Corroded Pipeline Assessment
Corroded Pipeline Assessment
Corroded Pipeline Assessment
Abstract: Internal corrosion has long been acknowledged as one of the dominant forms of
deterioration process that contribute to the containment loss for marine steel pipelines. Aging and
deteriorating pipelines under influence of corrosion threat may experience a serious reduction of
their structural integrity and can lead to eventual failure. To secure pipeline safety for a long and
profitable life, the operators need to develop their own risk-based inspection schedule for future
inspection and maintenance activities. A deterministic methodology for predicting the remaining
strength of submarine pipelines subjected to internal corrosion using a capacity equation as included
in the DNV RP-F101 (Part A) code is described in this paper. The equation can be used to estimate
the maximum allowable operating pressure of the corroding pipelines based on a series of pigging
data, which represents the corrosion pit location and dimension. The introduction of partial safety
factors in the Part A of the DNV RP-F101 code is tailored to minimise the effect of uncertainties
due to defect sizing. The authors have added prediction capabilities to the capacity equation by
introducing a standard deviation model of future predicted defect depth. By doing so, the variation
of safety factors of the capacity equation has been manipulated to that extend where prediction of
future pipeline remaining life-time becomes feasible. The paper demonstrates derivation of time-
function standard deviation equation, Std(d/t) of tool error, calculation and prediction of pipeline
remaining lifetime subject to internal corrosion. The increment of standard deviation of corrosion
depth, Std(d/t) was addressed since it can affect the value of partial safety factor as corrosion
progresses, hence amplifying the conservatism of time to failure. The prediction results shows that
the dynamic of safety factors has successfully downgraded the structure resistance as corrosion
progresses to reflect the actual condition of the pipeline on site. The technique to evaluate future
pipeline remaining lifetime can effectively assist pipeline operators to evaluate future safe operating
strategies including re-inspection and appropriate maintenance schedule. As a result, it can minimise
the likelihood of pipeline failures until it reaches its designed lifetime.
a deteriorating pipeline will escalate. Significant dependent upon inspection tool accuracy which
savings are possible by optimising the inspection is defined by the dispersion of corrosion growth-
and corrosion-prevention strategies [Ainouche, rate value and metal-loss data. The authors have
2006]. manipulated the polynomial equation of safety
factors in the DNV RP-F101 to make the capacity
Pipeline Inspection equation capable of predicting the future growth
In line inspection (ILI) tools, also commonly of defects. This is done by deriving a time-
called pipeline inspection gauge or pig, are function standard deviation equation, Std(d/t) of
devices used by the pipeline industry to survey the inspection tool. The predicted metal-loss data
mainly the internal condition of the pipeline in the future is supposed to pose higher variation
wall. Intelligent Pig, a tool with the capability from its central tendency value compared to actual
of mapping anomalies, is widely deployed to metal-loss data. Hence, a higher safety factor to
detect, locate and measure the size of a corrosion cater for defect depth is necessary to increase the
defect in a pipeline using high-resolution conservatism of assessment as well as to have a
Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) or Ultrasonic more realistic assessment due to rapid reduction
Testing (UT) techniques. The past 40 years has of structure capacity.
seen the development of a number of methods
for assessing the significance of defects. Some Metal Loss Information
of these have been incorporated into industry In this case study, an extensive amount of pigging
guidance [Cosham et al., 2007]. The nucleation of data has been gathered through repeated in-line
defects in the pipeline can result in a serious wall inspection activities using MFL intelligent pig
thinning in a pipeline. Whereas MFL provides a on the same pipelines at different points of time.
versatile and reliable method for determining the The transmission pipelines located in the North
geometry of metal loss in pipelines, UT allows Sea region used to convey crude oil and gas
direct and fairly accurate measurements of (multiphase line) from central offshore platform
pipeline wall thickness. However, the UT tool is to onshore terminal. The data provides valuable
limited in terms of usability on gas pipeline since information on the internal corrosion defect
the tool requires medium to transmit and receive geometry, such as defect location, depth and
back the ultrasonic signal during ILI inspection. length, orientation and types of corrosion regions.
The data were used to evaluate the current state
Research Problem and Methodology of the pipe under corrosion attack using the DNV
The inherent uncertainties embedded within RP-F101 equation. The authors have incorporated
metal-loss data play significant roles in reducing a statistical concept into the pipeline evaluation
the accuracy of pipeline future assessment. procedure so that future prediction of pipeline
These uncertainties are related to imperfect remaining capacity can becomes feasible. A new
tool measurement, uncontrolled environment equation of standard deviation, Std [d/t] reflects
and variation of operational data [Yahaya et. al, the defect sizing by the inspection tool has been
2011]. Furthermore, the complexity of corrosion derived from linear metal-loss rate equation based
mechanism involving numerous unknown factors on the statistical principle. This equation is meant
and limited resolution by the inspection tool can to recalculate the new safety factor and fractile
jeopardize the integrity of structure assessment value for future state whereby the factors are
practice [Din et. al, 2009]. To cater to the required by the DNV RP-F101 capacity equation
uncertainties, the DNV RP-F101 [DNV, 2004] to estimate the remaining life of a corroding
has incorporated safety factors into the capacity pipeline.
equation which are specially tailored to account
for uncertainties associated with defect depth.
Unlike conventional safety factors, the value is
gm = partial safety factor for prediction of material properties, pipe geometries and
model and safety class corrosion defects configurations.
gd = partial safety factor for corrosion
depth Partial Safety Factors
ed = factor for defining a fractile value for The concept of partial safety factors is different
the corrosion depth from sole safety factors in that both strength and
Pmao = maximum allowable operating load system have to be multiplied with multiple
pressure (MPa) safety factors. In pipeline assessment, the partial
StD[d/t]= standard deviation for measurement safety factors gm and gd, and the fractile value
(d/t) ratio ed are determined from tables which depend on
SMTS = specified minimum tensile strength the safety class classification, the pipe quality,
(N/mm2) inspection method and sizing accuracy of the
Fundamentally, equation (1) is similar inspection tool [DNV, 2004]. They were given as
to ASME B31G [B31G, 1991]. However, functions of the sizing accuracy of the measured
the difference between these two criteria is defect depth for inspections based on relative
that partial safety factors are included in the depth measurements and for inspections based on
DNV RP-F101 equation to ensure a consistent absolute depth. The safety class is specified based
reliability level for various combinations on Tables 1 to 3.
Table 2. Standard deviation, StD [d/t], for MFL inspection tool [DNV, 2004].
Table 3. Partial safety factor, gd and fractile value factor, ed [DNV, 2004].
Since Q can also be represented by equation
Since s=Std, therefore
(2), the maximum allowable defect length for a
given defect depth and working pressure can be
calculated as:
Inspection data of metal loss from MFL pig tools
(5) usually is represented as a ratio of defect depth to
where: wall thickness, d/t. By replacing the exact metal-
Lmax = maximum allowable defect length (mm) loss value, d with metal-loss ratio, d/t equation
(11) can be rewritten as follows;
The Q expression in equation ( 5) can be
calculated by inserting Equation 4 into Equation 5
so the allowable line/ acceptance line to evaluate (12)
pipeline condition can be constructed. The
increment value of Std [d/t], gd and ed in the future
can be estimated using Table 4 as given in the Equation (12) now can be reshuffled to make
DNV RP-F101 code. it as a standard deviation model of predicted
depth. The new form of equation as a function
of variation of defect from previous inspection,
Table 4. Polynomial equation for partial safety factor (defect depth) and fractile value [DNV, 2004].
Figure 4. Projection of corrosion depth in year t7 using DNV RP-F101 Assessment code.
Figure 5. Projection of corrosion depth in year t10 using DNV RP-F101 Assessment code.
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