221 Notes 10-30
221 Notes 10-30
221 Notes 10-30
Alison Miller
so LAn is a quadratic extension of K. One can check that the element = i<j (xi xj )
is in LAn but not in K, so it generates LAn over K, and C(x1 , . . . , xn )An = C(s1 , . . . , sn , ).
One can also check that 2 C(s1 , . . . , sn ), confirming that we do have a quadratic
Example. Let K = Q, and let L = Q(n ), which we define first as the subfield of C
generated by Q and by n = e2i/n . The L is the splitting field of xn 1 over Q, since
xn 1 = (x 0n )(x n )(x 2n ) (x n1
n ).
Now, for any g Gal(Q(n )/Q), g(n ) must satisfy g(n )n = 1 but g(n )k 6= 1 for
any k < n. The first condition means that g(n ) = rn for some r > 0, and the second
implies that gcd(n, r) = 1
This gives us a map Gal(Q(n )/Q) (Z/nZ) , sending n to the r such that g(n ) =
rn . Easy to check its a group homomorphism; also, its injective because n generates
Q(n ). Whats hard is to show that its always surjective; well show this either Monday
or on the next problem set. (The statement of surjectivity is equivalent to the statement
that the cyclotomic polynomial gcd(r,n)=1 (x rn ) Q[x] is irreducible.
Now we move on to do some corollaries to Galois theory.
Theorem 1.1. If L/K is a finite separable field extension, there are only finitely many intermedi-
ate fields F with K F L.
Proof. If this statement is true for some L 0 containing L, its also true for L. So, enlarge
L so that L/K is Galois; e.g. by taking generators 1 , . . . , n for L as a K-algebra and
letting L 0 be the splitting field of a separable polynomial which has 1 , . . . , n as some
of its roots.
Then this follows since Gal(L/K) has only finitely many subgroups.
We now prove a theorem which in some books is done before the Fundamental The-
orem of Galois theory (and is used in the proof); were deducing it as a corollary instead.
Theorem 1.2 (Primitive Element). Suppose that L/K is a finite separable field extension. Then
there exists L such that L = K[].
Proof. Well split into cases depending upon whether K is a finite or an infinite field. The
cases will use completely different arguments.
Case 1:|K| < . Then |L| < also. We use the following fact:
For any finite field L, L is a cyclic group. This can be proved using the classification
of finitely generated abelian groups: L = Z/d1 Z Z/d2 Z Z/dn Z for positive
integers d1 , . . . , dn such that d1 | d2 | | dn . Then the equation xdn = 1 is satisfied by
every x L , but on the other hand it can have at most dn roots in any field, so we must
have |L | dn . This is only possible if L = Z/dn Z is cyclic.
Now, let a L be such that a generates L as a cyclic group. Then a generates L as
a K-algebra as well, so L = K[].
Case 2: |K| = . For this, we use a lemma:
Lemma 1.3. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over an infinite field K. Then V cannot
be written as the union of finitely many subspaces Vi .
Now, apply the lemma with V = L and the Vi being the finite set of intermediate
fields F with K F ( L. The lemma tells us that we can choose L such that /F
for any intermediate field F ( L. So K[] cant be any proper subfield of L, and must be
L itself.