speeds, the aerodynamic
friction drag is lower than the rolling resistance drag. At higher speeds, the aerodynamic
friction drag is higher because a greater force is required to move through the atmosphere.

A significant portion of a cars aerodynamic friction drag comes from open wheel wells, blunt
rear bodies, mirrors and bumpersall of which are required for an automobile to perform its

mission. Additionally, theres significant drag from the underbody which operates in close
proximity to the ground and creates a restricted channel flow which creates additional
aerodynamic drag. Some cars have achieved low aerodynamic friction drag, which is often
measured by a term called flat plate drag the equivalent amount of drag experienced if a
flat plate were placed perpendicular to the air flow at the same speed.

Rolling resistance drag is a product of the weight of the vehicle and the coefficient of friction
as it moves (i.e., how slippery the tires are). Since cars need traction to stay on the road and
brake, tires are intentionally designed with high rolling resistance coefficients.

The result is that a typical internal combustion car traveling at average speeds of about 30
mph achieves a motion efficiency of about 1 mile/kWh, while a typical electric car achieves
much higher motion efficiency due to the nearly three time higher efficiency of electric
powertrains than internal combustion powertrains (thus a third of the force required to power

Similarly, to determine the motion efficiency of a VTOL the drag force needs to be determined
at the speed the vehicle is traveling. At cruise, a VTOL has two main drag forces, aerodynamic
friction drag and the drag due to lifting the aircraft (often called induced drag). An aircraft
achieves its highest cruise efficiency at the speed when the aerodynamic friction drag is equal
to the induced (lift) drag. At lower speeds, the aerodynamic friction drag is low and the
induced drag is high. At higher speeds, the aerodynamic friction drag is high and the induced
(lift) drag is low.

Aircraft are designed to achieve significantly lower aerodynamic friction drag (or flat plate
drag) than cars to minimize their power required at high speeds. This is possible because they
dont have the same functional requirements as cars (side mirrors, wheel wheels, blunt rear
bodies, bumpers are all unnecessary). A low-drag two-passenger aircraft, such as the
Stoddard-Hamilton Glasair III, has a flat plate drag of 1.7, less than half that of the GM EV1
(3.9 square feet, one of the lowest drag levels achieved by a car). A newer, four-passenger
aircraft such as the Cirrus SR-22 or the Pipistrel Panthera have a flat plate drag area of 3.4
and 2.6, respectivelyagain both are approximately half that of the Tesla Model S (6.2 square
feet). While typically aircraft benefit from cruising at altitudes where the density is lower (and
thus the aerodynamic friction drag forces are lower), this isnt true for VTOL aircraft which will
be operating at altitudes of 1,000 to 5,000 feet.

The induced drag of a VTOL is weight-based since its based on how much lift must be
generated. One of the reasons why aircraft are typically more expensive than cars is because
theyre built to be lighter (typically from carbon fiber composites in modern small aircraft) to
decrease the induced drag. Electric aircraft have a heavy energy storage system, depending on
the range the aircraft intends to fly. With current battery technology, VTOLs designed to have
a 100-mile range plus meet FAA reserve requirements are comparable to the weight of aircraft

designed for typical small aircraft ranges (e.g., 500 miles). If VTOLs are designed for 200 or
more miles, the weight penalty from battery energy storage becomes quite significant (until
battery specific energy improves).

The result is that an electric VTOL designed with a similar level of aerodynamic efficiency as
the previously referenced SR-22 achieves a motion efficiency of about 2 miles/kWh when
operating at its best speed of about 125 mph. This is less efficient than an electric car,
however, the VTOL is traveling at a much faster speed for any reasonable motion efficiency.
These examples for car and VTOL have only considered the energy required to cruise at a
specific speed, and doesnt include the additional energy required to get the vehicle to cruise
for either the car (acceleration) or VTOL (takeoff). In the case of the VTOL especially, the
vehicle expends significant energy to lift and accelerate the vehicle to the cruise condition.

Comparative Analysis

We modeled the motion efficiency of a car and VTOL for a 50-mile trip, using characteristics of
electric luxury cars such as the Tesla Model S and estimates for an electric VTOL such as the
Joby Aviation S4 aircraft. The VTOL efficiency model was also calibrated to recent advanced
small aircraft such as the Pipistrel Panthera and as such the efficiency model is substantially
different than current helicopters. We assumed the VTOL cruise efficiency to be about three
times better than a helicopter because of the design bias toward achieving high cruise
efficiency through wing-borne flight instead of using rotors, as discussed in the Vehicle Design
section above. At shorter trip distances, the VTOL is less energy efficient per mile because it
spends less time in the more efficient cruise mode while the power required for vertical
takeoff and landing remains constants. As such, Vehicle Burdened VTOL motion efficiency
improves at longer distance and decreases at shorter distances.

VTOLs and ground cars were compared in three different cases across a wide range of speeds:

1. Ideal: Accounting only for the efficiency at a moment in time at the vehicle cruise
2. Vehicle Burdened: Accounting for the vehicle inefficiencies associated with the extra
energy required for a car to accelerate and brake multiple times relating to traffic
lights/stop signs; and for the VTOL to take off, accelerate to cruise speed, and land
3. Trip Burdened: Accounting for the trip inefficiencies of congestion on roads for the
car; and the more direct routing that a VTOL experiences on most trips.

Vehicle Burdened
Both car and VTOL are assumed to be highly efficient electric vehicles so motor efficiency
doesnt impact the resulting analysis. There are additional drivetrain and gearbox losses in the
car that dont exist in the air, but likewise there are propulsive efficiency losses from a
propeller that are similar. So these inefficiencies are considered equal for this analysis.

For the VTOL, achieving vertical takeoff and landing adds an extra ~50% in energy
consumption above the cruise energy required for the 50-mile trip. This extra VTOL energy
use is greater than current helicopters because instead of using large rotors to bias the vehicle
design for hover efficiency, the VTOLs can focus on achieving low noise and high cruise
efficiency. VTOLs are assumed to require less than a minute each for takeoff and landing
operation because theyll only operate from established vertiport locations, instead of having
the flexibility of operations of a helicopter which can operate from unprepared locations
almost anywhere. Another reason for the higher VTOL energy use is the additional weight of
batteries , despite the fact that electric motors are currently about five times lighter than
aviation piston engines. Since the VTOL would likely only be climbing at most a few thousand
feet in altitude, with descent recovering the majority of the potential energy, no additional
energy consumption was added for climb.

Trip Burdened
Analysis of Uber trip data indicates that uberX trips drive a distance 1.42 times longer than
the Haversine distance between their origin and destination. As such, well refer to 1 mile of
VTOL travel to be the ground mile equivalent of 1.42 miles of automobile travel. For the
purposes of our motion efficiency comparative analysis, we assessed an additional 1.1 factor
penalty for ground cars to account for congestion trip inefficiency by calibrating to fleet
estimates at automobile average speeds.

We feel that these assumptions are reasonable given that Robinson Helicopters account for
these same factors in their operating cost buildup by applying a 1.5x factor when comparing
to car trips and NASAs sampling of typical Silicon Valley trips found typical road trips were
1.35x greater than aerial trips. NASA accounted for an additional mile of ground travel at
either end the VTOL trip to account for travel to/from vertiport/stop, but this distance will
decrease as a function of increased infrastructure density.

The resulting comparison is shown below, including each of the three cases of ideal, vehicle
burdened, and trip burdened analysis across the range of speeds used by cars and VTOLs.

For example a Robinson R-44 four person helicopter requires 185 kW for takeoff; however the VTOL analysis
included an assumption of 500 kW for takeoff power.
The R-44 is a piston engine using 100 Low Lead aviation fuel that weighs 2500 pounds, while the VTOL was
assumed to weigh 4000 pounds. The increase in VTOL weight is due to the batteries (assumed to achieve 400 Wh/kg
specific energy at a pack level)
Car and VTOL Motion Efficiency Comparison
In the highly optimistic case that a car performs its entire trip at an average velocity of 65
mph (but few people can access a highway directly from their origin so this is unrealistic) the
analysis shows that the motion efficiency for a car at 65 mph is the same as the motion
efficiency for a VTOL traveling at 125mph. At higher car and VTOL speeds, the VTOLs motion
efficiency gains an advantage over the car, but at lower motion efficiencies for both. Electric
VTOLs present a transport mode that is as efficient or has higher efficiency than attempting to
use cars at high ground speeds.

This analysis only considers a 50-mile trip. Longer trip distances would experience high cruise
efficiency for a larger portion of the trip, making the VTOL compare even more favorably to
the car. Shorter distance trips will have a higher VTOL acceleration/takeoff burden factor
resulting in lower motion efficiencies and being less competitive to the car.

Electric vehicle technology improvement over time (e.g., lighter motors and batteries) will
make the VTOL motion efficiency compare more favorably to the car. Any potential future
ground congestion will decrease the car motion efficiency, but it's unknown at what capacity
VTOLs will also experience route or vertistop congestion resulting in indirect routing penalties.

The number and distribution of vertiports, as well as the impact of airspace restrictions /
frequent weather impacting operations will alter the trip burden analysis and will be
significant factors to address when exploring VTOLs for use in specific locations.

Economic Model

We consulted closely with stakeholders who are actively performing VTOL studies to develop
a set of attributes that define a VTOL for the purposes of our model and the assumptions
surrounding those attributes. In our economic model, we assume that a VTOL includes:

C apac ity: 4-place capacity (including pilot, if there is one)

L oad Fac tor: Pooling match rates will allow for an average of 67% of revenue-
producing seats to be filled by a paying passenger
G ross Vehic le Weight: 4,000 lb
Batteries: 400 Wh/kg specific energy batteries at the pack level with 2,000 cycle life,
Power: 500 kW short-term takeoff power with 1 minute of full power at takeoff and
71 kW power required at 150 mph cruise, 120 kW required at 200 mph,
U tilization: 2,080 hours of annual utilization
E lec tric ity C ost: $.12 per kWh electricity cost

In addition to the assumptions above, we further developed three cases to explore

sensitivities for time-based assumptions across Piloting, Vehicle Price, and Battery C ost,
below. We conclude the cost per vehicle mile outputs of our model across each case compared
to todays costs of taking an Uber or owning a vehicle.

We include a more detailed discussion of the basis for each of these assumptions below.

Vehicle Usage

Vehicle Utilization
Privately owned cars are used only a few hundred hours per year while the average
commercial helicopter is used about 300 hours per year, and general aviation aircraft about
110 hours/year . Such low use rates cause the vehicle cost to be amortized over a low
number of hours, resulting in the vehicle cost being a significant portion of the overall
operating costs. At the opposite end of the utilization spectrum, models such as ridesharing
cars or commercial aviation achieve extremely high use of 3,000 to 5,000 hours/year.

Maintaining high rates of vehicle utilization is a key assumption in our operating and economic
models. Electric vehicles have very low direct operating costs due to their low energy use, but
recharging plays an important role in how many hours the VTOL is available for flight services.
The assumption of 2,080 operating hours per year is based on the vehicle being flight ready
for 50% of the time between 6am and 10pm each weekday (8 hours/day) for 260 days/year.
Due to the relatively high VTOL purchase price, it is critical to be able amortize the capital cost
over as many operational hours as possible during the year. Because of high vehicle utilization
assumptions, in our model the vehicle depreciation/financing cost is only ~10% of the baseline
direct operating cost. Thus the vehicle utilization is tightly linked to the acceptable vehicle
acquisition price described below.

Vehicle Efficiency/Energy Use

Distributed electric propulsion (DEP) technology takes advantage of the scale-invariant
nature of electric motors to achieve high specific power and efficiency at any size, and
combined with electric motor compactness and high reliability, DEP permits thrust to be
optimally positioned on the airframe where propulsion can enhance the aerodynamic and
control characteristics. Technological advancements in electric propulsion by Siemens and
other European companies have already achieved turbine-like specific power, but with more
than triple the efficiency of small helicopter turboshaft engines. Featured in new X-plane flight
demonstrators, such as the NASA Maxwell X-57, DEP enables a five-times improvement in the
vehicle efficiency for a General Aviation Conventional Takeoff and Landing (CTOL) aircraft .

Importantly, large efficiency improvements are possible because DEP enables fixed-wing VTOL
aircraft that avoid the fundamental limitations of helicopter edgewise rotor flight, while wings
provide lift with far greater efficiency than rotors. Because helicopters have such poor
aerodynamic efficiency, far lower than CTOL aircraft, DEP VTOL aircraft will likely be able to
achieve a ten-times efficiency improvement compared to existing helicopters.

Scale-invariant in this context means that there is no inherent penalty for increasing the number of electric motors
in a VTOL design. They each obviously compensate for far more than their own weight and have no need for
mechanical linkage between them.
Borer, Nicholas, Design and Performance of the NASA SCEPTOR Distributed Electric Propulsion Flight Demonstrator ,
Achieving high operating efficiency for the vehicle is critical for both low energy costs and
because this determines the size of the battery, which has a significant impact on the resulting
vehicle weight and mission range capability. The mission profile is assumed to be a series of
two 50-mile trips with VTOL takeoff and landing at each location, along with a wait time of 10
minutes per stop with rapid charging during wait times. The battery is assumed to be 140 kWh
capacity to permit both trips prior to recharging, while also providing sufficient energy for IFR
reserves of 30 minutes at minimum cruise power and a short detour to an alternate landing
location. The bottom 20% of the battery would only be used in the case of needing to use
reserves to achieve a long battery life of 2,000 cycles. After the two trips, the VTOL would
recharge a minimum of 30 minutes before conducting additional trips.

Electricity pricing, unlike other energy pricing structures, depends not just on energy but also
strongly on monthly peak power demand. If charging centers have a rather low energy
delivery, but high peak power demands, then one could expect a much higher per kWh rate. In
such a context, it is compelling to consider clever local energy storage solutions (e.g.,
terrestrial battery packs) at the vertiports to aggregate grid energy, and reduce peak demands.
However, for this analysis an electricity cost based on a U.S. estimated rate of $.12 per kWh
is used with an electric powertrain achieving a 92% efficiency and aerodynamic efficiency
equating to an L/D of 17 at 150 mph and 13 at 200 mph. The resulting energy costs are
modelled to be ~12% of the baseline direct operating costs.

Vehicle Load Factor

The vehicle load factor determines how many revenue generating passengers occupy the
vehicle on average. Large commercial airlines achieve load factors greater than 90% due to
their use of a hub and spoke feeder system to get as many passengers as possible into a few
locations for vehicle transport. Regional airliners arent able to achieve this same packing
efficiency and have a more typical load factor of ~70%. Car use has very low load factors with
the average car having just a single occupant for the short trips typically taken, with the load
factor increasing to 1.6 to 1.7 people per car for longer trips. We assume that VTOL carpooling
would allow for a load factor of 67% against three seats in the piloted Initial and Near-Term
cases and four seats in the Long-Term case.

Ground-Air Equivalent Miles (True Distance Traveled)

Traveling by VTOL offers the potential to achieve a more direct trip route. Currently,
helicopter manufacturers such as Robinson use a 1.5x factor to indicate the decrease in air
miles traveled by helicopter versus the indirect miles traveled by car on ground roadways.
Uber trips in the Bay Area today drive a distance 42% longer than the Haversine route
between origin and destination, which drives the distinction between a VTOLs vehicle miles
and ground-equivalent-miles. That said, VTOLs will not be door-to-door; they will be

The industrial (high monthly utility users) average electricity rate is $.07, but we projected a conservative higher
rate of $0.12/kWh which is the recent residential rate due to typically higher electricity rates in urban areas, with use
at peak time of day as well as high peak charging loads.
supplemented by ground cars for first/last-mile connections. As such, a true door-to-door trip
would not, on average, achieve the full 42% benefit of traveling straight-line; NASA estimates
that a VTOL trip in the San Francisco Bay Area might receive closer to a 35% benefit over
ground trips. The true factor will likely be somewhere in between, depending on the specific
city geography (bridges and other ground travel constraints significantly increase ground
indirectness). We assume a 1.42 reduction in trip miles by VTOL compared to a car ground trip.
This assumption is highly linked to the distribution and number of vertiports in a city to
achieve close proximity to the desired travel location.

Deadhead Ratio
For any taxi or ridesharing vehicle, a portion of the trip miles traveled are non-revenue miles
required to reposition the vehicle to pick up the next paying customer. This factor is called the
Deadhead ratio, and for VTOLs relates to the flight miles traveled to reposition the VTOL to
another vertiport to meet the next passenger. The factor depends greatly on the fleet size
versus the geographic area served. Prior attempts to create air-taxis by companies such as
DayJet were burdened with a large number of deadheads because they were operating
aircraft capable of flying a long distance to serve a large geographic region (the Southwest
U.S.), and with a relatively small number of aircraft. Due to operations being confined to a
small metropolitan area (100 mile diameter around a major city), and through deployment of a
sufficiently large fleet size to achieve a uniformity of operations across locations, we assume
that 20% of VTOL flights (across all three cases) will be non-revenue repositioning flights.
Commuting trends tend to be one-way during peak travel times, which ensures that some
portion of flights will require repositioning without passengers. However, potential
deadheading can be further reduced using flexible (lower) cost structures that encourage
travel on the repositioning flights to recover a portion of the vehicle cost for those trips.

Capital Expenses

Vehicle Acquisition Cost

An essential question is whether VTOLs can achieve a sales price point below the current price
of commercial helicopters. If VTOLs are expensive, then the market size will be limited due to
poor value for consumers, which feeds back to further limit vehicle production. This snowballs
into VTOLs being a cottage industry for the wealthy not unlike Lamborghinis. Although
helicopters have existed for decades, their commercial appeal has not grown to the point of
breaking out of the low production and high vehicle cost cycle. In fact, global non-military
rotorcraft production is projected to total just 1,050 in 2016 .

99; Forecast International
Rotorcraft vehicle price is highly dependent
on the production rate (setting aside
underlying costs based on differing types
of engine, avionics and other inputs).
However, due to uncertainty around
consumer demand, manufacturers have
difficulty achieving meaningful economics
of scale, which keeps prices high and
ensures demand remains low. In 2015 the
Robinson R-44 piston engine helicopter
($473,000 price) was produced at the
highest rate of any helicopter that year
with 196 units manufactured, while a base
model Bell 206 turboshaft helicopter had
only 12 units produced ($900,000+ price). A typical learning curve for aerospace and
automotive products is 85%, meaning that for each doubling of aircraft production, the cost
decreases by 15%. If everything else was equal (same engine, same components) and only the
production volume changed for an aircraft that is built at 12 units/year for $900,000, then
fabricating 192 units/year would cost $469,000 each; at 1,536 units/year production the cost
would be $288,000; and 6,144 units/year would cost $208,000. For reference, a speciality low
volume production car such as the Aston Martin DB-9 has a production of ~1,500 units/year
with a price of $238,000.

Obviously many more details determine the ultimate vehicle price beyond mere quantity. The
difference in cost between a piston and turboshaft engine alone is hundreds of thousands of
dollars. But clearly, its very challenging to achieve competitive pricing for a sizeable
consumer market when a product is made by hand with thousands of hours of touch labor, and
very limited tooling at such low rates. The number of units produced is highly dependent on
the market and fleet size that is implemented. Additional cost uncertainties exist in many of
the VTOL components, especially concerning the vertical lift system and electric propulsion.
Because of this uncertainty, we evaluate several different VTOL prices: $1.2M for the initial
case, $600,000 for the near-term case, and $200,000 for the long-term case. Conducting this
sensitivity analysis permits the impact of uncertain production volumes and component costs
to be understood.

We do not attempt to justify a single VTOL price; however, our intent is to deploy VTOL fleets
over many cities as soon as the vehicle, infrastructure, and city approvals can be put in place.
Such deployments will require production rates greater than any existing helicopter
production capacity. The initial price case is justified by a fully optioned Bell 206 including IFR
avionics which is ~$1.2 million dollars at a production rate of 12 units per year. It is likely that
to achieve the $600,000 near-term price an annual production of ~500 units per year would
be required, and to achieve the $200,000 price an annual production volume of ~5,000 units
per year would be required. Achieving such high production volumes would be transformative
for the vertical lift industry (even across all of aerospace). Such production rates have not
been seen with any aircraft since 1946 when ~48,000 small aircraft were produced over a
dozen or so model types. This post-WWII high production was a result of industry attempting
to repurpose to civil markets, with a large number of pilots suddenly having been introduced
to the market place. In the years after 1946 there was a sudden reduction in annual
production and manufacturing rates have never again risen to 1946 levels.

Vehicle Life
While cars are designed to have a maximum life of about 250,000 miles, aircraft and
helicopters are designed for far longer life spans. VTOLs are assumed to be designed for a
longer lifetime than ground cars, which enables their cost to be amortized over a long period
of time. We assume a design life of 25-27k hours for the VTOL to permit 13 years of service
with the 2080 hour/year utilization. This enables the vehicle to provide 400,000 miles of
service each year and about 5 million miles of service life before the aircraft is salvaged at a
residual value of 30%. We see the useful life of a VTOL as about twenty times greater than a
car; however, this assumption may be high and needs to be reviewed across manufacturers to
better understand the vehicle cost implications of this relatively high lifetime.

That said, commercial aircraft and personal cars have average lives of 32 and 10 years,
respectively. We project that a $200k autonomous VTOL could fly up to 5 million miles
considering an annual overhaul between $90-95k per year. This allows the VTOL a life of 13
years at 2,080 hours per year. On the other hand, a car with a range of 250k miles would have
a lifetime of only 3 years.

Infrastructure Burden
To ensure the maximum time savings benefit and enable efficient system throughput, an urban
air transportation network will require a high level of distributed take-off and landing
locations. Costs are modeled based on an initial fleet distributed across 3-4 cities and 1,000
VTOLs, with a total of 83 vertiports each capable of supporting up to 12 VTOLs at a time. This
type of infrastructure is assumed to be highly similar to the type currently present in New
York City with development costs and yearly operating costs all matched to those facilities.
While the initial infrastructure repurposing development cost for these 83 vertiports is large
($121 million), this cost is amortized over a 30 year period. This initial cost relates to building
modifications (such as retrofit of parking garage structures to use the top level as a vertiport),
along with a combination of 3 high voltage and 9 low voltage chargers (one for each VTOL
vertiport parking spot). High voltage chargers are assumed to be an estimated cost of
~$250,000 each (i.e., $750,000 per vertiport), while low voltage chargers are only ~$10,000
each (i.e., $90,000 per vertiport). The yearly infrastructure cost estimate for the vertiports is
estimated at $86K/year per VTOL ($86 million to serve the 1000 VTOL fleet) which accounts
for fleet support and use of the 83 vertiports (lease fees, maintenance, security, personnel
support, etc.).

Additional vertistops and use of the extensive existing heliport/helipad infrastructure are
assumed to be part of the infrastructure that do not provide recharging services and only
accommodate a single VTOL for a temporary drop-off and pick-up (similar to helipads today
that reside at corporate offices and many high rise buildings).

Combined, the initial and yearly infrastructure costs account for ~20% of the baseline VTOL
direct operating costs.

Operating Expenses

Piloting and Avionics Costs

A fully burdened pilot cost of $50,000 per year is assumed, with 1.5 pilots required for each
VTOL. This burdened cost is in line with current commuter and regional airlines. Pilot
certification is assumed to be similar to existing Part 135 commercial airplane training
requirements, with yearly recurrent training. In later years (likely a 10-20 year transition to
autonomous flight), as automation is able to replace the pilot (this assumption is only used in
the long-term case), a cost of $60,000 per vehicle is added to account for the upgraded
avionics and sensors. Bunker ground pilots are also assumed to provide assistance to each

vehicle at a rate of one per eight vehicles, with the same cost as a pilot. Piloting costs account
for ~36% of the baseline direct operating costs.

Vehicle Maintenance Costs

Our assumption is that maintenance costs per flight hour for electric VTOLs will be
comparatively much lower than existing light helicopter maintenance costs, so we model a
roughly 50% reduction in overall maintenance costs. The reduced maintenance cost hypothesis
is based on elimination of all cyclic rotor components, as well as electric motors being able to
achieve a 10,000 hour Time Between Overhaul (TBO) due to only having a single moving part
(bearings). Maintenance labor rates are assumed similar to existing helicopters, with daily
visual inspections, and 100 hour interval minor maintenance checks. A major maintenance
service would be performed yearly to bring the vehicle back up to original service
specifications. The maintenance and labor costs account for ~22% of the baseline VTOL direct
operating costs.

Indirect Operating Costs

Indirect operating costs account for non-vehicle specific costs, such as credit card processing
fees, registration and permit fees, insurance, and other smaller fees. Indirect costs in
commercial aviation can be quite high (and additional 50% over direct operating costs) due to
the significant overhead that exists for commercial operations, including overheads for
booking agents. Much of commercial aviation cost also resides in indirect taxes linked to fuel
use, landing fees, and other airspace operation overhead. In the case of VTOLs, the indirects
are assumed to be relatively low due to the use of private infrastructure. A great deal of
uncertainty exists as to the indirect overhead, which is an area that will require further study
across all the stakeholders. Currently the indirect costs are modeled as an additional ~12% on
top of direct operating costs in the baseline case.

Economic Conclusions

Our analysis shows that in the long-term autonomous case, direct costs per vehicle mile will
approach 50 cents per mile (equivalent to 35 cents per ground mile). We can expect that the
price for a 45-mile pool VTOL, which would replace a 60-mile automobile trip, could
approach as low as $21 for the 15 minute journey.

Based on a 15% IRR for the all-in VTOL operation
We believe there is a path to making VTOLs economically favorable to private vehicle
ownership and a viable alternative to ridesharing on the ground, so long as VTOL customers
are willing to trade off some cost and/or privacy for large gains in speed. We expect an initial
carpooled VTOL product will be priced similarly to uberX today, and as ridesharing prices on
the ground decline with advancements in self-driving technology, our analysis indicates that
VTOL pricing will decrease even more steeply. Ultimately, an uberX on the ground will have a
similar price to an uberPOOL in the air; a VTOL uberX would be more expensive due to lower
load factor. With this, we offer urban air commuters a value proposition that hits the
privacy/speed/cost curve in a similar way that uberX and uberPOOL do for our car service

These prices, however, are only for the VTOL component of a riders trip which, as indicated in
the Rider Experience section, may often be bookended by walking or driving segments to/from
a vertiport/stop. As such, rider all-in itinerary pricing per mile will be lower on average, while
still realizing the majority of the time savings from the VTOL portion of the trip.

Our analysis further indicates that on-demand VTOL transportation may very well become
more appealing than owning a car. The visual above depicts AAAs estimate for per-mile car
ownership costs. These costs will decline somewhat over the next decade due to gains in fuel
efficiency, but many of these cost declines will be offset by projected gas price increases.
Other components such as depreciation of the vehicle capital expenditure itself will not
decrease significantly.

As such, our projections suggest that in the future those who already own a car might not see
large, direct financial benefits from taking VTOL. However, those who do not own a car would
save money by using on-demand urban air transportation rather than purchasing an
automobile. Of course, economic savings aside, car owners who take a VTOL in place of
automobile commutes will save significant amounts of time formerly spent stuck in traffic or
looking for parking.

Operators can further minimize the indirect miles traveled, as well as routing deadheads by
working closely with cities, private enterprise and communities to ensure that high quality,
well-distributed vertiports and vertistops enable an efficient urban air transport network. Its
also reasonable to assume operators could potentially pool more people in a VTOL than a car;
VTOLs offer such a significant speed advantage that riders would likely be willing to wait a
few minutes to allow for batching a la uberHOP in NYC. This would lower VTOL prices to be
further competitive with pooled automobiles.

Our economic model considers the most prominent assumptions, but we will refine these as
we confer with stakeholders. We welcome any and all feedback or thoughts at

Next Steps
We see serious potential for a leap forward with VTOL transportation but this vision can only
be accomplished in collaboration with numerous stakeholders. As we described throughout our
analysis, we believe the urban air transportation ecosystem will only be successful with the
participation of entrepreneurial vehicle manufacturers, city and national officials from across
the globe, regulators, users, and communities who will be keen to interact with one another to
understand how the ecosystem can shape the future of on-demand urban air transportation.
While we have explored internally how to fast forward to a future of on-demand urban
transportation, we have a considerable amount to learn from a wide, experienced and varied
set of stakeholders.

The publication of this white paper marks the start of that journey. From here, Uber will be
reaching out to cities, vehicle manufacturers, prospective representative users, and community
groups along with key business, infrastructural and regulatory stakeholders to listen, learn,
and explore the implications of this urban air transportation movement. In the coming weeks
and months, we plan to delve into the political, policy, infrastructural, and socio-economic
issues that will need to be addressed. These will be important to sustainably and inclusively
develop vehicles that meet sophisticated consumer demand and are able to operate safely,
quietly and reliably in cities. We encourage municipalities and entrepreneurs within them to
reach out to us and either share their direct feedback or note their interest in exploring how
Elevate could be brought to life within their city. While we will endeavor to consult with a
wide range of public and private sector stakeholders around the globe in the coming 4-6
months, we will necessarily be limited in terms of where we are able to do so.

As such, we are additionally looking forward to convening a global Elevate Summit to bring
together a wide set of vehicle manufacturers, regulatory bodies and public and private sector
city stakeholders. We will do so with the intent of exploring the issues and solutions that are
raised during our outreach and to surface joint, shared perspectives as well as solutions that
can help to accelerate urban air transportation becoming a reality. We view this event as an
excellent opportunity for cross-pollination of ideas and networking with a view toward
creating lasting working relationships that best serve the future of urban mobility. We are
planning for this to occur in early-2017 and will be extending invitations in the near future.

We are passionate about the profound and positive impact on-demand urban air
transportation can have on urban mobility. To share your feedback or express your interest in
building this vision with us whether as a pioneer city, VTOL manufacturer, regulator,
infrastructure developer, user group or any other stakeholder, please contact us at
elevate@uber.c om.


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