Terex TA30 Articulated Dumptruck Maintenance Manual
Terex TA30 Articulated Dumptruck Maintenance Manual
Terex TA30 Articulated Dumptruck Maintenance Manual
Articulated Dumptruck
Maintenance Manual
MODEL: General
It has been brought to our attention that 'Viton' material used in manufacture of oil seals and 'O' rings, produces a
highly corrosive acid (Hydrofluoric) when subjected to temperatures above 315 C.
The resulting contamination can have extreme consequences on human tissue since it is almost impossible to
remove after contact.
We therefore recommend the following procedure when it is necessary to inspect any equipment that has been
subjected to a high temperature i.e. fire.
a. Visually inspect for any gaskets or seals which have suffered from heat; they will appear black and sticky.
c. Make enquiries to ascertain the material composition. Any Fluoro-elastomer (Viton, Fluorel or Tecmoflon)
should be considered dangerous but natural rubber and nitrile are non-hazardous.
d. If Fluoro-elastomer seals have been used, then the affected area MUST be decontaminated before
undertaking further work.
e. Disposable Heavy Duty Gloves (Neoprene) MUST be worn and the affected area decontaminated by washing
thoroughly with Limewater (Calcium Hydroxide solution).
f. Any cloths, residue and gloves used MUST be safely discarded after use.
Note: Burning of the discarded items is NOT RECOMMENDED, except in an approved incineration process
where the gaseous products are treated by alkaline scrubbing.
Un entretien et des rparations adquats sont importants pour la scurit, un fonctionnement fiable de tous les vhicules
moteur. Les procdures dentretien recommandes et dcrites dans cette publication sont des mthodes effectives
permettant lexcution doprations dentretien. Certaines de ces oprations dentretien ncessitent lutilisation doutils
conus tout particulirement cette fin. Les outils spciaux doivent tre utiliss lorsquils sont recommands.
Il est important de remarquer que cette publication comprend diffrents AVERTISSEMENTS et NOTES qui doivent tre lus
avec prcaution afin de minimiser le risque de blessures du personnel ou de mise en pratique de mthodes de service
inadquat risquant dendommager le vhicule ou de le rendre peu sr. Il est galement important de comprendre que ces
AVERTISSEMENTS et NOTES ne sont pas exhaustifs. Il nest pas possible de connatre, dvaluer et de faire part au
personnel de TOUTES les mthodes imaginables en fonction desquelles lentretien peut tre effectuer ou de tous les
risques possibles en rsultant. Par consquent, une valuation aussi large na pas t prise en considration. Donc,
quiconque utilise une procdure dentretien ou un outil qui nest pas recommand doit tout dabord sassurer que ni sa
scurit et ni la scurit du vhicule ne sera remise en cause par la mthode dentretien quil/elle slectionne.
Deux types den-tte sont utilises dans ce manuel pour attirer votre attention.
1. AVERTISSEMENT - Ce symbole est utilis lorsquune procdure de fonctionnement, pratique, etc., qui, si elle nest pas
observe correctement, risque dentraner des blessures corporelles voire la mort. Recherche ce symbole pour indiquer les
prcautions de scurit importantes. Il signifie - ATTENTION! SOYEZ PRUDENT! VOTRE SECURITE EST EN JEU!
2. Note - Ce symbole est utilis lorsquune procdure de fonctionnemnet, mthode, etc., qui, si elle nest pas observe strictement,
risque dentraner des dommages ou une destruction de lquipement.
Nutilisez jamais des pices qui sont altres, modifies ou affaiblies lors du fonctionnement. Ceci peut srieusement
remettre en cause lintgrit de la machine et provoquer des dommages de lquipement ou de graves blessures
* * * *
2 SM 1935 Rev 1 11-00
Section 000-0000
SM - 2476
2 615
Max. 1 435 (8-7)
Body (4-8) 2 815
Depth (9-3)
Vehicle Clearance
Turning Diameter
65 5 885
17.6 m (58-0) (19-4)
4 840
4 390
3 405
3 310
(10-10) 2 860
3 190
(10-6) 1 835
(1-8) 25
1 580 660
(5-2) (2-2)
2 400 1 260 2 820 1 720 1 245
2 200 (9-3)
(7-3) (7-10) (4-2) (5-8) (4-1)
2 820 9 445
(9-3) (31-0)
30/65 R 25 tyres increase width over tyres to 3 000 mm (9-10) Dimensions in mm (ft-in)
* * * *
SM - 2475
SM 1960 4-00 1
Chassis - Frames
Section 100-0010
Note: The current from the welding rod always follows If painting of a frame is required, thoroughly clean the
the path of least resistance. If, for example, the ground areas to be painted. Apply a primer coat of red oxide
and then a finish coat of polyurethane enamel.
* * * *
2 SM 1960 4-00
CHASSIS - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
SM - 2483
13 51 35
45 14 34
36 52 41
14 36
4 43 14
5 41
1 25
6 26
22 23
24 2 20
22 14
11 33 46 32
55 14 40 31
17 39
29 30
12 19
2,3,50 18 29
53 38
58 15
56 19 37
28 18 38
25 27 14
26 20 48
48 49
1 - Pivot 17 - Retainer
2 - Coupling 18 - 'O' Ring
3 - Pipe 19 - Spacer 33 - Bolt
4 - 'O' Ring 20 - Bolt 34 - Thrust Nut 47 - Washer
5 - Retainer 21 - Retainer 35 - Lockplate 48 - Lube Line
6 - Bearing 22 - Nipple 36 - Bolt 49 - Connector
*7 - Shim 23 - Elbow 37 - Shaft 50 - Lube Fitting
*8 - Shim 24 - Lube Fitting 38 - Bush 51 - Nut
*9 - Shim 25 - Locknut 39 - Washer 52 - Spacer
10 - 'O' Ring 26 - Washer 40 - Seal 53 - Bolt
11 - Retainer 27 - Front Yoke 41 - 'V' Ring 54 - Hardened Washer
12 - Seal 28 - Housing 42 - Adaptor 55 - Pin
13 - Bolt 29 - Seal 43 - Bush 56 - Bolt
14 - Lockwasher 30 - Bearing 44 - Pin 57 - Lockwasher
15 - Lube Fitting 31 - Housing 45 - Washer 58 - Bracket
16 - Brake Yoke 32 - Pin 46 - Bolt 59 - Lube Fitting
* Lower bearing shims not shown
Fig. 1 - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
SM 1975 4-00 1
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
PIVOT DRIVESHAFT BEARINGS yoke (27). Remove yoke (27) from shaft (37).
Removal 6. Remove bolts (1, Fig. 3), lockwashers (2, Fig. 3),
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless nuts (3, Fig. 3) and protective guard (4, Fig. 3), if fitted,
otherwise specified. from beneath rear of pivot housing.
Note: Take care to avoid damaging pipe (3) when Note: Take extra care when handling driveshafts as
performing Step 5. any deformity on a rotating mass creates vibration and
excessive wear during any operation.
5. Remove locknut (25) and washers (26) from front
SM - 002
Fig. 2 - Drivelines
2 SM 1975 4-00
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
SM - 003
12. Withdraw pivot driveshaft assembly from pivot by (58) securing pipe (3) to pivot (1) assembly.
pulling rearwards on brake yoke/disc assembly and
place in suitable location for further work. Note: Take care to avoid damaging pipe (3) when
performing Steps 17 through 18.
13. Remove front locknut (25) then position front yoke
(27) fully on to front of shaft (37) and suitably restrain 17. Remove bolts (20) and lockwashers (14) from front
to resist rotation. Remove rear locknut (25), washers housing (28).
(26) and rear yoke brake/disc assembly (16). Tag front
and rear ends of shaft (37) and install locknuts (25) on 18. Tag and remove front housing (28). Note position
the shaft to protect the threads. of seal (12) in front housing (28) to aid in 'Installation'.
Remove and discard seal (12).
14. Tag and remove housing (31). Note position of
seal (40) to aid in 'Installation'. Remove and discard
seal (40). WARNING
When necessary to drive out components, use
15. Remove washer (39), rear bearing (30) and spacer a soft drift to avoid injury and damage from
(19) from rear of shaft (37). flying chips.
16. Remove bolt (56), lockwasher (57) and bracket 19. Using a suitable puller/drift, remove bearing (30).
SM 1975 4-00 3
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
20. Remove spacer (19). Note position of seals (29) in SM - 004
pivot (1) housing to aid in 'Installation'. Remove and
discard seals (29).
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
otherwise specified.
2. Check pivot driveshaft bearings (30) for wear or Fig. 4 - Shaft and Bushes
damage, replace if required.
and new bushes (38) and allow to dry. Refer to Fig. 4.
3. Inspect bushes (38) for wear. Replace if badly
scored. 4. Apply LOCTITE Fugeteile 35 to shaft (37) mating
faces and install new bushes (38), with the recesses in
bushes (38) against shoulder on driveshaft (37). Make
Installation sure that bushes (38) are fully home against the
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless shoulders. Refer to Fig. 4.
otherwise specified.
5. Allow 15 minutes for retaining compound to cure to
Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques handling strength.
specified, to standard torques listed in Section
300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE 6. Degrease front bearing (30) housing in pivot (1) with
SPECIFICATIONS. a suitable solvent and allow to dry.
Note: If bushes (38) are to be renewed, then proceed Note: Do not use retaining compound on the housing
with Steps 1 thru 5, if the bushes (38) are satisfactory, for the rear pivot shaft bearing.
proceed from Step 6.
Note: Front bearing (30) of shaft (37) is secured with
retaining compound as well as normal hardware.
WARNINGS Cleaning the bearing housing ensures a good bond.
To prevent personal injury and property THE REAR BEARING IS SECURED BY NORMAL
damage, make sure blocking or lifting HARDWARE ONLY.
equipment is properly secured and of adequate
capacity to do the job safely. 7. Apply coat of grease to new seals (29) and install
seals in pivot housing. Make sure seal lips are facing
When necessary to drive out outwards as shown on Fig. 5.
components, use a soft drift to avoid injury
and damage from flying chips. 8. Make sure that pivot shaft bearing (30) is
pre-packed with grease then position spacer (19),
1. Apply suitable heat to bushes (38) to break bond of bearing (30) and washer (39) on rear of shaft (37).
retaining compound. Remove locknuts (25) from their
protective position on shaft (37), then remove bushes 9. Apply bead of grease to fill inner rim of new seal (40)
(38) with a suitable drift. and position new seal in rear housing (31). Refer to
Fig. 6. Fill lube fitting (24) assembly on rear housing with
2. Allow shaft (37) to cool. Thoroughly clean shaft (37) grease and make sure that nipple (22) does not protrude
and new bushes (38) with a suitable solvent. Wash into grease slot in rear face of housing (31).
mating faces of shaft (37) and new bushes (38) with
chlorethane and allow to dry. Note: Take extra care when handling driveshafts as
any deformity on a rotating mass creates vibration and
3. Apply LOCTITE primer to mating faces of shaft (37) excessive wear during any operation.
4 SM 1975 4-00
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
SM - 005 SM - 006
Fig. 5 - Pivot Housing Inner Seals Fig. 6 - Typical Outer Seal Installation
10. Assemble rear housing (31) and brake yoke/disc 18. Make sure mating surfaces of housing (28) are still
assembly (16) onto rear of shaft (37). Secure with clean then apply coating of retaining compound to
locknut (25) and both washers (26) but only fingertight mating surfaces of bearing (30) and housing (28).
at this stage. Install bearing (30) on to front of shaft (37).
11. Insert shaft (37) assembly fully into pivot (1) from 19. Pack housing (28) of with grease from 1/3 to 1/2 of
the rear. Take care not to dislodge internal seals (29). capacity.
12. Partially withdraw shaft (37) assembly to enable 20. Install front housing (28), front yoke (27), both
housing of rear pivot driveline bearing (30) to be filled washers (26) and locknut (25).
with grease from 1/3 to 1/2 of capacity.
Note: Take care to avoid damaging the pipe (3) when
13. Reposition shaft (37) assembly fully in pivot (1). performing Steps 21 through 22.
14. Align housing (31) with lube fitting (24) uppermost 21. Lock brake yoke/disc (16) assembly with a suitable
and secure with lockwashers (14) and bolts (20). tool and install locknut (25) on front yoke (27). Torque
Torque tighten bolts (20) to 106 Nm (78 lbf ft). tighten locknut (25) to 678 Nm (500 lbf ft).
15. Apply a bead of grease to fill inner rim of new seal 22. Lock front yoke (27) and torque tighten locknut
(12) and position seal in front housing (28). Refer to (25) on brake yoke assembly to 678 Nm (500 lbf ft).
Fig. 6. Fill pipe (3), through lube fitting (50), with
grease. Make sure that pipe (3) does not protrude into 23. Align front housing (28) with pipe (3) uppermost
grease slot in rear face of housing (28). and secure in place with bolts (20) and lockwashers
(14). Torque tighten bolts (20) to 106 Nm (78 lbf ft).
16. Install spacer (19) onto front of shaft (37).
24. Install bracket (58), and secure with lockwasher
17. Pre-pack bearing (30) with grease taking care not (57) and bolt (56).
to place any grease on outer curved surface. Clean
this surface with a suitable solvent where necessary 25. Check that no end float exists by pulling and
and allow to dry. pushing on the brake yoke/disc assembly.
Note: Make sure that Steps 18 through 22 are Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines as
performed within the hardening time of the retaining chips, dents, burrs or deformity on any rotating mass
compound in use. creates vibration and excessive wear during any
operation. (Steps 26 & 28).
SM 1975 4-00 5
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
26. Connect pivot - centre axle driveline (Fig. 2) to has exhausted from the air tanks.
brake yoke/disc assembly as noted on 'Removal'.
Install caps and secure with lockwashers and bolts. 4. Position levelling jack under centre front portion of
the front frame. Raise jack and block frame to remain
27. Position parking brake calliper (7, Fig. 3) in level after removal of the articulation pins. Check that
position and install left hand torque plate (10, Fig. 3), front wheels are still effectively blocked.
front and rear wedge plates (8 & 9, Fig. 3) and secure
in place with bolts (6, Fig. 3), washers (11, Fig. 3) and Note: Make sure that front frame is correctly
locknuts (12, Fig. 3). supported and prevented from tilting on the axle, or
damage to coupling etc. could result.
28. Install transmission - pivot driveline (Fig. 2) with
caps, lockwashers and bolts as noted on 'Removal'. 5. Disconnect steering cylinders by removing bolts
(36), lockwashers (14), washers (45) and pins (44)
29. Position guard (4, Fig. 3), if fitted, and secure to from attachment points on pivot (1) housing. Move
frame using bolts (1, Fig. 3), lockwashers (2, Fig. 3) steering cylinders clear of pivot (1) housing and
and nuts (3, Fig. 3). secure.
30. Place the battery master switch in the on position, Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines as
start the engine and allow air pressure in the tanks to chips, dents, burrs or deformity on any rotating mass
build up to correct operating pressure. creates vibration and excessive wear during any
31. Adjust parking brake as shown in Section 170-0010,
PARKING BRAKE AND MOUNTING. 6. Match mark yokes and mating surfaces of
transmission - pivot driveline (Fig. 2) to aid in
32. Remove all blocking from the road wheels. 'Installation'. Remove bolts, lockwashers and caps and
remove driveline from the machine.
Note: The lengths of the electrical, hydraulic and air Note: It may be necessary to adjust the frame levelling
connections between the two frames are designed to jack to relieve binding between pin (55) and pin bores
permit articulation. As a result, the frames can be during removal.
separated sufficiently to permit removal of the
articulation bearings without disconnecting these 8. Remove bolt (46), lockwasher (14) and washer (47)
connections. securing pin (32) to pivot (1) housing.
6 SM 1975 4-00
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
and use lifting equipment to pull the rear frame away SM - 007
from the front frame. After moving, block the rear
frame and wheels securely.
12. Mark all bearing retainers (5, 11, 17 & 21) to aid in
2. Check articulation bearings (6) and pins (32 & 55) 3. Lubricate bolts (13 for top and 33 for bottom) and
for wear or damage. Renew if required. install along with washers (14). Torque tighten bolts
(13 & 33) to 27 Nm (20 lbf ft).
Installation 4. Use feeler gauges to measure end float and record
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless value. Refer to Fig. 8.
otherwise specified.
Note: End float is equal to the sum of the clearances
between both retainers and the lug.
To prevent personal injury and property 5. Select shims to total value of -0.07 to +0.02 mm
damage, make sure blocking or lifting (-0.003 to +0.001 in) of that recorded at Step 4.
equipment is properly secured and of adequate
capacity to do the job safely. SM - 008
1. Insert both bearing cups and cones into housing so Fig. 8 - Measuring End Float
SM 1975 4-00 7
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
6. Remove bolts (13 & 33), lubricate and coat with 19. Place the battery master switch in the on position,
anti-seize compound then install shims (7, 8 & 9) start the engine and allow air pressure in the tanks to
beneath appropriate upper retainer (5 for upper build up to correct operating pressure.
articulation bearing, 17 for lower articulation bearing).
20. Lower and remove jack and all blocking
7. Re-install bolts (13 & 33) and washers (14) and equipment.
torque tighten to 106 Nm (78 lbf ft).
12. Clean articulation pins (32 & 55) with suitable 2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master
solvent, allow to dry then coat them with anti-seize switch in the 'Off' position.
compound including threads on upper pin (55).
3. Open drain cocks on air tanks to drain air pressure
13. Insert articulation pin (32). from the tanks. Close air tank drain cocks when air
has exhausted from the air tanks.
Note: It may be necessary to adjust the levelling jack
beneath front frame to permit entry of articulation pin 4. Remove hydraulic oil tank remote drain plug and
(32). Pin (32) may be tapped in to place taking care drain hydraulic oil into a suitable container. Re-install
that it is not misaligned and does not cause damage to drain plug in hydraulic tank remote drain fitting.
the pin, bearings or pivot housing lugs.
5. Tag all air and hydraulic lines between front and
14. Secure pin (32) with washer (47), lockwasher (14) rear frames to aid in 'Installation. Disconnect all air and
and bolt (36). hydraulic lines. Cap line fittings and plug lines to
prevent ingress of dirt.
15. Insert upper articulation pin (55).
6. Disconnect electrical wiring and any other
16. Install nut (51) on pin (55). Torque tighten nut (51) attachments that would be damaged on separation of
to 1 424 Nm (1 050 lbf ft). front and rear frames.
Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines as 7. Position levelling jack under centre front portion of
chips, dents, burrs or deformity on any rotating mass the front frame. Raise the jack and block the front
creates vibration and excessive wear during any frame, front and rear, so it will remain level after
operation. separation. Check that both front wheels are still
securely blocked.
17. Install transmission - centre driveline (Fig. 2) with
caps, lockwashers and bolts as noted on 'Removal'. Note: Make sure that the front frame is correctly
supported and prevented from tilting on the axle or
18. Position steering cylinders in place on pivot (1) and damage to coupling etc. could result.
install pins (44). Secure pins (44) with bolts (36),
washers (45) and lockwashers (14).
8 SM 1975 4-00
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines as assembly to avoid damage to end threads.
chips, dents, burrs or deformity on any rotating mass
creates vibration and excessive wear during any 18. Replace thrust nut (34) on pivot (1) to protect
operation. threads.
8. Remove bolts (1, Fig. 3), lockwashers (2, Fig. 3), 19. Note position of front 'V' ring (41) to aid in
nuts (3, Fig. 3) and protective guard (4, Fig. 3), if fitted, 'Installation'. Remove and discard 'V' ring (41).
from beneath rear of pivot housing.
20. Inspect oscillation bushes (43) as described in
'Inspection'. If bushes are to be renewed, proceed with
WARNING Step 20.
Tensioned spring on adjuster.
21. Remove oscillation bush/es (43) with hammer and
9. Slacken adjuster (14, Fig. 3) until brake pads chisel.
(13, Fig. 3) are sufficiently clear of parking brake disc
(5, Fig. 3) to permit removal of calliper (7, Fig. 3). Note: The suggested method is to make an axial cut
along the bush then to lever the bush in order to
10. Note positions of front and rear wedge plates collapse it upon itself.
(8 & 9, Fig. 3) to aid in 'Installation'. Remove bolts
(6, Fig. 3), washers (11, Fig. 3), nuts (12, Fig. 3), front
and rear wedge plates (8 & 9, Fig. 3) and left hand Inspection
torque plate (10, Fig. 3). Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
11. Move and secure calliper (7, Fig. 3) clear of 1. Clean oscillation bushes (43) with a suitable solvent
parking brake disc (5, Fig. 3). and allow to dry.
Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines since 2. Inspect oscillation bushes (43) for wear, scoring,
any deformity on a rotating mass creates vibration and erosion and 'out of round'. Pay particular attention to
excessive wear during any operation. the thrust faces of the bushes which should also be
inspected for cracking/splitting. Renew if required.
12. Match mark brake yoke (16) and mating surface of
pivot - centre axle driveline (Fig. 2) to aid in
'Installation'. Remove bolts, lockwashers and caps and Installation
remove driveline from the machine. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
otherwise specified.
13. Mark disc (5, Fig. 3) assembly to aid in 'Installation'
then remove bolts (15, Fig. 3) washers (16, Fig. 3) and Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques
disc (5, Fig. 3). specified, to standard torques listed in
Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
14. Remove bolts (36), lockwashers (14) and TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
lockplate (35).
SM 1975 4-00 9
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
Centre. Refer to Fig. 9. Drift bushes into housing using lockwashers (14). Torque tighten bolts (36) to 75 Nm
hammer with soft packing for protection. (55 lbf ft).
4. Using special tool, which can be fabricated as 10. Grease oscillation bushes (43) through lube fittings
shown in Fig. 11, remove thrust nut (34) from pivot (1). (59) until excess lubrication is seen.
Clean grease from pivot exterior using a suitable
solvent where necessary and allow to dry. 11. Check that no end float exists at oscillation bushes by
pushing and pulling on brake yoke assembly.
Note: Use care on inserting the pivot housing
assembly or damage to the thread could occur. 12. Position brake disc (5, Fig. 3) onto brake yoke (16)
as noted at 'Removal'. Secure in place with bolts (15,
5. Install new pre-greased front 'V' ring (41). Refer to Fig. 3) and washers (16, Fig. 3).
Fig. 10. Apply liberal coat of grease to external surface
of pivot (1) and mating faces of bushes (43). Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines as
SM - 010
10 SM 1975 4-00
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
chips, dents, burrs or deformity on any rotating mass 5. Remove bolts and lockwashers securing lockplate
creates vibration and excessive wear during any at the thrust nut and remove the lockplate.
6. Using special tool, which can be manufactured as
13. Connect pivot - centre axle driveline (Fig. 2) at shown in Fig. 11, tighten thrust nut until there is no end
brake yoke using bolts, lockwashers and caps as float/clearance at thrust face of either bush. Slacken
noted at 'Removal'. thrust nut until pin of the lockplate can be inserted in
the first available hole in the thrust nut.
14. Position parking brake calliper (7, Fig. 3) in
position and install left hand torque plate (10, Fig. 3), 7. Secure lockplate with bolts and lockwashers.
front and rear wedge plates (8 & 9, Fig. 3) and secure Torque tighten bolts to 75 Nm (55 lbf ft).
in place with bolts (6, Fig. 3), washers (11, Fig. 3) and
locknuts (12, Fig. 3). 8. Lower jack and remove all blocking from the front
15. Position guard (4, Fig. 3), if fitted, and secure to
frame using bolts (1, Fig. 3), lockwashers (2, Fig. 3)
and nuts (3, Fig. 3). MAINTENANCE
The end float/clearance at the thrust face of the
16. Remove all protective plugs and connect all air and oscillation bushes should be checked every 250 hours.
hydraulic lines and other attachments disconnected in Any clearance found must be removed by adjustment
preparation for separation of front and rear frames. of the thrust nut, as described under 'Thrust Nut
17. Fill hydraulic oil tank with hydraulic oil, as specified
in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Note: A practical method of establishing the effective
adjustment of the thrust nut is to use movement of the
18. Place the battery master switch in the on position, machines body in the raised position. Move the body
start the engine and allow air pressure in the tanks to from fully raised to almost fully raised while watching
build up to correct operating pressure. Check air and the effect of this action on the frame and pivot
hydraulic lines for leaks. Tighten line fittings as arrangement. Any slackness between the thrust nut
required. and thrust faces will be clearly visible movement of the
19. Adjust parking brake as shown in Section
170-0010, PARKING BRAKE AND MOUNTING. Very little other maintenance of the articulation and
oscillation pivot is required other than to stress the
20. Remove all blocking from the road wheels. importance of correct lubrication of the assembly.
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master Note: The oscillation bushes are lubricated every 10
switch in the 'Off' position. to 15 hours.
3. Open drain cocks on air tanks to drain air pressure Note: DO NOT exceed the lubrication schedule for the
from the tanks. Close air tank drain cocks when air pivot driveshaft bearings i.e. 4 shots of a hand grease
has exhausted from the air tanks. gun every 250 hours.
SM 1975 4-00 11
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
SM - 844
Dimensions in mm (in)
Fig. 11 - Fabrication Details of Thrust Nut Removal and Installation Tool
12 SM 1975 4-00
Chassis - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
* * * *
SM 1975 4-00 13
CHASSIS - Articulation and Oscillation Pivot
Section 100-0020
SM - 2495
13 51 35
44 34
14 36 52 41
61 36
14 4 1 14
5 43
60 41 25
6 26
22 23
24 2
10 22 20
32 16
11 46
47 31
55 39 40
17 30
29 19
18 29
54 12
PIVOT DRIVESHAFT BEARINGS yoke (27). Remove yoke (27) from shaft (37).
Removal 6. Remove bolts (1, Fig. 3), lockwashers (2, Fig. 3),
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless nuts (3, Fig. 3) and protective guard (4, Fig. 3), if fitted,
otherwise specified. from beneath rear of pivot housing.
Note: Take care to avoid damaging pipe (3) when Note: Take extra care when handling driveshafts as
performing Step 5. any deformity on a rotating mass creates vibration and
excessive wear during any operation.
5. Remove locknut (25) and washers (26) from front
SM - 002
Fig. 2 - Drivelines
SM - 003
12. Withdraw pivot driveshaft assembly from pivot by (58) securing pipe (3) to pivot (1) assembly.
pulling rearwards on brake yoke/disc assembly and
place in suitable location for further work. Note: Take care to avoid damaging pipe (3) when
performing Steps 17 through 18.
13. Remove front locknut (25) then position front yoke
(27) fully on to front of shaft (37) and suitably restrain 17. Remove bolts (20) and lockwashers (14) from front
to resist rotation. Remove rear locknut (25), washers housing (28).
(26) and rear yoke brake/disc assembly (16). Tag front
and rear ends of shaft (37) and install locknuts (25) on 18. Tag and remove front housing (28). Note position
the shaft to protect the threads. of seal (12) in front housing (28) to aid in 'Installation'.
Remove and discard seal (12).
14. Tag and remove housing (31). Note position of
seal (40) to aid in 'Installation'. Remove and discard
seal (40). WARNING
When necessary to drive out components, use
15. Remove washer (39), rear bearing (30) and spacer a soft drift to avoid injury and damage from
(19) from rear of shaft (37). flying chips.
16. Remove bolt (56), lockwasher (57) and bracket 19. Using a suitable puller/drift, remove bearing (30).
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
otherwise specified.
2. Check pivot driveshaft bearings (30) for wear or Fig. 4 - Shaft and Bushes
damage, replace if required.
and new bushes (38) and allow to dry. Refer to Fig. 4.
3. Inspect bushes (38) for wear. Replace if badly
scored. 4. Apply LOCTITE 638 to shaft (37) mating faces and
install new bushes (38), with the recesses in bushes
(38) against shoulder on driveshaft (37). Make sure
Installation that bushes (38) are fully home against the shoulders.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless Refer to Fig. 4.
otherwise specified.
5. Allow 15 minutes for retaining compound to cure to
Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques handling strength.
specified, to standard torques listed in Section
300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE 6. Degrease front bearing (30) housing in pivot (1) with
SPECIFICATIONS. a suitable solvent and allow to dry.
Note: If bushes (38) are to be renewed, then proceed Note: Do not use retaining compound on the housing
with Steps 1 thru 5, if the bushes (38) are satisfactory, for the rear pivot shaft bearing.
proceed from Step 6.
Note: Front bearing (30) of shaft (37) is secured with
retaining compound as well as normal hardware.
WARNINGS Cleaning the bearing housing ensures a good bond.
To prevent personal injury and property THE REAR BEARING IS SECURED BY NORMAL
damage, make sure blocking or lifting HARDWARE ONLY.
equipment is properly secured and of adequate
capacity to do the job safely. 7. Apply coat of grease to new seals (29) and install
seals in pivot housing. Make sure seal lips are facing
When necessary to drive out outwards as shown on Fig. 5.
components, use a soft drift to avoid injury
and damage from flying chips. 8. Make sure that pivot shaft bearing (30) is
pre-packed with grease then position spacer (19),
1. Apply suitable heat to bushes (38) to break bond of bearing (30) and washer (39) on rear of shaft (37).
retaining compound. Remove locknuts (25) from their
protective position on shaft (37), then remove bushes 9. Apply bead of grease to fill inner rim of new seal (40)
(38) with a suitable drift. and position new seal in rear housing (31). Refer to
Fig. 6. Fill lube fitting (24) assembly on rear housing with
2. Allow shaft (37) to cool. Thoroughly clean shaft (37) grease and make sure that nipple (22) does not protrude
and new bushes (38) with a suitable solvent. Wash into grease slot in rear face of housing (31).
mating faces of shaft (37) and new bushes (38) with
chlorethane and allow to dry. Note: Take extra care when handling driveshafts as
any deformity on a rotating mass creates vibration and
3. Apply LOCTITE primer to mating faces of shaft (37) excessive wear during any operation.
SM - 005 SM - 006
Fig. 5 - Pivot Housing Inner Seals Fig. 6 - Typical Outer Seal Installation
10. Assemble rear housing (31) and brake yoke/disc 18. Make sure mating surfaces of housing (28) are still
assembly (16) onto rear of shaft (37). Secure with clean then apply coating of retaining compound to
locknut (25) and both washers (26) but only fingertight mating surfaces of bearing (30) and housing (28).
at this stage. Install bearing (30) on to front of shaft (37).
11. Insert shaft (37) assembly fully into pivot (1) from 19. Pack housing (28) of with grease from 1/3 to 1/2 of
the rear. Take care not to dislodge internal seals (29). capacity.
12. Partially withdraw shaft (37) assembly to enable 20. Install front housing (28), front yoke (27), both
housing of rear pivot driveline bearing (30) to be filled washers (26) and locknut (25).
with grease from 1/3 to 1/2 of capacity.
Note: Take care to avoid damaging the pipe (3) when
13. Reposition shaft (37) assembly fully in pivot (1). performing Steps 21 through 22.
14. Align housing (31) with lube fitting (24) uppermost 21. Lock brake yoke/disc (16) assembly with a suitable
and secure with lockwashers (14) and bolts (20). tool and install locknut (25) on front yoke (27). Torque
Torque tighten bolts (20) to 106 Nm (78 lbf ft). tighten locknut (25) to 678 Nm (500 lbf ft).
15. Apply a bead of grease to fill inner rim of new seal 22. Lock front yoke (27) and torque tighten locknut
(12) and position seal in front housing (28). Refer to (25) on brake yoke assembly to 678 Nm (500 lbf ft).
Fig. 6. Fill pipe (3), through lube fitting (50), with
grease. Make sure that pipe (3) does not protrude into 23. Align front housing (28) with pipe (3) uppermost
grease slot in rear face of housing (28). and secure in place with bolts (20) and lockwashers
(14). Torque tighten bolts (20) to 106 Nm (78 lbf ft).
16. Install spacer (19) onto front of shaft (37).
24. Install bracket (58), and secure with lockwasher
17. Pre-pack bearing (30) with grease taking care not (57) and bolt (56).
to place any grease on outer curved surface. Clean
this surface with a suitable solvent where necessary 25. Check that no end float exists by pulling and
and allow to dry. pushing on the brake yoke/disc assembly.
Note: Make sure that Steps 18 through 22 are Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines as
performed within the hardening time of the retaining chips, dents, burrs or deformity on any rotating mass
compound in use. creates vibration and excessive wear during any
operation. (Steps 26 & 28).
30. Place the battery master switch in the on position, Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines as
start the engine and allow air pressure in the tanks to chips, dents, burrs or deformity on any rotating mass
build up to correct operating pressure. creates vibration and excessive wear during any
31. Adjust parking brake as shown in Section 170-0010,
PARKING BRAKE AND MOUNTING. 6. Match mark yokes and mating surfaces of
transmission - pivot driveline (Fig. 2) to aid in
32. Remove all blocking from the road wheels. 'Installation'. Remove bolts, lockwashers and caps and
remove driveline from the machine.
Note: The lengths of the electrical, hydraulic and air Note: It may be necessary to adjust the frame levelling
connections between the two frames are designed to jack to relieve binding between pin (55) and pin bores
permit articulation. As a result, the frames can be during removal.
separated sufficiently to permit removal of the
articulation bearings without disconnecting these 8. Remove bolt (46), lockwasher (14) and washer (47)
connections. securing pin (32) to pivot (1) housing.
12. Mark all bearing retainers (5, 11, 17 & 21) to aid in
2. Check articulation bearings (6) and pins (32 & 55) 3. Lubricate bolts (13 for top and 33 for bottom) and
for wear or damage. Renew if required. install along with washers (14). Torque tighten bolts
(13 & 33) to 27 Nm (20 lbf ft).
Installation 4. Use feeler gauges to measure end float and record
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless value. Refer to Fig. 8.
otherwise specified.
Note: End float is equal to the sum of the clearances
between both retainers and the lug.
To prevent personal injury and property 5. Select shims to total value of -0.07 to +0.02 mm
damage, make sure blocking or lifting (-0.003 to +0.001 in) of that recorded at Step 4.
equipment is properly secured and of adequate
capacity to do the job safely. SM - 008
1. Insert both bearing cups and cones into housing so Fig. 8 - Measuring End Float
12. Clean articulation pins (32 & 55) with suitable 2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master
solvent, allow to dry then coat them with anti-seize switch in the 'Off' position.
compound including threads on upper pin (55).
3. Open drain cocks on air tanks to drain air pressure
13. Insert articulation pin (32). from the tanks. Close air tank drain cocks when air
has exhausted from the air tanks.
Note: It may be necessary to adjust the levelling jack
beneath front frame to permit entry of articulation pin 4. Remove hydraulic oil tank remote drain plug and
(32). Pin (32) may be tapped in to place taking care drain hydraulic oil into a suitable container. Re-install
that it is not misaligned and does not cause damage to drain plug in hydraulic tank remote drain fitting.
the pin, bearings or pivot housing lugs.
5. Tag all air and hydraulic lines between front and
14. Secure pin (32) with washer (47), lockwasher (14) rear frames to aid in 'Installation. Disconnect all air and
and bolt (36). hydraulic lines. Cap line fittings and plug lines to
prevent ingress of dirt.
15. Insert upper articulation pin (55).
6. Disconnect electrical wiring and any other
16. Install nut (51) on pin (55). Torque tighten nut (51) attachments that would be damaged on separation of
to 1 424 Nm (1 050 lbf ft). front and rear frames.
Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines as 7. Position levelling jack under centre front portion of
chips, dents, burrs or deformity on any rotating mass the front frame. Raise the jack and block the front
creates vibration and excessive wear during any frame, front and rear, so it will remain level after
operation. separation. Check that both front wheels are still
securely blocked.
17. Install transmission - centre driveline (Fig. 2) with
caps, lockwashers and bolts as noted on 'Removal'. Note: Make sure that the front frame is correctly
supported and prevented from tilting on the axle or
18. Position steering cylinders in place on pivot (1) and damage to coupling etc. could result.
install pins (44). Secure pins (44) with bolts (36),
washers (45) and lockwashers (14).
8. Remove bolts (1, Fig. 3), lockwashers (2, Fig. 3), 19. Note position of front 'V' ring (41) to aid in
nuts (3, Fig. 3) and protective guard (4, Fig. 3), if fitted, 'Installation'. Remove and discard 'V' ring (41).
from beneath rear of pivot housing.
20. Inspect oscillation bushes (43) as described in
'Inspection'. If bushes are to be renewed, proceed with
WARNING Step 21.
Tensioned spring on adjuster.
21. Remove oscillation bush/es (43) with hammer and
9. Slacken adjuster (14, Fig. 3) until brake pads chisel.
(13, Fig. 3) are sufficiently clear of parking brake disc
(5, Fig. 3) to permit removal of calliper (7, Fig. 3). Note: The suggested method is to make an axial cut
along the bush then to lever the bush in order to
10. Note positions of front and rear wedge plates collapse it upon itself.
(8 & 9, Fig. 3) to aid in 'Installation'. Remove bolts
(6, Fig. 3), washers (11, Fig. 3), nuts (12, Fig. 3), front
and rear wedge plates (8 & 9, Fig. 3) and left hand Inspection
torque plate (10, Fig. 3). Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
11. Move and secure calliper (7, Fig. 3) clear of 1. Clean oscillation bushes (43) with a suitable solvent
parking brake disc (5, Fig. 3). and allow to dry.
Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines since 2. Inspect oscillation bushes (43) for wear, scoring,
any deformity on a rotating mass creates vibration and erosion and 'out of round'. Pay particular attention to
excessive wear during any operation. the thrust faces of the bushes which should also be
inspected for cracking/splitting. Renew if required.
12. Match mark brake yoke (16) and mating surface of
pivot - centre axle driveline (Fig. 2) to aid in
'Installation'. Remove bolts, lockwashers and caps and Installation
remove driveline from the machine. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
otherwise specified.
13. Mark disc (5, Fig. 3) assembly to aid in 'Installation'
then remove bolts (15, Fig. 3) washers (16, Fig. 3) and Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques
disc (5, Fig. 3). specified, to standard torques listed in
Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
14. Remove bolts (36), lockwashers (14) and TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
lockplate (35).
4. Using special tool, which can be fabricated as 10. Grease oscillation bushes (43) through lube fittings
shown in Fig. 11, remove thrust nut (34) from pivot (1). (59) until excess lubrication is seen.
Clean grease from pivot exterior using a suitable
solvent where necessary and allow to dry. 11. Check that no end float exists at oscillation bushes by
pushing and pulling on brake yoke assembly.
Note: Use care on inserting the pivot housing
assembly or damage to the thread could occur. 12. Position brake disc (5, Fig. 3) onto brake yoke (16)
as noted at 'Removal'. Secure in place with bolts (15,
5. Install new pre-greased front 'V' ring (41). Refer to Fig. 3) and washers (16, Fig. 3).
Fig. 10. Apply liberal coat of grease to external surface
of pivot (1) and mating faces of bushes (43). Note: Take extra care when handling drivelines as
SM - 010
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master Note: The oscillation bushes are lubricated every 10
switch in the 'Off' position. to 15 hours.
3. Open drain cocks on air tanks to drain air pressure Note: DO NOT exceed the lubrication schedule for the
from the tanks. Close air tank drain cocks when air pivot driveshaft bearings i.e. 4 shots of a hand grease
has exhausted from the air tanks. gun every 250 hours.
SM - 844
Dimensions in mm (in)
Fig. 11 - Fabrication Details of Thrust Nut Removal and Installation Tool
* * * *
SM - 2492
30 29 34 33
39 62 63
21 22 40
20 28 6 41 12
26 32 18 42
25 9 14
27 61 15
24 25 23
17 35 10
8 5 3 36
4 37
2 37
57 53 54
55 54 44
56 59 60 45
55 58 19 46
51 47 48
50 49 56 43
HOOD 2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master
switch in the 'Off' position.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. 3. Remove bolts (7) and lockwashers (8) securing
grille (2) to grille subframe (3). Secure grille (2) clear of
hood (1).
To prevent personal injury and property 4. Pull cable assembly (10), handle inside cab, to
damage, be sure blocking materials and lifting release hood catch and lift up hood (1). Secure hood
equipment are properly secured and of (1) in raised position using suitable lifting equipment.
adequate capacity to do the job safely.
5. Carefully remove split pins (54) and slide washers
1. Position the machine on a level surface, apply the (53) from torsion bars (52). Remove torsion bars (52)
parking brake and switch off the engine. from mounting brackets.
Note: Exercise caution as torsion bars (52) may GOALPOST SUPPORT ASSEMBLY
spring when released from mounting brackets.
6. Remove bolts (49), lockwashers (50) and locknuts Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
(51) securing hinges (56) to frame and lift hood (1)
assembly from the machine.
7. If required, remove bolts (4) and lockwashers (5) To prevent personal injury and property
securing grille subframe (3) to hood (1). Secure grille damage, be sure blocking materials and lifting
subframe (3) clear of hood (1). equipment are properly secured and of
adequate capacity to do the job safely.
8. If required, remove mounting hardware securing
handles (16, 17 & 18) to hood (1). Secure handles (16, 1. Position the machine on a level surface, apply the
17 & 18) clear of hood (1). parking brake and switch off the engine.
Installation 2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. switch in the off position.
Note: Tighten all fasteners to torques listed in 3. Pull cable assembly (10), handle inside cab, to
Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT release hood catch and lift up hood (1).
4. Remove mounting hardware securing purge tank to
mounting bracket on the right hand side of goalpost
WARNING support (11) assembly. Secure purge tank clear of
To prevent personal injury and property goalpost support (11) assembly.
damage, be sure blocking materials and lifting
equipment are properly secured and of 5. Remove mounting hardware securing brake
adequate capacity to do the job safely. reservoir to mounting bracket on the left hand side of
goalpost support (11) assembly. Secure brake
1. If removed, secure handles (16, 17 & 18) to hood reservoir clear of goalpost support (11) assembly.
(1) using mounting hardware as removed at
'Removal'. 6. With a suitable container available to catch leakage,
remove drain plug from radiator header tank and drain
2. If removed, secure grille subframe (3) to hood (1) coolant. Apply Loctite 225 to drain plug and reinstall in
with bolts (4) and lockwashers (5). header tank.
3. Using suitable lifting equipment, lift and position 7. Ensure all cooling lines connected to header tank
hood (1) on the machine and align holes in hinges (56) are identified for ease of installation and with suitable
with mounting holes on frame. Secure hood (1) using containers available to catch leakage, disconnect
bolts (49), lockwashers (50) and locknuts (51). cooling lines. Fit blanking caps to all open lines.
4. Carefully install torsion bars (52) to mounting 8. Note routing of all hoses and harnesses attached to
brackets and secure in place with washers (53) and goalpost support (11) assembly and disconnect.
split pins (54).
9. Disconnect ball joint (9) from cam assembly (27)
Note: Exercise caution as torsion bars (52) may and secure cable clear of lock mechanism.
spring from mounting brackets.
10. Check to make certain that all necessary line and
5. Remove lifting equipment and lower hood (1) to cable disconnections have been made, before lifting
match with goalpost support assembly (11). goalpost support (11) assembly.
6. Install grille (2) to hood (1) and secure using bolts 11. Attach suitable lifting equipment to goalpost
(7) and lockwashers (8). support (11) assembly. Remove bolts (35), hardened
washers (36), washers (37) and locknuts (38) securing
7. Remove wheel blocks.
* * * *
SM - 2478
12 24 16,37
22 23 19
11 7 HYD. TANK
25 36
26 17
4 18
6 22
27 8
13 28
33 6
3 15,35
15 29 29
35 30 31
1 - LH Fender
2 - Support Bracket 11 - Grab Handle 20 - Spillguard 29 - Bolt
3 - Contour Plate 12 - Grip 21 - Bolt 30 - Lockwasher
4 - Side Panel 13 - Cover Plate 22 - Washer 31 - Nut
5 - Cover Plate 14 - Plate 23 - Locknut 32 - Bolt
6 - Step Assembly 15 - Mudflap - LH 24 - Support Plate 33 - Lockwasher
7 - RH Fender 16 - Bolt 25 - Bolt 34 - Nut
8 - Support 17 - Chain Assembly 26 - Bolt 35 - Mudflap - RH
9 - Spacer 18 - Strap 27 - Nut 36 - Plate
10 - Counter Plate 19 - Wire Tensioner 28 - Stiffener 37 - Lockwasher
Fig. 1 - Fenders and Mounting
Periodically check mounting bolts and nuts and
tighten when necessary.
To prevent personal injury and property A check of the condition of the paint should be made
damage, be sure blocking materials and lifting approximately twice a year. If painting is required,
equipment are properly secured and of thoroughly clean the areas to be painted. Apply a
adequate capacity to do the job safely. primer coat of red oxide and then a finish coat of
polyurethane enamel.
The fenders and associated parts are secured by
normal hardware. Before loosening any fasteners, To keep rust and corrosion to a minimum, periodic
secure the items with suitable lifting equipment. Care painting of abrasions and other exposed metal areas
should be exercised at all times to ensure no damage is highly recommended.
to equipment or personnel.
* * * *
SM 1963 4-00 1
ENGINE - Engine and Mounting
Section 110-0030
SM - 2479
21 23 6
32 31
22 24 34
20 23
25 26 27 3
14 17 16
11 11
5 4
18 9
37 7 10
13 8 38 12
DESCRIPTION and two rear mounting brackets (8) which are bolted to
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. the engine and attached to the tractor frame through
rubber mounts (9). Rubber mounts (9) provide
For engine make, model and specification, refer to sufficient flexibility to absorb varying engine vibration
Section 000-0000, GENERAL INFORMATION. For and torsional loads.
engine servicing and repair data refer to the engine
manufacturers service manual. Lube oil filter (4) and coolant filter (5) are mounted on
the right hand side of engine (1) and fuel filter (6) is
The engine is supported by front mounting bracket (7) mounted on the left hand side.
SM 1964 4-00 1
Engine - Engine and Mounting
Section 110-0030
4. Remove engine hood assembly and goalpost 15. Disconnect clips securing items to the engine that
support assembly. Refer to Section 110-0030, HOOD cannot be removed with the engine.
16. Disconnect driveline between transmission and
5. Place a suitable container under the engine drain engine (1) and secure clear of the engine. Refer to
port, remove drain plug and drain oil. After draining, Section 130-0010, FRONT & REAR DRIVELINES.
reinstall drain plug and tighten securely.
2 SM 1964 4-00
Engine - Engine and Mounting
Section 110-0030
19. Check to make certain that all necessary line and INSPECTION
cable disconnections have been made, before lifting Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
engine (1).
1. Inspect rubber mounts (9) for damage and replace if
20. Carefully lift engine (1) up and forwards clear of required.
the frame and remove to a suitable work area. Mount
engine (1) securely on a work stand. 2. Check mounting brackets (7 & 8), engine support
brackets and crossmember on the frame for cracks
and damage. Repair or replace as necessary.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. 3. Inspect engine coupling (24 thru 29) for damage
and repair or replace if required.
1. Remove bolts (12 & 16) and lockwashers (17)
securing front mounting bracket (7) to engine (1).
Remove front mounting bracket (7). ASSEMBLY
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
2. Remove bolts (14) and lockwashers (15) securing
rear mounting brackets (8) to engine (1). Remove rear 1. Remove covers from engine ports and install new
mounting brackets (8). lube oil filter (4), coolant filter (5) and fuel filter (6) on
engine (1), as described under 'Maintenance'.
3. Remove air cleaner tubes and piping from turbocharger.
2. Install front mounting bracket (7) on engine (1) and
4. Remove exhaust piping from turbocharger. secure with bolts (12 & 16) and lockwashers (17).
Tighten bolts (12) to a torque of 60 Nm (44 lbf ft).
5. If fitted, remove mounting hardware securing drive Tighten bolts (16) to a torque of 45 Nm (33 lbf ft).
clutch fan (33) to fan (30). Remove drive clutch fan
(33). Remove bolts (31) and washers (32) securing fan 3. Install both rear mounting brackets (8) on engine (1)
(30) on engine (1). Remove fan (30). and secure with bolts (14) and lockwashers (15).
Tighten bolts (14) to a torque of 190 Nm (140 lbf ft).
6. Remove bolts (20 & 21) and lockwashers (23)
securing cover (19) to flywheel housing. Remove 4. Install air cleaner tubes and piping and connect to
cover (19). turbocharger.
7. Remove bolts (22) and lockwashers (23) securing 5. Install exhaust piping and connect to turbocharger.
engine coupling (24 thru 29) to flywheel. Remove
engine coupling (24 thru 29). 6. Install radiator support bracket (39) to engine (1)
and secure using mounting hardware as removed at
8. Remove mounting hardware securing radiator Disassembly.
support bracket (39) to engine (1). Remove radiator
support bracket (39). 7. Install engine coupling (24 thru 29) on engine flywheel
and secure with bolts (22) and lockwashers (23). Tighten
9. Remove and discard lube oil filter (4), coolant bolts (22) to a torque of 31 Nm (23 lbf ft).
filter (5) and fuel filter (6) from engine (1), as described
under 'Maintenance'. Cover engine ports to prevent 8. Install cover (19) on engine flywheel housing and
entry of dirt. secure with bolts (20 & 21) and lockwashers (23).
Tighten bolts (20 & 21) to a torque of 31 Nm (23 lbf ft).
10. Refer to engine manufacturers SERVICE
MANUAL if engine service or repair is required. 9. Install fan (30) on engine and secure with bolts (31) and
washers (32). Tighten bolts (31) to a torque of 31 Nm
(23 lbf ft). If applicable, install drive clutch fan (33) to fan
(30) using hardware removed during disassembly.
SM 1964 4-00 3
Engine - Engine and Mounting
Section 110-0030
Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques 9. Connect accelerator cable to engine (1).
specified to standard torques listed in section
300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE 10. Connect compressor air outlet tube to engine (1).
11. Connect air conditioning lines at the compressor
as identified at removal. On completion of engine (1)
WARNING installation, the air conditioning system will require to
Heavy assembly. To prevent personal injury be charged. Refer to Section 260-0130, AIR
and property damage, be sure wheel blocks, CONDITIONING.
blocking materials and lifting equipment are
properly secured and of adequate capacity to 12. Connect exhaust piping to the turbocharger at the
do the job safely. silencer.
1. Lubricate rubber mounts (9) with water or a suitable 13. Install radiator assembly on the tractor frame and
rubber lubricant. Insert rubber mounts (9) into the connect cooling and heater lines to radiator assembly
frame crossmember from above and support brackets and engine (1). Refer to Section 210-0040,
from below. Use a driver of the same diameter as the RADIATOR AND MOUNTING.
internal metal sleeve in rubber mount (9) to drive the
mounts fully home. Install opposite half of rubber 14. Secure any clips to the engine which were
mounts (9) over protruding diameter of rubber mounts removed to facilitate engine removal.
previously installed.
15. Connect air tube to the air cleaner and secure with
2. Attach suitable lifting equipment to engine (1) lifting mounting hardware removed during removal.
brackets and carefully position engine (1) in the frame.
16. Connect cables to battery terminal posts (ground
3. Install bolts (11) through front mounting bracket (7), cable last).
rubber mounts (9) and the frame crossmember. Install
snubbing washers (10) and locknuts (13) on bolts (11). 17. Ensure all lines, harnesses and cables are
Tighten locknuts (13) to a torque of 298 Nm secured with clips and clamps as removed during
(220 lbf ft). removal. Ensure no lines are chaffing on sharp edges
or resting against areas where heat will be evident.
4. Install a snubbing washer (10) onto each rear
mounting bolt (11) and install bolts through rear 18. Ensure all coolant drain cocks on engine (1) and
mounting brackets (8), rubber mounts (9) and frame the radiator assembly are securely closed and shut off
support brackets. Install locknuts (13) on bolts (11) cock at coolant filter (5) housing is open. Fill the
and tighten locknuts (13) to a torque of 298 Nm cooling system with coolant specified in Section
(220 lbf ft). 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Check the
coolant level as described in Section 210-0000,
5. Connect driveline between transmission and engine COOLING SYSTEM.
and secure with mounting hardware removed during
removal. Refer to Section 130-0010, FRONT & REAR 19. Fill engine (1) with lube oil specified in Section
DRIVELINES. 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Check oil level as
described under 'Maintenance'.
6. Remove blanking caps and connect fuel lines to
engine (1) ports, as identified at removal. 20. Place the battery master switch in the 'On' position,
start the engine and bring the engine oil to operating
7. Connect electrical cables to the alternator and temperature. Check all lines and fittings for leaks and
starter motor, as identified at removal. tighten as required.
8. Connect cables to the oil pressure sender switch, 21. Using suitable lifting equipment, install hood assembly
engine temperature switch, fuel shut off solenoid and and goalpost support assembly on the vehicle. Refer to
Section 110-0030, HOOD AND MOUNTING.
4 SM 1964 4-00
Engine - Engine and Mounting
Section 110-0030
22. Ensure parking brake is applied, disconnect
steering lock bar and secure in the 'Stowed' position.
Remove wheel blocks from all road wheels.
Personal injury can result from a fan blade
failure. Never pull or pry on the fan as this can
MAINTENANCE damage the blades and lead to fan failure.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Drive Belts - Visually inspect all drive belts daily.
Replace belts that are cracked or frayed and adjust
Note: Carry out the following maintenance procedures
belts that have a glazed or shiny surface which
in conjunction with additional procedures listed in
indicates belt slippage. Correctly installed and
Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM.
tensioned belts will show even pulley and belt wear.
SM 1964 4-00 5
Engine - Engine and Mounting
Section 110-0030
Clean the area around the lube oil filter head and, Coolant Filter (5) - Check the DCA4 concentration
using strap type filter wrench, remove lube oil filter (4). and replace the coolant filter at every oil and filter
Discard lube oil filter (4) if it is not required for a failure change interval. Refer to Section 210-0000, COOLING
analysis. Clean the gasket sealing surface of the filter SYSTEM.
Crankcase Breather - Check and clean the
Note: The 'O' ring can stick on the filter head. Make crankcase breather hose. Remove the breather hose
sure the 'O' ring is removed and discarded. and check internally for obstructions or sludge buildup.
Clean or replace breather hose as necessary, to
Note: Fill the filter with clean lubricating oil prior to prevent excess crankcase pressure buildup.
installation. The lack of lubrication during the delay
until the filter is pumped full of oil is harmful to the Drive Belts - Check belt tension and adjust if
engine. necessary, as described under 'Drive Belt Adjustment'.
Apply a light film of clean lubricating oil to the gasket Air Intake System - Inspect the air intake piping for
surface of the new filter and install the filter on the filter cracked hoses, loose clamps, or punctures which can
head as specified by the filter manufacturer. The damage the engine. Tighten or replace parts as
tightening instructions are normally printed on the necessary to make sure the air intake system does not
outside of the filter. leak.
b. Switch on the ignition and rotate the crankshaft Note: A belt is considered 'Used' if it has been in
using the starter motor, until oil pressure appears on service for 10 minutes or longer. If the used belt
the pressure gauge or the warning light goes out. tension is less than the minimum value, tighten the belt
to the maximum value.
c. Connect the electrical wire to the fuel pump solenoid
valve. An alternative method (deflection method) can be
used to check the belt tension by applying 110 N (25 lbf)
Start the engine and operate at idle speed to inspect force on the belt between the pulleys. If the deflection
for leaks at the filter and oil drain plug. Shut off the is more than one belt thickness per foot (305 mm) of
engine, wait approximately five minutes to let the oil pulley centre distance, the belt tension must be
drain back to the sump and check the oil level again. adjusted.
Add oil as necessary to bring the level to the high (H)
mark on the dipstick.
6 SM 1964 4-00
Engine - Engine and Mounting
Section 110-0030
Fan Belt Adjustment Alternator Belt Adjustment
Loosen the idler pulley lock nut and adjust the belt to Loosen the adjustment link locking capscrew and turn
the correct tension. Tighten the idler pulley lock nut to the capscrew to adjust belt tension. Tighten the
a torque of 165 - 190 Nm (120 - 140 lbf ft). adjustment link locking capscrew to a torque of 80 Nm
(60 lbf ft).
Note: Do not adjust fan belt tension to full value with
the adjusting screw. Belt tension can increase when
the lock nut is tightened and cause reduced belt and SERVICE TOOLS
bearing life. Refer to Section 300-0070, SERVICE TOOLS, for part
numbers of general service tools required.
* * * *
SM 1964 4-00 7
Section 110-0040
SM - 1903
DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION fan drive (5) to give the engine cooling fan (4) idle
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. speed. At a pre-determined coolant temperature, the
outlet pressure from the sensor control valve (7)
The single sensing direct temperature sensing (DST) increases giving an increased fan speed. Any further
fan drive system comprises of two main components. rises in coolant temperature results in increased fan
A coolant sensor control valve (7) and a fully speed. The fan speed increases proportionally with the
modulating viscous fan drive (5) driving the engine increase in coolant temperature over a 5 C range,
cooling fan (4). until the fan is fully engaged.
Air pressure is fed from the supply into the inlet When the coolant temperature drops, so the fan speed
connection of the sensor control valve (7). When the reduces proportionally until the idle speed is reached.
temperature is below a pre-determined value, the
sensor control valve (7) supplies idle pressure to the The DST fan drive (5) has a failsafe feature, ie. if the
DST fan drive (5). This idle pressure controls the DST air pressure to the fan drops to zero, the fan will be
automatically engaged.
SM 1974 4-00 1
Engine and Mounting - Kysor DST Fan
Section 110-0040
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the 3. Connect nylon tube (8) to DST fan drive (5) braided
parking brake and switch off the engine. tube.
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master 4. Install fan guards to the fan shroud and secure with
switch in the 'Off' position. mounting hardware, as removed at 'Removal'.
3. If required, remove mounting hardware securing 5. If removed, position the hood assembly on the
hood assembly to the machine and, using suitable machine using a suitable lifting device. Secure hood
lifting equipment, remove hood assembly. assembly on the machine with mounting hardware, as
removed at 'Removal'.
4. Remove mounting hardware securing fan guards to
the fan shroud. Remove fan guards from the machine. 6. Start the engine and check for correct operation of
the fan. Refer to 'Testing' procedures contained in this
5. Disconnect nylon tube (8) from DST fan drive (5) section.
braided tube.
7. Remove wheel blocks.
6. Support fan (4) assembly with suitable lifting
equipment and remove bolts (1) securing fan (4)
assembly to the engine. Remove fan (4) assembly TESTING
from the machine.
Static Test
7. Remove nuts (3) and lockwashers (2) securing DST Note: This test will only determine if the fan drive has
fan drive (5) to fan (4) mounting surface of housing. seized or is very close to seizure.
Remove DST fan drive (5) from housing.
With the engine stopped, the fan should turn smoothly
with resistance (viscous) without scraping, scratching
INSTALLATION or grating noise.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Note: Rotation without resistance indicates a fault.
Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques
specified, to standard torques listed in Section
300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE Basic Dynamic Test - Cut In/Cut Out
SPECIFICATIONS. Note: This test is carried out with the machine static
and secured at rest.
2 SM 1974 4-00
Engine and Mounting - Kysor DST Fan
Section 110-0040
* * * *
SM 1974 4-00 3
ENGINE - Air Cleaner
Section 110-0050
SM - 1532
SM 1958 4-00 1
Engine - Air Cleaner
Section 110-0050
SM - 2472
10 13
17 11
5 5
13 - 'U' Bolt
1 - Air Cleaner Assembly 5 - Lockwasher 9 - Band Clamp 14 - Bracket
2 - Bracket 6 - Plug 10 - Cap 15 - Bolt
3 - Bolt 7 - Hose 11 - Clamp 16 - Air Restriction Gauge
4 - Nut 8 - Band Clamp 12 - Air Intake Tube 17 - Clamp
protection of the engine from airborne dirt. It protects 3. Pull on handle to release hood catch and lift up the
the engine from dirt admitted by a damaged primary hood.
element (2), or dirt that might be dropped into air
cleaner assembly while changing primary element (2). 4. Slacken clamps (8 & 9) and slide hose (7) clear of
the air cleaner assembly.
2 SM 1958 4-00
Engine - Air Cleaner
Section 110-0050
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
otherwise specified. otherwise specified.
4. Blank off air cleaner body (1) outlets with tape or Never attempt to clean safety element (3). Change
cardboard. Reach inside body with a compressed air safety element (3) after every third primary element (2)
nozzle or brush and remove dust from the body. service.
5. Remove all loose dust from air cleaner body (1) and Make sure vacuator valve (6) is not damaged or
remove tape or cardboard from body outlets. plugged and that the joint with cover assembly (4) is
not broken. If vacuator valve (6) is lost or damaged,
Note: Assembly and installation of the air cleaner replace it to maintain pre-cleaner efficiency and normal
assembly is the reverse of disassembly and removal. filter element service life.
b. Check that air cleaner mounting brackets (2) are Visually determine the condition of primary element (2)
secure and that air cleaner is mounted securely. and choose either the compressed air or washing
SM 1958 4-00 3
Engine - Air Cleaner
Section 110-0050
remove cover assembly from air cleaner body (1). Inspection of element on the outside will disclose any
holes where concentrated light shines through. Even
2. Remove primary element (2) from air cleaner body (1). the smallest hole will pass dust to the engine and may
result in costly engine repairs.
3. Using a damp cloth and a suitable solvent, wipe out
all excess dust from air cleaner body (1) and allow to 9. Install primary element (2) in air cleaner body (1).
10. Install cover assembly (4) on air cleaner body (1)
4. If the major contaminant on primary element (2) is and secure with latches (5).
light dust, direct a jet of compressed air, not exceeding
6.9 bar (100 lbf/in2), against the pleats of the element.
The air jet should be directed in the opposite direction Secondary Element
of normal operating air flow. Move the air jet up and Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
down the pleats, holding the air nozzle 25 mm (1.0 in)
away from the pleats, to prevent rupturing the element Since safety element (3) is protected from
with either the nozzle or air jet. contamination by primary element (2), it needs no
periodic cleaning and should be replaced only after
5. In cases where the dust cake on primary element every third primary element (2) service.
(2) contains oil or carbon, air will not clean effectively.
Using manufacturers recommended solution and 1. With primary element (2) removed from air cleaner
warm water, not exceeding 48 C (120 F), soak body (1), remove safety element (3).
primary element (2) for fifteen minutes. Element
should be gently agitated to assist cleaning process. 2. Remove any dust dislodged into air cleaner body (1)
outlet and, using a damp cloth and a suitable solvent,
Note: It is possible to modify an old agitator type wipe out all excess dust from air cleaner body (1) and
washing machine for primary element (2) cleaning. Do allow to dry.
not soak or agitate primary element (2) in the solution
for more than fifteen minutes. Prolonged exposure 3. Install new safety element (3) followed by primary
softens vertical seams in the element. element (2) in air cleaner body (1)
6. Rinse washed element thoroughly with a low 4. Install cover assembly (4) on air cleaner body (1)
pressure stream of water, not exceeding 0.7 bar and secure with latches (5).
(10 lbf/in2), opposite from the normal air flow, until
rinse water runs clear.
7. Air dry primary element (2) thoroughly before Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2.
returning it to service. Drying is a slow process which
may be hastened by exposing element to slowly 1. Under no condition should the vehicle be operated
circulating heated air. Heated air temperature should without both filter elements in each air cleaner
not exceed 46o C (115o F). Drying time can be reduced assembly.
to about three hours with heated air. DO NOT use a
light bulb for drying. DO NOT use compressed air on a 2. It is very important that hump hose (7) and air intake
wet element. tube (12) from the air cleaner assembly to the engine
be airtight or the purpose of the air cleaner will be
Note: Replace paper elements after six cleanings or completely defeated. All clamps (8 & 9) (and those
two years in service, whichever comes first. Mark each supplied with the engine) should be checked
cleaned element to show total cleanings to date. frequently and tightened to prevent leaks.
8. After primary element (2) is thoroughly dried, 3. Keep new or cleaned filter elements on hand for
inspect for damage or ruptures, especially close to the replacement to prevent unnecessary downtime of the
end caps. To detect paper ruptures, place a bright light vehicle.
bulb inside the element and rotate element slowly.
4 SM 1958 4-00
Engine - Air Cleaner
Section 110-0050
MEASURING AIR RESTRICTION c. With the manometer held vertically and the engine
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2. drawing maximum air, the difference in height of the
water columns in the two legs is measured as the air
As a dry air cleaner element becomes loaded with cleaner restriction.
dust, the vacuum on the engine side of the air cleaner
(air cleaner outlet) increases. This vacuum is generally d. If the restriction exceeds the levels indicated, engine
measured as 'restriction in mm (inches) of water'. performance will be affected. Primary filter element
should be cleaned or replaced.
The recommended maximum allowable intake
restrictions at rated speed and load are as follows: Vacuum Gauge
a. Remove air restriction gauge (16) from port in air
a. 380 mm-H2O (15 in-H2O) with clean filter elements. cleaner assembly.
b. 635 mm-H2O (25 in-H2O) with dirty filter elements.
b. Connect the hose from the vacuum gauge to
While the air restriction gauge sends a signal to port and, with the engine drawing maximum air, take a
indicate the need for servicing, it does not give as note of the reading on the gauge.
precise a measurement as a water manometer or
vacuum gauge. c. If the restriction exceeds the levels indicated, engine
performance will be affected. Primary filter element
Water Manometer should be cleaned or replaced.
a. Remove air restriction gauge (16) from port in air
cleaner assembly.
b. Hold water manometer vertically and fill both legs Refer to Section 300-0070, SERVICE TOOLS for part
approximately half full of water. Connect one of the numbers of service tools referenced in this section and
upper ends to port by means of a flexible hose. general service tools required. These tools are
available from your dealer.
* * * *
SM 1958 4-00 5
TRANSMISSION - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM - 2011
25 26,27
16 22
26 18
12 6
7 LH
13 RH
4 24
14 23
SM 1965 4-00 1
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM - 1829
K2 KR KV K4 K3
9 2
2 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM - 1826
Y3 Y4
Y2 Y5 6
Y1 Y6
2 1
Fig. 3 - Sectional View of Typical Control Unit with Lockup Clutch (Wk)
SM 1965 4-00 3
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
intersection of the clutches to be engaged and differential lock is released. On activation of the
disengaged becomes possible. This creates fast differential lock switch, the transmission differential
shiftings without traction force interruption. lock solenoid is energised and air pressure is
exhausted at the transmission differential lock and
applied at the centre axle differential lock. In this
Speedometer Sensor condition, the differential locks are engaged.
Speedometer sensor, within the ECU, sends a signal
to the speedometer, via the speedometer frequency Note: The differential locks can be preselected when
divider, to indicate travel speed in kilometres per hour the machine is moving however, they will only engage
and miles per hour. on the move when the vehicle speed is below 5 km/hr.
4 SM 1965 4-00
SM 1965 4-00
60 D C
E B 6 = Inductive Transmitter n Turbine
55 14 = Inductive Transmitter n Engine
31 = Speed Sensor n Output and Speedometer
39 = Inductive Transmitter n Central Gear Train
KR K4 K1 K3 KV K2
SM - 1822
F 55 E 60 D 56 C 58 B 53 A 57
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Section 120-0010
16 15
Fig. 5 - Oil Circulation Diagram for Typical Transmission with Lockup Clutch and Retarder
33 34
SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
VTS-3 Shift Controller - Operation: The shift
EST-37 Automatic Shift Control controller has 3 positions the lever can rest in,
The EST-37 transmission is equipped with an Forward, Neutral and Reverse. Within each of these
electronic control unit (ECU) which continually positions, the gear can be changed by pushing the
monitors the transmission and shift system electrical lever to the right (+) to upshift or to the left (-) to
components and warns the operator when a problem downshift. In the Neutral position, this can be used to
develops. It also takes action to prevent damage to the preselect the starting gear (the default being 2nd
transmission, and provides the serviceman with gear).
diagnostic capabilities so that problems can be
corrected quickly and easily. The shift controller has a 'Function' button on the top
of the lever which is used to switch between automatic
When a fault occurs, a two digit error code will be and manual modes. Press the function button from
displayed on the LCD display on the dash panel. The 'NEUTRAL' and move the lever forward to select
error code is also recorded in the transmission ECU, automatic mode, when driving normal upshifting and
and can be accessed by the serviceman by plugging downshifting will occur. If required, a gear can be held
in a data reader to extract information relating to the in manual mode by pressing the function button once,
fault. The error code recorded in the ECU memory will to resume full automatic mode the function button
remain until it is erased by a technician. should be pressed again. Manual gears can also be
selected by pushing the lever to the left for lower gears
If a major fault is detected, it is the operators or to the right for higher gears, again by pressing the
responsibility to shut down the machine as soon as it function button once automatic mode will be resumed.
is safe to do so. The machine should not be restarted
until the fault has been diagnosed and corrected. Note: The transmission will only allow gearshifting
when the predetermined values have been reached.
Refer to 'EST-37 Trouble Shooting' table for a list of
fault codes and checks. Note: There is no shift inhibitor in the gear shift
control, therefore, no resistance would be felt while
The EST-37 transmission control has been designed moving through the gear ranges.
to provide the driver with maximum operational
flexibility by allowing the choice of automatic or manual The gear lever housing sends a signal to the electronic
gear selection to optimize vehicle performance under control unit, which in turn will only allow the engine to
all operating conditions. be started when the gear lever is in the 'NEUTRAL'
position. The gear shift lever must always be placed in
The transmission provides six forward gears, three 'NEUTRAL' and the parking brake applied when
reverse gears and a neutral position. The gear starting the engine, or whenever the machine is left
positions are indicated on the LCD display located on unattended.
the dash panel. The transmission will only operate in
the gear selected by the operator in the manual range, When shifting from 'NEUTRAL' to start from a
or, when the lever is in the automatic range, shifts will standstill, or to reverse direction, decelerate the engine
occur automatically between 1st and 6th gear, to idle speed before selecting the proper gear. When
depending on operating requirements. The reverse 'REVERSE' is selected, the 'Reverse Alarm' sounds
gears 1st through 3rd are manual mode only. and the 'Reverse Light' illuminates to warn personnel
to the rear of the machine that reverse gear has been
WARNING During reversing operations it is recommended to
Before any welding is done on a machine reduce engine speed, use only 1st or 2nd gear and
equipped with an EST-37 shift system, disconnect never exceed 10 km/h (6.2 mile/h).
battery earth cable, battery supply cable alternator
earth cables, alternator supply positive cables
and electrical connections at the ECU to avoid
damage to electrical components. Turn off battery
master switch to isolate the batteries before
disconnecting any components.
SM 1965 4-00 7
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM - 1828 SM - 2335
DOWN 1 2 3
Fig. 6 - Accelerator Load Ranges and Kickdown Position Fig. 7 - Dashboard Display
The electronic control system distinguishes between A dashboard display is provided which indicates gear
the throttle position (or load ranges) depending on the selected and driving direction as follows (See Fig. 7):
governor position (injection pump). On a light throttle
opening, the transmission will give earlier upshifts and Manual Mode - When driving with shift selector in
later downshifts than when operating at full throttle. manual range, the bars only are shown in position 1,
and, driving direction and gear selected are indicated
A kickdown facility (See Fig. 6), which can be used in positions 2 and 3.
when automatic mode is selected, allows for the
possibility of selecting a lower gear by pressing down Automatic Mode - When driving with shift selector in
fully on the throttle pedal and holding. This can be automatic range, a full display of bars and arrows are
used to provide a downshift on demand provided that shown in position 1, and, driving direction and gear
the vehicle speed is within the range allowable. That selected are indicated in positions 2 and 3.
is, the vehicle is not travelling at a speed that would
result in the engine overspeeding in the lower gear. Under certain conditions the transmission may start to
When driving with kickdown, the transmission will give 'hunt' between gears when in automatic mode. The
earlier downshifts and later upshifts. To disengage the transmission changes up and down between two
transmission kickdown, release the throttle pedal and gears at short intervals because there is not sufficient
allow it to return to a light throttle position. power to sustain driving in the higher gear, but is
sufficient for upshifting from the lower gear. By using
When operating in automatic range with the display the shift display, it can be established which gears are
indicating that the transmission has downshifted to 2nd involved and in these circumstances the lower gear
gear, there are two options for providing a further should be selected using the shift control lever.
downshift as conditions indicate. Automatic mode should be reselected at the earliest
1. 1st gear can be manually selected by pushing the
shift lever to the left. During machine operation, watch for wide deviations
from normal readings on the transmission oil
2. Kickdown can be selected from 2nd automatic, temperature gauge. If the gauge shows the oil
when the transmission will downshift to 1st gear, temperature rising above the green zone during
depending upon vehicle speed. normal operation, or above the yellow zone during
retarder operation, the machine must be stopped and
When the kickdown is released the transmission will inspected for external oil leakage. If no leaks are
upshift to 2nd automatic, provided that the forward found, shift to 'NEUTRAL' and operate the engine at
speed has increased sufficiently to allow this to 1 200 - 1 500 rev/min. If the transmission oil
happen, and that the shift lever is in the automatic temperature does not decrease into the green zone
mode. within 2 or 3 minutes, the cause of the overheating
should be corrected before the machine is operated
8 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
Note: In cold weather, the transmission oil should be
warmed up by running the engine at idle speed with WARNINGS
the gear selector in neutral, since the system will not
Never allow the machine to coast with the
operate satisfactorily if the oil is too cold.
transmission in 'NEUTRAL'.
When temporarily stopped, such as for yielding the When running down a gradient the engine
right-of-way to a loaded machine, the transmission can speed should not be allowed to drop below
be left in gear and the machine held stationary with the 1 200 rev/min, at which point, lockup would
service brakes. disengage preventing retarder operation.
In the event of a loss of electric power to the
When stopped for a more extended period with the
gear shift control, the transmission will
engine left running, shift to 'NEUTRAL' to avoid
automatically shift to 'NEUTRAL'. If this
unnecessary heat buildup, and apply the parking
occurs, stop the machine using the service
brakes and apply the parking brake. Do not
operate until the fault has been repaired.
Always select 'NEUTRAL' and apply the
parking brake before leaving the operators
Always select the correct drive direction and seat.
gear before releasing the parking brake.
The retarder will automatically disengage when
the oil temperature reaches 150 C (302 F),
unless an engine overspeed condition exists.
SM 1965 4-00 9
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
The AEB-Starter is a tool to start the AEB (automatic filling parameter adjustment) of ergopower transmissions
with ease. Connect AEB-Starter to plug X25 located below dash adjacent to TCU.
10 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM 1965 4-00 11
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
12 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM 1965 4-00 13
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
14 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM 1965 4-00 15
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
16 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM 1965 4-00 17
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
18 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM 1965 4-00 19
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
20 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM 1965 4-00 21
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
8.1 Actuator:
P (power supply)
1 2 Actuator / Sensor
C (chassis)
22 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
SM - 2480
12 13 7
12 12 6
10 10 1
2 14
15 1
8. Disconnect all drivelines connected to the 13. Disconnect air line from transmission retarder port
transmission and secure clear of the transmission. fitting. Cap line end and fitting to prevent entry of dirt.
Refer to Section 130-0010, FRONT & REAR
DRIVELINES. 14. Identify and tag oil filter hose assemblies
(2 & 3, Fig. 9) to aid in installation. Disconnect hose
9. Identify and tag hydraulic lines at the main hydraulic assemblies (2 & 3, Fig. 9) and cap open ends and
pump to aid in installation. Disconnect hydraulic lines adaptors (1, Fig. 9) and elbow (4, Fig. 9) to prevent
and cap lines and ports to prevent entry of dirt. entry of dirt.
10. Remove main hydraulic pump from transmission 15. Identify and tag diagnostic hose assemblies
PTO. Refer to Section 230-0050, MAIN HYDRAULIC (6, 7 & 8, Fig. 9) to aid in installation. Disconnect tube
PUMP. assemblies (6, 7 & 8, Fig. 9) and cap open ends and
elbow (5, Fig. 9), adaptor (12, Fig. 9) and tee piece
11. Identify and tag oil cooler lines at the transmission (13, Fig. 9) to prevent entry of dirt.
retarder to aid in installation. Disconnect both lines and
cap lines and ports to prevent entry of dirt. Refer to 16. Remove mounting hardware securing body control
Section 210-0060, TRANSMISSION OIL COOLER. valve bracket to the RH frame rail and ease bracket
towards the wheel to allow clearance for transmission
12. Identify and tag air lines connected to retarder removal.
solenoid, differential lock solenoid and pressure
reducing valve mounted on front bracket assembly (1).
SM 1965 4-00 23
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
17. Remove locknut (20), bolt (18), washer (19) and (7) from the transmission. Remove isolation mount (8)
clamp (17) securing dipstick tube (15) assembly to from LH bracket (7) and replace if required.
bracket (16). Remove screws (23), dipstick tube (15)
assembly and gasket (24) from the transmission. 4. Remove bolts (10), lockwashers (9) and RH bracket
(13) from the transmission. Remove isolation mount
18. Disconnect all clips securing lines and cables to (8) from RH bracket (13) and replace if required.
the transmission which are not removed with the
transmission assembly. 5. If required, identify and tag electrical connections to
engine speed sensor, output speed sensor, central
19. Attach suitable lifting equipment to transmission gear train sensor and turbine speed sensor (5, 6, 7 &
lifting eyes and raise lifting equipment to take up the 8, Fig. 2) and remove sensors from the transmission.
6. If required, identify and tag electrical connections to
20. Remove locknut (5), hardened washer (14), bolt oil temperature sender (gauge) (9, Fig. 2) and retarder
(6) and snubbing washer (3) securing LH bracket (7) oil temperature sender (1, Fig. 2) and remove from the
to frame mounts. top of the transmission.
21. Remove locknut (5), hardened washer (14), bolt 7. Refer to transmission manufacturers service
(6) and snubbing washer (3) securing RH bracket (13) manual if transmission service or repair is required.
to frame mounts.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
otherwise specified. otherwise specified.
1. Remove mounting hardware securing retarder Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques
solenoid, differential lock solenoid and pressure specified to standard torques listed in Section
reducing valve to front bracket assembly (1). Remove 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE
items from front bracket assembly (1). SPECIFICATIONS.
2. Remove bolts (12), lockwashers (11) and front 1. If removed, install oil temperature sender (gauge)
bracket assembly (1) from the transmission. (9, Fig. 2) and retarder oil temperature sender
(9, Fig. 2) in top of the transmission. Tighten electrical
3. Remove bolts (10), lockwashers (9) and LH bracket connection securely.
24 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
2. If removed, install engine speed sensor, output 2. Lubricate rear isolation mounts (8) with water or a
speed sensor, central gear train sensor and turbine suitable rubber lubricant and install in brackets
speed sensor (5, 6, 7 & 8, Fig. 2) in the transmission (7 & 13), with spigots to the underside of the brackets.
as shown in Fig. 2. Tighten electrical connections
securely. 3. Attach suitable lifting equipment to transmission
lifting eyes and carefully position the transmission
3. Apply Loctite Activator 'T' and Loctite 638 to bolts assembly in the frame. Take care to avoid snagging
(10). Secure LH bracket (7) and RH bracket (13) to the any lines, harnesses or components attached to the
transmission with bolts (10) and lockwashers (9). transmission.
Tighten bolts (10) to a torque of 410 Nm (302 lbf ft).
4. Secure rear mounting brackets (7 & 13) to frame
4. Secure front bracket assembly (1) to the mounts with bolts (6), snubbing washers (3), hardened
transmission with bolts (12) and lockwashers (11). washers (14) and locknuts (5), as shown in Fig. 1.
Tighten bolts (12) to a torque of 225 Nm (166 lbf ft). Tighten bolts (6) to a torque of 265 Nm (195 lbf ft).
5. Secure retarder solenoid, differential lock solenoid 5. Secure front bracket assembly (1) to frame
and pressure reducing valve to front bracket mounts with bolts (6), snubbing washers (3), washers
assembly (1) with mounting hardware removed during (4) and locknuts (5), as shown in Fig. 1. Tighten bolts
disassembly. (6) to a torque of 300 Nm (220 lbf ft).
SM 1965 4-00 25
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
14. Remove blanking caps and connect air lines to 27. Check for correct operation of the transmission,
retarder solenoid, differential lock solenoid and shift selector and warning lights.
pressure reducing valve mounted on front bracket
assembly (1), as identified at removal.
15. Remove blanking caps from transmission oil cooler
lines and retarder ports and connect oil cooler lines. Periodic Inspections
Refer to Section 210-0060, TRANSMISSION OIL For easier inspection, the transmission should be kept
COOLER. clean. Make periodic checks for loose mounting bolts
and leaking air and oil lines. Check the condition of
16. Install main hydraulic pump on transmission PTO electrical harnesses and connections regularly.
and secure with mounting hardware removed during
removal. Refer to Section 230-0050, MAIN Transmission breather (10, Fig. 2) should be checked
HYDRAULIC PUMP. on a regular basis, and as frequently as necessary,
depending on operating conditions. A badly corroded
17. Remove blanking caps and connect hydraulic lines or plugged breather restricts proper breathing and
to the main hydraulic pump, as identified at removal. causes a buildup of condensation and subsequent oil
18. Connect all drivelines to the transmission and
secure with mounting hardware removed during
removal. Refer to Section 130-0010, FRONT & REAR Oil Level Check
19. Prior to installing the cab, ensure that all connections WARNING
to the transmission, other than cab connections, are When checking the oil level, be sure that the
connected securely and properly clipped. parking brake is applied and all road wheels
are securely blocked.
20. Install the cab assembly on the front frame. Refer
to Section 260-0010, CAB AND MOUNTING. Check the transmission oil level and add oil if low,
every 10 hours/daily. Use only oil specified in
21. Connect transmission harness at the cab floor and Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM.
earth strap between LH side of the transmission and
the frame. Because the transmission oil cools, lubricates and
transmits hydraulic power it is important that the
22. Fill hydraulic tank with hydraulic oil specified in proper oil level be maintained at all times. If the oil
Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Refer to level is too low, the converter and clutches will not
Section 230-0040, HYDRAULIC TANK for fill level and receive an adequate supply of oil. If the oil level is too
procedure. high, the oil will aerate and the transmission will
overheat. It is absolutely necessary that the oil put into
23. Fill transmission with engine oil specified in the transmission is clean.
Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Check
the oil level as described under 'Oil Level Check'. Cold Oil Level Check
This check is made only to determine if the
24. Connect battery cables to battery terminal posts transmission contains sufficient oil for safe starting.
(ground cable last). Make sure there is some oil showing on dipstick
(25, Fig. 1).
25. Turn the battery master switch to the 'On' position,
start the engine and make an operational check of all Hot Oil Level Check
lines and electrical connections disconnected during 1. Position the vehicle on a level work area, apply the
removal. Check for leaks and tighten lines and fittings parking brake and block all road wheels securely.
as required.
2. With the transmission in neutral and the engine
26. Ensure parking brake is applied, disconnect running, allow the machine to idle until normal
steering lock bar and secure in the 'Stowed' position. operating temperature of 80 C (176 F) is achieved.
Remove wheel blocks from all road wheels. Transmission oil pressure gauge on the dash should
show a steady reading.
26 SM 1965 4-00
Transmission - Transmission and Mounting
Section 120-0010
3. With parking brake applied, foot on service brake, The internal filter and finger magnet at the lower front
engine idling and transmission operating at normal left hand of the sump should be removed and cleaned
temperature, select each gear position in turn. Allow with mineral spirits at each oil and filter change. Metal
the transmission to remain in each gear for 5 - 10 particles in the oil (except for the minute particles
seconds. normally trapped in the oil filters) indicate damage has
occurred in the transmission. When these particles are
4. Return gear selector to neutral and, with the engine found in the filters, the cause must be established and
idling, check the oil level on dipstick (25, Fig. 1). Oil rectified immediately to prevent damage to the
level should be up to, but not over, the upper mark on transmission.
the dipstick. Add oil if low.
At each oil change, examine the used oil for evidence
of dirt or water. A normal amount of condensation will
Oil and Filter Change emulsify in the oil during transmission operation.
After the first 100 hours of operating a new or rebuilt However, if there is evidence of water or engine
transmission, the transmission oil and filter cartridges coolant in the oil, the cause must be established and
(16, Fig. 8) should be changed. Internal filter and rectified immediately to prevent damage to the
finger magnet at the lower front left hand of the sump transmission.
should be removed and cleaned.
* * * *
SM 1965 4-00 27
DRIVELINES - Front and Rear Drivelines
Section 130-0010
SM - 2010
2 2
3 1
10 10
5 7 7
10 4 10 9 8 6
The function of the driveline is to transmit rotating Note: Extra care should be taken when handling the
power from one point to another in a smooth and drivelines since chips, dents, burrs or deformity on any
continuous action while allowing a degree of rotating mass creates vibration and excessive wear
movement or misalignment of the components it during any operation.
There are three driveline assemblies installed between
The drivelines must operate through constantly various components in the tractor frame as follows:
changing relative angles between the components
they are mounted to and must also be capable of Driveline assembly (1) is connected between the
changing length while transmitting torque. engine drive and transmission input drive.
A typical driveline consists of universal joints which Driveline assembly (4) is connected between the front
allow some misalignment and permit the driveline to axle drive flange and transmission final drive.
pivot in any direction, and, a light rigid hollow slip yoke
and splined shaft assembly forming a slip joint. Driveline assembly (6) connects the rear final drive of
the transmission to the articulation and oscillation
The slip joint accommodates length variations pivot.
SM - 1441
6 7 5 6
3 4 2 3
1 - Capscrew
2 - Driveline Assembly 4 - Shaft Seal 6 - Cross Assembly
3 - Cross Assembly 5 - Driveline Assembly 7 - Shaft Seal
2. Apply Loctite 243 to the threads of capscrews (9) 14. Place the battery master switch in the 'On'
and secure cross assemblies (7) to its mating surfaces position, ensure the parking brake is applied and start
with capscrews (9). Tighten capscrews (9) to a torque the engine. Remove wheel blocks from all road
of 153 Nm (113 lbf ft). wheels.
MAINTENANCE With the pry bar, check the universal joints for play. If
Every 500 hours, check the universal joints for wear loose, replace the universal joints. Check the splines
and replace if required. at the slip joint and replace the yoke if excessively
Periodic Inspection
Use a small pry bar to check the companion flange
yokes for looseness. If loose, drop one end of the SERVICE TOOLS
driveline and twist the yoke to check the backlash There are no special tools required for the procedures
between the splines and yokes. Replace any yoke that outlined in this section. Refer to Section 300-0070,
does not fit snugly. SERVICE TOOLS, for part numbers of general service
tools and adhesives required. These tools and
adhesives are available from your dealer.
* * * *
Note: Never engage or disengage the Differential 8. Support the weight of the thru-drive differential and
Lock when moving or when the wheels are spinning. countershaft case assembly with suitable lifting
equipment. Remove bolts (50 & 74) securing
countershaft case (49) to differential housing (73) and
REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION carefully remove countershaft case (49) assembly
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. clear of differential housing (73).
2. Apply the parking brake and switch off the engine. Note: Use sealing compound between the axle
housing and differential housing mounting faces.
3. Block all road wheels, place the steering lock bar in
the 'Locked' position and the battery master switch in Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
the 'Off' position. in Section 300-0080, AXLE BOLT AND NUT TORQUE
4. Drain the gear oil out of the axle housing and both
planetaries into a suitable container. Add gear oil of the type specified in Section 300-0020,
LUBRICATION SYSTEM, through the differential filler/
5. Remove the planetary assemblies and axle shafts level hole until the oil is level with the bottom of the
from the axle housing. Note from which side the long filler/level hole. Fill the planetary assemblies up to the
'Oil Level Check Line'.
SM 1971 4-00 1
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
SM - 250
2 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
SM - 252
SM 1971 4-00 3
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
3. Index mark cover (3, Fig. 2) and housing (11, Fig. 2).
Remove bolts (1, Fig. 2) and lockwashers (2, Fig. 2)
and lift off cover.
6. Remove the other side gear (8, Fig. 2), thrust ring SM - 1111
(7, Fig. 2), two internally splined discs (6, Fig. 2), two
externally splined discs (5, Fig. 2) and thrust washer
(4, Fig. 2) from housing (11, Fig. 2).
10. Remove castle nut (3), drive flange (1), dust cover
(2) and seal ring (5) from differential case half (14).
4 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
13. With a bearing puller, pull ball bearing (10) off the
bearing journal of differential case half (14).
SM - 1114 14. Index mark differential case halves (14 & 20).
Remove bolts (13) from differential case half (14) and
separate the differential case halves. Remove thrust
washer (15), side gear (16), thrust washers (17),
pinion gears (18) and spider (19). Refer to Fig. 8.
SM - 1115 15. Remove bolts (45) from shifter fork lock pins (44).
Push down on piston (36) and remove shifter fork lock
pins (44) with seal rings (46) from differential housing
(4) as shown in Fig. 9. Remove and discard seal rings
SM - 1116 16. Remove shifter fork (23) with thrust blocks (24),
piston (36) with centring ring (37) and spring (38) from
differential housing (4). Also remove shift collar (21).
Refer to Fig. 10.
SM 1971 4-00 5
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
17. Unlock slotted nut (86) and remove it from the SM - 1117
threaded end of differential side gear (22) as shown in
Fig. 11. With a soft drift and hammer, drive differential
side gear (22) from countershaft case (49). Remove
inner race of tapered bearing (85). Inner race of
tapered bearing (25) will come out with differential side
gear (22). Remove spacing ring (47). If necessary, pull
the inner race of tapered bearing (25) from differential
side gear (22).
21. Unlock and remove nut (54) from pinion gear (61)
shaft. With the press set shown in Fig. 15, press pinion
gear (61) out of countershaft case (49). Remove Fig. 12 - Removing Bolts
spacing ring (56) from the shaft end of pinion gear
SM - 1119
23. Press pinion gear (61) out of gear (57) and bearing
retaining bush (58) as shown in Fig. 16. Drive roller
bearing (60) out of the bearing retaining bush and
remove shim (59).
25. Remove seal retainer (78) and pull shaft seal (79)
from axle housing. Remove snap rings (80) and drive
ball bearing (81) from the axle housing.
6 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
The importance of careful and thorough inspection
cannot be overstressed. Thorough inspection and
necessary replacement of parts now may eliminate
costly and avoidable trouble later.
SM - 1122
Note: If either ring gear or pinion gear is defective,
both gears must be replaced, because they are
serviced only as a matched set. Make sure the ring
gear and pinion gear have the same mating numbers.
SM 1971 4-00 7
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
Dimension 'A' 164.2 mm (6.40 in)
+ Dimension 'B' 25.75 mm (1.00 in)
= 189.95 mm (7.40 in)
- Bearing width 37.05 mm (1.45 in)
Dimension 'X' = 152.90 mm (5.95 in)
8 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
SM - 1162 10. Thread nut (54) on pinion gear (61) shaft. Tighten
nut (54) to a torque of 750 Nm (550 lbf ft). Refer to
Fig. 23.
SM 1971 4-00 9
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
12. Place spur gear (48) in countershaft case (49). It SM - 1131
will be necessary to mesh this gear with gear (57)
already installed. Refer to Fig. 25.
10 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
SM - 1124 16. Thread slotted nut (86) onto the threaded end of
differential side gear (22). Tighten slotted nut (86) to a
torque of 550 Nm (400 lbf ft). Refer to Fig. 29.
SM - 1125 18. Mesh shift collar (21) with differential side gear
(22) splines. Refer to Fig. 31.
SM - 1126 19. Assemble thrust blocks (24) to shifter fork (23) and
install in differential housing (4). Thrust blocks fit into
shift collar (21) groove. Refer to Fig. 32.
SM 1971 4-00 11
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
20. Place 'U' section ring (35) on piston (36) OD. Slide SM - 1127
centring ring (37) and spring (38) on the piston stem.
Insert the assembled piston into its bore in differential
housing (4). Be sure the piston stem makes contact
with shifter fork (23). Refer to Fig. 33.
21. Place new seal rings (46) on the ends of shifter SM - 1128
fork lock pins (44) and insert them into differential
housing (4) bores. To facilitate assembly, push shifter
piston (36) down slightly. Bolt in place with bolts (45).
Tighten bolts (45) to a torque of 42 Nm (30 lbf ft).
Refer to Fig. 34.
22. If limit disc (33), filter element (32) and plug (31) SM - 1129
were removed from cover (34), reinstall them. Install
the cover on differential housing (4) and fasten with
bolts (29) and lockwashers (30). Tighten bolts (29) to a
torque of 42 Nm (30 lbf ft). Refer to Fig. 35.
12 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
SM - 1142 24. Place side gear (16) into differential case half (14).
Refer to Fig. 37.
SM - 1143 25. Install pinion gears (18) and thrust washers (17) on
spider (19) arms. Be sure the thrust washer notches
are properly positioned on the pinion gears. Install the
assembled spider in differential case half (14). Refer to
Fig. 38.
SM - 1144 26. With a dial indicator gauge, check pinion gear (18)
backlash as shown in Fig. 39. Backlash should be
between 0.15 - 0.2 mm (0.00585 - 0.0078 in).
SM - 1145 27. Align the index marks and place second differential
case half (20) on top of the assembled differential case
half (14). Bolt the two case halves together with bolts
(13). Tighten bolts (13) to a torque of 120 Nm
(90 lbf ft). Refer to Fig. 40.
SM 1971 4-00 13
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
28. Install differential assembly (13 thru 20) into the SM - 1146
bore of differential housing (4) as shown in Fig. 41. Be
sure the teeth on differential case half (20) mesh with
shift collar (21) teeth.
14 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
SM - 1150 32. Using a seal driver, install shaft seal (6) in bearing
flange (8) with the seal lip facing down. Refer to Fig.
SM - 1152 34. Measure the distance from bearing flange (8) face
to ball bearing (10) contact face as shown in Fig. 47.
This is dimension 'B'. e.g. 6.5 mm (0.240 in).
36. Install dust cover (2) and seal ring (5) on the
splined end of drive flange (1). Align the drive flange
splines with the internal splines in differential case half
(14) and install the drive flange into the differential
case assembly. Thread castle nut (3) onto the
threaded end of differential case half (14). Tighten
Fig. 48 - Installing Bearing Flange castle nut (3) to a torque of 1 200 Nm (885 lbf ft).
SM 1971 4-00 15
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
37. If removed, install differential lock nut (39) and bolt SM - 1154
(40). Coat the bolt threads with Loctite 270. Actuate
the differential lock with compressed air while
threading the bolt with lock nut in differential housing
(4) until contact is made. After contact is made, turn
adjusting bolt (40) in approximately 1/3 turn and lock in
position with lock nut (39). Refer to Fig. 49.
44. Install one side gear (8, Fig. 2) into thrust ring
(7, Fig. 2) and make sure the side gear splines into the
two internally splined discs (6, Fig. 2). Fig. 51 - Installing Shaft and Pinion Gears
46. Install other side gear (8, Fig. 2) and other thrust
ring (7, Fig. 2) flat side up. Refer to Figs. 52 & 53.
16 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
SM - 881 48. Determine the end play between the discs and the
housing as shown in Figs. 54 & 55.
SM 1971 4-00 17
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
50. Place cover (3, Fig. 2) on housing (11, Fig. 2), SM - 884
cover threads of bolts (1, Fig. 2) with Loctite 270 and
fasten cover and housing together as shown in
Fig. 57. Tighten bolts (1, Fig. 2) to a torque of 110 Nm
(82 lbf ft).
52. Place the two outer races of tapered bearings (68) SM - 1160
on the inner races and install the differential assembly
into differential housing (73). Install bearing cap (62),
washers (64) and bolts (63). Tighten bolts (63) to a
torque of 245 Nm (180 lbf ft). Thread in adjusting nuts
(67) and displace the differential to obtain a backlash
of 0.25 - 0.35 mm (0.010 - 0.014 in). Refer to Fig. 59.
54. Tighten adjusting nut (67) opposite ring gear (71) two
notches in order to obtain the bearing pre-load of
3 - 4 Nm (115 - 155 lbf ft), then recheck the backlash.
Fig. 60 - Checking Backlash
18 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
55. Ring gear runout is measured by mounting a dial SM - 893
indicator gauge on the backside of the ring gear.
Carefully rotate the ring gear and read the dial
indicator gauge. Maximum allowable run out is
0.08 mm (0.003 in).
57. After all adjustments are made and the gear tooth
pattern is correct, lock adjusting nuts (67) with cotter Fig. 61 - Coast Side (Concave)
pins (66). Lock bearing cap bolts (63) in place with
lockwire (65). SM - 894
60. Insert dust shield (77) over drive flange shaft (76)
and insert drive flange shaft through axle housing,
shaft seal (79) and ball bearing (81). Install shim (82)
over drive flange shaft (76) and retain with circlip (83).
SM 1971 4-00 19
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
SM - 896 SM - 899
SM - 897 SM - 900
Fig. 65 - Pinion Distance Must Be Decreased Fig. 68 - Pinion Distance Must Be Increased
SM - 898
20 SM 1971 4-00
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
Noises and vibrations originating in the tyres, WARNING
transmission, planetaries and drivelines are easily To prevent personal injury and property
transmitted and may be erroneously attributed to the damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking
differential. Therefore, all possible sources of noise materials and lifting equipment are properly
should be investigated before the differential is taken secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
apart. safely.
Vibration Broken gear teeth, worn bearings Replace gear or bearings
Continual noise Worn gear or bearings Replace gear or bearings
Noise on drive Ring or pinion gear adjustment tight Adjust
Noise on coast Bearings damaged Replace bearings
Ring and pinion gear adjustment loose Adjust
Excessive pinion gear end play Adjust
SM 1971 4-00 21
Centre Axle - Differential Drive Head
Section 150-0020
* * * *
22 SM 1971 4-00
REAR AXLE GROUP - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
SM - 849
SM 1969 4-00 1
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
SM - 850
1- Housing
2- Thrust Washers 5 - Thrust Ring 8 - Differential Axle
3- Externally Splined Discs 6 - Side Gears 9 - Cover
4- Internally Splined Discs 7 - Pinion Gears 10 - Bolts
2 SM 1969 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
6. Identify the relationship of the driveline flange and Add gear oil of the type specified in Section 300-0020,
differential pinion flange with punch marks. LUBRICATION SYSTEM, through the differential filler/
level hole until the oil is level with the bottom of the
7. Disconnect the driveline from the differential drive filler/level hole. Fill the planetary assemblies up to the
flange. The driveline can be removed if it is convenient 'Oil Level Check Line'.
to do so.
SM 1969 4-00 3
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
SM - 851
4 SM 1969 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 3.
SM - 855 4. Remove bolts (23) and lock plate (24) from bearing
caps (22) as shown in Fig. 7.
SM 1969 4-00 5
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
5. Punch mark bearing caps (22) and differential SM - 856
housing (14) as shown in Fig. 8. Loosen adjusting nuts
(10). Remove bolts (20), washers (19) and bearing
caps (22).
6 SM 1969 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
SM - 861 10. Punch mark cover (26) and housing (33) as shown
by the arrows in Fig. 13, then lift off the cover.
12. Remove four pinion gears (31) and axle (32) out of
housing (33).
13. Remove other side gear (30), thrust ring (35), two
internally splined plates (29), two externally splined
Fig. 13 - Removing Cover plates (28) and thrust washer (27) from housing (33).
15. Remove cotter pin (1), slotted nut (2), washer (3)
and drive flange (4) from pinion gear (17).
SM - 863 16. Remove and discard pinion shaft seal (7) from
differential housing (14) as shown in Fig. 15.
SM 1969 4-00 7
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
17. Press pinion gear (17) out of differential housing SM - 864
(14) as shown in Fig. 16. Remove spacing washer (15).
18. With the special tool shown in Fig. 17 pull the inner SM - 865
race of the bearing off the pinion drive end.
8 SM 1969 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
SM - 866
(Straight edge +
gauge blocks) = 90.0 mm (3.543 in)
- Measured Value = 43.9 mm (1.728 in)
SM 1969 4-00 9
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
3. The arrow in Fig. 21 is pointing to a dimension SM - 869
etched on the face of pinion gear (17). For example
159.90 mm (6.295 in).
Shim Thickness = 0.80 mm (0.032 in) Fig. 21 - Dimension on Drive Pinion Face
10 SM 1969 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
SM - 876 10. If dust shield (6) was removed from drive flange (4),
press it back on the drive flange. Spline drive flange
(4) to pinion (17). Install slotted nut (2) and tighten to a
torque of 600 Nm (443 lbf ft). Check the rolling
resistance as shown in Fig. 28. Rolling resistance
should be 1.1 - 2.3 Nm (0.81 -1.70 lbf ft).
SM 1969 4-00 11
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
11. Remove slotted nut (2), pull off drive flange (4) and SM - 877
remove pinion gear (17) from differential housing (14).
Remove and measure the measuring ring with a
micrometer. The thickness of the compressed
measuring ring will be the thickness of spacing washer
21. Install the other side gear (30) and the other thrust
ring (35), flat side up, as shown in Figs. 31 and 32.
12 SM 1969 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
23. Determine the end play between the plates and the
housing as shown in Figs. 33 and 34.
SM 1969 4-00 13
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
27. Place outer races of roller bearings (11 & 12) on SM - 885
both differential ends. Using the special lifting tool
install ring gear (18) assembly into differential
housing (14), as shown in Fig. 37.
29. Align the index marks and install bearing caps (22) SM - 887
with washer (19) and bolts (20), as shown in Fig. 39.
Tighten bolts (20) to a torque of 295 Nm (218 lbf ft).
30. Thread both adjusting nuts (10) into bearing caps SM - 888
(22) as shown, until the yoke width is between
340 - 340.30 mm (13.386 - 13.400 in) diagonally
across the bearing cap lock pads, as shown in Fig. 40.
14 SM 1969 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
SM - 889 31. To check the backlash between ring gear (18) and
pinion gear (17), mount a dial indicator gauge at right
angles to the outer diameter of the ring gear tooth flank
as shown in Fig. 41. Rock the ring gear back and forth
being careful not to move the pinion gear. Backlash
should be 0.30 mm (0.012 in).
SM - 891 33. To check the tooth pattern of ring gear (18), coat
about twelve ring gear teeth with prussian blue, oiled
red lead or some other easily removed print or dye.
When the pinion is rotated, the paint is squeezed away
by the contact of the teeth, leaving bare areas the
exact size, shape and location of the contacts as
shown in Fig. 43.
SM - 892 34. After all adjustments and gear patterns are correct,
secure adjusting nut lock plates (24) in place with bolts
(23) and lockwire (21), as shown in Fig. 44.
SM 1969 4-00 15
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
SM - 893 SM - 896
SM - 894 SM - 897
16 SM 1969 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
SM - 898
SM - 899
SM - 900
SM 1969 4-00 17
Rear Axle Group - Differential Drive Head
Section 160-0020
Vibration Broken gear teeth Replace damaged gear
Excessive run-out of pinion or flanged case Disassemble, correct or replace faulty
Continual noise Bearing worn Replace worn parts
Gears damaged or worn Replace gears
Noise on drive Ring or pinion gear adjustment tight Adjust
Noise on coast Bearings damaged Replace bearings
Loose ring and pinion gear adjustment Adjust
Excessive pinion gear end play Adjust
Noise on turns Normal limited slip differential operation Use an EP oil with limited slip
additives. Refer to Section 300-0020,
Worn pinion gears or side gears Replace gears
Worn or damaged axles (spiders) Replace axles (spiders)
Loss of lubricant Oil seals worn Replace seals
Loose nuts or bolts Tighten nuts or bolts to correct torque
Cracked housing/case Repair or replace housing/case
* * * *
18 SM 1969 4-00
REAR AXLE GROUP - Axle Group (Hub)
Section 160-0030
SM - 1781
31 7 8
5 33
13 12
9 11
1 4
21 37
27 25
29 26
20 19
1 - Hub Carrier 29 - Slotted Nut
2 - Capscrew 11 - Wheel Bolt 20 - Retainer Ring 30 - Axle Housing
3 - Capscrew 12 - Wheel Nut 21 - Thrust Washer 31 - Brake Disc
4 - Washer 13 - Lockwasher 22 - Bolt 32 - Capscrew
5 -Nut 14 - Locking Plate 23 - 'O' Ring 33 - Washer
6 - Roller Bearing 15 - Lock Screw 24 - Plug Screw 34 - Split Pin
7 - Bearing Inner Race 16 - Ring Gear 25 - Driver 35 - Split Pin
8 - Bearing Outer Race 17 - Sun Gear Shaft 26 - Thrust Washer 36 - Shim
9 - Shaft Seal 18 - Planet Carrier 27 - Grooved Pin 37 - 'O' Ring
10 - Hub 19 - Planet Gear 28 - Axle Shaft 38 - Plug
SM 1968 4-00 1
Rear Axle Group - Axle Group (Hub)
Section 160-0030
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking
materials and lifting equipment are properly Fig. 2 - Jacking Planet Carrier Out Of Hub
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
SM - 1027
5. Jack up the axle and support with suitably placed 11. Remove bearing inner race (7) from hub carrier (1).
stands or timbers.
12. Lift out sun gear shaft (17) from planet carrier
6. Support tyre and rim assembly with a suitable sling (18) assembly. Remove retainer rings (20) and pull
and lifting device. Remove wheel nuts (12) and planet gears (19) from planet carrier (18). Remove
remove tyre and rim assembly from the machine. thrust washer (21).
Remove opposite road wheel in the same way.
13. Remove driver (25) from axle shaft (28). Remove
7. Place suitable containers under the differential and thrust washer (26) from grooved pins (27) on hub
both hubs (10). Remove differential drain plug and carrier (1). Pull axle shaft (28) from axle housing
drain oil from the differential. (30).
8. Rotate hubs (10) until plug screws (24) are at their 14. Remove the brake calliper. Refer to Section
165-0010, BRAKE PARTS - REAR.
2 SM 1968 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Axle Group (Hub)
Section 160-0030
SM - 1028 18. Remove shaft seal (9), roller bearing (6) and
bearing outer race (8) from hub (10) as shown in Fig. 5.
SM - 1029
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
Fig. 6 - Installing Wheel Bolts
1. Cover the mounting flange of axle housing (30)
with Loctite 574 sealing compound and line up the
15. Remove two lock screws (15) and locking plate (14) index mark on hub carrier (1) with the mark on axle
from ring gear (16). Remove slotted nut (29) from hub housing (30). Secure hub carrier (1) to axle housing
carrier (1) with the special tool as shown in Fig. 4. (30) with capscrews (2 & 3), washers (4), nuts (5)
Remove shims (36) from hub carrier (1). and slot pins (34 & 35). Tighten capscrews (2 & 3) to
a torque of 460 Nm (340 lbf ft).
16. Using suitable lifting equipment, remove ring gear
(16), then hub (10) assembly from hub carrier (1). 2. If removed, install new wheel bolts (11) on hub
(10) using the special tool shown in Fig. 6.
17. If necessary, remove capscrews (32), washers
(33) and brake disc (31) from hub (10). 3. Place brake disc (31) on hub (10) and secure with
capscrews (32) and washers (33). Tighten
capscrews (32) to a torque of 295 Nm (220 lbf ft).
SM 1968 4-00 3
Rear Axle Group - Axle Group (Hub)
Section 160-0030
4. Install roller bearing (6) in inner bore of hub (10). SM - 1031
Coat outer diameter of shaft seal (9) with Loctite 574
sealing compound and, with the seal lip facing down,
press shaft seal (9) into the bore of hub (10) with the
special tool shown in Fig. 7. Turn the hub over and
press bearing outer race (8) into the hub bore.
Formula to calculate F.
F = T/R
Adjust shim (36) thickness to achieve the correct
rolling resistance. If rolling torque not reached, select
a thinner shim (36). If rolling torque is exceeded,
select a thicker shim (36).
4 SM 1968 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Axle Group (Hub)
Section 160-0030
SM - 1035 15. Carefully slide axle shaft (28) through the bore of
hub carrier (1) until the axle shaft splines into the
differential side gears. Place thrust washer (26) onto
grooved pins (27) on hub carrier (1). Slide driver (25)
onto axle shaft (28).
Straight edge + gauge blocks = 100.00 mm (3.937 in)
Measured distance = 85.10 mm (3.350 in)
Dimension 'A' = 14.90 mm (0.587 in)
SM 1968 4-00 5
Rear Axle Group - Axle Group (Hub)
Section 160-0030
18. Remove sun gear shaft (17) from driver (25) and MAINTENANCE
position in planet carrier (18) in mesh with planet Proper lubrication of the axle group is essential if
gears (19). axles are to deliver the service intended. Section
300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM gives full
19. Coat the face of planet carrier (18) with Loctite information on the proper lubrication intervals and the
574 sealing compound. Install planet carrier (18) lubricant which should be used.
assembly into hub (10) and secure with bolts (22).
Tighten bolts (22) to a torque of 190 Nm (140 lbf ft).
20. Place a new 'O' ring (23) on plug screw (24) and The special tools referenced throughout this section
thread assembled plug screw into the outer face of are available from your dealer. Refer to Section
planetary carrier (18). Tighten plug screw (24) to a 300-0070, SERVICE TOOLS, for part numbers of
torque of 80 Nm (60 lbf ft). general service tools and sealants required.
6 SM 1968 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Axle Group (Hub)
Section 160-0030
* * * *
SM 1968 4-00 7
REAR AXLE GROUP - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
SM - 1038
1 - Flanges
2 - 'O' Ring 5 - Wheel Rim 8 - Driver (if used)
3 - Bead Seat Band 6 - Valve Assembly 9 - Lock Washer
4 - Lock Ring 7 - Valve Cap 10 - Wheel Nut
SM 1970 4-00 1
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking
materials and lifting equipment are properly
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
2 SM 1970 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
4. Insert flat hooked end of pry bar into breaking slots INSPECTION
between bead seat band (3) and outer flange (1). See
Fig. 4. A pipe over the straight end of the pry bar will
increase leverage. Check the interior surface of the tyre to determine its
condition. Inspect for cuts or fabric breaks that have
5. Twist pry bar toward tyre to break bead. penetrated the tyre body. The casing should be
inspected closely for any sharp , pointed object that
6. A second pry bar may be inserted in the space may have penetrated the tyre body but is invisible from
between bead seat band (3) and outer flange (1). Twist the outside. All dust, dirt, water or other foreign matter
the second pry bar to maintain the space gained by the should be cleaned from the inside of tyre.
first pry bar.
Rim Assembly
7. Move the first pry bar around wheel rim (5), twisting
and following with the second pry bar, until the outer Overloading, improper tyre inflation, rough terrain, high
tyre bead is loose. speed, accidents, dirt accumulation, and corrosion all
tend to reduce the service life of rims and rim
8. Pry bead seat band (3) away from lock ring (4) by components. It is recommended that rims be
placing hooked end of pry bar in the groove of wheel inspected, as below, not less often than at every tyre
rim (5), between ends of lock ring (4), and prying up change and that, as the warranty limit approaches,
with the pry bar. Using two pry bars, as in Step 7, work consideration be given to periodic replacement.
completely around wheel rim (5).
The rim and its components are designed with built-in
9. Pry lock ring (4) out in the same manner by starting safety factors, to prevent the components from flying
at prying notch in wheel rim (5) assembly, and work all off with killing force during inflation. Check
the way around wheel rim (5) with two pry bars. components for cracks, bends, distortion, or other
damage. If damage is found, the component must be
10. Remove and discard 'O' ring (2, Fig. 1). replaced.
11. Remove lock ring (4) then pry out and remove bead
seat band (3). WARNING
Never mix components of one manufacturer's
12. Breaking slots are provided inside the rims. The rims with those of another. Using the rim base
inner bead may be broken as described in Steps 4 of one manufacturer with the lock ring of
through 8. If the tyre and rim assembly is on the another or vice versa is dangerous. The lock
vehicle, the following procedure may be used for ring of one may not fully engage with the lock
breaking the inner bead. ring groove of the other. Always consult the
rim manufacturer for proper matching and
13. Place jack between inner flange (6) and vehicle assembly instructions.
frame. Extend jack until tyre bead is broken. Continue
around the rim until tyre bead is broken at all points.
SM 1970 4-00 3
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
SM - 207
WARNING (cont.)
Also, use and servicing of damaged, worn out,
or improperly assembled rim assemblies is a
very dangerous practice. Failure to comply
with the above warnings could result in
explosions from tyre pressure causing serious
personal injury and property damage.
Clean all rust and dirt from the rim parts and wheel
and apply a coat of good grade primer paint. Allow the
paint to dry thoroughly before remounting tyre.
4 SM 1970 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
WARNING Do not charge batteries, either in or out of a
To prevent personal injury and property machine, near the air inlet of a compressor
damage, the tyre and rim assembly should be used for inflating tyres. Charging batteries
placed in a safety cage before inflating. If no produces highly explosive hydrogen gas
safety cage is available or tyre is on the which can be readily drawn into a nearby
machine, the tyre and rim assembly should be compressor inlet and pumped into the tyre.
wrapped with safety chains or with lash cables
before inflating. E.
Never exceed the specified concentration of
Even with these precautions remember that alcohol when adjusting the alcohol vaporizer,
air-blast is a potential hazard. Tyre inflation or adding alcohol to the auxiliary air tank,
should be carried out away from busy working used on machine air systems to prevent
areas. freezing or moisture condensate in below-
freezing temperatures. Excessive alcohol,
WARNING added to the machines air tanks in this
To avoid personal injury and property damage, manner can produce flammable vapours that
never stand or sit in front of a mounted tyre will be pumped into a tyre when this air
during tyre inflation. Use a clip-on air chuck supply is used for tyre inflation if the tyre
with a long hose and stand to one side while inflation kit is not equipped with a moisture
the tyre is being inflated. filter. Alcohol added to machine air systems
in recommended concentration to prevent
WARNING condensate freezing are below hazardous
To prevent personal injury and property levels for tyre inflation.
damage, always prevent flammable vapours
that could produce tyre explosions, from being F.
pumped into tyres during inflation, by Another source of hazardous flammable
observing the following precautions: vapours in tyres is the tyre bead lubricant.
Always use bead lubricants that do not
introduce flammable vapours into the tyre.
SM 1970 4-00 5
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
SM - 208 All machines whose tyres are factory inflated with dry
nitrogen gas will be identified by a decal on the body
or frame.
Fig. 6 - Typical Safety Cage DO NOT USE charging assembly, Part No.
9359489, for tyre inflation because this
assembly does not include a pressure
Inflation regulator, safety relief valve, and adequate
Note: Always use tyre inflation equipment with an air pressure gauging which is mandatory for tyre
filter that removes moisture from the air supply, when inflation purposes. Tyre volume is as much as
available, to prevent moisture corrosion of internal rim 90 times greater than the average accumulator
parts. volume and hence it takes very much longer to
inflate a tyre - up to 40 minutes or more for
1. Inflate tyre to 1 bar (15 lbf/in) initially to seat very large tyres.
components and tap lock ring lightly to ensure correct
seating. Visually check that all components are in Nitrogen gas cylinders used to inflate
place, then continue inflation observing all safety tyres are generally charged to approximately
precautions. (See Step 2). 152 bar (2 200 lbf/in2). A tyre blowout and/or
rim failure could occur if inflation equipment is
2. If the tyre is off the machine, place it in a safety not properly used. Proper nitrogen charging
cage after initially inflating to 1 bar (15 lbf/in) to seat equipment and personnel training for its use is
components. See Fig. 6. a must to avoid over inflation.
3. Inflate tyres to 5.2 bar (75 lbf/in) to seat beads and 1. A nitrogen tyre inflation kit is available from your
seal the 'O' ring, then adjust to the recommended dealer and consists of the following. Refer to Fig. 7.
inflation pressure.
a. Pressure regulator, 0 - 13 bar (0 - 200 lbf/in2), with
4. For recommended operating air pressure, refer to two dual pressure gauges.
the 'Tyre Inflation Pressures' table.
b. Safety relief valve, 8.6 bar (125 lbf/in), that will
assure an upper limit to the pressure available for tyre
Note: All Warnings and procedures under 'Tyre
Inflation' will apply, except for differences covered by c. A 15.2 m (50 ft) length of flexible hose with
this passage. interconnecting fittings. On the tyre end of the hose is
a large bore quick connect/disconnect clip-on chuck.
In certain environments it is recommended that tyres
be inflated with dry nitrogen gas, and that the resulting 2. The pressure regulator is connected to a nitrogen
oxygen content of the inflation does not exceed 5%. compressed gas cylinder available from local suppliers.
6 SM 1970 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
d. Connect clip-on chuck to the tyre valve. The tyre will WARNING
now inflate. Tyre pressure can be monitored by Whenever a machines tyre(s) is (are) exposed
observing the gauge at the pressure regulator. STAY to excessive heat such as a machine fire or
AWAY FROM THE TYRE. extremely hot brakes the hazard of a
subsequent violent tyre explosion must be
e. When desired inflation pressure has been achieved, recognized. All persons must avoid
back off the regulator or close the valve on the approaching the machine so as not to be
compressed gas cylinder. physically endangered in the event of an
explosion of the tyre and rim parts.
f. Remove the clip-on chuck and adjust the tyre
pressure with the tyre gauge in the usual manner.
SM 1970 4-00 7
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
SM - 1041
WARNING (cont.)
The machine should be moved to a remote AT LEAST AT LEAST
15 m (50 ft) 460 m (1 500 lbf ft)
area, but only when this can be done with
complete safety to the operator operating or
towing the machine. All other persons should
stay clear of the machine. The fire or
overheated brakes, wheel, etc. should be
extinguished or cooled from a safe distance.
Do not attempt to extinguish the fire or cool
the machine by use of hand-held fire
8 SM 1970 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
A recapped tyre has a new tread cured right over the Prevent Overloading
old tread surface. Off-highway machines are designed to carry a
maximum allowable payload. Excessive loading will
A retreaded tyre has the old tread removed entirely and overstress both the machine and tyres and shorten the
a new tread cured directly onto the body of the tyre. A life of both.
tyre can be recapped or retreaded if the cord body is
free of cuts, bruises and separation, and is thoroughly
sound, including previous repairs. Prevent Contact with Oil
Prevent tyre contact with petroleum products. Rubber
that is exposed to oil, gasoline, or grease becomes
TYRE CARE soft and spongy and deteriorates rapidly. Always avoid
To obtain maximum service from off-highway tyres, the driving machine through a puddle of gasoline, fuel oil,
following common-sense precautions should be lubricating oil, or grease. Never let a tyre stand in an
followed. oil or grease spot overnight.
Although it takes time and effort to maintain good haul The beads of tubeless tyres must be protected from
roads, the delay and cost of tyres and machine damage or a faulty air seal will result. Do not use
breakdowns caused by poor haul roads is many times hooks, cables, or chains in contact with the tyre beads
SM 1970 4-00 9
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
when lifting these tyres. If forklift trucks are used for 'O' rings are seals and should be carefully stored in a
handling, they should be equipped with broad, well- cool, dry place where they will not be injured or
rounded arms to distribute the load and prevent damaged.
damage to the tyre bead. When handling tyres with the
fork truck do not scrape the fork across the bead. Valve cores should also be stored in a cool, dry and
clean place.
Tubeless tyre rims perform an important function as
part of the assembly air seal. Proper care, therefore,
must be taken not to distort or mutilate the rim parts MAINTENANCE
because they must mate properly to form part of the Check tyre pressures daily, preferably before the
basic air chamber. Since the rim base and bead seat machine is placed in operation. Refer to 'Tyre Inflation
band are mating surfaces, distortion may prevent easy Pressures' table.
assembly as well as possibly resulting in no seal.
Every 50 hours of operation (weekly), torque tighten
Never drop, tumble, or roll rim parts. wheel rim nuts to 590 Nm (435 lbf ft).
If rim parts are stored outdoors, they should be given a Check tyres regularly and replace or repair if required.
protective coat of a good commercial primer.
10 SM 1970 4-00
Rear Axle Group - Wheel Rim and Tyre
Section 160-0050
Do not attempt repair of wheel components.
Twisted or damaged 'O' ring Replace 'O' ring (lubricate)
Tyre cuts and snags Repair tyre damage
Bead area awl holes Repair inner liner (preferred)
Leakage between tyre bead trim With tyre removed from rim:
Clean tyre beads in rim contact area
Clean rim with wire brush
Inspect 5 degree tapered bead seat band and the rim base in the bead
seating area to determine if the transverse weld trims are flat or concave.
Replace defective part(s).
Note: Weld trim should follow rim contour.
Mount tyre using a lubricant such as Murphy's Tyre and tube Mounting
Compound, or equivalent, on tyre beads and rim bead seat area.
* * * *
SM 1970 4-00 11
BRAKE PARTS - Brake Parts - Rear
Section 165-0010
SM - 048
Each calliper brake head assembly consists of a a. Measure original thickness of disc at outside
torque plate, two brake pads, one on each side of the diameter (this area is not contacted by brake pad
brake disc, and four brake pistons, two on each side friction material).
of the brake disc.
b. Measure thickness of disc at three points on the
The brake is actuated by hydraulic brake fluid brake pad friction material contact circumference and
entering the brake head through one of the bleeder determine the average disc thickness.
ports. The piston bores on each side of the torque
plate are interconnected by internal passages. c. Subtract 'b' from 'a'. If difference is 3 mm (0.12 in)
or greater, the disc must be replaced.
When the brake is actuated, the hydraulic pressure
forces the pistons against the brake pads which are, Note: Refer to Section 160-0030, AXLE GROUP
in turn, forced against each side of the brake disc, (HUB), for brake disc replacement instructions.
slowing or stopping the disc and wheel rotation.
SM 1962 4-00 1
Brake Parts - Brake Parts - Rear
Section 165-0010
SM - 049
BRAKE PAD REMOVAL AND 1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
INSTALLATION parking brake and switch off the engine.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2.
2. Block all road wheels, except the wheel to be
removed, and place the battery master switch in the
WARNINGS 'Off' position.
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking 3. Remove wheel from the machine following
materials and lifting equipment are properly instructions in Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM AND
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job TYRE.
4. Loosen bolts (2) securing large torque pins (3) at
To prevent personal injury and property the end of torque plate (16). It is not necessary to
damage, the procedure for removing tyre and loosen or remove the two smaller torque pins (5) at
rim assembly described in Section 160-0050, opposite end.
WHEEL RIM AND TYRE, must be strictly
followed. 5. Move the two unlocked torque pins (3) away from
brake disc (2, Fig. 1).
Keep brake fluid reservoir full at all times.
6. Remove dust cap (15) from bleeder valve (1) and
2 SM 1962 4-00
Brake Parts - Brake Parts - Rear
Section 165-0010
attach a bleeder hose to bleeder valve. Open bleeder BRAKE REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY
valve (1). Use a screwdriver or pry bar inserted Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2, unless
between brake disc (2, Fig. 1) and brake pads (4) to otherwise specified.
press pistons (11) back as far as possible, into the
piston bores of torque plate (16). Close bleeder valve.
7. Rotate brake pads (4) out of the opened end of To prevent personal injury and property
torque plate (16). damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking
materials and lifting equipment are properly
8. Install new brake pads (4) by placing friction secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
material next to the disc and rotating into position in safely.
torque plate (16).
To prevent personal injury and property
9. Push the two unlocked pins (3) towards the disc. damage, the procedure for removing tyre and
rim assembly described in Section 160-0050,
10. Thread the two loosened bolts (2) in until bolts WHEEL RIM AND TYRE, must be strictly
seat in grooves of torque pins (3). This can be followed.
checked by limited axial movement of pins as the
bolts are being seated. Tighten bolts (2) to a torque of 1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
30 - 38 Nm (22 - 28 lbf ft). parking brake and switch off the engine.
Note: Make sure torque pins (3 & 5) do not touch 2. Block all road wheels, except the wheel to be
brake disc (2, Fig. 1). If they do, loosen bolts (2) and removed, and place the battery master switch in the
adjust torque pins to clear disc by 1.5 - 3.0 mm 'Off' position.
(0.06 - 0.12 in). Check to make sure that bolts (2)
fully engage in torque pin grooves and retighten bolts. 3. Remove wheel from the machine following
instructions in Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM AND
11. Pump brake pedal until brake pads (4) contact TYRE.
brake disc (2, Fig. 1).
4. Remove hydraulic fluid inlet line at brake head
12. When new brake pads are installed on a machine, assembly. Plug line and brake head to prevent
the brake pad friction material should be burnished in ingress of dirt.
accordance with the following procedure to achieve
maximum braking performance: 5. Remove bolts (4, Fig. 1) and washers (5, Fig. 1)
from mounting at axle housing and remove brake
a. Drive vehicle at 8 - 30 km/h (5 - 20 mile/h) with head assembly to a clean working area.
brakes applied at just enough pressure to produce a
noticeable drag. Heavy smoke and foul odour from
the brake pad friction material is normal during this WARNING
procedure. Hydraulic fluid may cause irritation. Avoid
skin and eye contact with fluid.
b. Continue cycle until the brake disc achieves a
temperature of 315 - 370 C (600 - 700 F). A 6. Disassemble brake head assembly in sequence of
surface pyrometer applied to the disc after stopping index numbers in Fig. 2. Items (1, 2 & 3) may be left in
will determine temperature. torque plate (16) when servicing packings (13), seals
(10), backup rings (14), and boots (12) if desired.
c. Permit disc to cool to less than 95 C (200 F).
Note: Repair kits are available which include new
d. Repeat Steps a and b. boots (12), backup rings (14), packings (13) and
seals (10), in quantities sufficient to rebuild a calliper
e. Allow brake to cool to within 10 C (50 F) of brake head. Refer to vehicle parts book for repair kit
ambient temperature. part number. All parts included in a repair kit should
be replaced each time a brake head is rebuilt.
f. Repeat Steps a and b until full braking performance
(per applicable government regulations) is achieved.
SM 1962 4-00 3
Brake Parts - Brake Parts - Rear
Section 165-0010
7. Inspect brake pads (4) per Step 1 in 'General 7. Attach cover plate (8) to torque plate (16) and
Inspection' procedure. secure with bolts (6) and washers (7). Tighten bolts (6)
to a torque of 380 Nm (280 lbf ft).
8. Clean torque plate (16) making sure no solvent
remains in fluid passages or grooves. Inspect boot 8. When installing torque pins (3 & 5) and bolts (2)
(12) and seal (10) grooves, and land areas between make sure the groove in the pin is directly under the
grooves for damage or cracks. Minor nicks and bolt so the bolt can perform its locking and retaining
scratches may be blended with crocus cloth. Replace function.
torque plate (16) if corrosion is excessive or boot
(12) and seal (10) grooves are damaged, prohibiting Note: Lubricate torque pins (3 & 5) with a corrosion
proper rebuild of the brake head. resistant lubricant prior to installation to facilitate next
pin removal.
9. Inspect pistons (11) for minor scratches and nicks
and blend with crocus cloth. If piston (11) is badly 9. Inspect brake disc (2, Fig. 1), if worn, per
nicked or scratched, or if the chrome plate is worn instructions under 'General Inspection' in this section.
off, replace piston (11). Refer to Section 160-0030, AXLE GROUP (HUB) for
brake disc replacement instructions.
10. Torque pins (3 & 5) that are deeply grooved
should be replaced.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
ASSEMBLY otherwise specified.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2, unless
otherwise specified.
1. Lubricate seals (10), packings (13) and pistons To prevent personal injury and property
(11) with grease provided in seal kit or automotive damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking
brake fluid (SAE J 1703) or castor oil. Do not use materials and lifting equipment are properly
petroleum type oils or lubricants. secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
2. Install backup rings (14), packings (13) and boots
(12) in torque plate (16) piston bores. Lubricate per To prevent personal injury and property
Step 1. damage, the procedure for installing tyre and
rim assembly described in Section 160-0050,
3. Install pistons (11) in torque plate (16) as follows: WHEEL RIM AND TYRE, must be strictly followed.
Position lubricated piston (11) into boot (12) and piston
bore, holding piston at a slight angle. Insert forefinger 1. Install washers (5) on bolts (4).
between piston (11) and boot (12) and rotate forefinger
around outside diameter of piston (11), lifting inside 2. Position brake head (3) over brake disc (2) on
diameter of boot (12) over outside diameter of piston brake mounting plate, aligning bolt holes. Install
(11). Make sure outside diameter lip of boot (12) remains assembled bolts (4) and washers (5) through
in the groove in piston (11) bore. mounting plate and into torque plate. Tighten bolts (4)
to a torque of 510 Nm (380 lbf ft).
4. After piston (11) is through boot (12), centre piston
by feel over packing (13). Apply by hand, a turning Note: Make sure torque pins (3 & 5, Fig. 2) do not
thrusting pressure, working piston (11) into and touch brake disc (2). If they do, loosen bolts (2, Fig.
through packing (13). 2) and adjust pins to clear disc by 1.5 - 3.0 mm
(0.06 - 0.12 in). Check to make sure that bolt (2, Fig. 2)
5. When assured pistons (11) are through packings fully engages in pin groove and tighten bolt (2, Fig. 2)
(13), pressure other than hand pressure may be used to a torque of 30 - 38 Nm (22 - 28 lbf ft).
to press pistons the remainder of the way into the
piston bores. Snap open end of boot (12) into groove 3. Attach hydraulic inlet lines at brake head
of piston (11). assembly.
6. Lubricate seals (10) and install seals and piston 4. Install wheel on the vehicle following instructions in
plugs (9) in open end of piston bores of torque plate (16). Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM AND TYRE.
4 SM 1962 4-00
Brake Parts - Brake Parts - Rear
Section 165-0010
Note: Keep fluid reservoirs filled during bleeding process. Note: Repair kits are available which include new
boots (12), backup rings (14), packings (13) and
3. Actuate brake treadle valve several times. seals (10), in quantities sufficient to rebuild a calliper
brake head. Refer to vehicle parts book for repair kit
4. Apply brake and open bleeder valve (1). After fluid part number. All parts included in a repair kit should
flow stops, close bleeder valve (1) and release the be replaced each time a brake head is rebuilt.
Every 2 000 Hours (Annually)
Note: If loose end of bleeder hose is kept submerged Drain brake fluid, refill reservoirs and bleed the
in brake fluid, bleeder valve (1) need not be closed brakes. Refer to Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION
each time brake is released. SYSTEM for brake fluid specification and system
5. Repeat procedure in Step 4 until no air bubbles are
observed in fluid coming from bleeder valves.
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 at each brake head There are no special tools required for the
assembly. procedures outlined in this section. Refer to Section
300-0070, SERVICE TOOLS, for part numbers of
general service tools. These tools are available from
MAINTENANCE your dealer.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2.
* * * *
SM 1962 4-00 5
BRAKE PARTS - Brake Parts - Front
Section 165-0020
SM - 2477
When the brake is actuated, the hydraulic pressure Note: Refer to Section 160-0030, AXLE GROUP
forces the pistons against the brake pads which are, (HUB), for brake disc replacement instructions.
in turn, forced against each side of the brake disc,
slowing or stopping the disc and wheel rotation.
SM 1961 4-00 1
Brake Parts - Brake Parts - Front
Section 165-0020
SM - 049
BRAKE PAD REMOVAL AND 1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
INSTALLATION parking brake and switch off the engine.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2.
2. Block all road wheels, except the wheel to be
removed, and place the battery master switch in the
WARNINGS 'Off' position.
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking 3. Remove wheel from the machine following
materials and lifting equipment are properly instructions in Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM AND
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job TYRE.
4. Loosen bolts (2) securing large torque pins (3) at
To prevent personal injury and property the end of torque plate (16). It is not necessary to
damage, the procedure for removing tyre and loosen or remove the two smaller torque pins (5) at
rim assembly described in Section 160-0050, opposite end.
WHEEL RIM AND TYRE, must be strictly
followed. 5. Move the two unlocked torque pins (3) away from
brake disc (2, Fig. 1).
Keep brake fluid reservoir full at all times.
2 SM 1961 4-00
Brake Parts - Brake Parts - Front
Section 165-0020
6. Remove dust cap (15) from bleeder valve (1) and f. Repeat Steps a and b until full braking performance
attach a bleeder hose to bleeder valve. Open bleeder (per applicable government regulations) is achieved.
valve (1). Use a screwdriver or pry bar inserted
between brake disc (2, Fig. 1) and brake pads (4) to
press pistons (11) back as far as possible, into the BRAKE REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY
piston bores of torque plate (16). Close bleeder Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2, unless
valve. otherwise specified.
11. Repeat steps 4 to 10 for second brake calliper. 3. Remove wheel from the machine following
instructions in Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM AND
12. Pump brake pedal until brake pads (4) contact TYRE.
brake disc (2, Fig. 1).
4. Remove hydraulic fluid inlet line at brake head
13. When new brake pads are installed on a machine, assembly. Plug line and brake head to prevent
the brake pad friction material should be burnished in ingress of dirt.
accordance with the following procedure to achieve
maximum braking performance: 5. Remove bolts (4, Fig. 1) and washers (5, Fig. 1)
from mounting at axle housing and remove brake
a. Drive vehicle at 8 - 30 km/h (5 - 20 mile/h) with head assembly to a clean working area.
brakes applied at just enough pressure to produce a
noticeable drag. Heavy smoke and foul odour from
the brake pad friction material is normal during this WARNING
procedure. Hydraulic fluid may cause irritation. Avoid
skin and eye contact with fluid.
b. Continue cycle until the brake disc achieves a
temperature of 315 - 370 C (600 - 700 F). A 6. Disassemble brake head assembly in sequence of
surface pyrometer applied to the disc after stopping index numbers in Fig. 2. Items (1, 2 & 3) may be left in
will determine temperature. torque plate (16) when servicing packings (13), seals
(10), backup rings (14), and boots (12) if desired.
c. Permit disc to cool to less than 95 C (200 F).
Note: Repair kits are available which include new
d. Repeat Steps a and b. boots (12), backup rings (14), packings (13) and
seals (10), in quantities sufficient to rebuild a calliper
e. Allow brake to cool to within 10 C (50 F) of brake head. Refer to vehicle parts book for repair kit
ambient temperature.
SM 1961 4-00 3
Brake Parts - Brake Parts - Front
Section 165-0020
part number. All parts included in a repair kit should 6. Lubricate seals (10) and install seals and piston
be replaced each time a brake head is rebuilt. plugs (9) in open end of piston bores of torque plate (16).
7. Inspect brake pads (4) per Step 1 in 'General 7. Attach cover plate (8) to torque plate (16) and
Inspection' procedure. secure with bolts (6) and washers (7). Tighten bolts (6)
to a torque of 380 Nm (280 lbf ft).
8. Clean torque plate (16) making sure no solvent
remains in fluid passages or grooves. Inspect boot 8. When installing torque pins (3 & 5) and bolts (2)
(12) and seal (10) grooves, and land areas between make sure the groove in the pin is directly under the
grooves for damage or cracks. Minor nicks and bolt so the bolt can perform its locking and retaining
scratches may be blended with crocus cloth. Replace function.
torque plate (16) if corrosion is excessive or boot
(12) and seal (10) grooves are damaged, prohibiting Note: Lubricate torque pins (3 & 5) with a corrosion
proper rebuild of the brake head. resistant lubricant prior to installation to facilitate next
pin removal.
9. Inspect pistons (11) for minor scratches and nicks
and blend with crocus cloth. If piston (11) is badly 9. Inspect brake disc (2, Fig. 1), if worn, per
nicked or scratched, or if the chrome plate is worn instructions under 'General Inspection' in this section.
off, replace piston (11). Refer to Section 160-0030, AXLE GROUP (HUB) for
brake disc replacement instructions.
10. Torque pins (3 & 5) that are deeply grooved
should be replaced.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
ASSEMBLY otherwise specified.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2, unless
otherwise specified.
1. Lubricate seals (10), packings (13) and pistons To prevent personal injury and property
(11) with grease provided in seal kit or automotive damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking
brake fluid (SAE J 1703) or castor oil. Do not use materials and lifting equipment are properly
petroleum type oils or lubricants. secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
2. Install backup rings (14), packings (13) and boots
(12) in torque plate (16) piston bores. Lubricate per To prevent personal injury and property
Step 1. damage, the procedure for installing tyre and
rim assembly described in Section 160-0050,
3. Install pistons (11) in torque plate (16) as follows: WHEEL RIM AND TYRE, must be strictly followed.
Position lubricated piston (11) into boot (12) and piston
bore, holding piston at a slight angle. Insert forefinger 1. Install washers (5) on bolts (4).
between piston (11) and boot (12) and rotate forefinger
around outside diameter of piston (11), lifting inside 2. Position brake head (3) over brake disc (2) on
diameter of boot (12) over outside diameter of piston brake mounting plate, aligning bolt holes. Install
(11). Make sure outside diameter lip of boot (12) remains assembled bolts (4) and washers (5) through
in the groove in piston (11) bore. mounting plate and into torque plate. Tighten bolts (4)
to a torque of 510 Nm (380 lbf ft).
4. After piston (11) is through boot (12), centre piston
by feel over packing (13). Apply by hand, a turning Note: Make sure torque pins (3 & 5, Fig. 2) do not
thrusting pressure, working piston (11) into and touch brake disc (2). If they do, loosen bolts (2, Fig.
through packing (13). 2) and adjust pins to clear disc by 1.5 - 3.0 mm
(0.06 - 0.12 in). Check to make sure that bolt (2, Fig. 2)
5. When assured pistons (11) are through packings fully engages in pin groove and tighten bolt (2, Fig. 2)
(13), pressure other than hand pressure may be used to a torque of 30 - 38 Nm (22 - 28 lbf ft).
to press pistons the remainder of the way into the
piston bores. Snap open end of boot (12) into groove 3. Attach hydraulic inlet lines at brake head
of piston (11). assembly.
4 SM 1961 4-00
Brake Parts - Brake Parts - Front
Section 165-0020
In order to obtain satisfactory braking, the system Inspect brake head assembly to ensure that all bolts
should be bled as follows to eliminate any air in the are tight and there are no leaks. Inspect for boot
hydraulic brake lines. deterioration.
1. Fill the hydraulic fluid reservoirs with hydraulic Every 250 Hours (Monthly)
brake fluid specified in Section 300-0020, Check pads and discs for wear and adjust or replace
LUBRICATION SYSTEM. where necessary. Test for proper function.
2. Remove dust cap (15) from bleeder valve (1) and Note: This service interval applies to normal driving.
connect a bleeder hose to bleeder valve (1). Place Check the pads more frequently under more severe
loose end of hose in clean container. conditions.
Note: Keep fluid reservoirs filled during bleeding process. Thickness of pad friction material should never be
allowed to wear below 3 mm (0.12 in).
3. Actuate brake treadle valve several times.
Note: Repair kits are available which include new
4. Apply brake and open bleeder valve (1). After fluid boots (12), backup rings (14), packings (13) and
flow stops, close bleeder valve (1) and release the seals (10), in quantities sufficient to rebuild a calliper
brake. brake head. Refer to vehicle parts book for repair kit
part number. All parts included in a repair kit should
Note: If loose end of bleeder hose is kept submerged be replaced each time a brake head is rebuilt.
in brake fluid, bleeder valve (1) need not be closed
each time brake is released. Every 2 000 Hours (Annually)
Drain brake fluid, refill reservoirs and bleed the
5. Repeat procedure in Step 4 until no air bubbles are brakes. Refer to Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION
observed in fluid coming from bleeder valves. SYSTEM for brake fluid specification and system
6. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 at each brake head
There are no special tools required for the
procedures outlined in this section. Refer to Section
300-0070, SERVICE TOOLS, for part numbers of
general service tools. These tools are available from
your dealer.
* * * *
SM 1961 4-00 5
PARKING BRAKE - Parking Brake and Mounting
Section 170-0010
SM - 1908
5 9
18 8
2 3 6
11 10
14 - Brake Calliper
9 - Bolt 15 - Brake Pads
1 - Brake Disc 5 - Washer 10 - Parking Brake Guard 16 - Slack Adjuster
2 - Lockwasher 6 - Nut 11 - Bolt 17 - Actuator
3 - Bolt 7 - Torque Plate 12 - Nut 18 - Block
4 - Bolt 8 - Torque Plate 13 - Lockwasher 19 - Block
SM 1967 4-00 1
Parking Brake - Parking Brake and Mounting
Section 170-0010
lubricated regularly to avoid unequal wear on brake 7. Support brake calliper (14) assembly and remove
pads (15). It is also important that the lubricant does bolts (4), washers (5), blocks (18 & 19) and nuts (6)
not contact the disc braking surfaces. securing torque plates (7 & 8) to mounting bracket on
the frame.
Placing the brake control valve in the 'EMERGENCY'
position will apply the service brakes on the machine. 8. Remove torque plates (7 & 8) and brake calliper
(14) assembly from the dumptruck. Set brake calliper
Note: The parking brake will automatically apply when (14) aside for 'Disassembly'.
air pressure in the primary air tank drops below
3.1 bar (45 lbf/in).
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless 1. Remove calliper head assembly as described under
otherwise specified. 'Removal'.
When necessary to drive out or drive on 5. Remove bolts (2) and washers (3) securing cap
components during disassembly/assembly, be assembly (25) to calliper (7).
sure to use a soft drift to prevent property
damage and personal injury. 6. Remove as a unit, power screw shaft (21), piston
(6) and cap assembly (22 thru 25) from calliper (7).
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, raise the
body and install the body safety prop to secure body in 7. Slide power screw shaft (21) and piston (6) from
partially raised position. cap assembly (25).
2. Switch off the engine and block all road wheels. 8. Unscrew piston (6) from power screw shaft (21).
3. Position parking brake control lever in the 9. Remove and discard thrust bearing (22) from power
'RELEASE' position. Open drain cocks in the air tanks screw shaft (21) and gasket (23) from cap
and drain air pressure from the machine. assembly (25).
4. Release spring tension on slack adjuster clevis pin 10. Remove and discard piston seal (5) from calliper (7).
(9, Fig. 2) by unscrewing tensioning bolt on slack
adjuster (16) until clevis pin (9, Fig. 2) feels loose.
Remove cotter pin (10, Fig. 2) and clevis pin INSPECTION
(9, Fig. 2) from actuator (17). Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2.
5. Disconnect and cap air line from actuator (17). Plug 1. Thoroughly clean all parts. Inspect journal bearing
port in actuator (17) to prevent ingress of dirt. (24) in cap assembly (25) for wear. Replace if
6. Remove nuts (12, Fig. 2), lockwashers (13, Fig. 2)
and washers (14, Fig. 2) securing actuator (17) to cap 2. Replace cap assembly (25) if excessively worn.
assembly (25, Fig. 2). Remove actuator (17) from cap
assembly (25, Fig. 2). 3. Inspect all brake parts for cracks, excessive wear or
scoring. Replace brake parts as required.
2 SM 1967 4-00
Parking Brake - Parking Brake and Mounting
Section 170-0010
SM - 1914
23 15
13 11
12 8
27 2
24 10
1 20
26 5 17
6 16
1. Install new piston seal (5) into seal groove in 4. Lubricate threads of power screw shaft (21) with
calliper (7). grease (Lubriplate Aero or equivalent) and screw
power screw shaft (21) into piston (6).
2. Apply grease (Lubriplate Aero or equivalent) to flat
face of new thrust bearing (22). 5. Coat outside of piston (6) with grease (Lubriplate
Aero or equivalent) then slide assembled power screw
3. Install and seat new thrust bearing (22) over splined shaft (21) and piston (6) into cap assembly (25), shaft
end of power screw shaft (21) with greased side of end first.
thrust bearing (22) against thrust collar of power screw
shaft (21). 6. Line up gasket (23) with holes in cap assembly (25)
and bolt cap assembly (25), with assembled power
Note: Ensure correct installation of thrust bearing (22) screw shaft (21) and piston (6), to calliper (7) using
by verifying that installation was made over the larger bolts (2) and washers (3). Torque tighten bolts (2) to
diameter end of power screw shaft (21), and, that 176 - 203 Nm (130 - 150 lbf ft).
SM 1967 4-00 3
Parking Brake - Parking Brake and Mounting
Section 170-0010
Note: Care should be taken not to push piston seal (5) 3. Using suitable lifting device, position brake calliper
out of seal groove in calliper (7) when assembling cap (14) assembly in position on torque plate (7). Install
assembly (25), with piston (6) and power screw shaft torque plate (8) on brake calliper (14) and secure to
(21), to calliper (7). rear frame mounting bracket with bolts (4), washers
(5) and nuts (6). Torque tighten nuts (6) to 278 Nm
7. Install new packing (20), wave spring washer (18) (205 lbf ft).
and washer (19) over power screw shaft (21), in the
order as shown in Fig. 2. 4. Re-mount actuator (17) on cap assembly (25, Fig. 2)
and install washers (14), lockwashers (13) and nuts
8. Mount actuator (15) on cap assembly (25) and (12). Tighten nuts (12) finger tight at this stage.
secure with nuts (12), lockwashers (13) and washers
(14). Tighten nuts (12) finger tight only at this stage. 5. Reconnect air line to actuator (17)
9. Apply coat of grease (Lubriplate Aero or equivalent) 6. Place brake control lever in the 'RELEASE' position
to mounting spline of slack adjuster (17). to retract actuator (17) cylinder when engine is started.
Ensure drain cocks on air tanks are closed, start the
10. With adjusting screw facing away from actuator engine and build up air pressure in the air tanks.
(15) slide slack adjuster (17) onto power screw shaft
(21) aligning slack adjuster (17) arm with clevis (8). 7. Connect slack adjuster (16) to actuator (17) by
inserting clevis pin (9, Fig. 2) through clevis
11. Install snap ring (16) on power screw shaft (21). (8, Fig. 2) on actuator (17). Secure clevis pin
(9, Fig. 2) with cotter pin (10, Fig. 2).
12. Remove nuts (12), lockwashers (13) and washers
(14) securing actuator (15) to cap assembly (25). 8. Align actuator (17) to slack adjuster (16) and tighten
Remove actuator (15) from cap assembly (25) to aid in nuts (12) securely.
9. Rotate slack adjuster (16) adjusting screw until
brake pads (15) in brake calliper (14) head assembly
INSTALLATION are tight against brake disc (1). Back off adjusting
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless screw on slack adjuster (16) until a total clearance of
otherwise specified. 1 - 1.5 mm (0.04 - 0.06 in) is obtained. The parking
brake is now operational.
Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques
specified, to standard torques listed in Section 10. If fitted, install parking brake guard (10) to
300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE mounting brackets and secure in place with bolts (11),
SPECIFICATIONS. lockwashers (13) and nuts (12). Torque tighten nuts
(12) to 153 Nm (113 lbf ft).
To prevent personal injury and property MAINTENANCE
damage, be sure wheel chocks, blocking
materials and lifting equipment are properly Brake Pad Replacement
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job Replace brake pads when lining thickness is 3 mm
safely. (0.12 in) or less.
1. If removed, install brake disc (1) on mounting flange 1. Remove calliper head assembly as described under
and secure with bolts (3) and lockwashers (2). Torque 'REMOVAL'.
tighten bolts (3) to 49 Nm (36 lbf ft).
2. Replace worn brake pad and carrier assemblies.
2. Install torque plate (7) on rear frame mounting
bracket and secure in place with bolts (4), washers (5), 3. Install calliper head assembly and adjust slack
blocks (18 & 19) and nuts (6). Torque tighten nuts (6) adjuster as described in 'Installation'.
to 278 Nm (205 lbf ft).
4 SM 1967 4-00
Parking Brake - Parking Brake and Mounting
Section 170-0010
* * * *
SM 1967 4-00 5
SUSPENSION SYSTEM - Front Suspension
Section 180-0020
SM - 2485
36 22
11 23
31 34 32
5 29 30
6 7 9
8,7 7 35
1 16 14
32 13 19
18 17
10 37
SM 1979 4-00 1
Suspension System - Front Suspension
Section 180-0020
2. Block rear wheels, place the steering lock bar and 16. Carefully lower suspension frame (10) assembly
oscillation lock pin in the 'Locked position and the onto the trolley and remove suspension frame
battery master switch in the 'Off' position. assembly out from under the front frame. Remove
wear washers (14) and dowel pins (20) from the front
3. Whilst the front road wheels are still on the ground, frame assembly.
loosen the wheel nuts.
17. Remove cap from shock absorber (1) mounting
4. Using suitable lifting equipment, raise the tractor nuts and remove nuts securing shock absorbers (1) to
frame until both front tyres are off the ground. Support the front frame assembly.
the vehicle with suitable stands and blocking
equipment at the front frame and articulation pivot 18. Remove nut (31) and bolt (32) securing chain (34)
area. to the front frame.
5. Support one tyre and rim assembly with suitable 19. Remove mounting hardware securing levelling
lifting equipment and remove wheel nuts and valve (36) to the front frame assembly and remove
lockwashers securing the rim to the axle. Remove tyre levelling valve.
and rim assembly from the machine.
9. Remove locknuts (4), washers (3) and bolts (2) 1. Remove locknuts (30) securing air spring
securing shock absorbers (1) to suspension frame assemblies (22) on suspension frame (10). Refer to
(10) assembly. Section 180-0021, AIR SPRING, for further
disassembly, inspection and assembly of air spring
10. Remove nuts (9), lockwasher (35), washers (7) assembly (22).
and bolt (8) securing levelling valve rubber joint (6) to
suspension frame (10) assembly. 2. Remove nuts (12), bolts (11), hardened washers
(37) and bent plates (33) securing front axle assembly
11. Remove nut (31) and bolt (32) securing chain (34) on suspension frame (10).
to suspension frame (10) assembly.
3. Using suitable lifting equipment remove front axle
assembly from suspension frame (10).
2 SM 1979 4-00
Suspension System - Front Suspension
Section 180-0020
4. If damaged, press spherical bearings (16) out of SM - 1171
bores in suspension frame (10).
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques locking nut to a torque of 68 - 74 Nm (50 - 55 lbf ft).
specified to standard torques listed in Repeat for remaining three shock absorbers.
Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS. 4. Position suspension frame (10) assembly and
trolley under front frame assembly with hinge lugs up
and to the rear.
To prevent personal injury and property 5. Install dowel pins (20) in the front frame assembly
damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly ensuring they protrude 12 mm (0.5 in) from front frame
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job assembly. Hang wear washers (14) on
safely. dowel pins (20).
1. Secure levelling valve (36) assembly on the front 6. Using suitable lifting equipment, raise suspension
frame with mounting hardware removed during frame and install to front frame assembly. Mark
removal. outside of mounting pins (13) to show position of
grease outlet and install pins with grease outlet down
2. Secure chain (34) on front frame assembly with in 6 o'clock position. Secure mounting pins (13) with
bolt (32) and nut (31). bolts (17).
3. Install shock absorber (1) on front frame assembly 7. Position suspension frame (10) completely to one
and secure with locking nut. Hold dust cover on shock side and take a measurement of the gap between
absorber (1) with a suitable strap wrench and tighten boss on the front frame and inside face of mounting
SM 1979 4-00 3
Suspension System - Front Suspension
Section 180-0020
pin (13). Half this size to obtain the thickness of shim 15. Lower suspension frame (10) onto chain (34).
pack required for Gap 'B' (Fig. 2) at both sides.
16. Install nylon tubes to air spring assemblies (22)
Note: Gap 'B' at both sides should be equalised within with the long nylon to LH air spring and short nylon to
0.25 mm (0.01 in) maximum. the RH air spring.
8. Shim Gap 'B' at both sides with shims (15 & 21). 17. Using suitable lifting equipment, position one tyre
Ensure that a small running clearance of 0.25 mm and rim assembly on the front axle and secure with
(0.01 in) maximum at wear washers (14) is obtained. wheel nuts and lockwashers.
9. Remove bolts (17) and reinstall with lockwashers 18. Using suitable lifting equipment, position opposite
(18). Tighten bolts (17) to a torque of 74 Nm (55 lbf ft). tyre and rim assembly on the front axle and secure
with wheel nuts and lockwashers.
10. If removed, install and secure lube fittings (19) in
mounting pins (13). Lubricate suspension frame 19. Using suitable lifting equipment, raise front frame
spherical bearing (16) through lube fittings (19) with assembly sufficiently to remove stands and blocking
grease specified in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION equipment from front frame assembly and articulation
SYSTEM, until excess lube is seen. pivot area. Lower vehicle to the ground and remove
lifting equipment.
11. Lift suspension frame (10) at front end ensuring
that mounting studs on air spring assemblies (22) pass 20. With the vehicle lowered to the ground, tighten all
through holes in front frame assembly mounts. Secure wheel nuts to a torque of 590 Nm (435 lbf ft).
air spring assemblies (22) to front frame assembly with
nuts (30). Tighten nuts (30) to a torque of 23 Nm 21. Remove wheel blocks from the rear road wheels,
(17 lbf ft). place the steering lock bar and oscillation lock pin in
the 'Stowed' position and the battery master switch in
Note: Apply 'Adsil' to mounting bolts (2) and rubber the 'On' position.
mounts on shock absorbers (1) prior to fitting.
4 SM 1979 4-00
Suspension System - Front Suspension
Section 180-0020
* * * *
SM 1979 4-00 5
Section 180-0021
SM - 1067
The air springs are hermetically sealed assemblies 2. Chock the appropriate road wheels.
which have flexible walls, no reciprocating parts and
no sliding seals. The air springs are virtually 3. Using suitable lifting equipment, raise the frame
frictionless in operation and maintenance free. Each until the suspension has reached its maximum
spring consists of a top clamp plate (1), top clamp rebound travel. Support the frame on workshop
ring (2), bellows (3), centre ring (4), bottom clamp stands.
ring (5), bottom clamp plate (6) and bump stop (7).
4. Open the primary tank drain valve and allow all of
The air springs are installed between the suspension the air to drain out.
frame and front frame cross member. The spring ride
height is controlled by a levelling valve mounted to 5. Disconnect and remove the connecting rod from
the frame cross member. Refer to Section 180-0022, the levelling valve control lever and lower mounting
LEVELLING VALVE for information and adjustment. bracket. Store connecting rod in a safe place to
prevent damaging it.
A rubber bump stop (7) is attached to bottom clamp
plate (6). In the event of an air loss in the suspension 6. Move the levelling valve control lever
system it is capable of supporting a fully loaded unit. approximately 30 below the neutral or horizontal
position. Hold the lever in this position until all the air
has been exhausted from the air springs.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. 7. Disconnect the air line to the air spring at the top
clamp plate.
SM 1480 9-98 1
Suspension System - Air Spring
Section 180-0021
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2.
2. Install centre ring (5) on bellows (1). Fig. 2 - Exploded View of Air Spring
3. Lightly coat the top and bottom beads of the 1. Install air spring assembly between the frame
bellows (1) with silicon or soapy water to aid in cross member and suspension frame. Torque tighten
assembly of clamp rings (2) and clamp plates nuts (8) to 23 Nm (17 lbf ft). Do not overtighten.
(3 & 4).
2. Connect the air line to the air spring assembly.
4. Install clamp rings (2) and bottom and top clamp
plates (3 & 4) on bellows (1). 3. Raise frame, remove workshop stands and lower
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. 4. Install levelling valve control lever on mounting
WARNING 5. Close primary air tank drain cock and start engine
To prevent personal injury and property to charge air system to system pressure. Check
damage, be sure wheel chocks, blocking connections for air leaks.
materials and lifting equipment are properly
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job 6. Refer to Section 180-0022, LEVELLING VALVE,
safely. for air spring ride height adjusting instructions.
* * * *
2 SM 1480 9-98
Section 180-0022
SM - 978
SM 1481 9-98 1
Suspension System - Levelling Valve
Section 180-0022
The levelling valve is an air operated valve mounted to Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
a chassis crossmember and attached to the front
suspension frame. Refer to Section 180-0020, FRONT
To prevent personal injury and property
There are four ports on the valve as follows: damage be sure wheel chocks, blocking
materials and lifting equipment are properly
Port 'A' - Inlet from primary air tank secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
Ports 'B' - Supply ports to air springs safely.
Port 'C' - Exhaust port
Increasing or decreasing loads alter the height between 3. Jack up front suspension frame until a measurement
the chassis and front suspension frame. This change of 175 mm (7 in) is obtained at the air springs. Refer to
is sensed by the levelling valve. Fig. 2. Control lever (34) should now be in the
horizontal (neutral) position.
A load increase is sensed by connecting rod (36) which
moves control lever (34) up. This upward movement SM - 031
2 SM 1481 9-98
Suspension System - Levelling Valve
Section 180-0022
* * * *
SM 1481 9-98 3
SUSPENSION - Rear Suspension
Section 180-0040
SM - 1427
SM 1978 4-00 1
Suspension System - Rear Suspension
Section 180-0040
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, raise the 14. Remove bolts (14) and lockwashers (15) securing
body and install the body safety prop to secure the end cap (11) to equaliser beam (6). Remove end
body in the partially raised position. cap (11).
2. Apply the parking brake and switch off the engine. 15. Remove bolts (12) and lockwashers (10) securing
retainer (9) to spindle on the frame. Remove retainer (9).
3. Block the front road wheels, place the steering lock
bar and oscillation lock pin in the 'Locked' position and 16. Using suitable lifting equipment, support equaliser
the battery master switch in the 'Off' position. beam (6) and withdraw from spindle on the frame.
4. Using suitable blocking equipment, block equaliser 17. Remove and discard 'V' seal (8) from bushing (7).
beams (6) to prevent movement when raising the If required, remove bushing (7) from spindle on the
trailer frame. frame.
5. Whilst the rear road wheels are still on the ground, 18. Repeat steps 13 through 16 to remove the
loosen the wheel nuts. opposite equaliser beam (6).
6. Using suitable lifting equipment, raise the trailer 19. Remove locknuts (43), hardened washers (25) and
frame until the rear wheels are off the ground. Support bolts (33) securing centre control links (17) to cross
the vehicle with suitable stands and blocking shaft mounting brackets.
equipment at the trailer frame, articulation pivot area
and centre and rear axles. 20. Remove locknuts (29), hardened washers (34) and
bolts (40) securing centre control links (17) to bracket
7. Support one tyre and rim assembly with suitable assemblies (5). Remove centre control links (17).
lifting equipment and remove wheel nuts and
lockwashers securing the rim to the axle. Remove tyre 21. Remove locknuts (29), hardened washers (34) and
and rim assembly. bolts (40) securing control link (17) to bracket
assembly (4) on the rear axle and the LH frame
8. Repeat step 7 for the remaining rear tyre and rim mounting bracket. Remove control link (17).
22. Remove locknuts (29), hardened washers (34) and
9. With a suitable container in position, disconnect bolts (40) securing control link (17) to bracket
hydraulic brake lines from the tee piece between the assembly (3) on the centre axle and the LH frame
centre and rear axle assemblies. Cap lines and fittings mounting bracket. Remove control link (17).
to prevent entry of dirt. Remove clips securing brake
lines to centre control rods (17). 23. Remove locknuts (29), hardened washers (34) and
bolts (40) securing control link (17) to bracket
10. Remove mounting hardware connecting brake line assembly (2) on the rear axle and the RH frame
guards to axle brackets and remove brake line guards. mounting bracket. Remove control link (17).
11. Disconnect hose assemblies (38) from elbows (36) 24. Remove locknuts (29), hardened washers (34) and
in panhard rods (18) and plate on RH equaliser beam bolts (40) securing control link (17) to bracket
(6). Remove bolts (49), washers (48), clips (47 & 50) assembly (1) on the centre axle and the RH frame
and hose assemblies (38) from the vehicle. mounting bracket. Remove control link (17).
12. Remove blocking materials from equaliser 25. Remove bolts (30), lockwashers (31) and washers
beams (6). Remove locknuts (46), lockwashers (23) (51) securing pin assemblies (39) to bracket
and bolts (45) securing interleaf mounts (16) to assemblies (1 & 2) and frame mounting brackets.
equaliser beams (6). Remove pin assemblies (39) and panhard rods (18)
from bracket assemblies (1 & 2) and frame mounting
13. Remove socket screws (26) and lockwashers (23) brackets.
securing interleaf mounts (16) to bracket assemblies
(1 & 2), plates (41) and adaptor plates (42). Remove 26. Remove bolts (24) and lockwashers (25) securing
interleaf mounts (16). bracket assemblies (5) to the centre and rear axles.
Remove bracket assemblies (5).
2 SM 1978 4-00
Suspension System - Rear Suspension
Section 180-0040
27. Remove locknuts (28), hardened washers (32), 7. Apply Loctite 243 to bolts (24) and secure brackets (5)
bolts (27), bracket assemblies (2 & 4), plate (41) and to the centre and rear axles with bolts (24) and
adaptor plate (42) from the rear axle. hardened washers (25). Tighten bolts (24) to a torque
of 325 Nm (240 lbf ft).
28. Remove locknuts (28), hardened washers (32),
bolts (27), bracket assemblies (1 & 3), plate (41) and 8. If bushings (7) were removed from spindle on the
adaptor plate (42) from the centre axle. frame, thoroughly clean spindles with Loctite activator
'N' and allow to dry. Apply Loctite 638 retaining
29. If either axle assembly requires to be removed compound all over bushing (7) contact area of the
from under the vehicle; raise axle assembly with spindles and install bushings (7) on the spindles.
suitable lifting equipment, remove blocking from under
the axle assembly and lower axle assembly onto a Note: A curing time of fifteen minutes is required for
suitable trolley. Slide the axle assembly from under the acceptable handling strength.
vehicle to a suitable work area.
9. Install new 'V' seals (8) over bushings (7) with the
lip to the outside, as shown in Fig. 2.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1, 2 & 3. 10. Clean bores on equalising beams (6) and, using
suitable lifting equipment, install beams onto bushings
(7). Apply Loctite 243 to bolts (12) and secure
WARNING retainers (9) to spindles with bolts (12) and
To prevent personal injury and property lockwashers (10). Tighten bolts (12) to a torque of
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking 150 Nm (110 lbf ft).
materials and lifting equipment are properly
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job 11. Apply Loctite 243 to bolts (14) and Loctite 574
safely. gasket eliminator to mounting face of end caps (1).
Secure end caps (1) to equalising beams (6) with bolts
1. Ensure centre and rear axle assemblies are (14) and lockwashers (15). Tighten bolts (14) to a
correctly positioned and securely blocked below the torque of 75 Nm (55 lbf ft).
SM - 1425
2. Install bracket assembly (1) on RH side of the
centre axle and secure with plate (41), bolts (27), 9 7
hardened washers (32) and locknuts (28). Tighten 12,10
bolts (27) to a torque of 610 Nm (450 lbf ft).
SM 1978 4-00 3
Suspension System - Rear Suspension
Section 180-0040
12. If removed, install lube fittings (13) in end caps (1). SM - 1428
Lubricate with grease specified in Section 300-0020, 34
LUBRICATION SYSTEM, until excess lube is seen.
29 40 TYP. 10 PLACES
13. Apply Loctite 243 to bolts (45) and secure interleaf
mounts (16) to equaliser beams (6) with bolts (45),
lockwashers (23) and locknuts (46). Tighten bolts (45)
to a torque of 165 Nm (122 lbf ft).
Note: Install bolts with bolt heads to the outside on RH Fig. 3 - Sectional View of Typical Control Link Mounting
and LH side control links (17).
21. Install panhard rod (18) between bracket assembly
16. Install control link (17) between bracket (2) and RH frame mounting bracket and install pin
assembly (1) and RH frame mounting bracket and assemblies (39). Secure pin assemblies (39) to
secure with bolts (40), hardened washers (34) and bracket assembly (2) and RH frame mounting bracket
locknuts (43). Tighten bolts (40) to a torque of with bolts (30), lockwashers (31) and washers (51).
1 085 Nm (800 lbf ft). Tighten bolts (30) to a torque of 75 Nm (55 lbf ft).
17. Install control link (17) between bracket 22. Connect hose assemblies (38) to elbows (36) in
assembly (3) and LH frame mounting bracket and panhard rods (18) and plate on RH equaliser beam (6)
secure with bolts (40), hardened washers (34) and and secure hose assemblies (38) with bolts (49),
locknuts (29). Tighten bolts (40) to a torque of washers (48) and clips (47 & 50).
1 085 Nm (800 lbf ft).
23. If removed, install lube fittings (13) in plate on RH
18. Install control link (17) between bracket equaliser beam (6). Lubricate panhard rods (18)
assembly (2) and RH frame mounting bracket and through lube fittings (13) with grease specified in
secure with bolts (40), hardened washers (34) and Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM, until
locknuts (29). Tighten bolts (40) to a torque of excess lube is seen.
1 085 Nm (800 lbf ft).
24. Remove caps and connect hydraulic brake lines to
19. Install control link (17) between bracket the tee piece between the centre and rear axle
assembly (4) and LH frame mounting bracket and assemblies. Clip brake lines to centre control rods (17)
secure with bolts (40), hardened washers (34) and with clips removed during removal.
locknuts (29). Tighten bolts (40) to a torque of
1 085 Nm (800 lbf ft). 25. Connect brake line guards to axle brackets and
secure with mounting hardware removed during
20. Install panhard rod (18) between bracket assembly removal.
(1) and RH frame mounting bracket and install pin
assemblies (39). Secure pin assemblies (39) to 26. Using suitable blocking equipment, block equaliser
bracket assembly (1) and RH frame mounting bracket beams (6) to prevent movement when installing the
with bolts (30), lockwashers (31) and washers rear tyre and rim assemblies.
(51). Tighten bolts (30) to a torque of 75 Nm (55 lbf ft).
4 SM 1978 4-00
Suspension System - Rear Suspension
Section 180-0040
* * * *
SM 1978 4-00 5
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - Circuit Diagrams
Section 190-0000
A4 - Radio/Cassette K1 - Starter Relay S4 - W/L Test Switch
A5 - Radio/Cassette Speaker K4 - Dir Ind Flasher Unit S5 - Engine Oil Press Switch
K5 - Air Cond Compress Clutch S8 - Blower Switch
B2 - Coolant Temp Sender K5 - Air Cond Compress Relay S9 - Washer Switch, F
B8 - Fuel Level Sender K14 - Start Interlock Relay S10 - Wiper Switch, F
B9 - Air Pressure Sender K15 - Headlamp Relay S11 - Rear Wash/Wipe Switch
B13 - Rotational Speed Sensor K17 - Reverse Relay S13 - Horn Button
B21 - Trans Oil Temp Sender K21 - Trans Shift Clutch S14 - Hazard w/l Switch
B22 - Engine Oil Press Sender K22 - Lockup Clutch S15 - Direction Ind Switch
B31 - Engine Load Sender K23 - Ignition Relay S16 - Stoplight Switch
B32 - Trans Oil Ret Temp Sender K34 - Horn Relay S18 - Lights Switch
B33 - Air Cond Temp Sender K35 - Body up Relay S19 - Dipswitch
K36 - Body Float Relay S20 - Headlamp Flash Switch
E3 - Interior Light K37 - Body Hyd System Relay 12V S22 - Body Up Switch
E5 - Reverse Light K43 - Radio/Cassette Relay S24 - Low Fuel Level Switch
E7 - Instrument Panel Lights S26 - Brake O'travel Limit Sw
E11 - Side Marker Light, L L3 - Reverse Alarm S27 - Low Air Press w/l Switch
E12 - Taillight, L L4 - Buzzer S29 - Retarder Request Switch
E13 - Side Marker Light, R L5 - Electric Horn S31 - Park Brake w/l Switch
E14 - Taillight, R S37 - Axle Difflock Switch
E15 - High/Low Beam H'lamp, L M1 - Starter Motor S38 - Filter Diff w/l Press Switch
E16 - High/Low Beam H'lamp, R M3 - Cab Vent Blower Motor S39 - Filter Diff w/l Temp switch
E19 - Rear Fog Lamp M4 - Washer Motor, F S40 - Gear Shift Selector
E21 - Rotating Beacon M5 - Wiper Motor, F S41 - Auxiliary Lights Switch
E23 - Work Light M6 - Wiper Motor, B S43 - Air Cond Press Switch
E26 - High Beam H'lamp, L M7 - Washer Motor, B S57 - Steering Press Switch
E27 - High Beam H'lamp, R M10 - Cab Fan Motor S60 - Difflock Request Switch
E34 - Flashing Reverse Light M13 - Air Seat Compressor S71 - Air Cond Rheostat/Switch
E35 - Heated Mirror S74 - Kickdown Switch
N3 - Voltage Convertor 12V S77 - Trans Difflock Switch
G1 - Generator N4 - Frequency Divider S78 - Body joystick Emergency
G2 - Battery Supply Switch
P1 - Speedometer/Odometer S79 - Heated Mirror Switch
H2 - Warning Light P2 - Tachometer/Hourmeter
H5 - Direction Indicator w/l P3 - Coolant Temp Gauge X1 - Handlamp Socket
H6 - Direction Indicator; F, L P4 - Fuel Gauge
H7 - Direction Indicator; B, L P5 - Engine Oil Press Gauge Y1 - Fuel Solenoid
H8 - Direction Indicator; F, R P6 - Air Press Gauge Y3 - Retarder Valve
H9 - Direction Indicator; B, R P15 - Retarder Temp Gauge Y7 - Difflock Valve
H10 - Brake Light, L Y26 - Body Raise Solenoid
H11 - Brake Light, R S1 - Battery Master Switch Y27 - Body Lower Solenoid
H12 - High Beam w/l S2 - Starter Keyswitch Y28 - Radiator Fan Thermostat
H27 - Trans Stop w/l Bypass Solenoid
Location Fuse No. Circuit Current Rating
1 Ignition Sensed Relay Contacts (Heater) 30A
2 Keyswitch 15A
3 Cab Fan Ventilator Blower 15A
4 Rear Wash/Wipe 10A
5 Horn Relay Coil, Front Wash/Wipe 10A
Fuse Box - 6 Air Seat Compressor 10A
Column A 7 Lights Supply 10A
8 Main Beam 10A
9 Wiper Park Front and Rear 7.5A
10 Hazards 7.5A
11 Transmission System Ignition Supply 7.5A
12 Reverse System 7.5A
13 Brake Lights 5A
14 Interior Light, Handlamp 5A
15 Direction Indicators/Rocker Switch Lights 5A
16 Alarm Brake/Steering System 3A
17 Warning Lights 3A
Fuse Box - 18 Fuel Solenoid 3A
Column B 19 Gauges/Ignition Sensed Relay Coils 3A
20 Spare -
21 Neutral Start 3A
22 Washers, Front 3A
23 Washers, Rear 3A
24 Horn 10A
25 Ignition Sensed Relay Contacts (Air Conditioning) 30A
26 Air Cond Compressor & Radiator Fan Solenoid 15A
27 Spare -
28 Ignition Auxilary Supply Option 10A
29 Rear Working Lights 15A
Fuse Box - 30 Rotating Beacon 5A
Column C 31 Cab Fan 3A
32 Transmission System Battery Supply 7.5A
33 Body Hydraulic System 5A
34 Alternator Drive Signal 3A
35 Heated Mirrors 15A
36 Spare -
Radio Harness 38 Radio/Cassette Supply (Glass Fuse) 7A
39 Radio/Cassette Supply (Glass Fuse) 1A
43 Radio/Cassette Voltage Convertor Supply (Blade Fuse) 15A
Battery Box 44 Alternator Charge Cable (Power Fuse) 100A
45 Cab Busbar Supply Cable (Power Fuse) 100A
SM - 2571
F1 F13 F25
F2 F14 F26 K23 K17 K4 K23 - Ign/Sense Opt. K35 - Body Up
F3 F15 F27
F4 F16 F28 K23 - Ign/Sense K4 - Flashers
F5 F17 F29 K23 K14 K33 K37
F6 F18 F30 K34 - Horn K33 - Radiator Fan
F7 F19 F31
F8 F20 F32 K34 K5 K23 K43 K15 - Headlights K23 - Engine Ignition
F9 F21 F33
F10 F22 F34
K15 K35 K36
K17 - Rev. Alarm/Lts. K36 - Body Float
F11 F23 F35
F12 F24 F36 K14 - Neutral/Start K37 - Body Hyd (12V)
K5 - Air Conditioner K43 - Radio/Cassette
* * * *
14 SM 1946 Rev 1 11-00
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM - Switches and Sensors
Section 190-0270
SM - 2574
4 5 5
9 8
1 - Engine Coolant Temperature Sender 5 - Low Air Pressure Switch 9 - Hydraulic Oil Pressure Switch
2 - Switch - 5 bar Sender 6 - Parking Brake Pressure Switch 10 - Air Cleaner Restriction Gauge
3 - Stop Light Pressure Switch 7 - Low Steering Pressure Switch 11 - Fuel Level Transmitter
4 - Air Pressure Sender 8 - Hydraulic Oil Temperature Switch 12 - Body Up Microswitch
13 - Engine Load Sensor
Fig. 1 - Layout View of Switches and Sensors
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless Engine Coolant Temperature Sender (1) - Located
otherwise specified. in the right hand side of the engine. Sends a signal
indicating engine coolant temperature to engine
This section describes the location and function of coolant temperature gauge (10, Fig. 2).
various switches and sensors fitted to the vehicle to
monitor all major components and systems. Gauges Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge (10, Fig. 2) -
and warning lights located in the dash panel, relay this Indicates the engine coolant temperature. The gauge
information to the operator. Refer to Section 120-0010, should read in the green zone after the engine has
TRANSMISSION AND MOUNTING, for switches and warmed. If the gauge reads in the red zone, stop the
sensors fitted to the transmission. engine and investigate the cause.
Note: Always make sure all gauges, warning lights Switch, 5 Bar Sender (2) - The normally closed (NC)
and controls are working properly before operating the sender/switch is located in the engine oil rifle at the
vehicle. rear left hand side of the engine. This sender/switch
SM - 2474
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
15 20 30
10 RPM x100 20 20
20 MPH 20
10 40
5 25
km/h 20
0 30 0 50
2 5 16 21
6 17
3 1 2
4 P 7 140
18 23
opens when engine oil pressure rises above 0.48 bar X9 (located to the right hand side of fuse box). Turn
(7 lbf/in2) and combines two functions: ignition 'On' and check for the following readings;
a. Engine oil pressure sender sends a signal indicating Idle: 0.5 Volts
oil pressure to engine oil pressure gauge (13, Fig. 2). Full Load: 3.4 Volts
b. Engine oil pressure switch sends a signal to Note: outwith these parameters, fault code 23 or 24
illuminate engine oil pressure warning light (1, Fig. 2) will occur. Refer to Section 120-0010,
when the engine oil pressure drops below the safe TRANSMISSION AND MOUNTING, for diagnostic
operating pressure. code details.
Engine Oil Pressure Gauge (13, Fig. 2) - Indicates Tachometer/Hourmeter (9, Fig. 2) - Driven from the
the engine oil pressure. The gauge should read in the alternator, the tachometer indicates the number of
green zone during engine operation. If the gauge engine crankshaft revolutions per minute (rev/min).
reads in the red zone, stop the engine and investigate Never accelerate the engine to speeds indicated by
the cause. the red zone on the dial face. A digital hourmeter is
incorporated in the tachometer to record total hours of
Engine Load Sensor (13) - Located on the left hand engine operation.
side of the engine, the engine load sensor sends a
signal to the transmission ECU indicating the engine Tachometer Calibration
load (throttle position) thus allowing the transmission 1. Determine the impulse setting required. Reference
to shift up or down gear in accordance with the engine tachometer calibration table.
revs. To check the load sensor is operating within the
required parameters, test the load sensor electrically. 2. Using a suitable screwdriver, depress and hold
Insert a voltmeter between pins 2 & 4 on harness plug calibration button at the rear of the tachometer and
turn the ignition keyswitch to position '1'. Release Air Pressure Sender (4) - Located in port 'B' of the
button when PULSE is displayed. front brake air tank, the air pressure sender sends a
signal indicating air reservoir pressure on air pressure
3. After a few seconds, the digits will flash in gauge (11, Fig. 2).
sequence. Depress the button until the desired
number is displayed the release the button for a few Air Pressure Gauge (11, Fig. 2) - Indicates air
seconds until the next digit flashes. reservoir pressure. During normal operation, the
needle in this gauge should be showing in or
4. Repeat step 3 to obtain the desired impulses/ approaching the centre of the green zone. Do not
revolution. The tachometer is now calibrated. operate the vehicle if the needle remains in the red
Speedometer/Odometer (15, Fig. 2) - Driven by a
signal from the ECU, the speedometer indicates travel
speed in kilometres per hour and miles per hour. A WARNING
digital odometer is incorporated in the speedometer to Never release the parking brake or move the
record the distance travelled by the vehicle at any vehicle until the needle is at least approaching
given time. the centre of the green zone.
Speedometer Calibration Low Air Pressure Switch (5) - There are 3 normally
1. Determine the impulse setting required. Reference open (NO) pressure switches located in air system.
speedometer calibration table. One located in port 'A' of the primary air tank and two
on the pressure protection valve at ports '21' and '22'.
Speedometer Calibration Table - The switches send a signal to illuminate low brake air
All units with standard tyres pressure warning light (4, Fig. 2) if air pressure falls
below 4.1 bar (60 lbf/in2). If the warning light
Unit Transmission Pulses
illuminates, stop the machine, apply the parking brake
TA25 6 WG 210 333650 and investigate the cause.
TA27 6 WG 210 333650
TA30 6 WG 260 232100 Parking Brake Pressure Switch (6) - The normally
TA35 6 WG 310 231900 closed (NC) pressure switch is located in a tee from
TA40 6 WG 310 217130 the parking/emergency brake control valve. The
pressure switch opens at a pressure of 0.7 bar
2. Depress and hold calibration button at the front of (10 lbf/in2) and sends a signal to illuminate parking
the speedometer and turn the ignition keyswitch to brake indicator light (8, Fig. 2), indicating that the
position '1'. Release button when PULSE is displayed. parking brake is applied.
3. After a few seconds, the digits will flash in Pressure Converter Overstroke Switches - A
sequence. Depress the button until the desired normally open (NO) contact switch assembly is
number is displayed the release the button for a few located in both the front and rear pressure converter
seconds until the next digit flashes. assemblies. When the pressure converter stroke has
been exceeded, because of a loss of hydraulic
4. Repeat step 3 to obtain the desired impulses/ pressure in the brake system, the switch in the contact
revolution. The speedometer is now calibrated. assembly closes and sends a signal to illuminate front
* * * *
SM - 2454
3 6
1 13
13 7 8 9 10
20 16
1 - Fuel Tank 6 - Fuel Strainer 11 - Cover 16 - Plug
2 - Key 7 - Gasket 12 - Bolt 17 - Drain Plug
3 - Padlock 8 - Fuel Level Transmitter 13 - Washer 18 - Rubber Pad
4 - Filler Cap 9 - Washer 14 - Spring 19 - Bolt
5 - Filter Assembly 10 - Screw 15 - Locknut 20 - Locknut
a. Sends a signal to the fuel level gauge to indicate the Fuel is drawn from fuel tank (16) through fuel line (3),
SM 1942 4-00 1
Fuel System - Fuel Tank, Lines and Mounting
Section 200-0040
SM - 2466
16 11
3 7 2
4,5 1
11 - Plug
1 - Fuel Line 6 - Elbow 12 - Fuel Filter Bracket
2 - Fuel Line 7 - Elbow 13 - Connector
3 - Fuel Line 8 - Bolt 14 - Fuel Filter/Water Separator
4 - Elbow 9 - Lockwasher 15 - Fuel Pump
5 - Reducer Bushing 10 - Bolt 16 - Fuel Tank
fuel filter/water separator (14) and fuel line (2) by fuel REMOVAL
pump (15). Leaving fuel pump (15) under pressure, Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
the fuel flows to the fuel injectors in the cylinder head otherwise specified.
through passages integral with the cylinder head.
Surplus fuel exits from the cylinder head, just above
the fuel inlet, and returns to fuel tank (16) through fuel WARNING
line (1). To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking
A fuel tank breather/filter assembly (5, Fig.1) is materials and lifting equipment are properly
incorporated into the fuel cap (4, Fig. 1), allowing fuel secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
tank (16) to vent to atmosphere, preventing pressure safely.
from building up within fuel tank (16) assembly.
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
parking brake and switch off the engine.
2 SM 1942 4-00
Fuel System - Fuel Tank, Lines and Mounting
Section 200-0040
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master washer (13) and locknut (20), as shown in Fig. 1.
switch in the 'Off' position. Tighten locknut (20) until spring compresses to a
length of 31.75 mm (1.25 in).
3. Remove padlock (3) and remove filler cap (4) from
fuel tank (1). 4. Secure the rear of fuel tank (1) assembly to the
tractor frame with bolts (12), washers (13), springs (14),
4. Remove fuel strainer (6) from fuel tank (1) and washers (13) and locknuts (15), as shown in Fig. 1.
clean with clean diesel fuel. Tighten locknuts (15) until spring compresses to a
length of 31.75 mm (1.25 in).
5. Remove cover (11) from fuel level transmitter (8)
and disconnect electrical connections at fuel level 5. Remove blanking caps and secure fuel lines
transmitter (8). (1 & 3, Fig. 2) to elbows (4 & 6, Fig. 2), as identified at
6. With a suitable container in position, remove drain
plug (17) from the underside of fuel tank (1) and drain 6. Connect electrical connections to fuel level
fuel from fuel tank (1). Reinstall drain plug (17) and transmitter (8) and install cover (11).
tighten securely when fuel tank (1) is completely
drained. 7. Install fuel strainer (6) in fuel tank (1).
7. Identify and tag fuel lines (1 & 3, Fig.2) and, with a 8. Fill fuel tank (1) assembly with clean diesel fuel
suitable container available to catch leakage, specified in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION
disconnect fuel lines (1 & 3, Fig.2). Cap open line ends SYSTEM.
and elbows (4 & 6, Fig. 2) to prevent entry of dirt.
9. Install filler cap (4) assembly on fuel tank filler neck.
8. Remove locknuts (15 & 20), bolts (12 & 19), Tighten filler cap (4) securely and secure in place with
washers (13) and springs (14) securing fuel tank (1) padlock (3).
assembly in the tractor frame. Using a suitable lifting
device, remove fuel tank (1) assembly from the 10. Place the battery master switch in the 'On'
vehicle. position, start the engine and run for a few minutes to
ensure fuel is being supplied to the engine. Check for
9. If required, remove rubber pads (18) from the tractor leaks at fuel lines (1 & 3, Fig. 2) and tighten if required.
frame. Be sure to remove all rubber and adhesive from
the tractor frame. 11. Remove wheel blocks from all road wheels.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
otherwise specified. otherwise specified.
To prevent personal injury and property To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly damage, be sure wheel blocks and blocking
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job materials are properly secured and of adequate
safely. capacity to do the job safely.
SM 1942 4-00 3
Fuel System - Fuel Tank, Lines and Mounting
Section 200-0040
From time to time, remove cover (11) and check Install new fuel filter/water separator on the filter head
condition of electrical connections at fuel level and tighten by hand until the gasket contacts the filter
transmitter (8). head surface. Tighten fuel filter/water separator per
filter manufacturer's instructions.
* * * *
4 SM 1942 4-00
COOLING SYSTEM - Cooling System
Section 210-0000
SM - 2499
5 13
7 2
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
A water cooling system is installed in these vehicles The engine water pump (7) draws coolant from
to maintain desired engine operating temperatures. transmission oil cooler (4) through coolant inlet pipe
(6) and also from header tank through make-up line
The engine portion of the cooling system is covered (15). The coolant passes through DCA4 water filter
in the engine 'Operation and Maintenance Manual'. (8), aftercooler (9) and through the engine block to
thermostat housing (10).
The main components of the cooling system are;
radiator assembly (1), header tank (14), transmission When the coolant is below operating temperature, the
oil cooler (4), water pump (7), DCA4 water filter (8), engine thermostat remains closed and coolant flowing
aftercooler (9) and thermostat housing (10). to thermostat housing (10) returns to engine water
pump (7) and is re-circulated through the engine again.
SM 1983 4-00 1
Cooling System - Cooling System
Section 210-0000
Aerated coolant is drawn off to header tank (14) from Every 10 hours/Daily
left hand radiator tank and engine vent port through Check coolant level and add if low. Fill the radiator
deaeration lines (11 & 16). Excess coolant at header header tank with coolant until the coolant reaches the
tank (14) is discharged through overflow line (17) on bottom of the filler neck and holds at that level.
the filler neck.
Note: Any time a significant amount of coolant is
When the coolant reaches proper operating added, the DCA4 concentration MUST be checked
temperature, the engine thermostat opens allowing and the appropriate action taken. Refer to
coolant to flow through coolant outlet tube (12) and instructions under 'Coolant Recommendations' in this
into the right hand radiator tank. Coolant travels section.
through the radiator core, where heat is drawn off by
air circulating through the core, and into the left hand Note: Removal of the filler cap when the system is
radiator tank. Coolant then travels through coolant hot vents the pressure in the system; if the filler cap
outlet pipe (3), into transmission oil cooler (4) and re- is reinstalled while the system is hot, normal system
circulated back through the system. build up to the rated pressure will not take place. This
may result in a serious temporary reduction of
Note: Refer to Section 210-0060, TRANSMISSION coolant flow due to cavitation at the water pump inlet,
OIL COOLER, for transmission oil flow through particularly if the machine is being operated at high
transmission oil cooler (4). altitude.
The use of antifreeze is mandatory with the cooling Check fan for cracks, loose rivets, and bent or loose
system. The lack of radiator flow with the blades. Check fan mounting and tighten if required.
thermostats closed allows the coolant in the radiator Replace the fan if damaged. Visually inspect the fan
to freeze under low ambient temperatures. belt for wear and tension. Refer to Section 110-0030,
PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Check all coolant lines, pipes and components for
To ensure the continued efficient functioning of the leaks and wear.
cooling system, certain checks and operations
should be performed at regular intervals.
Every 250 hours
Check and replenish the DCA4 concentration as
WARNING described under 'Coolant Recommendations' in this
Do not remove the filler cap from the radiator section.
header tank or attempt to drain the coolant
until the engine has cooled to below 50 C Replace DCA4 coolant filter if required. When testing
(120 F). When removing filler cap, always the DCA4 concentration, depending on the level of
partially unscrew cap slowly to release DCA4, the coolant filter may not require to be
pressure from the system. Remove filler cap changed. Refer to instructions under 'Coolant
slowly, as the sudden release of pressure from Recommendations' in this section.
a heated cooling system can result in a loss of
coolant and possible personal injury. Note: Under concentration of the DCA4 coolant
additive can result in liner pitting and system
corrosion. Over concentration can result in water
As Required pump seal leakage. Always maintain DCA4
Tighten water manifold, water pump, oil coolers and concentration at recommended levels.
radiator mounting bolts. Clean radiator core fins.
Note: Turn the coolant shut off valve to the 'Off'
Note: Under extreme conditions it may be necessary position before removing DCA4 water filter.
to clean radiator core fins several times per shift.
2 SM 1983 4-00
Cooling System - Cooling System
Section 210-0000
Visibly inspect the water pump for indications of 5. Shut off the engine and drain the cooling system.
coolant or oil leakage at the weep hole.
Note: To greatly increase the radiator fill time, open
Note: A streak or slight chemical build up at the bleed nipple (13, Fig. 1) on elbow (5, Fig. 1) at initial
weep hole is not justification for water pump fill. The bleed nipple should be left open until coolant
replacement. If a steady flow of coolant or oil is starts to leak from the nipple, indicating that all air in
observed, replace the water pump with a new or the system up to this level has escaped.
rebuilt unit.
6. Fill the cooling system with clean water and
operate the engine at high idle for 5 minutes with the
Cleaning The Cooling System coolant temperature above 85 C (185 F).
Do not remove the filler cap from the radiator Do not remove the filler cap from the radiator
header tank or attempt to drain the coolant header tank or attempt to drain the coolant
until the engine has cooled to below 50 C until the engine has cooled to below 50 C
(120 F). When removing filler cap, always (120 F).
partially unscrew cap slowly to release
pressure from the system. Remove filler cap 7. Shut off the engine and drain the cooling system.
slowly, as the sudden release of pressure from
a heated cooling system can result in a loss of Note: If the water being drained is still dirty, the
coolant and possible personal injury. system must be flushed again until the water is
Note: It is recommended to use a cleaner such as
Fleetguard RESTORE, or equivalent, when cleaning 8. Refill the cooling system with the proper mix of
the cooling system. antifreeze and water and install new precharge filter
and correct concentration of DCA4 liquid. Refer to
1. Drain the cooling system. Do not allow the cooling instructions under 'Coolant Recommendations'.
system to dry out or remove the DCA4 water filter.
9. Install filler cap on the radiator header tank,
2. Add 3.8 litres (1 US gal) of cleaner for each operate the engine and check for coolant leaks.
38 - 57 litres (10 - 15 US gal) of cooling system
capacity, and fill the system with plain water.
Note: Fleetguard RESTORE contains no antifreeze Heavy duty diesel engines installed in these vehicles
and the cooling system should not be allowed to require a heavy duty coolant for optimum
freeze during the cleaning operation. performance. Heavy duty coolant is defined as a
correct mixture of good quality water, low silicate
3. Slide the heater temperature control to high to antifreeze and supplemental coolant additives (SCA's).
allow maximum coolant flow through the heater core.
The blower switch does not have to be on. Water quality is important for cooling system
performance. Excessive levels of calcium and
4. Operate the engine at normal operating magnesium contribute to scaling problems, and
temperature, at least 85 C (185 F) for 1 - 1.5 hours. excessive levels of chlorides and sulphates cause
cooling system corrosion.
SM 1983 4-00 3
Cooling System - Cooling System
Section 210-0000
a. Pour water into a suitable clean container. 2. Remove one strip from the bottle and replace cap
immediately. DO NOT touch the pads on the end of
b. Add the same quantity of low silicate antifreeze to the strip.
the water.
Note: Discard kit if unused strips have turned light
c. Add the correct quantity of DCA4 liquid for the brown or pink.
cooling system capacity required. Refer to the
relevant 'Precharge Chart' in this section for DCA4 3. Dip strip in coolant sample for one second,
quantities. Refer to Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION remove, and shake strip briskly to remove excess
SYSTEM for cooling system capacity. liquid.
d. Thoroughly blend all components. 4. 45 seconds after dipping strip compare and record
results in the following order:
Note: Following the correct order for mixing the
heavy duty coolant will prevent additive dropout a. Compare Freeze Point (end pad) to colour chart
during the mixing process. and record the result.
Note: The cooling system must be clean before b. Next, compare Sodium Molybdate (middle pad) to
adding DCA4 liquid. colour chart and record the result.
Note: Do not use soluble oils in the cooling system. c. Finally, compare Sodium Nitrate test to colour
The use of soluble oils will lead to cylinder lining chart and record the result.
pitting, corrode brass and copper, damage heat
transfer surfaces and damage seals and hoses. 5. All three readings must be completed no later
than 75 seconds after dipping the strip.
4 SM 1983 4-00
Cooling System - Cooling System
Section 210-0000
SM 1983 4-00 5
Cooling System - Cooling System
Section 210-0000
* * * *
6 SM 1983 4-00
COOLING SYSTEM - Radiator, Header Tank and Mounting
Section 210-0040
SM - 2497
1 11
12 22
18 2
21 6 9
15 14
17 16
15 - Adaptor
1 - Radiator Assembly 8 - Rubber Mount 16 - Drain Cock
2 - Fan Guard 9 - Nut 17 - Plug
3 - Fan Shroud 10 - Bolt 18 - Bolt
4 - Fan Cowl 11 - Washer 19 - Rubber Mount
5 - Support Bracket 12 - Nut 20 - Snubbing Washer
6 - Bolt 13 - Elbow 21 - Nut
7 - Washer 14 - Hose Assembly 22 - Coolant Inlet Pipe
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1, unless
otherwise specified. otherwise specified.
SM 1987 4-00 1
Cooling System - Radiator, Header Tank and Mounting
Section 210-0040
SM - 2496
13 15
16 17 11
3 18
1 21
19 18
20 16 15
12 4 14
16 15 10
2 SM 1987 4-00
Cooling System - Radiator, Header Tank and Mounting
Section 210-0040
SM - 2498
6 1
12 10
9 9
3 4
2 18 19
identified for ease of installation and with suitable and hydraulic oil cooler on the front of radiator
containers available to catch leakage, disconnect assembly (1). Move baffle plates and hydraulic oil
hydraulic lines. Fit blanking caps to open lines and cooler clear from radiator core to facilitate removal.
10. Remove mounting hardware securing fan guards
7. Slacken clamps and remove coolant inlet pipe (22) (2) to fan shroud (3) and remove fan guards (2) from
from radiator assembly (1) and engine thermostat the vehicle.
11. Remove bolt (6), washer (7) and locknut (9)
8. Disconnect deaeration line (13, Fig. 3) from elbow securing radiator support bracket (5) to radiator
(14, Fig. 3) at the top of radiator left hand tank. Fit steady bracket on engine.
blanking caps to open lines and ports.
12. If isolation mount (7) is damaged, remove and
9. Remove mounting hardware securing baffle plates replace with a new rubber mount (7).
SM 1987 4-00 3
Cooling System - Radiator, Header Tank and Mounting
Section 210-0040
Note: Under no circumstances should eye bolts be Note: Position radiator assembly on wooden blocks
fitted to the bosses on the top of radiator (1) for the with fan shroud (3, Fig. 1) up to protect radiator core
purpose of lifting complete radiator assembly (1). during 'Disassembly'.
14. If required, remove bolts (10), washers (11), nuts 1. Remove mounting hardware securing fan shroud
(12) and radiator support bracket (5) from radiator (3, Fig. 1) and fan cowl (4, Fig. 1) to radiator
assembly (1). assembly (1, Fig. 1). Remove fan shroud and cowl
from radiator assembly.
15. Remove locknuts (21), snubbing washers (20)
and bolts (18) securing radiator assembly (1) to the 2. Remove bolts (17) and lockwashers (18) from both
vehicle. Remove radiator assembly (1) from the ends of cross brace (6). Remove lockwashers (18)
vehicle. and nuts (19) from both ends of cross brace (5).
Remove cross braces from radiator assembly (1, Fig.
Note: The thin fins and tubes of the radiator core are 1).
easily damaged, therefore, handle radiator assembly
(1) with care. 3. Remove bolts (11), washers (12), lockwashers
(20) and nuts (21) securing top and bottom supports
16. If rubber mounts (19) are damaged, remove from (3 & 4) to left hand tank (1) and right hand tank (2).
mounting brackets on the frame and replace with new Remove top and bottom supports (3 & 4).
rubber mounts (19).
4. Remove nuts (16), lockwashers (15), bolts (14),
studs (13) and stiffening strips (9, 10 & 20) securing
Header Tank left hand tank (1) to core assembly (7).
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 3.
5. Remove left hand tank (1) from core assembly (7)
1. With suitable container in position, remove drain and discard gasket (8).
plug to ensure coolant has been drained from header
tank (1). 6. Remove nuts (16), lockwashers (15), bolts (14),
studs (13) and stiffening strips (9, 10 & 20) securing
2. Slacken band clamp (2) and pull hose (3) off of right hand tank (2) to core assembly (7).
pipe at bottom of header tank (1).
7. Remove right hand tank (2) from core assembly
3. Ensure deaeration lines (12 & 13) are identified for (7). Discard gasket (8).
ease of installation and disconnect deaeration lines
from elbows (11) in header tank (1). Fit blanking caps 8. If required, remove drain cock assembly (13
to open lines and fittings. through 17, Fig. 1) assembly from bottom of right
hand tank (2).
4. Disconnect overflow tubing (10) from filler neck.
4 SM 1987 4-00
Cooling System - Radiator, Header Tank and Mounting
Section 210-0040
INSPECTION bolts (17) and lockwashers (18). Tighten all nuts (19)
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2. and bolts (17).
1. Steam clean all parts thoroughly with a suitable 6. Install fan shroud (3, Fig. 1) and fan cowl (4, Fig.
solvent. 1)to radiator assembly (1, Fig. 1) and secure with
mounting hardware.
2. Examine radiator core (7) core carefully for
possible damage. Repair any damage discovered if
equipped to do so, or, have repairs made at a Header Tank
reputable radiator repair shop. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
3. Clean radiator left hand tank (1) and right hand 1. If removed, apply Loctite 225 to elbows (11) and
tank (2) of all traces of corrosion, scale and old joint install in header tank (1), noting orientation of elbows
material. as identified at disassembly.
4. Secure top and bottom supports (3 & 4) to left and Note: The thin fins and tubes of the radiator core are
right hand tanks (1 & 2) with bolts (11), washers (12), easily damaged, therefore, handle radiator assembly
lockwashers (20) and nuts (21). (1) with care.
5. Secure cross braces (5) to radiator assembly (1, 3. Secure radiator support bracket (5) to radiator
Fig. 1) with lockwashers (18) and nuts (19). Secure assembly (1) with bolts (10), washers (11) and nuts
cross braces (6) to radiator assembly (1, Fig. 1) with (12). Secure radiator support bracket (5) to radiator
SM 1987 4-00 5
Cooling System - Radiator, Header Tank and Mounting
Section 210-0040
steady bracket on engine with bolt (6), washer (7) system through filler neck in header tank (1) with
and locknut (9). Tighten all nuts (9 & 12) and bolts (6 coolant until coolant level stabilizes at the bottom of
& 10) to secure radiator assembly (1) in position. filler neck.
4. Remove lifting equipment and connect all lines and 14. Check all line and pipe connections for leaks prior
tubes to radiator (1) assembly, as tagged at to starting the vehicle. Tighten as required.
15. Switch the battery master switch to the 'On'
5. Secure baffle plates and hydraulic oil cooler position, start up the engine and check for leaks.
assembly to the front of radiator (1) assembly with Tighten lines and fittings and top up coolant level as
mounting hardware, as removed at Removal. required.
6. Install fan guards (2) to fan shroud (3) with 16. Install filler cap (17) on filler neck after the
mounting hardware, as removed at Removal. coolant level has stabilized at the bottom of filler
7. Ensure drain cock assembly (13 through 17) and
all lines and pipes are securely tightened to prevent 17. Install hood assembly on the vehicle. Refer to
leaks at initial fill and start up. Section 100-0040, HOOD AND MOUNTING.
Note: If Header Tank (1) was removed and has not 18. Remove wheel blocks from road wheels.
yet been installed, proceed from step 8, however, if
header tank (1) was not removed or has been
reinstalled, proceed from step 13. CLEANING
8. Fit header tank (1) assembly to goal post support Internal Cleaning - Water Tubes
assembly and secure with bolts (6), washers (7) and If scale deposits are present inside the water tubes of
nuts (8). the radiator, it is necessary to use a suitable scale
remover such as 'Powdered Scale Solvent', or
9. Remove blanking caps from deaeration lines equivalent. This material is a free-flowing powder,
(12 & 13) and connect to elbows (11) on header tank inhibited to prevent attack on the cooling system
(1), as noted at Removal. materials.
6 SM 1987 4-00
Cooling System - Radiator, Header Tank and Mounting
Section 210-0040
Note: If scale deposits within the radiator are 4. Leave radiator core to dry before reinstalling the
exceptionally heavy, concentrations up to 200 kg/m cooling equipment.
may be used.
Note: In the case of grossly fouled surfaces which
The most convenient method of use is to prepare a are not cleaned adequately in steps 1 through 4, the
concentrated solution by mixing the powder in hot following procedure may be used.
water in a tank and then adding the concentrated
solution to water contained in the radiator. 5. Ensure that the radiator core is dry.
Note: The solvent must always be added carefully to 6. Liberally brush on to both sides of the radiator core
water, not water to solvent. an emulsifying cleaner such as 'Gunk', or equivalent,
and leave to soak for at least 1 hour.
External Cleaning 7. Apply a high pressure steam jet at 100 - 300 kN/m,
Note: If a build up of dirt is apparent during routine or compressed air at 500 - 700 kN/m on to the
inspection, the following cleaning procedure should be treated surfaces, from several different angles,
adopted. forcing the fouling material out from the radiator core.
SM 1987 4-00 7
Cooling System - Radiator, Header Tank and Mounting
Section 210-0040
* * * *
8 SM 1987 4-00
COOLING SYSTEM - Transmission Oil Cooler
Section 210-0060
SM - 2484
10 TO
10 24
21 26 25 10
35 10
34 TO ENGINE 22 16
19 18
14 16 32
31 6
10 10
11 20 9
32 33 B 10
10 31
7 18
19 2
10 17
8 10
3 2
DESCRIPTION AND OPERATION through the engine water jacket and, when
Numbers and letters in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. thermostats are open, returns through coolant inlet
tube (6) at port 'A'. Coolant circulates through cooler
The transmission oil cooler is connected in the tubes in heat exchanger (1), cooling transmission oil
cooling and transmission oil circuits, between the around the tubes, and exits at port 'D'.
radiator and transmission. The purpose of the
transmission oil cooler is to maintain transmission oil Transmission oil to be cooled enters heat exchanger
within its required operating temperature range. Refer (1), through oil inlet line (21) at port 'C', circulates
to Section 120-0010, TRANSMISSION AND around cooler tubes, exits at port 'B' through oil return
MOUNTING and Section 210-0000, COOLING line (22) to the transmission.
Note: Oil flow must always flow in the opposite
Coolant is drawn from port 'D', through coolant outlet direction to coolant flow through transmission oil cooler.
elbow (7) by the engine water pump. It then circulates
SM 1977 4-00 1
Cooling System - Transmission Oil Cooler
Section 210-0060
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the In many areas, raw water is extremely corrosive or
parking brake and switch off the engine. scale forming and should be treated to prevent
damage to the transmission oil cooler. A properly
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master maintained cooling system will significantly reduce
switch in the 'Off' position. cleaning intervals. Refer to Section 210-0000,
3. Open drain cock on the underside of the radiator
and drain the coolant into a suitable container. Refer Cleaning Oil Side
to Section 210-0000, COOLING SYSTEM.
5. Remove mounting hardware securing front grille on 1. Clean transmission oil cooler before sludge
the hood. Remove front grille from the hood. hardens. After transmission oil cooler is completely
drained, circulate a solution of trichloroethane
6. Loosen clamp (10) and slide coolant inlet tube (6) through the passages surrounding the cooler tubes in
and sleeve (9) from connection at port 'A'. Drain heat exchanger (1) to remove sludge.
coolant from coolant inlet tube (6) and cooler flange
(4) into a suitable container. 2. If cooler tubes are badly clogged, circulate an
oakite or alkaline solution through heat exchanger
7. Loosen clamp (10) and slide coolant outlet elbow (1). Solution should be circulated through heat
(7) and elbow (8) from connection at port 'D'. Drain exchanger (1), in the reverse direction to normal flow,
coolant from coolant outlet elbow (7) and cooler for approximately 15 minutes, after soaking for 10
flange (3) into a suitable container. minutes. The duration of circulation depends on how
badly clogged the cooler tubes are. Flush thoroughly
8. Remove drain plug from underside of heat with clean hot water.
exchanger (1) and drain oil into a suitable container.
Reinstall drain plug in heat exchanger (1).
Cleaning Water Side
9. Remove oil inlet line (21) and tube assembly (20) 1. Match mark cooler flanges (3 & 4) and heat
from elbow (19) at port 'C' on heat exchanger (1). exchanger (1) to aid in assembly.
Drain any oil in the line into a suitable container.
2. Remove socket screws (5) securing cooler flanges
10. Remove oil return line (22) from elbow (19) at (3 & 4) to heat exchanger (1). Remove cooler flanges
port 'B' on heat exchanger (1). Drain any oil in the line (3 & 4) from heat exchanger (1) and discard viton
into a suitable container. seals (2).
11. Support transmission oil cooler assembly with a 3. Make up a solution composed of 1/3 muriatic acid
suitable lifting device and remove bolts (32), washers and 2/3 water. To each 9.5 litres (2.5 gal) of solution,
(33) and clamps (31). Remove transmission oil add 227 g (0.5 lb) of oxalic acid.
cooler assembly from the inside of the front bumper.
2 SM 1977 4-00
Cooling System - Transmission Oil Cooler
Section 210-0060
4. Immerse heat exchanger (1) in the cleaning 1. Using suitable lifting equipment, position
solution. Cleaning action is noticeable by bubbling transmission oil cooler assembly on mounting points
and foaming. The process must be carefully in the inside of the front bumper. Secure with bolts
observed and when bubbling stops, usually between (32), washers (33) and clamps (31).
30 - 60 sec., remove heat exchanger (1) from
cleaning solution and flush thoroughly with clean, hot 2. If removed, install elbows (19) in ports 'B' and 'C'
water. After cleaning, dip heat exchanger (1) in light on heat exchanger (1). Install oil inlet line (21) and
oil. tube assembly (20) on elbow (19) in port 'C', and oil
outlet line (22) on elbow (19) in port 'B'.
Note: Severely fouled cooler tubes can be cleaned
by use of a rotary brush if normal cleaning is not 4. Install coolant outlet elbow (7) and elbow (8) on
sufficient. connection at port 'D' and secure with clamps (10).
1. Install new viton seals (2) to cooler flanges (3 & 4) Note: Open bleed nipple (14) on coolant outlet elbow
and align cooler flanges to heat exchanger (1), as (7) at initial fill. The bleed nipple should be left open
match marked at disassembly. until coolant starts to leak from the nipple, indicating
that all air in the system up to this level has escaped.
2. Secure cooler flanges (3 & 4) to heat exchanger
(1) with socket screws (5). Tighten socket screws (5) 7. Ensure drain cock on underside of radiator is
alternately to give an even seal around cooler flange closed and fill radiator header tank with coolant
area. specified in Section 210-0000, COOLING SYSTEM.
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed 9. Install front grille assembly to the hood with
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT mounting hardware removed during removal.
10. Remove wheel blocks from all road wheels.
Note: Tighten all hydraulic lines fitted with ORFS
connections, as described in Section 220-0000,
'O' rings where used. There are no special service tools required for the
procedures outlined in this Section. Refer to
Section 300-0070, SERVICE TOOLS, for part
WARNING numbers of general service tools required. These
To prevent personal injury and property tools are available from your dealer.
damage, be sure wheel blocks and lifting
equipment are properly secured and of
adequate capacity to do the job safely.
* * * *
SM 1977 4-00 3
COOLING SYSTEM - Hydraulic Oil Cooler
Section 210-0100
SM - 2494
10 1
3 A
B 8
SM 1976 4-00 1
Cooling System - Hydraulic Oil Cooler
Section 210-0100
4. Remove mounting hardware securing front grille on Note: Tighten all hydraulic lines fitted with ORFS
the hood assembly. Remove front grille from the hood. connections, as described in Section 220-0000,
5. Remove inlet line (8) from elbow (7) and connector 'O' rings where used.
(6) in port 'A' of hydraulic oil cooler (1). Drain oil from
inlet line (8) into a suitable container. Plug inlet line
and cap port 'A' to prevent ingress of dirt. WARNING
To prevent personal injury and property
6. Remove outlet line (9) from connector (6) in port 'B' damage, be sure wheel blocks and lifting
of hydraulic oil cooler (1). Drain oil from outlet line (9) equipment are properly secured and of
into a suitable container. Plug outlet line and cap port adequate capacity to do the job safely.
'B' to prevent ingress of dirt.
1. If removed, secure bracket assemblies (2 & 3) to
7. Remove remove mounting hardware securing the radiator assembly with bolts (4) and hardened
hydraulic oil cooler (1) to bracket assemblies (2 & 3). washers (5).
Remove hydraulic oil cooler (1) from its mounting.
2. Secure hydraulic oil cooler (1) to bracket
8. If required, remove bolts (4) and hardened washers assemblies (2 & 3) with mounting hardware, as
(5) securing bracket assemblies (2 & 3) to the radiator removed at 'Removal'.
3. Install inlet line (8) and outlet line (9) in their
respective ports, as removed at 'Removal'.
1. Inspect fins on hydraulic oil cooler carefully, for 4. Fill hydraulic tank with oil. Refer to Section
trapped debris and damage. If hydraulic oil cooler fins 230-0040, HYDRAULIC TANK, for correct fill level and
show signs of leakage or are excessively damaged, it Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM for
must be replaced as an assembly. specifications of oil to be used.
2. Check connectors in hydraulic oil cooler ports for 5. Place the battery master switch in the 'On' position,
damaged threads. Replace if required. start engine and operate the body hydraulics several
times to circulate the oil. Check hydraulic oil cooler (1)
and lines for leaks. Tighten fittings as required.
Dangerous fumes. To prevent personal injury, 6. Install front grille assembly to the hood with
use trichloroethane only in the open or in a mounting hardware, as removed at 'Removal'.
well ventilated room.
7. Secure shipping bar in the 'Stowed' position and
3. After hydraulic oil cooler is completely drained, remove wheel blocks from all road wheels.
circulate a solution of trichloroethane through the
cooler tubes.
4. If cooler tubes are badly clogged, circulate an oakite Check and clean hydraulic oil cooler every 4 000
or alkaline solution through the hydraulic oil cooler, in hours, or more frequently, if required. Debris in the
the reverse direction to normal flow, for approximately cooling fins can restrict the flow of air through the
15 minutes. The duration of circulation depends on cooler which significantly reduces the cooling effect.
how badly clogged the cooler tubes are. Flush
thoroughly with clean hot water. Note: In the event of a hydraulic failure, hydraulic oil
cooler should be removed and cleaned of any debris,
to prevent clogging.
Numbers and letters in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
* * * *
2 SM 1976 4-00
STEERING SYSTEM - Steering Schematic
Section 220-0000
Mounted off the tractor frame at the rear of the cab, There are five ports on the steering valve housing as
the hydraulic tank is the common oil reservoir for the follows:
steering and body hydraulic systems.
Port 'P' - Supply from pump via priority valve
Integral with the tank assembly are two suction Port 'T' - Return to tank
screens, filter element, relief valve, adaptor plate, Port 'R' - Cylinder supply for right hand turn
access covers and filler neck assembly. Two sight Port 'L' - Cylinder supply for left hand turn
gauges on the right hand side of the tank assembly Port 'LS' - From Load Sensing port on priority valve
indicate hydraulic oil level. Located on top of the tank
assembly are a breather, pressure switch and
temperature switch.
SM 1943 4-00 1
Steering System - Steering Schematic
Section 220-0000
Mounted off the right hand cab leg, the emergency SLEEVE
valve forms part of the emergency steering system. It
is connected to the main output line of the ground
driven Emergency Steering Pump (3) mounted on Fig. 1 - Assembly of Typical ORFS Connector
the transmission.
a. Ensure 'O' ring/seal is in place and that the joining
surfaces are clean. If necessary, retain 'O' ring/seal in
Steering Cylinders (7)
place with a light coating of grease or vaseline.
Refer to Section 220-0120, STEERING CYLINDER.
b. Initially, the nuts should be tightened by hand.
There are two single stage, double acting steering
cylinders on the machine. The cylinder base end is c. Where a hose is fitted, ensure that it is not twisted or
connected to the articulation and oscillation pivot, and, kinked when the nuts are tightened so that it is allowed
the piston rod end is connected to the front frame. to adopt a natural position.
Single stage double acting means that the piston rod
can have oil applied to either side, extending or d. Where a tube is fitted, ensure that the connection is
retracting the piston rod. aligned correctly.
Cylinder mounting is by pins, spacers, seals and, e. Tighten the nut a further 1/4 to 1/2 a turn using the
spherical bearings secured with circlips. Spherical correct size spanner (wrench).
bearings permit a limited amount of cylinder
misalignment when travelling over rough terrain. f. Check that a satisfactory hose or tube routing has
been achieved.
2 SM 1943 4-00
Steering System - Steering Schematic
Section 220-0000
Hydraulic Oil
The steering system should be kept filled with
hydraulic oil as listed in Section 300-0020,
SM 1943 4-00 3
Steering System - Steering Schematic
Section 220-0000
SM - 2455A
1 - Hydraulic Tank
2 - Main Hydraulic Pump 7 7
3 - Emergency Steering Pump
4 - Steering Valve L R
5 - Priority Valve
6 - Emergency Valve
7 - Steering Cylinder
8 - Oil Pressure Switch
Red - Pressurized Oil
Blue - Exhaust or Return Oil
Green - Intake Oil
Orange - Pilot Pressure
Yellow - Static Oil
P 6
8 3
Fig. 2 - Steering System Schematic Diagram - Engine Running, Steering Valve Neutral
4 SM 1943 4-00
Steering System - Steering Schematic
Section 220-0000
SM - 2455B
1 - Hydraulic Tank
7 7
2 - Main Hydraulic Pump
3 - Emergency Steering Pump
4 - Steering Valve L R
5 - Priority Valve 4
6 - Emergency Valve
7 - Steering Cylinder
8 - Oil Pressure Switch
Red - Pressurized Oil
Blue - Exhaust or Return Oil
Green - Intake Oil
Orange - Pilot Pressure
Yellow - Static Oil
P 6
8 3
Fig. 3 - Steering System Schematic Diagram - Engine Running, Steering Valve Right Turn
SM 1943 4-00 5
Steering System - Steering Schematic
Section 220-0000
SM - 2455C
1 - Hydraulic Tank
2 - Main Hydraulic Pump 7 7
3 - Emergency Steering Pump
4 - Steering Valve L R
5 - Priority Valve
6 - Emergency Valve
7 - Steering Cylinder
8 - Oil Pressure Switch
Red - Pressurized Oil
Blue - Exhaust or Return Oil
Green - Intake Oil
Orange - Pilot Pressure
Yellow - Static Oil
P 6
8 3
Fig. 4 - Steering System Schematic Diagram - Engine Running, Steering Valve Left Turn
6 SM 1943 4-00
Steering System - Steering Schematic
Section 220-0000
SM - 2455D
1 - Hydraulic Tank
2 - Main Hydraulic Pump 7
3 - Emergency Steering Pump
4 - Steering Valve L R
5 - Priority Valve
6 - Emergency Valve
7 - Steering Cylinder
8 - Oil Pressure Switch
Red - Pressurized Oil
Blue - Exhaust or Return Oil
Green - Intake Oil
Orange - Pilot Pressure
Yellow - Static Oil
P 6
8 3
Fig. 5 - Steering System Schematic Diagram - Engine Running, Steering Cylinder Shock Load
* * * *
SM 1943 4-00 7
STEERING SYSTEM - Steering Valve
Section 220-0090
SM - 2016
12 11 10 8 16 7 6 5 4
18 14
20 13 9 3
When the operator turns the steering wheel a certain RIGHT LEFT
number of degrees for either a left or right hand turn, SYSTEM TURN TURN
the movement is transmitted through the steering PRESSURE FEED FEED
column to spool (16). After a minimum rotation of 2.5 METER TO
degrees, the ports in spool (16) start to align with ports
in sleeve (8). When the steering wheel is rotated to a
maximum of 10 degrees the ports are fully aligned
allowing full oil flow. After 10 degrees of travel in either
direction the spool and sleeve rotate as an assembly
through centring pin (10).
Oil from the priority valve flows into valve housing (7)
at port 'P' and is channelled through sleeve (8) and
spool (16) to gerotor housing (4). Porting in gerotor
housing (4) permits oil to flow into pockets formed by Fig. 3 - Porting of Spool and Sleeve
gerotor housing (4) and gerotor gear (19). As spool
(16) rotates, driveshaft (6) also rotates which, in turn, REMOVAL
rotates gerotor gear (19) to which it is splined. When
gerotor gear (19) rotates it progressively forces oil out Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 4.
of the pockets (see Fig. 2) of gerotor housing (4). The
oil is channelled through sleeve (8) and spool (16) and
exits valve housing (7) through port 'R' for a right hand WARNING
turn, or port 'L' for a left hand turn. Oil then travels To prevent personal injury and property
through steering lines to the steering cylinders. damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking
materials and lifting equipment are properly
As the steering cylinder pistons move, oil forced out of secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
the steering cylinders returns to valve housing (7). The safely.
return oil passes through valve sleeve (8) and spool
(16) and exits through port 'T' to tank. 1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
parking brake and switch off the engine.
When the steering effort is released, centring spring
(11) which was put under tension by the rotation of 2. Block all road wheels, except the front right hand
spool (16), forces sleeve (8) to rotate back to its and place the battery master switch in the 'Off'
original position. This puts the ports out of alignment position.
and stops pump oil flow to the steering cylinders. The
vehicle stops turning further but will hold the present
turning radius until spool (16) is rotated past the 2.5
degree minimum.
SM - 2493
14 29
17 34
7 33
3,6 32
27 21
5 29
4 28 25
10 23 21
1 8 22
3. Remove hydraulic tank remote drain plug and drain 6. Slide bellows (19) over steering column (8) to allow
hydraulic oil into a suitable container. Reinstall drain access and loosen bolt (14), washer (15) and nut (16)
plug in hydraulic tank remote drain fitting. which tightens coupling (17) onto steering column (8).
4. Remove front right hand wheel from the vehicle, as 7. Support steering valve (1) and remove mounting
described in Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM AND bolts (10) and lockwashers (11) securing steering
TYRE. valve (1) to mounting plate (5). Remove steering valve
(1) to a clean area for disassembly.
5. Clean outer area of steering valve (1) with a suitable
solvent. Ensure all hydraulic lines connected to 8. If required, remove bolts (7), washers (3 & 6),
steering valve (1) are identified for ease of installation locknuts (2), rubber mounts (4) and mounting plate (5)
and with suitable containers available to catch from the floor plate. Discard rubber mounts (4), if
leakage, disconnect hydraulic lines. Cap all lines and damaged.
plug all ports to prevent entry of dirt.
SM - 2017
9 11 13 12 13
16 20 14 17 18 15
3 4 19 21 5
SM - 2019 before these parts are fully disengaged and the pin is
not horizontal, the pin can drop and lockup can occur.
2. Remove cap screws (1) securing end cap (2),
gerotor housing (4) and spacer plate (5) to valve
housing (7). Remove end cap (2) from valve
housing (7) and discard 'O' ring (3).
Fig. 8 - Removing Spool and Sleeve Assembly 9. Remove bearing race (13) and needle thrust
bearing (12) from spool and sleeve assembly.
SM - 2021
10. Using suitable pliers, remove retainer (20) and
bearing race (13) from spool (16) and sleeve (8)
6 8 11 13
assembly. Refer to Fig. 9.
11. Remove centering spring (11) from spool (16) and
sleeve (8) assembly. Refer to Fig. 9.
12. Remove pin (10) and slide drive shaft (6) from
spool (16) and sleeve (8) assembly. Refer to Fig. 9.
SM - 2022 through the straws and out of the valve housing (7).
PORT FACE Refer to Fig. 10.
15. Remove and discard 'O' ring (14), seal (17) and
backup ring (18) from valve housing (7).
24 1. Clean all metal parts in a suitable solvent and blow
Anti-Cavitation Valves -
Insert Soda Straws (2), dry with compressed air. Do not wipe dry with cloth or
one into each of these paper towel as lint or other matter may get into the
two threaded holes. 23 hydraulic system and cause damage.
Anti-Cavitation Valves 1. Use a soda straw as a guide tool to insert the roll pin
(23) and ball valve (24) into the anti-cavitation valve
ports. Insert soda straw, into anti-cavitation valve bore.
Drop ball valve (24) through straw into bore. Remove
straw and drop roll pin (23) into bore. Repeat for
second anti-cavitation valve bore. Refer to Fig. 11.
6 8 11 13
6 8
6 - Drive Shaft
8 - Sleeve
9 - Ball Check
10 - Pin 9 9 10 16
16 - Spool
Fig. 12 - Installing Spool and Ball Checks
SM - 2025
6 16
6 - Drive Shaft
8 - Sleeve
9 - Ball Check 12 14
8 10 10 - Pin
11 - Centring Springs 16 - Spool
12 - Needle Bearing 17 - Seal
6 - Drive Shaft 10 - Pin 13 - Bearing Race 18 - Backup Ring
8 - Sleeve 16 - Spool 14 - 'O' Ring 20 - Retainer
Fig. 13 - Installing Centring Pin and Drive Shaft Fig. 15 - Sectional View of Seals and Bearings
SM - 2028 SM - 2029
Fig. 16 - Compressing Centering Spring Fig. 17 - Installing Spool and Sleeve Assembly
SM - 2030
3 4 19 21 5
8. Using a cloth to protect the hand, place gerotor gear valve housing (7). Align bolt holes in spacer plate (5) with
(19) over end of drive shaft (6). Insert special tool tapped holes in valve housing (7). Refer to Fig. 18.
through valve housing (7) and engage with splined
end of spool (16) and sleeve (8) assembly. Twist tool 13. Lubricate and install new 'O' ring (21) in groove in
to compress centering spring (11) radially CW or spacer plate (5). Refer to Fig. 18.
CCW. Refer to Fig. 16.
14. Install gerotor housing (4) on valve housing (7).
9. Keep centering spring (11) compressed and Align bolt holes in gerotor housing (4) with tapped
carefully insert assembled parts into valve housing (7), holes in valve housing (7). Refer to Fig. 18.
as shown in Fig. 17.
15. Align gerotor gear (19) on driveshaft (6) and
10. Release tension on centering spring (11) and gerotor housing (4), as shown in Fig. 18.
remove special tool and gerotor gear (19).
16. Lubricate and install new 'O' ring (3) in groove in
11. Lubricate and install new 'O' ring (22) in groove in gerotor housing (4).
valve housing (7). Refer to Fig. 18.
17. Install end cap (2) on gerotor housing (4), as
12. Install spacer plate (5) with the 'O' ring groove up, on shown in Fig. 18.
18. Align cap screw (1) holes and install seven dry cap 8. Remove wheel blocks from all road wheels, place
screws (1) in end cap (2). Pre-tighten cap screws (1) to the battery master switch in the 'On' position and start
17 Nm (12.5 lbf ft) then tighten to a torque of 34 Nm the engine. Operate the steering and check hydraulic
(25 lbf ft), in the sequence shown in Fig. 19. lines for leaks. Tighten lines and fittings as required.
Note: Tighten all hydraulic lines fitted with ORFS 2. Start engine and let it idle. Immediately add oil to the
connections, as described in Section 220-0000, steering and brake control tank as required. When no
STEERING SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. Renew all more oil can be added and oil is clear, proceed as
'O' rings where used. follows:
* * * *
SM - 1954
1 12
10 4
2 5 11
SM 1947 4-00 1
Steering System - Priority Valve
Section 220-0105
2 SM 1947 4-00
Steering System - Priority Valve
Section 220-0105
2. If desired, clamp priority valve assembly in a soft 2. If removed, install new 'O' rings on adaptor and
jawed vice. Take care to avoid damaging valve elbow and secure in port 'P' of valve housing (1).
housing (1) machined surfaces.
3. If removed, install new 'O' rings on elbow, adaptors
3. Release and withdraw relief valve (4) assembly and check valve and secure in port 'CF' of valve
from case (10) bore in valve housing (1). Discard 'O' housing (1).
4. If removed, install new 'O' ring on adaptor and
elbow and secure in port 'EF' of valve housing (1).
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. 5. If removed, install new 'O' ring on adaptor and
secure in port 'LS' of valve housing (1).
1. Clean all parts thoroughly and examine for wear
and/or damage. 6. If removed, install new 'O' ring on elbow and
secure in port 'T' of valve housing (1).
2. Inspect valve housing (1) bores for grooves, deep
scratches or excessive wear.
Note: If condition of valve housing (1) bores indicate Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
that they require to be replaced, the priority valve
should be replaced as an assembly. Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
3. If relief valve (4) is damaged, it should be TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
1. Position valve and mounting bracket and secure to
right hand cab leg with mounting hardware as
ASSEMBLY removed at 'Removal'.
Numbers and letters in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
2. Reconnect all hydraulic lines to priority valve, as
Note: Lightly lubricate all components with hydraulic tagged at removal.
oil. Refer to Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION
SYSTEM, for recommended oil specifications. 3. Fill hydraulic oil tank with hydraulic oil as specified
in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Refer
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed to Section 230-0040, HYDRAULIC TANK, for
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT hydraulic oil levels. Install filler cap on hydraulic tank
SM 1947 4-00 3
Steering System - Priority Valve
Section 220-0105
6. Check priority valve and hydraulic line connections port 'T', relief valve. Remove adaptor from port and
for leaks and tighten as required. cap hydraulic line to prevent ingress of dirt.
7. Install front right hand wheel on the machine, as 4. Operate the steering, against either steering stop
described in Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM AND with the engine at wide open throttle. Check system
TYRE. pressure.
8. Remove wheel blocks from all road wheels. 5. Turn allen screw, located inside relief valve port, to
adjust pressure setting.
* * * *
4 SM 1947 4-00
STEERING SYSTEM - Steering Cylinder
Section 220-0120
SM - 2467
23 23
15 12,13 1 9 5 9 7
8 7
4 14 2 11 10 3 6 8
20 19
17 17
22 ROD 21 BASE
SM 1955 4-00 1
Steering System - Steering Cylinder
Section 220-0120
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
To prevent personal injury and property To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly
materials and lifting equipment are properly secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job safely.
1. Ensure clean working conditions, remove any port
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the plugs thus allowing easy entry of air into the cylinder,
parking brake and switch off the engine. preventing a vacuum when parts are withdrawn from
cylinder body (1).
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master
switch in the 'Off' position. 2. Remove circlips (8) from base end of cylinder body
(1) and piston rod (2) end. Press out spherical
3. Identify, tag and with a suitable container in position bearings (7).
to catch the spillage, disconnect all hydraulic lines on
one steering cylinder. Cap all lines and fittings to 3. Using special tool which can be fabricated as shown
prevent ingress of dirt. in Fig. 2, unscrew end cap (4) until thread is
disengaged from cylinder body (1).
4. Support steering cylinder with a suitable lifting
device. 4. Pull end cap (4) and piston rod (2) out of cylinder
body (1) as an assembly.
5. Remove bolt (18), lockwasher (19) and hardened
washer (20) securing pin (17) at piston rod (2) end of 5. Place piston rod (2) on supports which will not
the cylinder. Remove pin (17) securing piston rod (2) damage the chrome piston rod diameter.
end to the front frame.
6. Remove and discard piston seal (10) and wear rings
6. Remove bolt (18), lockwasher (19) and hardened (9) from piston (3).
washer (20) securing pin (17) at base end of the
cylinder. Remove pin (17) securing base end to the 7. Remove grub screw (5) from wear ring groove in
articulation and oscillation pivot. piston (3).
7. Remove cylinder assembly from the machine. 8. Provide an anti-torsion device through piston rod (2)
Spacers (21) and seals (22) will come free at this time. eye to allow unscrewing of piston (3). Using special
tool which can be fabricated as shown in Fig. 3,
8. Remove cylinder assembly to a clean area for unscrew piston (3) from piston rod (2).
disassembly. Drain oil from cylinder assembly into a
suitable container. 9. Remove and discard 'O' ring (11) from piston (3).
Remove and retain cushion sleeve (16) from piston
9. Repeat steps 3 through 8 for opposite steering rod (2).
cylinder assembly.
10. Pull end cap (4) assembly off piston rod (2).
Remove and discard back up ring (13) and 'O' ring
(12) from end cap (4) outer grooves. Remove and
discard wiper (15) and rod seal (14) from end cap (4)
inner grooves.
2 SM 1955 4-00
Steering System - Steering Cylinder
Section 220-0120
WARNING Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
1. Press spherical bearings (5) in base end of cylinder Note: Tighten all hydraulic lines fitted with ORFS
body (1) and piston rod (2) end. Secure spherical connections, as described in Section 220-0000,
bearings (5) with circlips (6). STEERING SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. Renew all
'O' rings where used.
2. Install new rod seal (14) into bore of end cap (4)
with the lip pointing towards the internal face of end
cap (4). Install new wiper (15) into bore of end cap (4). WARNING
To prevent personal injury and property
3. Install new back up ring (13) and 'O' ring (12) in damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly
xternal groove of end cap (4). secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
4. Guide end cap (4) assembly onto piston rod (2),
taking care not to damage rod seal (14) on the thread. 1. Install a suitable strap, or other lifting device, around
one cylinder assembly and position cylinder assembly
5. Install cushion sleeve (16) into piston rod (2) on the vehicle, with base end of cylinder ready for
counter bore. Note correct orientation, spigot face mounting.
abuts counter bore face (see Fig. 1).
2. Install spacers (21) on base end of cylinder and
6. Install new 'O' ring (11) into internal groove of piston insert pin (17). Secure pin (17) to articulation and
(3). oscillation pivot with bolt (18), lockwasher (19) and
hardened washer (20).
7. Using special tool which can be fabricated as shown
in Fig. 3, screw piston (3) on piston rod (2). Tighten 3. Install seals (22) on piston rod (2) end of cylinder
piston (3) to a torque of 746 - 813 Nm (550 - 600 lbf ft). and insert pin (17). Secure pin (17) to front frame with
bolt (18), lockwasher (19) and hardened washer (20).
SM 1955 4-00 3
Steering System - Steering Cylinder
Section 220-0120
4. Connect hydraulic lines to steering cylinder ports, as start the engine and operate the steering, from lock to
tagged during removal. lock several times, to purge air out of the hydraulic
lines. Check hydraulic lines and fittings for leaks.
5. Repeat steps 1 through 4 for installation of opposite Tighten lines and fittings as required.
steering cylinder.
SM - 407
Dimensions in mm (inches)
Fig. 2 - End Cap Torque Tool
4 SM 1955 4-00
Steering System - Steering Cylinder
Section 220-0120
SM - 633
Dimensions in mm (inches)
Fig. 3 - Piston Torque Tool
* * * *
SM 1955 4-00 5
STEERING SYSTEM - Emergency Valve
Section 220-0140
SM - 2279
4 2
8 3
10 GP
6 T
11 1
DESCRIPTION the right. The emergency steering pump draws oil from
The Emergency Valve can be identified as item 6 in the hydraulic tank and pumps it to port 'GP' of the
Section 220-0000, STEERING SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. emergency valve. The oil is directed through the
emergency valve, exits at port 'T' and returns to the
Mounted off the right hand cab leg, the emergency hydraulic tank.
valve forms part of the emergency steering system. It
is connected to the main output line of the gear driven
emergency steering pump on the transmission. Emergency Steering
Numbers and letters in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Relief valve (3) assembly opens and allows oil to flow
back to the hydraulic tank when pressure exceeds In the event of loss of pressure from the main
207 bar (3 000 lbf/in) hydraulic pump, spool (6) will spring return to the left.
The emergency steering pump draws oil from the
hydraulic tank and pumps it to port 'GP' of the
OPERATION emergency valve. The oil is directed through the
emergency valve and exits at port 'SV' to supply the
Normal Steering steering system.
Numbers and letters in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
A pressure switch, installed in the block at the outlet
During normal operation, pilot pressure from the main port on the main hydraulic pump, sends a signal to
hydraulic pump enters the valve body (1) at port 'CE', illuminate the steering pressure warning light to
pushing spool (6), within pilot cartridge assembly (2) to indicate a fault in the steering system supply pressure.
SM 1944 4-00 1
Steering System - Emergency Valve
Section 220-0140
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks are properly Note: Tighten all hydraulic lines fitted with ORFS
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job connections, as described in Section 220-0000,
'O' rings where used.
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
parking brake and switch off the engine. 1. Install emergency valve assembly to the mounting
bracket and secure with mounting hardware removed
2. Block all road wheels and place battery master during removal.
switch in the 'Off' position.
2. Remove blanking caps and connect hydraulic lines
3. Clean outer area of the emergency valve with a to the emergency valve as tagged at removal.
suitable solvent. Ensure all hydraulic lines connected
to the emergency valve are identified for ease of 3. Check oil level in hydraulic tank and add oil as
installation and, with suitable containers available to required. Refer to Section 230-0040, HYDRAULIC
catch leakage, disconnect hydraulic lines. Fit blanking TANK, for correct fill level and Section 300-0020,
caps to all open lines. LUBRICATION SYSTEM, for oil specification.
4. Remove mounting hardware securing emergency 4. Place the battery master switch in the 'On' position,
valve assembly and remove emergency valve remove all wheel blocks and start the engine. Check all
assembly. lines and fittings for leaks and tighten as required.
Limited repair of the emergency valve is with
replacement of parts only. Refer to vehicle parts book
for list of kits available.
* * * *
2 SM 1944 4-00
BODY SYSTEM - Body System Schematic
Section 230-0000
A brief description of the individual components shown Body Control Valve (3)
in the body system schematic are listed below. Refer to Section 230-0060, BODY CONTROL VALVE.
Detailed service and operating instructions for the
individual components can be found in their relevant The single spool body control valve is mounted behind
component sections in this manual. the front right hand wheel, on a mounting bracket
mounted to the frame rail. The main components of
the control valve assembly are a four position control
Hydraulic Tank (1) spool, check valve plunger, relief valve and valve
Refer to Section 230-0040, HYDRAULIC TANK housing.
Mounted off the tractor frame at the rear of the cab, The four positions of the control spool are 'Raise',
the hydraulic tank is the common oil reservoir for the 'Hold', 'Lower' (Power Down) and 'Float'. The 'Float'
steering and body hydraulic systems. position is detented and control spool should be kept
in this position at all times, except when Raising or
Integral with the tank assembly are two suction Lowering the body.
screens, filter element, relief valve, adaptor plate,
access covers and filler neck assembly. Two sight A relief valve assembly, at pressure inlet, opens and
gauges on the right hand side of the tank assembly allows oil to flow through hydraulic oil cooler (7) and
indicate hydraulic oil level. Located on top of the tank back to the hydraulic tank when pressure in the
assembly are a breather, pressure switch and hydraulic system exceeds 221 bar (3 200 lbf/in).
temperature switch.
Movement of control spool (1) is controlled by
Internally there is a baffle plate which divides the tank electrical signals from the body control joystick in the
assembly into a body hoist compartment and a operators compartment. Refer to Section 230-0081,
steering compartment. Should oil level drop below this BODY CONTROL JOYSTICK.
baffle level, the tank assembly operates as two
separate tanks.
Pilot Supply Valve (4)
Refer to Section 230-0121, PILOT SUPPLY VALVE.
Main Hydraulic Pump (2)
Refer to Section 230-0050, MAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP. Mounted off the rear right hand cab leg, the pilot
supply valve is a direct acting pressure reducing valve
Mounted off the transmission power takeoff, the main which steps down the supply pressure to 30 bar
hydraulic pump supplies hydraulic oil for operating the (435 lbf/in). Intregal of the pilot supply valve is a relief
body hoist and steering systems. valve which opens at 45 bar (652 lbf/in).
Hydraulic oil is drawn from the hydraulic tank (1) and Mounted off the hydraulic tank, above the pilot supply
pumped through the priority valve (5). A priority spool valve, the accumulator (6) is pre-charged with
within the priority valve (5) directs oil supply from the nitrogen, to a pressure of 30 bar (435 lbf/in).
main hydraulic pump to the body control valve (3).
Refer to Section 230-0130, BODY CYLINDER.
There are two single stage, double acting body hoist
cylinders on the vehicle. The cylinder base end is
connected to the trailer frame and the piston rod end is
connected at the body. Single stage double acting
means that the piston rod can have oil applied to either
side, extending or retracting the piston rod.
Cylinder mounting is by pins, spacers and spherical
bearings secured in place with circlips. Spherical bearings Fig. 1 - Assembly of Typical ORFS Connector
permit a limited amount of cylinder misalignment.
d. Where a tube is fitted, ensure that the connection is
aligned correctly.
Pressure Test Points
There are two pressure check points within the body e. Tighten the nut a further 1/4 to 1/2 a turn using the
hoist system. Pressure readings at these points should correct size spanner (wrench).
be as follows:
f. Check that a satisfactory hose or tube routing has
Test Point A - Mounted on diagnostic plate at rear been achieved.
right hand side of the tractor.
System Relief Pressure - 221 bar (3 200 lbf/in)
Hydraulic Oil
Test Point B - Located in tee piece at port 'U' of pilot The hydraulic oil tank should be kept filled with
supply valve (4). hydraulic oil as specified in Section 300-0020,
Pilot Valve Pressure - 30 bar (435 lbf/in) LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Refer to Section 230-0040,
HYDRAULIC TANK, for correct fill level and procedure.
Body Control Valve - Pilot Pressures
Position Port 'P1' Port 'P2' MAINTENANCE
Raise 30 bar 0 bar Maintenance instructions, intervals and warnings, in
Hold 0 bar 0 bar the individual hydraulic component sections of this
Float 0 bar 30 bar manual, should be adhered to at all times.
Lower 0 bar 13.5 bar
'O' RING FACE SEALS (ORFS) It is recommended that the following service tools are
Where hydraulic lines are fitted with ORFS used when carrying out pressure and temperature
connections, the following procedure should be carried checks during maintenance procedures. These tools,
out during 'Installation'. Refer to Fig. 1. along with other general service tools, are available
from your dealer. Refer to Section 300-0070,
a. Ensure 'O' ring/seal is in place and that the joining SERVICE TOOLS, for part numbers of these tools.
surfaces are clean. If necessary, retain 'O' ring/seal in
place with a light coating of grease or vaseline.
b. Initially, the nuts should be tightened by hand. The multi-gauge is basically four pressure gauges in
one. Continuous system pressure readings are
c. Where a hose is fitted, ensure that it is not twisted or indicated on one of three simultaneously reading
kinked when the nuts are tightened so that it is allowed gauges through a pressure range of 30 in of vacuum
to adopt a natural position. to 5 000 lbf/in.
Non-contact Infrared Thermometer pull the trigger, and read the temperature. Since there
The infrared thermometer can be used to spot heat is no need to touch what you are measuring,
problems early in electrical, mechanical and hydraulic temperatures of hard-to-reach or moving components
systems. Hand held and easy to use, you simply aim, can be taken without getting burned or shocked.
6 P2 T2 U2
5 5 bar
P1 T1 U1
P2 P1
T2 T1
7 2
Fig. 2 - Body Hoist System Schematic - Body Control Valve in the 'Float' Position
SM - 2459B
6 P2 T2 U2
5 5 bar
P1 T1 U1
P2 P1
T2 T1
7 2
Fig. 3 - Body Hoist System Schematic - Body Control Valve in the 'Lower' Position
SM - 2459C
6 P2 T2 U2
5 5 bar
P1 T1 U1
P2 P1
T2 T1
7 2
Fig. 4 - Body Hoist System Schematic - Body Control Valve in the 'Hold' Position
6 P2 T2 U2
5 5 bar
P1 T1 U1
P2 P1
T2 T1
7 2
* * * *
SM 1949 Rev 1 11-00 7
BODY SYSTEM - Hydraulic Tank
Section 230-0040
SM - 2461
9 25
10 28
23 26
3 24 27
8 11,12 4
6 7
13 2
40 5 37
14 3 37
4 41
1 30
17 36
DESCRIPTION Integral with tank assembly (1) are two suction screens
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. (18), filter element (13), relief valve (11), adaptor plate
(12), access covers (7 & 8) and filler neck assembly
The hydraulic tank is the common oil reservoir for the (5). Two sight gauges (21) on the right hand side of
steering and body hoist systems. It is mounted to the tank assembly (1) indicate hydraulic oil level. Located
tractor frame, at the rear of the cab, and secured with on top of tank assembly (1) are breather (22), pressure
four bolts (32), washers (33) and locknuts (34). switch (26) and temperature switch (28).
SM 1950 4-00 1
Body System - Hydraulic Tank
Section 230-0040
SM - 1913
Fig. 2 - Hydraulic Tank Port Locations - Viewed from Underside of Hydraulic Tank
Internally there is a baffle plate which divides tank A tube connected at port 'E' allows return oil from the
assembly (1) into a steering compartment and a body body control valve to enter tank assembly (1). The oil
hoist compartment. Should oil level drop below this is filtered through filter element (13) before entering
baffle level, tank assembly (1) operates as two tank assembly (1) storage area. Relief valve (11)
separate tanks. allows the oil to bypass filter element (13) when it is
cold or blocked.
2 SM 1950 4-00
Body System - Hydraulic Tank
Section 230-0040
2.75 bar (40 lbf/in) restriction, indicating filter element Replacing Hydraulic Oil
(13) requires to be changed. The hydraulic tank should be drained, cleaned and
hydraulic oil changed every 2 000 hours. Refer to
Temperature switch (28), installed in access cover (7), Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM, for
opens when a temperature of 50 C (122 F) is hydraulic oil used in the system.
reached. Temperature switch (28) is connected in
series with pressure switch (26), therefore, hydraulic
oil filter warning light on the dash will not illuminate Replacing Filter Element
until the hydraulic oil temperature rises above 50 C Clean filter housing and install new filter element (13)
(122 F). when hydraulic oil filter warning light illuminates, or
after every 2 000 hours of operation, whichever comes
Relief valve (11) in filter element (13) will open when a first.
pressure of 3.5 bar (50 lbf/in) is reached within the
filter compartment of the hydraulic tank. Note: When hydraulic oil in tank assembly (1) is being
replaced due to a hydraulic failure, or at recommended
Installed in access cover (8) is a breather which allows change interval, filter element (13) should be replaced.
any air entering tank assembly (1) to escape to
atmosphere, preventing air pressure build up within 1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, be sure the
tank assembly (1). body is completely lowered, apply the parking brake
and switch off the engine.
MAINTENANCE 2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. switch in the 'Off' position.
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed 3. Lift window guard from tank (1) to allow access to
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT access cover (7).
4. Remove bolts (3) and lockwashers (4) securing
access cover (7) to tank (1). Remove and discard
WARNING gasket (6) from tank (1).
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking 5. Remove cap from anti-spill drain plug (39), install
materials and lifting equipment are properly drain tube connection and drain hydraulic oil, to below
secured and of sufficient capacity to do the job the level of filter element (13), into a suitable container.
safely. Remove drain tube connection and reinstall cap.
SM 1950 4-00 3
Body System - Hydraulic Tank
Section 230-0040
8. If damaged, remove and replace rods (10) from tank suitable container. Remove drain tube connection and
assembly (1). reinstall cap.
9. Install new gasket (14), new filter element (13), 6. Unscrew and remove both carrier assemblies
adaptor plate (12) and relief valve (11) over rods (10) (15 through 20) from the interior of tank assembly (1).
and into filter element compartment in tank assembly
(1). Secure relief valve (11), adaptor plate (12) and 7. Remove bolts (16) and locknuts (20) securing end
filter element (13) in position with wing nuts (9). caps (17 & 19) and suction screen (18) to one
carrier (15).
10. Install new gasket (6) on access cover (7)
mounting flange. Secure access cover (7) to tank
assembly (1) with bolts (3) and lockwashers (4). WARNING
Splashing liquid. Wear a suitable face shield
11. Refill tank assembly (1) with hydraulic oil, as specified when using compressed air to dry hydraulic
in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Install tank and components.
filler cap (2) on filler neck assembly (5).
8. Clean carrier (15), end caps (17 & 19) and suction
12. Place the battery master switch in the 'On' position, screen (18) in a suitable solvent and dry with
remove wheel blocks, start the engine and operate compressed air.
steering and body hoist systems to circulate the
hydraulic oil. 9. Inspect suction screen (18) for damage and replace
if required.
13. Switch off the engine and check for leaks. Tighten
lines and fittings as required. Check hydraulic oil tank 10. Install end caps (17 & 19) and suction screen (18)
level as described under 'Checking Oil Level'. on carrier (15). Secure carrier (15) assembly together
with bolts (16) and locknuts (20).
Replacing or Cleaning Suction Screens 11. Install carrier assembly (15 through 20) in tank
Suction screens (18) should be cleaned every time assembly (1) and secure.
tank assembly (1) is fully drained for any reason. Refer
to 'Replacing Hydraulic Oil' for oil change interval. 12. Repeat steps 7 through 11 for other carrier (15)
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, be sure the
body is completely lowered, apply the parking brake 13. Install new gaskets (6) on access cover (8) and
and switch off the engine. filler assembly (5) mounting flanges. Secure access
cover (8) and filler assembly (5) to tank (1) assembly
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master with bolts (3) and lockwashers (4).
switch in the 'Off' position.
14. Refill tank assembly (1) with hydraulic oil, as specified
3. Lift window guard from tank assembly (1) to allow in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Install
access to access cover (8) and filler neck assembly (5). filler cap (2) filler neck assembly (5).
4. Remove bolts (3) and lockwashers (4) securing 15. Place the battery master switch in the 'On' position,
access cover (8) and filler neck assembly (5) to tank remove wheel blocks, start the engine and operate
assembly (1). Remove and discard gaskets (6) from steering and body hoist systems to circulate the
tank assembly (1). hydraulic oil.
5. Remove cap from anti-spill drain plug (39), install 16. Switch off the engine and check for leaks. Tighten
drain tube connection and drain hydraulic oil, to below lines and fittings as required. Check hydraulic oil tank
the level of the top of carrier (15) assembly, into a level as described under 'Checking Oil Level'.
4 SM 1950 4-00
Body System - Hydraulic Tank
Section 230-0040
2. Press and hold down body hoist bleed down switch Inspection
and operate the body control joystick continually to
relieve pressure in the body hoist system.
3. Block all road wheels and place the battery master Splashing liquid. Wear a suitable face shield
switch in the 'Off' position. when using compressed air to dry hydraulic
tank and components.
4. Remove cap from anti-spill drain plug (39), install
drain tube connection and drain hydraulic oil into a 1. Clean tank assembly (1) and components with a
suitable container. Remove drain tube connection and suitable solvent and dry with compressed air.
reinstall cap.
2. Inspect tank assembly (1) for weld cracks and
5. Remove window guard assembly from tank security of internal pipes and weld fitments.
assembly (1) and cab to allow access to tank
assembly (1). 3. Inspect filter element (13), suction screens (18) and
breather (22) for damage. Replace if required.
6. Disconnect supports securing hydraulic lines to
pivot guard, and secure clear of tank assembly (1).
Support pivot guard and remove mounting hardware Assembly
securing guard to tank assembly (1). Remove guard to 1. Renew all gaskets and install all internal
allow access to tank assembly (1). components in tank assembly (1), as previously
described under 'Maintenance'.
7. Tag and disconnect all hydraulic lines and fittings
attached to tank assembly (1), to aid in 'Installation'. 2. Install nipple (24), coupling (23) and breather (22)
Plug all lines and fittings to prevent ingress of dirt. on access cover (8).
Remove all wiring connections from tank assembly (1).
3. Install reducer (27), pressure switch (26) and
8. Disconnect exhaust mounting hardware from tank temperature switch (28) on access cover (7).
assembly (1).
SM 1950 4-00 5
Body System - Hydraulic Tank
Section 230-0040
4. Install sight gauges (21) on tank assembly (1). 4. Install all hydraulic lines and fittings to tank
assembly (1) as tagged at 'Removal'. Connect all
5. If removed, install bolts (29), washers (36 & 37), wiring lines to tank assembly (1) as disconnected at
lockwashers (35), bracket (30), nuts (41) and isolation 'Removal'.
mounts (31) on tank assembly (1).
5. Install pivot guard to tank assembly (1) and secure
using mounting hardware removed at 'Removal'.
Installation Secure hydraulic lines to pivot guard using supports as
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed in removed at 'Removal'.
Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS. 6. Install window guard assembly to cab and tank
assembly (1) and secure.
Note: Tighten all hydraulic lines fitted with ORFS
connections, as described in Section 230-0000, BODY 7. Remove filler cap (2) from filler neck assembly (5) and
SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. Renew all 'O' rings where refill tank assembly (1) with hydraulic oil, as specified in
used. Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Install filler
cap (2) on filler neck assembly (5).
* * * *
6 SM 1950 4-00
BODY SYSTEM - Main Hydraulic Pump
Section 230-0050
SM - 1897
21 4 5
1 12
10 6
9 8 14 13 8 9 22
20 19
7 11 7 2 15 16
8.5 mm
10 mm APP.
4 mm
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. Refer to
Fig. 2 for typical pump operation.
The main hydraulic pump can be identified as item 2 in
Section 230-0000, BODY SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. SM - 1864
Mounted off the transmission power takeoff (PTO), the
main hydraulic pump supplies hydraulic oil for
operating the body hoist and steering systems.
The major pump components are; body (1), front cover DRIVE
(2), mounting flange (3), driveshaft and gear (11), INLET OUTLET
driven gear (12), wear plates (13 & 14), wear plate
seals (8) and bearings (7). DRIVEN
SM 1951 4-00 1
Body System - Main Hydraulic Pump
Section 230-0050
As driveshaft and gear (11) rotates, driven gear (12) 6. Support pump assembly with suitable lifting
rotates in the opposite direction. Pockets between the equipment. Remove nuts (4) and lockwashers (5)
drive and driven gear teeth carry oil from inlet port 'A', securing pump assembly to the transmission PTO.
around gear housing (2) ID, to outlet port 'B'. As the Remove pump assembly from the transmission PTO
gear teeth re-mesh, oil is forced out of outlet port 'B' to and discard gasket (6).
the priority valve. Refer to Section 220-0105,
PRIORITY VALVE. 7. Wash outside of the pump assembly thoroughly,
with a suitable solvent, and move to a clean work area
The maximum oil delivery of the hydraulic pump is for disassembly.
fixed by the width of its respective gear set and the
speed at which driveshaft and gear (11) rotates.
Note: Never drive a pump in the wrong direction of Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1.
rotation, as pump seizure may result.
1. Place pump assembly in a soft-jawed vice, and
clamp on body (1) casing. Match mark port body (1),
REMOVAL front cover (2) and mounting flange (3) to aid in
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. assembly.
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the 5. Remove capscrews (15) securing front cover (2)
parking brake and switch off the engine. and body housing (1) together.
2. Press and hold down body hoist bleed down switch 6. Tap front cover (2) with a soft hammer and remove
and operate the body control joystick continually to from body housing (1).
relieve pressure in the body hoist system.
Note: Do not attempt to pry the pump units apart with
3. Block all road wheels and place the battery master a large screwdriver or pry bar. The machined surfaces
switch in the 'Off' position. of the body housing (1) or front cover (2) may be
4. Remove hydraulic tank anti-spill drain cap, install
drain tube connection and drain oil into a suitable 7. Remove and discard ring seal (10) from body
container. Remove drain tube connection and reinstall housing (1).
8. Remove wear plate (13), wear plate seal (8) and
5. Clean pump housing and tag and disconnect inlet backup seal (9) from shaft front cover (2). Note the
and outlet lines from pump assembly. Drain oil in position of wear plate seal (8) in wear plate (13)
hydraulic lines into a suitable container. Cap hydraulic groove, for proper assembly.
lines and plug pump ports to prevent ingress of dirt.
9. Remove driveshaft gear (11) and driven gear (12)
from body housing (1).
2 SM 1951 4-00
Body System - Main Hydraulic Pump
Section 230-0050
10. Remove wear plate (14) and wear plate seal (8) SM - 1865
from body housing (1). Note the position of wear plate
seal (8) in wear plate (14) groove, for proper
11. Using a suitable puller, remove bearings (7) from OUTLET INLET
shaft front cover (2), only if they are being replaced. (SMALL PORT) (LARGE PORT)
Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1.
1. Clean all parts in a suitable solvent and dry with
compressed air.
2. Check driveshaft and gear (11) and driven gear (12)
carefully for wear. Remove burrs or light score marks
from gear faces and teeth with an India stone. Heavy
scoring, grooving or burring of gear teeth OD requires INLET OUTLET
gear replacement. Nicked, grooved or fretted gear
tooth mating surfaces also requires gear replacement.
Any wear of gear hubs in excess of 0.025 mm BEARING SPLIT LINE
(0.001 in), or detectable by touch, requires gear POSITION SHOWN
replacement. VIEW SHOWING
Note: Since both driveshaft and gear (11) and driven ITEM 1 ONLY
gear (12) of a set are matched, they must be replaced
as a set if one is worn or damaged. Fig. 3 - Bearing Lubrication Groove Position
SM 1951 4-00 3
Body System - Main Hydraulic Pump
Section 230-0050
Note: Ensure bearings (7) are pressed to insertion SM - 1866
depth indicated in Fig. 4.
Note: The relief groove in wear plate (13) should face 13. Secure body housing (1) and front cover (2)
the outlet side of the pump. together with four capscrews (15). Tighten capscrews
(15) alternately to ensure correct alignment of parts.
9. Fit ring seal (10) to body housing (1) machined face. Rotate driveshaft (11) to check for internal binding of
Ring seal (10) to be fitted dry. parts. If no binding is evident, tighten capscrews (15)
alternately to a torque of 772 Nm (569 lbf ft).
10. Coat special sleeve tool, which can be fabricated
as shown in Fig. 8, with grease and install driveshaft 14. Apply a continuous beading (1 - 1.5 mm dia.) of
and gear (11) in the sleeve tool, as shown in Fig. 6. sealant to flange mounting (3) face, approximately
10 mm from locating sleeve (19) before installing
11. Position assembled front cover (2) over gear shaft mounting flange (3). Tap mounting flange (3) with soft
ends (11 & 12). Tap front cover (2) with a soft hammer hammer until it rests against front cover (2).
until it rests against wear plate (14) in body housing
(1), as shown in Fig. 7. Take care not to damage ring 15. Secure mounting flange (3) to front cover (2)
seal (10) and seal (20). together with three capscrews (16). Tighten
capscrews (16) alternately to ensure correct alignment
Note: Make sure index marks on front cover (2) and body of parts. Rotate driveshaft (11) to check for internal
housing (1) match up, as marked at disassembly. binding of parts. If no binding is evident, tighten
capscrews (16) alternately to a torque of
12. Remove sleeve tool from drive of driveshaft and gear 162 Nm (119 lbf ft).
(11) and cover the gear set with hydraulic oil specified in
Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM.
4 SM 1951 4-00
Body System - Main Hydraulic Pump
Section 230-0050
SM - 1868
3. Remove cap from the inlet line and install a new
'O' ring in the split flange fitting. Secure inlet line to
inlet port 'A' on the pump with bolts and lockwashers,
as removed during removal.
Fig. 6 - Installing Driveshaft and Gear in Body Housing Note: It is very important that the pump cavity is filled
with hydraulic oil. This will ensure proper lubrication of
SM - 1869
the internal parts of the pump when it is initially
Before starting the engine and running the pump,
back-off the system relief valve on the priority valve,
until the adjusting screw spring tension is relieved.
Refer to Section 220-0105, PRIORITY VALVE, for
Fig. 7 - Installing Front Cover details. This avoids the possibility of immediate
damage to the pump if the relief valve pressure setting
had been increased, beyond the recommended
INSTALLATION operating pressure, before removal of the pump.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. Loosen the bolts at flange fitting on outlet line at port
'B' on the pump to allow entrapped air to bleed out at
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed initial start-up.
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS. Start the engine and operate the pump at least two
minutes at zero pressure at engine idle speed. When
oil runs out of pump outlet port 'B' in a steady stream,
WARNING tighten outlet line flange fittings. During the break-in
To prevent personal injury and property period, the pump should run free and not develop an
damage, be sure blocking materials and lifting excessive amount of heat. If the pump becomes hot to
equipment are properly secured and of touch, it is binding and might seize. In this instance the
adequate capacity to do the job safely. pump will have to be rebuilt with extra care to prevent
1. Coat pump driveshaft spline with high grade plating-
type molybdenum disulphide grease 15% minimum If the pump is running properly, engine speed and
(typical) and install gasket (20) on mounting face of the hydraulic system pressures can gradually be
pump assembly. increased to normal operating values. Adjust the
system relief valve to the proper setting as described
2. With suitable lifting equipment position pump on in Section 220-0060, PRIORITY VALVE.
mounting studs. Secure with nuts (4) and lockwashers
(5), as removed during removal.
SM 1951 4-00 5
Body System - Main Hydraulic Pump
Section 230-0050
Note: Always use accurate pressure gauges when fresh hydraulic oil installed to eliminate all metal
adjusting the relief valve. particles or foreign matter.
Check pump mounting and hydraulic line connections Refer to Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM,
for leaks. Tighten lines and fittings as required. for recommended periodic oil change periods and oil
Remove wheel blocks from all road wheels.
LUBRICATION The special sleeve tool for installing the driveshaft and
All pump parts are lubricated by the hydraulic oil. The gear in the pump can be fabricated from steel bar as
oil, therefore, must be kept clean to minimize pump shown in Fig. 8. Refer to Section 300-0070, SERVICE
wear. Whenever there is a hydraulic system failure, TOOLS, for part numbers of general service tools
the oil should be drained, the entire system flushed, oil required. These tools are available from your dealer.
filters replaced, oil screens thoroughly cleaned and
SM - 647
6 mm (0.25 in)
Drill Thru Hole
A 85.7 3.375
B 114.3 4.50
C Radius 14.3 0.56
D Diameter 34.9758 + 0.000 1.377 + 0.000
- 0.0508 - 0.002
E Diameter 31.75 + 0.050 1.250 + 0.002
- 0.000 - 0.000
F Chamfer 1.6 x 60 0.063 x 60
* * * *
6 SM 1951 4-00
BODY SYSTEM - Body Control Valve
Section 230-0060
SM - 2464
13,14 19
25 21
26 20
11 B
3 28
1 3 2
34 35 15,16
29 30
33 38 39
E 37 27
D 39
F 36
The single spool body control valve, which is fitted with The position of the control spool is controlled by the
electro hydraulic operation, is mounted behind the body control joystick by means of electrical signals to
SM 1952 4-00 1
Body System - Body Control Valve
Section 230-0060
the pressure reducing valves (13). Refer to Section valve (37) assembly, into the right hand side of control
230-0081, BODY CONTROL JOYSTICK. The body spool (1), unseats check valve plunger, flows out of
control joystick has a pre-feel ramp which controls the port 'D' and into the base end of the cylinders.
current to the pressure reducing valve such that the
pressure into the end cap moves the spool to the Oil returning from the rod end of the cylinders enters
'Power Down' position. Further selection of the control valve housing at port 'C', flows into and out of
joystick, beyond the ramp position, allows full current control spool (1) and into the tank return passage. Oil
to reach the pressure reducing valve such that full pilot exits from port 'B' to the hydraulic oil tank.
pressure is seen in the end cap. Full selection then
occurs and the 'Float' position is achieved. When the body control joystick is released, spring (7)
returns control spool (1) to the 'Hold' position.
The four positions of the control spool are 'Raise',
'Hold', 'Lower' (Power Down) and 'Float'. The 'Float'
position is detented and control spool (1) should be Lower Position (Power Down)
kept in this position at all times, except when Raising Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
or Lowering the body.
The 'Lower' or 'Power Down' position is only used to
Control valve housing (28) has six ports as follows: start lowering the body. Once the body has started to
come down, the control joystick should be placed into
Port 'A' - Capped with blanking plate (25). the detented 'Float' position.
Port 'B' - Tank Return Port and return lines from pilot
supply valve and steering priority valve. Oil from the pump enters valve housing (28) at port 'F',
Ports 'C' & 'D' - Body Cylinder Ports. flows around relief valve (37) assembly, into the left
Port 'E' - Fitted with adaptor and connected to hand side of control spool (1), exits from port 'C' and
hydraulic system diagnostic test point. flows into the rod end of the cylinders.
Port 'F' - Supply from main hydraulic pump via steering
priority valve. Oil from the base end of the cylinders enters control
valve housing (28) at port 'D'. The returning oil unseats
Relief valve (37) assembly at the pressure inlet opens check valve plunger and flows into the tank return
and allows oil to flow back to the hydraulic tank when passage. Oil exits from port 'B' to the hydraulic oil tank.
pressure in the hydraulic system exceeds 221 bar
(3 200 lbf/in).
Float Position
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Moving the body control joystick to the 'Float' position,
Hold Position moves control spool (1) to a position within the valve
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. housing (28) which allows the body to lower by it's own
When control spool (1) is in the 'Hold' position, oil from
the pump enters port 'F', flows around relief valve (37) In the 'Float' position, because of the design of control
assembly and control spool (1), and out of port 'B' to spool (1), the body cylinder rod and base end ports
the hydraulic tank. Cylinder ports 'C' and 'D' are are connected together at the control valve.
blocked by control spool (1) and oil is trapped between
the control valve and the cylinders. In this position the Oil from the pump enters valve housing (28) at port 'F',
body can be in any partially raised position. flows around relief valve (37) assembly, past control
spool (1), and, if the oil is not required by the cylinders,
exits from port 'B' to the hydraulic oil tank.
Raise Position
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Relief Valve
Pushing the body control joystick into the 'Raise' Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
position and holding it there, moves control spool (1)
position within the valve housing (28). Relief valve (37) assembly, in valve housing (28), is
set to relieve oil pressure in excess of 221 bar
Oil from the pump enters port 'F', flows around relief (3 200 lbf/in).
2 SM 1952 4-00
Body System - Body Control Valve
Section 230-0060
Should oil at the inlet side of the valve exceed 7. Support body control valve with a suitable lifting
221 bar (3 200 lbf/in), pilot poppet (33) will be forced device and remove mounting hardware securing body
off its seat. Oil will flow through an internal passage control valve to mounting bracket on the frame.
and exit from port 'B' to the hydraulic oil tank. When Remove body control valve from the machine and
pressure is relieved, tension of spring (32) will force transfer to a clean area for disassembly.
pilot poppet (33) to re-seat.
REMOVAL Numbers and letters in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
WARNINGS Spring loaded parts. Use care when removing
To prevent personal injury and property end cap, retainers and plugs to prevent sudden
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking release of spring tension behind these parts.
materials and lifting equipment are properly Personal injury or property damage could
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job result if care is not taken.
Note: Clean entire control valve assembly with a
Hydraulic fluid pressure will remain suitable solvent and dry thoroughly prior to
within the body hoist system after engine disassembly.
shutdown. To prevent personal injury and
property damage, press and hold down body
hoist bleed down switch and operate the body Valve Body
control joystick continually to relieve pressure 1. If required, remove adaptor and 'O' ring from port 'E'
in the system. in valve housing (28). Discard 'O' ring.
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the 2. If required, remove bolts (23), lockwashers (24),
parking brake and switch off the engine. blanking plate (25) and 'O' ring (26) from port 'A' in
valve housing (28). Discard 'O' ring (26).
2. Press and hold down body hoist bleed down switch
and operate the body control joystick continually to
relieve pressure in the body hoist system. Control Spool
1. Clean the entire body control valve assembly with a
3. Block all road wheels, place the steering lock bar in suitable solvent and dry thoroughly. Remove caps
the 'Locked' position and the battery master switch in from valve housing (28) ports.
the 'Off' position.
2. If required, clamp body control valve assembly in a
4. Remove hydraulic tank anti-spill drain cap, install soft jawed vice. Take care to avoid damaging valve
drain tube connection and drain oil into a suitable housing (28) machined surfaces.
container. Remove drain tube connection and reinstall
cap. 3. Remove capscrews (14) securing pressure
reducing valve (13) from mounting block (20).
5. Clean body control valve housing (28) and Withdraw pressure reducing valve (13) from mounting
surrounding area with a suitable solvent. Identify and block (20).
tag all hydraulic and servo control lines connected to
body control valve, to aid in 'Installation'. 4. Remove capscrews (22) securing mounting block
(20) to end cap (10). Remove mounting block (20) and
6. With suitable containers available to catch spillage, discard 'O' ring (21).
disconnect hydraulic and servo control lines from
control valve. Drain the oil from the lines into the 5. If required, remove plug (19) from mounting block
container and discard all 'O' rings. Cap hydraulic lines (20) and discard 'O' ring (18).
and control valve ports to prevent ingress of dirt.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for opposite end of valve
housing (28), end cap (17).
SM 1952 4-00 3
Body System - Body Control Valve
Section 230-0060
7. Remove capscrews (12) securing end cap (10) to BOTH parts should be replaced by new parts.
valve housing (28). Remove end cap (10).
Note: Do not lap or grind poppet (33) to relief valve
8. Carefully withdraw spool and spring pack assembly (37) assembly.
from valve housing (28). Remove and discard 'O' rings
Note: 'O' rings (3) can be replaced without Numbers and letters in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
disassembly of the spring mechanism.
Note: Lightly lubricate all components with hydraulic
9. If necessary, the centring mechanism can be oil. Refer to Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION
removed from the spool assembly. Remove capscrew SYSTEM, for recommended oil specifications.
(9) to release washer (8), spring seats (6), spring (7)
and shims (15 & 16). Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
Relief Valve
1. Clean the entire body control valve assembly with a
suitable solvent and dry thoroughly. Remove caps Valve Body
from valve housing (28) ports. 1. If removed, install new 'O' ring (26) on port 'A' of
valve housing (28). Install blanking plate (25) and
2. If desired, clamp body control valve assembly in a secure using bolts (23) and lockwashers (24).
soft jawed vice. Take care to avoid damaging valve
housing (28) machined surfaces. 2. If removed, install new 'O' ring on adaptor and
secure in port 'E' of valve housing (28).
3. Release locking nut (29) and slacken adjusting
screw (30) until loose.
Control Spool
4. Remove cap (34) from valve housing (28) and 1. If required, reassemble spring seats (6), shims
discard 'O' ring (36). (15 & 16), spring (7) and washer (8) and secure
assembly to spool cap (4) using capscrew (9).
5. Withdraw spring (32) and poppet (33) from valve
housing (28) bore. Note: Apply 3 drops of Loctite 243 to the spool cap (4)
threads prior to reassembly.
6. Remove cap (27) from the opposite end of valve
housing (28) and discard 'O' ring (36). 2. Replace 'O' rings (3) on spool and spring pack
7. Push out relief valve (37) assembly from bore in
valve housing (28). Discard 'O' rings (38 & 39). 3. Refit spool and spring pack assembly to valve
housing (28).
1. Clean all parts thoroughly and examine for wear 5. If removed, install end cap (17) to valve housing
and/or damage. (28) and secure using capscrews (12).
2. Inspect valve housing (28) bores and control spool 6. If required, install new 'O' ring (18) on plug (19) and
(1) for grooves, deep scratches or excessive wear. refit to mounting block (20).
Note: If condition of valve housing (28) bores or 7. Install new 'O' rings (21) and secure mounting blocks
control spool (1) indicates that they require to be (20) to end caps (10 & 17) using capscrews (22).
replaced, the body control valve should be replaced as
an assembly. 8. Install pressure reducing valves (13) to mounting
blocks (20) and secure using capscrews (14). Tighten
3. If either poppet (33) or relief valve (37) are damaged, capscrews (14) to a torque of 2 Nm (1.5 lbf ft).
4 SM 1952 4-00
Body System - Body Control Valve
Section 230-0060
Relief Valve Note: Be sure to use new 'O' rings with the split flange
1. Install new 'O' rings (38 & 39) on relief valve (37) fittings.
assembly. Install relief valve (37) assembly into relief
valve bore in valve housing (28). 4. Fill hydraulic oil tank with hydraulic oil as specified
in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Refer
Note: Push relief valve (37) assembly fully in until the to Section 230-0040, HYDRAULIC TANK, for hydraulic
snap ring on the outer sleeve locates in the recess in oil levels. Install filler cap on hydraulic tank filler neck.
the relief valve bore.
5. Adjust the system relief valve according to the
2. Install a new 'O' ring (36) on plug (27) and install instructions in 'Adjustments'.
cap (27) in valve housing (28). Tighten plug (27) to a
torque of 40 - 45 Nm (30 - 34 lbf ft).
3. Install poppet spring (32) and poppet (33) in cap Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
(34). Install a new 'O' ring (36) on cap (34).
Relief Valve Adjustment
4. Install cap (34) assembly, adjusting screw (30) and This type of relief valve is very sensitive to adjustment.
locking nut (29) in valve housing (28) bore. Tighten Relief valve setting and adjustment can be carried out
cap (34) to a torque of 40 - 45 Nm (30 - 34 lbf ft). as follows:
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed 1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT parking brake and switch off the engine.
2. Block all road wheels and place steering lock bar in
Note: Tighten all hydraulic lines fitted with ORFS the locked position.
connections, as described in Section 220-0000,
STEERING SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. Renew all 3. Connect a hydraulic gauge, capable of recording a
'O' rings where used. pressure of 0 - 345 bar (0 - 5 000 lbf/in), to remote
diagnostic pressure point.
1. Using a suitable lifting device, position body control Note: Turning adjusting screw (30) 'IN' will increase
valve on the machine and secure to mounting bracket relief valve pressure, turning adjusting screw (30)
with mounting hardware as removed at 'Removal'. 'OUT' will reduce relief valve pressure.
2. Reconnect all servo control lines to body control 6. Secure locking nut (29) in place and operate body.
valve, as tagged at 'Removal'. Re-check relief valve pressure and adjust if required.
3. Install new 'O' rings in split flange line fittings and 7. Check body control valve assembly and hydraulic
install all hydraulic lines to body control valve, as lines for leaks. Tighten as required.
tagged at 'Removal'.
8. Remove all blocking from road wheels and place
SM 1952 4-00 5
Body System - Body Control Valve
Section 230-0060
* * * *
6 SM 1952 4-00
BODY SYSTEM - Body Control Joystick
Section 230-0081
The body control joystick controls the hydraulic control
valve operation, by means of electrical signals to the
pressure reducing valves, which in turn operates the
body hoist cylinders. The four operating positions of
the joystick from front to rear are as follows:
'LOWER' - Pushing the joystick forward and holding it 1 - Body Control 2 - Screw
in this position provides hydraulic force to power-down Joystick 3 - Harness
the body. It is needed when the body cannot be Fig. 1 - Body Control Joystick Installation
started downward from the fully raised position by
gravity. When the body starts lowering by gravity, the
joystick can be released and internal valve springs will MAINTENANCE
move the joystick to the 'HOLD' position. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
'HOLD' - Moving the joystick to this position while the The body control joystick is a non-serviceable item
body is being raised or lowered traps the oil in the and should be replaced completely, if damaged, as
body hoists to stop and hold the body at any desired follows:
height. The joystick will remain in the 'HOLD' position
when released. Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
'RAISE' - Pushing the joystick back and holding it in
this position directs oil to extend the body hoists and
raise the body. When released, the joystick will be
spring-returned to the 'HOLD' position.
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking
Note: The body control lever must remain in the
materials and lifting equipment are properly
'FLOAT' position until it is necessary to operate the
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
body again. Failure to comply to this could result in
overheating the hydraulic oil and failure of the
hydraulic system components.
Hydraulic fluid pressure will remain
within the body hoist system after engine
Note: A proximity sensor prevents the body being fully
shutdown. To prevent personal injury and
powered down onto the chassis. At a predetermined
property damage, press and hold down body
height, the sensor automatically defaults the body
hoist bleed down switch and operate the body
control valve to the detented 'FLOAT' condition.
control joystick continually to relieve pressure
in the system.
Note: If an electrical failure occurs, 12V relay (K37 -
engine signal) ensures the body control valve
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
automatically defaults to the 'HOLD' condition. The
parking brake and switch off the engine.
cause of the electrical fault must be investigated and
corrected. Refer to Section 190-0000, CIRCUIT
5. Support body control joystick (1) and remove 10. Remove wheel blocks and place the steering lock
screws (2) securing body control joystick (1) to bar in the 'Stowed' position.
mounting bracket on the underside of the right hand
dash panel.
6. Remove body control joystick (1) from mounting There are no special tools required for procedures
location. outlined in this section. Refer to Section 300-0070,
SERVICE TOOLS, for part numbers of general service
7. Secure new body control joystick (1) to mounting tools required. These tools are available from your
bracket on the underside of the right hand dash panel dealer.
with screws (2).
* * * *
SM - 1941
23 16
26 22
25 10
9 18
21 - 'O' Ring
1 - Valve Body 6 - Control Spool 11 - Spacer 16 - Plug 22 - Reducer
2 - Spring Cover 7 - Plug 12 - Pilot 17 - 'O' Ring 23 - Adaptor
3 - 'O' Ring 8 - 'O' Ring 13 - Spring 18 - Adaptor 24 - Bolt
4 - Control Spring 9 - Seat 14 - 'O' Ring 19 - Plug 25 - Lockwasher
5 - Spring Guide 10 - 'O' Ring 15 - Plug 20 - Plug 26 - Tee Piece
SM 1954 4-00 1
Body System - Pilot Supply Valve
Section 230-0121
REMOVAL 3. Remove plug (7) and 'O' ring (8) from valve body
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. (1). Remove valve seat (9), 'O' ring (10) and spacer
(11) from valve body (1). Discard 'O' rings (8 & 10).
WARNINGS 4. Remove adaptor (18) and 'O' ring (17) from valve
To prevent personal injury and property body (1). Discard 'O' ring (17). If necessary remove
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking plug (19) from adaptor (18).
materials and lifting equipment are properly
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job 5. Remove spring guide (15) and 'O' ring (14) from
safely. valve body (1). Discard 'O' ring (14).
Hydraulic fluid pressure will remain 6. Withdraw spring (13) and pilot (12) from valve body (1).
within the body hoist system after engine
shutdown. To prevent personal injury and 7. Remove spring cover (2) and 'O' ring (3) from valve
property damage, press and hold down body body (1). Discard 'O' ring (3).
hoist bleed down switch and operate the body
control joystick continually to relieve pressure 8. Withdraw control spring (4), spring guide (5) and
in the system. control spool (6) from valve body (1).
3. Block all road wheels, place the steering lock bar in 2. Check ports threads and make sure they are not
the 'Locked' position and the battery master switch in damaged or stripped.
the 'Off' position.
3. Check valve seat (9), pilot (12), control spool (6)
4. Remove hydraulic tank anti-spill drain cap, install and spring guide (5). Ensure they are not worn,
drain tube connection and drain oil into a suitable nicked, cracked or scored.
container. Remove drain tube connection and reinstall
5. Clean pilot valve (1) and surrounding area with a Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
suitable solvent. Ensure all hydraulic lines connected
to pilot valve (1) are identified for ease of installation 1. Install new 'O' ring (3) to spring cover (2). Install
and, with suitable containers available to catch control spool (6), spring guide (5) and control spring
leakage, disconnect hydraulic lines. Fit blanking caps (4) into its bore in valve body (1).
to all open lines.
2. Install pilot (12) and spring (13) into its bore in valve
6. Remove bolts (24) and lockwashers (25) securing body (1). Install new 'O' ring (14) to spring guide (15)
pilot valve (1) to mounting bracket. Remove pilot valve and install in valve body (1).
3. Install new 'O' ring (8) to plug (7). Install spacer
(11), new 'O' ring (10) and valve seat (9) into its bore
DISASSEMBLY in valve body (1). Install plug (7) in valve body (1).
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
4. Install new 'O' ring (17) to adaptor (18). Install
1. Note location of tee pieces (26) and adaptors (23) adaptor (18) in valve body (1). If removed, install plug
and remove from valve body (1) and reducer (22). (19) in adaptor (18).
2. Remove reducer (22) and 'O' ring (21) from valve 5. Install new 'O' ring (21) to reducer (22). Install
body (1). Discard 'O' ring (21). reducer (22) in valve body (1).
2 SM 1954 4-00
BODY SYSTEM - Pilot Supply Valve
Section 230-0121
6. Install adaptors (23) and tee pieces (26) in valve 3. Fill hydraulic oil tank with hydraulic oil as specified
body (1) and reducer (22). in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Refer
to Section 230-0040, HYDRAULIC TANK, for hydraulic
oil levels. Install filler cap on hydraulic tank filler neck.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. 4. Place the battery master switch in the 'On' position,
start the engine and bring hydraulic oil to operating
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed temperature.
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS. 5. Check pilot valve (1) and hydraulic line connections
for leaks and tighten as required.
Note: Tighten all hydraulic lines fitted with ORFS
connections, as described in Section 230-0000, BODY 6. Remove all blocking from road wheels and place
SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. Renew all 'O' rings where steering lock bar in the stowed position.
1. Secure pilot valve (1) to mounting bracket with bolts SPECIAL TOOLS
(24) and lockwashers (25). There are no special tools required for procedures
outlined in this section. Refer to Section 300-0070,
2. Remove blanking caps from hydraulic lines and SERVICE TOOLS, for part numbers of general service
install lines to pilot valve (1) as identified during tools required. These tools are available from your
removal. dealer.
* * * *
SM 1954 4-00 3
BODY SYSTEM - Body Cylinder
Section 230-0130
SM - 2468
20 21 23 7 22,6 17,18 9 4 5 11 14 13 14 18 19 23 21 20
3 10 1 16 12 15
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
SM 1956 4-00 1
Body System - Body Cylinder
Section 230-0130
WARNING Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Exercise extreme caution when lowering
the cylinders from the body. The cylinders will
swing out sharply as they leave their WARNING
mountings. To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, ensure the secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
body is fully lowered, apply the parking brake and safely.
switch off the engine.
1. Ensure clean working conditions, remove any port
2. Press and hold down body hoist bleed down switch plugs thus allowing easy entry of air into cylinder body
and operate the body control joystick continually to (1), preventing a vacuum when parts are withdrawn
relieve pressure in the body hoist system. from cylinder body (1).
3. Block all road wheels, place the steering lock bar in 2. Remove circlips (21) from base end of cylinder body
the 'Locked' position and the battery master switch in (1) and piston rod (2) end. Press out spherical bearings
the 'Off' position. (20).
4. Install a suitable strap around the cylinder and 3. Remove lock ring (10) from end cap (3).
attach to a lifting device.
4. Using special tool which can be fabricated as shown
5. Position a suitable container at the base end of one in Fig. 2, unscrew end cap (3) until thread is
cylinder. Identify and remove the hydraulic lines. Cap disengaged from cylinder body (1).
hydraulic lines and cylinder ports to prevent entry of
dirt. 5. Support piston rod (2) at the rod eye and withdraw
piston rod (2) from cylinder body (1). Ensure centre
6. Remove bolt (26), lockwasher (27), washer (28) and lines of piston rod (2) and cylinder body (1) remain
upper pin (24) connecting piston rod (2) end of the coincidental during removal of piston rod (2).
cylinder to the body.
6. Place piston rod (2) on supports which will not
7. Lower cylinder slowly and remove spacers (25). damage the piston rod diameter.
Note: Cylinder will swing out sharply as it leaves its 7. Remove and discard piston seals (13) and wear
mounting. rings (14) from piston (12).
8. Remove bolt (26), lockwasher (27), washer (28) and 8. Remove grub screw (15) from wear ring (14) groove
lower pin (29) connecting base end of the cylinder to in piston (12).
the frame.
9. Provide an anti-torsion device through piston rod (2)
9. Remove spacers (25) and remove cylinder assembly eye to allow unscrewing of piston (12). Using special
to a clean area for disassembly. tool which can be fabricated as shown in Fig. 3,
unscrew piston (12) from piston rod (2).
10. Repeat steps 4 through 9 for opposite cylinder.
10. Remove cushion spear (11) and 'O' rings (16) from
piston rod (2). Discard 'O' rings (16).
11. Remove cylinder end cap (3) from piston rod (2).
Remove and discard cushion sleeve (4), circlip (5), rod
seal (6), nylon ring (22), wiper (7), 'O' rings (8 & 9) and
back up ring (17).
2 SM 1956 4-00
Body System - Body Cylinder
Section 230-0130
1. Clean all parts of the cylinder with a suitable solvent 7. Insert new piston seal (13) and new wear rings (14)
and dry with clean, lint-free cloths. Clean all grooves in piston (12).
carefully to remove any foreign material.
8. Fully grease piston (12) OD and 'O' rings (8 & 9) in
2. Check cylinder body (1) and outer diameter of piston end cap (3).
(12) for scratches, cracks or other defects. Remove
ridges, nicks and scratches with a fine stone and re- 9. Sling assembled piston rod (2) in a manner to allow
clean. Replace any components which cannot be careful leading of the assembled piston rod into
repaired. cylinder body (1). Take care not to damage piston seal
(13) on cylinder body (1) threads.
3. Inspect piston rod (2) for distortion, cracks or other
defects. Replace piston rod if defective area is 10. After piston (12) is inserted in cylinder body (1), push
irreparable. the piston rod assembly into cylinder body (1) maintaining
coincidental centre lines of piston rod and cylinder body.
4. Check spherical bearing (20) for wear and replace if
necessary. 11. Before piston rod (2) is fully home and, with slings
still taking some of piston rod (2) weight, engage end
cap (3) thread and screw home.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. 12. Push piston rod (2) to the fully retracted position and
tighten end cap (3) to a torque of 237 Nm (175 lbf ft).
WARNING 13. Re-drill end cap (3) for lock ring (10), 3 x 12 mm
To prevent personal injury and property (0.125 x 0.50 in) deep, if necessary. Insert lock ring
damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly (10) in end cap (3).
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
1. Press spherical bearing (20) in base end of cylinder Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
body (1) and piston rod (2) end. Secure spherical
bearings (20) with circlips (21). Note: Tighten all hydraulic lines fitted with ORFS
connections, as described in Section 230-0000, BODY
2. Install new cushion sleeve (4), circlip (5), rod seals (6), SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. Renew all 'O' rings where used.
nylon ring (22), 'O' rings (8 & 9) and back up (17) in end cap
(3). Load end cap (3) over piston rod (2) thread, taking care
not to damage rod seal (6) on the thread. WARNING
To prevent personal injury and property
3. Install new 'O' rings (16) on piston rod (2) and damage, be sure lifting equipment is properly
replace cushion spear (11). secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
4. Apply Loctite 243 to first two threads of piston (12).
Using special tool which can be fabricated as shown in 1. Install a suitable strap around the cylinder and
Fig. 3, screw on piston (12) and tighten to a torque of position cylinder on unit with base end of cylinder ready
1 356 Nm (1 000 lbf ft). for mounting.
5. Insert piston grub screw (15) through wear ring (14) 2. Install spacers (25) in base end of cylinder and
groove in piston (12) and into groove machined in insert lower pin (23) through mounting bores, spacers
piston rod (2). Tighten grub screw (15) to a torque of 49 (25) and cylinder. Secure lower pin (23) with washer
Nm (36 lbf ft). Ensure the extreme of grub screw (15) is (28), lockwasher (27) and bolt (26). Tighten bolt (26) to
below the level of wear ring (14) groove. a torque of 66 Nm (49 lbf ft).
SM 1956 4-00 3
Body System - Body Cylinder
Section 230-0130
3. Install spacers (25) in rod end of cylinder, align start the engine, operate the body and check cylinder lines
spherical bearing with bores in body and install upper for leaks. Tighten lines and fittings as required.
pin (24) through mounting bores, spacers (25) and
cylinder. Secure upper pin (24) with washer (28), 8. Remove wheel blocks from road wheels.
lockwasher (27) and bolt (26). Tighten bolt (26) to a
torque of 66 Nm (49 lbf ft).
4. Connect the hydraulic oil lines to the cylinder ports Every 50 hours: Lubricate cylinder pins as described
as tagged during removal. in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Inspect
cylinders for leaks, if leaks are found, replace seals
5. Lubricate pins at lube fittings (22) with lubricant as with seals contained in the Service Repair Kit, as
specified in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. specified in the parts book.
SM - 2469
50 25
160 (6.299) (1.9680) (0.984)
90 (3.54) 10
DRILL 13 (0.51) 11
RAD (0.394)
X 25 (0.984) (0.433)
10 (0.394)
150 (5.90) DIA
(3.154 - 0.000 )
(4.724 - 0.005 )
120.00 - 0.13
80.10 - 0.00
94 (3.7)
19 (0.75)
Dimensions in mm (in)
Fig. 2 - End Cap Torque Tool
4 SM 1956 4-00
Body System - Body Cylinder
Section 230-0130
SM - 2470
89 (3.5)
38.1 (1.5)
124.45 - 0.000 (4.899 - 0.000 )
90 - 0.05 (3.543 - 0.002 )
136 (5.35)
25.4 (1.0)
Dimensions in mm (in)
Fig. 3 - Piston Torque Tool
* * * *
SM 1956 4-00 5
SM - 2446
20 17
SM 1948 4-00 1
Braking System - Air Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
AIR SYSTEM AUXILIARY COMPONENTS Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Air from the engine driven air compressor (2) travels
The following is a list of auxiliary components used in through air drier kit (3) and into primary tank (5) and
the air system, with a brief description of each: front brake tank (6) via pressure protection valve (9).
Primary tank (5) is the outside tank positioned at the
Kysor DST Fan Clutch (1) - Direct temperature front left-hand side of the tractor frame.
sensing fan. Refer to Section 110-0040, KYSOR DST
FAN, for detailed operating and servicing procedures. Air is supplied to the suspension system levelling
valve (18) and coolant sensor valve from port 'F' in the
Pressure Protection Valve (9) - Supplies air to all primary tank (5). Air is supplied to solenoid valve (16)
three air tanks for the service brakes, secondary and regulating valve (20) via port 'D' in the primary
braking and accessory devices. Refer to Section tank (5). If air pressure in primary tank (5) falls below
250-0290, PRESSURE PROTECTION VALVE, for 4.1 bar (60 lbf/in), low pressure switch fitted in port 'A'
detailed operating and servicing procedures. sends a signal and the low pressure warning light
illuminates in the cab.
2 SM 1948 4-00
Braking System - Air Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
Air compression is controlled by unloader valve on air Treadle Valve (4) - Directs and controls air to the front
drier (3) stopping and starting delivery of air from air pressure converter and rear relay emergency valve
compressor (2), when maximum 8.4 bar (122 lbf/in) which controls air delivery to the rear pressure
and minimum 6.5 bar (95 lbf/in) pressures are converter. Refer to Section 250-0070, TREADLE
reached. VALVE, for detailed operating and servicing
The pressure in the system should not exceed 8.4 bar
(122 lbf/in) if the system is operating normally. Air Tanks (5, 6 & 10) - Store compressed air until it is
However, if unloader valve malfunctions and the needed for brake or accessory operation. Brake tanks
pressure continues to rise, safety valve on air drier (3) maintain an air supply for normal brake application. Air
will open to protect the air system by relieving the pressure in the tanks is indicated on the air system
pressure at 10.7 bar (155 lbf/in). pressure gauge on the instrument panel in the
operators compartment. Refer to Section 250-0170,
AIR TANKS AND MOUNTING, for detailed operating
Suspension System and servicing procedures.
The suspension ride height is maintained by levelling
valve (18) controlling air flow to or from air springs Park/Emergency Control Valve (8) - In the
(19). If the ride height drops then air will flow from 'EMERGENCY' position, it controls air pressure
levelling valve (18) and into air springs (19). When the delivery to the rear relay emergency valve for
proper ride height is reached the lever on levelling actuation of the rear pressure converter to apply the
valve (18) shuts off the air flow to air springs (19). rear brakes and also exhausts the air from the spring
Refer to Section 180-0021, AIR SPRING and applied parking brake actuator, to apply the parking
Section 180-0022, LEVELLING VALVE. brake in an emergency. In the 'PARK' position it
continues to exhaust the air from the spring applied
parking brake actuator, keeping the parking brake
Differential Lock applied, and also exhausts air pressure from the rear
When the differential lock switch in the operators relay emergency valve releasing the rear brakes.
compartment is activated, solenoid valve (16) will open Refer to Section 250-0190, PARK/EMERGENCY
allowing air from primary tank (5) to flow through the CONTROL VALVE, for detailed operating and
valve and into differential lock cylinders (17). This servicing procedures.
applies the transmission and inter-axle differential
locks. Deactivating the differential lock switch releases Relay Emergency Valve (11) - Speeds the application
the differential locks. and release of air pressure converter. Automatically
applies rear service brakes when emergency line
pressure falls to approximately 3.1 bar (45 lbf/in).
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. VALVE, for detailed operating and servicing
The following is a list of air control devices in the air
safety brake system, with a brief description of each: Pressure Converters (13) - Apply pressure to front
and rear brake hydraulic systems to operate wheel
Air Compressor (2) - Delivers air, through the air drier brakes when energized with air pressure directed by
kit, to the air tanks to operate the pressure converters the treadle valve or park/emergency control valve.
and air operated accessories. The air compressor is Refer to Section 250-0260, PRESSURE
mounted on the engine and has a capacity of CONVERTER, for detailed operating and servicing
6.23 litres/s (13.2 ft/min). procedures.
Air Drier and Purge Tank Kit (3) - Filters the air from Air Breather (14) - There are two non-pressurised air
the compressor to remove any oil and moisture in the breathers used in the air brake system, one on each of
air system. The intregal unloader valve controls supply the brake pressure converters. Air displaced on the
of air to the system, by stopping and starting delivery atmospheric side of the air piston in the pressure
of air by the compressor when maximum and converter exhausts through the air breather. Refer to
minimum pressures are reached. Refer to Section Section 250-0270, AIR BREATHER, for detailed
250-0200, AIR DRIER, for detailed operating and operating and servicing procedures.
servicing procedures.
SM 1948 4-00 3
Braking System - Air Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
Parking Brake Actuator (15) - Applies disc type compressor (2) when maximum 8.4 bar (122 lbf/in)
parking brake when park/emergency control valve and minimum 6.5 bar (95 lbf/in2) pressures are
lever is moved into the 'PARK' position by exhausting reached.
the air in the actuator.
The pressure in the system should not exceed
Brake Light Switch - Turns on the brake lights when 8.4 bar (122 lbf/in) if the system is operating normally.
the brakes are applied. However, if unloader valve malfunctions and the
pressure continues to rise, safety valve on air drier (3)
will open to protect the air system by relieving the
Warning Lights (Air System) pressure at 10.7 bar (155 lbf/in).
The following warning lights are controlled by pressure
switches and are located on the warning light panels in
the operators compartment: Service Brake
Depressing treadle valve (4) allows air to flow directly
Note: Refer to operators handbook for location and from front brake tank (6) into the air chamber part of
identification of warning lights. front pressure converter (13). This applies pressure to
the brake hydraulic fluid to apply the front service
Low Brake Air Pressure (Red) - Illuminates if air brakes. At the same time, air flows through the service
pressure falls below approximately 4.1 bar (60 lbf/in2). ports of rear relay emergency valve (11). This causes
If light illuminates while operating, stop the machine, rear relay emergency valve (11) pistons to move and
apply the parking brake and do not operate until the unseat their inlet valves allowing the air from rear
fault has been corrected. brake tank (10) to flow into the air chamber part of rear
pressure converter (13). This applies pressure to the
Parking Brake (Green) - Illuminates until the park/ brake hydraulic fluid to apply the rear service brakes.
emergency control lever is placed in either the
'EMERGENCY' or 'RELEASE' positions indicating that The amount of air that flows to pressure converters
the parking brake is released. (13) depends on how far treadle valve (4) pedal is
depressed. The farther the pedal is depressed the
Tractor Brakes Overstroke (Red) - Illuminates if the greater the air pressure released by relay emergency
front brake system pressure is low. A buzzer also valve (11), and the greater the braking force.
sounds. If light illuminates, stop the machine and
investigate the cause. The brakes are released when the treadle pedal is
released. Application pressure is exhausted through
Trailer Brakes Overstroke (Red) - Illuminates if the relay emergency valve (11) exhaust port. Air pressure
rear brake system pressure is low. A buzzer also is exhausted through treadle valve (4) exhaust port.
sounds. If light illuminates, stop the machine and
investigate the cause.
Park/Emergency Control Valve
Air line from port 'E' on primary tank (5) directs a constant
OPERATION supply of air to park/emergency control valve (8), via
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. pressure protection valve (9), from primary tank (5).
Air from the engine driven air compressor (2) travels With park/emergency control valve (8) lever in the
through air drier kit (3) via pressure protection valve 'RELEASE' position, air flows from ports 'A' and 'C'.
(9) and into all three air tanks (5, 6 & 10). The air from port 'A' flows to parking brake actuator
(15), preventing the spring in the actuator from
Air flows from primary tank (5) to the park/emergency applying the parking brake. The air from port 'C' flows
brake valve (8). Air from front brake tank (6) flows to to the emergency port of rear relay emergency valve
the supply port of treadle valve (4), and, to port '21' of (11). For operation of relay emergency valve, refer to
pressure protection valve (9). The rear brake tank (10) Section 250-0280, RELAY EMERGENCY VALVE. The
supplies air to the rear relay valve (11). Air is supplied park/emergency control lever should always be in the
to the auxiliary components via port '23' of the 'RELEASE' position when driving the machine.
pressure protection valve (9).
With park/emergency control valve (8) lever in the
Air compression is controlled by unloader valve on air 'EMERGENCY' position, port 'B' is vented through port
drier (3) stopping and starting delivery of air from air 'C'. This allows the air in the lines from brake tank (10)
4 SM 1948 4-00
Braking System - Air Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
to flow into the air chamber part of rear pressure 5. Never exceed recommended pressure and always
converter (13). This applies pressure to the brake wear safety glasses when working.
hydraulic fluid to apply the rear service brakes. At the
same time, port 'A' is vented through port 'C', allowing 6. Never attempt to disassemble a component until
the spring in parking brake actuator (15) to apply the you have read and understood recommended
parking brake. The air from port 'C' flows to the procedures. Some components contain powerful
emergency port of relay emergency valve (11). For springs and injury can result if not properly
operation of relay emergency valve, refer to Section disassembled. Use only proper tools and observe all
250-0280, RELAY EMERGENCY VALVE. The safety precautions pertaining to use of those tools.
'EMERGENCY' position should only be used in an
EMERGENCY. For normal brake operation use the 7. Use only genuine factory replacement parts and
treadle valve. components.
With the park/emergency control valve (8) lever in the a) Only components, devices and mounting and
'PARK' position, port 'A' continues to vent through port attaching, specifically designed for use in hydraulic
'C' keeping the parking brake applied. At the same brake systems, should be used.
time, air is exhausted from the rear pressure converter
releasing the rear service brakes. b) Replacement hardware, tubes, lines, fittings, etc.
should be of equivalent size, type and strength as the
original equipment.
Automatic Brake Application
The first indication of a loss of air pressure in the 8. Devices with stripped threads or damaged parts
system is that the low air pressure warning light on the should be replaced. Repairs requiring machining
instrument panel will illuminate when the pressure falls should not be attempted.
below 4.1 bar (60 lbf/in ). If the pressure falls below
3.1 bar (45 lbf/in), relay emergency valve (11) opens
and allows the air in the line from rear brake tank (10) BRAKE FUNCTION CHECKS
to flow into the air chamber part of rear pressure
converter (13). This applies pressure to the brake
hydraulic fluid to apply the rear service brakes.
Make sure the area around the machine is clear
BRAKE SYSTEM SAFETY PRECAUTIONS of personnel and obstructions before carrying
When working on or around brake systems and out these checks.
components, the following precautions, should be
observed: Note: The following checks are not intended to
measure maximum brake holding ability. If NEW brake
1. Always block vehicle wheels. Stop engine when pads are fitted, they MUST be burnished as per the
working under a vehicle. Keep hands away from manufacturers recommendations before carrying out
actuator push rods and slack adjusters; they may the checks.
apply as air system pressure drops.
Service Brake Holding Ability
2. Always carry out ALL servicing operations in
1. Depress service brake treadle pedal and move
conjunction with WARNINGS and procedures outlined
transmission gear shift selector to 1st gear.
in the individual component sections.
2. Move park/emergency control lever to
3. Always ensure there is no pressure in the air
'EMERGENCY' position, then move to 'RELEASE'
system before attempting to replace brake pads or
shoes; the brakes will automatically apply as air
pressure drops.
3. Depress accelerator control and accelerate engine
to 1 350 rev/min. The machine should not move.
4. Never connect or disconnect a pipe or line
containing pressure; it may whip. Never remove a
4. Decelerate engine, shift transmission to 'NEUTRAL'
component or pipe plug unless you are certain all
and apply the parking brake before releasing the
system pressure has been released.
service brake.
SM 1948 4-00 5
Braking System - Air Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
6 SM 1948 4-00
Braking System - Air Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
SM 1948 4-00 7
Braking System - Air Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
8 SM 1948 4-00
Braking System - Air Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
* * * *
SM 1948 4-00 9
BRAKING SYSTEM - Hydraulic Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
SM - 2491
1 1 1
2 3
1 1 1
SM 1982 4-00 1
Braking System - Hydraulic Braking System Schematic
Section 250-0000
2. Start up the engine, place the park/emergency 5. Apply brake and open bleeder valve. After fluid flow
control valve in the 'Emergency' position, block all road stops, close the bleeder valve and release the brake.
wheels and place the steering lock bar in the 'Locked'
position. Note: If loose end of bleeder line is kept submerged in
brake fluid, the bleeder valve need not be closed each
3. Remove dust cap from bleeder valve on brake head time the brake is released.
assembly (1) and connect a clear bleeder line to the
bleeder valve. Place loose end of the line in a clean 6. Repeat procedure in step 4 until no air bubbles are
container. observed in fluid coming from bleeder valve.
Note: Keep brake fluid reservoirs (3) filled during 7. Repeat Steps 1 through 5 at each brake head
bleeding process. assembly (1).
* * * *
2 SM 1982 4-00
BRAKING SYSTEM - Treadle Valve
Section 250-0070
SM - 2368
D 28
F 16 17 18
J 15
14 20
No. 1
No. 1
8 21
7 22
6 21
5 23
4 24
No. 2 3
No. 2
1 - Valve Body
1 25
2 - Inlet Valve EXHAUST
3 - Inlet Valve Seat
4 - Exhaust Valve Seat 13 - Primary Piston 22 - Passage
5 - Relay Piston 14 - Return Spring 23 - Screw
6 - Exhaust Passage 15 - Retainer Plate 24 - Sealing Ring
7 - Spring 16 - Spring Seat 25 - Rubber Exhaust Flap
8 - Valve Body 17 - Rubber Graduating Spring 26 - Treadle
9 - Transfer Holes 18 - Valve Stem 27 - Boot
10 - Inlet/ Exhaust Valve 19 - Vent 28 - Mounting Plate
11 - Inlet Valve Seat 20 - Air Filter 29 - Fulcrum Pin
12 - Exhaust Valve Seat 21 - Seal 30 - Stop Button
SM 1939 4-00 1
Braking System - Treadle Valve
Section 250-0070
Similarly, the No. 2 delivery air flow continues until Should air pressure be lost from the No. 2 circuit, the
the increasing air pressure under relay piston (5) and No. 1 circuit will continue to function as described
the upward force of the spring in inlet valve (2) above. The seals (21) will effectively separate the
overcome the downward forces of spring (7) and the two brake circuits.
air pressure above relay piston (5). Relay piston (5)
then lifts sufficiently to allow inlet valve (2) to close If air pressure is lost from the No. 1 circuit, the No. 2
on inlet valve seat (3) and cut off the No. 2 supply circuit will continue to function as follows:
air without letting exhaust valve seat (4) uncover The brake application force will be transmitted to the
exhaust passage (6). The No. 2 circuit is now 'lapped' No. 2 circuit by primary piston (13) acting directly on
with both theinlet valve (2) and the exhaust passage relay piston (5) after taking up the limited movement
(6) closed. between relay piston (5) and valve stem (18).
2 SM 1939 4-00
Braking System - Treadle Valve
Section 250-0070
Thereafter, relay piston (5) will operate the inlet/ ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION
exhaust valve (2) as previously described. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Apart from the reduced vehicle braking efficiency, the Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
effect of a loss of air pressure from No. 1 circuit will in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
be a small increase in the operating plunger travel TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
and a moderate increase in the effort required to
depress the brake treadle. 1. If removed, install treadle (26) assembly on valve
body (1 & 8) assembly.
REMOVAL AND DISASSEMBLY 2. If removed, install treadle valve assembly to the
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. toe plate with mounting hardware, as removed at
'Removal and Disassembly'.
WARNING Note: Treadle valve is the left hand pedal on the toe
To prevent personal injury and property plate.
damage, be sure wheel blocks are properly
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job 3. Install all air lines to the treadle valve assembly,
safely. as tagged at removal.
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the 4. Place the battery master switch in the 'On'
parking brake and switch off the engine. position, start the engine and allow air pressure in the
tanks to build up to correct operating pressure.
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master Check for leaks at air lines and tighten as required.
switch in the 'Off' position.
5. Secure toe plate assembly to the cab floor with
3. Open drain cocks on air tanks and drain air from mounting hardware, as removed at 'Removal and
three main air tanks and auxiliary air tank. Close Disassembly'.
drain cocks on air tanks when air is exhausted.
6. Remove wheel blocks from all road wheels.
4. Remove mounting hardware securing toe plate
assembly to the cab floor.
5. Manoeuvre the toe plate assembly to allow access Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
and tag and remove all air lines from the treadle
valve assembly. If the treadle valve does not release promptly or does
not fully release, it indicates that exhaust valve is not
6. Release and remove mounting hardware securing opening sufficiently. This can be caused by:
treadle valve assembly to the toe plate assembly.
1. Lack of lubrication in valve body causing piston
7. Remove treadle valve assembly from the vehicle. and spring assembly to bind.
8. If required, separate valve body (1 & 8) assembly 2. Dirt or other foreign matter between the heel of
and treadle (26) assembly. treadle (26) and mounting plate (28).
Note: The treadle valve assembly should not be If the treadle valve does not apply promptly, or does
disassembled further as replacement of parts is by not apply fully, it indicates that inlet valve (10) is
treadle (26) assembly and/or valve body (1 & 8) not opening sufficiently. Check for correct operation
assembly only. Refer to 'Maintenance' procedures. and replace valve assembly, if required.
SM 1939 4-00 3
Braking System - Treadle Valve
Section 250-0070
MAINTENANCE Coat valve body and exhaust port 'J' with soap suds
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. to check for leakage and make and hold a full
pressure brake application. Any leakage from the
Every 250 hours exhaust port 'J' must not exceed a 25 mm (1 in)
Lubricate treadle roller and pin (29) with engine oil as diameter soap bubble in less than three seconds. If
specified in Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION excessive leakage is found, the treadle valve must
SYSTEM. be repaired or replaced.
* * * *
4 SM 1939 4-00
BRAKING SYSTEM - Air Tanks and Mounting
Section 250-0170
SM - 819
10 - Lockwasher
1 - Primary Tank 4 - Guard 7 - Lockwasher 11 - Nut
2 - Front Brake Tank 5 - 'U' Bolt 8 - Drain Cock 12 - Bolt
3 - Rear Brake Tank 6 - Nut 9 - Bolt 13 - Lockwasher
SM 1941 4-00 1
Braking System - Air Tanks and Mounting
Section 250-0170
5. Remove bolt (12) and lockwasher (13) securing 6. Position guard (4) in place under primary tank (1)
primary tank (1) to mounting bracket on the frame. and secure in place with 'U' bolt (5), bolts (9),
Remove primary tank (1) from the machine. lockwashers (7 & 10) and nuts (6 & 11).
6. Remove bolt (12) and lockwasher (13) securing 7. Install all air lines on primary tank (1) and front
front brake tank (2) to mounting bracket on the frame. brake tank (2), as tagged at 'Removal'.
Remove front brake tank (2) from the machine.
7. Remove nuts (6) and lockwashers (7) from 'U' bolts MAINTENANCE
(5) securing rear brake tank (3) to trailer frame Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
mounting brackets. Remove rear brake tank (3) from
the machine. The air tanks should be drained daily to prevent
excessive water build up in the system. It is also
important that the air tanks are drained after each shift.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. Before starting the shift make sure that drain cocks (8)
are tightly closed.
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
in Section 300-0020, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
* * * *
2 SM 1941 4-00
BRAKING SYSTEM - Park/Emergency Control Valve
Section 250-0190
SM - 1947
9 7 6
3 4
Fig. 1 - Sectional View of Park/Emergency Control Valve - Lever in 'Emergency' Brake Position
SM 1940 4-00 1
Braking System - Park/Emergency Control Valve
Section 250-0190
Port 'C' - Supply to relay emergency valve (rear) lifted by the control lever (1) and the pivot (2) allowing
Port 'D' - Exhaust the 'upright side' plunger (9) and the 'inverse side'
plunger (4) to lift and allowing the air pressure in the
The valve comprises an aluminium cover and an brake chambers to exhaust. The vehicle is now parked
aluminium body. The cover contains the actuating by the mechanical force exerted by the spring brakes.
mechanism and a control lever incorporating a spring
loaded locking mechanism which allows it to be locked
in the 'Park' position. REMOVAL
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
The body contains two graduating valve units, one
upright and one inverse. The output from each unit can
be set by means of adjusters in the bottom manifold. WARNING
To prevent personal injury and property
Incorporated in the body are two air supply ports, one damage, be sure wheel blocks are properly
in the bottom manifold, the other in the rear manifold. secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
These supply ports provide a common feed to both safely.
graduating units. There are two delivery ports from
each graduating unit, one in the bottom manifold, the 1. Switch off the engine, move control lever (1) to the
other in the rear manifold. 'Park' position and place the battery master switch in
the 'Off' position.
OPERATION 2. Block all road wheels, open drain cocks on air tanks
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. and drain air from all three air tanks. Close drain cocks
on air tanks when air is exhausted.
When control lever (1) is in the 'Off' position, the
'upright side' of the valve is delivering zero air 3. Tag and disconnect air lines and electrical
pressure to the brake chambers and the 'inverse side' connection from valve body, to aid in installation.
of the valve is delivering hold off pressure to the spring
brakes in order to maintain them in the brakes 4. Support valve body and remove mounting hardware
released condition. securing valve body to mounting bracket on underside
of dash panel. Remove valve body from the dash
As the control lever (1) is moved to make a panel.
'Emergency' brake application, it rotates the cam (3),
depressing the 'upright side' plunger (9), closing the
exhaust valve (7) and opening the inlet valve (6) INSPECTION
allowing air to pass to the brake chambers. As the Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
pressure in the brake chambers increases, the air
pressure acting on the upper piston (8) causes it to To check the control lever shaft for damage or
move down against the pressure exerted by the deformation:
graduating spring (5), closing the inlet valve (6). This
procedure is repeated for further control lever (1) 1. Move the control lever (1) into the 'Park' position.
movement until full 'Emergency' brake position is
reached, when the air pressure delivered to the brake 2. Remove the outer circlip (10), washer (11) and
chambers is maximum. handle (13).
During this operation, the 'inverse side' of the valve, 3. Grip return spring (14) firmly and ease off circlip (12).
which was delivering maximum pressure when the
control lever (1) was in the 'Off' position, is exhausting, 4. Remove spring (14) and locking sleeve (15).
until, with the control lever (1) in the 'Emergency' brake
position the delivered pressure is zero. 5. Inspect control lever shaft.
When control lever (1) is moved from the 'Emergency' Note: If control lever shaft is bent then the complete
brake position to the 'Park' position, the cam (3) is valve must be replaced.
2 SM 1940 4-00
Braking System - Park/Emergency Control Valve
Section 250-0190
Block all road wheels and ensure air tanks are fully SPECIAL TOOLS
charged. With control lever (1) in 'Emergency' position, There are no special tools required for procedures
the air pressure at port 'C' should be the same as the outlined in this section. Refer to Section 300-0070,
inlet pressure at port 'B' and there should be no SERVICE TOOLS, for part numbers of general service
pressure at port 'A'. tools required. These tools are available from your
* * * *
SM 1940 4-00 3
Section 250-0200
SM - 1942
5 8
7 6
DESCRIPTION Air drier unloader valve (4) controls the supply of air to
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. the system by stopping and starting delivery of air by
the compressor (2), when maximum and minimum
The air drier is mounted on the left hand side platform, system operating pressures are reached.
with the purge tank located inboard of the hood
assembly, mounted off the right hand side of the Orificed check valve (6 & 7) meters compressed air
goalpost support assembly. flowing into purge tank (8) and traps air in the primary
air tank during the purging cycle.
The purpose of the air drier is to filter the air from the
compressor to remove any oil and moisture before it
enters the air reservoirs. OPERATION
SM - 2280
7 E
1 - Purge Tank
5 C 6
2 - Desiccant
3 - Oil Filter C - Exhaust
4 - Unloader Valve 7 - Purge Valve D - Output to Compressor Unloading
5 - Check Valve A - Supply from Compressor Device
6 - Purge Choke B - Delivery to Press Protection Valve E - Delivery to Purge Tank
Fig. 2 - Typical Purging Air Flow
1 2
When air pressure reaches 8.3 bar (120 lbf/in), air UNLOADER
enters unloader valve (4) moving the piston, allowing VALVE
air through to the purge valve (7). Once the purge
valve (7) is open, the air compressor now pumps air at SUPPLY
low pressure directly to atmosphere. Dirt and water
collected around unloader valve (4) flows out of
exhaust port (C) to atmosphere.
Fig. 3 - Port and Valve Identification
Dry air from purge tank (1) flows through the purge
choke (6) and desiccant (2) carrying the water This purging process continues until purge tank (1)
molecules out of exhaust port (C) to atmosphere. pressure is zero or until unloader valve (4) closes at
7.5 bar (109 lbf/in2) and once again compressed air
passes through the desiccant cartridge.
SM - 1945
17 18 16
15 14 13
19 20 3 11
3 7 6 5 4
2 8 9 10
1 - Adjusting Bush 6 - Control Rod 11 - Check Valve Guide 16 - Safety Valve Body
2 - Protection Cap 7 - 'O' Ring 12 - Circlip 17 - Adjusting Screw
3 - Valve Retaining Cap 8 - Control Spring 13 - 'O' Ring 18 - Locknut
4 - Bonded Valve (Inner) 9 - Bonded Valve (Outer) 14 - Conical Spring 19 - Regulating Spring
5 - Pilot Valve Piston Bush 10 - Pilot Valve Piston 15 - Check Valve 20 - Ball
21 - Desiccant Cartridge
Fig. 4 - Air Drier Components
9. Install outer bonded valve (9), ensuring that the flat Operation
solid surface faces inwards and is in contact with pilot Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 4.
valve piston (10).
When primary tank air pressure under ball (20)
10. Install control rod (6) and control spring (8). exceeds the maximum valve setting of 10.75 bar
(156 lbf/in), ball (20) is forced off its seat, permitting
11. Install 'O' ring (7) to valve retaining cap (3). Using air to escape through exhaust port 'A' to atmosphere.
special tool which can be fabricated as shown in As soon as sufficient air is bled from the reservoir so
Fig. 6, screw in adjusting bush (1) and fit to main body that the pressure drops below the maximum valve
assembly. setting, regulating spring (19) forces ball (20) back on
its seat, preventing any further loss of air.
12. If necessary, fit new filter in port 1, use a 7 mm
(0.38 in) dowel to push filter home.
Testing SM - 1946
Adjust the safety valve opening pressure to 10.75 bar
(156 lbf/in) by loosening locknut (18) and turning
adjusting screw in to raise the pressure setting or out
to reduce the setting. Always tighten locknut (18) after
making adjustment.
Maintenance 11 10
Note: This is a non-serviceable item and should be
12 9
replaced with a new safety valve assembly, if
damaged. 13
15 6
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 5.
16 17 1,2 3 4 5
1. Remove 4 screws (5), silencer cover (15) and
perforated plate (3) from base of air drier. 1 - Screw 9 - 'O' Ring
2 - Lockwasher 10 - Purge Valve Piston
3 - Perforated Plate 11 - Return Spring
2. Remove and discard silencer element (16). 4 - Screw 12 - Purge Valve Housing
5 - Screw 13 - Retaining Ring
3. Remove 4 screws (4) and silencer housing (6) from 6 - Silencer Housing 14 - Gasket
air drier body. Remove and discard gasket (14). 7 - Circlip 15 - Silencer Cover
8 - 'O' Ring 16 - Silencer Element
17 - Purge Valve
4. Using suitable circlip pliers, remove and discard
circlip (7). Fig. 5 - Sectional View of Air Drier
4. Remove and discard return spring (11). 5. Start the engine and allow the air pressure in the air
tanks to build up to correct operating pressure. Refer
5. Using a suitable fluid, clean purge valve piston (10), to Section 250-0000, AIR BRAKING SYSTEM
screw (1) and lockwasher (2) and dry thoroughly. SCHEMATIC. Check for leaks at air lines and tighten
Clean purge valve body if necessary. as required.
Note: The new desiccant cartridge (21) must be kept 5. If water is present, the desiccant cartridge must be
in its plastic bag until it is installed. If not the desiccant replaced and the components in the air drier body
will absorb moisture and lose its efficiency. checked for proper operation.
The following table lists some of the conditions which Shank should be about 8 in long
could prove responsible for air drier malfunctioning. and fitted with Tee handle
approx. 4 in long
The reasons and remedies to correct these conditions
0.218 in dia.
are listed opposite each condition. Length
0.343 in
0.480 in
0.475 in
1.00 in
0.75 in
0.5 in dia.
Always shut off the engine, completely drain
the air system, and make sure the air drier is
completely purged of all air pressure before
loosening air lines or fittings to prevent
personal injury. 0.938 in
Pins to be 0.072 in dia.
* * * *
SM - 821
There are two pressure converters used in the air Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1 and 2.
system one for the front brake tank and the other for
the rear. The front pressure converter is mounted off When the operator depresses the brake treadle valve,
of a bracket on the front left hand cab leg. The rear air from the treadle valve enters inlet port 'A' of air
pressure converter is mounted alongside the rear cylinder body (1), via the relay emergency valves. The
brake tank in the trailer frame. air then forces piston follower (4), air piston (9) and
push rod (11) to stroke hydraulic cylinder (21) and
The pressure converters are used to convert air compress return spring (10). Piston follower (4)
pressure to hydraulic pressure. Air pressure applied to contains a leather cup (7) and a felt wiper (5) that
one end of the pressure converter results in hydraulic cleans and lubricates air cylinder body (1) housing. Air
pressure at the other end. The pressure converter displaced on the atmospheric side of air piston (9)
consists of an air cylinder group and a hydraulic group. passes through port 'B' in hydraulic cylinder body (21)
to the air breather. Refer to Section 250-0270, AIR
There are 4 line connections to each pressure BREATHER.
converter as follows:
When air is released, return spring (10) forces push
Port 'A' - Supply air line from relay emergency valve rod (11), air piston (9) and piston follower (4) back to
Port 'B' - Air line to air breather the static position. In the static position, valve (27) is
Port 'C' - Hydraulic line to brake fluid reservoir open, allowing fluid in hydraulic cylinder body (21) to
Port 'D' - Supply line to hydraulic brake lines pass through hydraulic piston (25) and port 'C' to the
remote brake fluid reservoir to compensate the closed
SM 1508 9-98 1
Braking System - Pressure Converter
Section 250-0260
SM - 822
8 - 'O' Ring
9 - Air Piston
10 - Return Spring
11 - Push Rod
12 - End Cap
13 - Seal Ring
14 - 'O' Ring
15 - Indicator Rod
16 - Bleeder Screw
17 - Contact Assembly
18 - Shim (if used)
19 - Nut
20 - Lockwasher
21 - Hydraulic Cylinder
22 - Retainer Ring (if used)
23 - 'V' Seal
24 - Back-up Ring (if used)
25 - Hydraulic Piston
1 - Air Cylinder 26 - Valve Insert
2 - Nut 27 - Valve
3 - Washer 28 - Retainer Ring
4 - Piston Follower 29 - 'V' Seal
5 - Felt Wiper 30 - 'O' Ring
6 - Expander Spring 31 - Bushing
7 - Leather Cup 32 - 'V' Seal
Fig. 2 - Exploded View of Pressure Converter
hydraulic system for temperature expansion and switch in contact assembly (17) causing converter
contraction or seepage. During an application, initial overstroke warning light to illuminate. This will continue
push rod (11) movement seats valve (27) against until switch is reset by manually pushing indicator rod
hydraulic piston (25) and seals passage to port 'C', (15) into hydraulic cylinder body (21) until flush.
then the stroke displaces fluid into the brake system.
Pressure builds when this fluid movement ceases. 'V'
seal (23) on hydraulic piston (25) seals the pressure REMOVAL
system and hydraulic pressure is directed to the Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1 and 2.
brakes through outlet port 'D'.
Note: When removing rear pressure converter from
Upon release, return spring (10) forces push rod (11) the machine, it is advisable to raise the body and
to unseat valve (27) and return hydraulic piston (25) to secure in place with the body safety prop.
its stop. Displaced fluid passes through hydraulic
piston (25) to equalize hydraulic pressure and the
system returns to the static position. WARNING
To prevent personal injury, be sure body prop
When the pressure converter stroke has been exceeded, is in place before working under a raised body.
because of a loss of hydraulic pressure in the brake
system, air piston (9) strokes indicator rod (15), closing
2 SM 1508 9-98
Braking System - Pressure Converter
Section 250-0260
1. If required, to remove the rear pressure converter, 3. Remove contact assembly (17) and shim (18), if
raise body and secure in place with the body safety used, from hydraulic cylinder body (21).
4. Remove bleeder screw (16), end cap (12) and seal
2. Switch off the engine, install steering lock bar in the ring (13) from hydraulic cylinder body (21). Discard
'locked' position and drain the air tanks. Close air tank seal ring (13).
drain cocks when air has exhausted from the air tanks.
5. Match mark air cylinder body (1) and hydraulic
3. If required, to remove the front pressure converter, cylinder body (21) and remove nuts (19) and
open the hood to gain access. lockwashers (20). Remove air cylinder body (1).
4. Remove electrical wire from contact assembly (17) on 6. Remove retainer ring (22), if used, indicator rod (15)
hydraulic cylinder body (21) of pressure converter. and 'O' ring (14). Discard 'O' ring (14) and retainer ring
(22), if used.
5. Remove breather hose assembly from port 'B' of
hydraulic cylinder body (21).
6. Remove air supply line from port 'A' of air cylinder Return spring (10) is under tension. Remove
body (1). nut (2) slowly, being careful to control
expansion of return spring (10) to avoid
7. Remove hydraulic line from port 'D'. property damage or personal injury.
8. Using a suitable container to catch brake fluid, 7. Remove nut (2), washer (3), piston follower (4),
remove brake fluid reservoir line from port 'C' of leather cup (7), 'O' ring (8), air piston (9) and return
hydraulic cylinder body (21). spring (10) from air cylinder body (1). Discard leather
cup (7), 'O' ring (8) and return spring (10).
9. Remove mounting hardware securing pressure
converter to its mounting on the machine. Remove 8. Remove expander spring (6) and felt wiper (5).
pressure converter assembly to a clean work area for Discard felt wiper (5).
9. Unscrew bushing (31), push rod (11) and hydraulic
piston (25) as an assembly from hydraulic cylinder
DISASSEMBLY body (21). Do not remove bushing (31) from push rod
Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1 and 2. (11) at this time.
Note: When it is necessary to clamp the pressure 10. Disconnect retainer ring (28). Remove hydraulic
converter in a vice or equivalent mechanism, do not piston (25), valve (27), valve insert (26) and retainer
clamp on air cylinder body (1) or on the cylindrical ring (28). Discard retainer ring (28) and seal (26).
portion of hydraulic cylinder body (21).
11. Slide bushing (31) off push rod (11) end. Remove
and discard 'V' seals (29 & 32) and 'O' ring (30) from
WARNING bushing (31).
Use care to prevent damaging seal grooves,
push rod and cylinder bores. Defects on these 12. Remove and discard 'V' seal (23) from hydraulic
surfaces will cause leakage. One mark could piston (25). Back-up ring (24), if used, should not be
mean loss of pressure and brake failure which removed
could cause personal injury and property
1. Using a suitable solvent, clean pressure converter Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1 and 2.
assembly thoroughly.
1. Using mineral spirits, clean air cylinder body (1),
2. Drain hydraulic fluid from pressure converter into a piston follower (4), expander spring (6), air piston (9),
suitable container. push rod (11), hydraulic cylinder body (21), hydraulic
piston (25), valve (27) and bushing (31).
SM 1508 9-98 3
Braking System - Pressure Converter
Section 250-0260
2. Inspect cleaned parts for nicks, scratches, grooves, 9. Screw bushing (31) into hydraulic cylinder body (21).
wear, pits, corrosion or foreign material which could Torque tighten bushing (31) to 7 - 40 Nm (5 - 30 lbf ft).
cause leaks. Damaged parts should be replaced.
10. Install new seal ring (13) on end cap (12). Install
end cap (12) assembly on hydraulic cylinder body
ASSEMBLY (21). Torque tighten end cap (12) to 80 - 105 Nm
Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1 and 2. (60 - 80 lbf ft).
Note: When it is necessary to clamp the pressure 11. Install new return spring (10), air piston (9) and
converter in a vice or equivalent mechanism, do not new 'O' ring (8) on push rod (11).
clamp on air cylinder body (1) or on the cylindrical
portion of hydraulic cylinder body (21). 12. Install expander spring (6) and new leather cup (7)
on piston follower (4). Install piston follower (4) washer
(3) and nut (2) on push rod (11). Extra help may be
WARNING required to overcome the spring load. Torque tighten
Use care to prevent damaging seal grooves, nut (2) to 7 - 14 Nm (5 - 10 lbf ft).
push rod and cylinder bores. Defects on these
surfaces will cause leakage. One mark could 13. Apply a coating of grease to new felt wiper (5) and
mean loss of pressure and brake failure which install felt wiper on piston follower (4).
could cause personal injury and property
damage. 14. Install new 'O' ring (14) on indicator rod (15) and
install in hydraulic cylinder body (21). Install new
1. Lubricate 'V' seals (23, 29 & 32) with hydraulic fluid retainer ring (22), if used.
used in brake system. Refer to Section 300-0020,
LUBRICATION SYSTEM. 15. Install contact assembly (17) and shim (18), if
used, in hydraulic cylinder body (21). Torque tighten
2. Install new 'V' seal (23) on hydraulic piston (25). contact assembly (17) to 5 - 10 Nm (4 - 8 lbf ft).
Make sure 'V' seal (23) is installed in the direction as
shown in Fig. 1. 16. Apply a coating of grease to leather cup (7), air
piston (9), piston follower (4) and air cylinder body (1)
3. Install new 'V' seals (29 & 32) into bushing (31). bore. Slide air piston assembly into air cylinder body
Make sure 'V' seal (29 & 32) lips face opposite (1). Push air cylinder body (1) in place, with the six
directions, as shown in Fig. 1. Exercise care as these studs extending through hydraulic cylinder body (21).
seals are difficult to insert. Make sure match marks are aligned.
4. Install new 'O' ring (30) on bushing (31). 17. Secure air cylinder body (1) to hydraulic cylinder
body (21) with lockwashers (20) and nuts (19).
5. Install new valve insert (26) into valve (27). Make Alternately torque tighten nuts (19) to 8 - 16 Nm
sure valve insert (26) is installed as shown in Fig. 1. (6 - 12 lbf ft).
6. Lubricate push rod (11) and valve (27) with 18. Install bleeder screw (16) into hydraulic cylinder
hydraulic fluid used in brake system. Refer to Section body (21). Torque tighten bleeder screw (16) to
300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Slide bushing 14 - 28 Nm (10 - 20 lbf ft).
(31) over hydraulic end of push rod (11), as shown in
Fig. 1. Be careful to avoid damage to 'V' seals
Numbers in parentheses refer to Figs. 1 and 2.
7. Slip new retainer ring (28) over hydraulic end of
push rod (11). Attach valve (27) and then slide Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
hydraulic piston (25) over the valve. Install retainer in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
ring (28) to secure hydraulic piston (25) to push rod (11). TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS.
8. Lubricate hydraulic piston (25) with hydraulic fluid 1. Install pressure converter in machine and secure
used in brake system. Refer to Section 300-0020, with mounting hardware, as removed at 'Removal'.
LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Carefully insert hydraulic
piston (25) into bore of hydraulic cylinder body (21). 2. Install brake fluid reservoir line in port 'C' of
4 SM 1508 9-98
Braking System - Pressure Converter
Section 250-0260
SM 1508 9-98 5
Braking System - Pressure Converter
Section 250-0260
* * * *
6 SM 1508 9-98
Section 250-0270
The air breather is manufactured in glass-filled nylon
and glass-coupled polypropylene, ensuring the
product does not corrode even in the most arduous
Fig. 1 - Typical Air Breather Assembly
* * * *
SM 1509 9-98 1
BRAKING SYSTEM - Relay Emergency Valve
Section 250-0280
SM - 2258
2 24
4 17
11 22
12 21
15 16
1 - Valve Body - Upper 7 - Inlet/Exhaust Valve 13 - 'O' Ring 19 - Valve Rubber
2 - 'O' Ring 8 - 'O' Ring 14 - Circlip 20 - Rivet
3 - Piston - Upper 9 - Valve Body - Lower 15 - Valve Guide 21 - Part Number Label
4 - 'O' Ring 10 - Spring Seat 16 - Exhaust Check Valve 22 - Bolt
5 - Distance Piece 11 - Spring 17 - Circlip 23 - Lockwasher
6 - Piston - Lower 12 - 'O' Ring 18 - Valve Ring 24 - Nut
1 2
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2.
SM 1945 4-00 1
Braking System - Relay Emergency Valve
Section 250-0280
1 2
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 3.
1 - Relay Emergency Valve
To prevent personal injury and property
4 - Adaptor
2 - Locknut 5 - Elbow - 90 damage, be sure wheel chocks, blocking
3 - Washer 6 - Plug materials and lifting equipment are properly
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
Fig. 3 - Relay Emergency Valve Installation safely.
exhaust valve (4) down again and open the inlet seat 1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
(6) thereby permitting air to flow from the supply port parking brake and switch off the engine. Block all road
'1' into chamber 'A' and out through delivery port '2' to wheels and place the battery master switch in the 'Off'
the pressure converters. The pressure in chamber 'A' position.
acts on the underside of piston (2) and forces the
pistons up until the inlet/exhaust valve (4), under the 2. Open drain cocks on air tanks and drain air from all
action of spring (5), is in a lapped condition (both the three air tanks. Close drain cocks on air tanks when
inlet (6) and exhaust (7) seats closed). air is exhausted.
When the pressure from the park/emergency control 3. Clean relay emergency valve (1) and surrounding
valve is reduced the pressure in chamber 'C' falls and area with a suitable solvent. Ensure all lines connected
the pressure in chamber 'A' forces pistons (1 & 2) up to relay emergency valve (1) are identified for ease of
and the exhaust seat (7) is opened allowing air from installation and disconnect lines. Fit blanking caps to
the delivery port and the pressure converters to flow all open lines and ports.
out of the exhaust port. The pressure in chamber 'A'
continues to fall until the pressure in chamber 'C' is 4. Support valve body and remove locknuts (2) and
sufficient to close the exhaust seat (7). washers (3) securing relay emergency valve (1) to its
mounting. Remove relay emergency valve (1) from the
When the vehicle is running the power spring in the vehicle.
pressure converter is held compressed by air pressure
from the relay emergency valve and, when the vehicle 5. Note location of adaptors (4), elbow (5) and plug (6)
is required to be parked, the park/emergency control and remove from relay emergency valve (1) for use on
valve delivery is vented and pressure in the spring the new valve.
brake is exhausted through the relay emergency valve
allowing the force from the power spring to apply the 6. Replace all 'O' rings and install adaptors (4), elbow
vehicle foundation brakes. Should the service brake (5) and plug (6) in new relay emergency valve (1)
be applied in this condition then air pressure is ports as removed from the old valve.
2 SM 1945 4-00
Braking System - Relay Emergency Valve
Section 250-0280
7. Secure relay emergency valve (1) to its mounting Note: Limited repair of the relay emergency valve is
using locknuts (2) and washers (3). by replacement of parts only. Refer to vehicle Parts
Book for part numbers of kits.
8. Remove blanking caps from air lines and
install lines to relay emergency valve (1) as identified
during removal. Leak Checking
Block all road wheels, ensure air tanks are fully
9. Place master switch in the 'On' position, start the charged and apply the parking brake. Apply a soap
engine and allow air pressure in the tanks to build up solution to the valve housing and pipe joints and check
to correct operating pressure. Check for leaks at air for leakage. No leakage is permitted from the valve
lines and tighten as required. housing or joints.
* * * *
SM 1945 4-00 3
BRAKING SYSTEM - Air Pressure Protection Valve
Section 250-0290
SM - 2447 SM - 2448
2 1
18 1 Tank and Front
15 Rear
Treadle Front
6 Tank
Valve Tank
17 16 14
7 22 21
24 23
1 - Pressure Protection Valve 7 - Tee Piece Primary
Primary Auxiliary
2 - Mounting Bracket 8 - Pressure Switch TankTank Brake Control
3 - Lockwasher 9 - Adaptor
4 - Nut 10 - Elbow - 90
5 - Elbow - 90 11 - Adaptor
6 - Adaptor 12 - Tee Piece
13 - Pressure Switch
Fig. 1 - Pressure Protection Valve Installation Fig. 2 - Pressure Protection Valve Schematic
The 4 way pressure protection valve can be identified Numbers in parenthesis refer to Fig. 2.
as item 9 in Section 250-0000, AIR BRAKING
SYSTEM SCHEMATIC. The pressure protection valve takes air from the
compressor and supplies it to the separate circuits of
Mounted off the front left hand side of the tractor the vehicle's brake and auxiliary systems.
frame, adjacent to the primary air tank, the pressure
protection valve is located in the air compressor and The valve has elements which feed circuits '21' and
air drier delivery line, immediately prior to the air tanks. '22' which, when the vehicle system is being charged,
are designed to remain closed until the supply
The pressure protection valve supplies air to all three pressure to them reaches 6.0 to 6.3 bar, after which
tanks for the service brakes, secondary braking and they open to supply the appropriate circuit and then
accessory air devices. If a pressure drop or failure is remain in the open state allowing air to flow back
experienced in one circuit of the air system, the valve through the element ('Feedback') thereby equalising
closes, isolating the circuit, enabling the compressor to the pressures in circuits '21' and '22'.
continue to recharge the unfailed circuits.
This feedback will continue unless the supply pressure
The pressure protection valve also has a built in safety falls to 4 bar minimum at which point the valve element
function which does not allow the spring brakes to be will close preventing any further feedback ('Limited
released, unless there is sufficient pressure in the Feedback').
service brake system to at least provide the prescribed
residual braking performance of the laden vehicle by Air flows from circuits '21' and '22' through non-return
application of the service brakes. valves to the elements feeding circuits '23' and '24',
both designed to open at 6.0 to 6.3 bar. Circuit '24' is
fed through a feedback element the same as circuits
SM 1938 4-00 1
Braking System - Air Pressure Protection Valve
Section 250-0290
SM - 2449 SM - 2450
A - Piston A - Piston
B - Spring Retainer M - Valve Body B - Spring Retainer M - Valve Body
C - Circlip X - Connection Point C - Circlip X - Connection Point
D - Spring Y - Hole D - Spring Y - Hole
E - 'O' ring Z - Hole E - 'O' ring Z - Hole
'21' and '22', while circuit '23' is fed through an element However, if while the vehicle is stationary there is a
which incorporates a non-return valve (Non-Feedback leak in the service reservoirs which is sufficient to
Element). Should there be a failure in either of circuits deplete the pressure in those reservoirs to below
'21' or '22' then the pressures in circuits '23' and '24' 3.5 bar 0.5 bar, then piston (A) will move down
will be unaffected as their supply comes through non- under the force of spring (D) and hole (Z) will move
return valves. Similarly if there is a failure in circuit '24' below 'O' ring (E) (refer to Fig. 4). In this condition,
and circuit '23' will be unaffected because of its Non- holes (Y & Z) will be connected allowing air to pass
feedback element (i.e. it is protected to a minimum of from circuit '23' to atmosphere through the hole in
6 bar). However, if there is a failure in circuit '23' then spring retainer (B). The rate of air loss through is
the pressure in circuit '24' will fall to 4 bar minimum at 16 to 35 Nl/min at 8 bar.
which its element will close protecting it from any
further drop. As with circuits '21' and '22', the element It is this action of the safety function which will drop the
feeding the failed circuit will tend to remain closed pressure in the spring brake reservoir, thereby
allowing the non-failed circuit to recharge. preventing release of the spring brakes until the
pressure in the service reservoirs has built up
sufficiently to move up piston (A) to close off hole (Z).
Safety Function Operation
Letters in parenthesis refer to Fig. 3 & 4.
Under normal running conditions with all circuits Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
pressurised there is pressure on piston (A), fed from
circuit '21', which is sufficient to lift piston (A) and The pressure protection valve is a non-serviceable
compress spring (D) (refer to Fig. 3). In this condition, item and should be replaced completely, if damaged,
hole (Z) in piston (A) is above 'O' ring (E) thereby as follows:
sealing off connection (Y), therefore the operation of
the pressure protection valve is unaffected by the Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
safety function. in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
2 SM 1938 4-00
Braking System - Air Pressure Protection Valve
Section 250-0290
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the 7. Secure pressure protection valve (1) to mounting
parking brake and switch off the engine. bracket (2) using nuts (4) and lockwashers (3).
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master 8. Install air lines and electrical connection to pressure
switch in the 'Off' position. Open drain cocks on air protection valve (1), as tagged at 'Removal'.
tanks and drain air from all three air tanks. Close drain
cocks on air tanks when air is exhausted. 9. Start engine and allow air pressure in the tanks to
build up to correct operating pressure. Check for leaks
3. Tag and disconnect air lines and electrical at air lines and tighten as required.
connections from pressure protection valve (1), to aid
in installation. 10. Remove wheel blocks.
* * * *
SM 1938 4-00 3
Section 260-0010
SM - 2471
14,16,17 15,16,17
23 3
22 24 2
5 4
SM 1957 4-00 1
Operators Compartment - Cab and Mounting
Section 260-0010
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. WARNING
Before disconnecting any air conditioner lines,
Note: Identify and tag all cables, harnesses, lines and refer to Section 260-0130, AIR CONDITIONING.
linkages disconnected from cab assembly (1) during Refrigerant will rapidly freeze all objects with
removal to aid in installation. which it comes into contact. It can cause
serious and permanent damage to the eyes
and skin.
To prevent personal injury and property 5. Evacuate the refrigerant from the air conditioning
damage, be sure wheel chocks, blocking system and disconnect the lines. Refer to Section
materials and lifting equipment are properly 260-0130, AIR CONDITIONING. Fit blanking caps to
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job all open lines and fittings.
6. Ensure heater lines are identified for ease of
Hydraulic fluid pressure will remain within installation and with suitable containers available to
the body hoist system after engine shutdown. catch leakage, disconnect heater lines. Fit blanking
To prevent personal injury and property caps to open line ends and fittings.
damage, press and hold down body hoist
bleed down switch and operate the body 7. Remove the front right hand tyre and rim assembly
control joystick continually to relieve pressure for access. Refer to Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM
in the system before disconnecting any hoses. AND TYRE.
High electrical current. Turn the battery 8. Disconnect electrical harnesses from cab bulkhead.
master switch 'Off' before disconnecting any
electrical components. Disconnect electrical 9. Loosen the steering coupling attaching the upper
connections in the correct order given to column to the lower column. Remove mounting
prevent damage to the electrical components. hardware securing the steering valve mounting plate to
the cab floor and lower the assembly from the cab.
1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
parking brake and switch off the engine. 10. Remove mounting hardware securing the treadle
valve and accelerator pedal mounting plate to the cab
2. Press and hold down body hoist bleed down switch floor and lower the assembly from the cab.
and operate the body control joystick continually to
relieve pressure in the body hoist system. 11. Tag and disconnect the harnesses and hoses at
the underside of the manifold on the right-hand side of
3. Block all road wheels, except the front right hand, the cab. Disconnect earth strap at rear right hand cab
and place the battery master switch in the 'Off' leg.
12. With a suitable container in position, drain the
4. Disconnect the electrical cables in the following cooling system. Refer to Section 210-0000, COOLING
order to prevent damage to the electrical components. SYSTEM.
a. Disconnect battery ground cables from terminal 13. Pull on handle (inside cab) to release hood catch
posts. and lift up hood assembly.
b. Disconnect battery supply cables from terminal
posts. 14. Disconnect ball joint and clips securing hood
c. Disconnect alternator ground cables. release cable to lock mechanism.
d. Disconnect alternator supply cables.
e. Disconnect electrical connections at the ECU. 15. Release rear screen guard from its retainers on
the hydraulic tank and disconnect the linkage between
5. Open drain cocks on air tanks and drain air from all the guard and the tank.
three air tanks. Close drain cocks on air tanks when
air is exhausted.
2 SM 1957 4-00
Operators Compartment - Cab and Mounting
Section 260-0010
16. Attach suitable slings to the cab lifting points and 5. Reconnect ball joint to lock mechanism and secure
raise lifting equipment to take up the slack. hood release cable using clips removed during
17. Remove locknuts (4), washers (3), hardened
washers (7) and bolts (5 & 6) securing the cab 6. Connect the linkage between the rear screen guard
assembly (1) to isolation mounts (2) and cab mounting and the hydraulic tank. Secure the guard to its
brackets on the tractor frame. retainers.
18. Check to make certain that all necessary 7. Install treadle valve and accelerator pedal mounting
disconnections have been made, before lifting cab plate assembly and secure to cab floor with mounting
assembly (1). Taking care to prevent damaging the hardware removed during removal.
insulating material, lift cab assembly (1) from the frame
and place on suitable stands. 8. Install steering valve assembly and secure to cab
floor with mounting hardware removed during removal.
Secure the steering coupling to the lower steering
INSTALLATION column with mounting hardware removed during
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. removal.
Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques 9. Pass the heater hoses up through the cutout in cab
specified to standard torques listed in floor and connect them to the heater as identified at
Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT removal.
10. Connect air conditioning lines and charge air
conditioning system. Refer to Section 260-0130, AIR
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure blocking materials and lifting 11. Connect the harnesses and hoses at the
equipment are properly secured and of underside of the manifold on the right-hand side of the
adequate capacity to do the job safely. cab as noted on removal. Connect earth strap at rear
right hand cab leg.
1. Inspect isolation mounts (2) for damage and replace
if necessary. If installing rubber mounts, lubricate them 12. Connect electrical harnesses at cab bulkhead.
with water or a suitable rubber lubricant and install
them from above into the cab mounting brackets on 13. Install front right hand tyre and rim assembly.
frame. Use a driver of the same diameter as the Refer to Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM AND TYRE.
internal metal sleeve in the mount to drive the mounts
fully home. 14. Fill the cooling system with coolant specified in
Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM.
2. Attach suitable slings to the cab lifting points and
raise and position cab on frame. 15. Connect cables to battery terminal posts (ground
cable last).
3. Secure front of cab assembly (1) to cab mounts with
bolts (5), washers (3), hardened washers (7) and 16. Place the battery master switch in the 'On' position,
locknuts (4), as shown in Fig. 1. Tighten locknuts (4) to start the engine and check for leaks. Tighten fittings if
a torque of 380 Nm (280 lbf ft). necessary. Allow engine to warm up and recheck all
connections for leaks. Ensure electrical systems and
4. Secure rear of cab assembly (1) to cab mounts gear shift are functioning properly.
with bolts (6), washers (3) and locknuts (4), as shown
in Fig. 1. Tighten locknuts (4) to a torque of 380 Nm 17. Ensure parking brake is applied and remove wheel
(280 lbf ft). blocks from all road wheels.
SM 1957 4-00 3
Operators Compartment - Cab and Mounting
Section 260-0010
MIRROR ARMS 4. Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3 for other mirror arm bracket
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
Note: When replacing broken glass, it is the users
WARNING responsibility to ensure that the replacement glass
To prevent personal injury and property meets the required specifications. Replacement glass
damage, be sure blocking materials and lifting can be purchased from your dealer.
equipment are properly secured and of
adequate capacity to do the job safely. The rear glass, left and right hand side glasses and
front windscreen are held in place by a bonding
1. Support mirror arm bracket (11) and remove adhesive. The rear glass and right hand side glass
locknuts (24), hardened washers (23) and springs (22) also have two mounting blocks to support the glass.
securing mirror arm assembly to mounting brackets.
To replace a glass assembly, proceed as follows:
2. Remove mirror arm bracket (11) and ball bearings
(8) from mounting brackets. Note: Ensure the glass is supported adequately
before starting to cut the adhesive seal.
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for other mirror arm bracket
(11). 1. Using a pointed tool, pierce a hole in the adhesive
seal, it is advisable to start at the top edge of the
glass. Unscrew one handle of the special tool and feed
MIRROR ARMS the wire through the opening. Pierce a second hole in
the adhesive on the side directly opposite the first.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. 2. From inside the cab pull the wire through and feed it
back out through the second hole.
Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques
specified to standard torques listed in 3. Re-fit the handle on the special tool. Pull both
Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT handles outwards until wire is taut.
4. Manouver the special tool around the edge of the
glass, keeping the wire taut, to cut the adhesive seal.
WARNING Ensure the glass is supported adequately before
To prevent personal injury and property completing the cut.
damage, be sure blocking materials and lifting
equipment are properly secured and of 5. If fitted, loosen mounting blocks to allow the glass to
adequate capacity to do the job safely. be removed from window aperture. Remove the
mounting blocks if necessary.
1. Coat ball bearings (8) with grease and locate in
mounting brackets. 6. Clean the remains of the adhesive from the edge of
the panel opening using a suitable solvent.
2. Locate mirror arm bracket (11) to mounting brackets
and install hardened washers (23), springs (22) and 7. If removed, re-fit window mounting blocks, do not
locknuts (24) as shown in Fig. 1. tighten.
3. Set mirror bracket spring (22) pressure as follows; 8. Coat the edge of the replacement glass with primer
a. rotate mirror arm (11) until ball bearings (8) are and apply adhesive around the lip of the window
out of their detent. aperture, as per the manufacturers recommendations.
b. tighten locknut (24) until spring (22) is almost
completely compressed (typical two places).
c. swing arm until it seats in detent.
d. check the other two detent positions
4 SM 1957 4-00
Operators Compartment - Cab and Mounting
Section 260-0010
9. Position glass onto panel opening, pressing firmly leakage inside the cab. Care should be taken to note
so that adhesive bonds sufficiently to allow the glass to whether the leak is between adhesive and glass. Then
be moved or straightened up as required. apply a sealing compound from the outside. Start from
a point near the leak and continue applying the sealer
10. Ensuring the glass is adequately supported, allow until well beyond the suspected point of entry.
the sealing adhesive to set properly.
This should stop the leak immediately, but since some
11. Clean off any excess adhesive using a suitable sealing compounds should be allowed to set before
solvent. getting wet, wait a few minutes before testing.
* * * *
SM 1957 4-00 5
OPERATORS COMPARTMENT - Driver Seat and Mounting
Section 260-0090
SM - 2486
DESCRIPTION The driver seat is secured to the cab wall with bolts
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. (35) and washers (36). The seat assembly consists of
a seat cushion (3) and backrest cushion (2) mounted
to seat frame (1). Seat frame (1) is attached to seat
WARNING base (34) by means of a suspension assembly. The
By Law, seat belts must be provided. Always air seat only reacts when the driver sits on the seat.
wear seat belts when travelling in the vehicle.
SM 1981 4-00 1
Operator's Compartment - Driver Seat and Mounting
Section 260-0090
When unoccupied, the seat sinks to the lowest position 7. Set damper adjustment (G) position to suit driving
to allow easier access. conditions, (4 positions; forward position - hardest
setting, rearmost position - softest setting).
A retractable lap belt (9) is secured to the seat
assembly using nuts and spacers. A push button 8. Set fore/aft isolator (C) position to suit driving
allows quick release of lap belt (9). conditions, (forward position - unlocked, rearmost
position - locked).
The following is the list of controls to adjust the seat:
A. Height and weight adjustment. 9. Engage seat belt (D).
B. Horizontal adjustment (sliderails).
C. Fore/aft isolator (forward position - unlocked,
rearmost position - locked). REMOVAL
D. Seat belt. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
E. Backrest angle adjustment.
F. Backrest height adjustment.
G. Damper adjustment (4 positions; forward position - WARNINGS
hardest setting, rearmost position - softest setting). To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel chocks, blocking
materials and lifting equipment are properly
WARNING secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
Do not attempt to adjust the seat or seat belt safely.
while the machine is moving. Loss of control
may result. Stop the machine; apply the 1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
brakes; then adjust. parking brake and switch off the engine.
2 SM 1981 4-00
Operator's Compartment - Driver Seat and Mounting
Section 260-0090
3. Pull up and remove backrest (6) from seat frame (1). Vertical Shock Absorber
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 3.
4. Remove screws (5) securing backrest cushion (2) to
seat frame (1). Remove backrest cushion (2). Note: Remove seat assembly as described in
5. Remove screws (4) securing seat cushion (3) to
seat frame (1). Remove seat cushion (3). 1. Remove pop-out buttons (1) and remove access
cover (2) to allow access to suspension assembly.
6. Pull up horizontal adjustment (B) lever and slide
seat assembly rearwards. Hold captive nuts using a 2. Unhook Bowden wire (5) and damper adjuster (6)
suitable spanner and remove front allen screws (33). assembly from the top of shock absorber (7).
7. Pull up horizontal adjustment (B) lever and slide 3. Remove circlips (3) and lever out shock absorber
seat assembly forwards. Hold captive nuts using a (7) from mounting pins (4).
suitable spanner and remove rear allen screws (33).
4. Remove spacers (8) from lower mounting pin (4).
8. Remove seat assembly from suspension base.
5. Reassembly is done in the reverse order.
Horizontal Shock Absorber Note: Inscription must face upwards when assembling
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2. shock absorber (7).
SM - 2487
Fig. 3 - Exploded View of Vertical Shock Absorber
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 4.
Fig. 2 - Exploded View of Horizontal Shock Absorber 3. Remove pressurised airline (5) from compressor (6).
SM 1981 4-00 3
Operator's Compartment - Driver Seat and Mounting
Section 260-0090
4. Identify and tag and disconnect electrical plug 3. Pull suspension assembly up to its highest position
connections (7 & 8). Unfasten cable tie on the rocker. and block securely.
5. Pull suspension assembly up to its highest position 4. Unhook bowden wires (5 & 6) from level controller (7).
and block securely.
5. Identify and tag and disconnect electrical plug
6. Unscrew lower nut (9) and remove micro connections (8 & 9).
encapsulated cylinder screw (10) and retaining clamp
(11). 6. Identify and tag and disconnect pressurised airlines
(10) from air suspension unit (11). Unfasten cable tie on
7. Remove compressor (6) and felt mat (12) from the rocker.
suspension base.
7. Remove screw (12), push out pin (13) and release
8. Reassembly is done in the reverse order. roll up belt (17).
Note: Replace micro encapsulated cylinder screw (10). 8. Remove nuts (14) and manoeuvre level controller
(7) until studs are free from mounting holes.
Note: Centralise compressor (6) and felt mat (12)
between rocker arms. 9. Remove screws (15) and remove bowden wire (16)
retainer from level controller (7).
SM - 2489
SM - 2490
Level Controller
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 5.
4 SM 1981 4-00
Operator's Compartment - Driver Seat and Mounting
Section 260-0090
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1. Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
1. Inspect air lines, shock absorbers (15 & 26), Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques
compressor (21), level controller (28) and air spring specified to torques listed in Section 300-0080,
(30) for leaks and damage and replace if required. STANDARD BOLT AND NUT TORQUE
2. Check all brackets and frame for cracks and/or
damage. Repair or replace as necessary.
3. Check springs for fatigue or damage and replace as To prevent personal injury and property
required. damage, be sure wheel chocks, blocking
materials and lifting equipment are properly
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job
ASSEMBLY safely.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
1. Using suitable lifting equipment, position seat
Note: Tighten all fasteners without special torques assembly on the cab wall and secure with bolts (35)
specified to torques listed in Section 300-0080, and washers (36).
SPECIFICATIONS. 2. Reconnect harness at the rear of the seat.
1. Position seat assembly onto suspension base. Hold 3. Place battery master switch in the 'On' position,
captive nuts using a suitable spanner and install rear start the engine and charge the air system. Check seat
allen screws (33). Tighten allen screws (33) to a for proper operation, refer to 'Operation'.
torque of 25 Nm (18 lbf ft).
4. Remove wheel chocks from road wheels.
2. Pull up horizontal adjustment (B) lever and slide
seat assembly rearwards. Hold captive nuts using a
suitable spanner and install front allen screws (33). MAINTENANCE
Tighten allen screws (33) to a torque of 25 Nm Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 1.
(18 lbf ft).
The care of the upholstery on seat cushion (3) and
3. Install seat cushion (3) to seat frame (1) and secure backrest cushion (2) is a relatively simple, but
using screws (4). important matter. Accumulation of dirt on the surface
eventually turns into a hard gritty substance which cuts
4. Install backrest cushion (2) to seat frame (1) and into the surface of the upholstery.
secure using screws (5).
To clean seat cushion (3) and backrest cushion (2),
5. Refit backrest (6) to seat frame (1). use warm water and a mild soap, such as Castile.
Work up thin soap suds on a piece of soft cloth and
6. Position lap belt (9) to seat assembly and secure rub the upholstery briskly. Remove the suds with a
using nuts (10) and spacers (11) as removed at damp cloth, using no soap, and finish by wiping the
'Disassembly'. Tighten nuts (10) to a torque of 50 Nm upholstery dry with a soft, dry cloth.
(36 lbf ft). Refit covers (7 & 8).
Lap belt (9) assembly should be inspected by the user
7. Position seat assembly onto seat base (34) and on a regular basis. Replace lap belt (9) immediately if
secure using bolts (37), washers (38), lockwashers hardware is worn or damage, straps are nicked or
(39) and nuts (40). frayed, buckle is not functioning correctly, loose
stitching is found, or if the strap material has lost
strength due to the effects of ultraviolet rays.
SM 1981 4-00 5
Operator's Compartment - Driver Seat and Mounting
Section 260-0090
* * * *
6 SM 1981 4-00
Section 260-0130
SM - 2430
1 3 IN
SM 1966 4-00 1
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
slow down this radiation of heat. Cooling fins are A filter screen is located in the receiver drier to stop
located on the condenser tubes and fans are used to solid contaminates from leaving the unit. Blockage of
circulate cool air around the condenser tubes. Keep the filter will result in a drop in pressure that will be
all leaves, paper, dirt, etc. clear from the condenser indicated by a drop in temperature. Connections of
and condenser filter. The cooling fins should be the new receiver drier should be securely capped
straight to permit free flow of air. The condenser is before installation to prevent the entrance of moisture
sometimes located ahead of the engine radiator and (air) while in storage.
blockage of air flow through the radiator also affects
the condenser. Bent fan blades, slipping fan drive,
inoperable condenser fan motors, or any other fault Thermostatic Expansion Valve
that lessens the amount of cool air circulated through An expansion valve is installed in the system to lower
the condenser, should be corrected. The oil, dirt, or the pressure before the R-134a enters the
antifreeze will act as an insulator that will inhibit the evaporator. The reduction in pressure is done by
radiation of heat. passing the R-134a through a small hole (orifice).
The size of the orifice must be controlled to
Since the purpose of the condenser is to radiate heat compensate for changes in pressure and
energy, anything that prevents or inhibits this action temperature. The temperature of R-134a leaving the
may affect cooling, but the temperature and pressure evaporator is sensed by a thermostatic sensor that
of the R-134a raise and lower together. Heat energy moves the valve seat via a diaphragm and actuating
that has not been radiated will remain in the R-134a pin.
and the result will be pressure that is too high. The
condenser, hoses, connections and seals can be
damaged by the high pressure. Pressure sensing Evaporator - Heat/Cool
safety switches may be activated by the high The evaporator is the low pressure, low temperature
pressure caused by the condenser not radiating component where liquid R-134a absorbs heat from
enough heat. surrounding air. The expansion valve bleeds high
pressure R-134a into the low pressure evaporator.
The R-134a expands rapidly in the evaporator and its
Receiver Drier temperature is quickly reduced. The R-134a absorbs
The high pressure liquid R-134a moves from the heat from the air when the blower fan circulates air
condenser to the receiver drier, where the R-134a is over the evaporator coil fins. The exchange of heat
stored and filtered. Moisture is the major enemy of from the air to the R-134a depends upon the
the air conditioning system and the desiccant inside difference in temperature. During high heat load, such
the receiver drier will absorb only a small amount. as usually encountered when the system is first
The container of desiccant inside the receiver drier turned on, the temperature difference is great and the
may break open and contaminate the system if any R-134a will absorb heat quickly. The blower fan can
attempt is made to dry the desiccant, or, if more be set at its highest setting to circulate large
moisture is inside the system than the desiccant can quantities of warm air around the evaporator. After
absorb. the cab has cooled, the fan speed should be reduced
so that the already cool air will have a longer time to
Every effort should be made to remove all moisture yield heat to the R-134a as it passes the evaporator
from the system and install a new receiver drier if its coils. The heater circuits utilize engine coolant at
condition is questionable. Installation of a new approximately 82 C (180 F).
receiver drier is recommended each time any part of
the R-134a system is open to the atmosphere.
Bubbles are observed in the sight glass on top of the High Pressure and Low Pressure Switches
receiver drier during the charging procedure. The pressure switches are electric switches that
monitor air conditioner operation. The high pressure
and low pressure switches are activated at preset
pressures and engage and disengage the compressor
2 SM 1966 4-00
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
SM 1966 4-00 3
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
SM - 2481B
3 1
7 6
34 33
13 31
37 35
24 21
22 17
18 26 38
8 23 5
27 20
10 9 16
4 SM 1966 4-00
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
SM - 2481A
44 43 42
4 - Harness 45 - Cover
40 - Harness 46 - Blower Unit
41 - Harness 47 - Bolt
42 - Bolt 48 - Lockwasher
43 - Lockwasher 49 - Control Cable
44 - Washer 50 - Water Valve
SM 1966 4-00 5
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
18. Support compressor (12) and remove bolts (32), 2. Connect harness (4, Fig. 3) and attach control
washers (33) and locknuts (34) securing compressor cable (49, Fig. 3) to water valve (50, Fig. 3).
(12) to bracket (19). Remove compressor (12) from
the vehicle. 3. Position front cover and filter assemblies on air
conditioner (1) outer box and secure using bolts
Note: If 'V' belt (18) does not require replacement do (47, Fig. 3) and lockwashers (48, Fig. 3).
not remove from engine fan pulley. If 'V' belt (18)
requires replacement, proceed with steps 19 and 20. 4. Remove caps from end of refrigerant hoses (5 & 6)
and ports on air conditioner (1) and connect hoses to
19. If required, remove mounting hardware securing ports as tagged at removal.
fan guard assembly to radiator shroud assembly.
Refer to SECTION 210-0040, RADIATOR AND 5. Route refrigerant hoses (5 & 6) behind the engine
MOUNTING. and along the LH side of the engine securing with
clamps removed during removal.
20. Release tension on Poly 'V' fan belt and remove
from fan pulley. Remove compressor 'V' belt (18) 6. If removed, install receiver/drier (16) to mounting
from the rear groove of the fan pulley. Refer to bracket (17) and secure with bolts (38) and nuts (39).
Section 110-0030, ENGINE AND MOUNTING. Secure assembly to bracket assembly (20) with bolts
(21), lockwashers (22) and nuts (25).
21. If required, remove bolts (31), lockwashers (30),
washers (29) and bracket (19) from engine. 7. Remove caps from end of refrigerant hoses (5 & 9)
and ports on receiver/drier (16) and connect hoses to
22. If required, disconnect all clamps and clips ports as tagged at removal.
securing refrigerant hoses and harnesses to the
vehicle. Remove hoses and harnesses from the 8. If removed, install condenser unit (11) to radiator
vehicle. assembly and secure with bolts (13), washers (15)
and lockwashers (14).
23. If necessary to gain access to blower unit (46,
Fig. 3), disconnect harnesses (40 & 41, Fig. 3) and 9. Remove caps and connect refridgerant hoses
air ducting tubes from air conditioning unit (located in (7, 8, 9 & 10) to radiator cowl and condenser unit (11)
the right hand side of the cab). Remove bolts (42, ports as tagged at removal.
Fig. 3), lockwashers (43, Fig. 3), washers (44, Fig. 3)
and slide cover (45, Fig. 3) from air conditioning unit. 10. If removed, install mounting bracket (19) to
engine and secure using bolts (31), washers (29) and
lockwashers (30) as shown in Fig. 2.
Numbers in parentheses refer to Fig. 2, unless 11. Fit compressor (12) to mounting bracket (19) and
otherwise stated. secure with bolts (32), washers (33) and locknuts
(34). Do not fully tighten at this stage.
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques
specified in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT Note: If fan guard, Poly 'V' fan belt and compressor
AND NUT TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS. 'V' belt (18) were removed, proceed with steps 12 & 13.
12. Install new 'V' belt (18) onto rear groove on engine
WARNING fan pulley and fit to rear groove on compressor (12).
To prevent personal injury and property
damage, be sure wheel blocks, blocking 13. Refit Poly 'V' fan belt and adjust tension. Refer to
materials and lifting equipment are properly Section 110-0030, ENGINE AND MOUNTING. Refit
secured and of adequate capacity to do the job fan guard and secure with mounting hardware as
safely. removed during removal. Refer to Section 210-0040,
1. If removed, connect harnesses (40 & 41, Fig. 3)
and air ducting tubes. Slide air conditioner cover (45, 14. Adjust tension of compressor 'V' belt with nuts
Fig. 3) into position inside the cab and secure cover (26) on adjuster bolt (24) until there is approximately
(45, Fig. 3) with bolts (42, Fig. 3), lockwashers (43, an inward deflection of 10 mm (0.4 in) at the centre of
Fig. 3) and washers (44, Fig. 3) 'V' belt (18). Fully tighten all mounting hardware.
6 SM 1966 4-00
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
15. Remove caps from end of refrigerant hoses (6 & 7) 1. Periodically clean the condenser coil of debris and
and ports on compressor (12) and connect hoses to dirt using water or air pressure. A partially blocked
ports as tagged at removal. condenser coil can reduce the life of the compressor
belt and/or clutch.
16. Connect electrical connection to compressor (12)
clutch. 2. If the system has a heater in the same location as
the air conditioning evaporator core, heater valves
17. Secure all lines with clips and clamps as should be closed.
removed during removal. Ensure no lines are chaffing
on sharp edges or resting against areas where heat 3. To check the refrigerant level, run the engine at
will be evident. 1 200 rev/min with fans on high speed and thermostat
fully open for a minimum of five minutes. If the clutch
18. Charge the air conditioning system as described is engaged in this situation, there should be very few
under 'Charging Procedure'. bubbles visible in the receiver-drier sight glass.
19. Switch the battery master switch to the 'On' Note: Unit can operate with some bubbles visible, but
position, start up the engine and check for correct not milky looking.
operation of the air conditioning system.
4. Ensure all hoses and hose clamps are free from
20. Secure cover to air conditioner (1) outer box contact with sharp metal, moving parts or near to
using screws (2) and lockwashers (3). Lower hood manifolds.
assembly and remove wheel chocks.
5. Inspect condensation drain lines for debris, sharp
bends or breaks.
6. Inspect the clutch wire from the thermostat for
bare spots.
Always wear goggles or glasses to protect 7. Inspect bolts and nuts on the compressor and
your eyes when working around R-134a. mounting bracket for proper tightness.
R-134a boils at sea level temperatures of
-29.8 C (-21.6 F), which means that direct 8. Inspect and clean outside and inside cab air filters
contact with your skin will produce frostbite. periodically, depending on dust conditions. Replace
Exercise extreme care when handling R-134a. the outside filter when it becomes saturated to the
point it won't come clean.
If you get the slightest trace of R-134a in
your eye, flood the eye immediately with cool
water; then treat with mineral oil or clear Maintenance of 'V' belt Drives
petroleum jelly followed by boric acid rinse. 1. Listen for 'ticking' sound - they mean interference
Report to a hospital or doctor as soon as with the belts. Visually inspect for bent or damaged
possible. belt guards.
The chemicals of R-134a change when 2. Replace all belts in a mismatched set at one time
burned and become a poison phosgene gas to ensure even load distribution.
that will damage the respiratory system if
inhaled. NEVER SMOKE in an area where 3. Periodically check tension and keep belts tight.
R-134a is used or stored. Use hot water or an
approved heated charge cylinder as a heat - The ideal tension is the lowest tension at which the
source if required to force R-134a into the belt will not slip under peak load conditions.
system. If using water, do not exceed 52 C - Check belt tension frequently during the first 24 - 48
(125 F). Never use direct flame or electric hours of run-in operation.
heaters in direct contact with the R-134a - Initial belt tension should be 445 N (100 lbf)
container. High temperatures may result in dropping to 334 N (75 lbf) after the first 48 hours.
raising the pressure to a dangerous level. - There should be a freeplay of 10 mm in the 'V' belt.
SM 1966 4-00 7
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
- Do not over tension belts. being used. The quantity added should be calculated
- Keep belts free from foreign material that may using the following equation:
cause slippage.
- Inspect the V-drive periodically. Re-tension belts if Amount of oil to add in fl oz. =
they are slipping. (0.47 x total length of hoses in m) - 2.15
- Maintain sheave alignment with a strong straight
edge tool while tensioning belts. If any component is replaced the following amount of
oil should be added to the system;
4. Never attempt to correct belt slippage by using a
belt dressing. The dressing may cause softening and Condenser add 1 fl oz (28.4 ml)
deterioration. Drier add 1 fl oz (28.4 ml)
Evaporator add 3 fl oz (85.2 ml)
5. If belt slips, even when properly tensioned, check Compressor add 4.4 fl oz (125 ml)
for overload, worn sheave grooves or oil or grease on
the belts. The oil should be added to the oil filling port of the
compressor before the evacuation procedure is
6. Never pry a 'V' belt or force it into the sheave started or by using an oil injector when the system is
groove. Loosen the 'V' belt tightener prior to being charged, observing the following good
installation. practises:
7. A belt that has operated while rolled over in the a. Only pour the amount required from the container
sheave groove may be damaged - replace it. straight into a CLEAN measuring jug and
immediately pour the oil into the compressor.
8. Store belts in a cool, dry place. If stored on a b. Re-cap container tightly as soon as the required
machine, relieve all belt tension by loosening the amount has been taken (never leave an oil
'V' belt tightener. container open).
c. Do not mix different oils.
9. Never attempt to check or adjust belts while they
are running. Only new oil should be used, because oil that has
been exposed to the air will have absorbed water
Refrigerant Oil
Use only refrigerant oil as specified in Section
To prevent personal injury always wear rubber
gloves when handling refrigerant oils. System Leak Testing
Recommended Equipment Required:
Too much refrigerant oil will dampen the Electronic Leak Detector
cooling effect and too little refrigerant oil may
lead to compressor failure. If in doubt flush Switch off the engine and check all connections
the system. throughout the system for leaks. A large leak point
will have an oily or greasy appearance. The
Oil is required to lubricate the compressor. The oil refrigerant carries compressor oil with it and deposits
mixes with the refrigerant and is carried around the it around the leak area. Check all such points for
system. The compressor is supplied with an oil loose connections and tighten.
charge. However, additional oil is required, the
amount depending on the length of refrigerant hose Using a suitable leak detector, search for leaks
around all joints, connections, seals and control
devices. If a leak is located, purge the system of
refrigerant and repair. Fully evacuate and charge the
system to make it operational.
8 SM 1966 4-00
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
DISCHARGING THE SYSTEM 1. Position the vehicle in a level work area, apply the
Note: Refer to all WARNINGS listed under parking brake and switch off the engine.
'Maintenance' prior to discharging the system.
2. Block all road wheels and place the battery master
Recommended Equipment Required: switch in the 'Off' position.
Portable High Vacuum Charging Station
Suitable Canister 3. Pull on handle to release hood catch and raise the
or Standard Service Manifold (Refer to Fig. 4) hood.
To eliminate system contaminants from an air 4. Connect the service hose (yellow) to the centre
conditioning system requires discharging the entire access port on the manifold gauge and to the vacuum
system. This means removing all of the refrigerant connection (6) on vacuum pump. Ensure that the
and cleansing all contamination (air and moisture) system is empty before connecting the vacuum so
from the system components. If any of the major that refrigerant does not enter the pump.
system components are to be repaired or replaced,
the system must also be completely discharged. 5. Tighten down (turn clockwise) both high and low
side valves on the gauge manifold to the closed
position. Remove protective caps from the service
WARNING ports on the compressor.
The vehicle must not be running during this
procedure. Be sure to have adequate 6. Connect both service hoses from the two fittings (2
ventilation during this operation. Do not & 3) in the bottom of the manifold to the two service
discharge refrigerant near an open flame. ports on the compressor. High side (red) to
compressor discharge valve, low side (blue) to
Numbers and letters in parentheses refer to Fig. 4. compressor suction valve.
2 3 8. Open the low side hand valve on the manifold and
vacuum pressure valve (1) and watch that the
E gauges start to register that a vacuum is being
F drawn. If the gauges do not register the vacuum
I thena blockage is present. Open the high side and
G pump down until a vacuum of 10 mb is achieved.
A 9. After 10 - 15 minutes close vacuum pressure valve
T (1) and allow the system to settle, vacuum gauge (A)
should not alter. If the vacuum is held, no leaks or
refrigerant contaminated oil is present. If not, open
VACUUM PUMP the vacuum pressure valve (1) and continue
pumping, checking at regular intervals. If there is a
6 leak, check all fittings and tighten if necessary.
1 5
SM 1966 4-00 9
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
11. Connect the service hose (yellow) to the R-134a 2. Pull on handle to release hood catch and raise the
cylinder. Open the cylinder valve and then purge air hood.
from the hose at the manifold connection.
3. Remove protective caps from 'quick coupler'
12. Open the low side hand valve on the manifold valves on rear of compressor.
slowly, until low pressure gauge (B) is at bottle
pressure. Watch the high side manifold gauge (C) 4. Connect low pressure gauge hose (blue hose and
rise to ensure that no blockage is present. Close the gauge) to suction side or low side fitting on
manifold valve and cylinder, then disconnect the hose compressor. The suction side can be identified by the
from the cylinder. size of the hose connected to the fitting. This will be
the largest diameter hose of the system.
13. Connect the service hose (yellow) to the Nitrogen
cylinder. Open the neck valve on the cylinder and set 5. Connect the high pressure gauge hose (red hose
the regulator pressure such that it is higher than the and gauge) to discharge or high side fitting on
system pressure then purge the hose. Open the low compressor.
side hand valve on the manifold, as the pressure
rises open the high side hand valve on the manifold 6. Connect yellow supply hose to suction port on
and allow a system pressure of 10 bar (150 psig) to vacuum pump.
be reached. Close all the valves. Using a suitable
electronic leak detector, check all joints in the air 7. Open both sides of gauges, low and high, completely.
conditioning system for leaks. Tighten any loose
joints and re-test if necessary. 8. Start vacuum pump to evacuate the complete air
conditioning system.
14. Vent the refrigerant mix to atmosphere by
removing the service hose (yellow) from the Nitrogen 9. Run vacuum pump for approximately 30 minutes.
cylinder and opening the low side hand valve on the Ideal gauge readings should be 29.92 inches of
manifold. Re-evacuate the system to below 6 mb mercury. The pressure will vary with altitude; it will
(steps 7 to 10). be approximately 0.03 bar (0.5 lbf/in) less for each
305 m (1 000 ft) of elevation.
15. Lower hood assembly and remove wheel blocks.
10. Before disconnecting power supply from vacuum
pump, close both high and low side gauges. Remove
CHARGING THE SYSTEM yellow hose from vacuum pump and connect to
Note: Refer to all WARNINGS listed under R-134a source.
'Maintenance' prior to charging the system.
11. Open R-134a source. Loosen, but do not remove,
Recommended Equipment Required: yellow supply hose at manifold on gauges to remove
Portable High Vacuum Charging Station all air in the yellow supply hose, replacing the air with
Electronic Leak Detector R-134a. This is done in a few seconds. Tighten
or Standard Service Manifold (Refer to Fig. 4) yellow supply hose.
10 SM 1966 4-00
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
Final Charging Of The System remove the yellow supply hose. Remove both the low
1. Start the engine and run at engine idle speed. pressure (blue) hose and high pressure (red) hose
from the filling ports on the compressor.
2. Turn the air conditioning system on with the
thermostat set on maximum cooling and fan on high Note: Some R-134a will escape as the hoses are
speed. being removed.
3. At this point a visual inspection must be made of The system is completely charged when;
the sight glass on top of the receiver-drier. As
charging continues, the sight glass will appear milky a. the sight glass is free from bubbles.
coloured as the bubbles in the system circulate. As b. the suction pressure on the gauge is approx.
the system continues the charging process, the 20 - 30 psig at 25 C ambient.
regularity of the bubbles in the sight glass will c. the correct weight of refrigerant has been added
gradually diminish. When no bubbles are seen in the (3.75 lbs.)
sight glass, close the low pressure valve (blue side) d. the correct superheat can be measured at the
completely. evaporator, approx. 3 - 6 C.
e. the correct sub-cooling can be measured at the
4. Increase the engine idle speed while observing the condenser, approx. 5 - 7 C.
sight glass. If many bubbles are seen resulting from
the increased engine speed, open the low pressure 6. Replace protective caps on hoses and valve
side valve. Allow the system to continue the charging fittings.
procedure until the sight glass is clear. If the sight
glass remains clear, with the increased engine 7. Lower hood assembly and remove wheel blocks.
speed, do not add any more R-134a.
SM 1966 4-00 11
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
2. Vibration/Noise in Compressor
12 SM 1966 4-00
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
5. Electrical Trouble
Blower motor or condenser fan Defective circuit breaker or bad Replace. Clean and tighten
motor inoperable wiring connections connections
SM 1966 4-00 13
Operators Compartment - Air Conditioning
Section 260-0130
* * * *
14 SM 1966 4-00
BODY - Body and Mounting
Section 270-0010
SM - 1909
7 A
8 3
1 - Body 5 - Shim
2 - Bushing 6 - Shim 9 - Shim 12 - Plate
3 - Hinge Pin 7 - Washer 10 - Locknut 13 - Washer
4 - Body Pad 8 - Bolt 11 - Spacer 14 - Lube Fitting
The standard body is an all welded construction with The body control joystick, mounted on the right hand
all wear plates fabricated from high hardness dash panel, controls the hydraulic control valve
(min. 360 BHN) 1 000 MPa (145 000 lbf/in2) yield operation, by means of electrical signals to the
strength steel. Angled lower body sides reduce body pressure reducing valves, which in turn operates the
impacts when loading and a tailshute angle of 25 body hoist cylinders. The four operating positions of
provides good retention when travelling without a the joystick from front to rear are as follows:
tailgate. Refer to Section 000-0000, GENERAL
INFORMATION for body capacities. 'FLOAT' - The joystick should be moved to this
position while the body is lowering by gravity and
The body is pivoted at the rear of the trailer frame and should remain in this position until the body must be
is operated by two single stage, double acting hoist operated again. The control joystick should always be
cylinders which are cushioned at both ends of the kept in 'FLOAT' while the machine is in motion.
stroke to reduce impact shocks. The hoist cylinders
raise the body to a tipping angle of 65 in 'LOWER' - Pushing the joystick forward and holding it
12 seconds and powerdown the body in 7.5 seconds. in this position provides hydraulic force to power-down
the body. It is needed when the body cannot be
SM 1980 4-00 1
Body - Body and Mounting
Section 270-0010
2 SM 1980 4-00
Body - Body and Mounting
Section 270-0010
Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed Note: Tighten all fasteners to standard torques listed
in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT in Section 300-0080, STANDARD BOLT AND NUT
1. Inspect bushing (2) for damage and replace if 1. Raise body (1) clear of the trailer frame and lay
necessary. Install bushing (2) in body hinge bores. body pads (4) (metal face down) roughly in position on
the frame.
Note: Body lifting lugs can be fabricated as shown in
Fig. 2. 2. Lower body (1) assembly onto body pads (4).
2. Secure lifting lugs to body (1) using suitable bolts. 3. Centralise body (1) assembly to the frame and
Using appropriate lifting equipment, sling body (1) place shims (5 & 6) under the front two body pads (4)
assembly and position over the trailer frame. until all other pads are clear of body (1) assembly.
Note: Approximate weight of body (1) assembly is 4. Slide shims (5 & 6) under remaining body pads (4)
4 000 kg (8 820 lb). until they just make contact with body (1) assembly.
3. Align hinge pin bores in body (1) assembly with bores 5. Raise body (1) assembly and install body pads (4)
in the trailer frame. Install hinge pins (3) and shims (9) and and shim packs (5 & 6) to their relative brackets on
secure with bolts (15) and washers (17). body (1) assembly securing with bolts (8), washers (7)
and locknuts (10).
4. Secure body cylinders to body (1) assembly with
pins and mounting hardware removed during removal. 6. Lower body (1) assembly to the frame and check
Refer to Section 230-0130, BODY CYLINDER for the shimming.
7. Install body guide plates (12) with spacers (11) to
5. Lubricate hinge pins (3) through lube fitting (14) mounting brackets on body (1) assembly. Set gap
with lubricant specified in Section 300-0020, between plates (12) and the frame at 5 - 10 mm
LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Lubricate slowly until (0.2 - 0.4 in). Secure plates (12) and spacers (11) to
excess lube is seen. mounting brackets with bolts (8).
SM 1980 4-00 3
Body - Body and Mounting
Section 270-0010
Lubricate the body hinge pins and body cylinder pins 64 DIA HOLE
at the intervals stated and with lubricant specified in BURN
Section 300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM. Lubricate 8
slowly until excess lube is seen.
Special tools can be fabricated as shown in Fig. 2.
Refer to Section 300-0070, SERVICE TOOLS, for part
numbers of the general service tools required. These 6 6
tools are available from your dealer.
R 20
48 16
* * * *
4 SM 1980 4-00
MISCELLANEOUS - Lubrication System
Section 300-0020
Always relieve pressure before servicing any Thoroughly clean all fittings, caps, plugs etc., to
pressurized system. Follow the procedures and safety prevent dirt from entering any system while carrying
precautions detailed in the relevant Maintenance out servicing procedures. Lubricants must be at
Manual section. normal operating temperature when draining.
When changing oil in the engine, transmission and Note: Do not operate any system unless oil level is
hydraulic system, or removing hydraulic lines, within the recommended operating levels as indicated
remember that the oil may be hot and can cause burns on oil level dipstick, sight gauge or level plug.
to unprotected skin.
Small circles on the following illustration represent
When working on or around exhaust components, points at which lubrication and/or servicing must take
remember that the components may be hot and can place, at the intervals indicated on the left hand side of
cause burns to unprotected skin. the lubrication and service chart.
Always deflate the tyre before trying to remove any The numbered circles on the illustration contain
embedded objects or removing the tyre and rim reference numbers which correspond to the reference
assembly from the vehicle. numbers in the 'Ref. Points' column of the lubrication
and service chart.
Always use a self-attaching chuck with a long airline,
and stand to one side while inflating the tyre. Refer to
Section 160-0050, WHEEL RIM AND TYRE.
SM 1972 4-00 1
Miscellaneous - Lubrication System
Section 300-0020
SM - 2482
34 20 33 20 20
5 19 1 17 18 32 16 21 10 24 12 3 28 10 23 11 8 23 28 27 16 11 4 13 21 16 14
6 7 15 27 8 24 16 10 12 30 2 24 26 11 9 22 29 7 24 21 16 24 13 16 14
25 20 31 25 25 20 25 20
2 SM 1972 4-00
Miscellaneous - Lubrication System
Section 300-0020
Note - Capacities given are approximate - work to HO - Hydraulic Transmission Oil. Refer to
dipstick, sight gauges or level plugs. 'Recommended Lubricants'.
Note 1 - Lubricate slowly until excess lube is seen. EPL - Extreme Pressure Gear Lubricant spec.
Note 2 - Capacity of front and rear differentials is MIL-L-2105 D.
11 litres (2.9 US gal). Capacity of centre HBF - Hydraulic Brake Fluid (heavy duty)
differential is 14 litres (3.7 US gal). This SAE J 1703.
includes 1 litre (2 pints) for priming the 3rd. EP, NLGI - Extreme Pressure Lithium No. 2 Grease
differential unit. (without 'Molybdenum')
EO - Engine Oil. Refer to 'Recommended PAG Oil - Polyalklene Glycol (PAG) Compressor
Lubricants'. Lubricating Oil - Low Viscosity (ISO46)
*- Refer to chart under 'Recommended
SM 1972 4-00 3
Miscellaneous - Lubrication System
Section 300-0020
EVERY 10 HOURS OF OPERATION (DAILY) General Inspection - Check entire vehicle for leaks,
Walk Around Inspection - Inspect the machine as loose bolts and nuts or damaged parts. Examine the
described in Section 4 of the Operator's Handbook. vehicle, particularly the chassis, for cracks or broken
welds. Repair where necessary.
Engine - Visually check engine for damage, loose or
frayed belts and listen for any unusual noises. Engine Air Intake - Check air intake system for
wear points or damage to piping, loose clamps and
Engine Air Cleaners - Change air cleaner element leaks.
only when air restriction gauge locks up in the red.
Service vacuator valves daily. Inspect and remove Drive Belts - Visually check the belts and replace if
any obstructions from the vacuator valve lips which they are cracked or frayed. Adjust belts that have a
should be open and pliable with the engine stopped. glazed or shiny surface which indicates belt
Note: Service air cleaners more often when slippage. Correctly installed and tensioned belts will
operating under extremely dusty conditions. show even pulley and belt wear. Refer to 'Engine
Operation and Maintenance Manual' for drive belt
Engine Crankcase - Check oil level and add if low. tension and adjustment of new and used belts.
With the engine off, the oil should be between the
lower and upper marks on the dipstick, up to the Service Brakes - Check pads and discs for wear
upper mark is preferable. and adjust or replace where necessary. Test for
proper function.
Transmission - Check oil level and add if low. Refer Note: This service interval applies to normal driving.
to Section 120-0010, TRANSMISSION AND Check the pads more frequently under more severe
MOUNTING, for correct oil level check procedure. conditions. Thickness of pad friction material should
never be allowed to wear below 3 mm (0.12 in).
Hydraulic Tank - Check oil level and add if low.
With the engine off and the body down the oil should Parking Brake - Check pads and disc for wear.
be visible in the bottom of the top sight gauge. Adjust or replace if required. Test for proper function.
Friction material thickness should never be allowed
Radiator Header Tank - Check coolant level and to wear below 3 mm (0.12 in).
add if low. Fill the radiator header tank with coolant
until coolant reaches the bottom of the filler neck and Coolant Additive - Check and replenish DCA4
holds at that level. concentration as described in Engine 'Operation and
Note: Any time a significant amount of coolant is Maintenance Manual'.
added, the DCA4 concentration MUST be checked.
If the concentration is low, engine damage will result. Coolant Filter - Replace coolant filter if required.
Conversely, over-inhibiting antifreeze solutions can When testing the DCA4 concentration, depending on
result in silicate dropout. Refer to Section 210-0000, the level of DCA4 the coolant filter may not
4 SM 1972 4-00
Miscellaneous - Lubrication System
Section 300-0020
Hydraulic Oil Filter - Clean filter housing and install
necessarily have to be changed. If concentration is:
new element when filter restriction indicator light
illuminates, or after 2 000 hours of operation,
Below 0.3 units per litre (1.2 units per US gallon)
whichever comes first.
- Add both the normal amount of DCA4 liquid as
specified in the respective 'Service Chart' and the
Brake Fluid Reservoirs - Drain brake fluid, refill
amount specified in the respective 'Precharge Chart'.
reservoirs and bleed the brakes. Refer to Section
Replace the DCA4 coolant filter.
165-0010, BRAKE PARTS.
Note: Each reservoir (2 off) has a capacity of
Between 0.3 and 0.8 units per litre (1.2 and 3
0.66 litres (0.17 US gal). System capacity, as listed
units per US gallon) - Add the normal amount of
in the 'Recommended Lubricants' table, takes into
DCA4 liquid as specified in the respective 'Service
account brake fluid contained in the brake lines.
Chart'. Replace the DCA4 coolant filter.
Above 0.8 units per litre (3 units per US gallon) - Drivelines - Visually check Low Maintenance
Do not replace the DCA4 filter or add liquid DCA4 drivelines for leaking or damaged seals.
until the concentration drops below 0.8 units per litre Note: Low Maintenance drivelines can be identified
(3 units per US gallon). The concentration must be by having plugs fitted to the spiders, not grease
tested at every subsequent 250 hour service interval nipples.
until the concentration decreases below 0.8 units per Note: When service is required, remove plug and fit
litre (3 units per US gallon). grease nipple. Grease spider and refit plug when
finished. Use Type K lubricating grease in
accordance to DIN 51825-KP2-K-40.
Differential - Drain oil and refill to level plug. ENGINES AND TRANSMISSIONS
Note: When refilling centre axle ensure that the 3rd.
differential unit is primed with 1 litre (2 pints) of oil All information contained in the 'Lubrication and
before filling drivehead. Service Chart' was extracted from the relevant
manufacturers Operators Manual and was correct at
Parking Brake - Check pads and disc for wear. time of publication. User should ensure that
Adjust or replace if required. Test for proper function. information contained in this chart, regarding
Friction material thickness should never be allowed engines and transmissions, reflects the information
to wear below 3 mm (0.12 in). shown in the relevant manufacturers Operators
Manuals supplied with the machine. Maintenance
procedures should be carried out in conjunction with
EVERY 2 000 HOURS OF OPERATION (ANNUALLY) any additional procedures contained in the relevant
Hydraulic Oil Tank - Drain oil, remove and clean manufacturers Operators Manuals at the intervals
filter screen assemblies. Reinstall filter screens and specified.
refill tank.
SM 1972 4-00 5
Miscellaneous - Lubrication System
Section 300-0020
Service Capacities
Identification Lubricant litres US gal
Engine Crankcase and Filters EO 40 10.5
Transmission and Filters (dry fill) EO 52 13.8
Transmission and Filters (wet fill) EO 26 6.9
Hydraulic System (Hoist & Steering) HO 200 52.8
Cooling System Coolant 59 15.6
Fuel Tank Diesel 330 87
Differential - Front and Rear (each) EPL 11 2.9
Differential - Centre EPL 14 3.7
Planetaries (each) EPL 3.5 0.9
Service Brakes HBF 3 0.79
Air Conditioning Compressor PAG Oil 0.125 0.033
Note: Capacities given are approximate, work to dipstick, sight gauges or level plugs. Use table in conjunction
with 'Recommended Lubricants' table.
Engine Crankcase and Engine Oil with 1.00% sulphated CG-4 or 15W-40
Filter ash is recommended. Sulphated CF-4 (See Note 1*)
ash must not exceed 1.85% limit
Transmission and Engine Oil with 1.85% max. MIL-L-2104 C/D/E CD, CE, CF, See Trans.
Filters sulphated ash limit MIL-L-46152 C/D/E SF & SG Oil Table
(See Note 2*)
Hydraulic System Hydraulic Transmission Oil See Hydraulic Oil Table
(Hoist and Steering) (See Note 3*)
Cooling System Antifreeze, Ethylene Glycol
Fuel Tank Diesel Fuel Oil with max. DIN EN590
Sulphur 0.5%
Differentials - Extreme Pressure Gear MIL-L-2105 D GL-5 80W-90 LS
Front & Rear Lubricant (See Note 4*)
Differentials - Centre Extreme Pressure Gear MIL-L-2105 D GL-5 80W-90 LS
Lubricant (See Note 4*)
Planetaries Extreme Pressure Gear MIL-L-2105 D GL-5 80W-90 LS
Lubricant (See Note 4*)
Service Brakes Hydraulic Brake Fluid Heavy Duty J1703
Grease Nipples Extreme Pressure Lithium No. 2
(No 'Molybdenum') Consistency
Air Conditioning Polyalklene Glycol (PAG) ISO46
Compressor Compressor Lubricating Oil - SP 10
Low Viscosity
6 SM 1972 4-00
Miscellaneous - Lubrication System
Section 300-0020
1 - - MIL-H-5606A
2 DEXRON Auto Trans. Fluid
3 10W CC/CD MIL-L-2104 B/C
4 20W/20 CC/CD MIL-L-2104 B/C
5 30 CC/CD MIL-L-2104 B/C
SM - 804
(See Note 5)
Note: Consult your lubricant supplier for correct viscosity of lubricant when ambient temperatures are
consistently above or below those listed.
* * * *
SM 1972 4-00 7
Section 300-0070
SM 1973 4-00 1
Miscellaneous - Service Tools
Section 300-0070
15274061 - Injector Protrusion Comparator 15274109 - Torque Angle Gauge
15274062 - Tube, Fuel Line Sight #12 15274110 - Small Bushing Driver Set
15274063 - Pilot, Oil Seal Puller Drills 15274111 - Kit,CNG Wastegate Test
15274064 - Kit, Turbo Rebuild 15274112 - Fixture, Cam Follower Assy R/I
15274065 - Digital Tachometer Kit 15274113 - Validator, Torque Wrench
15274066 - Bent Wrench 15274114 - Kit, Cylinder Head Leak Test
15274067 - Adaptor, Fuel Line Sight #16 Hose 15274115 - Kit, Charge Air Cooler Tester
15274068 - Gear Puller, Jaw 15274116 - Module, Vacuum Pressure
15274069 - Guide, Valve Installation 15274117 - Meter, Automotive
15274070 - Expander, Fan Hub Seal 15274118 - Puller, STC Injector
15274071 - Capscrew, Pulley Puller 15274119 - Driver, Thermostat Seal
15274072 - Driver, Regulator Valve Seat 15274120 - Sensor Break-out Kit
15274073 - Gauge, Cylinder Liner Ring 15274121 - Counterbore Salvage Kit
15274074 - Tube, Fuel Line Sight 15274122 - Installer, Oil Capacitor
15274075 - Cam Guide Expander - Large Dia 15274123 - Kit, Wiring Repair, Basic
15274076 - Fluorescent Tracer 15274133 - Cable, Throttle Breakout
15274077 - Expander, Accessory Drive Shaft Seal
15274078 - Fuel Pump S Wrench Transmission
15274079 - Kit, Torque Wrench
The following tools are recommended for
15274080 - Fitting Quick Connect
Transmission Maintenance Procedures. These tools
15274081 - Fitting Quick Connect should be used in conjunction with procedures
15274082 - Tube, Cooling System Sight outlined in the transmission manufacturers service
15274083 - Tube, Cooling System Sight manual.
15274084 - Tube, Cooling System Sight
15274148 - Wrench, Dial Type Torque 15270087 - Straight Pin
15274144 - Wrench, Nylon Strap Filter 15270088 - Back-off Device
15274145 - Gauge, Torque Angle 15270089 - Puller Device
15274147 - Wrench, Crows Foot 13 mm 15270090 - Puller
15274124 - Set, Torx Plus Driver 15270091 - Puller
15274137 - Bit, Screw Driver 15270092 - Puller
15274085 - Engine Parts Rack 15270093 - Puller
15274086 - Gauge, Belt Tension 15270094 - Driver
15274087 - Socket, Engine Position Sensor 15270095 - Driver
15274088 - Kit, Combustion Gas Leak Test 15270096 - Driver
15274132 - Test Fluid 15270097 - Driver
15274089 - Thermocouple Wire Kit 15270098 - Driver
15274090 - Engine Coolant Analyser 15270099 - Driver
15274091 - Gauge, Belt Tension 15270100 - Driver
15274092 - Wrench, CELECT Torque 15270101 - Driver
15274093 - Screwdriver, CELECT 15270102 - Driver
15274094 - Puller, Water Pump Pulley 15270103 - Driver
15274095 - Adjuster, STC Tappet 15270104 - Driver
15274096 - Super Chip Vacuum Kit 15270105 - Driver
15274097 - Gauge, Cyl. Head Capscrew Length 15270106 - Driver
15274098 - Kit, Counterbore Ledge Cutter 15270107 - Driver
15274099 - Cutter Plate 15270108 - Driver
15274100 - Clamp On Current Probe 15270109 - Driver
15274101 - Injector Puller/driver 15270110 - Driver
15274102 - Kit, Hydraulic Actuator 15270111 - Pressure Piece
15274103 - Kit, Hydraulic Cylinder Support 15269948 - Straightedge
15274104 - Kit, Cam Bushing I/R 15270112 - Measuring Pin
15274105 - Kit, Rail Pressure Response 15269804 - Magnetic Base
15274106 - Kit, Pulley Installation Adaptor 15269802 - Dial Indicator
15274107 - Socket, Deep Flank Drive 15270113 - Gauge Blocks
15274108 - Template, Cylinder Head Capscrew
2 SM 1973 4-00
Miscellaneous - Service Tools
Section 300-0070
15271016 - Glass Removal Tool
15271017 - Bonding Kit (Quick Dry)
SM 1973 4-00 3
Miscellaneous - Service Tools
Section 300-0070
Adhesives and Sealants 15270244 - Loctite 592 - Pipe Sealer with Teflon
15269103 - Loctite 221 15023696 - Loctite 635
09362529 - Loctite 225 09371048 - Loctite 638
09029849 - Loctite 243 15269107 - Loctite 641
09244598 - Loctite 270 15269108 - Loctite Superclean Safety Solvent 706
09985300 - Loctite 271 15229541 - Loctite Activator 'N'
15269104 - Loctite 275 09243825 - Loctite Activator 'T'
15269245 - Loctite 277 09175039 - General Adhesive
15233715 - Loctite Prism 406 15269114 - Tectyl 280 Wax Based Rust Preventive
15269111 - Loctite Prism 410 09380475 - Hylosil RTV Silicone Compound
15269105 - Loctite 515
09007209 - Loctite 574 (50 ml)
09379518 - Loctite 574 (160 ml) Fabricated Tools
15269106 - Loctite 577 (Superflex) The service tools shown in Figs. 1 through 8 can be
fabricated as shown.
SM - 625
SM - 407
Dimensions in mm (inches)
Fig. 2 - End Cap Torque Tool (Section 220-0120, STEERING CYLINDER)
4 SM 1973 4-00
Miscellaneous - Service Tools
Section 300-0070
SM - 633
Dimensions in mm (inches)
Fig. 3 - Piston Torque Tool (Section 220-0120, STEERING CYLINDER)
SM - 2469
50 25
160 (6.299) (1.9680) (0.984)
90 (3.54) 10
DRILL 13 (0.51) (0.394) 11
RAD X 25 (0.984) (0.433)
10 (0.394)
150 (5.90) DIA
(3.154 - 0.000 )
(4.724 - 0.005 )
120.00 - 0.13
80.10 - 0.00
94 (3.7)
19 (0.75)
Dimensions in mm (in)
Fig. 4 - End Cap Torque Tool (Section 230-0130, BODY CYLINDER)
SM 1973 4-00 5
Miscellaneous - Service Tools
Section 300-0070
SM - 2470
89 (3.5)
38.1 (1.5)
124.45 - 0.000 (4.899 - 0.000 )
90 - 0.05 (3.543 - 0.002 )
136 (5.35)
25.4 (1.0)
Dimensions in mm (in)
Fig. 5 - Piston Torque Tool (Section 230-0130, BODY CYLINDER)
SM - 647
6 mm (0.25 in)
A 85.7 3.375
B 114.3 4.50
C Radius 14.3 0.56
D Diameter 34.9758 + 0.000 1.377 + 0.000
- 0.0508 - 0.002
E Diameter 31.75 + 0.050 1.250 + 0.002
- 0.000 - 0.000
F Chamfer 1.6 x 60 0.063 x 60
Fig. 6 - Special Sleeve Tool Dimensions (Section 230-0050 MAIN HYDRAULIC PUMP)
6 SM 1973 4-00
Miscellaneous - Service Tools
Section 300-0070
SM - 1953 SM - 1630
0.218 in dia.
Length 6 6
0.343 in
0.480 in
0.475 in
1.00 in 2 PLACES 2 PLACES
0.75 in 40
0.5 in dia.
R 20
0.938 in 71
Pins to be 0.072 in dia. 31
48 16
* * * *
SM 1973 4-00 7
MISCELLANEOUS - Axle Bolt and Nut Torque Specifications
Section 300-0080
SM 1521 10-98 1
Miscellaneous - Axle Bolt and Nut Torque Specifications
Section 300-0080
Friction coefficient total 0.14 for screws and nuts
without after treatment as well as for phosphated
Tighten by hand!
* * * *
2 SM 1521 10-98
MISCELLANEOUS - Standard Bolt and Nut Torque Specifications
Section 300-0080
SM 1238 2-98 1
Miscellaneous - Standard Bolt and Nut Torque Specifications
Section 300-0080
Note: Where materials other than GM Standards are used, refer to the conversion table below.
Types of Steel Rockwell Hardness Range Applicable Torque Values SAE Bolt Head Symbols
2 SM 1238 2-98
Miscellaneous - Standard Bolt and Nut Torque Specifications
Section 300-0080
SM 1238 2-98 3
Miscellaneous - Standard Bolt and Nut Torque Specifications
Section 300-0080
Lockscrews Locknuts
SAE Grade 5 & 8
and ASTM A-574 SAE Grade 5 SAE Grade 8
Size Nm lbf in Nm lbf in Nm lbf in
0.25 - 20 0.3 3 0.4 3.5 0.5 4.5
0.25 - 28 0.3 3 0.4 3.5 0.5 4.5
0.31 - 18 0.6 5 0.6 5.5 0.9 7.5
0.31 - 24 0.6 5 0.6 5.5 0.9 7.5
0.38 - 16 1.0 9 1.0 8.5 1.3 11.5
0.38 - 24 1.0 9 1.0 8.5 1.3 11.5
0.44 - 14 1.4 12 1.4 12 1.8 16
0.44 - 20 1.4 12 1.4 12 1.8 16
0.50 - 13 1.8 16 1.7 15 2.3 20
0.50 - 20 1.8 16 1.7 15 2.3 20
0.56 - 12 2.5 22 2.4 21 3.2 28
0.56 - 18 2.5 22 2.4 21 3.2 28
0.62 - 11 3.4 30 3.1 27 4.1 36
0.62 - 18 3.4 30 3.1 27 4.1 36
0.75 - 10 5.1 45 4.6 41 6.1 54
0.75 - 16 5.1 45 4.6 41 6.1 54
0.88 - 9 7.3 65 7.0 62 9.3 82
0.88 - 14 7.3 65 7.0 62 9.3 82
1.00 - 8 9.6 85 9.5 84 12.7 112
1.00 - 12 9.6 85 9.5 84 12.7 112
1.00 - 14 - - 9.5 84 12.7 112
* * * *
4 SM 1238 2-98
Section 300-0090
5. RUST PREVENTION - Remove all evidence of rust 8. TRANSMISSION - Consult the relevant
from the machine and repaint. In addition, cover all Transmission Maintenance Manual for storage data
exposed machine surfaces with a good rust involving periods longer than 30 days.
9. ENGINE - Consult the relevant Engine Maintenance
6. SUPPLY TANKS - Fill fuel and hydraulic tanks to Manual for storage data involving periods longer than
prevent moisture condensation within the tanks. 30 days.
7. TYRES - Inflate all tyres to correct pressure. During 10. VENTS AND BREATHERS - Remove all vents
storage, check inflation pressure approximately once and breathers and plug openings with pipe plugs. If it
every two weeks. is not possible to do this, seal vents and breathers with
waterproof tape.
SM 1239 2-98 1
Miscellaneous - Unit Storage
Section 300-0090
EXTENDED STORAGE - Over Six Months 2. BATTERIES - Install batteries and check for a full
When a machine is to be stored for a period over SIX charge. Charge batteries as required.
MONTHS, the following procedure must be followed:
3. TYRES - Inflate tyres to the proper pressures. Refer
Note: These steps are in addition to those given to Section 140-0040, WHEEL RIM AND TYRE, of this
previously under 'Extended Storage - Under Six manual.
1. LUBRICATION - Completely lubricate the machine condensation and fill tanks to proper level, remove
according to the instructions contained in Section breather covers and install air breathers. Be sure
300-0020, LUBRICATION SYSTEM of this manual. breathers are clean before installation.
2. WHEEL BEARING - Remove, clean, inspect and 5. VENTS AND BREATHERS - Remove seals and
repack all wheel bearings. plugs from all breather openings, then install all
breathers and vents.
Note: The above steps must be repeated for every Six
Month period the machine is in storage. 6. ENGINES - Consult the relevant Engine
Maintenance Manual for instructions on removing an
engine from storage.
7. PAINT - Check machine for rust. Remove all rust
General spots and repaint rusted areas.
1. LUBRICATION - Completely lubricate the machine
according to the instructions in Section 300-0020, 8. TRANSMISSION - Consult the relevant
LUBRICATION SYSTEM of this manual. Transmission Maintenance Manual for instructions on
removing from storage.
* * * *
2 SM 1239 2-98