QC4 89

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The key takeaways are that the document outlines a program for third-party accreditation of test facilities that perform welding qualification tests and procedures. It establishes criteria and procedures for accrediting, reassessing, renewing, and revoking accreditation of test facilities.

The purpose of accrediting test facilities is to ensure they comply with AWS criteria for properly conducting welding qualification tests and procedures according to AWS standards.

The accreditation process involves an initial on-site assessment to determine compliance, preparation of a report identifying any deficiencies, a response from the facility, followed by a decision to grant or deny accreditation. Reassessments are required every 3 years and in case of significant changes.

AWS QC4-89

Standard for
Accreditation of
Test Facilities for
AWS Certified
Welder Program
K e y w o r d s Test Facility AWS QC 4-89
Laboratory Certification

Standard for
Accreditation of Test Facilities
AWS Certified Welder Program

Prepared by
AWS Qualification and Certification Committee

Under the Direction of

AWS Education and Certification Council

Approved by
AWS Board of Directors
October 31, 1989

This Standard describes a program directed by the American Welding Society for a third-party accreditation of test
facilities used to perform welding qualificationwelding and testing.

American Welding Society

550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126
Statement on Use of AWS Standards

All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American
Welding Society are voluntary consensus standards that have been developed in accordance with the rules of the
American National Standards Institute. When AWS standards are either incorporated in, or made part of, documents
that are included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the regulations of other governmental bodies, their
provisions carry the full legal authority of the statute. In such cases, any changes in those AWS standards must be
approved by the governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become a part of those laws and
regulations. I n all cases, these standards carry the full legal authority of the contract or other document that invokes the
AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWS
standard must be by agreement between the contracting parties.

International Standard Book Number: 0-87171-342-X

American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, Florida 33126

1989 by American Welding Society. All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

Note: The primary purpose of the American Welding Society (AWS) is to serve and benefit its members. To this end,
AWS provides a forum for the exchange, consideration, and discussion of ideas and proposals that are relevant to the
welding industry and the consensus of which forms the basis for these standards. By providing such a forum, AWS does
not assume any duties to which a user of these Standards may be required to adhere. By publishing this Standard, the
American Welding Society does not insure anyone using the information it contains against any liability arising from
that use. Publication of a standard by the American Welding Society does not carry with it any right to make, use, or sell
any patented items. Users of the information in this Standard should make an independent investigation of the validity
of that information for their particular use and the patent status of any item referred to herein.

This Standard is subject to revision at any time by the AWS Qualification and Certification Committee. It must be
reviewed every five years and if not revised, it must be either reapproved or withdrawn. Comments (recommendations,
additions, or deletions) and any pertinent data that may be used in improving this Standard are requested and should be
addressed to the Director, Qualification and Certification Department, American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune
Road, Miami, Florida 33126. Such comments will receive careful considerations by the AWS Qualification and
Certification Committee and the author of the comments. Guests are invited to attend all meetings of the AWS
Qualification and Certification Committee to express their comments verbally. Procedures for appeal of an adverse
decision concerning all such comments are provided in the Rules of Operation of the Qualification and Certification
Committee. A copy of these Rules can be obtained from the American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road,
Florida 33126.
AWS Qualification and Certification Committee

Richard Blaisdell, Chairman Black and Veatch Engineers

Calvin Pepper, 1st Vice Chair. Martin Marietta
Richard Simons, 2nd Vice Chair. Washington Public Power Supply
Donald Grubbs, Secretary American Welding Society
R. L. Alley, Ex Officio ER1CO Fastening Systems, Incorporated
S. M. Altman Howard Needles Tammen & Bergendoff
E. M. Beck* Law Engineering Testing Company
E. R. Bohnart Miller Electric Manufacturing Company
H. Chapman Retired
A. L. Collin* Consultant
F. DeLaurier, Ex Officio American Welding Society
H. W. Goser Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Company
W. L. Green Retired
J. F. Harris Centerior Energy Corporation
R. L. Harris* Consultant
M. L. Houle Consultant
W. H. Kennedy Canadian Welding Bureau
R. E. Long Northern States Power Company
S. P. Martin General Dynamics
C. Peshek* American Institute of Steel Construction
R. R. Picard Combustion Engineering
S. W. Scott Westinghouse
V. Sutler American Welding Institute
W. F. Urbick Boeing Company
R. F. Waite American Bureau of Shipping
R. K. Wiswesser Welder Training & Testing Institute

AWS Certified Welder Project Subcommittee (QC 5)

R. K. Wiswesser, Chairman Welder Training & Testing Institute

H. F. Clark Flour Daniel
D. H. Delk U. S. Air Force
P. R. Evans PCI Energy Services
H. W. Goser Stupp Bros. Bridge & Iron Company
R. L. Harris Consultant
R. E. Long Northern States Power Company
J. S. Pawluk Western Nevada Community College
C. E. Pepper Martin Marietta
A. L. Petroski Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
L. C. Pratt Ingalls Shipbuilding
S. L. Raymond National Training Fund
M. L. Slaton Bechtel Power Corporation
W. E. Strate Strate Welding Supply
W. F. Urbick Boeing Company

* Advisory Member
(This Foreword is not a part of the Standard for Accreditation of Test Facilities for A WS Certified Welder Program
AWS QC 4-89, but is included only for information).
Purpose. The purpose of the third-party accreditation of Test Facilities for welder qualification is to confirm that a Test
Facility has the personnel, organization, experience, procedures, knowledge, equipment, capability, and commitment
to conduct proper welder qualification testing for the AWS Certified Welder Program. This Standard describes the
requirements and functions of the Test Facility to achieve this purpose and to complete reliable reports; and, to define
relationships between the Test Facility and the other parties involved.
Relationships. A Test Facility shall be accredited to conduct welder qualification tests for the AWS Certified Welder
Program. A person wishing to take tests to become an AWS certified welder shall prepare an application in accordance
with AWS QC 3. The applicant is responsible to contact the Test Facility to arrange a specific date and time for the
completion of the qualification test assembly. All acceptable test results and records will be returned to AWS by the Test
Facility after the welder qualification test is completed.
Dedication. The Q&C Committee dedicates the publication of this Standard to Dalton E. Hamilton and Charla S.
Cardoni. At the time of his death in May, 1988, Dalton Hamilton was the Chairman of the Q&C Committee. His efforts,
clear thinking, ability to find consensus and tireless work contributed significantly to the Q&C Committee. At the time
of her death in December, 1988, Charla Cardoni was the Special Assistant to the AWS Executive Director. From 1982
to September, 1988, she was the Director of the AWS Q&C Department. Her business management training and
experience brought a sense of direction and order that contributed significantly to the AWS certification programs.

Table of Contents
Page No.
Personnel iii
Foreword iv

7. Scope 1
1.1 Requirements 1
1.2 Procedure 1
1.3 Safety Precautions 1
2. Definitions 1
3. Test Facility Requirements 2
3.1 General Requirements 2
3.2 Quality Assurance System 2
3.3 Personnel 2
3.4 Welding Equipment 3
3.5 Measuring & Testing Equipment 3
3.6 Calibration 3
3.7 Metals and Materials 3
3.8 Test Methods and Procedures 4
3.9 Environment 4
3.10 Handling of Items to be Tested 4
3.11 Records and Test Reports 4
4. Accreditation 4
4.1 Information 4
4.2 Application 4
5. On-Site Assessment 5
5.1 Agency 5
5.2 Checklist 5
5.3 Objectives 5
5.4 Assessment Report 5
6. Accreditation Decisions 5
6.1 Submittal 5
6.2 Grant 5
7. Appeals Procedure 5
8. Reassessments 5
9. Accreditation Renewal 5
9.1 Period 5
9.2 Annual Report 5
9.3 Expiration 5
10. Revocation 6
10.1 Q&C Committee 6
10.2 Enforcement 6
11. Reinstatement 6
Standard for
Accreditation of Test Facilities
for AWS Certified Welder Program
1. Scope accreditation. Certification as being able to meet a pre-
scribed standard.
1.1 Requirements. This Standard establishes minimum
requirements for Test Facilities, their personnel, and accredited facility. A facility that applies to the AWS
equipment to qualify for accreditation to test and qualify designated third party agency and received accred-
welders in the AWS Certified Welder Program. This itation.
facility accreditation program is open to all Test Facili-
ties that are qualified, whether or not they are members AWS. American Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune
of AWS. The Test Facilities may be part of an inde- Road, Miami, Florida 33126.
pendent laboratory, manufacturing plant, educational
institution, or other party. certification. The act of determining, verifying, and
attesting in writing to the qualification of personnel in
1.2 Procedure. This Standard establishes the procedure accordance with specified requirements.
by which Test Facilities may seek, obtain, and maintain
accreditation from an AWS designated third-party facility representative. An individual(s) designated by
assessment agency to participate in the AWS Certified the Test Facility who can make legally binding
Welder Program. commitments and statements on behalf of the Test
1.3 Safety Precautions. Safety precautions shall con-
form to the latest edition of ANSI/ASC Z49.1-88, Safety inspection. Examination or measurement to verify
in Welding and Cutting, published by the American whether an item or activity conforms to specified
Welding Society. requirements.
NOTE: This Standard does not purport to address all of
inspector. A person who performs inspection activities
the safety problems associated with its use. It is the
to verify conformance to specified requirements.
responsibility of the user to establish appropriate safety
and health practices. The user should determine the NDE. A designation in this Standard for nondestructive
applicability of any regulatory limitations prior to use. examination of welds using one of the approved non-
destructive testing methods.

Q&C Committee. The Qualification and Certification

2. Definitions Committee of the American Welding Society.
Terms used in this Standard are defined in ANSI/
AWS A 3.0-88, Standard Welding Terms and Defini- Q&C Department. The Qualification and Certification
tions, and as follows: Department of the American Welding Society Miami,
acceptance criteria. Specified limits placed on character-
istics of an item, process or service as defined in codes, test supervisor. An AWS Certified Welding Inspector
standards or other contract documents. (CWI) designated by the Accredited Test Facility.
verification. The act of reviewing, inspecting, testing, (1) The organizational structure of the Test Facility
checking, auditing or otherwise determining and (organizational charts).
documenting whether items, processes, services, and (2) The operational and functional duties and services
documents conform to specified requirements. pertaining to quality, so that those concerned will know
the extent and limits of their responsibilities.
welder. One who performs a manual or semiautomatic
(3) General quality control procedures.
welding operation.
(4) Quality control procedures specific for each inspec-
welder performance qualification. The demonstration tion or test, as appropriate.
of a welder's ability to produce welds meeting pre- (5) Where relevant, proficiency testing, use of refer-
scribed standards. ence materials.
weldment. An assembly whose component parts are (6) Arrangements for timely feedback and corrective
joined by welding. action whenever non-conformances are detected.
(7) Procedure for dealing with technical complaints.
other guidelines. As used in this Standard, the word (8) Provisions for any subcontracted activities
shall denotes a requirement; the word should denotes (machine shop, NDE tests) to comply to the quality
a guideline; and the word may denotes a choice. control requirements of the Test Facility and the
methods that are used by the Test Facility to verify the
3. Test Facility Requirements (9) Procedures for preparing and reviewing for accu-
3.1 General Requirements. The Test Facility shall be racy the records to be provided to AWS.
legally identifiable and have the following:
3.2.2 Management Review. The quality assurance
(1) An organizational structure, including a quality
system shall be systematically reviewed by, or on behalf
assurance system, that enables it to maintain the capability
of, management to assure the continued effectiveness of
to perform satisfactorily the technical functions for
the organization, procedures and corrective actions
which accreditation is sought.
initiated. Such review shall be recorded (at a minimum)
(2) The ability to demonstrate on request from asses-
annually, together with the details of any actions taken
sors, that it is capable of administering and assessing the
as a result of the review.
required welder qualification tests.
(3) An organization such that staff members are not 3.3 Personnel. Personnel shall have the necessary edu-
under undue pressure or inducement that might influ- cation, training, technical knowledge and experience for
ence their judgement or results of their work. their functions. The minimum personnel requirements
(4) An organization that each staff member is aware for the Test Facility shall be:
of both the extent and limitation of his area of respon- (1) The inspection and testing services of the Test
sibility, and a clear designation of a "Facility Repre- Facility shall be under the direction of a person charged
sentative." with technical managerial responsibility. He shall be a
(5) A technical manager (who may also be the "Facility full time employee of the Test Facility. He shall have at
Representative") who has the overall responsibility for least five years of technical experience in inspection and
the technical operation of the Test Facility. testing of metals or welding.
(6) Adequate security rules and measures for protec- (2) Welder qualification tests that are performed by
tion of proprietary and confidential information. an Accredited Test Facility for the AWS Certified
Welder program shall be administered by a Test Super-
3.2 Quality Assurance System. The Test Facility shall
visor who is currently certified as a CWI under the AWS
operate an internal quality assurance system appropriate
Standard QC 1.
to the type, range and volume of work performed. The
(3) This Standard requires qualification and certifica-
quality assurance system shall be documented in a qual-
tion of NDE personnel in accordance with a written
ity assurance manual which is available for use by the
practice prepared in accordance with the ASNT Recom-
Test Facility staff for the purpose of maintaining quality
mended Practice SNT-TC-1A. Only individuals quali-
control. A person or persons having responsibility for
fied to NDT Level II or higher may perform NDT
quality assurance within the Test Facility shall be desig-
examination, however, a qualified Level I working under
nated by the Test Facility management and have access
direct supervision of a Level II or higher may perform
to top management.
specific test functions according to written instructions
3.2.1 Manual. The quality assurance manual shall and record the results. Documents shall identify the
contain information regarding the following: Level II individual involved.
3.3.1 Job Description. There shall be a job descrip- (3) Date of last calibration and calibration records,
tion for each senior technical position category, which where appropriate.
includes necessary education, training, technical knowl- (4) Current location, where appropriate.
edge and experience. (5) Details of maintenance.
(6) Manufacturers operating manuals.
3.3.2 Staffing. The proportion of supervisory to
(7) In the case of measuring equipment, the record
non-supervisory staff shall be such as to ensure adequate
shall also include the maximum period of time permitted
supervision. Suitable staff, designated as alternatives,
between calibrations.
shall be available to handle the work of the senior tech-
nical and quality system managers in their absence. 3.6 Calibration. Measuring and test equipment used in
Information on the relevant qualification, training and the Test Facility shall be calibrated, where appropriate,
experience of the technical staff shall be maintained by before being put into service and thereafter according to
the Test Facility. an established program. Welding power supply systems
3.4 Welding Equipment shall be calibrated to show correlation of volt/amp
meter readings vs. "actual" test meter values.
3.4.1 Welding equipment to be used for qualification
of welders shall be located at the accredited Test Facility 3.6.1 Program. The overall program of calibration
or controlled under the provisions of this Standard. The of equipment shall be designed and operated so as to
equipment shall be designed for the process to be used ensure that measurements made in the Test Facility are
and be capable of providing the full range of parameters traceable (where the concept is applicable) to national
specified in the Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS). standards of measurement. Where the concept of trace-
3.4.2 Equipment shall be maintained in such a manner ability to national standards of measurement is not
so as to provide steady electrical or mechanical char- applicable, the Test Facility shall provide satisfactory
acteristics required for successful welding of the test evidence of calibration or accuracy of test results.
assemblies. Machine controls to change or adjust param-
3.6.2 In-service. Where relevant, in-service welding
eters shall be fully operational.
and testing equipment shall be subjected to checks
3.4.3 At the option of the welder, the welder may between regular recalibrations.
provide his own torch, tools, or other related accessory
equipment. 3.6.3 Calibration Tag. A label or tag indicating the
date of the last calibration and the due date of the next
3.5 Measuring & Testing Equipment. The Test Facility calibration should be attached to equipment requiring
shall be furnished with or have access to all items of calibration.
equipment required for correct performance of the weld-
ing test, examinations and measurements for which it is 3.7 Metals and Materials. All base metals used for
accredited. qualification testing under the AWS Certified Welder
3.5.1 Maintenance. All equipment shall be properly Program shall be obtained and maintained with rigid
maintained to ensure protection from corrosion and control. Certified Mill Test Reports shall be obtained
other causes of deterioration. Instruction for a proper and kept on file representing all test specimens base
maintenance procedure for those items of equipment metal. Base metal and test samples shall be permanently
which require periodic maintenance shall be available. marked with identification that will allow traceability to
the Mill Test Report.
3.5.2 Abuse. Any item of the equipment which has Base metal for qualification test samples and speci-
been subject to overloading or mishandling, or which mens from these test samples shall be prepared in accord-
gives suspect results, or has been shown by calibration or ance with all requirements of the Welding Procedure
otherwise to be defective, shall be taken out of service Specifications and test requirements. Upon completion
and clearly labelled until it has been repaired and then of all testing, the test specimens shall be stored in such a
shown by test or calibration to be performing its function way that the specimen will be free of contamination.
Manufacturer's Certification in accordance with AWS
3.5.3 Records. Records shall be maintained of each A5.01, Class F, shall apply to all welding filler materials
major item of equipment. Each record shall include: that are provided by the Test Facility. Drying and stor-
(1) The name of the item of equipment. age ovens will be used for those materials affected by
(2) The manufacturer's name and type identification moisture. Electrodes and flux that have become wet shall
and serial number. not be used for welding.
3.8 Test Methods and Procedures. The Test Facility 3.11 Records and Test Reports
shall have adequate documented instructions on the
use and operation of all equipment, on the handling 3.11.1 Record System. The Test Facility shall main-
and preparation of test items, and on standard test- tain a record system to suit its particular circumstances
ing techniques, where the absence of such instruc- and comply with any existing regulations. It shall retain
tion could jeopardize the efficacy of the testing on record all original observations, calculations and
process. derived data, calibration records and the final test
All instructions, standards, manuals and reference reports for a five year period. The records for each
data relevant to the work of the Test Facility shall be qualification test performed must contain sufficient
maintained up to date and be readily available to the information to permit satisfactory repetition of the test.
3.11.2 Security. All records and test reports shall be
The Test Facility shall use testing methods and proce-
held secure and in confidence to the client and to AWS,
dures required by the AWS Certified Welder Program
unless otherwise required by law.
(AWS QC 3) for all testing performed. The AWS Certi-
fied Welder Program reference information shall be 3.11.3 Forms. The standard report forms, as pre-
available to the staff conducting the test. sented by AWS for the Certified Welder Program (AWS
All calculations and data transfers shall be subject to QC 3), shall be completed clearly, accurately and com-
appropriate review. pletely. The reports shall be promptly returned to AWS
Q&C Department after each has been successfully
3.9 Environment. The environment in which the tests performed.
are undertaken shall not be such as to invalidate the test
results or adversely affect the required accuracy of the
measurement. The testing premises shall have adequate
ventilation and shall be protected, as required, from 4. Accreditation
conditions such as excessive dust, moisture, steam,
4.1 Information. Additional information and the forms
vibration, electromagnetic disturbance, interference, and
necessary to make application for Test Facility Accredi-
shall be maintained accordingly (also see ANSI/ASC
tation may be obtained from:
Z49.1-88). There shall be sufficient space in each test
booth to allow the welder sufficient access to perform his American Welding Society
test comfortably and safely. Environmental conditions Qualification and Certification Department
in those areas where measurements and or specimen 550 N.W. LeJeune Road
testing and evaluations are performed shall be such that Miami, Florida 33126
the test results and accuracy of measurements shall not
be invalidated or adversely affected. If appropriate for 4.2 Application. An application for accreditation shall
the tests being conducted, the effected area shall be be made by completing the appropriate AWS forms and
equipped with environmental monitoring devices. submitting them to AWS designated third-party assess-
Adequate measures shall be taken to ensure good ment agency. Applicants shall also agree to a set of
housekeeping in the Test Facility. conditions for accreditation, pay the appropriate fees
and provide detailed supporting information on:
3.10 Handling of Items to be Tested. A system for iden- (1) Scope of testing in terms of testing technologies,
tifying the samples or items to be tested shall be applied, testing methods, and relevant standards
either through documents or through marking, to ensure (2) Organization structure
that there can be no confusion regarding the identity of (3) Staff, equipment and calibration schedules
the samples or test items and the results of the measure- (4) Quality assurance system manual
ments made. (5) Current or past accreditation related to weld
At all stages of storing, handling and preparation for testing
test, precaution shall be taken to prevent damage to the Accreditation shall be granted only for those Supple-
items, for example contamination, corrosion or the appli- ments and Welding Procedure Specifications of AWS
cation of stress, any of which would invalidate the QC 3 for which the Test Facility has demonstrated the
results. Any relevant instructions provided with the item capacity and capability to conduct the required qualifi-
shall be observed. cation function, i.e., welding and testing, Accreditation
There shall be clear rules for the receipt, retention and shall be granted for a one-year period. (See Article 9 for
disposal of samples. Renewals.)
5. On-Site Assessment cate and scope of accreditation to the Test Facility. The
Test Facility should keep the scope of accreditation
5.1 Agency. The American Welding Society shall desig-
available to show clients or potential clients, the Welding
nate the third-party agency to perform on-site assess-
Procedures Specifications and test methods for which
ments. The agency providing this service shall be under
it is accredited. AWS Q&C Department also uses each
contract with AWS. Assessments may take from one to
Test Facility's scope of accreditation to respond to
several days.
5.2 Checklist. Assessors are given an assessment guide
and checklist to follow in performing an assessment.
These documents are intended to ensure that assess-
ments are conducted as uniformly and completely as 7. Appeals Procedure
possible among the assessors from Test Facility to Test
Facility. The third-party assessment agency shall advise the
The assessment generally involves: Test Facility of its right to appeal adverse accreditation
(1) An entry briefing with Test Facility management decisions to the Q&C Committee. If the Test Facility is
(2) Review of quality assurance system manual not satisfied with the Q&C Committee's decision, the
(3) Interviews with the staff Test Facility may make an appeal to the AWS Board of
(4) Observation of selected tests Directors.
(5) Examination of equipment and calibration records
(6) An exit briefing of assessor findings.
5.3 Objectives. The objective of an assessment is to
establish whether a Test Facility complies with the AWS
8. Reassessments
criteria for the accreditation which is sought. Assessors The third-party assessment agency shall conduct a
may provide advice in response to questions or on the full on-site reassessment of all accredited Test Facilities
basis of observations to provide help to improve the Test at least every three years. Assessment shall also be con-
Facility's potential of being in compliance. ducted when evaluation and submissions from the Test
5.4 Assessment Report. At the conclusion of an assess- Facility or its clients indicate significant technical
ment, the assessor will prepare a report of findings, changes in the capability of the Test Facility have
identifying deficiencies (i.e., deviations from the criteria occurred.
and test method procedures for which accreditation is
requested) which, in the opinion of the assessor, the Test
Facility must correct in order to be accredited. After the
exit briefing with top management of the Test Facility, or 9. Accreditation Renewal
the designee of the Test Facility, the Facility Representa-
9.1 Period. Accreditation shall be granted for a one
tive is asked to sign the deficiency report to attest that he
year period of time. Each Accredited Test Facility will be
has reviewed the deficiency report with the assessor. If
sent a renewal questionnaire, in advance of the expira-
any deficiencies are noted on the deficiency report, the
tion date of accreditation, to allow sufficient time to
Test Facility is requested to respond within one month of
complete the renewal process. A successful on-site reas-
the date of the exit briefing. It is entirely possible that the
sessment shall be completed before reaccreditation is
Test Facility may disagree with the findings. In that case,
extended every three years.
the Test Facility is requested to write to AWS Q&C
Department explaining why it disagrees with the assessor. 9.2 Annual Report. Annually, changes in equipment or
key personnel shall be monitored by questionnaire.
AWS requires the immediate submission to the third-
6. Accreditation Decisions party accrediting agency, changes in location, owner-
6.1 Submittal. The assessor's report, communications ship, management and supervisory staff, corporate
from the Test Facility, and other information from the representative, or major facilities of the Test Facility.
application is submitted to the members of the Q&C
9.3 Expiration. Applicants for renewal of accredita-
Committee for information.
tion that has expired or those choosing reaccreditation
6.2 Grant. If accreditation is granted, the third-party by on-site assessment will be considered as new
assessment agency shall prepare and forward a certifi- applicants.
10. Revocation 10.2 Enforcement. The American Welding Society may
apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for further
10.1 Q&C Committee. The Q&C Committee shall have
enforcement of its administrative decisions and rulings.
the power to suspend, refuse to renew, or revoke the Test
Facility accreditation for misrepresentation of facts
regarding the AWS Welder Certification program or any
test pertaining to the program; to place on probation or 11. Reinstatement
to reprimand the accredited Test Facility, if found guilty
of an unauthorized practice in a proceeding conducted Reinstatement of a revoked accreditation shall be
in accordance with the "ADMINISTRATIVE PROCE- allowed with no penalty or prejudice to the Test Facility,
DURE MANUAL". (Available from the AWS Q&C provided the reason for such revocation has been recti-
Department.) fied to the Q&C Committee's satisfaction.

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