Watchtower: Our Christian Life & Ministry Meeting Workbook, 2016 Complete Year

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Our Christian Life and Ministry


Sisters using the Good News brochure in Madagascar

Sample Presentations
Question: Do you think that the world Question: I’d like to hear your opinion on this question.
would be a better place if everyone lived [Read the first question.] Some people believe that after
by this principle? we die we live on in another form, while others feel that
death is the end of everything. What do you believe?
Scripture: Heb 13:18
Scripture: Ec 9:5
Offer: The Bible encourages us to be
honest in all things. So honesty touches Offer: This article explains more about what the Bible
every aspect of our life. That’s the topic says on this topic. Why not read it over? Then we can
of this issue of The Watchtower. discuss this at another time.


Offer: I stopped by to tell you about our
free Bible study course. This brochure
shows where in your Bible you can find
answers to important questions.
Question: Have you ever read the Bible? Scripture:
Let me show you how easy the lessons are
in this brochure. [Consider question 1
in lesson 2.]
Scripture: Re 4:11
JA N UA RY 4 - 1 0  2 C H R O N I C L E S 2 9 - 3 2
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Discussion. Play the first Sample Watchtower Pre-
˙ “True Worship Requires Hard Work”: (10 min.) sentation video, and then discuss the highlights.
Emphasize how the publisher laid the groundwork
2Ch 29:10-17—Hezekiah restores true worship with
for a return visit. Do the same for the second sam-
ple Watchtower presentation and then for the Good
2Ch 30:5, 6, 10-12—Hezekiah invites all righthearted News brochure. Refer to “How to Conduct a Study
ones to assemble for worship Using the Good News Brochure.” Encourage publish-
2Ch 32:25, 26—Hezekiah corrects his haughtiness ers to build their own presentations.
with humility (w05 10/15 25 820)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
2Ch 29:11—How did Hezekiah set a good example ˙ Song 127
regarding priorities? (w13 11/15 17 86-7) ˙ “Our Privilege to Build and Maintain Places of
True Worship”: (15 min.) Discussion. Invite those
2Ch 32:7, 8—What is the most practical step who have participated in Kingdom Hall construction
we can take to prepare for future difficulties? to comment on the joy they have experienced. Brief-
(w13 11/15 20 817) ly interview the brother who coordinates cleaning
and maintenance of the Kingdom Hall regarding
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me the local congregation’s arrangements.
about Jehovah? ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 6 81-14
(30 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
in the field ministry? ˙ Song 142 and Prayer
Reminder: Please play the music through once, and
˙ Bible Reading: 2Ch 31:1-10 (4 min. or less) then the congregation should sing the new song.

Our Privilege to Build and Maintain Places of True Worship

Constructing Israel’s temple

required much work and ex-
pense. However, the Israelites
supported the project with zeal.
(1Ch 29:2-9; 2Ch 6:7, 8) After
the temple was completed, the
maintenance done by the Israel-
ites reflected their spirituality or WE CAN HAVE A SHARE BY . . .
lack thereof. (2Ki 22:3-6; 2Ch ˙ Tidying up after every meeting. If circumstances limit you, kindly pick up
28:24; 29:3) Today, Christians around your seat.
put much time and effort into ˙ Participating in the regular cleaning and maintenance of the Kingdom Hall.
building, cleaning, and maintain- Many hands make the work joyful and light.—lv 92-93 818.
ing Kingdom Halls and Assembly
˙ Giving financial support. Even a contribution of ‘two coins of little value’
Halls. However, working along given from the heart pleases Jehovah.—Mr 12:41-44.
with Jehovah in this way is a
˙ Volunteering to help build and renovate theocratic facilities if your circum-
grand privilege and is part
stances allow. Construction experience is not a requirement to participate.
of our sacred service.—Ps 127:1;
Re 7:15.

JAN UARY 4 - 1 0

2 CHRONICLES 29-32  True Worship Requires Hard Work

Hezekiah’s Reign 746-716 B.C.E.

29:10-17 Hezekiah restores true worship with determination

740 B.C.E. Fall of Samaria
˙ Days 1-8: Cleansed inner courtyard
NISAN 746 B.C.E.
˙ Days 9-16: Cleansed Jehovah’s house
˙ Atonement for all Israel and restoration
of true worship began



1 House of Jehovah
1 2 Porch
3 Inner courtyard

30:5, 6, 10-12
Hezekiah invites all righthearted ones
to assemble for worship Jerusalem
˙ Couriers were dispatched to distribute letters,
announcing the Passover throughout the land,
from Beer-sheba to Dan
˙ While some mocked, many responded



5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; C. I. Woody, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
JA N UA RY 1 1 - 1 7  2 C H R O N I C L E S 3 3 - 3 6
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the cover subject
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD of the current Watchtower. Lay the groundwork for a
˙ “Jehovah Values Genuine Repentance”: (10 min.) return visit.
2Ch 33:2-9, 12-16—On the basis of genuine repen- ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
tance, Manasseh was shown mercy (w05 12/1 21 85) make a return visit on someone who responded well
2Ch 34:18, 30, 33—Reading the Bible and meditat- to the presentation that featured the cover article of
the current Watchtower. Lay the groundwork for the
ing on it can affect us profoundly (w05 12/1 21 810)
next visit.
2Ch 36:15-17—Jehovah’s compassion and patience
must not be taken for granted (w05 12/1 21 87) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
study. (bh 9-10 86-7)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
2Ch 33:11—What prophecy was fulfilled when LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Manasseh was taken to Babylon? (it-1 62 82) ˙ Song 77
˙ Repentance Makes a Difference: (10 min.) Talk
2Ch 34:1-3—What encouragement can we draw by an elder. (w06 11/15 27-28 87-9)
from Josiah’s example? (w05 12/1 21 86)
˙ Forgive Freely: (5 min.) Discussion. Play the video
Become Jehovah’s Friend—Forgive Freely.
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me (Go to, and look under BIBLE TEACHINGS ˛
about Jehovah? CHILDREN.) Afterward, invite comments from
children on the lessons they learned.
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 6 815-23,
in the field ministry? box on p. 57, review on p. 58 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: 2Ch 34:22-33 (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 6 and Prayer

2 CHRONICLES 33-36  Jehovah Values Genuine Repentance




˙ Built altars to false ˙ Humbled himself greatly

˙ Prayed to Jehovah;
˙ Offered own sons offered sacrifices
as sacrifices
˙ Removed altars to
˙ Shed innocent blood false gods
˙ Promoted spiritistic ˙ Urged nation to THROUGHOUT REIGN
practices throughout Jehovah allowed him to serve Jehovah
the nation be captured by Assyria ˙ Searched for Jehovah
and taken to Babylon
in fetters ˙ Cleansed Judah and
˙ Repaired the house of
Jehovah; found the book
of the Law

JA N UA RY 1 8 - 24  E Z R A 1 - 5
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the last article
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD of the current Watchtower. Lay the groundwork for a
˙ “Jehovah Keeps His Promises”: (10 min.) return visit.
[Play the video entitled Introduction to Ezra.] ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
Ezr 3:1-6—Jehovah’s prophecies never fail make a return visit on someone who responded well
(w06 1/15 19 82) to the presentation that featured the last article of
Ezr 5:1-7—Jehovah can maneuver matters for the current Watchtower. Lay the groundwork for the
the success of his people (w06 1/15 19 84; next visit.
w86 1/15 9 82; w86 2/1 29 box) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) study. (bh 20-21 86-8)
Ezr 1:3-6—Why were the Israelites who did not
volunteer to return to Jerusalem not necessarily LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
weak in faith? (w06 1/15 17 85; 19 81) ˙ Song 40
˙ “All These Other Things Will Be Added to You”:
Ezr 4:1-3—Why was an offer of help rejected? (5 min.) Talk based on Matthew 6:33 and Luke 12:
(w06 1/15 19 83) 22-24. Invite publishers to relate experiences in
which Jehovah fulfilled his promise to care for their
material needs when they put the Kingdom first.
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah? ˙ Your Speech—“ ‘Yes’ and yet ‘No’ ”?: (10 min.)
Discussion. (w14 3/15 30-32)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 7 81-14
in the field ministry? (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: Ezr 3:10–4:7 (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 41 and Prayer

EZRA 1-5  Jehovah Keeps His Promises

Jehovah promised a restoration of true worship at the temple in Jerusalem. But after
the exiles returned from Babylon, there were numerous obstacles, including a royal decree
to halt construction. Many feared that the work would never be completed.

3:3 3:10, 11 4:23, 24 5:1, 2 6:15

Period of extreme opposition

536 B.C.E. 515 B.C.E.

Foundation laid Temple completed

Seventh month 522 B.C.E.

Altar set up; sacrifices offered King Artaxerxes stopped 520 B.C.E.
construction Zechariah and Haggai
c. 537 B.C.E. encouraged the people to
Cyrus decreed that the temple be rebuilt resume construction
JA N UA RY 2 5 - 3 1  E Z R A 6 - 1 0
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the Good News
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD brochure, and discuss lesson 8, question 1, para-
˙ “Jehovah Wants Willing Servants”: (10 min.) graph 1. Lay the groundwork for a return visit.

Ezr 7:10—Ezra prepared his heart ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
make a return visit on someone who accepted the
Ezr 7:12-28—Ezra made preparations to return to Good News brochure. Discuss lesson 8, question 1,
Jerusalem paragraph 2. Lay the groundwork for the next visit.
Ezr 8:21-23—Ezra trusted in Jehovah to protect His ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
servants study, using the Good News brochure, lesson 8,
question 2.
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Ezr 9:1, 2—How serious a threat was intermarriage LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
with “the peoples of the lands”? (w06 1/15 20 81) ˙ Song 138
˙ “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Laying the
Ezr 10:3—Why were the children sent away along Groundwork for a Return Visit”: (7 min.) Discussion.
with the wives? (w06 1/15 20 82) Demonstrate the main points by playing the January
Skills video, which shows publishers laying the
groundwork for a return visit after placing The
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me Watchtower and after placing the Good News bro-
about Jehovah? chure.
˙ Local needs: (8 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 7 815-27,
in the field ministry? review on p. 66 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: Ezr 7:18-28 (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 120 and Prayer


Laying the Groundwork for a Return Visit

We want to water the seeds of
truth that we plant. (1Co 3:6)
When we find someone who
shows interest, it is good to
leave a question that we can
discuss when we return. This will
build his anticipation and simpli-
fy our preparation for the return ˙ When preparing your house-to-house presentation, include a follow-up ques-
visit. When we return, we can tell tion to be answered on the next visit. It could be something that is answered
him that we are there to in the literature you are offering. Or it could be a question that is answered in
answer the question we raised one of our study publications that you plan to introduce when you return.
the last time we visited. ˙ When concluding your conversation with someone who shows interest, let
him know of your desire to talk to him again and then share the follow-up
question you prepared. Obtain contact information if possible.
˙ If you tell him that you will return at a specific time, keep your appointment.
—Mt 5:37.

JAN UARY 2 5 - 3 1

EZRA 6-10  Jehovah Wants Willing Servants

7:6, 22; 8:26, 27

Ezra made preparations to return to Jerusalem
˙ Ezra receives permission from King Artaxerxes
to return to Jerusalem to advance worship
of Jehovah there
˙ The king grants Ezra “everything he requested”
for Jehovah’s house—gold, silver, wheat, wine, oil,
and salt, all worth well over $100,000,000 (U.S.)
at modern values

Possible route

Babylonian Empire
0 mi 250
0 km 250

7:13; 8:21-23
Ezra trusted in Jehovah to protect
His servants
Babylon ˙ The return to Jerusalem would be difficult
˙ The possible route was nearly 1,000 miles
(1,600 km) through dangerous territory
˙ The journey took about 4 months
˙ Those who returned needed strong faith,
zeal for true worship, and courage


Marauder bands, desert terrain, dangerous wildlife

Gold and silver weighing About the weight of 3
over 750 talents full-grown male African

JAN UARY 4 - 1 0

How to Conduct a Study Using the Good News Brochure

1 Read the numbered ques-

tion in bold print to help the
householder focus on the
main point.
2 Who Is God?

1. Why should we worship God?

2 Read the paragraph that The true God is the Creator of all things. He had no
beginning and will never have an end. (Psalm 90:2) He is
the Source of the good news found in the Bible. (1 Timo-
thy 1:11) Since God gave us life, we should worship only
him. D Read Revelation 4:11.

3 Read the italicized scriptures,

and use tactful questions to 2. What is God like?
No human has ever seen God because he is a Spirit,
help the householder see
which means that he is a higher form of life than the
how the scriptures answer physical creatures who live on earth. (John 1:18; 4:24)
the numbered question. Nevertheless, we can discern God’s personality from the
things he has made. For instance, the variety of fruits and
flowers tells us of his love and wisdom. The size of the
universe tells us of his power. D Read Romans 1:20.
4 If there is another paragraph We can learn even more about God’s personality by
reading the Bible. For example, it tells us what God likes
under the question, repeat and what he does not like, how he treats people, and how
steps 2 and 3. If there is a he reacts in different situations. D Read Psalm 103:7-10.
video on that corre-
sponds with the numbered 3. Does God have a name?
question, play it at some Jesus said: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name
be sanctified.” (Matthew 6:9) Although God has many
point during your discussion. titles, he has only one name. In each language, it is pro-
nounced differently. In English it is usually pronounced
“Jehovah.” But some people pronounce it “Yahweh.”
D Read Psalm 83:18.
5 To make sure that the house- God’s name has been taken out of many Bibles and
holder understands the main replaced with the titles Lord or God. But when the Bible
was written, it contained God’s name some 7,000 times.
point, ask him to answer the
numbered question. 4
mwb16 01-E

8 Vol. 1, No. 1

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Sisters using the Good News brochure in Madagascar

Sample Presentations
No. 1 2016


Question: Do you think that the world Question: I’d like to hear your opinion on this question.
would be a better place if everyone lived [Read the first question.] Some people believe that after
by this principle? we die we live on in another form, while others feel that
HONEST? death is the end of everything. What do you believe?
Scripture: Heb 13:18
Scripture: Ec 9:5
Offer: The Bible encourages us to be
honest in all things. So honesty touches Offer: This article explains more about what the Bible
every aspect of our life. That’s the topic says on this topic. Why not read it over? Then we can
of this issue of The Watchtower. discuss this at another time.


Offer: I stopped by to tell you about our
free Bible study course. This brochure
shows where in your Bible you can find
answers to important questions.
Question: Have you ever read the Bible? Scripture:
Let me show you how easy the lessons are
in this brochure. [Consider question 1
in lesson 2.]
Scripture: Re 4:11
JA N UA RY 4 - 1 0  2 C H R O N I C L E S 2 9 - 3 2
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Discussion. Play the first Sample Watchtower Pre-
˙ “True Worship Requires Hard Work”: (10 min.) sentation video, and then discuss the highlights.
Emphasize how the publisher laid the groundwork
2Ch 29:10-17—Hezekiah restores true worship with
for a return visit. Do the same for the second sam-
ple Watchtower presentation and then for the Good
2Ch 30:5, 6, 10-12—Hezekiah invites all righthearted News brochure. Refer to “How to Conduct a Study
ones to assemble for worship Using the Good News Brochure.” Encourage publish-
2Ch 32:25, 26—Hezekiah corrects his haughtiness ers to build their own presentations.
with humility (w05 10/15 25 820)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
2Ch 29:11—How did Hezekiah set a good example ˙ Song 127
regarding priorities? (w13 11/15 17 86-7) ˙ “Our Privilege to Build and Maintain Places of
True Worship”: (15 min.) Discussion. Invite those
2Ch 32:7, 8—What is the most practical step who have participated in Kingdom Hall construction
we can take to prepare for future difficulties? to comment on the joy they have experienced. Brief-
(w13 11/15 20 817) ly interview the brother who coordinates cleaning
and maintenance of the Kingdom Hall regarding
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me the local congregation’s arrangements.
about Jehovah? ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 6 81-14
(30 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
in the field ministry? ˙ Song 142 and Prayer
Reminder: Please play the music through once, and
˙ Bible Reading: 2Ch 31:1-10 (4 min. or less) then the congregation should sing the new song.

Our Privilege to Build and Maintain Places of True Worship

Constructing Israel’s temple

required much work and ex-
pense. However, the Israelites
supported the project with zeal.
(1Ch 29:2-9; 2Ch 6:7, 8) After
the temple was completed, the
maintenance done by the Israel-
ites reflected their spirituality or WE CAN HAVE A SHARE BY . . .
lack thereof. (2Ki 22:3-6; 2Ch ˙ Tidying up after every meeting. If circumstances limit you, kindly pick up
28:24; 29:3) Today, Christians around your seat.
put much time and effort into ˙ Participating in the regular cleaning and maintenance of the Kingdom Hall.
building, cleaning, and maintain- Many hands make the work joyful and light.—lv 92-93 818.
ing Kingdom Halls and Assembly
˙ Giving financial support. Even a contribution of ‘two coins of little value’
Halls. However, working along given from the heart pleases Jehovah.—Mr 12:41-44.
with Jehovah in this way is a
˙ Volunteering to help build and renovate theocratic facilities if your circum-
grand privilege and is part
stances allow. Construction experience is not a requirement to participate.
of our sacred service.—Ps 127:1;
Re 7:15.

JAN UARY 4 - 1 0

2 CHRONICLES 29-32  True Worship Requires Hard Work

Hezekiah’s Reign 746-716 B.C.E.

29:10-17 Hezekiah restores true worship with determination

740 B.C.E. Fall of Samaria
˙ Days 1-8: Temple cleansed
˙ Days 9-16: Temple sanctification
˙ Atonement for all Israel and restoration
of true worship began



1 House of Jehovah
1 2 Porch
3 Inner courtyard

30:5, 6, 10-12
Hezekiah invites all righthearted ones
to assemble for worship Jerusalem
˙ Couriers were dispatched to distribute letters,
announcing the Passover throughout the land,
from Beer-sheba to Dan
˙ While some mocked, many responded



5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
JA N UA RY 1 1 - 1 7  2 C H R O N I C L E S 3 3 - 3 6
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the cover subject
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD of the current Watchtower. Lay the groundwork for a
˙ “Jehovah Values Genuine Repentance”: (10 min.) return visit.
2Ch 33:2-9, 12-16—On the basis of genuine repen- ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
tance, Manasseh was shown mercy (w05 12/1 21 85) make a return visit on someone who responded well
2Ch 34:18, 30, 33—Reading the Bible and meditat- to the presentation that featured the cover article of
the current Watchtower. Lay the groundwork for the
ing on it can affect us profoundly (w05 12/1 21 810)
next visit.
2Ch 36:15-17—Jehovah’s compassion and patience
must not be taken for granted (w05 12/1 21 87) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
study. (bh 9-10 86-7)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
2Ch 33:11—What prophecy was fulfilled when LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Manasseh was taken to Babylon? (it-1 62 82) ˙ Song 77
˙ Repentance Makes a Difference: (10 min.) Talk
2Ch 34:1-3—What encouragement can we draw by an elder. (w06 11/15 27-28 87-9)
from Josiah’s example? (w05 12/1 21 86)
˙ Forgive Freely: (5 min.) Discussion. Play the video
Become Jehovah’s Friend—Forgive Freely.
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me (Go to, and look under BIBLE TEACHINGS ˛
about Jehovah? CHILDREN.) Afterward, invite comments from
children on the lessons they learned.
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 6 815-23,
in the field ministry? box on p. 57, review on p. 58 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: 2Ch 34:22-33 (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 6 and Prayer

2 CHRONICLES 33-36  Jehovah Values Genuine Repentance




˙ Built altars to false ˙ Humbled himself greatly

˙ Prayed to Jehovah;
˙ Offered own sons offered sacrifices
as sacrifices
˙ Removed altars to
˙ Shed innocent blood false gods
˙ Promoted spiritistic ˙ Urged nation to THROUGHOUT REIGN
practices throughout Jehovah allowed him to serve Jehovah
the nation be captured by Assyria ˙ Searched for Jehovah
and taken to Babylon
in fetters ˙ Cleansed Judah and
˙ Repaired the house of
Jehovah; found the book
of the Law

JA N UA RY 1 8 - 24  E Z R A 1 - 5
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the last article
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD of the current Watchtower. Lay the groundwork for a
˙ “Jehovah Keeps His Promises”: (10 min.) return visit.
[Play the video entitled Introduction to Ezra.] ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
Ezr 3:1-6—Jehovah’s prophecies never fail make a return visit on someone who responded well
(w06 1/15 19 82) to the presentation that featured the last article of
Ezr 5:1-7—Jehovah can maneuver matters for the current Watchtower. Lay the groundwork for the
the success of his people (w06 1/15 19 84; next visit.
w86 1/15 9 82; w86 2/1 29 box) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) study. (bh 20-21 86-8)
Ezr 1:3-6—Why were the Israelites who did not
volunteer to return to Jerusalem not necessarily LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
weak in faith? (w06 1/15 17 85; 19 81) ˙ Song 40
˙ “All These Other Things Will Be Added to You”:
Ezr 4:1-3—Why was an offer of help rejected? (5 min.) Talk based on Matthew 6:33 and Luke 12:
(w06 1/15 19 83) 22-24. Invite publishers to relate experiences in
which Jehovah fulfilled his promise to care for their
material needs when they put the Kingdom first.
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah? ˙ Your Speech—“ ‘Yes’ and yet ‘No’ ”?: (10 min.)
Discussion. (w14 3/15 30-32)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 7 81-14
in the field ministry? (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: Ezr 3:10–4:7 (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 41 and Prayer

EZRA 1-5  Jehovah Keeps His Promises

Jehovah promised a restoration of true worship at the temple in Jerusalem. But after
the exiles returned from Babylon, there were numerous obstacles, including a royal decree
to halt construction. Many feared that the work would never be completed.

3:3 3:10, 11 4:23, 24 5:1, 2 6:15

Period of extreme opposition

536 B.C.E. 515 B.C.E.

Foundation laid Temple completed

Seventh month 522 B.C.E.

Altar set up; sacrifices offered King Artaxerxes stopped 520 B.C.E.
construction Zechariah and Haggai
c. 537 B.C.E. encouraged the people to
Cyrus decreed that the temple be rebuilt resume construction
JA N UA RY 2 5 - 3 1  E Z R A 6 - 1 0
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the Good News
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD brochure, and discuss lesson 8, question 1, para-
˙ “Jehovah Wants Willing Servants”: (10 min.) graph 1. Lay the groundwork for a return visit.

Ezr 7:10—Ezra prepared his heart ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
make a return visit on someone who accepted the
Ezr 7:12-28—Ezra made preparations to return to Good News brochure. Discuss lesson 8, question 1,
Jerusalem paragraph 2. Lay the groundwork for the next visit.
Ezr 8:21-23—Ezra trusted in Jehovah to protect His ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
servants study, using the Good News brochure, lesson 8,
question 2.
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Ezr 9:1, 2—How serious a threat was intermarriage LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
with “the peoples of the lands”? (w06 1/15 20 81) ˙ Song 138
˙ “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Laying the
Ezr 10:3—Why were the children sent away along Groundwork for a Return Visit”: (7 min.) Discussion.
with the wives? (w06 1/15 20 82) Demonstrate the main points by playing the January
Skills video, which shows publishers laying the
groundwork for a return visit after placing The
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me Watchtower and after placing the Good News bro-
about Jehovah? chure.
˙ Local needs: (8 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 7 815-27,
in the field ministry? review on p. 66 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: Ezr 7:18-28 (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 120 and Prayer


Laying the Groundwork for a Return Visit

We want to water the seeds of
truth that we plant. (1Co 3:6)
When we find someone who
shows interest, it is good to
leave a question that we can
discuss when we return. This will
build his anticipation and simpli-
fy our preparation for the return ˙ When preparing your house-to-house presentation, include a follow-up ques-
visit. When we return, we can tell tion to be answered on the next visit. It could be something that is answered
him that we are there to in the literature you are offering. Or it could be a question that is answered in
answer the question we raised one of our study publications that you plan to introduce when you return.
the last time we visited. ˙ When concluding your conversation with someone who shows interest, let
him know of your desire to talk to him again and then share the follow-up
question you prepared. Obtain contact information if possible.
˙ If you tell him that you will return at a specific time, keep your appointment.
—Mt 5:37.

JAN UARY 2 5 - 3 1

EZRA 6-10  Jehovah Wants Willing Servants

7:6, 22; 8:26, 27

Ezra made preparations to return to Jerusalem
˙ Ezra receives permission from King Artaxerxes
to return to Jerusalem to advance worship
of Jehovah there
˙ The king grants Ezra “everything he requested”
for Jehovah’s house—gold, silver, wheat, wine, oil,
and salt, all worth well over $100,000,000 (U.S.)
at modern values

Possible route

Babylonian Empire
0 mi 250
0 km 250

7:13; 8:21-23
Ezra trusted in Jehovah to protect
His servants
Babylon ˙ The return to Jerusalem would be difficult
˙ The possible route was nearly 1,000 miles
(1,600 km) through dangerous territory
˙ The journey took about 4 months
˙ Those who returned needed strong faith,
zeal for true worship, and courage


Marauder bands, desert terrain, dangerous wildlife

Gold and silver weighing About the weight of 3
over 750 talents full-grown male African

JAN UARY 4 - 1 0

How to Conduct a Study Using the Good News Brochure

1 Read the numbered ques-

tion in bold print to help the
householder focus on the
main point.
2 Who Is God?

1. Why should we worship God?

2 Read the paragraph that The true God is the Creator of all things. He had no
beginning and will never have an end. (Psalm 90:2) He is
the Source of the good news found in the Bible. (1 Timo-
thy 1:11) Since God gave us life, we should worship only
him. D Read Revelation 4:11.

3 Read the italicized scriptures,

and use tactful questions to 2. What is God like?
No human has ever seen God because he is a Spirit,
help the householder see
which means that he is a higher form of life than the
how the scriptures answer physical creatures who live on earth. (John 1:18; 4:24)
the numbered question. Nevertheless, we can discern God’s personality from the
things he has made. For instance, the variety of fruits and
flowers tells us of his love and wisdom. The size of the
universe tells us of his power. D Read Romans 1:20.
4 If there is another paragraph We can learn even more about God’s personality by
reading the Bible. For example, it tells us what God likes
under the question, repeat and what he does not like, how he treats people, and how
steps 2 and 3. If there is a he reacts in different situations. D Read Psalm 103:7-10.
video on that corre-
sponds with the numbered 3. Does God have a name?
question, play it at some Jesus said: “Our Father in the heavens, let your name
be sanctified.” (Matthew 6:9) Although God has many
point during your discussion. titles, he has only one name. In each language, it is pro-
nounced differently. In English it is usually pronounced
“Jehovah.” But some people pronounce it “Yahweh.”
D Read Psalm 83:18.
5 To make sure that the house- God’s name has been taken out of many Bibles and
holder understands the main replaced with the titles Lord or God. But when the Bible
was written, it contained God’s name some 7,000 times.
point, ask him to answer the
numbered question. 4

8 Vol. 1, No. 1

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Sample Presentations

Sisters using the Listen to God brochure in Indonesia

!"#2 N o . 1 20 16

Question: Here is your copy of the latest Question: Would you agree that it’s important
Awake! Notice the question here on page 2. to choose the right kind of friends?
May I ask your opinion?
Attitude Scripture: Pr 13:20
Makes a Difference!

Scripture: Pr 24:10
Offer: This issue of Awake! has some practical
Offer: This article discusses additional information about how to make good friends.
principles along this line. [Highlight the article on pages 10-11.]


Listen to God
Question: Would you like to live in a world
that looks like this? [Show pages 2-3,
and allow for response.]
Scripture: Jer 29:11 Scripture:
Offer: This brochure shows how we can Offer:
listen to God and thus enjoy the future he
has in mind for us. [Consider pages 4-5.]
F E B R UA RY 1 - 7  N E H E M I A H 1 - 4
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
˙ “Nehemiah Loved True Worship”: (10 min.) and then discuss the highlights. Emphasize how
the publisher laid the groundwork for a return
[Play Introduction to Nehemiah video.]
visit. Encourage publishers to build their own
Ne 1:11–2:3—Nehemiah’s joy came from the presentation.
advancement of true worship (w06 2/1 9 87)
Ne 4:14—Nehemiah overcame opposition to true LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
worship by focusing on Jehovah (w06 2/1 10 83)
˙ Song 103
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
˙ Plan Now to Serve as an Auxiliary Pioneer During
Ne 1:1; 2:1—Why can we conclude that “the 20th
March or April: (15 min.) Discussion. Consider
year” mentioned at Nehemiah 1:1 and 2:1 is counted
pertinent points from the article “Make This Memori-
from the same starting point? (w06 2/1 8 85)
al Season a Joyful One!” (km 2/14 2) Emphasize
the need to plan ahead. (Pr 21:5) Interview two
Ne 4:17, 18—How could a man do the work of publishers who have served as auxiliary pioneers in
rebuilding with just one hand? (w06 2/1 9 81) the past. What obstacles did they have to overcome?
What joys did they experience?
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 8 81-16
about Jehovah? (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use
˙ Song 135 and Prayer
in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: Ne 3:1-14 (4 min. or less)

NEHEMIAH 1-4  Nehemiah Loved True Worship

2:4-6 2:11-15 3:1; 4:7-9 6:15


Nisan (Mar./Apr.) Tammuz (June/July) Ab (July/Aug.) Elul (Aug./Sept.)

Nehemiah seeks Nehemiah arrives Construction 52 days later, the
permission to rebuild about this time begins despite wall is completed
Jerusalem, the center of and inspects opposition
true worship in his day the city wall

F E B R UA RY 8 - 1 4  N E H E M I A H 5 - 8
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the current
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Awake! by featuring the cover subject. Lay the
˙ “Nehemiah Was an Outstanding Overseer”: groundwork for a return visit.
(10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
Ne 5:1-7—Nehemiah listened to the people and took make a return visit on someone who showed interest
action (w06 2/1 9 82) in the cover subject of the current Awake! Lay the
Ne 5:14-19—Nehemiah showed humility, unselfish- groundwork for the next visit.
ness, and discretion (w06 2/1 10 84) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
Ne 8:8-12—Nehemiah participated in providing study. (bh 28-29 84-5)
spiritual instruction to the people (w06 2/1 11 84)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ne 6:5—Why did Sanballat send “an open letter” ˙ Song 62
to Nehemiah? (w06 2/1 9 83)
˙ Are You “Reaching Out”?: (15 min.) Talk by an elder
based on the Watchtower of September 15, 2014,
Ne 6:10-13—Why did Nehemiah not accept pages 3-6. Play the video entitled Brothers—Reach
Shemaiah’s recommendation? (w07 7/1 30 815) Out for a Fine Work, which appeared on JW Broad-
casting in December 2015. Emphasize the proper
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me reasons for reaching out, and explain how a brother
about Jehovah? can do so. Kindly encourage brothers to reach out to
qualify to serve as ministerial servants and elders.
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 8 817-27,
in the field ministry? review on p. 75 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: Ne 6:14–7:7a (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 125 and Prayer

NEHEMIAH 5-8  Nehemiah Was an Outstanding Overseer

Tishri 455 B.C.E.
1 Likely on this occasion, Nehemiah directed the 3 Family heads gathered to see how they could
people to assemble for true worship follow God’s Law more closely
2 Great rejoicing resulted 4 The people prepared to celebrate the joyous
Festival of Booths
1 2 3 4

5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
F E B R UA RY 1 5 - 2 1  N E H E M I A H 9 - 1 1
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Feature the current
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Awake! using the article “Help for the Family—How
˙ “Faithful Worshippers Support Theocratic to Make Real Friends.” Lay the groundwork for a
Arrangements”: (10 min.) return visit.
Ne 10:28-30—They agreed not to enter into ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
marriage alliances with “the peoples of the land” make a return visit on someone who showed interest
(w98 10/15 21 811) in the article entitled “Help for the Family—How to
Ne 10:32-39—They resolved to support true worship Make Real Friends” in the current Awake! Lay the
in various ways (w98 10/15 21 811-12) groundwork for the next visit.
Ne 11:1, 2—They willingly supported a special ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
theocratic arrangement (w06 2/1 11 86; w98 10/15 study. (bh 32-33 813-14)
22 813)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ne 9:19-21—How has Jehovah proved that he ˙ Song 19
provides well for his people? (w13 9/15 9 89-10)
˙ “The Best Life Ever”: (15 min.) Discussion. Start
by playing the video. Then consider the questions.
Ne 9:6-38—What good example did the Levites set Briefly interview a publisher, single or married,
for us regarding prayer? (w13 10/15 22-23 86-7) who took advantage of several years of singleness
to do more in Jehovah’s service. (1Co 7:35) What
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me blessings were received as a result?
about Jehovah? ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 9 81-13
(30 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use
in the field ministry? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 76 and Prayer

˙ Bible Reading: Ne 11:15-36 (4 min. or less)

The Best Life Ever

Many opportunities are available to young ones in Jehovah’s organization. Watch the video
The Best Life Ever to see how Cameron made wise use of her youth. Then answer the questions below.
(Go to, and look under BIBLE TEACHINGS ˛ TEENAGERS.)

w w w

˙ What has always been an impor- ˙ What challenges did Cameron face ˙ What blessings did Cameron
tant part of Cameron’s life? while serving in a distant land? experience?
˙ When and how did she decide to ˙ Why may it be beneficial to ˙ Why does serving Jehovah lead
expand her ministry? serve Jehovah in a place or an to the best life ever?
˙ How did she prepare to serve environment where we have never ˙ What other opportunities are
where the need was greater in served before? available to young ones in
another land? Jehovah’s organization?

F E B R UARY 1 5 - 2 1

NEHEMIAH 9-11  Faithful Worshippers Support Theocratic Arrangements

10:28-30, 32-39; 11:1, 2

God’s people willingly supported
true worship in various ways
˙ The nation prepared for and
celebrated the Festival of
Booths in the correct way
˙ Each day the people gathered
to listen to the reading of God’s
Law, which made them rejoice
˙ The people confessed their
sins, prayed, and asked Jeho-
vah to bless them
˙ The people agreed to continue
supporting all theocratic

Continued support of theocratic arrangements included:

Marrying only those Making monetary Observing the Supplying wood for Giving the firstfruits
who worshipped contributions Sabbath the altar of the harvest and
Jehovah the firstborn of the
flocks to Jehovah

F E B R UA RY 2 2 - 2 8  N E H E M I A H 1 2 - 1 3
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Offer the Memorial
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD invitation to someone who shows little interest.
˙ “Practical Lessons From Nehemiah”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (4 min. or less) Offer the Memorial
Ne 13:4-9—Avoid bad associations (w13 8/15 invitation and The Watchtower to someone who
4 85-8) shows genuine interest. Lay the groundwork for
Ne 13:15-21—Put spiritual things first (w13 8/15 a return visit.
5-6 813-15) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Explain the Memorial
Ne 13:23-27—Preserve your Christian identity to a Bible student, using the Bible Teach book,
(w13 8/15 6-7 816-18) pages 206-208. Offer practical assistance to help
the student attend.
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Ne 12:31—What could have been the effect of having LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
two choirs? (it-2 454 81)
˙ Song 5
Ne 13:31b—What was Nehemiah asking Jehovah ˙ “Invite Everyone in Your Territory to the Memorial!”:
to do? (w11 2/1 14 83-5) (15 min.) Discussion. Explain how the congregation
will cover its territory. When reviewing “Steps to
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me Consider,” play the Memorial video. Encourage all
about Jehovah? to participate fully in the campaign and to cultivate
any interest they find. Include a demonstration.

What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 9 814-24,
in the field ministry? review on p. 82 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: Ne 12:1-26 (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 39 and Prayer

NEHEMIAH 12-13  Practical Lessons From Nehemiah

13:4-9, 15-21, 23-27

Nehemiah zealously defended
true worship
˙ High Priest Eliashib allowed Tobiah,
who was an unbeliever and an
opposer, to influence him
˙ Eliashib gave Tobiah a space in a
temple dining hall
˙ Nehemiah threw all of Tobiah’s
furniture out, cleansed the room,
and returned it to its proper use
˙ Nehemiah continued to remove all
uncleanness from Jerusalem

F E B R UA RY 2 9 – M A R C H 6  E S T H E R 1 - 5
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the Listen to God
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD brochure. Lay the groundwork for a return visit.
˙ “Esther Stood Up for God’s People”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
[Play Introduction to Esther video.] make a return visit on someone who accepted the
Es 3:5-9—Haman sought to destroy God’s people Listen to God brochure, and discuss pages 2-3.
(ia 131 818-19) Lay the groundwork for the next visit.
Es 4:11–5:2—Esther’s faith was stronger than her ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
fear of death (ia 125 82; 134 824-26) conduct a Bible study using pages 4-5 of the Listen
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) to God and Live Forever brochure when the house-
holder accepted Listen to God on the initial call.
Es 2:15—How did Esther show modesty and self- (km 7/12 2-3 84)
control? (w06 3/1 9 87)
Es 3:2-4—Why might Mordecai have refused to bow
down to Haman? (ia 131 818) ˙ Song 71
˙ Local needs: (10 min.)
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ How Are You Benefiting From the New Meeting For-
about Jehovah? mat and the Workbook?: (5 min.) Discussion. Invite
the audience to comment on how they have benefit-
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ed personally from this new meeting. Encourage all
in the field ministry? to prepare well so as to gain the most benefit.
˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 10 81-11,
˙ Bible Reading: Es 1:1-15 (4 min. or less) box on p. 86 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 113 and Prayer

ESTHER 1-5  Esther Stood Up for God’s People

Esther showed remarkable faith and courage when defending God’s people
˙ Appearing before the king unsummoned could others. He also removed Vashti as queen when
have meant death. Esther had not been invited she disobeyed him
by the king in 30 days
˙ Esther had to reveal that she was a Jewess and
˙ King Ahasuerus, who is thought to be Xerxes I, convince the king that he had been tricked by his
had a violent temper. Once, he ordered a man trusted adviser
to be cut in half and displayed as a warning to

F E B R UARY 2 2 - 2 8

Invite Everyone in Your Territory FREE PUBLIC EV


to the Memorial!
During the campaign that begins on February 27, we will invite as
many as possible in our community to observe the Memorial of
Christ’s death with us. We should also pay careful attention to any in-
terest shown in order to cultivate it.



“We are distributing this invitation to a very important event. On
March 23, millions around the world will gather to commemorate the
death of Jesus Christ and to hear a free Bible discourse about how
his death benefits us. This invitation shows the time and location of “You Will Be With
the meeting being held in our community. Please come if you can.” Me in Paradise”

If the individual shows interest . . .


No. 2 2016


Lay the groundwork for a MEMORIAL VIDEO

return visit. Lay the groundwork for a
return visit.


When you return, you can . . .

What Does the
Bible Really Teach?
Listen to God

REALLY TEACH? Discuss the meaning

Share more informa- of Christ’s death,
SHOW WHY STUDY tion about the Memo- using pages 18-19.
THE BIBLE? rial, using pages 206- Then offer the
208. Then offer the brochure.
Then offer a Bible study aid.

8 Vol. 1, No. 2

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Sisters using the Listen to God brochure in Indonesia

Sample Presentations
!"#2 N o . 1 20 16

Question: Here is your copy of the latest Question: Would you agree that it’s important
Awake! Notice the question here on page 2. to choose the right kind of friends?
May I ask your opinion?
Attitude Scripture: Pr 13:20
Makes a Difference!

Scripture: Pr 24:10
Offer: This issue of Awake! has some practical
Offer: This article discusses additional information about how to make good friends.
principles along this line. [Highlight the article on pages 10-11.]


Listen to God
Question: Would you like to live in a world
that looks like this? [Show pages 2-3,
and allow for response.]
Scripture: Jer 29:11 Scripture:
Offer: This brochure shows how we can Offer:
listen to God and thus enjoy the future he
has in mind for us. [Consider pages 4-5.]
F E B R UA RY 1 - 7  N E H E M I A H 1 - 4
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
˙ “Nehemiah Loved True Worship”: (10 min.) and then discuss the highlights. Emphasize how
the publisher laid the groundwork for a return
[Play Introduction to Nehemiah video.]
visit. Encourage publishers to build their own
Ne 1:11–2:3—Nehemiah’s joy came from the presentation.
advancement of true worship (w06 2/1 9 87)
Ne 4:14—Nehemiah overcame opposition to true LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
worship by focusing on Jehovah (w06 2/1 10 83)
˙ Song 103
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
˙ Plan Now to Serve as an Auxiliary Pioneer During
Ne 1:1; 2:1—Why can we conclude that “the 20th
March or April: (15 min.) Discussion. Consider
year” mentioned at Nehemiah 1:1 and 2:1 is counted
pertinent points from the article “Make This Memori-
from the same starting point? (it-2 899-900)
al Season a Joyful One!” (km 2/14 2) Emphasize
the need to plan ahead. (Pr 21:5) Interview two
Ne 4:17, 18—How could a man do the work of publishers who have served as auxiliary pioneers in
rebuilding with just one hand? (w06 2/1 9 81) the past. What obstacles did they have to overcome?
What joys did they experience?
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 8 81-16
about Jehovah? (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use
˙ Song 135 and Prayer
in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: Ne 3:1-14 (4 min. or less)

NEHEMIAH 1-4  Nehemiah Loved True Worship

2:4-6 2:11-15 3:1; 4:7-9 6:15


Nisan (Mar./Apr.) Tammuz (June/July) Ab (July/Aug.) Elul (Aug./Sept.)

Nehemiah seeks Nehemiah arrives Construction 52 days later, the
permission to rebuild about this time begins despite wall is completed
Jerusalem, the center of and inspects opposition
true worship in his day the city wall

F E B R UA RY 8 - 1 4  N E H E M I A H 5 - 8
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the current
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Awake! by featuring the cover subject. Lay the
˙ “Nehemiah Was an Outstanding Overseer”: groundwork for a return visit.
(10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
Ne 5:1-7—Nehemiah listened to the people and took make a return visit on someone who showed interest
action (w06 2/1 9 82) in the cover subject of the current Awake! Lay the
Ne 5:14-19—Nehemiah showed humility, unselfish- groundwork for the next visit.
ness, and discretion (w06 2/1 10 84) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
Ne 8:8-12—Nehemiah participated in providing study. (bh 28-29 84-5)
spiritual instruction to the people (w06 2/1 11 84)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ne 6:5—Why did Sanballat send “an open letter” ˙ Song 62
to Nehemiah? (w06 2/1 9 83)
˙ Are You “Reaching Out”?: (15 min.) Talk by an elder
based on the Watchtower of September 15, 2014,
Ne 6:10-13—Why did Nehemiah not accept pages 3-6. Play the video entitled Brothers—Reach
Shemaiah’s recommendation? (w07 7/1 30 815) Out for a Fine Work, which appeared on JW Broad-
casting in December 2015. Emphasize the proper
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me reasons for reaching out, and explain how a brother
about Jehovah? can do so. Kindly encourage brothers to reach out to
qualify to serve as ministerial servants and elders.
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 8 817-27,
in the field ministry? review on p. 75 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: Ne 6:14–7:7a (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 125 and Prayer

NEHEMIAH 5-8  Nehemiah Was an Outstanding Overseer

Tishri 455 B.C.E.
1 Likely on this occasion, Nehemiah directed the 3 Family heads gathered to see how they could
people to assemble for true worship follow God’s Law more closely
2 Great rejoicing resulted 4 The people prepared to celebrate the joyous
Festival of Booths
1 2 3 4

5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
F E B R UA RY 1 5 - 2 1  N E H E M I A H 9 - 1 1
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Feature the current
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Awake! using the article “Help for the Family—How
˙ “Faithful Worshippers Support Theocratic to Make Real Friends.” Lay the groundwork for a
Arrangements”: (10 min.) return visit.
Ne 10:28-30—They agreed not to enter into ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
marriage alliances with “the peoples of the land” make a return visit on someone who showed interest
(w98 10/15 21 811) in the article entitled “Help for the Family—How to
Ne 10:32-39—They resolved to support true worship Make Real Friends” in the current Awake! Lay the
in various ways (w98 10/15 21 811-12) groundwork for the next visit.
Ne 11:1, 2—They willingly supported a special ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate a Bible
theocratic arrangement (w06 2/1 11 86; w98 10/15 study. (bh 32-33 813-14)
22 813)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ne 9:19-21—How has Jehovah proved that he ˙ Song 19
provides well for his people? (w13 9/15 9 89-10)
˙ “The Best Life Ever”: (15 min.) Discussion. Start
by playing the video. Then consider the questions.
Ne 9:6-38—What good example did the Levites set Briefly interview a publisher, single or married,
for us regarding prayer? (w13 10/15 22-23 86-7) who took advantage of several years of singleness
to do more in Jehovah’s service. (1Co 7:35) What
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me blessings were received as a result?
about Jehovah? ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 9 81-13
(30 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use
in the field ministry? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 76 and Prayer

˙ Bible Reading: Ne 11:15-36 (4 min. or less)

The Best Life Ever

Many opportunities are available to young ones in Jehovah’s organization. Watch the video
The Best Life Ever to see how Cameron made wise use of her youth. Then answer the questions below.
(Go to, and look under BIBLE TEACHINGS ˛ TEENAGERS.)

w w w

˙ What has always been an impor- ˙ What challenges did Cameron face ˙ What blessings did Cameron
tant part of Cameron’s life? while serving in a distant land? experience?
˙ When and how did she decide to ˙ Why may it be beneficial to ˙ Why does serving Jehovah lead
expand her ministry? serve Jehovah in a place or an to the best life ever?
˙ How did she prepare to serve environment where we have never ˙ What other opportunities are
where the need was greater in served before? available to young ones in
another land? Jehovah’s organization?

F E B R UARY 1 5 - 2 1

NEHEMIAH 9-11  Faithful Worshippers Support Theocratic Arrangements

10:28-30, 32-39; 11:1, 2

God’s people willingly supported
true worship in various ways
˙ The nation prepared for and
celebrated the Festival of
Booths in the correct way
˙ Each day the people gathered
to listen to the reading of God’s
Law, which made them rejoice
˙ The people confessed their
sins, prayed, and asked Jeho-
vah to bless them
˙ The people agreed to continue
supporting all theocratic

Continued support of theocratic arrangements included:

Marrying only those Making monetary Observing the Supplying wood for Giving the firstfruits
who worshipped contributions Sabbath the altar of the harvest and
Jehovah the firstborn of the
flocks to Jehovah

F E B R UA RY 2 2 - 2 8  N E H E M I A H 1 2 - 1 3
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Offer the Memorial
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD invitation to someone who shows little interest.
˙ “Practical Lessons From Nehemiah”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (4 min. or less) Offer the Memorial
Ne 13:4-9—Avoid bad associations (w13 8/15 invitation and The Watchtower to someone who
4 85-8) shows genuine interest. Lay the groundwork for
Ne 13:15-21—Put spiritual things first (w13 8/15 a return visit.
5-6 813-15) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Explain the Memorial
Ne 13:23-27—Preserve your Christian identity to a Bible student, using the Bible Teach book,
(w13 8/15 6-7 816-18) pages 206-208. Offer practical assistance to help
the student attend.
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Ne 12:31—What could have been the effect of having LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
two choirs? (it-2 454 81)
˙ Song 5
Ne 13:31b—What was Nehemiah asking Jehovah ˙ “Invite Everyone in Your Territory to the Memorial!”:
to do? (w11 2/1 14 83-5) (15 min.) Discussion. Explain how the congregation
will cover its territory. When reviewing “Steps to
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me Consider,” play the Memorial video. Encourage all
about Jehovah? to participate fully in the campaign and to cultivate
any interest they find. Include a demonstration.

What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 9 814-24,
in the field ministry? review on p. 82 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: Ne 12:1-26 (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 147 and Prayer

NEHEMIAH 12-13  Practical Lessons From Nehemiah

13:4-9, 15-21, 23-27

Nehemiah zealously defended
true worship
˙ High Priest Eliashib allowed Tobiah,
who was an unbeliever and an
opposer, to influence him
˙ Eliashib gave Tobiah a space in a
temple dining hall
˙ Nehemiah threw all of Tobiah’s
furniture out, cleansed the room,
and returned it to its proper use
˙ Nehemiah continued to remove all
uncleanness from Jerusalem

F E B R UA RY 2 9 – M A R C H 6  E S T H E R 1 - 5
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Present the Listen to God
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD brochure. Lay the groundwork for a return visit.
˙ “Esther Stood Up for God’s People”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
[Play Introduction to Esther video.] make a return visit on someone who accepted the
Es 3:5-9—Haman sought to destroy God’s people Listen to God brochure, and discuss pages 2-3.
(ia 131 818-19) Lay the groundwork for the next visit.
Es 4:11–5:2—Esther’s faith was stronger than her ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
fear of death (ia 125 82; 134 824-26) conduct a Bible study using pages 4-5 of the Listen
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) to God and Live Forever brochure when the house-
holder accepted Listen to God on the initial call.
Es 2:15—How did Esther show modesty and self- (km 7/12 2-3 84)
control? (w06 3/1 9 87)
Es 3:2-4—Why might Mordecai have refused to bow
down to Haman? (ia 131 818) ˙ Song 71
˙ Local needs: (10 min.)
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ How Are You Benefiting From the New Meeting For-
about Jehovah? mat and the Workbook?: (5 min.) Discussion. Invite
the audience to comment on how they have benefit-
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ed personally from this new meeting. Encourage all
in the field ministry? to prepare well so as to gain the most benefit.
˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 10 81-11,
˙ Bible Reading: Es 1:1-15 (4 min. or less) box on p. 86 (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 149 and Prayer

ESTHER 1-5  Esther Stood Up for God’s People

Esther showed remarkable faith and courage when defending God’s people
˙ Appearing before the king unsummoned could others. He also removed Vashti as queen when
have meant death. Esther had not been invited she disobeyed him
by the king in 30 days
˙ Esther had to reveal that she was a Jewess and
˙ King Ahasuerus, who is thought to be Xerxes I, convince the king that he had been tricked by his
had a violent temper. Once, he ordered a man trusted adviser
to be cut in half and displayed as a warning to

F E B R UARY 2 2 - 2 8

Invite Everyone in Your Territory FREE PUBLIC EV


to the Memorial!
During the campaign that begins on February 27, we will invite as
many as possible in our community to observe the Memorial of
Christ’s death with us. We should also pay careful attention to any in-
terest shown in order to cultivate it.



“We are distributing this invitation to a very important event. On
March 23, millions around the world will gather to commemorate the
death of Jesus Christ and to hear a free Bible discourse about how
his death benefits us. This invitation shows the time and location of “You Will Be With
the meeting being held in our community. Please come if you can.” Me in Paradise”

If the individual shows interest . . .


No. 2 2016

Lay the groundwork for a MEMORIAL VIDEO
return visit. Lay the groundwork for a
return visit.


When you return, you can . . .

What Does the
Bible Really Teach?
Listen to God

REALLY TEACH? Discuss the meaning

Share more informa- of Christ’s death,
SHOW WHY STUDY tion about the Memo- using pages 18-19.
THE BIBLE? rial, using pages 206- Then offer the
208. Then offer the brochure.
Then offer a Bible study aid.

8 Vol. 1, No. 2
MARCH 2016

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Observing the Memorial of Christ’s death in Germany

Sample Presentations
No. 2 2016


Question: Are you familiar with these Question: Notice this question and some common
famous words? answers. [Read the first question along with the
listed options.] How would you answer?
SUFFER AND DIE? Scripture: Joh 3:16

Scripture: Mt 4:1-4
Offer: This issue of The Watchtower
explains how Jesus’ suffering and death Offer: Since the Devil conversed with Jesus and
can benefit you. tempted him, the Devil must be more than merely
a symbol of evil. What else does the Bible say about
the Devil? This article explains more.



Offer: We’re distributing this invitation
to a very important event. [Give the
householder an invitation.] On March 23,
“You Will Be With
Me in Paradise”
HOW WILL THIS PROMISE BE FULFILLED? millions around the world will gather to
commemorate the death of Jesus Christ Scripture:
and to hear a free Bible discourse about
how his death benefits us. This invitation
shows the time and location of the meeting
being held in our area. Please come if you
M A R C H 7- 1 3  E S T H E R 6 - 1 0
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
˙ “Esther Acted Unselfishly for Jehovah and for His and then discuss the highlights. Afterward, discuss
People”: (10 min.) the article “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry
—Building Your Own Magazine Presentation.”
Es 8:3, 4—Although Esther was safe, she risked her
life for others (ia 143 824-25)
Es 8:5—Esther was tactful with Ahasuerus
(w06 3/1 11 88) ˙ Song 118
Es 8:17—Many people became Jewish proselytes ˙ “Welcome Our Guests”: (15 min.) Discussion. Invite
(w06 3/1 11 83) publishers to relate good experiences that resulted
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) from taking the initiative to welcome visitors attend-
ing a past Memorial. Have a reenactment of an
Es 8:1, 2—How was Jacob’s deathbed prophecy
outstanding experience.
fulfilled regarding Benjamin’s ‘dividing spoil in the
evening’? (ia 142, box) ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 10 812-21,
review on p. 91 (30 min.)
Es 9:10, 15, 16—Even though the decree authorized ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
plundering of the spoil, why did the Jews refrain ˙ Song 147 and Prayer
from doing so? (w06 3/1 11 84)

What does this week’s Bible reading teach me

about Jehovah?

What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use

in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: Es 8:1-9 (4 min. or less)

Welcome Our Guests

On March 23, some 12 million or
more visitors are expected to at-
tend the Memorial as our guests.
What an outstanding witness
they will receive as the speaker
discusses Jehovah’s gift of the
ransom and some of the future
blessings that will result to man-
kind! (Isa 11:6-9; 35:5, 6; 65:21- ˙ Instead of going to your seat and waiting for the program to begin, welcome
23; Joh 3:16) However, the visitors and inactive ones with a warm smile and a friendly greeting
speaker is not the only one who ˙ While giving special attention to acquaintances that you personally invited,
will give a witness on this spe- be alert for others who may be there as a result of the invitation campaign.
cial occasion. All of us can have Invite new ones to sit with you. Share your Bible and songbook with them
a share by warmly welcoming ˙ After the talk, make yourself available to answer questions. If time is limited
our guests. (Ro 15:7) Here are because your congregation must leave to make room for another congrega-
some suggestions. tion, make arrangements to visit the person within a few days. If you do not
have his or her contact information, you might say: “I’d like to hear what you
thought of the program. Is there a way that I can contact you?”

MAR C H 7- 1 3

ESTHER 6-10  Esther Acted Unselfishly for Jehovah and for His People

8:3-5, 9
Esther was brave and selfless in defending
Jehovah and his people
˙ Esther and Mordecai were safe. But Haman’s
decree to kill all the Jews was making its way
to every corner of the empire
˙ Esther risked her life again, appearing
uninvited before the king. She wept for her
people and asked the king to revoke the
terrible edict
˙ Laws passed in the king’s name could not be
revoked. So the king empowered Esther and
Mordecai to enact a new law

8:10-14, 17 0 mi 500
Jehovah gave his people a great victory Empire
˙ A second proclamation was made, giving 0 km 500
the Jews the right to defend themselves
˙ Riders sped to every part of the empire,
and the Jews prepared for battle
˙ Many people saw evidence of God’s favor
and became Jewish proselytes

Babylon Susa, Shushan


5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
MARCH 14 - 20  JOB 1 - 5
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: wp16.2 cover—Lay the groundwork for a
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD return visit. (2 min. or less)
˙ “Job Kept Integrity Under Test”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: wp16.2 cover—Lay the groundwork for
[Play Introduction to Job video.] the next visit. (4 min. or less)
Job 1:8-11—Satan questioned the motives behind
Job’s integrity (w11 5/15 17 86-8; w09 4/15 3 83-4) ˙ Bible Study: fg lesson 2 82-3 (6 min. or less)
Job 2:2-5—Satan questioned the integrity of all men
(w09 4/15 4 86)
˙ Song 88
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Job 1:6; 2:1—Who were allowed to enter before ˙ Stand Up to Peer Pressure!: (15 min.) Discussion.
Jehovah? (w06 3/15 13 86) Play the video Stand Up to Peer Pressure!
(Go to BIBLE TEACHINGS ˛ TEENAGERS.) Afterward, ask
the following: What pressures do children face in
Job 4:7, 18, 19—What false reasoning did Eliphaz school? How can they apply the principle at Exodus
present to Job? (w14 3/15 13 83; w05 9/15 26 84-5; 23:2? What four steps will give them strength to
w95 2/15 27 85-6) stand up to peer pressure and keep their integrity?
Invite youths to relate positive experiences.
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 11 81-11 (30 min.)
about Jehovah?
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Song 149 and Prayer
in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: Job 4:1-21 (4 min. or less)

JOB 1-5  Job Kept Integrity Under Test

Job lived in Uz during the time the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt. Though not an Israel-
ite, Job was a loyal worshipper of Jehovah. He had a large family, great wealth, and influ-
ence in his community. He was a highly regarded counselor and an impartial judge. He was
generous to the poor and needy. Job was a man of integrity.

1:8-11, 22; 2:2-5

Job clearly showed that Jehovah was the
most important Person in his life
˙ Satan took note of Job’s integrity. He did not deny
Job’s obedience to Jehovah; rather, he questioned
Job’s motives
˙ Satan claimed that Job served Jehovah out of
selfish interest
˙ To provide an answer to Satan’s charge, Jehovah
allowed Satan to attack that faithful man. Satan
brought devastation to all aspects of Job’s life
˙ When Job maintained his integrity, Satan
questioned the integrity of all men
˙ Job did not sin or accuse God of doing anything

MARCH 2 1- 27  JOB 6 - 10
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: wp16.2 16—Mention the donation ar-
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD rangement. (2 min. or less)
˙ “Faithful Job Expresses His Anguish”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: wp16.2 16—Lay the groundwork for the
Job 6:1-3, 9, 10, 26; 7:11, 16—What people say in next visit. (4 min. or less)
anguish may not be a true reflection of what they
really are at heart (w13 8/15 19 87; w13 5/15 22 813) ˙ Bible Study: fg lesson 2 86-8 (6 min. or less)
Job 9:20-22—Job mistakenly concluded that God
did not care whether he kept his faith in Him or not
(w15 7/1 12 82) ˙ Song 114
Job 10:12—Even when severely tested, Job said ˙ Use Insight When Comforting Others: (15 min.)
positive things about Jehovah (w09 4/15 7 818; Discussion. Play the video that the elders viewed at
w09 4/15 10 813) a recent Kingdom Ministry School. Then invite com-
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ments on how the two brothers were a good exam-
ple of how to give encouragement when someone
Job 6:14—How did Job highlight the importance
expresses anguish over the death of a loved one.
of loyal love? (w10 11/15 32 820)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 11 812-20,
Job 7:9, 10; 10:21—If Job hoped in a future resur- review on p. 98 (30 min.)
rection, then why did he make the statements found
in these verses? (w06 3/15 14 811) ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 27 and Prayer
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah?

What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use

in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: Job 9:1-21 (4 min. or less)

JOB 6-10  Faithful Job Expresses His Anguish

Job was destitute, bereaved, and gravely ill, but he remained faithful. So Satan tried to use
discouragement to break his integrity. Three “companions” arrived. First they made a public
show of sympathy. Then they sat with Job in silence for seven days, not offering even one
word of comfort. The speeches that followed were full of charges and harsh accusations.

6:3; 7:16; 9:20-22; 10:1, 12

Job maintained his loyalty to Jehovah despite
severe pressure
˙ Extreme grief caused Job to have the wrong
perspective. He mistakenly concluded that
God did not care if he remained faithful
˙ Because of discouragement, Job did not
consider other possible reasons for his
˙ Though grief-stricken, Job still spoke to his
accusers about his love for Jehovah

MARCH 28 –APRIL 3  JOB 11 - 15
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: fg lesson 13 81—Lay the groundwork for
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD a return visit. (2 min. or less)
˙ “Job Was Confident in the Resurrection”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: fg lesson 13 82—Lay the groundwork
Job 14:1, 2—Job summed up the current situation of for the next visit. (4 min. or less)
human life (w15 3/1 3; w10 5/1 5 82; w08 3/1 3 83)
˙ Bible Study: fg lesson 13 83-4 (6 min. or less)
Job 14:13-15a—Job knew Jehovah would not forget
him (w15 8/1 5; w14 1/1 7 84; w11 3/1 22 82-4)
Job 14:15b—Jehovah treasures his faithful worship-
pers (w15 8/1 7 83; w14 6/15 14 812; w11 3/1 22 ˙ Song 134
83-6) ˙ Local needs: (5 min.)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ “The Resurrection—Made Possible by the Ransom”:
Job 12:12—Why do older Christians have the poten- (10 min.) Discussion. Conclude by playing the video
tial to help younger Christians? (g99 7/22 11, box) that was shown at the 2014 “Keep Seeking First
God’s Kingdom!” Regional Convention.
Job 15:27—What did Eliphaz mean when he inti- ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 12 81-12
mated that Job’s face was “covered with fat”? (30 min.)
(it-1 802 84)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 33 and Prayer
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah?

What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use

in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: Job 14:1-22 (4 min. or less)

JOB 11-15  Job Was Confident in the Resurrection

14:7-9, 13-15
Job expressed his faith in God’s ability to
resurrect him
˙ Job used a tree—perhaps an olive tree—to
illustrate his confidence in God’s ability to
resurrect him
˙ An olive tree’s expansive root system
enables it to rejuvenate itself even when
the trunk has been destroyed. As long
as the roots remain alive, the tree will
sprout again
˙ When rainfall breaks a severe drought, a
dry olive stump can spring back to life with
shoots rising from its roots, producing
“branches like a new plant”

MAR C H 2 8 – AP R I L 3

The Resurrection—Made Possible by the Ransom

The Memorial gives us a good opportunity

to reflect on future blessings that are made
possible by the ransom, such as the resur-
rection. Jehovah never intended for humans
to die. That is why one of the most painful
emotions we experience is grief over the
death of a loved one. (1Co 15:26) Jesus
was pained to see his disciples mourn the
loss of Lazarus. (Joh 11:33-35) Since Jesus
is a perfect reflection of his Father, we can
be sure that Jehovah is also pained to see
us grieve over the loss of our loved ones.
(Joh 14:7) Jehovah eagerly anticipates the
time when he will bring his servants back
from the dead, and we should too.—Job 14:
14, 15.
Since Jehovah is a God of order, it is rea-
sonable to believe that the resurrection will
take place in an orderly way. (1Co 14:33, 40)
Instead of funerals, there may be welcoming
sessions for the resurrected. Do you medi-
tate on the resurrection, especially during
times of grief? (2Co 4:17, 18) Do you thank
Jehovah for providing the ransom and for
revealing in the Scriptures that the dead
will live again?—Col 3:15.
Which of your friends and relatives do you
especially look forward to seeing again?




Which Bible characters do you especially

want to meet and talk to?




MAR C H 7- 1 3


Building Your Own Magazine Presentation

WHY IMPORTANT: Although the sample presentations that appear in the meeting workbook provide helpful
ideas, these are simply outlines. You should use your own words. You may prefer a different approach or feel
that another subject would have more appeal locally. If so, after you have read the magazine, considered the
sample presentations, and seen the video demonstrations, you can use the following suggestions to build a
personal presentation.


Ask yourself, ‘Do I want to use one of

the sample presentations?’

. .

˙ Prepare your opening words. After giving a cus- ˙ Choose a subject from the magazine that inter-
tomary greeting, state concisely the reason for ests you and will have appeal in your territory
your visit. (Example: “I am here because . . . ”)
˙ Decide on a viewpoint question to ask that will
˙ Consider how you will transition between the stimulate thought and conversation but not put
question, the scripture, and the offer. (Example: the householder on the spot. (Example: The ques-
To introduce a scripture, you might say: “A satis- tions that appear on page 2 of the magazines.)
fying answer to that question can be found right
˙ Choose a scripture to read. (If you are featuring
Awake! reading a scripture is optional, since this
magazine is designed for those who have little
knowledge of the Bible and may even distrust re-

˙ Formulate a sentence or two that explains how

the householder will benefit from reading the
˙ Prepare a follow-up question to answer on the
return visit

˙ Make notes to help you remember what you want

to say next time


8 Vol. 1, No. 3
APRIL 2016

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Brothers and sisters at the 2014 international convention, New Jersey, U.S.A.
Sample Presentations
!"#2 N o . 2 20 16
IS THE BIBLE Offer: Here is your copy of the latest Question: Would you agree that these are wise

Awake! words to live by?

Question: Notice the question here on Scripture: Mt 6:34
page 2. May I ask your opinion?
Offer: [Open to the article “The Bible’s Viewpoint
Scripture: Lu 7:35 —Anxiety.”] This article shows how the Bible can help
This article discusses how that principle us deal with anxiety.
applies to the Bible itself.


What Does the
Bible Really Teach? Question: Many who believe in God
would like to feel closer to him. Did you
know that the Bible invites us to draw
close to God?
Scripture: Jas 4:8a Scripture:
Offer: This book is designed to help us Offer:
learn more about God by means of the
Bible. [Highlight chapter 1 of the Bible
Teach book.]
APRIL 4 -10  JOB 16 - 20
˙ Song 79 and Prayer
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Encourage and Strengthen Others With Kind ˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
Words”: (10 min.) Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
Job 16:4, 5—A counselor’s words should strengthen and then discuss the highlights. Encourage
others (w90 3/15 27 81-2) publishers to build their own presentation.
Job 19:2—Bildad’s unkind words caused Job to cry
out in distress (w06 3/15 15 86; w94 10/1 32) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Job 19:25—The resurrection hope sustained Job ˙ Song 42
when he was pressed to the limit (w06 3/15 15 85;
˙ “New Feature for Starting Conversations”:
it-2 735 82-3)
(10 min.) Discussion. Encourage all to use “What
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) Does the Bible Say?” to start conversations that
Job 19:20—What did Job mean by the expression may lead to a Bible study.
“I escape with the skin of my teeth”? (w06 3/15 15 ˙ Questions From Readers: (5 min.) Talk by an
81; it-2 977 81) elder based on the February 15, 2015, Watchtower,
page 30, paragraphs 4-6.
Job 19:26—How could Job “see God,” since no ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 12 813-25,
human can see Jehovah? (w94 11/15 19 817) review on p. 107 (30 min.)

What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
about Jehovah? ˙ Song 65 and Prayer

What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use

in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: Job 19:1-23 (4 min. or less)

New Feature for Starting Conversations

Since January 2016, the back HOW TO USE THE FEATURE:
page of the public edition of 1
Ask for the householder’s opinion on one
The Watchtower has featured of the questions
“What Does the Bible Say?” This
2 Listen to and acknowledge his answer
new feature is designed to help
What happens when we die? Can the dead live again?
us start conversations on Bible SOME PEOPLE BELIEVE that we live on in another
form, while others feel that death is the end of
˙ Yes ˙ No ˙ Maybe
3 Read the scripture under the heading
everything. What do you believe?

topics. The format is similar to WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS

“The dead know nothing at all.” (Ecclesiastes
“There is going to be a resurrection.”
—Acts 24:15.
“What the Bible Says,” and ask for his
9:5) When we die, we cease to exist.

that of our tracts. There is a WHAT ELSE WE LEARN FROM THE BIBLE
˙ The first man, Adam, returned to the dust when
˙ The Bible often compares death to sleep.
(John 11:11-14) God can awaken the dead,
thoughts on the verse. If he has time,
he died. (Genesis 2:7; 3:19) Likewise, all others

viewpoint question followed by

who die return to the dust.—Ecclesiastes 3:19, 20.
˙ People who die are acquitted of, or pardoned
just as we can awaken a person from sleep.
—Job 14:13-15.
˙ The Bible records several resurrections, thus
continue the conversation, using a point
for, their sins. (Romans 6:7) There is no further giving us a solid basis for believing that the dead
punishment for sin after a person dies. will be raised up.—1 Kings 17:17-24; Luke 7:11-17;
John 11:39-44. under the heading “What Else Can We
a Scriptural answer, as well as
Learn From the Bible?”
additional points for discussion.
Please send me a copy of LANGUAGE

What Does the

Bible Really Teach?
What Does the Bible Really Teach?
For more information,
see chapter 6 of this book,

Offer the magazine
Pleasant conversations on published by Jehovah’s Witnesses
Also available at

For mailing address, see page 2

5 Arrange to return and discuss the second
Scriptural topics often lead to
n Free downloads
p Bible available Visit

of this magazine
and past issues
online in some
130 languages,
or scan code question
Bible studies. Use this new
feature to help many more to
satisfy their spiritual hunger.
—Mt 5:6.

AP R I L 4 - 1 0

JOB 16-20  Encourage and Strengthen Others With Kind Words

16:4, 5
A counselor’s words should strengthen others
˙ Job felt depressed and anguished, so he needed
support and encouragement from others
˙ Job’s three companions said nothing to comfort
him. Rather, they made accusations and added
to his anxiety

19:2, 25
Bildad’s unkind words caused Job to cry out
in distress
˙ Job cried out to God for some type of relief
—even death
˙ Job focused on his hope in the resurrection
and continued to endure faithfully

Eliphaz: False accusations:
˙ Possibly from Teman in the land of Edom. ˙ Ridiculed Job’s integrity and claimed that God
Teman is noted at Jeremiah 49:7 as a center had no faith in his servants (Job 4, 5)
of Edomite wisdom
˙ Called Job presumptuous and wicked and
˙ Likely the oldest and most influential of the claimed that Job had no fear of God (Job 15)
“comforters,” Eliphaz was the first to speak.
˙ Accused Job of greed and injustice and
He gave three speeches and spoke longer
claimed that man is useless to God (Job 22)
than the other two men
Bildad: False accusations:
˙ A descendant of Shuah. He may have lived ˙ Implied that Job’s sons had sinned and de-
along the Euphrates River served the calamity that struck them and sug-
gested that Job himself was godless (Job 8)
˙ He was the second to speak. His three
speeches were shorter and more hurtful ˙ Implied that Job was a wrongdoer (Job 18)
than those of Eliphaz
˙ Claimed that man’s integrity is in vain (Job 25)

Zophar: False accusations:

˙ A Naamathite, possibly from northwest Arabia ˙ Accused Job of empty talk and told him to
put away his evil practices (Job 11)
˙ He was the third to speak and the harshest
accuser. He gave only two speeches ˙ Implied that Job was wicked and enjoyed sin
(Job 20)

5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
APRIL 11-17  JOB 21 - 27
˙ Song 83 and Prayer
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Job Resisted Wrong Thinking”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: g16.2 cover—Lay the groundwork for a
Job 22:2-7—Eliphaz gave counsel based on false return visit. (2 min. or less)
assumptions and personal opinion (w06 3/15 15 87; ˙ Return Visit: g16.2 cover—Lay the groundwork for
w05 9/15 26-27; w95 2/15 27 86) the next visit. (4 min. or less)
Job 25:4, 5—Bildad presented wrong ideas
(w05 9/15 26-27) ˙ Bible Study: bh 145 83-4 (6 min. or less)
Job 27:5, 6—Job did not allow others to make
him think that he had failed as an integrity keeper
(w09 8/15 4 88; w06 3/15 15 89) ˙ Song 129
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ Beat a Bully Without Using Your Fists: (15 min.)
Job 24:2—Why was moving a boundary marker a Discussion. Play the whiteboard animation Beat
serious offense? (it-1 360) a Bully Without Using Your Fists. (Go to, and
look under BIBLE TEACHINGS ˛ TEENAGERS.) Afterward,
discuss the following questions: Why might a person
Job 26:7—What is notable about Job’s description be bullied? What are some negative effects of
of the earth? (w15 6/1 5 84; w11 7/1 26 82-5) bullying? How can you deal with bullying or possibly
avoid it? Whom should you talk to if you are being
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me bullied? Direct attention to the Young People Ask
about Jehovah? book, Volume 2, chapter 14.
˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 13 81-12
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use (30 min.)
in the field ministry?
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 23 and Prayer
˙ Bible Reading: Job 27:1-23 (4 min. or less)

JOB 21-27  Job Resisted Wrong Thinking

Satan uses lies to discourage Jehovah’s servants today. Note the contrast between Satan’s
lies and Jehovah’s true feelings, as shown in the book of Job. List additional Bible verses that
prove to you that Jehovah cares about you.


˙ God is so exacting that nothing his servants ˙ Jehovah appreciates our humble efforts (Job 36:5)
do is good enough. No creation can please
him (Job 4:18; 25:5)

˙ Jehovah accepts and blesses our faithful service (Job 33:26; 36:11)
˙ Man is useless to God (Job 22:2)


˙ God does not care that you are righteous ˙ Jehovah watches over the righteous (Job 36:7)
(Job 22:3)


A P R I L 1 8 - 24  J O B 2 8 - 3 2
˙ Song 17 and Prayer
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Job Was an Example of Integrity”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: g16.2 12-13—Lay the groundwork for a
Job 31:1—Job made “a covenant” with his eyes return visit. (2 min. or less)
(w15 6/15 16 813; w15 1/15 25 810) ˙ Return Visit: g16.2 12-13—Lay the groundwork for
Job 31:13-15—Job was humble, just, and consider- the next visit. (4 min. or less)
ate of others (w10 11/15 30 88-9)
˙ Bible Study: bh 148 88-9 (6 min. or less)
Job 31:16-25—Job was generous to those who had
less (w10 11/15 30 810-11)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
˙ Song 115
Job 32:2—In what sense did Job try “to prove
himself right rather than God”? (w15 7/1 12 82; ˙ Learn From the Integrity of Others (1Pe 5:9):
it-1 606 85) (15 min.) Discussion. Play the video Harold King: Re-
maining Faithful in Prison. (Go to, and look
Job 32:8, 9—Why did Elihu feel that he could speak Thereafter, consider the following questions: How
even though he was younger than his listeners? did Brother King maintain his spirituality while in
(w06 3/15 16 81; it-2 549 86) prison? How can singing Kingdom songs help us to
endure difficult circumstances in life? How does
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me Brother King’s faithful example motivate you?
about Jehovah?
˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 13 813-25,
review on p. 114 (30 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use
in the field ministry? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 81 and Prayer
˙ Bible Reading: Job 30:24–31:14 (4 min. or less)

JOB 28-32  Job Was an Example of Integrity

Job was a good example in
how he treated others
˙ He was humble, just, and
merciful. He was considerate
of all people regardless of
their social or economic
Job was determined
to follow Jehovah’s Job was generous,
moral standards not selfish

˙ He controlled his eyes and ˙ He was helpful and gave to

gave romantic attention those in need
only to his wife

A P R I L 2 5 – M AY 1  J O B 3 3 - 3 7
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: Offer the 2016 regional convention in-
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD vitation using the sample presentation. (2 min. or
˙ “A True Friend Gives Upbuilding Counsel”: (10 min.) less)
Job 33:1-5—Elihu showed respect for Job (w95 2/15 ˙ Return Visit: fg lesson 12 84-5—Demonstrate how
29 83-5) to make a return visit on someone who accepted the
Job 33:6, 7—Elihu was humble and kind (w95 2/15 convention invitation. Lay the groundwork for the
29 83-5) next visit. (4 min. or less)
Job 33:24, 25—Elihu encouraged Job even while ˙ Bible Study: jl lesson 11—Encourage the student to
giving counsel (w11 4/1 23 83; w09 4/15 4 88) attend an upcoming convention. (6 min. or less)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Job 33:24, 25—What might have been the “ransom”
that Elihu mentioned? (w11 4/1 23 83-5) ˙ Song 124
˙ “Convention Reminders”: (8 min.) Talk. Play the vid-
Job 34:36—To what extent was Job to be tested, eo Convention Reminders. (Go to, and look
and what does that teach us? (w94 11/15 17 810) under VIDEO ON DEMAND ˛ OUR ACTIVITIES.) Encourage all
to finalize their plans to attend all three days. Out-
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me line local arrangements for the invitation campaign.
about Jehovah?
˙ Local needs: (7 min.)

What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: ia chap. 14 81-13
in the field ministry? (30 min.)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: Job 33:1-25 (4 min. or less) ˙ Song 21 and Prayer

Convention Reminders

As at other times, we want to HOW CAN WE SHOW LOVE . . .

be guided by love for God and
neighbor during the convention
season. (Mt 22:37-39) First Co-
rinthians 13:4-8 describes love
in action: “Love is patient and
kind. . . . [It] does not behave
indecently, does not look for its
own interests, does not become when saving seats? when the musical program is about
provoked. . . . Love never fails.” to begin?
As you watch the video Conven-
tion Reminders, think about
ways you can show love for
others at the convention.

at our lodgings in the convention by volunteering to help?


AP R I L 2 5 – MAY 1

JOB 33-37  A True Friend Gives Upbuilding Counsel

When Elihu entered the conversation, his counsel was completely different from that of
Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, both in content and in the way he dealt with Job. He proved
himself to be a true friend and an effective counselor, worthy of imitation.





32:4-7, 11, 12; 33:1 33:6, 7, 32 33:24, 25; 35:2, 5

˙ Elihu waited patiently for the ˙ Elihu was humble and kind, ˙ Elihu kindly showed Job that his
older men to finish speaking admitting his own imperfection viewpoint was unbalanced
before he spoke
˙ He was empathetic to Job’s ˙ Elihu helped Job to see that his
˙ By listening attentively, he had suffering own righteousness was not the
a better understanding of the most important thing
issues at hand before giving
˙ Elihu’s sound counsel prepared
the way for Job to receive
˙ He used Job’s name and spoke additional instruction from
to him as a friend Jehovah himself

AP R I L 2 5 – MAY 1

Convention Invitation Campaign

Each year, anticipation builds for the spiritual feast that we enjoy
at our regional conventions. So that others too may taste Jehovah’s
goodness, we will invite as many as possible to attend with us.
(Ps 34:8) Each body of elders will determine how to make the best
possible use of the invitations.


When is my convention?


When does the campaign begin locally?


When are the local meetings for field service?



What are my goals for the campaign?



Whom do I plan to invite?




After giving a customary Although we want to invite as many !"#2 N o . 2 20 16

greeting, you might say: people as possible to the convention,

Israelite King David prayed:


we should be alert to cultivate any JUST A GOOD BOOK?
“We are involved in a global —2 Samuel 22:26.

˙ Why does God expect us to be loyal?

˙ How can being loyal improve our lives?
interest shown.
campaign to distribute this ˙ How will God “act in loyalty” toward us?

invitation to a very important A free public event will answer those questions.
This is your invitation. On weekends, you may offer the
event. The date, time, and magazine along with the invitation.
address are printed on the invitation.
We would enjoy having you present with us.”

8 Vol. 1, No. 4
MAY 2016

Our Christian Life and Ministry


A couple studying together, using their tablet

Sample Presentations
No. 3 2016


Question: Does it seem possible to you Question: Please notice this question. [Highlight the
that these words will ever be fulfilled? first question and possible answers appearing in the
article on page 16.] What do you think?
Scripture: Re 21:3, 4
Scripture: Ps 83:18

Offer: This issue of The Watchtower

discusses how God will fulfill that promise Offer: This article discusses further what the Bible says
and what it can mean for you. about God’s name.


What Does the ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Bible Really Teach? Question: Some people think that God
controls the world. But did you know that
the Bible doesn’t really teach that?
Scripture: 1Jo 5:19 Scripture:
Offer: This book presents a clear Offer:
explanation of what the Bible really teaches
on this topic and many others.
M AY 2 - 8  J O B 3 8 - 4 2
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
˙ “Praying for Others Pleases Jehovah”: (10 min.) and then discuss the highlights. Briefly refer to
“Ways to Use JW Library” when discussing the use
Job 42:7, 8—Jehovah expected Job to pray for
of a mobile device. Remind the audience to report
Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar (w13 6/15 21 817;
each month the number of times they showed a
w98 5/1 30 83-6)
video in the ministry. Encourage publishers to build
Job 42:10—Jehovah restored Job’s health after he their own presentation.
prayed for them (w98 5/1 31 83)
Job 42:10-17—Jehovah greatly blessed Job for his LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
faith and endurance (w94 11/15 20 819-20)
˙ Song 60
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ “Are You Using JW Library?”: (15 min.) Begin with a
Job 38:4-7—Who are “the morning stars,” and what five-minute discussion of the article. Then play and
do we know about them? (bh 97 83) briefly discuss the video Start Using “JW Library.”
Afterward, do the same with the videos Download
Job 42:3-5—What can we do to see God as Job did? and Manage Publications and Customize the Read-
(w15 10/15 8 816-17) ing Experience. Encourage all who can to install
the JW Library app and download publications to
their mobile device before the part “Ways to Use
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me JW Library” is discussed during the week of May 16.
about Jehovah?
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 14
814-22, review on p. 124
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use
in the field ministry? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 77 and Prayer
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Job 41:1-26

Are You Using JW Library?

JW Library is a free app (software application) that will allow you to download the Bible and other
publications, videos, and audio programs to your phone, tablet, or computer.

HOW TO GET IT: Go online, and install JW Library from an app

store. The app is available for various devices. While online, open
the app and choose the items you wish to download to your device.
If you cannot get online at home, perhaps you can do so at the
Kingdom Hall, a public library, or a nearby coffee shop. Once publi-
cations are downloaded to your device, you do not need to connect
to the Internet to access them. Because new features are regularly
added to JW Library, you should go online from time to time and
install app updates when they are available.
WHY GET IT? JW Library makes it very convenient to do personal
study and follow along during congregation meetings. It is also
useful for the ministry, especially when witnessing informally.

MAY 2 - 8

JOB 38-42  Praying for Others Pleases Jehovah

Jehovah expected Job to pray for Eliphaz,
Bildad, and Zophar
˙ Jehovah told Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar to
go to Job and offer up a burnt sacrifice
˙ Job was expected to pray in their behalf
˙ After Job prayed for them, he was blessed

Jehovah greatly blessed Job for his faith and endurance

˙ Jehovah removed ˙ Job received true ˙ Jehovah restored ˙ Job and his wife ˙ Job lived for anoth-
Job’s tribulation, comfort from Job’s prosperity, came to have ten er 140 years and
restoring him to friends and rela- giving him twice more children enjoyed seeing four
good health tives for all that he the amount that he generations of his
had suffered had lost family line

5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
M AY 9 - 1 5  P S A L M S 1 - 1 0
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) wp16.3 cover—Read a
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD scripture from a mobile device.
˙ “Peace With Jehovah Requires That We Honor ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) wp16.3 cover—Have
His Son, Jesus”: (10 min.) the householder object to your use of the New World
[Play the video Introduction to Psalms.] Translation, and then use JW Library to show the
Ps 2:1-3—Hostility toward Jehovah and Jesus rendering in another translation.
was prophesied (w04 7/15 16-17 84-8; it-1 507;
it-2 386 83) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 12 812-13—Encour-
age the student to download JW Library to his
Ps 2:8-12—Only those who honor Jehovah’s mobile device.
anointed King will gain life (w04 8/1 5 82-3)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ps 2:7—What is “the decree of Jehovah”? ˙ Song 138
(w06 5/15 17 86) ˙ Respect Jehovah’s House: (5 min.) Discussion. Play
the video Become Jehovah’s Friend—Respect
Ps 3:2—What is the meaning of Selah? Jehovah’s House. (Go to BIBLE TEACHINGS ˛ CHILDREN.)
(w06 5/15 18 82) Afterward, invite young children to the stage, and
ask them questions about the video.
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ The Divine Name in the Hebrew Scriptures:
about Jehovah? (10 min.) Talk based on appendix A4 of the revised
New World Translation.
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 15
in the field ministry? 81-14, box on p. 138
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 8:1–9:10
˙ Song 11 and Prayer

PSALMS 1-10  Peace With Jehovah Requires That

We Honor His Son, Jesus
Hostility toward Jehovah and Jesus was prophesied
˙ It was prophesied that the nations would not accept Jesus’
authority but would insist on their own
˙ This prophecy had fulfillment during Jesus’ time on earth and
has a greater fulfillment today
˙ The psalmist says that the nations mutter an empty thing,
meaning that their purpose is empty and doomed to failure

Only those who honor Jehovah’s anointed King will gain life
˙ All who oppose the Messianic King will be destroyed
˙ By honoring the Son, Jesus, individuals can find safety and peace

M AY 1 6 - 2 2  P S A L M S 1 1 - 1 8
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) wp16.3 16—Read a
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD scripture from a mobile device.
˙ “Who May Be a Guest in Jehovah’s Tent?”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) wp16.3 16—Read scrip-
Ps 15:1, 2—We must speak the truth in our heart tures from JW Library so that the householder can
(w03 8/1 14 ˚18; w89 9/15 26 87) see the rendering in his mother tongue.
Ps 15:3—We must be upright in our speech ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 100-101 810-11
(w89 10/15 12 810-11; w89 9/15 27 82-3; it-2 779) —Briefly show the student how he can use
Ps 15:4, 5—We must be loyal in all our conduct JW Library to research a question he raised.
(w06 5/15 19 82; w89 9/15 29-30; it-1 1211 83)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ps 11:3—What is the meaning of this verse? ˙ Song 70
(w06 5/15 18 83; w05 5/15 32 82) ˙ “Ways to Use JW Library”—Part 1: (15 min.)
Discussion. Play and briefly discuss the videos
Ps 16:10—How was this prophecy fulfilled in Jesus Set and Manage Bookmarks and Use History. Then
Christ? (w11 8/15 16 819; w05 5/1 14 89) discuss the first two subheadings of the article.
Invite those in the audience to relate additional ways
they have used JW Library for personal study and at
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me congregation meetings.
about Jehovah?
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 15
815-26, review on p. 134
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use
in the field ministry? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 43 and Prayer
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 18:1-19

PSALMS 11-18  Who May Be a Guest in Jehovah’s Tent?

To be a guest in Jehovah’s tent means that a person is a friend of God, one who trusts in him and obeys
him. Psalm 15 describes what Jehovah looks for in a friend.


* have integrity * gossip and slander

* speak the truth, even in * doing what is bad to his

his heart neighbor

* show honor to fellow servants * taking advantage of

of Jehovah Christian brothers

* keep his word, even if it * associating with those not

is difficult serving or obeying Jehovah

* help those in need without * taking a bribe

expecting anything in return

M AY 2 3 - 2 9  P S A L M S 19 - 2 5
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) bh—Read a scripture
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD from a mobile device.
˙ “Prophecies Give Details About the Messiah”: ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) bh—Use the search
(10 min.) feature of JW Library to locate a Bible verse that
Ps 22:1—The Messiah would seem forsaken by God answers a question raised by the householder.
(w11 8/15 15 816)
˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 129-130 811-12
Ps 22:7, 8—The Messiah would be reviled —Briefly show the student how he can use
(w11 8/15 15 813) JW Library to prepare for the study using
Ps 22:18—Lots were to be cast for the Messiah’s a mobile device.
clothing (w11 8/15 15 814)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ps 19:14—What practical lesson can we learn from ˙ Song 55
this verse? (w06 5/15 19 88) ˙ “Ways to Use JW Library”—Part 2: (15 min.)
Discussion. Play and briefly discuss the videos
Ps 23:1, 2—How is Jehovah a loving Shepherd? Download and Manage Bibles and Search in a
(w02 9/15 32 81-2) Bible or Publication. Then discuss the last subhead-
ing of the article. Invite those in the audience to
relate additional ways they have used JW Library
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me in the ministry.
about Jehovah?
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
ia chap. 16 81-15
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use
in the field ministry? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 139 and Prayer
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 25:1-22

PSALMS 19-25  Prophecies Give Details About

the Messiah


Psalm 22:1 Seemingly forsaken by God Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34

Psalm 22:7, 8 Mocked while on the stake Matthew 27:39-43

Psalm 22:16 Nailed to a stake Matthew 27:31; Mark 15:25;

John 20:25

Psalm 22:18 Lots cast for his garments Matthew 27:35

Psalm 22:22 Takes the lead in declaring John 17:6

Jehovah’s name

M AY 3 0 – J U N E 5  P S A L M S 2 6 - 3 3
˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) kt—Read a scripture from
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD a mobile device.
˙ “Look to Jehovah for Courage”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
Ps 27:1-3—Thinking about how Jehovah is our light offer a Bible study to someone on your magazine
will give us courage (w12 7/15 22-23 83-6) route by showing the video What Happens at a
Ps 27:4—Appreciation for true worship fortifies us Bible Study? from JW Library.
(w12 7/15 24 87) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) jl lesson 9—Briefly
Ps 27:10—Jehovah is ready to support his servants show the student how he can use JW Library to
when others desert them (w12 7/15 24 89-10) prepare for the meetings.
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Ps 26:6—How do we, like David, figuratively march
around Jehovah’s altar? (w06 5/15 19 811) ˙ Song 130
˙ Local needs: (15 min.) As an option, discuss
Ps 32:8—What is one benefit of receiving insight the lessons learned from the Yearbook.
from Jehovah? (w09 6/1 5 83) (yb16 112-113; 135-136)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 16
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me 816-29, box on p. 142, review on p. 144
about Jehovah? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 16 and Prayer
What points from this week’s Bible reading can I use
in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 32:1–33:8

PSALMS 26-33  Look to Jehovah

for Courage

Remembering Jehovah’s saving acts gave David courage
˙ Jehovah saved young David from a lion
˙ Jehovah helped David kill a bear to protect the flock
˙ Jehovah supported David when he killed Goliath

27:4, 7, 11
What can help us to have courage like David?
˙ Prayer
˙ Preaching
˙ Attending meetings
˙ Personal study and family worship
˙ Encouraging others
˙ Remembering how Jehovah helped us in the past
MAY 1 6 - 2 2  MAY 2 3 - 2 9

Ways to Use JW Library

˙ Read the Bible and the daily text
˙ Read the Yearbook, magazines, and other
publications. Use the bookmark feature
˙ Prepare for congregation meetings, and
highlight the answers
˙ Watch videos

˙ Look up scriptures referred to by the speaker.
Use the history feature to return to a scripture
˙ Instead of bringing multiple printed publica-
tions to the meeting, use your device to follow
the various parts and to sing the songs.
JW Library has the new songs that are not
yet in the printed songbook

˙ Show an interested person something from
JW Library, and then help him download the
app and publications to his own device
˙ Use the search feature to locate a Bible verse.
If a phrase does not appear in the revised
New World Translation, switch to the Refer-
ence Bible and search again
˙ Show a video. If the householder has children,
you can play one of the Become Jehovah’s
Friend videos. Or you can show the video
Why Study the Bible? to stimulate interest in
a Bible study. If someone speaks another
language, show a video in his language
˙ Show someone a scripture in another lan-
guage, using a translation that you previously
downloaded. Go to the scripture, tap the
verse number, and then tap the parallel
rendering icon

8 Vol. 1, No. 5
JUNE 2016

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Publishers using the tracts in Malta

Sample Presentations
!"#2 No. 3 20 16
Offer: This issue of Awake! discusses an Question: Do you think that this principle could
intriguing topic. [Hand the householder be of help when a married couple need to discuss
a copy.] a problem?

Question: Did you know that Jehovah’s Scripture: Jas 1:19

Witnesses translate literature into over
Offer: [Point out the article that begins on
750 languages?
page 10.] This article considers additional Bible
Scripture: Re 14:6 principles along this line.

How do you view

the Bible?How do you view
Who really
the future?
Question: Please note this question.
the world?

[Read the multiple-choice question on the
Would you say it is . . .
front of the tract.] What’s your opinion?
˙ a book of human wisdom?
Will our world . . .
˙ a book of myths and legends?

Scripture: [Listed on page 2 of the tract] Scripture:

˙ the Word of God? ˙ stay the same?Do you think it is . . .
˙ get worse? ˙ God?
˙ get better? ˙ humankind?
˙ someone else?

Offer: This tract explains what that scrip- Offer:

ture can mean for you.
JUNE 6 -1 2  PSALMS 34 - 3 7

˙ Song 95 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Trust in Jehovah and Do Good”: (10 min.) ˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
Ps 37:1, 2—Maintain focus on serving Jehovah, not Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
on the apparent success of wrongdoers (w03 12/1 and discuss the highlights. Encourage publishers
9-10 83-6) to build their own presentation.
Ps 37:3-6—Trust in Jehovah, do good, and be
blessed (w03 12/1 10-12 87-15) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ps 37:7-11—Wait patiently on Jehovah to remove ˙ Song 93
the wicked (w03 12/1 13 816-20) ˙ “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Using Videos
to Teach”: (15 min.) Discussion. To illustrate the
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) points under the subheading “How to Do It,” use
Ps 34:18—How does Jehovah respond to those the video Who Is the Author of the Bible?
who are “brokenhearted” and “crushed in spirit”? (Look under PUBLICATIONS ˛ BOOKS & BROCHURES.
(w11 6/1 19) Then locate the Good News brochure. The video is
found under the lesson entitled “Is the Good News
Ps 34:20—How was this prophecy fulfilled in Jesus? Really From God?”)
(w13 12/15 21 819) ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 17
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
about Jehovah?
˙ Song 61 and Prayer

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 35:19–36:12


Using Videos to Teach
˙ Download in advance the
video you want to show the
˙ Prepare one or two questions
that will be answered by
the video
˙ Watch the video together
WHY IMPORTANT: Videos can touch the hearts of people by appealing to the
˙ Discuss the main points
senses of sight and hearing. This helps to hold attention and to make a lasting
impression. Jehovah has set the best example of using visual aids to teach. TRY THIS:
—Ac 10:9-16; Re 1:1. ˙ Turn to the back of one of
our tracts, and direct atten-
The videos Does God Have a Name?, Who Is the Author of the Bible?, and How tion to the code that links
Can We Be Sure the Bible Is True? supplement lessons 2 and 3 of the Good News to the video Why Study
brochure. The videos Why Study the Bible?, What Happens at a Bible Study?, and the Bible?
What Happens at a Kingdom Hall? encourage individuals to study the Bible with ˙ Show the video How Can
us or to attend congregation meetings. Some of our feature-length videos may We Be Sure the Bible Is True?
also be used to teach on Bible studies.—km 5/13 3. and offer the Good News bro-
chure, highlighting lesson 3

JUNE 6-12

PSALMS 34-37  Trust in Jehovah and Do Good

37:1, 2 37:5, 6
“Do not be . . . envious of wrongdoers” “Commit your way to Jehovah”
˙ Do not allow the temporary success of wicked people ˙ Have complete trust that Jehovah will help you handle
to distract you from serving Jehovah. Keep your focus any problem
on spiritual blessings and goals
˙ Maintain good conduct in the face of opposition,
persecution, or misrepresentation
“Trust in Jehovah and do what is good” 37:7-9
˙ Trust that Jehovah will support you through any doubt “Keep silent before Jehovah and wait expectantly for him”
or anxiety. He will help you stay faithful
˙ Avoid rash acts that can rob you of joy and spiritual
˙ Keep busy by sharing the good news of God’s Kingdom security

37:4 37:10, 11
“Find exquisite delight in Jehovah” “The meek will possess the earth”
˙ Schedule time to read God’s Word and meditate on it ˙ Seek meekness, and humbly wait on Jehovah to remove
with the goal of getting to know Jehovah better all the injustice you experience
˙ Support fellow believers, and comfort the depressed with
the promise of God’s new world, which is close at hand

The Messianic Kingdom will bring untold blessings

5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
JUNE 1 3 -19  PSALMS 3 8 - 44

˙ Song 4 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Jehovah Sustains Those Who Are Ill”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) g16.3 cover
Ps 41:1, 2—Happy are those who show consideration ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) g16.3 cover
to lowly ones (w15 12/15 24 87; w91 10/1 14 86)
Ps 41:3—Jehovah cares for upright ones who are ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) fg lesson 2 84-5
sick (w08 9/15 5 812-13) —Conclude by introducing the video Does
God Have a Name?
Ps 41:12—Hope for the future can help the sick to
endure (w15 12/15 27 818-19; w08 12/15 6 815)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
˙ Song 128
Ps 39:1, 2—How must we guard our speech? ˙ Keep Your Eyes on the Prize!: (15 min.) Discussion.
(w09 5/15 4 85; w06 5/15 20 812) Show the video Become Jehovah’s Friend
—Keep Your Eyes on the Prize! (Song 24). (Look
Ps 41:9—How did Jesus apply David’s situation under BIBLE TEACHINGS ˛ CHILDREN.) Then discuss the
to himself? (w11 8/15 13 85; w08 9/15 5 811) corresponding activity “Compare: Life Now and in
the Future,” using the following questions: What
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me changes will occur in Paradise? What blessings do
about Jehovah? you look forward to? How can meditating on your
hope help you to endure?—2Co 4:18.

What points from this week’s Bible reading ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 17
can I use in the field ministry? 814-22, review on p. 152
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 42:6–43:5 ˙ Song 36 and Prayer

PSALMS 38-44  Jehovah Sustains Those Who Are Ill

Faithful servants can be confident of
Jehovah’s support during any adversity
˙ David became very ill
˙ David showed consideration to
lowly ones
˙ David did not expect a miraculous
recovery, but he looked to Jehovah for
comfort, wisdom, and support
˙ Jehovah viewed David as a man of

JUNE 20 - 26  PSALMS 4 5 - 5 1

˙ Song 67 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Jehovah Will Not Reject a Broken Heart”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) g16.3 10-11
Ps 51:1-4—David deeply regretted that he had ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) g16.3 10-11
sinned against Jehovah (w93 3/15 10-11 89-13)
Ps 51:7-9—David needed Jehovah’s forgiveness to ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) fg lesson 3 81
regain his joy (w93 3/15 12-13 818-20) —Conclude by introducing the video Who Is
the Author of the Bible?
Ps 51:10-17—David knew that Jehovah would forgive
a truly repentant person (w15 6/15 14 86; w93 3/15
14-17 84-16)
˙ Song 98
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
˙ “The Kingdom—100 Years and Counting”: (15 min.)
Ps 45:4—What is the greatest truth that must be Questions and answers. Begin by playing the
defended? (w14 2/15 5 811) video The Kingdom—100 Years and Counting up to
the section “An Education in One Day.” (Look under
Ps 48:12, 13—What obligation do these verses place PUBLICATIONS ˛ VIDEOS.)
on us? (w15 7/15 9 813)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 18
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 109 and Prayer

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 49:10–50:6

PSALMS 45-51  Jehovah Will Not Reject

a Broken Heart
Psalm 51 was written by David after the prophet Nathan called attention
to David’s grave sin with Bath-sheba. David’s conscience struck him, and he
humbly confessed.—2Sa 12:1-14.

51:3, 4, 8-12, 17
David had sinned but spiritual recovery was still possible
˙ Before he repented and confessed, his conscience made
him miserable
˙ He suffered such agony over God’s disapproval that he felt like
a man whose bones were crushed
˙ He longed for forgiveness, spiritual recovery, and the joy that he had
previously experienced
˙ He humbly begged Jehovah to help him develop a willingness
to obey
˙ He was confident of Jehovah’s forgiveness

J U N E 2 7– J U LY 3  P S A L M S 5 2 - 5 9

˙ Song 38 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Throw Your Burden On Jehovah”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Offer one of the tracts.
Ps 55:2, 4, 5, 16-18—David had moments of great Direct attention to the code on the back page.
anxiety in his life (w06 6/1 11 83; w96 4/1 27 82) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Demonstrate how to
Ps 55:12-14—David’s son and a trusted friend con- make a return visit on someone who accepted a
spired against David (w96 4/1 30 81) tract.
Ps 55:22—David expressed confidence in Jehovah’s ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) fg lesson 3 82-3
help (w06 6/1 11 84; w99 3/15 22-23) —Conclude by introducing the video How Can
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) We Be Sure the Bible Is True?
Ps 56:8—What does the expression “collect my
tears in your skin bottle” mean? (w09 6/1 29 81; LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
w08 10/1 26 83) ˙ Song 56
˙ Local needs: (7 min.)
Ps 59:1, 2—What does David’s experience teach us ˙ “God Is My Helper”: (8 min.) Discussion. Obtain as
about prayer? (w08 3/15 14 813) many comments as possible for the questions listed
so that all may benefit from the personal expres-
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me sions of their brothers and sisters. (Ro 1:12) Encour-
about Jehovah? age publishers to use the Research Guide to find
help from God’s Word when challenges arise.
What points from this week’s Bible reading ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 18
can I use in the field ministry? 814-21, review on p. 161
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 52:1–53:6 ˙ Song 121 and Prayer

“God Is My Helper”
Psalms 52-59 express David’s discouraged or depressed?
sentiments during several chal-
lenging periods of his life. Yet, he
still trusted in Jehovah during

those critical times. (Ps 54:4; 55:

22) He also praised Jehovah for ill?
His word. (Ps 56:10) Are we de-
veloping the same kind of faith
and trust in our God? Do we look
to his Word for guidance when
facing difficulties? (Pr 2:6) Which offended by others?
Bible verses helped you when
you were . . .




J U N E 2 7– J U LY 3

PSALMS 52-59  “Throw Your Burden on Jehovah”

David experienced many devastating trials during his life. By the time Psalm 55
was composed, he had suffered such things as . . .

Insults Persecution Severe Guilt Family Tragedy Sickness Betrayal

Even when his burdens seemed unbearable, David found a way to
cope with them. For any who might feel the same way, David gives
this inspired advice: “Throw your burden on Jehovah.”

How can we apply this verse today?

1 Turn to Jehovah in heartfelt prayer with any problem,

anxiety, or concern

2 Seek guidance and support from Jehovah’s Word

and organization

3 Do what you reasonably can to relieve the situation

in harmony with Bible principles

JUNE 20 - 26

The Kingdom—100 Years and Counting .

The book God’s Kingdom Rules! will be
Those desiring to be citizens of God’s Kingdom should learn all they considered during the Congregation Bible
can about the Kingdom and what it has accomplished. Why? This will Study beginning the week of Septem-
not only strengthen their faith that God’s Kingdom rules but also stir ber 19, 2016
their hearts to tell others the good news of God’s Kingdom. (Ps 45:1;
49:3) As you watch the video The Kingdom—100 Years and Counting,
find answers to the following questions:

1. Why was the “Photo-Drama of Creation” a blessing to those who

saw it?


2. How was radio used to reach people with the good news?


3. What other methods were used to preach the good news, and with
what effect?


4. How has training for the ministry improved over the years?


5. What practical training was provided to students of Gilead School?


6. What role have conventions played in educating Jehovah’s people?


7. What proves to you that God’s Kingdom is ruling?


8. How do we show our support for God’s Kingdom?


8 Vol. 1, No. 6
JULY 2016

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Presenting the good news to a tea picker in Cameroon

Sample Presentations
No. 4 2016


Question: Would you not agree that if Question: I’d like to get your opinion on this
the Bible is from God, it should be able question. [Read the first question on page 16.]
to survive any attempts to destroy it? Some believe that religion is a human invention.
Others think that God uses religion to draw us
Scripture: Isa 40:8
to him. What do you think?
Offer: This series of articles discusses
Scripture: Jas 1:27, ftn.
the fascinating story of the Bible’s survival.
Offer: This article explains further what the Bible
says on this topic. I’d be happy to come back and
discuss some points from the article.


Question: Many feel that reading Bible
prophecy is like reading the newspaper.
Which of these foretold conditions have you
seen or heard about?
Scripture: 2Ti 3:1-5
Offer: This brochure explains why such
conditions actually mean good news for
those who love God. [Highlight lesson 1,
question 2.]
J U LY 4 - 1 0  P S A L M S 6 0 - 6 8

˙ Song 104 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Praise Jehovah, the Hearer of Prayer”: (10 min.) ˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
Ps 61:1, 8—Make your promises to Jehovah a matter Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
of prayer (w99 9/15 9 81-4) and then discuss the highlights. Encourage publish-
ers to build their own presentation.
Ps 62:8—Show trust in Jehovah by pouring your
heart out to him in prayer (w15 4/15 25-26 86-9)
Ps 65:1, 2—Jehovah is the Hearer of prayer for all
righthearted ones (w15 4/15 22 813-14; w10 4/15 ˙ Song 81
5 810; it-2 668 82) ˙ “Keeping Our Life Simple Helps Us Praise God”:
(15 min.) Begin with a discussion of the article.
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) Then play and briefly discuss the JW Broadcast-
Ps 63:3—Why is Jehovah’s loyal love better than life? ing video We Live a Simple Life. (Go to VIDEO ON
(w06 6/1 11 87) DEMAND ˛ FAMILY.) Encourage all to consider how
to simplify their life in order to serve Jehovah
Ps 68:18—Who were the “gifts in the form of men”? more fully.
(w06 6/1 10 85) ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
ia chap. 19 81-16
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
about Jehovah?
˙ Song 88 and Prayer

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 63:1–64:10

Keeping Our Life Simple Helps Us Praise God w

Today, it is easy to complicate our lives with WAYS THAT I CAN SIMPLIFY
many things. Time and energy are required MY LIFE:
to shop for, pay for, use, maintain, and safe-
guard possessions. Jesus lived a simple life _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

so that material possessions would not

needlessly pull him away from his ministry.
—Mt 8:20.
How could you simplify your life so that
you can do more in the ministry? With some
adjustments, could someone in your house-
hold join the pioneer ranks? Even if you are
currently in full-time service, have you grad-
ually allowed material things to complicate
your life? A simple life in Jehovah’s service
is a happy, contented life.—1Ti 6:7-9.

J U LY 4 - 1 0

PSALMS 60-68  Praise Jehovah, the Hearer of Prayer

61:1, 8
Make your promises to Jehovah a
matter of prayer
˙ Praying about our promises will
strengthen our resolve to keep them
˙ Our dedication to God is the most
important promise we can make



Show trust in Jehovah by pouring your
heart out to him in prayer
˙ A meaningful prayer includes our
innermost feelings
˙ When our prayers are specific,
we become more keenly aware
of Jehovah’s answers

65:1, 2
Jehovah is the Hearer of prayer for all righthearted ones
˙ Jehovah listens to “people of all sorts” who sincerely
want to know him and want to do his will
˙ We can go to Jehovah in prayer at any time

Topics I want to include in my prayers:



5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
J U LY 1 1 - 1 7  P S A L M S 6 9 - 7 3

˙ Song 92 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Jehovah’s People Are Zealous for True Worship”: ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) wp16.4 cover—Lay the
(10 min.) groundwork for a return visit.
Ps 69:9—Our zeal for true worship should be clearly ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) wp16.4 cover
evident (w10 12/15 7-11 82-17)
Ps 71:17, 18—Older ones can help younger ones to ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) fg lesson 5 83-4
be zealous (w14 1/15 23-25 84-10)
Ps 72:3, 12, 14, 16-19—Our zeal moves us to tell
others what the Kingdom will do for mankind ˙ Song 140
(w15 10/1 16 83; w10 8/15 32 819-20) ˙ “Could You Try It for One Year?”: (15 min.)
Begin with a brief discussion of the article along
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
with “Schedules for Regular Pioneering.” Then
Ps 69:4, 21—How did these verses apply play and discuss the JW Broadcasting video
prophetically to the Messiah? (w11 8/15 11 ˚17; Choosing a Career With Eternal Future. (Go to
w11 8/15 15 ˚15) VIDEO ON DEMAND ˛ TEENAGERS.)

˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 19

Ps 73:24—How does Jehovah lead his servants 817-31, box on p. 170, review on p. 171
to glory? (w13 2/15 25-26 ˚3-4)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Song 123 and Prayer
about Jehovah?

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 73:1-28

Could You Try It for One Year?

Try what? Regular pioneering! What rich blessings you will enjoy!—Pr 10:22.


˙ gain skill as an evangelizer and enjoy the ministry more
˙ strengthen your relationship with Jehovah. The more you talk about him to others,
the more you will be reminded of his awe-inspiring qualities
˙ experience the satisfaction that comes from putting Kingdom interests ahead of
your own and the joy that results from giving of yourself in behalf of others.
—Mt 6:33; Ac 20:35
˙ attend the pioneer meeting conducted during the visit of the circuit overseer,
the special meeting in conjunction with the circuit assembly, and Pioneer Service
˙ have more opportunities to start and conduct Bible studies
˙ spend more time with fellow preachers, enjoying an interchange of encouragement.
—Ro 1:11, 12

J U LY 1 1 - 1 7

PSALMS 69-73  Jehovah’s People Are Zealous for True Worship

Our zeal for true worship should be clearly evident
˙ David showed zeal for Jehovah throughout
his life
˙ David did not tolerate any rivalry or reproach
of Jehovah’s name

71:17, 18
Older ones can help younger
ones to be zealous
˙ The writer of this psalm,
perhaps David, expressed a
desire to encourage the next
˙ Parents and experienced
Christians can train younger

72:3, 12, 14, 16-19

Our zeal moves us to tell others what the Kingdom will do for mankind

Verse 3—Everyone Verse 12—The poor Verse 14—Violence Verse 16—There will
will have peace will be rescued will not exist be plenty of food for

J U LY 1 8 - 24  P S A L M S 74 - 7 8

˙ Song 110 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Remember the Works of Jehovah”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) wp16.4 16—Mention the
Ps 74:16; 77:6, 11, 12—Meditate on Jehovah’s works donation arrangement.
(w15 8/15 10 83-4; w04 3/1 19-20; w03 7/1 10 86-7) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) wp16.4 16
Ps 75:4-7—Jehovah’s works include appointing
humble men to care for his congregation ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) fg lesson 5 86-7
(w06 7/15 11 82; it-1 1160 87)
Ps 78:11-17—Remember how Jehovah has acted in
behalf of his people (w04 4/1 21-22) ˙ Song 15
˙ Local needs: (10 min.)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Ps 78:2—How did this verse apply prophetically to ˙ “Jehovah . . . Created All Things”: (5 min.)
the Messiah? (w11 8/15 11 814) Discussion. Play the video. (Go to BIBLE TEACH-
INGS ˛ CHILDREN.) Afterward, invite selected young
children to the stage, and ask them questions about
Ps 78:40, 41—According to these verses, how the video.
can our actions affect Jehovah? (w12 11/1 14 85;
w11 7/1 10) ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
ia chap. 20 81-13
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
about Jehovah? ˙ Song 73 and Prayer

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 78:1-21

PSALMS 74-78  Remember the Works of Jehovah

74:16; 77:6, 11, 12

Meditating on the good things that Jehovah has
done is essential
˙ Meditation helps us to absorb what we read in
God’s Word and to develop heartfelt appreciation for
spiritual food
˙ Thinking deeply about Jehovah helps us to remember his
wonderful works and the hope he has set before us

74:16, 17; 75:6, 7; 78:11-17

Jehovah’s works include the following:
˙ Creation—The more we learn about creation, the more
our awe for Jehovah deepens
˙ Appointed men in the congregation—We should be
submissive to those whom Jehovah appoints to take the
˙ Acts of salvation—Remembering Jehovah’s saving acts
strengthens our faith in his desire and ability to care for
his servants

J U LY 2 5 - 3 1  P S A L M S 7 9 - 8 6

˙ Song 138 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Who Is the Most Important Person in Your Life?”: ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) fg lesson 7 81
(10 min.)
˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) fg lesson 7 83
Ps 83:1-5—Our primary concern should be Jeho-
vah’s name and sovereignty (w08 10/15 13 87-8) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) fg lesson 7 87-8
Ps 83:16—Our steadfastness and endurance bring
honor to Jehovah (w08 10/15 15 816) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ps 83:17, 18—Jehovah is the most important Person ˙ Song 111
in the whole universe (w11 5/15 16 81-2; w08 10/15 ˙ Does God Have a Name?: (15 min.) Start by playing
15-16 817-18) the video. (Look under PUBLICATIONS ˛ BOOKS &
BROCHURES. Then locate the Good News brochure.
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
The video is found under the lesson entitled “Who Is
Ps 79:9—What does this verse teach us about our God?”) Then consider the following questions: How
prayers? (w06 7/15 12 85) can this video be used when witnessing informally,
publicly, and from house to house? What good expe-
Ps 86:5—In what way is Jehovah “ready to forgive”? riences have you had using this video?
(w06 7/15 12 89) ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
ia chap. 20 814-26, review on p. 179
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week
(3 min.)
˙ Song 143 and Prayer
What points from this week’s Bible reading Reminder: Play the music through once, and then
can I use in the field ministry? ask the congregation to sing the new song.

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 85:8–86:17

PSALMS 79-86  Who Is the Most Important Person in Your Life?

The composer of Psalm 83 was likely

a descendant of the Levite Asaph,
a contemporary of King David. This psalm
was written during a time when enemy
nations were a threat to Jehovah’s people.

83:1-5, 16 83:18
˙ In his prayer, the psalmist focused on Jehovah’s ˙ Jehovah wants us to know his name
name and sovereignty rather than on his personal
˙ We must show through our actions that Jehovah
is the most important Person in our life
˙ Today, God’s servants continue to face one attack
after another. Our faithful endurance brings honor
to Jehovah

J U LY 1 1 - 1 7

Schedules for Regular Pioneering

Regular pioneering requires a good schedule. If you

share in the ministry 18 hours a week, you can pioneer
—and still have time for vacation! Such a schedule
even allows for some unexpected disruptions, perhaps
because of sickness or inclement weather. The
accompanying chart offers ideas for publishers who
work part-time or full-time or whose poor health or
lack of energy limits them. With some adjustments,
perhaps someone in the family can begin pioneering
in September. Why not discuss this during your next
family worship?

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

WORK WORK WORK 6 hours 6 hours 4 hours 2 hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 2 hours 6 hours 4 hours


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

REST 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours 3 hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

8 Vol. 1, No. 7

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Witnessing by intercom in Vienna, Austria

Sample Presentations
!"#2 N o . 4 20 16
Question: Do you think that it’s worth Question: Changes in life are unavoidable. What
the effort for people to replace bad habits do you think is the best way to deal with them?
with good ones?
How to Harness
Scripture: Ec 7:10
Your Habits
Scripture: Ec 7:8a
Offer: [Point out the article that begins on
Offer: These articles discuss Bible page 10.] This article considers Bible principles
principles that show how people can that can help us to deal with change.
harness their habits for their benefit.


Listen to God
Live Forever
Question: All of us, including our family
members and friends, have a name. So,
what about God? What is his name?
Scripture: Ps 83:18 Scripture:
Offer: This brochure explains many other Offer:
things that the Bible teaches us about God.
[Highlight pages 6 and 7.]
AU G U S T 1 - 7  P S A L M S 8 7- 9 1

˙ Song 49 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Remain in the Secret Place of the Most High”: ˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
(10 min.) Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
Ps 91:1, 2—Jehovah’s “secret place” offers spiritual and then discuss the highlights. Encourage publish-
security (w10 2/15 26-27 810-11) ers to build their own presentation.
Ps 91:3—Like a birdcatcher, Satan attempts to trap
us (w07 10/1 26-30 81-18) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ps 91:9-14—Jehovah is our refuge (w10 1/15 10-11 ˙ Song 141
813-14; w01 11/15 19-20 813-19) ˙ Local needs: (5 min.)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Helping Bible
Ps 89:34-37—Which covenant is referred to in these Students to Progress to Dedication and Baptism”:
verses, and how did Jehovah illustrate its reliability? (10 min.) Discussion. Using the following questions,
(w14 10/15 10 814; w07 7/15 32 83-4) interview a publisher who helped someone to
progress to dedication and baptism. How did you
try to cultivate love for Jehovah in your student’s
Ps 90:10, 12—How do we “count our days so that we heart? How did you help your student to reach
may acquire a heart of wisdom”? (w06 7/15 13 84; spiritual goals?
w01 11/15 13 819)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 21
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 137 and Prayer
What points from this week’s Bible reading
can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 90:1-17


Helping Bible Students to Progress to Dedication and Baptism

˙ During the study, discuss what the information reveals about Jehovah.
Emphasize reading the Bible daily and praying to Jehovah “constantly.”
—1Th 5:17; Jas 4:8
˙ Encourage your student to set dedication and baptism as spiritual
goals. Also, help him to reach intermediate goals, such as commenting
at meetings or witnessing to neighbors and workmates. Remember
that Jehovah does not coerce anyone to serve him. Dedication is a
personal decision.—De 30:19, 20
WHY IMPORTANT: To gain Jehovah’s approv- ˙ Motivate your student to make needed changes in order to please
al, Bible students must dedicate their lives to Jehovah and qualify for baptism. (Pr 27:11) Because certain traits and
him and get baptized. (1Pe 3:21) Spiritual habits may be deeply ingrained, a Bible student may need ongoing
assistance to put away the old personality and put on the new one.
protection then follows for those who live in
(Eph 4:22-24) Share with him articles from the Watchtower series
harmony with their dedication. (Ps 91:1, 2) “The Bible Changes Lives”
A Christian’s dedication is to Jehovah—not to
˙ Relate to him the joy that you have experienced in serving Jehovah.
a human, a work, or an organization. There- —Isa 48:17, 18
fore, students need to develop love and
appreciation for God.—Ro 14:7, 8.

AU G U ST 1 - 7

PSALMS 87-91  Remain in the Secret Place of the Most High

91:1, 2, 9-14
Jehovah’s “secret place” offers spiritual
˙ Today, dedication and baptism are
required for us to dwell in Jehovah’s
secret place
˙ This place is unknown to those who do
not trust in God
˙ Those in Jehovah’s secret place are not
influenced by anyone and anything that
could threaten their faith in God and
love for him

“The birdcatcher” attempts to trap us
˙ Birds are cautious, difficult to trap
˙ Birdcatchers carefully study the habits of
birds and devise ways to trap them
˙ Satan, “the birdcatcher,” studies Jehovah’s
people and sets traps designed to cause
their spiritual ruin

Four of the deadly traps used by Satan:

Fear of Man Materialism Unwholesome Personal Differences


5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
AU G U S T 8 - 1 4  P S A L M S 9 2 - 1 0 1


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) g16.4 cover—Lay the
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD groundwork for a return visit.
˙ “Thriving Spiritually in Old Age”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) g16.4 cover—Lay the
Ps 92:12—The righteous bear spiritual fruit groundwork for the next visit.
(w07 9/15 32; w06 7/15 13 82)
˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 161-162 818-19
Ps 92:13, 14—Older ones can thrive spiritually —Help the student to see how he can apply
despite physical limitations (w14 1/15 26 817; the material.
w04 5/15 12 89-10)
Ps 92:15—Older ones can use their experience to LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
encourage others (w04 5/15 12-14 813-18)
˙ Song 90
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ Older Ones—You Have an Important Role (Ps 92:12-
Ps 99:6, 7—Why are Moses, Aaron, and Samuel 15): (15 min.) Discussion. Play the video Older Ones
good examples? (w15 7/15 8 85) —You Have an Important Role. (Go to, and
look under VIDEO ON DEMAND ˛ THE BIBLE.) Then ask
Ps 101:2—What does it mean to “walk with integrity the audience to comment on the practical lessons
of heart” inside our house? (w05 11/1 24 814) learned. Encourage older ones to share their wisdom
and experience with younger ones. Encourage youn-
ger ones to seek out older ones when making impor-
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me tant decisions in life.
about Jehovah?
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 21
813-22, review on p. 186
What points from this week’s Bible reading
can I use in the field ministry? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 29 and Prayer
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 95:1–96:13

PSALMS 92-101  Thriving Spiritually in Old Age

Older ones bear spiritual fruit by . . .
˙ praying in behalf of others
˙ studying the Bible
˙ attending congregation meetings
and participating in them
˙ sharing their experience
with others
˙ preaching wholeheartedly
The date palm can
live over 100 years
and still produce fruit

AU G U S T 1 5 - 2 1  P S A L M S 1 0 2 - 1 0 5


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) g16.4 10-11—Lay the
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD groundwork for a return visit.
˙ “Jehovah Remembers That We Are Dust”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) g16.4 10-11—Lay the
Ps 103:8-12—Jehovah mercifully forgives us when groundwork for the next visit.
we repent (w13 6/15 20 814; w12 7/15 16 817)
˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 164-166 83-4—Help
Ps 103:13, 14—Jehovah is fully aware of our limita- the student to see how he can apply the material.
tions (w15 4/15 26 88; w13 6/15 15 816)
Ps 103:19, 22—Appreciation for Jehovah’s mercy LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
and compassion should move us to support his
sovereignty (w10 11/15 25 85; w07 12/1 21 81) ˙ Song 91
˙ Never Forget All That Jehovah Has Done for You
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) (Ps 103:1-5): (15 min.) Discussion. Start by playing
Ps 102:12, 27—When we are distressed, how does the video I Got Fed Up With My Lifestyle.
focusing on our relationship with Jehovah help us? (Look under ABOUT US ˛ ACTIVITIES.) Then consider
(w14 3/15 16 819-21) the following questions: What reasons do we have
to praise Jehovah? What future blessings do we
Ps 103:13—Why does Jehovah not respond immedi- anticipate as a result of Jehovah’s goodness?
ately to our every request? (w15 4/15 25 87) ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 22
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
about Jehovah?
˙ Song 131 and Prayer

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 105:24-45

PSALMS 102-105  Jehovah Remembers That We Are Dust

David used figures of speech to illustrate Jehovah’s mercy.

103:11 103:12

Just as we cannot com- Jehovah puts our sins as

pletely grasp the distance far away from us as we can
between the starry heavens possibly imagine, as far off
and the earth, we cannot as the sunrise is from the
comprehend the magnitude sunset
of Jehovah’s loyal love

Just as a father shows
compassion to his son who
may be hurt, Jehovah
shows mercy to repentant
ones who are crushed by
their sins

AU G U S T 2 2 - 2 8  P S A L M S 1 0 6 - 1 0 9

˙ Song 2 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Give Thanks to Jehovah”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) ll 6—Lay the groundwork
Ps 106:1-3—Jehovah deserves our thanks (w15 1/15 for a return visit.
8 81; w02 6/1 18 819) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) ll 7—Lay the ground-
Ps 106:7-14, 19-25, 35-39—The Israelites lost appre- work for the next visit.
ciation and became unfaithful (w15 1/15 8-9 82-3;
w01 6/15 13 81-3) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 178-179 814-16
—Help the student to see how he can apply the
Ps 106:4, 5, 48—We have many reasons to thank material.
Jehovah (w11 10/15 5 87; w03 12/1 15-16 83-6)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ps 109:8—Did God predestine Judas to betray Jesus ˙ Song 94
in order to fulfill prophecy? (w00 12/15 24 820; ˙ Jehovah Will Care for Our Needs (Ps 107:9):
it-1 857-858) (15 min.) Discussion. Start by playing the video
Jehovah Will Care for Our Needs. (Go to,
Ps 109:31—In what way does Jehovah “stand at the and look under VIDEO ON DEMAND ˛ FAMILY.) Ask the
right hand of the poor”? (w06 9/1 14 88) audience to comment on the practical lessons
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 22
about Jehovah? 814-24, review on p. 194
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading ˙ Song 149 and Prayer
can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 106:1-22

PSALMS 106-109  “Give Thanks to Jehovah”

106:7, 13, 14 106:1-5
Why did the Israelites quickly forget How can you cultivate a grateful heart and maintain it?
Jehovah’s saving acts? ˙ Focus on the many reasons you have to be thankful
˙ They shifted their focus from
˙ Meditate on the hope for the future
Jehovah to their immediate comforts
and fleshly concerns ˙ Thank Jehovah in prayer for specific blessings
AU G U S T 2 9 – S E PT E M B E R 4  P S A L M S 1 1 0 - 1 1 8

˙ Song 61 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “With What Will I Repay Jehovah?”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) ll 16—Lay the ground-
Ps 116:3, 4, 8—Jehovah rescued the psalmist from work for a return visit.
death (w87 3/15 24 85) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) ll 17—Lay the ground-
Ps 116:12—The psalmist wanted to show his grati- work for the next visit.
tude to Jehovah (w09 7/15 29 84-5; w98 12/1 24 83)
˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 179-181 817-19
Ps 116:13, 14, 17, 18—The psalmist was determined —Help the student to see how he can apply the
to fulfill all his obligations to Jehovah (w10 4/15 material.
27, box)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ps 110:4—What is the “oath” referred to in this ˙ Song 82
verse? (w14 10/15 11 815-17; w06 9/1 14 81) ˙ “Teach the Truth”: (7 min.) Discussion.
˙ “Special Campaign to Distribute The Watchtower
Ps 116:15—During a funeral talk, why should this in September”: (8 min.) Discussion. Play the first
verse not be applied to the deceased? sample presentation for September, and then dis-
(w12 5/15 22 82) cuss the highlights. Generate enthusiasm for the
campaign, and encourage auxiliary pioneering.
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah? ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 23

What points from this week’s Bible reading ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
can I use in the field ministry? ˙ Song 144 and Prayer
Reminder: Play the music through once before
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 110:1–111:10

PSALMS 110-118  “With What Will I Repay Jehovah?”

The psalmist felt deep gratitude toward Jehovah because He

had rescued him from “the ropes of death.” (Ps 116:3) He was
determined to show his gratitude to Jehovah by keeping all
his promises and by fulfilling all his obligations to Him.

Why am I grateful to Jehovah this week?




How can I show my gratitude to Jehovah?




AU G U ST 2 9 – S E PT E M B E R 4

Teach the Truth

Beginning in September, the Life and Ministry Meeting

Workbook will include a new type of sample presenta-
tion entitled “Teach the Truth.” Our objective will be to
highlight a basic Bible truth, using a question and a
If we discern interest, we can build anticipation for
our next visit by leaving a publication or by showing a
video from We should try to return within a few
days to build on the previous discussion. The new pre-
sentations and student assignments will be based on
˙ preaching from house to house
chapter summaries found in the book What Can the Bi-
˙ witnessing informally
ble Teach Us? There we can find additional questions ˙ starting a Bible study
and scriptures to help us make return visits or to con-
duct a study using only the Bible.
There is only one road leading to life. (Mt 7:13, 14) conversant in various Bible topics and improve in our
Since we speak to people of various religions and back- skill of “handling the word of the truth aright,” our joy
grounds, we must feature Bible truths that will appeal will increase, and we will have success in teaching the
to them as individuals. (1Ti 2:4) As we become more truth to others.—2Ti 2:15.

Special Campaign to Distribute The Watchtower in September

People around the earth need comfort. (Ec 4:1) During the entire
No. 5 2016
month of September, we will make a special effort to offer The Watch-

tower, which will feature the subject of comfort. Give this magazine
wide distribution. However, because we desire to speak directly with
people in order to comfort them, we will not leave the magazine at

“We all need comfort at times. But where can we find it?
[Read 2 Corinthians 1:3, 4.] This issue of The Watchtower
considers how God provides such comfort.”

If the person shows interest and accepts the magazine, . . .


Then offer a Bible study.


Where Can You Find Comfort? Pose a question that you will answer when you return, such as
“Why does God permit suffering?”

8 Vol. 1, No. 8

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Preaching to a mother and daughter in the state of West Bengal in India

Sample Presentations
No. 5 2016


Question: We all need comfort at times. Question: Some think that God’s Kingdom is a
But where can we find it? condition in a person’s heart; others think that it’s
the result of human efforts to bring world peace.
Scripture: 2Co 1:3, 4
Where Can You Find Comfort?
What do you think?
Offer: This issue of The Watchtower
Scripture: Da 2:44
considers how God provides such comfort.
Offer: According to the Bible, God’s Kingdom is a
real government. This article discusses further what
the Bible says about God’s Kingdom.


Question: How can we know if God cares
about us?
Scripture: 1Pe 5:7
Truth: God invites us to pray to him
because he cares.
S E PT E M B E R 5 - 1 1  P S A L M 1 19

˙ Song 48 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Walk in the Law of Jehovah”: (10 min.) ˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
Ps 119:1-8—True happiness depends on our walking Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
in God’s law (w05 4/15 10 83-4) and then discuss the highlights. Encourage publish-
ers to build their own presentation.
Ps 119:33-40—God’s Word gives us the needed
courage to cope with life’s trials (w05 4/15 12 812)
Ps 119:41-48—Accurate knowledge of God’s Word
gives us confidence to preach (w05 4/15 13 813-14) ˙ Song 69
˙ “If a Child Answers the Door”: (5 min.) Talk.
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Ps 119:71—What could be good about suffering ˙ Local Needs: (10 min.) As an option, discuss the
affliction? (w06 9/1 14 84) lessons learned from the Yearbook. (yb16 59-62)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia chap. 23
Ps 119:96—What is meant by “I have seen a limit to 815-29 and the chapter review on p. 204
all perfection”? (w06 9/1 14 85) ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 13 and Prayer
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah?

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 119:73-93

If a Child Answers the Door

If a child answers the door, we should ask to speak with his par-
ents. This shows respect for their headship. (Pr 6:20) If the child
invites us to come in, we should decline. If his parents are unavail-
able, we should return at another time.

If the child is older, perhaps in his mid-to-late teens, it would

still be appropriate to ask for his parents. If they are not available,
we might ask whether his parents let him choose his own reading
material. If they do, we can offer him literature and perhaps direct
him to

When making a return visit on a youth who has shown interest,

we should ask to meet his parents. This will allow us to explain our
purpose in calling and show them the trustworthy and reliable ad-
vice found in the Bible for families. (Ps 119:86, 138) Our showing
respect and consideration for the parents will be a good witness
and may give us other opportunities to share the good news with
the family.—1Pe 2:12.

S E PT E M B E R 5 - 1 1

PSALM 119  “Walk in the Law of Jehovah” Psalm 119 is written in an acros-
tic, or alphabetic, arrangement.
To walk in the law of Jehovah means to submit ourselves willingly to This may have served as a memo-
divine guidance. We have many good examples in the Bible of those ry aid. The psalm has 22 stanzas,
who, like the psalmist, followed Jehovah’s law and relied on him. each containing 8 verses. Each
verse in a stanza begins with the
same letter of the Hebrew alpha-
bet. Since there are 22 letters in
the Hebrew alphabet, the psalm
has 176 verses, making it by far
the longest psalm in the Bible.

True happiness depends on our walking
in God’s law
Joshua demonstrated full confidence
in Jehovah’s direction. He knew that
to be happy and successful, he need-
ed to trust in Jehovah with his whole

God’s Word gives us the needed courage
to cope with life’s trials
Jeremiah showed courage and reliance
on Jehovah amid difficult circumstanc-
es. He kept his life simple and perse-
vered in his assignment

Accurate knowledge of God’s Word
gives us confidence to preach
Paul was not afraid to share God’s
message with anyone. He had full
confidence in Jehovah’s help when
he boldly preached to Governor Felix

In what situations can I show more

confidence when witnessing to others?
 School  Family
 Work  Other


5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
S E PT E M B E R 1 2 - 1 8  P S A L M S 1 2 0 - 1 3 4

˙ Song 33 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “My Help Comes From Jehovah”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) wp16.5 cover—Respond
Ps 121:1, 2—Jehovah’s creatorship is a basis for to an irate householder.
confidence (w04 12/15 12 83) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) wp16.5 cover—Invite
Ps 121:3, 4—Jehovah is alert to the needs of his the person to the meeting.
servants (w04 12/15 12 84)
˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) fg lesson 8 86—Help
Ps 121:5-8—Jehovah is the loyal Protector of his the student to apply the material.
people (w04 12/15 13 85-7)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
Ps 123:2—What is the point of the illustration about ˙ Song 114
“the eyes of servants”? (w06 9/1 15 84) ˙ Jehovah Has Done So Much for Me: (15 min.)
Play the video. (Go to ABOUT US ˛ ACTIVITIES.)
Ps 133:1-3—What is one of the lessons contained in Discuss the following questions: How has Jehovah
this psalm? (w06 9/1 16 83) helped Crystal, and how has this motivated her?
What does she do when she is overwhelmed with
negative emotions? How has Crystal’s experience
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
helped you?
about Jehovah?
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) ia Conclusion
What points from this week’s Bible reading 81-13
can I use in the field ministry? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 119 and Prayer
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 127:1–129:8

PSALMS 120-134  “My Help Comes From Jehovah”

Psalms 120 to 134 are known as the Songs of the 121:3-8
Ascents. Many believe that these were sung by joyful
Israelite worshippers as they ascended to Jerusalem, Jehovah’s protection is described in
which was located high in the mountains of Judah, in word pictures such as . . .
order to attend the annual festivals.

a wide-awake

a shade from
the sun

a loyal soldier

S E PT E M B E R 1 9 - 2 5  P S A L M S 1 3 5 - 14 1

˙ Song 59 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “We Are Wonderfully Made”: (10 min.) ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) wp16.5 16
Ps 139:14—Contemplating Jehovah’s works ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) wp16.5 16—Invite the
strengthens our appreciation for him (w07 6/15 person to the meeting.
21 81-4)
Ps 139:15, 16—Our genes and cells highlight Jeho- ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) fg lesson 8 88—Help
vah’s power and wisdom (w07 6/15 22-23 87-11) the student to apply the material.
Ps 139:17, 18—Humans are unique in the way they
use language and thought (w07 6/15 23 812-13;
w06 9/1 16 88) ˙ Song 57
˙ “Avoid These Pitfalls When Conducting a Bible
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
Study”: (15 min.) After discussing the article, play
Ps 136:15—What insight into the Exodus account
and then discuss the two-part video that shows
does this verse provide? (it-1 783 85)
the incorrect and correct way to teach, using the
Bible Teach book page 29, paragraph 7. Publishers
Ps 141:5—What did King David acknowledge? should follow along in their own book. Remind those
(w15 4/15 31 81) who receive student assignments that avoiding
these pitfalls will often allow them to take less than
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me the allotted time.
about Jehovah?
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr A Letter
From the Governing Body and chap. 1 81-10
What points from this week’s Bible reading
can I use in the field ministry? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 30 and Prayer
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 139:1-24

PSALMS 135-141  We Are Wonderfully Made

David meditated on the evidence of God’s good

qualities reflected in His creation. He confidently
used his life to serve Jehovah.

When David thought deeply about creation,

he was moved to praise Jehovah:

˙ “I praise you because in an awe-inspiring way
I am wonderfully made”

˙ “My bones were not hidden from you
when I was made in secret,
when I was woven in the depths of the earth”

˙ “Your eyes even saw me as an embryo;
all its parts were written in your book”

S E PT E M B E R 2 6 – O C TO B E R 2  P S A L M S 14 2 - 1 5 0

˙ Song 134 and Prayer

˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ “Jehovah Is Great and Most Worthy of Praise”: ˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) 1Pe 5:7—Teach the Truth.
(10 min.)
˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Ps 37:9-11—Teach the
Ps 145:1-9—Jehovah’s greatness is without limits Truth.
(w04 1/15 10 83-4; 11 87-8; 14 820-21; 15 82)
Ps 145:10-13—Jehovah’s loyal ones give him praise ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) fg lesson 9 83—Help
(w04 1/15 16 83-6) the student to apply the material.
Ps 145:14-16—Jehovah supports and sustains his
loyal ones (w04 1/15 17-18 810-14)
˙ Song 99
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
˙ “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Encouraging
Ps 143:8—How does this verse help us to live each Interested Ones to Attend Meetings”: (15 min.) Dis-
day to God’s glory? (w10 1/15 21 81-2) cussion. Distribute a copy of the congregation meet-
ing invitation, and briefly consider page 2. Show the
Ps 150:6—What obligation does the last verse in the video demonstration of a publisher inviting someone
book of Psalms emphasize? (it-2 448) on his magazine route to the meeting. Conclude by
discussing the box “October Offer: Congregation
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me Meeting Invitation.”
about Jehovah? ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 1
811-20, charts on pp. 10, 12
What points from this week’s Bible reading ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
can I use in the field ministry? ˙ Song 145 and Prayer
Reminder: Play the music through once before sing-
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ps 145:1-21 ing the new song.

PSALMS 142-150  “Jehovah Is Great and Most

Worthy of Praise”

In observing that Jehovah’s
greatness is without limits,
David was motivated to praise
Him forever

David was convinced of Jehovah’s
desire and ability to care for all of
His servants

Like David, Jehovah’s loyal servants
are moved to make His mighty acts
a regular part of their conversations

S E PT E M B E R 2 6 – O C TO B E R 2


Encouraging Interested Ones to Attend Meetings

WHY IMPORTANT: Meetings provide regular occasions to “sing

to Jehovah” and to “praise him.” (Ps 149:1) At the meetings, we CONGREGATION MEETING INVITATION
are taught to do God’s will. (Ps 143:10) Interested ones and Bible
students usually make greater progress once they begin attend-
ing meetings. Some who attend our meetings for the
first time have drawn the conclusion: “God
HOW TO DO IT: is really among you.” (1Co 14:25) During
˙ Extend an invitation as soon as possible. You need not wait the month of October, we will make a con-
until a Bible study has been established.—Re 22:17 certed effort to invite people to the week-
˙ Explain to the interested person what he can expect and what end meeting. We will offer the congrega-
will be discussed at the next meeting. The following can be of tion meeting invitation and, if the
help in this regard: the congregation meeting invitation, the householder allows, play the video What
video What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?, and lessons 5 and 7 Happens at a Kingdom Hall? A sample pre-
of the Jehovah’s Will brochure sentation will be viewed and discussed
˙ Offer help. Does the interested one need a ride or assistance next week.
with choosing appropriate clothing? Sit next to him at the
meeting, and share your publications. Introduce him to others

S E PT E M B E R 19 - 2 5

Avoid These Pitfalls When Conducting a Bible Study

Talking Too Much: Do not feel that you must ex-
plain everything. Jesus used questions to help peo-
ple think and arrive at the right conclusion. (Mt
17:24-27) Questions make the study lively and help
you to determine what your student understands
and believes. (be 253 83-4) When asking a ques-
tion, be patient and wait for the answer. If the stu-
dent gives the wrong answer, instead of telling him
the right answer, lead him to the correct conclusion
by using additional questions. (be 238 81-2) Talk at
a pace that allows the student to grasp new ideas.
—be 230 84.

Making It Complicated: Avoid the temptation to

relate all that you know on the subject. (Joh 16:12)
Focus on the main point of the paragraph. (be 226
84-5) Details, even interesting ones, can obscure
the main points. (be 235 83) Once the main point
is understood by the student, move on to the next

Just Covering Material: Our objective is to reach

the heart, not cover material. (Lu 24:32) Utilize the
power of God’s Word by focusing on the key scrip-
tures in the lesson. (2Co 10:4; Heb 4:12; be 144
81-3) Use simple illustrations. (be 245 82-4) Con-
sider the student’s personal challenges and beliefs,
and tailor the lesson to him. Ask questions like
these: “How do you feel about what you are learn-
ing here?” “What does this teach us about Jeho-
vah?” “What benefit do you see in applying such
counsel?”—be 238 83-5; 259 81.

8 Vol. 1, No. 9

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Inviting people to the meeting

Sample Presentations
!"#2 N o . 5 20 16
Question: Some people doubt whether Question: What happens when we die?
Jesus really existed, while others are
Scripture: Joh 11:11-14
convinced he did. Still others say there’s no
way to know for sure. What’s your opinion? Truth: When a person dies, his life ends.
So we do not need to fear an afterlife. Jesus
Offer: This issue of Awake! considers what
compared death to sleep. Just as he did with
the evidence shows.
Lazarus, Jesus will “wake up” our dead loved
ones so that they can enjoy life on earth
again.—Job 14:14.


You Are Invited INVITATION (inv) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Offer: I’d like to invite you to a free
Bible talk. It will be given at the local
Kingdom Hall, our place of worship. [Offer
“Happy are those conscious of their
spiritual need.”—MATTHEW 5:3

the meeting invitation, point out the time

and location of the weekend meeting, and
mention the theme of the public talk.]
Question: Have you been to a Kingdom
Hall before? [If appropriate, show the video
What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?]
O C TO B E R 3 - 9  P R OV E R B S 1 - 6


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Discussion. Play each sample presentation video,
˙ “Trust in Jehovah With All Your Heart”: (10 min.) and then discuss the highlights. Encourage publish-
ers to participate fully in the global effort to invite
[Play the video Introduction to Proverbs.]
people to the weekend meeting.
Pr 3:1-4—Show loyal love and faithfulness
(w00 1/15 23-24)
Pr 3:5-8—Cultivate complete trust in Jehovah
(w00 1/15 24) ˙ Song 107
˙ Local Needs: (8 min.) As an option, discuss
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) the lessons learned from the Yearbook.
Pr 1:7, ftn.—In what way is the fear of Jehovah (yb16 25-27)
“the beginning of knowledge”? (w06 9/15
˙ Do Good to Those Who Attend Our Meetings
17 81; it-2 180)
(Pr 3:27): (7 min.) Discussion. Play the video What
Happens at a Kingdom Hall? (video category OUR
Pr 6:1-5—What is the wise course if we become MEETINGS AND MINISTRY). Then ask how we can contrib-
ensnared by an unwise business agreement? ute to a loving atmosphere at the Kingdom Hall, not
(w00 9/15 25-26) just during the month of October but at all times.
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me kr chap. 2 81-12
about Jehovah?
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 143 and Prayer
What points from this week’s Bible reading
can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Pr 6:20-35

PROVERBS 1-6  “Trust in Jehovah With All Your Heart”

Jehovah is worthy of our complete trust. The meaning of his name builds our confidence
in his ability to fulfill all of his promises. Prayer is an important part of building trust in him.
Proverbs chapter 3 assures us that Jehovah will reward our trust in him by ‘making our
paths straight.’


One who is wise in his own eyes . . . One who trusts in Jehovah . . .
˙ makes decisions without asking for ˙ cultivates a close relationship with him
Jehovah’s direction beforehand through Bible study, meditation, and prayer
˙ trusts in his own thinking or that of ˙ seeks his guidance by searching for Bible
the world principles when making decisions


 FIRST: I choose what I think is  FIRST: I seek Jehovah’s direction

the wisest course through prayer and personal study
SECOND: I ask Jehovah to bless SECOND: I choose a course that is in
my decision harmony with Bible principles

O C TO B E R 1 0 - 1 6  P R OV E R B S 7- 1 1


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) g16.5 cover
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD —Invite the person to the weekend meeting.
˙ “Do Not Let Your Heart Turn Aside”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) g16.5 cover
Pr 7:6-12—Those lacking good sense often run into —Invite the person to the weekend meeting.
spiritual danger (w00 11/15 29-30)
˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 176 85-6
Pr 7:13-23—Poor decisions can lead to disaster —Invite the student to the meetings.
(w00 11/15 30-31)
Pr 7:4, 5, 24-27—Wisdom and understanding will LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
safeguard us (w00 11/15 29, 31)
˙ Song 83
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ What Your Peers Say—Cell Phones (Pr 10:19):
Pr 9:7-9—What does our response to counsel reveal (15 min.) Discussion. Begin by playing the video
about us? (w01 5/15 29-30) What Your Peers Say—Cell Phones (video category
OUR MEETINGS AND MINISTRY). Then discuss the accom-
Pr 10:22—What does Jehovah’s blessing include in panying article “What Should I Know About
our day? (w06 5/15 26-30 83-16) Texting?” Emphasize the points under the subhead-
ing “Texting Tips.”
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
about Jehovah? kr chap. 2 813-22
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading ˙ Song 152 and Prayer
can I use in the field ministry? Reminder: Play the new song through once
before singing.
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Pr 8:22–9:6

PROVERBS 7-11  “Do Not Let Your Heart Turn Aside”

Jehovah’s standards can protect us. To benefit from them, however, we
must treasure them in our heart. (Pr 7:3) When a servant of Jehovah allows
his heart to turn aside, he becomes vulnerable to Satan’s smooth and de-
ceptive tactics. Proverbs chapter 7 describes a young man who allowed his
heart to deceive him. What can we learn from his mistakes?

Sight Touch Taste Smell Hearing

7:10 7:13 7:14 7:17 7:21

˙ Satan tries to draw us away from Jehovah by using our five senses to induce
us to get involved in wrongdoing
˙ Wisdom and understanding will help us to perceive the
devastating effects of wrongdoing and to stay far away from spiritual danger

5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
O C TO B E R 1 7- 2 3  P R OV E R B S 1 2 - 1 6


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Joh 11:11-14—Teach the
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Truth. Invite the person to the weekend meeting.
˙ “Wisdom Is Better Than Gold”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Ge 3:1-6; Ro 5:12
Pr 16:16, 17—A wise person studies and applies —Teach the Truth. Invite the person to the weekend
God’s Word (w07 7/15 8) meeting.
Pr 16:18, 19—A wise person rejects pride and ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 191 818-19—Invite
haughtiness (w07 7/15 8-9) the student to the meetings.
Pr 16:20-24—A wise person uses his speech to
help others (w07 7/15 9-10) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ Song 117
Pr 15:15—How can we find greater joy in life? ˙ “How to Give Good Comments”: (15 min.)
(g 11/13 16) Discussion. Play the video Become Jehovah’s Friend
—Prepare Your Comment (video category OUR MEET-
INGS AND MINISTRY). Then invite selected children to
Pr 16:4—In what sense has Jehovah made the
wicked “work for his purpose”? the platform and ask them: What are the four steps
(w07 5/15 18-19) to prepare a comment? Why can we be happy even
when we are not called on to comment?
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
about Jehovah? kr chap. 2 823-34
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading ˙ Song 102 and Prayer
can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Pr 15:18–16:6

How to Give Good Comments

Good comments build up the congregation. (Ro 14:19) They also

benefit those who give them. (Pr 15:23, 28) Therefore, we should try
to give at least one comment at each meeting. Of course, we will not
be called on every time we raise our hand. Therefore, it is best to pre-
pare several comments.

A good comment . . .
˙ is simple, clear, and brief. In most cases, it can be given in
30 seconds or less
˙ is best given in your own words
˙ is not a needless repetition of a previous comment

If you are called on first, . . .

˙ give a simple, direct answer to the question

If the question has been answered, you could . . .

˙ show how a cited scripture bears on the point under consideration
˙ mention how the matter affects our lives
˙ explain how the information can be used
˙ briefly relate an experience that highlights a key point

O C TO B E R 1 7- 2 3

PROVERBS 12-16  Wisdom Is Better Than Gold

Why is godly wisdom so valuable? It delivers its owners from bad ways and preserves
them alive. It has a positive effect on their disposition, speech, and actions.

16:18, 19
Wisdom protects from pride
˙ A wise person recognizes that Jehovah is
the Source of all wisdom
˙ Those who achieve success or who receive
more responsibility must especially guard
against pride and haughtiness

Wisdom promotes wholesome speech
˙ A wise person uses insight to find the good
in others and speaks well of them
˙ Wise words are persuasive and sweet like
honey, not harsh or confrontational


Honey is easily assimilated by the body and quickly converted into
energy. It is valued for its sweetness and curative properties.

Pleasant sayings are spiritually refreshing, just as honey is good for

the body.

O C TO B E R 24 - 3 0  P R OV E R B S 1 7- 2 1


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Offer congregation
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD meeting invitation. (inv)
˙ “Pursue Peace With Others”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) inv—Conclude by intro-
Pr 19:11—Remain calm if you are offended ducing the video What Happens at a Kingdom Hall?
(w14 12/1 12-13)
˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) lv 57 814-15—Help
Pr 18:13, 17; 21:13—Make sure you have all the facts the student see the need to improve in dress and
(w11 8/15 30 811-14) grooming at meetings.
Pr 17:9—Lovingly forgive the transgression
(w11 8/15 31 817) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ Song 77
Pr 17:5—What is one reason why we must choose ˙ Making Peace Brings Blessings: (15 min.)
our entertainment wisely? (w10 11/15 6 817; Discussion. Play the video Making Peace Brings
w10 11/15 31 815) Blessings (video category OUR MEETINGS AND MINIS-
TRY). Then ask the following questions: What steps
Pr 20:25—How does this principle apply to court- should we avoid when peace is disrupted? What
ship and marriage? (w09 5/15 15-16 812-13) blessings result when we apply Proverbs 17:9 and
Matthew 5:23, 24?
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
about Jehovah? kr chap. 2 835-40, box and charts on pp. 25-29
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
What points from this week’s Bible reading ˙ Song 144 and Prayer
can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Pr 18:14–19:10

PROVERBS 17-21  Pursue Peace With Others

Peace among Jehovah’s people is no accident. When disagreements arise,
emotions may be very strong, but counsel from God’s Word is stronger still.

When facing difficulties, faithful Christians pursue peace by . . .

˙ remaining calm

18:13, 17
˙ making sure they have
all the facts before

˙ lovingly forgiving the

O C TO B E R 3 1 – N OV E M B E R 6  P R OV E R B S 2 2 - 2 6


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) JW.ORG contact card
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD —Witness informally.
˙ “Train a Boy in the Way He Should Go”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) JW.ORG contact card
Pr 22:6; 23:24, 25—Godly training gives children —Lay the groundwork for a return visit, and con-
the best opportunity to become happy, fulfilled, clude by introducing the video Why Study the Bible?
and responsible adults (w08 4/1 16; w07 6/1 31)
˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) lv 179-181 818-19
Pr 22:15; 23:13, 14—Within the family, “the rod”
symbolizes all forms of discipline (w97 10/15 32;
it-2 818 84)
Pr 23:22—Adult children can benefit from their par- ˙ Song 101
ents’ wisdom (w04 6/15 14 81-3; w00 6/15 21 813) ˙ “Are You Making Good Use of JW.ORG Contact
Cards?”: (15 min.) Discussion. Play the sample
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) presentation video, and then discuss the highlights.
Pr 24:16—How does this proverb encourage us to Encourage publishers to carry a few contact cards
endure in the race for life? (w13 3/15 4-5 85-8) with them at all times.
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.)
Pr 24:27—How should we understand this proverb? kr chap. 3 81-12, pp. 30-31
(w09 10/15 12 81)
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 146 and Prayer
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me Reminder: Play the new song through once
about Jehovah? before singing.

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Pr 22:1-21

PROVERBS 22-26  “Train a Boy in the Way He Should Go”

Proverbs contains sound 22:6 22:15

advice for parents. Just as
bending young branches in- ˙ Training children properly takes much ˙ Discipline is loving training that
fluences their growth, train- time and effort corrects the mind and heart
ing children inclines them ˙ Parents must set a good example, and ˙ Children require different types of
toward serving Jehovah they must carefully instruct, admonish, discipline
when they grow up. encourage, and discipline their children
O C TO B E R 3 1 – N OV E M B E R 6

Are You Making Good Use of JW.ORG Contact Cards?

In view of the approaching great tribulation, our preaching work is

urgent. (Pr 24:11, 12, 20) To help people, we can use contact cards
to direct their attention to God’s Word and to our website. The card
contains a code that leads to the video Why Study the Bible? and
an invitation to request more information or a Bible study. Some
people are not inclined to accept literature but are willing to visit

our website. Do not hesitate to give them a contact card. However,
Jehovah’s Witnesses
do not leave contact cards with those who show no interest.

As you go about your daily activities, you could generate some-

one’s interest simply by saying: “I have something I would like to
give you. This card directs you to a website that has free informa-
tion and videos on a variety of subjects.” (Joh 4:7) Because the
contact cards are small, you can likely keep a few with you to share
with others at every opportunity.

Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jehovah’s Witnesses
Would you
welcome a free
personal Bible
Learn more study or more
about the Bible

“Happy are those conscious

of their spiritual need.”

Printed in U.S.A.


˙ when witnessing informally
˙ when witnessing in business territory
˙ when someone listens to our message
but is not inclined to accept literature

8 Vol. 1, No. 10

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Pioneers sharing the good news in the Tzotzil language in Chiapas, Mexico
Sample Presentations
No. 6 2016


Question: If someone asked you what Question: Would you agree that this Bible
heaven is like, how would you answer? prophecy describes what we see today?
Visions of the
Spirit Realm Scripture: Joh 8:23 Scripture: 2Ti 3:1-5
Offer: This issue of The Watchtower Truth: Since the Bible’s prophecy about the
discusses what Jesus and his Father last days is being fulfilled now, we can also
have revealed about heaven. trust that the prophecy about a better future
will be fulfilled.


Introduction: We’re showing people a short
video that explains where we can find
satisfying answers to life’s big questions.
[Play the video.]
Offer: This book shows what the Bible says
about how God will fix the world’s problems.
[Offer the Bible Teach or Teach Us book.] Offer:
N OV E M B E R 7- 1 3  P R OV E R B S 2 7- 3 1


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Discussion. Play each presentation video, and then
˙ “The Bible Describes a Capable Wife”: (10 min.) discuss the highlights. Encourage publishers to
build their own presentation.
Pr 31:10-12—She is trustworthy (w15 1/15 20 810;
w00 2/1 31 82; it-2 1183)
Pr 31:13-27—She is industrious (w00 2/1 31 83-4)
Pr 31:28-31—She is a spiritual person who is worthy ˙ Song 89
of praise (w15 1/15 20 88; w00 2/1 31 85, 8) ˙ “Her Husband Is Well-Known in the City Gates”:
(5 min.) Talk by an elder.
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.)
˙ Local Needs: (10 min.) As an option, discuss the
Pr 27:12—How may we show ourselves to be shrewd
lessons learned from the Yearbook. (yb16 40-41)
regarding entertainment? (w15 7/1 8 83)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 3
Pr 27:21—How is a person “tested by the praise he 813-22, chart on pp. 36-37, box on p. 38
receives”? (w11 8/1 29 82; w06 9/15 19 812) ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 108 and Prayer
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah?

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Pr 29:11–30:4

“Her Husband Is Well-Known in the City Gates”

A capable wife reflects well on

her husband. In King Lemuel’s
day, a husband who had a
capable wife was “well-known
in the city gates.” (Pr 31:23)
Today, respected men serve as
elders and ministerial servants.
If married, their ability to serve
depends much on the good con-
duct and fine support of their
wives. (1Ti 3:4, 11) Such capa- A capable wife helps her husband to serve by . . .
ble wives are greatly appreciat- ˙ encouraging him with kind words.—Pr 31:26
ed, not just by their husbands
˙ sharing him willingly with the congregation.—1Th 2:7, 8
but also by the congregation.
˙ living modestly.—1Ti 6:8

˙ not asking him about confidential congregation matters.—1Ti 2:11, 12; 1Pe 4:15

N OV E M B E R 7- 1 3

PROVERBS 27-31  The Bible Describes a Capable Wife

Proverbs chapter 31 contains a weighty message to King Lemuel
from his mother. Her wise counsel taught him what to look for
in a capable wife.

A capable wife is trustworthy
˙ She provides valuable suggestions concerning family
decisions while remaining submissive
˙ Her husband trusts her to make wise decisions, not
insisting that she obtain his approval for every matter

A capable wife is industrious
˙ She learns to be thrifty and live modestly so that
her family can be neatly dressed, presentable,
and well-nourished
˙ She works hard and watches over
her household day and night


Red coral was highly prized

in Bible times. It was
beautiful, rare, and difficult
to obtain. Found in the Medi-
terranean and Red seas, it
was an important trade item.

The Bible indicates the value

of coral by referring to it
in much the same way as it
does to gold, silver, and
God’s Word says that the val-
A capable wife is spiritual ue of a capable wife is “far
more than that of corals.”
˙ She fears God and —Pr 31:10.
cultivates a personal
relationship with him

5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
N OV E M B E R 1 4 - 2 0  E C C L E S I A S T E S 1 - 6


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) wp16.6 cover
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD —Leave a JW.ORG contact card.
˙ “Find Enjoyment in All Your Hard Work”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) wp16.6 cover
[Play the video Introduction to Ecclesiastes.] —Read scriptures from a mobile device.
Ec 3:12, 13—The ability to enjoy hard work is a gift ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 22-23 811-12
from God (w15 2/1 4-6) —Invite the person to the meetings.
Ec 4:6—Cultivate a balanced view of work
(w15 2/1 6 83-5) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ Song 140
Ec 2:10, 11—What did Solomon discover regarding ˙ “What Can the Bible Teach Us?—How to Use It”:
wealth? (w08 4/15 22 89-10) (15 min.) Discussion. Afterward, play and discuss
the video that shows a portion of a Bible study
Ec 3:16, 17—How should we view injustices in this using Truth 4 on page 115 of the Teach Us book.
world? (w06 11/1 14 89) ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 4
81-6, box on p. 43
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
about Jehovah? ˙ Song 112 and Prayer

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ec 1:1-18

ECCLESIASTES 1-6  Find Enjoyment in All Your Hard Work

Jehovah wants us to enjoy
our work and teaches us
how to do so. A person can
learn to enjoy work if he
approaches it with the right

3:13; 4:6
You can find enjoyment in
your work when you . . .
˙ cultivate a positive attitude
˙ think about how your work
helps others
˙ do your best at work, but
when you leave your job,
you focus on your family
and your worship

N OV E M B E R 1 4 - 2 0

What Can the Bible Teach Us?—How to Use It

What Can the
The Teach Us book and the Bible Teach book are similar. Both of these tools from our
Bible Teach Us?
teaching toolbox present the same truths and in the same order. However, the Teach
Us book uses simplified wording and logic. It is designed for those who may have
difficulty understanding the Bible Teach book. Instead of an appendix, the Teach Us
book has endnotes that provide simple explanations of some terms and concepts
found in the main text. The chapters do not have introductory questions or a review
box. Instead, they conclude with a summary of Bible truths that were explained in
the main text. Just as with the Bible Teach book, the Teach Us book may be offered
at any time, even if it is not being featured during the month. How may we use the
unique features of the Teach Us book when conducting a Bible study?


SUMMARY: For most people, our usual method of con-

TRY TO HARM US ducting a study by reading the paragraph in the Bible
“We may not be overreached by Satan, for we are Teach book and then asking the question will serve quite
not ignorant of his designs.”—2 Corinthians 2:11 well. Suppose, however, that the student is not very famil-

Who are the demons, and why are they harmful? iar with the language or does not read well. In that case,
Revelation 12:9 Matthew 9:34 you may choose to use the Teach Us book. Then, the chap-
An angel rebelled against Those angels joined ter summaries may be used as the basis for the study and
Jehovah. He is called Satan. Satan’s rebellion and
Genesis 6:2 became demons. the student may be encouraged to read the main text on
In Noah’s time, some Deuteronomy 18:10, 11
angels rebelled and The demons try to trick his own. Each Bible truth can often be taught in a study
came to the earth. people and harm them any
way they can.
session that lasts about 15 minutes. Since the summaries
do not include details found in the main text, the teacher
YOU CAN RESIST SATAN must prepare well, keeping in mind the needs of the stu-
AND THE DEMONS dent. If the teacher conducts the study from the main
“Oppose the Devil, and he will flee from you.” text, the summaries can be used as a review.
—James 4:7

How can you have Jehovah’s help in resisting
Satan and the demons?
Acts 19:19 Ephesians 6:16, 18 When God brings a person who has died back to life, it is
Get rid of all items connected Build your faith by studying called a resurrection. Nine resurrections are mentioned
in the Bible. Elijah, Elisha, Jesus, Peter, and Paul all
with demonism that make the Bible, and pray for God’s performed resurrections. These miracles were possible
magic, demons, or the protection. only because of God’s power. Jehovah promises to
resurrect “both the righteous and the unrighteous” to
supernatural seem Proverbs 18:10 life on earth. (Acts 24:15) The Bible also mentions a
harmless or exciting. Use Jehovah’s name. resurrection to heaven. This takes place when those who
are chosen, or anointed, by God are resurrected to live in
heaven with Jesus.—John 5:28, 29; 11:25; Philippians 3:11;
Revelation 20:5, 6.
* Chap. 9, par. 13
Demonism or spiritism is the bad practice of trying to
communicate with spirits, either directly or through
someone else, such as a witch doctor, a medium, or a
psychic. People who practice spiritism do this because
ENDNOTES: The terms and concepts in the endnotes are in the they believe the false teaching that spirits of humans
survive death and become powerful ghosts. The demons
order that they appear in the main text. The teacher may decide also try to influence humans to disobey God. Astrology,
divination, magic, witchcraft, superstitions, the occult,
and the supernatural are also part of demonism. Many
whether to discuss the endnotes in the Teach Us book during books, magazines, horoscopes, movies, posters, and even
songs make the demons, magic, and the supernatural
the study. seem harmless or exciting. Many funeral customs, such
as sacrifices for the dead, funeral celebrations, funeral
anniversaries, widowhood rites, and some wake rituals,
also include contact with the demons. People often use
drugs when trying to use the power of the demons.
—Galatians 5:20; Revelation 21:8.
* Chap. 10, par. 10; Chap. 16, par. 4

N OV E M B E R 2 1 - 2 7  E C C L E S I A S T E S 7- 1 2


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) 2Ti 3:1-5
˙ “Remember . . . Your Grand Creator in the Days ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Isa 44:27–45:2
of Your Youth”: (10 min.) —Teach the Truth.
Ec 12:1—Youths should use their time and energy in
God’s service (w14 1/15 18 83; 22 81) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 25-26 818-20
—Invite the student to the meetings.
Ec 12:2-7—Youths are not limited by “the days of
distress” that come with old age (w08 11/15 23 82;
w06 11/1 16 89)
Ec 12:13, 14—Serving Jehovah is the best way to ˙ Song 95
give your life meaning (w11 11/1 21 81-6) ˙ “Youths—Do Not Delay Going Through the
‘Large Door’ ”: (15 min.) Play the video Young Ones
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) —You Are Loved by Jehovah (video category OUR
Ec 10:1—How is it that “a little foolishness out- MEETINGS AND MINISTRY), and then discuss the article.
weighs wisdom”? (w06 11/1 16 85)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 4
87-15, boxes on pp. 44, 46
Ec 11:1—What does it mean to “cast your bread on
the waters”? (w06 11/1 16 87) ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 148 and Prayer
Reminder: Play the music through once before
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me singing the new song.
about Jehovah?

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ec 10:12–11:10

ECCLESIASTES 7-12  “Remember . . . Your Grand Creator in

the Days of Your Youth”
12:2-7 Verse 3: “The ladies
looking out the windows
Solomon used poetic
find it dark”
language to describe the
challenges of old age
Diminished vision

12:1, 13
Verse 4: “The daughters
Remember your Grand Creator of song grow faint”
by using your abilities to serve
him while you are young Diminished hearing
˙ Many youths have the health
and vigor to tackle exciting and
challenging assignments
Verse 5: “The caper
˙ Youths should use their time
berry bursts”
and energy in God’s service
before old age limits them
Diminished appetite

N OV E M B E R 2 1 - 2 7

Youths—Do Not Delay Going Through the “Large Door”

It can be easy to think that the days of our youth “Unexpected events overtake” us all, including those
will continue indefinitely and that we will never ex- who are young. (Ec 9:11) “You do not know what your
perience “the days of distress” that accompany old life will be like tomorrow.” (Jas 4:14) Therefore, do
age in Satan’s world. (Ec 12:1) If you are a youth, not put spiritual pursuits on hold unnecessarily. Go
can you assume that you have plenty of time to pur- through the “large door that leads to activity” while
sue spiritual goals such as the full-time ministry? it is still open to you. (1Co 16:9) You will not regret it.

Some possible spiritual goals:

˙ Preaching in another language MY GOALS:

˙ Pioneer service
˙ Attending theocratic schools ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

˙ Construction service
˙ Bethel service
˙ Circuit work

N OV E M B E R 2 8 – D E C E M B E R 4  T H E S O N G O F S O LO M O N 1 - 8


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) bh—Use the video Why
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Study the Bible? to introduce the book. (Note: Do
˙ “The Shulammite Girl—An Example Worthy not play the video during the demonstration.)
of Imitation”: (10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) bh—Invite the person
[Play the video Introduction to the Song of to the meeting.
˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) bh 29-31 88-9
Ca 2:7; 3:5—The Shulammite was determined to
wait for the one she could truly love (w15 1/15 31
Ca 4:12; 8:8-10—She remained loyal and chaste as ˙ Song 115
she waited (w15 1/15 32 814-16) ˙ “Young People Ask—Am I Ready to Date?”: (9 min.)
Talk based on the article “Young People Ask—Am I
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) Ready to Date?” (Go to, and look under BIBLE
Ca 2:1—What qualities added to the Shulammite’s TEACHINGS ˛ TEENAGERS.)
beauty? (w15 1/15 31 813)
˙ Is It Love or Infatuation?: (6 min.) Play and then
discuss the whiteboard animation Is It Love or Infat-
Ca 8:6—Why is true love described as “the flame of uation? (video category OUR MEETINGS AND MINISTRY)
Jah”? (w15 1/15 29 83; w06 11/15 20 87)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 4
816-23, box on p. 48
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah? ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 34 and Prayer
What points from this week’s Bible reading
can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Ca 2:1-17

SONG OF SOLOMON 1-8  The Shulammite Girl—An Example

Worthy of Imitation

2:7; 4:12
What made her an outstanding example for
worshippers of Jehovah?
˙ She wisely waited for true love
˙ She refused to have others pressure her into feeling
romantic love for just anyone who came along
˙ She was humble, modest, and chaste
˙ She would not let her love be bought with gold or

Ask yourself:
‘Which quality of the Shulammite girl could
I better imitate?’

8 Vol. 1, No. 11

Our Christian Life and Ministry


Conducting a Bible study in Chile

Sample Presentations
!"#2 N o . 6 20 16
Question: Most people want to have good Question: Is our suffering caused by God or
health. What do you think we can do to by other factors?
protect ourselves from getting sick?
Scripture: Job 34:10
Scripture: Pr 22:3
How to Reduce the Risk

Truth: God is never the cause of our

Offer: This issue of Awake! discusses steps suffering. Rather, suffering comes from the
that we can take to be shrewd and reduce Devil, from humans who make bad choices,
the risk of disease. and sometimes from being in the wrong place
at the wrong time. When we suffer, God is
there to support us. He really cares about us.


Question: Do you think that God controls
the world? [Allow for response.] What the
Bible says may surprise you. This brief video
explains. [Play the video.]
Offer: Chapter 11 of this book discusses
why God has allowed suffering and what he
intends to do about it. [Offer the Bible Offer:
Teach or Teach Us book.]
DECEMBER 5 -11  ISAIAH 1 - 5


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Prepare This Month’s Presentations: (15 min.)
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Discussion based on “Sample Presentations.” Play
˙ “Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of Jehovah”: each presentation video, and then discuss the
(10 min.) highlights. Encourage publishers to build their own
[Play the video Introduction to Isaiah.] presentation.
Isa 2:2, 3—“The mountain of the house of Jehovah”
represents pure worship (ip-1 38-41 86-11; 44-45 LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
820-21) ˙ Song 139
Isa 2:4—Worshippers of Jehovah do not learn war ˙ Local Needs: (7 min.) As an option, discuss the les-
anymore (ip-1 46-47 824-25) sons learned from the Yearbook. (yb16 32 83–34 81)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ “Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Reaching
Isa 1:8, 9—How was the daughter of Zion “left like a the Heart With ‘Keep Yourselves in God’s Love’ ”:
shelter in a vineyard”? (w06 12/1 8 85) (8 min.) Discussion. Encourage those who have
the Bible Study student assignments this month to
apply the points found on pages 261-262 of the
Isa 1:18—What is meant by Jehovah’s words: “Let Ministry School book.
us set matters straight between us”? (w06 12/1 9
81; it-2 761 83) ˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 5 81-9
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me ˙ Song 154 and Prayer
about Jehovah? Reminder: Play the new song through once
before singing.
What points from this week’s Bible reading
can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Isa 5:1-13


Reaching the Heart With “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love”

WHY IMPORTANT: People must learn Jehovah’s standards and conform to them
in order to worship him acceptably. (Isa 2:3, 4) The “God’s Love” book, our
second study publication, helps Bible students to discern how godly principles
relate to daily life. (Heb 5:14) We must try to reach the heart when we teach
them so that they may have the proper motivation to make changes.—Ro 6:17.

˙ Prepare well, keeping the needs of your student in mind. Formulate viewpoint
questions that will help you to draw out his thoughts and feelings about the
material.—Pr 20:5; be 259
˙ Use the boxes throughout the book to help your student see the value of applying
Bible principles
The “God’s Love” book
˙ Help your student to reason on matters of conscience, but do not make decisions
should be studied to com-
for him.—Ga 6:5
pletion. Even after the
˙ Tactfully determine if your student needs help to apply certain Bible principles.
student’s baptism, you may
Kindly encourage him to make changes based on his love for Jehovah.—Pr 27:11;
count the time, the return
Joh 14:31
visits, and the study until
the book is completed.


ISAIAH 1-5  “Let Us Go Up to the Mountain of Jehovah”

2:2, 3
“In the final part of the days”
˙ The time in which we now live

“The mountain of the house of Jehovah”

˙ Jehovah’s elevated pure worship

“To it all the nations will stream”

˙ Those embracing pure worship gather
in unity

“Come, let us go up to the mountain

of Jehovah”
˙ True worshippers invite others to join them

“He will instruct us about his ways, and we

will walk in his paths”
˙ By means of his Word, Jehovah instructs us
and helps us to walk in his paths

“Nor will they learn war anymore”
˙ Isaiah described a conversion of weapons of
war into farming implements, indicating that
Jehovah’s people would pursue peace. What
were these tools in Isaiah’s day?

“Swords into plowshares”

1 A plowshare was the part of a plow that cut
the surface of the soil. Some were made of
metal.—1Sa 13:20
1 2
“Spears into pruning shears”
2 A pruning shear was perhaps a sickle-shaped
metal blade fastened to a handle. This tool
was used to prune vines.—Isa 18:5

5 2016 Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook (ISSN 2380-3487) is published monthly by Christian
Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses; A. E. Shuster, President; W. H. Nonkes, Secretary-Treasurer; 2821 Route 22, Patterson, NY 12563-2237. Periodicals Postage Paid
at Patterson, NY, and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Our Christian Life and Ministry—Meeting Workbook, 1000 Red Mills Road,
Wallkill, NY 12589-3299. Printed in Canada. 3
DECEMBER 1 2-18  ISAIAH 6 - 10


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) g16.6 cover
˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) g16.6 cover
˙ “The Messiah Fulfilled Prophecy”: (10 min.)
Isa 9:1, 2—His public ministry in Galilee was foretold ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) lv 34 818
(w11 8/15 10 813; ip-1 124-126 813-17) —Show how to reach the heart.
Isa 9:6—He would have many different roles
(w14 2/15 12 818; w07 5/15 6)
Isa 9:7—His rulership will bring true peace and ˙ Song 10
justice (ip-1 132 828-29) ˙ “Here I Am! Send Me!” (Isa 6:8): (15 min.)
Discussion. Play the video Moving to Serve Where
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) the Need Is Greater (video category OUR MEETINGS
Isa 7:3, 4—Why did Jehovah extend salvation to AND MINISTRY).
wicked King Ahaz? (w06 12/1 9 84)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 5
810-17, box on p. 53
Isa 8:1-4—How was this prophecy fulfilled?
(it-1 1219; ip-1 111-112 823-24) ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 150 and Prayer
Reminder: Play the new song through once
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me before singing.
about Jehovah?

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Isa 7:1-17

ISAIAH 6-10  The Messiah Fulfilled Prophecy

Centuries before Jesus was born, Isaiah foretold that the Messiah would preach “in the
region of the Jordan, Galilee of the nations.” Jesus fulfilled this prophecy as he traveled
throughout Galilee preaching and teaching the good news.—Isa 9:1, 2.
Performed his first miracle

—Joh 2:1-11 (Cana)


Chose his apostles


—Mr 3:13, 14 (near Capernaum)

Gave the Sermon on the Mount Sea of
—Mt 5:1–7:27 (near Capernaum)
Cana Galilee

Resurrected a widow’s only son

Jordan River

—Lu 7:11-17 (Nain)

Appeared to some 500 disciples after his Nain

resurrection—1Co 15:6 (Galilee)

DECEMBER 1 2 - 18

“Here I Am! Send Me!”

Isaiah’s willing spirit is worthy of imitation. He showed faith and immediately

responded to a need, although not knowing all the details. (Isa 6:8) Can you
adjust your circumstances in order to serve where there is a greater need
for Kingdom proclaimers? (Ps 110:3) Of course, it is necessary to “calculate
the expense” of such a move. (Lu 14:27, 28) Be willing, however, to make
sacrifices for the sake of the preaching work. (Mt 8:20; Mr 10:28-30) As
highlighted in the video Moving to Serve Where the Need Is Greater, the
blessings we receive in Jehovah’s service far surpass any sacrifices we make.


˙ What personal sacrifices did members of the Williams family make
in order to serve in Ecuador?


˙ What factors did they consider when choosing where to serve?


˙ What blessings did they receive?


˙ Where can you find more information about serving where

the need is greater?



˙ How can we expand our ministry as a family? (km 8/11 4-6)


˙ If we are unable to serve where the need is greater, in what ways can we help our local congregation? (w16.03 23-25)


DECEMBER 19 - 25  ISAIAH 11 - 16


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) Job 34:10
˙ “The Knowledge of Jehovah Will Fill the Earth”: ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) Ec 8:9; 1Jo 5:19
(10 min.) —Teach the Truth.
Isa 11:3-5—Righteousness will prevail forever
(ip-1 160-161 89-11) ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) lv 54 89
—Show how to reach the heart.
Isa 11:6-8—Peace will exist between humans and
animals (w12 9/15 9-10 88-9)
Isa 11:9—All mankind will learn Jehovah’s ways
(w16.06 8 89; w13 6/1 7) ˙ Song 24
˙ “Divine Education Conquers Prejudice”: (15 min.)
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) Discussion. Play the video Johny and Gideon: Once
Isa 11:1, 10—How can Jesus Christ be “the root of Enemies, Now Brothers (video category INTERVIEWS
Jesse” as well as a twig that grew “out of the stump AND EXPERIENCES).
of Jesse”? (w06 12/1 9 86)
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 5
818-25, box on p. 57
Isa 13:17—In what sense did the Medes regard silver
as nothing and take no delight in gold? (w06 12/1 ˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
10 810) ˙ Song 151 and Prayer
Reminder: Play the new song through once
before singing.
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me
about Jehovah?

What points from this week’s Bible reading

can I use in the field ministry?

˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Isa 13:17–14:8

Divine Education Conquers Prejudice

Jehovah is not partial. (Ac 10:34,
35) He accepts people “out of all
nations and tribes and peoples and
tongues.” (Re 7:9) Thus, there is no
place in the Christian congregation
for prejudice or favoritism. (Jas 2:
1-4) Thanks to divine education,
we enjoy a spiritual paradise in
which we have seen the transfor-
mation of human personalities.
(Isa 11:6-9) As we work diligently WATCH THE VIDEO JOHNY AND GIDEON: ONCE ENEMIES,
to root out of our heart any traces NOW BROTHERS. THEN ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS:
of prejudice, we prove ourselves ˙ Why is divine education superior to human efforts in eliminating
imitators of God.—Eph 5:1, 2. discrimination and prejudice?

˙ What impresses you about our international brotherhood?

˙ How is Jehovah glorified when we maintain Christian unity?

D E C E M B E R 19 - 2 5

ISAIAH 11-16  The Knowledge of Jehovah Will Fill the Earth

How this prophecy applied to the Israelites

˙ Neither on the way home from their exile in

Babylon nor in their restored land did the
Israelites need to fear wild beasts or beastlike
men.—Ezr 8:21, 22

How this prophecy applies to our day

˙ Knowledge of Jehovah has changed

personalities. Formerly violent people have
become peaceable. Knowledge of God has
created a global spiritual paradise

How this prophecy will be fulfilled in the future

˙ The whole earth will be transformed into a

secure, peaceful paradise, according to God’s
original purpose. No creature, whether human
or animal, will pose any threat

Paul was changed by the knowledge

of God

˙ As a Pharisee, he displayed beastlike

traits.—1Ti 1:13
˙ Accurate knowledge transformed his
personality.—Col 3:8-10
D E C E M B E R 2 6 – JA N UA RY 1  I S A I A H 1 7- 2 3


˙ Opening Comments (3 min. or less)
˙ Initial Call: (2 min. or less) bh—Use the video Why
TREASURES FROM GOD’S WORD Study the Bible? to introduce the book. (Note: Do
˙ “Abuse of Power Leads to Loss of Authority”: not play the video during the demonstration.)
(10 min.) ˙ Return Visit: (4 min. or less) bh—Start a doorstep
Isa 22:15, 16—Shebna used his authority in a selfish Bible study, and lay the groundwork for the next
way (ip-1 238 816-17) visit.
Isa 22:17-22—Jehovah replaced Shebna with Eliakim ˙ Bible Study: (6 min. or less) lv 150-151 810-11
(ip-1 238-239 817-18) —Show how to reach the heart.
Isa 22:23-25—Shebna’s experience teaches us valu-
able lessons (w07 1/15 8 86; ip-1 240-241 819-20) LIVING AS CHRISTIANS
˙ Digging for Spiritual Gems: (8 min.) ˙ Song 44
Isa 21:1—What region was called “the wilderness of ˙ Will You “Keep on the Watch”?: (8 min.) Talk by
the sea,” and why? (w06 12/1 11 82) an elder based on the March 15, 2015, Watchtower,
pages 12-16. Encourage all to keep on the watch,
Isa 23:17, 18—How did Tyre’s material profit become just as did Isaiah’s visionary watchman and the five
“holy to Jehovah”? (ip-1 253-254 822-24) virgins of Jesus’ illustration.—Isa 21:8; Mt 25:1-13.
˙ Organizational Accomplishments: (7 min.) Play
What does this week’s Bible reading teach me the Organizational Accomplishments video for
about Jehovah? December.
˙ Congregation Bible Study: (30 min.) kr chap. 6
What points from this week’s Bible reading 81-7, pp. 58-59
can I use in the field ministry?
˙ Review Followed by Preview of Next Week (3 min.)
˙ Song 141 and Prayer
˙ Bible Reading: (4 min. or less) Isa 17:1-14

ISAIAH 17-23  Abuse of Power Leads to Loss of Authority

Shebna was the steward “in charge of the house,” likely the house of King Hezekiah.
His position was second only to the king, and much was expected of him.

22:15, 16
˙ Shebna should have cared
for the needs of Jehovah’s people
˙ He selfishly pursued glory for himself

˙ Jehovah replaced Shebna with Eliakim
˙ Eliakim was given “the key of the house
of David,” which symbolized power
and authority

Consider: How could Shebna have

used his authority to help others?

8 Vol. 1, No. 12

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