CAIB N°38 (Fall 1991) PDF
CAIB N°38 (Fall 1991) PDF
CAIB N°38 (Fall 1991) PDF
Bordering on Treason?*
Lawrence Lifschultz and Rabia Ali
In April 1987, an Assistant U.S. Attorney, Holly Fitzsim- Regardless of new confessions in Washington, after almost
mons, stood before a jury in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and five years behind bars, Durrani still claims for himself the
asked that the members reject the fantastic claims of the unique distinction of being the only person imprisoned in the
defendant. "If Mr. Durrani is telling the truth," she said, United States for the Iran-Contra affair. He continues to
"...the CIA is lying to you, [and] the National Security Coun- insist that he has been wrongfully convicted.
cil [NSC] is lying to you."1 Prior to his arrest and imprisonment, the Pakistani-born
The jury, suspicious of the bizarre stories of a foreign arms Durrani had built his own version of the American dream: he
merchant engaged in shipping weapon parts to Iran, believed had become a successful businessman of a particular kind, a
the CIA and the prosecution. After ninety minutes of deli- licensed arms dealer operating with the sanction of the State
beration, it returned a guilty verdict. Department. As the managing director of Merex Inc. of
Several weeks later Arif Durrani California, Durrani had amassed con-
was sentenced to ten years in prison siderable wealth through the sale of
and fined two million dollars. As he weapons to some of the more unsavory
passed sentence, Judge T. Gilroy Daly Durrani claims he is the regimes of Latin America, Asia, and
told Durrani, "I find throughout greed only person in prison in the Middle East.
and lies, money and perjury, avarice the U.S. for the In October 1986, Durrani's luck ran
and conniving. You are not charged out. He was arrested by U.S. Customs
with it...but your behavior might Iran-Contra affair. agents in Danbury, Connecticut, for
under other circumstances be con- violating export regulations by selling
sidered by some as bordering on arms to Iran a country formally under
treason." a U.S. arms embargo. Brought to trial
In June, nearly five years after Durrani's arrest, a senior in Bridgeport, Durrani defended himself by claiming that he
CIA official, Alan Fiers, pleaded guilty in a Washington court was a link in the tangled chain that made up the Iran-Contra
to having lied to Congress and federal investigators regarding affair. He stated that the arms transaction for which he had
the Iran-Contra affair. Fiers became the first insider to "name been arrested was part of a joint arms-for-hostages initiative
names" and provide information implicating officials at the undertaken by the U.S. and Israeli governments.
highest levels of the CIA in an apparent scheme of deliberate A key figure in Durrani's story was Manuel Jose Pires, a
perjury designed to sustain the veil of secrecy surrounding mysterious Portuguese arms merchant. In the spring of 1986,
the Iran-Contra operation. Durrani says, he was contacted by Israeli government inter-
mediaries who urged him to meet with Pires. The Portuguese
Lawrence Lifschultz has been South Asia Correspondent of the Far dealer, he was told, was in search of certain difficult-to-fmd
Eastern Economic Review (Hong Kong). He has also written extensively on
South and Southwest Asia for the Guardian (London), Le Monde Diplo- HAWK missile parts which were to be delivered to Iran. This
matique (Paris), the BBC and The Nation. introduction to Pires inaugurated a collaboration which
Rabia Ali has recently completed her doctoral research at Cambridge would ultimately prove to be Durrani's undoing.
University and is working on a study of modern Pakistan entitled Inheriting Through the Portuguese, Durrani claims he met a U.S.
the Earth: Zulfigar Ali Bhutto and the Pakistan People's Party.
1. See: The United States of America v. Arif Durrani, United States official at the London Hilton who sought assurances that the
District Court, District of Connecticu4 Criminal Action No. B-86-59 (TGFD), parts needed to complete the final "package" for Iran had
March-April 1987. All quotes pertaining to the trial proceedings, unless indeed been secured. The official, Durrani says, was NSC
otherwise cited, are from the court transcripts. Deputy Director for Politico-Military Affairs Oliver North.
Durrani's defense that he was contracted to aid the pur-
*Adapted from a pamphlet: Bordering on Treason?: poses of U.S. policywas dismissed by the prosecution as
The Trial and Conviction of Arif Durrani, pure invention. His arrest preceded by six weeks the revela-
Lawrence Lifschultz, Steven Galster, and Rabia All tions of the Iran-Contra scandal, the details of which were to
Pamphleteer's Press, E. Haven, CT., 1991. To order, see p. 65.
emerge slowly while his trial got under way. Connecticut
In. February 1990, Arif Durrani, seeking a new trial, filed a "2255" that the HAWK parts shipped by the CIA constituted only four pallets.
motion before the U.S. Federal Court in Bridgeport where he was The congressional investigation established that, in fact, the U.S had
originally convicted. In this motion, the federal equivalent of a habeas shipped 13 pallets of fiAwic parts to Iran. Clearly, there was a discrepan-
corpus proceeding, Durrani alleged that the prosecution had suppressed cy between Moyer's testimony and the congressional record. In his
crucial exculpatory information at his trial. In support of his contention dogged insistence on "normal procedure" at the CIA, Moyer seemed
he submitted several supporting documents, including a special stipula- to adhere to the view that if anything was not in the records he looked
tion that had been prepared by the U.S. Department of Justice and the at, it quite simply did not happen.
Office of the Special Prosecutor for Oliver North's trial in 1988.31 And this, of course, was generally the view that the prosecution
seemed to have taken. It therefore appeared to ignore the significance
of the fact that Durrani's first shipment of HAWK parts to Fires occurred
in late August, several weeks after the last CIA pallets had been
29.Manuel Jose Pires, October 10, 1990.
30. Ibid.
31.United States of America v. Arif Durrani, U.S. District Court, District 32.Holly Fitzsimmons, private interview, Bridgeport, August 3, 1990.
of Connecticut, Memorandum of Facts and Law in Support of the the 33.Letter to Lawrence Lifschultz from W. George Jameson, Associate
Defendant's Motion to Vacate, Set Aside or Correct the Sentence under 28 General Counsel, Office of General Counsel, Central Intelligence Agency, dated
U.S .0 . 2255, February 20, 1990. July 16, 1991.